vgcoreauto.tlh 1.7 MB

  1. // Created by Microsoft (R) C/C++ Compiler Version 14.40.33808.0 (cc163f71).
  2. //
  3. // R:\lycpg64\obj\Release\vgcoreauto.tlh
  4. //
  5. // C++ source equivalent of type library vgcoreauto.tlb
  6. // compiler-generated file - DO NOT EDIT!
  7. #pragma once
  8. #pragma pack(push, 8)
  9. #include <comdef.h>
  10. namespace VGCore {
  11. //
  12. // Forward references and typedefs
  13. //
  14. struct __declspec(uuid("95e23c91-bc5a-49f3-8cd1-1fc515597048"))
  15. /* LIBID */ __VGCore;
  16. enum cdrFilter : int;
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  140. enum clrExportColorCorrection : int;
  141. enum cdrFillMode : int;
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  158. enum cdrCornerType : int;
  159. enum clrColorModel : int;
  160. enum clrColorPolicyAction : int;
  161. enum cdrAlignDistributeH : int;
  162. enum cdrAlignDistributeV : int;
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  164. enum cdrAlignShapesTo : int;
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  215. enum cuiTaskPriority : int;
  216. struct CurveElement;
  217. struct __declspec(uuid("f5200003-8d23-0001-89e7-0000861ebbd6"))
  218. /* dual interface */ ICorelImportFilter;
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  220. /* dual interface */ ICorelExportFilter;
  221. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0002-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  222. /* dual interface */ ICUIAutomation;
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  224. /* dual interface */ ICUIControlData;
  225. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0003-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  226. /* dual interface */ ICUIFrameWork;
  227. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0004-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  228. /* dual interface */ ICUICommandBars;
  229. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0009-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  230. /* dual interface */ ICUICommandBar;
  231. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0007-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  232. /* dual interface */ ICUIControls;
  233. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0008-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  234. /* dual interface */ ICUIControl;
  235. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0005-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  236. /* dual interface */ ICUICommandBarModes;
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  238. /* dual interface */ ICUICommandBarMode;
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  242. /* dual interface */ ICUIFrameWindow;
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  252. /* dual interface */ ICUIScreenRect;
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  254. /* dual interface */ ICUIDockItems;
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  256. /* dual interface */ ICUIViewWindow;
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  258. /* dual interface */ ICUIViewWindows;
  259. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0013-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  260. /* dual interface */ ICUIDockHosts;
  261. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000a-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  262. /* dual interface */ ICUIApplication;
  263. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000b-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  264. /* dual interface */ ICUIDataContext;
  265. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000c-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  266. /* dual interface */ ICUIDataSourceProxy;
  267. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000d-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  268. /* dual interface */ ICUIDataSourceFactory;
  269. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000e-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  270. /* dual interface */ ICUIImageList;
  271. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001a-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  272. /* dual interface */ ICUIBitmapImage;
  273. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001b-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  274. /* dual interface */ ICUIStatusText;
  275. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001c-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  276. /* dual interface */ ICUIWarning;
  277. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001f-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  278. /* dual interface */ ICUITaskManager;
  279. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001d-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  280. /* dual interface */ ICUITask;
  281. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001e-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  282. /* dual interface */ ICUIBackgroundTask;
  283. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0021-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  284. /* dual interface */ ICUIRunningBackgroundTask;
  285. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0020-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  286. /* dual interface */ ICUIRunningTask;
  287. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a9-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
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  296. /* dual interface */ IPrnVBASeparationPlates;
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  312. /* dual interface */ IPrnVBAPrintSettings;
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  314. /* dual interface */ IPrnVBAPrintDocument;
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  316. /* dual interface */ IPrnVBAPrintDocuments;
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  318. /* dual interface */ IPrnVBAPrintPage;
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  320. /* dual interface */ IPrnVBAPrintPages;
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  324. /* dual interface */ IPDFVBASettings;
  325. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580024-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  326. /* dual interface */ IVGDocument;
  327. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  328. /* dual interface */ IVGApplication;
  329. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580025-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  330. /* dual interface */ IVGDocuments;
  331. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580048-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  332. /* dual interface */ IVGPage;
  333. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580049-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  334. /* dual interface */ IVGPages;
  335. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580041-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  336. /* dual interface */ IVGLayers;
  337. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580040-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  338. /* dual interface */ IVGLayer;
  339. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  340. /* dual interface */ IVGShapes;
  341. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  342. /* dual interface */ IVGShape;
  343. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580057-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  344. /* dual interface */ IVGRectangle;
  345. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580037-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  346. /* dual interface */ IVGEllipse;
  347. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580051-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  348. /* dual interface */ IVGPolygon;
  349. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580019-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  350. /* dual interface */ IVGCurve;
  351. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  352. /* dual interface */ IVGSubPaths;
  353. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  354. /* dual interface */ IVGSubPath;
  355. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580044-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  356. /* dual interface */ IVGNodes;
  357. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580042-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  358. /* dual interface */ IVGNode;
  359. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580059-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  360. /* dual interface */ IVGSegment;
  361. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580018-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  362. /* dual interface */ IVGCrossPoints;
  363. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580017-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  364. /* dual interface */ IVGCrossPoint;
  365. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a3-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  366. /* dual interface */ IVGRect;
  367. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d2-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  368. /* dual interface */ IVGVector;
  369. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  370. /* dual interface */ IVGPoint;
  371. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580043-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  372. /* dual interface */ IVGNodeRange;
  373. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  374. /* dual interface */ IVGSegmentRange;
  375. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  376. /* dual interface */ IVGSegments;
  377. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  378. /* dual interface */ IVGPointRange;
  379. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d3-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  380. /* dual interface */ IVGTransformMatrix;
  381. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  382. /* dual interface */ IVGBitmap;
  383. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580067-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  384. /* dual interface */ IVGStructPaletteOptions;
  385. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580091-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  386. /* dual interface */ IVGDuotone;
  387. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580092-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  388. /* dual interface */ IVGDuotoneOverprint;
  389. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580012-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  390. /* dual interface */ IVGColor;
  391. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  392. /* dual interface */ IVGColorContext;
  393. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580098-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  394. /* dual interface */ IVGColorProfile;
  395. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580099-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  396. /* dual interface */ IVGColorProfiles;
  397. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  398. /* dual interface */ IVGPalette;
  399. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580013-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  400. /* dual interface */ IVGColors;
  401. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580093-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  402. /* dual interface */ IVGDuotoneInk;
  403. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  404. /* dual interface */ IVGTraceSettings;
  405. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  406. /* dual interface */ IVGShapeRange;
  407. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580046-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  408. /* dual interface */ IVGOutlineStyle;
  409. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  410. /* dual interface */ IVGArrowHead;
  411. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580038-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  412. /* dual interface */ IVGFill;
  413. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  414. /* dual interface */ IVGFountainFill;
  415. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  416. /* dual interface */ IVGFountainColors;
  417. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  418. /* dual interface */ IVGFountainColor;
  419. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580050-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  420. /* dual interface */ IVGPatternFill;
  421. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  422. /* dual interface */ IVGPatternCanvas;
  423. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580079-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  424. /* dual interface */ IVGTextureFill;
  425. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  426. /* dual interface */ IVGTextureFillProperties;
  427. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  428. /* dual interface */ IVGTextureFillProperty;
  429. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580052-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  430. /* dual interface */ IVGPostScriptFill;
  431. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580096-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  432. /* dual interface */ IVGPSScreenOptions;
  433. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  434. /* dual interface */ IVGHatchFill;
  435. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  436. /* dual interface */ IVGHatchPatterns;
  437. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  438. /* dual interface */ IVGHatchPattern;
  439. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580045-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  440. /* dual interface */ IVGOutline;
  441. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a7-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  442. /* dual interface */ IVGArrowHeadOptions;
  443. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  444. /* dual interface */ IVGHatchLibrary;
  445. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  446. /* dual interface */ IVGHatchFills;
  447. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580054-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  448. /* dual interface */ IVGProperties;
  449. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d8-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  450. /* dual interface */ IVGImage;
  451. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d9-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  452. /* dual interface */ IVGImageTiles;
  453. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800da-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  454. /* dual interface */ IVGImageTile;
  455. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580071-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  456. /* dual interface */ IVGText;
  457. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580064-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  458. /* dual interface */ IVGStructFontProperties;
  459. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580062-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  460. /* dual interface */ IVGStructAlignProperties;
  461. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580069-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  462. /* dual interface */ IVGStructSpaceProperties;
  463. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580066-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  464. /* dual interface */ IVGStructHyphenationSettings;
  465. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580026-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  466. /* dual interface */ IVGEffect;
  467. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580036-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  468. /* dual interface */ IVGEffects;
  469. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580027-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  470. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectBlend;
  471. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580060-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  472. /* dual interface */ IVGSnapPoint;
  473. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a8-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  474. /* dual interface */ IVGUserSnapPoint;
  475. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a9-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  476. /* dual interface */ IVGObjectSnapPoint;
  477. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800aa-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  478. /* dual interface */ IVGBBoxSnapPoint;
  479. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ac-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  480. /* dual interface */ IVGEdgeSnapPoint;
  481. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580029-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  482. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectControlPath;
  483. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  484. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectExtrude;
  485. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  486. /* dual interface */ IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint;
  487. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  488. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectEnvelope;
  489. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580033-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  490. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectTextOnPath;
  491. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  492. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectDropShadow;
  493. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580028-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  494. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectContour;
  495. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  496. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectDistortion;
  497. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580032-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  498. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectPushPullDistortion;
  499. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580035-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  500. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectZipperDistortion;
  501. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580034-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  502. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectTwisterDistortion;
  503. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  504. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectCustomDistortion;
  505. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580030-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  506. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectLens;
  507. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580031-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  508. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectPerspective;
  509. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  510. /* dual interface */ IVGCustomEffect;
  511. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800db-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  512. /* dual interface */ IVGEffectInnerShadow;
  513. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580078-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  514. /* dual interface */ IVGTextRange;
  515. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580072-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  516. /* dual interface */ IVGTextCharacters;
  517. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  518. /* dual interface */ IVGTextWords;
  519. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580076-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  520. /* dual interface */ IVGTextLines;
  521. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580077-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  522. /* dual interface */ IVGTextParagraphs;
  523. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580073-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  524. /* dual interface */ IVGTextColumns;
  525. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580075-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  526. /* dual interface */ IVGTextFrames;
  527. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580074-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  528. /* dual interface */ IVGTextFrame;
  529. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580095-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  530. /* dual interface */ IVGTextTabPositions;
  531. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580094-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  532. /* dual interface */ IVGTextTabPosition;
  533. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  534. /* dual interface */ IVGTextRanges;
  535. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b8-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  536. /* dual interface */ IVGStyle;
  537. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800bb-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  538. /* dual interface */ IVGStyleOutline;
  539. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800bc-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  540. /* dual interface */ IVGStyleFill;
  541. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  542. /* dual interface */ IVGFillMetadata;
  543. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  544. /* dual interface */ IVGLocalizableString;
  545. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800bd-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  546. /* dual interface */ IVGStyleCharacter;
  547. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800be-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  548. /* dual interface */ IVGStyleParagraph;
  549. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800bf-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  550. /* dual interface */ IVGStyleFrame;
  551. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b9-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  552. /* dual interface */ IVGStyles;
  553. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d7-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  554. /* dual interface */ IVGStyleTransparency;
  555. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800dc-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  556. /* dual interface */ IVGTextIndentLevelStyles;
  557. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800dd-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  558. /* dual interface */ IVGTextIndentLevelStyle;
  559. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800de-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  560. /* dual interface */ IVGTextVariableAxes;
  561. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800df-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  562. /* dual interface */ IVGTextVariableAxis;
  563. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580061-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  564. /* dual interface */ IVGSnapPoints;
  565. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ab-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  566. /* dual interface */ IVGSnapPointRange;
  567. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580016-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  568. /* dual interface */ IVGConnector;
  569. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  570. /* dual interface */ IVGGuide;
  571. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580053-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  572. /* dual interface */ IVGPowerClip;
  573. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  574. /* dual interface */ IVGURL;
  575. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580020-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  576. /* dual interface */ IVGDataItems;
  577. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  578. /* dual interface */ IVGDataItem;
  579. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  580. /* dual interface */ IVGDataField;
  581. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  582. /* dual interface */ IVGDataFields;
  583. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580011-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  584. /* dual interface */ IVGCloneLink;
  585. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  586. /* dual interface */ IVGTransparency;
  587. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  588. /* dual interface */ IVGCustomShape;
  589. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580021-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  590. /* dual interface */ IVGDimension;
  591. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580023-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  592. /* dual interface */ IVGDimensionLinear;
  593. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580022-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  594. /* dual interface */ IVGDimensionAngular;
  595. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  596. /* dual interface */ IVGSymbol;
  597. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  598. /* dual interface */ IVGSymbolDefinition;
  599. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  600. /* dual interface */ IVGSymbolDefinitions;
  601. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580088-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  602. /* dual interface */ IVGOLE;
  603. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  604. /* dual interface */ IVGTreeNode;
  605. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580090-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  606. /* dual interface */ IVGTreeNodes;
  607. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  608. /* dual interface */ IVGEPS;
  609. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a5-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  610. /* dual interface */ IVGSpread;
  611. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ad-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  612. /* dual interface */ IVGBSpline;
  613. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800af-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  614. /* dual interface */ IVGBSplineControlPoints;
  615. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ae-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  616. /* dual interface */ IVGBSplineControlPoint;
  617. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580085-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  618. /* dual interface */ IVGStructImportOptions;
  619. struct __declspec(uuid("f5200005-8d23-0001-89e7-0000861ebbd6"))
  620. /* dual interface */ IImportCropHandler;
  621. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580087-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  622. /* dual interface */ IStructImportCropOptions;
  623. struct __declspec(uuid("f5200004-8d23-0001-89e7-0000861ebbd6"))
  624. /* dual interface */ IImportResampleHandler;
  625. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580086-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  626. /* dual interface */ IStructImportResampleOptions;
  627. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b2-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  628. /* dual interface */ IVGStructColorConversionOptions;
  629. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  630. /* dual interface */ IVGColorManagementPolicy;
  631. struct __declspec(uuid("7cb12d17-eca6-0e87-46f7-e4d31c0d0500"))
  632. /* dual interface */ IColorConversionHandler;
  633. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580070-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  634. /* dual interface */ IVGSymbolLibrary;
  635. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b5-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  636. /* dual interface */ IVGStructPasteOptions;
  637. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  638. /* dual interface */ IVGPageMarkup;
  639. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ec-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  640. /* dual interface */ IVGCommentThreads;
  641. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e7-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  642. /* dual interface */ IVGCommentThread;
  643. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ed-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  644. /* dual interface */ IVGCommentTarget;
  645. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  646. /* dual interface */ IVGComments;
  647. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e9-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  648. /* dual interface */ IVGComment;
  649. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  650. /* dual interface */ IVGCommentAuthor;
  651. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e8-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  652. /* dual interface */ IVGCommentAnnotation;
  653. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580081-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  654. /* dual interface */ IVGWindow;
  655. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580082-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  656. /* dual interface */ IVGWindows;
  657. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  658. /* dual interface */ IVGActiveView;
  659. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  660. /* dual interface */ IVGProofColorSettings;
  661. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580000-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  662. /* dual interface */ ICorelScriptTools;
  663. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580083-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  664. /* dual interface */ IVGWorkspace;
  665. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580084-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  666. /* dual interface */ IVGWorkspaces;
  667. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  668. /* dual interface */ IVGPalettes;
  669. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580039-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  670. /* dual interface */ IVGFontList;
  671. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  672. /* dual interface */ IVGAppWindow;
  673. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580056-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  674. /* dual interface */ IVGRecentFiles;
  675. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580055-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  676. /* dual interface */ IVGRecentFile;
  677. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  678. /* dual interface */ IVGArrowHeads;
  679. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580047-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  680. /* dual interface */ IVGOutlineStyles;
  681. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  682. /* dual interface */ IVGPatternCanvases;
  683. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580010-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  684. /* dual interface */ IVGClipboard;
  685. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  686. /* dual interface */ IVGGMSManager;
  687. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  688. /* dual interface */ IVGGMSProjects;
  689. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  690. /* dual interface */ IVGGMSProject;
  691. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  692. /* dual interface */ IVGGMSMacros;
  693. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  694. /* dual interface */ IVGGMSMacro;
  695. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580068-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  696. /* dual interface */ IVGStructSaveAsOptions;
  697. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580063-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  698. /* dual interface */ IVGStructExportOptions;
  699. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580015-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  700. /* dual interface */ IVGComponents;
  701. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580014-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  702. /* dual interface */ IVGComponent;
  703. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  704. /* dual interface */ IVGSymbolLibraries;
  705. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580089-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  706. /* dual interface */ IVGAppStatus;
  707. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  708. /* dual interface */ IVGPageSizes;
  709. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  710. /* dual interface */ IVGPageSize;
  711. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  712. /* dual interface */ IVGTreeManager;
  713. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580097-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  714. /* dual interface */ IVGColorManager;
  715. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b3-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  716. /* dual interface */ IVGStructOpenOptions;
  717. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  718. /* dual interface */ IVGStructCreateOptions;
  719. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b7-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  720. /* dual interface */ IVGPaletteManager;
  721. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800cf-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  722. /* dual interface */ IVGToolState;
  723. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ce-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  724. /* dual interface */ IVGToolStateAttributes;
  725. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800cb-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  726. /* dual interface */ IVGOnScreenCurve;
  727. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800cc-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  728. /* dual interface */ IVGOnScreenHandle;
  729. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800cd-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  730. /* dual interface */ IVGOnScreenText;
  731. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  732. /* dual interface */ IVGMathUtils;
  733. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d5-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  734. /* dual interface */ IVGToolShapeAttributes;
  735. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  736. /* dual interface */ IVGToolShape;
  737. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580058-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  738. /* dual interface */ IVGRulers;
  739. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  740. /* dual interface */ IVGGrid;
  741. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580080-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  742. /* dual interface */ IVGViews;
  743. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  744. /* dual interface */ IVGView;
  745. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  746. /* dual interface */ IVGSelectionInformation;
  747. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  748. /* dual interface */ IVGHatchLibraries;
  749. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a2-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  750. /* dual interface */ IVGMetadata;
  751. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  752. /* dual interface */ IVGSpreads;
  753. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ba-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  754. /* dual interface */ IVGStyleSheet;
  755. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  756. /* dual interface */ IVGDocumentMarkup;
  757. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c2-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  758. /* dual interface */ _IGlobalMacroStorage;
  759. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580005-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  760. /* dual interface */ IVGAppPlugin;
  761. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c3-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  762. /* dual interface */ IVGApplicationEvents;
  763. struct /* coclass */ Document;
  764. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  765. /* dispinterface */ DIVGDocumentEvents;
  766. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  767. /* dual interface */ IVGDocumentEvents;
  768. struct /* coclass */ Layer;
  769. struct /* coclass */ Page;
  770. struct /* coclass */ Shape;
  771. struct /* coclass */ Window;
  772. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c5-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  773. /* dispinterface */ DIVGApplicationEvents;
  774. struct /* coclass */ ActiveView;
  775. struct /* coclass */ Application;
  776. struct /* coclass */ AppStatus;
  777. struct /* coclass */ AppWindow;
  778. struct /* coclass */ ArrowHead;
  779. struct /* coclass */ ArrowHeadOptions;
  780. struct /* coclass */ ArrowHeads;
  781. struct /* coclass */ BBoxSnapPoint;
  782. struct /* coclass */ Bitmap;
  783. struct /* coclass */ BSpline;
  784. struct /* coclass */ BSplineControlPoint;
  785. struct /* coclass */ BSplineControlPoints;
  786. struct /* coclass */ Clipboard;
  787. struct /* coclass */ CloneLink;
  788. struct /* coclass */ Color;
  789. struct /* coclass */ ColorContext;
  790. struct /* coclass */ ColorManagementPolicy;
  791. struct /* coclass */ ColorManager;
  792. struct /* coclass */ ColorProfile;
  793. struct /* coclass */ ColorProfiles;
  794. struct /* coclass */ Colors;
  795. struct /* coclass */ Component;
  796. struct /* coclass */ Components;
  797. struct /* coclass */ Connector;
  798. struct /* coclass */ CrossPoint;
  799. struct /* coclass */ CrossPoints;
  800. struct /* coclass */ Curve;
  801. struct /* coclass */ CustomEffect;
  802. struct /* coclass */ CustomShape;
  803. struct /* coclass */ DataField;
  804. struct /* coclass */ DataFields;
  805. struct /* coclass */ DataItem;
  806. struct /* coclass */ DataItems;
  807. struct /* coclass */ Dimension;
  808. struct /* coclass */ DimensionAngular;
  809. struct /* coclass */ DimensionLinear;
  810. struct /* coclass */ Documents;
  811. struct /* coclass */ Duotone;
  812. struct /* coclass */ DuotoneInk;
  813. struct /* coclass */ DuotoneOverprint;
  814. struct /* coclass */ EdgeSnapPoint;
  815. struct /* coclass */ Effect;
  816. struct /* coclass */ EffectBlend;
  817. struct /* coclass */ EffectContour;
  818. struct /* coclass */ EffectControlPath;
  819. struct /* coclass */ EffectCustomDistortion;
  820. struct /* coclass */ EffectDistortion;
  821. struct /* coclass */ EffectDropShadow;
  822. struct /* coclass */ EffectEnvelope;
  823. struct /* coclass */ EffectExtrude;
  824. struct /* coclass */ EffectLens;
  825. struct /* coclass */ EffectPerspective;
  826. struct /* coclass */ EffectPushPullDistortion;
  827. struct /* coclass */ Effects;
  828. struct /* coclass */ EffectTextOnPath;
  829. struct /* coclass */ EffectTwisterDistortion;
  830. struct /* coclass */ EffectZipperDistortion;
  831. struct /* coclass */ Ellipse;
  832. struct /* coclass */ EPS;
  833. struct /* coclass */ ExportFilter;
  834. struct /* coclass */ ExtrudeVanishingPoint;
  835. struct /* coclass */ Fill;
  836. struct /* coclass */ FillMetadata;
  837. struct /* coclass */ FontList;
  838. struct /* coclass */ FountainColor;
  839. struct /* coclass */ FountainColors;
  840. struct /* coclass */ FountainFill;
  841. struct /* coclass */ GlobalMacroStorage;
  842. struct /* coclass */ GMSManager;
  843. struct /* coclass */ Grid;
  844. struct /* coclass */ Guide;
  845. struct /* coclass */ HatchFill;
  846. struct /* coclass */ HatchFills;
  847. struct /* coclass */ HatchLibraries;
  848. struct /* coclass */ HatchLibrary;
  849. struct /* coclass */ HatchPattern;
  850. struct /* coclass */ HatchPatterns;
  851. struct /* coclass */ ImportFilter;
  852. struct /* coclass */ Layers;
  853. struct /* coclass */ LocalizableString;
  854. struct /* coclass */ Metadata;
  855. struct /* coclass */ Node;
  856. struct /* coclass */ NodeRange;
  857. struct /* coclass */ Nodes;
  858. struct /* coclass */ ObjectSnapPoint;
  859. struct /* coclass */ OLE;
  860. struct /* coclass */ Outline;
  861. struct /* coclass */ OutlineStyle;
  862. struct /* coclass */ OutlineStyles;
  863. struct /* coclass */ Pages;
  864. struct /* coclass */ PageSize;
  865. struct /* coclass */ PageSizes;
  866. struct /* coclass */ Palette;
  867. struct /* coclass */ PaletteManager;
  868. struct /* coclass */ Palettes;
  869. struct /* coclass */ PatternCanvas;
  870. struct /* coclass */ PatternCanvases;
  871. struct /* coclass */ PatternFill;
  872. struct /* coclass */ Polygon;
  873. struct /* coclass */ PostScriptFill;
  874. struct /* coclass */ PowerClip;
  875. struct /* coclass */ ProofColorSettings;
  876. struct /* coclass */ Properties;
  877. struct /* coclass */ PSScreenOptions;
  878. struct /* coclass */ RecentFile;
  879. struct /* coclass */ RecentFiles;
  880. struct /* coclass */ Rect;
  881. struct /* coclass */ Rectangle;
  882. struct /* coclass */ Rulers;
  883. struct /* coclass */ Segment;
  884. struct /* coclass */ SegmentRange;
  885. struct /* coclass */ Segments;
  886. struct /* coclass */ SelectionInfo;
  887. struct /* coclass */ ShapeRange;
  888. struct /* coclass */ Shapes;
  889. struct /* coclass */ SnapPoint;
  890. struct /* coclass */ SnapPointRange;
  891. struct /* coclass */ SnapPoints;
  892. struct /* coclass */ Spread;
  893. struct /* coclass */ Spreads;
  894. struct /* coclass */ StructAlignProperties;
  895. struct /* coclass */ StructColorConversionOptions;
  896. struct /* coclass */ StructCreateOptions;
  897. struct /* coclass */ StructExportOptions;
  898. struct /* coclass */ StructFontProperties;
  899. struct /* coclass */ StructHyphenationSettings;
  900. struct /* coclass */ StructImportCropOptions;
  901. struct /* coclass */ StructImportOptions;
  902. struct /* coclass */ StructImportResampleOptions;
  903. struct /* coclass */ StructOpenOptions;
  904. struct /* coclass */ StructPaletteOptions;
  905. struct /* coclass */ StructPasteOptions;
  906. struct /* coclass */ StructSaveAsOptions;
  907. struct /* coclass */ StructSpaceProperties;
  908. struct /* coclass */ Style;
  909. struct /* coclass */ StyleCharacter;
  910. struct /* coclass */ StyleFill;
  911. struct /* coclass */ StyleFrame;
  912. struct /* coclass */ StyleOutline;
  913. struct /* coclass */ StyleParagraph;
  914. struct /* coclass */ Styles;
  915. struct /* coclass */ StyleSheet;
  916. struct /* coclass */ SubPath;
  917. struct /* coclass */ SubPaths;
  918. struct /* coclass */ Symbol;
  919. struct /* coclass */ SymbolDefinition;
  920. struct /* coclass */ SymbolDefinitions;
  921. struct /* coclass */ SymbolLibraries;
  922. struct /* coclass */ SymbolLibrary;
  923. struct /* coclass */ Text;
  924. struct /* coclass */ TextCharacters;
  925. struct /* coclass */ TextColumns;
  926. struct /* coclass */ TextFrame;
  927. struct /* coclass */ TextFrames;
  928. struct /* coclass */ TextLines;
  929. struct /* coclass */ TextParagraphs;
  930. struct /* coclass */ TextRange;
  931. struct /* coclass */ TextRanges;
  932. struct /* coclass */ TextTabPosition;
  933. struct /* coclass */ TextTabPositions;
  934. struct /* coclass */ TextureFill;
  935. struct /* coclass */ TextureFillProperties;
  936. struct /* coclass */ TextureFillProperty;
  937. struct /* coclass */ TextWords;
  938. struct /* coclass */ TraceSettings;
  939. struct /* coclass */ Transparency;
  940. struct /* coclass */ TreeManager;
  941. struct /* coclass */ TreeNode;
  942. struct /* coclass */ TreeNodes;
  943. struct /* coclass */ URL;
  944. struct /* coclass */ UserSnapPoint;
  945. struct /* coclass */ View;
  946. struct /* coclass */ Views;
  947. struct /* coclass */ Windows;
  948. struct /* coclass */ Workspace;
  949. struct /* coclass */ Workspaces;
  950. struct /* coclass */ CorelScriptTools;
  951. struct /* coclass */ GMSMacro;
  952. struct /* coclass */ GMSMacros;
  953. struct /* coclass */ GMSProject;
  954. struct /* coclass */ GMSProjects;
  955. struct /* coclass */ OnScreenCurve;
  956. struct /* coclass */ OnScreenHandle;
  957. struct /* coclass */ OnScreenText;
  958. struct /* coclass */ ToolStateAttributes;
  959. struct /* coclass */ ToolState;
  960. struct /* coclass */ Point;
  961. struct /* coclass */ PointRange;
  962. struct /* coclass */ Vector;
  963. struct /* coclass */ TransformMatrix;
  964. struct /* coclass */ MathUtils;
  965. struct /* coclass */ ToolShapeAttributes;
  966. struct /* coclass */ ToolShape;
  967. struct /* coclass */ StyleTransparency;
  968. struct /* coclass */ Image;
  969. struct /* coclass */ ImageTiles;
  970. struct /* coclass */ ImageTile;
  971. struct /* coclass */ EffectInnerShadow;
  972. struct /* coclass */ TextIndentLevelStyles;
  973. struct /* coclass */ TextIndentLevelStyle;
  974. struct /* coclass */ TextVariableAxes;
  975. struct /* coclass */ TextVariableAxis;
  976. struct /* coclass */ FrameWork;
  977. struct /* coclass */ CommandBars;
  978. struct /* coclass */ CommandBarModes;
  979. struct /* coclass */ CommandBarMode;
  980. struct /* coclass */ Controls;
  981. struct /* coclass */ Control;
  982. struct /* coclass */ CommandBar;
  983. struct /* coclass */ DataContext;
  984. struct /* coclass */ DataSourceProxy;
  985. struct /* coclass */ ImageList;
  986. struct /* coclass */ FrameWindows;
  987. struct /* coclass */ FrameWindow;
  988. struct /* coclass */ ViewHosts;
  989. struct /* coclass */ ViewHost;
  990. struct /* coclass */ DockHosts;
  991. struct /* coclass */ DockHost;
  992. struct /* coclass */ ViewWindows;
  993. struct /* coclass */ ViewWindow;
  994. struct /* coclass */ DockItems;
  995. struct /* coclass */ DockItem;
  996. struct /* coclass */ ScreenRect;
  997. struct /* coclass */ BitmapImage;
  998. struct /* coclass */ StatusText;
  999. struct /* coclass */ PDFVBASettings;
  1000. struct /* coclass */ SystemPrinters;
  1001. struct /* coclass */ Printer;
  1002. struct /* coclass */ PrintJob;
  1003. struct /* coclass */ PrintDocuments;
  1004. struct /* coclass */ PrintPages;
  1005. struct /* coclass */ PrintSettings;
  1006. struct /* coclass */ PrintSeparations;
  1007. struct /* coclass */ SeparationPlates;
  1008. struct /* coclass */ SeparationPlate;
  1009. struct /* coclass */ PrintPrepress;
  1010. struct /* coclass */ PrintPostScript;
  1011. struct /* coclass */ PrintTrapping;
  1012. struct /* coclass */ TrapLayers;
  1013. struct /* coclass */ TrapLayer;
  1014. struct /* coclass */ PrintOptions;
  1015. struct /* coclass */ PrintLayout;
  1016. #if !defined(_WIN64)
  1017. typedef __w64 long INT_PTR;
  1018. #else
  1019. typedef __int64 INT_PTR;
  1020. #endif
  1021. //
  1022. // Smart pointer typedef declarations
  1023. //
  1024. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICorelImportFilter, __uuidof(ICorelImportFilter));
  1025. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICorelExportFilter, __uuidof(ICorelExportFilter));
  1026. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIControlData, __uuidof(ICUIControlData));
  1027. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIAutomation, __uuidof(ICUIAutomation));
  1028. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIControl, __uuidof(ICUIControl));
  1029. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIControls, __uuidof(ICUIControls));
  1030. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUICommandBarMode, __uuidof(ICUICommandBarMode));
  1031. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUICommandBarModes, __uuidof(ICUICommandBarModes));
  1032. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUICommandBar, __uuidof(ICUICommandBar));
  1033. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUICommandBars, __uuidof(ICUICommandBars));
  1034. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIScreenRect, __uuidof(ICUIScreenRect));
  1035. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIBitmapImage, __uuidof(ICUIBitmapImage));
  1036. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIImageList, __uuidof(ICUIImageList));
  1037. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIStatusText, __uuidof(ICUIStatusText));
  1038. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIWarning, __uuidof(ICUIWarning));
  1039. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUITask, __uuidof(ICUITask));
  1040. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIBackgroundTask, __uuidof(ICUIBackgroundTask));
  1041. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIRunningTask, __uuidof(ICUIRunningTask));
  1042. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIRunningBackgroundTask, __uuidof(ICUIRunningBackgroundTask));
  1043. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUITaskManager, __uuidof(ICUITaskManager));
  1044. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintLayout, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintLayout));
  1045. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrinter, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrinter));
  1046. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrinters, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrinters));
  1047. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBASeparationPlate, __uuidof(IPrnVBASeparationPlate));
  1048. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBASeparationPlates, __uuidof(IPrnVBASeparationPlates));
  1049. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintSeparations, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintSeparations));
  1050. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintPrepress, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintPrepress));
  1051. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintPostScript, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintPostScript));
  1052. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBATrapLayer, __uuidof(IPrnVBATrapLayer));
  1053. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBATrapLayers, __uuidof(IPrnVBATrapLayers));
  1054. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintTrapping, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintTrapping));
  1055. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintOptions, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintOptions));
  1056. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintSettings, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintSettings));
  1057. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintDocument, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintDocument));
  1058. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintDocuments, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintDocuments));
  1059. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintPage, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintPage));
  1060. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintPages, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintPages));
  1061. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPrnVBAPrintJob, __uuidof(IPrnVBAPrintJob));
  1062. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPDFVBASettings, __uuidof(IPDFVBASettings));
  1063. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGRectangle, __uuidof(IVGRectangle));
  1064. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEllipse, __uuidof(IVGEllipse));
  1065. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPolygon, __uuidof(IVGPolygon));
  1066. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCrossPoint, __uuidof(IVGCrossPoint));
  1067. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCrossPoints, __uuidof(IVGCrossPoints));
  1068. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructPaletteOptions, __uuidof(IVGStructPaletteOptions));
  1069. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGOutlineStyle, __uuidof(IVGOutlineStyle));
  1070. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPatternCanvas, __uuidof(IVGPatternCanvas));
  1071. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextureFillProperty, __uuidof(IVGTextureFillProperty));
  1072. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextureFillProperties, __uuidof(IVGTextureFillProperties));
  1073. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextureFill, __uuidof(IVGTextureFill));
  1074. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPostScriptFill, __uuidof(IVGPostScriptFill));
  1075. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPSScreenOptions, __uuidof(IVGPSScreenOptions));
  1076. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGArrowHeadOptions, __uuidof(IVGArrowHeadOptions));
  1077. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGImageTile, __uuidof(IVGImageTile));
  1078. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGImageTiles, __uuidof(IVGImageTiles));
  1079. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructAlignProperties, __uuidof(IVGStructAlignProperties));
  1080. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructSpaceProperties, __uuidof(IVGStructSpaceProperties));
  1081. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructHyphenationSettings, __uuidof(IVGStructHyphenationSettings));
  1082. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGUserSnapPoint, __uuidof(IVGUserSnapPoint));
  1083. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGObjectSnapPoint, __uuidof(IVGObjectSnapPoint));
  1084. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGBBoxSnapPoint, __uuidof(IVGBBoxSnapPoint));
  1085. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEdgeSnapPoint, __uuidof(IVGEdgeSnapPoint));
  1086. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectCustomDistortion, __uuidof(IVGEffectCustomDistortion));
  1087. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextTabPosition, __uuidof(IVGTextTabPosition));
  1088. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextTabPositions, __uuidof(IVGTextTabPositions));
  1089. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGLocalizableString, __uuidof(IVGLocalizableString));
  1090. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGFillMetadata, __uuidof(IVGFillMetadata));
  1091. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextIndentLevelStyle, __uuidof(IVGTextIndentLevelStyle));
  1092. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextIndentLevelStyles, __uuidof(IVGTextIndentLevelStyles));
  1093. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextVariableAxis, __uuidof(IVGTextVariableAxis));
  1094. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextVariableAxes, __uuidof(IVGTextVariableAxes));
  1095. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGGuide, __uuidof(IVGGuide));
  1097. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCustomShape, __uuidof(IVGCustomShape));
  1099. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGBSplineControlPoint, __uuidof(IVGBSplineControlPoint));
  1100. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGBSplineControlPoints, __uuidof(IVGBSplineControlPoints));
  1101. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGBSpline, __uuidof(IVGBSpline));
  1102. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IStructImportCropOptions, __uuidof(IStructImportCropOptions));
  1103. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IImportCropHandler, __uuidof(IImportCropHandler));
  1104. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IStructImportResampleOptions, __uuidof(IStructImportResampleOptions));
  1105. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IImportResampleHandler, __uuidof(IImportResampleHandler));
  1106. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGColorManagementPolicy, __uuidof(IVGColorManagementPolicy));
  1107. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IColorConversionHandler, __uuidof(IColorConversionHandler));
  1108. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructColorConversionOptions, __uuidof(IVGStructColorConversionOptions));
  1109. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructImportOptions, __uuidof(IVGStructImportOptions));
  1110. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructPasteOptions, __uuidof(IVGStructPasteOptions));
  1111. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCommentAuthor, __uuidof(IVGCommentAuthor));
  1112. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICorelScriptTools, __uuidof(ICorelScriptTools));
  1113. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGFontList, __uuidof(IVGFontList));
  1114. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGAppWindow, __uuidof(IVGAppWindow));
  1115. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPatternCanvases, __uuidof(IVGPatternCanvases));
  1116. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGClipboard, __uuidof(IVGClipboard));
  1117. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGGMSMacro, __uuidof(IVGGMSMacro));
  1118. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGGMSMacros, __uuidof(IVGGMSMacros));
  1119. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGGMSProject, __uuidof(IVGGMSProject));
  1120. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGGMSProjects, __uuidof(IVGGMSProjects));
  1121. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGGMSManager, __uuidof(IVGGMSManager));
  1122. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructSaveAsOptions, __uuidof(IVGStructSaveAsOptions));
  1123. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGComponent, __uuidof(IVGComponent));
  1124. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGComponents, __uuidof(IVGComponents));
  1125. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGAppStatus, __uuidof(IVGAppStatus));
  1126. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructOpenOptions, __uuidof(IVGStructOpenOptions));
  1127. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGOnScreenHandle, __uuidof(IVGOnScreenHandle));
  1128. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGOnScreenText, __uuidof(IVGOnScreenText));
  1129. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGToolShapeAttributes, __uuidof(IVGToolShapeAttributes));
  1130. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGMetadata, __uuidof(IVGMetadata));
  1131. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_IGlobalMacroStorage, __uuidof(_IGlobalMacroStorage));
  1132. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DIVGDocumentEvents, __uuidof(DIVGDocumentEvents));
  1133. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDocumentEvents, __uuidof(IVGDocumentEvents));
  1134. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGApplicationEvents, __uuidof(IVGApplicationEvents));
  1135. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(DIVGApplicationEvents, __uuidof(DIVGApplicationEvents));
  1136. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIFrameWork, __uuidof(ICUIFrameWork));
  1137. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIFrameWindows, __uuidof(ICUIFrameWindows));
  1138. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIFrameWindow, __uuidof(ICUIFrameWindow));
  1139. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIViewHosts, __uuidof(ICUIViewHosts));
  1140. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIViewHost, __uuidof(ICUIViewHost));
  1141. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIViewWindow, __uuidof(ICUIViewWindow));
  1142. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIViewWindows, __uuidof(ICUIViewWindows));
  1143. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIDockHost, __uuidof(ICUIDockHost));
  1144. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIDockItem, __uuidof(ICUIDockItem));
  1145. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIDockItems, __uuidof(ICUIDockItems));
  1146. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIDockHosts, __uuidof(ICUIDockHosts));
  1147. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIApplication, __uuidof(ICUIApplication));
  1148. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIDataSourceProxy, __uuidof(ICUIDataSourceProxy));
  1149. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIDataContext, __uuidof(ICUIDataContext));
  1150. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ICUIDataSourceFactory, __uuidof(ICUIDataSourceFactory));
  1151. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDocument, __uuidof(IVGDocument));
  1152. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGRect, __uuidof(IVGRect));
  1153. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGApplication, __uuidof(IVGApplication));
  1154. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDocuments, __uuidof(IVGDocuments));
  1155. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGOutlineStyles, __uuidof(IVGOutlineStyles));
  1156. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGRulers, __uuidof(IVGRulers));
  1157. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGGrid, __uuidof(IVGGrid));
  1158. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGAppPlugin, __uuidof(IVGAppPlugin));
  1159. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPage, __uuidof(IVGPage));
  1160. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPages, __uuidof(IVGPages));
  1161. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGLayers, __uuidof(IVGLayers));
  1162. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGLayer, __uuidof(IVGLayer));
  1163. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGShapes, __uuidof(IVGShapes));
  1164. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGShape, __uuidof(IVGShape));
  1165. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCustomEffect, __uuidof(IVGCustomEffect));
  1166. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCloneLink, __uuidof(IVGCloneLink));
  1167. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCommentTarget, __uuidof(IVGCommentTarget));
  1168. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSelectionInformation, __uuidof(IVGSelectionInformation));
  1169. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCurve, __uuidof(IVGCurve));
  1170. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGArrowHead, __uuidof(IVGArrowHead));
  1171. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGArrowHeads, __uuidof(IVGArrowHeads));
  1172. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSubPaths, __uuidof(IVGSubPaths));
  1173. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSubPath, __uuidof(IVGSubPath));
  1174. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGNodes, __uuidof(IVGNodes));
  1175. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGNode, __uuidof(IVGNode));
  1176. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSnapPoint, __uuidof(IVGSnapPoint));
  1177. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSnapPointRange, __uuidof(IVGSnapPointRange));
  1178. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSnapPoints, __uuidof(IVGSnapPoints));
  1179. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGConnector, __uuidof(IVGConnector));
  1180. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDimensionLinear, __uuidof(IVGDimensionLinear));
  1181. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDimensionAngular, __uuidof(IVGDimensionAngular));
  1182. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSegment, __uuidof(IVGSegment));
  1183. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGVector, __uuidof(IVGVector));
  1184. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPoint, __uuidof(IVGPoint));
  1185. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPointRange, __uuidof(IVGPointRange));
  1186. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTransformMatrix, __uuidof(IVGTransformMatrix));
  1187. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGProperties, __uuidof(IVGProperties));
  1188. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGToolStateAttributes, __uuidof(IVGToolStateAttributes));
  1189. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGToolState, __uuidof(IVGToolState));
  1190. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGOnScreenCurve, __uuidof(IVGOnScreenCurve));
  1191. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGMathUtils, __uuidof(IVGMathUtils));
  1192. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGNodeRange, __uuidof(IVGNodeRange));
  1193. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSegmentRange, __uuidof(IVGSegmentRange));
  1194. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSegments, __uuidof(IVGSegments));
  1195. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGBitmap, __uuidof(IVGBitmap));
  1197. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDuotone, __uuidof(IVGDuotone));
  1198. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDuotoneOverprint, __uuidof(IVGDuotoneOverprint));
  1199. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGColor, __uuidof(IVGColor));
  1200. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDuotoneInk, __uuidof(IVGDuotoneInk));
  1201. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGFountainColor, __uuidof(IVGFountainColor));
  1202. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGFountainColors, __uuidof(IVGFountainColors));
  1203. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGFountainFill, __uuidof(IVGFountainFill));
  1204. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPatternFill, __uuidof(IVGPatternFill));
  1205. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGOutline, __uuidof(IVGOutline));
  1206. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGHatchPattern, __uuidof(IVGHatchPattern));
  1207. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGHatchPatterns, __uuidof(IVGHatchPatterns));
  1208. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGImage, __uuidof(IVGImage));
  1209. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTransparency, __uuidof(IVGTransparency));
  1210. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDimension, __uuidof(IVGDimension));
  1211. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCommentAnnotation, __uuidof(IVGCommentAnnotation));
  1212. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGColorContext, __uuidof(IVGColorContext));
  1213. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGColorProfile, __uuidof(IVGColorProfile));
  1214. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGColorProfiles, __uuidof(IVGColorProfiles));
  1215. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGProofColorSettings, __uuidof(IVGProofColorSettings));
  1216. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructExportOptions, __uuidof(IVGStructExportOptions));
  1217. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGColorManager, __uuidof(IVGColorManager));
  1218. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructCreateOptions, __uuidof(IVGStructCreateOptions));
  1219. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPalette, __uuidof(IVGPalette));
  1220. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGColors, __uuidof(IVGColors));
  1221. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPalettes, __uuidof(IVGPalettes));
  1222. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPaletteManager, __uuidof(IVGPaletteManager));
  1223. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTraceSettings, __uuidof(IVGTraceSettings));
  1224. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGShapeRange, __uuidof(IVGShapeRange));
  1225. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPowerClip, __uuidof(IVGPowerClip));
  1226. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGFill, __uuidof(IVGFill));
  1227. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGHatchFills, __uuidof(IVGHatchFills));
  1228. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGHatchLibrary, __uuidof(IVGHatchLibrary));
  1229. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGHatchFill, __uuidof(IVGHatchFill));
  1230. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStructFontProperties, __uuidof(IVGStructFontProperties));
  1231. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGHatchLibraries, __uuidof(IVGHatchLibraries));
  1232. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGText, __uuidof(IVGText));
  1233. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffect, __uuidof(IVGEffect));
  1234. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffects, __uuidof(IVGEffects));
  1235. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectBlend, __uuidof(IVGEffectBlend));
  1236. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectControlPath, __uuidof(IVGEffectControlPath));
  1237. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectEnvelope, __uuidof(IVGEffectEnvelope));
  1238. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectTextOnPath, __uuidof(IVGEffectTextOnPath));
  1239. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectDropShadow, __uuidof(IVGEffectDropShadow));
  1240. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectContour, __uuidof(IVGEffectContour));
  1241. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectLens, __uuidof(IVGEffectLens));
  1242. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectPerspective, __uuidof(IVGEffectPerspective));
  1243. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectInnerShadow, __uuidof(IVGEffectInnerShadow));
  1244. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectExtrude, __uuidof(IVGEffectExtrude));
  1245. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint, __uuidof(IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint));
  1246. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectDistortion, __uuidof(IVGEffectDistortion));
  1247. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectPushPullDistortion, __uuidof(IVGEffectPushPullDistortion));
  1248. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectZipperDistortion, __uuidof(IVGEffectZipperDistortion));
  1249. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGEffectTwisterDistortion, __uuidof(IVGEffectTwisterDistortion));
  1250. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextRange, __uuidof(IVGTextRange));
  1251. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextCharacters, __uuidof(IVGTextCharacters));
  1252. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextWords, __uuidof(IVGTextWords));
  1253. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextLines, __uuidof(IVGTextLines));
  1254. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextParagraphs, __uuidof(IVGTextParagraphs));
  1255. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextColumns, __uuidof(IVGTextColumns));
  1256. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextFrame, __uuidof(IVGTextFrame));
  1257. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextFrames, __uuidof(IVGTextFrames));
  1258. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTextRanges, __uuidof(IVGTextRanges));
  1259. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStyle, __uuidof(IVGStyle));
  1260. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStyleOutline, __uuidof(IVGStyleOutline));
  1261. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStyleFill, __uuidof(IVGStyleFill));
  1262. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStyleCharacter, __uuidof(IVGStyleCharacter));
  1263. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStyleParagraph, __uuidof(IVGStyleParagraph));
  1264. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStyleFrame, __uuidof(IVGStyleFrame));
  1265. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStyles, __uuidof(IVGStyles));
  1266. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStyleTransparency, __uuidof(IVGStyleTransparency));
  1267. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGToolShape, __uuidof(IVGToolShape));
  1268. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGStyleSheet, __uuidof(IVGStyleSheet));
  1269. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDataItems, __uuidof(IVGDataItems));
  1270. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDataItem, __uuidof(IVGDataItem));
  1271. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDataField, __uuidof(IVGDataField));
  1272. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDataFields, __uuidof(IVGDataFields));
  1273. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSymbol, __uuidof(IVGSymbol));
  1274. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSymbolDefinition, __uuidof(IVGSymbolDefinition));
  1275. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSymbolDefinitions, __uuidof(IVGSymbolDefinitions));
  1276. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSymbolLibrary, __uuidof(IVGSymbolLibrary));
  1277. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSymbolLibraries, __uuidof(IVGSymbolLibraries));
  1278. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTreeNode, __uuidof(IVGTreeNode));
  1279. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTreeNodes, __uuidof(IVGTreeNodes));
  1280. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSpread, __uuidof(IVGSpread));
  1281. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGTreeManager, __uuidof(IVGTreeManager));
  1282. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGSpreads, __uuidof(IVGSpreads));
  1283. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPageMarkup, __uuidof(IVGPageMarkup));
  1284. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCommentThreads, __uuidof(IVGCommentThreads));
  1285. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGCommentThread, __uuidof(IVGCommentThread));
  1286. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGComment, __uuidof(IVGComment));
  1287. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGComments, __uuidof(IVGComments));
  1288. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGDocumentMarkup, __uuidof(IVGDocumentMarkup));
  1289. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGWindow, __uuidof(IVGWindow));
  1290. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGWindows, __uuidof(IVGWindows));
  1291. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGActiveView, __uuidof(IVGActiveView));
  1292. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGWorkspace, __uuidof(IVGWorkspace));
  1293. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGWorkspaces, __uuidof(IVGWorkspaces));
  1294. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGRecentFiles, __uuidof(IVGRecentFiles));
  1295. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGRecentFile, __uuidof(IVGRecentFile));
  1296. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPageSizes, __uuidof(IVGPageSizes));
  1297. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGPageSize, __uuidof(IVGPageSize));
  1298. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGViews, __uuidof(IVGViews));
  1299. _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IVGView, __uuidof(IVGView));
  1300. //
  1301. // Type library items
  1302. //
  1303. enum cdrFilter : int
  1304. {
  1305. cdrAutoSense = 0,
  1306. cdr3DMF = 1559,
  1307. cdrAI = 1305,
  1308. cdrAI9 = 1333,
  1309. cdrAT1 = 1303,
  1310. cdrAVI = 1536,
  1311. cdrBMP = 769,
  1312. cdrCAL = 800,
  1313. cdrCDR = 1795,
  1314. cdrCDT = 1800,
  1315. cdrCDX = 1796,
  1316. cdrCGM = 1280,
  1317. cdrCLK = 1802,
  1318. cdrCMX5 = 1794,
  1319. cdrCMX6 = 1793,
  1320. cdrCPT = 1808,
  1321. cdrCPT10 = 1808,
  1322. cdrCPT11 = 1808,
  1323. cdrCPT8 = 1799,
  1324. cdrCPT9 = 1808,
  1325. cdrCPX = 1797,
  1326. cdrCUR = 785,
  1327. cdrDCS = 801,
  1328. cdrDOC = 2068,
  1329. cdrDRW = 1339,
  1330. cdrDSF = 1339,
  1331. cdrDWG = 1328,
  1332. cdrDXF = 1296,
  1333. cdrEMF = 1300,
  1334. cdrEPS = 1289,
  1335. cdrEPSPhotoPaint = 804,
  1336. cdrEXE = 786,
  1337. cdrFH = 1344,
  1338. cdrFMV = 1329,
  1339. cdrFPX = 806,
  1340. cdrGEM = 1284,
  1341. cdrGIF = 773,
  1342. cdrGIFAnimation = 1558,
  1343. cdrHPGL = 1281,
  1344. cdrHTML = 1557,
  1345. cdrICO = 784,
  1346. cdrIMG = 787,
  1347. cdrJP2 = 820,
  1348. cdrJPC = 821,
  1349. cdrJPEG = 774,
  1350. cdrJPG2000Import = 818,
  1351. cdrMAC = 791,
  1352. cdrMacWord5 = 2052,
  1353. cdrMET = 1291,
  1354. cdrMIF = 2165,
  1355. cdrNAP = 1292,
  1356. cdrOS2BMP = 792,
  1357. cdrPAT = 1801,
  1358. cdrPCD = 775,
  1359. cdrPCX = 770,
  1360. cdrPDF = 1333,
  1361. cdrPIC = 1334,
  1362. cdrPICT = 1293,
  1363. cdrPLT = 1281,
  1364. cdrPNG = 802,
  1365. cdrPP4 = 789,
  1366. cdrPP5 = 803,
  1367. cdrPPF = 819,
  1368. cdrPPT = 1548,
  1369. cdrPSD = 788,
  1370. cdrPSEncapsulated = 1289,
  1371. cdrPSInterpreted = 1290,
  1372. cdrQTM = 1542,
  1373. cdrQTVR = 1560,
  1374. cdrQuattroPro = 2067,
  1375. cdrRIFF = 807,
  1376. cdrRTF = 2053,
  1377. cdrSAM = 2063,
  1378. cdrSCT = 776,
  1379. cdrSHW = 1806,
  1380. cdrSVG = 1345,
  1381. cdrSVGZ = 1347,
  1382. cdrSWF = 1343,
  1383. cdrTGA = 771,
  1384. cdrTIFF = 772,
  1385. cdrTTF = 1302,
  1386. cdrTXT = 2048,
  1387. cdrVSD = 1315,
  1388. cdrWI = 793,
  1389. cdrWKS = 2066,
  1390. cdrWMF = 1294,
  1391. cdrWord2 = 2050,
  1392. cdrWord55 = 2051,
  1393. cdrWord95 = 2049,
  1394. cdrWord2000 = 2068,
  1395. cdrWP4 = 2058,
  1396. cdrWP50 = 2057,
  1397. cdrWP51 = 2056,
  1398. cdrWP9 = 2055,
  1399. cdrWPD = 2055,
  1400. cdrWPG = 1287,
  1401. cdrWPM = 2166,
  1402. cdrWS4 = 2164,
  1403. cdrWS6 = 2163,
  1404. cdrWS7 = 2060,
  1405. cdrWS2000 = 2061,
  1406. cdrWSD = 2061,
  1407. cdrWSW = 2059,
  1408. cdrWVL = 793,
  1409. cdrXCF = 816,
  1410. cdrXLS = 2064,
  1411. cdrXPM = 809,
  1412. cdrXY = 2062,
  1413. cdrCSL = 1810,
  1414. cdrDES = 1805,
  1415. cdrPSP = 822,
  1416. cdrRAW = 823,
  1417. cdrCGZ = 2315,
  1418. cdrCMX64 = 1811,
  1419. cdrPUB = 1349
  1420. };
  1421. enum cdrFillType : int
  1422. {
  1423. cdrNoFill = 0,
  1424. cdrUniformFill = 1,
  1425. cdrFountainFill = 2,
  1426. cdrPostscriptFill = 3,
  1427. cdrTextureFill = 8,
  1428. cdrPatternFill = 9,
  1429. cdrHatchFill = 10
  1430. };
  1431. enum cdrFountainFillType : int
  1432. {
  1433. cdrLinearFountainFill = 1,
  1434. cdrRadialFountainFill = 2,
  1435. cdrConicalFountainFill = 3,
  1436. cdrSquareFountainFill = 4
  1437. };
  1438. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType : int
  1439. {
  1440. cdrDirectFountainFillBlend = 0,
  1441. cdrRainbowCWFountainFillBlend = 1,
  1442. cdrRainbowCCWFountainFillBlend = 2,
  1443. cdrCustomFountainFillBlend = 3
  1444. };
  1445. enum cdrPaletteType : int
  1446. {
  1447. cdrFixedPalette = 0,
  1448. cdrCustomPalette = 1,
  1449. cdrDocumentPalette = 2
  1450. };
  1451. enum cdrPaletteID : int
  1452. {
  1453. cdrCustom = 0,
  1454. cdrTRUMATCH = 1,
  1455. cdrPANTONEProcess = 2,
  1456. cdrPANTONECorel8 = 3,
  1457. cdrUniform = 7,
  1458. cdrFOCOLTONE = 8,
  1459. cdrSpectraMaster = 9,
  1460. cdrTOYO = 10,
  1461. cdrDIC = 11,
  1462. cdrLab = 13,
  1463. cdrHKS = 23,
  1464. cdrWebSafe = 25,
  1465. cdrPANTONEMetallic = 30,
  1466. cdrPANTONEPastelCoated = 31,
  1467. cdrPANTONEPastelUncoated = 32,
  1468. cdrPANTONEHexCoated = 33,
  1469. cdrPANTONEHexUncoated = 34,
  1470. cdrPANTONEMatte = 35,
  1471. cdrPANTONECoated = 36,
  1472. cdrPANTONEUncoated = 37,
  1473. cdrPANTONEProcessCoatedEURO = 38,
  1474. cdrPANTONESolid2ProcessEURO = 39,
  1475. cdrSVGPalette = 40,
  1476. cdrUserInks = 16
  1477. };
  1478. enum cdrFittedOrientation : int
  1479. {
  1480. cdrRotateOrientation = 0,
  1481. cdrVerticalSkewOrientation = 1,
  1482. cdrHorizontalSkewOrientation = 2,
  1483. cdrUprightOrientation = 3,
  1484. cdrTransformOrientation = 4
  1485. };
  1486. enum cdrFittedVertPlacement : int
  1487. {
  1488. cdrCustomVertPlacement = 0,
  1489. cdrBaselineVertPlacement = 1,
  1490. cdrAscenderVertPlacement = 2,
  1491. cdrDescenderVertPlacement = 3,
  1492. cdrCenterVertPlacement = 4
  1493. };
  1494. enum cdrFittedPlacement : int
  1495. {
  1496. cdrLeftPlacement = 0,
  1497. cdrRightPlacement = 1,
  1498. cdrCenterPlacement = 2
  1499. };
  1500. enum cdrFittedQuadrant : int
  1501. {
  1502. cdrLeftQuadrant = 0,
  1503. cdrRightQuadrant = 1,
  1504. cdrTopQuadrant = 2,
  1505. cdrBottomQuadrant = 3
  1506. };
  1507. enum cdrFontStyle : int
  1508. {
  1509. cdrNormalFontStyle = 0,
  1510. cdrBoldFontStyle = 1,
  1511. cdrItalicFontStyle = 2,
  1512. cdrBoldItalicFontStyle = 3,
  1513. cdrThinFontStyle = 4,
  1514. cdrThinItalicFontStyle = 5,
  1515. cdrExtraLightFontStyle = 6,
  1516. cdrExtraLightItalicFontStyle = 7,
  1517. cdrMediumFontStyle = 8,
  1518. cdrMediumItalicFontStyle = 9,
  1519. cdrSemiBoldFontStyle = 10,
  1520. cdrSemiBoldItalicFontStyle = 11,
  1521. cdrExtraBoldFontStyle = 12,
  1522. cdrExtraBoldItalicFontStyle = 13,
  1523. cdrHeavyFontStyle = 14,
  1524. cdrHeavyItalicFontStyle = 15,
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  1723. cdrHalftoneFixed8x8 = 5
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  1806. cdrCenter = 9
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  1913. cdrVersion10 = 10,
  1914. cdrVersion11 = 11,
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  1921. cdrVersion105 = 105,
  1922. cdrVersion14 = 14,
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  1930. cdrVersion22 = 22
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  1939. cdrSnapPointEdge = 8,
  1940. cdrSnapPointFree = 16,
  1941. cdrSnapPointAuto = 32
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  1946. cdrTopPoint = -2,
  1947. cdrTopRightPoint = -3,
  1948. cdrRightPoint = -4,
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  1951. cdrBottomLeftPoint = -7,
  1952. cdrLeftPoint = -8,
  1953. cdrCenterPoint = -9,
  1954. cdrFirstPoint = -10,
  1955. cdrLastPoint = -11
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  1962. cdrMixedNodes = 3
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  1968. cdrMixedSegments = 2
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  1974. cdrParamSegmentOffset = 2
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  1977. {
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  1980. cdrCursorWinCross = 2,
  1981. cdrCursorWinHelp = 3,
  1982. cdrCursorWinIbeam = 4,
  1983. cdrCursorWinNo = 5,
  1984. cdrCursorWinSizeAll = 6,
  1985. cdrCursorWinSizeNeSw = 7,
  1986. cdrCursorWinSizeNs = 8,
  1987. cdrCursorWinSizeNwSe = 9,
  1988. cdrCursorWinSizeWe = 10,
  1989. cdrCursorWinUpArrow = 11,
  1990. cdrCursorWinWait = 12,
  1991. cdrCursorSmallcrosshair = 301,
  1992. cdrCursorPick = 305,
  1993. cdrCursorNodeEdit = 306,
  1994. cdrCursorEyeDrop = 326,
  1995. cdrCursorExtPick = 351,
  1996. cdrCursorPickNone = 305,
  1997. cdrCursorPenJoin = 380,
  1998. cdrCursorPickOvertarget = 396,
  1999. cdrCursorTrimSingle = 428,
  2000. cdrCursorWeldSingle = 430,
  2001. cdrCursorIntersectSingle = 432
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  2003. enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape : int
  2004. {
  2005. cdrOutsideShape = 0,
  2006. cdrOnMarginOfShape = 1,
  2007. cdrInsideShape = 2
  2008. };
  2009. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps : int
  2010. {
  2011. cdrOutlineUndefinedLineCaps = -1,
  2012. cdrOutlineButtLineCaps = 0,
  2013. cdrOutlineRoundLineCaps = 1,
  2014. cdrOutlineSquareLineCaps = 2
  2015. };
  2016. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin : int
  2017. {
  2018. cdrOutlineUndefinedLineJoin = -1,
  2019. cdrOutlineMiterLineJoin = 0,
  2020. cdrOutlineRoundLineJoin = 1,
  2021. cdrOutlineBevelLineJoin = 2
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  2039. cdrTextOnPath = 3,
  2040. cdrControlPath = 4,
  2041. cdrDropShadow = 5,
  2042. cdrContour = 6,
  2043. cdrDistortion = 7,
  2044. cdrPerspective = 8,
  2045. cdrLens = 9,
  2046. cdrCustomEffect = 10,
  2047. cdrInnerShadow = 11
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  2059. cdrExtrudeBigFront = 3,
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  2061. cdrExtrudeFrontParallel = 5
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  2092. cdrDropShadowRight = 4
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  2108. cdrLightBackRight = 14,
  2109. cdrLightBackBottomRight = 17
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  2131. cdrLensInvert = 5,
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  2136. cdrLensCustomColorMap = 10
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  2141. cdrContourOutside = 1,
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  2149. cdrDistortionCustom = 3
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  2157. cdrToolBezierKnife = 81,
  2158. cdrToolEraser = 68,
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  2160. cdrToolDrawEllipse = 4,
  2161. cdrToolDrawText = 7,
  2162. cdrToolDrawFreehand = 5,
  2163. cdrToolDrawNaturalPen = 103,
  2164. cdrToolDrawBezier = 6,
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  2167. cdrToolAutoDimension = 110,
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  2308. cdrFrench = 1036,
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  2350. cdrMalayalam = 1100,
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  2365. cdrRomanian = 1048,
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  2367. cdrRussian = 1049,
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  2369. cdrSanskrit = 1103,
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  2374. cdrSlovenian = 1060,
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  2378. cdrSpanishChile = 13322,
  2379. cdrSpanishColombia = 9226,
  2380. cdrSpanishCostaRica = 5130,
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  2382. cdrSpanishEcuador = 12298,
  2383. cdrSpanishElSalvador = 17418,
  2384. cdrSpanishGuatemala = 4106,
  2385. cdrSpanishHonduras = 18442,
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  2387. cdrSpanishNicaragua = 19466,
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  2393. cdrSpanish = 1034,
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  2397. cdrSutu = 1072,
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  2400. cdrSwedish = 1053,
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  2402. cdrTamil = 1097,
  2403. cdrTatar = 1092,
  2404. cdrTelugu = 1098,
  2405. cdrThai = 1054,
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  2408. cdrTswana = 1074,
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  3388. cuiBarLeft = 0,
  3389. cuiBarTop = 1,
  3390. cuiBarRight = 2,
  3391. cuiBarBottom = 3,
  3392. cuiBarFloating = 4
  3393. };
  3394. enum cuiBarProtection : int
  3395. {
  3396. cuiBarNoProtection = 0,
  3397. cuiBarNoCustomize = 1,
  3398. cuiBarNoMove = 4,
  3399. cuiBarNoChangeVisible = 8,
  3400. cuiBarNoChangeDock = 16,
  3401. cuiBarNoVerticalDock = 32,
  3402. cuiBarNoHorizontalDock = 64
  3403. };
  3404. enum cuiWindowState : int
  3405. {
  3406. cuiWindowStateRestored = 0,
  3407. cuiWindowStateMaximized = 1,
  3408. cuiWindowStateMinimized = 2
  3409. };
  3410. enum cuiDockHostOrientation : int
  3411. {
  3412. cuiDockHostHorizontal = 0,
  3413. cuiDockHostVertical = 1
  3414. };
  3415. enum cuiDockItemType : int
  3416. {
  3417. cuiDockItemDockHost = 0,
  3418. cuiDockItemViewHost = 1
  3419. };
  3420. enum cuiDockOperation : int
  3421. {
  3422. cuiDockOperationInsert = 0,
  3423. cuiDockOperationSplitTopLeft = 1,
  3424. cuiDockOperationSplitBottomRight = 2
  3425. };
  3426. enum cuiMessageBoxFlags : int
  3427. {
  3428. Default = 0,
  3429. NoAutoWrap = 1
  3430. };
  3431. enum cuiTaskPriority : int
  3432. {
  3433. kMaybeLater = 0,
  3434. kLater = 1,
  3435. kSoon = 4,
  3436. kASAP = 3
  3437. };
  3438. const LPSTR cdrCmdCategoryMacros = (char*) "2cc24a3e-fe24-4708-9a74-9c75406eebcd";
  3439. const LPSTR cdrCmdCategoryPlugins = (char*) "ab489730-8791-45d2-a825-b78bbe0d6a5d";
  3440. #pragma pack(push, 8)
  3441. struct __declspec(uuid("f51a0301-8d23-11d2-89e7-0000861ebbd6"))
  3442. CurveElement
  3443. {
  3444. double PositionX;
  3445. double PositionY;
  3446. enum cdrCurveElementType ElementType;
  3447. enum cdrNodeType NodeType;
  3448. unsigned char Flags;
  3449. };
  3450. #pragma pack(pop)
  3451. struct __declspec(uuid("f5200003-8d23-0001-89e7-0000861ebbd6"))
  3452. ICorelImportFilter : IDispatch
  3453. {
  3454. //
  3455. // Property data
  3456. //
  3457. __declspec(property(get=GetHasDialog))
  3458. VARIANT_BOOL HasDialog;
  3459. //
  3460. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  3461. //
  3462. HRESULT Reset ( );
  3463. HRESULT Finish ( );
  3464. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasDialog ( );
  3465. VARIANT_BOOL ShowDialog (
  3466. long hWnd );
  3467. //
  3468. // Raw methods provided by interface
  3469. //
  3470. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  3471. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Finish ( ) = 0;
  3472. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDialog (
  3473. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  3474. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDialog (
  3475. /*[in]*/ long hWnd,
  3476. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  3477. };
  3478. struct __declspec(uuid("f5200000-8d23-0002-89e7-0000861ebbd6"))
  3479. ICorelExportFilter : IDispatch
  3480. {
  3481. //
  3482. // Property data
  3483. //
  3484. __declspec(property(get=GetHasDialog))
  3485. VARIANT_BOOL HasDialog;
  3486. //
  3487. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  3488. //
  3489. HRESULT Reset ( );
  3490. HRESULT Finish ( );
  3491. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasDialog ( );
  3492. VARIANT_BOOL ShowDialog (
  3493. long hWnd );
  3494. //
  3495. // Raw methods provided by interface
  3496. //
  3497. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  3498. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Finish ( ) = 0;
  3499. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDialog (
  3500. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  3501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDialog (
  3502. /*[in]*/ long hWnd,
  3503. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  3504. };
  3505. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0001-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  3506. ICUIControlData : IDispatch
  3507. {
  3508. //
  3509. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  3510. //
  3511. _variant_t GetValue (
  3512. _bstr_t PropertyName );
  3513. //
  3514. // Raw methods provided by interface
  3515. //
  3516. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetValue (
  3517. /*[in]*/ BSTR PropertyName,
  3518. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * prop ) = 0;
  3519. };
  3520. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0002-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  3521. ICUIAutomation : IDispatch
  3522. {
  3523. //
  3524. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  3525. //
  3526. long GetNumItemsOnBar (
  3527. _bstr_t GuidBar );
  3528. _bstr_t GetItem (
  3529. _bstr_t GuidBar,
  3530. long Index,
  3531. VARIANT_BOOL * HasSubBar );
  3532. long GetItemInstanceHwnd (
  3533. _bstr_t GuidParent,
  3534. _bstr_t GuidItem );
  3535. VARIANT_BOOL GetSubBar (
  3536. _bstr_t GuidBar,
  3537. BSTR * GuidSubBar );
  3538. VARIANT_BOOL ShowBar (
  3539. _bstr_t GuidBar,
  3540. VARIANT_BOOL Show );
  3541. _bstr_t GetCaptionText (
  3542. _bstr_t GuidItem );
  3543. HRESULT Invoke (
  3544. _bstr_t GuidItem );
  3545. VARIANT_BOOL IsEnabled (
  3546. _bstr_t GuidItem );
  3547. VARIANT_BOOL GetItemScreenRect (
  3548. _bstr_t GuidParent,
  3549. _bstr_t GuidItem,
  3550. long * TopLeftX,
  3551. long * TopLeftY,
  3552. long * Width,
  3553. long * Height );
  3554. HRESULT InvokeItem (
  3555. _bstr_t GuidItem );
  3556. HRESULT InvokeDialogItem (
  3557. _bstr_t GuidDialog,
  3558. _bstr_t GuidItem );
  3559. ICUIControlDataPtr GetControlData (
  3560. _bstr_t Guid );
  3561. ICUIControlDataPtr GetControlDataEx (
  3562. _bstr_t GuidParent,
  3563. _bstr_t Guid );
  3564. VARIANT_BOOL GetActiveMenuItemScreenRect (
  3565. int itemIndex,
  3566. long * TopLeftX,
  3567. long * TopLeftY,
  3568. long * Width,
  3569. long * Height );
  3570. _bstr_t GetActiveMenuItemGuid (
  3571. int itemIndex );
  3572. //
  3573. // Raw methods provided by interface
  3574. //
  3575. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetNumItemsOnBar (
  3576. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidBar,
  3577. /*[out,retval]*/ long * NumItems ) = 0;
  3578. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetItem (
  3579. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidBar,
  3580. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  3581. /*[out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * HasSubBar,
  3582. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * GuidItem ) = 0;
  3583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetItemInstanceHwnd (
  3584. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidParent,
  3585. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidItem,
  3586. /*[out,retval]*/ long * hWnd ) = 0;
  3587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSubBar (
  3588. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidBar,
  3589. /*[out]*/ BSTR * GuidSubBar,
  3590. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * HasSubBar ) = 0;
  3591. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowBar (
  3592. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidBar,
  3593. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Show,
  3594. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * WasShown ) = 0;
  3595. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCaptionText (
  3596. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidItem,
  3597. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Caption ) = 0;
  3598. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invoke (
  3599. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidItem ) = 0;
  3600. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsEnabled (
  3601. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidItem,
  3602. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * IsEnabled ) = 0;
  3603. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetItemScreenRect (
  3604. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidParent,
  3605. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidItem,
  3606. /*[out]*/ long * TopLeftX,
  3607. /*[out]*/ long * TopLeftY,
  3608. /*[out]*/ long * Width,
  3609. /*[out]*/ long * Height,
  3610. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * IsOnScreen ) = 0;
  3611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvokeItem (
  3612. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidItem ) = 0;
  3613. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvokeDialogItem (
  3614. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidDialog,
  3615. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidItem ) = 0;
  3616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetControlData (
  3617. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid,
  3618. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIControlData * * Result ) = 0;
  3619. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetControlDataEx (
  3620. /*[in]*/ BSTR GuidParent,
  3621. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid,
  3622. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIControlData * * Result ) = 0;
  3623. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetActiveMenuItemScreenRect (
  3624. /*[in]*/ int itemIndex,
  3625. /*[out]*/ long * TopLeftX,
  3626. /*[out]*/ long * TopLeftY,
  3627. /*[out]*/ long * Width,
  3628. /*[out]*/ long * Height,
  3629. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * IsOnScreen ) = 0;
  3630. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetActiveMenuItemGuid (
  3631. /*[in]*/ int itemIndex,
  3632. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * GuidItem ) = 0;
  3633. };
  3634. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0008-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  3635. ICUIControl : IDispatch
  3636. {
  3637. //
  3638. // Property data
  3639. //
  3640. __declspec(property(get=GetCaption,put=PutCaption))
  3641. _bstr_t Caption;
  3642. __declspec(property(get=GetDescriptionText,put=PutDescriptionText))
  3643. _bstr_t DescriptionText;
  3644. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight,put=PutHeight))
  3645. long Height;
  3646. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  3647. long Width;
  3648. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  3649. _bstr_t ID;
  3650. __declspec(property(get=GetParameter,put=PutParameter))
  3651. _variant_t Parameter;
  3652. __declspec(property(get=GetTag,put=PutTag))
  3653. _bstr_t Tag;
  3654. __declspec(property(get=GetToolTipText,put=PutToolTipText))
  3655. _bstr_t ToolTipText;
  3656. __declspec(property(get=GetVisible,put=PutVisible))
  3657. VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
  3658. //
  3659. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  3660. //
  3661. _bstr_t GetCaption ( );
  3662. void PutCaption (
  3663. _bstr_t pVal );
  3664. _bstr_t GetDescriptionText ( );
  3665. void PutDescriptionText (
  3666. _bstr_t pVal );
  3667. long GetHeight ( );
  3668. void PutHeight (
  3669. long pVal );
  3670. long GetWidth ( );
  3671. void PutWidth (
  3672. long pVal );
  3673. _bstr_t GetID ( );
  3674. _variant_t GetParameter ( );
  3675. void PutParameter (
  3676. const _variant_t & pVal );
  3677. _bstr_t GetTag ( );
  3678. void PutTag (
  3679. _bstr_t pVal );
  3680. _bstr_t GetToolTipText ( );
  3681. void PutToolTipText (
  3682. _bstr_t pVal );
  3683. VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
  3684. void PutVisible (
  3685. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  3686. HRESULT SetIcon (
  3687. long RowIndex,
  3688. long ColumnIndex );
  3689. HRESULT SetCustomIcon (
  3690. _bstr_t ImageFile );
  3691. HRESULT SetIcon2 (
  3692. _bstr_t Icon );
  3693. //
  3694. // Raw methods provided by interface
  3695. //
  3696. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Caption (
  3697. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  3698. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Caption (
  3699. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  3700. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DescriptionText (
  3701. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  3702. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DescriptionText (
  3703. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  3704. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  3705. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  3706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
  3707. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  3708. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  3709. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  3710. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  3711. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  3712. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  3713. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  3714. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parameter (
  3715. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  3716. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Parameter (
  3717. /*[in]*/ VARIANT pVal ) = 0;
  3718. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tag (
  3719. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  3720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Tag (
  3721. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  3722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToolTipText (
  3723. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  3724. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ToolTipText (
  3725. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  3726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
  3727. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  3728. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
  3729. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  3730. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetIcon (
  3731. /*[in]*/ long RowIndex,
  3732. /*[in]*/ long ColumnIndex ) = 0;
  3733. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCustomIcon (
  3734. /*[in]*/ BSTR ImageFile ) = 0;
  3735. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetIcon2 (
  3736. /*[in]*/ BSTR Icon ) = 0;
  3737. };
  3738. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0007-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  3739. ICUIControls : IDispatch
  3740. {
  3741. //
  3742. // Property data
  3743. //
  3744. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  3745. long Count;
  3746. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  3747. ICUIControlPtr Item[];
  3748. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  3749. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  3750. //
  3751. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  3752. //
  3753. long GetCount ( );
  3754. ICUIControlPtr GetItem (
  3755. long Index );
  3756. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  3757. ICUIControlPtr Add (
  3758. _bstr_t ControlID,
  3759. long Index,
  3760. VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  3761. ICUIControlPtr AddCustomButton (
  3762. _bstr_t CategoryID,
  3763. _bstr_t Command,
  3764. long Index,
  3765. VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  3766. ICUIControlPtr AddCustomControl (
  3767. _bstr_t ClassName,
  3768. _bstr_t AssemblyPath,
  3769. long Index,
  3770. VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  3771. ICUIControlPtr AddToggleButton (
  3772. _bstr_t Guid,
  3773. long Index,
  3774. VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  3775. HRESULT Remove (
  3776. long Index );
  3777. //
  3778. // Raw methods provided by interface
  3779. //
  3780. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  3781. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  3782. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  3783. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  3784. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIControl * * ppVal ) = 0;
  3785. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  3786. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppVal ) = 0;
  3787. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  3788. /*[in]*/ BSTR ControlID,
  3789. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  3790. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Temporary,
  3791. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIControl * * ppVal ) = 0;
  3792. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddCustomButton (
  3793. /*[in]*/ BSTR CategoryID,
  3794. /*[in]*/ BSTR Command,
  3795. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  3796. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Temporary,
  3797. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIControl * * ppVal ) = 0;
  3798. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddCustomControl (
  3799. /*[in]*/ BSTR ClassName,
  3800. /*[in]*/ BSTR AssemblyPath,
  3801. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  3802. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Temporary,
  3803. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIControl * * ppVal ) = 0;
  3804. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToggleButton (
  3805. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid,
  3806. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  3807. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Temporary,
  3808. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIControl * * ppVal ) = 0;
  3809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
  3810. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  3811. };
  3812. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0006-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  3813. ICUICommandBarMode : IDispatch
  3814. {
  3815. //
  3816. // Property data
  3817. //
  3818. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  3819. _bstr_t Name;
  3820. __declspec(property(get=GetNameLocal))
  3821. _bstr_t NameLocal;
  3822. __declspec(property(get=GetControls))
  3823. ICUIControlsPtr Controls;
  3824. //
  3825. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  3826. //
  3827. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  3828. _bstr_t GetNameLocal ( );
  3829. ICUIControlsPtr GetControls ( );
  3830. //
  3831. // Raw methods provided by interface
  3832. //
  3833. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  3834. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  3835. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NameLocal (
  3836. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  3837. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Controls (
  3838. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIControls * * ppVal ) = 0;
  3839. };
  3840. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0005-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  3841. ICUICommandBarModes : IDispatch
  3842. {
  3843. //
  3844. // Property data
  3845. //
  3846. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  3847. ICUICommandBarModePtr Item[];
  3848. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  3849. long Count;
  3850. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  3851. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  3852. //
  3853. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  3854. //
  3855. ICUICommandBarModePtr GetItem (
  3856. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  3857. long GetCount ( );
  3858. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  3859. //
  3860. // Raw methods provided by interface
  3861. //
  3862. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  3863. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  3864. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBarMode * * pVal ) = 0;
  3865. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  3866. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  3867. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  3868. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  3869. };
  3870. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0009-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  3871. ICUICommandBar : IDispatch
  3872. {
  3873. //
  3874. // Property data
  3875. //
  3876. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  3877. enum cuiBarType Type;
  3878. __declspec(property(get=GetVisible,put=PutVisible))
  3879. VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
  3880. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  3881. _bstr_t Name;
  3882. __declspec(property(get=GetControls))
  3883. ICUIControlsPtr Controls;
  3884. __declspec(property(get=GetModes))
  3885. ICUICommandBarModesPtr Modes;
  3886. __declspec(property(get=GetBuiltIn))
  3887. VARIANT_BOOL BuiltIn;
  3888. __declspec(property(get=GetEnabled,put=PutEnabled))
  3889. VARIANT_BOOL Enabled;
  3890. __declspec(property(get=GetLeft,put=PutLeft))
  3891. long Left;
  3892. __declspec(property(get=GetTop,put=PutTop))
  3893. long Top;
  3894. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight))
  3895. long Height;
  3896. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth))
  3897. long Width;
  3898. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  3899. long Index;
  3900. __declspec(property(get=GetNameLocal,put=PutNameLocal))
  3901. _bstr_t NameLocal;
  3902. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition,put=PutPosition))
  3903. enum cuiBarPosition Position;
  3904. __declspec(property(get=GetProtection,put=PutProtection))
  3905. enum cuiBarProtection Protection;
  3906. //
  3907. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  3908. //
  3909. enum cuiBarType GetType ( );
  3910. VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
  3911. void PutVisible (
  3912. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  3913. ICUIControlsPtr GetControls ( );
  3914. ICUICommandBarModesPtr GetModes ( );
  3915. VARIANT_BOOL GetBuiltIn ( );
  3916. VARIANT_BOOL GetEnabled ( );
  3917. void PutEnabled (
  3918. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  3919. long GetLeft ( );
  3920. void PutLeft (
  3921. long pVal );
  3922. long GetTop ( );
  3923. void PutTop (
  3924. long pVal );
  3925. long GetHeight ( );
  3926. long GetWidth ( );
  3927. long GetIndex ( );
  3928. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  3929. void PutName (
  3930. _bstr_t pVal );
  3931. _bstr_t GetNameLocal ( );
  3932. void PutNameLocal (
  3933. _bstr_t pVal );
  3934. enum cuiBarPosition GetPosition ( );
  3935. void PutPosition (
  3936. enum cuiBarPosition pVal );
  3937. enum cuiBarProtection GetProtection ( );
  3938. void PutProtection (
  3939. enum cuiBarProtection pVal );
  3940. HRESULT Delete ( );
  3941. HRESULT Reset ( );
  3942. HRESULT ShowPopup (
  3943. const _variant_t & x,
  3944. const _variant_t & y );
  3945. HRESULT SetWidth (
  3946. long Width );
  3947. //
  3948. // Raw methods provided by interface
  3949. //
  3950. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  3951. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cuiBarType * pVal ) = 0;
  3952. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
  3953. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  3954. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
  3955. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  3956. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Controls (
  3957. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIControls * * pVal ) = 0;
  3958. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Modes (
  3959. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBarModes * * pVal ) = 0;
  3960. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BuiltIn (
  3961. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  3962. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Enabled (
  3963. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  3964. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Enabled (
  3965. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  3966. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
  3967. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  3968. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
  3969. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  3970. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
  3971. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  3972. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
  3973. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  3974. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  3975. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  3976. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  3977. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  3978. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  3979. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  3980. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  3981. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  3982. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  3983. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  3984. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NameLocal (
  3985. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  3986. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NameLocal (
  3987. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  3988. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  3989. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cuiBarPosition * pVal ) = 0;
  3990. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
  3991. /*[in]*/ enum cuiBarPosition pVal ) = 0;
  3992. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Protection (
  3993. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cuiBarProtection * pVal ) = 0;
  3994. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Protection (
  3995. /*[in]*/ enum cuiBarProtection pVal ) = 0;
  3996. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  3997. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  3998. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowPopup (
  3999. /*[in]*/ VARIANT x,
  4000. /*[in]*/ VARIANT y ) = 0;
  4001. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetWidth (
  4002. /*[in]*/ long Width ) = 0;
  4003. };
  4004. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0004-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4005. ICUICommandBars : IDispatch
  4006. {
  4007. //
  4008. // Property data
  4009. //
  4010. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  4011. ICUICommandBarPtr Item[];
  4012. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  4013. long Count;
  4014. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  4015. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  4016. //
  4017. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4018. //
  4019. ICUICommandBarPtr GetItem (
  4020. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  4021. long GetCount ( );
  4022. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  4023. ICUICommandBarPtr Add (
  4024. _bstr_t Name,
  4025. enum cuiBarPosition Position,
  4026. VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  4027. //
  4028. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4029. //
  4030. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  4031. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  4032. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBar * * pVal ) = 0;
  4033. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  4034. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4035. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  4036. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  4037. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  4038. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  4039. /*[in]*/ enum cuiBarPosition Position,
  4040. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Temporary,
  4041. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBar * * pVal ) = 0;
  4042. };
  4043. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0019-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4044. ICUIScreenRect : IDispatch
  4045. {
  4046. //
  4047. // Property data
  4048. //
  4049. __declspec(property(get=GetLeft,put=PutLeft))
  4050. long Left;
  4051. __declspec(property(get=GetRight,put=PutRight))
  4052. long Right;
  4053. __declspec(property(get=GetTop,put=PutTop))
  4054. long Top;
  4055. __declspec(property(get=GetBottom,put=PutBottom))
  4056. long Bottom;
  4057. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  4058. long Width;
  4059. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight,put=PutHeight))
  4060. long Height;
  4061. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX,put=PutCenterX))
  4062. long CenterX;
  4063. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY,put=PutCenterY))
  4064. long CenterY;
  4065. __declspec(property(get=GetReadOnly))
  4066. VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly;
  4067. //
  4068. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4069. //
  4070. long GetLeft ( );
  4071. void PutLeft (
  4072. long pVal );
  4073. long GetRight ( );
  4074. void PutRight (
  4075. long pVal );
  4076. long GetTop ( );
  4077. void PutTop (
  4078. long pVal );
  4079. long GetBottom ( );
  4080. void PutBottom (
  4081. long pVal );
  4082. long GetWidth ( );
  4083. void PutWidth (
  4084. long pVal );
  4085. long GetHeight ( );
  4086. void PutHeight (
  4087. long pVal );
  4088. long GetCenterX ( );
  4089. void PutCenterX (
  4090. long pVal );
  4091. long GetCenterY ( );
  4092. void PutCenterY (
  4093. long pVal );
  4094. HRESULT SetPosition (
  4095. long Left,
  4096. long Top,
  4097. long Width,
  4098. long Height );
  4099. HRESULT Resize (
  4100. long Width,
  4101. long Height );
  4102. HRESULT Move (
  4103. long Left,
  4104. long Top );
  4105. VARIANT_BOOL GetReadOnly ( );
  4106. ICUIScreenRectPtr GetCopy ( );
  4107. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  4108. struct ICUIScreenRect * Source );
  4109. HRESULT Offset (
  4110. long OffsetX,
  4111. long OffsetY );
  4112. HRESULT Inflate (
  4113. long Left,
  4114. long Top,
  4115. long Right,
  4116. long Bottom );
  4117. VARIANT_BOOL IsPointInside (
  4118. long x,
  4119. long y );
  4120. ICUIScreenRectPtr Union (
  4121. struct ICUIScreenRect * Source );
  4122. ICUIScreenRectPtr Intersect (
  4123. struct ICUIScreenRect * Source );
  4124. VARIANT_BOOL IsEmpty ( );
  4125. //
  4126. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4127. //
  4128. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
  4129. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4130. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
  4131. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4132. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Right (
  4133. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4134. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Right (
  4135. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4136. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
  4137. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4138. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
  4139. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4140. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bottom (
  4141. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4142. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Bottom (
  4143. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4144. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  4145. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4146. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  4147. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4148. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  4149. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4150. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
  4151. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4152. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  4153. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4154. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterX (
  4155. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4156. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  4157. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4158. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterY (
  4159. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4160. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
  4161. /*[in]*/ long Left,
  4162. /*[in]*/ long Top,
  4163. /*[in]*/ long Width,
  4164. /*[in]*/ long Height ) = 0;
  4165. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Resize (
  4166. /*[in]*/ long Width,
  4167. /*[in]*/ long Height ) = 0;
  4168. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  4169. /*[in]*/ long Left,
  4170. /*[in]*/ long Top ) = 0;
  4171. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadOnly (
  4172. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4173. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  4174. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  4175. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  4176. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * Source ) = 0;
  4177. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Offset (
  4178. /*[in]*/ long OffsetX,
  4179. /*[in]*/ long OffsetY ) = 0;
  4180. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Inflate (
  4181. /*[in]*/ long Left,
  4182. /*[in]*/ long Top,
  4183. /*[in]*/ long Right,
  4184. /*[in]*/ long Bottom ) = 0;
  4185. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsPointInside (
  4186. /*[in]*/ long x,
  4187. /*[in]*/ long y,
  4188. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4189. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Union (
  4190. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * Source,
  4191. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  4192. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Intersect (
  4193. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * Source,
  4194. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  4195. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsEmpty (
  4196. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4197. };
  4198. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001a-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4199. ICUIBitmapImage : IDispatch
  4200. {
  4201. //
  4202. // Property data
  4203. //
  4204. __declspec(property(get=GetValid))
  4205. VARIANT_BOOL Valid;
  4206. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth))
  4207. long Width;
  4208. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight))
  4209. long Height;
  4210. //
  4211. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4212. //
  4213. VARIANT_BOOL GetValid ( );
  4214. long GetWidth ( );
  4215. long GetHeight ( );
  4216. //
  4217. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4218. //
  4219. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Valid (
  4220. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4221. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  4222. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4223. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  4224. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4225. };
  4226. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000e-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4227. ICUIImageList : IDispatch
  4228. {
  4229. //
  4230. // Property data
  4231. //
  4232. __declspec(property(get=GetImageCount))
  4233. long ImageCount;
  4234. __declspec(property(get=GetImageKeys))
  4235. SAFEARRAY * ImageKeys;
  4236. //
  4237. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4238. //
  4239. long GetImageCount ( );
  4240. VARIANT_BOOL ImageExists (
  4241. _bstr_t Key );
  4242. HRESULT RemoveAll ( );
  4243. VARIANT_BOOL AddImage (
  4244. _bstr_t Key,
  4245. const _variant_t & ImageData,
  4246. long MaxSize );
  4247. SAFEARRAY * GetImageKeys ( );
  4248. VARIANT_BOOL RemoveImage (
  4249. _bstr_t Key );
  4250. HRESULT AddBitmap (
  4251. _bstr_t Key,
  4252. struct ICUIBitmapImage * Bitmap );
  4253. //
  4254. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4255. //
  4256. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ImageCount (
  4257. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4258. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ImageExists (
  4259. /*[in]*/ BSTR Key,
  4260. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4261. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveAll ( ) = 0;
  4262. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddImage (
  4263. /*[in]*/ BSTR Key,
  4264. /*[in]*/ VARIANT ImageData,
  4265. /*[in]*/ long MaxSize,
  4266. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4267. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ImageKeys (
  4268. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  4269. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveImage (
  4270. /*[in]*/ BSTR Key,
  4271. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4272. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddBitmap (
  4273. /*[in]*/ BSTR Key,
  4274. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIBitmapImage * Bitmap ) = 0;
  4275. };
  4276. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001b-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4277. ICUIStatusText : IDispatch
  4278. {
  4279. //
  4280. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4281. //
  4282. HRESULT SetCaptionText (
  4283. _bstr_t Text );
  4284. HRESULT SetBitmap (
  4285. struct ICUIBitmapImage * Bitmap );
  4286. //
  4287. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4288. //
  4289. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCaptionText (
  4290. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text ) = 0;
  4291. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBitmap (
  4292. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIBitmapImage * Bitmap ) = 0;
  4293. };
  4294. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001c-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4295. ICUIWarning : IDispatch
  4296. {
  4297. //
  4298. // Property data
  4299. //
  4300. __declspec(property(get=GetEnabled,put=PutEnabled))
  4301. VARIANT_BOOL Enabled;
  4302. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  4303. _bstr_t ID;
  4304. __declspec(property(get=GetDescription))
  4305. _bstr_t Description;
  4306. __declspec(property(get=GetText))
  4307. _bstr_t Text;
  4308. __declspec(property(get=GetTitle))
  4309. _bstr_t Title;
  4310. //
  4311. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4312. //
  4313. VARIANT_BOOL GetEnabled ( );
  4314. void PutEnabled (
  4315. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4316. _bstr_t GetID ( );
  4317. _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
  4318. _bstr_t GetText ( );
  4319. _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
  4320. long DoWarningDialog (
  4321. long unFlags,
  4322. _bstr_t Text );
  4323. //
  4324. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4325. //
  4326. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Enabled (
  4327. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4328. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Enabled (
  4329. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4330. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  4331. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4332. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
  4333. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4334. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
  4335. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4336. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
  4337. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DoWarningDialog (
  4339. /*[in]*/ long unFlags,
  4340. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  4341. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4342. };
  4343. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001d-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4344. ICUITask : IDispatch
  4345. {
  4346. //
  4347. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4348. //
  4349. HRESULT RunTask ( );
  4350. //
  4351. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4352. //
  4353. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RunTask ( ) = 0;
  4354. };
  4355. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001e-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4356. ICUIBackgroundTask : ICUITask
  4357. {
  4358. //
  4359. // Property data
  4360. //
  4361. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  4362. _bstr_t Name;
  4363. //
  4364. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4365. //
  4366. HRESULT FinalizeTask ( );
  4367. HRESULT FreeTask ( );
  4368. HRESULT QuitTask ( );
  4369. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  4370. //
  4371. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4372. //
  4373. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FinalizeTask ( ) = 0;
  4374. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FreeTask ( ) = 0;
  4375. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QuitTask ( ) = 0;
  4376. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  4377. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4378. };
  4379. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0020-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4380. ICUIRunningTask : IDispatch
  4381. {
  4382. //
  4383. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4384. //
  4385. HRESULT TryAbort ( );
  4386. //
  4387. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4388. //
  4389. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TryAbort ( ) = 0;
  4390. };
  4391. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0021-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4392. ICUIRunningBackgroundTask : ICUIRunningTask
  4393. {
  4394. //
  4395. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4396. //
  4397. HRESULT WaitUntilDone ( );
  4398. HRESULT Reprioritize (
  4399. enum cuiTaskPriority __MIDL__ICUIRunningBackgroundTask0000 );
  4400. VARIANT_BOOL FinalizeIfDone ( );
  4401. //
  4402. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4403. //
  4404. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WaitUntilDone ( ) = 0;
  4405. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reprioritize (
  4406. /*[in]*/ enum cuiTaskPriority __MIDL__ICUIRunningBackgroundTask0000 ) = 0;
  4407. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FinalizeIfDone (
  4408. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4409. };
  4410. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee001f-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  4411. ICUITaskManager : IDispatch
  4412. {
  4413. //
  4414. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4415. //
  4416. HRESULT RunOnUIThread (
  4417. struct ICUITask * pTask );
  4418. ICUIRunningBackgroundTaskPtr RunInBackground (
  4419. enum cuiTaskPriority priority,
  4420. struct ICUIBackgroundTask * pTask );
  4421. //
  4422. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4423. //
  4424. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RunOnUIThread (
  4425. /*[in]*/ struct ICUITask * pTask ) = 0;
  4426. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RunInBackground (
  4427. /*[in]*/ enum cuiTaskPriority priority,
  4428. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIBackgroundTask * pTask,
  4429. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIRunningBackgroundTask * * ppVal ) = 0;
  4430. };
  4431. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a9-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  4432. IPrnVBAPrintLayout : IDispatch
  4433. {
  4434. //
  4435. // Property data
  4436. //
  4437. __declspec(property(get=GetUseBleedLimit,put=PutUseBleedLimit))
  4438. VARIANT_BOOL UseBleedLimit;
  4439. __declspec(property(get=GetBleedLimit,put=PutBleedLimit))
  4440. double BleedLimit;
  4441. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintTiledPages,put=PutPrintTiledPages))
  4442. VARIANT_BOOL PrintTiledPages;
  4443. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintTilingMarks,put=PutPrintTilingMarks))
  4444. VARIANT_BOOL PrintTilingMarks;
  4445. __declspec(property(get=GetTileOverlap,put=PutTileOverlap))
  4446. double TileOverlap;
  4447. __declspec(property(get=GetPlacement,put=PutPlacement))
  4448. enum PrnPlaceType Placement;
  4449. //
  4450. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4451. //
  4452. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseBleedLimit ( );
  4453. void PutUseBleedLimit (
  4454. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4455. double GetBleedLimit ( );
  4456. void PutBleedLimit (
  4457. double pVal );
  4458. VARIANT_BOOL GetPrintTiledPages ( );
  4459. void PutPrintTiledPages (
  4460. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4461. VARIANT_BOOL GetPrintTilingMarks ( );
  4462. void PutPrintTilingMarks (
  4463. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4464. double GetTileOverlap ( );
  4465. void PutTileOverlap (
  4466. double pVal );
  4467. enum PrnPlaceType GetPlacement ( );
  4468. void PutPlacement (
  4469. enum PrnPlaceType pVal );
  4470. //
  4471. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4472. //
  4473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseBleedLimit (
  4474. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseBleedLimit (
  4476. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4477. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BleedLimit (
  4478. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  4479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BleedLimit (
  4480. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  4481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintTiledPages (
  4482. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4483. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintTiledPages (
  4484. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintTilingMarks (
  4486. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4487. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintTilingMarks (
  4488. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileOverlap (
  4490. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  4491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileOverlap (
  4492. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  4493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Placement (
  4494. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPlaceType * pVal ) = 0;
  4495. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Placement (
  4496. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPlaceType pVal ) = 0;
  4497. };
  4498. struct __declspec(uuid("a2525098-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  4499. IPrnVBAPrinter : IDispatch
  4500. {
  4501. //
  4502. // Property data
  4503. //
  4504. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  4505. _bstr_t Name;
  4506. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  4507. _bstr_t Type;
  4508. __declspec(property(get=GetDefault))
  4509. VARIANT_BOOL Default;
  4510. __declspec(property(get=GetReady))
  4511. VARIANT_BOOL Ready;
  4512. __declspec(property(get=GetPort))
  4513. _bstr_t Port;
  4514. __declspec(property(get=GetDescription))
  4515. _bstr_t Description;
  4516. __declspec(property(get=GetPostScriptEnabled))
  4517. VARIANT_BOOL PostScriptEnabled;
  4518. __declspec(property(get=GetColorEnabled))
  4519. VARIANT_BOOL ColorEnabled;
  4520. __declspec(property(get=GetPageSizeMatchingSupported,put=PutPageSizeMatchingSupported))
  4521. VARIANT_BOOL PageSizeMatchingSupported;
  4522. //
  4523. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4524. //
  4525. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  4526. _bstr_t GetType ( );
  4527. VARIANT_BOOL GetDefault ( );
  4528. VARIANT_BOOL GetReady ( );
  4529. _bstr_t GetPort ( );
  4530. _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
  4531. VARIANT_BOOL GetPostScriptEnabled ( );
  4532. VARIANT_BOOL GetColorEnabled ( );
  4533. HRESULT ShowDialog ( );
  4534. VARIANT_BOOL GetPageSizeMatchingSupported ( );
  4535. void PutPageSizeMatchingSupported (
  4536. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4537. //
  4538. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4539. //
  4540. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  4541. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4542. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  4543. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4544. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Default (
  4545. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4546. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Ready (
  4547. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4548. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Port (
  4549. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4550. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
  4551. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4552. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PostScriptEnabled (
  4553. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4554. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorEnabled (
  4555. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4556. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDialog ( ) = 0;
  4557. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageSizeMatchingSupported (
  4558. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4559. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PageSizeMatchingSupported (
  4560. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4561. };
  4562. struct __declspec(uuid("a2525099-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  4563. IPrnVBAPrinters : IDispatch
  4564. {
  4565. //
  4566. // Property data
  4567. //
  4568. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  4569. IPrnVBAPrinterPtr Item[];
  4570. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  4571. long Count;
  4572. __declspec(property(get=GetDefault))
  4573. IPrnVBAPrinterPtr Default;
  4574. //
  4575. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4576. //
  4577. IPrnVBAPrinterPtr GetItem (
  4578. long nIndex );
  4579. long GetCount ( );
  4580. IPrnVBAPrinterPtr GetDefault ( );
  4581. //
  4582. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4583. //
  4584. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  4585. /*[in]*/ long nIndex,
  4586. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrinter * * pVal ) = 0;
  4587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  4588. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4589. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Default (
  4590. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrinter * * pVal ) = 0;
  4591. };
  4592. struct __declspec(uuid("a252509a-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  4593. IPrnVBASeparationPlate : IDispatch
  4594. {
  4595. //
  4596. // Property data
  4597. //
  4598. __declspec(property(get=GetEnabled,put=PutEnabled))
  4599. VARIANT_BOOL Enabled;
  4600. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  4601. enum PrnPlateType Type;
  4602. __declspec(property(get=GetColor))
  4603. _bstr_t Color;
  4604. __declspec(property(get=GetFrequency,put=PutFrequency))
  4605. double Frequency;
  4606. __declspec(property(get=GetAngle,put=PutAngle))
  4607. double Angle;
  4608. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprintText,put=PutOverprintText))
  4609. VARIANT_BOOL OverprintText;
  4610. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprintGraphic,put=PutOverprintGraphic))
  4611. VARIANT_BOOL OverprintGraphic;
  4612. //
  4613. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4614. //
  4615. VARIANT_BOOL GetEnabled ( );
  4616. void PutEnabled (
  4617. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4618. enum PrnPlateType GetType ( );
  4619. _bstr_t GetColor ( );
  4620. double GetFrequency ( );
  4621. void PutFrequency (
  4622. double pVal );
  4623. double GetAngle ( );
  4624. void PutAngle (
  4625. double pVal );
  4626. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverprintText ( );
  4627. void PutOverprintText (
  4628. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4629. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverprintGraphic ( );
  4630. void PutOverprintGraphic (
  4631. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4632. //
  4633. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4634. //
  4635. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Enabled (
  4636. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4637. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Enabled (
  4638. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4639. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  4640. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPlateType * pVal ) = 0;
  4641. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  4642. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4643. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Frequency (
  4644. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  4645. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Frequency (
  4646. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  4647. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angle (
  4648. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  4649. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Angle (
  4650. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  4651. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OverprintText (
  4652. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4653. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OverprintText (
  4654. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4655. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OverprintGraphic (
  4656. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4657. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OverprintGraphic (
  4658. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4659. };
  4660. struct __declspec(uuid("a252509b-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  4661. IPrnVBASeparationPlates : IDispatch
  4662. {
  4663. //
  4664. // Property data
  4665. //
  4666. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  4667. IPrnVBASeparationPlatePtr Item[];
  4668. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  4669. long Count;
  4670. //
  4671. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4672. //
  4673. IPrnVBASeparationPlatePtr GetItem (
  4674. long Index );
  4675. long GetCount ( );
  4676. //
  4677. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4678. //
  4679. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  4680. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  4681. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBASeparationPlate * * pVal ) = 0;
  4682. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  4683. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4684. };
  4685. struct __declspec(uuid("a252509c-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  4686. IPrnVBAPrintSeparations : IDispatch
  4687. {
  4688. //
  4689. // Property data
  4690. //
  4691. __declspec(property(get=GetEnabled,put=PutEnabled))
  4692. VARIANT_BOOL Enabled;
  4693. __declspec(property(get=GetInColor,put=PutInColor))
  4694. VARIANT_BOOL InColor;
  4695. __declspec(property(get=GetHexachrome,put=PutHexachrome))
  4696. VARIANT_BOOL Hexachrome;
  4697. __declspec(property(get=GetSpotToCMYK,put=PutSpotToCMYK))
  4699. __declspec(property(get=GetEmptyPlates,put=PutEmptyPlates))
  4700. VARIANT_BOOL EmptyPlates;
  4701. __declspec(property(get=GetPreserveOverprints,put=PutPreserveOverprints))
  4702. VARIANT_BOOL PreserveOverprints;
  4703. __declspec(property(get=GetAlwaysOverprintBlack,put=PutAlwaysOverprintBlack))
  4704. VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack;
  4705. __declspec(property(get=GetAutoSpreading,put=PutAutoSpreading))
  4706. VARIANT_BOOL AutoSpreading;
  4707. __declspec(property(get=GetAutoSpreadAmount,put=PutAutoSpreadAmount))
  4708. double AutoSpreadAmount;
  4709. __declspec(property(get=GetAutoSpreadFixed,put=PutAutoSpreadFixed))
  4710. VARIANT_BOOL AutoSpreadFixed;
  4711. __declspec(property(get=GetAutoSpreadTextAbove,put=PutAutoSpreadTextAbove))
  4712. double AutoSpreadTextAbove;
  4713. __declspec(property(get=GetAdvancedSettings,put=PutAdvancedSettings))
  4714. VARIANT_BOOL AdvancedSettings;
  4715. __declspec(property(get=GetPlates))
  4716. IPrnVBASeparationPlatesPtr Plates;
  4717. __declspec(property(get=GetResolution,put=PutResolution))
  4718. long Resolution;
  4719. __declspec(property(get=GetBasicScreen,put=PutBasicScreen))
  4720. _bstr_t BasicScreen;
  4721. __declspec(property(get=GetHalftoneType,put=PutHalftoneType))
  4722. _bstr_t HalftoneType;
  4723. __declspec(property(get=GetScreenTechnology,put=PutScreenTechnology))
  4724. _bstr_t ScreenTechnology;
  4725. //
  4726. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4727. //
  4728. VARIANT_BOOL GetEnabled ( );
  4729. void PutEnabled (
  4730. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4731. VARIANT_BOOL GetInColor ( );
  4732. void PutInColor (
  4733. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4734. VARIANT_BOOL GetHexachrome ( );
  4735. void PutHexachrome (
  4736. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4737. VARIANT_BOOL GetSpotToCMYK ( );
  4738. void PutSpotToCMYK (
  4739. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4740. VARIANT_BOOL GetEmptyPlates ( );
  4741. void PutEmptyPlates (
  4742. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4743. VARIANT_BOOL GetPreserveOverprints ( );
  4744. void PutPreserveOverprints (
  4745. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4746. VARIANT_BOOL GetAlwaysOverprintBlack ( );
  4747. void PutAlwaysOverprintBlack (
  4748. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4749. VARIANT_BOOL GetAutoSpreading ( );
  4750. void PutAutoSpreading (
  4751. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4752. double GetAutoSpreadAmount ( );
  4753. void PutAutoSpreadAmount (
  4754. double pVal );
  4755. VARIANT_BOOL GetAutoSpreadFixed ( );
  4756. void PutAutoSpreadFixed (
  4757. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4758. double GetAutoSpreadTextAbove ( );
  4759. void PutAutoSpreadTextAbove (
  4760. double pVal );
  4761. VARIANT_BOOL GetAdvancedSettings ( );
  4762. void PutAdvancedSettings (
  4763. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4764. IPrnVBASeparationPlatesPtr GetPlates ( );
  4765. long GetResolution ( );
  4766. void PutResolution (
  4767. long pVal );
  4768. _bstr_t GetBasicScreen ( );
  4769. void PutBasicScreen (
  4770. _bstr_t pVal );
  4771. _bstr_t GetHalftoneType ( );
  4772. void PutHalftoneType (
  4773. _bstr_t pVal );
  4774. _bstr_t GetScreenTechnology ( );
  4775. void PutScreenTechnology (
  4776. _bstr_t pVal );
  4777. //
  4778. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4779. //
  4780. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Enabled (
  4781. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4782. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Enabled (
  4783. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4784. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InColor (
  4785. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4786. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InColor (
  4787. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4788. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Hexachrome (
  4789. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4790. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Hexachrome (
  4791. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4792. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpotToCMYK (
  4793. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4794. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpotToCMYK (
  4795. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4796. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EmptyPlates (
  4797. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4798. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EmptyPlates (
  4799. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4800. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreserveOverprints (
  4801. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4802. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PreserveOverprints (
  4803. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4804. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AlwaysOverprintBlack (
  4805. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4806. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AlwaysOverprintBlack (
  4807. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4808. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoSpreading (
  4809. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4810. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoSpreading (
  4811. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4812. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoSpreadAmount (
  4813. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  4814. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoSpreadAmount (
  4815. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  4816. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoSpreadFixed (
  4817. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4818. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoSpreadFixed (
  4819. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4820. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoSpreadTextAbove (
  4821. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  4822. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoSpreadTextAbove (
  4823. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  4824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AdvancedSettings (
  4825. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4826. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AdvancedSettings (
  4827. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4828. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Plates (
  4829. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBASeparationPlates * * pVal ) = 0;
  4830. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Resolution (
  4831. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Resolution (
  4833. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4834. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BasicScreen (
  4835. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4836. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BasicScreen (
  4837. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  4838. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HalftoneType (
  4839. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4840. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HalftoneType (
  4841. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  4842. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScreenTechnology (
  4843. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4844. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScreenTechnology (
  4845. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  4846. };
  4847. struct __declspec(uuid("a252509d-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  4848. IPrnVBAPrintPrepress : IDispatch
  4849. {
  4850. //
  4851. // Property data
  4852. //
  4853. __declspec(property(get=GetInvert,put=PutInvert))
  4854. VARIANT_BOOL Invert;
  4855. __declspec(property(get=GetMirror,put=PutMirror))
  4856. VARIANT_BOOL Mirror;
  4857. __declspec(property(get=GetFileInfo,put=PutFileInfo))
  4858. VARIANT_BOOL FileInfo;
  4859. __declspec(property(get=GetJobName,put=PutJobName))
  4860. _bstr_t JobName;
  4861. __declspec(property(get=GetPageNumbers,put=PutPageNumbers))
  4862. VARIANT_BOOL PageNumbers;
  4863. __declspec(property(get=GetInfoWithinPage,put=PutInfoWithinPage))
  4864. VARIANT_BOOL InfoWithinPage;
  4865. __declspec(property(get=GetCropMarks,put=PutCropMarks))
  4866. VARIANT_BOOL CropMarks;
  4867. __declspec(property(get=GetExteriorCropMarks,put=PutExteriorCropMarks))
  4868. VARIANT_BOOL ExteriorCropMarks;
  4869. __declspec(property(get=GetRegistrationMarks,put=PutRegistrationMarks))
  4870. VARIANT_BOOL RegistrationMarks;
  4871. __declspec(property(get=GetRegistrationStyle,put=PutRegistrationStyle))
  4872. enum PrnRegistrationStyle RegistrationStyle;
  4873. __declspec(property(get=GetColorCalibrationBar,put=PutColorCalibrationBar))
  4874. VARIANT_BOOL ColorCalibrationBar;
  4875. __declspec(property(get=GetDensitometerScale,put=PutDensitometerScale))
  4876. VARIANT_BOOL DensitometerScale;
  4877. __declspec(property(get=GetDensities,put=PutDensities))
  4878. long Densities[];
  4879. __declspec(property(get=GetMarksToObjects,put=PutMarksToObjects))
  4880. VARIANT_BOOL MarksToObjects;
  4881. //
  4882. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  4883. //
  4884. VARIANT_BOOL GetInvert ( );
  4885. void PutInvert (
  4886. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4887. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirror ( );
  4888. void PutMirror (
  4889. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4890. VARIANT_BOOL GetFileInfo ( );
  4891. void PutFileInfo (
  4892. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4893. _bstr_t GetJobName ( );
  4894. void PutJobName (
  4895. _bstr_t pVal );
  4896. VARIANT_BOOL GetPageNumbers ( );
  4897. void PutPageNumbers (
  4898. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4899. VARIANT_BOOL GetInfoWithinPage ( );
  4900. void PutInfoWithinPage (
  4901. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4902. VARIANT_BOOL GetCropMarks ( );
  4903. void PutCropMarks (
  4904. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4905. VARIANT_BOOL GetExteriorCropMarks ( );
  4906. void PutExteriorCropMarks (
  4907. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4908. VARIANT_BOOL GetRegistrationMarks ( );
  4909. void PutRegistrationMarks (
  4910. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4911. enum PrnRegistrationStyle GetRegistrationStyle ( );
  4912. void PutRegistrationStyle (
  4913. enum PrnRegistrationStyle pVal );
  4914. VARIANT_BOOL GetColorCalibrationBar ( );
  4915. void PutColorCalibrationBar (
  4916. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4917. VARIANT_BOOL GetDensitometerScale ( );
  4918. void PutDensitometerScale (
  4919. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4920. long GetDensities (
  4921. long Index );
  4922. void PutDensities (
  4923. long Index,
  4924. long pVal );
  4925. VARIANT_BOOL GetMarksToObjects ( );
  4926. void PutMarksToObjects (
  4927. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  4928. //
  4929. // Raw methods provided by interface
  4930. //
  4931. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Invert (
  4932. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4933. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Invert (
  4934. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4935. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mirror (
  4936. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4937. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mirror (
  4938. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4939. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileInfo (
  4940. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4941. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FileInfo (
  4942. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4943. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_JobName (
  4944. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  4945. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_JobName (
  4946. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  4947. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageNumbers (
  4948. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4949. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PageNumbers (
  4950. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4951. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InfoWithinPage (
  4952. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4953. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InfoWithinPage (
  4954. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4955. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropMarks (
  4956. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4957. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropMarks (
  4958. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4959. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExteriorCropMarks (
  4960. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4961. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ExteriorCropMarks (
  4962. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4963. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RegistrationMarks (
  4964. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4965. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RegistrationMarks (
  4966. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4967. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RegistrationStyle (
  4968. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnRegistrationStyle * pVal ) = 0;
  4969. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RegistrationStyle (
  4970. /*[in]*/ enum PrnRegistrationStyle pVal ) = 0;
  4971. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorCalibrationBar (
  4972. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4973. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorCalibrationBar (
  4974. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4975. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DensitometerScale (
  4976. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4977. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DensitometerScale (
  4978. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4979. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Densities (
  4980. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  4981. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  4982. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Densities (
  4983. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  4984. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  4985. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarksToObjects (
  4986. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  4987. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarksToObjects (
  4988. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  4989. };
  4990. struct __declspec(uuid("a252509e-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  4991. IPrnVBAPrintPostScript : IDispatch
  4992. {
  4993. //
  4994. // Property data
  4995. //
  4996. __declspec(property(get=GetLevel,put=PutLevel))
  4997. enum PrnPostScriptLevel Level;
  4998. __declspec(property(get=GetConformToDSC,put=PutConformToDSC))
  4999. VARIANT_BOOL ConformToDSC;
  5000. __declspec(property(get=GetJPEGCompression,put=PutJPEGCompression))
  5001. VARIANT_BOOL JPEGCompression;
  5002. __declspec(property(get=GetJPEGQuality,put=PutJPEGQuality))
  5003. long JPEGQuality;
  5004. __declspec(property(get=GetMaintainOPILinks,put=PutMaintainOPILinks))
  5005. VARIANT_BOOL MaintainOPILinks;
  5006. __declspec(property(get=GetResolveDCSLinks,put=PutResolveDCSLinks))
  5007. VARIANT_BOOL ResolveDCSLinks;
  5008. __declspec(property(get=GetDownloadType1,put=PutDownloadType1))
  5009. VARIANT_BOOL DownloadType1;
  5010. __declspec(property(get=GetTrueTypeToType1,put=PutTrueTypeToType1))
  5011. VARIANT_BOOL TrueTypeToType1;
  5012. __declspec(property(get=GetPDFStartup,put=PutPDFStartup))
  5013. enum PrnPDFStartup PDFStartup;
  5014. __declspec(property(get=GetPDFHyperlinks,put=PutPDFHyperlinks))
  5015. VARIANT_BOOL PDFHyperlinks;
  5016. __declspec(property(get=GetpdfBookmarks,put=PutpdfBookmarks))
  5017. VARIANT_BOOL pdfBookmarks;
  5018. __declspec(property(get=GetMaxPointsPerCurve,put=PutMaxPointsPerCurve))
  5019. long MaxPointsPerCurve;
  5020. __declspec(property(get=GetFlatness,put=PutFlatness))
  5021. long Flatness;
  5022. __declspec(property(get=GetAutoIncreaseFlatness,put=PutAutoIncreaseFlatness))
  5023. VARIANT_BOOL AutoIncreaseFlatness;
  5024. __declspec(property(get=GetAutoIncreaseFountainSteps,put=PutAutoIncreaseFountainSteps))
  5025. VARIANT_BOOL AutoIncreaseFountainSteps;
  5026. __declspec(property(get=GetOptimizeFountainFills,put=PutOptimizeFountainFills))
  5027. VARIANT_BOOL OptimizeFountainFills;
  5028. __declspec(property(get=GetScreenFrequency,put=PutScreenFrequency))
  5029. long ScreenFrequency;
  5030. //
  5031. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5032. //
  5033. enum PrnPostScriptLevel GetLevel ( );
  5034. void PutLevel (
  5035. enum PrnPostScriptLevel pVal );
  5036. VARIANT_BOOL GetConformToDSC ( );
  5037. void PutConformToDSC (
  5038. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5039. VARIANT_BOOL GetJPEGCompression ( );
  5040. void PutJPEGCompression (
  5041. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5042. long GetJPEGQuality ( );
  5043. void PutJPEGQuality (
  5044. long pVal );
  5045. VARIANT_BOOL GetMaintainOPILinks ( );
  5046. void PutMaintainOPILinks (
  5047. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5048. VARIANT_BOOL GetResolveDCSLinks ( );
  5049. void PutResolveDCSLinks (
  5050. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5051. VARIANT_BOOL GetDownloadType1 ( );
  5052. void PutDownloadType1 (
  5053. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5054. VARIANT_BOOL GetTrueTypeToType1 ( );
  5055. void PutTrueTypeToType1 (
  5056. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5057. enum PrnPDFStartup GetPDFStartup ( );
  5058. void PutPDFStartup (
  5059. enum PrnPDFStartup pVal );
  5060. VARIANT_BOOL GetPDFHyperlinks ( );
  5061. void PutPDFHyperlinks (
  5062. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5063. VARIANT_BOOL GetpdfBookmarks ( );
  5064. void PutpdfBookmarks (
  5065. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5066. long GetMaxPointsPerCurve ( );
  5067. void PutMaxPointsPerCurve (
  5068. long pVal );
  5069. long GetFlatness ( );
  5070. void PutFlatness (
  5071. long pVal );
  5072. VARIANT_BOOL GetAutoIncreaseFlatness ( );
  5073. void PutAutoIncreaseFlatness (
  5074. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5075. VARIANT_BOOL GetAutoIncreaseFountainSteps ( );
  5076. void PutAutoIncreaseFountainSteps (
  5077. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5078. VARIANT_BOOL GetOptimizeFountainFills ( );
  5079. void PutOptimizeFountainFills (
  5080. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5081. long GetScreenFrequency ( );
  5082. void PutScreenFrequency (
  5083. long pVal );
  5084. //
  5085. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5086. //
  5087. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Level (
  5088. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPostScriptLevel * pVal ) = 0;
  5089. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Level (
  5090. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPostScriptLevel pVal ) = 0;
  5091. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConformToDSC (
  5092. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5093. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ConformToDSC (
  5094. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5095. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_JPEGCompression (
  5096. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5097. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_JPEGCompression (
  5098. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5099. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_JPEGQuality (
  5100. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5101. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_JPEGQuality (
  5102. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5103. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaintainOPILinks (
  5104. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5105. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaintainOPILinks (
  5106. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5107. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResolveDCSLinks (
  5108. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5109. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ResolveDCSLinks (
  5110. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5111. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DownloadType1 (
  5112. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5113. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DownloadType1 (
  5114. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5115. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TrueTypeToType1 (
  5116. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5117. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TrueTypeToType1 (
  5118. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5119. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PDFStartup (
  5120. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPDFStartup * pVal ) = 0;
  5121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PDFStartup (
  5122. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPDFStartup pVal ) = 0;
  5123. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PDFHyperlinks (
  5124. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5125. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PDFHyperlinks (
  5126. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5127. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_pdfBookmarks (
  5128. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5129. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_pdfBookmarks (
  5130. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5131. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaxPointsPerCurve (
  5132. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5133. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaxPointsPerCurve (
  5134. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5135. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Flatness (
  5136. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5137. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Flatness (
  5138. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5139. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoIncreaseFlatness (
  5140. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5141. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoIncreaseFlatness (
  5142. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5143. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoIncreaseFountainSteps (
  5144. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5145. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoIncreaseFountainSteps (
  5146. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5147. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OptimizeFountainFills (
  5148. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5149. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OptimizeFountainFills (
  5150. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5151. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScreenFrequency (
  5152. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5153. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScreenFrequency (
  5154. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5155. };
  5156. struct __declspec(uuid("a252509f-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5157. IPrnVBATrapLayer : IDispatch
  5158. {
  5159. //
  5160. // Property data
  5161. //
  5162. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  5163. enum PrnPlateType Type;
  5164. __declspec(property(get=GetColor))
  5165. _bstr_t Color;
  5166. __declspec(property(get=GetDensity,put=PutDensity))
  5167. double Density;
  5168. __declspec(property(get=GetTrapType,put=PutTrapType))
  5169. enum PrnTrapType TrapType;
  5170. __declspec(property(get=GetOrder,put=PutOrder))
  5171. long Order;
  5172. //
  5173. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5174. //
  5175. enum PrnPlateType GetType ( );
  5176. _bstr_t GetColor ( );
  5177. double GetDensity ( );
  5178. void PutDensity (
  5179. double pVal );
  5180. enum PrnTrapType GetTrapType ( );
  5181. void PutTrapType (
  5182. enum PrnTrapType pVal );
  5183. long GetOrder ( );
  5184. void PutOrder (
  5185. long pVal );
  5186. //
  5187. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5188. //
  5189. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  5190. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPlateType * pVal ) = 0;
  5191. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  5192. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  5193. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Density (
  5194. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  5195. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Density (
  5196. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  5197. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TrapType (
  5198. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnTrapType * pVal ) = 0;
  5199. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TrapType (
  5200. /*[in]*/ enum PrnTrapType pVal ) = 0;
  5201. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Order (
  5202. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5203. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Order (
  5204. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5205. };
  5206. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a0-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5207. IPrnVBATrapLayers : IDispatch
  5208. {
  5209. //
  5210. // Property data
  5211. //
  5212. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  5213. long Count;
  5214. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  5215. IPrnVBATrapLayerPtr Item[];
  5216. //
  5217. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5218. //
  5219. long GetCount ( );
  5220. IPrnVBATrapLayerPtr GetItem (
  5221. long Index );
  5222. //
  5223. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5224. //
  5225. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  5226. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5227. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  5228. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  5229. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBATrapLayer * * pVal ) = 0;
  5230. };
  5231. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a1-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5232. IPrnVBAPrintTrapping : IDispatch
  5233. {
  5234. //
  5235. // Property data
  5236. //
  5237. __declspec(property(get=GetEnabled,put=PutEnabled))
  5238. VARIANT_BOOL Enabled;
  5239. __declspec(property(get=GetLayers))
  5240. IPrnVBATrapLayersPtr Layers;
  5241. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  5242. double Width;
  5243. __declspec(property(get=GetBlackWidth,put=PutBlackWidth))
  5244. double BlackWidth;
  5245. __declspec(property(get=GetColorScaling,put=PutColorScaling))
  5246. long ColorScaling;
  5247. __declspec(property(get=GetStepLimit,put=PutStepLimit))
  5248. long StepLimit;
  5249. __declspec(property(get=GetBlackColorLimit,put=PutBlackColorLimit))
  5250. long BlackColorLimit;
  5251. __declspec(property(get=GetBlackDensityLimit,put=PutBlackDensityLimit))
  5252. double BlackDensityLimit;
  5253. __declspec(property(get=GetSlidingTrapLimit,put=PutSlidingTrapLimit))
  5254. long SlidingTrapLimit;
  5255. __declspec(property(get=GetImageTrap,put=PutImageTrap))
  5256. enum PrnImageTrap ImageTrap;
  5257. __declspec(property(get=GetObjectsToImage,put=PutObjectsToImage))
  5258. VARIANT_BOOL ObjectsToImage;
  5259. __declspec(property(get=GetInternalImageTrapping,put=PutInternalImageTrapping))
  5260. VARIANT_BOOL InternalImageTrapping;
  5261. __declspec(property(get=GetTrapMonoBitmaps,put=PutTrapMonoBitmaps))
  5262. VARIANT_BOOL TrapMonoBitmaps;
  5263. //
  5264. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5265. //
  5266. VARIANT_BOOL GetEnabled ( );
  5267. void PutEnabled (
  5268. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5269. IPrnVBATrapLayersPtr GetLayers ( );
  5270. double GetWidth ( );
  5271. void PutWidth (
  5272. double pVal );
  5273. double GetBlackWidth ( );
  5274. void PutBlackWidth (
  5275. double pVal );
  5276. long GetColorScaling ( );
  5277. void PutColorScaling (
  5278. long pVal );
  5279. long GetStepLimit ( );
  5280. void PutStepLimit (
  5281. long pVal );
  5282. long GetBlackColorLimit ( );
  5283. void PutBlackColorLimit (
  5284. long pVal );
  5285. double GetBlackDensityLimit ( );
  5286. void PutBlackDensityLimit (
  5287. double pVal );
  5288. long GetSlidingTrapLimit ( );
  5289. void PutSlidingTrapLimit (
  5290. long pVal );
  5291. enum PrnImageTrap GetImageTrap ( );
  5292. void PutImageTrap (
  5293. enum PrnImageTrap pVal );
  5294. VARIANT_BOOL GetObjectsToImage ( );
  5295. void PutObjectsToImage (
  5296. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5297. VARIANT_BOOL GetInternalImageTrapping ( );
  5298. void PutInternalImageTrapping (
  5299. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5300. VARIANT_BOOL GetTrapMonoBitmaps ( );
  5301. void PutTrapMonoBitmaps (
  5302. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5303. //
  5304. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5305. //
  5306. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Enabled (
  5307. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5308. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Enabled (
  5309. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5310. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Layers (
  5311. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBATrapLayers * * pVal ) = 0;
  5312. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  5313. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  5314. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  5315. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  5316. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlackWidth (
  5317. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  5318. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlackWidth (
  5319. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  5320. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorScaling (
  5321. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5322. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorScaling (
  5323. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5324. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StepLimit (
  5325. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5326. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StepLimit (
  5327. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5328. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlackColorLimit (
  5329. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5330. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlackColorLimit (
  5331. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5332. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlackDensityLimit (
  5333. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  5334. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlackDensityLimit (
  5335. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  5336. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SlidingTrapLimit (
  5337. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SlidingTrapLimit (
  5339. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5340. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ImageTrap (
  5341. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnImageTrap * pVal ) = 0;
  5342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ImageTrap (
  5343. /*[in]*/ enum PrnImageTrap pVal ) = 0;
  5344. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ObjectsToImage (
  5345. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5346. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ObjectsToImage (
  5347. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5348. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InternalImageTrapping (
  5349. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5350. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InternalImageTrapping (
  5351. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5352. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TrapMonoBitmaps (
  5353. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5354. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TrapMonoBitmaps (
  5355. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5356. };
  5357. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a2-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5358. IPrnVBAPrintOptions : IDispatch
  5359. {
  5360. //
  5361. // Property data
  5362. //
  5363. __declspec(property(get=GetUseColorProfile,put=PutUseColorProfile))
  5364. VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile;
  5365. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintVectors,put=PutPrintVectors))
  5366. VARIANT_BOOL PrintVectors;
  5367. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintBitmaps,put=PutPrintBitmaps))
  5368. VARIANT_BOOL PrintBitmaps;
  5369. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintText,put=PutPrintText))
  5370. VARIANT_BOOL PrintText;
  5371. __declspec(property(get=GetTextInBlack,put=PutTextInBlack))
  5372. VARIANT_BOOL TextInBlack;
  5373. __declspec(property(get=GetColorMode,put=PutColorMode))
  5374. enum PrnColorMode ColorMode;
  5375. __declspec(property(get=GetMarksToPage,put=PutMarksToPage))
  5376. VARIANT_BOOL MarksToPage;
  5377. __declspec(property(get=GetBitmapColorMode,put=PutBitmapColorMode))
  5378. enum PrnBitmapColorMode BitmapColorMode;
  5379. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainSteps,put=PutFountainSteps))
  5380. long FountainSteps;
  5381. __declspec(property(get=GetRasterizePage,put=PutRasterizePage))
  5382. VARIANT_BOOL RasterizePage;
  5383. __declspec(property(get=GetRasterizeResolution,put=PutRasterizeResolution))
  5384. long RasterizeResolution;
  5385. __declspec(property(get=GetDownsampleColor,put=PutDownsampleColor))
  5386. VARIANT_BOOL DownsampleColor;
  5387. __declspec(property(get=GetDownsampleGray,put=PutDownsampleGray))
  5388. VARIANT_BOOL DownsampleGray;
  5389. __declspec(property(get=GetDownsampleMono,put=PutDownsampleMono))
  5390. VARIANT_BOOL DownsampleMono;
  5391. __declspec(property(get=GetColorResolution,put=PutColorResolution))
  5392. long ColorResolution;
  5393. __declspec(property(get=GetGrayResolution,put=PutGrayResolution))
  5394. long GrayResolution;
  5395. __declspec(property(get=GetMonoResolution,put=PutMonoResolution))
  5396. long MonoResolution;
  5397. __declspec(property(get=GetJobInformation,put=PutJobInformation))
  5398. VARIANT_BOOL JobInformation;
  5399. __declspec(property(get=GetAppInfo,put=PutAppInfo))
  5400. VARIANT_BOOL AppInfo;
  5401. __declspec(property(get=GetDriverInfo,put=PutDriverInfo))
  5402. VARIANT_BOOL DriverInfo;
  5403. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintJobInfo,put=PutPrintJobInfo))
  5404. VARIANT_BOOL PrintJobInfo;
  5405. __declspec(property(get=GetSepsInfo,put=PutSepsInfo))
  5406. VARIANT_BOOL SepsInfo;
  5407. __declspec(property(get=GetFontInfo,put=PutFontInfo))
  5408. VARIANT_BOOL FontInfo;
  5409. __declspec(property(get=GetLinkInfo,put=PutLinkInfo))
  5410. VARIANT_BOOL LinkInfo;
  5411. __declspec(property(get=GetInRIPTrapInfo,put=PutInRIPTrapInfo))
  5412. VARIANT_BOOL InRIPTrapInfo;
  5413. __declspec(property(get=GetObjectsColorMode,put=PutObjectsColorMode))
  5414. enum PrnObjectsColorMode ObjectsColorMode;
  5415. __declspec(property(get=GetPreservePureBlack,put=PutPreservePureBlack))
  5416. VARIANT_BOOL PreservePureBlack;
  5417. //
  5418. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5419. //
  5420. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseColorProfile ( );
  5421. void PutUseColorProfile (
  5422. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5423. VARIANT_BOOL GetPrintVectors ( );
  5424. void PutPrintVectors (
  5425. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5426. VARIANT_BOOL GetPrintBitmaps ( );
  5427. void PutPrintBitmaps (
  5428. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5429. VARIANT_BOOL GetPrintText ( );
  5430. void PutPrintText (
  5431. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5432. VARIANT_BOOL GetTextInBlack ( );
  5433. void PutTextInBlack (
  5434. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5435. enum PrnColorMode GetColorMode ( );
  5436. void PutColorMode (
  5437. enum PrnColorMode pVal );
  5438. VARIANT_BOOL GetMarksToPage ( );
  5439. void PutMarksToPage (
  5440. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5441. enum PrnBitmapColorMode GetBitmapColorMode ( );
  5442. void PutBitmapColorMode (
  5443. enum PrnBitmapColorMode pVal );
  5444. long GetFountainSteps ( );
  5445. void PutFountainSteps (
  5446. long pVal );
  5447. VARIANT_BOOL GetRasterizePage ( );
  5448. void PutRasterizePage (
  5449. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5450. long GetRasterizeResolution ( );
  5451. void PutRasterizeResolution (
  5452. long pVal );
  5453. VARIANT_BOOL GetDownsampleColor ( );
  5454. void PutDownsampleColor (
  5455. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5456. VARIANT_BOOL GetDownsampleGray ( );
  5457. void PutDownsampleGray (
  5458. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5459. VARIANT_BOOL GetDownsampleMono ( );
  5460. void PutDownsampleMono (
  5461. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5462. long GetColorResolution ( );
  5463. void PutColorResolution (
  5464. long pVal );
  5465. long GetGrayResolution ( );
  5466. void PutGrayResolution (
  5467. long pVal );
  5468. long GetMonoResolution ( );
  5469. void PutMonoResolution (
  5470. long pVal );
  5471. VARIANT_BOOL GetJobInformation ( );
  5472. void PutJobInformation (
  5473. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5474. VARIANT_BOOL GetAppInfo ( );
  5475. void PutAppInfo (
  5476. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5477. VARIANT_BOOL GetDriverInfo ( );
  5478. void PutDriverInfo (
  5479. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5480. VARIANT_BOOL GetPrintJobInfo ( );
  5481. void PutPrintJobInfo (
  5482. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5483. VARIANT_BOOL GetSepsInfo ( );
  5484. void PutSepsInfo (
  5485. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5486. VARIANT_BOOL GetFontInfo ( );
  5487. void PutFontInfo (
  5488. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5489. VARIANT_BOOL GetLinkInfo ( );
  5490. void PutLinkInfo (
  5491. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5492. VARIANT_BOOL GetInRIPTrapInfo ( );
  5493. void PutInRIPTrapInfo (
  5494. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5495. enum PrnObjectsColorMode GetObjectsColorMode ( );
  5496. void PutObjectsColorMode (
  5497. enum PrnObjectsColorMode pVal );
  5498. VARIANT_BOOL GetPreservePureBlack ( );
  5499. void PutPreservePureBlack (
  5500. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5501. //
  5502. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5503. //
  5504. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseColorProfile (
  5505. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5506. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseColorProfile (
  5507. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5508. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintVectors (
  5509. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5510. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintVectors (
  5511. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5512. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintBitmaps (
  5513. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5514. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintBitmaps (
  5515. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5516. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintText (
  5517. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5518. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintText (
  5519. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5520. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextInBlack (
  5521. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5522. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextInBlack (
  5523. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5524. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorMode (
  5525. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnColorMode * pVal ) = 0;
  5526. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorMode (
  5527. /*[in]*/ enum PrnColorMode pVal ) = 0;
  5528. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarksToPage (
  5529. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5530. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarksToPage (
  5531. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5532. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BitmapColorMode (
  5533. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnBitmapColorMode * pVal ) = 0;
  5534. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BitmapColorMode (
  5535. /*[in]*/ enum PrnBitmapColorMode pVal ) = 0;
  5536. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainSteps (
  5537. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5538. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainSteps (
  5539. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5540. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RasterizePage (
  5541. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5542. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RasterizePage (
  5543. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5544. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RasterizeResolution (
  5545. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5546. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RasterizeResolution (
  5547. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5548. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DownsampleColor (
  5549. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5550. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DownsampleColor (
  5551. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5552. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DownsampleGray (
  5553. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5554. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DownsampleGray (
  5555. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5556. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DownsampleMono (
  5557. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5558. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DownsampleMono (
  5559. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5560. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorResolution (
  5561. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5562. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorResolution (
  5563. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5564. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GrayResolution (
  5565. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5566. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GrayResolution (
  5567. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5568. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MonoResolution (
  5569. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5570. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MonoResolution (
  5571. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5572. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_JobInformation (
  5573. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5574. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_JobInformation (
  5575. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5576. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AppInfo (
  5577. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5578. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AppInfo (
  5579. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5580. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DriverInfo (
  5581. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5582. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DriverInfo (
  5583. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5584. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintJobInfo (
  5585. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5586. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintJobInfo (
  5587. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5588. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SepsInfo (
  5589. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5590. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SepsInfo (
  5591. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5592. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FontInfo (
  5593. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5594. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FontInfo (
  5595. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5596. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkInfo (
  5597. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5598. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LinkInfo (
  5599. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5600. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InRIPTrapInfo (
  5601. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5602. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InRIPTrapInfo (
  5603. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ObjectsColorMode (
  5605. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnObjectsColorMode * pVal ) = 0;
  5606. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ObjectsColorMode (
  5607. /*[in]*/ enum PrnObjectsColorMode pVal ) = 0;
  5608. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreservePureBlack (
  5609. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5610. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PreservePureBlack (
  5611. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5612. };
  5613. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a3-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5614. IPrnVBAPrintSettings : IDispatch
  5615. {
  5616. //
  5617. // Property data
  5618. //
  5619. __declspec(property(get=GetPrinter,put=PutRefPrinter))
  5620. IPrnVBAPrinterPtr Printer;
  5621. __declspec(property(get=GetUsePPD,put=PutUsePPD))
  5623. __declspec(property(get=GetPPDFile,put=PutPPDFile))
  5624. _bstr_t PPDFile;
  5625. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintToFile,put=PutPrintToFile))
  5626. VARIANT_BOOL PrintToFile;
  5627. __declspec(property(get=GetFileName,put=PutFileName))
  5628. _bstr_t FileName;
  5629. __declspec(property(get=GetForMac,put=PutForMac))
  5630. VARIANT_BOOL ForMac;
  5631. __declspec(property(get=GetFileMode,put=PutFileMode))
  5632. enum PrnFileMode FileMode;
  5633. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintRange,put=PutPrintRange))
  5634. enum PrnPrintRange PrintRange;
  5635. __declspec(property(get=GetPageRange,put=PutPageRange))
  5636. _bstr_t PageRange;
  5637. __declspec(property(get=GetCopies,put=PutCopies))
  5638. long Copies;
  5639. __declspec(property(get=GetCollate,put=PutCollate))
  5640. VARIANT_BOOL Collate;
  5641. __declspec(property(get=GetSeparations))
  5642. IPrnVBAPrintSeparationsPtr Separations;
  5643. __declspec(property(get=GetPrepress))
  5644. IPrnVBAPrintPrepressPtr Prepress;
  5645. __declspec(property(get=GetPostScript))
  5646. IPrnVBAPrintPostScriptPtr PostScript;
  5647. __declspec(property(get=GetTrapping))
  5648. IPrnVBAPrintTrappingPtr Trapping;
  5649. __declspec(property(get=GetOptions))
  5650. IPrnVBAPrintOptionsPtr Options;
  5651. __declspec(property(get=GetPageSet,put=PutPageSet))
  5652. enum PrnPageSet PageSet;
  5653. __declspec(property(get=GetPaperOrientation,put=PutPaperOrientation))
  5654. enum PrnPaperOrientation PaperOrientation;
  5655. __declspec(property(get=GetPaperSize,put=PutPaperSize))
  5656. enum PrnPaperSize PaperSize;
  5657. __declspec(property(get=GetPaperWidth))
  5658. double PaperWidth;
  5659. __declspec(property(get=GetPaperHeight))
  5660. double PaperHeight;
  5661. __declspec(property(get=GetLayout))
  5662. IPrnVBAPrintLayoutPtr Layout;
  5663. __declspec(property(get=GetPageMatchingMode,put=PutPageMatchingMode))
  5664. enum PrnPageMatchingMode PageMatchingMode;
  5665. //
  5666. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5667. //
  5668. IPrnVBAPrinterPtr GetPrinter ( );
  5669. void PutRefPrinter (
  5670. struct IPrnVBAPrinter * pVal );
  5671. VARIANT_BOOL GetUsePPD ( );
  5672. void PutUsePPD (
  5673. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5674. _bstr_t GetPPDFile ( );
  5675. void PutPPDFile (
  5676. _bstr_t pVal );
  5677. VARIANT_BOOL GetPrintToFile ( );
  5678. void PutPrintToFile (
  5679. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5680. _bstr_t GetFileName ( );
  5681. void PutFileName (
  5682. _bstr_t pVal );
  5683. VARIANT_BOOL GetForMac ( );
  5684. void PutForMac (
  5685. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5686. enum PrnFileMode GetFileMode ( );
  5687. void PutFileMode (
  5688. enum PrnFileMode pVal );
  5689. enum PrnPrintRange GetPrintRange ( );
  5690. void PutPrintRange (
  5691. enum PrnPrintRange pVal );
  5692. _bstr_t GetPageRange ( );
  5693. void PutPageRange (
  5694. _bstr_t pVal );
  5695. long GetCopies ( );
  5696. void PutCopies (
  5697. long pVal );
  5698. VARIANT_BOOL GetCollate ( );
  5699. void PutCollate (
  5700. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  5701. IPrnVBAPrintSeparationsPtr GetSeparations ( );
  5702. IPrnVBAPrintPrepressPtr GetPrepress ( );
  5703. IPrnVBAPrintPostScriptPtr GetPostScript ( );
  5704. IPrnVBAPrintTrappingPtr GetTrapping ( );
  5705. IPrnVBAPrintOptionsPtr GetOptions ( );
  5706. HRESULT Reset ( );
  5707. VARIANT_BOOL Load (
  5708. _bstr_t FileName );
  5709. VARIANT_BOOL Save (
  5710. _bstr_t FileName );
  5711. VARIANT_BOOL ShowDialog ( );
  5712. HRESULT SelectPrinter (
  5713. _bstr_t Name );
  5714. enum PrnPageSet GetPageSet ( );
  5715. void PutPageSet (
  5716. enum PrnPageSet pVal );
  5717. enum PrnPaperOrientation GetPaperOrientation ( );
  5718. void PutPaperOrientation (
  5719. enum PrnPaperOrientation pVal );
  5720. enum PrnPaperSize GetPaperSize ( );
  5721. void PutPaperSize (
  5722. enum PrnPaperSize pVal );
  5723. HRESULT SetPaperSize (
  5724. enum PrnPaperSize PaperSize,
  5725. enum PrnPaperOrientation Orientation );
  5726. double GetPaperWidth ( );
  5727. double GetPaperHeight ( );
  5728. HRESULT SetCustomPaperSize (
  5729. double Width,
  5730. double Height,
  5731. enum PrnPaperOrientation Orientation );
  5732. IPrnVBAPrintLayoutPtr GetLayout ( );
  5733. HRESULT PrintOut ( );
  5734. HRESULT PrintColorProof (
  5735. IDispatch * ProofSettings );
  5736. enum PrnPageMatchingMode GetPageMatchingMode ( );
  5737. void PutPageMatchingMode (
  5738. enum PrnPageMatchingMode pVal );
  5739. //
  5740. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5741. //
  5742. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Printer (
  5743. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrinter * * pVal ) = 0;
  5744. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Printer (
  5745. /*[in]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrinter * pVal ) = 0;
  5746. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UsePPD (
  5747. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5748. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UsePPD (
  5749. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5750. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PPDFile (
  5751. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  5752. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PPDFile (
  5753. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  5754. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintToFile (
  5755. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5756. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintToFile (
  5757. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileName (
  5759. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  5760. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FileName (
  5761. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  5762. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ForMac (
  5763. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5764. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ForMac (
  5765. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5766. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileMode (
  5767. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnFileMode * pVal ) = 0;
  5768. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FileMode (
  5769. /*[in]*/ enum PrnFileMode pVal ) = 0;
  5770. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintRange (
  5771. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPrintRange * pVal ) = 0;
  5772. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintRange (
  5773. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPrintRange pVal ) = 0;
  5774. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageRange (
  5775. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  5776. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PageRange (
  5777. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  5778. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Copies (
  5779. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5780. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Copies (
  5781. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  5782. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Collate (
  5783. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  5784. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Collate (
  5785. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  5786. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Separations (
  5787. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintSeparations * * pVal ) = 0;
  5788. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Prepress (
  5789. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintPrepress * * pVal ) = 0;
  5790. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PostScript (
  5791. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintPostScript * * pVal ) = 0;
  5792. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Trapping (
  5793. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintTrapping * * pVal ) = 0;
  5794. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Options (
  5795. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintOptions * * pVal ) = 0;
  5796. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  5797. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
  5798. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  5799. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbSuccess ) = 0;
  5800. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save (
  5801. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  5802. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbSuccess ) = 0;
  5803. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDialog (
  5804. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbPrint ) = 0;
  5805. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectPrinter (
  5806. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name ) = 0;
  5807. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageSet (
  5808. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPageSet * pVal ) = 0;
  5809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PageSet (
  5810. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPageSet pVal ) = 0;
  5811. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaperOrientation (
  5812. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPaperOrientation * pVal ) = 0;
  5813. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PaperOrientation (
  5814. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPaperOrientation pVal ) = 0;
  5815. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaperSize (
  5816. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPaperSize * pVal ) = 0;
  5817. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PaperSize (
  5818. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPaperSize pVal ) = 0;
  5819. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPaperSize (
  5820. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPaperSize PaperSize,
  5821. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPaperOrientation Orientation ) = 0;
  5822. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaperWidth (
  5823. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  5824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaperHeight (
  5825. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  5826. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCustomPaperSize (
  5827. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  5828. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  5829. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPaperOrientation Orientation ) = 0;
  5830. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Layout (
  5831. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintLayout * * pVal ) = 0;
  5832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PrintOut ( ) = 0;
  5833. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PrintColorProof (
  5834. /*[in]*/ IDispatch * ProofSettings ) = 0;
  5835. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageMatchingMode (
  5836. /*[out,retval]*/ enum PrnPageMatchingMode * pVal ) = 0;
  5837. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PageMatchingMode (
  5838. /*[in]*/ enum PrnPageMatchingMode pVal ) = 0;
  5839. };
  5840. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a4-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5841. IPrnVBAPrintDocument : IDispatch
  5842. {
  5843. //
  5844. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5845. //
  5846. HRESULT _GetPrintDocument (
  5847. INT_PTR * pDoc );
  5848. //
  5849. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5850. //
  5851. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__GetPrintDocument (
  5852. /*[out]*/ INT_PTR * pDoc ) = 0;
  5853. };
  5854. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a5-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5855. IPrnVBAPrintDocuments : IDispatch
  5856. {
  5857. //
  5858. // Property data
  5859. //
  5860. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  5861. IPrnVBAPrintDocumentPtr Item[];
  5862. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  5863. long Count;
  5864. //
  5865. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5866. //
  5867. IPrnVBAPrintDocumentPtr GetItem (
  5868. long Index );
  5869. long GetCount ( );
  5870. //
  5871. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5872. //
  5873. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  5874. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  5875. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintDocument * * pVal ) = 0;
  5876. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  5877. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5878. };
  5879. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a6-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5880. IPrnVBAPrintPage : IDispatch
  5881. {
  5882. //
  5883. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5884. //
  5885. HRESULT _GetPrintDocument (
  5886. INT_PTR * pDoc );
  5887. HRESULT _GetPrintPage (
  5888. long * pPage );
  5889. //
  5890. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5891. //
  5892. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__GetPrintDocument (
  5893. /*[out]*/ INT_PTR * pDoc ) = 0;
  5894. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__GetPrintPage (
  5895. /*[out]*/ long * pPage ) = 0;
  5896. };
  5897. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a7-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5898. IPrnVBAPrintPages : IDispatch
  5899. {
  5900. //
  5901. // Property data
  5902. //
  5903. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  5904. IPrnVBAPrintPagePtr Item[];
  5905. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  5906. long Count;
  5907. //
  5908. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5909. //
  5910. IPrnVBAPrintPagePtr GetItem (
  5911. long Index );
  5912. long GetCount ( );
  5913. //
  5914. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5915. //
  5916. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  5917. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  5918. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintPage * * pVal ) = 0;
  5919. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  5920. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  5921. };
  5922. struct __declspec(uuid("a25250a8-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5923. IPrnVBAPrintJob : IDispatch
  5924. {
  5925. //
  5926. // Property data
  5927. //
  5928. __declspec(property(get=GetSettings))
  5929. IPrnVBAPrintSettingsPtr Settings;
  5930. __declspec(property(get=GetDocuments))
  5931. IPrnVBAPrintDocumentsPtr Documents;
  5932. __declspec(property(get=GetPages))
  5933. IPrnVBAPrintPagesPtr Pages;
  5934. //
  5935. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  5936. //
  5937. IPrnVBAPrintSettingsPtr GetSettings ( );
  5938. IPrnVBAPrintDocumentsPtr GetDocuments ( );
  5939. IPrnVBAPrintPagesPtr GetPages ( );
  5940. HRESULT Clear ( );
  5941. HRESULT PrintOut ( );
  5942. HRESULT AddDocument (
  5943. struct IPrnVBAPrintDocument * Document,
  5944. _bstr_t PageRange );
  5945. HRESULT AddPage (
  5946. struct IPrnVBAPrintPage * Page );
  5947. //
  5948. // Raw methods provided by interface
  5949. //
  5950. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Settings (
  5951. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintSettings * * pVal ) = 0;
  5952. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Documents (
  5953. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintDocuments * * pVal ) = 0;
  5954. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pages (
  5955. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintPages * * pVal ) = 0;
  5956. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
  5957. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PrintOut ( ) = 0;
  5958. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddDocument (
  5959. /*[in]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintDocument * Document,
  5960. /*[in]*/ BSTR PageRange ) = 0;
  5961. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPage (
  5962. /*[in]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintPage * Page ) = 0;
  5963. };
  5964. struct __declspec(uuid("a2524ffb-50c1-11d3-8ea3-0090271becdd"))
  5965. IPDFVBASettings : IDispatch
  5966. {
  5967. //
  5968. // Property data
  5969. //
  5970. __declspec(property(get=GetEncryptType,put=PutEncryptType))
  5971. enum pdfEncryptionType EncryptType;
  5972. __declspec(property(get=GetOutputSpotColorsAs,put=PutOutputSpotColorsAs))
  5973. enum pdfSpotType OutputSpotColorsAs;
  5974. __declspec(property(get=GetPublishRange,put=PutPublishRange))
  5975. enum pdfExportRange PublishRange;
  5976. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprintBlackLimit,put=PutOverprintBlackLimit))
  5977. int OverprintBlackLimit;
  5978. __declspec(property(get=GetPageRange,put=PutPageRange))
  5979. _bstr_t PageRange;
  5980. __declspec(property(get=GetProtectedTextAsCurves,put=PutProtectedTextAsCurves))
  5981. VARIANT_BOOL ProtectedTextAsCurves;
  5982. __declspec(property(get=GetAuthor,put=PutAuthor))
  5983. _bstr_t Author;
  5984. __declspec(property(get=GetSubject,put=PutSubject))
  5985. _bstr_t Subject;
  5986. __declspec(property(get=GetKeywords,put=PutKeywords))
  5987. _bstr_t Keywords;
  5988. __declspec(property(get=GetBitmapCompression,put=PutBitmapCompression))
  5989. enum pdfBitmapCompressionType BitmapCompression;
  5990. __declspec(property(get=GetJPEGQualityFactor,put=PutJPEGQualityFactor))
  5991. int JPEGQualityFactor;
  5992. __declspec(property(get=GetTextAsCurves,put=PutTextAsCurves))
  5993. VARIANT_BOOL TextAsCurves;
  5994. __declspec(property(get=GetEmbedFonts,put=PutEmbedFonts))
  5995. VARIANT_BOOL EmbedFonts;
  5996. __declspec(property(get=GetEmbedBaseFonts,put=PutEmbedBaseFonts))
  5997. VARIANT_BOOL EmbedBaseFonts;
  5998. __declspec(property(get=GetTrueTypeToType1,put=PutTrueTypeToType1))
  5999. VARIANT_BOOL TrueTypeToType1;
  6000. __declspec(property(get=GetSubsetFonts,put=PutSubsetFonts))
  6001. VARIANT_BOOL SubsetFonts;
  6002. __declspec(property(get=GetSubsetPct,put=PutSubsetPct))
  6003. long SubsetPct;
  6004. __declspec(property(get=GetCompressText,put=PutCompressText))
  6005. VARIANT_BOOL CompressText;
  6006. __declspec(property(get=GetEncoding,put=PutEncoding))
  6007. enum pdfEncodingType Encoding;
  6008. __declspec(property(get=GetDownsampleColor,put=PutDownsampleColor))
  6009. VARIANT_BOOL DownsampleColor;
  6010. __declspec(property(get=GetDownsampleGray,put=PutDownsampleGray))
  6011. VARIANT_BOOL DownsampleGray;
  6012. __declspec(property(get=GetDownsampleMono,put=PutDownsampleMono))
  6013. VARIANT_BOOL DownsampleMono;
  6014. __declspec(property(get=GetColorResolution,put=PutColorResolution))
  6015. long ColorResolution;
  6016. __declspec(property(get=GetMonoResolution,put=PutMonoResolution))
  6017. long MonoResolution;
  6018. __declspec(property(get=GetGrayResolution,put=PutGrayResolution))
  6019. long GrayResolution;
  6020. __declspec(property(get=GetHyperlinks,put=PutHyperlinks))
  6021. VARIANT_BOOL Hyperlinks;
  6022. __declspec(property(get=GetBookmarks,put=PutBookmarks))
  6023. VARIANT_BOOL Bookmarks;
  6024. __declspec(property(get=GetThumbnails,put=PutThumbnails))
  6025. VARIANT_BOOL Thumbnails;
  6026. __declspec(property(get=GetStartup,put=PutStartup))
  6027. enum pdfDisplayOnStart Startup;
  6028. __declspec(property(get=GetComplexFillsAsBitmaps,put=PutComplexFillsAsBitmaps))
  6029. VARIANT_BOOL ComplexFillsAsBitmaps;
  6030. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprints,put=PutOverprints))
  6031. VARIANT_BOOL Overprints;
  6032. __declspec(property(get=GetHalftones,put=PutHalftones))
  6033. VARIANT_BOOL Halftones;
  6034. __declspec(property(get=GetSpotColors,put=PutSpotColors))
  6035. VARIANT_BOOL SpotColors;
  6036. __declspec(property(get=GetMaintainOPILinks,put=PutMaintainOPILinks))
  6037. VARIANT_BOOL MaintainOPILinks;
  6038. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainSteps,put=PutFountainSteps))
  6039. long FountainSteps;
  6040. __declspec(property(get=GetEPSAs,put=PutEPSAs))
  6041. enum pdfEPSAs EPSAs;
  6042. __declspec(property(get=GetpdfVersion,put=PutpdfVersion))
  6043. enum pdfVersion _pdfVersion;
  6044. __declspec(property(get=GetIncludeBleed,put=PutIncludeBleed))
  6045. VARIANT_BOOL IncludeBleed;
  6046. __declspec(property(get=GetBleed,put=PutBleed))
  6047. int Bleed;
  6048. __declspec(property(get=GetLinearize,put=PutLinearize))
  6049. VARIANT_BOOL Linearize;
  6050. __declspec(property(get=GetCropMarks,put=PutCropMarks))
  6051. VARIANT_BOOL CropMarks;
  6052. __declspec(property(get=GetRegistrationMarks,put=PutRegistrationMarks))
  6053. VARIANT_BOOL RegistrationMarks;
  6054. __declspec(property(get=GetDensitometerScales,put=PutDensitometerScales))
  6055. VARIANT_BOOL DensitometerScales;
  6056. __declspec(property(get=GetFileInformation,put=PutFileInformation))
  6057. VARIANT_BOOL FileInformation;
  6058. __declspec(property(get=GetColorMode,put=PutColorMode))
  6059. enum pdfColorMode ColorMode;
  6060. __declspec(property(get=GetUseColorProfile,put=PutUseColorProfile))
  6061. VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile;
  6062. __declspec(property(get=GetColorProfile,put=PutColorProfile))
  6063. enum pdfColorProfile ColorProfile;
  6064. __declspec(property(get=GetEmbedFilename,put=PutEmbedFilename))
  6065. _bstr_t EmbedFilename;
  6066. __declspec(property(get=GetEmbedFile,put=PutEmbedFile))
  6067. VARIANT_BOOL EmbedFile;
  6068. __declspec(property(get=GetJP2QualityFactor,put=PutJP2QualityFactor))
  6069. int JP2QualityFactor;
  6070. __declspec(property(get=GetTextExportMode,put=PutTextExportMode))
  6071. enum pdfTextExportMode TextExportMode;
  6072. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintPermissions,put=PutPrintPermissions))
  6073. enum pdfPrintPermissions PrintPermissions;
  6074. __declspec(property(get=GetEditPermissions,put=PutEditPermissions))
  6075. enum pdfEditPermissions EditPermissions;
  6076. __declspec(property(get=GetContentCopyingAllowed,put=PutContentCopyingAllowed))
  6077. VARIANT_BOOL ContentCopyingAllowed;
  6078. __declspec(property(get=GetOpenPassword,put=PutOpenPassword))
  6079. _bstr_t OpenPassword;
  6080. __declspec(property(get=GetPermissionPassword,put=PutPermissionPassword))
  6081. _bstr_t PermissionPassword;
  6082. __declspec(property(get=GetConvertSpotColors,put=PutConvertSpotColors))
  6083. VARIANT_BOOL ConvertSpotColors;
  6084. //
  6085. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  6086. //
  6087. HRESULT Reset ( );
  6088. VARIANT_BOOL Load (
  6089. _bstr_t SettingName );
  6090. VARIANT_BOOL Save (
  6091. _bstr_t SettingName );
  6092. VARIANT_BOOL ShowDialog ( );
  6093. HRESULT PublishToPDF (
  6094. _bstr_t FileName );
  6095. void PutPublishRange (
  6096. enum pdfExportRange pExportRange );
  6097. enum pdfExportRange GetPublishRange ( );
  6098. void PutPageRange (
  6099. _bstr_t pszExportPagesRange );
  6100. _bstr_t GetPageRange ( );
  6101. void PutAuthor (
  6102. _bstr_t pszAuthor );
  6103. _bstr_t GetAuthor ( );
  6104. void PutSubject (
  6105. _bstr_t pszSubject );
  6106. _bstr_t GetSubject ( );
  6107. void PutKeywords (
  6108. _bstr_t pszKeywords );
  6109. _bstr_t GetKeywords ( );
  6110. void PutBitmapCompression (
  6111. enum pdfBitmapCompressionType pBitmapCompressionType );
  6112. enum pdfBitmapCompressionType GetBitmapCompression ( );
  6113. void PutJPEGQualityFactor (
  6114. int pnQuality );
  6115. int GetJPEGQualityFactor ( );
  6116. void PutTextAsCurves (
  6117. VARIANT_BOOL pbTextAsCurves );
  6118. VARIANT_BOOL GetTextAsCurves ( );
  6119. void PutEmbedFonts (
  6120. VARIANT_BOOL pbEmbedFonts );
  6121. VARIANT_BOOL GetEmbedFonts ( );
  6122. void PutEmbedBaseFonts (
  6123. VARIANT_BOOL pbEmbedBaseFonts );
  6124. VARIANT_BOOL GetEmbedBaseFonts ( );
  6125. void PutTrueTypeToType1 (
  6126. VARIANT_BOOL pbTrueTypeToType1 );
  6127. VARIANT_BOOL GetTrueTypeToType1 ( );
  6128. void PutSubsetFonts (
  6129. VARIANT_BOOL pbSubsetType1Fonts );
  6130. VARIANT_BOOL GetSubsetFonts ( );
  6131. void PutSubsetPct (
  6132. long pnLevel );
  6133. long GetSubsetPct ( );
  6134. void PutCompressText (
  6135. VARIANT_BOOL pbCompressText );
  6136. VARIANT_BOOL GetCompressText ( );
  6137. void PutEncoding (
  6138. enum pdfEncodingType pEncoding );
  6139. enum pdfEncodingType GetEncoding ( );
  6140. void PutDownsampleColor (
  6141. VARIANT_BOOL pbDownsample );
  6142. VARIANT_BOOL GetDownsampleColor ( );
  6143. void PutDownsampleGray (
  6144. VARIANT_BOOL pbDownsample );
  6145. VARIANT_BOOL GetDownsampleGray ( );
  6146. void PutDownsampleMono (
  6147. VARIANT_BOOL pbDownsample );
  6148. VARIANT_BOOL GetDownsampleMono ( );
  6149. void PutColorResolution (
  6150. long pnDownsampleResolution );
  6151. long GetColorResolution ( );
  6152. void PutMonoResolution (
  6153. long pnDownsampleResolution );
  6154. long GetMonoResolution ( );
  6155. void PutGrayResolution (
  6156. long pnDownsampleResolution );
  6157. long GetGrayResolution ( );
  6158. void PutHyperlinks (
  6159. VARIANT_BOOL pbIncludeHyperlinks );
  6160. VARIANT_BOOL GetHyperlinks ( );
  6161. void PutBookmarks (
  6162. VARIANT_BOOL pbGenerateBookmarks );
  6163. VARIANT_BOOL GetBookmarks ( );
  6164. void PutThumbnails (
  6165. VARIANT_BOOL pbGenerateThumbnails );
  6166. VARIANT_BOOL GetThumbnails ( );
  6167. void PutStartup (
  6168. enum pdfDisplayOnStart pDisplayOnStart );
  6169. enum pdfDisplayOnStart GetStartup ( );
  6170. void PutComplexFillsAsBitmaps (
  6171. VARIANT_BOOL pbComplexFillsAsBitmaps );
  6172. VARIANT_BOOL GetComplexFillsAsBitmaps ( );
  6173. void PutOverprints (
  6174. VARIANT_BOOL pbPreserveOverprints );
  6175. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverprints ( );
  6176. void PutHalftones (
  6177. VARIANT_BOOL pbPreserveHalftones );
  6178. VARIANT_BOOL GetHalftones ( );
  6179. void PutSpotColors (
  6180. VARIANT_BOOL pbPreserveSpotColors );
  6181. VARIANT_BOOL GetSpotColors ( );
  6182. void PutMaintainOPILinks (
  6183. VARIANT_BOOL pbMaintainOPILinks );
  6184. VARIANT_BOOL GetMaintainOPILinks ( );
  6185. void PutFountainSteps (
  6186. long pnFountainSteps );
  6187. long GetFountainSteps ( );
  6188. void PutEPSAs (
  6189. enum pdfEPSAs peEPSAs );
  6190. enum pdfEPSAs GetEPSAs ( );
  6191. void PutpdfVersion (
  6192. enum pdfVersion pePDFVersion );
  6193. enum pdfVersion GetpdfVersion ( );
  6194. void PutIncludeBleed (
  6195. VARIANT_BOOL pbIncludeBleed );
  6196. VARIANT_BOOL GetIncludeBleed ( );
  6197. void PutBleed (
  6198. int pnBleed );
  6199. int GetBleed ( );
  6200. void PutLinearize (
  6201. VARIANT_BOOL pbLinearize );
  6202. VARIANT_BOOL GetLinearize ( );
  6203. void PutCropMarks (
  6204. VARIANT_BOOL pbCropMarks );
  6205. VARIANT_BOOL GetCropMarks ( );
  6206. void PutRegistrationMarks (
  6207. VARIANT_BOOL pbRegistrationMarks );
  6208. VARIANT_BOOL GetRegistrationMarks ( );
  6209. void PutDensitometerScales (
  6210. VARIANT_BOOL pbDensitometerScales );
  6211. VARIANT_BOOL GetDensitometerScales ( );
  6212. void PutFileInformation (
  6213. VARIANT_BOOL pbFileInformation );
  6214. VARIANT_BOOL GetFileInformation ( );
  6215. void PutColorMode (
  6216. enum pdfColorMode peColorSet );
  6217. enum pdfColorMode GetColorMode ( );
  6218. void PutUseColorProfile (
  6219. VARIANT_BOOL pbUseColorProfile );
  6220. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseColorProfile ( );
  6221. void PutColorProfile (
  6222. enum pdfColorProfile peColorProfile );
  6223. enum pdfColorProfile GetColorProfile ( );
  6224. void PutEmbedFilename (
  6225. _bstr_t pszEmbedFilename );
  6226. _bstr_t GetEmbedFilename ( );
  6227. void PutEmbedFile (
  6228. VARIANT_BOOL pbEmbedFile );
  6229. VARIANT_BOOL GetEmbedFile ( );
  6230. void PutJP2QualityFactor (
  6231. int pnQuality );
  6232. int GetJP2QualityFactor ( );
  6233. void PutTextExportMode (
  6234. enum pdfTextExportMode pExportMode );
  6235. enum pdfTextExportMode GetTextExportMode ( );
  6236. void PutPrintPermissions (
  6237. enum pdfPrintPermissions pPrintPermission );
  6238. enum pdfPrintPermissions GetPrintPermissions ( );
  6239. void PutEditPermissions (
  6240. enum pdfEditPermissions pEditPermission );
  6241. enum pdfEditPermissions GetEditPermissions ( );
  6242. void PutContentCopyingAllowed (
  6243. VARIANT_BOOL pbEnable );
  6244. VARIANT_BOOL GetContentCopyingAllowed ( );
  6245. void PutOpenPassword (
  6246. _bstr_t pszOpenPassword );
  6247. _bstr_t GetOpenPassword ( );
  6248. void PutPermissionPassword (
  6249. _bstr_t pszPermissionPassword );
  6250. _bstr_t GetPermissionPassword ( );
  6251. void PutConvertSpotColors (
  6252. VARIANT_BOOL pbConvertSpotColors );
  6253. VARIANT_BOOL GetConvertSpotColors ( );
  6254. void PutEncryptType (
  6255. enum pdfEncryptionType peEncryptType );
  6256. enum pdfEncryptionType GetEncryptType ( );
  6257. void PutOutputSpotColorsAs (
  6258. enum pdfSpotType pnConvertSpotColorsTo );
  6259. enum pdfSpotType GetOutputSpotColorsAs ( );
  6260. void PutOverprintBlackLimit (
  6261. int pnOverprintBlackLimit );
  6262. int GetOverprintBlackLimit ( );
  6263. void PutProtectedTextAsCurves (
  6264. VARIANT_BOOL pbProtectedTextAsCurves );
  6265. VARIANT_BOOL GetProtectedTextAsCurves ( );
  6266. //
  6267. // Raw methods provided by interface
  6268. //
  6269. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  6270. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
  6271. /*[in]*/ BSTR SettingName,
  6272. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Result ) = 0;
  6273. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save (
  6274. /*[in]*/ BSTR SettingName,
  6275. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Result ) = 0;
  6276. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDialog (
  6277. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Result ) = 0;
  6278. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PublishToPDF (
  6279. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  6280. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PublishRange (
  6281. /*[in]*/ enum pdfExportRange pExportRange ) = 0;
  6282. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PublishRange (
  6283. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfExportRange * pExportRange ) = 0;
  6284. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PageRange (
  6285. /*[in]*/ BSTR pszExportPagesRange ) = 0;
  6286. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageRange (
  6287. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszExportPagesRange ) = 0;
  6288. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Author (
  6289. /*[in]*/ BSTR pszAuthor ) = 0;
  6290. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Author (
  6291. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszAuthor ) = 0;
  6292. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Subject (
  6293. /*[in]*/ BSTR pszSubject ) = 0;
  6294. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Subject (
  6295. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszSubject ) = 0;
  6296. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Keywords (
  6297. /*[in]*/ BSTR pszKeywords ) = 0;
  6298. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Keywords (
  6299. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszKeywords ) = 0;
  6300. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BitmapCompression (
  6301. /*[in]*/ enum pdfBitmapCompressionType pBitmapCompressionType ) = 0;
  6302. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BitmapCompression (
  6303. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfBitmapCompressionType * pBitmapCompressionType ) = 0;
  6304. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_JPEGQualityFactor (
  6305. /*[in]*/ int pnQuality ) = 0;
  6306. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_JPEGQualityFactor (
  6307. /*[out,retval]*/ int * pnQuality ) = 0;
  6308. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextAsCurves (
  6309. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbTextAsCurves ) = 0;
  6310. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextAsCurves (
  6311. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbTextAsCurves ) = 0;
  6312. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EmbedFonts (
  6313. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbEmbedFonts ) = 0;
  6314. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EmbedFonts (
  6315. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbEmbedFonts ) = 0;
  6316. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EmbedBaseFonts (
  6317. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbEmbedBaseFonts ) = 0;
  6318. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EmbedBaseFonts (
  6319. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbEmbedBaseFonts ) = 0;
  6320. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TrueTypeToType1 (
  6321. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbTrueTypeToType1 ) = 0;
  6322. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TrueTypeToType1 (
  6323. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbTrueTypeToType1 ) = 0;
  6324. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SubsetFonts (
  6325. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbSubsetType1Fonts ) = 0;
  6326. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubsetFonts (
  6327. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbSubsetType1Fonts ) = 0;
  6328. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SubsetPct (
  6329. /*[in]*/ long pnLevel ) = 0;
  6330. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubsetPct (
  6331. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pnLevel ) = 0;
  6332. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CompressText (
  6333. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbCompressText ) = 0;
  6334. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CompressText (
  6335. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbCompressText ) = 0;
  6336. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Encoding (
  6337. /*[in]*/ enum pdfEncodingType pEncoding ) = 0;
  6338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Encoding (
  6339. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfEncodingType * pEncoding ) = 0;
  6340. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DownsampleColor (
  6341. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbDownsample ) = 0;
  6342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DownsampleColor (
  6343. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbDownsample ) = 0;
  6344. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DownsampleGray (
  6345. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbDownsample ) = 0;
  6346. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DownsampleGray (
  6347. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbDownsample ) = 0;
  6348. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DownsampleMono (
  6349. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbDownsample ) = 0;
  6350. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DownsampleMono (
  6351. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbDownsample ) = 0;
  6352. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorResolution (
  6353. /*[in]*/ long pnDownsampleResolution ) = 0;
  6354. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorResolution (
  6355. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pnDownsampleResolution ) = 0;
  6356. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MonoResolution (
  6357. /*[in]*/ long pnDownsampleResolution ) = 0;
  6358. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MonoResolution (
  6359. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pnDownsampleResolution ) = 0;
  6360. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GrayResolution (
  6361. /*[in]*/ long pnDownsampleResolution ) = 0;
  6362. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GrayResolution (
  6363. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pnDownsampleResolution ) = 0;
  6364. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Hyperlinks (
  6365. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbIncludeHyperlinks ) = 0;
  6366. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Hyperlinks (
  6367. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbIncludeHyperlinks ) = 0;
  6368. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Bookmarks (
  6369. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbGenerateBookmarks ) = 0;
  6370. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bookmarks (
  6371. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbGenerateBookmarks ) = 0;
  6372. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Thumbnails (
  6373. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbGenerateThumbnails ) = 0;
  6374. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Thumbnails (
  6375. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbGenerateThumbnails ) = 0;
  6376. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Startup (
  6377. /*[in]*/ enum pdfDisplayOnStart pDisplayOnStart ) = 0;
  6378. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Startup (
  6379. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfDisplayOnStart * pDisplayOnStart ) = 0;
  6380. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ComplexFillsAsBitmaps (
  6381. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbComplexFillsAsBitmaps ) = 0;
  6382. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ComplexFillsAsBitmaps (
  6383. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbComplexFillsAsBitmaps ) = 0;
  6384. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Overprints (
  6385. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbPreserveOverprints ) = 0;
  6386. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overprints (
  6387. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbPreserveOverprints ) = 0;
  6388. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Halftones (
  6389. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbPreserveHalftones ) = 0;
  6390. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Halftones (
  6391. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbPreserveHalftones ) = 0;
  6392. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpotColors (
  6393. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbPreserveSpotColors ) = 0;
  6394. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpotColors (
  6395. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbPreserveSpotColors ) = 0;
  6396. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaintainOPILinks (
  6397. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbMaintainOPILinks ) = 0;
  6398. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaintainOPILinks (
  6399. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbMaintainOPILinks ) = 0;
  6400. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainSteps (
  6401. /*[in]*/ long pnFountainSteps ) = 0;
  6402. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainSteps (
  6403. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pnFountainSteps ) = 0;
  6404. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EPSAs (
  6405. /*[in]*/ enum pdfEPSAs peEPSAs ) = 0;
  6406. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EPSAs (
  6407. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfEPSAs * peEPSAs ) = 0;
  6408. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_pdfVersion (
  6409. /*[in]*/ enum pdfVersion pePDFVersion ) = 0;
  6410. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_pdfVersion (
  6411. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfVersion * pePDFVersion ) = 0;
  6412. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_IncludeBleed (
  6413. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbIncludeBleed ) = 0;
  6414. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IncludeBleed (
  6415. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbIncludeBleed ) = 0;
  6416. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Bleed (
  6417. /*[in]*/ int pnBleed ) = 0;
  6418. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bleed (
  6419. /*[out,retval]*/ int * pnBleed ) = 0;
  6420. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Linearize (
  6421. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbLinearize ) = 0;
  6422. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Linearize (
  6423. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbLinearize ) = 0;
  6424. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropMarks (
  6425. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbCropMarks ) = 0;
  6426. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropMarks (
  6427. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbCropMarks ) = 0;
  6428. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RegistrationMarks (
  6429. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbRegistrationMarks ) = 0;
  6430. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RegistrationMarks (
  6431. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbRegistrationMarks ) = 0;
  6432. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DensitometerScales (
  6433. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbDensitometerScales ) = 0;
  6434. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DensitometerScales (
  6435. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbDensitometerScales ) = 0;
  6436. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FileInformation (
  6437. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbFileInformation ) = 0;
  6438. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileInformation (
  6439. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbFileInformation ) = 0;
  6440. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorMode (
  6441. /*[in]*/ enum pdfColorMode peColorSet ) = 0;
  6442. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorMode (
  6443. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfColorMode * peColorSet ) = 0;
  6444. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseColorProfile (
  6445. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbUseColorProfile ) = 0;
  6446. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseColorProfile (
  6447. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbUseColorProfile ) = 0;
  6448. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorProfile (
  6449. /*[in]*/ enum pdfColorProfile peColorProfile ) = 0;
  6450. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorProfile (
  6451. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfColorProfile * peColorProfile ) = 0;
  6452. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EmbedFilename (
  6453. /*[in]*/ BSTR pszEmbedFilename ) = 0;
  6454. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EmbedFilename (
  6455. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszEmbedFilename ) = 0;
  6456. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EmbedFile (
  6457. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbEmbedFile ) = 0;
  6458. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EmbedFile (
  6459. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbEmbedFile ) = 0;
  6460. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_JP2QualityFactor (
  6461. /*[in]*/ int pnQuality ) = 0;
  6462. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_JP2QualityFactor (
  6463. /*[out,retval]*/ int * pnQuality ) = 0;
  6464. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextExportMode (
  6465. /*[in]*/ enum pdfTextExportMode pExportMode ) = 0;
  6466. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextExportMode (
  6467. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfTextExportMode * pExportMode ) = 0;
  6468. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintPermissions (
  6469. /*[in]*/ enum pdfPrintPermissions pPrintPermission ) = 0;
  6470. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintPermissions (
  6471. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfPrintPermissions * pPrintPermission ) = 0;
  6472. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EditPermissions (
  6473. /*[in]*/ enum pdfEditPermissions pEditPermission ) = 0;
  6474. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EditPermissions (
  6475. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfEditPermissions * pEditPermission ) = 0;
  6476. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ContentCopyingAllowed (
  6477. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbEnable ) = 0;
  6478. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContentCopyingAllowed (
  6479. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbEnable ) = 0;
  6480. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OpenPassword (
  6481. /*[in]*/ BSTR pszOpenPassword ) = 0;
  6482. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OpenPassword (
  6483. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszOpenPassword ) = 0;
  6484. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PermissionPassword (
  6485. /*[in]*/ BSTR pszPermissionPassword ) = 0;
  6486. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PermissionPassword (
  6487. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pszPermissionPassword ) = 0;
  6488. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ConvertSpotColors (
  6489. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbConvertSpotColors ) = 0;
  6490. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConvertSpotColors (
  6491. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbConvertSpotColors ) = 0;
  6492. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EncryptType (
  6493. /*[in]*/ enum pdfEncryptionType peEncryptType ) = 0;
  6494. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EncryptType (
  6495. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfEncryptionType * peEncryptType ) = 0;
  6496. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutputSpotColorsAs (
  6497. /*[in]*/ enum pdfSpotType pnConvertSpotColorsTo ) = 0;
  6498. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutputSpotColorsAs (
  6499. /*[out,retval]*/ enum pdfSpotType * pnConvertSpotColorsTo ) = 0;
  6500. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OverprintBlackLimit (
  6501. /*[in]*/ int pnOverprintBlackLimit ) = 0;
  6502. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OverprintBlackLimit (
  6503. /*[out,retval]*/ int * pnOverprintBlackLimit ) = 0;
  6504. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProtectedTextAsCurves (
  6505. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pbProtectedTextAsCurves ) = 0;
  6506. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProtectedTextAsCurves (
  6507. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbProtectedTextAsCurves ) = 0;
  6508. };
  6509. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580057-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  6510. IVGRectangle : IDispatch
  6511. {
  6512. //
  6513. // Property data
  6514. //
  6515. __declspec(property(get=GetCornerUpperLeft,put=PutCornerUpperLeft))
  6516. long CornerUpperLeft;
  6517. __declspec(property(get=GetCornerUpperRight,put=PutCornerUpperRight))
  6518. long CornerUpperRight;
  6519. __declspec(property(get=GetCornerLowerLeft,put=PutCornerLowerLeft))
  6520. long CornerLowerLeft;
  6521. __declspec(property(get=GetCornerLowerRight,put=PutCornerLowerRight))
  6522. long CornerLowerRight;
  6523. __declspec(property(get=GetEqualCorners))
  6524. VARIANT_BOOL EqualCorners;
  6525. __declspec(property(get=GetMaxRadius))
  6526. double MaxRadius;
  6527. __declspec(property(get=GetRadiusUpperLeft,put=PutRadiusUpperLeft))
  6528. double RadiusUpperLeft;
  6529. __declspec(property(get=GetRadiusUpperRight,put=PutRadiusUpperRight))
  6530. double RadiusUpperRight;
  6531. __declspec(property(get=GetRadiusLowerLeft,put=PutRadiusLowerLeft))
  6532. double RadiusLowerLeft;
  6533. __declspec(property(get=GetRadiusLowerRight,put=PutRadiusLowerRight))
  6534. double RadiusLowerRight;
  6535. __declspec(property(get=GetCornerType,put=PutCornerType))
  6536. enum cdrCornerType CornerType;
  6537. __declspec(property(get=GetRelativeCornerScaling,put=PutRelativeCornerScaling))
  6538. VARIANT_BOOL RelativeCornerScaling;
  6539. //
  6540. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  6541. //
  6542. long GetCornerUpperLeft ( );
  6543. void PutCornerUpperLeft (
  6544. long pVal );
  6545. long GetCornerUpperRight ( );
  6546. void PutCornerUpperRight (
  6547. long pVal );
  6548. long GetCornerLowerLeft ( );
  6549. void PutCornerLowerLeft (
  6550. long pVal );
  6551. long GetCornerLowerRight ( );
  6552. void PutCornerLowerRight (
  6553. long pVal );
  6554. VARIANT_BOOL GetEqualCorners ( );
  6555. double GetMaxRadius ( );
  6556. HRESULT SetRoundness (
  6557. long Roundness );
  6558. HRESULT SetRadius (
  6559. double Radius );
  6560. double GetRadiusUpperLeft ( );
  6561. void PutRadiusUpperLeft (
  6562. double pVal );
  6563. double GetRadiusUpperRight ( );
  6564. void PutRadiusUpperRight (
  6565. double pVal );
  6566. double GetRadiusLowerLeft ( );
  6567. void PutRadiusLowerLeft (
  6568. double pVal );
  6569. double GetRadiusLowerRight ( );
  6570. void PutRadiusLowerRight (
  6571. double pVal );
  6572. enum cdrCornerType GetCornerType ( );
  6573. void PutCornerType (
  6574. enum cdrCornerType pVal );
  6575. VARIANT_BOOL GetRelativeCornerScaling ( );
  6576. void PutRelativeCornerScaling (
  6577. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  6578. //
  6579. // Raw methods provided by interface
  6580. //
  6581. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CornerUpperLeft (
  6582. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CornerUpperLeft (
  6584. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CornerUpperRight (
  6586. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CornerUpperRight (
  6588. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6589. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CornerLowerLeft (
  6590. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6591. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CornerLowerLeft (
  6592. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6593. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CornerLowerRight (
  6594. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6595. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CornerLowerRight (
  6596. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6597. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EqualCorners (
  6598. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  6599. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaxRadius (
  6600. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6601. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRoundness (
  6602. /*[in]*/ long Roundness ) = 0;
  6603. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRadius (
  6604. /*[in]*/ double Radius ) = 0;
  6605. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RadiusUpperLeft (
  6606. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6607. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RadiusUpperLeft (
  6608. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6609. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RadiusUpperRight (
  6610. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RadiusUpperRight (
  6612. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6613. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RadiusLowerLeft (
  6614. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6615. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RadiusLowerLeft (
  6616. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6617. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RadiusLowerRight (
  6618. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6619. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RadiusLowerRight (
  6620. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6621. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CornerType (
  6622. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrCornerType * pVal ) = 0;
  6623. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CornerType (
  6624. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCornerType pVal ) = 0;
  6625. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RelativeCornerScaling (
  6626. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  6627. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RelativeCornerScaling (
  6628. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  6629. };
  6630. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580037-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  6631. IVGEllipse : IDispatch
  6632. {
  6633. //
  6634. // Property data
  6635. //
  6636. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  6637. enum cdrEllipseType Type;
  6638. __declspec(property(get=GetStartAngle,put=PutStartAngle))
  6639. double StartAngle;
  6640. __declspec(property(get=GetEndAngle,put=PutEndAngle))
  6641. double EndAngle;
  6642. __declspec(property(get=GetClockwise,put=PutClockwise))
  6643. VARIANT_BOOL Clockwise;
  6644. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX,put=PutCenterX))
  6645. double CenterX;
  6646. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY,put=PutCenterY))
  6647. double CenterY;
  6648. __declspec(property(get=GetHRadius,put=PutHRadius))
  6649. double HRadius;
  6650. __declspec(property(get=GetVRadius,put=PutVRadius))
  6651. double VRadius;
  6652. //
  6653. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  6654. //
  6655. enum cdrEllipseType GetType ( );
  6656. void PutType (
  6657. enum cdrEllipseType pVal );
  6658. double GetStartAngle ( );
  6659. void PutStartAngle (
  6660. double pVal );
  6661. double GetEndAngle ( );
  6662. void PutEndAngle (
  6663. double pVal );
  6664. VARIANT_BOOL GetClockwise ( );
  6665. void PutClockwise (
  6666. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  6667. double GetCenterX ( );
  6668. void PutCenterX (
  6669. double pVal );
  6670. double GetCenterY ( );
  6671. void PutCenterY (
  6672. double pVal );
  6673. double GetHRadius ( );
  6674. void PutHRadius (
  6675. double pVal );
  6676. double GetVRadius ( );
  6677. void PutVRadius (
  6678. double pVal );
  6679. HRESULT SetCenterPosition (
  6680. double PositionX,
  6681. double PositionY );
  6682. HRESULT GetCenterPosition (
  6683. double * PositionX,
  6684. double * PositionY );
  6685. HRESULT SetRadius (
  6686. double HRadius,
  6687. double VRadius );
  6688. HRESULT GetRadius (
  6689. double * HRadius,
  6690. double * VRadius );
  6691. //
  6692. // Raw methods provided by interface
  6693. //
  6694. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  6695. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrEllipseType * pVal ) = 0;
  6696. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  6697. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEllipseType pVal ) = 0;
  6698. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartAngle (
  6699. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6700. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartAngle (
  6701. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6702. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndAngle (
  6703. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6704. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndAngle (
  6705. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Clockwise (
  6707. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  6708. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Clockwise (
  6709. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  6710. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  6711. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6712. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterX (
  6713. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6714. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  6715. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6716. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterY (
  6717. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6718. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HRadius (
  6719. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HRadius (
  6721. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VRadius (
  6723. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6724. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VRadius (
  6725. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  6726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCenterPosition (
  6727. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  6728. /*[in]*/ double PositionY ) = 0;
  6729. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCenterPosition (
  6730. /*[out]*/ double * PositionX,
  6731. /*[out]*/ double * PositionY ) = 0;
  6732. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRadius (
  6733. /*[in]*/ double HRadius,
  6734. /*[in]*/ double VRadius ) = 0;
  6735. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRadius (
  6736. /*[out]*/ double * HRadius,
  6737. /*[out]*/ double * VRadius ) = 0;
  6738. };
  6739. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580051-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  6740. IVGPolygon : IDispatch
  6741. {
  6742. //
  6743. // Property data
  6744. //
  6745. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  6746. enum cdrPolygonType Type;
  6747. __declspec(property(get=GetSides,put=PutSides))
  6748. long Sides;
  6749. __declspec(property(get=GetSharpness,put=PutSharpness))
  6750. long Sharpness;
  6751. //
  6752. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  6753. //
  6754. enum cdrPolygonType GetType ( );
  6755. void PutType (
  6756. enum cdrPolygonType pVal );
  6757. long GetSides ( );
  6758. void PutSides (
  6759. long pVal );
  6760. long GetSharpness ( );
  6761. void PutSharpness (
  6762. long pVal );
  6763. //
  6764. // Raw methods provided by interface
  6765. //
  6766. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  6767. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPolygonType * pVal ) = 0;
  6768. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  6769. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPolygonType pVal ) = 0;
  6770. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Sides (
  6771. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6772. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Sides (
  6773. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6774. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Sharpness (
  6775. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6776. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Sharpness (
  6777. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6778. };
  6779. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580017-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  6780. IVGCrossPoint : IDispatch
  6781. {
  6782. //
  6783. // Property data
  6784. //
  6785. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionX))
  6786. double PositionX;
  6787. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionY))
  6788. double PositionY;
  6789. __declspec(property(get=GetOffset))
  6790. double Offset;
  6791. __declspec(property(get=GetOffset2))
  6792. double Offset2;
  6793. //
  6794. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  6795. //
  6796. double GetPositionX ( );
  6797. double GetPositionY ( );
  6798. double GetOffset ( );
  6799. double GetOffset2 ( );
  6800. //
  6801. // Raw methods provided by interface
  6802. //
  6803. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionX (
  6804. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6805. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionY (
  6806. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6807. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Offset (
  6808. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Offset2 (
  6810. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  6811. };
  6812. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580018-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  6813. IVGCrossPoints : IDispatch
  6814. {
  6815. //
  6816. // Property data
  6817. //
  6818. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  6819. IVGCrossPointPtr Item[];
  6820. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  6821. long Count;
  6822. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  6823. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  6824. //
  6825. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  6826. //
  6827. IVGCrossPointPtr GetItem (
  6828. long Index );
  6829. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  6830. long GetCount ( );
  6831. //
  6832. // Raw methods provided by interface
  6833. //
  6834. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  6835. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  6836. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCrossPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  6837. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  6838. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  6839. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  6840. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6841. };
  6842. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580067-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  6843. IVGStructPaletteOptions : IDispatch
  6844. {
  6845. //
  6846. // Property data
  6847. //
  6848. __declspec(property(get=GetNumColors,put=PutNumColors))
  6849. long NumColors;
  6850. __declspec(property(get=GetDitherIntensity,put=PutDitherIntensity))
  6851. long DitherIntensity;
  6852. __declspec(property(get=GetSmoothing,put=PutSmoothing))
  6853. long Smoothing;
  6854. __declspec(property(get=GetDitherType,put=PutDitherType))
  6855. enum cdrDitherType DitherType;
  6856. __declspec(property(get=GetPaletteType,put=PutPaletteType))
  6857. enum cdrImagePaletteType PaletteType;
  6858. __declspec(property(get=GetImportance,put=PutImportance))
  6859. long Importance;
  6860. __declspec(property(get=GetLightness,put=PutLightness))
  6861. long Lightness;
  6862. __declspec(property(get=GetToleranceA,put=PutToleranceA))
  6863. long ToleranceA;
  6864. __declspec(property(get=GetToleranceB,put=PutToleranceB))
  6865. long ToleranceB;
  6866. __declspec(property(get=GetColorSensitive,put=PutColorSensitive))
  6867. VARIANT_BOOL ColorSensitive;
  6868. __declspec(property(get=GetTargetColor,put=PutTargetColor))
  6869. long TargetColor;
  6870. __declspec(property(get=GetPalette,put=PutPalette))
  6871. _variant_t Palette;
  6872. //
  6873. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  6874. //
  6875. void PutNumColors (
  6876. long pVal );
  6877. long GetNumColors ( );
  6878. void PutDitherIntensity (
  6879. long pVal );
  6880. long GetDitherIntensity ( );
  6881. void PutSmoothing (
  6882. long pVal );
  6883. long GetSmoothing ( );
  6884. void PutDitherType (
  6885. enum cdrDitherType pVal );
  6886. enum cdrDitherType GetDitherType ( );
  6887. void PutPaletteType (
  6888. enum cdrImagePaletteType pVal );
  6889. enum cdrImagePaletteType GetPaletteType ( );
  6890. void PutImportance (
  6891. long pVal );
  6892. long GetImportance ( );
  6893. void PutLightness (
  6894. long pVal );
  6895. long GetLightness ( );
  6896. void PutToleranceA (
  6897. long pVal );
  6898. long GetToleranceA ( );
  6899. void PutToleranceB (
  6900. long pVal );
  6901. long GetToleranceB ( );
  6902. void PutColorSensitive (
  6903. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  6904. VARIANT_BOOL GetColorSensitive ( );
  6905. void PutTargetColor (
  6906. long pVal );
  6907. long GetTargetColor ( );
  6908. void PutPalette (
  6909. const _variant_t & pVal );
  6910. _variant_t GetPalette ( );
  6911. //
  6912. // Raw methods provided by interface
  6913. //
  6914. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumColors (
  6915. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6916. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumColors (
  6917. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6918. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DitherIntensity (
  6919. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6920. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DitherIntensity (
  6921. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6922. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Smoothing (
  6923. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6924. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Smoothing (
  6925. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6926. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DitherType (
  6927. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDitherType pVal ) = 0;
  6928. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DitherType (
  6929. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDitherType * pVal ) = 0;
  6930. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PaletteType (
  6931. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImagePaletteType pVal ) = 0;
  6932. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaletteType (
  6933. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrImagePaletteType * pVal ) = 0;
  6934. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Importance (
  6935. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6936. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Importance (
  6937. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6938. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Lightness (
  6939. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6940. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Lightness (
  6941. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6942. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ToleranceA (
  6943. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6944. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToleranceA (
  6945. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6946. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ToleranceB (
  6947. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6948. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToleranceB (
  6949. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6950. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorSensitive (
  6951. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  6952. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorSensitive (
  6953. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  6954. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TargetColor (
  6955. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  6956. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TargetColor (
  6957. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  6958. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Palette (
  6959. /*[in]*/ VARIANT pVal ) = 0;
  6960. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Palette (
  6961. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  6962. };
  6963. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580046-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  6964. IVGOutlineStyle : IDispatch
  6965. {
  6966. //
  6967. // Property data
  6968. //
  6969. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  6970. long Index;
  6971. __declspec(property(get=GetDashCount,put=PutDashCount))
  6972. long DashCount;
  6973. __declspec(property(get=GetDashLength,put=PutDashLength))
  6974. long DashLength[];
  6975. __declspec(property(get=GetGapLength,put=PutGapLength))
  6976. long GapLength[];
  6977. __declspec(property(get=GetEnhanced))
  6978. VARIANT_BOOL Enhanced;
  6979. //
  6980. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  6981. //
  6982. long GetIndex ( );
  6983. long GetDashCount ( );
  6984. void PutDashCount (
  6985. long pVal );
  6986. long GetDashLength (
  6987. long Index );
  6988. void PutDashLength (
  6989. long Index,
  6990. long pVal );
  6991. long GetGapLength (
  6992. long Index );
  6993. void PutGapLength (
  6994. long Index,
  6995. long pVal );
  6996. VARIANT_BOOL GetEnhanced ( );
  6997. //
  6998. // Raw methods provided by interface
  6999. //
  7000. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  7001. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DashCount (
  7003. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7004. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DashCount (
  7005. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7006. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DashLength (
  7007. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  7008. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7009. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DashLength (
  7010. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  7011. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7012. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GapLength (
  7013. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  7014. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7015. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GapLength (
  7016. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  7017. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7018. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Enhanced (
  7019. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7020. };
  7021. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7022. IVGPatternCanvas : IDispatch
  7023. {
  7024. //
  7025. // Property data
  7026. //
  7027. __declspec(property(get=GetSize,put=PutSize))
  7028. enum cdrPatternCanvasSize Size;
  7029. __declspec(property(get=GetData,put=PutData))
  7030. _bstr_t Data;
  7031. __declspec(property(get=GetPixel,put=PutPixel))
  7032. VARIANT_BOOL Pixel[][];
  7033. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  7034. long Index;
  7035. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  7036. long Width;
  7037. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight,put=PutHeight))
  7038. long Height;
  7039. //
  7040. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7041. //
  7042. enum cdrPatternCanvasSize GetSize ( );
  7043. void PutSize (
  7044. enum cdrPatternCanvasSize pVal );
  7045. VARIANT_BOOL GetPixel (
  7046. long x,
  7047. long y );
  7048. void PutPixel (
  7049. long x,
  7050. long y,
  7051. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7052. long GetIndex ( );
  7053. HRESULT FillArea (
  7054. long x1,
  7055. long y1,
  7056. long x2,
  7057. long y2,
  7058. VARIANT_BOOL State );
  7059. HRESULT CopyArea (
  7060. long x1,
  7061. long y1,
  7062. long x2,
  7063. long y2,
  7064. long x,
  7065. long y );
  7066. HRESULT FlipArea (
  7067. long x1,
  7068. long y1,
  7069. long x2,
  7070. long y2,
  7071. enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  7072. HRESULT RotateArea (
  7073. long x1,
  7074. long y1,
  7075. long x2,
  7076. long y2,
  7077. double Angle );
  7078. HRESULT Select (
  7079. long Index );
  7080. HRESULT Clear ( );
  7081. HRESULT PutCopy (
  7082. struct IVGPatternCanvas * PatternCanvas );
  7083. long GetWidth ( );
  7084. void PutWidth (
  7085. long pVal );
  7086. long GetHeight ( );
  7087. void PutHeight (
  7088. long pVal );
  7089. _bstr_t GetData ( );
  7090. void PutData (
  7091. _bstr_t pVal );
  7092. HRESULT PSet (
  7093. short Step,
  7094. long x,
  7095. long y,
  7096. VARIANT_BOOL Color );
  7097. HRESULT Line (
  7098. short Flags,
  7099. long x1,
  7100. long y1,
  7101. long x2,
  7102. long y2,
  7103. VARIANT_BOOL Color );
  7104. //
  7105. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7106. //
  7107. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
  7108. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPatternCanvasSize * pVal ) = 0;
  7109. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
  7110. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPatternCanvasSize pVal ) = 0;
  7111. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pixel (
  7112. /*[in]*/ long x,
  7113. /*[in]*/ long y,
  7114. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7115. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Pixel (
  7116. /*[in]*/ long x,
  7117. /*[in]*/ long y,
  7118. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7119. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  7120. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FillArea (
  7122. /*[in]*/ long x1,
  7123. /*[in]*/ long y1,
  7124. /*[in]*/ long x2,
  7125. /*[in]*/ long y2,
  7126. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL State ) = 0;
  7127. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyArea (
  7128. /*[in]*/ long x1,
  7129. /*[in]*/ long y1,
  7130. /*[in]*/ long x2,
  7131. /*[in]*/ long y2,
  7132. /*[in]*/ long x,
  7133. /*[in]*/ long y ) = 0;
  7134. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FlipArea (
  7135. /*[in]*/ long x1,
  7136. /*[in]*/ long y1,
  7137. /*[in]*/ long x2,
  7138. /*[in]*/ long y2,
  7139. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFlipAxes Axes ) = 0;
  7140. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RotateArea (
  7141. /*[in]*/ long x1,
  7142. /*[in]*/ long y1,
  7143. /*[in]*/ long x2,
  7144. /*[in]*/ long y2,
  7145. /*[in]*/ double Angle ) = 0;
  7146. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
  7147. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  7148. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
  7149. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PutCopy (
  7150. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPatternCanvas * PatternCanvas ) = 0;
  7151. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  7152. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7153. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  7154. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7155. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  7156. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7157. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
  7158. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7159. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Data (
  7160. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  7161. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Data (
  7162. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  7163. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PSet (
  7164. /*[in]*/ short Step,
  7165. /*[in]*/ long x,
  7166. /*[in]*/ long y,
  7167. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Color ) = 0;
  7168. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Line (
  7169. /*[in]*/ short Flags,
  7170. /*[in]*/ long x1,
  7171. /*[in]*/ long y1,
  7172. /*[in]*/ long x2,
  7173. /*[in]*/ long y2,
  7174. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Color ) = 0;
  7175. };
  7176. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7177. IVGTextureFillProperty : IDispatch
  7178. {
  7179. //
  7180. // Property data
  7181. //
  7182. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  7183. _bstr_t Name;
  7184. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  7185. enum cdrTexturePropertyType Type;
  7186. __declspec(property(get=GetValue,put=PutValue))
  7187. _variant_t Value;
  7188. //
  7189. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7190. //
  7191. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  7192. enum cdrTexturePropertyType GetType ( );
  7193. _variant_t GetValue ( );
  7194. void PutValue (
  7195. const _variant_t & pVal );
  7196. //
  7197. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7198. //
  7199. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  7200. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  7201. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  7202. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTexturePropertyType * pVal ) = 0;
  7203. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
  7204. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  7205. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
  7206. /*[in]*/ VARIANT pVal ) = 0;
  7207. };
  7208. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7209. IVGTextureFillProperties : IDispatch
  7210. {
  7211. //
  7212. // Property data
  7213. //
  7214. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  7215. long Count;
  7216. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  7217. IVGTextureFillPropertyPtr Item[];
  7218. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  7219. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  7220. //
  7221. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7222. //
  7223. long GetCount ( );
  7224. IVGTextureFillPropertyPtr GetItem (
  7225. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  7226. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  7227. //
  7228. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7229. //
  7230. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  7231. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7232. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  7233. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  7234. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextureFillProperty * * ppVal ) = 0;
  7235. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  7236. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  7237. };
  7238. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580079-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7239. IVGTextureFill : IDispatch
  7240. {
  7241. //
  7242. // Property data
  7243. //
  7244. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginX,put=PutOriginX))
  7245. double OriginX;
  7246. __declspec(property(get=GetMirrorFillY,put=PutMirrorFillY))
  7247. VARIANT_BOOL MirrorFillY;
  7248. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginY,put=PutOriginY))
  7249. double OriginY;
  7250. __declspec(property(get=GetTileWidth,put=PutTileWidth))
  7251. double TileWidth;
  7252. __declspec(property(get=GetTileHeight,put=PutTileHeight))
  7253. double TileHeight;
  7254. __declspec(property(get=GetTileOffsetType,put=PutTileOffsetType))
  7255. enum cdrTileOffsetType TileOffsetType;
  7256. __declspec(property(get=GetTileOffset,put=PutTileOffset))
  7257. long TileOffset;
  7258. __declspec(property(get=GetSkewAngle,put=PutSkewAngle))
  7259. double SkewAngle;
  7260. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationAngle,put=PutRotationAngle))
  7261. double RotationAngle;
  7262. __declspec(property(get=GetTransformWithShape,put=PutTransformWithShape))
  7263. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape;
  7264. __declspec(property(get=GetResolution,put=PutResolution))
  7265. long Resolution;
  7266. __declspec(property(get=GetMaximumTileWidth,put=PutMaximumTileWidth))
  7267. long MaximumTileWidth;
  7268. __declspec(property(get=GetLibraryName))
  7269. _bstr_t LibraryName;
  7270. __declspec(property(get=GetTextureName))
  7271. _bstr_t TextureName;
  7272. __declspec(property(get=GetStyleName))
  7273. _bstr_t StyleName;
  7274. __declspec(property(get=GetMirrorFill,put=PutMirrorFill))
  7275. VARIANT_BOOL MirrorFill;
  7276. __declspec(property(get=GetProperties))
  7277. IVGTextureFillPropertiesPtr Properties;
  7278. __declspec(property(get=GetMirrorFillX,put=PutMirrorFillX))
  7279. VARIANT_BOOL MirrorFillX;
  7280. //
  7281. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7282. //
  7283. double GetOriginX ( );
  7284. void PutOriginX (
  7285. double pVal );
  7286. double GetOriginY ( );
  7287. void PutOriginY (
  7288. double pVal );
  7289. double GetTileWidth ( );
  7290. void PutTileWidth (
  7291. double pVal );
  7292. double GetTileHeight ( );
  7293. void PutTileHeight (
  7294. double pVal );
  7295. enum cdrTileOffsetType GetTileOffsetType ( );
  7296. void PutTileOffsetType (
  7297. enum cdrTileOffsetType pVal );
  7298. long GetTileOffset ( );
  7299. void PutTileOffset (
  7300. long pVal );
  7301. double GetSkewAngle ( );
  7302. void PutSkewAngle (
  7303. double pVal );
  7304. double GetRotationAngle ( );
  7305. void PutRotationAngle (
  7306. double pVal );
  7307. VARIANT_BOOL GetTransformWithShape ( );
  7308. void PutTransformWithShape (
  7309. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7310. long GetResolution ( );
  7311. void PutResolution (
  7312. long pVal );
  7313. long GetMaximumTileWidth ( );
  7314. void PutMaximumTileWidth (
  7315. long pVal );
  7316. _bstr_t GetLibraryName ( );
  7317. _bstr_t GetTextureName ( );
  7318. _bstr_t GetStyleName ( );
  7319. HRESULT Select (
  7320. _bstr_t Texture,
  7321. _bstr_t Library );
  7322. HRESULT SetProperties (
  7323. SAFEARRAY * * SettingArray );
  7324. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFill ( );
  7325. void PutMirrorFill (
  7326. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7327. IVGTextureFillPropertiesPtr GetProperties ( );
  7328. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFillX ( );
  7329. void PutMirrorFillX (
  7330. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7331. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFillY ( );
  7332. void PutMirrorFillY (
  7333. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7334. //
  7335. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7336. //
  7337. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginX (
  7338. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7339. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginX (
  7340. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7341. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginY (
  7342. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7343. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginY (
  7344. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7345. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileWidth (
  7346. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7347. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileWidth (
  7348. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7349. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileHeight (
  7350. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7351. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileHeight (
  7352. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7353. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileOffsetType (
  7354. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTileOffsetType * pVal ) = 0;
  7355. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileOffsetType (
  7356. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTileOffsetType pVal ) = 0;
  7357. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileOffset (
  7358. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7359. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileOffset (
  7360. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SkewAngle (
  7362. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7363. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SkewAngle (
  7364. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7365. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationAngle (
  7366. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7367. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationAngle (
  7368. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7369. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TransformWithShape (
  7370. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7371. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TransformWithShape (
  7372. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7373. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Resolution (
  7374. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7375. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Resolution (
  7376. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7377. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaximumTileWidth (
  7378. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7379. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaximumTileWidth (
  7380. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7381. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LibraryName (
  7382. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  7383. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextureName (
  7384. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  7385. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StyleName (
  7386. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  7387. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
  7388. /*[in]*/ BSTR Texture,
  7389. /*[in]*/ BSTR Library ) = 0;
  7390. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetProperties (
  7391. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * SettingArray ) = 0;
  7392. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MirrorFill (
  7393. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7394. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MirrorFill (
  7395. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7396. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties (
  7397. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextureFillProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  7398. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MirrorFillX (
  7399. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7400. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MirrorFillX (
  7401. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7402. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MirrorFillY (
  7403. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7404. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MirrorFillY (
  7405. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7406. };
  7407. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580052-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7408. IVGPostScriptFill : IDispatch
  7409. {
  7410. //
  7411. // Property data
  7412. //
  7413. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  7414. _bstr_t Name;
  7415. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  7416. long Index;
  7417. __declspec(property(get=GetProperties,put=PutProperties))
  7418. long Properties[];
  7419. //
  7420. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7421. //
  7422. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  7423. long GetIndex ( );
  7424. long GetProperties (
  7425. long Index );
  7426. void PutProperties (
  7427. long Index,
  7428. long pVal );
  7429. HRESULT Select (
  7430. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  7431. HRESULT SetProperties (
  7432. long Param1,
  7433. long Param2,
  7434. long Param3,
  7435. long Param4,
  7436. long Param5 );
  7437. //
  7438. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7439. //
  7440. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  7441. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  7442. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  7443. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7444. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties (
  7445. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  7446. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7447. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Properties (
  7448. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  7449. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7450. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
  7451. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName ) = 0;
  7452. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetProperties (
  7453. /*[in]*/ long Param1,
  7454. /*[in]*/ long Param2,
  7455. /*[in]*/ long Param3,
  7456. /*[in]*/ long Param4,
  7457. /*[in]*/ long Param5 ) = 0;
  7458. };
  7459. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580096-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7460. IVGPSScreenOptions : IDispatch
  7461. {
  7462. //
  7463. // Property data
  7464. //
  7465. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  7466. long Index;
  7467. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  7468. _bstr_t Name;
  7469. __declspec(property(get=GetAngle,put=PutAngle))
  7470. double Angle;
  7471. __declspec(property(get=GetFrequency,put=PutFrequency))
  7472. long Frequency;
  7473. //
  7474. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7475. //
  7476. long GetIndex ( );
  7477. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  7478. double GetAngle ( );
  7479. void PutAngle (
  7480. double pVal );
  7481. long GetFrequency ( );
  7482. void PutFrequency (
  7483. long pVal );
  7484. VARIANT_BOOL Select (
  7485. _bstr_t Name );
  7486. VARIANT_BOOL SetProperties (
  7487. const _variant_t & IndexOrName,
  7488. double Angle,
  7489. long Frequency );
  7490. _bstr_t NameByIndex (
  7491. long Index );
  7492. HRESULT Reset ( );
  7493. VARIANT_BOOL UserAssign (
  7494. long ParentWindowHandle );
  7495. //
  7496. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7497. //
  7498. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  7499. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7500. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  7501. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  7502. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angle (
  7503. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7504. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Angle (
  7505. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7506. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Frequency (
  7507. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7508. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Frequency (
  7509. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7510. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
  7511. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  7512. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7513. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetProperties (
  7514. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  7515. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  7516. /*[in]*/ long Frequency,
  7517. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7518. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NameByIndex (
  7519. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  7520. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  7521. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  7522. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserAssign (
  7523. /*[in]*/ long ParentWindowHandle,
  7524. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7525. };
  7526. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a7-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7527. IVGArrowHeadOptions : IDispatch
  7528. {
  7529. //
  7530. // Property data
  7531. //
  7532. __declspec(property(get=GetLength,put=PutLength))
  7533. double Length;
  7534. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  7535. double Width;
  7536. __declspec(property(get=GetOffsetX,put=PutOffsetX))
  7537. double OffsetX;
  7538. __declspec(property(get=GetOffsetY,put=PutOffsetY))
  7539. double OffsetY;
  7540. __declspec(property(get=GetFlipHorizontal,put=PutFlipHorizontal))
  7541. VARIANT_BOOL FlipHorizontal;
  7542. __declspec(property(get=GetFlipVertical,put=PutFlipVertical))
  7543. VARIANT_BOOL FlipVertical;
  7544. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationAngle,put=PutRotationAngle))
  7545. double RotationAngle;
  7546. __declspec(property(get=GetFlipVerical,put=PutFlipVerical))
  7547. VARIANT_BOOL FlipVerical;
  7548. //
  7549. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7550. //
  7551. double GetLength ( );
  7552. void PutLength (
  7553. double pVal );
  7554. double GetWidth ( );
  7555. void PutWidth (
  7556. double pVal );
  7557. double GetOffsetX ( );
  7558. void PutOffsetX (
  7559. double pVal );
  7560. double GetOffsetY ( );
  7561. void PutOffsetY (
  7562. double pVal );
  7563. VARIANT_BOOL GetFlipHorizontal ( );
  7564. void PutFlipHorizontal (
  7565. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7566. VARIANT_BOOL GetFlipVertical ( );
  7567. void PutFlipVertical (
  7568. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7569. HRESULT Flip (
  7570. enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  7571. double GetRotationAngle ( );
  7572. void PutRotationAngle (
  7573. double pVal );
  7574. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  7575. struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * Source );
  7576. IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr GetCopy ( );
  7577. VARIANT_BOOL GetFlipVerical ( );
  7578. void PutFlipVerical (
  7579. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7580. //
  7581. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7582. //
  7583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Length (
  7584. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Length (
  7586. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  7588. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7589. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  7590. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7591. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OffsetX (
  7592. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7593. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OffsetX (
  7594. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7595. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OffsetY (
  7596. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7597. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OffsetY (
  7598. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7599. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FlipHorizontal (
  7600. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7601. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FlipHorizontal (
  7602. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7603. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FlipVertical (
  7604. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7605. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FlipVertical (
  7606. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7607. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Flip (
  7608. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFlipAxes Axes ) = 0;
  7609. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationAngle (
  7610. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationAngle (
  7612. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7613. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  7614. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * Source ) = 0;
  7615. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  7616. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  7617. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FlipVerical (
  7618. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7619. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FlipVerical (
  7620. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7621. };
  7622. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800da-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7623. IVGImageTile : IDispatch
  7624. {
  7625. //
  7626. // Property data
  7627. //
  7628. __declspec(property(get=GetLeft))
  7629. long Left;
  7630. __declspec(property(get=GetTop))
  7631. long Top;
  7632. __declspec(property(get=GetRight))
  7633. long Right;
  7634. __declspec(property(get=GetBottom))
  7635. long Bottom;
  7636. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth))
  7637. long Width;
  7638. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight))
  7639. long Height;
  7640. __declspec(property(get=GetBytesPerTile))
  7641. long BytesPerTile;
  7642. __declspec(property(get=GetBytesPerLine))
  7643. long BytesPerLine;
  7644. __declspec(property(get=GetBytesPerPixel))
  7645. long BytesPerPixel;
  7646. __declspec(property(get=GetReadOnly))
  7647. VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly;
  7648. //
  7649. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7650. //
  7651. long GetLeft ( );
  7652. long GetTop ( );
  7653. long GetRight ( );
  7654. long GetBottom ( );
  7655. long GetWidth ( );
  7656. long GetHeight ( );
  7657. long GetBytesPerTile ( );
  7658. long GetBytesPerLine ( );
  7659. long GetBytesPerPixel ( );
  7660. SAFEARRAY * GetPixelData ( );
  7661. void PutPixelData (
  7662. SAFEARRAY * * pVal );
  7663. VARIANT_BOOL GetReadOnly ( );
  7664. //
  7665. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7666. //
  7667. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
  7668. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7669. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
  7670. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7671. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Right (
  7672. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7673. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bottom (
  7674. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7675. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  7676. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7677. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  7678. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7679. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BytesPerTile (
  7680. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7681. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BytesPerLine (
  7682. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7683. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BytesPerPixel (
  7684. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7685. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PixelData (
  7686. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  7687. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PixelData (
  7688. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  7689. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadOnly (
  7690. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * ppVal ) = 0;
  7691. };
  7692. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d9-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7693. IVGImageTiles : IDispatch
  7694. {
  7695. //
  7696. // Property data
  7697. //
  7698. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  7699. long Count;
  7700. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  7701. IVGImageTilePtr Item[];
  7702. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  7703. IVGImageTilePtr First;
  7704. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  7705. IVGImageTilePtr Last;
  7706. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  7707. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  7708. //
  7709. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7710. //
  7711. long GetCount ( );
  7712. IVGImageTilePtr GetItem (
  7713. long Index );
  7714. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  7715. IVGImageTilePtr GetFirst ( );
  7716. IVGImageTilePtr GetLast ( );
  7717. //
  7718. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7719. //
  7720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  7721. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  7723. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  7724. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGImageTile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  7725. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  7726. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  7727. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  7728. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGImageTile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  7729. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  7730. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGImageTile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  7731. };
  7732. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580062-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7733. IVGStructAlignProperties : IDispatch
  7734. {
  7735. //
  7736. // Property data
  7737. //
  7738. __declspec(property(get=GetAlignment,put=PutAlignment))
  7739. enum cdrAlignment Alignment;
  7740. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstLineIndent,put=PutFirstLineIndent))
  7741. double FirstLineIndent;
  7742. __declspec(property(get=GetLeftIndent,put=PutLeftIndent))
  7743. double LeftIndent;
  7744. __declspec(property(get=GetRightIndent,put=PutRightIndent))
  7745. double RightIndent;
  7746. __declspec(property(get=GetMaxWordSpacing,put=PutMaxWordSpacing))
  7747. float MaxWordSpacing;
  7748. __declspec(property(get=GetMinWordSpacing,put=PutMinWordSpacing))
  7749. float MinWordSpacing;
  7750. __declspec(property(get=GetMaxCharacterSpacing,put=PutMaxCharacterSpacing))
  7751. float MaxCharacterSpacing;
  7752. __declspec(property(get=GetHorizontalCharacterShift,put=PutHorizontalCharacterShift))
  7753. long HorizontalCharacterShift;
  7754. __declspec(property(get=GetVerticalCharacterShift,put=PutVerticalCharacterShift))
  7755. long VerticalCharacterShift;
  7756. __declspec(property(get=GetCharacterRotation,put=PutCharacterRotation))
  7757. float CharacterRotation;
  7758. //
  7759. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7760. //
  7761. void PutAlignment (
  7762. enum cdrAlignment pVal );
  7763. enum cdrAlignment GetAlignment ( );
  7764. void PutFirstLineIndent (
  7765. double pVal );
  7766. double GetFirstLineIndent ( );
  7767. void PutLeftIndent (
  7768. double pVal );
  7769. double GetLeftIndent ( );
  7770. void PutRightIndent (
  7771. double pVal );
  7772. double GetRightIndent ( );
  7773. void PutMaxWordSpacing (
  7774. float pVal );
  7775. float GetMaxWordSpacing ( );
  7776. void PutMinWordSpacing (
  7777. float pVal );
  7778. float GetMinWordSpacing ( );
  7779. void PutMaxCharacterSpacing (
  7780. float pVal );
  7781. float GetMaxCharacterSpacing ( );
  7782. void PutHorizontalCharacterShift (
  7783. long pVal );
  7784. long GetHorizontalCharacterShift ( );
  7785. void PutVerticalCharacterShift (
  7786. long pVal );
  7787. long GetVerticalCharacterShift ( );
  7788. void PutCharacterRotation (
  7789. float pVal );
  7790. float GetCharacterRotation ( );
  7791. //
  7792. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7793. //
  7794. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Alignment (
  7795. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignment pVal ) = 0;
  7796. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Alignment (
  7797. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrAlignment * pVal ) = 0;
  7798. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FirstLineIndent (
  7799. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7800. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstLineIndent (
  7801. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7802. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeftIndent (
  7803. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7804. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeftIndent (
  7805. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7806. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RightIndent (
  7807. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7808. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RightIndent (
  7809. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7810. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaxWordSpacing (
  7811. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  7812. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaxWordSpacing (
  7813. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  7814. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinWordSpacing (
  7815. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  7816. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinWordSpacing (
  7817. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  7818. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaxCharacterSpacing (
  7819. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  7820. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaxCharacterSpacing (
  7821. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  7822. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizontalCharacterShift (
  7823. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizontalCharacterShift (
  7825. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7826. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VerticalCharacterShift (
  7827. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7828. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VerticalCharacterShift (
  7829. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7830. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CharacterRotation (
  7831. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  7832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CharacterRotation (
  7833. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  7834. };
  7835. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580069-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7836. IVGStructSpaceProperties : IDispatch
  7837. {
  7838. //
  7839. // Property data
  7840. //
  7841. __declspec(property(get=GetCharacterSpacing,put=PutCharacterSpacing))
  7842. float CharacterSpacing;
  7843. __declspec(property(get=GetWordSpacing,put=PutWordSpacing))
  7844. float WordSpacing;
  7845. __declspec(property(get=GetLineSpacing,put=PutLineSpacing))
  7846. float LineSpacing;
  7847. __declspec(property(get=GetLineSpacingType,put=PutLineSpacingType))
  7848. enum cdrLineSpacingType LineSpacingType;
  7849. __declspec(property(get=GetBeforeParagraphSpacing,put=PutBeforeParagraphSpacing))
  7850. float BeforeParagraphSpacing;
  7851. __declspec(property(get=GetAfterParagraphSpacing,put=PutAfterParagraphSpacing))
  7852. float AfterParagraphSpacing;
  7853. //
  7854. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7855. //
  7856. void PutCharacterSpacing (
  7857. float pVal );
  7858. float GetCharacterSpacing ( );
  7859. void PutWordSpacing (
  7860. float pVal );
  7861. float GetWordSpacing ( );
  7862. void PutLineSpacing (
  7863. float pVal );
  7864. float GetLineSpacing ( );
  7865. void PutLineSpacingType (
  7866. enum cdrLineSpacingType pVal );
  7867. enum cdrLineSpacingType GetLineSpacingType ( );
  7868. void PutBeforeParagraphSpacing (
  7869. float pVal );
  7870. float GetBeforeParagraphSpacing ( );
  7871. void PutAfterParagraphSpacing (
  7872. float pVal );
  7873. float GetAfterParagraphSpacing ( );
  7874. //
  7875. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7876. //
  7877. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CharacterSpacing (
  7878. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  7879. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CharacterSpacing (
  7880. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  7881. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WordSpacing (
  7882. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  7883. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WordSpacing (
  7884. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  7885. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineSpacing (
  7886. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  7887. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineSpacing (
  7888. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  7889. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineSpacingType (
  7890. /*[in]*/ enum cdrLineSpacingType pVal ) = 0;
  7891. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineSpacingType (
  7892. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrLineSpacingType * pVal ) = 0;
  7893. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BeforeParagraphSpacing (
  7894. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  7895. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BeforeParagraphSpacing (
  7896. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  7897. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AfterParagraphSpacing (
  7898. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  7899. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AfterParagraphSpacing (
  7900. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  7901. };
  7902. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580066-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7903. IVGStructHyphenationSettings : IDispatch
  7904. {
  7905. //
  7906. // Property data
  7907. //
  7908. __declspec(property(get=GetUseAutomaticHyphenation,put=PutUseAutomaticHyphenation))
  7909. VARIANT_BOOL UseAutomaticHyphenation;
  7910. __declspec(property(get=GetBreakCapitalized,put=PutBreakCapitalized))
  7911. VARIANT_BOOL BreakCapitalized;
  7912. __declspec(property(get=GetHotZone,put=PutHotZone))
  7913. double HotZone;
  7914. __declspec(property(get=GetMinWordLength,put=PutMinWordLength))
  7915. long MinWordLength;
  7916. __declspec(property(get=GetMinCharactersBefore,put=PutMinCharactersBefore))
  7917. long MinCharactersBefore;
  7918. __declspec(property(get=GetMinCharactersAfter,put=PutMinCharactersAfter))
  7919. long MinCharactersAfter;
  7920. __declspec(property(get=GetBreakAllCapWords,put=PutBreakAllCapWords))
  7921. VARIANT_BOOL BreakAllCapWords;
  7922. //
  7923. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7924. //
  7925. void PutUseAutomaticHyphenation (
  7926. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7927. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseAutomaticHyphenation ( );
  7928. void PutBreakCapitalized (
  7929. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7930. VARIANT_BOOL GetBreakCapitalized ( );
  7931. void PutHotZone (
  7932. double pVal );
  7933. double GetHotZone ( );
  7934. void PutMinWordLength (
  7935. long pVal );
  7936. long GetMinWordLength ( );
  7937. void PutMinCharactersBefore (
  7938. long pVal );
  7939. long GetMinCharactersBefore ( );
  7940. void PutMinCharactersAfter (
  7941. long pVal );
  7942. long GetMinCharactersAfter ( );
  7943. void PutBreakAllCapWords (
  7944. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7945. VARIANT_BOOL GetBreakAllCapWords ( );
  7946. //
  7947. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7948. //
  7949. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseAutomaticHyphenation (
  7950. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7951. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseAutomaticHyphenation (
  7952. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7953. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BreakCapitalized (
  7954. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7955. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BreakCapitalized (
  7956. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7957. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HotZone (
  7958. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  7959. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HotZone (
  7960. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  7961. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinWordLength (
  7962. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7963. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinWordLength (
  7964. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7965. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinCharactersBefore (
  7966. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7967. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinCharactersBefore (
  7968. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7969. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinCharactersAfter (
  7970. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  7971. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinCharactersAfter (
  7972. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  7973. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BreakAllCapWords (
  7974. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  7975. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BreakAllCapWords (
  7976. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  7977. };
  7978. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a8-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  7979. IVGUserSnapPoint : IDispatch
  7980. {
  7981. //
  7982. // Property data
  7983. //
  7984. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  7985. _bstr_t ID;
  7986. __declspec(property(get=GetAutoSnap,put=PutAutoSnap))
  7987. VARIANT_BOOL AutoSnap;
  7988. //
  7989. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  7990. //
  7991. _bstr_t GetID ( );
  7992. VARIANT_BOOL GetAutoSnap ( );
  7993. void PutAutoSnap (
  7994. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  7995. //
  7996. // Raw methods provided by interface
  7997. //
  7998. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  7999. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8000. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoSnap (
  8001. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoSnap (
  8003. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  8004. };
  8005. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a9-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8006. IVGObjectSnapPoint : IDispatch
  8007. {
  8008. //
  8009. // Property data
  8010. //
  8011. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  8012. enum cdrObjectSnapPointType Type;
  8013. //
  8014. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8015. //
  8016. enum cdrObjectSnapPointType GetType ( );
  8017. //
  8018. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8019. //
  8020. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  8021. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrObjectSnapPointType * pVal ) = 0;
  8022. };
  8023. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800aa-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8024. IVGBBoxSnapPoint : IDispatch
  8025. {
  8026. //
  8027. // Property data
  8028. //
  8029. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  8030. enum cdrReferencePoint Type;
  8031. //
  8032. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8033. //
  8034. enum cdrReferencePoint GetType ( );
  8035. //
  8036. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8037. //
  8038. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  8039. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint * pVal ) = 0;
  8040. };
  8041. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ac-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8042. IVGEdgeSnapPoint : IDispatch
  8043. {
  8044. //
  8045. // Property data
  8046. //
  8047. __declspec(property(get=GetSegmentIndex))
  8048. long SegmentIndex;
  8049. __declspec(property(get=GetSegmentOffset))
  8050. double SegmentOffset;
  8051. //
  8052. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8053. //
  8054. long GetSegmentIndex ( );
  8055. double GetSegmentOffset ( );
  8056. //
  8057. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8058. //
  8059. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SegmentIndex (
  8060. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8061. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SegmentOffset (
  8062. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8063. };
  8064. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8065. IVGEffectCustomDistortion : IDispatch
  8066. {
  8067. //
  8068. // Property data
  8069. //
  8070. __declspec(property(get=GetDistortionID))
  8071. _bstr_t DistortionID;
  8072. //
  8073. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8074. //
  8075. _bstr_t GetDistortionID ( );
  8076. //
  8077. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8078. //
  8079. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DistortionID (
  8080. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8081. };
  8082. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580094-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8083. IVGTextTabPosition : IDispatch
  8084. {
  8085. //
  8086. // Property data
  8087. //
  8088. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition,put=PutPosition))
  8089. double Position;
  8090. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  8091. long Index;
  8092. __declspec(property(get=GetAlignment,put=PutAlignment))
  8093. enum cdrTextTabAlignment Alignment;
  8094. __declspec(property(get=GetLeadered,put=PutLeadered))
  8095. VARIANT_BOOL Leadered;
  8096. //
  8097. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8098. //
  8099. double GetPosition ( );
  8100. void PutPosition (
  8101. double pVal );
  8102. long GetIndex ( );
  8103. enum cdrTextTabAlignment GetAlignment ( );
  8104. void PutAlignment (
  8105. enum cdrTextTabAlignment pVal );
  8106. VARIANT_BOOL GetLeadered ( );
  8107. void PutLeadered (
  8108. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  8109. HRESULT Delete ( );
  8110. //
  8111. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8112. //
  8113. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  8114. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8115. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
  8116. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  8117. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  8118. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8119. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Alignment (
  8120. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTextTabAlignment * pVal ) = 0;
  8121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Alignment (
  8122. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextTabAlignment pVal ) = 0;
  8123. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Leadered (
  8124. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8125. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Leadered (
  8126. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  8127. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  8128. };
  8129. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580095-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8130. IVGTextTabPositions : IDispatch
  8131. {
  8132. //
  8133. // Property data
  8134. //
  8135. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  8136. IVGTextTabPositionPtr Item[];
  8137. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  8138. long Count;
  8139. __declspec(property(get=GetLeaderSpacing,put=PutLeaderSpacing))
  8140. long LeaderSpacing;
  8141. __declspec(property(get=GetLeaderCharacter,put=PutLeaderCharacter))
  8142. _bstr_t LeaderCharacter;
  8143. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  8144. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  8145. //
  8146. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8147. //
  8148. IVGTextTabPositionPtr GetItem (
  8149. long Index );
  8150. long GetCount ( );
  8151. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  8152. long GetLeaderSpacing ( );
  8153. void PutLeaderSpacing (
  8154. long pVal );
  8155. _bstr_t GetLeaderCharacter ( );
  8156. void PutLeaderCharacter (
  8157. _bstr_t pVal );
  8158. HRESULT Clear ( );
  8159. IVGTextTabPositionPtr Add (
  8160. double Position,
  8161. enum cdrTextTabAlignment Alignment,
  8162. VARIANT_BOOL Leadered );
  8163. HRESULT AddEvery (
  8164. double Position,
  8165. enum cdrTextTabAlignment Alignment,
  8166. VARIANT_BOOL Leadered );
  8167. //
  8168. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8169. //
  8170. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  8171. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  8172. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextTabPosition * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8173. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  8174. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8175. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  8176. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  8177. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeaderSpacing (
  8178. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8179. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeaderSpacing (
  8180. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  8181. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeaderCharacter (
  8182. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8183. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeaderCharacter (
  8184. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  8185. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
  8186. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  8187. /*[in]*/ double Position,
  8188. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextTabAlignment Alignment,
  8189. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Leadered,
  8190. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextTabPosition * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8191. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddEvery (
  8192. /*[in]*/ double Position,
  8193. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextTabAlignment Alignment,
  8194. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Leadered ) = 0;
  8195. };
  8196. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8197. IVGLocalizableString : IDispatch
  8198. {
  8199. //
  8200. // Property data
  8201. //
  8202. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEmpty))
  8203. VARIANT_BOOL IsEmpty;
  8204. __declspec(property(get=GetHasDefaultLangString))
  8205. VARIANT_BOOL HasDefaultLangString;
  8206. __declspec(property(get=GetHasDefaultLangStringOnly))
  8207. VARIANT_BOOL HasDefaultLangStringOnly;
  8208. __declspec(property(get=GetHasNonDefaultLangStrings))
  8209. VARIANT_BOOL HasNonDefaultLangStrings;
  8210. __declspec(property(get=GetDefaultLangString,put=PutDefaultLangString))
  8211. _bstr_t DefaultLangString;
  8212. //
  8213. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8214. //
  8215. HRESULT Clear ( );
  8216. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEmpty ( );
  8217. _bstr_t GetLangString (
  8218. _bstr_t Language );
  8219. HRESULT SetLangString (
  8220. _bstr_t Language,
  8221. _bstr_t Value );
  8222. VARIANT_BOOL HasLangString (
  8223. _bstr_t Language );
  8224. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasDefaultLangString ( );
  8225. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasDefaultLangStringOnly ( );
  8226. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasNonDefaultLangStrings ( );
  8227. _bstr_t GetDefaultLangString ( );
  8228. void PutDefaultLangString (
  8229. _bstr_t pVal );
  8230. SAFEARRAY * GetLanguages ( );
  8231. //
  8232. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8233. //
  8234. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
  8235. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEmpty (
  8236. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8237. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLangString (
  8238. /*[in]*/ BSTR Language,
  8239. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8240. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetLangString (
  8241. /*[in]*/ BSTR Language,
  8242. /*[in]*/ BSTR Value ) = 0;
  8243. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HasLangString (
  8244. /*[in]*/ BSTR Language,
  8245. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8246. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDefaultLangString (
  8247. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8248. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasDefaultLangStringOnly (
  8249. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8250. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasNonDefaultLangStrings (
  8251. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8252. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultLangString (
  8253. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8254. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DefaultLangString (
  8255. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  8256. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLanguages (
  8257. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  8258. };
  8259. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8260. IVGFillMetadata : IDispatch
  8261. {
  8262. //
  8263. // Property data
  8264. //
  8265. __declspec(property(get=GetTitle))
  8266. IVGLocalizableStringPtr Title;
  8267. __declspec(property(get=GetDescription))
  8268. IVGLocalizableStringPtr Description;
  8269. __declspec(property(get=GetKeywords))
  8270. IVGLocalizableStringPtr Keywords;
  8271. __declspec(property(get=GetSubject))
  8272. IVGLocalizableStringPtr Subject;
  8273. __declspec(property(get=GetCopyright))
  8274. IVGLocalizableStringPtr Copyright;
  8275. __declspec(property(get=GetCreatorTool))
  8276. _bstr_t CreatorTool;
  8277. __declspec(property(get=GetCreationDate))
  8278. DATE CreationDate;
  8279. __declspec(property(get=GetModificationDate))
  8280. DATE ModificationDate;
  8281. __declspec(property(get=GetDocumentID))
  8282. _bstr_t DocumentID;
  8283. __declspec(property(get=GetInstanceID))
  8284. _bstr_t InstanceID;
  8285. __declspec(property(get=GetDerivedFrom))
  8286. SAFEARRAY * DerivedFrom;
  8287. __declspec(property(get=GetCategory))
  8288. IVGLocalizableStringPtr Category;
  8289. //
  8290. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8291. //
  8292. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetTitle ( );
  8293. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetDescription ( );
  8294. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetKeywords ( );
  8295. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetSubject ( );
  8296. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetCopyright ( );
  8297. _bstr_t GetCreatorTool ( );
  8298. DATE GetCreationDate ( );
  8299. DATE GetModificationDate ( );
  8300. _bstr_t GetDocumentID ( );
  8301. _bstr_t GetInstanceID ( );
  8302. SAFEARRAY * GetDerivedFrom ( );
  8303. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetCategory ( );
  8304. //
  8305. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8306. //
  8307. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
  8308. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8309. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
  8310. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8311. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Keywords (
  8312. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8313. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Subject (
  8314. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8315. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Copyright (
  8316. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8317. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreatorTool (
  8318. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8319. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreationDate (
  8320. /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pVal ) = 0;
  8321. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ModificationDate (
  8322. /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pVal ) = 0;
  8323. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DocumentID (
  8324. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8325. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstanceID (
  8326. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8327. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DerivedFrom (
  8328. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  8329. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Category (
  8330. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8331. };
  8332. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800dd-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8333. IVGTextIndentLevelStyle : IDispatch
  8334. {
  8335. //
  8336. // Property data
  8337. //
  8338. __declspec(property(get=GetLevel))
  8339. long Level;
  8340. __declspec(property(get=GetFont,put=PutFont))
  8341. _bstr_t Font;
  8342. __declspec(property(get=GetUseParagraphFont,put=PutUseParagraphFont))
  8343. VARIANT_BOOL UseParagraphFont;
  8344. __declspec(property(get=GetSymbol,put=PutSymbol))
  8345. _bstr_t Symbol;
  8346. __declspec(property(get=GetSize,put=PutSize))
  8347. float Size;
  8348. __declspec(property(get=GetBaselineShift,put=PutBaselineShift))
  8349. float BaselineShift;
  8350. __declspec(property(get=GetHangingIndent,put=PutHangingIndent))
  8351. VARIANT_BOOL HangingIndent;
  8352. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstCharIndent,put=PutFirstCharIndent))
  8353. double FirstCharIndent;
  8354. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstCharIndentIncludesBullet,put=PutFirstCharIndentIncludesBullet))
  8355. VARIANT_BOOL FirstCharIndentIncludesBullet;
  8356. __declspec(property(get=GetFormat,put=PutFormat))
  8357. _bstr_t Format;
  8358. __declspec(property(get=GetNumberStyle,put=PutNumberStyle))
  8359. enum cdrTextIndentLevelStyle NumberStyle;
  8360. //
  8361. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8362. //
  8363. long GetLevel ( );
  8364. _bstr_t GetFont ( );
  8365. void PutFont (
  8366. _bstr_t pVal );
  8367. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseParagraphFont ( );
  8368. void PutUseParagraphFont (
  8369. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  8370. _bstr_t GetSymbol ( );
  8371. void PutSymbol (
  8372. _bstr_t pVal );
  8373. float GetSize ( );
  8374. void PutSize (
  8375. float pVal );
  8376. float GetBaselineShift ( );
  8377. void PutBaselineShift (
  8378. float pVal );
  8379. VARIANT_BOOL GetHangingIndent ( );
  8380. void PutHangingIndent (
  8381. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  8382. double GetFirstCharIndent ( );
  8383. void PutFirstCharIndent (
  8384. double pVal );
  8385. VARIANT_BOOL GetFirstCharIndentIncludesBullet ( );
  8386. void PutFirstCharIndentIncludesBullet (
  8387. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  8388. _bstr_t GetFormat ( );
  8389. void PutFormat (
  8390. _bstr_t pVal );
  8391. enum cdrTextIndentLevelStyle GetNumberStyle ( );
  8392. void PutNumberStyle (
  8393. enum cdrTextIndentLevelStyle pVal );
  8394. //
  8395. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8396. //
  8397. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Level (
  8398. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8399. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
  8400. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8401. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Font (
  8402. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  8403. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseParagraphFont (
  8404. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8405. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseParagraphFont (
  8406. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  8407. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Symbol (
  8408. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8409. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Symbol (
  8410. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  8411. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
  8412. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  8413. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
  8414. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  8415. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaselineShift (
  8416. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  8417. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BaselineShift (
  8418. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  8419. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HangingIndent (
  8420. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8421. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HangingIndent (
  8422. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  8423. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstCharIndent (
  8424. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8425. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FirstCharIndent (
  8426. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  8427. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstCharIndentIncludesBullet (
  8428. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8429. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FirstCharIndentIncludesBullet (
  8430. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  8431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
  8432. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Format (
  8434. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  8435. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumberStyle (
  8436. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTextIndentLevelStyle * pVal ) = 0;
  8437. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumberStyle (
  8438. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndentLevelStyle pVal ) = 0;
  8439. };
  8440. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800dc-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8441. IVGTextIndentLevelStyles : IDispatch
  8442. {
  8443. //
  8444. // Property data
  8445. //
  8446. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  8447. IVGTextIndentLevelStylePtr Item[];
  8448. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  8449. long Count;
  8450. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  8451. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  8452. //
  8453. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8454. //
  8455. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  8456. IVGTextIndentLevelStylePtr GetItem (
  8457. long Index );
  8458. long GetCount ( );
  8459. //
  8460. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8461. //
  8462. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  8463. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  8464. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  8465. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  8466. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextIndentLevelStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8467. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  8468. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8469. };
  8470. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800df-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8471. IVGTextVariableAxis : IDispatch
  8472. {
  8473. //
  8474. // Property data
  8475. //
  8476. __declspec(property(get=GetTag))
  8477. long Tag;
  8478. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  8479. _bstr_t Name;
  8480. __declspec(property(get=GetValue,put=PutValue))
  8481. double Value;
  8482. __declspec(property(get=GetMinValue))
  8483. double MinValue;
  8484. __declspec(property(get=GetMaxValue))
  8485. double MaxValue;
  8486. __declspec(property(get=GetDefaultValue))
  8487. double DefaultValue;
  8488. //
  8489. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8490. //
  8491. long GetTag ( );
  8492. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  8493. double GetValue ( );
  8494. void PutValue (
  8495. double pVal );
  8496. double GetMinValue ( );
  8497. double GetMaxValue ( );
  8498. double GetDefaultValue ( );
  8499. //
  8500. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8501. //
  8502. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tag (
  8503. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8504. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  8505. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8506. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
  8507. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8508. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
  8509. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  8510. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinValue (
  8511. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8512. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaxValue (
  8513. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8514. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultValue (
  8515. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8516. };
  8517. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800de-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8518. IVGTextVariableAxes : IDispatch
  8519. {
  8520. //
  8521. // Property data
  8522. //
  8523. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  8524. IVGTextVariableAxisPtr Item[];
  8525. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  8526. long Count;
  8527. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  8528. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  8529. //
  8530. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8531. //
  8532. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  8533. IVGTextVariableAxisPtr GetItem (
  8534. long Index );
  8535. long GetCount ( );
  8536. //
  8537. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8538. //
  8539. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  8540. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  8541. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  8542. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  8543. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextVariableAxis * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8544. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  8545. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8546. };
  8547. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8548. IVGGuide : IDispatch
  8549. {
  8550. //
  8551. // Property data
  8552. //
  8553. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  8554. enum cdrGuideType Type;
  8555. __declspec(property(get=GetPreset))
  8556. VARIANT_BOOL Preset;
  8557. __declspec(property(get=GetPoint1X))
  8558. double Point1X;
  8559. __declspec(property(get=GetPoint1Y))
  8560. double Point1Y;
  8561. __declspec(property(get=GetPoint2X))
  8562. double Point2X;
  8563. __declspec(property(get=GetPoint2Y))
  8564. double Point2Y;
  8565. __declspec(property(get=GetAngle))
  8566. double Angle;
  8567. __declspec(property(get=GetInterceptX))
  8568. double InterceptX;
  8569. __declspec(property(get=GetInterceptY))
  8570. double InterceptY;
  8571. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX))
  8572. double CenterX;
  8573. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY))
  8574. double CenterY;
  8575. //
  8576. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8577. //
  8578. enum cdrGuideType GetType ( );
  8579. VARIANT_BOOL GetPreset ( );
  8580. HRESULT MakeEditable ( );
  8581. double GetPoint1X ( );
  8582. double GetPoint1Y ( );
  8583. double GetPoint2X ( );
  8584. double GetPoint2Y ( );
  8585. double GetAngle ( );
  8586. HRESULT GetPoints (
  8587. double * Point1X,
  8588. double * Point1Y,
  8589. double * Point2X,
  8590. double * Point2Y );
  8591. HRESULT GetPointAndAngle (
  8592. double * PointX,
  8593. double * PointY,
  8594. double * Angle );
  8595. HRESULT SetPoints (
  8596. double Point1X,
  8597. double Point1Y,
  8598. double Point2X,
  8599. double Point2Y );
  8600. HRESULT SetPointAndAngle (
  8601. double PointX,
  8602. double PointY,
  8603. double Angle );
  8604. double GetInterceptX ( );
  8605. double GetInterceptY ( );
  8606. double GetCenterX ( );
  8607. double GetCenterY ( );
  8608. //
  8609. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8610. //
  8611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  8612. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrGuideType * pVal ) = 0;
  8613. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Preset (
  8614. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8615. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MakeEditable ( ) = 0;
  8616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Point1X (
  8617. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8618. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Point1Y (
  8619. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8620. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Point2X (
  8621. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8622. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Point2Y (
  8623. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8624. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angle (
  8625. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8626. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPoints (
  8627. /*[out]*/ double * Point1X,
  8628. /*[out]*/ double * Point1Y,
  8629. /*[out]*/ double * Point2X,
  8630. /*[out]*/ double * Point2Y ) = 0;
  8631. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPointAndAngle (
  8632. /*[out]*/ double * PointX,
  8633. /*[out]*/ double * PointY,
  8634. /*[out]*/ double * Angle ) = 0;
  8635. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPoints (
  8636. /*[in]*/ double Point1X,
  8637. /*[in]*/ double Point1Y,
  8638. /*[in]*/ double Point2X,
  8639. /*[in]*/ double Point2Y ) = 0;
  8640. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPointAndAngle (
  8641. /*[in]*/ double PointX,
  8642. /*[in]*/ double PointY,
  8643. /*[in]*/ double Angle ) = 0;
  8644. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InterceptX (
  8645. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8646. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InterceptY (
  8647. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8648. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  8649. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8650. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  8651. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8652. };
  8653. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8654. IVGURL : IDispatch
  8655. {
  8656. //
  8657. // Property data
  8658. //
  8659. __declspec(property(get=GetAddress,put=PutAddress))
  8660. _bstr_t Address;
  8661. __declspec(property(get=GetTargetFrame,put=PutTargetFrame))
  8662. _bstr_t TargetFrame;
  8663. __declspec(property(get=GetAltComment,put=PutAltComment))
  8664. _bstr_t AltComment;
  8665. __declspec(property(get=GetBookMark,put=PutBookMark))
  8666. _bstr_t BookMark;
  8667. __declspec(property(get=GetRegion,put=PutRegion))
  8668. enum cdrURLRegion Region;
  8669. //
  8670. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8671. //
  8672. _bstr_t GetAddress ( );
  8673. void PutAddress (
  8674. _bstr_t pVal );
  8675. _bstr_t GetTargetFrame ( );
  8676. void PutTargetFrame (
  8677. _bstr_t pVal );
  8678. _bstr_t GetAltComment ( );
  8679. void PutAltComment (
  8680. _bstr_t pVal );
  8681. _bstr_t GetBookMark ( );
  8682. void PutBookMark (
  8683. _bstr_t pVal );
  8684. enum cdrURLRegion GetRegion ( );
  8685. void PutRegion (
  8686. enum cdrURLRegion pVal );
  8687. //
  8688. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8689. //
  8690. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Address (
  8691. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8692. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Address (
  8693. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  8694. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TargetFrame (
  8695. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8696. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TargetFrame (
  8697. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  8698. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AltComment (
  8699. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8700. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AltComment (
  8701. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  8702. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BookMark (
  8703. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8704. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BookMark (
  8705. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  8706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Region (
  8707. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrURLRegion * pVal ) = 0;
  8708. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Region (
  8709. /*[in]*/ enum cdrURLRegion pVal ) = 0;
  8710. };
  8711. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8712. IVGCustomShape : IDispatch
  8713. {
  8714. //
  8715. // Property data
  8716. //
  8717. __declspec(property(get=GetTypeID))
  8718. _bstr_t TypeID;
  8719. //
  8720. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8721. //
  8722. _bstr_t GetTypeID ( );
  8723. //
  8724. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8725. //
  8726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TypeID (
  8727. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8728. };
  8729. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580088-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8730. IVGOLE : IDispatch
  8731. {
  8732. //
  8733. // Property data
  8734. //
  8735. __declspec(property(get=GetClassID))
  8736. _bstr_t ClassID;
  8737. __declspec(property(get=GetProgID))
  8738. _bstr_t ProgID;
  8739. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  8740. enum cdrOLEType Type;
  8741. __declspec(property(get=GetFullName))
  8742. _bstr_t FullName;
  8743. __declspec(property(get=GetShortName))
  8744. _bstr_t ShortName;
  8745. __declspec(property(get=GetServerName))
  8746. _bstr_t ServerName;
  8747. __declspec(property(get=GetModified))
  8748. VARIANT_BOOL Modified;
  8749. __declspec(property(get=GetIsInPlaceActive))
  8750. VARIANT_BOOL IsInPlaceActive;
  8751. __declspec(property(get=GetIsOpen))
  8752. VARIANT_BOOL IsOpen;
  8753. __declspec(property(get=GetIsServerRunning))
  8754. VARIANT_BOOL IsServerRunning;
  8755. __declspec(property(get=GetInPlaceWindowHandle))
  8756. long InPlaceWindowHandle;
  8757. __declspec(property(get=GetIsLinkUpToDate))
  8758. VARIANT_BOOL IsLinkUpToDate;
  8759. __declspec(property(get=GetLinkPath))
  8760. _bstr_t LinkPath;
  8761. //
  8762. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8763. //
  8764. _bstr_t GetClassID ( );
  8765. _bstr_t GetProgID ( );
  8766. enum cdrOLEType GetType ( );
  8767. _bstr_t GetFullName ( );
  8768. _bstr_t GetShortName ( );
  8769. _bstr_t GetServerName ( );
  8770. VARIANT_BOOL GetModified ( );
  8771. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsInPlaceActive ( );
  8772. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsOpen ( );
  8773. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsServerRunning ( );
  8774. long GetInPlaceWindowHandle ( );
  8775. HRESULT Edit ( );
  8776. HRESULT Open ( );
  8777. HRESULT Activate ( );
  8778. HRESULT Deactivate ( );
  8779. HRESULT DoVerb (
  8780. long VerbID );
  8781. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLinkUpToDate ( );
  8782. _bstr_t GetLinkPath ( );
  8783. HRESULT UpdateLink ( );
  8784. //
  8785. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8786. //
  8787. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ClassID (
  8788. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8789. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProgID (
  8790. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8791. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  8792. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOLEType * pVal ) = 0;
  8793. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FullName (
  8794. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8795. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShortName (
  8796. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8797. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ServerName (
  8798. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8799. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Modified (
  8800. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8801. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsInPlaceActive (
  8802. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8803. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsOpen (
  8804. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8805. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsServerRunning (
  8806. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8807. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InPlaceWindowHandle (
  8808. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Edit ( ) = 0;
  8810. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open ( ) = 0;
  8811. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  8812. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Deactivate ( ) = 0;
  8813. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DoVerb (
  8814. /*[in]*/ long VerbID ) = 0;
  8815. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLinkUpToDate (
  8816. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8817. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkPath (
  8818. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  8819. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UpdateLink ( ) = 0;
  8820. };
  8821. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ae-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8822. IVGBSplineControlPoint : IDispatch
  8823. {
  8824. //
  8825. // Property data
  8826. //
  8827. __declspec(property(get=Getx,put=Putx))
  8828. double x;
  8829. __declspec(property(get=Gety,put=Puty))
  8830. double y;
  8831. __declspec(property(get=GetClamped,put=PutClamped))
  8832. VARIANT_BOOL Clamped;
  8833. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  8834. long Index;
  8835. //
  8836. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8837. //
  8838. double Getx ( );
  8839. void Putx (
  8840. double pVal );
  8841. double Gety ( );
  8842. void Puty (
  8843. double pVal );
  8844. VARIANT_BOOL GetClamped ( );
  8845. void PutClamped (
  8846. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  8847. HRESULT Move (
  8848. double x,
  8849. double y );
  8850. HRESULT Delete ( );
  8851. HRESULT GetPosition (
  8852. double * x,
  8853. double * y );
  8854. HRESULT SetPosition (
  8855. double x,
  8856. double y );
  8857. HRESULT SetProperties (
  8858. double x,
  8859. double y,
  8860. VARIANT_BOOL Clamped );
  8861. long GetIndex ( );
  8862. //
  8863. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8864. //
  8865. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_x (
  8866. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8867. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_x (
  8868. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  8869. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_y (
  8870. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  8871. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_y (
  8872. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  8873. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Clamped (
  8874. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8875. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Clamped (
  8876. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  8877. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  8878. /*[in]*/ double x,
  8879. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  8880. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  8881. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPosition (
  8882. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  8883. /*[out]*/ double * y ) = 0;
  8884. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
  8885. /*[in]*/ double x,
  8886. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  8887. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetProperties (
  8888. /*[in]*/ double x,
  8889. /*[in]*/ double y,
  8890. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Clamped ) = 0;
  8891. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  8892. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8893. };
  8894. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800af-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8895. IVGBSplineControlPoints : IDispatch
  8896. {
  8897. //
  8898. // Property data
  8899. //
  8900. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  8901. IVGBSplineControlPointPtr First;
  8902. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  8903. IVGBSplineControlPointPtr Last;
  8904. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  8905. IVGBSplineControlPointPtr Item[];
  8906. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  8907. long Count;
  8908. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  8909. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  8910. //
  8911. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8912. //
  8913. IVGBSplineControlPointPtr GetFirst ( );
  8914. IVGBSplineControlPointPtr GetLast ( );
  8915. IVGBSplineControlPointPtr GetItem (
  8916. long Index );
  8917. long GetCount ( );
  8918. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  8919. HRESULT Resize (
  8920. long HowMany );
  8921. //
  8922. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8923. //
  8924. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  8925. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBSplineControlPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8926. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  8927. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBSplineControlPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8928. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  8929. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  8930. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBSplineControlPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8931. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  8932. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  8933. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  8934. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  8935. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Resize (
  8936. /*[in]*/ long HowMany ) = 0;
  8937. };
  8938. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ad-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8939. IVGBSpline : IDispatch
  8940. {
  8941. //
  8942. // Property data
  8943. //
  8944. __declspec(property(get=GetControlPoints))
  8945. IVGBSplineControlPointsPtr ControlPoints;
  8946. __declspec(property(get=GetClosed,put=PutClosed))
  8947. VARIANT_BOOL Closed;
  8948. //
  8949. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  8950. //
  8951. IVGBSplineControlPointsPtr GetControlPoints ( );
  8952. VARIANT_BOOL GetClosed ( );
  8953. void PutClosed (
  8954. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  8955. HRESULT InsertControlPoint (
  8956. long Index,
  8957. double x,
  8958. double y,
  8959. VARIANT_BOOL Clamped );
  8960. HRESULT InsertControlPoints (
  8961. long Index,
  8962. long HowMany,
  8963. double x,
  8964. double y,
  8965. VARIANT_BOOL Clamped );
  8966. IVGBSplinePtr GetCopy ( );
  8967. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  8968. struct IVGBSpline * rhs );
  8969. //
  8970. // Raw methods provided by interface
  8971. //
  8972. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ControlPoints (
  8973. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBSplineControlPoints * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8974. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Closed (
  8975. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  8976. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Closed (
  8977. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  8978. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertControlPoint (
  8979. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  8980. /*[in]*/ double x,
  8981. /*[in]*/ double y,
  8982. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Clamped ) = 0;
  8983. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertControlPoints (
  8984. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  8985. /*[in]*/ long HowMany,
  8986. /*[in]*/ double x,
  8987. /*[in]*/ double y,
  8988. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Clamped ) = 0;
  8989. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  8990. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBSpline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  8991. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  8992. /*[in]*/ struct IVGBSpline * rhs ) = 0;
  8993. };
  8994. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580087-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  8995. IStructImportCropOptions : IDispatch
  8996. {
  8997. //
  8998. // Property data
  8999. //
  9000. __declspec(property(get=GetFileName))
  9001. _bstr_t FileName;
  9002. __declspec(property(get=GetFilterID))
  9003. long FilterID;
  9004. __declspec(property(get=GetCustomData))
  9005. long CustomData;
  9006. __declspec(property(get=GetImageWidth))
  9007. long ImageWidth;
  9008. __declspec(property(get=GetImageHeight))
  9009. long ImageHeight;
  9010. __declspec(property(get=GetDpiX))
  9011. long DpiX;
  9012. __declspec(property(get=GetDpiY))
  9013. long DpiY;
  9014. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  9015. long Width;
  9016. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight,put=PutHeight))
  9017. long Height;
  9018. __declspec(property(get=GetLeft,put=PutLeft))
  9019. long Left;
  9020. __declspec(property(get=GetTop,put=PutTop))
  9021. long Top;
  9022. //
  9023. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9024. //
  9025. _bstr_t GetFileName ( );
  9026. long GetFilterID ( );
  9027. long GetCustomData ( );
  9028. long GetImageWidth ( );
  9029. long GetImageHeight ( );
  9030. long GetDpiX ( );
  9031. long GetDpiY ( );
  9032. long GetWidth ( );
  9033. void PutWidth (
  9034. long pVal );
  9035. long GetHeight ( );
  9036. void PutHeight (
  9037. long pVal );
  9038. long GetLeft ( );
  9039. void PutLeft (
  9040. long pVal );
  9041. long GetTop ( );
  9042. void PutTop (
  9043. long pVal );
  9044. //
  9045. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9046. //
  9047. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileName (
  9048. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9049. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FilterID (
  9050. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9051. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CustomData (
  9052. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9053. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ImageWidth (
  9054. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9055. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ImageHeight (
  9056. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9057. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DpiX (
  9058. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9059. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DpiY (
  9060. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9061. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  9062. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9063. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  9064. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9065. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  9066. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9067. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
  9068. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9069. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
  9070. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9071. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
  9072. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9073. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
  9074. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9075. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
  9076. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9077. };
  9078. struct __declspec(uuid("f5200005-8d23-0001-89e7-0000861ebbd6"))
  9079. IImportCropHandler : IDispatch
  9080. {
  9081. //
  9082. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9083. //
  9084. VARIANT_BOOL Crop (
  9085. struct IStructImportCropOptions * Options );
  9086. //
  9087. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9088. //
  9089. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Crop (
  9090. /*[in]*/ struct IStructImportCropOptions * Options,
  9091. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9092. };
  9093. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580086-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  9094. IStructImportResampleOptions : IDispatch
  9095. {
  9096. //
  9097. // Property data
  9098. //
  9099. __declspec(property(get=GetFileName))
  9100. _bstr_t FileName;
  9101. __declspec(property(get=GetFilterID))
  9102. long FilterID;
  9103. __declspec(property(get=GetCustomData))
  9104. long CustomData;
  9105. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  9106. long Width;
  9107. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight,put=PutHeight))
  9108. long Height;
  9109. __declspec(property(get=GetDpiX,put=PutDpiX))
  9110. long DpiX;
  9111. __declspec(property(get=GetDpiY,put=PutDpiY))
  9112. long DpiY;
  9113. //
  9114. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9115. //
  9116. _bstr_t GetFileName ( );
  9117. long GetFilterID ( );
  9118. long GetCustomData ( );
  9119. long GetWidth ( );
  9120. void PutWidth (
  9121. long pVal );
  9122. long GetHeight ( );
  9123. void PutHeight (
  9124. long pVal );
  9125. long GetDpiX ( );
  9126. void PutDpiX (
  9127. long pVal );
  9128. long GetDpiY ( );
  9129. void PutDpiY (
  9130. long pVal );
  9131. //
  9132. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9133. //
  9134. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileName (
  9135. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9136. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FilterID (
  9137. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9138. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CustomData (
  9139. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9140. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  9141. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9142. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  9143. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9144. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  9145. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9146. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
  9147. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9148. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DpiX (
  9149. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9150. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DpiX (
  9151. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9152. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DpiY (
  9153. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9154. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DpiY (
  9155. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9156. };
  9157. struct __declspec(uuid("f5200004-8d23-0001-89e7-0000861ebbd6"))
  9158. IImportResampleHandler : IDispatch
  9159. {
  9160. //
  9161. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9162. //
  9163. VARIANT_BOOL Resample (
  9164. struct IStructImportResampleOptions * Options );
  9165. //
  9166. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9167. //
  9168. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Resample (
  9169. /*[in]*/ struct IStructImportResampleOptions * Options,
  9170. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9171. };
  9172. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  9173. IVGColorManagementPolicy : IDispatch
  9174. {
  9175. //
  9176. // Property data
  9177. //
  9178. __declspec(property(get=GetActionForRGB,put=PutActionForRGB))
  9179. enum clrColorPolicyAction ActionForRGB;
  9180. __declspec(property(get=GetActionForCMYK,put=PutActionForCMYK))
  9181. enum clrColorPolicyAction ActionForCMYK;
  9182. __declspec(property(get=GetActionForGrayscale,put=PutActionForGrayscale))
  9183. enum clrColorPolicyAction ActionForGrayscale;
  9184. __declspec(property(get=GetWarnOnMismatchedProfiles,put=PutWarnOnMismatchedProfiles))
  9185. VARIANT_BOOL WarnOnMismatchedProfiles;
  9186. __declspec(property(get=GetWarnOnMissingProfiles,put=PutWarnOnMissingProfiles))
  9187. VARIANT_BOOL WarnOnMissingProfiles;
  9188. //
  9189. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9190. //
  9191. enum clrColorPolicyAction GetActionForRGB ( );
  9192. void PutActionForRGB (
  9193. enum clrColorPolicyAction pVal );
  9194. enum clrColorPolicyAction GetActionForCMYK ( );
  9195. void PutActionForCMYK (
  9196. enum clrColorPolicyAction pVal );
  9197. enum clrColorPolicyAction GetActionForGrayscale ( );
  9198. void PutActionForGrayscale (
  9199. enum clrColorPolicyAction pVal );
  9200. VARIANT_BOOL GetWarnOnMismatchedProfiles ( );
  9201. void PutWarnOnMismatchedProfiles (
  9202. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9203. VARIANT_BOOL GetWarnOnMissingProfiles ( );
  9204. void PutWarnOnMissingProfiles (
  9205. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9206. //
  9207. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9208. //
  9209. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActionForRGB (
  9210. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrColorPolicyAction * pVal ) = 0;
  9211. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ActionForRGB (
  9212. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorPolicyAction pVal ) = 0;
  9213. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActionForCMYK (
  9214. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrColorPolicyAction * pVal ) = 0;
  9215. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ActionForCMYK (
  9216. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorPolicyAction pVal ) = 0;
  9217. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActionForGrayscale (
  9218. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrColorPolicyAction * pVal ) = 0;
  9219. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ActionForGrayscale (
  9220. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorPolicyAction pVal ) = 0;
  9221. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WarnOnMismatchedProfiles (
  9222. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9223. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WarnOnMismatchedProfiles (
  9224. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9225. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WarnOnMissingProfiles (
  9226. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9227. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WarnOnMissingProfiles (
  9228. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9229. };
  9230. struct __declspec(uuid("7cb12d17-eca6-0e87-46f7-e4d31c0d0500"))
  9231. IColorConversionHandler : IDispatch
  9232. {};
  9233. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b2-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  9234. IVGStructColorConversionOptions : IDispatch
  9235. {
  9236. //
  9237. // Property data
  9238. //
  9239. __declspec(property(get=GetColorPolicy))
  9240. IVGColorManagementPolicyPtr ColorPolicy;
  9241. __declspec(property(get=GetSourceColorProfileList,put=PutSourceColorProfileList))
  9242. _bstr_t SourceColorProfileList;
  9243. __declspec(property(get=GetTargetColorProfileList,put=PutTargetColorProfileList))
  9244. _bstr_t TargetColorProfileList;
  9245. //
  9246. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9247. //
  9248. IVGColorManagementPolicyPtr GetColorPolicy ( );
  9249. _bstr_t GetSourceColorProfileList ( );
  9250. void PutSourceColorProfileList (
  9251. _bstr_t pVal );
  9252. _bstr_t GetTargetColorProfileList ( );
  9253. void PutTargetColorProfileList (
  9254. _bstr_t pVal );
  9255. IColorConversionHandlerPtr GetColorConversionHandler ( );
  9256. void PutRefColorConversionHandler (
  9257. struct IColorConversionHandler * * ppVal );
  9258. //
  9259. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9260. //
  9261. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorPolicy (
  9262. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorManagementPolicy * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9263. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SourceColorProfileList (
  9264. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9265. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SourceColorProfileList (
  9266. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  9267. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TargetColorProfileList (
  9268. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9269. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TargetColorProfileList (
  9270. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  9271. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorConversionHandler (
  9272. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IColorConversionHandler * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9273. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_ColorConversionHandler (
  9274. /*[in]*/ struct IColorConversionHandler * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9275. };
  9276. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580085-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  9277. IVGStructImportOptions : IDispatch
  9278. {
  9279. //
  9280. // Property data
  9281. //
  9282. __declspec(property(get=GetLinkBitmapExternally,put=PutLinkBitmapExternally))
  9283. VARIANT_BOOL LinkBitmapExternally;
  9284. __declspec(property(get=GetResampleDpiY,put=PutResampleDpiY))
  9285. long ResampleDpiY;
  9286. __declspec(property(get=GetCombineMultilayerBitmaps,put=PutCombineMultilayerBitmaps))
  9287. VARIANT_BOOL CombineMultilayerBitmaps;
  9288. __declspec(property(get=GetForceCMYKBlackText,put=PutForceCMYKBlackText))
  9289. VARIANT_BOOL ForceCMYKBlackText;
  9290. __declspec(property(get=GetExtractICCProfile,put=PutExtractICCProfile))
  9291. VARIANT_BOOL ExtractICCProfile;
  9292. __declspec(property(get=GetConvertTablesToText,put=PutConvertTablesToText))
  9293. VARIANT_BOOL ConvertTablesToText;
  9294. __declspec(property(get=GetICCFileName,put=PutICCFileName))
  9295. _bstr_t ICCFileName;
  9296. __declspec(property(get=GetTableColumnDelimiter,put=PutTableColumnDelimiter))
  9297. _bstr_t TableColumnDelimiter;
  9298. __declspec(property(get=GetMaintainLayers,put=PutMaintainLayers))
  9299. VARIANT_BOOL MaintainLayers;
  9300. __declspec(property(get=GetColorConversionOptions))
  9301. IVGStructColorConversionOptionsPtr ColorConversionOptions;
  9302. __declspec(property(get=GetUseOPILinks,put=PutUseOPILinks))
  9303. VARIANT_BOOL UseOPILinks;
  9304. __declspec(property(get=GetDetectWatermark,put=PutDetectWatermark))
  9305. VARIANT_BOOL DetectWatermark;
  9306. __declspec(property(get=GetMode,put=PutMode))
  9307. enum cdrImportMode Mode;
  9308. __declspec(property(get=GetCustomData,put=PutCustomData))
  9309. long CustomData;
  9310. __declspec(property(get=GetImageIndex,put=PutImageIndex))
  9311. long ImageIndex;
  9312. __declspec(property(get=GetTextFormatting,put=PutTextFormatting))
  9313. enum cdrImportTextFormatting TextFormatting;
  9314. __declspec(property(get=GetTableOutline,put=PutTableOutline))
  9315. enum cdrImportTableOutline TableOutline;
  9316. __declspec(property(get=GetCodePage,put=PutCodePage))
  9317. long CodePage;
  9318. __declspec(property(get=GetResampleWidth,put=PutResampleWidth))
  9319. long ResampleWidth;
  9320. __declspec(property(get=GetResampleHeight,put=PutResampleHeight))
  9321. long ResampleHeight;
  9322. __declspec(property(get=GetCropLeft,put=PutCropLeft))
  9323. long CropLeft;
  9324. __declspec(property(get=GetCropTop,put=PutCropTop))
  9325. long CropTop;
  9326. __declspec(property(get=GetCropWidth,put=PutCropWidth))
  9327. long CropWidth;
  9328. __declspec(property(get=GetCropHeight,put=PutCropHeight))
  9329. long CropHeight;
  9330. __declspec(property(get=GetResampleDpiX,put=PutResampleDpiX))
  9331. long ResampleDpiX;
  9332. //
  9333. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9334. //
  9335. VARIANT_BOOL GetLinkBitmapExternally ( );
  9336. void PutLinkBitmapExternally (
  9337. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9338. VARIANT_BOOL GetCombineMultilayerBitmaps ( );
  9339. void PutCombineMultilayerBitmaps (
  9340. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9341. VARIANT_BOOL GetExtractICCProfile ( );
  9342. void PutExtractICCProfile (
  9343. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9344. _bstr_t GetICCFileName ( );
  9345. void PutICCFileName (
  9346. _bstr_t pVal );
  9347. VARIANT_BOOL GetMaintainLayers ( );
  9348. void PutMaintainLayers (
  9349. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9350. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseOPILinks ( );
  9351. void PutUseOPILinks (
  9352. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9353. VARIANT_BOOL GetDetectWatermark ( );
  9354. void PutDetectWatermark (
  9355. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9356. enum cdrImportMode GetMode ( );
  9357. void PutMode (
  9358. enum cdrImportMode pVal );
  9359. long GetCustomData ( );
  9360. void PutCustomData (
  9361. long pVal );
  9362. long GetImageIndex ( );
  9363. void PutImageIndex (
  9364. long pVal );
  9365. IImportCropHandlerPtr GetCropHandler ( );
  9366. void PutRefCropHandler (
  9367. struct IImportCropHandler * * ppVal );
  9368. IImportResampleHandlerPtr GetResampleHandler ( );
  9369. void PutRefResampleHandler (
  9370. struct IImportResampleHandler * * ppVal );
  9371. enum cdrImportTextFormatting GetTextFormatting ( );
  9372. void PutTextFormatting (
  9373. enum cdrImportTextFormatting pVal );
  9374. enum cdrImportTableOutline GetTableOutline ( );
  9375. void PutTableOutline (
  9376. enum cdrImportTableOutline pVal );
  9377. long GetCodePage ( );
  9378. void PutCodePage (
  9379. long pVal );
  9380. long GetResampleWidth ( );
  9381. void PutResampleWidth (
  9382. long pVal );
  9383. long GetResampleHeight ( );
  9384. void PutResampleHeight (
  9385. long pVal );
  9386. long GetCropLeft ( );
  9387. void PutCropLeft (
  9388. long pVal );
  9389. long GetCropTop ( );
  9390. void PutCropTop (
  9391. long pVal );
  9392. long GetCropWidth ( );
  9393. void PutCropWidth (
  9394. long pVal );
  9395. long GetCropHeight ( );
  9396. void PutCropHeight (
  9397. long pVal );
  9398. long GetResampleDpiX ( );
  9399. void PutResampleDpiX (
  9400. long pVal );
  9401. long GetResampleDpiY ( );
  9402. void PutResampleDpiY (
  9403. long pVal );
  9404. VARIANT_BOOL GetForceCMYKBlackText ( );
  9405. void PutForceCMYKBlackText (
  9406. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9407. VARIANT_BOOL GetConvertTablesToText ( );
  9408. void PutConvertTablesToText (
  9409. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  9410. _bstr_t GetTableColumnDelimiter ( );
  9411. void PutTableColumnDelimiter (
  9412. _bstr_t pVal );
  9413. IVGStructColorConversionOptionsPtr GetColorConversionOptions ( );
  9414. //
  9415. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9416. //
  9417. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkBitmapExternally (
  9418. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9419. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LinkBitmapExternally (
  9420. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9421. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CombineMultilayerBitmaps (
  9422. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9423. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CombineMultilayerBitmaps (
  9424. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9425. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExtractICCProfile (
  9426. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9427. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ExtractICCProfile (
  9428. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9429. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ICCFileName (
  9430. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ICCFileName (
  9432. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  9433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaintainLayers (
  9434. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9435. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaintainLayers (
  9436. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9437. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseOPILinks (
  9438. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9439. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseOPILinks (
  9440. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9441. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DetectWatermark (
  9442. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9443. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DetectWatermark (
  9444. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9445. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mode (
  9446. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrImportMode * pVal ) = 0;
  9447. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mode (
  9448. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImportMode pVal ) = 0;
  9449. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CustomData (
  9450. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9451. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CustomData (
  9452. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9453. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ImageIndex (
  9454. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9455. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ImageIndex (
  9456. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9457. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropHandler (
  9458. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IImportCropHandler * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9459. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_CropHandler (
  9460. /*[in]*/ struct IImportCropHandler * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9461. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResampleHandler (
  9462. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IImportResampleHandler * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9463. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_ResampleHandler (
  9464. /*[in]*/ struct IImportResampleHandler * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9465. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextFormatting (
  9466. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrImportTextFormatting * pVal ) = 0;
  9467. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextFormatting (
  9468. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImportTextFormatting pVal ) = 0;
  9469. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TableOutline (
  9470. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrImportTableOutline * pVal ) = 0;
  9471. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TableOutline (
  9472. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImportTableOutline pVal ) = 0;
  9473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CodePage (
  9474. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CodePage (
  9476. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9477. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResampleWidth (
  9478. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ResampleWidth (
  9480. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResampleHeight (
  9482. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9483. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ResampleHeight (
  9484. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropLeft (
  9486. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9487. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropLeft (
  9488. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropTop (
  9490. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropTop (
  9492. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropWidth (
  9494. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9495. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropWidth (
  9496. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9497. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropHeight (
  9498. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9499. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CropHeight (
  9500. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResampleDpiX (
  9502. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9503. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ResampleDpiX (
  9504. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9505. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResampleDpiY (
  9506. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9507. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ResampleDpiY (
  9508. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9509. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ForceCMYKBlackText (
  9510. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9511. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ForceCMYKBlackText (
  9512. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9513. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConvertTablesToText (
  9514. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9515. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ConvertTablesToText (
  9516. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  9517. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TableColumnDelimiter (
  9518. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9519. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TableColumnDelimiter (
  9520. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  9521. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorConversionOptions (
  9522. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructColorConversionOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9523. };
  9524. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b5-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  9525. IVGStructPasteOptions : IDispatch
  9526. {
  9527. //
  9528. // Property data
  9529. //
  9530. __declspec(property(get=GetColorConversionOptions))
  9531. IVGStructColorConversionOptionsPtr ColorConversionOptions;
  9532. //
  9533. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9534. //
  9535. IVGStructColorConversionOptionsPtr GetColorConversionOptions ( );
  9536. //
  9537. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9538. //
  9539. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorConversionOptions (
  9540. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructColorConversionOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9541. };
  9542. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  9543. IVGCommentAuthor : IDispatch
  9544. {
  9545. //
  9546. // Property data
  9547. //
  9548. __declspec(property(get=GetEmail))
  9549. _bstr_t Email;
  9550. __declspec(property(get=GetAvatar))
  9551. _bstr_t Avatar;
  9552. __declspec(property(get=GetAuthentication))
  9553. enum cdrAuthorAuthentication Authentication;
  9554. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  9555. _bstr_t Name;
  9556. __declspec(property(get=GetOnlineID,put=PutOnlineID))
  9557. _bstr_t OnlineID;
  9558. //
  9559. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9560. //
  9561. _bstr_t GetEmail ( );
  9562. _bstr_t GetAvatar ( );
  9563. enum cdrAuthorAuthentication GetAuthentication ( );
  9564. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  9565. _bstr_t GetOnlineID ( );
  9566. void PutOnlineID (
  9567. _bstr_t pRet );
  9568. //
  9569. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9570. //
  9571. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Email (
  9572. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRet ) = 0;
  9573. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Avatar (
  9574. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRet ) = 0;
  9575. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Authentication (
  9576. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrAuthorAuthentication * pRet ) = 0;
  9577. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  9578. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRet ) = 0;
  9579. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OnlineID (
  9580. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRet ) = 0;
  9581. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OnlineID (
  9582. /*[in]*/ BSTR pRet ) = 0;
  9583. };
  9584. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580000-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  9585. ICorelScriptTools : IDispatch
  9586. {
  9587. //
  9588. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9589. //
  9590. double AngleConvert (
  9591. long FromUnit,
  9592. long ToUnit,
  9593. double Value );
  9594. double ASin (
  9595. double Value );
  9596. HRESULT BeginWaitCursor ( );
  9597. HRESULT EndWaitCursor ( );
  9598. DATE BuildDate (
  9599. long Year,
  9600. long Month,
  9601. long Day );
  9602. DATE BuildTime (
  9603. long Hour,
  9604. long Minute,
  9605. long Second );
  9606. long Dec (
  9607. _bstr_t Hex );
  9608. long FileAttr (
  9609. _bstr_t FolderFile );
  9610. _bstr_t FindFirstFolder (
  9611. _bstr_t SearchCriteria,
  9612. long Attributes );
  9613. _bstr_t FindNextFolder ( );
  9614. _bstr_t FormatTime (
  9615. DATE Time,
  9616. _bstr_t Format );
  9617. double FromCentimeters (
  9618. double Value );
  9619. double FromCiceros (
  9620. double Value );
  9621. double FromDidots (
  9622. double Value );
  9623. double FromInches (
  9624. double Value );
  9625. double FromPicas (
  9626. double Value );
  9627. double FromPoints (
  9628. double Value );
  9629. long GetAppHandle ( );
  9630. VARIANT_BOOL GetColor (
  9631. long * Red,
  9632. long * Green,
  9633. long * Blue );
  9634. _bstr_t GetCommandLine ( );
  9635. _bstr_t GetCurrFolder ( );
  9636. HRESULT GetDateInfo (
  9637. DATE Date,
  9638. long * Year,
  9639. long * Month,
  9640. long * Day,
  9641. long * DayOfWeek );
  9642. _bstr_t GetFileBox (
  9643. _bstr_t Filter,
  9644. _bstr_t Title,
  9645. long Type,
  9646. _bstr_t File,
  9647. _bstr_t Extension,
  9648. _bstr_t Folder,
  9649. _bstr_t Button );
  9650. _bstr_t GetFolder (
  9651. _bstr_t InitFolder,
  9652. _bstr_t Title,
  9653. long ParentWindowHandle );
  9654. VARIANT_BOOL GetFont (
  9655. BSTR * FaceName,
  9656. long * PointSize,
  9657. long * Weight,
  9658. VARIANT_BOOL * Italic,
  9659. VARIANT_BOOL * Underline,
  9660. VARIANT_BOOL * StrikeOut,
  9661. long * Red,
  9662. long * Green,
  9663. long * Blue );
  9664. long GetProcessInfo (
  9665. long ProcessHandle );
  9666. _bstr_t GetScriptFolder ( );
  9667. _bstr_t GetTempFolder ( );
  9668. HRESULT GetTimeInfo (
  9669. DATE Time,
  9670. long * Hour,
  9671. long * Minute,
  9672. long * Second );
  9673. long GetType (
  9674. const _variant_t & Expression );
  9675. long GetVersion (
  9676. long Option );
  9677. long GetWinHandle ( );
  9678. VARIANT_BOOL Kill (
  9679. _bstr_t FileName );
  9680. double LengthConvert (
  9681. long FromUnit,
  9682. long ToUnit,
  9683. double Value );
  9684. double Log (
  9685. double Value );
  9686. VARIANT_BOOL MkFolder (
  9687. _bstr_t Folder );
  9688. _variant_t RegistryQuery (
  9689. long MainKey,
  9690. _bstr_t SubKey,
  9691. _bstr_t Value );
  9692. VARIANT_BOOL Rename (
  9693. _bstr_t Src,
  9694. _bstr_t Dst,
  9695. long Overwrite );
  9696. VARIANT_BOOL RmFolder (
  9697. _bstr_t Folder );
  9698. double ToCentimeters (
  9699. double Value );
  9700. double ToCiceros (
  9701. double Value );
  9702. double ToDidots (
  9703. double Value );
  9704. double ToInches (
  9705. double Value );
  9706. double ToPicas (
  9707. double Value );
  9708. double ToPoints (
  9709. double Value );
  9710. //
  9711. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9712. //
  9713. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AngleConvert (
  9714. /*[in]*/ long FromUnit,
  9715. /*[in]*/ long ToUnit,
  9716. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9717. /*[out,retval]*/ double * Result ) = 0;
  9718. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ASin (
  9719. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9720. /*[out,retval]*/ double * Result ) = 0;
  9721. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeginWaitCursor ( ) = 0;
  9722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EndWaitCursor ( ) = 0;
  9723. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BuildDate (
  9724. /*[in]*/ long Year,
  9725. /*[in]*/ long Month,
  9726. /*[in]*/ long Day,
  9727. /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pVal ) = 0;
  9728. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BuildTime (
  9729. /*[in]*/ long Hour,
  9730. /*[in]*/ long Minute,
  9731. /*[in]*/ long Second,
  9732. /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pVal ) = 0;
  9733. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Dec (
  9734. /*[in]*/ BSTR Hex,
  9735. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9736. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FileAttr (
  9737. /*[in]*/ BSTR FolderFile,
  9738. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9739. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindFirstFolder (
  9740. /*[in]*/ BSTR SearchCriteria,
  9741. /*[in]*/ long Attributes,
  9742. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9743. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindNextFolder (
  9744. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9745. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FormatTime (
  9746. /*[in]*/ DATE Time,
  9747. /*[in]*/ BSTR Format,
  9748. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9749. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FromCentimeters (
  9750. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9751. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9752. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FromCiceros (
  9753. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9754. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9755. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FromDidots (
  9756. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9757. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FromInches (
  9759. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9760. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9761. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FromPicas (
  9762. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9763. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9764. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FromPoints (
  9765. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9766. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9767. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAppHandle (
  9768. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9769. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetColor (
  9770. /*[in,out]*/ long * Red,
  9771. /*[in,out]*/ long * Green,
  9772. /*[in,out]*/ long * Blue,
  9773. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9774. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCommandLine (
  9775. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9776. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurrFolder (
  9777. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9778. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetDateInfo (
  9779. /*[in]*/ DATE Date,
  9780. /*[out]*/ long * Year,
  9781. /*[out]*/ long * Month,
  9782. /*[out]*/ long * Day,
  9783. /*[out]*/ long * DayOfWeek ) = 0;
  9784. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFileBox (
  9785. /*[in]*/ BSTR Filter,
  9786. /*[in]*/ BSTR Title,
  9787. /*[in]*/ long Type,
  9788. /*[in]*/ BSTR File,
  9789. /*[in]*/ BSTR Extension,
  9790. /*[in]*/ BSTR Folder,
  9791. /*[in]*/ BSTR Button,
  9792. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9793. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFolder (
  9794. /*[in]*/ BSTR InitFolder,
  9795. /*[in]*/ BSTR Title,
  9796. /*[in]*/ long ParentWindowHandle,
  9797. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9798. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFont (
  9799. /*[in,out]*/ BSTR * FaceName,
  9800. /*[in,out]*/ long * PointSize,
  9801. /*[in,out]*/ long * Weight,
  9802. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Italic,
  9803. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Underline,
  9804. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * StrikeOut,
  9805. /*[in,out]*/ long * Red,
  9806. /*[in,out]*/ long * Green,
  9807. /*[in,out]*/ long * Blue,
  9808. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProcessInfo (
  9810. /*[in]*/ long ProcessHandle,
  9811. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9812. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetScriptFolder (
  9813. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9814. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTempFolder (
  9815. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9816. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTimeInfo (
  9817. /*[in]*/ DATE Time,
  9818. /*[out]*/ long * Hour,
  9819. /*[out]*/ long * Minute,
  9820. /*[out]*/ long * Second ) = 0;
  9821. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetType (
  9822. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Expression,
  9823. /*[out,retval]*/ long * Type ) = 0;
  9824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetVersion (
  9825. /*[in]*/ long Option,
  9826. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9827. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetWinHandle (
  9828. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9829. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Kill (
  9830. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  9831. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LengthConvert (
  9833. /*[in]*/ long FromUnit,
  9834. /*[in]*/ long ToUnit,
  9835. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9836. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9837. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Log (
  9838. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9839. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9840. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MkFolder (
  9841. /*[in]*/ BSTR Folder,
  9842. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9843. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RegistryQuery (
  9844. /*[in]*/ long MainKey,
  9845. /*[in]*/ BSTR SubKey,
  9846. /*[in]*/ BSTR Value,
  9847. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  9848. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Rename (
  9849. /*[in]*/ BSTR Src,
  9850. /*[in]*/ BSTR Dst,
  9851. /*[in]*/ long Overwrite,
  9852. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9853. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RmFolder (
  9854. /*[in]*/ BSTR Folder,
  9855. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9856. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToCentimeters (
  9857. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9858. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9859. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToCiceros (
  9860. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9861. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9862. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToDidots (
  9863. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9864. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9865. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToInches (
  9866. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9867. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9868. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToPicas (
  9869. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9870. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9871. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToPoints (
  9872. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  9873. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  9874. };
  9875. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580039-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  9876. IVGFontList : IDispatch
  9877. {
  9878. //
  9879. // Property data
  9880. //
  9881. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  9882. IDispatchPtr Application;
  9883. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  9884. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  9885. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  9886. _bstr_t Item[];
  9887. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  9888. long Count;
  9889. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  9890. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  9891. //
  9892. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9893. //
  9894. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  9895. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  9896. _bstr_t GetItem (
  9897. long Index );
  9898. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  9899. long GetCount ( );
  9900. //
  9901. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9902. //
  9903. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  9904. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9905. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  9906. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9907. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  9908. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  9909. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9910. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  9911. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  9912. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  9913. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9914. };
  9915. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  9916. IVGAppWindow : IDispatch
  9917. {
  9918. //
  9919. // Property data
  9920. //
  9921. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  9922. IDispatchPtr Application;
  9923. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  9924. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  9925. __declspec(property(get=GetActive))
  9926. VARIANT_BOOL Active;
  9927. __declspec(property(get=GetCaption,put=PutCaption))
  9928. _bstr_t Caption;
  9929. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight,put=PutHeight))
  9930. long Height;
  9931. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  9932. long Width;
  9933. __declspec(property(get=GetLeft,put=PutLeft))
  9934. long Left;
  9935. __declspec(property(get=GetTop,put=PutTop))
  9936. long Top;
  9937. __declspec(property(get=GetWindowState,put=PutWindowState))
  9938. enum cdrWindowState WindowState;
  9939. __declspec(property(get=GetClientWidth))
  9940. long ClientWidth;
  9941. __declspec(property(get=GetClientHeight))
  9942. long ClientHeight;
  9943. __declspec(property(get=GetHandle))
  9944. long Handle;
  9945. //
  9946. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  9947. //
  9948. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  9949. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  9950. HRESULT Activate ( );
  9951. VARIANT_BOOL GetActive ( );
  9952. _bstr_t GetCaption ( );
  9953. void PutCaption (
  9954. _bstr_t pVal );
  9955. long GetHeight ( );
  9956. void PutHeight (
  9957. long pVal );
  9958. long GetWidth ( );
  9959. void PutWidth (
  9960. long pVal );
  9961. long GetLeft ( );
  9962. void PutLeft (
  9963. long pVal );
  9964. long GetTop ( );
  9965. void PutTop (
  9966. long pVal );
  9967. enum cdrWindowState GetWindowState ( );
  9968. void PutWindowState (
  9969. enum cdrWindowState pVal );
  9970. long GetClientWidth ( );
  9971. long GetClientHeight ( );
  9972. long GetHandle ( );
  9973. //
  9974. // Raw methods provided by interface
  9975. //
  9976. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  9977. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9978. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  9979. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  9980. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  9981. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Active (
  9982. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  9983. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Caption (
  9984. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  9985. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Caption (
  9986. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  9987. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  9988. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9989. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
  9990. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9991. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  9992. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9993. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  9994. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9995. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
  9996. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  9997. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
  9998. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  9999. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
  10000. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10001. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
  10002. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  10003. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WindowState (
  10004. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrWindowState * pVal ) = 0;
  10005. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WindowState (
  10006. /*[in]*/ enum cdrWindowState pVal ) = 0;
  10007. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ClientWidth (
  10008. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10009. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ClientHeight (
  10010. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10011. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Handle (
  10012. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10013. };
  10014. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10015. IVGPatternCanvases : IDispatch
  10016. {
  10017. //
  10018. // Property data
  10019. //
  10020. __declspec(property(get=GetItem,put=PutItem))
  10021. IVGPatternCanvasPtr Item[];
  10022. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  10023. long Count;
  10024. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  10025. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  10026. //
  10027. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10028. //
  10029. IVGPatternCanvasPtr GetItem (
  10030. long Index );
  10031. void PutItem (
  10032. long Index,
  10033. struct IVGPatternCanvas * ppVal );
  10034. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  10035. long GetCount ( );
  10036. long Add (
  10037. struct IVGPatternCanvas * PatternCanvas );
  10038. HRESULT Remove (
  10039. long Index );
  10040. //
  10041. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10042. //
  10043. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  10044. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  10045. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPatternCanvas * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10046. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Item (
  10047. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  10048. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPatternCanvas * ppVal ) = 0;
  10049. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  10050. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  10051. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  10052. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10053. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  10054. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPatternCanvas * PatternCanvas,
  10055. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10056. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
  10057. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  10058. };
  10059. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580010-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10060. IVGClipboard : IDispatch
  10061. {
  10062. //
  10063. // Property data
  10064. //
  10065. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  10066. IDispatchPtr Application;
  10067. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  10068. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  10069. __declspec(property(get=GetValid))
  10070. VARIANT_BOOL Valid;
  10071. __declspec(property(get=GetEmpty))
  10072. VARIANT_BOOL Empty;
  10073. //
  10074. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10075. //
  10076. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  10077. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  10078. VARIANT_BOOL GetValid ( );
  10079. VARIANT_BOOL GetEmpty ( );
  10080. HRESULT Clear ( );
  10081. VARIANT_BOOL DataPresent (
  10082. _bstr_t FormatName );
  10083. //
  10084. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10085. //
  10086. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  10087. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10088. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  10089. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10090. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Valid (
  10091. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbValid ) = 0;
  10092. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Empty (
  10093. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbEmpty ) = 0;
  10094. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
  10095. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DataPresent (
  10096. /*[in]*/ BSTR FormatName,
  10097. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRet ) = 0;
  10098. };
  10099. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10100. IVGGMSMacro : IDispatch
  10101. {
  10102. //
  10103. // Property data
  10104. //
  10105. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  10106. _bstr_t Name;
  10107. //
  10108. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10109. //
  10110. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  10111. HRESULT Run ( );
  10112. HRESULT Edit ( );
  10113. HRESULT Delete ( );
  10114. //
  10115. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10116. //
  10117. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  10118. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10119. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Run ( ) = 0;
  10120. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Edit ( ) = 0;
  10121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  10122. };
  10123. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10124. IVGGMSMacros : IDispatch
  10125. {
  10126. //
  10127. // Property data
  10128. //
  10129. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  10130. IVGGMSMacroPtr Item[];
  10131. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  10132. long Count;
  10133. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  10134. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  10135. //
  10136. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10137. //
  10138. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  10139. IVGGMSMacroPtr GetItem (
  10140. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  10141. long GetCount ( );
  10142. IVGGMSMacroPtr Create (
  10143. _bstr_t Name );
  10144. //
  10145. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10146. //
  10147. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  10148. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  10149. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  10150. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  10151. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGMSMacro * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10152. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  10153. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10154. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Create (
  10155. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  10156. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGMSMacro * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10157. };
  10158. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10159. IVGGMSProject : IDispatch
  10160. {
  10161. //
  10162. // Property data
  10163. //
  10164. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  10165. _bstr_t Name;
  10166. __declspec(property(get=GetDisplayName))
  10167. _bstr_t DisplayName;
  10168. __declspec(property(get=GetMacros))
  10169. IVGGMSMacrosPtr Macros;
  10170. __declspec(property(get=GetFileName))
  10171. _bstr_t FileName;
  10172. __declspec(property(get=GetFilePath))
  10173. _bstr_t FilePath;
  10174. __declspec(property(get=GetFullFileName))
  10175. _bstr_t FullFileName;
  10176. __declspec(property(get=GetDirty,put=PutDirty))
  10177. VARIANT_BOOL Dirty;
  10178. __declspec(property(get=GetLocked))
  10179. VARIANT_BOOL Locked;
  10180. __declspec(property(get=GetPasswordProtected))
  10181. VARIANT_BOOL PasswordProtected;
  10182. //
  10183. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10184. //
  10185. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  10186. void PutName (
  10187. _bstr_t pVal );
  10188. _bstr_t GetDisplayName ( );
  10189. IVGGMSMacrosPtr GetMacros ( );
  10190. HRESULT Unload ( );
  10191. _bstr_t GetFileName ( );
  10192. _bstr_t GetFilePath ( );
  10193. _bstr_t GetFullFileName ( );
  10194. VARIANT_BOOL GetDirty ( );
  10195. void PutDirty (
  10196. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  10197. VARIANT_BOOL GetLocked ( );
  10198. VARIANT_BOOL GetPasswordProtected ( );
  10199. //
  10200. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10201. //
  10202. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  10203. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10204. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  10205. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10206. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayName (
  10207. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10208. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Macros (
  10209. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGMSMacros * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10210. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unload ( ) = 0;
  10211. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileName (
  10212. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10213. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FilePath (
  10214. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10215. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FullFileName (
  10216. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10217. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Dirty (
  10218. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10219. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Dirty (
  10220. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  10221. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Locked (
  10222. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10223. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PasswordProtected (
  10224. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10225. };
  10226. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10227. IVGGMSProjects : IDispatch
  10228. {
  10229. //
  10230. // Property data
  10231. //
  10232. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  10233. IVGGMSProjectPtr Item[];
  10234. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  10235. long Count;
  10236. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  10237. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  10238. //
  10239. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10240. //
  10241. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  10242. IVGGMSProjectPtr GetItem (
  10243. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  10244. long GetCount ( );
  10245. IVGGMSProjectPtr Load (
  10246. _bstr_t FileName,
  10247. VARIANT_BOOL CopyFile,
  10248. VARIANT_BOOL ForAllUsers );
  10249. IVGGMSProjectPtr Create (
  10250. _bstr_t Name,
  10251. VARIANT_BOOL ForAllUsers,
  10252. _bstr_t FileName );
  10253. //
  10254. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10255. //
  10256. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  10257. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  10258. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  10259. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  10260. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGMSProject * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10261. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  10262. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10263. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
  10264. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  10265. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CopyFile,
  10266. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ForAllUsers,
  10267. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGMSProject * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10268. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Create (
  10269. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  10270. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ForAllUsers,
  10271. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  10272. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGMSProject * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10273. };
  10274. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10275. IVGGMSManager : IDispatch
  10276. {
  10277. //
  10278. // Property data
  10279. //
  10280. __declspec(property(get=GetGMSPath))
  10281. _bstr_t GMSPath;
  10282. __declspec(property(get=GetUserGMSPath))
  10283. _bstr_t UserGMSPath;
  10284. __declspec(property(get=GetProjects))
  10285. IVGGMSProjectsPtr Projects;
  10286. //
  10287. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10288. //
  10289. _bstr_t GetGMSPath ( );
  10290. _variant_t RunMacro (
  10291. _bstr_t ModuleName,
  10292. _bstr_t MacroName,
  10293. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  10294. _bstr_t GetUserGMSPath ( );
  10295. IVGGMSProjectsPtr GetProjects ( );
  10296. //
  10297. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10298. //
  10299. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GMSPath (
  10300. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10301. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RunMacro (
  10302. /*[in]*/ BSTR ModuleName,
  10303. /*[in]*/ BSTR MacroName,
  10304. /*[in,out]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters,
  10305. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * ppVal ) = 0;
  10306. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UserGMSPath (
  10307. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10308. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Projects (
  10309. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGMSProjects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10310. };
  10311. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580068-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10312. IVGStructSaveAsOptions : IDispatch
  10313. {
  10314. //
  10315. // Property data
  10316. //
  10317. __declspec(property(get=GetFilter,put=PutFilter))
  10318. enum cdrFilter Filter;
  10319. __declspec(property(get=GetVersion,put=PutVersion))
  10320. enum cdrFileVersion Version;
  10321. __declspec(property(get=GetThumbnailSize,put=PutThumbnailSize))
  10322. enum cdrThumbnailSize ThumbnailSize;
  10323. __declspec(property(get=GetRange,put=PutRange))
  10324. enum cdrExportRange Range;
  10325. __declspec(property(get=GetOverwrite,put=PutOverwrite))
  10326. VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite;
  10327. __declspec(property(get=GetEmbedICCProfile,put=PutEmbedICCProfile))
  10328. VARIANT_BOOL EmbedICCProfile;
  10329. __declspec(property(get=GetEmbedVBAProject,put=PutEmbedVBAProject))
  10330. VARIANT_BOOL EmbedVBAProject;
  10331. __declspec(property(get=GetIncludeCMXData,put=PutIncludeCMXData))
  10332. VARIANT_BOOL IncludeCMXData;
  10333. __declspec(property(get=GetKeepAppearance,put=PutKeepAppearance))
  10334. VARIANT_BOOL KeepAppearance;
  10335. //
  10336. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10337. //
  10338. void PutFilter (
  10339. enum cdrFilter pVal );
  10340. enum cdrFilter GetFilter ( );
  10341. void PutVersion (
  10342. enum cdrFileVersion pVal );
  10343. enum cdrFileVersion GetVersion ( );
  10344. void PutThumbnailSize (
  10345. enum cdrThumbnailSize pVal );
  10346. enum cdrThumbnailSize GetThumbnailSize ( );
  10347. void PutRange (
  10348. enum cdrExportRange pVal );
  10349. enum cdrExportRange GetRange ( );
  10350. void PutOverwrite (
  10351. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  10352. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverwrite ( );
  10353. void PutEmbedICCProfile (
  10354. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  10355. VARIANT_BOOL GetEmbedICCProfile ( );
  10356. void PutEmbedVBAProject (
  10357. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  10358. VARIANT_BOOL GetEmbedVBAProject ( );
  10359. void PutIncludeCMXData (
  10360. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  10361. VARIANT_BOOL GetIncludeCMXData ( );
  10362. void PutKeepAppearance (
  10363. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  10364. VARIANT_BOOL GetKeepAppearance ( );
  10365. //
  10366. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10367. //
  10368. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Filter (
  10369. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter pVal ) = 0;
  10370. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Filter (
  10371. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFilter * pVal ) = 0;
  10372. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Version (
  10373. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFileVersion pVal ) = 0;
  10374. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Version (
  10375. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFileVersion * pVal ) = 0;
  10376. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ThumbnailSize (
  10377. /*[in]*/ enum cdrThumbnailSize pVal ) = 0;
  10378. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ThumbnailSize (
  10379. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrThumbnailSize * pVal ) = 0;
  10380. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Range (
  10381. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExportRange pVal ) = 0;
  10382. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Range (
  10383. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrExportRange * pVal ) = 0;
  10384. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Overwrite (
  10385. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  10386. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overwrite (
  10387. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10388. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EmbedICCProfile (
  10389. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  10390. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EmbedICCProfile (
  10391. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10392. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EmbedVBAProject (
  10393. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  10394. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EmbedVBAProject (
  10395. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10396. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_IncludeCMXData (
  10397. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  10398. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IncludeCMXData (
  10399. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10400. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_KeepAppearance (
  10401. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  10402. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_KeepAppearance (
  10403. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10404. };
  10405. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580014-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10406. IVGComponent : IDispatch
  10407. {
  10408. //
  10409. // Property data
  10410. //
  10411. __declspec(property(get=GetComponentID))
  10412. _bstr_t ComponentID;
  10413. //
  10414. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10415. //
  10416. _bstr_t GetComponentID ( );
  10417. //
  10418. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10419. //
  10420. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ComponentID (
  10421. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10422. };
  10423. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580015-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10424. IVGComponents : IDispatch
  10425. {
  10426. //
  10427. // Property data
  10428. //
  10429. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  10430. IVGComponentPtr Item[];
  10431. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  10432. long Count;
  10433. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  10434. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  10435. //
  10436. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10437. //
  10438. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  10439. IVGComponentPtr GetItem (
  10440. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  10441. long GetCount ( );
  10442. VARIANT_BOOL IsComponentInstalled (
  10443. _bstr_t ComponentID );
  10444. //
  10445. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10446. //
  10447. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  10448. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  10449. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  10450. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  10451. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComponent * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10452. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  10453. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10454. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsComponentInstalled (
  10455. /*[in]*/ BSTR ComponentID,
  10456. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10457. };
  10458. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580089-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10459. IVGAppStatus : IDispatch
  10460. {
  10461. //
  10462. // Property data
  10463. //
  10464. __declspec(property(get=GetProgress,put=PutProgress))
  10465. long Progress;
  10466. __declspec(property(get=GetAborted))
  10467. VARIANT_BOOL Aborted;
  10468. //
  10469. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10470. //
  10471. HRESULT BeginProgress (
  10472. _bstr_t Message,
  10473. VARIANT_BOOL CanAbort );
  10474. HRESULT UpdateProgress (
  10475. long Step );
  10476. HRESULT SetProgressMessage (
  10477. _bstr_t Message );
  10478. HRESULT EndProgress ( );
  10479. long GetProgress ( );
  10480. void PutProgress (
  10481. long pVal );
  10482. VARIANT_BOOL GetAborted ( );
  10483. //
  10484. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10485. //
  10486. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeginProgress (
  10487. /*[in]*/ BSTR Message,
  10488. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CanAbort ) = 0;
  10489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UpdateProgress (
  10490. /*[in]*/ long Step ) = 0;
  10491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetProgressMessage (
  10492. /*[in]*/ BSTR Message ) = 0;
  10493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EndProgress ( ) = 0;
  10494. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Progress (
  10495. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10496. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Progress (
  10497. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  10498. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Aborted (
  10499. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10500. };
  10501. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b3-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10502. IVGStructOpenOptions : IDispatch
  10503. {
  10504. //
  10505. // Property data
  10506. //
  10507. __declspec(property(get=GetCodePage,put=PutCodePage))
  10508. long CodePage;
  10509. __declspec(property(get=GetColorConversionOptions))
  10510. IVGStructColorConversionOptionsPtr ColorConversionOptions;
  10511. //
  10512. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10513. //
  10514. long GetCodePage ( );
  10515. void PutCodePage (
  10516. long pVal );
  10517. IVGStructColorConversionOptionsPtr GetColorConversionOptions ( );
  10518. //
  10519. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10520. //
  10521. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CodePage (
  10522. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10523. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CodePage (
  10524. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  10525. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorConversionOptions (
  10526. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructColorConversionOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10527. };
  10528. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800cc-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10529. IVGOnScreenHandle : IDispatch
  10530. {
  10531. //
  10532. // Property data
  10533. //
  10534. __declspec(property(get=GetIsHotTracked))
  10535. VARIANT_BOOL IsHotTracked;
  10536. __declspec(property(get=GetIsOnHandle))
  10537. VARIANT_BOOL IsOnHandle[][];
  10538. //
  10539. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10540. //
  10541. HRESULT Show ( );
  10542. HRESULT Hide ( );
  10543. HRESULT SetHandleColor (
  10544. long Color );
  10545. HRESULT SetPosition (
  10546. double x,
  10547. double y );
  10548. HRESULT UpdateHotTracking (
  10549. double MouseX,
  10550. double MouseY );
  10551. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsHotTracked ( );
  10552. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsOnHandle (
  10553. double MouseX,
  10554. double MouseY );
  10555. //
  10556. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10557. //
  10558. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show ( ) = 0;
  10559. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Hide ( ) = 0;
  10560. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetHandleColor (
  10561. /*[in]*/ long Color ) = 0;
  10562. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
  10563. /*[in]*/ double x,
  10564. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  10565. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UpdateHotTracking (
  10566. /*[in]*/ double MouseX,
  10567. /*[in]*/ double MouseY ) = 0;
  10568. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsHotTracked (
  10569. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10570. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsOnHandle (
  10571. /*[in]*/ double MouseX,
  10572. /*[in]*/ double MouseY,
  10573. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  10574. };
  10575. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800cd-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10576. IVGOnScreenText : IDispatch
  10577. {
  10578. //
  10579. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10580. //
  10581. HRESULT Show ( );
  10582. HRESULT Hide ( );
  10583. HRESULT SetTextColor (
  10584. long Color );
  10585. HRESULT SetTextAndPosition (
  10586. _bstr_t Text,
  10587. double x,
  10588. double y,
  10589. enum cdrOnScreenTextAlign align,
  10590. double xRef,
  10591. double yRef );
  10592. HRESULT SetText (
  10593. _bstr_t Text );
  10594. HRESULT SetPixelOffset (
  10595. long x,
  10596. long y );
  10597. HRESULT UpdatePosition (
  10598. double x,
  10599. double y );
  10600. //
  10601. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10602. //
  10603. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show ( ) = 0;
  10604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Hide ( ) = 0;
  10605. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetTextColor (
  10606. /*[in]*/ long Color ) = 0;
  10607. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetTextAndPosition (
  10608. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  10609. /*[in]*/ double x,
  10610. /*[in]*/ double y,
  10611. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOnScreenTextAlign align,
  10612. /*[in]*/ double xRef,
  10613. /*[in]*/ double yRef ) = 0;
  10614. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetText (
  10615. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text ) = 0;
  10616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPixelOffset (
  10617. /*[in]*/ long x,
  10618. /*[in]*/ long y ) = 0;
  10619. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UpdatePosition (
  10620. /*[in]*/ double x,
  10621. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  10622. };
  10623. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d5-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10624. IVGToolShapeAttributes : IDispatch
  10625. {
  10626. //
  10627. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10628. //
  10629. HRESULT SetCanResize (
  10630. VARIANT_BOOL val );
  10631. HRESULT SetCanRotate (
  10632. VARIANT_BOOL val );
  10633. HRESULT SetCanSkew (
  10634. VARIANT_BOOL val );
  10635. HRESULT SetCanSizeDisproportionally (
  10636. VARIANT_BOOL val );
  10637. HRESULT SetCanApplyNonlinearTransforms (
  10638. VARIANT_BOOL val );
  10639. HRESULT SetRegenerateOnTransform (
  10640. VARIANT_BOOL val );
  10641. HRESULT SetRegenerateOnStyleChange (
  10642. VARIANT_BOOL val );
  10643. HRESULT SetPropertyBarGuid (
  10644. _bstr_t val );
  10645. HRESULT SetContextMenuGuid (
  10646. _bstr_t val );
  10647. HRESULT SetObjectManagerBitmapGuid (
  10648. _bstr_t val );
  10649. HRESULT SetEditStateGuid (
  10650. _bstr_t val );
  10651. HRESULT SetDefaultShapename (
  10652. _bstr_t val );
  10653. //
  10654. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10655. //
  10656. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCanResize (
  10657. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL val ) = 0;
  10658. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCanRotate (
  10659. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL val ) = 0;
  10660. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCanSkew (
  10661. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL val ) = 0;
  10662. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCanSizeDisproportionally (
  10663. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL val ) = 0;
  10664. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCanApplyNonlinearTransforms (
  10665. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL val ) = 0;
  10666. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRegenerateOnTransform (
  10667. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL val ) = 0;
  10668. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRegenerateOnStyleChange (
  10669. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL val ) = 0;
  10670. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPropertyBarGuid (
  10671. /*[in]*/ BSTR val ) = 0;
  10672. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetContextMenuGuid (
  10673. /*[in]*/ BSTR val ) = 0;
  10674. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetObjectManagerBitmapGuid (
  10675. /*[in]*/ BSTR val ) = 0;
  10676. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetEditStateGuid (
  10677. /*[in]*/ BSTR val ) = 0;
  10678. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetDefaultShapename (
  10679. /*[in]*/ BSTR val ) = 0;
  10680. };
  10681. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a2-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10682. IVGMetadata : IDispatch
  10683. {
  10684. //
  10685. // Property data
  10686. //
  10687. __declspec(property(get=GetKeywords,put=PutKeywords))
  10688. _bstr_t Keywords;
  10689. __declspec(property(get=GetNotes,put=PutNotes))
  10690. _bstr_t Notes;
  10691. __declspec(property(get=GetAuthor,put=PutAuthor))
  10692. _bstr_t Author;
  10693. __declspec(property(get=GetLastAuthor,put=PutLastAuthor))
  10694. _bstr_t LastAuthor;
  10695. __declspec(property(get=GetSubject,put=PutSubject))
  10696. _bstr_t Subject;
  10697. __declspec(property(get=GetCopyright,put=PutCopyright))
  10698. _bstr_t Copyright;
  10699. __declspec(property(get=GetRevision,put=PutRevision))
  10700. long Revision;
  10701. __declspec(property(get=GetTemplateSided,put=PutTemplateSided))
  10702. _bstr_t TemplateSided;
  10703. __declspec(property(get=GetTemplateFolds,put=PutTemplateFolds))
  10704. _bstr_t TemplateFolds;
  10705. __declspec(property(get=GetTemplateType,put=PutTemplateType))
  10706. _bstr_t TemplateType;
  10707. __declspec(property(get=GetTemplateIndustry,put=PutTemplateIndustry))
  10708. _bstr_t TemplateIndustry;
  10709. __declspec(property(get=GetTitle,put=PutTitle))
  10710. _bstr_t Title;
  10711. __declspec(property(get=GetDocID,put=PutDocID))
  10712. _bstr_t DocID;
  10713. __declspec(property(get=GetDocLanguage,put=PutDocLanguage))
  10714. enum cdrTextLanguage DocLanguage;
  10715. __declspec(property(get=GetTemplateDesignerNotes,put=PutTemplateDesignerNotes))
  10716. _bstr_t TemplateDesignerNotes;
  10717. __declspec(property(get=GetLocalizableKeywords))
  10718. IVGLocalizableStringPtr LocalizableKeywords;
  10719. __declspec(property(get=GetLocalizableNotes))
  10720. IVGLocalizableStringPtr LocalizableNotes;
  10721. __declspec(property(get=GetLocalizableTitle))
  10722. IVGLocalizableStringPtr LocalizableTitle;
  10723. __declspec(property(get=GetLocalizableSubject))
  10724. IVGLocalizableStringPtr LocalizableSubject;
  10725. __declspec(property(get=GetLocalizableCopyright))
  10726. IVGLocalizableStringPtr LocalizableCopyright;
  10727. __declspec(property(get=GetLocalizableTemplateDesignerNotes))
  10728. IVGLocalizableStringPtr LocalizableTemplateDesignerNotes;
  10729. __declspec(property(get=GetCategory))
  10730. IVGLocalizableStringPtr Category;
  10731. //
  10732. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10733. //
  10734. _bstr_t GetKeywords ( );
  10735. void PutKeywords (
  10736. _bstr_t pVal );
  10737. _bstr_t GetNotes ( );
  10738. void PutNotes (
  10739. _bstr_t pVal );
  10740. _bstr_t GetAuthor ( );
  10741. void PutAuthor (
  10742. _bstr_t pVal );
  10743. _bstr_t GetLastAuthor ( );
  10744. void PutLastAuthor (
  10745. _bstr_t pVal );
  10746. _bstr_t GetSubject ( );
  10747. void PutSubject (
  10748. _bstr_t pVal );
  10749. _bstr_t GetCopyright ( );
  10750. void PutCopyright (
  10751. _bstr_t pVal );
  10752. long GetRevision ( );
  10753. void PutRevision (
  10754. long pVal );
  10755. _bstr_t GetTemplateSided ( );
  10756. void PutTemplateSided (
  10757. _bstr_t pVal );
  10758. _bstr_t GetTemplateFolds ( );
  10759. void PutTemplateFolds (
  10760. _bstr_t pVal );
  10761. _bstr_t GetTemplateType ( );
  10762. void PutTemplateType (
  10763. _bstr_t pVal );
  10764. _bstr_t GetTemplateIndustry ( );
  10765. void PutTemplateIndustry (
  10766. _bstr_t pVal );
  10767. _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
  10768. void PutTitle (
  10769. _bstr_t pVal );
  10770. _bstr_t GetDocID ( );
  10771. void PutDocID (
  10772. _bstr_t pVal );
  10773. enum cdrTextLanguage GetDocLanguage ( );
  10774. void PutDocLanguage (
  10775. enum cdrTextLanguage pVal );
  10776. _bstr_t GetTemplateDesignerNotes ( );
  10777. void PutTemplateDesignerNotes (
  10778. _bstr_t pVal );
  10779. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetLocalizableKeywords ( );
  10780. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetLocalizableNotes ( );
  10781. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetLocalizableTitle ( );
  10782. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetLocalizableSubject ( );
  10783. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetLocalizableCopyright ( );
  10784. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetLocalizableTemplateDesignerNotes ( );
  10785. IVGLocalizableStringPtr GetCategory ( );
  10786. //
  10787. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10788. //
  10789. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Keywords (
  10790. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10791. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Keywords (
  10792. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10793. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Notes (
  10794. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10795. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Notes (
  10796. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10797. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Author (
  10798. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10799. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Author (
  10800. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10801. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastAuthor (
  10802. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10803. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LastAuthor (
  10804. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10805. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Subject (
  10806. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10807. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Subject (
  10808. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Copyright (
  10810. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10811. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Copyright (
  10812. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10813. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Revision (
  10814. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  10815. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Revision (
  10816. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  10817. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TemplateSided (
  10818. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10819. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TemplateSided (
  10820. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10821. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TemplateFolds (
  10822. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10823. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TemplateFolds (
  10824. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10825. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TemplateType (
  10826. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10827. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TemplateType (
  10828. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10829. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TemplateIndustry (
  10830. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10831. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TemplateIndustry (
  10832. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10833. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
  10834. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10835. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Title (
  10836. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10837. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DocID (
  10838. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10839. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DocID (
  10840. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10841. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DocLanguage (
  10842. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage * pVal ) = 0;
  10843. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DocLanguage (
  10844. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage pVal ) = 0;
  10845. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TemplateDesignerNotes (
  10846. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10847. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TemplateDesignerNotes (
  10848. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10849. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LocalizableKeywords (
  10850. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10851. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LocalizableNotes (
  10852. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10853. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LocalizableTitle (
  10854. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10855. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LocalizableSubject (
  10856. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10857. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LocalizableCopyright (
  10858. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10859. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LocalizableTemplateDesignerNotes (
  10860. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10861. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Category (
  10862. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLocalizableString * * ppVal ) = 0;
  10863. };
  10864. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c2-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10865. _IGlobalMacroStorage : IDispatch
  10866. {
  10867. //
  10868. // Property data
  10869. //
  10870. __declspec(property(get=Get_CodeName,put=Put_CodeName))
  10871. _bstr_t _CodeName;
  10872. //
  10873. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10874. //
  10875. _bstr_t Get_CodeName ( );
  10876. void Put_CodeName (
  10877. _bstr_t pVal );
  10878. //
  10879. // Raw methods provided by interface
  10880. //
  10881. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__CodeName (
  10882. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  10883. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put__CodeName (
  10884. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  10885. };
  10886. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0026-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  10887. Document;
  10888. // [ default ] interface IVGDocument
  10889. // [ default, source ] dispinterface DIVGDocumentEvents
  10890. // interface IPrnVBAPrintDocument
  10891. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10892. DIVGDocumentEvents : IDispatch
  10893. {
  10894. //
  10895. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10896. //
  10897. // Methods:
  10898. HRESULT QueryClose (
  10899. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  10900. HRESULT QuerySave (
  10901. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  10902. HRESULT QueryPrint (
  10903. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  10904. HRESULT QueryExport (
  10905. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  10906. HRESULT Open ( );
  10907. HRESULT Close ( );
  10908. HRESULT BeforeSave (
  10909. VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  10910. _bstr_t FileName );
  10911. HRESULT AfterSave (
  10912. VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  10913. _bstr_t FileName );
  10914. HRESULT BeforePrint ( );
  10915. HRESULT AfterPrint ( );
  10916. HRESULT BeforeExport (
  10917. _bstr_t FileName,
  10918. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  10919. VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  10920. HRESULT AfterExport (
  10921. _bstr_t FileName,
  10922. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  10923. VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  10924. HRESULT LayerCreate (
  10925. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  10926. HRESULT LayerDelete (
  10927. long Count );
  10928. HRESULT LayerActivate (
  10929. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  10930. HRESULT LayerChange (
  10931. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  10932. HRESULT PageCreate (
  10933. struct IVGPage * Page );
  10934. HRESULT PageDelete (
  10935. long Count );
  10936. HRESULT PageActivate (
  10937. struct IVGPage * Page );
  10938. HRESULT PageChange (
  10939. struct IVGPage * Page );
  10940. HRESULT ShapeCreate (
  10941. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  10942. HRESULT ShapeDelete (
  10943. long Count );
  10944. HRESULT ShapeMove (
  10945. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  10946. HRESULT ShapeTransform (
  10947. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  10948. HRESULT ShapeDistort (
  10949. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  10950. HRESULT ShapeChange (
  10951. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  10952. enum cdrShapeChangeScope Scope );
  10953. HRESULT SelectionChange ( );
  10954. };
  10955. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0051-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  10956. Layer;
  10957. // [ default ] interface IVGLayer
  10958. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd005d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  10959. Page;
  10960. // [ default ] interface IVGPage
  10961. // interface IPrnVBAPrintPage
  10962. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0076-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  10963. Shape;
  10964. // [ default ] interface IVGShape
  10965. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  10966. IVGDocumentEvents : IDispatch
  10967. {
  10968. //
  10969. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  10970. //
  10971. HRESULT QueryClose (
  10972. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  10973. HRESULT QuerySave (
  10974. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  10975. HRESULT QueryPrint (
  10976. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  10977. HRESULT QueryExport (
  10978. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  10979. HRESULT Open ( );
  10980. HRESULT Close ( );
  10981. HRESULT BeforeSave (
  10982. VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  10983. _bstr_t FileName );
  10984. HRESULT AfterSave (
  10985. VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  10986. _bstr_t FileName );
  10987. HRESULT BeforePrint ( );
  10988. HRESULT AfterPrint ( );
  10989. HRESULT BeforeExport (
  10990. _bstr_t FileName,
  10991. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  10992. VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  10993. HRESULT AfterExport (
  10994. _bstr_t FileName,
  10995. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  10996. VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  10997. HRESULT LayerCreate (
  10998. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  10999. HRESULT LayerDelete (
  11000. long Count );
  11001. HRESULT LayerActivate (
  11002. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  11003. HRESULT LayerChange (
  11004. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  11005. HRESULT PageCreate (
  11006. struct IVGPage * Page );
  11007. HRESULT PageDelete (
  11008. long Count );
  11009. HRESULT PageActivate (
  11010. struct IVGPage * Page );
  11011. HRESULT PageChange (
  11012. struct IVGPage * Page );
  11013. HRESULT ShapeCreate (
  11014. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  11015. HRESULT ShapeDelete (
  11016. long Count );
  11017. HRESULT ShapeMove (
  11018. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  11019. HRESULT ShapeTransform (
  11020. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  11021. HRESULT ShapeDistort (
  11022. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  11023. HRESULT ShapeChange (
  11024. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  11025. enum cdrShapeChangeScope Scope );
  11026. HRESULT SelectionChange ( );
  11027. //
  11028. // Raw methods provided by interface
  11029. //
  11030. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QueryClose (
  11031. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel ) = 0;
  11032. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QuerySave (
  11033. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel ) = 0;
  11034. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QueryPrint (
  11035. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel ) = 0;
  11036. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QueryExport (
  11037. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel ) = 0;
  11038. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open ( ) = 0;
  11039. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
  11040. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeforeSave (
  11041. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  11042. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  11043. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AfterSave (
  11044. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  11045. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  11046. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeforePrint ( ) = 0;
  11047. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AfterPrint ( ) = 0;
  11048. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeforeExport (
  11049. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  11050. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  11051. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap ) = 0;
  11052. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AfterExport (
  11053. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  11054. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  11055. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap ) = 0;
  11056. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LayerCreate (
  11057. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer ) = 0;
  11058. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LayerDelete (
  11059. /*[in]*/ long Count ) = 0;
  11060. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LayerActivate (
  11061. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer ) = 0;
  11062. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LayerChange (
  11063. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer ) = 0;
  11064. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PageCreate (
  11065. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPage * Page ) = 0;
  11066. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PageDelete (
  11067. /*[in]*/ long Count ) = 0;
  11068. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PageActivate (
  11069. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPage * Page ) = 0;
  11070. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PageChange (
  11071. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPage * Page ) = 0;
  11072. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShapeCreate (
  11073. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  11074. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShapeDelete (
  11075. /*[in]*/ long Count ) = 0;
  11076. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShapeMove (
  11077. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  11078. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShapeTransform (
  11079. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  11080. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShapeDistort (
  11081. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  11082. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShapeChange (
  11083. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  11084. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeChangeScope Scope ) = 0;
  11085. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectionChange ( ) = 0;
  11086. };
  11087. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b3-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11088. Window;
  11089. // [ default ] interface IVGWindow
  11090. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c3-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  11091. IVGApplicationEvents : IDispatch
  11092. {
  11093. //
  11094. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  11095. //
  11096. HRESULT QueryDocumentClose (
  11097. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11098. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11099. HRESULT QueryDocumentSave (
  11100. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11101. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11102. HRESULT QueryDocumentPrint (
  11103. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11104. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11105. HRESULT QueryDocumentExport (
  11106. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11107. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11108. HRESULT QueryQuit (
  11109. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11110. HRESULT DocumentOpen (
  11111. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11112. _bstr_t FileName );
  11113. HRESULT DocumentNew (
  11114. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11115. VARIANT_BOOL FromTemplate,
  11116. _bstr_t Template,
  11117. VARIANT_BOOL IncludeGraphics );
  11118. HRESULT DocumentClose (
  11119. struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  11120. HRESULT DocumentBeforeSave (
  11121. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11122. VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  11123. _bstr_t FileName );
  11124. HRESULT DocumentAfterSave (
  11125. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11126. VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  11127. _bstr_t FileName );
  11128. HRESULT DocumentBeforePrint (
  11129. struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  11130. HRESULT DocumentAfterPrint (
  11131. struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  11132. HRESULT DocumentBeforeExport (
  11133. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11134. _bstr_t FileName,
  11135. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  11136. VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  11137. HRESULT DocumentAfterExport (
  11138. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11139. _bstr_t FileName,
  11140. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  11141. VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  11142. HRESULT WindowActivate (
  11143. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11144. struct IVGWindow * Window );
  11145. HRESULT WindowDeactivate (
  11146. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11147. struct IVGWindow * Window );
  11148. HRESULT SelectionChange ( );
  11149. HRESULT Start ( );
  11150. HRESULT Quit ( );
  11151. HRESULT OnPluginCommand (
  11152. _bstr_t CommandID );
  11153. HRESULT OnUpdatePluginCommand (
  11154. _bstr_t CommandID,
  11155. VARIANT_BOOL * Enabled,
  11156. enum cdrCommandCheckState * Checked );
  11157. HRESULT OnApplicationEvent (
  11158. _bstr_t EventName,
  11159. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  11160. //
  11161. // Raw methods provided by interface
  11162. //
  11163. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QueryDocumentClose (
  11164. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11165. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel ) = 0;
  11166. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QueryDocumentSave (
  11167. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11168. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel ) = 0;
  11169. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QueryDocumentPrint (
  11170. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11171. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel ) = 0;
  11172. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QueryDocumentExport (
  11173. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11174. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel ) = 0;
  11175. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_QueryQuit (
  11176. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel ) = 0;
  11177. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentOpen (
  11178. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11179. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  11180. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentNew (
  11181. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11182. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL FromTemplate,
  11183. /*[in]*/ BSTR Template,
  11184. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL IncludeGraphics ) = 0;
  11185. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentClose (
  11186. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc ) = 0;
  11187. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentBeforeSave (
  11188. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11189. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  11190. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  11191. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentAfterSave (
  11192. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11193. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  11194. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  11195. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentBeforePrint (
  11196. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc ) = 0;
  11197. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentAfterPrint (
  11198. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc ) = 0;
  11199. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentBeforeExport (
  11200. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11201. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  11202. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  11203. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap ) = 0;
  11204. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentAfterExport (
  11205. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11206. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  11207. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  11208. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap ) = 0;
  11209. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WindowActivate (
  11210. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11211. /*[in]*/ struct IVGWindow * Window ) = 0;
  11212. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WindowDeactivate (
  11213. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11214. /*[in]*/ struct IVGWindow * Window ) = 0;
  11215. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectionChange ( ) = 0;
  11216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Start ( ) = 0;
  11217. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Quit ( ) = 0;
  11218. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnPluginCommand (
  11219. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandID ) = 0;
  11220. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnUpdatePluginCommand (
  11221. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandID,
  11222. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Enabled,
  11223. /*[in,out]*/ enum cdrCommandCheckState * Checked ) = 0;
  11224. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnApplicationEvent (
  11225. /*[in]*/ BSTR EventName,
  11226. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters ) = 0;
  11227. };
  11228. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800c5-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  11229. DIVGApplicationEvents : IDispatch
  11230. {
  11231. //
  11232. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  11233. //
  11234. // Methods:
  11235. HRESULT QueryDocumentClose (
  11236. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11237. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11238. HRESULT QueryDocumentSave (
  11239. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11240. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11241. HRESULT QueryDocumentPrint (
  11242. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11243. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11244. HRESULT QueryDocumentExport (
  11245. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11246. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11247. HRESULT QueryQuit (
  11248. VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  11249. HRESULT DocumentOpen (
  11250. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11251. _bstr_t FileName );
  11252. HRESULT DocumentNew (
  11253. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11254. VARIANT_BOOL FromTemplate,
  11255. _bstr_t Template,
  11256. VARIANT_BOOL IncludeGraphics );
  11257. HRESULT DocumentClose (
  11258. struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  11259. HRESULT DocumentBeforeSave (
  11260. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11261. VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  11262. _bstr_t FileName );
  11263. HRESULT DocumentAfterSave (
  11264. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11265. VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs,
  11266. _bstr_t FileName );
  11267. HRESULT DocumentBeforePrint (
  11268. struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  11269. HRESULT DocumentAfterPrint (
  11270. struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  11271. HRESULT DocumentBeforeExport (
  11272. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11273. _bstr_t FileName,
  11274. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  11275. VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  11276. HRESULT DocumentAfterExport (
  11277. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11278. _bstr_t FileName,
  11279. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  11280. VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  11281. HRESULT WindowActivate (
  11282. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11283. struct IVGWindow * Window );
  11284. HRESULT WindowDeactivate (
  11285. struct IVGDocument * Doc,
  11286. struct IVGWindow * Window );
  11287. HRESULT SelectionChange ( );
  11288. HRESULT Start ( );
  11289. HRESULT Quit ( );
  11290. HRESULT OnPluginCommand (
  11291. _bstr_t CommandID );
  11292. HRESULT OnUpdatePluginCommand (
  11293. _bstr_t CommandID,
  11294. VARIANT_BOOL * Enabled,
  11295. enum cdrCommandCheckState * Checked );
  11296. HRESULT OnApplicationEvent (
  11297. _bstr_t EventName,
  11298. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  11299. };
  11300. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0001-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11301. ActiveView;
  11302. // [ default ] interface IVGActiveView
  11303. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0002-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11304. Application;
  11305. // [ default ] interface IVGApplication
  11306. // [ default, source ] dispinterface DIVGApplicationEvents
  11307. // interface ICUIApplication
  11308. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0003-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11309. AppStatus;
  11310. // [ default ] interface IVGAppStatus
  11311. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0004-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11312. AppWindow;
  11313. // [ default ] interface IVGAppWindow
  11314. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0005-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11315. ArrowHead;
  11316. // [ default ] interface IVGArrowHead
  11317. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0006-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11318. ArrowHeadOptions;
  11319. // [ default ] interface IVGArrowHeadOptions
  11320. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0007-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11321. ArrowHeads;
  11322. // [ default ] interface IVGArrowHeads
  11323. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0008-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11324. BBoxSnapPoint;
  11325. // [ default ] interface IVGBBoxSnapPoint
  11326. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0009-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11327. Bitmap;
  11328. // [ default ] interface IVGBitmap
  11329. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd000a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11330. BSpline;
  11331. // [ default ] interface IVGBSpline
  11332. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd000b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11333. BSplineControlPoint;
  11334. // [ default ] interface IVGBSplineControlPoint
  11335. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd000c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11336. BSplineControlPoints;
  11337. // [ default ] interface IVGBSplineControlPoints
  11338. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd000d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11339. Clipboard;
  11340. // [ default ] interface IVGClipboard
  11341. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd000e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11342. CloneLink;
  11343. // [ default ] interface IVGCloneLink
  11344. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd000f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11345. Color;
  11346. // [ default ] interface IVGColor
  11347. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0010-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11348. ColorContext;
  11349. // [ default ] interface IVGColorContext
  11350. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0011-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11351. ColorManagementPolicy;
  11352. // [ default ] interface IVGColorManagementPolicy
  11353. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0012-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11354. ColorManager;
  11355. // [ default ] interface IVGColorManager
  11356. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0013-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11357. ColorProfile;
  11358. // [ default ] interface IVGColorProfile
  11359. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0014-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11360. ColorProfiles;
  11361. // [ default ] interface IVGColorProfiles
  11362. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0015-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11363. Colors;
  11364. // [ default ] interface IVGColors
  11365. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0016-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11366. Component;
  11367. // [ default ] interface IVGComponent
  11368. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0017-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11369. Components;
  11370. // [ default ] interface IVGComponents
  11371. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0018-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11372. Connector;
  11373. // [ default ] interface IVGConnector
  11374. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd001a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11375. CrossPoint;
  11376. // [ default ] interface IVGCrossPoint
  11377. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd001b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11378. CrossPoints;
  11379. // [ default ] interface IVGCrossPoints
  11380. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd001c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11381. Curve;
  11382. // [ default ] interface IVGCurve
  11383. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd001d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11384. CustomEffect;
  11385. // [ default ] interface IVGCustomEffect
  11386. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd001e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11387. CustomShape;
  11388. // [ default ] interface IVGCustomShape
  11389. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd001f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11390. DataField;
  11391. // [ default ] interface IVGDataField
  11392. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0020-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11393. DataFields;
  11394. // [ default ] interface IVGDataFields
  11395. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0021-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11396. DataItem;
  11397. // [ default ] interface IVGDataItem
  11398. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0022-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11399. DataItems;
  11400. // [ default ] interface IVGDataItems
  11401. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0023-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11402. Dimension;
  11403. // [ default ] interface IVGDimension
  11404. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0024-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11405. DimensionAngular;
  11406. // [ default ] interface IVGDimensionAngular
  11407. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0025-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11408. DimensionLinear;
  11409. // [ default ] interface IVGDimensionLinear
  11410. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0027-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11411. Documents;
  11412. // [ default ] interface IVGDocuments
  11413. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0028-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11414. Duotone;
  11415. // [ default ] interface IVGDuotone
  11416. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0029-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11417. DuotoneInk;
  11418. // [ default ] interface IVGDuotoneInk
  11419. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd002a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11420. DuotoneOverprint;
  11421. // [ default ] interface IVGDuotoneOverprint
  11422. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd002b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11423. EdgeSnapPoint;
  11424. // [ default ] interface IVGEdgeSnapPoint
  11425. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd002c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11426. Effect;
  11427. // [ default ] interface IVGEffect
  11428. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd002d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11429. EffectBlend;
  11430. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectBlend
  11431. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd002e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11432. EffectContour;
  11433. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectContour
  11434. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd002f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11435. EffectControlPath;
  11436. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectControlPath
  11437. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0030-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11438. EffectCustomDistortion;
  11439. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectCustomDistortion
  11440. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0031-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11441. EffectDistortion;
  11442. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectDistortion
  11443. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0032-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11444. EffectDropShadow;
  11445. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectDropShadow
  11446. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0033-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11447. EffectEnvelope;
  11448. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectEnvelope
  11449. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0034-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11450. EffectExtrude;
  11451. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectExtrude
  11452. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0035-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11453. EffectLens;
  11454. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectLens
  11455. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0036-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11456. EffectPerspective;
  11457. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectPerspective
  11458. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0037-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11459. EffectPushPullDistortion;
  11460. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectPushPullDistortion
  11461. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0038-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11462. Effects;
  11463. // [ default ] interface IVGEffects
  11464. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0039-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11465. EffectTextOnPath;
  11466. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectTextOnPath
  11467. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd003a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11468. EffectTwisterDistortion;
  11469. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectTwisterDistortion
  11470. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd003b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11471. EffectZipperDistortion;
  11472. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectZipperDistortion
  11473. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd003c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11474. Ellipse;
  11475. // [ default ] interface IVGEllipse
  11476. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd003d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11477. EPS;
  11478. // [ default ] interface IVGEPS
  11479. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd003e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11480. ExportFilter;
  11481. // [ default ] interface ICorelExportFilter
  11482. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd003f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11483. ExtrudeVanishingPoint;
  11484. // [ default ] interface IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint
  11485. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0040-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11486. Fill;
  11487. // [ default ] interface IVGFill
  11488. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0041-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11489. FillMetadata;
  11490. // [ default ] interface IVGFillMetadata
  11491. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0042-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11492. FontList;
  11493. // [ default ] interface IVGFontList
  11494. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0043-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11495. FountainColor;
  11496. // [ default ] interface IVGFountainColor
  11497. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0044-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11498. FountainColors;
  11499. // [ default ] interface IVGFountainColors
  11500. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0045-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11501. FountainFill;
  11502. // [ default ] interface IVGFountainFill
  11503. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0046-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11504. GlobalMacroStorage;
  11505. // [ default ] interface _IGlobalMacroStorage
  11506. // [ default, source ] dispinterface DIVGApplicationEvents
  11507. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0047-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11508. GMSManager;
  11509. // [ default ] interface IVGGMSManager
  11510. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0048-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11511. Grid;
  11512. // [ default ] interface IVGGrid
  11513. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0049-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11514. Guide;
  11515. // [ default ] interface IVGGuide
  11516. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd004a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11517. HatchFill;
  11518. // [ default ] interface IVGHatchFill
  11519. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd004b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11520. HatchFills;
  11521. // [ default ] interface IVGHatchFills
  11522. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd004c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11523. HatchLibraries;
  11524. // [ default ] interface IVGHatchLibraries
  11525. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd004d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11526. HatchLibrary;
  11527. // [ default ] interface IVGHatchLibrary
  11528. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd004e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11529. HatchPattern;
  11530. // [ default ] interface IVGHatchPattern
  11531. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd004f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11532. HatchPatterns;
  11533. // [ default ] interface IVGHatchPatterns
  11534. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0050-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11535. ImportFilter;
  11536. // [ default ] interface ICorelImportFilter
  11537. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0052-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11538. Layers;
  11539. // [ default ] interface IVGLayers
  11540. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0053-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11541. LocalizableString;
  11542. // [ default ] interface IVGLocalizableString
  11543. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0054-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11544. Metadata;
  11545. // [ default ] interface IVGMetadata
  11546. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0055-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11547. Node;
  11548. // [ default ] interface IVGNode
  11549. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0056-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11550. NodeRange;
  11551. // [ default ] interface IVGNodeRange
  11552. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0057-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11553. Nodes;
  11554. // [ default ] interface IVGNodes
  11555. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0058-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11556. ObjectSnapPoint;
  11557. // [ default ] interface IVGObjectSnapPoint
  11558. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0059-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11559. OLE;
  11560. // [ default ] interface IVGOLE
  11561. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd005a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11562. Outline;
  11563. // [ default ] interface IVGOutline
  11564. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd005b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11565. OutlineStyle;
  11566. // [ default ] interface IVGOutlineStyle
  11567. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd005c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11568. OutlineStyles;
  11569. // [ default ] interface IVGOutlineStyles
  11570. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd005e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11571. Pages;
  11572. // [ default ] interface IVGPages
  11573. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd005f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11574. PageSize;
  11575. // [ default ] interface IVGPageSize
  11576. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0060-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11577. PageSizes;
  11578. // [ default ] interface IVGPageSizes
  11579. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0061-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11580. Palette;
  11581. // [ default ] interface IVGPalette
  11582. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0062-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11583. PaletteManager;
  11584. // [ default ] interface IVGPaletteManager
  11585. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0063-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11586. Palettes;
  11587. // [ default ] interface IVGPalettes
  11588. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0064-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11589. PatternCanvas;
  11590. // [ default ] interface IVGPatternCanvas
  11591. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0065-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11592. PatternCanvases;
  11593. // [ default ] interface IVGPatternCanvases
  11594. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0066-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11595. PatternFill;
  11596. // [ default ] interface IVGPatternFill
  11597. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0067-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11598. Polygon;
  11599. // [ default ] interface IVGPolygon
  11600. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0068-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11601. PostScriptFill;
  11602. // [ default ] interface IVGPostScriptFill
  11603. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0069-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11604. PowerClip;
  11605. // [ default ] interface IVGPowerClip
  11606. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd006a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11607. ProofColorSettings;
  11608. // [ default ] interface IVGProofColorSettings
  11609. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd006b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11610. Properties;
  11611. // [ default ] interface IVGProperties
  11612. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd006c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11613. PSScreenOptions;
  11614. // [ default ] interface IVGPSScreenOptions
  11615. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd006d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11616. RecentFile;
  11617. // [ default ] interface IVGRecentFile
  11618. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd006e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11619. RecentFiles;
  11620. // [ default ] interface IVGRecentFiles
  11621. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd006f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11622. Rect;
  11623. // [ default ] interface IVGRect
  11624. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0070-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11625. Rectangle;
  11626. // [ default ] interface IVGRectangle
  11627. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0071-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11628. Rulers;
  11629. // [ default ] interface IVGRulers
  11630. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0072-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11631. Segment;
  11632. // [ default ] interface IVGSegment
  11633. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0073-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11634. SegmentRange;
  11635. // [ default ] interface IVGSegmentRange
  11636. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0074-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11637. Segments;
  11638. // [ default ] interface IVGSegments
  11639. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0075-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11640. SelectionInfo;
  11641. // [ default ] interface IVGSelectionInformation
  11642. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0077-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11643. ShapeRange;
  11644. // [ default ] interface IVGShapeRange
  11645. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0078-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11646. Shapes;
  11647. // [ default ] interface IVGShapes
  11648. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0079-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11649. SnapPoint;
  11650. // [ default ] interface IVGSnapPoint
  11651. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd007a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11652. SnapPointRange;
  11653. // [ default ] interface IVGSnapPointRange
  11654. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd007b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11655. SnapPoints;
  11656. // [ default ] interface IVGSnapPoints
  11657. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd007c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11658. Spread;
  11659. // [ default ] interface IVGSpread
  11660. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd007d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11661. Spreads;
  11662. // [ default ] interface IVGSpreads
  11663. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd007e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11664. StructAlignProperties;
  11665. // [ default ] interface IVGStructAlignProperties
  11666. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd007f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11667. StructColorConversionOptions;
  11668. // [ default ] interface IVGStructColorConversionOptions
  11669. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0080-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11670. StructCreateOptions;
  11671. // [ default ] interface IVGStructCreateOptions
  11672. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0081-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11673. StructExportOptions;
  11674. // [ default ] interface IVGStructExportOptions
  11675. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0082-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11676. StructFontProperties;
  11677. // [ default ] interface IVGStructFontProperties
  11678. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0083-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11679. StructHyphenationSettings;
  11680. // [ default ] interface IVGStructHyphenationSettings
  11681. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0084-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11682. StructImportCropOptions;
  11683. // [ default ] interface IStructImportCropOptions
  11684. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0085-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11685. StructImportOptions;
  11686. // [ default ] interface IVGStructImportOptions
  11687. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0086-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11688. StructImportResampleOptions;
  11689. // [ default ] interface IStructImportResampleOptions
  11690. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0087-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11691. StructOpenOptions;
  11692. // [ default ] interface IVGStructOpenOptions
  11693. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0088-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11694. StructPaletteOptions;
  11695. // [ default ] interface IVGStructPaletteOptions
  11696. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0089-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11697. StructPasteOptions;
  11698. // [ default ] interface IVGStructPasteOptions
  11699. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd008a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11700. StructSaveAsOptions;
  11701. // [ default ] interface IVGStructSaveAsOptions
  11702. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd008b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11703. StructSpaceProperties;
  11704. // [ default ] interface IVGStructSpaceProperties
  11705. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd008c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11706. Style;
  11707. // [ default ] interface IVGStyle
  11708. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd008d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11709. StyleCharacter;
  11710. // [ default ] interface IVGStyleCharacter
  11711. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd008e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11712. StyleFill;
  11713. // [ default ] interface IVGStyleFill
  11714. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd008f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11715. StyleFrame;
  11716. // [ default ] interface IVGStyleFrame
  11717. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0090-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11718. StyleOutline;
  11719. // [ default ] interface IVGStyleOutline
  11720. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0091-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11721. StyleParagraph;
  11722. // [ default ] interface IVGStyleParagraph
  11723. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0092-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11724. Styles;
  11725. // [ default ] interface IVGStyles
  11726. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0093-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11727. StyleSheet;
  11728. // [ default ] interface IVGStyleSheet
  11729. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0094-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11730. SubPath;
  11731. // [ default ] interface IVGSubPath
  11732. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0095-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11733. SubPaths;
  11734. // [ default ] interface IVGSubPaths
  11735. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0096-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11736. Symbol;
  11737. // [ default ] interface IVGSymbol
  11738. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0097-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11739. SymbolDefinition;
  11740. // [ default ] interface IVGSymbolDefinition
  11741. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0098-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11742. SymbolDefinitions;
  11743. // [ default ] interface IVGSymbolDefinitions
  11744. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd0099-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11745. SymbolLibraries;
  11746. // [ default ] interface IVGSymbolLibraries
  11747. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd009a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11748. SymbolLibrary;
  11749. // [ default ] interface IVGSymbolLibrary
  11750. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd009b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11751. Text;
  11752. // [ default ] interface IVGText
  11753. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd009c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11754. TextCharacters;
  11755. // [ default ] interface IVGTextCharacters
  11756. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd009d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11757. TextColumns;
  11758. // [ default ] interface IVGTextColumns
  11759. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd009e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11760. TextFrame;
  11761. // [ default ] interface IVGTextFrame
  11762. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd009f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11763. TextFrames;
  11764. // [ default ] interface IVGTextFrames
  11765. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a0-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11766. TextLines;
  11767. // [ default ] interface IVGTextLines
  11768. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a1-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11769. TextParagraphs;
  11770. // [ default ] interface IVGTextParagraphs
  11771. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a2-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11772. TextRange;
  11773. // [ default ] interface IVGTextRange
  11774. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a3-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11775. TextRanges;
  11776. // [ default ] interface IVGTextRanges
  11777. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a4-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11778. TextTabPosition;
  11779. // [ default ] interface IVGTextTabPosition
  11780. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a5-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11781. TextTabPositions;
  11782. // [ default ] interface IVGTextTabPositions
  11783. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a6-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11784. TextureFill;
  11785. // [ default ] interface IVGTextureFill
  11786. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a7-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11787. TextureFillProperties;
  11788. // [ default ] interface IVGTextureFillProperties
  11789. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a8-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11790. TextureFillProperty;
  11791. // [ default ] interface IVGTextureFillProperty
  11792. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00a9-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11793. TextWords;
  11794. // [ default ] interface IVGTextWords
  11795. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00aa-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11796. TraceSettings;
  11797. // [ default ] interface IVGTraceSettings
  11798. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00ab-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11799. Transparency;
  11800. // [ default ] interface IVGTransparency
  11801. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00ac-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11802. TreeManager;
  11803. // [ default ] interface IVGTreeManager
  11804. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00ad-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11805. TreeNode;
  11806. // [ default ] interface IVGTreeNode
  11807. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00ae-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11808. TreeNodes;
  11809. // [ default ] interface IVGTreeNodes
  11810. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00af-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11811. URL;
  11812. // [ default ] interface IVGURL
  11813. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b0-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11814. UserSnapPoint;
  11815. // [ default ] interface IVGUserSnapPoint
  11816. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b1-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11817. View;
  11818. // [ default ] interface IVGView
  11819. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b2-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11821. // [ default ] interface IVGViews
  11822. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b4-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11823. Windows;
  11824. // [ default ] interface IVGWindows
  11825. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b5-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11826. Workspace;
  11827. // [ default ] interface IVGWorkspace
  11828. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b6-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11829. Workspaces;
  11830. // [ default ] interface IVGWorkspaces
  11831. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b7-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11832. CorelScriptTools;
  11833. // [ default ] interface ICorelScriptTools
  11834. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b8-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11835. GMSMacro;
  11836. // [ default ] interface IVGGMSMacro
  11837. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00b9-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11838. GMSMacros;
  11839. // [ default ] interface IVGGMSMacros
  11840. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00ba-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11841. GMSProject;
  11842. // [ default ] interface IVGGMSProject
  11843. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00bb-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11844. GMSProjects;
  11845. // [ default ] interface IVGGMSProjects
  11846. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00bc-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11847. OnScreenCurve;
  11848. // [ default ] interface IVGOnScreenCurve
  11849. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00bd-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11850. OnScreenHandle;
  11851. // [ default ] interface IVGOnScreenHandle
  11852. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00be-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11853. OnScreenText;
  11854. // [ default ] interface IVGOnScreenText
  11855. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00bf-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11856. ToolStateAttributes;
  11857. // [ default ] interface IVGToolStateAttributes
  11858. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c0-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11859. ToolState;
  11860. // [ default ] interface IVGToolState
  11861. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c1-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11862. Point;
  11863. // [ default ] interface IVGPoint
  11864. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c2-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11865. PointRange;
  11866. // [ default ] interface IVGPointRange
  11867. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c3-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11868. Vector;
  11869. // [ default ] interface IVGVector
  11870. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c4-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11871. TransformMatrix;
  11872. // [ default ] interface IVGTransformMatrix
  11873. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c5-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11874. MathUtils;
  11875. // [ default ] interface IVGMathUtils
  11876. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c6-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11877. ToolShapeAttributes;
  11878. // [ default ] interface IVGToolShapeAttributes
  11879. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c7-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11880. ToolShape;
  11881. // [ default ] interface IVGToolShape
  11882. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c8-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11883. StyleTransparency;
  11884. // [ default ] interface IVGStyleTransparency
  11885. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00c9-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11886. Image;
  11887. // [ default ] interface IVGImage
  11888. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00ca-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11889. ImageTiles;
  11890. // [ default ] interface IVGImageTiles
  11891. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00cb-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11892. ImageTile;
  11893. // [ default ] interface IVGImageTile
  11894. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00cc-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11895. EffectInnerShadow;
  11896. // [ default ] interface IVGEffectInnerShadow
  11897. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00cd-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11898. TextIndentLevelStyles;
  11899. // [ default ] interface IVGTextIndentLevelStyles
  11900. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00ce-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11901. TextIndentLevelStyle;
  11902. // [ default ] interface IVGTextIndentLevelStyle
  11903. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00cf-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11904. TextVariableAxes;
  11905. // [ default ] interface IVGTextVariableAxes
  11906. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd00d0-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11907. TextVariableAxis;
  11908. // [ default ] interface IVGTextVariableAxis
  11909. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1001-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11910. FrameWork;
  11911. // [ default ] interface ICUIFrameWork
  11912. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1002-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11913. CommandBars;
  11914. // [ default ] interface ICUICommandBars
  11915. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1003-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11916. CommandBarModes;
  11917. // [ default ] interface ICUICommandBarModes
  11918. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1004-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11919. CommandBarMode;
  11920. // [ default ] interface ICUICommandBarMode
  11921. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1005-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11922. Controls;
  11923. // [ default ] interface ICUIControls
  11924. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1006-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11925. Control;
  11926. // [ default ] interface ICUIControl
  11927. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1007-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11928. CommandBar;
  11929. // [ default ] interface ICUICommandBar
  11930. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1008-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11931. DataContext;
  11932. // [ default ] interface ICUIDataContext
  11933. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1009-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11934. DataSourceProxy;
  11935. // [ default ] interface ICUIDataSourceProxy
  11936. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd100a-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11937. ImageList;
  11938. // [ default ] interface ICUIImageList
  11939. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd100b-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11940. FrameWindows;
  11941. // [ default ] interface ICUIFrameWindows
  11942. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd100c-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11943. FrameWindow;
  11944. // [ default ] interface ICUIFrameWindow
  11945. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd100d-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11946. ViewHosts;
  11947. // [ default ] interface ICUIViewHosts
  11948. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd100e-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11949. ViewHost;
  11950. // [ default ] interface ICUIViewHost
  11951. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd100f-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11952. DockHosts;
  11953. // [ default ] interface ICUIDockHosts
  11954. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1010-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11955. DockHost;
  11956. // [ default ] interface ICUIDockHost
  11957. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1011-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11958. ViewWindows;
  11959. // [ default ] interface ICUIViewWindows
  11960. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1012-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11961. ViewWindow;
  11962. // [ default ] interface ICUIViewWindow
  11963. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1013-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11964. DockItems;
  11965. // [ default ] interface ICUIDockItems
  11966. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1014-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11967. DockItem;
  11968. // [ default ] interface ICUIDockItem
  11969. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1015-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11970. ScreenRect;
  11971. // [ default ] interface ICUIScreenRect
  11972. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1016-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11973. BitmapImage;
  11974. // [ default ] interface ICUIBitmapImage
  11975. struct __declspec(uuid("fcfd1017-7c8c-4859-bdb7-06f555c4aaf0"))
  11976. StatusText;
  11977. // [ default ] interface ICUIStatusText
  11978. struct __declspec(uuid("1af50001-1359-11d7-93da-0090275861fc"))
  11979. PDFVBASettings;
  11980. // [ default ] interface IPDFVBASettings
  11981. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0001-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  11982. SystemPrinters;
  11983. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrinters
  11984. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0002-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  11985. Printer;
  11986. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrinter
  11987. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0003-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  11988. PrintJob;
  11989. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintJob
  11990. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0004-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  11991. PrintDocuments;
  11992. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintDocuments
  11993. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0005-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  11994. PrintPages;
  11995. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintPages
  11996. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0006-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  11997. PrintSettings;
  11998. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintSettings
  11999. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0007-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12000. PrintSeparations;
  12001. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintSeparations
  12002. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0008-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12003. SeparationPlates;
  12004. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBASeparationPlates
  12005. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0009-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12006. SeparationPlate;
  12007. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBASeparationPlate
  12008. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f000a-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12009. PrintPrepress;
  12010. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintPrepress
  12011. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f000b-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12012. PrintPostScript;
  12013. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintPostScript
  12014. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f000c-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12015. PrintTrapping;
  12016. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintTrapping
  12017. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f000d-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12018. TrapLayers;
  12019. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBATrapLayers
  12020. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f000e-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12021. TrapLayer;
  12022. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBATrapLayer
  12023. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f000f-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12024. PrintOptions;
  12025. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintOptions
  12026. struct __declspec(uuid("0a9f0010-6a30-4fb2-b515-6e646d903999"))
  12027. PrintLayout;
  12028. // [ default ] interface IPrnVBAPrintLayout
  12029. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0003-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12030. ICUIFrameWork : IDispatch
  12031. {
  12032. //
  12033. // Property data
  12034. //
  12035. __declspec(property(get=GetCommandBars))
  12036. ICUICommandBarsPtr CommandBars;
  12037. __declspec(property(get=GetMainMenu))
  12038. ICUICommandBarPtr MainMenu;
  12039. __declspec(property(get=GetStatusBar))
  12040. ICUICommandBarPtr StatusBar;
  12041. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  12042. _bstr_t Name;
  12043. __declspec(property(get=GetAutomation))
  12044. ICUIAutomationPtr Automation;
  12045. __declspec(property(get=GetFrameWindows))
  12046. ICUIFrameWindowsPtr FrameWindows;
  12047. __declspec(property(get=GetMainFrameWindow))
  12048. ICUIFrameWindowPtr MainFrameWindow;
  12049. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  12050. ICUIApplicationPtr Application;
  12051. __declspec(property(get=GetTaskManager))
  12052. ICUITaskManagerPtr TaskManager;
  12053. //
  12054. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12055. //
  12056. ICUICommandBarsPtr GetCommandBars ( );
  12057. ICUICommandBarPtr GetMainMenu ( );
  12058. ICUICommandBarPtr GetStatusBar ( );
  12059. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  12060. HRESULT ImportWorkspace (
  12061. _bstr_t FileName );
  12062. ICUIAutomationPtr GetAutomation ( );
  12063. HRESULT ShowDocker (
  12064. _bstr_t Guid );
  12065. HRESULT HideDocker (
  12066. _bstr_t Guid );
  12067. VARIANT_BOOL IsDockerVisible (
  12068. _bstr_t Guid );
  12069. HRESULT AddDocker (
  12070. _bstr_t Guid,
  12071. _bstr_t ClassName,
  12072. _bstr_t AssemblyPath );
  12073. HRESULT RemoveDocker (
  12074. _bstr_t Guid );
  12075. ICUIFrameWindowsPtr GetFrameWindows ( );
  12076. ICUIFrameWindowPtr GetMainFrameWindow ( );
  12077. ICUIApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  12078. ICUIFrameWindowPtr CreateFrameWindowForViewHost (
  12079. struct ICUIViewHost * ViewHostToInsert );
  12080. ICUIFrameWindowPtr CreateFrameWindowForView (
  12081. struct ICUIViewWindow * ViewToInsert );
  12082. HRESULT ShowDialog (
  12083. _bstr_t Guid );
  12084. HRESULT HideDialog (
  12085. _bstr_t Guid );
  12086. long ShowMessageBox (
  12087. _bstr_t szMessage,
  12088. _bstr_t szMainInstruction,
  12089. long unFlags,
  12090. struct ICUIBitmapImage * pImage,
  12091. _bstr_t szHelpGuid,
  12092. _bstr_t szWarningName,
  12093. enum cuiMessageBoxFlags eFlags,
  12094. struct ICUIDataContext * pDataContext );
  12095. ICUIWarningPtr GetWarning (
  12096. _bstr_t szWarningID,
  12097. VARIANT_BOOL bHidden );
  12098. ICUITaskManagerPtr GetTaskManager ( );
  12099. //
  12100. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12101. //
  12102. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CommandBars (
  12103. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBars * * pVal ) = 0;
  12104. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MainMenu (
  12105. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBar * * pVal ) = 0;
  12106. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StatusBar (
  12107. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBar * * pVal ) = 0;
  12108. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  12109. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12110. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ImportWorkspace (
  12111. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  12112. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Automation (
  12113. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIAutomation * * pVal ) = 0;
  12114. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDocker (
  12115. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid ) = 0;
  12116. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HideDocker (
  12117. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid ) = 0;
  12118. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDockerVisible (
  12119. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid,
  12120. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * IsVisible ) = 0;
  12121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddDocker (
  12122. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid,
  12123. /*[in]*/ BSTR ClassName,
  12124. /*[in]*/ BSTR AssemblyPath ) = 0;
  12125. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveDocker (
  12126. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid ) = 0;
  12127. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FrameWindows (
  12128. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWindows * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12129. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MainFrameWindow (
  12130. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12131. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  12132. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12133. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFrameWindowForViewHost (
  12134. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * ViewHostToInsert,
  12135. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12136. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFrameWindowForView (
  12137. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIViewWindow * ViewToInsert,
  12138. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12139. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDialog (
  12140. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid ) = 0;
  12141. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HideDialog (
  12142. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid ) = 0;
  12143. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowMessageBox (
  12144. /*[in]*/ BSTR szMessage,
  12145. /*[in]*/ BSTR szMainInstruction,
  12146. /*[in]*/ long unFlags,
  12147. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIBitmapImage * pImage,
  12148. /*[in]*/ BSTR szHelpGuid,
  12149. /*[in]*/ BSTR szWarningName,
  12150. /*[in]*/ enum cuiMessageBoxFlags eFlags,
  12151. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIDataContext * pDataContext,
  12152. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12153. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetWarning (
  12154. /*[in]*/ BSTR szWarningID,
  12155. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL bHidden,
  12156. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIWarning * * __MIDL__ICUIFrameWork0000 ) = 0;
  12157. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TaskManager (
  12158. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUITaskManager * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12159. };
  12160. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000f-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12161. ICUIFrameWindows : IDispatch
  12162. {
  12163. //
  12164. // Property data
  12165. //
  12166. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  12167. long Count;
  12168. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  12169. ICUIFrameWindowPtr Item[];
  12170. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  12171. ICUIFrameWindowPtr First;
  12172. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  12173. ICUIFrameWindowPtr Last;
  12174. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  12175. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  12176. //
  12177. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12178. //
  12179. long GetCount ( );
  12180. ICUIFrameWindowPtr GetItem (
  12181. long Index );
  12182. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  12183. ICUIFrameWindowPtr Find (
  12184. _bstr_t ID );
  12185. ICUIFrameWindowPtr GetFirst ( );
  12186. ICUIFrameWindowPtr GetLast ( );
  12187. //
  12188. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12189. //
  12190. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  12191. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12192. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  12193. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  12194. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12195. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  12196. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12197. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  12198. /*[in]*/ BSTR ID,
  12199. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12200. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  12201. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12202. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  12203. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12204. };
  12205. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0010-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12206. ICUIFrameWindow : IDispatch
  12207. {
  12208. //
  12209. // Property data
  12210. //
  12211. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  12212. _bstr_t ID;
  12213. __declspec(property(get=GetCaption))
  12214. _bstr_t Caption;
  12215. __declspec(property(get=GetState))
  12216. enum cuiWindowState State;
  12217. __declspec(property(get=GetIsMainFrame))
  12218. VARIANT_BOOL IsMainFrame;
  12219. __declspec(property(get=GetIsActive))
  12220. VARIANT_BOOL IsActive;
  12221. __declspec(property(get=GetHandle))
  12222. long Handle;
  12223. __declspec(property(get=GetViewHosts))
  12224. ICUIViewHostsPtr ViewHosts;
  12225. __declspec(property(get=GetDockHosts))
  12226. ICUIDockHostsPtr DockHosts;
  12227. __declspec(property(get=GetRootDockHost))
  12228. ICUIDockHostPtr RootDockHost;
  12229. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition))
  12230. ICUIScreenRectPtr Position;
  12231. //
  12232. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12233. //
  12234. _bstr_t GetID ( );
  12235. _bstr_t GetCaption ( );
  12236. HRESULT Minimize ( );
  12237. HRESULT Maximize ( );
  12238. HRESULT Restore ( );
  12239. enum cuiWindowState GetState ( );
  12240. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsMainFrame ( );
  12241. HRESULT Close ( );
  12242. HRESULT Activate ( );
  12243. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsActive ( );
  12244. long GetHandle ( );
  12245. HRESULT TileViews (
  12246. VARIANT_BOOL TileHorizontally );
  12247. HRESULT CombineViews ( );
  12248. ICUIViewHostsPtr GetViewHosts ( );
  12249. ICUIDockHostsPtr GetDockHosts ( );
  12250. ICUIDockHostPtr GetRootDockHost ( );
  12251. ICUIScreenRectPtr GetPosition ( );
  12252. //
  12253. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12254. //
  12255. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  12256. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12257. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Caption (
  12258. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12259. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Minimize ( ) = 0;
  12260. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Maximize ( ) = 0;
  12261. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Restore ( ) = 0;
  12262. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_State (
  12263. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cuiWindowState * pVal ) = 0;
  12264. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsMainFrame (
  12265. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  12266. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
  12267. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  12268. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsActive (
  12269. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  12270. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Handle (
  12271. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12272. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TileViews (
  12273. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TileHorizontally ) = 0;
  12274. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CombineViews ( ) = 0;
  12275. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ViewHosts (
  12276. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewHosts * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12277. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DockHosts (
  12278. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockHosts * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12279. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RootDockHost (
  12280. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12281. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  12282. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12283. };
  12284. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0011-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12285. ICUIViewHosts : IDispatch
  12286. {
  12287. //
  12288. // Property data
  12289. //
  12290. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  12291. long Count;
  12292. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  12293. ICUIViewHostPtr Item[];
  12294. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  12295. ICUIViewHostPtr First;
  12296. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  12297. ICUIViewHostPtr Last;
  12298. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  12299. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  12300. //
  12301. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12302. //
  12303. long GetCount ( );
  12304. ICUIViewHostPtr GetItem (
  12305. long Index );
  12306. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  12307. ICUIViewHostPtr Find (
  12308. _bstr_t ID );
  12309. ICUIViewHostPtr GetFirst ( );
  12310. ICUIViewHostPtr GetLast ( );
  12311. //
  12312. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12313. //
  12314. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  12315. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12316. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  12317. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  12318. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12319. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  12320. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12321. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  12322. /*[in]*/ BSTR ID,
  12323. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12324. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  12325. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12326. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  12327. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12328. };
  12329. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0012-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12330. ICUIViewHost : IDispatch
  12331. {
  12332. //
  12333. // Property data
  12334. //
  12335. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  12336. _bstr_t ID;
  12337. __declspec(property(get=GetDockHost))
  12338. ICUIDockHostPtr DockHost;
  12339. __declspec(property(get=GetViews))
  12340. ICUIViewWindowsPtr Views;
  12341. __declspec(property(get=GetDockItem))
  12342. ICUIDockItemPtr DockItem;
  12343. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition))
  12344. ICUIScreenRectPtr Position;
  12345. //
  12346. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12347. //
  12348. _bstr_t GetID ( );
  12349. ICUIDockHostPtr GetDockHost ( );
  12350. ICUIViewWindowsPtr GetViews ( );
  12351. ICUIDockItemPtr GetDockItem ( );
  12352. ICUIScreenRectPtr GetPosition ( );
  12353. HRESULT InsertView (
  12354. struct ICUIViewWindow * ViewToInsert,
  12355. long Index );
  12356. HRESULT InsertViewHost (
  12357. struct ICUIViewHost * ViewHostToInsert,
  12358. long Index );
  12359. //
  12360. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12361. //
  12362. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  12363. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12364. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DockHost (
  12365. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12366. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Views (
  12367. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewWindows * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12368. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DockItem (
  12369. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockItem * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12370. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  12371. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12372. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertView (
  12373. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIViewWindow * ViewToInsert,
  12374. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  12375. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertViewHost (
  12376. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * ViewHostToInsert,
  12377. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  12378. };
  12379. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0016-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12380. ICUIViewWindow : IDispatch
  12381. {
  12382. //
  12383. // Property data
  12384. //
  12385. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  12386. _bstr_t ID;
  12387. __declspec(property(get=GetViewHost))
  12388. ICUIViewHostPtr ViewHost;
  12389. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  12390. long Index;
  12391. __declspec(property(get=GetKind))
  12392. _bstr_t Kind;
  12393. __declspec(property(get=GetTitle))
  12394. _bstr_t Title;
  12395. __declspec(property(get=GetDescription))
  12396. _bstr_t Description;
  12397. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition))
  12398. ICUIScreenRectPtr Position;
  12399. __declspec(property(get=GetAppView))
  12400. IDispatchPtr AppView;
  12401. //
  12402. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12403. //
  12404. _bstr_t GetID ( );
  12405. ICUIViewHostPtr GetViewHost ( );
  12406. long GetIndex ( );
  12407. _bstr_t GetKind ( );
  12408. _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
  12409. _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
  12410. ICUIScreenRectPtr GetPosition ( );
  12411. HRESULT Activate ( );
  12412. HRESULT Close ( );
  12413. IDispatchPtr GetAppView ( );
  12414. //
  12415. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12416. //
  12417. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  12418. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12419. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ViewHost (
  12420. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12421. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  12422. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12423. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Kind (
  12424. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12425. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
  12426. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12427. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
  12428. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12429. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  12430. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  12432. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
  12433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AppView (
  12434. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12435. };
  12436. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0015-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12437. ICUIViewWindows : IDispatch
  12438. {
  12439. //
  12440. // Property data
  12441. //
  12442. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  12443. long Count;
  12444. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  12445. ICUIViewWindowPtr Item[];
  12446. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  12447. ICUIViewWindowPtr First;
  12448. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  12449. ICUIViewWindowPtr Last;
  12450. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  12451. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  12452. //
  12453. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12454. //
  12455. long GetCount ( );
  12456. ICUIViewWindowPtr GetItem (
  12457. long Index );
  12458. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  12459. ICUIViewWindowPtr Find (
  12460. _bstr_t ID );
  12461. ICUIViewWindowPtr GetFirst ( );
  12462. ICUIViewWindowPtr GetLast ( );
  12463. //
  12464. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12465. //
  12466. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  12467. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12468. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  12469. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  12470. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12471. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  12472. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  12474. /*[in]*/ BSTR ID,
  12475. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12476. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  12477. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12478. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  12479. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12480. };
  12481. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0014-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12482. ICUIDockHost : IDispatch
  12483. {
  12484. //
  12485. // Property data
  12486. //
  12487. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  12488. _bstr_t ID;
  12489. __declspec(property(get=GetOrientation))
  12490. enum cuiDockHostOrientation Orientation;
  12491. __declspec(property(get=GetParentDockHost))
  12492. ICUIDockHostPtr ParentDockHost;
  12493. __declspec(property(get=GetDockItem))
  12494. ICUIDockItemPtr DockItem;
  12495. __declspec(property(get=GetChildren))
  12496. ICUIDockItemsPtr Children;
  12497. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition))
  12498. ICUIScreenRectPtr Position;
  12499. //
  12500. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12501. //
  12502. _bstr_t GetID ( );
  12503. enum cuiDockHostOrientation GetOrientation ( );
  12504. ICUIDockHostPtr GetParentDockHost ( );
  12505. ICUIDockItemPtr GetDockItem ( );
  12506. ICUIDockItemsPtr GetChildren ( );
  12507. HRESULT InsertViewHost (
  12508. struct ICUIViewHost * ViewHostToInsert,
  12509. long Index,
  12510. enum cuiDockOperation Operation );
  12511. ICUIViewHostPtr InsertView (
  12512. struct ICUIViewWindow * ViewToInsert,
  12513. long Index,
  12514. enum cuiDockOperation Operation );
  12515. ICUIScreenRectPtr GetPosition ( );
  12516. //
  12517. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12518. //
  12519. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  12520. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12521. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Orientation (
  12522. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cuiDockHostOrientation * pVal ) = 0;
  12523. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParentDockHost (
  12524. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12525. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DockItem (
  12526. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockItem * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12527. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Children (
  12528. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockItems * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12529. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertViewHost (
  12530. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * ViewHostToInsert,
  12531. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  12532. /*[in]*/ enum cuiDockOperation Operation ) = 0;
  12533. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertView (
  12534. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIViewWindow * ViewToInsert,
  12535. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  12536. /*[in]*/ enum cuiDockOperation Operation,
  12537. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12538. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  12539. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12540. };
  12541. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0018-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12542. ICUIDockItem : IDispatch
  12543. {
  12544. //
  12545. // Property data
  12546. //
  12547. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  12548. _bstr_t ID;
  12549. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  12550. enum cuiDockItemType Type;
  12551. __declspec(property(get=GetViewHost))
  12552. ICUIViewHostPtr ViewHost;
  12553. __declspec(property(get=GetDockHost))
  12554. ICUIDockHostPtr DockHost;
  12555. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  12556. long Index;
  12557. __declspec(property(get=GetRelativeSize,put=PutRelativeSize))
  12558. long RelativeSize;
  12559. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition))
  12560. ICUIScreenRectPtr Position;
  12561. //
  12562. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12563. //
  12564. _bstr_t GetID ( );
  12565. enum cuiDockItemType GetType ( );
  12566. ICUIViewHostPtr GetViewHost ( );
  12567. ICUIDockHostPtr GetDockHost ( );
  12568. long GetIndex ( );
  12569. long GetRelativeSize ( );
  12570. void PutRelativeSize (
  12571. long pVal );
  12572. ICUIScreenRectPtr GetPosition ( );
  12573. //
  12574. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12575. //
  12576. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  12577. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12578. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  12579. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cuiDockItemType * pVal ) = 0;
  12580. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ViewHost (
  12581. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12582. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DockHost (
  12583. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12584. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  12585. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12586. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RelativeSize (
  12587. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12588. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RelativeSize (
  12589. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  12590. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  12591. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12592. };
  12593. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0017-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12594. ICUIDockItems : IDispatch
  12595. {
  12596. //
  12597. // Property data
  12598. //
  12599. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  12600. long Count;
  12601. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  12602. ICUIDockItemPtr Item[];
  12603. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  12604. ICUIDockItemPtr First;
  12605. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  12606. ICUIDockItemPtr Last;
  12607. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  12608. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  12609. //
  12610. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12611. //
  12612. long GetCount ( );
  12613. ICUIDockItemPtr GetItem (
  12614. long Index );
  12615. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  12616. ICUIDockItemPtr Find (
  12617. _bstr_t ID );
  12618. ICUIDockItemPtr GetFirst ( );
  12619. ICUIDockItemPtr GetLast ( );
  12620. //
  12621. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12622. //
  12623. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  12624. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12625. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  12626. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  12627. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockItem * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12628. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  12629. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12630. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  12631. /*[in]*/ BSTR ID,
  12632. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockItem * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12633. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  12634. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockItem * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12635. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  12636. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockItem * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12637. };
  12638. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee0013-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12639. ICUIDockHosts : IDispatch
  12640. {
  12641. //
  12642. // Property data
  12643. //
  12644. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  12645. long Count;
  12646. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  12647. ICUIDockHostPtr Item[];
  12648. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  12649. ICUIDockHostPtr First;
  12650. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  12651. ICUIDockHostPtr Last;
  12652. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  12653. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  12654. //
  12655. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12656. //
  12657. long GetCount ( );
  12658. ICUIDockHostPtr GetItem (
  12659. long Index );
  12660. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  12661. ICUIDockHostPtr Find (
  12662. _bstr_t ID );
  12663. ICUIDockHostPtr GetFirst ( );
  12664. ICUIDockHostPtr GetLast ( );
  12665. //
  12666. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12667. //
  12668. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  12669. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  12670. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  12671. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  12672. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12673. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  12674. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12675. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  12676. /*[in]*/ BSTR ID,
  12677. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12678. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  12679. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12680. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  12681. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDockHost * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12682. };
  12683. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000a-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12684. ICUIApplication : IDispatch
  12685. {
  12686. //
  12687. // Property data
  12688. //
  12689. __declspec(property(get=GetDataContext))
  12690. ICUIDataContextPtr DataContext;
  12691. __declspec(property(get=GetFrameWork))
  12692. ICUIFrameWorkPtr FrameWork;
  12693. //
  12694. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12695. //
  12696. ICUIDataContextPtr GetDataContext ( );
  12697. VARIANT_BOOL RegisterDataSource (
  12698. _bstr_t DataSourceName,
  12699. struct ICUIDataSourceFactory * Factory,
  12700. _bstr_t CategoryList,
  12701. VARIANT_BOOL AutoCreateInstance );
  12702. VARIANT_BOOL UnregisterDataSource (
  12703. _bstr_t DataSourceName );
  12704. ICUIImageListPtr CreateImageList ( );
  12705. ICUIFrameWorkPtr GetFrameWork ( );
  12706. ICUIScreenRectPtr CreateScreenRect (
  12707. long Left,
  12708. long Top,
  12709. long Width,
  12710. long Height );
  12711. ICUIBitmapImagePtr CreateBitmapImage (
  12712. const _variant_t & ImageData,
  12713. long MaxSize );
  12714. ICUIStatusTextPtr CreateStatusText ( );
  12715. _bstr_t LoadLocalizedString (
  12716. _bstr_t Guid );
  12717. ICUIDataSourceFactoryPtr CreateDataSourceFactory (
  12718. IDispatch * DataSourceFactoryObject );
  12719. //
  12720. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12721. //
  12722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataContext (
  12723. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDataContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12724. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RegisterDataSource (
  12725. /*[in]*/ BSTR DataSourceName,
  12726. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIDataSourceFactory * Factory,
  12727. /*[in]*/ BSTR CategoryList,
  12728. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AutoCreateInstance,
  12729. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  12730. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnregisterDataSource (
  12731. /*[in]*/ BSTR DataSourceName,
  12732. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  12733. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateImageList (
  12734. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIImageList * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12735. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FrameWork (
  12736. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWork * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12737. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateScreenRect (
  12738. /*[in]*/ long Left,
  12739. /*[in]*/ long Top,
  12740. /*[in]*/ long Width,
  12741. /*[in]*/ long Height,
  12742. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIScreenRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12743. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBitmapImage (
  12744. /*[in]*/ VARIANT ImageData,
  12745. /*[in]*/ long MaxSize,
  12746. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIBitmapImage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12747. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStatusText (
  12748. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIStatusText * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12749. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadLocalizedString (
  12750. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid,
  12751. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12752. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateDataSourceFactory (
  12753. /*[in]*/ IDispatch * DataSourceFactoryObject,
  12754. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDataSourceFactory * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12755. };
  12756. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000c-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12757. ICUIDataSourceProxy : IDispatch
  12758. {
  12759. //
  12760. // Property data
  12761. //
  12762. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  12763. ICUIApplicationPtr Application;
  12764. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  12765. _bstr_t Name;
  12766. //
  12767. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12768. //
  12769. HRESULT UpdateListeners (
  12770. _bstr_t ListenerNames );
  12771. ICUIApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  12772. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  12773. HRESULT InvokeMethod (
  12774. _bstr_t MethodName );
  12775. _variant_t GetProperty (
  12776. _bstr_t PropertyName );
  12777. HRESULT SetProperty (
  12778. _bstr_t PropertyName,
  12779. const _variant_t & Value );
  12780. //
  12781. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12782. //
  12783. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UpdateListeners (
  12784. /*[in]*/ BSTR ListenerNames ) = 0;
  12785. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  12786. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12787. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  12788. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12789. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InvokeMethod (
  12790. /*[in]*/ BSTR MethodName ) = 0;
  12791. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty (
  12792. /*[in]*/ BSTR PropertyName,
  12793. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  12794. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetProperty (
  12795. /*[in]*/ BSTR PropertyName,
  12796. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Value ) = 0;
  12797. };
  12798. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000b-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12799. ICUIDataContext : IDispatch
  12800. {
  12801. //
  12802. // Property data
  12803. //
  12804. __declspec(property(get=GetCategories))
  12805. _bstr_t Categories;
  12806. //
  12807. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12808. //
  12809. ICUIDataContextPtr CreateChildDataContext (
  12810. _bstr_t CategoryList );
  12811. _bstr_t GetCategories ( );
  12812. VARIANT_BOOL HasCategory (
  12813. _bstr_t Category );
  12814. ICUIDataSourceProxyPtr AddDataSource (
  12815. _bstr_t DataSourceName,
  12816. IDispatch * DataSourceObject );
  12817. VARIANT_BOOL ShowDialog (
  12818. _bstr_t dialogID );
  12819. ICUIDataSourceProxyPtr GetDataSource (
  12820. _bstr_t DataSourceName );
  12821. //
  12822. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12823. //
  12824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateChildDataContext (
  12825. /*[in]*/ BSTR CategoryList,
  12826. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDataContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12827. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Categories (
  12828. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  12829. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HasCategory (
  12830. /*[in]*/ BSTR Category,
  12831. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  12832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddDataSource (
  12833. /*[in]*/ BSTR DataSourceName,
  12834. /*[in]*/ IDispatch * DataSourceObject,
  12835. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDataSourceProxy * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12836. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDialog (
  12837. /*[in]*/ BSTR dialogID,
  12838. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  12839. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetDataSource (
  12840. /*[in]*/ BSTR DataSourceName,
  12841. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIDataSourceProxy * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12842. };
  12843. struct __declspec(uuid("9cee000d-42a0-5980-43a3-7aa71461482c"))
  12844. ICUIDataSourceFactory : IDispatch
  12845. {
  12846. //
  12847. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  12848. //
  12849. IDispatchPtr CreateDataSource (
  12850. _bstr_t DataSourceName,
  12851. struct ICUIDataSourceProxy * Proxy );
  12852. //
  12853. // Raw methods provided by interface
  12854. //
  12855. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateDataSource (
  12856. /*[in]*/ BSTR DataSourceName,
  12857. /*[in]*/ struct ICUIDataSourceProxy * Proxy,
  12858. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  12859. };
  12860. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580024-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  12861. IVGDocument : IDispatch
  12862. {
  12863. //
  12864. // Property data
  12865. //
  12866. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  12867. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  12868. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  12869. IVGDocumentsPtr Parent;
  12870. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  12871. _bstr_t Name;
  12872. __declspec(property(get=Get_CodeName,put=Put_CodeName))
  12873. _bstr_t _CodeName;
  12874. __declspec(property(get=GetHatchLibraries))
  12875. IVGHatchLibrariesPtr HatchLibraries;
  12876. __declspec(property(get=GetPages))
  12877. IVGPagesPtr Pages;
  12878. __declspec(property(get=GetReferencePoint,put=PutReferencePoint))
  12879. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint;
  12880. __declspec(property(get=GetSourcePlatformVersion,put=PutSourcePlatformVersion))
  12881. double SourcePlatformVersion;
  12882. __declspec(property(get=GetApplyToDuplicate,put=PutApplyToDuplicate))
  12883. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate;
  12884. __declspec(property(get=GetSourceFormat))
  12885. enum cdrFilter SourceFormat;
  12886. __declspec(property(get=GetActivePage))
  12887. IVGPagePtr ActivePage;
  12888. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveLayer))
  12889. IVGLayerPtr ActiveLayer;
  12890. __declspec(property(get=GetWindows))
  12891. IVGWindowsPtr Windows;
  12892. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveWindow))
  12893. IVGWindowPtr ActiveWindow;
  12894. __declspec(property(get=GetIsCurrentVersion))
  12895. VARIANT_BOOL IsCurrentVersion;
  12896. __declspec(property(get=GetSourceFileVersion,put=PutSourceFileVersion))
  12897. enum cdrFileVersion SourceFileVersion;
  12898. __declspec(property(get=GetMetadata))
  12899. IVGMetadataPtr Metadata;
  12900. __declspec(property(get=GetLayout,put=PutLayout))
  12901. enum cdrDocLayout Layout;
  12902. __declspec(property(get=GetFacingPages,put=PutFacingPages))
  12903. VARIANT_BOOL FacingPages;
  12904. __declspec(property(get=GetUnit,put=PutUnit))
  12905. enum cdrUnit Unit;
  12906. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstPageOnRightSide,put=PutFirstPageOnRightSide))
  12907. VARIANT_BOOL FirstPageOnRightSide;
  12908. __declspec(property(get=GetDrawingOriginX,put=PutDrawingOriginX))
  12909. double DrawingOriginX;
  12910. __declspec(property(get=GetSpreads))
  12911. IVGSpreadsPtr Spreads;
  12912. __declspec(property(get=GetDrawingOriginY,put=PutDrawingOriginY))
  12913. double DrawingOriginY;
  12914. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveSpread))
  12915. IVGSpreadPtr ActiveSpread;
  12916. __declspec(property(get=GetDirty,put=PutDirty))
  12917. VARIANT_BOOL Dirty;
  12918. __declspec(property(get=GetIsTemporary))
  12919. VARIANT_BOOL IsTemporary;
  12920. __declspec(property(get=GetColorContext))
  12921. IVGColorContextPtr ColorContext;
  12922. __declspec(property(get=GetFilePath))
  12923. _bstr_t FilePath;
  12924. __declspec(property(get=GetFileName))
  12925. _bstr_t FileName;
  12926. __declspec(property(get=GetFullFileName,put=PutFullFileName))
  12927. _bstr_t FullFileName;
  12928. __declspec(property(get=GetResolution,put=PutResolution))
  12929. long Resolution;
  12930. __declspec(property(get=GetPalette))
  12931. IVGPalettePtr Palette;
  12932. __declspec(property(get=GetShapeEnumDirection,put=PutShapeEnumDirection))
  12933. enum cdrShapeEnumDirection ShapeEnumDirection;
  12934. __declspec(property(get=GetTextFormatter,put=PutTextFormatter))
  12935. long TextFormatter;
  12936. __declspec(property(get=GetSelectionRange))
  12937. IVGShapeRangePtr SelectionRange;
  12938. __declspec(property(get=GetRulers))
  12939. IVGRulersPtr Rulers;
  12940. __declspec(property(get=GetGrid))
  12941. IVGGridPtr Grid;
  12942. __declspec(property(get=GetViews))
  12943. IVGViewsPtr Views;
  12944. __declspec(property(get=GetStyleSheet))
  12945. IVGStyleSheetPtr StyleSheet;
  12946. __declspec(property(get=GetActivePowerClip))
  12947. IVGPowerClipPtr ActivePowerClip;
  12948. __declspec(property(get=GetWorldScale,put=PutWorldScale))
  12949. double WorldScale;
  12950. __declspec(property(get=GetContentIdentifiers))
  12951. SAFEARRAY * ContentIdentifiers;
  12952. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveShape))
  12953. IVGShapePtr ActiveShape;
  12954. __declspec(property(get=GetCurvePrecision,put=PutCurvePrecision))
  12955. long CurvePrecision;
  12956. __declspec(property(get=GetMath))
  12957. IVGMathUtilsPtr Math;
  12958. __declspec(property(get=GetMarkup))
  12959. IVGDocumentMarkupPtr Markup;
  12960. __declspec(property(get=GetTitle))
  12961. _bstr_t Title;
  12962. __declspec(property(get=GetActive))
  12963. VARIANT_BOOL Active;
  12964. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  12965. long Index;
  12966. __declspec(property(get=GetEditAcrossLayers,put=PutEditAcrossLayers))
  12967. VARIANT_BOOL EditAcrossLayers;
  12968. __declspec(property(get=GetProperties))
  12969. IVGPropertiesPtr Properties;
  12970. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintSettings))
  12971. IPrnVBAPrintSettingsPtr PrintSettings;
  12972. __declspec(property(get=GetKeywords,put=PutKeywords))
  12973. _bstr_t Keywords;
  12974. __declspec(property(get=GetNotes,put=PutNotes))
  12975. _bstr_t Notes;
  12976. __declspec(property(get=GetPreserveSelection,put=PutPreserveSelection))
  12977. VARIANT_BOOL PreserveSelection;
  12978. __declspec(property(get=GetDataFields))
  12979. IVGDataFieldsPtr DataFields;
  12980. __declspec(property(get=GetPDFSettings))
  12981. IPDFVBASettingsPtr PDFSettings;
  12982. __declspec(property(get=GetSelectionInfo))
  12983. IVGSelectionInformationPtr SelectionInfo;
  12984. __declspec(property(get=GetPageSizes))
  12985. IVGPageSizesPtr PageSizes;
  12986. __declspec(property(get=GetComponents))
  12987. IVGComponentsPtr Components;
  12988. __declspec(property(get=GetSymbolLibrary))
  12989. IVGSymbolLibraryPtr SymbolLibrary;
  12990. __declspec(property(get=GetSelectableShapes))
  12991. IVGShapesPtr SelectableShapes;
  12992. __declspec(property(get=GetResolutionX,put=PutResolutionX))
  12993. long ResolutionX;
  12994. __declspec(property(get=GetResolutionY,put=PutResolutionY))
  12995. long ResolutionY;
  12996. __declspec(property(get=GetMasterPage))
  12997. IVGPagePtr MasterPage;
  12998. __declspec(property(get=GetCodeName))
  12999. _bstr_t CodeName;
  13000. __declspec(property(get=GetTreeRoot))
  13001. IVGTreeNodePtr TreeRoot;
  13002. __declspec(property(get=GetTreeManager))
  13003. IVGTreeManagerPtr TreeManager;
  13004. //
  13005. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  13006. //
  13007. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  13008. IVGDocumentsPtr GetParent ( );
  13009. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  13010. HRESULT SaveAs (
  13011. _bstr_t FileName,
  13012. struct IVGStructSaveAsOptions * Options );
  13013. HRESULT Save ( );
  13014. IVGPagesPtr GetPages ( );
  13015. enum cdrReferencePoint GetReferencePoint ( );
  13016. void PutReferencePoint (
  13017. enum cdrReferencePoint pRefPoint );
  13018. VARIANT_BOOL GetApplyToDuplicate ( );
  13019. void PutApplyToDuplicate (
  13020. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  13021. IVGPagePtr GetActivePage ( );
  13022. IVGLayerPtr GetActiveLayer ( );
  13023. IVGWindowsPtr GetWindows ( );
  13024. IVGWindowPtr GetActiveWindow ( );
  13025. HRESULT Close ( );
  13026. HRESULT Undo (
  13027. long Levels );
  13028. HRESULT Redo (
  13029. long Levels );
  13030. HRESULT Repeat ( );
  13031. HRESULT Activate ( );
  13032. enum cdrUnit GetUnit ( );
  13033. void PutUnit (
  13034. enum cdrUnit pnUnit );
  13035. double GetDrawingOriginX ( );
  13036. void PutDrawingOriginX (
  13037. double plX );
  13038. double GetDrawingOriginY ( );
  13039. void PutDrawingOriginY (
  13040. double plY );
  13041. IVGPagePtr AddPages (
  13042. long NumberOfPages );
  13043. IVGPagePtr InsertPages (
  13044. long NumberOfPages,
  13045. VARIANT_BOOL BeforePage,
  13046. long Page );
  13047. IVGShapePtr Selection ( );
  13048. HRESULT ClearSelection ( );
  13049. HRESULT Export (
  13050. _bstr_t FileName,
  13051. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  13052. enum cdrExportRange Range,
  13053. struct IVGStructExportOptions * Options,
  13054. struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * PaletteOptions );
  13055. HRESULT ResolveAllBitmapsLinks ( );
  13056. VARIANT_BOOL GetDirty ( );
  13057. void PutDirty (
  13058. VARIANT_BOOL Dirty );
  13059. long GetUserClick (
  13060. double * x,
  13061. double * y,
  13062. long * ShiftState,
  13063. long TimeOut,
  13064. VARIANT_BOOL Snap,
  13065. enum cdrCursorShape CursorShape );
  13066. long GetUserArea (
  13067. double * x1,
  13068. double * y1,
  13069. double * x2,
  13070. double * y2,
  13071. long * ShiftState,
  13072. long TimeOut,
  13073. VARIANT_BOOL Snap,
  13074. enum cdrCursorShape CursorShape );
  13075. HRESULT BeginCommandGroup (
  13076. _bstr_t CommandName );
  13077. HRESULT EndCommandGroup ( );
  13078. _bstr_t GetFilePath ( );
  13079. _bstr_t GetFileName ( );
  13080. _bstr_t GetFullFileName ( );
  13081. long GetResolution ( );
  13082. void PutResolution (
  13083. long pResolution );
  13084. enum cdrShapeEnumDirection GetShapeEnumDirection ( );
  13085. void PutShapeEnumDirection (
  13086. enum cdrShapeEnumDirection peDirection );
  13087. IVGShapeRangePtr GetSelectionRange ( );
  13088. IVGRulersPtr GetRulers ( );
  13089. IVGGridPtr GetGrid ( );
  13090. IVGViewsPtr GetViews ( );
  13091. IVGViewPtr CreateView (
  13092. _bstr_t Name,
  13093. double OriginX,
  13094. double OriginY,
  13095. long Zoom,
  13096. struct IVGPage * Page );
  13097. IVGPowerClipPtr GetActivePowerClip ( );
  13098. long AdviseEvents (
  13099. IDispatch * EventSink );
  13100. HRESULT UnadviseEvents (
  13101. long Cookie );
  13102. double GetWorldScale ( );
  13103. void PutWorldScale (
  13104. double Scale );
  13105. HRESULT PrintOut ( );
  13106. IVGShapePtr GetActiveShape ( );
  13107. long GetCurvePrecision ( );
  13108. IVGPagePtr AddPagesEx (
  13109. long NumberOfPages,
  13110. double Width,
  13111. double Height );
  13112. IVGPagePtr InsertPagesEx (
  13113. long NumberOfPages,
  13114. VARIANT_BOOL BeforePage,
  13115. long Page,
  13116. double Width,
  13117. double Height );
  13118. _bstr_t GetTitle ( );
  13119. HRESULT SaveSettings (
  13120. _bstr_t Tag );
  13121. HRESULT RestoreSettings (
  13122. _bstr_t Tag );
  13123. VARIANT_BOOL GetActive ( );
  13124. long GetIndex ( );
  13125. ICorelExportFilterPtr ExportEx (
  13126. _bstr_t FileName,
  13127. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  13128. enum cdrExportRange Range,
  13129. struct IVGStructExportOptions * Options,
  13130. struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * PaletteOptions );
  13131. ICorelExportFilterPtr ExportBitmap (
  13132. _bstr_t FileName,
  13133. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  13134. enum cdrExportRange Range,
  13135. enum cdrImageType ImageType,
  13136. long Width,
  13137. long Height,
  13138. long ResolutionX,
  13139. long ResolutionY,
  13140. enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasingType,
  13141. VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  13142. VARIANT_BOOL Transparent,
  13143. VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  13144. VARIANT_BOOL MaintainLayers,
  13145. enum cdrCompressionType Compression,
  13146. struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * PaletteOptions,
  13147. struct IVGRect * ExportArea );
  13148. VARIANT_BOOL GetEditAcrossLayers ( );
  13149. void PutEditAcrossLayers (
  13150. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  13151. IVGPropertiesPtr GetProperties ( );
  13152. void PutCurvePrecision (
  13153. long lpPrec );
  13154. IPrnVBAPrintSettingsPtr GetPrintSettings ( );
  13155. _bstr_t GetKeywords ( );
  13156. void PutKeywords (
  13157. _bstr_t pVal );
  13158. _bstr_t GetNotes ( );
  13159. void PutNotes (
  13160. _bstr_t pVal );
  13161. VARIANT_BOOL GetPreserveSelection ( );
  13162. void PutPreserveSelection (
  13163. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  13164. HRESULT ResetSettings ( );
  13165. IVGDataFieldsPtr GetDataFields ( );
  13166. IPDFVBASettingsPtr GetPDFSettings ( );
  13167. HRESULT PublishToPDF (
  13168. _bstr_t FileName );
  13169. IVGSelectionInformationPtr GetSelectionInfo ( );
  13170. IVGPageSizesPtr GetPageSizes ( );
  13171. IVGComponentsPtr GetComponents ( );
  13172. IVGSymbolLibraryPtr GetSymbolLibrary ( );
  13173. IVGCurvePtr CreateCurve ( );
  13174. IVGCurvePtr CreateCurveFromArray (
  13175. SAFEARRAY * * Source,
  13176. long NumElements );
  13177. HRESULT LoadStyleSheet (
  13178. _bstr_t FileName );
  13179. HRESULT SaveStyleSheet (
  13180. _bstr_t FileName );
  13181. HRESULT SaveStyleSheetAsDefault ( );
  13182. HRESULT CreateSelection (
  13183. SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray );
  13184. HRESULT AddToSelection (
  13185. SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray );
  13186. HRESULT RemoveFromSelection (
  13187. SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray );
  13188. IVGShapesPtr GetSelectableShapes ( );
  13189. double ToUnits (
  13190. double Value,
  13191. enum cdrUnit FromUnit );
  13192. double FromUnits (
  13193. double Value,
  13194. enum cdrUnit ToUnit );
  13195. long GetResolutionX ( );
  13196. void PutResolutionX (
  13197. long pResolution );
  13198. long GetResolutionY ( );
  13199. void PutResolutionY (
  13200. long pResolution );
  13201. IVGPagePtr GetMasterPage ( );
  13202. VARIANT_BOOL Revert ( );
  13203. _bstr_t GetCodeName ( );
  13204. _bstr_t Get_CodeName ( );
  13205. void Put_CodeName (
  13206. _bstr_t pVal );
  13207. void PutName (
  13208. _bstr_t pbstrName );
  13209. void PutFullFileName (
  13210. _bstr_t pFullFileName );
  13211. IVGTreeNodePtr GetTreeRoot ( );
  13212. IVGTreeManagerPtr GetTreeManager ( );
  13213. IVGShapePtr LogCreateShape (
  13214. struct IVGShape * VirtualShape );
  13215. IVGShapeRangePtr LogCreateShapeRange (
  13216. struct IVGShapeRange * VirtualShapeRange );
  13217. IVGFillPtr CreateFill (
  13218. _bstr_t FillString );
  13219. IVGOutlinePtr CreateOutline (
  13220. _bstr_t OutlineString );
  13221. IVGHatchLibrariesPtr GetHatchLibraries ( );
  13222. IVGShapeRangePtr CreateShapeRangeFromArray (
  13223. SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray );
  13224. HRESULT ClearUndoList ( );
  13225. double GetSourcePlatformVersion ( );
  13226. void PutSourcePlatformVersion (
  13227. double pVal );
  13228. enum cdrFilter GetSourceFormat ( );
  13229. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCurrentVersion ( );
  13230. enum cdrFileVersion GetSourceFileVersion ( );
  13231. void PutSourceFileVersion (
  13232. enum cdrFileVersion pVal );
  13233. IVGFillPtr CreateUniformFill (
  13234. struct IVGColor * Color );
  13235. IVGMetadataPtr GetMetadata ( );
  13236. enum cdrDocLayout GetLayout ( );
  13237. void PutLayout (
  13238. enum cdrDocLayout pVal );
  13239. VARIANT_BOOL GetFacingPages ( );
  13240. void PutFacingPages (
  13241. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  13242. VARIANT_BOOL GetFirstPageOnRightSide ( );
  13243. void PutFirstPageOnRightSide (
  13244. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  13245. HRESULT SetLayout (
  13246. enum cdrDocLayout Layout,
  13247. VARIANT_BOOL FacingPages,
  13248. VARIANT_BOOL StartOnRightSide );
  13249. IVGSpreadsPtr GetSpreads ( );
  13250. IVGSpreadPtr GetActiveSpread ( );
  13251. IVGArrowHeadPtr CreateArrowHead (
  13252. struct IVGCurve * Curve );
  13253. IVGArrowHeadPtr CreateArrowHeadEx (
  13254. struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  13255. double CenterX,
  13256. double CenterY,
  13257. double OutlineWidthScale,
  13258. double LineOffset );
  13259. VARIANT_BOOL DeletePages (
  13260. long StartPage,
  13261. long NumPages );
  13262. IVGArrowHeadPtr CreateArrowHead2 (
  13263. struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  13264. _bstr_t Name );
  13265. IVGArrowHeadPtr CreateArrowHeadEx2 (
  13266. struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  13267. _bstr_t Name,
  13268. double CenterX,
  13269. double CenterY,
  13270. double OutlineWidthScale,
  13271. double LineOffset );
  13272. IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr CreateArrowHeadOptions (
  13273. double Length,
  13274. double Width,
  13275. double OffsetX,
  13276. double OffsetY,
  13277. double RotationAngle,
  13278. VARIANT_BOOL FlipHorizontal,
  13279. VARIANT_BOOL FlipVertical );
  13280. HRESULT SaveAsCopy (
  13281. _bstr_t FileName,
  13282. struct IVGStructSaveAsOptions * Options );
  13283. IVGSnapPointPtr CreateFreeSnapPoint (
  13284. double PositionX,
  13285. double PositionY );
  13286. IVGBSplinePtr CreateBSpline (
  13287. long NumControlPoints,
  13288. VARIANT_BOOL Closed );
  13289. IVGDocumentPtr Duplicate ( );
  13290. IVGDocumentPtr Clone ( );
  13291. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsTemporary ( );
  13292. IVGColorContextPtr GetColorContext ( );
  13293. HRESULT AssignColorContext (
  13294. struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  13295. HRESULT ConvertToColorContext (
  13296. struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  13297. HRESULT PrintColorProof (
  13298. struct IVGProofColorSettings * ProofSettings );
  13299. IVGPalettePtr GetPalette ( );
  13300. long GetTextFormatter ( );
  13301. void PutTextFormatter (
  13302. long pVal );
  13303. IVGStyleSheetPtr GetStyleSheet ( );
  13304. HRESULT InteractiveImport (
  13305. SAFEARRAY * * FileNames );
  13306. VARIANT_BOOL AddColorsToDocPalette (
  13307. VARIANT_BOOL SelectedOnly,
  13308. long MaxColorsPerBitmap );
  13309. long CreateColorStyles (
  13310. VARIANT_BOOL UseFills,
  13311. VARIANT_BOOL UseOutlines,
  13312. VARIANT_BOOL SelectedOnly,
  13313. long NumberOfColorHarmonies,
  13314. enum cdrColorType ConvertColorsTo );
  13315. IVGCurvePtr CreateCurveFitToPoints (
  13316. struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  13317. VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance,
  13318. double tolerance );
  13319. IVGCurvePtr CreateCurveFitToPointsAndCusps (
  13320. struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  13321. SAFEARRAY * * CuspIndexArray,
  13322. VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance,
  13323. double tolerance );
  13324. IVGColorPtr SampleColorAtPoint (
  13325. double x,
  13326. double y,
  13327. enum cdrColorType ColorType );
  13328. IVGColorPtr SampleColorInArea (
  13329. double x1,
  13330. double y1,
  13331. double x2,
  13332. double y2,
  13333. long XSamples,
  13334. long YSamples,
  13335. enum cdrColorType ColorType );
  13336. HRESULT ShowAllHiddenObjects ( );
  13337. HRESULT InteractiveImportWithContentIdentifier (
  13338. SAFEARRAY * * FileNames,
  13339. SAFEARRAY * * ContentIdentifiers );
  13340. HRESULT ReplaceContentByIdentifier (
  13341. SAFEARRAY * * ContentIdentifiers,
  13342. SAFEARRAY * * FileNames );
  13343. SAFEARRAY * GetContentIdentifiers ( );
  13344. _variant_t CustomCommand (
  13345. _bstr_t ComponentID,
  13346. _bstr_t CommandID,
  13347. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  13348. IVGMathUtilsPtr GetMath ( );
  13349. IVGImagePtr CreateImage (
  13350. enum cdrImageType ImageType,
  13351. long Width,
  13352. long Height,
  13353. struct IVGColor * FillColor );
  13354. IVGDocumentMarkupPtr GetMarkup ( );
  13355. //
  13356. // Raw methods provided by interface
  13357. //
  13358. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  13359. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppApplication ) = 0;
  13360. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  13361. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocuments * * ppParent ) = 0;
  13362. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  13363. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
  13364. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveAs (
  13365. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  13366. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructSaveAsOptions * Options ) = 0;
  13367. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save ( ) = 0;
  13368. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pages (
  13369. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPages * * ppPages ) = 0;
  13370. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReferencePoint (
  13371. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint * pRefPoint ) = 0;
  13372. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ReferencePoint (
  13373. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint pRefPoint ) = 0;
  13374. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ApplyToDuplicate (
  13375. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * ApplyToDuplicate ) = 0;
  13376. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ApplyToDuplicate (
  13377. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate ) = 0;
  13378. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActivePage (
  13379. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13380. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveLayer (
  13381. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13382. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Windows (
  13383. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindows * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13384. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveWindow (
  13385. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13386. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
  13387. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Undo (
  13388. /*[in]*/ long Levels ) = 0;
  13389. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Redo (
  13390. /*[in]*/ long Levels ) = 0;
  13391. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Repeat ( ) = 0;
  13392. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  13393. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Unit (
  13394. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrUnit * pnUnit ) = 0;
  13395. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Unit (
  13396. /*[in]*/ enum cdrUnit pnUnit ) = 0;
  13397. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DrawingOriginX (
  13398. /*[out,retval]*/ double * plX ) = 0;
  13399. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DrawingOriginX (
  13400. /*[in]*/ double plX ) = 0;
  13401. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DrawingOriginY (
  13402. /*[out,retval]*/ double * plY ) = 0;
  13403. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DrawingOriginY (
  13404. /*[in]*/ double plY ) = 0;
  13405. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPages (
  13406. /*[in]*/ long NumberOfPages,
  13407. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13408. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertPages (
  13409. /*[in]*/ long NumberOfPages,
  13410. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL BeforePage,
  13411. /*[in]*/ long Page,
  13412. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13413. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Selection (
  13414. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * pVal ) = 0;
  13415. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearSelection ( ) = 0;
  13416. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Export (
  13417. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  13418. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  13419. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExportRange Range,
  13420. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructExportOptions * Options,
  13421. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * PaletteOptions ) = 0;
  13422. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResolveAllBitmapsLinks ( ) = 0;
  13423. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Dirty (
  13424. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Dirty ) = 0;
  13425. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Dirty (
  13426. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Dirty ) = 0;
  13427. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetUserClick (
  13428. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  13429. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  13430. /*[out]*/ long * ShiftState,
  13431. /*[in]*/ long TimeOut,
  13432. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Snap,
  13433. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCursorShape CursorShape,
  13434. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  13435. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetUserArea (
  13436. /*[out]*/ double * x1,
  13437. /*[out]*/ double * y1,
  13438. /*[out]*/ double * x2,
  13439. /*[out]*/ double * y2,
  13440. /*[out]*/ long * ShiftState,
  13441. /*[in]*/ long TimeOut,
  13442. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Snap,
  13443. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCursorShape CursorShape,
  13444. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  13445. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeginCommandGroup (
  13446. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandName ) = 0;
  13447. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EndCommandGroup ( ) = 0;
  13448. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FilePath (
  13449. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pFilePath ) = 0;
  13450. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileName (
  13451. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pFileName ) = 0;
  13452. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FullFileName (
  13453. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pFullFileName ) = 0;
  13454. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Resolution (
  13455. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pResolution ) = 0;
  13456. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Resolution (
  13457. /*[in]*/ long pResolution ) = 0;
  13458. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShapeEnumDirection (
  13459. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrShapeEnumDirection * peDirection ) = 0;
  13460. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShapeEnumDirection (
  13461. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeEnumDirection peDirection ) = 0;
  13462. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SelectionRange (
  13463. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * pVal ) = 0;
  13464. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Rulers (
  13465. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRulers * * ppRules ) = 0;
  13466. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Grid (
  13467. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGrid * * ppGrid ) = 0;
  13468. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Views (
  13469. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGViews * * ppViews ) = 0;
  13470. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateView (
  13471. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  13472. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  13473. /*[in]*/ double OriginY,
  13474. /*[in]*/ long Zoom,
  13475. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPage * Page,
  13476. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGView * * ppView ) = 0;
  13477. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActivePowerClip (
  13478. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPowerClip * * ppPowerClip ) = 0;
  13479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AdviseEvents (
  13480. /*[in]*/ IDispatch * EventSink,
  13481. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pCookie ) = 0;
  13482. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnadviseEvents (
  13483. /*[in]*/ long Cookie ) = 0;
  13484. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WorldScale (
  13485. /*[out,retval]*/ double * Scale ) = 0;
  13486. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WorldScale (
  13487. /*[in]*/ double Scale ) = 0;
  13488. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PrintOut ( ) = 0;
  13489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveShape (
  13490. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * pVal ) = 0;
  13491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CurvePrecision (
  13492. /*[out,retval]*/ long * lpPrec ) = 0;
  13493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPagesEx (
  13494. /*[in]*/ long NumberOfPages,
  13495. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  13496. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  13497. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13498. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertPagesEx (
  13499. /*[in]*/ long NumberOfPages,
  13500. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL BeforePage,
  13501. /*[in]*/ long Page,
  13502. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  13503. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  13504. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13505. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Title (
  13506. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrTitle ) = 0;
  13507. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveSettings (
  13508. /*[in]*/ BSTR Tag ) = 0;
  13509. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RestoreSettings (
  13510. /*[in]*/ BSTR Tag ) = 0;
  13511. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Active (
  13512. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13513. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  13514. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  13515. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExportEx (
  13516. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  13517. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  13518. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExportRange Range,
  13519. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructExportOptions * Options,
  13520. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * PaletteOptions,
  13521. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICorelExportFilter * * pRet ) = 0;
  13522. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExportBitmap (
  13523. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  13524. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  13525. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExportRange Range,
  13526. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImageType ImageType,
  13527. /*[in]*/ long Width,
  13528. /*[in]*/ long Height,
  13529. /*[in]*/ long ResolutionX,
  13530. /*[in]*/ long ResolutionY,
  13531. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasingType,
  13532. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  13533. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Transparent,
  13534. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  13535. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL MaintainLayers,
  13536. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCompressionType Compression,
  13537. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * PaletteOptions,
  13538. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * ExportArea,
  13539. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICorelExportFilter * * pRet ) = 0;
  13540. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EditAcrossLayers (
  13541. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13542. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EditAcrossLayers (
  13543. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  13544. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties (
  13545. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13546. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CurvePrecision (
  13547. /*[in]*/ long lpPrec ) = 0;
  13548. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintSettings (
  13549. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintSettings * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  13550. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Keywords (
  13551. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  13552. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Keywords (
  13553. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  13554. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Notes (
  13555. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  13556. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Notes (
  13557. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  13558. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreserveSelection (
  13559. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13560. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PreserveSelection (
  13561. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  13562. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResetSettings ( ) = 0;
  13563. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataFields (
  13564. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataFields * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13565. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PDFSettings (
  13566. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPDFVBASettings * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  13567. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PublishToPDF (
  13568. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  13569. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SelectionInfo (
  13570. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSelectionInformation * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13571. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageSizes (
  13572. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPageSizes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13573. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Components (
  13574. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComponents * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13575. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SymbolLibrary (
  13576. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolLibrary * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13577. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurve (
  13578. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13579. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurveFromArray (
  13580. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Source,
  13581. /*[in]*/ long NumElements,
  13582. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadStyleSheet (
  13584. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  13585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveStyleSheet (
  13586. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  13587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveStyleSheetAsDefault ( ) = 0;
  13588. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSelection (
  13589. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray ) = 0;
  13590. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToSelection (
  13591. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray ) = 0;
  13592. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveFromSelection (
  13593. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray ) = 0;
  13594. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SelectableShapes (
  13595. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13596. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToUnits (
  13597. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  13598. /*[in]*/ enum cdrUnit FromUnit,
  13599. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13600. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FromUnits (
  13601. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  13602. /*[in]*/ enum cdrUnit ToUnit,
  13603. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResolutionX (
  13605. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pResolution ) = 0;
  13606. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ResolutionX (
  13607. /*[in]*/ long pResolution ) = 0;
  13608. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResolutionY (
  13609. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pResolution ) = 0;
  13610. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ResolutionY (
  13611. /*[in]*/ long pResolution ) = 0;
  13612. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MasterPage (
  13613. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13614. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Revert (
  13615. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CodeName (
  13617. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  13618. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__CodeName (
  13619. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  13620. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put__CodeName (
  13621. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  13622. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  13623. /*[in]*/ BSTR pbstrName ) = 0;
  13624. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FullFileName (
  13625. /*[in]*/ BSTR pFullFileName ) = 0;
  13626. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TreeRoot (
  13627. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13628. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TreeManager (
  13629. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeManager * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13630. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LogCreateShape (
  13631. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * VirtualShape,
  13632. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13633. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LogCreateShapeRange (
  13634. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * VirtualShapeRange,
  13635. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13636. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFill (
  13637. /*[in]*/ BSTR FillString,
  13638. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13639. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateOutline (
  13640. /*[in]*/ BSTR OutlineString,
  13641. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13642. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HatchLibraries (
  13643. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchLibraries * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13644. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateShapeRangeFromArray (
  13645. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray,
  13646. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13647. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearUndoList ( ) = 0;
  13648. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SourcePlatformVersion (
  13649. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13650. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SourcePlatformVersion (
  13651. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  13652. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SourceFormat (
  13653. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFilter * pVal ) = 0;
  13654. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCurrentVersion (
  13655. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13656. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SourceFileVersion (
  13657. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFileVersion * pVal ) = 0;
  13658. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SourceFileVersion (
  13659. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFileVersion pVal ) = 0;
  13660. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateUniformFill (
  13661. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  13662. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13663. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Metadata (
  13664. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGMetadata * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13665. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Layout (
  13666. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDocLayout * pVal ) = 0;
  13667. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Layout (
  13668. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDocLayout pVal ) = 0;
  13669. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FacingPages (
  13670. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13671. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FacingPages (
  13672. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  13673. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstPageOnRightSide (
  13674. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13675. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FirstPageOnRightSide (
  13676. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  13677. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetLayout (
  13678. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDocLayout Layout,
  13679. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL FacingPages,
  13680. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL StartOnRightSide ) = 0;
  13681. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Spreads (
  13682. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpreads * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13683. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveSpread (
  13684. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13685. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateArrowHead (
  13686. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  13687. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13688. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateArrowHeadEx (
  13689. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  13690. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  13691. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  13692. /*[in]*/ double OutlineWidthScale,
  13693. /*[in]*/ double LineOffset,
  13694. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13695. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeletePages (
  13696. /*[in]*/ long StartPage,
  13697. /*[in]*/ long NumPages,
  13698. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13699. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateArrowHead2 (
  13700. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  13701. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  13702. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13703. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateArrowHeadEx2 (
  13704. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  13705. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  13706. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  13707. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  13708. /*[in]*/ double OutlineWidthScale,
  13709. /*[in]*/ double LineOffset,
  13710. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13711. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateArrowHeadOptions (
  13712. /*[in]*/ double Length,
  13713. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  13714. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  13715. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY,
  13716. /*[in]*/ double RotationAngle,
  13717. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL FlipHorizontal,
  13718. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL FlipVertical,
  13719. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveAsCopy (
  13721. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  13722. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructSaveAsOptions * Options ) = 0;
  13723. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFreeSnapPoint (
  13724. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  13725. /*[in]*/ double PositionY,
  13726. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13727. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBSpline (
  13728. /*[in]*/ long NumControlPoints,
  13729. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Closed,
  13730. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBSpline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13731. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Duplicate (
  13732. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13733. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clone (
  13734. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13735. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsTemporary (
  13736. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13737. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorContext (
  13738. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13739. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AssignColorContext (
  13740. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext ) = 0;
  13741. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToColorContext (
  13742. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext ) = 0;
  13743. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PrintColorProof (
  13744. /*[in]*/ struct IVGProofColorSettings * ProofSettings ) = 0;
  13745. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Palette (
  13746. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13747. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextFormatter (
  13748. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  13749. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextFormatter (
  13750. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  13751. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StyleSheet (
  13752. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyleSheet * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13753. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InteractiveImport (
  13754. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * FileNames ) = 0;
  13755. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddColorsToDocPalette (
  13756. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SelectedOnly,
  13757. /*[in]*/ long MaxColorsPerBitmap,
  13758. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13759. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateColorStyles (
  13760. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseFills,
  13761. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseOutlines,
  13762. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SelectedOnly,
  13763. /*[in]*/ long NumberOfColorHarmonies,
  13764. /*[in]*/ enum cdrColorType ConvertColorsTo,
  13765. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  13766. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurveFitToPoints (
  13767. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  13768. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance,
  13769. /*[in]*/ double tolerance,
  13770. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13771. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurveFitToPointsAndCusps (
  13772. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  13773. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * CuspIndexArray,
  13774. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance,
  13775. /*[in]*/ double tolerance,
  13776. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13777. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SampleColorAtPoint (
  13778. /*[in]*/ double x,
  13779. /*[in]*/ double y,
  13780. /*[in]*/ enum cdrColorType ColorType,
  13781. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13782. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SampleColorInArea (
  13783. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  13784. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  13785. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  13786. /*[in]*/ double y2,
  13787. /*[in]*/ long XSamples,
  13788. /*[in]*/ long YSamples,
  13789. /*[in]*/ enum cdrColorType ColorType,
  13790. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13791. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowAllHiddenObjects ( ) = 0;
  13792. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InteractiveImportWithContentIdentifier (
  13793. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * FileNames,
  13794. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ContentIdentifiers ) = 0;
  13795. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReplaceContentByIdentifier (
  13796. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ContentIdentifiers,
  13797. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * FileNames ) = 0;
  13798. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContentIdentifiers (
  13799. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ContentIdentifiers ) = 0;
  13800. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CustomCommand (
  13801. /*[in]*/ BSTR ComponentID,
  13802. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandID,
  13803. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters,
  13804. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  13805. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Math (
  13806. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGMathUtils * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13807. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateImage (
  13808. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImageType ImageType,
  13809. /*[in]*/ long Width,
  13810. /*[in]*/ long Height,
  13811. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * FillColor,
  13812. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGImage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13813. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Markup (
  13814. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocumentMarkup * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13815. };
  13816. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a3-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  13817. IVGRect : IDispatch
  13818. {
  13819. //
  13820. // Property data
  13821. //
  13822. __declspec(property(get=Getx,put=Putx))
  13823. double x;
  13824. __declspec(property(get=Gety,put=Puty))
  13825. double y;
  13826. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  13827. double Width;
  13828. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight,put=PutHeight))
  13829. double Height;
  13830. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEmpty))
  13831. VARIANT_BOOL IsEmpty;
  13832. __declspec(property(get=GetLeft))
  13833. double Left;
  13834. __declspec(property(get=GetRight))
  13835. double Right;
  13836. __declspec(property(get=GetTop))
  13837. double Top;
  13838. __declspec(property(get=GetBottom))
  13839. double Bottom;
  13840. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX))
  13841. double CenterX;
  13842. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY))
  13843. double CenterY;
  13844. //
  13845. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  13846. //
  13847. double Getx ( );
  13848. void Putx (
  13849. double pVal );
  13850. double Gety ( );
  13851. void Puty (
  13852. double pVal );
  13853. double GetWidth ( );
  13854. void PutWidth (
  13855. double pVal );
  13856. double GetHeight ( );
  13857. void PutHeight (
  13858. double pVal );
  13859. HRESULT SetRect (
  13860. double x,
  13861. double y,
  13862. double Width,
  13863. double Height );
  13864. HRESULT GetRect (
  13865. double * x,
  13866. double * y,
  13867. double * Width,
  13868. double * Height );
  13869. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  13870. struct IVGRect * Source );
  13871. IVGRectPtr GetCopy ( );
  13872. IVGRectPtr Intersect (
  13873. struct IVGRect * Rect );
  13874. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEmpty ( );
  13875. IVGRectPtr Union (
  13876. struct IVGRect * Rect );
  13877. HRESULT Offset (
  13878. double OffsetX,
  13879. double OffsetY );
  13880. VARIANT_BOOL Inflate (
  13881. double Left,
  13882. double Top,
  13883. double Right,
  13884. double Bottom );
  13885. VARIANT_BOOL IsPointInside (
  13886. double x,
  13887. double y );
  13888. HRESULT Clear ( );
  13889. IVGRectPtr ChangeContext (
  13890. struct IVGDocument * SrcDoc,
  13891. struct IVGDocument * DestDoc );
  13892. double GetLeft ( );
  13893. double GetRight ( );
  13894. double GetTop ( );
  13895. double GetBottom ( );
  13896. double GetCenterX ( );
  13897. double GetCenterY ( );
  13898. //
  13899. // Raw methods provided by interface
  13900. //
  13901. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_x (
  13902. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13903. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_x (
  13904. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  13905. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_y (
  13906. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13907. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_y (
  13908. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  13909. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  13910. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13911. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  13912. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  13913. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  13914. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13915. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
  13916. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  13917. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRect (
  13918. /*[in]*/ double x,
  13919. /*[in]*/ double y,
  13920. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  13921. /*[in]*/ double Height ) = 0;
  13922. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRect (
  13923. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  13924. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  13925. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  13926. /*[out]*/ double * Height ) = 0;
  13927. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  13928. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * Source ) = 0;
  13929. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  13930. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13931. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Intersect (
  13932. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * Rect,
  13933. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13934. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEmpty (
  13935. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13936. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Union (
  13937. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * Rect,
  13938. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13939. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Offset (
  13940. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  13941. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY ) = 0;
  13942. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Inflate (
  13943. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  13944. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  13945. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  13946. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  13947. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13948. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsPointInside (
  13949. /*[in]*/ double x,
  13950. /*[in]*/ double y,
  13951. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  13952. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
  13953. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ChangeContext (
  13954. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * SrcDoc,
  13955. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * DestDoc,
  13956. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  13957. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
  13958. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13959. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Right (
  13960. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13961. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
  13962. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13963. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bottom (
  13964. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13965. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  13966. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13967. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  13968. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  13969. };
  13970. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  13971. IVGApplication : IDispatch
  13972. {
  13973. //
  13974. // Property data
  13975. //
  13976. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  13977. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  13978. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  13979. IVGApplicationPtr Parent;
  13980. __declspec(property(get=GetVisible,put=PutVisible))
  13981. VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
  13982. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  13983. _bstr_t Name;
  13984. __declspec(property(get=GetDocuments))
  13985. IVGDocumentsPtr Documents;
  13986. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveDocument))
  13987. IVGDocumentPtr ActiveDocument;
  13988. __declspec(property(get=GetActivePage))
  13989. IVGPagePtr ActivePage;
  13990. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveWindow))
  13991. IVGWindowPtr ActiveWindow;
  13992. __declspec(property(get=GetWindows))
  13993. IVGWindowsPtr Windows;
  13994. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveVirtualLayer))
  13995. IVGLayerPtr ActiveVirtualLayer;
  13996. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveWorkspace))
  13997. IVGWorkspacePtr ActiveWorkspace;
  13998. __declspec(property(get=GetWorkspaces))
  13999. IVGWorkspacesPtr Workspaces;
  14000. __declspec(property(get=GetActivePalette))
  14001. IVGPalettePtr ActivePalette;
  14002. __declspec(property(get=GetPalettes))
  14003. IVGPalettesPtr Palettes;
  14004. __declspec(property(get=GetColorManager))
  14005. IVGColorManagerPtr ColorManager;
  14006. __declspec(property(get=GetEnhancedOutlines))
  14007. IVGOutlineStylesPtr EnhancedOutlines;
  14008. __declspec(property(get=GetFontList))
  14009. IVGFontListPtr FontList;
  14010. __declspec(property(get=GetAppWindow))
  14011. IVGAppWindowPtr AppWindow;
  14012. __declspec(property(get=GetRecentFiles))
  14013. IVGRecentFilesPtr RecentFiles;
  14014. __declspec(property(get=GetVBE))
  14015. IDispatchPtr VBE;
  14016. __declspec(property(get=GetStartupMode,put=PutStartupMode))
  14017. enum cdrAppStartupMode StartupMode;
  14018. __declspec(property(get=GetGlobalUserData))
  14019. IVGPropertiesPtr GlobalUserData;
  14020. __declspec(property(get=GetSessionUserData))
  14021. IVGPropertiesPtr SessionUserData;
  14022. __declspec(property(get=GetEventsEnabled,put=PutEventsEnabled))
  14023. VARIANT_BOOL EventsEnabled;
  14024. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveSpread))
  14025. IVGSpreadPtr ActiveSpread;
  14026. __declspec(property(get=GetDefaultColorContext))
  14027. IVGColorContextPtr DefaultColorContext;
  14028. __declspec(property(get=GetPaletteManager))
  14029. IVGPaletteManagerPtr PaletteManager;
  14030. __declspec(property(get=GetArrowHeads))
  14031. IVGArrowHeadsPtr ArrowHeads;
  14032. __declspec(property(get=GetOutlineStyles))
  14033. IVGOutlineStylesPtr OutlineStyles;
  14034. __declspec(property(get=GetVersion))
  14035. _bstr_t Version;
  14036. __declspec(property(get=GetVersionMajor))
  14037. long VersionMajor;
  14038. __declspec(property(get=GetVersionMinor))
  14039. long VersionMinor;
  14040. __declspec(property(get=GetVersionBuild))
  14041. long VersionBuild;
  14042. __declspec(property(get=GetPath))
  14043. _bstr_t Path;
  14044. __declspec(property(get=GetConfigPath))
  14045. _bstr_t ConfigPath;
  14046. __declspec(property(get=GetSetupPath))
  14047. _bstr_t SetupPath;
  14048. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveLayer))
  14049. IVGLayerPtr ActiveLayer;
  14050. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveSelection))
  14051. IVGShapePtr ActiveSelection;
  14052. __declspec(property(get=GetPatternCanvases))
  14053. IVGPatternCanvasesPtr PatternCanvases;
  14054. __declspec(property(get=GetClipboard))
  14055. IVGClipboardPtr Clipboard;
  14056. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveSelectionRange))
  14057. IVGShapeRangePtr ActiveSelectionRange;
  14058. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveTool,put=PutActiveTool))
  14059. enum cdrTools ActiveTool;
  14060. __declspec(property(get=GetAddonPath))
  14061. _bstr_t AddonPath;
  14062. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveShape))
  14063. IVGShapePtr ActiveShape;
  14064. __declspec(property(get=GetOptimization,put=PutOptimization))
  14065. VARIANT_BOOL Optimization;
  14066. __declspec(property(get=GetProgramPath))
  14067. _bstr_t ProgramPath;
  14068. __declspec(property(get=GetPanoseMatching,put=PutPanoseMatching))
  14069. enum cdrPanoseMatchingType PanoseMatching;
  14070. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveToolStateGuid,put=PutActiveToolStateGuid))
  14071. _bstr_t ActiveToolStateGuid;
  14072. __declspec(property(get=GetAddIns))
  14073. IDispatchPtr AddIns;
  14074. __declspec(property(get=GetMath))
  14075. IVGMathUtilsPtr Math;
  14076. __declspec(property(get=GetUILanguageCode))
  14077. _bstr_t UILanguageCode;
  14078. __declspec(property(get=GetPrinters))
  14079. IPrnVBAPrintersPtr Printers;
  14080. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintJob))
  14081. IPrnVBAPrintJobPtr PrintJob;
  14082. __declspec(property(get=GetCommandBars))
  14083. ICUICommandBarsPtr CommandBars;
  14084. __declspec(property(get=GetStatusBar))
  14085. ICUICommandBarPtr StatusBar;
  14086. __declspec(property(get=GetMainMenu))
  14087. ICUICommandBarPtr MainMenu;
  14088. __declspec(property(get=GetGMSManager))
  14089. IVGGMSManagerPtr GMSManager;
  14090. __declspec(property(get=GetUserDataPath))
  14091. _bstr_t UserDataPath;
  14092. __declspec(property(get=GetHelpFile))
  14093. _bstr_t HelpFile;
  14094. __declspec(property(get=GetFrameWork))
  14095. ICUIFrameWorkPtr FrameWork;
  14096. __declspec(property(get=GetComponents))
  14097. IVGComponentsPtr Components;
  14098. __declspec(property(get=GetSymbolLibraries))
  14099. IVGSymbolLibrariesPtr SymbolLibraries;
  14100. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  14101. enum cdrApplicationID ID;
  14102. __declspec(property(get=GetClass))
  14103. enum cdrApplicationClass Class;
  14104. __declspec(property(get=GetPlatformVersionMajor))
  14105. long PlatformVersionMajor;
  14106. __declspec(property(get=GetPlatformVersionMinor))
  14107. long PlatformVersionMinor;
  14108. __declspec(property(get=GetStatus))
  14109. IVGAppStatusPtr Status;
  14110. __declspec(property(get=GetUILanguage))
  14111. enum cdrTextLanguage UILanguage;
  14112. __declspec(property(get=GetPageSizes))
  14113. IVGPageSizesPtr PageSizes;
  14114. __declspec(property(get=GetUnit,put=PutUnit))
  14115. enum cdrUnit Unit;
  14116. __declspec(property(get=GetUserWorkspacePath))
  14117. _bstr_t UserWorkspacePath;
  14118. __declspec(property(get=GetLanguagePath))
  14119. _bstr_t LanguagePath;
  14120. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveTreeManager))
  14121. IVGTreeManagerPtr ActiveTreeManager;
  14122. //
  14123. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  14124. //
  14125. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  14126. IVGApplicationPtr GetParent ( );
  14127. VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
  14128. void PutVisible (
  14129. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  14130. IVGDocumentsPtr GetDocuments ( );
  14131. IVGDocumentPtr GetActiveDocument ( );
  14132. IVGPagePtr GetActivePage ( );
  14133. IVGWindowPtr GetActiveWindow ( );
  14134. IVGWindowsPtr GetWindows ( );
  14135. ICorelScriptToolsPtr CorelScriptTools ( );
  14136. IVGWorkspacePtr GetActiveWorkspace ( );
  14137. IVGWorkspacesPtr GetWorkspaces ( );
  14138. IVGPalettePtr GetActivePalette ( );
  14139. IVGPalettesPtr GetPalettes ( );
  14140. HRESULT Quit ( );
  14141. IVGColorPtr CreateColor (
  14142. _bstr_t ColorString );
  14143. IVGFontListPtr GetFontList ( );
  14144. IVGAppWindowPtr GetAppWindow ( );
  14145. IVGRecentFilesPtr GetRecentFiles ( );
  14146. IDispatchPtr GetVBE ( );
  14147. double cdrMixedDouble ( );
  14148. float cdrMixedSingle ( );
  14149. long cdrMixedLong ( );
  14150. VARIANT_BOOL GetEventsEnabled ( );
  14151. void PutEventsEnabled (
  14152. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  14153. IVGDocumentPtr OpenDocument (
  14154. _bstr_t FileName,
  14155. long CodePage );
  14156. IVGDocumentPtr CreateDocument ( );
  14157. IVGColorPtr CreateColorEx (
  14158. long ColorModel,
  14159. long V1,
  14160. long V2,
  14161. long V3,
  14162. long V4,
  14163. long V5,
  14164. long V6,
  14165. long V7 );
  14166. IVGArrowHeadsPtr GetArrowHeads ( );
  14167. IVGOutlineStylesPtr GetOutlineStyles ( );
  14168. _bstr_t GetVersion ( );
  14169. long GetVersionMajor ( );
  14170. long GetVersionMinor ( );
  14171. long GetVersionBuild ( );
  14172. _bstr_t GetPath ( );
  14173. _bstr_t GetConfigPath ( );
  14174. _bstr_t GetSetupPath ( );
  14175. IVGLayerPtr GetActiveLayer ( );
  14176. IVGShapePtr GetActiveSelection ( );
  14177. IVGPatternCanvasesPtr GetPatternCanvases ( );
  14178. IVGClipboardPtr GetClipboard ( );
  14179. IVGShapeRangePtr GetActiveSelectionRange ( );
  14180. enum cdrTools GetActiveTool ( );
  14181. void PutActiveTool (
  14182. enum cdrTools pTool );
  14183. IVGShapePtr GetActiveShape ( );
  14184. VARIANT_BOOL GetOptimization ( );
  14185. void PutOptimization (
  14186. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  14187. enum cdrPanoseMatchingType GetPanoseMatching ( );
  14188. void PutPanoseMatching (
  14189. enum cdrPanoseMatchingType pVal );
  14190. IDispatchPtr GetAddIns ( );
  14191. IVGColorPtr CreateRGBColor (
  14192. long Red,
  14193. long Green,
  14194. long Blue );
  14195. IVGColorPtr CreateCMYColor (
  14196. long Cyan,
  14197. long Magenta,
  14198. long Yellow );
  14199. IVGColorPtr CreateCMYKColor (
  14200. long Cyan,
  14201. long Magenta,
  14202. long Yellow,
  14203. long Black );
  14204. IVGColorPtr CreateGrayColor (
  14205. long GrayValue );
  14206. IVGColorPtr CreateHLSColor (
  14207. long Hue,
  14208. long Lightness,
  14209. long Saturation );
  14210. IVGColorPtr CreateHSBColor (
  14211. long Hue,
  14212. long Saturation,
  14213. long Brightness );
  14214. IVGColorPtr CreateBWColor (
  14215. VARIANT_BOOL White );
  14216. IVGColorPtr CreateYIQColor (
  14217. long y,
  14218. long I,
  14219. long Q );
  14220. IVGColorPtr CreateLabColor (
  14221. long L,
  14222. long A,
  14223. long B );
  14224. IVGColorPtr CreateFixedColor (
  14225. enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID,
  14226. long PaletteIndex,
  14227. long Tint );
  14228. IVGColorPtr CreateRegistrationColor ( );
  14229. IVGSnapPointPtr CreateSnapPoint (
  14230. double PositionX,
  14231. double PositionY );
  14232. IVGDocumentPtr CreateDocumentFromTemplate (
  14233. _bstr_t Template,
  14234. VARIANT_BOOL IncludeGraphics );
  14235. IPrnVBAPrintersPtr GetPrinters ( );
  14236. IPrnVBAPrintJobPtr GetPrintJob ( );
  14237. ICUICommandBarsPtr GetCommandBars ( );
  14238. ICUICommandBarPtr GetStatusBar ( );
  14239. ICUICommandBarPtr GetMainMenu ( );
  14240. IVGGMSManagerPtr GetGMSManager ( );
  14241. HRESULT ImportWorkspace (
  14242. _bstr_t FileName );
  14243. HRESULT Refresh ( );
  14244. IVGStructSaveAsOptionsPtr CreateStructSaveAsOptions ( );
  14245. IVGStructExportOptionsPtr CreateStructExportOptions ( );
  14246. IVGStructImportOptionsPtr CreateStructImportOptions ( );
  14247. IVGStructPaletteOptionsPtr CreateStructPaletteOptions ( );
  14248. IVGNodeRangePtr CreateNodeRange ( );
  14249. IVGSegmentRangePtr CreateSegmentRange ( );
  14250. IVGShapeRangePtr CreateShapeRange ( );
  14251. IVGPatternCanvasPtr CreatePatternCanvas ( );
  14252. IVGCurvePtr CreateCurve (
  14253. struct IVGDocument * Document );
  14254. _bstr_t GetUserDataPath ( );
  14255. VARIANT_BOOL InitializeVBA ( );
  14256. _bstr_t GetHelpFile ( );
  14257. ICUIFrameWorkPtr GetFrameWork ( );
  14258. IVGStructFontPropertiesPtr CreateStructFontProperties ( );
  14259. IVGStructAlignPropertiesPtr CreateStructAlignProperties ( );
  14260. IVGStructSpacePropertiesPtr CreateStructSpaceProperties ( );
  14261. IVGStructHyphenationSettingsPtr CreateStructHyphenationSettings ( );
  14262. IVGComponentsPtr GetComponents ( );
  14263. IVGSymbolLibrariesPtr GetSymbolLibraries ( );
  14264. long AdviseEvents (
  14265. IDispatch * EventSink );
  14266. HRESULT UnadviseEvents (
  14267. long Cookie );
  14268. enum cdrApplicationID GetID ( );
  14269. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  14270. enum cdrApplicationClass GetClass ( );
  14271. long GetPlatformVersionMajor ( );
  14272. long GetPlatformVersionMinor ( );
  14273. long CheckPlatformVersion (
  14274. long VersionMajor,
  14275. long VersionMinor );
  14276. IVGAppStatusPtr GetStatus ( );
  14277. double ConvertUnits (
  14278. double Value,
  14279. enum cdrUnit FromUnit,
  14280. enum cdrUnit ToUnit );
  14281. enum cdrTextLanguage GetUILanguage ( );
  14282. VARIANT_BOOL IsUILanguageAvailable (
  14283. enum cdrTextLanguage Language );
  14284. IVGPageSizesPtr GetPageSizes ( );
  14285. enum cdrUnit GetUnit ( );
  14286. void PutUnit (
  14287. enum cdrUnit pVal );
  14288. _bstr_t ConvertToUnicode (
  14289. _bstr_t String,
  14290. long CodePage );
  14291. _bstr_t ConvertFromUnicode (
  14292. _bstr_t String,
  14293. long CodePage );
  14294. _bstr_t GetUserWorkspacePath ( );
  14295. _bstr_t GetLanguagePath ( );
  14296. IVGTreeManagerPtr GetActiveTreeManager ( );
  14297. IVGLayerPtr GetActiveVirtualLayer ( );
  14298. IVGDuotonePtr CreateDuotone ( );
  14299. IVGColorManagerPtr GetColorManager ( );
  14300. IVGOutlineStylesPtr GetEnhancedOutlines ( );
  14301. VARIANT_BOOL AddPluginCommand (
  14302. _bstr_t CommandID,
  14303. _bstr_t Caption,
  14304. _bstr_t Tooltip );
  14305. VARIANT_BOOL RemovePluginCommand (
  14306. _bstr_t CommandID );
  14307. IVGOutlineStylePtr CreateOutlineStyle (
  14308. long DashDotCount,
  14309. SAFEARRAY * * DashDotLengths );
  14310. enum cdrAppStartupMode GetStartupMode ( );
  14311. void PutStartupMode (
  14312. enum cdrAppStartupMode pVal );
  14313. IVGPropertiesPtr GetGlobalUserData ( );
  14314. IVGPropertiesPtr GetSessionUserData ( );
  14315. _variant_t Evaluate (
  14316. _bstr_t Expression );
  14317. IVGRectPtr CreateRect (
  14318. double x,
  14319. double y,
  14320. double Width,
  14321. double Height );
  14322. HRESULT ForceUpdateFontTable ( );
  14323. IVGSpreadPtr GetActiveSpread ( );
  14324. IVGDocumentPtr OpenDocumentAsCopy (
  14325. _bstr_t FileName,
  14326. struct IVGStructOpenOptions * Options );
  14327. IVGColorContextPtr GetDefaultColorContext ( );
  14328. IVGColorContextPtr CreateColorContext (
  14329. struct IVGColorProfile * RGBProfile,
  14330. struct IVGColorProfile * CMYKProfile,
  14331. struct IVGColorProfile * GrayscaleProfile,
  14332. enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent,
  14333. enum clrColorModel BlendingColorModel );
  14334. IVGColorContextPtr CreateColorContext2 (
  14335. _bstr_t ColorProfileList,
  14336. enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent,
  14337. enum clrColorModel BlendingColorModel );
  14338. IVGDocumentPtr CreateDocumentEx (
  14339. struct IVGStructCreateOptions * Options );
  14340. IVGDocumentPtr OpenDocumentEx (
  14341. _bstr_t FileName,
  14342. struct IVGStructOpenOptions * Options );
  14343. IVGStructOpenOptionsPtr CreateStructOpenOptions ( );
  14344. IVGStructCreateOptionsPtr CreateStructCreateOptions ( );
  14345. IVGStructPasteOptionsPtr CreateStructPasteOptions ( );
  14346. IVGProofColorSettingsPtr CreateProofColorSettings (
  14347. _bstr_t ProfileName,
  14348. enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent,
  14349. VARIANT_BOOL PreserveColorValues );
  14350. IVGPaletteManagerPtr GetPaletteManager ( );
  14351. IVGColorPtr CreateSpotColor (
  14352. _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier,
  14353. long SpotColorID,
  14354. long Tint );
  14355. IVGColorPtr CreateSpotColorByName (
  14356. _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier,
  14357. _bstr_t SpotColorName,
  14358. long Tint );
  14359. IVGColorPtr CreatePaletteColor (
  14360. _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier,
  14361. long ColorIndex );
  14362. SAFEARRAY * GetSupportedOpenTypeFeatures ( );
  14363. IVGFillMetadataPtr CreateFillMetadata ( );
  14364. _bstr_t GetAddonPath ( );
  14365. _bstr_t GetProgramPath ( );
  14366. _bstr_t GetActiveToolStateGuid ( );
  14367. void PutActiveToolStateGuid (
  14368. _bstr_t pTool );
  14369. HRESULT RegisterToolState (
  14370. _bstr_t ToolStateGuid,
  14371. _bstr_t ToolStateName,
  14372. struct IVGToolState * ToolState );
  14373. VARIANT_BOOL UnregisterToolState (
  14374. _bstr_t ToolStateGuid );
  14375. IVGOnScreenCurvePtr CreateOnScreenCurve ( );
  14376. IVGOnScreenHandlePtr CreateOnScreenHandle ( );
  14377. IVGOnScreenTextPtr CreateOnScreenText ( );
  14378. IVGMathUtilsPtr GetMath ( );
  14379. HRESULT RegisterUserApplicationPreference (
  14380. _bstr_t GroupName,
  14381. _bstr_t KeyName,
  14382. const _variant_t & DefaultVal );
  14383. _variant_t GetApplicationPreferenceValue (
  14384. _bstr_t GroupName,
  14385. _bstr_t KeyName );
  14386. HRESULT SetApplicationPreferenceValue (
  14387. _bstr_t GroupName,
  14388. _bstr_t KeyName,
  14389. const _variant_t & newVal );
  14390. IVGPropertiesPtr CreateProperties ( );
  14391. HRESULT RegisterToolShape (
  14392. _bstr_t ToolShapeGuid,
  14393. struct IVGToolShapeAttributes * ToolShapeAttributes,
  14394. struct IVGToolShape * ToolShape );
  14395. IVGToolShapeAttributesPtr CreateToolShapeAttributes ( );
  14396. _bstr_t GetUILanguageCode ( );
  14397. HRESULT StartTemporaryToolState (
  14398. _bstr_t StateGuid );
  14399. HRESULT MarkupLogout ( );
  14400. HRESULT MarkupLogin (
  14401. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  14402. IVGCommentAuthorPtr CreateMarkupAuthor (
  14403. _bstr_t Name,
  14404. _bstr_t Avatar,
  14405. _bstr_t Email,
  14406. enum cdrAuthorAuthentication Authentication );
  14407. //
  14408. // Raw methods provided by interface
  14409. //
  14410. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  14411. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14412. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  14413. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14414. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
  14415. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  14416. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
  14417. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  14418. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Documents (
  14419. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocuments * * Documents ) = 0;
  14420. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveDocument (
  14421. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14422. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActivePage (
  14423. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14424. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveWindow (
  14425. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14426. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Windows (
  14427. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindows * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14428. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CorelScriptTools (
  14429. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICorelScriptTools * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14430. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveWorkspace (
  14431. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWorkspace * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14432. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Workspaces (
  14433. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWorkspaces * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14434. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActivePalette (
  14435. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14436. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Palettes (
  14437. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalettes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14438. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Quit ( ) = 0;
  14439. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateColor (
  14440. /*[in]*/ BSTR ColorString,
  14441. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ColorVariable ) = 0;
  14442. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FontList (
  14443. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFontList * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14444. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AppWindow (
  14445. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGAppWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14446. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RecentFiles (
  14447. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRecentFiles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14448. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VBE (
  14449. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  14450. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_cdrMixedDouble (
  14451. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  14452. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_cdrMixedSingle (
  14453. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  14454. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_cdrMixedLong (
  14455. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  14456. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EventsEnabled (
  14457. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  14458. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EventsEnabled (
  14459. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  14460. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenDocument (
  14461. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  14462. /*[in]*/ long CodePage,
  14463. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppDocument ) = 0;
  14464. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateDocument (
  14465. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppDocument ) = 0;
  14466. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateColorEx (
  14467. /*[in]*/ long ColorModel,
  14468. /*[in]*/ long V1,
  14469. /*[in]*/ long V2,
  14470. /*[in]*/ long V3,
  14471. /*[in]*/ long V4,
  14472. /*[in]*/ long V5,
  14473. /*[in]*/ long V6,
  14474. /*[in]*/ long V7,
  14475. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ColorVariable ) = 0;
  14476. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ArrowHeads (
  14477. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHeads * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14478. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutlineStyles (
  14479. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14480. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Version (
  14481. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14482. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VersionMajor (
  14483. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  14484. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VersionMinor (
  14485. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  14486. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VersionBuild (
  14487. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  14488. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Path (
  14489. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14490. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConfigPath (
  14491. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14492. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SetupPath (
  14493. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14494. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveLayer (
  14495. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14496. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveSelection (
  14497. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14498. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PatternCanvases (
  14499. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPatternCanvases * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14500. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Clipboard (
  14501. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGClipboard * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14502. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveSelectionRange (
  14503. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * pVal ) = 0;
  14504. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveTool (
  14505. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTools * pTool ) = 0;
  14506. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ActiveTool (
  14507. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTools pTool ) = 0;
  14508. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveShape (
  14509. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * pVal ) = 0;
  14510. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Optimization (
  14511. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  14512. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Optimization (
  14513. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  14514. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PanoseMatching (
  14515. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPanoseMatchingType * pVal ) = 0;
  14516. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PanoseMatching (
  14517. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPanoseMatchingType pVal ) = 0;
  14518. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AddIns (
  14519. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  14520. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateRGBColor (
  14521. /*[in]*/ long Red,
  14522. /*[in]*/ long Green,
  14523. /*[in]*/ long Blue,
  14524. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14525. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCMYColor (
  14526. /*[in]*/ long Cyan,
  14527. /*[in]*/ long Magenta,
  14528. /*[in]*/ long Yellow,
  14529. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14530. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCMYKColor (
  14531. /*[in]*/ long Cyan,
  14532. /*[in]*/ long Magenta,
  14533. /*[in]*/ long Yellow,
  14534. /*[in]*/ long Black,
  14535. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14536. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateGrayColor (
  14537. /*[in]*/ long GrayValue,
  14538. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14539. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateHLSColor (
  14540. /*[in]*/ long Hue,
  14541. /*[in]*/ long Lightness,
  14542. /*[in]*/ long Saturation,
  14543. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14544. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateHSBColor (
  14545. /*[in]*/ long Hue,
  14546. /*[in]*/ long Saturation,
  14547. /*[in]*/ long Brightness,
  14548. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14549. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBWColor (
  14550. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL White,
  14551. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14552. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateYIQColor (
  14553. /*[in]*/ long y,
  14554. /*[in]*/ long I,
  14555. /*[in]*/ long Q,
  14556. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14557. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateLabColor (
  14558. /*[in]*/ long L,
  14559. /*[in]*/ long A,
  14560. /*[in]*/ long B,
  14561. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14562. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFixedColor (
  14563. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID,
  14564. /*[in]*/ long PaletteIndex,
  14565. /*[in]*/ long Tint,
  14566. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14567. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateRegistrationColor (
  14568. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  14569. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSnapPoint (
  14570. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  14571. /*[in]*/ double PositionY,
  14572. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * pVal ) = 0;
  14573. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateDocumentFromTemplate (
  14574. /*[in]*/ BSTR Template,
  14575. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL IncludeGraphics,
  14576. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppDocument ) = 0;
  14577. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Printers (
  14578. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrinters * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  14579. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintJob (
  14580. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IPrnVBAPrintJob * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  14581. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CommandBars (
  14582. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBars * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  14583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StatusBar (
  14584. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBar * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  14585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MainMenu (
  14586. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUICommandBar * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  14587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GMSManager (
  14588. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGMSManager * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14589. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ImportWorkspace (
  14590. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  14591. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Refresh ( ) = 0;
  14592. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructSaveAsOptions (
  14593. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructSaveAsOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14594. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructExportOptions (
  14595. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructExportOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14596. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructImportOptions (
  14597. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructImportOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14598. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructPaletteOptions (
  14599. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14600. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateNodeRange (
  14601. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNodeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14602. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSegmentRange (
  14603. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegmentRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateShapeRange (
  14605. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14606. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePatternCanvas (
  14607. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPatternCanvas * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14608. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurve (
  14609. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Document,
  14610. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UserDataPath (
  14612. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14613. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InitializeVBA (
  14614. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  14615. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HelpFile (
  14616. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14617. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FrameWork (
  14618. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIFrameWork * * ppReturn ) = 0;
  14619. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructFontProperties (
  14620. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructFontProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14621. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructAlignProperties (
  14622. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructAlignProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14623. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructSpaceProperties (
  14624. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructSpaceProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14625. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructHyphenationSettings (
  14626. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructHyphenationSettings * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14627. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Components (
  14628. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComponents * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14629. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SymbolLibraries (
  14630. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolLibraries * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14631. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AdviseEvents (
  14632. /*[in]*/ IDispatch * EventSink,
  14633. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pCookie ) = 0;
  14634. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnadviseEvents (
  14635. /*[in]*/ long Cookie ) = 0;
  14636. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  14637. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrApplicationID * pVal ) = 0;
  14638. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  14639. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14640. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Class (
  14641. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrApplicationClass * pVal ) = 0;
  14642. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PlatformVersionMajor (
  14643. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  14644. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PlatformVersionMinor (
  14645. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  14646. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CheckPlatformVersion (
  14647. /*[in]*/ long VersionMajor,
  14648. /*[in]*/ long VersionMinor,
  14649. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  14650. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Status (
  14651. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGAppStatus * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14652. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertUnits (
  14653. /*[in]*/ double Value,
  14654. /*[in]*/ enum cdrUnit FromUnit,
  14655. /*[in]*/ enum cdrUnit ToUnit,
  14656. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  14657. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UILanguage (
  14658. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage * pVal ) = 0;
  14659. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsUILanguageAvailable (
  14660. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage Language,
  14661. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  14662. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageSizes (
  14663. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPageSizes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14664. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Unit (
  14665. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrUnit * pVal ) = 0;
  14666. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Unit (
  14667. /*[in]*/ enum cdrUnit pVal ) = 0;
  14668. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToUnicode (
  14669. /*[in]*/ BSTR String,
  14670. /*[in]*/ long CodePage,
  14671. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14672. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertFromUnicode (
  14673. /*[in]*/ BSTR String,
  14674. /*[in]*/ long CodePage,
  14675. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14676. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UserWorkspacePath (
  14677. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14678. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LanguagePath (
  14679. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14680. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveTreeManager (
  14681. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeManager * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14682. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveVirtualLayer (
  14683. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14684. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateDuotone (
  14685. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDuotone * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14686. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorManager (
  14687. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorManager * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14688. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EnhancedOutlines (
  14689. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14690. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPluginCommand (
  14691. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandID,
  14692. /*[in]*/ BSTR Caption,
  14693. /*[in]*/ BSTR Tooltip,
  14694. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  14695. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemovePluginCommand (
  14696. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandID,
  14697. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  14698. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateOutlineStyle (
  14699. /*[in]*/ long DashDotCount,
  14700. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * DashDotLengths,
  14701. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14702. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartupMode (
  14703. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrAppStartupMode * pVal ) = 0;
  14704. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartupMode (
  14705. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAppStartupMode pVal ) = 0;
  14706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GlobalUserData (
  14707. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14708. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SessionUserData (
  14709. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14710. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Evaluate (
  14711. /*[in]*/ BSTR Expression,
  14712. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  14713. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateRect (
  14714. /*[in]*/ double x,
  14715. /*[in]*/ double y,
  14716. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  14717. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  14718. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14719. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ForceUpdateFontTable ( ) = 0;
  14720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveSpread (
  14721. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenDocumentAsCopy (
  14723. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  14724. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructOpenOptions * Options,
  14725. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultColorContext (
  14727. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14728. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateColorContext (
  14729. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * RGBProfile,
  14730. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * CMYKProfile,
  14731. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * GrayscaleProfile,
  14732. /*[in]*/ enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent,
  14733. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorModel BlendingColorModel,
  14734. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14735. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateColorContext2 (
  14736. /*[in]*/ BSTR ColorProfileList,
  14737. /*[in]*/ enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent,
  14738. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorModel BlendingColorModel,
  14739. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14740. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateDocumentEx (
  14741. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructCreateOptions * Options,
  14742. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14743. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenDocumentEx (
  14744. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  14745. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructOpenOptions * Options,
  14746. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14747. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructOpenOptions (
  14748. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructOpenOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14749. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructCreateOptions (
  14750. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructCreateOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14751. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStructPasteOptions (
  14752. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructPasteOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14753. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateProofColorSettings (
  14754. /*[in]*/ BSTR ProfileName,
  14755. /*[in]*/ enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent,
  14756. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL PreserveColorValues,
  14757. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProofColorSettings * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaletteManager (
  14759. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPaletteManager * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14760. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSpotColor (
  14761. /*[in]*/ BSTR PaletteIdentifier,
  14762. /*[in]*/ long SpotColorID,
  14763. /*[in]*/ long Tint,
  14764. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14765. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSpotColorByName (
  14766. /*[in]*/ BSTR PaletteIdentifier,
  14767. /*[in]*/ BSTR SpotColorName,
  14768. /*[in]*/ long Tint,
  14769. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14770. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePaletteColor (
  14771. /*[in]*/ BSTR PaletteIdentifier,
  14772. /*[in]*/ long ColorIndex,
  14773. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14774. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSupportedOpenTypeFeatures (
  14775. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  14776. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFillMetadata (
  14777. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFillMetadata * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14778. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AddonPath (
  14779. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14780. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProgramPath (
  14781. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14782. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveToolStateGuid (
  14783. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pTool ) = 0;
  14784. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ActiveToolStateGuid (
  14785. /*[in]*/ BSTR pTool ) = 0;
  14786. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RegisterToolState (
  14787. /*[in]*/ BSTR ToolStateGuid,
  14788. /*[in]*/ BSTR ToolStateName,
  14789. /*[in]*/ struct IVGToolState * ToolState ) = 0;
  14790. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnregisterToolState (
  14791. /*[in]*/ BSTR ToolStateGuid,
  14792. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  14793. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateOnScreenCurve (
  14794. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOnScreenCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14795. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateOnScreenHandle (
  14796. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOnScreenHandle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14797. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateOnScreenText (
  14798. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOnScreenText * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14799. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Math (
  14800. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGMathUtils * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14801. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RegisterUserApplicationPreference (
  14802. /*[in]*/ BSTR GroupName,
  14803. /*[in]*/ BSTR KeyName,
  14804. /*[in]*/ VARIANT DefaultVal ) = 0;
  14805. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetApplicationPreferenceValue (
  14806. /*[in]*/ BSTR GroupName,
  14807. /*[in]*/ BSTR KeyName,
  14808. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  14809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetApplicationPreferenceValue (
  14810. /*[in]*/ BSTR GroupName,
  14811. /*[in]*/ BSTR KeyName,
  14812. /*[in]*/ VARIANT newVal ) = 0;
  14813. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateProperties (
  14814. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14815. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RegisterToolShape (
  14816. /*[in]*/ BSTR ToolShapeGuid,
  14817. /*[in]*/ struct IVGToolShapeAttributes * ToolShapeAttributes,
  14818. /*[in]*/ struct IVGToolShape * ToolShape ) = 0;
  14819. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateToolShapeAttributes (
  14820. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGToolShapeAttributes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14821. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UILanguageCode (
  14822. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  14823. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StartTemporaryToolState (
  14824. /*[in]*/ BSTR StateGuid ) = 0;
  14825. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MarkupLogout ( ) = 0;
  14826. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MarkupLogin (
  14827. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author ) = 0;
  14828. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateMarkupAuthor (
  14829. BSTR Name,
  14830. BSTR Avatar,
  14831. /*[in]*/ BSTR Email,
  14832. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAuthorAuthentication Authentication,
  14833. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14834. };
  14835. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580025-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  14836. IVGDocuments : IDispatch
  14837. {
  14838. //
  14839. // Property data
  14840. //
  14841. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  14842. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  14843. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  14844. IVGApplicationPtr Parent;
  14845. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  14846. IVGDocumentPtr Item[];
  14847. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  14848. long Count;
  14849. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  14850. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  14851. //
  14852. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  14853. //
  14854. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  14855. IVGApplicationPtr GetParent ( );
  14856. IVGDocumentPtr GetItem (
  14857. long Index );
  14858. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  14859. long GetCount ( );
  14860. //
  14861. // Raw methods provided by interface
  14862. //
  14863. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  14864. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14865. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  14866. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14867. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  14868. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  14869. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14870. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  14871. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  14872. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  14873. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  14874. };
  14875. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580047-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  14876. IVGOutlineStyles : IDispatch
  14877. {
  14878. //
  14879. // Property data
  14880. //
  14881. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  14882. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  14883. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  14884. IVGApplicationPtr Parent;
  14885. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  14886. IVGOutlineStylePtr Item[];
  14887. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  14888. long Count;
  14889. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  14890. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  14891. //
  14892. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  14893. //
  14894. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  14895. IVGApplicationPtr GetParent ( );
  14896. IVGOutlineStylePtr GetItem (
  14897. long Index );
  14898. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  14899. long GetCount ( );
  14900. IVGOutlineStylePtr Add ( );
  14901. HRESULT Remove (
  14902. long Index );
  14903. HRESULT Save ( );
  14904. IVGOutlineStylePtr AddStyle (
  14905. struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style );
  14906. //
  14907. // Raw methods provided by interface
  14908. //
  14909. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  14910. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14911. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  14912. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14913. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  14914. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  14915. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14916. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  14917. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  14918. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  14919. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  14920. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  14921. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14922. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
  14923. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  14924. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save ( ) = 0;
  14925. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddStyle (
  14926. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  14927. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14928. };
  14929. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580058-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  14930. IVGRulers : IDispatch
  14931. {
  14932. //
  14933. // Property data
  14934. //
  14935. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  14936. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  14937. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  14938. IVGDocumentPtr Parent;
  14939. __declspec(property(get=GetVUnits,put=PutVUnits))
  14940. enum cdrUnit VUnits;
  14941. __declspec(property(get=GetHUnits,put=PutHUnits))
  14942. enum cdrUnit HUnits;
  14943. //
  14944. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  14945. //
  14946. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  14947. IVGDocumentPtr GetParent ( );
  14948. enum cdrUnit GetVUnits ( );
  14949. void PutVUnits (
  14950. enum cdrUnit pVal );
  14951. enum cdrUnit GetHUnits ( );
  14952. void PutHUnits (
  14953. enum cdrUnit pVal );
  14954. //
  14955. // Raw methods provided by interface
  14956. //
  14957. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  14958. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14959. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  14960. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  14961. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VUnits (
  14962. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrUnit * pVal ) = 0;
  14963. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VUnits (
  14964. /*[in]*/ enum cdrUnit pVal ) = 0;
  14965. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HUnits (
  14966. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrUnit * pVal ) = 0;
  14967. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HUnits (
  14968. /*[in]*/ enum cdrUnit pVal ) = 0;
  14969. };
  14970. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  14971. IVGGrid : IDispatch
  14972. {
  14973. //
  14974. // Property data
  14975. //
  14976. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  14977. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  14978. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  14979. IVGDocumentPtr Parent;
  14980. __declspec(property(get=GetVisible,put=PutVisible))
  14981. VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
  14982. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  14983. enum cdrGridType Type;
  14984. __declspec(property(get=GetSnap,put=PutSnap))
  14985. VARIANT_BOOL Snap;
  14986. __declspec(property(get=GetSpacingX,put=PutSpacingX))
  14987. double SpacingX;
  14988. __declspec(property(get=GetSpacingY,put=PutSpacingY))
  14989. double SpacingY;
  14990. //
  14991. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  14992. //
  14993. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  14994. IVGDocumentPtr GetParent ( );
  14995. VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
  14996. void PutVisible (
  14997. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  14998. enum cdrGridType GetType ( );
  14999. void PutType (
  15000. enum cdrGridType pVal );
  15001. VARIANT_BOOL GetSnap ( );
  15002. void PutSnap (
  15003. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  15004. HRESULT SetFrequency (
  15005. double GridX,
  15006. double GridY );
  15007. double GetSpacingX ( );
  15008. void PutSpacingX (
  15009. double pVal );
  15010. double GetSpacingY ( );
  15011. void PutSpacingY (
  15012. double pVal );
  15013. //
  15014. // Raw methods provided by interface
  15015. //
  15016. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  15017. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15018. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  15019. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15020. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
  15021. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  15022. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
  15023. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  15024. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  15025. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrGridType * pVal ) = 0;
  15026. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  15027. /*[in]*/ enum cdrGridType pVal ) = 0;
  15028. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Snap (
  15029. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  15030. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Snap (
  15031. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  15032. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetFrequency (
  15033. /*[in]*/ double GridX,
  15034. /*[in]*/ double GridY ) = 0;
  15035. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpacingX (
  15036. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15037. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpacingX (
  15038. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  15039. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpacingY (
  15040. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15041. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpacingY (
  15042. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  15043. };
  15044. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580005-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  15045. IVGAppPlugin : IDispatch
  15046. {
  15047. //
  15048. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  15049. //
  15050. HRESULT OnLoad (
  15051. struct IVGApplication * Application );
  15052. HRESULT StartSession ( );
  15053. HRESULT StopSession ( );
  15054. HRESULT OnUnload ( );
  15055. //
  15056. // Raw methods provided by interface
  15057. //
  15058. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnLoad (
  15059. /*[in]*/ struct IVGApplication * Application ) = 0;
  15060. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StartSession ( ) = 0;
  15061. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StopSession ( ) = 0;
  15062. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnUnload ( ) = 0;
  15063. };
  15064. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580048-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  15065. IVGPage : IDispatch
  15066. {
  15067. //
  15068. // Property data
  15069. //
  15070. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  15071. _bstr_t Name;
  15072. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  15073. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  15074. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  15075. IVGPagesPtr Parent;
  15076. __declspec(property(get=GetLayers))
  15077. IVGLayersPtr Layers;
  15078. __declspec(property(get=GetShapes))
  15079. IVGShapesPtr Shapes;
  15080. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveLayer))
  15081. IVGLayerPtr ActiveLayer;
  15082. __declspec(property(get=GetPaper))
  15083. _bstr_t Paper;
  15084. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeWidth,put=PutSizeWidth))
  15085. double SizeWidth;
  15086. __declspec(property(get=GetMarkup))
  15087. IVGPageMarkupPtr Markup;
  15088. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeHeight,put=PutSizeHeight))
  15089. double SizeHeight;
  15090. __declspec(property(get=GetResolution,put=PutResolution))
  15091. long Resolution;
  15092. __declspec(property(get=GetBleed,put=PutBleed))
  15093. double Bleed;
  15094. __declspec(property(get=GetOrientation,put=PutOrientation))
  15095. enum cdrPageOrientation Orientation;
  15096. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  15097. long Index;
  15098. __declspec(property(get=GetBackground,put=PutBackground))
  15099. enum cdrPageBackground Background;
  15100. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  15101. IVGColorPtr Color;
  15102. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintExportBackground,put=PutPrintExportBackground))
  15103. VARIANT_BOOL PrintExportBackground;
  15104. __declspec(property(get=GetGuides))
  15105. IVGShapeRangePtr Guides[];
  15106. __declspec(property(get=GetProperties))
  15107. IVGPropertiesPtr Properties;
  15108. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX))
  15109. double CenterX;
  15110. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY))
  15111. double CenterY;
  15112. __declspec(property(get=GetPrevious))
  15113. IVGPagePtr Previous;
  15114. __declspec(property(get=GetNext))
  15115. IVGPagePtr Next;
  15116. __declspec(property(get=GetSelectableShapes))
  15117. IVGShapesPtr SelectableShapes;
  15118. __declspec(property(get=GetTreeNode))
  15119. IVGTreeNodePtr TreeNode;
  15120. __declspec(property(get=GetGuidesLayer))
  15121. IVGLayerPtr GuidesLayer;
  15122. __declspec(property(get=GetDesktopLayer))
  15123. IVGLayerPtr DesktopLayer;
  15124. __declspec(property(get=GetGridLayer))
  15125. IVGLayerPtr GridLayer;
  15126. __declspec(property(get=GetLeftX))
  15127. double LeftX;
  15128. __declspec(property(get=GetRightX))
  15129. double RightX;
  15130. __declspec(property(get=GetBottomY))
  15131. double BottomY;
  15132. __declspec(property(get=GetTopY))
  15133. double TopY;
  15134. __declspec(property(get=GetAllLayers))
  15135. IVGLayersPtr AllLayers;
  15136. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBox))
  15137. IVGRectPtr BoundingBox;
  15138. __declspec(property(get=GetSpread))
  15139. IVGSpreadPtr Spread;
  15140. //
  15141. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  15142. //
  15143. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  15144. void PutName (
  15145. _bstr_t pVal );
  15146. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  15147. IVGPagesPtr GetParent ( );
  15148. IVGLayersPtr GetLayers ( );
  15149. IVGShapesPtr GetShapes ( );
  15150. IVGLayerPtr GetActiveLayer ( );
  15151. _bstr_t GetPaper ( );
  15152. double GetSizeWidth ( );
  15153. void PutSizeWidth (
  15154. double pVal );
  15155. double GetSizeHeight ( );
  15156. void PutSizeHeight (
  15157. double pVal );
  15158. long GetResolution ( );
  15159. void PutResolution (
  15160. long pVal );
  15161. double GetBleed ( );
  15162. void PutBleed (
  15163. double pVal );
  15164. enum cdrPageOrientation GetOrientation ( );
  15165. void PutOrientation (
  15166. enum cdrPageOrientation pVal );
  15167. long GetIndex ( );
  15168. HRESULT Activate ( );
  15169. HRESULT Delete ( );
  15170. IVGLayerPtr CreateLayer (
  15171. _bstr_t LayerName );
  15172. IVGShapePtr TextFind (
  15173. _bstr_t Text,
  15174. VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive );
  15175. HRESULT TextReplace (
  15176. _bstr_t OldText,
  15177. _bstr_t NewText,
  15178. VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive,
  15179. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceSelectedOnly );
  15180. IVGShapePtr SelectShapesAtPoint (
  15181. double x,
  15182. double y,
  15183. VARIANT_BOOL SelectUnfilled,
  15184. double HotArea );
  15185. IVGShapePtr SelectShapesFromRectangle (
  15186. double x1,
  15187. double y1,
  15188. double x2,
  15189. double y2,
  15190. VARIANT_BOOL Touch );
  15191. enum cdrPageBackground GetBackground ( );
  15192. void PutBackground (
  15193. enum cdrPageBackground pVal );
  15194. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  15195. void PutColor (
  15196. struct IVGColor * pVal );
  15197. VARIANT_BOOL GetPrintExportBackground ( );
  15198. void PutPrintExportBackground (
  15199. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  15200. IVGShapeRangePtr GetGuides (
  15201. enum cdrGuideType Type );
  15202. IVGShapePtr FindShape (
  15203. _bstr_t Name,
  15204. enum cdrShapeType Type,
  15205. long StaticID,
  15206. VARIANT_BOOL Recursive );
  15207. IVGShapeRangePtr FindShapes (
  15208. _bstr_t Name,
  15209. enum cdrShapeType Type,
  15210. VARIANT_BOOL Recursive );
  15211. HRESULT MoveTo (
  15212. long Index );
  15213. HRESULT UnlockAllShapes ( );
  15214. IVGPropertiesPtr GetProperties ( );
  15215. HRESULT GetSize (
  15216. double * Width,
  15217. double * Height );
  15218. HRESULT SetSize (
  15219. double Width,
  15220. double Height );
  15221. double GetCenterX ( );
  15222. double GetCenterY ( );
  15223. _variant_t CustomCommand (
  15224. _bstr_t ComponentID,
  15225. _bstr_t CommandID,
  15226. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  15227. IVGPagePtr GetPrevious ( );
  15228. IVGPagePtr GetNext ( );
  15229. IVGShapesPtr GetSelectableShapes ( );
  15230. IVGTreeNodePtr GetTreeNode ( );
  15231. HRESULT GetCenterPosition (
  15232. double * CenterX,
  15233. double * CenterY );
  15234. HRESULT SelectSize (
  15235. _bstr_t PageSizeName,
  15236. VARIANT_BOOL Landscape );
  15237. IVGLayerPtr GetGuidesLayer ( );
  15238. IVGLayerPtr GetDesktopLayer ( );
  15239. IVGLayerPtr GetGridLayer ( );
  15240. HRESULT GetBoundingBox (
  15241. double * x,
  15242. double * y,
  15243. double * Width,
  15244. double * Height );
  15245. double GetLeftX ( );
  15246. double GetRightX ( );
  15247. double GetBottomY ( );
  15248. double GetTopY ( );
  15249. IVGLayersPtr GetAllLayers ( );
  15250. IVGRectPtr GetBoundingBox ( );
  15251. IVGSpreadPtr GetSpread ( );
  15252. IVGSnapPointPtr FindClosestSnapPoint (
  15253. enum cdrPointType TypeSet,
  15254. double PositionX,
  15255. double PositionY,
  15256. double HotArea );
  15257. IVGRectPtr GetObjectsBoundingBox (
  15258. VARIANT_BOOL SelectedOnly,
  15259. VARIANT_BOOL IncludeNonPrintable );
  15260. IVGShapePtr FindShapeAtPoint (
  15261. double x,
  15262. double y,
  15263. VARIANT_BOOL TreatAsFilled );
  15264. IVGPageMarkupPtr GetMarkup ( );
  15265. //
  15266. // Raw methods provided by interface
  15267. //
  15268. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  15269. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  15270. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  15271. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  15272. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  15273. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15274. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  15275. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPages * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15276. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Layers (
  15277. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayers * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15278. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shapes (
  15279. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15280. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveLayer (
  15281. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15282. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Paper (
  15283. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  15284. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeWidth (
  15285. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15286. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeWidth (
  15287. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  15288. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeHeight (
  15289. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15290. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeHeight (
  15291. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  15292. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Resolution (
  15293. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  15294. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Resolution (
  15295. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  15296. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bleed (
  15297. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15298. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Bleed (
  15299. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  15300. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Orientation (
  15301. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPageOrientation * pVal ) = 0;
  15302. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Orientation (
  15303. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPageOrientation pVal ) = 0;
  15304. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  15305. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pIndex ) = 0;
  15306. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  15307. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  15308. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateLayer (
  15309. /*[in]*/ BSTR LayerName,
  15310. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15311. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TextFind (
  15312. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  15313. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive,
  15314. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppFound ) = 0;
  15315. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TextReplace (
  15316. /*[in]*/ BSTR OldText,
  15317. /*[in]*/ BSTR NewText,
  15318. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive,
  15319. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceSelectedOnly ) = 0;
  15320. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectShapesAtPoint (
  15321. /*[in]*/ double x,
  15322. /*[in]*/ double y,
  15323. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SelectUnfilled,
  15324. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  15325. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  15326. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectShapesFromRectangle (
  15327. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  15328. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  15329. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  15330. /*[in]*/ double y2,
  15331. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Touch,
  15332. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  15333. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Background (
  15334. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPageBackground * pVal ) = 0;
  15335. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Background (
  15336. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPageBackground pVal ) = 0;
  15337. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  15338. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  15339. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  15340. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * pVal ) = 0;
  15341. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrintExportBackground (
  15342. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  15343. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrintExportBackground (
  15344. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  15345. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Guides (
  15346. /*[in]*/ enum cdrGuideType Type,
  15347. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15348. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindShape (
  15349. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  15350. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeType Type,
  15351. /*[in]*/ long StaticID,
  15352. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  15353. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  15354. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindShapes (
  15355. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  15356. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeType Type,
  15357. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  15358. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppRet ) = 0;
  15359. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveTo (
  15360. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  15361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnlockAllShapes ( ) = 0;
  15362. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties (
  15363. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15364. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSize (
  15365. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  15366. /*[out]*/ double * Height ) = 0;
  15367. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSize (
  15368. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  15369. /*[in]*/ double Height ) = 0;
  15370. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  15371. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15372. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  15373. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15374. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CustomCommand (
  15375. /*[in]*/ BSTR ComponentID,
  15376. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandID,
  15377. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters,
  15378. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  15379. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Previous (
  15380. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15381. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Next (
  15382. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15383. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SelectableShapes (
  15384. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15385. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TreeNode (
  15386. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15387. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCenterPosition (
  15388. /*[out]*/ double * CenterX,
  15389. /*[out]*/ double * CenterY ) = 0;
  15390. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectSize (
  15391. /*[in]*/ BSTR PageSizeName,
  15392. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Landscape ) = 0;
  15393. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GuidesLayer (
  15394. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15395. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DesktopLayer (
  15396. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15397. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GridLayer (
  15398. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15399. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBoundingBox (
  15400. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  15401. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  15402. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  15403. /*[out]*/ double * Height ) = 0;
  15404. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeftX (
  15405. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15406. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RightX (
  15407. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15408. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BottomY (
  15409. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15410. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TopY (
  15411. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  15412. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllLayers (
  15413. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayers * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15414. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBox (
  15415. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15416. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Spread (
  15417. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15418. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindClosestSnapPoint (
  15419. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPointType TypeSet,
  15420. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  15421. /*[in]*/ double PositionY,
  15422. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  15423. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15424. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetObjectsBoundingBox (
  15425. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SelectedOnly,
  15426. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL IncludeNonPrintable,
  15427. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15428. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindShapeAtPoint (
  15429. /*[in]*/ double x,
  15430. /*[in]*/ double y,
  15431. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TreatAsFilled,
  15432. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  15433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Markup (
  15434. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPageMarkup * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15435. };
  15436. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580049-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  15437. IVGPages : IDispatch
  15438. {
  15439. //
  15440. // Property data
  15441. //
  15442. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  15443. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  15444. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  15445. IVGDocumentPtr Parent;
  15446. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  15447. IVGPagePtr Item[];
  15448. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  15449. long Count;
  15450. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  15451. IVGPagePtr First;
  15452. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  15453. IVGPagePtr Last;
  15454. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  15455. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  15456. //
  15457. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  15458. //
  15459. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  15460. IVGDocumentPtr GetParent ( );
  15461. IVGPagePtr GetItem (
  15462. long Index );
  15463. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  15464. long GetCount ( );
  15465. IVGPagePtr GetFirst ( );
  15466. IVGPagePtr GetLast ( );
  15467. //
  15468. // Raw methods provided by interface
  15469. //
  15470. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  15471. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15472. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  15473. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15474. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  15475. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  15476. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15477. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  15478. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  15479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  15480. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  15481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  15482. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15483. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  15484. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15485. };
  15486. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580041-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  15487. IVGLayers : IDispatch
  15488. {
  15489. //
  15490. // Property data
  15491. //
  15492. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  15493. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  15494. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  15495. IVGPagePtr Parent;
  15496. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  15497. IVGLayerPtr Item[];
  15498. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  15499. long Count;
  15500. __declspec(property(get=GetTop))
  15501. IVGLayerPtr Top;
  15502. __declspec(property(get=GetBottom))
  15503. IVGLayerPtr Bottom;
  15504. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  15505. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  15506. //
  15507. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  15508. //
  15509. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  15510. IVGPagePtr GetParent ( );
  15511. IVGLayerPtr GetItem (
  15512. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  15513. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  15514. long GetCount ( );
  15515. IVGLayerPtr Find (
  15516. _bstr_t LayerName );
  15517. IVGLayerPtr GetTop ( );
  15518. IVGLayerPtr GetBottom ( );
  15519. //
  15520. // Raw methods provided by interface
  15521. //
  15522. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  15523. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15524. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  15525. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15526. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  15527. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  15528. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15529. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  15530. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  15531. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  15532. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  15533. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  15534. /*[in]*/ BSTR LayerName,
  15535. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15536. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
  15537. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15538. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bottom (
  15539. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15540. };
  15541. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580040-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  15542. IVGLayer : IDispatch
  15543. {
  15544. //
  15545. // Property data
  15546. //
  15547. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  15548. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  15549. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  15550. IVGLayersPtr Parent;
  15551. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  15552. _bstr_t Name;
  15553. __declspec(property(get=GetShapes))
  15554. IVGShapesPtr Shapes;
  15555. __declspec(property(get=GetVisible,put=PutVisible))
  15556. VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
  15557. __declspec(property(get=GetPrintable,put=PutPrintable))
  15558. VARIANT_BOOL Printable;
  15559. __declspec(property(get=GetEditable,put=PutEditable))
  15560. VARIANT_BOOL Editable;
  15561. __declspec(property(get=GetMaster,put=PutMaster))
  15562. VARIANT_BOOL Master;
  15563. __declspec(property(get=GetSelectableShapes))
  15564. IVGShapesPtr SelectableShapes;
  15565. __declspec(property(get=GetOverrideColor,put=PutOverrideColor))
  15566. VARIANT_BOOL OverrideColor;
  15567. __declspec(property(get=GetTreeNode))
  15568. IVGTreeNodePtr TreeNode;
  15569. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  15570. IVGColorPtr Color;
  15571. __declspec(property(get=GetIsGuidesLayer))
  15572. VARIANT_BOOL IsGuidesLayer;
  15573. __declspec(property(get=GetIsDesktopLayer))
  15574. VARIANT_BOOL IsDesktopLayer;
  15575. __declspec(property(get=GetIsGridLayer))
  15576. VARIANT_BOOL IsGridLayer;
  15577. __declspec(property(get=GetAbsoluteIndex))
  15578. long AbsoluteIndex;
  15579. __declspec(property(get=GetPage))
  15580. IVGPagePtr Page;
  15581. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSpecialLayer))
  15582. VARIANT_BOOL IsSpecialLayer;
  15583. __declspec(property(get=GetMasterLayer))
  15584. IVGLayerPtr MasterLayer;
  15585. __declspec(property(get=GetAbove))
  15586. IVGLayerPtr Above[];
  15587. __declspec(property(get=GetBelow))
  15588. IVGLayerPtr Below[];
  15589. __declspec(property(get=GetProperties))
  15590. IVGPropertiesPtr Properties;
  15591. __declspec(property(get=GetMasterProperties))
  15592. IVGPropertiesPtr MasterProperties;
  15593. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  15594. long Index;
  15595. //
  15596. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  15597. //
  15598. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  15599. IVGLayersPtr GetParent ( );
  15600. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  15601. void PutName (
  15602. _bstr_t pVal );
  15603. IVGShapesPtr GetShapes ( );
  15604. HRESULT Activate ( );
  15605. VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
  15606. void PutVisible (
  15607. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  15608. VARIANT_BOOL GetPrintable ( );
  15609. void PutPrintable (
  15610. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  15611. VARIANT_BOOL GetEditable ( );
  15612. void PutEditable (
  15613. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  15614. VARIANT_BOOL GetMaster ( );
  15615. void PutMaster (
  15616. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  15617. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverrideColor ( );
  15618. void PutOverrideColor (
  15619. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  15620. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  15621. void PutColor (
  15622. struct IVGColor * pVal );
  15623. HRESULT Delete ( );
  15624. HRESULT MoveAbove (
  15625. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  15626. HRESULT MoveBelow (
  15627. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  15628. HRESULT Import (
  15629. _bstr_t FileName,
  15630. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  15631. struct IVGStructImportOptions * Options );
  15632. IVGShapePtr CreateRectangle (
  15633. double Left,
  15634. double Top,
  15635. double Right,
  15636. double Bottom,
  15637. long CornerUL,
  15638. long CornerUR,
  15639. long CornerLR,
  15640. long CornerLL );
  15641. IVGShapePtr CreateEllipse (
  15642. double Left,
  15643. double Top,
  15644. double Right,
  15645. double Bottom,
  15646. double StartAngle,
  15647. double EndAngle,
  15648. VARIANT_BOOL Pie );
  15649. IVGShapePtr CreatePolygon (
  15650. double Left,
  15651. double Top,
  15652. double Right,
  15653. double Bottom,
  15654. long Sides,
  15655. long SubPaths,
  15656. long Complexity,
  15657. VARIANT_BOOL Star,
  15658. long StarComplexity,
  15659. long MaxComplexity );
  15660. IVGShapePtr CreateGridBoxes (
  15661. double Left,
  15662. double Top,
  15663. double Right,
  15664. double Bottom,
  15665. long Wide,
  15666. long High );
  15667. IVGShapePtr CreateSpiral (
  15668. double Left,
  15669. double Top,
  15670. double Right,
  15671. double Bottom,
  15672. long NumRevolutions,
  15673. enum cdrSpiralType SpiralType,
  15674. long GrowthRate );
  15675. IVGShapePtr CreateArtisticText (
  15676. double Left,
  15677. double Bottom,
  15678. _bstr_t Text,
  15679. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  15680. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  15681. _bstr_t Font,
  15682. float Size,
  15683. enum cdrTriState Bold,
  15684. enum cdrTriState Italic,
  15685. enum cdrFontLine Underline,
  15686. enum cdrAlignment Alignment );
  15687. IVGShapePtr CreateParagraphText (
  15688. double Left,
  15689. double Top,
  15690. double Right,
  15691. double Bottom,
  15692. _bstr_t Text,
  15693. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  15694. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  15695. _bstr_t Font,
  15696. float Size,
  15697. enum cdrTriState Bold,
  15698. enum cdrTriState Italic,
  15699. enum cdrFontLine Underline,
  15700. enum cdrAlignment Alignment );
  15701. IVGShapePtr CreateCurveSegment (
  15702. double StartX,
  15703. double StartY,
  15704. double EndX,
  15705. double EndY,
  15706. double StartingControlPointLength,
  15707. double StartingControlPointAngle,
  15708. double EndingControlPointLength,
  15709. double EndingControlPointAngle );
  15710. IVGShapePtr CreateLineSegment (
  15711. double StartX,
  15712. double StartY,
  15713. double EndX,
  15714. double EndY );
  15715. IVGShapePtr CreateConnector (
  15716. struct IVGSnapPoint * Start,
  15717. struct IVGSnapPoint * End );
  15718. IVGShapePtr CreateCurve (
  15719. struct IVGCurve * Source );
  15720. IVGShapePtr Paste ( );
  15721. IVGShapePtr CreateGuideAngle (
  15722. double x,
  15723. double y,
  15724. double Angle );
  15725. IVGShapePtr CreateGuide (
  15726. double x1,
  15727. double y1,
  15728. double x2,
  15729. double y2 );
  15730. IVGShapePtr CreateEllipse2 (
  15731. double CenterX,
  15732. double CenterY,
  15733. double Radius1,
  15734. double Radius2,
  15735. double StartAngle,
  15736. double EndAngle,
  15737. VARIANT_BOOL Pie );
  15738. IVGShapePtr FindShape (
  15739. _bstr_t Name,
  15740. enum cdrShapeType Type,
  15741. long StaticID,
  15742. VARIANT_BOOL Recursive );
  15743. IVGShapeRangePtr FindShapes (
  15744. _bstr_t Name,
  15745. enum cdrShapeType Type,
  15746. VARIANT_BOOL Recursive );
  15747. IVGShapePtr CreateRectangle2 (
  15748. double x,
  15749. double y,
  15750. double Width,
  15751. double Height,
  15752. double RadiusUL,
  15753. double RadiusUR,
  15754. double RadiusLR,
  15755. double RadiusLL );
  15756. IVGShapePtr CreateFreeConnector (
  15757. double x1,
  15758. double y1,
  15759. double x2,
  15760. double y2 );
  15761. IVGPropertiesPtr GetProperties ( );
  15762. IVGPropertiesPtr GetMasterProperties ( );
  15763. long GetIndex ( );
  15764. IVGShapePtr CreateCurveSegment2 (
  15765. double x1,
  15766. double y1,
  15767. double StartingControlPointX,
  15768. double StartingControlPointY,
  15769. double EndingControlPointX,
  15770. double EndingControlPointY,
  15771. double x2,
  15772. double y2 );
  15773. ICorelImportFilterPtr ImportEx (
  15774. _bstr_t FileName,
  15775. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  15776. struct IVGStructImportOptions * Options );
  15777. IVGShapePtr CreateArtisticTextWide (
  15778. double Left,
  15779. double Bottom,
  15780. _bstr_t Text,
  15781. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  15782. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  15783. _bstr_t Font,
  15784. float Size,
  15785. enum cdrTriState Bold,
  15786. enum cdrTriState Italic,
  15787. enum cdrFontLine Underline,
  15788. enum cdrAlignment Alignment );
  15789. IVGShapePtr CreateParagraphTextWide (
  15790. double Left,
  15791. double Top,
  15792. double Right,
  15793. double Bottom,
  15794. _bstr_t Text,
  15795. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  15796. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  15797. _bstr_t Font,
  15798. float Size,
  15799. enum cdrTriState Bold,
  15800. enum cdrTriState Italic,
  15801. enum cdrFontLine Underline,
  15802. enum cdrAlignment Alignment );
  15803. _variant_t CustomCommand (
  15804. _bstr_t ComponentID,
  15805. _bstr_t CommandID,
  15806. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  15807. IVGShapePtr CreateCustomShape (
  15808. _bstr_t TypeID,
  15809. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  15810. IVGShapePtr CreateLinearDimension (
  15811. enum cdrLinearDimensionType Type,
  15812. struct IVGSnapPoint * Point1,
  15813. struct IVGSnapPoint * Point2,
  15814. VARIANT_BOOL TextCentered,
  15815. double TextX,
  15816. double TextY,
  15817. enum cdrDimensionStyle Style,
  15818. long Precision,
  15819. VARIANT_BOOL ShowUnits,
  15820. enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits Units,
  15821. enum cdrDimensionPlacement Placement,
  15822. VARIANT_BOOL HorizontalText,
  15823. VARIANT_BOOL BoxedText,
  15824. VARIANT_BOOL LeadingZero,
  15825. _bstr_t Prefix,
  15826. _bstr_t Suffix,
  15827. double OutlineWidth,
  15828. struct IVGArrowHead * Arrows,
  15829. struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  15830. _bstr_t TextFont,
  15831. double TextSize,
  15832. struct IVGColor * TextColor );
  15833. IVGShapePtr CreateAngularDimension (
  15834. struct IVGSnapPoint * Center,
  15835. struct IVGSnapPoint * Point1,
  15836. struct IVGSnapPoint * Point2,
  15837. double TextX,
  15838. double TextY,
  15839. long Precision,
  15840. VARIANT_BOOL ShowUnits,
  15841. enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits Units,
  15842. VARIANT_BOOL BoxedText,
  15843. VARIANT_BOOL LeadingZero,
  15844. _bstr_t Prefix,
  15845. _bstr_t Suffix,
  15846. double OutlineWidth,
  15847. struct IVGArrowHead * Arrows,
  15848. struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  15849. _bstr_t TextFont,
  15850. double TextSize,
  15851. struct IVGColor * TextColor );
  15852. IVGShapePtr CreateSymbol (
  15853. double x,
  15854. double y,
  15855. _bstr_t SymbolName,
  15856. struct IVGSymbolLibrary * Library );
  15857. IVGShapePtr CreatePolygon2 (
  15858. double CenterX,
  15859. double CenterY,
  15860. double Radius,
  15861. long Sides,
  15862. double Angle,
  15863. double InnerRadius,
  15864. VARIANT_BOOL Star,
  15865. long Sharpness );
  15866. VARIANT_BOOL PasteSpecial (
  15867. _bstr_t FormatName,
  15868. VARIANT_BOOL PasteLink,
  15869. VARIANT_BOOL DisplayAsIcon,
  15870. _bstr_t Caption,
  15871. const _variant_t & Icon = vtMissing );
  15872. IVGShapePtr CreateOLEObject (
  15873. _bstr_t ObjectID,
  15874. VARIANT_BOOL DisplayAsIcon,
  15875. _bstr_t Caption,
  15876. const _variant_t & Icon = vtMissing );
  15877. IVGShapePtr CreateOLEObjectFromFile (
  15878. _bstr_t FileName,
  15879. VARIANT_BOOL Link,
  15880. VARIANT_BOOL DisplayAsIcon,
  15881. _bstr_t Caption,
  15882. const _variant_t & Icon = vtMissing );
  15883. IVGShapesPtr GetSelectableShapes ( );
  15884. IVGTreeNodePtr GetTreeNode ( );
  15885. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsGuidesLayer ( );
  15886. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsDesktopLayer ( );
  15887. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsGridLayer ( );
  15888. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSpecialLayer ( );
  15889. IVGLayerPtr GetMasterLayer ( );
  15890. long GetAbsoluteIndex ( );
  15891. IVGPagePtr GetPage ( );
  15892. IVGLayerPtr GetAbove (
  15893. VARIANT_BOOL IgnoreMasters );
  15894. IVGLayerPtr GetBelow (
  15895. VARIANT_BOOL IgnoreMasters );
  15896. IVGShapePtr CreateRectangleRect (
  15897. struct IVGRect * Rect,
  15898. double RadiusUL,
  15899. double RadiusUR,
  15900. double RadiusLR,
  15901. double RadiusLL );
  15902. IVGShapePtr CreateEllipseRect (
  15903. struct IVGRect * Rect,
  15904. double StartAngle,
  15905. double EndAngle,
  15906. VARIANT_BOOL Pie );
  15907. IVGShapePtr CreateConnectorEx (
  15908. enum cdrConnectorType Type,
  15909. struct IVGSnapPoint * Start,
  15910. struct IVGSnapPoint * End );
  15911. IVGShapePtr CreateRightAngleConnector (
  15912. struct IVGSnapPoint * Start,
  15913. struct IVGSnapPoint * End,
  15914. double CornerRadius );
  15915. IVGShapePtr CreateBSpline (
  15916. struct IVGBSpline * Source );
  15917. IVGShapeRangePtr PasteEx (
  15918. struct IVGStructPasteOptions * Options );
  15919. IVGShapePtr CreateToolShape (
  15920. _bstr_t ToolShapeGuid,
  15921. struct IVGProperties * ShapeProperties );
  15922. IVGShapePtr CreateBitmap (
  15923. double Left,
  15924. double Top,
  15925. double Right,
  15926. double Bottom,
  15927. struct IVGImage * Image,
  15928. struct IVGImage * ImageAlpha );
  15929. IVGShapePtr CreateBitmap2 (
  15930. double x,
  15931. double y,
  15932. double Width,
  15933. double Height,
  15934. struct IVGImage * Image,
  15935. struct IVGImage * ImageAlpha );
  15936. IVGShapePtr CreateBitmapRect (
  15937. struct IVGRect * Rect,
  15938. struct IVGImage * Image,
  15939. struct IVGImage * ImageAlpha );
  15940. //
  15941. // Raw methods provided by interface
  15942. //
  15943. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  15944. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15945. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  15946. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayers * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15947. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  15948. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  15949. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  15950. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  15951. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shapes (
  15952. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  15953. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  15954. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
  15955. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  15956. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
  15957. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  15958. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Printable (
  15959. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  15960. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Printable (
  15961. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  15962. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Editable (
  15963. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  15964. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Editable (
  15965. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  15966. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Master (
  15967. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  15968. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Master (
  15969. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  15970. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OverrideColor (
  15971. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  15972. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OverrideColor (
  15973. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  15974. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  15975. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pVal ) = 0;
  15976. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  15977. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * pVal ) = 0;
  15978. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  15979. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveAbove (
  15980. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer ) = 0;
  15981. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveBelow (
  15982. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer ) = 0;
  15983. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Import (
  15984. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  15985. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  15986. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructImportOptions * Options ) = 0;
  15987. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateRectangle (
  15988. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  15989. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  15990. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  15991. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  15992. /*[in]*/ long CornerUL,
  15993. /*[in]*/ long CornerUR,
  15994. /*[in]*/ long CornerLR,
  15995. /*[in]*/ long CornerLL,
  15996. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  15997. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateEllipse (
  15998. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  15999. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  16000. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  16001. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  16002. /*[in]*/ double StartAngle,
  16003. /*[in]*/ double EndAngle,
  16004. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Pie,
  16005. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16006. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePolygon (
  16007. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  16008. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  16009. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  16010. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  16011. /*[in]*/ long Sides,
  16012. /*[in]*/ long SubPaths,
  16013. /*[in]*/ long Complexity,
  16014. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Star,
  16015. /*[in]*/ long StarComplexity,
  16016. /*[in]*/ long MaxComplexity,
  16017. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16018. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateGridBoxes (
  16019. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  16020. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  16021. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  16022. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  16023. /*[in]*/ long Wide,
  16024. /*[in]*/ long High,
  16025. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16026. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSpiral (
  16027. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  16028. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  16029. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  16030. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  16031. /*[in]*/ long NumRevolutions,
  16032. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSpiralType SpiralType,
  16033. /*[in]*/ long GrowthRate,
  16034. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16035. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateArtisticText (
  16036. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  16037. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  16038. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  16039. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  16040. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  16041. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  16042. /*[in]*/ float Size,
  16043. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState Bold,
  16044. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState Italic,
  16045. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine Underline,
  16046. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignment Alignment,
  16047. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16048. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateParagraphText (
  16049. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  16050. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  16051. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  16052. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  16053. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  16054. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  16055. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  16056. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  16057. /*[in]*/ float Size,
  16058. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState Bold,
  16059. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState Italic,
  16060. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine Underline,
  16061. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignment Alignment,
  16062. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16063. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurveSegment (
  16064. /*[in]*/ double StartX,
  16065. /*[in]*/ double StartY,
  16066. /*[in]*/ double EndX,
  16067. /*[in]*/ double EndY,
  16068. /*[in]*/ double StartingControlPointLength,
  16069. /*[in]*/ double StartingControlPointAngle,
  16070. /*[in]*/ double EndingControlPointLength,
  16071. /*[in]*/ double EndingControlPointAngle,
  16072. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16073. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateLineSegment (
  16074. /*[in]*/ double StartX,
  16075. /*[in]*/ double StartY,
  16076. /*[in]*/ double EndX,
  16077. /*[in]*/ double EndY,
  16078. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16079. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateConnector (
  16080. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * Start,
  16081. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * End,
  16082. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16083. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurve (
  16084. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Source,
  16085. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16086. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste (
  16087. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16088. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateGuideAngle (
  16089. /*[in]*/ double x,
  16090. /*[in]*/ double y,
  16091. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  16092. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16093. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateGuide (
  16094. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  16095. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  16096. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  16097. /*[in]*/ double y2,
  16098. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16099. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateEllipse2 (
  16100. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  16101. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  16102. /*[in]*/ double Radius1,
  16103. /*[in]*/ double Radius2,
  16104. /*[in]*/ double StartAngle,
  16105. /*[in]*/ double EndAngle,
  16106. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Pie,
  16107. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16108. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindShape (
  16109. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  16110. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeType Type,
  16111. /*[in]*/ long StaticID,
  16112. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  16113. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16114. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindShapes (
  16115. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  16116. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeType Type,
  16117. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  16118. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16119. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateRectangle2 (
  16120. /*[in]*/ double x,
  16121. /*[in]*/ double y,
  16122. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  16123. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  16124. /*[in]*/ double RadiusUL,
  16125. /*[in]*/ double RadiusUR,
  16126. /*[in]*/ double RadiusLR,
  16127. /*[in]*/ double RadiusLL,
  16128. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16129. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFreeConnector (
  16130. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  16131. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  16132. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  16133. /*[in]*/ double y2,
  16134. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16135. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties (
  16136. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16137. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MasterProperties (
  16138. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16139. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  16140. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  16141. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurveSegment2 (
  16142. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  16143. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  16144. /*[in]*/ double StartingControlPointX,
  16145. /*[in]*/ double StartingControlPointY,
  16146. /*[in]*/ double EndingControlPointX,
  16147. /*[in]*/ double EndingControlPointY,
  16148. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  16149. /*[in]*/ double y2,
  16150. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16151. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ImportEx (
  16152. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  16153. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  16154. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructImportOptions * Options,
  16155. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICorelImportFilter * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16156. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateArtisticTextWide (
  16157. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  16158. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  16159. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  16160. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  16161. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  16162. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  16163. /*[in]*/ float Size,
  16164. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState Bold,
  16165. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState Italic,
  16166. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine Underline,
  16167. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignment Alignment,
  16168. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16169. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateParagraphTextWide (
  16170. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  16171. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  16172. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  16173. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  16174. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  16175. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  16176. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  16177. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  16178. /*[in]*/ float Size,
  16179. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState Bold,
  16180. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState Italic,
  16181. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine Underline,
  16182. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignment Alignment,
  16183. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16184. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CustomCommand (
  16185. /*[in]*/ BSTR ComponentID,
  16186. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandID,
  16187. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters,
  16188. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  16189. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCustomShape (
  16190. /*[in]*/ BSTR TypeID,
  16191. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters,
  16192. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16193. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateLinearDimension (
  16194. /*[in]*/ enum cdrLinearDimensionType Type,
  16195. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * Point1,
  16196. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * Point2,
  16197. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TextCentered,
  16198. /*[in]*/ double TextX,
  16199. /*[in]*/ double TextY,
  16200. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDimensionStyle Style,
  16201. /*[in]*/ long Precision,
  16202. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ShowUnits,
  16203. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits Units,
  16204. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDimensionPlacement Placement,
  16205. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL HorizontalText,
  16206. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL BoxedText,
  16207. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL LeadingZero,
  16208. /*[in]*/ BSTR Prefix,
  16209. /*[in]*/ BSTR Suffix,
  16210. /*[in]*/ double OutlineWidth,
  16211. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * Arrows,
  16212. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  16213. /*[in]*/ BSTR TextFont,
  16214. /*[in]*/ double TextSize,
  16215. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * TextColor,
  16216. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16217. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateAngularDimension (
  16218. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * Center,
  16219. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * Point1,
  16220. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * Point2,
  16221. /*[in]*/ double TextX,
  16222. /*[in]*/ double TextY,
  16223. /*[in]*/ long Precision,
  16224. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ShowUnits,
  16225. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits Units,
  16226. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL BoxedText,
  16227. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL LeadingZero,
  16228. /*[in]*/ BSTR Prefix,
  16229. /*[in]*/ BSTR Suffix,
  16230. /*[in]*/ double OutlineWidth,
  16231. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * Arrows,
  16232. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  16233. /*[in]*/ BSTR TextFont,
  16234. /*[in]*/ double TextSize,
  16235. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * TextColor,
  16236. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16237. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSymbol (
  16238. /*[in]*/ double x,
  16239. /*[in]*/ double y,
  16240. /*[in]*/ BSTR SymbolName,
  16241. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSymbolLibrary * Library,
  16242. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16243. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePolygon2 (
  16244. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  16245. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  16246. /*[in]*/ double Radius,
  16247. /*[in]*/ long Sides,
  16248. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  16249. /*[in]*/ double InnerRadius,
  16250. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Star,
  16251. /*[in]*/ long Sharpness,
  16252. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16253. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PasteSpecial (
  16254. /*[in]*/ BSTR FormatName,
  16255. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL PasteLink,
  16256. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DisplayAsIcon,
  16257. /*[in]*/ BSTR Caption,
  16258. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Icon,
  16259. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRet ) = 0;
  16260. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateOLEObject (
  16261. /*[in]*/ BSTR ObjectID,
  16262. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DisplayAsIcon,
  16263. /*[in]*/ BSTR Caption,
  16264. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Icon,
  16265. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16266. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateOLEObjectFromFile (
  16267. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  16268. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Link,
  16269. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DisplayAsIcon,
  16270. /*[in]*/ BSTR Caption,
  16271. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Icon,
  16272. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16273. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SelectableShapes (
  16274. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16275. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TreeNode (
  16276. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16277. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsGuidesLayer (
  16278. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  16279. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsDesktopLayer (
  16280. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  16281. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsGridLayer (
  16282. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  16283. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSpecialLayer (
  16284. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  16285. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MasterLayer (
  16286. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16287. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AbsoluteIndex (
  16288. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  16289. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Page (
  16290. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16291. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Above (
  16292. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL IgnoreMasters,
  16293. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16294. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Below (
  16295. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL IgnoreMasters,
  16296. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16297. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateRectangleRect (
  16298. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * Rect,
  16299. /*[in]*/ double RadiusUL,
  16300. /*[in]*/ double RadiusUR,
  16301. /*[in]*/ double RadiusLR,
  16302. /*[in]*/ double RadiusLL,
  16303. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16304. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateEllipseRect (
  16305. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * Rect,
  16306. /*[in]*/ double StartAngle,
  16307. /*[in]*/ double EndAngle,
  16308. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Pie,
  16309. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16310. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateConnectorEx (
  16311. /*[in]*/ enum cdrConnectorType Type,
  16312. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * Start,
  16313. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * End,
  16314. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16315. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateRightAngleConnector (
  16316. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * Start,
  16317. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * End,
  16318. /*[in]*/ double CornerRadius,
  16319. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16320. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBSpline (
  16321. /*[in]*/ struct IVGBSpline * Source,
  16322. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16323. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PasteEx (
  16324. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructPasteOptions * Options,
  16325. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16326. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateToolShape (
  16327. /*[in]*/ BSTR ToolShapeGuid,
  16328. /*[in]*/ struct IVGProperties * ShapeProperties,
  16329. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * pVal ) = 0;
  16330. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBitmap (
  16331. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  16332. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  16333. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  16334. /*[in]*/ double Bottom,
  16335. /*[in]*/ struct IVGImage * Image,
  16336. /*[in]*/ struct IVGImage * ImageAlpha,
  16337. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBitmap2 (
  16339. /*[in]*/ double x,
  16340. /*[in]*/ double y,
  16341. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  16342. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  16343. /*[in]*/ struct IVGImage * Image,
  16344. /*[in]*/ struct IVGImage * ImageAlpha,
  16345. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16346. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBitmapRect (
  16347. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * Rect,
  16348. /*[in]*/ struct IVGImage * Image,
  16349. /*[in]*/ struct IVGImage * ImageAlpha,
  16350. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16351. };
  16352. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  16353. IVGShapes : IDispatch
  16354. {
  16355. //
  16356. // Property data
  16357. //
  16358. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  16359. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  16360. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  16361. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  16362. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  16363. IVGShapePtr Item[];
  16364. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  16365. long Count;
  16366. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  16367. IVGShapePtr First;
  16368. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  16369. IVGShapePtr Last;
  16370. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  16371. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  16372. //
  16373. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  16374. //
  16375. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  16376. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  16377. IVGShapePtr GetItem (
  16378. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  16379. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  16380. long GetCount ( );
  16381. IVGShapeRangePtr Range (
  16382. SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  16383. IVGShapeRangePtr All ( );
  16384. IVGShapeRangePtr AllExcluding (
  16385. SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  16386. IVGShapePtr FindShape (
  16387. _bstr_t Name,
  16388. enum cdrShapeType Type,
  16389. long StaticID,
  16390. VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  16391. _bstr_t Query );
  16392. IVGShapeRangePtr FindShapes (
  16393. _bstr_t Name,
  16394. enum cdrShapeType Type,
  16395. VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  16396. _bstr_t Query );
  16397. IVGShapePtr GetFirst ( );
  16398. IVGShapePtr GetLast ( );
  16399. //
  16400. // Raw methods provided by interface
  16401. //
  16402. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  16403. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16404. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  16405. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16406. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  16407. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  16408. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16409. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  16410. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  16411. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  16412. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  16413. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
  16414. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray,
  16415. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16416. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_All (
  16417. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16418. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AllExcluding (
  16419. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray,
  16420. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16421. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindShape (
  16422. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  16423. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeType Type,
  16424. /*[in]*/ long StaticID,
  16425. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  16426. /*[in]*/ BSTR Query,
  16427. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16428. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindShapes (
  16429. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  16430. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeType Type,
  16431. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  16432. /*[in]*/ BSTR Query,
  16433. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppRet ) = 0;
  16434. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  16435. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16436. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  16437. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  16438. };
  16439. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  16440. IVGShape : IDispatch
  16441. {
  16442. //
  16443. // Property data
  16444. //
  16445. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  16446. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  16447. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  16448. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  16449. __declspec(property(get=GetStaticID))
  16450. long StaticID;
  16451. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  16452. _bstr_t Name;
  16453. __declspec(property(get=GetShapes))
  16454. IVGShapesPtr Shapes;
  16455. __declspec(property(get=GetRectangle))
  16456. IVGRectanglePtr Rectangle;
  16457. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionX,put=PutPositionX))
  16458. double PositionX;
  16459. __declspec(property(get=GetSelectable))
  16460. VARIANT_BOOL Selectable;
  16461. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionY,put=PutPositionY))
  16462. double PositionY;
  16463. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeWidth,put=PutSizeWidth))
  16464. double SizeWidth;
  16465. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeHeight,put=PutSizeHeight))
  16466. double SizeHeight;
  16467. __declspec(property(get=GetEllipse))
  16468. IVGEllipsePtr Ellipse;
  16469. __declspec(property(get=GetPolygon))
  16470. IVGPolygonPtr Polygon;
  16471. __declspec(property(get=GetCurve))
  16472. IVGCurvePtr Curve;
  16473. __declspec(property(get=GetBitmap))
  16474. IVGBitmapPtr Bitmap;
  16475. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  16476. enum cdrShapeType Type;
  16477. __declspec(property(get=GetOutline))
  16478. IVGOutlinePtr Outline;
  16479. __declspec(property(get=GetFill,put=PutFill))
  16480. IVGFillPtr Fill;
  16481. __declspec(property(get=GetText))
  16482. IVGTextPtr Text;
  16483. __declspec(property(get=GetTreeNode))
  16484. IVGTreeNodePtr TreeNode;
  16485. __declspec(property(get=GetVirtual))
  16486. VARIANT_BOOL Virtual;
  16487. __declspec(property(get=GetCanHaveFill))
  16488. VARIANT_BOOL CanHaveFill;
  16489. __declspec(property(get=GetCanHaveOutline))
  16490. VARIANT_BOOL CanHaveOutline;
  16491. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationAngle,put=PutRotationAngle))
  16492. double RotationAngle;
  16493. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSimpleShape))
  16494. VARIANT_BOOL IsSimpleShape;
  16495. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationCenterX,put=PutRotationCenterX))
  16496. double RotationCenterX;
  16497. __declspec(property(get=GetFillMode,put=PutFillMode))
  16498. enum cdrFillMode FillMode;
  16499. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationCenterY,put=PutRotationCenterY))
  16500. double RotationCenterY;
  16501. __declspec(property(get=GetLeftX,put=PutLeftX))
  16502. double LeftX;
  16503. __declspec(property(get=GetRightX,put=PutRightX))
  16504. double RightX;
  16505. __declspec(property(get=GetTopY,put=PutTopY))
  16506. double TopY;
  16507. __declspec(property(get=GetBottomY,put=PutBottomY))
  16508. double BottomY;
  16509. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprintBitmap,put=PutOverprintBitmap))
  16510. VARIANT_BOOL OverprintBitmap;
  16511. __declspec(property(get=GetEPS))
  16512. IVGEPSPtr EPS;
  16513. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBox))
  16514. IVGRectPtr BoundingBox;
  16515. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX,put=PutCenterX))
  16516. double CenterX;
  16517. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY,put=PutCenterY))
  16518. double CenterY;
  16519. __declspec(property(get=GetLayer,put=PutLayer))
  16520. IVGLayerPtr Layer;
  16521. __declspec(property(get=GetSnapPoints))
  16522. IVGSnapPointsPtr SnapPoints;
  16523. __declspec(property(get=GetConnector))
  16524. IVGConnectorPtr Connector;
  16525. __declspec(property(get=GetZOrder))
  16526. long ZOrder;
  16527. __declspec(property(get=GetPage))
  16528. IVGPagePtr Page;
  16529. __declspec(property(get=GetSpread))
  16530. IVGSpreadPtr Spread;
  16531. __declspec(property(get=GetPixelAlignedRendering,put=PutPixelAlignedRendering))
  16532. VARIANT_BOOL PixelAlignedRendering;
  16533. __declspec(property(get=GetProperties))
  16534. IVGPropertiesPtr Properties;
  16535. __declspec(property(get=GetBSpline))
  16536. IVGBSplinePtr BSpline;
  16537. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle))
  16538. IVGStylePtr Style;
  16539. __declspec(property(get=GetEffects))
  16540. IVGEffectsPtr Effects;
  16541. __declspec(property(get=GetEffect))
  16542. IVGEffectPtr Effect;
  16543. __declspec(property(get=GetTransformationMatrix,put=PutTransformationMatrix))
  16544. IVGTransformMatrixPtr TransformationMatrix;
  16545. __declspec(property(get=GetVisible,put=PutVisible))
  16546. VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
  16547. __declspec(property(get=GetLocked,put=PutLocked))
  16548. VARIANT_BOOL Locked;
  16549. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginalWidth))
  16550. double OriginalWidth;
  16551. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginalHeight))
  16552. double OriginalHeight;
  16553. __declspec(property(get=GetSelected,put=PutSelected))
  16554. VARIANT_BOOL Selected;
  16555. __declspec(property(get=GetGuide))
  16556. IVGGuidePtr Guide;
  16557. __declspec(property(get=GetPowerClip))
  16558. IVGPowerClipPtr PowerClip;
  16559. __declspec(property(get=GetPowerClipParent))
  16560. IVGShapePtr PowerClipParent;
  16561. __declspec(property(get=GetDrapeFill,put=PutDrapeFill))
  16562. VARIANT_BOOL DrapeFill;
  16563. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprintFill,put=PutOverprintFill))
  16564. VARIANT_BOOL OverprintFill;
  16565. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprintOutline,put=PutOverprintOutline))
  16566. VARIANT_BOOL OverprintOutline;
  16567. __declspec(property(get=GetURL))
  16568. IVGURLPtr URL;
  16569. __declspec(property(get=GetObjectData))
  16570. IVGDataItemsPtr ObjectData;
  16571. __declspec(property(get=GetCloneLink))
  16572. IVGCloneLinkPtr CloneLink;
  16573. __declspec(property(get=GetClones))
  16574. IVGShapeRangePtr Clones;
  16575. __declspec(property(get=GetAbsoluteHScale))
  16576. double AbsoluteHScale;
  16577. __declspec(property(get=GetAbsoluteVScale))
  16578. double AbsoluteVScale;
  16579. __declspec(property(get=GetAbsoluteSkew))
  16580. double AbsoluteSkew;
  16581. __declspec(property(get=GetTransparency))
  16582. IVGTransparencyPtr Transparency;
  16583. __declspec(property(get=GetParentGroup))
  16584. IVGShapePtr ParentGroup;
  16585. __declspec(property(get=GetNext))
  16586. IVGShapePtr Next[][][];
  16587. __declspec(property(get=GetPrevious))
  16588. IVGShapePtr Previous[][][];
  16589. __declspec(property(get=GetWrapText,put=PutWrapText))
  16590. enum cdrWrapStyle WrapText;
  16591. __declspec(property(get=GetTextWrapOffset,put=PutTextWrapOffset))
  16592. double TextWrapOffset;
  16593. __declspec(property(get=GetDisplayCurve))
  16594. IVGCurvePtr DisplayCurve;
  16595. __declspec(property(get=GetCustom))
  16596. IVGCustomShapePtr Custom;
  16597. __declspec(property(get=GetDimension))
  16598. IVGDimensionPtr Dimension;
  16599. __declspec(property(get=GetSymbol))
  16600. IVGSymbolPtr Symbol;
  16601. __declspec(property(get=GetOLE))
  16602. IVGOLEPtr OLE;
  16603. //
  16604. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  16605. //
  16606. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  16607. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  16608. long GetStaticID ( );
  16609. HRESULT ConvertToCurves ( );
  16610. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  16611. void PutName (
  16612. _bstr_t pVal );
  16613. IVGShapesPtr GetShapes ( );
  16614. IVGRectanglePtr GetRectangle ( );
  16615. double GetPositionX ( );
  16616. void PutPositionX (
  16617. double pVal );
  16618. double GetPositionY ( );
  16619. void PutPositionY (
  16620. double pVal );
  16621. double GetSizeWidth ( );
  16622. void PutSizeWidth (
  16623. double pVal );
  16624. double GetSizeHeight ( );
  16625. void PutSizeHeight (
  16626. double pVal );
  16627. IVGEllipsePtr GetEllipse ( );
  16628. IVGPolygonPtr GetPolygon ( );
  16629. IVGCurvePtr GetCurve ( );
  16630. IVGBitmapPtr GetBitmap ( );
  16631. enum cdrShapeType GetType ( );
  16632. IVGOutlinePtr GetOutline ( );
  16633. IVGFillPtr GetFill ( );
  16634. IVGTextPtr GetText ( );
  16635. HRESULT Delete ( );
  16636. IVGShapePtr Duplicate (
  16637. double OffsetX,
  16638. double OffsetY );
  16639. HRESULT Skew (
  16640. double AngleX,
  16641. double AngleY );
  16642. HRESULT Move (
  16643. double DeltaX,
  16644. double DeltaY );
  16645. double GetRotationAngle ( );
  16646. void PutRotationAngle (
  16647. double pVal );
  16648. double GetRotationCenterX ( );
  16649. void PutRotationCenterX (
  16650. double pVal );
  16651. double GetRotationCenterY ( );
  16652. void PutRotationCenterY (
  16653. double pVal );
  16654. HRESULT Rotate (
  16655. double Angle );
  16656. IVGShapePtr ConvertToBitmap (
  16657. long BitDepth,
  16658. VARIANT_BOOL Grayscale,
  16659. VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  16660. VARIANT_BOOL TransparentBG,
  16661. long Resolution,
  16662. enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing,
  16663. VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  16664. VARIANT_BOOL MultiChannel,
  16665. VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack,
  16666. long OverprintBlackLimit );
  16667. IVGShapePtr Group ( );
  16668. HRESULT Ungroup ( );
  16669. HRESULT UngroupAll ( );
  16670. HRESULT OrderToFront ( );
  16671. HRESULT OrderToBack ( );
  16672. HRESULT OrderForwardOne ( );
  16673. HRESULT OrderBackOne ( );
  16674. HRESULT OrderFrontOf (
  16675. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  16676. HRESULT OrderBackOf (
  16677. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  16678. VARIANT_BOOL OrderIsInFrontOf (
  16679. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  16680. HRESULT AddToSelection ( );
  16681. HRESULT RemoveFromSelection ( );
  16682. HRESULT Separate ( );
  16683. IVGLayerPtr GetLayer ( );
  16684. void PutLayer (
  16685. struct IVGLayer * ppVal );
  16686. IVGSnapPointsPtr GetSnapPoints ( );
  16687. IVGConnectorPtr GetConnector ( );
  16688. enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape IsOnShape (
  16689. double x,
  16690. double y,
  16691. double HotArea );
  16692. IVGArrowHeadPtr CreateArrowHead ( );
  16693. HRESULT Copy ( );
  16694. HRESULT Cut ( );
  16695. IVGShapePtr Clone (
  16696. double OffsetX,
  16697. double OffsetY );
  16698. HRESULT Stretch (
  16699. double StretchX,
  16700. double StretchY,
  16701. VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize );
  16702. HRESULT SetPosition (
  16703. double PositionX,
  16704. double PositionY );
  16705. HRESULT SetSize (
  16706. double Width,
  16707. double Height );
  16708. HRESULT GetPosition (
  16709. double * PositionX,
  16710. double * PositionY );
  16711. HRESULT GetSize (
  16712. double * Width,
  16713. double * Height );
  16714. IVGPropertiesPtr GetProperties ( );
  16715. HRESULT OrderReverse ( );
  16716. IVGShapePtr Combine ( );
  16717. HRESULT BreakApart ( );
  16718. void PutFill (
  16719. struct IVGFill * ppVal );
  16720. IVGShapePtr Weld (
  16721. struct IVGShape * TargetShape,
  16722. VARIANT_BOOL LeaveSource,
  16723. VARIANT_BOOL LeaveTarget );
  16724. IVGShapePtr Trim (
  16725. struct IVGShape * TargetShape,
  16726. VARIANT_BOOL LeaveSource,
  16727. VARIANT_BOOL LeaveTarget );
  16728. IVGShapePtr Intersect (
  16729. struct IVGShape * TargetShape,
  16730. VARIANT_BOOL LeaveSource,
  16731. VARIANT_BOOL LeaveTarget );
  16732. IVGEffectsPtr GetEffects ( );
  16733. IVGEffectPtr GetEffect ( );
  16734. IVGEffectPtr CreateDropShadow (
  16735. enum cdrDropShadowType Type,
  16736. long Opacity,
  16737. long Feather,
  16738. double OffsetX,
  16739. double OffsetY,
  16740. struct IVGColor * Color,
  16741. enum cdrFeatherType FeatherType,
  16742. enum cdrEdgeType FeatherEdge,
  16743. double PerspectiveAngle,
  16744. double PerspectiveStretch,
  16745. long Fade,
  16746. enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode );
  16747. IVGEffectPtr CreateBlend (
  16748. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  16749. int Steps,
  16750. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType ColorBlendType,
  16751. enum cdrBlendMode Mode,
  16752. double Spacing,
  16753. double Angle,
  16754. VARIANT_BOOL Loop,
  16755. struct IVGShape * Path,
  16756. VARIANT_BOOL RotateShapes,
  16757. long SpacingAccel,
  16758. long ColorAccel,
  16759. VARIANT_BOOL AccelSize );
  16760. IVGEffectPtr CreateExtrude (
  16761. enum cdrExtrudeType Type,
  16762. enum cdrExtrudeVPType VPType,
  16763. double VPX,
  16764. double VPY,
  16765. double Depth,
  16766. enum cdrExtrudeShading Shading,
  16767. struct IVGColor * BaseColor,
  16768. struct IVGColor * ShadingColor,
  16769. double BevelDepth,
  16770. double BevelAngle,
  16771. struct IVGColor * BevelColor,
  16772. VARIANT_BOOL BevelOnly );
  16773. IVGEffectPtr CreateEnvelope (
  16774. long PresetIndex,
  16775. enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  16776. VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines );
  16777. HRESULT Flip (
  16778. enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  16779. VARIANT_BOOL GetLocked ( );
  16780. void PutLocked (
  16781. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  16782. double GetOriginalWidth ( );
  16783. double GetOriginalHeight ( );
  16784. VARIANT_BOOL GetSelected ( );
  16785. void PutSelected (
  16786. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  16787. IVGEffectPtr CreateLens (
  16788. enum cdrLensType Type,
  16789. double RateOrMagnification,
  16790. struct IVGColor * Color1,
  16791. struct IVGColor * Color2,
  16792. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType ColorMapPalette );
  16793. IVGEffectPtr CreatePerspective (
  16794. const _variant_t & HorizVanishPointX = vtMissing,
  16795. const _variant_t & HorizVanishPointY = vtMissing,
  16796. const _variant_t & VertVanishPointX = vtMissing,
  16797. const _variant_t & VertVanishPointY = vtMissing );
  16798. IVGEffectPtr CreateContour (
  16799. enum cdrContourDirection Direction,
  16800. double Offset,
  16801. long Steps,
  16802. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType,
  16803. struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  16804. struct IVGColor * FillColor,
  16805. struct IVGColor * FillColor2,
  16806. long SpacingAccel,
  16807. long ColorAccel,
  16808. enum cdrContourEndCapType EndCapType,
  16809. enum cdrContourCornerType CornerType,
  16810. double MiterLimit );
  16811. IVGEffectPtr CreatePushPullDistortion (
  16812. double OriginX,
  16813. double OriginY,
  16814. long Amplitude );
  16815. IVGEffectPtr CreateZipperDistortion (
  16816. double OriginX,
  16817. double OriginY,
  16818. long Amplitude,
  16819. long Frequency,
  16820. VARIANT_BOOL Random,
  16821. VARIANT_BOOL Smooth,
  16822. VARIANT_BOOL Local );
  16823. IVGEffectPtr CreateTwisterDistortion (
  16824. double OriginX,
  16825. double OriginY,
  16826. double Angle );
  16827. IVGGuidePtr GetGuide ( );
  16828. HRESULT AddToPowerClip (
  16829. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  16830. enum cdrTriState CenterInContainer );
  16831. HRESULT RemoveFromContainer (
  16832. long Level );
  16833. IVGPowerClipPtr GetPowerClip ( );
  16834. IVGShapePtr GetPowerClipParent ( );
  16835. VARIANT_BOOL GetDrapeFill ( );
  16836. void PutDrapeFill (
  16837. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  16838. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverprintFill ( );
  16839. void PutOverprintFill (
  16840. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  16841. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverprintOutline ( );
  16842. void PutOverprintOutline (
  16843. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  16844. IVGURLPtr GetURL ( );
  16845. IVGDataItemsPtr GetObjectData ( );
  16846. IVGCloneLinkPtr GetCloneLink ( );
  16847. IVGShapeRangePtr GetClones ( );
  16848. double GetAbsoluteHScale ( );
  16849. double GetAbsoluteVScale ( );
  16850. double GetAbsoluteSkew ( );
  16851. IVGTransparencyPtr GetTransparency ( );
  16852. HRESULT GetMatrix (
  16853. double * d11,
  16854. double * d12,
  16855. double * d21,
  16856. double * d22,
  16857. double * tx,
  16858. double * ty );
  16859. HRESULT SetMatrix (
  16860. double d11,
  16861. double d12,
  16862. double d21,
  16863. double d22,
  16864. double tx,
  16865. double ty );
  16866. IVGShapePtr ConvertToBitmapEx (
  16867. enum cdrImageType Mode,
  16868. VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  16869. VARIANT_BOOL Transparent,
  16870. long Resolution,
  16871. enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing,
  16872. VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  16873. VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack,
  16874. long OverprintBlackLimit );
  16875. HRESULT SkewEx (
  16876. double AngleX,
  16877. double AngleY,
  16878. double CenterX,
  16879. double CenterY );
  16880. HRESULT RotateEx (
  16881. double Angle,
  16882. double CenterX,
  16883. double CenterY );
  16884. IVGShapePtr GetParentGroup ( );
  16885. HRESULT SetBoundingBox (
  16886. double x,
  16887. double y,
  16888. double Width,
  16889. double Height,
  16890. VARIANT_BOOL KeepAspect,
  16891. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint );
  16892. HRESULT CreateSelection ( );
  16893. HRESULT SetRotationCenter (
  16894. double x,
  16895. double y );
  16896. HRESULT ClearEffect (
  16897. enum cdrEffectType Type );
  16898. IVGShapePtr GetNext (
  16899. enum cdrShapeLevel Level,
  16900. VARIANT_BOOL EnterGroups,
  16901. VARIANT_BOOL Loop );
  16902. IVGShapePtr GetPrevious (
  16903. enum cdrShapeLevel Level,
  16904. VARIANT_BOOL EnterGroups,
  16905. VARIANT_BOOL Loop );
  16906. HRESULT StretchEx (
  16907. double CenterX,
  16908. double CenterY,
  16909. double StretchX,
  16910. double StretchY,
  16911. VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize );
  16912. HRESULT SetSizeEx (
  16913. double CenterX,
  16914. double CenterY,
  16915. double Width,
  16916. double Height );
  16917. HRESULT GetBoundingBox (
  16918. double * x,
  16919. double * y,
  16920. double * Width,
  16921. double * Height,
  16922. VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline );
  16923. IVGShapeRangePtr UngroupEx ( );
  16924. IVGShapeRangePtr UngroupAllEx ( );
  16925. IVGShapeRangePtr BreakApartEx ( );
  16926. HRESULT ApplyStyle (
  16927. _bstr_t StyleName );
  16928. enum cdrWrapStyle GetWrapText ( );
  16929. void PutWrapText (
  16930. enum cdrWrapStyle pVal );
  16931. double GetTextWrapOffset ( );
  16932. void PutTextWrapOffset (
  16933. double pVal );
  16934. IVGShapePtr PlaceTextInside (
  16935. struct IVGShape * TextShape );
  16936. IVGCurvePtr GetDisplayCurve ( );
  16937. _variant_t CustomCommand (
  16938. _bstr_t ComponentID,
  16939. _bstr_t CommandID,
  16940. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  16941. IVGCustomShapePtr GetCustom ( );
  16942. IVGEffectPtr CreateCustomEffect (
  16943. _bstr_t EffectID,
  16944. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  16945. IVGEffectPtr CreateCustomDistortion (
  16946. _bstr_t DistortionID,
  16947. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  16948. HRESULT AlignToShape (
  16949. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  16950. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  16951. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  16952. HRESULT AlignToShapeRange (
  16953. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  16954. struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange,
  16955. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  16956. HRESULT AlignToPage (
  16957. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  16958. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  16959. HRESULT AlignToPageCenter (
  16960. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  16961. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  16962. HRESULT AlignToGrid (
  16963. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  16964. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  16965. HRESULT AlignToPoint (
  16966. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  16967. double x,
  16968. double y,
  16969. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  16970. IVGDimensionPtr GetDimension ( );
  16971. IVGSymbolPtr GetSymbol ( );
  16972. IVGShapePtr ConvertToSymbol (
  16973. _bstr_t Name );
  16974. IVGOLEPtr GetOLE ( );
  16975. IVGShapeRangePtr DuplicateAsRange (
  16976. double OffsetX,
  16977. double OffsetY );
  16978. IVGShapeRangePtr CloneAsRange (
  16979. double OffsetX,
  16980. double OffsetY );
  16981. HRESULT MoveToLayer (
  16982. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  16983. IVGShapePtr CopyToLayer (
  16984. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  16985. IVGShapeRangePtr CopyToLayerAsRange (
  16986. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  16987. HRESULT ClearTransformations ( );
  16988. HRESULT Distribute (
  16989. enum cdrDistributeType Type,
  16990. VARIANT_BOOL PageExtent );
  16991. VARIANT_BOOL CompareTo (
  16992. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  16993. enum cdrCompareType CompareType,
  16994. enum cdrCompareCondition Condition );
  16995. VARIANT_BOOL GetSelectable ( );
  16996. HRESULT ApplyEffectInvert ( );
  16997. HRESULT ApplyEffectPosterize (
  16998. long Level );
  16999. HRESULT ApplyEffectBCI (
  17000. long Brighness,
  17001. long Contrast,
  17002. long Intensity );
  17003. HRESULT ApplyEffectColorBalance (
  17004. long CyanRed,
  17005. long MagentaGreen,
  17006. long YellowBlue,
  17007. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToShadows,
  17008. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToMidtones,
  17009. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToHighlights,
  17010. VARIANT_BOOL PreserveLuminance );
  17011. HRESULT ApplyEffectGamma (
  17012. double Gamma );
  17013. HRESULT ApplyEffectHSL (
  17014. const _variant_t & Hue,
  17015. const _variant_t & Saturation,
  17016. const _variant_t & Lightness );
  17017. HRESULT TransformMatrix (
  17018. double d11,
  17019. double d12,
  17020. double d21,
  17021. double d22,
  17022. double tx,
  17023. double ty );
  17024. HRESULT AffineTransform (
  17025. double d11,
  17026. double d12,
  17027. double d21,
  17028. double d22,
  17029. double CenterX,
  17030. double CenterY );
  17031. IVGTreeNodePtr GetTreeNode ( );
  17032. HRESULT ReplaceWith (
  17033. struct IVGShape * VirtualShape );
  17034. VARIANT_BOOL GetVirtual ( );
  17035. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanHaveFill ( );
  17036. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanHaveOutline ( );
  17037. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSimpleShape ( );
  17038. HRESULT Fillet (
  17039. double Radius,
  17040. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  17041. HRESULT Chamfer (
  17042. double DistanceA,
  17043. double DistanceB,
  17044. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  17045. HRESULT Scallop (
  17046. double Radius,
  17047. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  17048. enum cdrFillMode GetFillMode ( );
  17049. void PutFillMode (
  17050. enum cdrFillMode pVal );
  17051. double GetLeftX ( );
  17052. double GetRightX ( );
  17053. double GetTopY ( );
  17054. double GetBottomY ( );
  17055. IVGShapeRangePtr StepAndRepeat (
  17056. long NumCopies,
  17057. double DistanceX,
  17058. double DistanceY,
  17059. enum cdrDistanceMode ModeX,
  17060. enum cdrDirection DirectionX,
  17061. enum cdrDistanceMode ModeY,
  17062. enum cdrDirection DirectionY );
  17063. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverprintBitmap ( );
  17064. void PutOverprintBitmap (
  17065. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  17066. VARIANT_BOOL IsTypeAnyOf (
  17067. SAFEARRAY * * TypeList );
  17068. IVGShapeRangePtr GetLinkedShapes (
  17069. enum cdrShapeLinkType LinkType );
  17070. IVGEffectPtr CreateEnvelopeFromShape (
  17071. struct IVGShape * Source,
  17072. enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  17073. VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines,
  17074. enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode,
  17075. const _variant_t & CornerIndices = vtMissing );
  17076. IVGEffectPtr CreateEnvelopeFromCurve (
  17077. struct IVGCurve * Source,
  17078. enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  17079. VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines,
  17080. enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode,
  17081. const _variant_t & CornerIndices = vtMissing );
  17082. IVGEPSPtr GetEPS ( );
  17083. _variant_t Evaluate (
  17084. _bstr_t Expression );
  17085. IVGRectPtr GetBoundingBox ( );
  17086. HRESULT GetPositionEx (
  17087. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  17088. double * x,
  17089. double * y );
  17090. HRESULT SetPositionEx (
  17091. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  17092. double x,
  17093. double y );
  17094. double GetCenterX ( );
  17095. void PutCenterX (
  17096. double pVal );
  17097. double GetCenterY ( );
  17098. void PutCenterY (
  17099. double pVal );
  17100. void PutLeftX (
  17101. double pVal );
  17102. void PutRightX (
  17103. double pVal );
  17104. void PutTopY (
  17105. double pVal );
  17106. void PutBottomY (
  17107. double pVal );
  17108. long GetZOrder ( );
  17109. VARIANT_BOOL CompareToEx (
  17110. struct IVGShape * Shape2,
  17111. _bstr_t Condition,
  17112. const _variant_t & Data = vtMissing );
  17113. VARIANT_BOOL CopyPropertiesFrom (
  17114. struct IVGShape * Source,
  17115. enum cdrCopyProperties Properties );
  17116. enum cdrOverprintState GetOverprintFillState ( );
  17117. enum cdrOverprintState GetOverprintOutlineState ( );
  17118. IVGPagePtr GetPage ( );
  17119. IVGSnapPointsPtr SnapPointsOfType (
  17120. enum cdrPointType TypeSet );
  17121. IVGSnapPointPtr FindSnapPoint (
  17122. _bstr_t ReferenceData );
  17123. IVGSpreadPtr GetSpread ( );
  17124. VARIANT_BOOL GetPixelAlignedRendering ( );
  17125. void PutPixelAlignedRendering (
  17126. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  17127. IVGBSplinePtr GetBSpline ( );
  17128. IVGDocumentPtr CreateDocumentFrom (
  17129. VARIANT_BOOL TemporaryDocument );
  17130. HRESULT AlignAndDistribute (
  17131. enum cdrAlignDistributeH MethodH,
  17132. enum cdrAlignDistributeV MethodV,
  17133. enum cdrAlignShapesTo AlignTo,
  17134. enum cdrDistributeArea DistributeArea,
  17135. VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline,
  17136. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin,
  17137. double PointX,
  17138. double PointY,
  17139. struct IVGRect * DistributeRect );
  17140. IVGStylePtr GetStyle ( );
  17141. IVGShapePtr CreateBoundary (
  17142. double x,
  17143. double y,
  17144. VARIANT_BOOL PlaceOnTop,
  17145. VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource );
  17146. IVGShapeRangePtr EqualDivide (
  17147. long Divisions,
  17148. double Gap,
  17149. VARIANT_BOOL Group,
  17150. VARIANT_BOOL Combine,
  17151. VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource );
  17152. IVGShapePtr Project (
  17153. enum cdrProjectPlane Plane,
  17154. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  17155. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  17156. IVGShapePtr Unproject (
  17157. enum cdrProjectPlane Plane,
  17158. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  17159. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  17160. IVGTransformMatrixPtr GetTransformationMatrix ( );
  17161. void PutTransformationMatrix (
  17162. struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix );
  17163. HRESULT ApplyTransformMatrix (
  17164. struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix );
  17165. VARIANT_BOOL GetVisible ( );
  17166. void PutVisible (
  17167. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  17168. HRESULT ModifyToolShapeProperties (
  17169. struct IVGProperties * ShapePropertiesToModify );
  17170. _bstr_t GetToolShapeGuid ( );
  17171. IVGShapeRangePtr CreateParallelCurves (
  17172. long Count,
  17173. double distanceBetweenCurves );
  17174. IVGShapePtr FindShapeAtPoint (
  17175. double x,
  17176. double y,
  17177. VARIANT_BOOL TreatAsFilled );
  17178. SAFEARRAY * GetColorTypes ( );
  17179. SAFEARRAY * GetColors (
  17180. long MaxBitmapColors );
  17181. HRESULT FlattenEffects ( );
  17182. IVGEffectPtr CreateInnerShadow (
  17183. long Opacity,
  17184. long Feather,
  17185. double OffsetX,
  17186. double OffsetY,
  17187. struct IVGColor * Color,
  17188. enum cdrFeatherType FeatherType,
  17189. enum cdrEdgeType FeatherEdge,
  17190. enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode,
  17191. double Depth );
  17192. //
  17193. // Raw methods provided by interface
  17194. //
  17195. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  17196. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17197. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  17198. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17199. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StaticID (
  17200. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  17201. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToCurves ( ) = 0;
  17202. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  17203. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  17204. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  17205. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  17206. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shapes (
  17207. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17208. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Rectangle (
  17209. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRectangle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17210. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionX (
  17211. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17212. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionX (
  17213. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17214. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionY (
  17215. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionY (
  17217. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17218. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeWidth (
  17219. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17220. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeWidth (
  17221. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17222. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeHeight (
  17223. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17224. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeHeight (
  17225. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17226. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Ellipse (
  17227. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEllipse * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17228. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Polygon (
  17229. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPolygon * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17230. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Curve (
  17231. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17232. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bitmap (
  17233. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBitmap * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17234. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  17235. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrShapeType * pVal ) = 0;
  17236. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Outline (
  17237. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17238. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
  17239. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17240. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
  17241. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGText * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17242. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  17243. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Duplicate (
  17244. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  17245. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY,
  17246. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17247. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Skew (
  17248. /*[in]*/ double AngleX,
  17249. /*[in]*/ double AngleY ) = 0;
  17250. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  17251. /*[in]*/ double DeltaX,
  17252. /*[in]*/ double DeltaY ) = 0;
  17253. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationAngle (
  17254. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17255. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationAngle (
  17256. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17257. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationCenterX (
  17258. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17259. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationCenterX (
  17260. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17261. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationCenterY (
  17262. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17263. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationCenterY (
  17264. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17265. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Rotate (
  17266. /*[in]*/ double Angle ) = 0;
  17267. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToBitmap (
  17268. /*[in]*/ long BitDepth,
  17269. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Grayscale,
  17270. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  17271. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransparentBG,
  17272. /*[in]*/ long Resolution,
  17273. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing,
  17274. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  17275. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL MultiChannel,
  17276. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack,
  17277. /*[in]*/ long OverprintBlackLimit,
  17278. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17279. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Group (
  17280. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17281. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Ungroup ( ) = 0;
  17282. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UngroupAll ( ) = 0;
  17283. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderToFront ( ) = 0;
  17284. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderToBack ( ) = 0;
  17285. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderForwardOne ( ) = 0;
  17286. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderBackOne ( ) = 0;
  17287. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderFrontOf (
  17288. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  17289. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderBackOf (
  17290. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  17291. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderIsInFrontOf (
  17292. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  17293. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbResult ) = 0;
  17294. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToSelection ( ) = 0;
  17295. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveFromSelection ( ) = 0;
  17296. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Separate ( ) = 0;
  17297. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Layer (
  17298. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17299. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Layer (
  17300. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * ppVal ) = 0;
  17301. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SnapPoints (
  17302. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoints * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17303. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Connector (
  17304. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGConnector * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17305. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsOnShape (
  17306. /*[in]*/ double x,
  17307. /*[in]*/ double y,
  17308. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  17309. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape * pVal ) = 0;
  17310. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateArrowHead (
  17311. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17312. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy ( ) = 0;
  17313. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cut ( ) = 0;
  17314. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clone (
  17315. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  17316. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY,
  17317. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17318. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Stretch (
  17319. /*[in]*/ double StretchX,
  17320. /*[in]*/ double StretchY,
  17321. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize ) = 0;
  17322. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
  17323. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  17324. /*[in]*/ double PositionY ) = 0;
  17325. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSize (
  17326. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  17327. /*[in]*/ double Height ) = 0;
  17328. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPosition (
  17329. /*[out]*/ double * PositionX,
  17330. /*[out]*/ double * PositionY ) = 0;
  17331. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSize (
  17332. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  17333. /*[out]*/ double * Height ) = 0;
  17334. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties (
  17335. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17336. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderReverse ( ) = 0;
  17337. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Combine (
  17338. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRetVal ) = 0;
  17339. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakApart ( ) = 0;
  17340. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Fill (
  17341. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  17342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Weld (
  17343. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * TargetShape,
  17344. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL LeaveSource,
  17345. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL LeaveTarget,
  17346. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17347. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Trim (
  17348. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * TargetShape,
  17349. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL LeaveSource,
  17350. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL LeaveTarget,
  17351. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17352. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Intersect (
  17353. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * TargetShape,
  17354. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL LeaveSource,
  17355. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL LeaveTarget,
  17356. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17357. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Effects (
  17358. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17359. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Effect (
  17360. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateDropShadow (
  17362. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDropShadowType Type,
  17363. /*[in]*/ long Opacity,
  17364. /*[in]*/ long Feather,
  17365. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  17366. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY,
  17367. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  17368. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFeatherType FeatherType,
  17369. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEdgeType FeatherEdge,
  17370. /*[in]*/ double PerspectiveAngle,
  17371. /*[in]*/ double PerspectiveStretch,
  17372. /*[in]*/ long Fade,
  17373. /*[in]*/ enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode,
  17374. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17375. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBlend (
  17376. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  17377. /*[in]*/ int Steps,
  17378. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType ColorBlendType,
  17379. /*[in]*/ enum cdrBlendMode Mode,
  17380. /*[in]*/ double Spacing,
  17381. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  17382. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Loop,
  17383. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Path,
  17384. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RotateShapes,
  17385. /*[in]*/ long SpacingAccel,
  17386. /*[in]*/ long ColorAccel,
  17387. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AccelSize,
  17388. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17389. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateExtrude (
  17390. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExtrudeType Type,
  17391. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExtrudeVPType VPType,
  17392. /*[in]*/ double VPX,
  17393. /*[in]*/ double VPY,
  17394. /*[in]*/ double Depth,
  17395. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExtrudeShading Shading,
  17396. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * BaseColor,
  17397. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ShadingColor,
  17398. /*[in]*/ double BevelDepth,
  17399. /*[in]*/ double BevelAngle,
  17400. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * BevelColor,
  17401. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL BevelOnly,
  17402. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17403. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateEnvelope (
  17404. /*[in]*/ long PresetIndex,
  17405. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  17406. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines,
  17407. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17408. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Flip (
  17409. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFlipAxes Axes ) = 0;
  17410. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Locked (
  17411. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17412. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Locked (
  17413. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  17414. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginalWidth (
  17415. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17416. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginalHeight (
  17417. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17418. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selected (
  17419. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17420. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Selected (
  17421. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  17422. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateLens (
  17423. /*[in]*/ enum cdrLensType Type,
  17424. /*[in]*/ double RateOrMagnification,
  17425. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color1,
  17426. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color2,
  17427. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType ColorMapPalette,
  17428. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17429. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePerspective (
  17430. /*[in]*/ VARIANT HorizVanishPointX,
  17431. /*[in]*/ VARIANT HorizVanishPointY,
  17432. /*[in]*/ VARIANT VertVanishPointX,
  17433. /*[in]*/ VARIANT VertVanishPointY,
  17434. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17435. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateContour (
  17436. /*[in]*/ enum cdrContourDirection Direction,
  17437. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  17438. /*[in]*/ long Steps,
  17439. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType,
  17440. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  17441. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * FillColor,
  17442. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * FillColor2,
  17443. /*[in]*/ long SpacingAccel,
  17444. /*[in]*/ long ColorAccel,
  17445. /*[in]*/ enum cdrContourEndCapType EndCapType,
  17446. /*[in]*/ enum cdrContourCornerType CornerType,
  17447. /*[in]*/ double MiterLimit,
  17448. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17449. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePushPullDistortion (
  17450. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  17451. /*[in]*/ double OriginY,
  17452. /*[in]*/ long Amplitude,
  17453. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17454. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateZipperDistortion (
  17455. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  17456. /*[in]*/ double OriginY,
  17457. /*[in]*/ long Amplitude,
  17458. /*[in]*/ long Frequency,
  17459. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Random,
  17460. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Smooth,
  17461. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Local,
  17462. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17463. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateTwisterDistortion (
  17464. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  17465. /*[in]*/ double OriginY,
  17466. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  17467. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17468. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Guide (
  17469. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGGuide * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17470. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToPowerClip (
  17471. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  17472. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState CenterInContainer ) = 0;
  17473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveFromContainer (
  17474. /*[in]*/ long Level ) = 0;
  17475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PowerClip (
  17476. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPowerClip * * ppPowerClip ) = 0;
  17477. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PowerClipParent (
  17478. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppShape ) = 0;
  17479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DrapeFill (
  17480. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DrapeFill (
  17482. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  17483. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OverprintFill (
  17484. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OverprintFill (
  17486. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  17487. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OverprintOutline (
  17488. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OverprintOutline (
  17490. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  17491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_URL (
  17492. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGURL * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ObjectData (
  17494. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataItems * * ppDataItems ) = 0;
  17495. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CloneLink (
  17496. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCloneLink * * ppCloneLink ) = 0;
  17497. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Clones (
  17498. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppShapeRange ) = 0;
  17499. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AbsoluteHScale (
  17500. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AbsoluteVScale (
  17502. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17503. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AbsoluteSkew (
  17504. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17505. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparency (
  17506. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTransparency * * ppTransparency ) = 0;
  17507. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetMatrix (
  17508. /*[out]*/ double * d11,
  17509. /*[out]*/ double * d12,
  17510. /*[out]*/ double * d21,
  17511. /*[out]*/ double * d22,
  17512. /*[out]*/ double * tx,
  17513. /*[out]*/ double * ty ) = 0;
  17514. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetMatrix (
  17515. /*[in]*/ double d11,
  17516. /*[in]*/ double d12,
  17517. /*[in]*/ double d21,
  17518. /*[in]*/ double d22,
  17519. /*[in]*/ double tx,
  17520. /*[in]*/ double ty ) = 0;
  17521. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToBitmapEx (
  17522. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImageType Mode,
  17523. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  17524. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Transparent,
  17525. /*[in]*/ long Resolution,
  17526. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing,
  17527. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  17528. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack,
  17529. /*[in]*/ long OverprintBlackLimit,
  17530. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17531. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SkewEx (
  17532. /*[in]*/ double AngleX,
  17533. /*[in]*/ double AngleY,
  17534. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  17535. /*[in]*/ double CenterY ) = 0;
  17536. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RotateEx (
  17537. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  17538. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  17539. /*[in]*/ double CenterY ) = 0;
  17540. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParentGroup (
  17541. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17542. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBoundingBox (
  17543. /*[in]*/ double x,
  17544. /*[in]*/ double y,
  17545. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  17546. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  17547. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL KeepAspect,
  17548. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint ) = 0;
  17549. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSelection ( ) = 0;
  17550. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRotationCenter (
  17551. /*[in]*/ double x,
  17552. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  17553. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearEffect (
  17554. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEffectType Type ) = 0;
  17555. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Next (
  17556. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeLevel Level,
  17557. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL EnterGroups,
  17558. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Loop,
  17559. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17560. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Previous (
  17561. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeLevel Level,
  17562. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL EnterGroups,
  17563. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Loop,
  17564. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17565. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StretchEx (
  17566. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  17567. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  17568. /*[in]*/ double StretchX,
  17569. /*[in]*/ double StretchY,
  17570. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize ) = 0;
  17571. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSizeEx (
  17572. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  17573. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  17574. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  17575. /*[in]*/ double Height ) = 0;
  17576. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBoundingBox (
  17577. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  17578. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  17579. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  17580. /*[out]*/ double * Height,
  17581. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline ) = 0;
  17582. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UngroupEx (
  17583. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17584. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UngroupAllEx (
  17585. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17586. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakApartEx (
  17587. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17588. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyStyle (
  17589. /*[in]*/ BSTR StyleName ) = 0;
  17590. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WrapText (
  17591. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrWrapStyle * pVal ) = 0;
  17592. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WrapText (
  17593. /*[in]*/ enum cdrWrapStyle pVal ) = 0;
  17594. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextWrapOffset (
  17595. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17596. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextWrapOffset (
  17597. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17598. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PlaceTextInside (
  17599. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * TextShape,
  17600. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * pVal ) = 0;
  17601. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayCurve (
  17602. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17603. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CustomCommand (
  17604. /*[in]*/ BSTR ComponentID,
  17605. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandID,
  17606. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters,
  17607. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  17608. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Custom (
  17609. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCustomShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17610. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCustomEffect (
  17611. /*[in]*/ BSTR EffectID,
  17612. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters,
  17613. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17614. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCustomDistortion (
  17615. /*[in]*/ BSTR DistortionID,
  17616. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters,
  17617. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17618. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToShape (
  17619. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  17620. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  17621. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  17622. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToShapeRange (
  17623. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  17624. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange,
  17625. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  17626. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToPage (
  17627. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  17628. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  17629. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToPageCenter (
  17630. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  17631. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  17632. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToGrid (
  17633. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  17634. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  17635. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToPoint (
  17636. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  17637. /*[in]*/ double x,
  17638. /*[in]*/ double y,
  17639. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  17640. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Dimension (
  17641. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDimension * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17642. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Symbol (
  17643. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbol * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17644. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToSymbol (
  17645. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  17646. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17647. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OLE (
  17648. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOLE * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17649. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DuplicateAsRange (
  17650. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  17651. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY,
  17652. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17653. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CloneAsRange (
  17654. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  17655. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY,
  17656. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17657. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveToLayer (
  17658. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer ) = 0;
  17659. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyToLayer (
  17660. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer,
  17661. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17662. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyToLayerAsRange (
  17663. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer,
  17664. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17665. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearTransformations ( ) = 0;
  17666. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Distribute (
  17667. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDistributeType Type,
  17668. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL PageExtent ) = 0;
  17669. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CompareTo (
  17670. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  17671. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCompareType CompareType,
  17672. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCompareCondition Condition,
  17673. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17674. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selectable (
  17675. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17676. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectInvert ( ) = 0;
  17677. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectPosterize (
  17678. /*[in]*/ long Level ) = 0;
  17679. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectBCI (
  17680. /*[in]*/ long Brighness,
  17681. /*[in]*/ long Contrast,
  17682. /*[in]*/ long Intensity ) = 0;
  17683. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectColorBalance (
  17684. /*[in]*/ long CyanRed,
  17685. /*[in]*/ long MagentaGreen,
  17686. /*[in]*/ long YellowBlue,
  17687. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToShadows,
  17688. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToMidtones,
  17689. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToHighlights,
  17690. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL PreserveLuminance ) = 0;
  17691. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectGamma (
  17692. /*[in]*/ double Gamma ) = 0;
  17693. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectHSL (
  17694. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Hue,
  17695. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Saturation,
  17696. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Lightness ) = 0;
  17697. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TransformMatrix (
  17698. /*[in]*/ double d11,
  17699. /*[in]*/ double d12,
  17700. /*[in]*/ double d21,
  17701. /*[in]*/ double d22,
  17702. /*[in]*/ double tx,
  17703. /*[in]*/ double ty ) = 0;
  17704. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AffineTransform (
  17705. /*[in]*/ double d11,
  17706. /*[in]*/ double d12,
  17707. /*[in]*/ double d21,
  17708. /*[in]*/ double d22,
  17709. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  17710. /*[in]*/ double CenterY ) = 0;
  17711. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TreeNode (
  17712. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17713. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReplaceWith (
  17714. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * VirtualShape ) = 0;
  17715. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Virtual (
  17716. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17717. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanHaveFill (
  17718. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17719. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanHaveOutline (
  17720. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17721. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSimpleShape (
  17722. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17723. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Fillet (
  17724. /*[in]*/ double Radius,
  17725. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments ) = 0;
  17726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Chamfer (
  17727. /*[in]*/ double DistanceA,
  17728. /*[in]*/ double DistanceB,
  17729. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments ) = 0;
  17730. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Scallop (
  17731. /*[in]*/ double Radius,
  17732. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments ) = 0;
  17733. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FillMode (
  17734. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFillMode * pVal ) = 0;
  17735. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FillMode (
  17736. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFillMode pVal ) = 0;
  17737. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeftX (
  17738. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17739. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RightX (
  17740. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17741. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TopY (
  17742. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17743. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BottomY (
  17744. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17745. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StepAndRepeat (
  17746. /*[in]*/ long NumCopies,
  17747. /*[in]*/ double DistanceX,
  17748. /*[in]*/ double DistanceY,
  17749. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDistanceMode ModeX,
  17750. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDirection DirectionX,
  17751. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDistanceMode ModeY,
  17752. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDirection DirectionY,
  17753. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17754. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OverprintBitmap (
  17755. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17756. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OverprintBitmap (
  17757. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  17758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsTypeAnyOf (
  17759. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * TypeList,
  17760. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17761. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLinkedShapes (
  17762. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeLinkType LinkType,
  17763. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17764. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateEnvelopeFromShape (
  17765. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Source,
  17766. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  17767. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines,
  17768. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode,
  17769. /*[in]*/ VARIANT CornerIndices,
  17770. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17771. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateEnvelopeFromCurve (
  17772. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Source,
  17773. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  17774. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines,
  17775. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode,
  17776. /*[in]*/ VARIANT CornerIndices,
  17777. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17778. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EPS (
  17779. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEPS * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17780. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Evaluate (
  17781. /*[in]*/ BSTR Expression,
  17782. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  17783. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBox (
  17784. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17785. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPositionEx (
  17786. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  17787. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  17788. /*[out]*/ double * y ) = 0;
  17789. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPositionEx (
  17790. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  17791. /*[in]*/ double x,
  17792. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  17793. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  17794. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17795. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterX (
  17796. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17797. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  17798. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  17799. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterY (
  17800. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17801. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeftX (
  17802. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17803. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RightX (
  17804. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17805. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TopY (
  17806. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17807. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BottomY (
  17808. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  17809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ZOrder (
  17810. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  17811. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CompareToEx (
  17812. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape2,
  17813. /*[in]*/ BSTR Condition,
  17814. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Data,
  17815. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17816. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyPropertiesFrom (
  17817. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Source,
  17818. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCopyProperties Properties,
  17819. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17820. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOverprintFillState (
  17821. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOverprintState * pVal ) = 0;
  17822. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOverprintOutlineState (
  17823. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOverprintState * pVal ) = 0;
  17824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Page (
  17825. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17826. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SnapPointsOfType (
  17827. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPointType TypeSet,
  17828. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoints * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17829. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindSnapPoint (
  17830. /*[in]*/ BSTR ReferenceData,
  17831. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Spread (
  17833. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17834. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PixelAlignedRendering (
  17835. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17836. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PixelAlignedRendering (
  17837. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  17838. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BSpline (
  17839. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBSpline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17840. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateDocumentFrom (
  17841. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TemporaryDocument,
  17842. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17843. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignAndDistribute (
  17844. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignDistributeH MethodH,
  17845. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignDistributeV MethodV,
  17846. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignShapesTo AlignTo,
  17847. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDistributeArea DistributeArea,
  17848. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline,
  17849. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin,
  17850. /*[in]*/ double PointX,
  17851. /*[in]*/ double PointY,
  17852. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * DistributeRect ) = 0;
  17853. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  17854. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17855. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBoundary (
  17856. /*[in]*/ double x,
  17857. /*[in]*/ double y,
  17858. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL PlaceOnTop,
  17859. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource,
  17860. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * pVal ) = 0;
  17861. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EqualDivide (
  17862. /*[in]*/ long Divisions,
  17863. /*[in]*/ double Gap,
  17864. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Group,
  17865. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Combine,
  17866. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource,
  17867. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17868. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Project (
  17869. /*[in]*/ enum cdrProjectPlane Plane,
  17870. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  17871. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate,
  17872. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRetVal ) = 0;
  17873. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unproject (
  17874. /*[in]*/ enum cdrProjectPlane Plane,
  17875. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  17876. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate,
  17877. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRetVal ) = 0;
  17878. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TransformationMatrix (
  17879. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * * TransformMatrix ) = 0;
  17880. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TransformationMatrix (
  17881. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix ) = 0;
  17882. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyTransformMatrix (
  17883. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix ) = 0;
  17884. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Visible (
  17885. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17886. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Visible (
  17887. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  17888. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ModifyToolShapeProperties (
  17889. /*[in]*/ struct IVGProperties * ShapePropertiesToModify ) = 0;
  17890. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetToolShapeGuid (
  17891. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  17892. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateParallelCurves (
  17893. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  17894. /*[in]*/ double distanceBetweenCurves,
  17895. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppParallels ) = 0;
  17896. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindShapeAtPoint (
  17897. /*[in]*/ double x,
  17898. /*[in]*/ double y,
  17899. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TreatAsFilled,
  17900. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  17901. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetColorTypes (
  17902. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17903. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetColors (
  17904. /*[in]*/ long MaxBitmapColors,
  17905. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17906. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FlattenEffects ( ) = 0;
  17907. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateInnerShadow (
  17908. /*[in]*/ long Opacity,
  17909. /*[in]*/ long Feather,
  17910. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  17911. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY,
  17912. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  17913. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFeatherType FeatherType,
  17914. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEdgeType FeatherEdge,
  17915. /*[in]*/ enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode,
  17916. /*[in]*/ double Depth,
  17917. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17918. };
  17919. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  17920. IVGCustomEffect : IDispatch
  17921. {
  17922. //
  17923. // Property data
  17924. //
  17925. __declspec(property(get=GetEffectID))
  17926. _bstr_t EffectID;
  17927. __declspec(property(get=GetEffectGroup))
  17928. IVGShapePtr EffectGroup;
  17929. //
  17930. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  17931. //
  17932. _bstr_t GetEffectID ( );
  17933. IVGShapePtr GetEffectGroup ( );
  17934. //
  17935. // Raw methods provided by interface
  17936. //
  17937. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EffectID (
  17938. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  17939. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EffectGroup (
  17940. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17941. };
  17942. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580011-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  17943. IVGCloneLink : IDispatch
  17944. {
  17945. //
  17946. // Property data
  17947. //
  17948. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  17949. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  17950. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  17951. IVGShapePtr Parent;
  17952. __declspec(property(get=GetCloneParent))
  17953. IVGShapePtr CloneParent;
  17954. __declspec(property(get=GetFillLinked,put=PutFillLinked))
  17955. VARIANT_BOOL FillLinked;
  17956. __declspec(property(get=GetOutlineLinked,put=PutOutlineLinked))
  17957. VARIANT_BOOL OutlineLinked;
  17958. __declspec(property(get=GetShapeLinked,put=PutShapeLinked))
  17959. VARIANT_BOOL ShapeLinked;
  17960. __declspec(property(get=GetTransformLinked,put=PutTransformLinked))
  17961. VARIANT_BOOL TransformLinked;
  17962. __declspec(property(get=GetBitmapColorMaskLinked,put=PutBitmapColorMaskLinked))
  17963. VARIANT_BOOL BitmapColorMaskLinked;
  17964. //
  17965. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  17966. //
  17967. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  17968. IVGShapePtr GetParent ( );
  17969. IVGShapePtr GetCloneParent ( );
  17970. VARIANT_BOOL GetFillLinked ( );
  17971. void PutFillLinked (
  17972. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  17973. VARIANT_BOOL GetOutlineLinked ( );
  17974. void PutOutlineLinked (
  17975. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  17976. VARIANT_BOOL GetShapeLinked ( );
  17977. void PutShapeLinked (
  17978. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  17979. VARIANT_BOOL GetTransformLinked ( );
  17980. void PutTransformLinked (
  17981. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  17982. VARIANT_BOOL GetBitmapColorMaskLinked ( );
  17983. void PutBitmapColorMaskLinked (
  17984. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  17985. HRESULT RestoreAllLinks ( );
  17986. //
  17987. // Raw methods provided by interface
  17988. //
  17989. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  17990. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17991. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  17992. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17993. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CloneParent (
  17994. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  17995. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FillLinked (
  17996. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  17997. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FillLinked (
  17998. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  17999. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutlineLinked (
  18000. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18001. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutlineLinked (
  18002. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  18003. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShapeLinked (
  18004. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18005. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShapeLinked (
  18006. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  18007. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TransformLinked (
  18008. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18009. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TransformLinked (
  18010. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  18011. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BitmapColorMaskLinked (
  18012. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18013. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BitmapColorMaskLinked (
  18014. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  18015. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RestoreAllLinks ( ) = 0;
  18016. };
  18017. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ed-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  18018. IVGCommentTarget : IDispatch
  18019. {
  18020. //
  18021. // Property data
  18022. //
  18023. __declspec(property(get=GetGuid,put=PutGuid))
  18024. _bstr_t Guid;
  18025. //
  18026. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  18027. //
  18028. IVGShapePtr GetShape ( );
  18029. void PutRefShape (
  18030. struct IVGShape * * pRet );
  18031. _bstr_t GetGuid ( );
  18032. void PutGuid (
  18033. _bstr_t pRet );
  18034. //
  18035. // Raw methods provided by interface
  18036. //
  18037. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shape (
  18038. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * pRet ) = 0;
  18039. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Shape (
  18040. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * * pRet ) = 0;
  18041. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Guid (
  18042. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRet ) = 0;
  18043. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Guid (
  18044. /*[in]*/ BSTR pRet ) = 0;
  18045. };
  18046. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  18047. IVGSelectionInformation : IDispatch
  18048. {
  18049. //
  18050. // Property data
  18051. //
  18052. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  18053. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  18054. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  18055. IVGDocumentPtr Parent;
  18056. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  18057. long Count;
  18058. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstShape))
  18059. IVGShapePtr FirstShape;
  18060. __declspec(property(get=GetSecondShape))
  18061. IVGShapePtr SecondShape;
  18062. __declspec(property(get=GetBlendTopShape))
  18063. IVGShapePtr BlendTopShape;
  18064. __declspec(property(get=GetBlendBottomShape))
  18065. IVGShapePtr BlendBottomShape;
  18066. __declspec(property(get=GetBlendPath))
  18067. IVGShapePtr BlendPath;
  18068. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCreateBlend))
  18069. VARIANT_BOOL CanCreateBlend;
  18070. __declspec(property(get=GetDistortionShape))
  18071. IVGShapePtr DistortionShape;
  18072. __declspec(property(get=GetDistortionType))
  18073. enum cdrDistortionType DistortionType;
  18074. __declspec(property(get=GetExtrudeFaceShape))
  18075. IVGShapePtr ExtrudeFaceShape;
  18076. __declspec(property(get=GetExtrudeGroup))
  18077. IVGShapePtr ExtrudeGroup;
  18078. __declspec(property(get=GetExtrudeBevelGroup))
  18079. IVGShapePtr ExtrudeBevelGroup;
  18080. __declspec(property(get=GetContourControlShape))
  18081. IVGShapePtr ContourControlShape;
  18082. __declspec(property(get=GetContourGroup))
  18083. IVGShapePtr ContourGroup;
  18084. __declspec(property(get=GetDropShadowControlShape))
  18085. IVGShapePtr DropShadowControlShape;
  18086. __declspec(property(get=GetDropShadowGroup))
  18087. IVGShapePtr DropShadowGroup;
  18088. __declspec(property(get=GetDimensionControlShape))
  18089. IVGShapePtr DimensionControlShape;
  18090. __declspec(property(get=GetDimensionGroup))
  18091. IVGShapePtr DimensionGroup;
  18092. __declspec(property(get=GetConnectorLines))
  18093. IVGShapePtr ConnectorLines;
  18094. __declspec(property(get=GetFittedTextControlShape))
  18095. IVGShapePtr FittedTextControlShape;
  18096. __declspec(property(get=GetFittedText))
  18097. IVGShapePtr FittedText;
  18098. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstShapeWithOutline))
  18099. IVGShapePtr FirstShapeWithOutline;
  18100. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstShapeWithFill))
  18101. IVGShapePtr FirstShapeWithFill;
  18102. __declspec(property(get=GetNaturalMediaControlShape))
  18103. IVGShapePtr NaturalMediaControlShape;
  18104. __declspec(property(get=GetNaturalMediaGroup))
  18105. IVGShapePtr NaturalMediaGroup;
  18106. __declspec(property(get=GetCanPrint))
  18107. VARIANT_BOOL CanPrint;
  18108. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEditingText))
  18109. VARIANT_BOOL IsEditingText;
  18110. __declspec(property(get=GetIsTextSelection))
  18111. VARIANT_BOOL IsTextSelection;
  18112. __declspec(property(get=GetIsOnPowerClipContents))
  18113. VARIANT_BOOL IsOnPowerClipContents;
  18114. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEditingRollOver))
  18115. VARIANT_BOOL IsEditingRollOver;
  18116. __declspec(property(get=GetCanApplyFillOutline))
  18117. VARIANT_BOOL CanApplyFillOutline;
  18118. __declspec(property(get=GetIsControlSelected))
  18119. VARIANT_BOOL IsControlSelected;
  18120. __declspec(property(get=GetCanDeleteControl))
  18121. VARIANT_BOOL CanDeleteControl;
  18122. __declspec(property(get=GetIsGroup))
  18123. VARIANT_BOOL IsGroup;
  18124. __declspec(property(get=GetIsRegularShape))
  18125. VARIANT_BOOL IsRegularShape;
  18126. __declspec(property(get=GetIsControlShape))
  18127. VARIANT_BOOL IsControlShape;
  18128. __declspec(property(get=GetIsBlendControl))
  18129. VARIANT_BOOL IsBlendControl;
  18130. __declspec(property(get=GetIsBlendGroup))
  18131. VARIANT_BOOL IsBlendGroup;
  18132. __declspec(property(get=GetIsCloneControl))
  18133. VARIANT_BOOL IsCloneControl;
  18134. __declspec(property(get=GetIsContourControl))
  18135. VARIANT_BOOL IsContourControl;
  18136. __declspec(property(get=GetIsContourGroup))
  18137. VARIANT_BOOL IsContourGroup;
  18138. __declspec(property(get=GetIsDropShadowControl))
  18139. VARIANT_BOOL IsDropShadowControl;
  18140. __declspec(property(get=GetIsDropShadowGroup))
  18141. VARIANT_BOOL IsDropShadowGroup;
  18142. __declspec(property(get=GetIsDimensionControl))
  18143. VARIANT_BOOL IsDimensionControl;
  18144. __declspec(property(get=GetIsExtrudeControl))
  18145. VARIANT_BOOL IsExtrudeControl;
  18146. __declspec(property(get=GetIsExtrudeGroup))
  18147. VARIANT_BOOL IsExtrudeGroup;
  18148. __declspec(property(get=GetIsBevelGroup))
  18149. VARIANT_BOOL IsBevelGroup;
  18150. __declspec(property(get=GetHasAutoLabelText))
  18151. VARIANT_BOOL HasAutoLabelText;
  18152. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEnvelope))
  18153. VARIANT_BOOL IsEnvelope;
  18154. __declspec(property(get=GetIsPerspective))
  18155. VARIANT_BOOL IsPerspective;
  18156. __declspec(property(get=GetIsDistortion))
  18157. VARIANT_BOOL IsDistortion;
  18158. __declspec(property(get=GetIsConnectorLine))
  18159. VARIANT_BOOL IsConnectorLine;
  18160. __declspec(property(get=GetIsConnector))
  18161. VARIANT_BOOL IsConnector;
  18162. __declspec(property(get=GetIsFittedText))
  18163. VARIANT_BOOL IsFittedText;
  18164. __declspec(property(get=GetIsFittedTextControl))
  18165. VARIANT_BOOL IsFittedTextControl;
  18166. __declspec(property(get=GetIsNaturalMediaControl))
  18167. VARIANT_BOOL IsNaturalMediaControl;
  18168. __declspec(property(get=GetIsNaturalMediaGroup))
  18169. VARIANT_BOOL IsNaturalMediaGroup;
  18170. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSecondExtrudeControl))
  18171. VARIANT_BOOL IsSecondExtrudeControl;
  18172. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSecondContourControl))
  18173. VARIANT_BOOL IsSecondContourControl;
  18174. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSecondDropShadowControl))
  18175. VARIANT_BOOL IsSecondDropShadowControl;
  18176. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSecondNaturalMediaControl))
  18177. VARIANT_BOOL IsSecondNaturalMediaControl;
  18178. __declspec(property(get=GetIsArtisticTextSelected))
  18179. VARIANT_BOOL IsArtisticTextSelected;
  18180. __declspec(property(get=GetIsParagraphTextSelected))
  18181. VARIANT_BOOL IsParagraphTextSelected;
  18182. __declspec(property(get=GetIsTextSelected))
  18183. VARIANT_BOOL IsTextSelected;
  18184. __declspec(property(get=GetIsOLESelected))
  18185. VARIANT_BOOL IsOLESelected;
  18186. __declspec(property(get=GetIsBitmapSelected))
  18187. VARIANT_BOOL IsBitmapSelected;
  18188. __declspec(property(get=GetIsBitmapPresent))
  18189. VARIANT_BOOL IsBitmapPresent;
  18190. __declspec(property(get=GetIsLensPresent))
  18191. VARIANT_BOOL IsLensPresent;
  18192. __declspec(property(get=GetIsMaskedBitmapPresent))
  18193. VARIANT_BOOL IsMaskedBitmapPresent;
  18194. __declspec(property(get=GetIsGroupSelected))
  18195. VARIANT_BOOL IsGroupSelected;
  18196. __declspec(property(get=GetCanUngroup))
  18197. VARIANT_BOOL CanUngroup;
  18198. __declspec(property(get=GetIsLinkGroupSelected))
  18199. VARIANT_BOOL IsLinkGroupSelected;
  18200. __declspec(property(get=GetIsLinkControlSelected))
  18201. VARIANT_BOOL IsLinkControlSelected;
  18202. __declspec(property(get=GetIsAttachedToDimension))
  18203. VARIANT_BOOL IsAttachedToDimension;
  18204. __declspec(property(get=GetIsFittedTextSelected))
  18205. VARIANT_BOOL IsFittedTextSelected;
  18206. __declspec(property(get=GetIsConnectorLineSelected))
  18207. VARIANT_BOOL IsConnectorLineSelected;
  18208. __declspec(property(get=GetIsConnectorSelected))
  18209. VARIANT_BOOL IsConnectorSelected;
  18210. __declspec(property(get=GetIsPerspectivePresent))
  18211. VARIANT_BOOL IsPerspectivePresent;
  18212. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEnvelopePresent))
  18213. VARIANT_BOOL IsEnvelopePresent;
  18214. __declspec(property(get=GetIsDistortionPresent))
  18215. VARIANT_BOOL IsDistortionPresent;
  18216. __declspec(property(get=GetIsGuidelineSelected))
  18217. VARIANT_BOOL IsGuidelineSelected;
  18218. __declspec(property(get=GetIsInternetObjectSelected))
  18219. VARIANT_BOOL IsInternetObjectSelected;
  18220. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSoundObjectSelected))
  18221. VARIANT_BOOL IsSoundObjectSelected;
  18222. __declspec(property(get=GetIsExternalBitmapSelected))
  18223. VARIANT_BOOL IsExternalBitmapSelected;
  18224. __declspec(property(get=GetIsNonExternalBitmapSelected))
  18225. VARIANT_BOOL IsNonExternalBitmapSelected;
  18226. __declspec(property(get=GetIsMeshFillSelected))
  18227. VARIANT_BOOL IsMeshFillSelected;
  18228. __declspec(property(get=GetIsMeshFillPresent))
  18229. VARIANT_BOOL IsMeshFillPresent;
  18230. __declspec(property(get=GetIsRollOverSelected))
  18231. VARIANT_BOOL IsRollOverSelected;
  18232. __declspec(property(get=GetContainsRollOverParent))
  18233. VARIANT_BOOL ContainsRollOverParent;
  18234. __declspec(property(get=GetCanClone))
  18235. VARIANT_BOOL CanClone;
  18236. __declspec(property(get=GetCanApplyBlend))
  18237. VARIANT_BOOL CanApplyBlend;
  18238. __declspec(property(get=GetCanApplyContour))
  18239. VARIANT_BOOL CanApplyContour;
  18240. __declspec(property(get=GetCanApplyFill))
  18241. VARIANT_BOOL CanApplyFill;
  18242. __declspec(property(get=GetCanApplyOutline))
  18243. VARIANT_BOOL CanApplyOutline;
  18244. __declspec(property(get=GetCanApplyTransparency))
  18245. VARIANT_BOOL CanApplyTransparency;
  18246. __declspec(property(get=GetCanAssignURL))
  18247. VARIANT_BOOL CanAssignURL;
  18248. __declspec(property(get=GetCanApplyDistortion))
  18249. VARIANT_BOOL CanApplyDistortion;
  18250. __declspec(property(get=GetCanApplyEnvelope))
  18251. VARIANT_BOOL CanApplyEnvelope;
  18252. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCopyBlend))
  18253. VARIANT_BOOL CanCopyBlend;
  18254. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCloneBlend))
  18255. VARIANT_BOOL CanCloneBlend;
  18256. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCopyExtrude))
  18257. VARIANT_BOOL CanCopyExtrude;
  18258. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCloneExtrude))
  18259. VARIANT_BOOL CanCloneExtrude;
  18260. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCopyContour))
  18261. VARIANT_BOOL CanCopyContour;
  18262. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCloneContour))
  18263. VARIANT_BOOL CanCloneContour;
  18264. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCopyDropShadow))
  18265. VARIANT_BOOL CanCopyDropShadow;
  18266. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCloneDropShadow))
  18267. VARIANT_BOOL CanCloneDropShadow;
  18268. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCopyLens))
  18269. VARIANT_BOOL CanCopyLens;
  18270. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCopyPerspective))
  18271. VARIANT_BOOL CanCopyPerspective;
  18272. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCopyEnvelope))
  18273. VARIANT_BOOL CanCopyEnvelope;
  18274. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCopyPowerclip))
  18275. VARIANT_BOOL CanCopyPowerclip;
  18276. __declspec(property(get=GetCanCopyDistortion))
  18277. VARIANT_BOOL CanCopyDistortion;
  18278. __declspec(property(get=GetCanLockShapes))
  18279. VARIANT_BOOL CanLockShapes;
  18280. __declspec(property(get=GetCanUnlockShapes))
  18281. VARIANT_BOOL CanUnlockShapes;
  18282. //
  18283. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  18284. //
  18285. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  18286. IVGDocumentPtr GetParent ( );
  18287. long GetCount ( );
  18288. IVGShapePtr GetFirstShape ( );
  18289. IVGShapePtr GetSecondShape ( );
  18290. IVGShapePtr GetBlendTopShape ( );
  18291. IVGShapePtr GetBlendBottomShape ( );
  18292. IVGShapePtr GetBlendPath ( );
  18293. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCreateBlend ( );
  18294. IVGShapePtr GetDistortionShape ( );
  18295. enum cdrDistortionType GetDistortionType ( );
  18296. IVGShapePtr GetExtrudeFaceShape ( );
  18297. IVGShapePtr GetExtrudeGroup ( );
  18298. IVGShapePtr GetExtrudeBevelGroup ( );
  18299. IVGShapePtr GetContourControlShape ( );
  18300. IVGShapePtr GetContourGroup ( );
  18301. IVGShapePtr GetDropShadowControlShape ( );
  18302. IVGShapePtr GetDropShadowGroup ( );
  18303. IVGShapePtr GetDimensionControlShape ( );
  18304. IVGShapePtr GetDimensionGroup ( );
  18305. IVGShapePtr GetConnectorLines ( );
  18306. IVGShapePtr GetFittedTextControlShape ( );
  18307. IVGShapePtr GetFittedText ( );
  18308. IVGShapePtr GetFirstShapeWithOutline ( );
  18309. IVGShapePtr GetFirstShapeWithFill ( );
  18310. IVGShapePtr GetNaturalMediaControlShape ( );
  18311. IVGShapePtr GetNaturalMediaGroup ( );
  18312. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanPrint ( );
  18313. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEditingText ( );
  18314. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsTextSelection ( );
  18315. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsOnPowerClipContents ( );
  18316. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEditingRollOver ( );
  18317. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanApplyFillOutline ( );
  18318. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsControlSelected ( );
  18319. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanDeleteControl ( );
  18320. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsGroup ( );
  18321. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsRegularShape ( );
  18322. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsControlShape ( );
  18323. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsBlendControl ( );
  18324. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsBlendGroup ( );
  18325. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCloneControl ( );
  18326. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsContourControl ( );
  18327. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsContourGroup ( );
  18328. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsDropShadowControl ( );
  18329. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsDropShadowGroup ( );
  18330. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsDimensionControl ( );
  18331. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsExtrudeControl ( );
  18332. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsExtrudeGroup ( );
  18333. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsBevelGroup ( );
  18334. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasAutoLabelText ( );
  18335. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEnvelope ( );
  18336. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPerspective ( );
  18337. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsDistortion ( );
  18338. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsConnectorLine ( );
  18339. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsConnector ( );
  18340. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFittedText ( );
  18341. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFittedTextControl ( );
  18342. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNaturalMediaControl ( );
  18343. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNaturalMediaGroup ( );
  18344. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSecondExtrudeControl ( );
  18345. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSecondContourControl ( );
  18346. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSecondDropShadowControl ( );
  18347. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSecondNaturalMediaControl ( );
  18348. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsArtisticTextSelected ( );
  18349. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsParagraphTextSelected ( );
  18350. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsTextSelected ( );
  18351. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsOLESelected ( );
  18352. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsBitmapSelected ( );
  18353. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsBitmapPresent ( );
  18354. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLensPresent ( );
  18355. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsMaskedBitmapPresent ( );
  18356. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsGroupSelected ( );
  18357. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanUngroup ( );
  18358. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLinkGroupSelected ( );
  18359. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLinkControlSelected ( );
  18360. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsAttachedToDimension ( );
  18361. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFittedTextSelected ( );
  18362. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsConnectorLineSelected ( );
  18363. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsConnectorSelected ( );
  18364. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsPerspectivePresent ( );
  18365. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEnvelopePresent ( );
  18366. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsDistortionPresent ( );
  18367. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsGuidelineSelected ( );
  18368. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsInternetObjectSelected ( );
  18369. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSoundObjectSelected ( );
  18370. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsExternalBitmapSelected ( );
  18371. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsNonExternalBitmapSelected ( );
  18372. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsMeshFillSelected ( );
  18373. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsMeshFillPresent ( );
  18374. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsRollOverSelected ( );
  18375. VARIANT_BOOL GetContainsRollOverParent ( );
  18376. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanClone ( );
  18377. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanApplyBlend ( );
  18378. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanApplyContour ( );
  18379. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanApplyFill ( );
  18380. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanApplyOutline ( );
  18381. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanApplyTransparency ( );
  18382. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanAssignURL ( );
  18383. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanApplyDistortion ( );
  18384. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanApplyEnvelope ( );
  18385. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCopyBlend ( );
  18386. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCloneBlend ( );
  18387. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCopyExtrude ( );
  18388. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCloneExtrude ( );
  18389. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCopyContour ( );
  18390. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCloneContour ( );
  18391. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCopyDropShadow ( );
  18392. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCloneDropShadow ( );
  18393. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCopyLens ( );
  18394. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCopyPerspective ( );
  18395. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCopyEnvelope ( );
  18396. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCopyPowerclip ( );
  18397. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanCopyDistortion ( );
  18398. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanLockShapes ( );
  18399. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanUnlockShapes ( );
  18400. //
  18401. // Raw methods provided by interface
  18402. //
  18403. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  18404. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18405. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  18406. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18407. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  18408. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  18409. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstShape (
  18410. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18411. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SecondShape (
  18412. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18413. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlendTopShape (
  18414. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18415. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlendBottomShape (
  18416. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18417. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlendPath (
  18418. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18419. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCreateBlend (
  18420. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18421. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DistortionShape (
  18422. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18423. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DistortionType (
  18424. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDistortionType * pVal ) = 0;
  18425. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExtrudeFaceShape (
  18426. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18427. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExtrudeGroup (
  18428. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18429. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExtrudeBevelGroup (
  18430. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContourControlShape (
  18432. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContourGroup (
  18434. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18435. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropShadowControlShape (
  18436. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18437. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropShadowGroup (
  18438. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18439. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DimensionControlShape (
  18440. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18441. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DimensionGroup (
  18442. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18443. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConnectorLines (
  18444. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18445. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FittedTextControlShape (
  18446. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18447. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FittedText (
  18448. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18449. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstShapeWithOutline (
  18450. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18451. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstShapeWithFill (
  18452. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18453. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NaturalMediaControlShape (
  18454. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18455. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NaturalMediaGroup (
  18456. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18457. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanPrint (
  18458. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18459. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEditingText (
  18460. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18461. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsTextSelection (
  18462. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18463. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsOnPowerClipContents (
  18464. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18465. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEditingRollOver (
  18466. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18467. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanApplyFillOutline (
  18468. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18469. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsControlSelected (
  18470. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18471. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanDeleteControl (
  18472. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsGroup (
  18474. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsRegularShape (
  18476. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18477. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsControlShape (
  18478. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsBlendControl (
  18480. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsBlendGroup (
  18482. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18483. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCloneControl (
  18484. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsContourControl (
  18486. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18487. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsContourGroup (
  18488. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsDropShadowControl (
  18490. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsDropShadowGroup (
  18492. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsDimensionControl (
  18494. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18495. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsExtrudeControl (
  18496. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18497. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsExtrudeGroup (
  18498. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18499. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsBevelGroup (
  18500. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasAutoLabelText (
  18502. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18503. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEnvelope (
  18504. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18505. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPerspective (
  18506. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18507. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsDistortion (
  18508. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18509. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsConnectorLine (
  18510. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18511. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsConnector (
  18512. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18513. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFittedText (
  18514. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18515. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFittedTextControl (
  18516. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18517. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNaturalMediaControl (
  18518. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18519. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNaturalMediaGroup (
  18520. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18521. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSecondExtrudeControl (
  18522. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18523. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSecondContourControl (
  18524. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18525. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSecondDropShadowControl (
  18526. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18527. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSecondNaturalMediaControl (
  18528. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18529. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsArtisticTextSelected (
  18530. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18531. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsParagraphTextSelected (
  18532. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18533. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsTextSelected (
  18534. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18535. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsOLESelected (
  18536. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18537. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsBitmapSelected (
  18538. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18539. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsBitmapPresent (
  18540. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18541. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLensPresent (
  18542. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18543. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsMaskedBitmapPresent (
  18544. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18545. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsGroupSelected (
  18546. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18547. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanUngroup (
  18548. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18549. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLinkGroupSelected (
  18550. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18551. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLinkControlSelected (
  18552. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18553. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsAttachedToDimension (
  18554. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18555. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFittedTextSelected (
  18556. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18557. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsConnectorLineSelected (
  18558. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18559. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsConnectorSelected (
  18560. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18561. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsPerspectivePresent (
  18562. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18563. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEnvelopePresent (
  18564. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18565. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsDistortionPresent (
  18566. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18567. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsGuidelineSelected (
  18568. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18569. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsInternetObjectSelected (
  18570. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18571. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSoundObjectSelected (
  18572. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18573. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsExternalBitmapSelected (
  18574. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18575. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsNonExternalBitmapSelected (
  18576. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18577. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsMeshFillSelected (
  18578. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18579. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsMeshFillPresent (
  18580. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18581. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsRollOverSelected (
  18582. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContainsRollOverParent (
  18584. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanClone (
  18586. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanApplyBlend (
  18588. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18589. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanApplyContour (
  18590. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18591. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanApplyFill (
  18592. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18593. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanApplyOutline (
  18594. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18595. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanApplyTransparency (
  18596. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18597. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanAssignURL (
  18598. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18599. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanApplyDistortion (
  18600. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18601. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanApplyEnvelope (
  18602. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18603. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCopyBlend (
  18604. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18605. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCloneBlend (
  18606. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18607. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCopyExtrude (
  18608. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18609. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCloneExtrude (
  18610. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCopyContour (
  18612. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18613. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCloneContour (
  18614. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18615. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCopyDropShadow (
  18616. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18617. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCloneDropShadow (
  18618. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18619. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCopyLens (
  18620. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18621. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCopyPerspective (
  18622. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18623. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCopyEnvelope (
  18624. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18625. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCopyPowerclip (
  18626. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18627. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanCopyDistortion (
  18628. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18629. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanLockShapes (
  18630. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18631. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanUnlockShapes (
  18632. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18633. };
  18634. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580019-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  18635. IVGCurve : IDispatch
  18636. {
  18637. //
  18638. // Property data
  18639. //
  18640. __declspec(property(get=GetLength))
  18641. double Length;
  18642. __declspec(property(get=GetSubPaths))
  18643. IVGSubPathsPtr SubPaths;
  18644. __declspec(property(get=GetNodes))
  18645. IVGNodesPtr Nodes;
  18646. __declspec(property(get=GetSegments))
  18647. IVGSegmentsPtr Segments;
  18648. __declspec(property(get=GetClosed,put=PutClosed))
  18649. VARIANT_BOOL Closed;
  18650. __declspec(property(get=GetIsClockwise))
  18651. VARIANT_BOOL IsClockwise;
  18652. __declspec(property(get=GetArea))
  18653. double Area;
  18654. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBox))
  18655. IVGRectPtr BoundingBox;
  18656. //
  18657. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  18658. //
  18659. double GetLength ( );
  18660. IVGSubPathsPtr GetSubPaths ( );
  18661. IVGNodesPtr GetNodes ( );
  18662. IVGSegmentsPtr GetSegments ( );
  18663. VARIANT_BOOL GetClosed ( );
  18664. void PutClosed (
  18665. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  18666. IVGNodeRangePtr Selection ( );
  18667. IVGSubPathPtr CreateSubPath (
  18668. double x,
  18669. double y );
  18670. HRESULT ReverseDirection ( );
  18671. enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape IsOnCurve (
  18672. double x,
  18673. double y,
  18674. double HotArea );
  18675. HRESULT BindToDocument (
  18676. struct IVGDocument * Document );
  18677. IVGCurvePtr GetCopy ( );
  18678. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  18679. struct IVGCurve * Source );
  18680. IVGSubPathPtr CreateSubPathFromArray (
  18681. SAFEARRAY * * Source,
  18682. VARIANT_BOOL Closed,
  18683. long NumElements );
  18684. HRESULT AppendCurve (
  18685. struct IVGCurve * Source );
  18686. SAFEARRAY * GetCurveInfo ( );
  18687. long PutCurveInfo (
  18688. SAFEARRAY * * Source,
  18689. long NumElements );
  18690. HRESULT ClearSelection ( );
  18691. IVGCurvePtr GetPolyline (
  18692. long CurvePrecision );
  18693. IVGCurvePtr RemoveOverlaps ( );
  18694. IVGCurvePtr Contour (
  18695. double Offset,
  18696. enum cdrContourDirection Direction,
  18697. enum cdrContourEndCapType EndCapType,
  18698. enum cdrContourCornerType CornerType,
  18699. double MiterLimit );
  18700. VARIANT_BOOL IsPointInside (
  18701. double x,
  18702. double y );
  18703. VARIANT_BOOL IsRectOnEdge (
  18704. double x1,
  18705. double y1,
  18706. double x2,
  18707. double y2 );
  18708. IVGSegmentPtr FindClosestSegment (
  18709. double x,
  18710. double y,
  18711. double * ParamOffset );
  18712. IVGNodePtr FindNodeAtPoint (
  18713. double x,
  18714. double y,
  18715. double HotArea );
  18716. IVGSegmentPtr FindSegmentAtPoint (
  18717. double x,
  18718. double y,
  18719. double * ParamOffset,
  18720. double HotArea );
  18721. IVGCurvePtr WeldWith (
  18722. struct IVGCurve * Curve );
  18723. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsClockwise ( );
  18724. double GetArea ( );
  18725. VARIANT_BOOL GetBoundingBox (
  18726. double * x,
  18727. double * y,
  18728. double * Width,
  18729. double * Height );
  18730. IVGRectPtr GetBoundingBox ( );
  18731. VARIANT_BOOL IntersectsWith (
  18732. struct IVGCurve * Curve );
  18733. HRESULT AppendSubpathFitToPoints (
  18734. struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  18735. VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance,
  18736. double tolerance );
  18737. HRESULT AppendSubpathFitToPointsAndCusps (
  18738. struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  18739. SAFEARRAY * * CuspIndexArray,
  18740. VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance,
  18741. double tolerance );
  18742. HRESULT ApplyTransformMatrix (
  18743. struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix );
  18744. HRESULT AppendSubpathFromPoints (
  18745. struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  18746. VARIANT_BOOL Close );
  18747. IVGCurvePtr CreateCurveMappedToStroke (
  18748. struct IVGSubPath * Stroke,
  18749. double ScaleY,
  18750. VARIANT_BOOL SelfWeld );
  18751. IVGCurvePtr CreateCurveMappedToStrokeAndReferenceLine (
  18752. struct IVGSubPath * Stroke,
  18753. struct IVGPoint * Start,
  18754. struct IVGPoint * End,
  18755. double ScaleY,
  18756. VARIANT_BOOL SelfWeld );
  18757. HRESULT AutoReduceNodes (
  18758. double AmountToReduce0To100,
  18759. VARIANT_BOOL SelectedNodesOnly );
  18760. HRESULT JoinTouchingSubpaths (
  18761. VARIANT_BOOL AllowSubpathReversals,
  18762. double tolerance );
  18763. HRESULT AppendSubpathCircle (
  18764. double CenterX,
  18765. double CenterY,
  18766. double Radius );
  18767. HRESULT AppendSubpathRectangle (
  18768. double Left,
  18769. double Top,
  18770. double Right,
  18771. double Bottom );
  18772. HRESULT AppendSubpathThreePointArc (
  18773. double StartX,
  18774. double StartY,
  18775. double EndX,
  18776. double EndY,
  18777. double ThirdX,
  18778. double ThirdY );
  18779. HRESULT SelfWeldClosedSubpaths ( );
  18780. HRESULT AppendSubpathEllipse (
  18781. double CenterX,
  18782. double CenterY,
  18783. double RadiusH,
  18784. double RadiusV );
  18785. IVGCurvePtr WeldEx (
  18786. struct IVGCurve * TargetCurve,
  18787. enum cdrWeldMethod Method,
  18788. VARIANT_BOOL WindingSource,
  18789. VARIANT_BOOL WindingTarget,
  18790. long Flags );
  18791. //
  18792. // Raw methods provided by interface
  18793. //
  18794. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Length (
  18795. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  18796. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubPaths (
  18797. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPaths * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18798. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Nodes (
  18799. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNodes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18800. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Segments (
  18801. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegments * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18802. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Closed (
  18803. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18804. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Closed (
  18805. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  18806. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Selection (
  18807. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNodeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18808. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSubPath (
  18809. /*[in]*/ double x,
  18810. /*[in]*/ double y,
  18811. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18812. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReverseDirection ( ) = 0;
  18813. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsOnCurve (
  18814. /*[in]*/ double x,
  18815. /*[in]*/ double y,
  18816. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  18817. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape * pVal ) = 0;
  18818. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BindToDocument (
  18819. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Document ) = 0;
  18820. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  18821. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18822. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  18823. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Source ) = 0;
  18824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSubPathFromArray (
  18825. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Source,
  18826. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Closed,
  18827. /*[in]*/ long NumElements,
  18828. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18829. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendCurve (
  18830. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Source ) = 0;
  18831. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurveInfo (
  18832. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18833. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PutCurveInfo (
  18834. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Source,
  18835. /*[in]*/ long NumElements,
  18836. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRet ) = 0;
  18837. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearSelection ( ) = 0;
  18838. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPolyline (
  18839. /*[in]*/ long CurvePrecision,
  18840. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18841. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveOverlaps (
  18842. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18843. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Contour (
  18844. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  18845. /*[in]*/ enum cdrContourDirection Direction,
  18846. /*[in]*/ enum cdrContourEndCapType EndCapType,
  18847. /*[in]*/ enum cdrContourCornerType CornerType,
  18848. /*[in]*/ double MiterLimit,
  18849. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18850. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsPointInside (
  18851. /*[in]*/ double x,
  18852. /*[in]*/ double y,
  18853. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18854. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsRectOnEdge (
  18855. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  18856. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  18857. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  18858. /*[in]*/ double y2,
  18859. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18860. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindClosestSegment (
  18861. /*[in]*/ double x,
  18862. /*[in]*/ double y,
  18863. /*[out]*/ double * ParamOffset,
  18864. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18865. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindNodeAtPoint (
  18866. /*[in]*/ double x,
  18867. /*[in]*/ double y,
  18868. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  18869. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18870. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindSegmentAtPoint (
  18871. /*[in]*/ double x,
  18872. /*[in]*/ double y,
  18873. /*[out]*/ double * ParamOffset,
  18874. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  18875. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18876. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WeldWith (
  18877. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  18878. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18879. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsClockwise (
  18880. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18881. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Area (
  18882. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  18883. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBoundingBox (
  18884. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  18885. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  18886. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  18887. /*[out]*/ double * Height,
  18888. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18889. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBox (
  18890. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18891. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IntersectsWith (
  18892. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  18893. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  18894. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendSubpathFitToPoints (
  18895. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  18896. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance,
  18897. /*[in]*/ double tolerance ) = 0;
  18898. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendSubpathFitToPointsAndCusps (
  18899. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  18900. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * CuspIndexArray,
  18901. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance,
  18902. /*[in]*/ double tolerance ) = 0;
  18903. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyTransformMatrix (
  18904. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix ) = 0;
  18905. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendSubpathFromPoints (
  18906. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  18907. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Close ) = 0;
  18908. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurveMappedToStroke (
  18909. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSubPath * Stroke,
  18910. /*[in]*/ double ScaleY,
  18911. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SelfWeld,
  18912. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18913. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCurveMappedToStrokeAndReferenceLine (
  18914. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSubPath * Stroke,
  18915. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Start,
  18916. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * End,
  18917. /*[in]*/ double ScaleY,
  18918. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SelfWeld,
  18919. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  18920. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AutoReduceNodes (
  18921. /*[in]*/ double AmountToReduce0To100,
  18922. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SelectedNodesOnly ) = 0;
  18923. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_JoinTouchingSubpaths (
  18924. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AllowSubpathReversals,
  18925. /*[in]*/ double tolerance ) = 0;
  18926. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendSubpathCircle (
  18927. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  18928. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  18929. /*[in]*/ double Radius ) = 0;
  18930. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendSubpathRectangle (
  18931. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  18932. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  18933. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  18934. /*[in]*/ double Bottom ) = 0;
  18935. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendSubpathThreePointArc (
  18936. /*[in]*/ double StartX,
  18937. /*[in]*/ double StartY,
  18938. /*[in]*/ double EndX,
  18939. /*[in]*/ double EndY,
  18940. /*[in]*/ double ThirdX,
  18941. /*[in]*/ double ThirdY ) = 0;
  18942. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelfWeldClosedSubpaths ( ) = 0;
  18943. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendSubpathEllipse (
  18944. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  18945. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  18946. /*[in]*/ double RadiusH,
  18947. /*[in]*/ double RadiusV ) = 0;
  18948. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WeldEx (
  18949. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * TargetCurve,
  18950. /*[in]*/ enum cdrWeldMethod Method,
  18951. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL WindingSource,
  18952. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL WindingTarget,
  18953. /*[in]*/ long Flags,
  18954. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * pVal ) = 0;
  18955. };
  18956. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  18957. IVGArrowHead : IDispatch
  18958. {
  18959. //
  18960. // Property data
  18961. //
  18962. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  18963. long Index;
  18964. __declspec(property(get=GetCurve))
  18965. IVGCurvePtr Curve;
  18966. __declspec(property(get=GetBaseOutlineScale))
  18967. double BaseOutlineScale;
  18968. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX))
  18969. double CenterX;
  18970. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY))
  18971. double CenterY;
  18972. __declspec(property(get=GetLineOffset))
  18973. double LineOffset;
  18974. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  18975. _bstr_t Name;
  18976. __declspec(property(get=GetDisplayName))
  18977. _bstr_t DisplayName;
  18978. //
  18979. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  18980. //
  18981. long GetIndex ( );
  18982. IVGCurvePtr GetCurve ( );
  18983. double GetBaseOutlineScale ( );
  18984. double GetCenterX ( );
  18985. double GetCenterY ( );
  18986. double GetLineOffset ( );
  18987. IVGArrowHeadPtr BindToDocument (
  18988. struct IVGDocument * Document );
  18989. VARIANT_BOOL CompareWith (
  18990. struct IVGArrowHead * ArrowHead );
  18991. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  18992. void PutName (
  18993. _bstr_t pVal );
  18994. _bstr_t GetDisplayName ( );
  18995. //
  18996. // Raw methods provided by interface
  18997. //
  18998. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  18999. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  19000. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Curve (
  19001. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaseOutlineScale (
  19003. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19004. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  19005. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19006. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  19007. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19008. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineOffset (
  19009. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19010. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BindToDocument (
  19011. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Document,
  19012. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19013. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CompareWith (
  19014. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * ArrowHead,
  19015. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19016. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  19017. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  19018. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  19019. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  19020. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayName (
  19021. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  19022. };
  19023. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  19024. IVGArrowHeads : IDispatch
  19025. {
  19026. //
  19027. // Property data
  19028. //
  19029. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  19030. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  19031. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  19032. IVGApplicationPtr Parent;
  19033. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  19034. IVGArrowHeadPtr Item[];
  19035. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  19036. long Count;
  19037. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  19038. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  19039. //
  19040. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  19041. //
  19042. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  19043. IVGApplicationPtr GetParent ( );
  19044. IVGArrowHeadPtr GetItem (
  19045. long Index );
  19046. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  19047. long GetCount ( );
  19048. HRESULT Remove (
  19049. long Index );
  19050. IVGArrowHeadPtr Add (
  19051. struct IVGArrowHead * ArrowHead );
  19052. IVGArrowHeadPtr Replace (
  19053. long Index,
  19054. struct IVGArrowHead * ArrowHead );
  19055. //
  19056. // Raw methods provided by interface
  19057. //
  19058. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  19059. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19060. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  19061. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19062. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  19063. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  19064. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19065. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  19066. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  19067. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  19068. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  19069. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
  19070. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  19071. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  19072. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * ArrowHead,
  19073. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19074. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Replace (
  19075. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  19076. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * ArrowHead,
  19077. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19078. };
  19079. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  19080. IVGSubPaths : IDispatch
  19081. {
  19082. //
  19083. // Property data
  19084. //
  19085. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  19086. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  19087. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  19088. IVGCurvePtr Parent;
  19089. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  19090. IVGSubPathPtr Item[];
  19091. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  19092. long Count;
  19093. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  19094. IVGSubPathPtr First;
  19095. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  19096. IVGSubPathPtr Last;
  19097. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  19098. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  19099. //
  19100. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  19101. //
  19102. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  19103. IVGCurvePtr GetParent ( );
  19104. IVGSubPathPtr GetItem (
  19105. long Index );
  19106. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  19107. long GetCount ( );
  19108. IVGSubPathPtr GetFirst ( );
  19109. IVGSubPathPtr GetLast ( );
  19110. //
  19111. // Raw methods provided by interface
  19112. //
  19113. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  19114. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19115. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  19116. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19117. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  19118. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  19119. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19120. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  19121. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  19122. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  19123. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  19124. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  19125. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19126. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  19127. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19128. };
  19129. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  19130. IVGSubPath : IDispatch
  19131. {
  19132. //
  19133. // Property data
  19134. //
  19135. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  19136. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  19137. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  19138. IVGCurvePtr Parent;
  19139. __declspec(property(get=GetNodes))
  19140. IVGNodesPtr Nodes;
  19141. __declspec(property(get=GetSegments))
  19142. IVGSegmentsPtr Segments;
  19143. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  19144. long Index;
  19145. __declspec(property(get=GetLength))
  19146. double Length;
  19147. __declspec(property(get=GetClosed,put=PutClosed))
  19148. VARIANT_BOOL Closed;
  19149. __declspec(property(get=GetStartNode))
  19150. IVGNodePtr StartNode;
  19151. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionX,put=PutPositionX))
  19152. double PositionX;
  19153. __declspec(property(get=GetEndNode))
  19154. IVGNodePtr EndNode;
  19155. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionY,put=PutPositionY))
  19156. double PositionY;
  19157. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstSegment))
  19158. IVGSegmentPtr FirstSegment;
  19159. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeWidth))
  19160. double SizeWidth;
  19161. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeHeight))
  19162. double SizeHeight;
  19163. __declspec(property(get=GetLastSegment))
  19164. IVGSegmentPtr LastSegment;
  19165. __declspec(property(get=GetIsClockwise))
  19166. VARIANT_BOOL IsClockwise;
  19167. __declspec(property(get=GetArea))
  19168. double Area;
  19169. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBox))
  19170. IVGRectPtr BoundingBox;
  19171. //
  19172. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  19173. //
  19174. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  19175. IVGCurvePtr GetParent ( );
  19176. IVGNodesPtr GetNodes ( );
  19177. IVGSegmentsPtr GetSegments ( );
  19178. long GetIndex ( );
  19179. double GetLength ( );
  19180. VARIANT_BOOL GetClosed ( );
  19181. void PutClosed (
  19182. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  19183. double GetPositionX ( );
  19184. void PutPositionX (
  19185. double pVal );
  19186. double GetPositionY ( );
  19187. void PutPositionY (
  19188. double pVal );
  19189. double GetSizeWidth ( );
  19190. double GetSizeHeight ( );
  19191. IVGNodeRangePtr Selection ( );
  19192. HRESULT ReverseDirection ( );
  19193. IVGShapePtr Extract (
  19194. struct IVGShape * * OldCurve );
  19195. HRESULT Delete ( );
  19196. HRESULT GetPosition (
  19197. double * PositionX,
  19198. double * PositionY );
  19199. HRESULT SetPosition (
  19200. double PositionX,
  19201. double PositionY );
  19202. HRESULT Move (
  19203. double DeltaX,
  19204. double DeltaY );
  19205. enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape IsOnSubPath (
  19206. double x,
  19207. double y,
  19208. double HotArea );
  19209. IVGSegmentPtr AppendLineSegment (
  19210. double x,
  19211. double y,
  19212. VARIANT_BOOL AppendAtBeginning );
  19213. IVGSegmentPtr AppendCurveSegment (
  19214. double x,
  19215. double y,
  19216. double StartingControlPointLength,
  19217. double StartingControlPointAngle,
  19218. double EndingControlPointLength,
  19219. double EndingControlPointAngle,
  19220. VARIANT_BOOL AppendAtBeginning );
  19221. HRESULT GetPointPositionAt (
  19222. double * x,
  19223. double * y,
  19224. double Offset,
  19225. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  19226. IVGNodePtr BreakApartAt (
  19227. double Offset,
  19228. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  19229. IVGNodePtr AddNodeAt (
  19230. double Offset,
  19231. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  19232. double GetPerpendicularAt (
  19233. double Offset,
  19234. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  19235. double GetTangentAt (
  19236. double Offset,
  19237. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  19238. IVGCrossPointsPtr GetIntersections (
  19239. struct IVGSubPath * Target,
  19240. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  19241. IVGSegmentPtr GetSegmentAt (
  19242. double Offset,
  19243. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19244. double * SegmentOffset );
  19245. IVGSubPathPtr Next ( );
  19246. IVGSubPathPtr Previous ( );
  19247. double GetCurvatureAt (
  19248. double Offset,
  19249. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  19250. double GetCurveSpeedAt (
  19251. double Offset,
  19252. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  19253. IVGNodePtr GetStartNode ( );
  19254. IVGNodePtr GetEndNode ( );
  19255. VARIANT_BOOL FindSegmentOffset (
  19256. double AbsoluteOffset,
  19257. struct IVGSegment * * Segment,
  19258. double * ParamOffset,
  19259. double * Remainder );
  19260. IVGSegmentPtr GetFirstSegment ( );
  19261. IVGSegmentPtr GetLastSegment ( );
  19262. IVGSegmentPtr AppendCurveSegment2 (
  19263. double x,
  19264. double y,
  19265. double StartingControlPointX,
  19266. double StartingControlPointY,
  19267. double EndingControlPointX,
  19268. double EndingControlPointY,
  19269. VARIANT_BOOL AppendAtBeginning );
  19270. IVGCurvePtr GetCopy ( );
  19271. SAFEARRAY * GetCurveInfo ( );
  19272. long PutCurveInfo (
  19273. SAFEARRAY * * Source,
  19274. long NumElements );
  19275. IVGCurvePtr GetPolyline (
  19276. long CurvePrecision );
  19277. VARIANT_BOOL IsPointInside (
  19278. double x,
  19279. double y );
  19280. VARIANT_BOOL IsRectOnEdge (
  19281. double x1,
  19282. double y1,
  19283. double x2,
  19284. double y2 );
  19285. IVGSegmentPtr FindClosestSegment (
  19286. double x,
  19287. double y,
  19288. double * ParamOffset );
  19289. IVGNodePtr FindNodeAtPoint (
  19290. double x,
  19291. double y,
  19292. double HotArea );
  19293. IVGSegmentPtr FindSegmentAtPoint (
  19294. double x,
  19295. double y,
  19296. double * ParamOffset,
  19297. double HotArea );
  19298. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsClockwise ( );
  19299. double GetArea ( );
  19300. VARIANT_BOOL GetBoundingBox (
  19301. double * x,
  19302. double * y,
  19303. double * Width,
  19304. double * Height );
  19305. IVGRectPtr GetBoundingBox ( );
  19306. HRESULT EqualDivide (
  19307. long Divisions,
  19308. double Gap );
  19309. IVGPointRangePtr GetEvenlySpacedPoints (
  19310. double DistanceBetweenPointsAlongCurve,
  19311. VARIANT_BOOL ScaleDistanceToFit );
  19312. IVGVectorPtr GetPerpendicularVectorAt (
  19313. double Offset,
  19314. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19315. VARIANT_BOOL Normalize );
  19316. IVGVectorPtr GetTangentVectorAt (
  19317. double Offset,
  19318. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19319. VARIANT_BOOL Normalize );
  19320. IVGPointPtr GetPointAt (
  19321. double Offset,
  19322. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  19323. //
  19324. // Raw methods provided by interface
  19325. //
  19326. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  19327. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19328. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  19329. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19330. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Nodes (
  19331. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNodes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19332. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Segments (
  19333. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegments * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19334. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  19335. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  19336. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Length (
  19337. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Closed (
  19339. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19340. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Closed (
  19341. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  19342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionX (
  19343. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19344. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionX (
  19345. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  19346. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionY (
  19347. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19348. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionY (
  19349. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  19350. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeWidth (
  19351. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19352. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeHeight (
  19353. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19354. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Selection (
  19355. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNodeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19356. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReverseDirection ( ) = 0;
  19357. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Extract (
  19358. /*[out]*/ struct IVGShape * * OldCurve,
  19359. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19360. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  19361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPosition (
  19362. /*[out]*/ double * PositionX,
  19363. /*[out]*/ double * PositionY ) = 0;
  19364. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
  19365. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  19366. /*[in]*/ double PositionY ) = 0;
  19367. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  19368. /*[in]*/ double DeltaX,
  19369. /*[in]*/ double DeltaY ) = 0;
  19370. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsOnSubPath (
  19371. /*[in]*/ double x,
  19372. /*[in]*/ double y,
  19373. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  19374. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape * pVal ) = 0;
  19375. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendLineSegment (
  19376. /*[in]*/ double x,
  19377. /*[in]*/ double y,
  19378. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AppendAtBeginning,
  19379. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19380. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendCurveSegment (
  19381. /*[in]*/ double x,
  19382. /*[in]*/ double y,
  19383. /*[in]*/ double StartingControlPointLength,
  19384. /*[in]*/ double StartingControlPointAngle,
  19385. /*[in]*/ double EndingControlPointLength,
  19386. /*[in]*/ double EndingControlPointAngle,
  19387. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AppendAtBeginning,
  19388. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19389. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPointPositionAt (
  19390. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  19391. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  19392. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19393. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType ) = 0;
  19394. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakApartAt (
  19395. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19396. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19397. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19398. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNodeAt (
  19399. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19400. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19401. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19402. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPerpendicularAt (
  19403. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19404. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19405. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19406. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTangentAt (
  19407. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19408. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19409. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19410. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIntersections (
  19411. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSubPath * Target,
  19412. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19413. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCrossPoints * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19414. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSegmentAt (
  19415. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19416. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19417. /*[out]*/ double * SegmentOffset,
  19418. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19419. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Next (
  19420. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19421. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Previous (
  19422. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19423. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurvatureAt (
  19424. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19425. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19426. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pdCurvature ) = 0;
  19427. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurveSpeedAt (
  19428. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19429. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19430. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pdCurveSpeed ) = 0;
  19431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartNode (
  19432. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndNode (
  19434. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19435. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindSegmentOffset (
  19436. /*[in]*/ double AbsoluteOffset,
  19437. /*[out]*/ struct IVGSegment * * Segment,
  19438. /*[out]*/ double * ParamOffset,
  19439. /*[out]*/ double * Remainder,
  19440. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbRes ) = 0;
  19441. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstSegment (
  19442. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19443. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastSegment (
  19444. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19445. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendCurveSegment2 (
  19446. /*[in]*/ double x,
  19447. /*[in]*/ double y,
  19448. /*[in]*/ double StartingControlPointX,
  19449. /*[in]*/ double StartingControlPointY,
  19450. /*[in]*/ double EndingControlPointX,
  19451. /*[in]*/ double EndingControlPointY,
  19452. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AppendAtBeginning,
  19453. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19454. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  19455. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19456. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurveInfo (
  19457. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19458. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PutCurveInfo (
  19459. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Source,
  19460. /*[in]*/ long NumElements,
  19461. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRet ) = 0;
  19462. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPolyline (
  19463. /*[in]*/ long CurvePrecision,
  19464. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19465. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsPointInside (
  19466. /*[in]*/ double x,
  19467. /*[in]*/ double y,
  19468. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19469. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsRectOnEdge (
  19470. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  19471. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  19472. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  19473. /*[in]*/ double y2,
  19474. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindClosestSegment (
  19476. /*[in]*/ double x,
  19477. /*[in]*/ double y,
  19478. /*[out]*/ double * ParamOffset,
  19479. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19480. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindNodeAtPoint (
  19481. /*[in]*/ double x,
  19482. /*[in]*/ double y,
  19483. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  19484. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindSegmentAtPoint (
  19486. /*[in]*/ double x,
  19487. /*[in]*/ double y,
  19488. /*[out]*/ double * ParamOffset,
  19489. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  19490. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsClockwise (
  19492. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Area (
  19494. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19495. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBoundingBox (
  19496. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  19497. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  19498. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  19499. /*[out]*/ double * Height,
  19500. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBox (
  19502. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19503. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EqualDivide (
  19504. /*[in]*/ long Divisions,
  19505. /*[in]*/ double Gap ) = 0;
  19506. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEvenlySpacedPoints (
  19507. /*[in]*/ double DistanceBetweenPointsAlongCurve,
  19508. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ScaleDistanceToFit,
  19509. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPointRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19510. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPerpendicularVectorAt (
  19511. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19512. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19513. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Normalize,
  19514. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGVector * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19515. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTangentVectorAt (
  19516. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19517. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19518. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Normalize,
  19519. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGVector * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19520. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPointAt (
  19521. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  19522. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  19523. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19524. };
  19525. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580044-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  19526. IVGNodes : IDispatch
  19527. {
  19528. //
  19529. // Property data
  19530. //
  19531. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  19532. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  19533. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  19534. IVGCurvePtr Parent;
  19535. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  19536. IVGNodePtr Item[];
  19537. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  19538. long Count;
  19539. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  19540. IVGNodePtr First;
  19541. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  19542. IVGNodePtr Last;
  19543. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  19544. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  19545. //
  19546. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  19547. //
  19548. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  19549. IVGCurvePtr GetParent ( );
  19550. IVGNodePtr GetItem (
  19551. long Index );
  19552. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  19553. long GetCount ( );
  19554. IVGNodeRangePtr Range (
  19555. SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  19556. IVGNodeRangePtr All ( );
  19557. IVGNodeRangePtr AllExcluding (
  19558. SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  19559. IVGNodePtr GetFirst ( );
  19560. IVGNodePtr GetLast ( );
  19561. //
  19562. // Raw methods provided by interface
  19563. //
  19564. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  19565. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19566. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  19567. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19568. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  19569. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  19570. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19571. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  19572. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  19573. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  19574. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  19575. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
  19576. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray,
  19577. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNodeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19578. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_All (
  19579. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNodeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19580. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AllExcluding (
  19581. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray,
  19582. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNodeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  19584. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  19586. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19587. };
  19588. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580042-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  19589. IVGNode : IDispatch
  19590. {
  19591. //
  19592. // Property data
  19593. //
  19594. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  19595. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  19596. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  19597. IVGCurvePtr Parent;
  19598. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionX,put=PutPositionX))
  19599. double PositionX;
  19600. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionY,put=PutPositionY))
  19601. double PositionY;
  19602. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  19603. enum cdrNodeType Type;
  19604. __declspec(property(get=GetSubPath))
  19605. IVGSubPathPtr SubPath;
  19606. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  19607. long Index;
  19608. __declspec(property(get=GetSubPathIndex))
  19609. long SubPathIndex;
  19610. __declspec(property(get=GetAbsoluteIndex))
  19611. long AbsoluteIndex;
  19612. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEnding))
  19613. VARIANT_BOOL IsEnding;
  19614. __declspec(property(get=GetSegment))
  19615. IVGSegmentPtr Segment;
  19616. __declspec(property(get=GetPrevSegment))
  19617. IVGSegmentPtr PrevSegment;
  19618. __declspec(property(get=GetNextSegment))
  19619. IVGSegmentPtr NextSegment;
  19620. __declspec(property(get=GetSelected,put=PutSelected))
  19621. VARIANT_BOOL Selected;
  19622. //
  19623. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  19624. //
  19625. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  19626. IVGCurvePtr GetParent ( );
  19627. double GetPositionX ( );
  19628. void PutPositionX (
  19629. double pVal );
  19630. double GetPositionY ( );
  19631. void PutPositionY (
  19632. double pVal );
  19633. enum cdrNodeType GetType ( );
  19634. void PutType (
  19635. enum cdrNodeType pVal );
  19636. IVGSubPathPtr GetSubPath ( );
  19637. long GetIndex ( );
  19638. long GetSubPathIndex ( );
  19639. long GetAbsoluteIndex ( );
  19640. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEnding ( );
  19641. HRESULT JoinWith (
  19642. struct IVGNode * Target );
  19643. HRESULT ConnectWith (
  19644. struct IVGNode * Target );
  19645. HRESULT BreakApart ( );
  19646. HRESULT Delete ( );
  19647. HRESULT GetPosition (
  19648. double * PositionX,
  19649. double * PositionY );
  19650. HRESULT SetPosition (
  19651. double PositionX,
  19652. double PositionY );
  19653. HRESULT Move (
  19654. double DeltaX,
  19655. double DeltaY );
  19656. IVGNodePtr Next ( );
  19657. IVGNodePtr Previous ( );
  19658. double GetDistanceFrom (
  19659. struct IVGNode * Node );
  19660. IVGSegmentPtr GetSegment ( );
  19661. IVGSegmentPtr GetPrevSegment ( );
  19662. IVGSegmentPtr GetNextSegment ( );
  19663. VARIANT_BOOL Fillet (
  19664. double Radius,
  19665. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  19666. VARIANT_BOOL Chamfer (
  19667. double DistanceA,
  19668. double DistanceB,
  19669. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  19670. VARIANT_BOOL Scallop (
  19671. double Radius,
  19672. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  19673. VARIANT_BOOL GetSelected ( );
  19674. void PutSelected (
  19675. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  19676. HRESULT CreateSelection ( );
  19677. VARIANT_BOOL ExtendSubPaths (
  19678. struct IVGNode * Node2,
  19679. VARIANT_BOOL JoinPaths );
  19680. HRESULT AveragePositionWith (
  19681. struct IVGNode * Node2,
  19682. VARIANT_BOOL JoinPaths );
  19683. HRESULT GetPoint (
  19684. struct IVGPoint * * ppVal );
  19685. HRESULT SetPoint (
  19686. struct IVGPoint * ppVal );
  19687. //
  19688. // Raw methods provided by interface
  19689. //
  19690. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  19691. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19692. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  19693. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19694. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionX (
  19695. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19696. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionX (
  19697. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  19698. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionY (
  19699. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19700. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionY (
  19701. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  19702. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  19703. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrNodeType * pVal ) = 0;
  19704. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  19705. /*[in]*/ enum cdrNodeType pVal ) = 0;
  19706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubPath (
  19707. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19708. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  19709. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  19710. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubPathIndex (
  19711. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  19712. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AbsoluteIndex (
  19713. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  19714. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEnding (
  19715. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19716. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_JoinWith (
  19717. /*[in]*/ struct IVGNode * Target ) = 0;
  19718. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConnectWith (
  19719. /*[in]*/ struct IVGNode * Target ) = 0;
  19720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakApart ( ) = 0;
  19721. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  19722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPosition (
  19723. /*[out]*/ double * PositionX,
  19724. /*[out]*/ double * PositionY ) = 0;
  19725. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
  19726. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  19727. /*[in]*/ double PositionY ) = 0;
  19728. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  19729. /*[in]*/ double DeltaX,
  19730. /*[in]*/ double DeltaY ) = 0;
  19731. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Next (
  19732. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19733. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Previous (
  19734. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19735. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetDistanceFrom (
  19736. /*[in]*/ struct IVGNode * Node,
  19737. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19738. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Segment (
  19739. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * pVal ) = 0;
  19740. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrevSegment (
  19741. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * pVal ) = 0;
  19742. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NextSegment (
  19743. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * pVal ) = 0;
  19744. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Fillet (
  19745. /*[in]*/ double Radius,
  19746. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments,
  19747. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19748. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Chamfer (
  19749. /*[in]*/ double DistanceA,
  19750. /*[in]*/ double DistanceB,
  19751. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments,
  19752. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19753. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Scallop (
  19754. /*[in]*/ double Radius,
  19755. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments,
  19756. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19757. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selected (
  19758. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19759. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Selected (
  19760. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  19761. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSelection ( ) = 0;
  19762. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExtendSubPaths (
  19763. /*[in]*/ struct IVGNode * Node2,
  19764. VARIANT_BOOL JoinPaths,
  19765. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19766. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AveragePositionWith (
  19767. /*[in]*/ struct IVGNode * Node2,
  19768. VARIANT_BOOL JoinPaths ) = 0;
  19769. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPoint (
  19770. /*[out]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19771. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPoint (
  19772. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  19773. };
  19774. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580060-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  19775. IVGSnapPoint : IDispatch
  19776. {
  19777. //
  19778. // Property data
  19779. //
  19780. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  19781. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  19782. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  19783. IVGShapePtr Parent;
  19784. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionX,put=PutPositionX))
  19785. double PositionX;
  19786. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionY,put=PutPositionY))
  19787. double PositionY;
  19788. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  19789. enum cdrPointType Type;
  19790. __declspec(property(get=GetNode))
  19791. IVGNodePtr Node;
  19792. __declspec(property(get=GetIsDeletable))
  19793. VARIANT_BOOL IsDeletable;
  19794. __declspec(property(get=GetIsMovable))
  19795. VARIANT_BOOL IsMovable;
  19796. __declspec(property(get=GetCanChangeDirection))
  19797. VARIANT_BOOL CanChangeDirection;
  19798. __declspec(property(get=GetUsesDirection,put=PutUsesDirection))
  19799. VARIANT_BOOL UsesDirection;
  19800. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSelectable))
  19801. VARIANT_BOOL IsSelectable;
  19802. __declspec(property(get=GetDirection,put=PutDirection))
  19803. double Direction;
  19804. __declspec(property(get=GetSelected,put=PutSelected))
  19805. VARIANT_BOOL Selected;
  19806. __declspec(property(get=GetUser))
  19807. IVGUserSnapPointPtr User;
  19808. __declspec(property(get=GetObject))
  19809. IVGObjectSnapPointPtr Object;
  19810. __declspec(property(get=GetShape))
  19811. IVGShapePtr Shape;
  19812. __declspec(property(get=GetBBox))
  19813. IVGBBoxSnapPointPtr BBox;
  19814. __declspec(property(get=GetReferenceData))
  19815. _bstr_t ReferenceData;
  19816. __declspec(property(get=GetEdge))
  19817. IVGEdgeSnapPointPtr Edge;
  19818. //
  19819. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  19820. //
  19821. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  19822. IVGShapePtr GetParent ( );
  19823. double GetPositionX ( );
  19824. void PutPositionX (
  19825. double pVal );
  19826. double GetPositionY ( );
  19827. void PutPositionY (
  19828. double pVal );
  19829. enum cdrPointType GetType ( );
  19830. IVGNodePtr GetNode ( );
  19831. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsDeletable ( );
  19832. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsMovable ( );
  19833. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanChangeDirection ( );
  19834. HRESULT GetPosition (
  19835. double * PositionX,
  19836. double * PositionY );
  19837. VARIANT_BOOL GetUsesDirection ( );
  19838. void PutUsesDirection (
  19839. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  19840. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSelectable ( );
  19841. double GetDirection ( );
  19842. void PutDirection (
  19843. double pVal );
  19844. HRESULT SetPosition (
  19845. double PositionX,
  19846. double PositionY );
  19847. VARIANT_BOOL GetSelected ( );
  19848. void PutSelected (
  19849. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  19850. HRESULT CreateSelection ( );
  19851. IVGUserSnapPointPtr GetUser ( );
  19852. IVGObjectSnapPointPtr GetObject ( );
  19853. IVGShapePtr GetShape ( );
  19854. IVGBBoxSnapPointPtr GetBBox ( );
  19855. _bstr_t GetReferenceData ( );
  19856. HRESULT Delete ( );
  19857. HRESULT Move (
  19858. double OffsetX,
  19859. double OffsetY );
  19860. IVGEdgeSnapPointPtr GetEdge ( );
  19861. //
  19862. // Raw methods provided by interface
  19863. //
  19864. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  19865. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19866. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  19867. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19868. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionX (
  19869. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19870. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionX (
  19871. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  19872. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionY (
  19873. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19874. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionY (
  19875. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  19876. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  19877. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPointType * pVal ) = 0;
  19878. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Node (
  19879. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19880. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsDeletable (
  19881. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19882. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsMovable (
  19883. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19884. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanChangeDirection (
  19885. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19886. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPosition (
  19887. /*[out]*/ double * PositionX,
  19888. /*[out]*/ double * PositionY ) = 0;
  19889. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UsesDirection (
  19890. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19891. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UsesDirection (
  19892. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  19893. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSelectable (
  19894. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19895. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Direction (
  19896. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  19897. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Direction (
  19898. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  19899. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
  19900. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  19901. /*[in]*/ double PositionY ) = 0;
  19902. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selected (
  19903. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19904. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Selected (
  19905. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  19906. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSelection ( ) = 0;
  19907. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_User (
  19908. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGUserSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19909. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Object (
  19910. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGObjectSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19911. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shape (
  19912. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19913. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BBox (
  19914. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBBoxSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19915. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReferenceData (
  19916. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  19917. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  19918. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  19919. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  19920. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY ) = 0;
  19921. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Edge (
  19922. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEdgeSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19923. };
  19924. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ab-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  19925. IVGSnapPointRange : IDispatch
  19926. {
  19927. //
  19928. // Property data
  19929. //
  19930. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  19931. long Count;
  19932. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  19933. IVGSnapPointPtr Item[];
  19934. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  19935. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  19936. //
  19937. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  19938. //
  19939. long GetCount ( );
  19940. IVGSnapPointPtr GetItem (
  19941. long Index );
  19942. HRESULT Move (
  19943. double OffsetX,
  19944. double OffsetY );
  19945. HRESULT Delete ( );
  19946. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  19947. VARIANT_BOOL Add (
  19948. struct IVGSnapPoint * SnapPoint );
  19949. VARIANT_BOOL Remove (
  19950. long Index );
  19951. VARIANT_BOOL RemoveByReference (
  19952. _bstr_t ReferenceData );
  19953. IVGSnapPointPtr Find (
  19954. _bstr_t ReferenceData );
  19955. HRESULT CreateSelection ( );
  19956. HRESULT AddToSelection ( );
  19957. HRESULT RemoveFromSelection ( );
  19958. HRESULT ChangeDirection (
  19959. double Direction,
  19960. enum cdrTriState UsesDirection );
  19961. HRESULT SetAutoSnap (
  19962. VARIANT_BOOL AutoSnap );
  19963. //
  19964. // Raw methods provided by interface
  19965. //
  19966. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  19967. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  19968. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  19969. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  19970. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19971. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  19972. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  19973. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY ) = 0;
  19974. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  19975. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  19976. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  19977. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  19978. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * SnapPoint,
  19979. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19980. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
  19981. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  19982. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19983. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveByReference (
  19984. /*[in]*/ BSTR ReferenceData,
  19985. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  19986. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  19987. /*[in]*/ BSTR ReferenceData,
  19988. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  19989. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSelection ( ) = 0;
  19990. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToSelection ( ) = 0;
  19991. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveFromSelection ( ) = 0;
  19992. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ChangeDirection (
  19993. /*[in]*/ double Direction,
  19994. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState UsesDirection ) = 0;
  19995. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetAutoSnap (
  19996. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AutoSnap ) = 0;
  19997. };
  19998. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580061-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  19999. IVGSnapPoints : IDispatch
  20000. {
  20001. //
  20002. // Property data
  20003. //
  20004. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  20005. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  20006. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  20007. IVGShapePtr Parent;
  20008. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  20009. IVGSnapPointPtr Item[];
  20010. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  20011. long Count;
  20012. __declspec(property(get=GetSelection))
  20013. IVGSnapPointRangePtr Selection;
  20014. __declspec(property(get=GetAll))
  20015. IVGSnapPointRangePtr All;
  20016. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  20017. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  20018. //
  20019. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  20020. //
  20021. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  20022. IVGShapePtr GetParent ( );
  20023. IVGSnapPointPtr GetItem (
  20024. long Index );
  20025. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  20026. long GetCount ( );
  20027. IVGSnapPointPtr User (
  20028. _bstr_t ID );
  20029. IVGSnapPointPtr BBox (
  20030. enum cdrReferencePoint Type );
  20031. IVGSnapPointPtr Object (
  20032. enum cdrObjectSnapPointType Type );
  20033. IVGSnapPointPtr FindClosest (
  20034. enum cdrPointType TypeSet,
  20035. double PositionX,
  20036. double PositionY );
  20037. IVGSnapPointRangePtr Range (
  20038. SAFEARRAY * * References );
  20039. IVGSnapPointPtr AddUserSnapPoint (
  20040. double PositionX,
  20041. double PositionY,
  20042. double Direction,
  20043. VARIANT_BOOL UseDirection );
  20044. IVGSnapPointPtr AddUserSnapPointEx (
  20045. _bstr_t ID,
  20046. double PositionX,
  20047. double PositionY,
  20048. double Direction,
  20049. VARIANT_BOOL UseDirection );
  20050. IVGSnapPointRangePtr GetSelection ( );
  20051. HRESULT ClearSelection ( );
  20052. IVGSnapPointRangePtr GetAll ( );
  20053. IVGSnapPointPtr Edge (
  20054. long SegmentIndex,
  20055. double SegmentOffset );
  20056. IVGSnapPointPtr Auto ( );
  20057. //
  20058. // Raw methods provided by interface
  20059. //
  20060. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  20061. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20062. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  20063. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20064. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  20065. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  20066. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20067. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  20068. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  20069. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  20070. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  20071. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_User (
  20072. /*[in]*/ BSTR ID,
  20073. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20074. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BBox (
  20075. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint Type,
  20076. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20077. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Object (
  20078. /*[in]*/ enum cdrObjectSnapPointType Type,
  20079. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20080. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindClosest (
  20081. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPointType TypeSet,
  20082. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  20083. /*[in]*/ double PositionY,
  20084. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20085. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
  20086. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * References,
  20087. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPointRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20088. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddUserSnapPoint (
  20089. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  20090. /*[in]*/ double PositionY,
  20091. /*[in]*/ double Direction,
  20092. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseDirection,
  20093. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20094. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddUserSnapPointEx (
  20095. /*[in]*/ BSTR ID,
  20096. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  20097. /*[in]*/ double PositionY,
  20098. /*[in]*/ double Direction,
  20099. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseDirection,
  20100. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20101. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selection (
  20102. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPointRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20103. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearSelection ( ) = 0;
  20104. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_All (
  20105. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPointRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20106. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Edge (
  20107. /*[in]*/ long SegmentIndex,
  20108. /*[in]*/ double SegmentOffset,
  20109. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20110. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Auto (
  20111. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20112. };
  20113. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580016-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  20114. IVGConnector : IDispatch
  20115. {
  20116. //
  20117. // Property data
  20118. //
  20119. __declspec(property(get=GetStartPoint,put=PutStartPoint))
  20120. IVGSnapPointPtr StartPoint;
  20121. __declspec(property(get=GetEndPoint,put=PutEndPoint))
  20122. IVGSnapPointPtr EndPoint;
  20123. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  20124. enum cdrConnectorType Type;
  20125. //
  20126. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  20127. //
  20128. IVGSnapPointPtr GetStartPoint ( );
  20129. void PutStartPoint (
  20130. struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  20131. IVGSnapPointPtr GetEndPoint ( );
  20132. void PutEndPoint (
  20133. struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  20134. enum cdrConnectorType GetType ( );
  20135. //
  20136. // Raw methods provided by interface
  20137. //
  20138. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartPoint (
  20139. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20140. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartPoint (
  20141. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  20142. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndPoint (
  20143. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20144. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndPoint (
  20145. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  20146. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  20147. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrConnectorType * pVal ) = 0;
  20148. };
  20149. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580023-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  20150. IVGDimensionLinear : IDispatch
  20151. {
  20152. //
  20153. // Property data
  20154. //
  20155. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  20156. enum cdrLinearDimensionType Type;
  20157. __declspec(property(get=GetPoint1,put=PutPoint1))
  20158. IVGSnapPointPtr Point1;
  20159. __declspec(property(get=GetPoint2,put=PutPoint2))
  20160. IVGSnapPointPtr Point2;
  20161. __declspec(property(get=GetTextCentered,put=PutTextCentered))
  20162. VARIANT_BOOL TextCentered;
  20163. __declspec(property(get=GetTextX,put=PutTextX))
  20164. double TextX;
  20165. __declspec(property(get=GetTextY,put=PutTextY))
  20166. double TextY;
  20167. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle,put=PutStyle))
  20168. enum cdrDimensionStyle Style;
  20169. __declspec(property(get=GetShowUnits,put=PutShowUnits))
  20170. VARIANT_BOOL ShowUnits;
  20171. __declspec(property(get=GetUnits,put=PutUnits))
  20172. enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits Units;
  20173. __declspec(property(get=GetPlacement,put=PutPlacement))
  20174. enum cdrDimensionPlacement Placement;
  20175. __declspec(property(get=GetHorizontalText,put=PutHorizontalText))
  20176. VARIANT_BOOL HorizontalText;
  20177. __declspec(property(get=GetReverseTerminators,put=PutReverseTerminators))
  20178. VARIANT_BOOL ReverseTerminators;
  20179. __declspec(property(get=GetAutoReverseTerminators,put=PutAutoReverseTerminators))
  20180. VARIANT_BOOL AutoReverseTerminators;
  20181. __declspec(property(get=GetReverseTerminatorLength))
  20182. double ReverseTerminatorLength;
  20183. __declspec(property(get=GetUseReverseTerminatorLength,put=PutUseReverseTerminatorLength))
  20184. VARIANT_BOOL UseReverseTerminatorLength;
  20185. __declspec(property(get=GetInnerDimensionLineVisible,put=PutInnerDimensionLineVisible))
  20186. VARIANT_BOOL InnerDimensionLineVisible;
  20187. //
  20188. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  20189. //
  20190. enum cdrLinearDimensionType GetType ( );
  20191. IVGSnapPointPtr GetPoint1 ( );
  20192. void PutPoint1 (
  20193. struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  20194. IVGSnapPointPtr GetPoint2 ( );
  20195. void PutPoint2 (
  20196. struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  20197. VARIANT_BOOL GetTextCentered ( );
  20198. void PutTextCentered (
  20199. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20200. double GetTextX ( );
  20201. void PutTextX (
  20202. double pVal );
  20203. double GetTextY ( );
  20204. void PutTextY (
  20205. double pVal );
  20206. enum cdrDimensionStyle GetStyle ( );
  20207. void PutStyle (
  20208. enum cdrDimensionStyle pVal );
  20209. VARIANT_BOOL GetShowUnits ( );
  20210. void PutShowUnits (
  20211. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20212. enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits GetUnits ( );
  20213. void PutUnits (
  20214. enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits pVal );
  20215. enum cdrDimensionPlacement GetPlacement ( );
  20216. void PutPlacement (
  20217. enum cdrDimensionPlacement pVal );
  20218. VARIANT_BOOL GetHorizontalText ( );
  20219. void PutHorizontalText (
  20220. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20221. VARIANT_BOOL GetReverseTerminators ( );
  20222. void PutReverseTerminators (
  20223. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20224. VARIANT_BOOL GetAutoReverseTerminators ( );
  20225. void PutAutoReverseTerminators (
  20226. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20227. double GetReverseTerminatorLength ( );
  20228. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseReverseTerminatorLength ( );
  20229. void PutUseReverseTerminatorLength (
  20230. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20231. HRESULT SetReverseTerminatorLength (
  20232. double Length );
  20233. VARIANT_BOOL GetInnerDimensionLineVisible ( );
  20234. void PutInnerDimensionLineVisible (
  20235. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20236. //
  20237. // Raw methods provided by interface
  20238. //
  20239. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  20240. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrLinearDimensionType * pVal ) = 0;
  20241. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Point1 (
  20242. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20243. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Point1 (
  20244. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  20245. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Point2 (
  20246. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20247. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Point2 (
  20248. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  20249. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextCentered (
  20250. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20251. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextCentered (
  20252. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20253. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextX (
  20254. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20255. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextX (
  20256. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20257. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextY (
  20258. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20259. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextY (
  20260. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20261. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  20262. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDimensionStyle * pVal ) = 0;
  20263. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Style (
  20264. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDimensionStyle pVal ) = 0;
  20265. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowUnits (
  20266. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20267. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowUnits (
  20268. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20269. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Units (
  20270. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits * pVal ) = 0;
  20271. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Units (
  20272. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits pVal ) = 0;
  20273. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Placement (
  20274. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDimensionPlacement * pVal ) = 0;
  20275. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Placement (
  20276. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDimensionPlacement pVal ) = 0;
  20277. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizontalText (
  20278. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20279. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizontalText (
  20280. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20281. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReverseTerminators (
  20282. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20283. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ReverseTerminators (
  20284. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20285. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoReverseTerminators (
  20286. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20287. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoReverseTerminators (
  20288. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20289. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReverseTerminatorLength (
  20290. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20291. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseReverseTerminatorLength (
  20292. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20293. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseReverseTerminatorLength (
  20294. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20295. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetReverseTerminatorLength (
  20296. /*[in]*/ double Length ) = 0;
  20297. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InnerDimensionLineVisible (
  20298. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20299. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InnerDimensionLineVisible (
  20300. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20301. };
  20302. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580022-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  20303. IVGDimensionAngular : IDispatch
  20304. {
  20305. //
  20306. // Property data
  20307. //
  20308. __declspec(property(get=GetCenter,put=PutCenter))
  20309. IVGSnapPointPtr Center;
  20310. __declspec(property(get=GetPoint1,put=PutPoint1))
  20311. IVGSnapPointPtr Point1;
  20312. __declspec(property(get=GetPoint2,put=PutPoint2))
  20313. IVGSnapPointPtr Point2;
  20314. __declspec(property(get=GetTextX,put=PutTextX))
  20315. double TextX;
  20316. __declspec(property(get=GetTextY,put=PutTextY))
  20317. double TextY;
  20318. __declspec(property(get=GetShowUnits,put=PutShowUnits))
  20319. VARIANT_BOOL ShowUnits;
  20320. __declspec(property(get=GetUnits,put=PutUnits))
  20321. enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits Units;
  20322. __declspec(property(get=GetClockwise,put=PutClockwise))
  20323. VARIANT_BOOL Clockwise;
  20324. __declspec(property(get=GetInnerExtensionLinesVisible,put=PutInnerExtensionLinesVisible))
  20325. VARIANT_BOOL InnerExtensionLinesVisible;
  20326. //
  20327. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  20328. //
  20329. IVGSnapPointPtr GetCenter ( );
  20330. void PutCenter (
  20331. struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  20332. IVGSnapPointPtr GetPoint1 ( );
  20333. void PutPoint1 (
  20334. struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  20335. IVGSnapPointPtr GetPoint2 ( );
  20336. void PutPoint2 (
  20337. struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  20338. double GetTextX ( );
  20339. void PutTextX (
  20340. double pVal );
  20341. double GetTextY ( );
  20342. void PutTextY (
  20343. double pVal );
  20344. VARIANT_BOOL GetShowUnits ( );
  20345. void PutShowUnits (
  20346. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20347. enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits GetUnits ( );
  20348. void PutUnits (
  20349. enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits pVal );
  20350. VARIANT_BOOL GetClockwise ( );
  20351. void PutClockwise (
  20352. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20353. VARIANT_BOOL GetInnerExtensionLinesVisible ( );
  20354. void PutInnerExtensionLinesVisible (
  20355. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20356. //
  20357. // Raw methods provided by interface
  20358. //
  20359. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Center (
  20360. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Center (
  20362. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  20363. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Point1 (
  20364. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20365. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Point1 (
  20366. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  20367. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Point2 (
  20368. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20369. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Point2 (
  20370. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  20371. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextX (
  20372. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20373. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextX (
  20374. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20375. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextY (
  20376. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20377. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextY (
  20378. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20379. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowUnits (
  20380. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20381. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowUnits (
  20382. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20383. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Units (
  20384. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits * pVal ) = 0;
  20385. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Units (
  20386. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits pVal ) = 0;
  20387. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Clockwise (
  20388. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20389. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Clockwise (
  20390. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20391. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InnerExtensionLinesVisible (
  20392. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20393. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InnerExtensionLinesVisible (
  20394. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20395. };
  20396. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580059-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  20397. IVGSegment : IDispatch
  20398. {
  20399. //
  20400. // Property data
  20401. //
  20402. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  20403. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  20404. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  20405. IVGCurvePtr Parent;
  20406. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  20407. enum cdrSegmentType Type;
  20408. __declspec(property(get=GetEndingControlPointY,put=PutEndingControlPointY))
  20409. double EndingControlPointY;
  20410. __declspec(property(get=GetSubPath))
  20411. IVGSubPathPtr SubPath;
  20412. __declspec(property(get=GetLength))
  20413. double Length;
  20414. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  20415. long Index;
  20416. __declspec(property(get=GetSubPathIndex))
  20417. long SubPathIndex;
  20418. __declspec(property(get=GetAbsoluteIndex))
  20419. long AbsoluteIndex;
  20420. __declspec(property(get=GetStartingControlPointLength,put=PutStartingControlPointLength))
  20421. double StartingControlPointLength;
  20422. __declspec(property(get=GetStartingControlPointAngle,put=PutStartingControlPointAngle))
  20423. double StartingControlPointAngle;
  20424. __declspec(property(get=GetEndingControlPointLength,put=PutEndingControlPointLength))
  20425. double EndingControlPointLength;
  20426. __declspec(property(get=GetSelected,put=PutSelected))
  20427. VARIANT_BOOL Selected;
  20428. __declspec(property(get=GetEndingControlPointAngle,put=PutEndingControlPointAngle))
  20429. double EndingControlPointAngle;
  20430. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBox))
  20431. IVGRectPtr BoundingBox;
  20432. __declspec(property(get=GetStartNode))
  20433. IVGNodePtr StartNode;
  20434. __declspec(property(get=GetEndNode))
  20435. IVGNodePtr EndNode;
  20436. __declspec(property(get=GetStartingControlPointX,put=PutStartingControlPointX))
  20437. double StartingControlPointX;
  20438. __declspec(property(get=GetStartingControlPointY,put=PutStartingControlPointY))
  20439. double StartingControlPointY;
  20440. __declspec(property(get=GetEndingControlPointX,put=PutEndingControlPointX))
  20441. double EndingControlPointX;
  20442. //
  20443. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  20444. //
  20445. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  20446. IVGCurvePtr GetParent ( );
  20447. enum cdrSegmentType GetType ( );
  20448. void PutType (
  20449. enum cdrSegmentType pVal );
  20450. IVGSubPathPtr GetSubPath ( );
  20451. double GetLength ( );
  20452. long GetIndex ( );
  20453. long GetSubPathIndex ( );
  20454. long GetAbsoluteIndex ( );
  20455. double GetStartingControlPointLength ( );
  20456. void PutStartingControlPointLength (
  20457. double pVal );
  20458. double GetStartingControlPointAngle ( );
  20459. void PutStartingControlPointAngle (
  20460. double pVal );
  20461. double GetEndingControlPointLength ( );
  20462. void PutEndingControlPointLength (
  20463. double pVal );
  20464. double GetEndingControlPointAngle ( );
  20465. void PutEndingControlPointAngle (
  20466. double pVal );
  20467. HRESULT GetPointPositionAt (
  20468. double * x,
  20469. double * y,
  20470. double Offset,
  20471. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20472. IVGNodePtr BreakApartAt (
  20473. double Offset,
  20474. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20475. IVGNodePtr AddNodeAt (
  20476. double Offset,
  20477. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20478. double GetPerpendicularAt (
  20479. double Offset,
  20480. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20481. double GetTangentAt (
  20482. double Offset,
  20483. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20484. IVGCrossPointsPtr GetIntersections (
  20485. struct IVGSegment * Target,
  20486. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20487. IVGSegmentPtr Next ( );
  20488. IVGSegmentPtr Previous ( );
  20489. IVGNodePtr GetStartNode ( );
  20490. IVGNodePtr GetEndNode ( );
  20491. double GetStartingControlPointX ( );
  20492. void PutStartingControlPointX (
  20493. double pVal );
  20494. double GetStartingControlPointY ( );
  20495. void PutStartingControlPointY (
  20496. double pVal );
  20497. double GetEndingControlPointX ( );
  20498. void PutEndingControlPointX (
  20499. double pVal );
  20500. double GetEndingControlPointY ( );
  20501. void PutEndingControlPointY (
  20502. double pVal );
  20503. long GetPeaks (
  20504. double Angle,
  20505. double * Offset1,
  20506. double * Offset2,
  20507. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20508. long GetBendPoints (
  20509. double * Offset1,
  20510. double * Offset2,
  20511. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20512. double GetCurvatureAt (
  20513. double Offset,
  20514. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20515. double GetCurveSpeedAt (
  20516. double Offset,
  20517. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20518. VARIANT_BOOL FindParamOffset (
  20519. double AbsoluteOffset,
  20520. double * ParamOffset,
  20521. double * Remainder );
  20522. double GetAbsoluteOffset (
  20523. double ParamOffset );
  20524. HRESULT GetStartingControlPointPosition (
  20525. double * PositionX,
  20526. double * PositionY );
  20527. HRESULT SetStartingControlPointPosition (
  20528. double PositionX,
  20529. double PositionY );
  20530. HRESULT GetEndingControlPointPosition (
  20531. double * PositionX,
  20532. double * PositionY );
  20533. HRESULT SetEndingControlPointPosition (
  20534. double PositionX,
  20535. double PositionY );
  20536. IVGCurvePtr GetCopy ( );
  20537. VARIANT_BOOL GetSelected ( );
  20538. void PutSelected (
  20539. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  20540. HRESULT CreateSelection ( );
  20541. IVGCurvePtr GetPolyline (
  20542. long CurvePrecision );
  20543. VARIANT_BOOL IsRectOnEdge (
  20544. double x1,
  20545. double y1,
  20546. double x2,
  20547. double y2 );
  20548. VARIANT_BOOL FindClosestPoint (
  20549. double x,
  20550. double y,
  20551. double * ParamOffset );
  20552. VARIANT_BOOL FindParamOffsetAtPoint (
  20553. double x,
  20554. double y,
  20555. double * ParamOffset,
  20556. double HotArea );
  20557. VARIANT_BOOL GetBoundingBox (
  20558. double * x,
  20559. double * y,
  20560. double * Width,
  20561. double * Height );
  20562. IVGRectPtr GetBoundingBox ( );
  20563. IVGVectorPtr GetPerpendicularVectorAt (
  20564. double Offset,
  20565. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20566. VARIANT_BOOL Normalize );
  20567. IVGVectorPtr GetTangentVectorAt (
  20568. double Offset,
  20569. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20570. VARIANT_BOOL Normalize );
  20571. IVGPointPtr GetPointAt (
  20572. double Offset,
  20573. enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  20574. //
  20575. // Raw methods provided by interface
  20576. //
  20577. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  20578. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20579. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  20580. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20581. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  20582. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrSegmentType * pVal ) = 0;
  20583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  20584. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentType pVal ) = 0;
  20585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubPath (
  20586. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSubPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Length (
  20588. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20589. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  20590. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  20591. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SubPathIndex (
  20592. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  20593. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AbsoluteIndex (
  20594. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  20595. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartingControlPointLength (
  20596. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20597. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartingControlPointLength (
  20598. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20599. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartingControlPointAngle (
  20600. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20601. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartingControlPointAngle (
  20602. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20603. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndingControlPointLength (
  20604. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20605. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndingControlPointLength (
  20606. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20607. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndingControlPointAngle (
  20608. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20609. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndingControlPointAngle (
  20610. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPointPositionAt (
  20612. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  20613. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  20614. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20615. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType ) = 0;
  20616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakApartAt (
  20617. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20618. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20619. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20620. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNodeAt (
  20621. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20622. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20623. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20624. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPerpendicularAt (
  20625. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20626. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20627. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20628. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTangentAt (
  20629. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20630. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20631. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20632. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIntersections (
  20633. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSegment * Target,
  20634. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20635. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCrossPoints * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20636. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Next (
  20637. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20638. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Previous (
  20639. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20640. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartNode (
  20641. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20642. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndNode (
  20643. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20644. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartingControlPointX (
  20645. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20646. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartingControlPointX (
  20647. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20648. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartingControlPointY (
  20649. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20650. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartingControlPointY (
  20651. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20652. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndingControlPointX (
  20653. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20654. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndingControlPointX (
  20655. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20656. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndingControlPointY (
  20657. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20658. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndingControlPointY (
  20659. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20660. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPeaks (
  20661. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  20662. /*[out]*/ double * Offset1,
  20663. /*[out]*/ double * Offset2,
  20664. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20665. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  20666. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBendPoints (
  20667. /*[out]*/ double * Offset1,
  20668. /*[out]*/ double * Offset2,
  20669. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20670. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  20671. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurvatureAt (
  20672. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20673. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20674. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20675. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurveSpeedAt (
  20676. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20677. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20678. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20679. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindParamOffset (
  20680. /*[in]*/ double AbsoluteOffset,
  20681. /*[out]*/ double * ParamOffset,
  20682. /*[out]*/ double * Remainder,
  20683. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20684. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAbsoluteOffset (
  20685. /*[in]*/ double ParamOffset,
  20686. /*[out,retval]*/ double * AbsoluteOffset ) = 0;
  20687. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetStartingControlPointPosition (
  20688. /*[out]*/ double * PositionX,
  20689. /*[out]*/ double * PositionY ) = 0;
  20690. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetStartingControlPointPosition (
  20691. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  20692. /*[in]*/ double PositionY ) = 0;
  20693. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetEndingControlPointPosition (
  20694. /*[out]*/ double * PositionX,
  20695. /*[out]*/ double * PositionY ) = 0;
  20696. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetEndingControlPointPosition (
  20697. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  20698. /*[in]*/ double PositionY ) = 0;
  20699. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  20700. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20701. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selected (
  20702. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20703. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Selected (
  20704. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  20705. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSelection ( ) = 0;
  20706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPolyline (
  20707. /*[in]*/ long CurvePrecision,
  20708. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20709. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsRectOnEdge (
  20710. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  20711. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  20712. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  20713. /*[in]*/ double y2,
  20714. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20715. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindClosestPoint (
  20716. /*[in]*/ double x,
  20717. /*[in]*/ double y,
  20718. /*[out]*/ double * ParamOffset,
  20719. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindParamOffsetAtPoint (
  20721. /*[in]*/ double x,
  20722. /*[in]*/ double y,
  20723. /*[out]*/ double * ParamOffset,
  20724. /*[in]*/ double HotArea,
  20725. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBoundingBox (
  20727. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  20728. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  20729. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  20730. /*[out]*/ double * Height,
  20731. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  20732. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBox (
  20733. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20734. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPerpendicularVectorAt (
  20735. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20736. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20737. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Normalize,
  20738. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGVector * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20739. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTangentVectorAt (
  20740. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20741. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20742. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Normalize,
  20743. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGVector * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20744. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPointAt (
  20745. /*[in]*/ double Offset,
  20746. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType,
  20747. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20748. };
  20749. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d2-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  20750. IVGVector : IDispatch
  20751. {
  20752. //
  20753. // Property data
  20754. //
  20755. __declspec(property(get=Getx,put=Putx))
  20756. double x;
  20757. __declspec(property(get=Gety,put=Puty))
  20758. double y;
  20759. __declspec(property(get=GetLength,put=PutLength))
  20760. double Length;
  20761. __declspec(property(get=GetAngle,put=PutAngle))
  20762. double Angle;
  20763. //
  20764. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  20765. //
  20766. double Getx ( );
  20767. void Putx (
  20768. double pVal );
  20769. double Gety ( );
  20770. void Puty (
  20771. double pVal );
  20772. double GetLength ( );
  20773. void PutLength (
  20774. double pVal );
  20775. double GetAngle ( );
  20776. void PutAngle (
  20777. double pVal );
  20778. IVGPointPtr GetOffsettedPoint (
  20779. struct IVGPoint * Origin,
  20780. double Distance );
  20781. HRESULT Add (
  20782. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  20783. HRESULT Subtract (
  20784. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  20785. HRESULT MultiplyBy (
  20786. double Multiplier );
  20787. HRESULT Negate ( );
  20788. HRESULT Normalize ( );
  20789. double AngleBetween (
  20790. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  20791. double SmallAngleBetween (
  20792. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  20793. double DotProduct (
  20794. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  20795. double CrossProduct (
  20796. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  20797. HRESULT SetFromPoints (
  20798. struct IVGPoint * Start,
  20799. struct IVGPoint * End );
  20800. IVGVectorPtr ProjectOnto (
  20801. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  20802. IVGVectorPtr GetCopy ( );
  20803. HRESULT BindToDocument (
  20804. struct IVGDocument * Document );
  20805. //
  20806. // Raw methods provided by interface
  20807. //
  20808. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_x (
  20809. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20810. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_x (
  20811. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20812. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_y (
  20813. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20814. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_y (
  20815. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20816. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Length (
  20817. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20818. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Length (
  20819. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20820. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angle (
  20821. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20822. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Angle (
  20823. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOffsettedPoint (
  20825. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Origin,
  20826. /*[in]*/ double Distance,
  20827. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20828. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  20829. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector ) = 0;
  20830. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Subtract (
  20831. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector ) = 0;
  20832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MultiplyBy (
  20833. /*[in]*/ double Multiplier ) = 0;
  20834. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Negate ( ) = 0;
  20835. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Normalize ( ) = 0;
  20836. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AngleBetween (
  20837. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector,
  20838. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20839. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SmallAngleBetween (
  20840. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector,
  20841. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20842. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DotProduct (
  20843. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector,
  20844. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20845. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CrossProduct (
  20846. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector,
  20847. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20848. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetFromPoints (
  20849. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Start,
  20850. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * End ) = 0;
  20851. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ProjectOnto (
  20852. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector,
  20853. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGVector * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20854. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  20855. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGVector * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20856. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BindToDocument (
  20857. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Document ) = 0;
  20858. };
  20859. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  20860. IVGPoint : IDispatch
  20861. {
  20862. //
  20863. // Property data
  20864. //
  20865. __declspec(property(get=Getx,put=Putx))
  20866. double x;
  20867. __declspec(property(get=Gety,put=Puty))
  20868. double y;
  20869. //
  20870. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  20871. //
  20872. double Getx ( );
  20873. void Putx (
  20874. double pVal );
  20875. double Gety ( );
  20876. void Puty (
  20877. double pVal );
  20878. HRESULT Add (
  20879. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  20880. HRESULT Subtract (
  20881. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  20882. double DistanceTo (
  20883. struct IVGPoint * Point );
  20884. IVGPointPtr GetCopy ( );
  20885. HRESULT BindToDocument (
  20886. struct IVGDocument * Document );
  20887. //
  20888. // Raw methods provided by interface
  20889. //
  20890. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_x (
  20891. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20892. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_x (
  20893. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20894. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_y (
  20895. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20896. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_y (
  20897. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  20898. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  20899. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector ) = 0;
  20900. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Subtract (
  20901. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector ) = 0;
  20902. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DistanceTo (
  20903. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Point,
  20904. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  20905. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  20906. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20907. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BindToDocument (
  20908. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Document ) = 0;
  20909. };
  20910. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  20911. IVGPointRange : IDispatch
  20912. {
  20913. //
  20914. // Property data
  20915. //
  20916. __declspec(property(get=GetItem,put=PutItem))
  20917. IVGPointPtr Item[];
  20918. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  20919. IVGPointPtr First;
  20920. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  20921. IVGPointPtr Last;
  20922. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  20923. long Count;
  20924. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  20925. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  20926. //
  20927. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  20928. //
  20929. IVGPointPtr GetItem (
  20930. long Index );
  20931. void PutItem (
  20932. long Index,
  20933. struct IVGPoint * ppVal );
  20934. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  20935. IVGPointPtr GetFirst ( );
  20936. IVGPointPtr GetLast ( );
  20937. long GetCount ( );
  20938. HRESULT AddPoint (
  20939. struct IVGPoint * Point );
  20940. HRESULT AddPointXY (
  20941. double x,
  20942. double y );
  20943. HRESULT InsertPoint (
  20944. long Index,
  20945. struct IVGPoint * Point );
  20946. HRESULT AddPoints (
  20947. struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  20948. HRESULT InsertPoints (
  20949. long Index,
  20950. struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  20951. HRESULT Remove (
  20952. long Index );
  20953. HRESULT RemoveRange (
  20954. long StartIndex,
  20955. long EndIndex );
  20956. HRESULT RemoveAll ( );
  20957. HRESULT RemoveAdjacentDuplicates ( );
  20958. HRESULT Reverse ( );
  20959. HRESULT Smoothen (
  20960. double NumberOfPointsToSmoothAcross,
  20961. VARIANT_BOOL Closed );
  20962. IVGPointRangePtr GetCopy ( );
  20963. HRESULT BindToDocument (
  20964. struct IVGDocument * Document );
  20965. //
  20966. // Raw methods provided by interface
  20967. //
  20968. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  20969. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  20970. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20971. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Item (
  20972. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  20973. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  20974. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  20975. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  20976. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  20977. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20978. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  20979. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  20980. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  20981. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  20982. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPoint (
  20983. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Point ) = 0;
  20984. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPointXY (
  20985. /*[in]*/ double x,
  20986. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  20987. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertPoint (
  20988. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  20989. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Point ) = 0;
  20990. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPoints (
  20991. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points ) = 0;
  20992. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertPoints (
  20993. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  20994. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points ) = 0;
  20995. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
  20996. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  20997. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveRange (
  20998. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  20999. /*[in]*/ long EndIndex ) = 0;
  21000. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveAll ( ) = 0;
  21001. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveAdjacentDuplicates ( ) = 0;
  21002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reverse ( ) = 0;
  21003. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Smoothen (
  21004. /*[in]*/ double NumberOfPointsToSmoothAcross,
  21005. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Closed ) = 0;
  21006. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  21007. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPointRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21008. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BindToDocument (
  21009. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Document ) = 0;
  21010. };
  21011. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d3-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  21012. IVGTransformMatrix : IDispatch
  21013. {
  21014. //
  21015. // Property data
  21016. //
  21017. __declspec(property(get=Getd11,put=Putd11))
  21018. double d11;
  21019. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSkewedOrRotatedOrMirrored))
  21020. VARIANT_BOOL IsSkewedOrRotatedOrMirrored;
  21021. __declspec(property(get=Getd12,put=Putd12))
  21022. double d12;
  21023. __declspec(property(get=GetContainsOnlyTranslation))
  21024. VARIANT_BOOL ContainsOnlyTranslation;
  21025. __declspec(property(get=Getd21,put=Putd21))
  21026. double d21;
  21027. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSkewedOrRotated))
  21028. VARIANT_BOOL IsSkewedOrRotated;
  21029. __declspec(property(get=Getd22,put=Putd22))
  21030. double d22;
  21031. __declspec(property(get=GetIsScaledOrSkewedOrRotated))
  21032. VARIANT_BOOL IsScaledOrSkewedOrRotated;
  21033. __declspec(property(get=GetTranslationX,put=PutTranslationX))
  21034. double TranslationX;
  21035. __declspec(property(get=GetIsOrthogonal))
  21036. VARIANT_BOOL IsOrthogonal;
  21037. __declspec(property(get=GetTranslationY,put=PutTranslationY))
  21038. double TranslationY;
  21039. __declspec(property(get=GetIsOrthonormalAxisAligned))
  21040. VARIANT_BOOL IsOrthonormalAxisAligned;
  21041. __declspec(property(get=GetTranslation,put=PutTranslation))
  21042. IVGVectorPtr Translation;
  21043. __declspec(property(get=GetIsOrthonormal))
  21044. VARIANT_BOOL IsOrthonormal;
  21045. __declspec(property(get=GetIsMirrored))
  21046. VARIANT_BOOL IsMirrored;
  21047. __declspec(property(get=GetIsScaled))
  21048. VARIANT_BOOL IsScaled;
  21049. __declspec(property(get=GetIsTranslated))
  21050. VARIANT_BOOL IsTranslated;
  21051. __declspec(property(get=GetIsIdentity))
  21052. VARIANT_BOOL IsIdentity;
  21053. //
  21054. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  21055. //
  21056. double Getd11 ( );
  21057. void Putd11 (
  21058. double pVal );
  21059. double Getd12 ( );
  21060. void Putd12 (
  21061. double pVal );
  21062. double Getd21 ( );
  21063. void Putd21 (
  21064. double pVal );
  21065. double Getd22 ( );
  21066. void Putd22 (
  21067. double pVal );
  21068. double GetTranslationX ( );
  21069. void PutTranslationX (
  21070. double pVal );
  21071. double GetTranslationY ( );
  21072. void PutTranslationY (
  21073. double pVal );
  21074. IVGVectorPtr GetTranslation ( );
  21075. void PutTranslation (
  21076. struct IVGVector * ppVal );
  21077. HRESULT SetToIdentity ( );
  21078. HRESULT Invert ( );
  21079. HRESULT TranslateBy (
  21080. double x,
  21081. double y );
  21082. HRESULT TranslateByVector (
  21083. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  21084. HRESULT SetTranslation (
  21085. double x,
  21086. double y );
  21087. HRESULT Rotate (
  21088. double Angle );
  21089. HRESULT RotateAround (
  21090. double Angle,
  21091. double x,
  21092. double y );
  21093. HRESULT Scale (
  21094. double ScaleX,
  21095. double ScaleY );
  21096. HRESULT ScaleAround (
  21097. double ScaleX,
  21098. double ScaleY,
  21099. double x,
  21100. double y );
  21101. HRESULT Transform (
  21102. struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix );
  21103. HRESULT TransformAround (
  21104. struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix,
  21105. double x,
  21106. double y );
  21107. HRESULT TransformPoint (
  21108. struct IVGPoint * Point );
  21109. HRESULT TransformPoints (
  21110. struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  21111. HRESULT TransformVector (
  21112. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  21113. HRESULT UntransformPoint (
  21114. struct IVGPoint * Point );
  21115. HRESULT UntransformPoints (
  21116. struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  21117. HRESULT UntransformVector (
  21118. struct IVGVector * Vector );
  21119. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsIdentity ( );
  21120. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSkewedOrRotatedOrMirrored ( );
  21121. VARIANT_BOOL GetContainsOnlyTranslation ( );
  21122. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSkewedOrRotated ( );
  21123. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsScaledOrSkewedOrRotated ( );
  21124. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsOrthogonal ( );
  21125. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsOrthonormalAxisAligned ( );
  21126. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsOrthonormal ( );
  21127. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsMirrored ( );
  21128. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsScaled ( );
  21129. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsTranslated ( );
  21130. IVGTransformMatrixPtr GetCopy ( );
  21131. HRESULT BindToDocument (
  21132. struct IVGDocument * Document );
  21133. //
  21134. // Raw methods provided by interface
  21135. //
  21136. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_d11 (
  21137. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21138. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_d11 (
  21139. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  21140. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_d12 (
  21141. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21142. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_d12 (
  21143. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  21144. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_d21 (
  21145. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21146. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_d21 (
  21147. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  21148. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_d22 (
  21149. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21150. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_d22 (
  21151. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  21152. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TranslationX (
  21153. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21154. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TranslationX (
  21155. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  21156. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TranslationY (
  21157. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21158. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TranslationY (
  21159. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  21160. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Translation (
  21161. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGVector * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21162. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Translation (
  21163. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * ppVal ) = 0;
  21164. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetToIdentity ( ) = 0;
  21165. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invert ( ) = 0;
  21166. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TranslateBy (
  21167. /*[in]*/ double x,
  21168. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  21169. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TranslateByVector (
  21170. struct IVGVector * Vector ) = 0;
  21171. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetTranslation (
  21172. /*[in]*/ double x,
  21173. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  21174. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Rotate (
  21175. /*[in]*/ double Angle ) = 0;
  21176. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RotateAround (
  21177. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  21178. /*[in]*/ double x,
  21179. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  21180. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Scale (
  21181. /*[in]*/ double ScaleX,
  21182. /*[in]*/ double ScaleY ) = 0;
  21183. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ScaleAround (
  21184. /*[in]*/ double ScaleX,
  21185. /*[in]*/ double ScaleY,
  21186. /*[in]*/ double x,
  21187. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  21188. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Transform (
  21189. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix ) = 0;
  21190. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TransformAround (
  21191. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix,
  21192. /*[in]*/ double x,
  21193. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  21194. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TransformPoint (
  21195. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Point ) = 0;
  21196. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TransformPoints (
  21197. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points ) = 0;
  21198. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_TransformVector (
  21199. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector ) = 0;
  21200. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UntransformPoint (
  21201. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Point ) = 0;
  21202. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UntransformPoints (
  21203. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points ) = 0;
  21204. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UntransformVector (
  21205. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * Vector ) = 0;
  21206. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsIdentity (
  21207. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21208. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSkewedOrRotatedOrMirrored (
  21209. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21210. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContainsOnlyTranslation (
  21211. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21212. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSkewedOrRotated (
  21213. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21214. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsScaledOrSkewedOrRotated (
  21215. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsOrthogonal (
  21217. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21218. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsOrthonormalAxisAligned (
  21219. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21220. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsOrthonormal (
  21221. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21222. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsMirrored (
  21223. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21224. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsScaled (
  21225. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21226. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsTranslated (
  21227. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21228. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  21229. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21230. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BindToDocument (
  21231. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDocument * Document ) = 0;
  21232. };
  21233. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580054-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  21234. IVGProperties : IDispatch
  21235. {
  21236. //
  21237. // Property data
  21238. //
  21239. __declspec(property(get=GetItem,put=PutItem))
  21240. _variant_t Item[][];
  21241. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  21242. long Index[][];
  21243. __declspec(property(get=GetItemByIndex))
  21244. _variant_t ItemByIndex[];
  21245. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  21246. long Count;
  21247. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  21248. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  21249. //
  21250. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  21251. //
  21252. _variant_t GetItem (
  21253. _bstr_t Name,
  21254. long ID );
  21255. void PutItem (
  21256. _bstr_t Name,
  21257. long ID,
  21258. const _variant_t & pVal );
  21259. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  21260. long GetIndex (
  21261. _bstr_t Name,
  21262. long ID );
  21263. _variant_t GetItemByIndex (
  21264. long Index );
  21265. HRESULT Delete (
  21266. _bstr_t Name,
  21267. long ID );
  21268. HRESULT DeleteByIndex (
  21269. long Index );
  21270. long GetCount ( );
  21271. HRESULT Description (
  21272. long Index,
  21273. BSTR * Name,
  21274. long * ID );
  21275. HRESULT PutFile (
  21276. _bstr_t Name,
  21277. long ID,
  21278. _bstr_t FileName );
  21279. HRESULT GetFile (
  21280. _bstr_t Name,
  21281. long ID,
  21282. _bstr_t FileName );
  21283. VARIANT_BOOL Exists (
  21284. _bstr_t Name,
  21285. long ID );
  21286. VARIANT_BOOL DeleteAll (
  21287. _bstr_t Name );
  21288. IVGPointPtr GetPoint (
  21289. _bstr_t uuidName );
  21290. HRESULT SetPoint (
  21291. _bstr_t uuidName,
  21292. struct IVGPoint * pVal );
  21293. IVGVectorPtr GetVector (
  21294. _bstr_t uuidName );
  21295. HRESULT SetVector (
  21296. _bstr_t uuidName,
  21297. struct IVGVector * pVal );
  21298. IVGCurvePtr GetCurve (
  21299. _bstr_t uuidName );
  21300. HRESULT SetCurve (
  21301. _bstr_t uuidName,
  21302. struct IVGCurve * pVal );
  21303. //
  21304. // Raw methods provided by interface
  21305. //
  21306. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  21307. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  21308. /*[in]*/ long ID,
  21309. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  21310. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Item (
  21311. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  21312. /*[in]*/ long ID,
  21313. /*[in]*/ VARIANT pVal ) = 0;
  21314. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  21315. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  21316. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  21317. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  21318. /*[in]*/ long ID,
  21319. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pIndex ) = 0;
  21320. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ItemByIndex (
  21321. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  21322. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  21323. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
  21324. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  21325. /*[in]*/ long ID ) = 0;
  21326. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeleteByIndex (
  21327. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  21328. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  21329. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  21330. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Description (
  21331. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  21332. /*[out]*/ BSTR * Name,
  21333. /*[out]*/ long * ID ) = 0;
  21334. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PutFile (
  21335. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  21336. /*[in]*/ long ID,
  21337. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  21338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFile (
  21339. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  21340. /*[in]*/ long ID,
  21341. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName ) = 0;
  21342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Exists (
  21343. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  21344. /*[in]*/ long ID,
  21345. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21346. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeleteAll (
  21347. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  21348. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21349. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPoint (
  21350. /*[in]*/ BSTR uuidName,
  21351. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppRet ) = 0;
  21352. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPoint (
  21353. /*[in]*/ BSTR uuidName,
  21354. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pVal ) = 0;
  21355. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetVector (
  21356. /*[in]*/ BSTR uuidName,
  21357. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGVector * * ppRet ) = 0;
  21358. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetVector (
  21359. /*[in]*/ BSTR uuidName,
  21360. /*[in]*/ struct IVGVector * pVal ) = 0;
  21361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurve (
  21362. /*[in]*/ BSTR uuidName,
  21363. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppRet ) = 0;
  21364. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCurve (
  21365. /*[in]*/ BSTR uuidName,
  21366. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * pVal ) = 0;
  21367. };
  21368. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ce-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  21369. IVGToolStateAttributes : IDispatch
  21370. {
  21371. //
  21372. // Property data
  21373. //
  21374. __declspec(property(get=GetPropertyBarGuid,put=PutPropertyBarGuid))
  21375. _bstr_t PropertyBarGuid;
  21376. __declspec(property(get=GetContextMenuGuid,put=PutContextMenuGuid))
  21377. _bstr_t ContextMenuGuid;
  21378. __declspec(property(get=GetUseTabletPressure,put=PutUseTabletPressure))
  21379. VARIANT_BOOL UseTabletPressure;
  21380. __declspec(property(get=GetAllowTempPickState,put=PutAllowTempPickState))
  21381. VARIANT_BOOL AllowTempPickState;
  21382. __declspec(property(get=GetAllowAutopan,put=PutAllowAutopan))
  21383. VARIANT_BOOL AllowAutopan;
  21384. __declspec(property(get=GetAllowContextMenu,put=PutAllowContextMenu))
  21385. VARIANT_BOOL AllowContextMenu;
  21386. __declspec(property(get=GetCanUpdateSelectionOnMouseClick,put=PutCanUpdateSelectionOnMouseClick))
  21387. VARIANT_BOOL CanUpdateSelectionOnMouseClick;
  21388. __declspec(property(get=GetDeselectOnLButtonDown,put=PutDeselectOnLButtonDown))
  21389. VARIANT_BOOL DeselectOnLButtonDown;
  21390. __declspec(property(get=GetEnterGraceStateOnLButtonDown,put=PutEnterGraceStateOnLButtonDown))
  21391. VARIANT_BOOL EnterGraceStateOnLButtonDown;
  21392. __declspec(property(put=PutStatusInfo))
  21393. _bstr_t StatusInfo;
  21394. __declspec(property(get=GetCurrentPressure))
  21395. double CurrentPressure;
  21396. __declspec(property(get=GetDocument))
  21397. IVGDocumentPtr Document;
  21398. //
  21399. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  21400. //
  21401. _bstr_t GetPropertyBarGuid ( );
  21402. void PutPropertyBarGuid (
  21403. _bstr_t pVal );
  21404. _bstr_t GetContextMenuGuid ( );
  21405. void PutContextMenuGuid (
  21406. _bstr_t pVal );
  21407. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseTabletPressure ( );
  21408. void PutUseTabletPressure (
  21409. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  21410. VARIANT_BOOL GetAllowTempPickState ( );
  21411. void PutAllowTempPickState (
  21412. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  21413. VARIANT_BOOL GetAllowAutopan ( );
  21414. void PutAllowAutopan (
  21415. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  21416. VARIANT_BOOL GetAllowContextMenu ( );
  21417. void PutAllowContextMenu (
  21418. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  21419. VARIANT_BOOL GetCanUpdateSelectionOnMouseClick ( );
  21420. void PutCanUpdateSelectionOnMouseClick (
  21421. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  21422. VARIANT_BOOL GetDeselectOnLButtonDown ( );
  21423. void PutDeselectOnLButtonDown (
  21424. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  21425. VARIANT_BOOL GetEnterGraceStateOnLButtonDown ( );
  21426. void PutEnterGraceStateOnLButtonDown (
  21427. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  21428. void PutStatusInfo (
  21429. _bstr_t _arg1 );
  21430. HRESULT SetCursor (
  21431. enum cdrCursorShape CursorShape );
  21432. HRESULT StartTimer (
  21433. long TimerId,
  21434. long TimeToTick,
  21435. VARIANT_BOOL OneTime );
  21436. HRESULT StopTimer (
  21437. long TimerId );
  21438. HRESULT SnapMouse (
  21439. struct IVGPoint * pt );
  21440. HRESULT AnchoredSnapMouse (
  21441. struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21442. struct IVGPoint * AnchorPoint );
  21443. HRESULT ConstrainMouse (
  21444. struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21445. struct IVGPoint * AnchorPoint );
  21446. VARIANT_BOOL IsKeyDown (
  21447. long KeyCode );
  21448. double GetCurrentPressure ( );
  21449. HRESULT SetCursorGuid (
  21450. _bstr_t newVal );
  21451. HRESULT SetStateHintsPage (
  21452. _bstr_t newVal );
  21453. HRESULT ExitTemporaryToolState ( );
  21454. IVGDocumentPtr GetDocument ( );
  21455. HRESULT SetFocus ( );
  21456. HRESULT CaptureMouse ( );
  21457. HRESULT ReleaseMouse ( );
  21458. //
  21459. // Raw methods provided by interface
  21460. //
  21461. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PropertyBarGuid (
  21462. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  21463. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PropertyBarGuid (
  21464. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  21465. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContextMenuGuid (
  21466. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  21467. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ContextMenuGuid (
  21468. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  21469. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseTabletPressure (
  21470. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21471. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseTabletPressure (
  21472. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  21473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllowTempPickState (
  21474. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AllowTempPickState (
  21476. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  21477. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllowAutopan (
  21478. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AllowAutopan (
  21480. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  21481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllowContextMenu (
  21482. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21483. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AllowContextMenu (
  21484. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  21485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CanUpdateSelectionOnMouseClick (
  21486. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21487. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CanUpdateSelectionOnMouseClick (
  21488. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  21489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeselectOnLButtonDown (
  21490. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DeselectOnLButtonDown (
  21492. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  21493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EnterGraceStateOnLButtonDown (
  21494. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21495. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EnterGraceStateOnLButtonDown (
  21496. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  21497. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StatusInfo (
  21498. /*[in]*/ BSTR _arg1 ) = 0;
  21499. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCursor (
  21500. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCursorShape CursorShape ) = 0;
  21501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StartTimer (
  21502. /*[in]*/ long TimerId,
  21503. /*[in]*/ long TimeToTick,
  21504. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL OneTime ) = 0;
  21505. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StopTimer (
  21506. /*[in]*/ long TimerId ) = 0;
  21507. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SnapMouse (
  21508. /*[in,out]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt ) = 0;
  21509. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AnchoredSnapMouse (
  21510. /*[in,out]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21511. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * AnchorPoint ) = 0;
  21512. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConstrainMouse (
  21513. /*[in,out]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21514. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * AnchorPoint ) = 0;
  21515. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsKeyDown (
  21516. /*[in]*/ long KeyCode,
  21517. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21518. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CurrentPressure (
  21519. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21520. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCursorGuid (
  21521. /*[in]*/ BSTR newVal ) = 0;
  21522. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetStateHintsPage (
  21523. /*[in]*/ BSTR newVal ) = 0;
  21524. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExitTemporaryToolState ( ) = 0;
  21525. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Document (
  21526. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21527. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetFocus ( ) = 0;
  21528. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CaptureMouse ( ) = 0;
  21529. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReleaseMouse ( ) = 0;
  21530. };
  21531. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800cf-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  21532. IVGToolState : IDispatch
  21533. {
  21534. //
  21535. // Property data
  21536. //
  21537. __declspec(property(get=GetIsDrawing))
  21538. VARIANT_BOOL IsDrawing;
  21539. //
  21540. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  21541. //
  21542. HRESULT OnStartState (
  21543. struct IVGToolStateAttributes * StateAttributes );
  21544. HRESULT OnExitState ( );
  21545. HRESULT OnMouseMove (
  21546. struct IVGPoint * pt );
  21547. HRESULT OnLButtonDown (
  21548. struct IVGPoint * pt );
  21549. HRESULT OnLButtonDownLeaveGrace (
  21550. struct IVGPoint * pt );
  21551. HRESULT OnLButtonUp (
  21552. struct IVGPoint * pt );
  21553. HRESULT OnLButtonDblClick (
  21554. struct IVGPoint * pt );
  21555. HRESULT OnClick (
  21556. struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21557. VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  21558. HRESULT OnRButtonDown (
  21559. struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21560. VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  21561. HRESULT OnRButtonUp (
  21562. struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21563. VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  21564. HRESULT OnKeyDown (
  21565. long KeyCode,
  21566. VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  21567. HRESULT OnKeyUp (
  21568. long KeyCode,
  21569. VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  21570. HRESULT OnDelete (
  21571. VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  21572. HRESULT OnAbort ( );
  21573. HRESULT OnCommit (
  21574. struct IVGPoint * pt );
  21575. HRESULT OnSnapMouse (
  21576. struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21577. VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  21578. HRESULT OnTimer (
  21579. long TimerId,
  21580. long TimeEllapsed );
  21581. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsDrawing ( );
  21582. //
  21583. // Raw methods provided by interface
  21584. //
  21585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnStartState (
  21586. /*[in]*/ struct IVGToolStateAttributes * StateAttributes ) = 0;
  21587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnExitState ( ) = 0;
  21588. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnMouseMove (
  21589. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt ) = 0;
  21590. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnLButtonDown (
  21591. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt ) = 0;
  21592. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnLButtonDownLeaveGrace (
  21593. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt ) = 0;
  21594. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnLButtonUp (
  21595. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt ) = 0;
  21596. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnLButtonDblClick (
  21597. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt ) = 0;
  21598. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnClick (
  21599. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21600. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Handled ) = 0;
  21601. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnRButtonDown (
  21602. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21603. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Handled ) = 0;
  21604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnRButtonUp (
  21605. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21606. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Handled ) = 0;
  21607. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnKeyDown (
  21608. long KeyCode,
  21609. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Handled ) = 0;
  21610. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnKeyUp (
  21611. long KeyCode,
  21612. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Handled ) = 0;
  21613. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnDelete (
  21614. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Handled ) = 0;
  21615. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnAbort ( ) = 0;
  21616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnCommit (
  21617. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt ) = 0;
  21618. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnSnapMouse (
  21619. /*[in,out]*/ struct IVGPoint * pt,
  21620. /*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Handled ) = 0;
  21621. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnTimer (
  21622. /*[in]*/ long TimerId,
  21623. /*[in]*/ long TimeEllapsed ) = 0;
  21624. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsDrawing (
  21625. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  21626. };
  21627. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800cb-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  21628. IVGOnScreenCurve : IDispatch
  21629. {
  21630. //
  21631. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  21632. //
  21633. HRESULT Show ( );
  21634. HRESULT Hide ( );
  21635. HRESULT SetPen (
  21636. long Color,
  21637. long WidthInPixels,
  21638. enum cdrOnScreenCurvePenStyle Style );
  21639. HRESULT SetNoPen ( );
  21640. HRESULT SetBrush (
  21641. long Color );
  21642. HRESULT SetNoBrush ( );
  21643. HRESULT SetCurve (
  21644. struct IVGCurve * Curve );
  21645. HRESULT SetLine (
  21646. double x1,
  21647. double y1,
  21648. double x2,
  21649. double y2 );
  21650. HRESULT SetRectangle (
  21651. double x1,
  21652. double y1,
  21653. double x2,
  21654. double y2 );
  21655. HRESULT SetCircle (
  21656. double CenterX,
  21657. double CenterY,
  21658. double Radius );
  21659. HRESULT SetPoints (
  21660. struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  21661. //
  21662. // Raw methods provided by interface
  21663. //
  21664. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show ( ) = 0;
  21665. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Hide ( ) = 0;
  21666. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPen (
  21667. /*[in]*/ long Color,
  21668. long WidthInPixels,
  21669. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOnScreenCurvePenStyle Style ) = 0;
  21670. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetNoPen ( ) = 0;
  21671. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBrush (
  21672. /*[in]*/ long Color ) = 0;
  21673. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetNoBrush ( ) = 0;
  21674. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCurve (
  21675. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Curve ) = 0;
  21676. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetLine (
  21677. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  21678. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  21679. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  21680. /*[in]*/ double y2 ) = 0;
  21681. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRectangle (
  21682. /*[in]*/ double x1,
  21683. /*[in]*/ double y1,
  21684. /*[in]*/ double x2,
  21685. /*[in]*/ double y2 ) = 0;
  21686. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetCircle (
  21687. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  21688. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  21689. /*[in]*/ double Radius ) = 0;
  21690. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPoints (
  21691. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points ) = 0;
  21692. };
  21693. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  21694. IVGMathUtils : IDispatch
  21695. {
  21696. //
  21697. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  21698. //
  21699. IVGPointPtr Interpolate (
  21700. struct IVGPoint * S,
  21701. struct IVGPoint * E,
  21702. double t );
  21703. VARIANT_BOOL IntersectLineSegments (
  21704. struct IVGPoint * S1,
  21705. struct IVGPoint * E1,
  21706. struct IVGPoint * S2,
  21707. struct IVGPoint * E2,
  21708. struct IVGPoint * * ppVal );
  21709. double DistanceToLineSegment (
  21710. struct IVGPoint * S,
  21711. struct IVGPoint * E,
  21712. struct IVGPoint * Point );
  21713. IVGPointPtr ClosestPointToLineSegment (
  21714. struct IVGPoint * S,
  21715. struct IVGPoint * E,
  21716. struct IVGPoint * Point );
  21717. VARIANT_BOOL IntersectInfiniteLines (
  21718. struct IVGPoint * S1,
  21719. struct IVGPoint * E1,
  21720. struct IVGPoint * S2,
  21721. struct IVGPoint * E2,
  21722. struct IVGPoint * * ppVal );
  21723. double DistanceToInfiniteLine (
  21724. struct IVGPoint * S,
  21725. struct IVGPoint * E,
  21726. struct IVGPoint * Point );
  21727. IVGPointPtr ClosestPointToInfiniteLine (
  21728. struct IVGPoint * S,
  21729. struct IVGPoint * E,
  21730. struct IVGPoint * Point );
  21731. double GetRandomReal (
  21732. double low,
  21733. double High );
  21734. long GetRandomInteger (
  21735. long low,
  21736. long High );
  21737. HRESULT FitLineToPoints (
  21738. struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  21739. struct IVGPoint * * Origin,
  21740. struct IVGVector * * Direction );
  21741. IVGPointPtr MidPoint (
  21742. struct IVGPoint * S,
  21743. struct IVGPoint * E );
  21744. IVGPointPtr CreatePoint (
  21745. double x,
  21746. double y );
  21747. IVGVectorPtr CreateVector (
  21748. double x,
  21749. double y );
  21750. IVGPointRangePtr CreatePointRange ( );
  21751. IVGTransformMatrixPtr CreateIdentityTransformMatrix ( );
  21752. IVGTransformMatrixPtr CreateRotationTransformMatrix (
  21753. double Angle,
  21754. double OriginX,
  21755. double OriginY );
  21756. IVGTransformMatrixPtr CreateTranslationTransformMatrix (
  21757. double TranslateX,
  21758. double TranslateY );
  21759. IVGTransformMatrixPtr CreateScaleTransformMatrix (
  21760. double ScaleX,
  21761. double ScaleY,
  21762. double OriginX,
  21763. double OriginY );
  21764. IVGTransformMatrixPtr CreateLineSegmentTransformMatrix (
  21765. struct IVGPoint * FromStart,
  21766. struct IVGPoint * FromEnd,
  21767. struct IVGPoint * ToStart,
  21768. struct IVGPoint * ToEnd );
  21769. //
  21770. // Raw methods provided by interface
  21771. //
  21772. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Interpolate (
  21773. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S,
  21774. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E,
  21775. /*[in]*/ double t,
  21776. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21777. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IntersectLineSegments (
  21778. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S1,
  21779. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E1,
  21780. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S2,
  21781. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E2,
  21782. /*[out]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal,
  21783. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pResult ) = 0;
  21784. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DistanceToLineSegment (
  21785. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S,
  21786. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E,
  21787. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Point,
  21788. /*[out,retval]*/ double * ppVal ) = 0;
  21789. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClosestPointToLineSegment (
  21790. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S,
  21791. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E,
  21792. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Point,
  21793. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21794. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IntersectInfiniteLines (
  21795. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S1,
  21796. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E1,
  21797. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S2,
  21798. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E2,
  21799. /*[out]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal,
  21800. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pResult ) = 0;
  21801. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DistanceToInfiniteLine (
  21802. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S,
  21803. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E,
  21804. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Point,
  21805. /*[out,retval]*/ double * ppVal ) = 0;
  21806. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClosestPointToInfiniteLine (
  21807. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S,
  21808. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E,
  21809. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * Point,
  21810. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21811. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRandomReal (
  21812. /*[in]*/ double low,
  21813. /*[in]*/ double High,
  21814. /*[out,retval]*/ double * ppVal ) = 0;
  21815. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRandomInteger (
  21816. /*[in]*/ long low,
  21817. /*[in]*/ long High,
  21818. /*[out,retval]*/ long * ppVal ) = 0;
  21819. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FitLineToPoints (
  21820. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPointRange * Points,
  21821. /*[out]*/ struct IVGPoint * * Origin,
  21822. /*[out]*/ struct IVGVector * * Direction ) = 0;
  21823. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MidPoint (
  21824. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * S,
  21825. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * E,
  21826. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21827. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePoint (
  21828. /*[in]*/ double x,
  21829. /*[in]*/ double y,
  21830. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21831. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateVector (
  21832. /*[in]*/ double x,
  21833. /*[in]*/ double y,
  21834. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGVector * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21835. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreatePointRange (
  21836. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPointRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21837. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateIdentityTransformMatrix (
  21838. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21839. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateRotationTransformMatrix (
  21840. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  21841. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  21842. /*[in]*/ double OriginY,
  21843. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21844. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateTranslationTransformMatrix (
  21845. /*[in]*/ double TranslateX,
  21846. /*[in]*/ double TranslateY,
  21847. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21848. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateScaleTransformMatrix (
  21849. /*[in]*/ double ScaleX,
  21850. /*[in]*/ double ScaleY,
  21851. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  21852. /*[in]*/ double OriginY,
  21853. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21854. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateLineSegmentTransformMatrix (
  21855. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * FromStart,
  21856. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * FromEnd,
  21857. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * ToStart,
  21858. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPoint * ToEnd,
  21859. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21860. };
  21861. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580043-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  21862. IVGNodeRange : IDispatch
  21863. {
  21864. //
  21865. // Property data
  21866. //
  21867. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  21868. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  21869. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  21870. IVGCurvePtr Parent;
  21871. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  21872. IVGNodePtr Item[];
  21873. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  21874. long Count;
  21875. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  21876. enum cdrNodeType Type;
  21877. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionX))
  21878. double PositionX;
  21879. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionY))
  21880. double PositionY;
  21881. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeWidth))
  21882. double SizeWidth;
  21883. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeHeight))
  21884. double SizeHeight;
  21885. __declspec(property(get=GetLastNode))
  21886. IVGNodePtr LastNode;
  21887. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBox))
  21888. IVGRectPtr BoundingBox;
  21889. __declspec(property(get=GetSegmentRange))
  21890. IVGSegmentRangePtr SegmentRange;
  21891. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  21892. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  21893. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstNode))
  21894. IVGNodePtr FirstNode;
  21895. //
  21896. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  21897. //
  21898. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  21899. IVGCurvePtr GetParent ( );
  21900. IVGNodePtr GetItem (
  21901. long Index );
  21902. long GetCount ( );
  21903. enum cdrNodeType GetType ( );
  21904. double GetPositionX ( );
  21905. double GetPositionY ( );
  21906. double GetSizeWidth ( );
  21907. double GetSizeHeight ( );
  21908. HRESULT Add (
  21909. struct IVGNode * Node );
  21910. HRESULT Remove (
  21911. long Index );
  21912. HRESULT Move (
  21913. double DeltaX,
  21914. double DeltaY,
  21915. long AnchorIndex,
  21916. VARIANT_BOOL ElasticMode );
  21917. HRESULT Delete ( );
  21918. HRESULT Stretch (
  21919. float RatioX,
  21920. float RatioY,
  21921. VARIANT_BOOL UseAnchorPoint,
  21922. double StretchAnchorX,
  21923. double StretchAnchorY );
  21924. HRESULT Rotate (
  21925. double Angle,
  21926. VARIANT_BOOL UseCenterPoint,
  21927. double RotationCenterX,
  21928. double RotationCenterY );
  21929. HRESULT Skew (
  21930. double AngleX,
  21931. double AngleY,
  21932. VARIANT_BOOL UseAnchorPoint,
  21933. double SkewAnchorX,
  21934. double SkewAnchorY );
  21935. HRESULT AutoReduce (
  21936. double PrecisionMargin );
  21937. HRESULT RemoveAll ( );
  21938. HRESULT SetType (
  21939. enum cdrNodeType Type );
  21940. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  21941. HRESULT AddRange (
  21942. struct IVGNodeRange * NodeRange );
  21943. IVGSegmentRangePtr GetSegmentRange ( );
  21944. HRESULT BreakApart ( );
  21945. HRESULT Smoothen (
  21946. long Smoothness );
  21947. HRESULT RemoveRange (
  21948. struct IVGNodeRange * NodeRange );
  21949. HRESULT Fillet (
  21950. double Radius,
  21951. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  21952. HRESULT Chamfer (
  21953. double DistanceA,
  21954. double DistanceB,
  21955. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  21956. HRESULT Scallop (
  21957. double Radius,
  21958. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  21959. HRESULT CreateSelection ( );
  21960. HRESULT AddToSelection ( );
  21961. HRESULT RemoveFromSelection ( );
  21962. IVGNodePtr GetFirstNode ( );
  21963. IVGNodePtr GetLastNode ( );
  21964. VARIANT_BOOL GetBoundingBox (
  21965. double * x,
  21966. double * y,
  21967. double * Width,
  21968. double * Height );
  21969. IVGRectPtr GetBoundingBox ( );
  21970. //
  21971. // Raw methods provided by interface
  21972. //
  21973. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  21974. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21975. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  21976. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21977. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  21978. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  21979. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  21980. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  21981. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  21982. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  21983. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrNodeType * pVal ) = 0;
  21984. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionX (
  21985. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21986. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionY (
  21987. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21988. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeWidth (
  21989. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21990. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeHeight (
  21991. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  21992. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  21993. /*[in]*/ struct IVGNode * Node ) = 0;
  21994. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
  21995. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  21996. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  21997. /*[in]*/ double DeltaX,
  21998. /*[in]*/ double DeltaY,
  21999. /*[in]*/ long AnchorIndex,
  22000. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ElasticMode ) = 0;
  22001. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  22002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Stretch (
  22003. /*[in]*/ float RatioX,
  22004. /*[in]*/ float RatioY,
  22005. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseAnchorPoint,
  22006. /*[in]*/ double StretchAnchorX,
  22007. /*[in]*/ double StretchAnchorY ) = 0;
  22008. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Rotate (
  22009. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  22010. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseCenterPoint,
  22011. /*[in]*/ double RotationCenterX,
  22012. /*[in]*/ double RotationCenterY ) = 0;
  22013. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Skew (
  22014. /*[in]*/ double AngleX,
  22015. /*[in]*/ double AngleY,
  22016. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseAnchorPoint,
  22017. /*[in]*/ double SkewAnchorX,
  22018. /*[in]*/ double SkewAnchorY ) = 0;
  22019. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AutoReduce (
  22020. /*[in]*/ double PrecisionMargin ) = 0;
  22021. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveAll ( ) = 0;
  22022. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetType (
  22023. /*[in]*/ enum cdrNodeType Type ) = 0;
  22024. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  22025. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  22026. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddRange (
  22027. /*[in]*/ struct IVGNodeRange * NodeRange ) = 0;
  22028. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SegmentRange (
  22029. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegmentRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22030. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakApart ( ) = 0;
  22031. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Smoothen (
  22032. /*[in]*/ long Smoothness ) = 0;
  22033. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveRange (
  22034. /*[in]*/ struct IVGNodeRange * NodeRange ) = 0;
  22035. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Fillet (
  22036. /*[in]*/ double Radius,
  22037. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments ) = 0;
  22038. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Chamfer (
  22039. /*[in]*/ double DistanceA,
  22040. /*[in]*/ double DistanceB,
  22041. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments ) = 0;
  22042. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Scallop (
  22043. /*[in]*/ double Radius,
  22044. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments ) = 0;
  22045. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSelection ( ) = 0;
  22046. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToSelection ( ) = 0;
  22047. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveFromSelection ( ) = 0;
  22048. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstNode (
  22049. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22050. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastNode (
  22051. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22052. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBoundingBox (
  22053. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  22054. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  22055. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  22056. /*[out]*/ double * Height,
  22057. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22058. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBox (
  22059. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22060. };
  22061. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  22062. IVGSegmentRange : IDispatch
  22063. {
  22064. //
  22065. // Property data
  22066. //
  22067. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  22068. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  22069. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  22070. IVGCurvePtr Parent;
  22071. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  22072. IVGSegmentPtr Item[];
  22073. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  22074. long Count;
  22075. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  22076. enum cdrSegmentType Type;
  22077. __declspec(property(get=GetLength))
  22078. double Length;
  22079. __declspec(property(get=GetNodeRange))
  22080. IVGNodeRangePtr NodeRange;
  22081. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstSegment))
  22082. IVGSegmentPtr FirstSegment;
  22083. __declspec(property(get=GetLastSegment))
  22084. IVGSegmentPtr LastSegment;
  22085. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  22086. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  22087. //
  22088. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  22089. //
  22090. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  22091. IVGCurvePtr GetParent ( );
  22092. IVGSegmentPtr GetItem (
  22093. long Index );
  22094. long GetCount ( );
  22095. enum cdrSegmentType GetType ( );
  22096. double GetLength ( );
  22097. HRESULT Add (
  22098. struct IVGSegment * Segment );
  22099. HRESULT Remove (
  22100. long Index );
  22101. HRESULT AddNode ( );
  22102. HRESULT RemoveAll ( );
  22103. HRESULT SetType (
  22104. enum cdrSegmentType Type );
  22105. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  22106. HRESULT AddRange (
  22107. struct IVGSegmentRange * SegmentRange );
  22108. IVGNodeRangePtr GetNodeRange ( );
  22109. HRESULT RemoveRange (
  22110. struct IVGSegmentRange * SegmentRange );
  22111. IVGSegmentPtr GetFirstSegment ( );
  22112. IVGSegmentPtr GetLastSegment ( );
  22113. HRESULT CreateSelection ( );
  22114. HRESULT AddToSelection ( );
  22115. HRESULT RemoveFromSelection ( );
  22116. //
  22117. // Raw methods provided by interface
  22118. //
  22119. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  22120. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  22122. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22123. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  22124. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  22125. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22126. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  22127. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22128. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  22129. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrSegmentType * pVal ) = 0;
  22130. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Length (
  22131. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  22132. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  22133. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSegment * Segment ) = 0;
  22134. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
  22135. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  22136. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNode ( ) = 0;
  22137. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveAll ( ) = 0;
  22138. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetType (
  22139. /*[in]*/ enum cdrSegmentType Type ) = 0;
  22140. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  22141. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  22142. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddRange (
  22143. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSegmentRange * SegmentRange ) = 0;
  22144. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NodeRange (
  22145. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGNodeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22146. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveRange (
  22147. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSegmentRange * SegmentRange ) = 0;
  22148. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstSegment (
  22149. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22150. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastSegment (
  22151. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22152. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSelection ( ) = 0;
  22153. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToSelection ( ) = 0;
  22154. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveFromSelection ( ) = 0;
  22155. };
  22156. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  22157. IVGSegments : IDispatch
  22158. {
  22159. //
  22160. // Property data
  22161. //
  22162. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  22163. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  22164. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  22165. IVGCurvePtr Parent;
  22166. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  22167. IVGSegmentPtr Item[];
  22168. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  22169. long Count;
  22170. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  22171. IVGSegmentPtr First;
  22172. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  22173. IVGSegmentPtr Last;
  22174. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  22175. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  22176. //
  22177. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  22178. //
  22179. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  22180. IVGCurvePtr GetParent ( );
  22181. IVGSegmentPtr GetItem (
  22182. long Index );
  22183. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  22184. long GetCount ( );
  22185. IVGSegmentRangePtr Range (
  22186. SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  22187. IVGSegmentRangePtr All ( );
  22188. IVGSegmentRangePtr AllExcluding (
  22189. SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  22190. IVGSegmentPtr GetFirst ( );
  22191. IVGSegmentPtr GetLast ( );
  22192. //
  22193. // Raw methods provided by interface
  22194. //
  22195. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  22196. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22197. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  22198. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22199. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  22200. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  22201. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22202. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  22203. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  22204. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  22205. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22206. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
  22207. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray,
  22208. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegmentRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22209. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_All (
  22210. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegmentRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22211. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AllExcluding (
  22212. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray,
  22213. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegmentRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22214. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  22215. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  22217. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSegment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22218. };
  22219. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  22220. IVGBitmap : IDispatch
  22221. {
  22222. //
  22223. // Property data
  22224. //
  22225. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeWidth))
  22226. long SizeWidth;
  22227. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeHeight))
  22228. long SizeHeight;
  22229. __declspec(property(get=GetResolutionX))
  22230. long ResolutionX;
  22231. __declspec(property(get=GetResolutionY))
  22232. long ResolutionY;
  22233. __declspec(property(get=GetExternallyLinked))
  22234. VARIANT_BOOL ExternallyLinked;
  22235. __declspec(property(get=GetImage))
  22236. IVGImagePtr Image;
  22237. __declspec(property(get=GetImageAlpha))
  22238. IVGImagePtr ImageAlpha;
  22239. __declspec(property(get=GetLinkFileName,put=PutLinkFileName))
  22240. _bstr_t LinkFileName;
  22241. __declspec(property(get=GetMode))
  22242. enum cdrImageType Mode;
  22243. __declspec(property(get=GetTransparent))
  22244. VARIANT_BOOL Transparent;
  22245. __declspec(property(get=GetWatermarked))
  22246. VARIANT_BOOL Watermarked;
  22247. __declspec(property(get=GetOPILinked))
  22248. VARIANT_BOOL OPILinked;
  22249. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEPS))
  22251. __declspec(property(get=GetExternalLinkTime))
  22252. DATE ExternalLinkTime;
  22253. __declspec(property(get=GetEmbedded))
  22254. VARIANT_BOOL Embedded;
  22255. __declspec(property(get=GetCropped))
  22256. VARIANT_BOOL Cropped;
  22257. __declspec(property(get=GetCropEnvelopeModified))
  22258. VARIANT_BOOL CropEnvelopeModified;
  22259. __declspec(property(get=GetCropEnvelope))
  22260. IVGCurvePtr CropEnvelope;
  22261. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBoxPath))
  22262. IVGCurvePtr BoundingBoxPath;
  22263. __declspec(property(get=GetDuotone))
  22264. IVGDuotonePtr Duotone;
  22265. //
  22266. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  22267. //
  22268. long GetSizeWidth ( );
  22269. long GetSizeHeight ( );
  22270. long GetResolutionX ( );
  22271. long GetResolutionY ( );
  22272. VARIANT_BOOL GetExternallyLinked ( );
  22273. HRESULT ResolveLink ( );
  22274. HRESULT UpdateLink ( );
  22275. HRESULT Inflate (
  22276. long Width,
  22277. long Height );
  22278. _bstr_t GetLinkFileName ( );
  22279. enum cdrImageType GetMode ( );
  22280. ICorelExportFilterPtr SaveAs (
  22281. _bstr_t FileName,
  22282. enum cdrFilter Filter,
  22283. enum cdrCompressionType Compression );
  22284. HRESULT Resample (
  22285. long Width,
  22286. long Height,
  22287. VARIANT_BOOL AntiAlias,
  22288. double ResolutionX,
  22289. double ResolutionY );
  22290. HRESULT ConvertTo (
  22291. enum cdrImageType Mode );
  22292. HRESULT ApplyBitmapEffect (
  22293. _bstr_t UndoString,
  22294. _bstr_t Command );
  22295. HRESULT Crop ( );
  22296. VARIANT_BOOL GetTransparent ( );
  22297. VARIANT_BOOL GetWatermarked ( );
  22298. VARIANT_BOOL GetOPILinked ( );
  22299. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEPS ( );
  22300. DATE GetExternalLinkTime ( );
  22301. HRESULT ConvertToPaletted (
  22302. enum cdrImagePaletteType PaletteType,
  22303. enum cdrDitherType DitherType,
  22304. long DitherIntensity,
  22305. long Smoothing,
  22306. long NumColors,
  22307. VARIANT_BOOL ColorSensitive,
  22308. long TargetColor,
  22309. long Importance,
  22310. long Lightness,
  22311. long ToleranceA,
  22312. long ToleranceB,
  22313. VARIANT * Palette = &vtMissing );
  22314. HRESULT ConvertToPaletted2 (
  22315. struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * Options );
  22316. HRESULT ConvertToBW (
  22317. enum cdrRenderType RenderType,
  22318. long Intensity,
  22319. long Threshold,
  22320. enum cdrHalftoneType Halftone,
  22321. long HalftoneAngle,
  22322. long HalftoneSize );
  22323. HRESULT ResetCropEnvelope ( );
  22324. VARIANT_BOOL GetEmbedded ( );
  22325. VARIANT_BOOL GetCropped ( );
  22326. VARIANT_BOOL GetCropEnvelopeModified ( );
  22327. IVGCurvePtr GetCropEnvelope ( );
  22328. IVGCurvePtr GetBoundingBoxPath ( );
  22329. HRESULT ConvertToDuotone (
  22330. struct IVGDuotone * Duotone );
  22331. IVGDuotonePtr GetDuotone ( );
  22332. void PutLinkFileName (
  22333. _bstr_t pVal );
  22334. IVGTraceSettingsPtr Trace (
  22335. enum cdrTraceType TraceType,
  22336. short Smoothing,
  22337. short DetailLevelPercent,
  22338. enum cdrColorType ColorMode,
  22339. enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID,
  22340. long ColorCount,
  22341. VARIANT_BOOL DeleteOriginalObject,
  22342. VARIANT_BOOL RemoveBackground,
  22343. VARIANT_BOOL RemoveEntireBackColor );
  22344. IVGImagePtr GetImage ( );
  22345. IVGImagePtr GetImageAlpha ( );
  22346. HRESULT SetImageData (
  22347. struct IVGImage * Image,
  22348. struct IVGImage * Alpha,
  22349. long OffsetX,
  22350. long OffsetY );
  22351. //
  22352. // Raw methods provided by interface
  22353. //
  22354. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeWidth (
  22355. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22356. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeHeight (
  22357. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22358. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResolutionX (
  22359. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22360. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResolutionY (
  22361. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22362. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExternallyLinked (
  22363. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22364. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResolveLink ( ) = 0;
  22365. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UpdateLink ( ) = 0;
  22366. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Inflate (
  22367. /*[in]*/ long Width,
  22368. /*[in]*/ long Height ) = 0;
  22369. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkFileName (
  22370. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  22371. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mode (
  22372. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrImageType * pVal ) = 0;
  22373. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveAs (
  22374. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  22375. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFilter Filter,
  22376. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCompressionType Compression,
  22377. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICorelExportFilter * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22378. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Resample (
  22379. /*[in]*/ long Width,
  22380. /*[in]*/ long Height,
  22381. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AntiAlias,
  22382. /*[in]*/ double ResolutionX,
  22383. /*[in]*/ double ResolutionY ) = 0;
  22384. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertTo (
  22385. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImageType Mode ) = 0;
  22386. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyBitmapEffect (
  22387. /*[in]*/ BSTR UndoString,
  22388. /*[in]*/ BSTR Command ) = 0;
  22389. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Crop ( ) = 0;
  22390. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparent (
  22391. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22392. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Watermarked (
  22393. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22394. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OPILinked (
  22395. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22396. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEPS (
  22397. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22398. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExternalLinkTime (
  22399. /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pVal ) = 0;
  22400. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToPaletted (
  22401. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImagePaletteType PaletteType,
  22402. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDitherType DitherType,
  22403. /*[in]*/ long DitherIntensity,
  22404. /*[in]*/ long Smoothing,
  22405. /*[in]*/ long NumColors,
  22406. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ColorSensitive,
  22407. /*[in]*/ long TargetColor,
  22408. /*[in]*/ long Importance,
  22409. /*[in]*/ long Lightness,
  22410. /*[in]*/ long ToleranceA,
  22411. /*[in]*/ long ToleranceB,
  22412. /*[in]*/ VARIANT * Palette = &vtMissing ) = 0;
  22413. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToPaletted2 (
  22414. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * Options ) = 0;
  22415. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToBW (
  22416. /*[in]*/ enum cdrRenderType RenderType,
  22417. /*[in]*/ long Intensity,
  22418. /*[in]*/ long Threshold,
  22419. /*[in]*/ enum cdrHalftoneType Halftone,
  22420. /*[in]*/ long HalftoneAngle,
  22421. /*[in]*/ long HalftoneSize ) = 0;
  22422. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResetCropEnvelope ( ) = 0;
  22423. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Embedded (
  22424. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22425. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Cropped (
  22426. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22427. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropEnvelopeModified (
  22428. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22429. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropEnvelope (
  22430. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBoxPath (
  22432. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToDuotone (
  22434. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDuotone * Duotone ) = 0;
  22435. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Duotone (
  22436. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDuotone * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22437. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LinkFileName (
  22438. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  22439. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Trace (
  22440. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTraceType TraceType,
  22441. /*[in]*/ short Smoothing,
  22442. /*[in]*/ short DetailLevelPercent,
  22443. /*[in]*/ enum cdrColorType ColorMode,
  22444. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID,
  22445. /*[in]*/ long ColorCount,
  22446. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DeleteOriginalObject,
  22447. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RemoveBackground,
  22448. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL RemoveEntireBackColor,
  22449. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTraceSettings * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22450. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Image (
  22451. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGImage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22452. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ImageAlpha (
  22453. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGImage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22454. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetImageData (
  22455. /*[in]*/ struct IVGImage * Image,
  22456. /*[in]*/ struct IVGImage * Alpha,
  22457. /*[in]*/ long OffsetX,
  22458. /*[in]*/ long OffsetY ) = 0;
  22459. };
  22460. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  22461. IVGEPS : IDispatch
  22462. {
  22463. //
  22464. // Property data
  22465. //
  22466. __declspec(property(get=GetPreviewBitmap))
  22467. IVGBitmapPtr PreviewBitmap;
  22468. __declspec(property(get=GetData))
  22469. SAFEARRAY * Data;
  22470. __declspec(property(get=GetDataAsString))
  22471. _bstr_t DataAsString;
  22472. __declspec(property(get=GetCropEnvelope))
  22473. IVGCurvePtr CropEnvelope;
  22474. __declspec(property(get=GetCropEnvelopeModified))
  22475. VARIANT_BOOL CropEnvelopeModified;
  22476. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBoxPath))
  22477. IVGCurvePtr BoundingBoxPath;
  22478. __declspec(property(get=GetLinkFileName,put=PutLinkFileName))
  22479. _bstr_t LinkFileName;
  22480. __declspec(property(get=GetDCSFileNames))
  22481. SAFEARRAY * DCSFileNames;
  22482. //
  22483. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  22484. //
  22485. IVGBitmapPtr GetPreviewBitmap ( );
  22486. SAFEARRAY * GetData ( );
  22487. _bstr_t GetDataAsString ( );
  22488. IVGCurvePtr GetCropEnvelope ( );
  22489. HRESULT ResetCropEnvelope ( );
  22490. VARIANT_BOOL GetCropEnvelopeModified ( );
  22491. IVGCurvePtr GetBoundingBoxPath ( );
  22492. _bstr_t GetLinkFileName ( );
  22493. void PutLinkFileName (
  22494. _bstr_t pVal );
  22495. SAFEARRAY * GetDCSFileNames ( );
  22496. //
  22497. // Raw methods provided by interface
  22498. //
  22499. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreviewBitmap (
  22500. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGBitmap * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Data (
  22502. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  22503. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataAsString (
  22504. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  22505. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropEnvelope (
  22506. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22507. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResetCropEnvelope ( ) = 0;
  22508. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CropEnvelopeModified (
  22509. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22510. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBoxPath (
  22511. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22512. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkFileName (
  22513. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  22514. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LinkFileName (
  22515. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  22516. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DCSFileNames (
  22517. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  22518. };
  22519. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580091-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  22520. IVGDuotone : IDispatch
  22521. {
  22522. //
  22523. // Property data
  22524. //
  22525. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  22526. enum cdrDuotoneType Type;
  22527. __declspec(property(get=GetUseOverprints,put=PutUseOverprints))
  22528. VARIANT_BOOL UseOverprints;
  22529. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprintCount))
  22530. long OverprintCount;
  22531. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprints))
  22532. IVGDuotoneOverprintPtr Overprints[];
  22533. __declspec(property(get=GetInkCount))
  22534. long InkCount;
  22535. __declspec(property(get=GetInks))
  22536. IVGDuotoneInkPtr Inks[];
  22537. //
  22538. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  22539. //
  22540. enum cdrDuotoneType GetType ( );
  22541. void PutType (
  22542. enum cdrDuotoneType pVal );
  22543. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseOverprints ( );
  22544. void PutUseOverprints (
  22545. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  22546. long GetOverprintCount ( );
  22547. IVGDuotoneOverprintPtr GetOverprints (
  22548. long Index );
  22549. long GetInkCount ( );
  22550. IVGDuotoneInkPtr GetInks (
  22551. long Index );
  22552. IVGDuotonePtr GetCopy ( );
  22553. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  22554. struct IVGDuotone * Duotone );
  22555. HRESULT ResetOverprints ( );
  22556. VARIANT_BOOL Load (
  22557. _bstr_t FileName );
  22558. VARIANT_BOOL Save (
  22559. _bstr_t FileName );
  22560. //
  22561. // Raw methods provided by interface
  22562. //
  22563. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  22564. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDuotoneType * pVal ) = 0;
  22565. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  22566. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDuotoneType pVal ) = 0;
  22567. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseOverprints (
  22568. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22569. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseOverprints (
  22570. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  22571. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OverprintCount (
  22572. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22573. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overprints (
  22574. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  22575. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDuotoneOverprint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22576. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InkCount (
  22577. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22578. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Inks (
  22579. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  22580. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDuotoneInk * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22581. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  22582. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDuotone * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  22584. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDuotone * Duotone ) = 0;
  22585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ResetOverprints ( ) = 0;
  22586. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
  22587. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  22588. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22589. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save (
  22590. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  22591. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  22592. };
  22593. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580092-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  22594. IVGDuotoneOverprint : IDispatch
  22595. {
  22596. //
  22597. // Property data
  22598. //
  22599. __declspec(property(get=GetCyan,put=PutCyan))
  22600. long Cyan;
  22601. __declspec(property(get=GetMagenta,put=PutMagenta))
  22602. long Magenta;
  22603. __declspec(property(get=GetYellow,put=PutYellow))
  22604. long Yellow;
  22605. __declspec(property(get=GetBlack,put=PutBlack))
  22606. long Black;
  22607. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  22608. IVGColorPtr Color;
  22609. //
  22610. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  22611. //
  22612. long GetCyan ( );
  22613. void PutCyan (
  22614. long pVal );
  22615. long GetMagenta ( );
  22616. void PutMagenta (
  22617. long pVal );
  22618. long GetYellow ( );
  22619. void PutYellow (
  22620. long pVal );
  22621. long GetBlack ( );
  22622. void PutBlack (
  22623. long pVal );
  22624. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  22625. void PutColor (
  22626. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  22627. HRESULT Reset ( );
  22628. HRESULT SetValues (
  22629. long Cyan,
  22630. long Magenta,
  22631. long Yellow,
  22632. long Black );
  22633. //
  22634. // Raw methods provided by interface
  22635. //
  22636. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Cyan (
  22637. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22638. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Cyan (
  22639. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  22640. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Magenta (
  22641. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22642. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Magenta (
  22643. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  22644. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Yellow (
  22645. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22646. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Yellow (
  22647. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  22648. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Black (
  22649. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  22650. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Black (
  22651. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  22652. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  22653. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22654. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  22655. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  22656. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  22657. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetValues (
  22658. /*[in]*/ long Cyan,
  22659. /*[in]*/ long Magenta,
  22660. /*[in]*/ long Yellow,
  22661. /*[in]*/ long Black ) = 0;
  22662. };
  22663. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580012-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  22664. IVGColor : IDispatch
  22665. {
  22666. //
  22667. // Property data
  22668. //
  22669. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  22670. IDispatchPtr Application;
  22671. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  22672. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  22673. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  22674. enum cdrColorType Type;
  22675. __declspec(property(get=GetRGBRed,put=PutRGBRed))
  22676. long RGBRed;
  22677. __declspec(property(get=GetIsInGamut))
  22678. VARIANT_BOOL IsInGamut;
  22679. __declspec(property(get=GetRGBGreen,put=PutRGBGreen))
  22680. long RGBGreen;
  22681. __declspec(property(get=GetInGamutColor))
  22682. IVGColorPtr InGamutColor;
  22683. __declspec(property(get=GetRGBBlue,put=PutRGBBlue))
  22684. long RGBBlue;
  22685. __declspec(property(get=GetIsCMYK))
  22687. __declspec(property(get=GetIsGray))
  22688. VARIANT_BOOL IsGray;
  22689. __declspec(property(get=GetIsWhite))
  22690. VARIANT_BOOL IsWhite;
  22691. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYKCyan,put=PutCMYKCyan))
  22692. long CMYKCyan;
  22693. __declspec(property(get=GetIsSpot))
  22694. VARIANT_BOOL IsSpot;
  22695. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYKYellow,put=PutCMYKYellow))
  22696. long CMYKYellow;
  22697. __declspec(property(get=GetIsTintable))
  22698. VARIANT_BOOL IsTintable;
  22699. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYKMagenta,put=PutCMYKMagenta))
  22700. long CMYKMagenta;
  22701. __declspec(property(get=GetIsValidDuotoneColor))
  22702. VARIANT_BOOL IsValidDuotoneColor;
  22703. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYKBlack,put=PutCMYKBlack))
  22704. long CMYKBlack;
  22705. __declspec(property(get=GetValidDuotoneColor))
  22706. IVGColorPtr ValidDuotoneColor;
  22707. __declspec(property(get=GetHexValue,put=PutHexValue))
  22708. _bstr_t HexValue;
  22709. __declspec(property(get=GetRGBValue,put=PutRGBValue))
  22710. long RGBValue;
  22711. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYCyan,put=PutCMYCyan))
  22712. long CMYCyan;
  22713. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYMagenta,put=PutCMYMagenta))
  22714. long CMYMagenta;
  22715. __declspec(property(get=GetColorContext))
  22716. IVGColorContextPtr ColorContext;
  22717. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYYellow,put=PutCMYYellow))
  22718. long CMYYellow;
  22719. __declspec(property(get=GetPalette))
  22720. IVGPalettePtr Palette;
  22721. __declspec(property(get=GetHSBHue,put=PutHSBHue))
  22722. long HSBHue;
  22723. __declspec(property(get=GetSpotColorID,put=PutSpotColorID))
  22724. long SpotColorID;
  22725. __declspec(property(get=GetHSBSaturation,put=PutHSBSaturation))
  22726. long HSBSaturation;
  22727. __declspec(property(get=GetSpotColorName))
  22728. _bstr_t SpotColorName;
  22729. __declspec(property(get=GetHSBBrightness,put=PutHSBBrightness))
  22730. long HSBBrightness;
  22731. __declspec(property(get=GetPaletteIdentifier))
  22732. _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier;
  22733. __declspec(property(get=GetIsColorStyle))
  22734. VARIANT_BOOL IsColorStyle;
  22735. __declspec(property(get=GetColorStyleName))
  22736. _bstr_t ColorStyleName;
  22737. __declspec(property(get=GetHLSHue,put=PutHLSHue))
  22738. long HLSHue;
  22739. __declspec(property(get=GetHLSLightness,put=PutHLSLightness))
  22740. long HLSLightness;
  22741. __declspec(property(get=GetHLSSaturation,put=PutHLSSaturation))
  22742. long HLSSaturation;
  22743. __declspec(property(get=GetBW,put=PutBW))
  22745. __declspec(property(get=GetGray,put=PutGray))
  22746. long Gray;
  22747. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  22748. _bstr_t Name[];
  22749. __declspec(property(get=GetYIQLuminanceY,put=PutYIQLuminanceY))
  22750. long YIQLuminanceY;
  22751. __declspec(property(get=GetYIQChromaI,put=PutYIQChromaI))
  22752. long YIQChromaI;
  22753. __declspec(property(get=GetYIQChromaQ,put=PutYIQChromaQ))
  22754. long YIQChromaQ;
  22755. __declspec(property(get=GetLabLuminance,put=PutLabLuminance))
  22756. long LabLuminance;
  22757. __declspec(property(get=GetLabComponentA,put=PutLabComponentA))
  22758. long LabComponentA;
  22759. __declspec(property(get=GetLabComponentB,put=PutLabComponentB))
  22760. long LabComponentB;
  22761. __declspec(property(get=GetPaletteID))
  22762. enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID;
  22763. __declspec(property(get=GetPaletteIndex,put=PutPaletteIndex))
  22764. long PaletteIndex;
  22765. __declspec(property(get=GetTint,put=PutTint))
  22766. long Tint;
  22767. //
  22768. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  22769. //
  22770. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  22771. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  22772. enum cdrColorType GetType ( );
  22773. HRESULT RGBAssign (
  22774. long Red,
  22775. long Green,
  22776. long Blue );
  22777. long GetRGBRed ( );
  22778. void PutRGBRed (
  22779. long pVal );
  22780. long GetRGBGreen ( );
  22781. void PutRGBGreen (
  22782. long pVal );
  22783. long GetRGBBlue ( );
  22784. void PutRGBBlue (
  22785. long pVal );
  22786. HRESULT ConvertToRGB ( );
  22787. HRESULT CMYKAssign (
  22788. long Cyan,
  22789. long Magenta,
  22790. long Yellow,
  22791. long Black );
  22792. long GetCMYKCyan ( );
  22793. void PutCMYKCyan (
  22794. long pVal );
  22795. long GetCMYKYellow ( );
  22796. void PutCMYKYellow (
  22797. long pVal );
  22798. long GetCMYKMagenta ( );
  22799. void PutCMYKMagenta (
  22800. long pVal );
  22801. long GetCMYKBlack ( );
  22802. void PutCMYKBlack (
  22803. long pVal );
  22804. HRESULT ConvertToCMYK ( );
  22805. HRESULT CMYAssign (
  22806. long Cyan,
  22807. long Magenta,
  22808. long Yellow );
  22809. long GetCMYCyan ( );
  22810. void PutCMYCyan (
  22811. long pVal );
  22812. long GetCMYMagenta ( );
  22813. void PutCMYMagenta (
  22814. long pVal );
  22815. long GetCMYYellow ( );
  22816. void PutCMYYellow (
  22817. long pVal );
  22818. HRESULT ConvertToCMY ( );
  22819. HRESULT HSBAssign (
  22820. long Hue,
  22821. long Saturation,
  22822. long Brightness );
  22823. long GetHSBHue ( );
  22824. void PutHSBHue (
  22825. long pVal );
  22826. long GetHSBSaturation ( );
  22827. void PutHSBSaturation (
  22828. long pVal );
  22829. long GetHSBBrightness ( );
  22830. void PutHSBBrightness (
  22831. long pVal );
  22832. HRESULT ConvertToHSB ( );
  22833. HRESULT HLSAssign (
  22834. long Hue,
  22835. long Lightness,
  22836. long Saturation );
  22837. long GetHLSHue ( );
  22838. void PutHLSHue (
  22839. long pVal );
  22840. long GetHLSLightness ( );
  22841. void PutHLSLightness (
  22842. long pVal );
  22843. long GetHLSSaturation ( );
  22844. void PutHLSSaturation (
  22845. long pVal );
  22846. HRESULT ConvertToHLS ( );
  22847. HRESULT BWAssign (
  22848. VARIANT_BOOL White );
  22849. VARIANT_BOOL GetBW ( );
  22850. void PutBW (
  22851. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  22852. HRESULT ConvertToBW ( );
  22853. HRESULT GrayAssign (
  22854. long GrayValue );
  22855. long GetGray ( );
  22856. void PutGray (
  22857. long pVal );
  22858. HRESULT ConvertToGray ( );
  22859. HRESULT CorelScriptAssign (
  22860. long ColorModel,
  22861. long V1,
  22862. long V2,
  22863. long V3,
  22864. long V4,
  22865. long V5,
  22866. long V6,
  22867. long V7 );
  22868. HRESULT CorelScriptGetComponent (
  22869. long * ColorModel,
  22870. long * V1,
  22871. long * V2,
  22872. long * V3,
  22873. long * V4,
  22874. long * V5,
  22875. long * V6,
  22876. long * V7 );
  22877. HRESULT UserAssign (
  22878. long ParentWindowHandle );
  22879. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  22880. struct IVGColor * Color );
  22881. _bstr_t GetName (
  22882. VARIANT_BOOL Components );
  22883. HRESULT YIQAssign (
  22884. long y,
  22885. long I,
  22886. long Q );
  22887. long GetYIQLuminanceY ( );
  22888. void PutYIQLuminanceY (
  22889. long pVal );
  22890. long GetYIQChromaI ( );
  22891. void PutYIQChromaI (
  22892. long pVal );
  22893. long GetYIQChromaQ ( );
  22894. void PutYIQChromaQ (
  22895. long pVal );
  22896. HRESULT ConvertToYIQ ( );
  22897. HRESULT LabAssign (
  22898. long L,
  22899. long A,
  22900. long B );
  22901. long GetLabLuminance ( );
  22902. void PutLabLuminance (
  22903. long pVal );
  22904. long GetLabComponentA ( );
  22905. void PutLabComponentA (
  22906. long pVal );
  22907. long GetLabComponentB ( );
  22908. void PutLabComponentB (
  22909. long pVal );
  22910. HRESULT ConvertToLab ( );
  22911. HRESULT RegistrationAssign ( );
  22912. HRESULT FixedAssign (
  22913. enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID,
  22914. long PaletteIndex,
  22915. long Tint );
  22916. enum cdrPaletteID GetPaletteID ( );
  22917. long GetPaletteIndex ( );
  22918. void PutPaletteIndex (
  22919. long pVal );
  22920. long GetTint ( );
  22921. void PutTint (
  22922. long pVal );
  22923. HRESULT ConvertToFixed (
  22924. enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID );
  22925. VARIANT_BOOL UserAssignEx (
  22926. long ParentWindowHandle );
  22927. HRESULT SetName (
  22928. _bstr_t Name );
  22929. HRESULT BlendWith (
  22930. struct IVGColor * Color,
  22931. long MixRatio );
  22932. VARIANT_BOOL IsSame (
  22933. struct IVGColor * Color );
  22934. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsInGamut ( );
  22935. IVGColorPtr GetInGamutColor ( );
  22936. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCMYK ( );
  22937. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsGray ( );
  22938. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsWhite ( );
  22939. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsSpot ( );
  22940. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsTintable ( );
  22941. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsValidDuotoneColor ( );
  22942. IVGColorPtr GetValidDuotoneColor ( );
  22943. long GetColorDistanceFrom (
  22944. struct IVGColor * Color );
  22945. VARIANT_BOOL IsSimilar (
  22946. struct IVGColor * Color );
  22947. _bstr_t ToString ( );
  22948. VARIANT_BOOL StringAssign (
  22949. _bstr_t ColorString );
  22950. HRESULT Invalidate ( );
  22951. _bstr_t GetHexValue ( );
  22952. void PutHexValue (
  22953. _bstr_t pVal );
  22954. IVGColorPtr GetCopy ( );
  22955. long GetRGBValue ( );
  22956. void PutRGBValue (
  22957. long pVal );
  22958. HRESULT CopyAppearance (
  22959. struct IVGColor * Color,
  22960. struct IVGColorContext * SourceColorContext );
  22961. IVGColorContextPtr GetColorContext ( );
  22962. VARIANT_BOOL ConvertTo (
  22963. enum cdrColorType ColorType,
  22964. struct IVGColorContext * DestinationColorContext,
  22965. struct IVGColorContext * SourceColorContext );
  22966. IVGPalettePtr GetPalette ( );
  22967. HRESULT SpotAssign (
  22968. _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier,
  22969. long SpotColorID,
  22970. long Tint );
  22971. HRESULT SpotAssignByName (
  22972. _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier,
  22973. _bstr_t SpotColorName,
  22974. long Tint );
  22975. HRESULT ConvertToPalette (
  22976. _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier );
  22977. long GetSpotColorID ( );
  22978. void PutSpotColorID (
  22979. long pVal );
  22980. _bstr_t GetSpotColorName ( );
  22981. HRESULT PaletteAssign (
  22982. _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier,
  22983. long ColorIndex );
  22984. _bstr_t GetPaletteIdentifier ( );
  22985. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsColorStyle ( );
  22986. _bstr_t GetColorStyleName ( );
  22987. HRESULT ModifyColorStyleColor (
  22988. struct IVGColor * Color,
  22989. VARIANT_BOOL ChangeWholeHarmony );
  22990. //
  22991. // Raw methods provided by interface
  22992. //
  22993. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  22994. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22995. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  22996. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  22997. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  22998. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrColorType * Type ) = 0;
  22999. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RGBAssign (
  23000. /*[in]*/ long Red,
  23001. /*[in]*/ long Green,
  23002. /*[in]*/ long Blue ) = 0;
  23003. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RGBRed (
  23004. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23005. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RGBRed (
  23006. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23007. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RGBGreen (
  23008. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23009. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RGBGreen (
  23010. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23011. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RGBBlue (
  23012. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23013. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RGBBlue (
  23014. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23015. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToRGB ( ) = 0;
  23016. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CMYKAssign (
  23017. /*[in]*/ long Cyan,
  23018. /*[in]*/ long Magenta,
  23019. /*[in]*/ long Yellow,
  23020. /*[in]*/ long Black ) = 0;
  23021. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYKCyan (
  23022. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23023. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYKCyan (
  23024. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23025. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYKYellow (
  23026. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23027. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYKYellow (
  23028. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23029. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYKMagenta (
  23030. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23031. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYKMagenta (
  23032. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23033. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYKBlack (
  23034. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23035. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYKBlack (
  23036. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23037. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToCMYK ( ) = 0;
  23038. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CMYAssign (
  23039. /*[in]*/ long Cyan,
  23040. /*[in]*/ long Magenta,
  23041. /*[in]*/ long Yellow ) = 0;
  23042. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYCyan (
  23043. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23044. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYCyan (
  23045. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23046. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYMagenta (
  23047. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23048. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYMagenta (
  23049. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23050. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYYellow (
  23051. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23052. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYYellow (
  23053. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23054. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToCMY ( ) = 0;
  23055. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HSBAssign (
  23056. /*[in]*/ long Hue,
  23057. /*[in]*/ long Saturation,
  23058. /*[in]*/ long Brightness ) = 0;
  23059. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HSBHue (
  23060. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23061. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HSBHue (
  23062. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23063. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HSBSaturation (
  23064. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23065. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HSBSaturation (
  23066. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23067. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HSBBrightness (
  23068. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23069. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HSBBrightness (
  23070. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23071. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToHSB ( ) = 0;
  23072. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_HLSAssign (
  23073. /*[in]*/ long Hue,
  23074. /*[in]*/ long Lightness,
  23075. /*[in]*/ long Saturation ) = 0;
  23076. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HLSHue (
  23077. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23078. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HLSHue (
  23079. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23080. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HLSLightness (
  23081. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23082. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HLSLightness (
  23083. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23084. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HLSSaturation (
  23085. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23086. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HLSSaturation (
  23087. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23088. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToHLS ( ) = 0;
  23089. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BWAssign (
  23090. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL White ) = 0;
  23091. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BW (
  23092. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23093. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BW (
  23094. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  23095. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToBW ( ) = 0;
  23096. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GrayAssign (
  23097. /*[in]*/ long GrayValue ) = 0;
  23098. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Gray (
  23099. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23100. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Gray (
  23101. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23102. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToGray ( ) = 0;
  23103. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CorelScriptAssign (
  23104. /*[in]*/ long ColorModel,
  23105. /*[in]*/ long V1,
  23106. /*[in]*/ long V2,
  23107. /*[in]*/ long V3,
  23108. /*[in]*/ long V4,
  23109. /*[in]*/ long V5,
  23110. /*[in]*/ long V6,
  23111. /*[in]*/ long V7 ) = 0;
  23112. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CorelScriptGetComponent (
  23113. /*[out]*/ long * ColorModel,
  23114. /*[out]*/ long * V1,
  23115. /*[out]*/ long * V2,
  23116. /*[out]*/ long * V3,
  23117. /*[out]*/ long * V4,
  23118. /*[out]*/ long * V5,
  23119. /*[out]*/ long * V6,
  23120. /*[out]*/ long * V7 ) = 0;
  23121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserAssign (
  23122. /*[in]*/ long ParentWindowHandle ) = 0;
  23123. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  23124. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color ) = 0;
  23125. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  23126. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Components,
  23127. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
  23128. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_YIQAssign (
  23129. /*[in]*/ long y,
  23130. /*[in]*/ long I,
  23131. /*[in]*/ long Q ) = 0;
  23132. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_YIQLuminanceY (
  23133. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23134. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_YIQLuminanceY (
  23135. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23136. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_YIQChromaI (
  23137. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23138. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_YIQChromaI (
  23139. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23140. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_YIQChromaQ (
  23141. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23142. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_YIQChromaQ (
  23143. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23144. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToYIQ ( ) = 0;
  23145. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LabAssign (
  23146. /*[in]*/ long L,
  23147. /*[in]*/ long A,
  23148. /*[in]*/ long B ) = 0;
  23149. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LabLuminance (
  23150. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23151. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LabLuminance (
  23152. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23153. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LabComponentA (
  23154. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23155. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LabComponentA (
  23156. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23157. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LabComponentB (
  23158. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23159. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LabComponentB (
  23160. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23161. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToLab ( ) = 0;
  23162. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RegistrationAssign ( ) = 0;
  23163. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FixedAssign (
  23164. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID,
  23165. /*[in]*/ long PaletteIndex,
  23166. /*[in]*/ long Tint ) = 0;
  23167. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaletteID (
  23168. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPaletteID * pVal ) = 0;
  23169. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaletteIndex (
  23170. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23171. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PaletteIndex (
  23172. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23173. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tint (
  23174. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23175. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Tint (
  23176. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23177. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToFixed (
  23178. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID ) = 0;
  23179. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserAssignEx (
  23180. /*[in]*/ long ParentWindowHandle,
  23181. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbOK ) = 0;
  23182. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetName (
  23183. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name ) = 0;
  23184. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BlendWith (
  23185. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  23186. /*[in]*/ long MixRatio ) = 0;
  23187. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsSame (
  23188. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  23189. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23190. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsInGamut (
  23191. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23192. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InGamutColor (
  23193. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23194. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCMYK (
  23195. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23196. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsGray (
  23197. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23198. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsWhite (
  23199. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23200. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsSpot (
  23201. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23202. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsTintable (
  23203. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23204. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsValidDuotoneColor (
  23205. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23206. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ValidDuotoneColor (
  23207. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23208. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetColorDistanceFrom (
  23209. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  23210. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23211. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsSimilar (
  23212. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  23213. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23214. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToString (
  23215. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  23216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StringAssign (
  23217. /*[in]*/ BSTR ColorString,
  23218. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23219. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Invalidate ( ) = 0;
  23220. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HexValue (
  23221. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  23222. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HexValue (
  23223. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  23224. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  23225. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23226. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RGBValue (
  23227. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23228. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RGBValue (
  23229. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23230. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAppearance (
  23231. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  23232. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * SourceColorContext ) = 0;
  23233. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorContext (
  23234. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23235. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertTo (
  23236. /*[in]*/ enum cdrColorType ColorType,
  23237. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * DestinationColorContext,
  23238. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * SourceColorContext,
  23239. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23240. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Palette (
  23241. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23242. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SpotAssign (
  23243. /*[in]*/ BSTR PaletteIdentifier,
  23244. /*[in]*/ long SpotColorID,
  23245. /*[in]*/ long Tint ) = 0;
  23246. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SpotAssignByName (
  23247. /*[in]*/ BSTR PaletteIdentifier,
  23248. /*[in]*/ BSTR SpotColorName,
  23249. /*[in]*/ long Tint ) = 0;
  23250. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToPalette (
  23251. /*[in]*/ BSTR PaletteIdentifier ) = 0;
  23252. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpotColorID (
  23253. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23254. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpotColorID (
  23255. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23256. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpotColorName (
  23257. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  23258. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PaletteAssign (
  23259. /*[in]*/ BSTR PaletteIdentifier,
  23260. /*[in]*/ long ColorIndex ) = 0;
  23261. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaletteIdentifier (
  23262. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  23263. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsColorStyle (
  23264. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23265. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorStyleName (
  23266. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
  23267. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ModifyColorStyleColor (
  23268. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  23269. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ChangeWholeHarmony ) = 0;
  23270. };
  23271. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580093-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  23272. IVGDuotoneInk : IDispatch
  23273. {
  23274. //
  23275. // Property data
  23276. //
  23277. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  23278. IVGColorPtr Color;
  23279. __declspec(property(get=GetHandleCount))
  23280. long HandleCount;
  23281. __declspec(property(get=GetHandleX,put=PutHandleX))
  23282. long HandleX[];
  23283. __declspec(property(get=GetHandleY,put=PutHandleY))
  23284. long HandleY[];
  23285. __declspec(property(get=GetCurveLevel))
  23286. long CurveLevel[];
  23287. //
  23288. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  23289. //
  23290. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  23291. void PutColor (
  23292. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  23293. long GetHandleCount ( );
  23294. long GetHandleX (
  23295. long Index );
  23296. void PutHandleX (
  23297. long Index,
  23298. long pVal );
  23299. long GetHandleY (
  23300. long Index );
  23301. void PutHandleY (
  23302. long Index,
  23303. long pVal );
  23304. long AddHandle (
  23305. long x,
  23306. long y );
  23307. VARIANT_BOOL RemoveHandle (
  23308. long Index );
  23309. long FindHandle (
  23310. long x,
  23311. long y );
  23312. VARIANT_BOOL Load (
  23313. _bstr_t FileName );
  23314. VARIANT_BOOL Save (
  23315. _bstr_t FileName );
  23316. long GetCurveLevel (
  23317. long Index );
  23318. HRESULT Reset ( );
  23319. SAFEARRAY * GetCurveLevels ( );
  23320. SAFEARRAY * GetHandles ( );
  23321. HRESULT PutHandles (
  23322. const _variant_t & HandleArray,
  23323. long NumElements );
  23324. //
  23325. // Raw methods provided by interface
  23326. //
  23327. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  23328. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23329. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  23330. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  23331. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HandleCount (
  23332. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23333. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HandleX (
  23334. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23335. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23336. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HandleX (
  23337. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23338. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23339. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HandleY (
  23340. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23341. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HandleY (
  23343. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23344. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23345. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddHandle (
  23346. /*[in]*/ long x,
  23347. /*[in]*/ long y,
  23348. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23349. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveHandle (
  23350. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23351. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23352. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindHandle (
  23353. /*[in]*/ long x,
  23354. /*[in]*/ long y,
  23355. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23356. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
  23357. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  23358. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23359. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save (
  23360. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  23361. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23362. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CurveLevel (
  23363. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23364. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23365. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  23366. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCurveLevels (
  23367. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23368. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetHandles (
  23369. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23370. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PutHandles (
  23371. /*[in]*/ VARIANT HandleArray,
  23372. /*[in]*/ long NumElements ) = 0;
  23373. };
  23374. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  23375. IVGFountainColor : IDispatch
  23376. {
  23377. //
  23378. // Property data
  23379. //
  23380. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition))
  23381. long Position;
  23382. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  23383. IVGColorPtr Color;
  23384. __declspec(property(get=GetMidPoint,put=PutMidPoint))
  23385. long MidPoint;
  23386. __declspec(property(get=GetBlendType,put=PutBlendType))
  23387. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType;
  23388. __declspec(property(get=GetOpacity,put=PutOpacity))
  23389. unsigned char Opacity;
  23390. //
  23391. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  23392. //
  23393. long GetPosition ( );
  23394. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  23395. void PutColor (
  23396. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  23397. HRESULT Move (
  23398. long NewPosition );
  23399. HRESULT Delete ( );
  23400. long GetMidPoint ( );
  23401. void PutMidPoint (
  23402. long pVal );
  23403. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType GetBlendType ( );
  23404. void PutBlendType (
  23405. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  23406. unsigned char GetOpacity ( );
  23407. void PutOpacity (
  23408. unsigned char pVal );
  23409. //
  23410. // Raw methods provided by interface
  23411. //
  23412. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  23413. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23414. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  23415. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23416. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  23417. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  23418. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  23419. /*[in]*/ long NewPosition ) = 0;
  23420. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  23421. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MidPoint (
  23422. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23423. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MidPoint (
  23424. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23425. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlendType (
  23426. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType * pVal ) = 0;
  23427. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlendType (
  23428. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal ) = 0;
  23429. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Opacity (
  23430. /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned char * pVal ) = 0;
  23431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Opacity (
  23432. /*[in]*/ unsigned char pVal ) = 0;
  23433. };
  23434. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  23435. IVGFountainColors : IDispatch
  23436. {
  23437. //
  23438. // Property data
  23439. //
  23440. __declspec(property(get=GetItem,put=PutItem))
  23441. IVGFountainColorPtr Item[];
  23442. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  23443. long Count;
  23444. __declspec(property(get=GetGrayLevel,put=PutGrayLevel))
  23445. long GrayLevel[];
  23446. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  23447. IVGFountainColorPtr First;
  23448. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  23449. IVGFountainColorPtr Last;
  23450. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  23451. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  23452. //
  23453. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  23454. //
  23455. IVGFountainColorPtr GetItem (
  23456. long Index );
  23457. void PutItem (
  23458. long Index,
  23459. struct IVGFountainColor * ppVal );
  23460. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  23461. long GetCount ( );
  23462. HRESULT Add (
  23463. struct IVGColor * Color,
  23464. long Position );
  23465. long GetGrayLevel (
  23466. long Index );
  23467. void PutGrayLevel (
  23468. long Index,
  23469. long pVal );
  23470. HRESULT AddGrayLevel (
  23471. long GrayLevel,
  23472. long Position );
  23473. IVGFountainColorPtr GetFirst ( );
  23474. IVGFountainColorPtr GetLast ( );
  23475. //
  23476. // Raw methods provided by interface
  23477. //
  23478. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  23479. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23480. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFountainColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Item (
  23482. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23483. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFountainColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  23484. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  23485. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  23486. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  23487. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23488. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  23489. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  23490. /*[in]*/ long Position ) = 0;
  23491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GrayLevel (
  23492. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23493. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23494. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GrayLevel (
  23495. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  23496. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23497. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddGrayLevel (
  23498. /*[in]*/ long GrayLevel,
  23499. /*[in]*/ long Position ) = 0;
  23500. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  23501. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFountainColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23502. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  23503. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFountainColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23504. };
  23505. struct __declspec(uuid("b058003c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  23506. IVGFountainFill : IDispatch
  23507. {
  23508. //
  23509. // Property data
  23510. //
  23511. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  23512. enum cdrFountainFillType Type;
  23513. __declspec(property(get=GetSkew,put=PutSkew))
  23514. double Skew;
  23515. __declspec(property(get=GetStartX,put=PutStartX))
  23516. double StartX;
  23517. __declspec(property(get=GetBlendAcceleration,put=PutBlendAcceleration))
  23518. double BlendAcceleration;
  23519. __declspec(property(get=GetStartY,put=PutStartY))
  23520. double StartY;
  23521. __declspec(property(get=GetEndX,put=PutEndX))
  23522. double EndX;
  23523. __declspec(property(get=GetHasHSBBlends))
  23524. VARIANT_BOOL HasHSBBlends;
  23525. __declspec(property(get=GetEndY,put=PutEndY))
  23526. double EndY;
  23527. __declspec(property(get=GetHasNonLinearBlends))
  23528. VARIANT_BOOL HasNonLinearBlends;
  23529. __declspec(property(get=GetAngle))
  23530. double Angle;
  23531. __declspec(property(get=GetEnd2X,put=PutEnd2X))
  23532. double End2X;
  23533. __declspec(property(get=GetEnd2Y,put=PutEnd2Y))
  23534. double End2Y;
  23535. __declspec(property(get=GetEdgePad))
  23536. long EdgePad;
  23537. __declspec(property(get=GetSteps,put=PutSteps))
  23538. long Steps;
  23539. __declspec(property(get=GetBlendType,put=PutBlendType))
  23540. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType;
  23541. __declspec(property(get=GetMidPoint,put=PutMidPoint))
  23542. long MidPoint;
  23543. __declspec(property(get=GetColors,put=PutColors))
  23544. IVGFountainColorsPtr Colors;
  23545. __declspec(property(get=GetStartColor,put=PutStartColor))
  23546. IVGColorPtr StartColor;
  23547. __declspec(property(get=GetEndColor,put=PutEndColor))
  23548. IVGColorPtr EndColor;
  23549. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterOffsetX,put=PutCenterOffsetX))
  23550. double CenterOffsetX;
  23551. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterOffsetY,put=PutCenterOffsetY))
  23552. double CenterOffsetY;
  23553. __declspec(property(get=GetSmoothBlend,put=PutSmoothBlend))
  23554. VARIANT_BOOL SmoothBlend;
  23555. __declspec(property(get=GetSpreadMethod,put=PutSpreadMethod))
  23556. enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod SpreadMethod;
  23557. __declspec(property(get=GetAnisotropic,put=PutAnisotropic))
  23558. VARIANT_BOOL Anisotropic;
  23559. __declspec(property(get=GetIsTransparent))
  23560. VARIANT_BOOL IsTransparent;
  23561. __declspec(property(get=GetMergeMode,put=PutMergeMode))
  23562. enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode;
  23563. __declspec(property(get=GetScaleX,put=PutScaleX))
  23564. double ScaleX;
  23565. __declspec(property(get=GetScaleY,put=PutScaleY))
  23566. double ScaleY;
  23567. //
  23568. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  23569. //
  23570. enum cdrFountainFillType GetType ( );
  23571. void PutType (
  23572. enum cdrFountainFillType pVal );
  23573. double GetStartX ( );
  23574. void PutStartX (
  23575. double pVal );
  23576. double GetStartY ( );
  23577. void PutStartY (
  23578. double pVal );
  23579. double GetEndX ( );
  23580. void PutEndX (
  23581. double pVal );
  23582. double GetEndY ( );
  23583. void PutEndY (
  23584. double pVal );
  23585. double GetAngle ( );
  23586. HRESULT SetAngle (
  23587. double Angle );
  23588. HRESULT Translate (
  23589. double x,
  23590. double y );
  23591. long GetEdgePad ( );
  23592. long GetSteps ( );
  23593. void PutSteps (
  23594. long pVal );
  23595. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType GetBlendType ( );
  23596. void PutBlendType (
  23597. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  23598. long GetMidPoint ( );
  23599. void PutMidPoint (
  23600. long pVal );
  23601. IVGFountainColorsPtr GetColors ( );
  23602. IVGColorPtr GetStartColor ( );
  23603. void PutStartColor (
  23604. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  23605. IVGColorPtr GetEndColor ( );
  23606. void PutEndColor (
  23607. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  23608. void PutColors (
  23609. struct IVGFountainColors * ppVal );
  23610. HRESULT SetEdgePad (
  23611. long EdgePad );
  23612. double GetCenterOffsetX ( );
  23613. void PutCenterOffsetX (
  23614. double pVal );
  23615. double GetCenterOffsetY ( );
  23616. void PutCenterOffsetY (
  23617. double pVal );
  23618. VARIANT_BOOL GetSmoothBlend ( );
  23619. void PutSmoothBlend (
  23620. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  23621. enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod GetSpreadMethod ( );
  23622. void PutSpreadMethod (
  23623. enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod pVal );
  23624. VARIANT_BOOL GetAnisotropic ( );
  23625. void PutAnisotropic (
  23626. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  23627. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsTransparent ( );
  23628. enum cdrMergeMode GetMergeMode ( );
  23629. void PutMergeMode (
  23630. enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  23631. double GetScaleX ( );
  23632. void PutScaleX (
  23633. double pVal );
  23634. double GetScaleY ( );
  23635. void PutScaleY (
  23636. double pVal );
  23637. double GetSkew ( );
  23638. void PutSkew (
  23639. double pVal );
  23640. double GetBlendAcceleration ( );
  23641. void PutBlendAcceleration (
  23642. double pVal );
  23643. HRESULT MakeOpaque ( );
  23644. HRESULT GetTransformations (
  23645. double * d11,
  23646. double * d12,
  23647. double * d21,
  23648. double * d22 );
  23649. HRESULT SetTransformations (
  23650. double d11,
  23651. double d12,
  23652. double d21,
  23653. double d22 );
  23654. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasHSBBlends ( );
  23655. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasNonLinearBlends ( );
  23656. double GetEnd2X ( );
  23657. void PutEnd2X (
  23658. double pVal );
  23659. double GetEnd2Y ( );
  23660. void PutEnd2Y (
  23661. double pVal );
  23662. //
  23663. // Raw methods provided by interface
  23664. //
  23665. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  23666. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillType * pVal ) = 0;
  23667. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  23668. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillType pVal ) = 0;
  23669. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartX (
  23670. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23671. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartX (
  23672. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23673. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartY (
  23674. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23675. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartY (
  23676. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23677. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndX (
  23678. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23679. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndX (
  23680. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23681. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndY (
  23682. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23683. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndY (
  23684. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23685. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angle (
  23686. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23687. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetAngle (
  23688. /*[in]*/ double Angle ) = 0;
  23689. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Translate (
  23690. /*[in]*/ double x,
  23691. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  23692. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EdgePad (
  23693. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23694. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Steps (
  23695. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23696. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Steps (
  23697. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23698. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlendType (
  23699. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType * pVal ) = 0;
  23700. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlendType (
  23701. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal ) = 0;
  23702. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MidPoint (
  23703. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23704. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MidPoint (
  23705. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Colors (
  23707. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFountainColors * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23708. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartColor (
  23709. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23710. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartColor (
  23711. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  23712. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndColor (
  23713. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23714. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndColor (
  23715. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  23716. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Colors (
  23717. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFountainColors * ppVal ) = 0;
  23718. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetEdgePad (
  23719. /*[in]*/ long EdgePad ) = 0;
  23720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterOffsetX (
  23721. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterOffsetX (
  23723. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23724. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterOffsetY (
  23725. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterOffsetY (
  23727. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23728. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SmoothBlend (
  23729. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23730. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SmoothBlend (
  23731. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  23732. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpreadMethod (
  23733. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod * pVal ) = 0;
  23734. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpreadMethod (
  23735. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod pVal ) = 0;
  23736. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Anisotropic (
  23737. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23738. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Anisotropic (
  23739. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  23740. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsTransparent (
  23741. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23742. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MergeMode (
  23743. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrMergeMode * pVal ) = 0;
  23744. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MergeMode (
  23745. /*[in]*/ enum cdrMergeMode pVal ) = 0;
  23746. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScaleX (
  23747. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23748. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScaleX (
  23749. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23750. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScaleY (
  23751. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23752. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScaleY (
  23753. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23754. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Skew (
  23755. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23756. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Skew (
  23757. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlendAcceleration (
  23759. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23760. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlendAcceleration (
  23761. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23762. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MakeOpaque ( ) = 0;
  23763. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetTransformations (
  23764. /*[out]*/ double * d11,
  23765. /*[out]*/ double * d12,
  23766. /*[out]*/ double * d21,
  23767. /*[out]*/ double * d22 ) = 0;
  23768. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetTransformations (
  23769. /*[in]*/ double d11,
  23770. /*[in]*/ double d12,
  23771. /*[in]*/ double d21,
  23772. /*[in]*/ double d22 ) = 0;
  23773. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasHSBBlends (
  23774. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23775. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasNonLinearBlends (
  23776. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23777. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_End2X (
  23778. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23779. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_End2X (
  23780. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23781. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_End2Y (
  23782. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23783. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_End2Y (
  23784. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23785. };
  23786. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580050-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  23787. IVGPatternFill : IDispatch
  23788. {
  23789. //
  23790. // Property data
  23791. //
  23792. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  23793. enum cdrPatternFillType Type;
  23794. __declspec(property(get=GetMirrorFillY,put=PutMirrorFillY))
  23795. VARIANT_BOOL MirrorFillY;
  23796. __declspec(property(get=GetFrontColor,put=PutFrontColor))
  23797. IVGColorPtr FrontColor;
  23798. __declspec(property(get=GetBackColor,put=PutBackColor))
  23799. IVGColorPtr BackColor;
  23800. __declspec(property(get=GetCanvas,put=PutCanvas))
  23801. IVGPatternCanvasPtr Canvas;
  23802. __declspec(property(get=GetFilePath))
  23803. _bstr_t FilePath;
  23804. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginX,put=PutOriginX))
  23805. double OriginX;
  23806. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginY,put=PutOriginY))
  23807. double OriginY;
  23808. __declspec(property(get=GetTileWidth,put=PutTileWidth))
  23809. double TileWidth;
  23810. __declspec(property(get=GetTileHeight,put=PutTileHeight))
  23811. double TileHeight;
  23812. __declspec(property(get=GetTileOffsetType,put=PutTileOffsetType))
  23813. enum cdrTileOffsetType TileOffsetType;
  23814. __declspec(property(get=GetTileOffset,put=PutTileOffset))
  23815. long TileOffset;
  23816. __declspec(property(get=GetSkewAngle,put=PutSkewAngle))
  23817. double SkewAngle;
  23818. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationAngle,put=PutRotationAngle))
  23819. double RotationAngle;
  23820. __declspec(property(get=GetTransformWithShape,put=PutTransformWithShape))
  23821. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape;
  23822. __declspec(property(get=GetMirrorFill,put=PutMirrorFill))
  23823. VARIANT_BOOL MirrorFill;
  23824. __declspec(property(get=GetMirrorFillX,put=PutMirrorFillX))
  23825. VARIANT_BOOL MirrorFillX;
  23826. //
  23827. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  23828. //
  23829. enum cdrPatternFillType GetType ( );
  23830. void PutType (
  23831. enum cdrPatternFillType pVal );
  23832. IVGColorPtr GetFrontColor ( );
  23833. void PutFrontColor (
  23834. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  23835. IVGColorPtr GetBackColor ( );
  23836. void PutBackColor (
  23837. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  23838. IVGPatternCanvasPtr GetCanvas ( );
  23839. void PutCanvas (
  23840. struct IVGPatternCanvas * ppVal );
  23841. _bstr_t GetFilePath ( );
  23842. double GetOriginX ( );
  23843. void PutOriginX (
  23844. double pVal );
  23845. double GetOriginY ( );
  23846. void PutOriginY (
  23847. double pVal );
  23848. double GetTileWidth ( );
  23849. void PutTileWidth (
  23850. double pVal );
  23851. double GetTileHeight ( );
  23852. void PutTileHeight (
  23853. double pVal );
  23854. enum cdrTileOffsetType GetTileOffsetType ( );
  23855. void PutTileOffsetType (
  23856. enum cdrTileOffsetType pVal );
  23857. long GetTileOffset ( );
  23858. void PutTileOffset (
  23859. long pVal );
  23860. double GetSkewAngle ( );
  23861. void PutSkewAngle (
  23862. double pVal );
  23863. double GetRotationAngle ( );
  23864. void PutRotationAngle (
  23865. double pVal );
  23866. VARIANT_BOOL GetTransformWithShape ( );
  23867. void PutTransformWithShape (
  23868. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  23869. VARIANT_BOOL Load (
  23870. _bstr_t FileName );
  23871. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFill ( );
  23872. void PutMirrorFill (
  23873. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  23874. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFillX ( );
  23875. void PutMirrorFillX (
  23876. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  23877. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFillY ( );
  23878. void PutMirrorFillY (
  23879. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  23880. //
  23881. // Raw methods provided by interface
  23882. //
  23883. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  23884. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPatternFillType * pVal ) = 0;
  23885. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  23886. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPatternFillType pVal ) = 0;
  23887. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FrontColor (
  23888. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23889. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FrontColor (
  23890. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  23891. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackColor (
  23892. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23893. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BackColor (
  23894. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  23895. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Canvas (
  23896. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPatternCanvas * * ppVal ) = 0;
  23897. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Canvas (
  23898. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPatternCanvas * ppVal ) = 0;
  23899. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FilePath (
  23900. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * FileName ) = 0;
  23901. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginX (
  23902. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23903. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginX (
  23904. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23905. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginY (
  23906. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23907. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginY (
  23908. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23909. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileWidth (
  23910. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23911. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileWidth (
  23912. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23913. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileHeight (
  23914. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23915. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileHeight (
  23916. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23917. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileOffsetType (
  23918. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTileOffsetType * pVal ) = 0;
  23919. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileOffsetType (
  23920. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTileOffsetType pVal ) = 0;
  23921. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileOffset (
  23922. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  23923. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileOffset (
  23924. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  23925. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SkewAngle (
  23926. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23927. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SkewAngle (
  23928. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23929. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationAngle (
  23930. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  23931. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationAngle (
  23932. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  23933. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TransformWithShape (
  23934. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23935. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TransformWithShape (
  23936. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  23937. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Load (
  23938. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  23939. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23940. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MirrorFill (
  23941. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23942. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MirrorFill (
  23943. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  23944. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MirrorFillX (
  23945. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23946. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MirrorFillX (
  23947. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  23948. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MirrorFillY (
  23949. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  23950. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MirrorFillY (
  23951. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  23952. };
  23953. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580045-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  23954. IVGOutline : IDispatch
  23955. {
  23956. //
  23957. // Property data
  23958. //
  23959. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  23960. double Width;
  23961. __declspec(property(get=GetDashDotLength,put=PutDashDotLength))
  23962. double DashDotLength;
  23963. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  23964. IVGColorPtr Color;
  23965. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  23966. enum cdrOutlineType Type;
  23967. __declspec(property(get=GetPenWidth,put=PutPenWidth))
  23968. double PenWidth;
  23969. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle,put=PutStyle))
  23970. IVGOutlineStylePtr Style;
  23971. __declspec(property(get=GetMiterLimit,put=PutMiterLimit))
  23972. double MiterLimit;
  23973. __declspec(property(get=GetStartArrow,put=PutStartArrow))
  23974. IVGArrowHeadPtr StartArrow;
  23975. __declspec(property(get=GetStartArrowOptions,put=PutStartArrowOptions))
  23976. IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr StartArrowOptions;
  23977. __declspec(property(get=GetEndArrow,put=PutEndArrow))
  23978. IVGArrowHeadPtr EndArrow;
  23979. __declspec(property(get=GetEndArrowOptions,put=PutEndArrowOptions))
  23980. IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr EndArrowOptions;
  23981. __declspec(property(get=GetNibStretch,put=PutNibStretch))
  23982. long NibStretch;
  23983. __declspec(property(get=GetJustification,put=PutJustification))
  23984. enum cdrOutlineJustification Justification;
  23985. __declspec(property(get=GetNibAngle,put=PutNibAngle))
  23986. double NibAngle;
  23987. __declspec(property(get=GetBehindFill,put=PutBehindFill))
  23988. VARIANT_BOOL BehindFill;
  23989. __declspec(property(get=GetAdjustDashes,put=PutAdjustDashes))
  23990. enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust AdjustDashes;
  23991. __declspec(property(get=GetLineCaps,put=PutLineCaps))
  23992. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps;
  23993. __declspec(property(get=GetLineJoin,put=PutLineJoin))
  23994. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin;
  23995. __declspec(property(get=GetScaleWithShape,put=PutScaleWithShape))
  23996. VARIANT_BOOL ScaleWithShape;
  23997. __declspec(property(get=GetSize,put=PutSize))
  23998. double Size;
  23999. __declspec(property(get=GetPSScreen))
  24000. IVGPSScreenOptionsPtr PSScreen;
  24001. //
  24002. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  24003. //
  24004. double GetWidth ( );
  24005. void PutWidth (
  24006. double pVal );
  24007. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  24008. void PutColor (
  24009. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  24010. IVGShapePtr ConvertToObject ( );
  24011. enum cdrOutlineType GetType ( );
  24012. void PutType (
  24013. enum cdrOutlineType Type );
  24014. IVGOutlineStylePtr GetStyle ( );
  24015. void PutStyle (
  24016. struct IVGOutlineStyle * ppStyle );
  24017. IVGArrowHeadPtr GetStartArrow ( );
  24018. void PutStartArrow (
  24019. struct IVGArrowHead * ppArrowHead );
  24020. IVGArrowHeadPtr GetEndArrow ( );
  24021. void PutEndArrow (
  24022. struct IVGArrowHead * ppArrowHead );
  24023. long GetNibStretch ( );
  24024. void PutNibStretch (
  24025. long pVal );
  24026. double GetNibAngle ( );
  24027. void PutNibAngle (
  24028. double pVal );
  24029. VARIANT_BOOL GetBehindFill ( );
  24030. void PutBehindFill (
  24031. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24032. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps GetLineCaps ( );
  24033. void PutLineCaps (
  24034. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps pVal );
  24035. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin GetLineJoin ( );
  24036. void PutLineJoin (
  24037. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin pVal );
  24038. VARIANT_BOOL GetScaleWithShape ( );
  24039. void PutScaleWithShape (
  24040. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24041. HRESULT SetProperties (
  24042. double Width,
  24043. struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  24044. struct IVGColor * Color,
  24045. struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow,
  24046. struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow,
  24047. enum cdrTriState BehindFill,
  24048. enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape,
  24049. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps,
  24050. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin,
  24051. double NibAngle,
  24052. long NibStretch,
  24053. double DashDotLength,
  24054. double PenWidth,
  24055. double MiterLimit );
  24056. double GetSize ( );
  24057. void PutSize (
  24058. double pVal );
  24059. IVGOutlinePtr GetCopy ( );
  24060. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  24061. struct IVGOutline * SourceOutline );
  24062. VARIANT_BOOL UserAssign (
  24063. long ParentWindowHandle );
  24064. IVGPSScreenOptionsPtr GetPSScreen ( );
  24065. VARIANT_BOOL CompareWith (
  24066. struct IVGOutline * Outline );
  24067. double GetDashDotLength ( );
  24068. void PutDashDotLength (
  24069. double pVal );
  24070. _bstr_t ToString ( );
  24071. VARIANT_BOOL StringAssign (
  24072. _bstr_t OutlineString );
  24073. double GetPenWidth ( );
  24074. void PutPenWidth (
  24075. double pVal );
  24076. double GetMiterLimit ( );
  24077. void PutMiterLimit (
  24078. double pVal );
  24079. HRESULT SetNoOutline ( );
  24080. IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr GetStartArrowOptions ( );
  24081. void PutStartArrowOptions (
  24082. struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * ppVal );
  24083. IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr GetEndArrowOptions ( );
  24084. void PutEndArrowOptions (
  24085. struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * ppVal );
  24086. enum cdrOutlineJustification GetJustification ( );
  24087. void PutJustification (
  24088. enum cdrOutlineJustification pVal );
  24089. HRESULT SetPropertiesEx (
  24090. double Width,
  24091. struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  24092. struct IVGColor * Color,
  24093. struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow,
  24094. struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow,
  24095. enum cdrTriState BehindFill,
  24096. enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape,
  24097. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps,
  24098. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin,
  24099. double NibAngle,
  24100. long NibStretch,
  24101. double DashDotLength,
  24102. double PenWidth,
  24103. double MiterLimit,
  24104. enum cdrOutlineJustification Justification );
  24105. enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust GetAdjustDashes ( );
  24106. void PutAdjustDashes (
  24107. enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust pVal );
  24108. //
  24109. // Raw methods provided by interface
  24110. //
  24111. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  24112. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24113. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  24114. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24115. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  24116. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24117. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  24118. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  24119. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToObject (
  24120. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRetVal ) = 0;
  24121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  24122. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineType * Type ) = 0;
  24123. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  24124. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineType Type ) = 0;
  24125. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  24126. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * * ppStyle ) = 0;
  24127. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Style (
  24128. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * ppStyle ) = 0;
  24129. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartArrow (
  24130. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppArrowHead ) = 0;
  24131. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartArrow (
  24132. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * ppArrowHead ) = 0;
  24133. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndArrow (
  24134. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * * ppArrowHead ) = 0;
  24135. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndArrow (
  24136. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * ppArrowHead ) = 0;
  24137. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NibStretch (
  24138. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  24139. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NibStretch (
  24140. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  24141. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NibAngle (
  24142. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24143. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NibAngle (
  24144. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24145. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BehindFill (
  24146. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24147. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BehindFill (
  24148. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24149. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineCaps (
  24150. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineCaps * pVal ) = 0;
  24151. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineCaps (
  24152. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineCaps pVal ) = 0;
  24153. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineJoin (
  24154. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineJoin * pVal ) = 0;
  24155. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineJoin (
  24156. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineJoin pVal ) = 0;
  24157. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScaleWithShape (
  24158. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24159. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScaleWithShape (
  24160. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24161. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetProperties (
  24162. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  24163. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  24164. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  24165. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow,
  24166. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow,
  24167. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState BehindFill,
  24168. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape,
  24169. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps,
  24170. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin,
  24171. /*[in]*/ double NibAngle,
  24172. /*[in]*/ long NibStretch,
  24173. /*[in]*/ double DashDotLength,
  24174. /*[in]*/ double PenWidth,
  24175. /*[in]*/ double MiterLimit ) = 0;
  24176. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
  24177. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24178. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
  24179. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24180. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  24181. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24182. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  24183. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutline * SourceOutline ) = 0;
  24184. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserAssign (
  24185. /*[in]*/ long ParentWindowHandle,
  24186. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24187. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PSScreen (
  24188. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPSScreenOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24189. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CompareWith (
  24190. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutline * Outline,
  24191. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24192. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DashDotLength (
  24193. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24194. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DashDotLength (
  24195. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24196. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToString (
  24197. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  24198. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StringAssign (
  24199. /*[in]*/ BSTR OutlineString,
  24200. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24201. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PenWidth (
  24202. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24203. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PenWidth (
  24204. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24205. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MiterLimit (
  24206. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24207. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MiterLimit (
  24208. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24209. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetNoOutline ( ) = 0;
  24210. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartArrowOptions (
  24211. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24212. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartArrowOptions (
  24213. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * ppVal ) = 0;
  24214. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndArrowOptions (
  24215. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndArrowOptions (
  24217. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * ppVal ) = 0;
  24218. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Justification (
  24219. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineJustification * pVal ) = 0;
  24220. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Justification (
  24221. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineJustification pVal ) = 0;
  24222. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPropertiesEx (
  24223. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  24224. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  24225. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  24226. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow,
  24227. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow,
  24228. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState BehindFill,
  24229. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape,
  24230. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps,
  24231. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin,
  24232. /*[in]*/ double NibAngle,
  24233. /*[in]*/ long NibStretch,
  24234. /*[in]*/ double DashDotLength,
  24235. /*[in]*/ double PenWidth,
  24236. /*[in]*/ double MiterLimit,
  24237. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineJustification Justification ) = 0;
  24238. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AdjustDashes (
  24239. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust * pVal ) = 0;
  24240. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AdjustDashes (
  24241. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust pVal ) = 0;
  24242. };
  24243. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  24244. IVGHatchPattern : IDispatch
  24245. {
  24246. //
  24247. // Property data
  24248. //
  24249. __declspec(property(get=GetAngle,put=PutAngle))
  24250. double Angle;
  24251. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginX,put=PutOriginX))
  24252. double OriginX;
  24253. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginY,put=PutOriginY))
  24254. double OriginY;
  24255. __declspec(property(get=GetSpacing,put=PutSpacing))
  24256. double Spacing;
  24257. __declspec(property(get=GetShift,put=PutShift))
  24258. double Shift;
  24259. __declspec(property(get=GetShiftPercent,put=PutShiftPercent))
  24260. double ShiftPercent;
  24261. __declspec(property(get=GetOutline))
  24262. IVGOutlinePtr Outline;
  24263. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  24264. long Index;
  24265. //
  24266. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  24267. //
  24268. double GetAngle ( );
  24269. void PutAngle (
  24270. double pVal );
  24271. double GetOriginX ( );
  24272. void PutOriginX (
  24273. double pVal );
  24274. double GetOriginY ( );
  24275. void PutOriginY (
  24276. double pVal );
  24277. double GetSpacing ( );
  24278. void PutSpacing (
  24279. double pVal );
  24280. double GetShift ( );
  24281. void PutShift (
  24282. double pVal );
  24283. double GetShiftPercent ( );
  24284. void PutShiftPercent (
  24285. double pVal );
  24286. IVGOutlinePtr GetOutline ( );
  24287. long GetIndex ( );
  24288. HRESULT Delete ( );
  24289. HRESULT SetOrigin (
  24290. double OriginX,
  24291. double OriginY );
  24292. HRESULT GetOrigin (
  24293. double * OriginX,
  24294. double * OriginY );
  24295. HRESULT SetProperties (
  24296. const _variant_t & Angle,
  24297. double Spacing,
  24298. const _variant_t & Shift,
  24299. const _variant_t & OriginX,
  24300. const _variant_t & OriginY,
  24301. double Width,
  24302. struct IVGColor * Color,
  24303. struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  24304. double DashDotLength,
  24305. double PenWidth );
  24306. HRESULT Reset ( );
  24307. //
  24308. // Raw methods provided by interface
  24309. //
  24310. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angle (
  24311. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24312. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Angle (
  24313. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24314. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginX (
  24315. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24316. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginX (
  24317. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24318. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginY (
  24319. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24320. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginY (
  24321. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24322. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Spacing (
  24323. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24324. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Spacing (
  24325. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24326. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shift (
  24327. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24328. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shift (
  24329. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24330. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShiftPercent (
  24331. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24332. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShiftPercent (
  24333. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  24334. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Outline (
  24335. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24336. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  24337. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  24338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  24339. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetOrigin (
  24340. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  24341. /*[in]*/ double OriginY ) = 0;
  24342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOrigin (
  24343. /*[out]*/ double * OriginX,
  24344. /*[out]*/ double * OriginY ) = 0;
  24345. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetProperties (
  24346. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Angle,
  24347. /*[in]*/ double Spacing,
  24348. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Shift,
  24349. /*[in]*/ VARIANT OriginX,
  24350. /*[in]*/ VARIANT OriginY,
  24351. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  24352. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  24353. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  24354. /*[in]*/ double DashDotLength,
  24355. /*[in]*/ double PenWidth ) = 0;
  24356. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  24357. };
  24358. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  24359. IVGHatchPatterns : IDispatch
  24360. {
  24361. //
  24362. // Property data
  24363. //
  24364. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  24365. long Count;
  24366. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  24367. IVGHatchPatternPtr Item[];
  24368. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  24369. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  24370. //
  24371. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  24372. //
  24373. long GetCount ( );
  24374. IVGHatchPatternPtr GetItem (
  24375. long Index );
  24376. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  24377. HRESULT Reset ( );
  24378. //
  24379. // Raw methods provided by interface
  24380. //
  24381. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  24382. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  24383. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  24384. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  24385. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchPattern * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24386. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  24387. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  24388. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reset ( ) = 0;
  24389. };
  24390. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d8-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  24391. IVGImage : IDispatch
  24392. {
  24393. //
  24394. // Property data
  24395. //
  24396. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  24397. enum cdrImageType Type;
  24398. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth))
  24399. long Width;
  24400. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight))
  24401. long Height;
  24402. __declspec(property(get=GetPixel))
  24403. IVGColorPtr Pixel[][];
  24404. __declspec(property(get=GetReadOnly))
  24405. VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly;
  24406. __declspec(property(get=GetTiles))
  24407. IVGImageTilesPtr Tiles;
  24408. //
  24409. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  24410. //
  24411. enum cdrImageType GetType ( );
  24412. long GetWidth ( );
  24413. long GetHeight ( );
  24414. IVGColorPtr GetPixel (
  24415. long x,
  24416. long y );
  24417. IVGImagePtr GetCopy ( );
  24418. VARIANT_BOOL GetReadOnly ( );
  24419. IVGImageTilesPtr GetTiles ( );
  24420. HRESULT Blit (
  24421. long DestX,
  24422. long DestY,
  24423. long DestWidth,
  24424. long DestHeight,
  24425. struct IVGImage * SrcImage,
  24426. long SrcX,
  24427. long SrcY,
  24428. long SrcWidth,
  24429. long SrcHeight,
  24430. enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode );
  24431. HRESULT FillArea (
  24432. long x,
  24433. long y,
  24434. long Width,
  24435. long Height,
  24436. struct IVGColor * Color );
  24437. HRESULT FlipArea (
  24438. long x,
  24439. long y,
  24440. long Width,
  24441. long Height,
  24442. enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  24443. //
  24444. // Raw methods provided by interface
  24445. //
  24446. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  24447. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrImageType * pVal ) = 0;
  24448. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  24449. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  24450. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  24451. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  24452. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pixel (
  24453. /*[in]*/ long x,
  24454. /*[in]*/ long y,
  24455. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24456. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  24457. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGImage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24458. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadOnly (
  24459. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24460. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tiles (
  24461. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGImageTiles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24462. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Blit (
  24463. /*[in]*/ long DestX,
  24464. /*[in]*/ long DestY,
  24465. /*[in]*/ long DestWidth,
  24466. /*[in]*/ long DestHeight,
  24467. /*[in]*/ struct IVGImage * SrcImage,
  24468. /*[in]*/ long SrcX,
  24469. /*[in]*/ long SrcY,
  24470. /*[in]*/ long SrcWidth,
  24471. /*[in]*/ long SrcHeight,
  24472. /*[in]*/ enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode ) = 0;
  24473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FillArea (
  24474. /*[in]*/ long x,
  24475. /*[in]*/ long y,
  24476. /*[in]*/ long Width,
  24477. /*[in]*/ long Height,
  24478. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color ) = 0;
  24479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FlipArea (
  24480. /*[in]*/ long x,
  24481. /*[in]*/ long y,
  24482. /*[in]*/ long Width,
  24483. /*[in]*/ long Height,
  24484. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFlipAxes Axes ) = 0;
  24485. };
  24486. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  24487. IVGTransparency : IDispatch
  24488. {
  24489. //
  24490. // Property data
  24491. //
  24492. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  24493. IDispatchPtr Application;
  24494. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  24495. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  24496. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  24497. enum cdrTransparencyType Type;
  24498. __declspec(property(get=GetUniform,put=PutUniform))
  24499. long Uniform;
  24500. __declspec(property(get=GetFountain,put=PutFountain))
  24501. IVGFountainFillPtr Fountain;
  24502. __declspec(property(get=GetPattern,put=PutPattern))
  24503. IVGPatternFillPtr Pattern;
  24504. __declspec(property(get=GetTexture,put=PutTexture))
  24505. IVGTextureFillPtr Texture;
  24506. __declspec(property(get=GetStart,put=PutStart))
  24507. long Start;
  24508. __declspec(property(get=GetEnd,put=PutEnd))
  24509. long End;
  24510. __declspec(property(get=GetFrozen))
  24511. VARIANT_BOOL Frozen;
  24512. __declspec(property(get=GetAppliedTo,put=PutAppliedTo))
  24513. enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo AppliedTo;
  24514. __declspec(property(get=GetMergeMode,put=PutMergeMode))
  24515. enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode;
  24516. //
  24517. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  24518. //
  24519. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  24520. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  24521. enum cdrTransparencyType GetType ( );
  24522. long GetUniform ( );
  24523. void PutUniform (
  24524. long pVal );
  24525. IVGFountainFillPtr GetFountain ( );
  24526. void PutFountain (
  24527. struct IVGFountainFill * ppVal );
  24528. IVGPatternFillPtr GetPattern ( );
  24529. void PutPattern (
  24530. struct IVGPatternFill * ppVal );
  24531. IVGTextureFillPtr GetTexture ( );
  24532. void PutTexture (
  24533. struct IVGTextureFill * ppVal );
  24534. long GetStart ( );
  24535. void PutStart (
  24536. long pVal );
  24537. long GetEnd ( );
  24538. void PutEnd (
  24539. long pVal );
  24540. VARIANT_BOOL GetFrozen ( );
  24541. HRESULT ApplyNoTransparency ( );
  24542. HRESULT ApplyUniformTransparency (
  24543. long Value );
  24544. IVGFountainFillPtr ApplyFountainTransparency (
  24545. long Start,
  24546. long End,
  24547. enum cdrFountainFillType Type,
  24548. double Angle,
  24549. long Steps,
  24550. long EdgePad,
  24551. long MidPoint,
  24552. double CenterOffsetX,
  24553. double CenterOffsetY );
  24554. IVGPatternFillPtr ApplyPatternTransparency (
  24555. enum cdrPatternFillType Type,
  24556. _bstr_t FileName,
  24557. long PatternCanvasIndex,
  24558. long Front,
  24559. long Back,
  24560. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape );
  24561. IVGTextureFillPtr ApplyTextureTransparency (
  24562. _bstr_t TextureName,
  24563. _bstr_t LibraryName,
  24564. long Front,
  24565. long Back );
  24566. HRESULT Freeze ( );
  24567. HRESULT Unfreeze ( );
  24568. enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo GetAppliedTo ( );
  24569. void PutAppliedTo (
  24570. enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo pVal );
  24571. enum cdrMergeMode GetMergeMode ( );
  24572. void PutMergeMode (
  24573. enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  24574. VARIANT_BOOL UserAssign (
  24575. enum cdrTransparencyType TransparencyType,
  24576. enum cdrPatternFillType PatternType,
  24577. long ParentWindowHandle );
  24578. //
  24579. // Raw methods provided by interface
  24580. //
  24581. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  24582. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  24584. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24585. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  24586. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTransparencyType * pVal ) = 0;
  24587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Uniform (
  24588. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  24589. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Uniform (
  24590. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  24591. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fountain (
  24592. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFountainFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24593. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Fountain (
  24594. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFountainFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  24595. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pattern (
  24596. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPatternFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24597. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Pattern (
  24598. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPatternFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  24599. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Texture (
  24600. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextureFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24601. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Texture (
  24602. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTextureFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  24603. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Start (
  24604. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  24605. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Start (
  24606. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  24607. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_End (
  24608. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  24609. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_End (
  24610. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  24611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Frozen (
  24612. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24613. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyNoTransparency ( ) = 0;
  24614. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyUniformTransparency (
  24615. long Value ) = 0;
  24616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyFountainTransparency (
  24617. /*[in]*/ long Start,
  24618. /*[in]*/ long End,
  24619. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillType Type,
  24620. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  24621. /*[in]*/ long Steps,
  24622. /*[in]*/ long EdgePad,
  24623. /*[in]*/ long MidPoint,
  24624. /*[in]*/ double CenterOffsetX,
  24625. /*[in]*/ double CenterOffsetY,
  24626. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFountainFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24627. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyPatternTransparency (
  24628. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPatternFillType Type,
  24629. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  24630. /*[in]*/ long PatternCanvasIndex,
  24631. /*[in]*/ long Front,
  24632. /*[in]*/ long Back,
  24633. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  24634. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPatternFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24635. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyTextureTransparency (
  24636. /*[in]*/ BSTR TextureName,
  24637. /*[in]*/ BSTR LibraryName,
  24638. /*[in]*/ long Front,
  24639. /*[in]*/ long Back,
  24640. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextureFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24641. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Freeze ( ) = 0;
  24642. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unfreeze ( ) = 0;
  24643. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AppliedTo (
  24644. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo * pVal ) = 0;
  24645. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AppliedTo (
  24646. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo pVal ) = 0;
  24647. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MergeMode (
  24648. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrMergeMode * pVal ) = 0;
  24649. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MergeMode (
  24650. /*[in]*/ enum cdrMergeMode pVal ) = 0;
  24651. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserAssign (
  24652. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTransparencyType TransparencyType,
  24653. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPatternFillType PatternType,
  24654. /*[in]*/ long ParentWindowHandle,
  24655. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24656. };
  24657. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580021-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  24658. IVGDimension : IDispatch
  24659. {
  24660. //
  24661. // Property data
  24662. //
  24663. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  24664. enum cdrDimensionType Type;
  24665. __declspec(property(get=GetLinear))
  24666. IVGDimensionLinearPtr Linear;
  24667. __declspec(property(get=GetAngular))
  24668. IVGDimensionAngularPtr Angular;
  24669. __declspec(property(get=GetPrecision,put=PutPrecision))
  24670. long Precision;
  24671. __declspec(property(get=GetBoxedText,put=PutBoxedText))
  24672. VARIANT_BOOL BoxedText;
  24673. __declspec(property(get=GetLeadingZero,put=PutLeadingZero))
  24674. VARIANT_BOOL LeadingZero;
  24675. __declspec(property(get=GetTextShape))
  24676. IVGShapePtr TextShape;
  24677. __declspec(property(get=GetPrefix,put=PutPrefix))
  24678. _bstr_t Prefix;
  24679. __declspec(property(get=GetSuffix,put=PutSuffix))
  24680. _bstr_t Suffix;
  24681. __declspec(property(get=GetOutline))
  24682. IVGOutlinePtr Outline;
  24683. __declspec(property(get=GetTextCentered,put=PutTextCentered))
  24684. VARIANT_BOOL TextCentered;
  24685. __declspec(property(get=GetShowUnits,put=PutShowUnits))
  24686. VARIANT_BOOL ShowUnits;
  24687. __declspec(property(get=GetPlacement,put=PutPlacement))
  24688. enum cdrDimensionPlacement Placement;
  24689. __declspec(property(get=GetHorizontalText,put=PutHorizontalText))
  24690. VARIANT_BOOL HorizontalText;
  24691. __declspec(property(get=GetDynamicText,put=PutDynamicText))
  24692. VARIANT_BOOL DynamicText;
  24693. __declspec(property(get=GetDistanceFromObject))
  24694. double DistanceFromObject;
  24695. __declspec(property(get=GetUseDistanceFromObject,put=PutUseDistanceFromObject))
  24696. VARIANT_BOOL UseDistanceFromObject;
  24697. __declspec(property(get=GetOverhang))
  24698. double Overhang;
  24699. __declspec(property(get=GetUseOverhang,put=PutUseOverhang))
  24700. VARIANT_BOOL UseOverhang;
  24701. __declspec(property(get=GetTextLabelGap))
  24702. double TextLabelGap;
  24703. __declspec(property(get=GetUseTextLabelGap,put=PutUseTextLabelGap))
  24704. VARIANT_BOOL UseTextLabelGap;
  24705. __declspec(property(get=GetExtensionLinesVisible,put=PutExtensionLinesVisible))
  24706. VARIANT_BOOL ExtensionLinesVisible;
  24707. __declspec(property(get=GetInnerExtensionLinesVisible,put=PutInnerExtensionLinesVisible))
  24708. VARIANT_BOOL InnerExtensionLinesVisible;
  24709. __declspec(property(get=GetGapOnFreeExtensionVisible,put=PutGapOnFreeExtensionVisible))
  24710. VARIANT_BOOL GapOnFreeExtensionVisible;
  24711. //
  24712. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  24713. //
  24714. enum cdrDimensionType GetType ( );
  24715. IVGDimensionLinearPtr GetLinear ( );
  24716. IVGDimensionAngularPtr GetAngular ( );
  24717. long GetPrecision ( );
  24718. void PutPrecision (
  24719. long pVal );
  24720. VARIANT_BOOL GetBoxedText ( );
  24721. void PutBoxedText (
  24722. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24723. VARIANT_BOOL GetLeadingZero ( );
  24724. void PutLeadingZero (
  24725. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24726. IVGShapePtr GetTextShape ( );
  24727. _bstr_t GetPrefix ( );
  24728. void PutPrefix (
  24729. _bstr_t pVal );
  24730. _bstr_t GetSuffix ( );
  24731. void PutSuffix (
  24732. _bstr_t pVal );
  24733. IVGOutlinePtr GetOutline ( );
  24734. VARIANT_BOOL GetTextCentered ( );
  24735. void PutTextCentered (
  24736. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24737. VARIANT_BOOL GetShowUnits ( );
  24738. void PutShowUnits (
  24739. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24740. enum cdrDimensionPlacement GetPlacement ( );
  24741. void PutPlacement (
  24742. enum cdrDimensionPlacement pVal );
  24743. VARIANT_BOOL GetHorizontalText ( );
  24744. void PutHorizontalText (
  24745. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24746. VARIANT_BOOL GetDynamicText ( );
  24747. void PutDynamicText (
  24748. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24749. double GetDistanceFromObject ( );
  24750. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseDistanceFromObject ( );
  24751. void PutUseDistanceFromObject (
  24752. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24753. HRESULT SetDistanceFromObject (
  24754. double Distance );
  24755. double GetOverhang ( );
  24756. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseOverhang ( );
  24757. void PutUseOverhang (
  24758. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24759. HRESULT SetOverhang (
  24760. double Overhang );
  24761. double GetTextLabelGap ( );
  24762. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseTextLabelGap ( );
  24763. void PutUseTextLabelGap (
  24764. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24765. HRESULT SetTextLabelGap (
  24766. double Gap );
  24767. VARIANT_BOOL GetExtensionLinesVisible ( );
  24768. void PutExtensionLinesVisible (
  24769. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24770. VARIANT_BOOL GetInnerExtensionLinesVisible ( );
  24771. void PutInnerExtensionLinesVisible (
  24772. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24773. VARIANT_BOOL GetGapOnFreeExtensionVisible ( );
  24774. void PutGapOnFreeExtensionVisible (
  24775. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  24776. //
  24777. // Raw methods provided by interface
  24778. //
  24779. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  24780. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDimensionType * pVal ) = 0;
  24781. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Linear (
  24782. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDimensionLinear * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24783. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angular (
  24784. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDimensionAngular * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24785. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Precision (
  24786. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  24787. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Precision (
  24788. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  24789. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoxedText (
  24790. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24791. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BoxedText (
  24792. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24793. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeadingZero (
  24794. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24795. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeadingZero (
  24796. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24797. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextShape (
  24798. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24799. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Prefix (
  24800. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  24801. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Prefix (
  24802. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  24803. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Suffix (
  24804. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  24805. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Suffix (
  24806. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  24807. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Outline (
  24808. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  24809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextCentered (
  24810. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24811. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextCentered (
  24812. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24813. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowUnits (
  24814. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24815. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowUnits (
  24816. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24817. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Placement (
  24818. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDimensionPlacement * pVal ) = 0;
  24819. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Placement (
  24820. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDimensionPlacement pVal ) = 0;
  24821. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizontalText (
  24822. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24823. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizontalText (
  24824. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24825. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DynamicText (
  24826. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24827. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DynamicText (
  24828. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24829. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DistanceFromObject (
  24830. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24831. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseDistanceFromObject (
  24832. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24833. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseDistanceFromObject (
  24834. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24835. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetDistanceFromObject (
  24836. /*[in]*/ double Distance ) = 0;
  24837. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overhang (
  24838. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24839. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseOverhang (
  24840. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24841. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseOverhang (
  24842. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24843. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetOverhang (
  24844. /*[in]*/ double Overhang ) = 0;
  24845. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextLabelGap (
  24846. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  24847. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseTextLabelGap (
  24848. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24849. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseTextLabelGap (
  24850. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24851. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetTextLabelGap (
  24852. /*[in]*/ double Gap ) = 0;
  24853. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExtensionLinesVisible (
  24854. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24855. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ExtensionLinesVisible (
  24856. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24857. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InnerExtensionLinesVisible (
  24858. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24859. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_InnerExtensionLinesVisible (
  24860. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24861. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GapOnFreeExtensionVisible (
  24862. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  24863. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GapOnFreeExtensionVisible (
  24864. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  24865. };
  24866. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e8-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  24867. IVGCommentAnnotation : IDispatch
  24868. {
  24869. //
  24870. // Property data
  24871. //
  24872. __declspec(property(get=GetEndArrowVisible,put=PutEndArrowVisible))
  24873. VARIANT_BOOL EndArrowVisible;
  24874. __declspec(property(get=GetCurve,put=PutCurve))
  24875. IVGCurvePtr Curve;
  24876. __declspec(property(get=GetOutlineWidth,put=PutOutlineWidth))
  24877. long OutlineWidth;
  24878. __declspec(property(get=GetFillColor,put=PutFillColor))
  24879. IVGColorPtr FillColor;
  24880. __declspec(property(get=GetOutlineColor,put=PutOutlineColor))
  24881. IVGColorPtr OutlineColor;
  24882. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  24883. enum cdrCommentAnnotationType Type;
  24884. __declspec(property(get=GetStartArrowVisible,put=PutStartArrowVisible))
  24885. VARIANT_BOOL StartArrowVisible;
  24886. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeWidth,put=PutSizeWidth))
  24887. double SizeWidth;
  24888. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeHeight,put=PutSizeHeight))
  24889. double SizeHeight;
  24890. __declspec(property(get=GetLeftX,put=PutLeftX))
  24891. double LeftX;
  24892. __declspec(property(get=GetRightX,put=PutRightX))
  24893. double RightX;
  24894. __declspec(property(get=GetTopY,put=PutTopY))
  24895. double TopY;
  24896. __declspec(property(get=GetBottomY,put=PutBottomY))
  24897. double BottomY;
  24898. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX,put=PutCenterX))
  24899. double CenterX;
  24900. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY,put=PutCenterY))
  24901. double CenterY;
  24902. //
  24903. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  24904. //
  24905. VARIANT_BOOL GetEndArrowVisible ( );
  24906. void PutEndArrowVisible (
  24907. VARIANT_BOOL pRet );
  24908. IVGCurvePtr GetCurve ( );
  24909. void PutCurve (
  24910. struct IVGCurve * pRet );
  24911. long GetOutlineWidth ( );
  24912. void PutOutlineWidth (
  24913. long pRet );
  24914. IVGColorPtr GetFillColor ( );
  24915. void PutFillColor (
  24916. struct IVGColor * pRet );
  24917. IVGColorPtr GetOutlineColor ( );
  24918. void PutOutlineColor (
  24919. struct IVGColor * pRet );
  24920. enum cdrCommentAnnotationType GetType ( );
  24921. VARIANT_BOOL GetStartArrowVisible ( );
  24922. void PutStartArrowVisible (
  24923. VARIANT_BOOL pRet );
  24924. HRESULT Move (
  24925. double DeltaX,
  24926. double DeltaY );
  24927. double GetSizeWidth ( );
  24928. void PutSizeWidth (
  24929. double pVal );
  24930. double GetSizeHeight ( );
  24931. void PutSizeHeight (
  24932. double pVal );
  24933. double GetLeftX ( );
  24934. void PutLeftX (
  24935. double pVal );
  24936. double GetRightX ( );
  24937. void PutRightX (
  24938. double pVal );
  24939. double GetTopY ( );
  24940. void PutTopY (
  24941. double pVal );
  24942. double GetBottomY ( );
  24943. void PutBottomY (
  24944. double pVal );
  24945. double GetCenterX ( );
  24946. void PutCenterX (
  24947. double pVal );
  24948. double GetCenterY ( );
  24949. void PutCenterY (
  24950. double pVal );
  24951. HRESULT SetPosition (
  24952. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  24953. double x,
  24954. double y );
  24955. HRESULT GetPosition (
  24956. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  24957. double * x,
  24958. double * y );
  24959. HRESULT SetSize (
  24960. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  24961. double Width,
  24962. double Height );
  24963. HRESULT GetSize (
  24964. double * Width,
  24965. double * Height );
  24966. HRESULT GetBoundingBox (
  24967. double * x,
  24968. double * y,
  24969. double * Width,
  24970. double * Height );
  24971. HRESULT SetBoundingBox (
  24972. double x,
  24973. double y,
  24974. double Width,
  24975. double Height,
  24976. VARIANT_BOOL KeepAspect,
  24977. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint );
  24978. //
  24979. // Raw methods provided by interface
  24980. //
  24981. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndArrowVisible (
  24982. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRet ) = 0;
  24983. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndArrowVisible (
  24984. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pRet ) = 0;
  24985. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Curve (
  24986. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * pRet ) = 0;
  24987. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Curve (
  24988. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * pRet ) = 0;
  24989. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutlineWidth (
  24990. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pRet ) = 0;
  24991. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutlineWidth (
  24992. /*[in]*/ long pRet ) = 0;
  24993. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FillColor (
  24994. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pRet ) = 0;
  24995. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FillColor (
  24996. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * pRet ) = 0;
  24997. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutlineColor (
  24998. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * pRet ) = 0;
  24999. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutlineColor (
  25000. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * pRet ) = 0;
  25001. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  25002. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrCommentAnnotationType * pRet ) = 0;
  25003. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartArrowVisible (
  25004. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pRet ) = 0;
  25005. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartArrowVisible (
  25006. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pRet ) = 0;
  25007. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  25008. /*[in]*/ double DeltaX,
  25009. /*[in]*/ double DeltaY ) = 0;
  25010. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeWidth (
  25011. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25012. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeWidth (
  25013. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25014. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeHeight (
  25015. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25016. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeHeight (
  25017. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25018. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeftX (
  25019. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25020. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeftX (
  25021. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25022. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RightX (
  25023. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25024. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RightX (
  25025. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25026. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TopY (
  25027. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25028. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TopY (
  25029. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25030. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BottomY (
  25031. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25032. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BottomY (
  25033. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25034. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  25035. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25036. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterX (
  25037. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25038. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  25039. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25040. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterY (
  25041. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25042. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
  25043. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  25044. /*[in]*/ double x,
  25045. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  25046. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPosition (
  25047. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  25048. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  25049. /*[out]*/ double * y ) = 0;
  25050. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSize (
  25051. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  25052. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  25053. /*[in]*/ double Height ) = 0;
  25054. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSize (
  25055. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  25056. /*[out]*/ double * Height ) = 0;
  25057. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBoundingBox (
  25058. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  25059. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  25060. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  25061. /*[out]*/ double * Height ) = 0;
  25062. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBoundingBox (
  25063. /*[in]*/ double x,
  25064. /*[in]*/ double y,
  25065. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  25066. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  25067. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL KeepAspect,
  25068. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint ) = 0;
  25069. };
  25070. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  25071. IVGColorContext : IDispatch
  25072. {
  25073. //
  25074. // Property data
  25075. //
  25076. __declspec(property(get=GetRGBColorProfile,put=PutRGBColorProfile))
  25077. IVGColorProfilePtr RGBColorProfile;
  25078. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYKColorProfile,put=PutCMYKColorProfile))
  25079. IVGColorProfilePtr CMYKColorProfile;
  25080. __declspec(property(get=GetGrayscaleColorProfile,put=PutGrayscaleColorProfile))
  25081. IVGColorProfilePtr GrayscaleColorProfile;
  25082. __declspec(property(get=GetRenderingIntent,put=PutRenderingIntent))
  25083. enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent;
  25084. __declspec(property(get=GetBlendingColorModel,put=PutBlendingColorModel))
  25085. enum clrColorModel BlendingColorModel;
  25086. __declspec(property(get=GetColorProfile,put=PutColorProfile))
  25087. IVGColorProfilePtr ColorProfile[];
  25088. __declspec(property(get=GetColorProfiles))
  25089. IVGColorProfilesPtr ColorProfiles;
  25090. __declspec(property(get=GetReadOnly))
  25091. VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly;
  25092. __declspec(property(get=GetColorProfileNameList))
  25093. _bstr_t ColorProfileNameList;
  25094. //
  25095. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  25096. //
  25097. IVGColorProfilePtr GetRGBColorProfile ( );
  25098. void PutRGBColorProfile (
  25099. struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal );
  25100. IVGColorProfilePtr GetCMYKColorProfile ( );
  25101. void PutCMYKColorProfile (
  25102. struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal );
  25103. IVGColorProfilePtr GetGrayscaleColorProfile ( );
  25104. void PutGrayscaleColorProfile (
  25105. struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal );
  25106. enum clrRenderingIntent GetRenderingIntent ( );
  25107. void PutRenderingIntent (
  25108. enum clrRenderingIntent pVal );
  25109. enum clrColorModel GetBlendingColorModel ( );
  25110. void PutBlendingColorModel (
  25111. enum clrColorModel pVal );
  25112. IVGColorContextPtr GetCopy ( );
  25113. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  25114. struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  25115. IVGColorProfilePtr GetColorProfile (
  25116. enum clrColorModel ColorModel );
  25117. void PutColorProfile (
  25118. enum clrColorModel ColorModel,
  25119. struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal );
  25120. VARIANT_BOOL Merge (
  25121. struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  25122. VARIANT_BOOL IsSame (
  25123. struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  25124. IVGColorProfilesPtr GetColorProfiles ( );
  25125. VARIANT_BOOL GetReadOnly ( );
  25126. _bstr_t GetColorProfileNameList ( );
  25127. //
  25128. // Raw methods provided by interface
  25129. //
  25130. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RGBColorProfile (
  25131. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25132. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RGBColorProfile (
  25133. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal ) = 0;
  25134. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYKColorProfile (
  25135. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25136. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYKColorProfile (
  25137. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal ) = 0;
  25138. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GrayscaleColorProfile (
  25139. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25140. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GrayscaleColorProfile (
  25141. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal ) = 0;
  25142. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RenderingIntent (
  25143. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrRenderingIntent * pVal ) = 0;
  25144. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RenderingIntent (
  25145. /*[in]*/ enum clrRenderingIntent pVal ) = 0;
  25146. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlendingColorModel (
  25147. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrColorModel * pVal ) = 0;
  25148. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlendingColorModel (
  25149. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorModel pVal ) = 0;
  25150. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  25151. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25152. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  25153. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext ) = 0;
  25154. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorProfile (
  25155. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorModel ColorModel,
  25156. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25157. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorProfile (
  25158. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorModel ColorModel,
  25159. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal ) = 0;
  25160. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Merge (
  25161. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext,
  25162. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25163. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsSame (
  25164. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext,
  25165. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25166. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorProfiles (
  25167. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfiles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25168. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadOnly (
  25169. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25170. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorProfileNameList (
  25171. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  25172. };
  25173. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580098-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  25174. IVGColorProfile : IDispatch
  25175. {
  25176. //
  25177. // Property data
  25178. //
  25179. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  25180. _bstr_t Name;
  25181. __declspec(property(get=GetFileName))
  25182. _bstr_t FileName;
  25183. __declspec(property(get=GetManufacturer))
  25184. _bstr_t Manufacturer;
  25185. __declspec(property(get=GetDeviceModel))
  25186. _bstr_t DeviceModel;
  25187. __declspec(property(get=GetDeviceType))
  25188. enum clrDeviceType DeviceType;
  25189. __declspec(property(get=GetSelected))
  25190. VARIANT_BOOL Selected;
  25191. __declspec(property(get=GetGeneric))
  25192. VARIANT_BOOL Generic;
  25193. __declspec(property(get=GetInstalled))
  25194. VARIANT_BOOL Installed;
  25195. __declspec(property(get=GetID))
  25196. _bstr_t ID;
  25197. __declspec(property(get=GetColorModel))
  25198. enum clrColorModel ColorModel;
  25199. //
  25200. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  25201. //
  25202. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  25203. _bstr_t GetFileName ( );
  25204. _bstr_t GetManufacturer ( );
  25205. _bstr_t GetDeviceModel ( );
  25206. enum clrDeviceType GetDeviceType ( );
  25207. VARIANT_BOOL GetSelected ( );
  25208. HRESULT Select ( );
  25209. VARIANT_BOOL GetGeneric ( );
  25210. VARIANT_BOOL GetInstalled ( );
  25211. _bstr_t GetID ( );
  25212. enum clrColorModel GetColorModel ( );
  25213. IVGColorContextPtr CreateColorContext (
  25214. enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent );
  25215. VARIANT_BOOL IsSame (
  25216. struct IVGColorProfile * ColorProfile );
  25217. //
  25218. // Raw methods provided by interface
  25219. //
  25220. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  25221. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  25222. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileName (
  25223. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  25224. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Manufacturer (
  25225. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  25226. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeviceModel (
  25227. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  25228. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeviceType (
  25229. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrDeviceType * pVal ) = 0;
  25230. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selected (
  25231. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25232. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select ( ) = 0;
  25233. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Generic (
  25234. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25235. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Installed (
  25236. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25237. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ID (
  25238. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  25239. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorModel (
  25240. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrColorModel * pVal ) = 0;
  25241. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateColorContext (
  25242. /*[in]*/ enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent,
  25243. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25244. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsSame (
  25245. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * ColorProfile,
  25246. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25247. };
  25248. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580099-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  25249. IVGColorProfiles : IDispatch
  25250. {
  25251. //
  25252. // Property data
  25253. //
  25254. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  25255. IVGColorProfilePtr Item[];
  25256. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  25257. long Count;
  25258. __declspec(property(get=GetDeviceType))
  25259. enum clrDeviceType DeviceType;
  25260. __declspec(property(get=GetGenericProfile))
  25261. IVGColorProfilePtr GenericProfile;
  25262. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  25263. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  25264. //
  25265. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  25266. //
  25267. IVGColorProfilePtr GetItem (
  25268. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  25269. long GetCount ( );
  25270. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  25271. enum clrDeviceType GetDeviceType ( );
  25272. VARIANT_BOOL SelectByName (
  25273. _bstr_t Name );
  25274. VARIANT_BOOL Install (
  25275. _bstr_t FileName );
  25276. IVGColorProfilePtr GetGenericProfile ( );
  25277. //
  25278. // Raw methods provided by interface
  25279. //
  25280. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  25281. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  25282. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25283. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  25284. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  25285. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  25286. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  25287. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeviceType (
  25288. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrDeviceType * pVal ) = 0;
  25289. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SelectByName (
  25290. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  25291. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25292. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Install (
  25293. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  25294. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25295. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GenericProfile (
  25296. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25297. };
  25298. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  25299. IVGProofColorSettings : IDispatch
  25300. {
  25301. //
  25302. // Property data
  25303. //
  25304. __declspec(property(get=GetColorContext,put=PutColorContext))
  25305. IVGColorContextPtr ColorContext;
  25306. __declspec(property(get=GetShowOutOfGamutWarning,put=PutShowOutOfGamutWarning))
  25307. VARIANT_BOOL ShowOutOfGamutWarning;
  25308. __declspec(property(get=GetOutOfGamutColor,put=PutOutOfGamutColor))
  25309. IVGColorPtr OutOfGamutColor;
  25310. __declspec(property(get=GetOutOfGamutTransparency,put=PutOutOfGamutTransparency))
  25311. double OutOfGamutTransparency;
  25312. __declspec(property(get=GetPreserveColorValues,put=PutPreserveColorValues))
  25313. VARIANT_BOOL PreserveColorValues;
  25314. //
  25315. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  25316. //
  25317. IVGColorContextPtr GetColorContext ( );
  25318. void PutColorContext (
  25319. struct IVGColorContext * ppVal );
  25320. VARIANT_BOOL GetShowOutOfGamutWarning ( );
  25321. void PutShowOutOfGamutWarning (
  25322. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25323. IVGColorPtr GetOutOfGamutColor ( );
  25324. void PutOutOfGamutColor (
  25325. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  25326. double GetOutOfGamutTransparency ( );
  25327. void PutOutOfGamutTransparency (
  25328. double pVal );
  25329. VARIANT_BOOL GetPreserveColorValues ( );
  25330. void PutPreserveColorValues (
  25331. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25332. IVGProofColorSettingsPtr GetCopy ( );
  25333. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  25334. struct IVGProofColorSettings * Source );
  25335. //
  25336. // Raw methods provided by interface
  25337. //
  25338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorContext (
  25339. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25340. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorContext (
  25341. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * ppVal ) = 0;
  25342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowOutOfGamutWarning (
  25343. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25344. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowOutOfGamutWarning (
  25345. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25346. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutOfGamutColor (
  25347. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25348. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutOfGamutColor (
  25349. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  25350. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutOfGamutTransparency (
  25351. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25352. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutOfGamutTransparency (
  25353. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25354. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreserveColorValues (
  25355. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25356. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PreserveColorValues (
  25357. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25358. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  25359. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProofColorSettings * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25360. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  25361. /*[in]*/ struct IVGProofColorSettings * Source ) = 0;
  25362. };
  25363. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580063-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  25364. IVGStructExportOptions : IDispatch
  25365. {
  25366. //
  25367. // Property data
  25368. //
  25369. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeX,put=PutSizeX))
  25370. long SizeX;
  25371. __declspec(property(get=GetMatteMaskedOnly,put=PutMatteMaskedOnly))
  25372. VARIANT_BOOL MatteMaskedOnly;
  25373. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeY,put=PutSizeY))
  25374. long SizeY;
  25375. __declspec(property(get=GetAlwaysOverprintBlack,put=PutAlwaysOverprintBlack))
  25376. VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack;
  25377. __declspec(property(get=GetResolutionX,put=PutResolutionX))
  25378. long ResolutionX;
  25379. __declspec(property(get=GetProofColorSettings,put=PutProofColorSettings))
  25380. IVGProofColorSettingsPtr ProofColorSettings;
  25381. __declspec(property(get=GetResolutionY,put=PutResolutionY))
  25382. long ResolutionY;
  25383. __declspec(property(get=GetAntiAliasingType,put=PutAntiAliasingType))
  25384. enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasingType;
  25385. __declspec(property(get=GetOverwrite,put=PutOverwrite))
  25386. VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite;
  25387. __declspec(property(get=GetImageType,put=PutImageType))
  25388. enum cdrImageType ImageType;
  25389. __declspec(property(get=GetDithered,put=PutDithered))
  25390. VARIANT_BOOL Dithered;
  25391. __declspec(property(get=GetTransparent,put=PutTransparent))
  25392. VARIANT_BOOL Transparent;
  25393. __declspec(property(get=GetUseColorProfile,put=PutUseColorProfile))
  25394. VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile;
  25395. __declspec(property(get=GetCompression,put=PutCompression))
  25396. enum cdrCompressionType Compression;
  25397. __declspec(property(get=GetMaintainLayers,put=PutMaintainLayers))
  25398. VARIANT_BOOL MaintainLayers;
  25399. __declspec(property(get=GetMaintainAspect,put=PutMaintainAspect))
  25400. VARIANT_BOOL MaintainAspect;
  25401. __declspec(property(get=GetMatted,put=PutMatted))
  25402. VARIANT_BOOL Matted;
  25403. __declspec(property(get=GetMatteColor,put=PutMatteColor))
  25404. IVGColorPtr MatteColor;
  25405. //
  25406. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  25407. //
  25408. void PutSizeX (
  25409. long pVal );
  25410. long GetSizeX ( );
  25411. void PutSizeY (
  25412. long pVal );
  25413. long GetSizeY ( );
  25414. void PutResolutionX (
  25415. long pVal );
  25416. long GetResolutionX ( );
  25417. void PutResolutionY (
  25418. long pVal );
  25419. long GetResolutionY ( );
  25420. void PutAntiAliasingType (
  25421. enum cdrAntiAliasingType pVal );
  25422. enum cdrAntiAliasingType GetAntiAliasingType ( );
  25423. void PutOverwrite (
  25424. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25425. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverwrite ( );
  25426. void PutImageType (
  25427. enum cdrImageType pVal );
  25428. enum cdrImageType GetImageType ( );
  25429. void PutDithered (
  25430. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25431. VARIANT_BOOL GetDithered ( );
  25432. void PutTransparent (
  25433. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25434. VARIANT_BOOL GetTransparent ( );
  25435. void PutUseColorProfile (
  25436. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25437. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseColorProfile ( );
  25438. void PutCompression (
  25439. enum cdrCompressionType pVal );
  25440. enum cdrCompressionType GetCompression ( );
  25441. void PutMaintainLayers (
  25442. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25443. VARIANT_BOOL GetMaintainLayers ( );
  25444. void PutMaintainAspect (
  25445. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25446. VARIANT_BOOL GetMaintainAspect ( );
  25447. IVGRectPtr GetExportArea ( );
  25448. void PutRefExportArea (
  25449. struct IVGRect * * ppVal );
  25450. void PutMatted (
  25451. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25452. VARIANT_BOOL GetMatted ( );
  25453. IVGColorPtr GetMatteColor ( );
  25454. void PutMatteColor (
  25455. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  25456. void PutMatteMaskedOnly (
  25457. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25458. VARIANT_BOOL GetMatteMaskedOnly ( );
  25459. void PutAlwaysOverprintBlack (
  25460. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25461. VARIANT_BOOL GetAlwaysOverprintBlack ( );
  25462. IVGProofColorSettingsPtr GetProofColorSettings ( );
  25463. void PutProofColorSettings (
  25464. struct IVGProofColorSettings * ppVal );
  25465. //
  25466. // Raw methods provided by interface
  25467. //
  25468. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeX (
  25469. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  25470. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeX (
  25471. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  25472. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeY (
  25473. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  25474. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeY (
  25475. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  25476. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ResolutionX (
  25477. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  25478. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResolutionX (
  25479. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  25480. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ResolutionY (
  25481. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  25482. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ResolutionY (
  25483. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  25484. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AntiAliasingType (
  25485. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAntiAliasingType pVal ) = 0;
  25486. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AntiAliasingType (
  25487. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrAntiAliasingType * pVal ) = 0;
  25488. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Overwrite (
  25489. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25490. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overwrite (
  25491. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25492. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ImageType (
  25493. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImageType pVal ) = 0;
  25494. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ImageType (
  25495. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrImageType * pVal ) = 0;
  25496. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Dithered (
  25497. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25498. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Dithered (
  25499. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25500. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Transparent (
  25501. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25502. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparent (
  25503. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25504. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseColorProfile (
  25505. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25506. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseColorProfile (
  25507. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25508. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Compression (
  25509. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCompressionType pVal ) = 0;
  25510. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Compression (
  25511. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrCompressionType * pVal ) = 0;
  25512. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaintainLayers (
  25513. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25514. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaintainLayers (
  25515. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25516. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaintainAspect (
  25517. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25518. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaintainAspect (
  25519. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25520. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExportArea (
  25521. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25522. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_ExportArea (
  25523. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25524. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Matted (
  25525. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25526. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Matted (
  25527. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25528. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MatteColor (
  25529. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25530. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MatteColor (
  25531. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  25532. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MatteMaskedOnly (
  25533. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25534. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MatteMaskedOnly (
  25535. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25536. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AlwaysOverprintBlack (
  25537. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25538. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AlwaysOverprintBlack (
  25539. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25540. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProofColorSettings (
  25541. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProofColorSettings * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25542. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProofColorSettings (
  25543. /*[in]*/ struct IVGProofColorSettings * ppVal ) = 0;
  25544. };
  25545. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580097-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  25546. IVGColorManager : IDispatch
  25547. {
  25548. //
  25549. // Property data
  25550. //
  25551. __declspec(property(get=GetScannerCalibrated,put=PutScannerCalibrated))
  25552. VARIANT_BOOL ScannerCalibrated;
  25553. __declspec(property(get=GetSeparationPrinterCalibrated,put=PutSeparationPrinterCalibrated))
  25554. VARIANT_BOOL SeparationPrinterCalibrated;
  25555. __declspec(property(get=GetCompositePrinterCalibrated))
  25556. VARIANT_BOOL CompositePrinterCalibrated;
  25557. __declspec(property(get=GetCompositePrinterCalibration,put=PutCompositePrinterCalibration))
  25558. enum clrCompPrnCalibration CompositePrinterCalibration;
  25559. __declspec(property(get=GetMonitorCalibration,put=PutMonitorCalibration))
  25560. enum clrMonitorCalibration MonitorCalibration;
  25561. __declspec(property(get=GetCompositePrinterSimulatesSeparation))
  25562. VARIANT_BOOL CompositePrinterSimulatesSeparation;
  25563. __declspec(property(get=GetShowOutOfGamut,put=PutShowOutOfGamut))
  25564. VARIANT_BOOL ShowOutOfGamut;
  25565. __declspec(property(get=GetOutOfGamutColor,put=PutOutOfGamutColor))
  25566. IVGColorPtr OutOfGamutColor;
  25567. __declspec(property(get=GetOutOfGamutTransparency,put=PutOutOfGamutTransparency))
  25568. long OutOfGamutTransparency;
  25569. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYKInPercents,put=PutCMYKInPercents))
  25570. VARIANT_BOOL CMYKInPercents;
  25571. __declspec(property(get=GetCMYKGamutForSpotColors,put=PutCMYKGamutForSpotColors))
  25572. VARIANT_BOOL CMYKGamutForSpotColors;
  25573. __declspec(property(get=GetRenderingIntent,put=PutRenderingIntent))
  25574. enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent;
  25575. __declspec(property(get=GetColorEngine,put=PutColorEngine))
  25576. enum clrColorEngine ColorEngine;
  25577. __declspec(property(get=GetStyleCount))
  25578. long StyleCount;
  25579. __declspec(property(get=GetStyleByIndex))
  25580. _bstr_t StyleByIndex[];
  25581. __declspec(property(get=GetCurrentProfile))
  25582. IVGColorProfilePtr CurrentProfile[];
  25583. __declspec(property(get=GetInstalledProfiles))
  25584. IVGColorProfilesPtr InstalledProfiles[];
  25585. __declspec(property(get=GetIsICM2Available))
  25586. VARIANT_BOOL IsICM2Available;
  25587. __declspec(property(get=GetUnsavedStyleName))
  25588. _bstr_t UnsavedStyleName;
  25589. __declspec(property(get=GetGenericProfileName))
  25590. _bstr_t GenericProfileName[];
  25591. __declspec(property(get=GetIsCompositePrinterCMYK))
  25592. VARIANT_BOOL IsCompositePrinterCMYK;
  25593. __declspec(property(get=GetColorCorrectionOnImport,put=PutColorCorrectionOnImport))
  25594. enum clrImportColorCorrection ColorCorrectionOnImport;
  25595. __declspec(property(get=GetColorCorrectionOnExport,put=PutColorCorrectionOnExport))
  25596. enum clrExportColorCorrection ColorCorrectionOnExport;
  25597. __declspec(property(get=GetMonitorColorProfiles))
  25598. IVGColorProfilesPtr MonitorColorProfiles;
  25599. __declspec(property(get=GetDefaultColorContext))
  25600. IVGColorContextPtr DefaultColorContext;
  25601. __declspec(property(get=GetMapGrayToCMYKBlack,put=PutMapGrayToCMYKBlack))
  25602. VARIANT_BOOL MapGrayToCMYKBlack;
  25603. __declspec(property(get=GetPreservePureBlack,put=PutPreservePureBlack))
  25604. VARIANT_BOOL PreservePureBlack;
  25605. __declspec(property(get=GetSpotColorDefinition,put=PutSpotColorDefinition))
  25606. enum clrColorModel SpotColorDefinition;
  25607. __declspec(property(get=GetColorProfiles))
  25608. IVGColorProfilesPtr ColorProfiles;
  25609. __declspec(property(get=GetPolicyForOpen))
  25610. IVGColorManagementPolicyPtr PolicyForOpen;
  25611. __declspec(property(get=GetPolicyForImport))
  25612. IVGColorManagementPolicyPtr PolicyForImport;
  25613. //
  25614. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  25615. //
  25616. VARIANT_BOOL GetScannerCalibrated ( );
  25617. void PutScannerCalibrated (
  25618. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25619. VARIANT_BOOL GetSeparationPrinterCalibrated ( );
  25620. void PutSeparationPrinterCalibrated (
  25621. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25622. VARIANT_BOOL GetCompositePrinterCalibrated ( );
  25623. enum clrCompPrnCalibration GetCompositePrinterCalibration ( );
  25624. void PutCompositePrinterCalibration (
  25625. enum clrCompPrnCalibration pVal );
  25626. enum clrMonitorCalibration GetMonitorCalibration ( );
  25627. void PutMonitorCalibration (
  25628. enum clrMonitorCalibration pVal );
  25629. VARIANT_BOOL GetCompositePrinterSimulatesSeparation ( );
  25630. VARIANT_BOOL GetShowOutOfGamut ( );
  25631. void PutShowOutOfGamut (
  25632. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25633. IVGColorPtr GetOutOfGamutColor ( );
  25634. void PutOutOfGamutColor (
  25635. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  25636. long GetOutOfGamutTransparency ( );
  25637. void PutOutOfGamutTransparency (
  25638. long pVal );
  25639. VARIANT_BOOL GetCMYKInPercents ( );
  25640. void PutCMYKInPercents (
  25641. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25642. VARIANT_BOOL GetCMYKGamutForSpotColors ( );
  25643. void PutCMYKGamutForSpotColors (
  25644. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25645. enum clrRenderingIntent GetRenderingIntent ( );
  25646. void PutRenderingIntent (
  25647. enum clrRenderingIntent pVal );
  25648. enum clrColorEngine GetColorEngine ( );
  25649. void PutColorEngine (
  25650. enum clrColorEngine pVal );
  25651. long GetStyleCount ( );
  25652. _bstr_t GetStyleByIndex (
  25653. long Index );
  25654. IVGColorProfilePtr GetCurrentProfile (
  25655. enum clrDeviceType DeviceType );
  25656. IVGColorProfilesPtr GetInstalledProfiles (
  25657. enum clrDeviceType DeviceType );
  25658. VARIANT_BOOL LoadStyle (
  25659. _bstr_t StyleName );
  25660. VARIANT_BOOL DeleteStyle (
  25661. _bstr_t StyleName );
  25662. VARIANT_BOOL SaveStyle (
  25663. _bstr_t StyleName );
  25664. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsICM2Available ( );
  25665. _bstr_t GetUnsavedStyleName ( );
  25666. _bstr_t GetGenericProfileName (
  25667. enum clrDeviceType DeviceType );
  25668. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsCompositePrinterCMYK ( );
  25669. enum clrImportColorCorrection GetColorCorrectionOnImport ( );
  25670. void PutColorCorrectionOnImport (
  25671. enum clrImportColorCorrection pVal );
  25672. enum clrExportColorCorrection GetColorCorrectionOnExport ( );
  25673. void PutColorCorrectionOnExport (
  25674. enum clrExportColorCorrection pVal );
  25675. IVGColorProfilePtr GetDefaultImportProfile ( );
  25676. void PutRefDefaultImportProfile (
  25677. struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal );
  25678. IVGColorProfilePtr GetCustomImportProfile ( );
  25679. void PutRefCustomImportProfile (
  25680. struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal );
  25681. IVGColorProfilePtr GetCustomExportProfile ( );
  25682. void PutRefCustomExportProfile (
  25683. struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal );
  25684. IVGColorProfilesPtr GetMonitorColorProfiles ( );
  25685. IVGColorProfilesPtr GetProfilesByColorModel (
  25686. enum clrColorModel ColorModel );
  25687. IVGColorProfilesPtr GetProfilesForDevice (
  25688. enum clrDeviceType DeviceType,
  25689. _bstr_t DeviceName );
  25690. IVGColorContextPtr GetDefaultColorContext ( );
  25691. VARIANT_BOOL ColorEnginePresent (
  25692. enum clrColorEngine ColorEngine );
  25693. VARIANT_BOOL CanDeleteStyle (
  25694. _bstr_t StyleName );
  25695. VARIANT_BOOL GetMapGrayToCMYKBlack ( );
  25696. void PutMapGrayToCMYKBlack (
  25697. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25698. VARIANT_BOOL GetPreservePureBlack ( );
  25699. void PutPreservePureBlack (
  25700. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  25701. enum clrColorModel GetSpotColorDefinition ( );
  25702. void PutSpotColorDefinition (
  25703. enum clrColorModel pVal );
  25704. IVGColorProfilesPtr GetColorProfiles ( );
  25705. IVGColorManagementPolicyPtr GetPolicyForOpen ( );
  25706. IVGColorManagementPolicyPtr GetPolicyForImport ( );
  25707. //
  25708. // Raw methods provided by interface
  25709. //
  25710. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScannerCalibrated (
  25711. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25712. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScannerCalibrated (
  25713. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25714. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SeparationPrinterCalibrated (
  25715. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25716. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SeparationPrinterCalibrated (
  25717. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25718. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CompositePrinterCalibrated (
  25719. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CompositePrinterCalibration (
  25721. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrCompPrnCalibration * pVal ) = 0;
  25722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CompositePrinterCalibration (
  25723. /*[in]*/ enum clrCompPrnCalibration pVal ) = 0;
  25724. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MonitorCalibration (
  25725. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrMonitorCalibration * pVal ) = 0;
  25726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MonitorCalibration (
  25727. /*[in]*/ enum clrMonitorCalibration pVal ) = 0;
  25728. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CompositePrinterSimulatesSeparation (
  25729. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25730. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowOutOfGamut (
  25731. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25732. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowOutOfGamut (
  25733. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25734. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutOfGamutColor (
  25735. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25736. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutOfGamutColor (
  25737. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  25738. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutOfGamutTransparency (
  25739. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  25740. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutOfGamutTransparency (
  25741. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  25742. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYKInPercents (
  25743. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25744. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYKInPercents (
  25745. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25746. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CMYKGamutForSpotColors (
  25747. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25748. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CMYKGamutForSpotColors (
  25749. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25750. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RenderingIntent (
  25751. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrRenderingIntent * pVal ) = 0;
  25752. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RenderingIntent (
  25753. /*[in]*/ enum clrRenderingIntent pVal ) = 0;
  25754. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorEngine (
  25755. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrColorEngine * pVal ) = 0;
  25756. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorEngine (
  25757. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorEngine pVal ) = 0;
  25758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StyleCount (
  25759. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  25760. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StyleByIndex (
  25761. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  25762. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  25763. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CurrentProfile (
  25764. /*[in]*/ enum clrDeviceType DeviceType,
  25765. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25766. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstalledProfiles (
  25767. /*[in]*/ enum clrDeviceType DeviceType,
  25768. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfiles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25769. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadStyle (
  25770. /*[in]*/ BSTR StyleName,
  25771. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25772. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeleteStyle (
  25773. /*[in]*/ BSTR StyleName,
  25774. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25775. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveStyle (
  25776. /*[in]*/ BSTR StyleName,
  25777. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25778. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsICM2Available (
  25779. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25780. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnsavedStyleName (
  25781. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  25782. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GenericProfileName (
  25783. /*[in]*/ enum clrDeviceType DeviceType,
  25784. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * ppVal ) = 0;
  25785. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsCompositePrinterCMYK (
  25786. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25787. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorCorrectionOnImport (
  25788. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrImportColorCorrection * pVal ) = 0;
  25789. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorCorrectionOnImport (
  25790. /*[in]*/ enum clrImportColorCorrection pVal ) = 0;
  25791. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorCorrectionOnExport (
  25792. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrExportColorCorrection * pVal ) = 0;
  25793. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorCorrectionOnExport (
  25794. /*[in]*/ enum clrExportColorCorrection pVal ) = 0;
  25795. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultImportProfile (
  25796. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25797. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_DefaultImportProfile (
  25798. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25799. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CustomImportProfile (
  25800. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25801. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_CustomImportProfile (
  25802. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25803. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CustomExportProfile (
  25804. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25805. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_CustomExportProfile (
  25806. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25807. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MonitorColorProfiles (
  25808. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfiles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProfilesByColorModel (
  25810. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorModel ColorModel,
  25811. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfiles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25812. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProfilesForDevice (
  25813. /*[in]*/ enum clrDeviceType DeviceType,
  25814. /*[in]*/ BSTR DeviceName,
  25815. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfiles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25816. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultColorContext (
  25817. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25818. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ColorEnginePresent (
  25819. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorEngine ColorEngine,
  25820. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25821. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CanDeleteStyle (
  25822. /*[in]*/ BSTR StyleName,
  25823. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MapGrayToCMYKBlack (
  25825. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25826. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MapGrayToCMYKBlack (
  25827. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25828. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PreservePureBlack (
  25829. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  25830. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PreservePureBlack (
  25831. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  25832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpotColorDefinition (
  25833. /*[out,retval]*/ enum clrColorModel * pVal ) = 0;
  25834. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpotColorDefinition (
  25835. /*[in]*/ enum clrColorModel pVal ) = 0;
  25836. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorProfiles (
  25837. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorProfiles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25838. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PolicyForOpen (
  25839. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorManagementPolicy * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25840. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PolicyForImport (
  25841. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorManagementPolicy * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25842. };
  25843. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  25844. IVGStructCreateOptions : IDispatch
  25845. {
  25846. //
  25847. // Property data
  25848. //
  25849. __declspec(property(get=GetColorContext,put=PutColorContext))
  25850. IVGColorContextPtr ColorContext;
  25851. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  25852. _bstr_t Name;
  25853. __declspec(property(get=GetPageWidth,put=PutPageWidth))
  25854. double PageWidth;
  25855. __declspec(property(get=GetPageHeight,put=PutPageHeight))
  25856. double PageHeight;
  25857. __declspec(property(get=GetUnits,put=PutUnits))
  25858. enum cdrUnit Units;
  25859. __declspec(property(get=GetResolution,put=PutResolution))
  25860. double Resolution;
  25861. //
  25862. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  25863. //
  25864. IVGColorContextPtr GetColorContext ( );
  25865. void PutColorContext (
  25866. struct IVGColorContext * ppVal );
  25867. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  25868. void PutName (
  25869. _bstr_t pVal );
  25870. double GetPageWidth ( );
  25871. void PutPageWidth (
  25872. double pVal );
  25873. double GetPageHeight ( );
  25874. void PutPageHeight (
  25875. double pVal );
  25876. enum cdrUnit GetUnits ( );
  25877. void PutUnits (
  25878. enum cdrUnit pVal );
  25879. double GetResolution ( );
  25880. void PutResolution (
  25881. double pVal );
  25882. //
  25883. // Raw methods provided by interface
  25884. //
  25885. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorContext (
  25886. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColorContext * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25887. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorContext (
  25888. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColorContext * ppVal ) = 0;
  25889. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  25890. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  25891. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  25892. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  25893. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageWidth (
  25894. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25895. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PageWidth (
  25896. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25897. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageHeight (
  25898. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25899. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PageHeight (
  25900. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25901. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Units (
  25902. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrUnit * pVal ) = 0;
  25903. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Units (
  25904. /*[in]*/ enum cdrUnit pVal ) = 0;
  25905. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Resolution (
  25906. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  25907. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Resolution (
  25908. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  25909. };
  25910. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  25911. IVGPalette : IDispatch
  25912. {
  25913. //
  25914. // Property data
  25915. //
  25916. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  25917. IDispatchPtr Application;
  25918. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  25919. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  25920. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  25921. _bstr_t Name;
  25922. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  25923. enum cdrPaletteType Type;
  25924. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  25925. IVGColorPtr Color[];
  25926. __declspec(property(get=GetDuplicatePresent))
  25927. VARIANT_BOOL DuplicatePresent;
  25928. __declspec(property(get=GetColorCount))
  25929. long ColorCount;
  25930. __declspec(property(get=GetPaletteID))
  25931. enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID;
  25932. __declspec(property(get=GetFileName))
  25933. _bstr_t FileName;
  25934. __declspec(property(get=GetDocument))
  25935. IVGDocumentPtr Document;
  25936. __declspec(property(get=GetIdentifier))
  25937. _bstr_t Identifier;
  25938. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEmpty))
  25939. VARIANT_BOOL IsEmpty;
  25940. __declspec(property(get=GetLocked))
  25941. VARIANT_BOOL Locked;
  25942. __declspec(property(get=GetDefault))
  25943. VARIANT_BOOL Default;
  25944. __declspec(property(get=GetIsOpen))
  25945. VARIANT_BOOL IsOpen;
  25946. //
  25947. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  25948. //
  25949. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  25950. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  25951. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  25952. void PutName (
  25953. _bstr_t Name );
  25954. HRESULT Close ( );
  25955. enum cdrPaletteType GetType ( );
  25956. IVGColorsPtr Colors ( );
  25957. IVGColorPtr GetColor (
  25958. long Index );
  25959. void PutColor (
  25960. long Index,
  25961. struct IVGColor * Color );
  25962. HRESULT AddColor (
  25963. struct IVGColor * Color );
  25964. HRESULT InsertColor (
  25965. long Index,
  25966. struct IVGColor * Color );
  25967. HRESULT RemoveColor (
  25968. long Index );
  25969. long GetIndexOfColor (
  25970. struct IVGColor * Color );
  25971. VARIANT_BOOL GetDuplicatePresent ( );
  25972. long GetColorCount ( );
  25973. HRESULT Save ( );
  25974. enum cdrPaletteID GetPaletteID ( );
  25975. _bstr_t GetFileName ( );
  25976. long MatchColor (
  25977. struct IVGColor * Color );
  25978. long FindColor (
  25979. _bstr_t Name );
  25980. HRESULT SaveAs (
  25981. _bstr_t FileName,
  25982. _bstr_t Name,
  25983. enum cdrPaletteVersion Version );
  25984. IVGDocumentPtr GetDocument ( );
  25985. _bstr_t GetIdentifier ( );
  25986. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEmpty ( );
  25987. VARIANT_BOOL GetLocked ( );
  25988. VARIANT_BOOL GetDefault ( );
  25989. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsOpen ( );
  25990. HRESULT Open ( );
  25991. HRESULT MakeDefault ( );
  25992. VARIANT_BOOL Delete ( );
  25993. //
  25994. // Raw methods provided by interface
  25995. //
  25996. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  25997. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  25998. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  25999. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26000. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  26001. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
  26002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  26003. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name ) = 0;
  26004. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
  26005. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  26006. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPaletteType * Type ) = 0;
  26007. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Colors (
  26008. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColors * * Colors ) = 0;
  26009. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  26010. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  26011. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * Color ) = 0;
  26012. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  26013. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  26014. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color ) = 0;
  26015. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddColor (
  26016. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color ) = 0;
  26017. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertColor (
  26018. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  26019. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color ) = 0;
  26020. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveColor (
  26021. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  26022. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetIndexOfColor (
  26023. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  26024. /*[out,retval]*/ long * Index ) = 0;
  26025. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DuplicatePresent (
  26026. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Duplicate ) = 0;
  26027. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorCount (
  26028. /*[out,retval]*/ long * Count ) = 0;
  26029. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save ( ) = 0;
  26030. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaletteID (
  26031. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPaletteID * pVal ) = 0;
  26032. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FileName (
  26033. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  26034. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MatchColor (
  26035. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  26036. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26037. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindColor (
  26038. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  26039. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26040. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveAs (
  26041. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  26042. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  26043. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPaletteVersion Version ) = 0;
  26044. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Document (
  26045. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26046. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Identifier (
  26047. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  26048. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEmpty (
  26049. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26050. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Locked (
  26051. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26052. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Default (
  26053. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26054. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsOpen (
  26055. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26056. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open ( ) = 0;
  26057. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MakeDefault ( ) = 0;
  26058. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
  26059. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26060. };
  26061. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580013-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  26062. IVGColors : IDispatch
  26063. {
  26064. //
  26065. // Property data
  26066. //
  26067. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  26068. IDispatchPtr Application;
  26069. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  26070. IVGPalettePtr Parent;
  26071. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  26072. IVGColorPtr Item[];
  26073. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  26074. long Count;
  26075. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  26076. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  26077. //
  26078. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  26079. //
  26080. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  26081. IVGPalettePtr GetParent ( );
  26082. IVGColorPtr GetItem (
  26083. long Index );
  26084. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  26085. long GetCount ( );
  26086. //
  26087. // Raw methods provided by interface
  26088. //
  26089. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  26090. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26091. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  26092. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26093. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  26094. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  26095. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26096. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  26097. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  26098. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  26099. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26100. };
  26101. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  26102. IVGPalettes : IDispatch
  26103. {
  26104. //
  26105. // Property data
  26106. //
  26107. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  26108. IDispatchPtr Application;
  26109. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  26110. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  26111. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  26112. IVGPalettePtr Item[];
  26113. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  26114. long Count;
  26115. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  26116. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  26117. //
  26118. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  26119. //
  26120. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  26121. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  26122. IVGPalettePtr GetItem (
  26123. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  26124. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  26125. long GetCount ( );
  26126. IVGPalettePtr Open (
  26127. _bstr_t FileName );
  26128. IVGPalettePtr OpenFixed (
  26129. enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID );
  26130. IVGPalettePtr CreateFromDocument (
  26131. _bstr_t Name,
  26132. _bstr_t FileName,
  26133. VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite );
  26134. IVGPalettePtr CreateFromSelection (
  26135. _bstr_t Name,
  26136. _bstr_t FileName,
  26137. VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite );
  26138. IVGPalettePtr Create (
  26139. _bstr_t Name,
  26140. _bstr_t FileName,
  26141. VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite );
  26142. //
  26143. // Raw methods provided by interface
  26144. //
  26145. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  26146. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26147. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  26148. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26149. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  26150. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  26151. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26152. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  26153. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  26154. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  26155. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26156. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
  26157. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  26158. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppPalette ) = 0;
  26159. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenFixed (
  26160. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID,
  26161. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppPalette ) = 0;
  26162. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFromDocument (
  26163. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  26164. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  26165. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite,
  26166. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppPalette ) = 0;
  26167. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFromSelection (
  26168. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  26169. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  26170. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite,
  26171. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppPalette ) = 0;
  26172. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Create (
  26173. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  26174. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  26175. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite,
  26176. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppPalette ) = 0;
  26177. };
  26178. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b7-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  26179. IVGPaletteManager : IDispatch
  26180. {
  26181. //
  26182. // Property data
  26183. //
  26184. __declspec(property(get=GetPaletteCount))
  26185. long PaletteCount;
  26186. __declspec(property(get=GetDefaultPalette))
  26187. IVGPalettePtr DefaultPalette;
  26188. __declspec(property(get=GetOpenPalettes))
  26189. IVGPalettesPtr OpenPalettes;
  26190. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  26191. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  26192. //
  26193. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  26194. //
  26195. long GetPaletteCount ( );
  26196. IVGPalettePtr GetPalette (
  26197. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  26198. IVGPalettePtr GetDefaultPalette ( );
  26199. IVGPalettesPtr GetOpenPalettes ( );
  26200. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  26201. HRESULT LoadAllPalettes ( );
  26202. IVGPalettePtr LoadPalette (
  26203. _bstr_t FileName );
  26204. //
  26205. // Raw methods provided by interface
  26206. //
  26207. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaletteCount (
  26208. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26209. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPalette (
  26210. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  26211. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26212. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultPalette (
  26213. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26214. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OpenPalettes (
  26215. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalettes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  26217. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  26218. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadAllPalettes ( ) = 0;
  26219. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadPalette (
  26220. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  26221. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPalette * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26222. };
  26223. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a1-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  26224. IVGTraceSettings : IDispatch
  26225. {
  26226. //
  26227. // Property data
  26228. //
  26229. __declspec(property(get=GetTraceType,put=PutTraceType))
  26230. enum cdrTraceType TraceType;
  26231. __declspec(property(get=GetSmoothing,put=PutSmoothing))
  26232. short Smoothing;
  26233. __declspec(property(get=GetDetailLevel,put=PutDetailLevel))
  26234. short DetailLevel;
  26235. __declspec(property(get=GetColorMode))
  26236. enum cdrColorType ColorMode;
  26237. __declspec(property(get=GetPaletteID))
  26238. enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID;
  26239. __declspec(property(get=GetColorCount))
  26240. long ColorCount;
  26241. __declspec(property(get=GetColor))
  26242. IVGColorPtr Color[];
  26243. __declspec(property(get=GetDeleteOriginalObject,put=PutDeleteOriginalObject))
  26244. VARIANT_BOOL DeleteOriginalObject;
  26245. __declspec(property(get=GetRemoveBackground,put=PutRemoveBackground))
  26246. VARIANT_BOOL RemoveBackground;
  26247. __declspec(property(get=GetRemoveEntireBackColor,put=PutRemoveEntireBackColor))
  26248. VARIANT_BOOL RemoveEntireBackColor;
  26249. __declspec(property(get=GetBackgroundRemovalMode,put=PutBackgroundRemovalMode))
  26250. enum cdrTraceBackgroundMode BackgroundRemovalMode;
  26251. __declspec(property(get=GetBackgroundColor))
  26252. IVGColorPtr BackgroundColor;
  26253. __declspec(property(get=GetCurveCount))
  26254. long CurveCount;
  26255. __declspec(property(get=GetNodeCount))
  26256. long NodeCount;
  26257. __declspec(property(get=GetBitmapWidth))
  26258. long BitmapWidth;
  26259. __declspec(property(get=GetBitmapHeight))
  26260. long BitmapHeight;
  26261. __declspec(property(get=GetDetailLevelPercent,put=PutDetailLevelPercent))
  26262. short DetailLevelPercent;
  26263. __declspec(property(get=GetMaxDetailLevel))
  26264. short MaxDetailLevel;
  26265. __declspec(property(get=GetMinDetailLevel))
  26266. short MinDetailLevel;
  26267. __declspec(property(get=GetCornerSmoothness,put=PutCornerSmoothness))
  26268. short CornerSmoothness;
  26269. __declspec(property(get=GetMergeAdjacentObjects,put=PutMergeAdjacentObjects))
  26270. VARIANT_BOOL MergeAdjacentObjects;
  26271. __declspec(property(get=GetRemoveOverlap,put=PutRemoveOverlap))
  26272. VARIANT_BOOL RemoveOverlap;
  26273. __declspec(property(get=GetGroupObjectsByColor,put=PutGroupObjectsByColor))
  26274. VARIANT_BOOL GroupObjectsByColor;
  26275. //
  26276. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  26277. //
  26278. enum cdrTraceType GetTraceType ( );
  26279. void PutTraceType (
  26280. enum cdrTraceType pVal );
  26281. short GetSmoothing ( );
  26282. void PutSmoothing (
  26283. short pVal );
  26284. short GetDetailLevel ( );
  26285. void PutDetailLevel (
  26286. short pVal );
  26287. enum cdrColorType GetColorMode ( );
  26288. enum cdrPaletteID GetPaletteID ( );
  26289. long GetColorCount ( );
  26290. IVGColorPtr GetColor (
  26291. long Index );
  26292. VARIANT_BOOL GetDeleteOriginalObject ( );
  26293. void PutDeleteOriginalObject (
  26294. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  26295. VARIANT_BOOL GetRemoveBackground ( );
  26296. void PutRemoveBackground (
  26297. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  26298. VARIANT_BOOL GetRemoveEntireBackColor ( );
  26299. void PutRemoveEntireBackColor (
  26300. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  26301. enum cdrTraceBackgroundMode GetBackgroundRemovalMode ( );
  26302. void PutBackgroundRemovalMode (
  26303. enum cdrTraceBackgroundMode pVal );
  26304. IVGColorPtr GetBackgroundColor ( );
  26305. long GetCurveCount ( );
  26306. long GetNodeCount ( );
  26307. long GetBitmapWidth ( );
  26308. long GetBitmapHeight ( );
  26309. long SetColorCount (
  26310. long ColorCount );
  26311. IVGShapeRangePtr Finish ( );
  26312. VARIANT_BOOL ShowDialog (
  26313. long ParentWindowHandle );
  26314. HRESULT ApplyChanges ( );
  26315. HRESULT SetColorMode (
  26316. enum cdrColorType ColorMode,
  26317. enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID );
  26318. short GetDetailLevelPercent ( );
  26319. void PutDetailLevelPercent (
  26320. short pVal );
  26321. short GetMaxDetailLevel ( );
  26322. short GetMinDetailLevel ( );
  26323. short GetCornerSmoothness ( );
  26324. void PutCornerSmoothness (
  26325. short pVal );
  26326. VARIANT_BOOL GetMergeAdjacentObjects ( );
  26327. void PutMergeAdjacentObjects (
  26328. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  26329. VARIANT_BOOL GetRemoveOverlap ( );
  26330. void PutRemoveOverlap (
  26331. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  26332. VARIANT_BOOL GetGroupObjectsByColor ( );
  26333. void PutGroupObjectsByColor (
  26334. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  26335. //
  26336. // Raw methods provided by interface
  26337. //
  26338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TraceType (
  26339. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTraceType * pVal ) = 0;
  26340. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TraceType (
  26341. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTraceType pVal ) = 0;
  26342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Smoothing (
  26343. /*[out,retval]*/ short * pVal ) = 0;
  26344. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Smoothing (
  26345. /*[in]*/ short pVal ) = 0;
  26346. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DetailLevel (
  26347. /*[out,retval]*/ short * pVal ) = 0;
  26348. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DetailLevel (
  26349. /*[in]*/ short pVal ) = 0;
  26350. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorMode (
  26351. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrColorType * pVal ) = 0;
  26352. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaletteID (
  26353. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrPaletteID * pVal ) = 0;
  26354. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorCount (
  26355. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26356. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  26357. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  26358. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26359. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DeleteOriginalObject (
  26360. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DeleteOriginalObject (
  26362. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  26363. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RemoveBackground (
  26364. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26365. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RemoveBackground (
  26366. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  26367. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RemoveEntireBackColor (
  26368. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26369. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RemoveEntireBackColor (
  26370. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  26371. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackgroundRemovalMode (
  26372. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTraceBackgroundMode * pVal ) = 0;
  26373. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BackgroundRemovalMode (
  26374. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTraceBackgroundMode pVal ) = 0;
  26375. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackgroundColor (
  26376. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26377. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CurveCount (
  26378. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26379. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NodeCount (
  26380. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26381. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BitmapWidth (
  26382. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26383. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BitmapHeight (
  26384. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26385. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetColorCount (
  26386. /*[in]*/ long ColorCount,
  26387. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26388. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Finish (
  26389. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26390. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ShowDialog (
  26391. /*[in]*/ long ParentWindowHandle,
  26392. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26393. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyChanges ( ) = 0;
  26394. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetColorMode (
  26395. /*[in]*/ enum cdrColorType ColorMode,
  26396. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID ) = 0;
  26397. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DetailLevelPercent (
  26398. /*[out,retval]*/ short * pVal ) = 0;
  26399. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DetailLevelPercent (
  26400. /*[in]*/ short pVal ) = 0;
  26401. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaxDetailLevel (
  26402. /*[out,retval]*/ short * pVal ) = 0;
  26403. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinDetailLevel (
  26404. /*[out,retval]*/ short * pVal ) = 0;
  26405. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CornerSmoothness (
  26406. /*[out,retval]*/ short * pVal ) = 0;
  26407. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CornerSmoothness (
  26408. /*[in]*/ short pVal ) = 0;
  26409. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MergeAdjacentObjects (
  26410. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26411. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MergeAdjacentObjects (
  26412. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  26413. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RemoveOverlap (
  26414. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26415. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RemoveOverlap (
  26416. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  26417. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GroupObjectsByColor (
  26418. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  26419. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_GroupObjectsByColor (
  26420. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  26421. };
  26422. struct __declspec(uuid("b058005e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  26423. IVGShapeRange : IDispatch
  26424. {
  26425. //
  26426. // Property data
  26427. //
  26428. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  26429. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  26430. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  26431. IVGApplicationPtr Parent;
  26432. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  26433. IVGShapePtr Item[];
  26434. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX,put=PutCenterX))
  26435. double CenterX;
  26436. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  26437. long Count;
  26438. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY,put=PutCenterY))
  26439. double CenterY;
  26440. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationCenterY,put=PutRotationCenterY))
  26441. double RotationCenterY;
  26442. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  26443. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  26444. __declspec(property(get=GetReverseRange))
  26445. IVGShapeRangePtr ReverseRange;
  26446. __declspec(property(get=GetLeftX,put=PutLeftX))
  26447. double LeftX;
  26448. __declspec(property(get=GetRightX,put=PutRightX))
  26449. double RightX;
  26450. __declspec(property(get=GetTopY,put=PutTopY))
  26451. double TopY;
  26452. __declspec(property(get=GetBottomY,put=PutBottomY))
  26453. double BottomY;
  26454. __declspec(property(get=GetShapes))
  26455. IVGShapesPtr Shapes;
  26456. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionX,put=PutPositionX))
  26457. double PositionX;
  26458. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstShape))
  26459. IVGShapePtr FirstShape;
  26460. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionY,put=PutPositionY))
  26461. double PositionY;
  26462. __declspec(property(get=GetLastShape))
  26463. IVGShapePtr LastShape;
  26464. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeWidth,put=PutSizeWidth))
  26465. double SizeWidth;
  26466. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeHeight,put=PutSizeHeight))
  26467. double SizeHeight;
  26468. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBox))
  26469. IVGRectPtr BoundingBox;
  26470. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationCenterX,put=PutRotationCenterX))
  26471. double RotationCenterX;
  26472. //
  26473. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  26474. //
  26475. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  26476. IVGApplicationPtr GetParent ( );
  26477. IVGShapePtr GetItem (
  26478. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  26479. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  26480. long GetCount ( );
  26481. HRESULT Add (
  26482. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  26483. HRESULT Remove (
  26484. long Index );
  26485. long IndexOf (
  26486. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  26487. HRESULT AddToSelection ( );
  26488. HRESULT ConvertToCurves ( );
  26489. IVGShapePtr ConvertToBitmap (
  26490. long BitDepth,
  26491. VARIANT_BOOL Grayscale,
  26492. VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  26493. VARIANT_BOOL TransparentBG,
  26494. long Resolution,
  26495. enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing,
  26496. VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  26497. VARIANT_BOOL MultiChannel,
  26498. VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack,
  26499. long OverprintBlackLimit );
  26500. HRESULT Copy ( );
  26501. HRESULT Cut ( );
  26502. HRESULT Delete ( );
  26503. HRESULT GetPosition (
  26504. double * PositionX,
  26505. double * PositionY );
  26506. HRESULT GetSize (
  26507. double * Width,
  26508. double * Height );
  26509. HRESULT Move (
  26510. double DeltaX,
  26511. double DeltaY );
  26512. IVGShapeRangePtr Duplicate (
  26513. double OffsetX,
  26514. double OffsetY );
  26515. IVGShapeRangePtr Clone (
  26516. double OffsetX,
  26517. double OffsetY );
  26518. IVGShapePtr Group ( );
  26519. HRESULT RemoveAll ( );
  26520. HRESULT OrderToFront ( );
  26521. HRESULT OrderToBack ( );
  26522. HRESULT OrderForwardOne ( );
  26523. HRESULT OrderBackOne ( );
  26524. HRESULT OrderFrontOf (
  26525. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  26526. HRESULT OrderBackOf (
  26527. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  26528. HRESULT OrderReverse ( );
  26529. HRESULT Rotate (
  26530. double Angle );
  26531. HRESULT RotateEx (
  26532. double Angle,
  26533. double CenterX,
  26534. double CenterY );
  26535. HRESULT Skew (
  26536. double AngleX,
  26537. double AngleY );
  26538. HRESULT SkewEx (
  26539. double AngleX,
  26540. double AngleY,
  26541. double CenterX,
  26542. double CenterY );
  26543. HRESULT UngroupAll ( );
  26544. HRESULT Flip (
  26545. enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  26546. double GetPositionX ( );
  26547. void PutPositionX (
  26548. double pVal );
  26549. double GetPositionY ( );
  26550. void PutPositionY (
  26551. double pVal );
  26552. double GetSizeWidth ( );
  26553. void PutSizeWidth (
  26554. double pVal );
  26555. double GetSizeHeight ( );
  26556. void PutSizeHeight (
  26557. double pVal );
  26558. double GetRotationCenterX ( );
  26559. void PutRotationCenterX (
  26560. double pVal );
  26561. double GetRotationCenterY ( );
  26562. void PutRotationCenterY (
  26563. double pVal );
  26564. HRESULT AddToPowerClip (
  26565. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  26566. enum cdrTriState CenterInContainer );
  26567. HRESULT RemoveFromContainer (
  26568. long Level );
  26569. HRESULT AddRange (
  26570. struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange );
  26571. HRESULT SetPosition (
  26572. double PositionX,
  26573. double PositionY );
  26574. HRESULT SetSize (
  26575. double Width,
  26576. double Height );
  26577. IVGShapePtr ConvertToBitmapEx (
  26578. enum cdrImageType Mode,
  26579. VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  26580. VARIANT_BOOL Transparent,
  26581. long Resolution,
  26582. enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing,
  26583. VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  26584. VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack,
  26585. long OverprintBlackLimit );
  26586. IVGShapePtr Combine ( );
  26587. HRESULT SetBoundingBox (
  26588. double x,
  26589. double y,
  26590. double Width,
  26591. double Height,
  26592. VARIANT_BOOL KeepAspect,
  26593. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint );
  26594. HRESULT ApplyNoFill ( );
  26595. HRESULT ApplyUniformFill (
  26596. struct IVGColor * Color );
  26597. HRESULT ApplyFountainFill (
  26598. struct IVGColor * StartColor,
  26599. struct IVGColor * EndColor,
  26600. enum cdrFountainFillType Type,
  26601. double Angle,
  26602. long Steps,
  26603. long EdgePad,
  26604. long MidPoint,
  26605. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType,
  26606. double CenterOffsetX,
  26607. double CenterOffsetY );
  26608. HRESULT ApplyPatternFill (
  26609. enum cdrPatternFillType Type,
  26610. _bstr_t FileName,
  26611. long PatternCanvasIndex,
  26612. struct IVGColor * FrontColor,
  26613. struct IVGColor * EndColor,
  26614. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape );
  26615. HRESULT ApplyTextureFill (
  26616. _bstr_t TextureName,
  26617. _bstr_t LibraryName );
  26618. HRESULT ApplyPostscriptFill (
  26619. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  26620. IVGShapeRangePtr ConvertOutlineToObject ( );
  26621. HRESULT SetOutlineProperties (
  26622. double Width,
  26623. struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  26624. struct IVGColor * Color,
  26625. struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow,
  26626. struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow,
  26627. enum cdrTriState BehindFill,
  26628. enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape,
  26629. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps,
  26630. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin,
  26631. double NibAngle,
  26632. long NibStretch,
  26633. double DashDotLength,
  26634. double PenWidth,
  26635. double MiterLimit );
  26636. HRESULT CreateSelection ( );
  26637. HRESULT RemoveFromSelection ( );
  26638. HRESULT SetRotationCenter (
  26639. double x,
  26640. double y );
  26641. HRESULT Stretch (
  26642. double StretchX,
  26643. double StretchY,
  26644. VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize );
  26645. HRESULT StretchEx (
  26646. double CenterX,
  26647. double CenterY,
  26648. double StretchX,
  26649. double StretchY,
  26650. VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize );
  26651. HRESULT SetSizeEx (
  26652. double CenterX,
  26653. double CenterY,
  26654. double Width,
  26655. double Height );
  26656. HRESULT GetBoundingBox (
  26657. double * x,
  26658. double * y,
  26659. double * Width,
  26660. double * Height,
  26661. VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline );
  26662. HRESULT RestoreCloneLink (
  26663. enum cdrCloneLinkType LinkToRestore );
  26664. HRESULT ClearEffect (
  26665. enum cdrEffectType Type );
  26666. HRESULT RemoveRange (
  26667. struct IVGShapeRange * Range );
  26668. HRESULT DeleteItem (
  26669. long Index );
  26670. _variant_t CustomCommand (
  26671. _bstr_t ComponentID,
  26672. _bstr_t CommandID,
  26673. SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  26674. HRESULT AlignToShape (
  26675. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  26676. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  26677. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  26678. HRESULT AlignToShapeRange (
  26679. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  26680. struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange,
  26681. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  26682. HRESULT AlignToPage (
  26683. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  26684. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  26685. HRESULT AlignToPageCenter (
  26686. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  26687. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  26688. HRESULT AlignToGrid (
  26689. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  26690. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  26691. HRESULT AlignToPoint (
  26692. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  26693. double x,
  26694. double y,
  26695. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  26696. HRESULT Distribute (
  26697. enum cdrDistributeType Type,
  26698. VARIANT_BOOL PageExtent );
  26699. IVGShapePtr ConvertToSymbol (
  26700. _bstr_t Name );
  26701. HRESULT Ungroup ( );
  26702. IVGShapeRangePtr UngroupEx ( );
  26703. IVGShapeRangePtr UngroupAllEx ( );
  26704. IVGShapeRangePtr Range (
  26705. SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  26706. IVGShapeRangePtr All ( );
  26707. IVGShapeRangePtr AllExcluding (
  26708. SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  26709. HRESULT BreakApart ( );
  26710. IVGShapeRangePtr BreakApartEx ( );
  26711. HRESULT MoveToLayer (
  26712. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  26713. IVGShapeRangePtr CopyToLayer (
  26714. struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  26715. HRESULT ClearTransformations ( );
  26716. HRESULT Lock ( );
  26717. HRESULT Unlock ( );
  26718. HRESULT AlignRangeToShape (
  26719. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  26720. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  26721. HRESULT AlignRangeToShapeRange (
  26722. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  26723. struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange );
  26724. HRESULT AlignRangeToPage (
  26725. enum cdrAlignType Type );
  26726. HRESULT AlignRangeToPageCenter (
  26727. enum cdrAlignType Type );
  26728. HRESULT AlignRangeToGrid (
  26729. enum cdrAlignType Type );
  26730. HRESULT AlignRangeToPoint (
  26731. enum cdrAlignType Type,
  26732. double x,
  26733. double y );
  26734. HRESULT ApplyEffectInvert ( );
  26735. HRESULT ApplyEffectPosterize (
  26736. long Level );
  26737. HRESULT ApplyEffectBCI (
  26738. long Brighness,
  26739. long Contrast,
  26740. long Intensity );
  26741. HRESULT ApplyEffectColorBalance (
  26742. long CyanRed,
  26743. long MagentaGreen,
  26744. long YellowBlue,
  26745. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToShadows,
  26746. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToMidtones,
  26747. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToHighlights,
  26748. VARIANT_BOOL PreserveLuminance );
  26749. HRESULT ApplyEffectGamma (
  26750. double Gamma );
  26751. HRESULT ApplyEffectHSL (
  26752. const _variant_t & Hue,
  26753. const _variant_t & Saturation,
  26754. const _variant_t & Lightness );
  26755. HRESULT AffineTransform (
  26756. double d11,
  26757. double d12,
  26758. double d21,
  26759. double d22,
  26760. double CenterX,
  26761. double CenterY );
  26762. HRESULT ApplyFill (
  26763. struct IVGFill * Fill );
  26764. HRESULT ApplyOutline (
  26765. struct IVGOutline * Outline );
  26766. IVGShapeRangePtr GetReverseRange ( );
  26767. HRESULT Fillet (
  26768. double Radius,
  26769. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  26770. HRESULT Chamfer (
  26771. double DistanceA,
  26772. double DistanceB,
  26773. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  26774. HRESULT Scallop (
  26775. double Radius,
  26776. VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  26777. HRESULT SetFillMode (
  26778. enum cdrFillMode Mode );
  26779. HRESULT ApplyCustomHatchFill (
  26780. double Angle,
  26781. double Spacing,
  26782. double Shift,
  26783. double OriginX,
  26784. double OriginY,
  26785. double Width,
  26786. struct IVGColor * Color,
  26787. struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  26788. double DashDotLength,
  26789. double PenWidth,
  26790. struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  26791. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  26792. VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  26793. VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  26794. double FillScale,
  26795. double LineScale,
  26796. double FillAngle,
  26797. double FillSkew );
  26798. HRESULT ApplyHatchFill (
  26799. _bstr_t LibraryName,
  26800. const _variant_t & HatchNameOrIndex,
  26801. struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  26802. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  26803. VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  26804. VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  26805. double FillScale,
  26806. double LineScale,
  26807. double FillAngle,
  26808. double FillSkew );
  26809. double GetLeftX ( );
  26810. double GetRightX ( );
  26811. double GetTopY ( );
  26812. double GetBottomY ( );
  26813. IVGShapesPtr GetShapes ( );
  26814. IVGShapePtr GetFirstShape ( );
  26815. IVGShapePtr GetLastShape ( );
  26816. IVGShapeRangePtr StepAndRepeat (
  26817. long NumCopies,
  26818. double DistanceX,
  26819. double DistanceY,
  26820. enum cdrDistanceMode ModeX,
  26821. enum cdrDirection DirectionX,
  26822. enum cdrDistanceMode ModeY,
  26823. enum cdrDirection DirectionY );
  26824. VARIANT_BOOL Exists (
  26825. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  26826. VARIANT_BOOL ExistsAnyOfType (
  26827. SAFEARRAY * * TypeList );
  26828. long CountAnyOfType (
  26829. SAFEARRAY * * TypeList );
  26830. IVGShapeRangePtr FindAnyOfType (
  26831. SAFEARRAY * * TypeList );
  26832. IVGShapeRangePtr GetLinkedShapes (
  26833. enum cdrShapeLinkType LinkType );
  26834. IVGRectPtr GetBoundingBox ( );
  26835. HRESULT GetPositionEx (
  26836. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  26837. double * x,
  26838. double * y );
  26839. HRESULT SetPositionEx (
  26840. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  26841. double x,
  26842. double y );
  26843. double GetCenterX ( );
  26844. void PutCenterX (
  26845. double pVal );
  26846. double GetCenterY ( );
  26847. void PutCenterY (
  26848. double pVal );
  26849. void PutLeftX (
  26850. double pVal );
  26851. void PutRightX (
  26852. double pVal );
  26853. void PutTopY (
  26854. double pVal );
  26855. void PutBottomY (
  26856. double pVal );
  26857. VARIANT_BOOL CopyPropertiesFrom (
  26858. struct IVGShape * Source,
  26859. enum cdrCopyProperties Properties );
  26860. enum cdrOverprintState GetOverprintFillState ( );
  26861. enum cdrOverprintState GetOverprintOutlineState ( );
  26862. HRESULT Sort (
  26863. _bstr_t CompareExpression,
  26864. long StartIndex,
  26865. long EndIndex,
  26866. const _variant_t & Data = vtMissing );
  26867. HRESULT SetPixelAlignedRendering (
  26868. VARIANT_BOOL PixelAligned );
  26869. IVGDocumentPtr CreateDocumentFrom (
  26870. VARIANT_BOOL TemporaryDocument );
  26871. HRESULT AlignAndDistribute (
  26872. enum cdrAlignDistributeH MethodH,
  26873. enum cdrAlignDistributeV MethodV,
  26874. enum cdrAlignShapesTo AlignTo,
  26875. enum cdrDistributeArea DistributeArea,
  26876. VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline,
  26877. enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin,
  26878. double PointX,
  26879. double PointY,
  26880. struct IVGRect * DistributeRect );
  26881. HRESULT SetOutlinePropertiesEx (
  26882. double Width,
  26883. struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  26884. struct IVGColor * Color,
  26885. struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow,
  26886. struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow,
  26887. enum cdrTriState BehindFill,
  26888. enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape,
  26889. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps,
  26890. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin,
  26891. double NibAngle,
  26892. long NibStretch,
  26893. double DashDotLength,
  26894. double PenWidth,
  26895. double MiterLimit,
  26896. enum cdrOutlineJustification Justification );
  26897. IVGShapePtr CreateBoundary (
  26898. double x,
  26899. double y,
  26900. VARIANT_BOOL PlaceOnTop,
  26901. VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource );
  26902. IVGShapeRangePtr EqualDivide (
  26903. long Divisions,
  26904. double Gap,
  26905. VARIANT_BOOL Group,
  26906. VARIANT_BOOL Combine,
  26907. VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource );
  26908. IVGShapeRangePtr Project (
  26909. enum cdrProjectPlane Plane,
  26910. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  26911. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  26912. IVGShapeRangePtr Unproject (
  26913. enum cdrProjectPlane Plane,
  26914. enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  26915. VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  26916. HRESULT Show ( );
  26917. HRESULT Hide ( );
  26918. IVGShapeRangePtr GetToolShapes (
  26919. _bstr_t ShapeGuid );
  26920. HRESULT ModifyToolShapeProperties (
  26921. struct IVGProperties * ShapePropertiesToModify );
  26922. IVGShapeRangePtr CreateParallelCurves (
  26923. long Count,
  26924. double distanceBetweenCurves );
  26925. SAFEARRAY * GetColorTypes ( );
  26926. SAFEARRAY * GetColors (
  26927. long MaxBitmapColors );
  26928. HRESULT FlattenEffects ( );
  26929. //
  26930. // Raw methods provided by interface
  26931. //
  26932. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  26933. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26934. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  26935. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26936. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  26937. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  26938. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  26939. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  26940. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  26941. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  26942. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26943. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  26944. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  26945. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Remove (
  26946. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  26947. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IndexOf (
  26948. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  26949. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  26950. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToSelection ( ) = 0;
  26951. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToCurves ( ) = 0;
  26952. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToBitmap (
  26953. /*[in]*/ long BitDepth,
  26954. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Grayscale,
  26955. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  26956. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransparentBG,
  26957. /*[in]*/ long Resolution,
  26958. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing,
  26959. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  26960. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL MultiChannel,
  26961. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack,
  26962. /*[in]*/ long OverprintBlackLimit,
  26963. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  26964. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy ( ) = 0;
  26965. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cut ( ) = 0;
  26966. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  26967. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPosition (
  26968. /*[out]*/ double * PositionX,
  26969. /*[out]*/ double * PositionY ) = 0;
  26970. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetSize (
  26971. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  26972. /*[out]*/ double * Height ) = 0;
  26973. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
  26974. /*[in]*/ double DeltaX,
  26975. /*[in]*/ double DeltaY ) = 0;
  26976. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Duplicate (
  26977. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  26978. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY,
  26979. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppRet ) = 0;
  26980. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clone (
  26981. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  26982. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY,
  26983. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppRet ) = 0;
  26984. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Group (
  26985. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  26986. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveAll ( ) = 0;
  26987. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderToFront ( ) = 0;
  26988. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderToBack ( ) = 0;
  26989. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderForwardOne ( ) = 0;
  26990. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderBackOne ( ) = 0;
  26991. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderFrontOf (
  26992. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  26993. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderBackOf (
  26994. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  26995. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OrderReverse ( ) = 0;
  26996. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Rotate (
  26997. /*[in]*/ double Angle ) = 0;
  26998. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RotateEx (
  26999. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  27000. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  27001. /*[in]*/ double CenterY ) = 0;
  27002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Skew (
  27003. /*[in]*/ double AngleX,
  27004. /*[in]*/ double AngleY ) = 0;
  27005. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SkewEx (
  27006. /*[in]*/ double AngleX,
  27007. /*[in]*/ double AngleY,
  27008. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  27009. /*[in]*/ double CenterY ) = 0;
  27010. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UngroupAll ( ) = 0;
  27011. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Flip (
  27012. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFlipAxes Axes ) = 0;
  27013. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionX (
  27014. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27015. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionX (
  27016. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27017. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionY (
  27018. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27019. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionY (
  27020. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27021. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeWidth (
  27022. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27023. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeWidth (
  27024. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27025. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeHeight (
  27026. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27027. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SizeHeight (
  27028. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27029. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationCenterX (
  27030. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27031. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationCenterX (
  27032. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27033. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationCenterY (
  27034. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27035. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationCenterY (
  27036. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27037. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToPowerClip (
  27038. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  27039. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState CenterInContainer ) = 0;
  27040. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveFromContainer (
  27041. /*[in]*/ long Level ) = 0;
  27042. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddRange (
  27043. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange ) = 0;
  27044. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPosition (
  27045. /*[in]*/ double PositionX,
  27046. /*[in]*/ double PositionY ) = 0;
  27047. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSize (
  27048. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  27049. /*[in]*/ double Height ) = 0;
  27050. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToBitmapEx (
  27051. /*[in]*/ enum cdrImageType Mode,
  27052. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Dithered,
  27053. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Transparent,
  27054. /*[in]*/ long Resolution,
  27055. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing,
  27056. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile,
  27057. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack,
  27058. /*[in]*/ long OverprintBlackLimit,
  27059. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRet ) = 0;
  27060. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Combine (
  27061. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppRetVal ) = 0;
  27062. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBoundingBox (
  27063. /*[in]*/ double x,
  27064. /*[in]*/ double y,
  27065. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  27066. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  27067. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL KeepAspect,
  27068. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint ) = 0;
  27069. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyNoFill ( ) = 0;
  27070. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyUniformFill (
  27071. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color ) = 0;
  27072. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyFountainFill (
  27073. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * StartColor,
  27074. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * EndColor,
  27075. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillType Type,
  27076. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  27077. /*[in]*/ long Steps,
  27078. /*[in]*/ long EdgePad,
  27079. /*[in]*/ long MidPoint,
  27080. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType,
  27081. /*[in]*/ double CenterOffsetX,
  27082. /*[in]*/ double CenterOffsetY ) = 0;
  27083. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyPatternFill (
  27084. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPatternFillType Type,
  27085. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  27086. /*[in]*/ long PatternCanvasIndex,
  27087. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * FrontColor,
  27088. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * EndColor,
  27089. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape ) = 0;
  27090. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyTextureFill (
  27091. /*[in]*/ BSTR TextureName,
  27092. /*[in]*/ BSTR LibraryName ) = 0;
  27093. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyPostscriptFill (
  27094. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName ) = 0;
  27095. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertOutlineToObject (
  27096. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27097. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetOutlineProperties (
  27098. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  27099. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  27100. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  27101. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow,
  27102. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow,
  27103. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState BehindFill,
  27104. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape,
  27105. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps,
  27106. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin,
  27107. /*[in]*/ double NibAngle,
  27108. /*[in]*/ long NibStretch,
  27109. /*[in]*/ double DashDotLength,
  27110. /*[in]*/ double PenWidth,
  27111. /*[in]*/ double MiterLimit ) = 0;
  27112. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateSelection ( ) = 0;
  27113. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveFromSelection ( ) = 0;
  27114. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRotationCenter (
  27115. /*[in]*/ double x,
  27116. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  27117. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Stretch (
  27118. /*[in]*/ double StretchX,
  27119. /*[in]*/ double StretchY,
  27120. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize ) = 0;
  27121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StretchEx (
  27122. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  27123. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  27124. /*[in]*/ double StretchX,
  27125. /*[in]*/ double StretchY,
  27126. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize ) = 0;
  27127. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetSizeEx (
  27128. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  27129. /*[in]*/ double CenterY,
  27130. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  27131. /*[in]*/ double Height ) = 0;
  27132. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBoundingBox (
  27133. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  27134. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  27135. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  27136. /*[out]*/ double * Height,
  27137. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline ) = 0;
  27138. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RestoreCloneLink (
  27139. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCloneLinkType LinkToRestore ) = 0;
  27140. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearEffect (
  27141. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEffectType Type ) = 0;
  27142. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RemoveRange (
  27143. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * Range ) = 0;
  27144. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeleteItem (
  27145. /*[in]*/ long Index ) = 0;
  27146. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CustomCommand (
  27147. /*[in]*/ BSTR ComponentID,
  27148. /*[in]*/ BSTR CommandID,
  27149. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * Parameters,
  27150. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  27151. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToShape (
  27152. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  27153. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  27154. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  27155. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToShapeRange (
  27156. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  27157. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange,
  27158. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  27159. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToPage (
  27160. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  27161. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  27162. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToPageCenter (
  27163. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  27164. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  27165. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToGrid (
  27166. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  27167. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  27168. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToPoint (
  27169. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  27170. /*[in]*/ double x,
  27171. /*[in]*/ double y,
  27172. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin ) = 0;
  27173. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Distribute (
  27174. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDistributeType Type,
  27175. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL PageExtent ) = 0;
  27176. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToSymbol (
  27177. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  27178. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27179. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Ungroup ( ) = 0;
  27180. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UngroupEx (
  27181. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27182. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UngroupAllEx (
  27183. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27184. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
  27185. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray,
  27186. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27187. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_All (
  27188. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27189. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AllExcluding (
  27190. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray,
  27191. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27192. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakApart ( ) = 0;
  27193. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakApartEx (
  27194. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27195. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveToLayer (
  27196. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer ) = 0;
  27197. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyToLayer (
  27198. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Layer,
  27199. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27200. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearTransformations ( ) = 0;
  27201. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Lock ( ) = 0;
  27202. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unlock ( ) = 0;
  27203. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignRangeToShape (
  27204. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  27205. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  27206. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignRangeToShapeRange (
  27207. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  27208. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange ) = 0;
  27209. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignRangeToPage (
  27210. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type ) = 0;
  27211. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignRangeToPageCenter (
  27212. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type ) = 0;
  27213. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignRangeToGrid (
  27214. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type ) = 0;
  27215. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignRangeToPoint (
  27216. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignType Type,
  27217. /*[in]*/ double x,
  27218. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  27219. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectInvert ( ) = 0;
  27220. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectPosterize (
  27221. /*[in]*/ long Level ) = 0;
  27222. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectBCI (
  27223. /*[in]*/ long Brighness,
  27224. /*[in]*/ long Contrast,
  27225. /*[in]*/ long Intensity ) = 0;
  27226. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectColorBalance (
  27227. /*[in]*/ long CyanRed,
  27228. /*[in]*/ long MagentaGreen,
  27229. /*[in]*/ long YellowBlue,
  27230. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToShadows,
  27231. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToMidtones,
  27232. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToHighlights,
  27233. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL PreserveLuminance ) = 0;
  27234. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectGamma (
  27235. /*[in]*/ double Gamma ) = 0;
  27236. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyEffectHSL (
  27237. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Hue,
  27238. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Saturation,
  27239. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Lightness ) = 0;
  27240. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AffineTransform (
  27241. /*[in]*/ double d11,
  27242. /*[in]*/ double d12,
  27243. /*[in]*/ double d21,
  27244. /*[in]*/ double d22,
  27245. /*[in]*/ double CenterX,
  27246. /*[in]*/ double CenterY ) = 0;
  27247. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyFill (
  27248. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFill * Fill ) = 0;
  27249. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyOutline (
  27250. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutline * Outline ) = 0;
  27251. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReverseRange (
  27252. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27253. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Fillet (
  27254. /*[in]*/ double Radius,
  27255. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments ) = 0;
  27256. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Chamfer (
  27257. /*[in]*/ double DistanceA,
  27258. /*[in]*/ double DistanceB,
  27259. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments ) = 0;
  27260. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Scallop (
  27261. /*[in]*/ double Radius,
  27262. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments ) = 0;
  27263. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetFillMode (
  27264. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFillMode Mode ) = 0;
  27265. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyCustomHatchFill (
  27266. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  27267. /*[in]*/ double Spacing,
  27268. /*[in]*/ double Shift,
  27269. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  27270. /*[in]*/ double OriginY,
  27271. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  27272. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  27273. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  27274. /*[in]*/ double DashDotLength,
  27275. /*[in]*/ double PenWidth,
  27276. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  27277. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  27278. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  27279. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  27280. /*[in]*/ double FillScale,
  27281. /*[in]*/ double LineScale,
  27282. /*[in]*/ double FillAngle,
  27283. /*[in]*/ double FillSkew ) = 0;
  27284. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyHatchFill (
  27285. /*[in]*/ BSTR LibraryName,
  27286. /*[in]*/ VARIANT HatchNameOrIndex,
  27287. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  27288. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  27289. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  27290. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  27291. /*[in]*/ double FillScale,
  27292. /*[in]*/ double LineScale,
  27293. /*[in]*/ double FillAngle,
  27294. /*[in]*/ double FillSkew ) = 0;
  27295. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeftX (
  27296. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27297. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RightX (
  27298. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27299. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TopY (
  27300. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27301. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BottomY (
  27302. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27303. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shapes (
  27304. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27305. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstShape (
  27306. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27307. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastShape (
  27308. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27309. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StepAndRepeat (
  27310. /*[in]*/ long NumCopies,
  27311. /*[in]*/ double DistanceX,
  27312. /*[in]*/ double DistanceY,
  27313. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDistanceMode ModeX,
  27314. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDirection DirectionX,
  27315. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDistanceMode ModeY,
  27316. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDirection DirectionY,
  27317. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27318. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Exists (
  27319. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  27320. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27321. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExistsAnyOfType (
  27322. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * TypeList,
  27323. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27324. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CountAnyOfType (
  27325. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * TypeList,
  27326. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  27327. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindAnyOfType (
  27328. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * TypeList,
  27329. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27330. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLinkedShapes (
  27331. /*[in]*/ enum cdrShapeLinkType LinkType,
  27332. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27333. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBox (
  27334. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27335. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPositionEx (
  27336. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  27337. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  27338. /*[out]*/ double * y ) = 0;
  27339. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPositionEx (
  27340. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  27341. /*[in]*/ double x,
  27342. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  27343. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  27344. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27345. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterX (
  27346. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27347. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  27348. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27349. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CenterY (
  27350. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27351. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeftX (
  27352. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27353. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RightX (
  27354. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27355. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TopY (
  27356. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27357. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BottomY (
  27358. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27359. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyPropertiesFrom (
  27360. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Source,
  27361. /*[in]*/ enum cdrCopyProperties Properties,
  27362. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27363. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOverprintFillState (
  27364. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOverprintState * pVal ) = 0;
  27365. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOverprintOutlineState (
  27366. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOverprintState * pVal ) = 0;
  27367. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Sort (
  27368. /*[in]*/ BSTR CompareExpression,
  27369. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  27370. /*[in]*/ long EndIndex,
  27371. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Data = vtMissing ) = 0;
  27372. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPixelAlignedRendering (
  27373. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL PixelAligned ) = 0;
  27374. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateDocumentFrom (
  27375. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TemporaryDocument,
  27376. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27377. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignAndDistribute (
  27378. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignDistributeH MethodH,
  27379. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignDistributeV MethodV,
  27380. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignShapesTo AlignTo,
  27381. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDistributeArea DistributeArea,
  27382. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline,
  27383. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin,
  27384. /*[in]*/ double PointX,
  27385. /*[in]*/ double PointY,
  27386. /*[in]*/ struct IVGRect * DistributeRect ) = 0;
  27387. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetOutlinePropertiesEx (
  27388. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  27389. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  27390. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  27391. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow,
  27392. /*[in]*/ struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow,
  27393. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState BehindFill,
  27394. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape,
  27395. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps,
  27396. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin,
  27397. /*[in]*/ double NibAngle,
  27398. /*[in]*/ long NibStretch,
  27399. /*[in]*/ double DashDotLength,
  27400. /*[in]*/ double PenWidth,
  27401. /*[in]*/ double MiterLimit,
  27402. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineJustification Justification ) = 0;
  27403. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateBoundary (
  27404. /*[in]*/ double x,
  27405. /*[in]*/ double y,
  27406. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL PlaceOnTop,
  27407. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource,
  27408. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27409. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EqualDivide (
  27410. /*[in]*/ long Divisions,
  27411. /*[in]*/ double Gap,
  27412. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Group,
  27413. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Combine,
  27414. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource,
  27415. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27416. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Project (
  27417. /*[in]*/ enum cdrProjectPlane Plane,
  27418. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  27419. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate,
  27420. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppRetVal ) = 0;
  27421. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unproject (
  27422. /*[in]*/ enum cdrProjectPlane Plane,
  27423. /*[in]*/ enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint,
  27424. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate,
  27425. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppRetVal ) = 0;
  27426. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Show ( ) = 0;
  27427. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Hide ( ) = 0;
  27428. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetToolShapes (
  27429. /*[in]*/ BSTR ShapeGuid,
  27430. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ModifyToolShapeProperties (
  27432. /*[in]*/ struct IVGProperties * ShapePropertiesToModify ) = 0;
  27433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateParallelCurves (
  27434. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  27435. /*[in]*/ double distanceBetweenCurves,
  27436. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppParallels ) = 0;
  27437. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetColorTypes (
  27438. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27439. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetColors (
  27440. /*[in]*/ long MaxBitmapColors,
  27441. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27442. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FlattenEffects ( ) = 0;
  27443. };
  27444. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580053-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  27445. IVGPowerClip : IDispatch
  27446. {
  27447. //
  27448. // Property data
  27449. //
  27450. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  27451. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  27452. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  27453. IVGShapePtr Parent;
  27454. __declspec(property(get=GetShapes))
  27455. IVGShapesPtr Shapes;
  27456. __declspec(property(get=GetContentsLocked,put=PutContentsLocked))
  27457. VARIANT_BOOL ContentsLocked;
  27458. //
  27459. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  27460. //
  27461. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  27462. IVGShapePtr GetParent ( );
  27463. IVGShapesPtr GetShapes ( );
  27464. VARIANT_BOOL GetContentsLocked ( );
  27465. void PutContentsLocked (
  27466. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  27467. HRESULT EnterEditMode ( );
  27468. HRESULT LeaveEditMode ( );
  27469. IVGShapeRangePtr ExtractShapes ( );
  27470. //
  27471. // Raw methods provided by interface
  27472. //
  27473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  27474. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  27476. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27477. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shapes (
  27478. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContentsLocked (
  27480. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ContentsLocked (
  27482. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  27483. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EnterEditMode ( ) = 0;
  27484. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LeaveEditMode ( ) = 0;
  27485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExtractShapes (
  27486. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27487. };
  27488. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580038-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  27489. IVGFill : IDispatch
  27490. {
  27491. //
  27492. // Property data
  27493. //
  27494. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  27495. enum cdrFillType Type;
  27496. __declspec(property(get=GetUniformColor,put=PutUniformColor))
  27497. IVGColorPtr UniformColor;
  27498. __declspec(property(get=GetFountain,put=PutFountain))
  27499. IVGFountainFillPtr Fountain;
  27500. __declspec(property(get=GetPattern,put=PutPattern))
  27501. IVGPatternFillPtr Pattern;
  27502. __declspec(property(get=GetTexture,put=PutTexture))
  27503. IVGTextureFillPtr Texture;
  27504. __declspec(property(get=GetPostScript,put=PutPostScript))
  27505. IVGPostScriptFillPtr PostScript;
  27506. __declspec(property(get=GetPSScreen))
  27507. IVGPSScreenOptionsPtr PSScreen;
  27508. __declspec(property(get=GetHatch,put=PutHatch))
  27509. IVGHatchFillPtr Hatch;
  27510. //
  27511. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  27512. //
  27513. enum cdrFillType GetType ( );
  27514. IVGColorPtr GetUniformColor ( );
  27515. void PutUniformColor (
  27516. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  27517. IVGFountainFillPtr GetFountain ( );
  27518. void PutFountain (
  27519. struct IVGFountainFill * ppVal );
  27520. IVGPatternFillPtr GetPattern ( );
  27521. void PutPattern (
  27522. struct IVGPatternFill * ppVal );
  27523. IVGTextureFillPtr GetTexture ( );
  27524. void PutTexture (
  27525. struct IVGTextureFill * ppVal );
  27526. IVGPostScriptFillPtr GetPostScript ( );
  27527. void PutPostScript (
  27528. struct IVGPostScriptFill * ppVal );
  27529. HRESULT ApplyNoFill ( );
  27530. HRESULT ApplyUniformFill (
  27531. struct IVGColor * Color );
  27532. IVGFountainFillPtr ApplyFountainFill (
  27533. struct IVGColor * StartColor,
  27534. struct IVGColor * EndColor,
  27535. enum cdrFountainFillType Type,
  27536. double Angle,
  27537. long Steps,
  27538. long EdgePad,
  27539. long MidPoint,
  27540. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType,
  27541. double CenterOffsetX,
  27542. double CenterOffsetY );
  27543. IVGPatternFillPtr ApplyPatternFill (
  27544. enum cdrPatternFillType Type,
  27545. _bstr_t FileName,
  27546. long PatternCanvasIndex,
  27547. struct IVGColor * FrontColor,
  27548. struct IVGColor * EndColor,
  27549. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape );
  27550. IVGTextureFillPtr ApplyTextureFill (
  27551. _bstr_t TextureName,
  27552. _bstr_t LibraryName );
  27553. IVGPostScriptFillPtr ApplyPostscriptFill (
  27554. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  27555. IVGFillPtr GetCopy ( );
  27556. HRESULT CopyAssign (
  27557. struct IVGFill * SourceFill );
  27558. VARIANT_BOOL UserAssign (
  27559. enum cdrFillType FillType,
  27560. enum cdrPatternFillType PatternType,
  27561. long ParentWindowHandle );
  27562. IVGPSScreenOptionsPtr GetPSScreen ( );
  27563. IVGHatchFillPtr GetHatch ( );
  27564. void PutHatch (
  27565. struct IVGHatchFill * ppVal );
  27566. VARIANT_BOOL CompareWith (
  27567. struct IVGFill * Fill );
  27568. IVGHatchFillPtr ApplyCustomHatchFill (
  27569. double Angle,
  27570. double Spacing,
  27571. double Shift,
  27572. double OriginX,
  27573. double OriginY,
  27574. double Width,
  27575. struct IVGColor * Color,
  27576. struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  27577. double DashDotLength,
  27578. double PenWidth,
  27579. struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  27580. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  27581. VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  27582. VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  27583. double FillScale,
  27584. double LineScale,
  27585. double FillAngle,
  27586. double FillSkew );
  27587. IVGHatchFillPtr ApplyHatchFill (
  27588. _bstr_t LibraryName,
  27589. const _variant_t & HatchNameOrIndex,
  27590. struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  27591. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  27592. VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  27593. VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  27594. double FillScale,
  27595. double LineScale,
  27596. double FillAngle,
  27597. double FillSkew );
  27598. _bstr_t ToString ( );
  27599. VARIANT_BOOL StringAssign (
  27600. _bstr_t FillString );
  27601. //
  27602. // Raw methods provided by interface
  27603. //
  27604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  27605. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFillType * Type ) = 0;
  27606. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UniformColor (
  27607. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27608. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UniformColor (
  27609. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  27610. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fountain (
  27611. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFountainFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27612. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Fountain (
  27613. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFountainFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  27614. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pattern (
  27615. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPatternFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Pattern (
  27617. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPatternFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  27618. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Texture (
  27619. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextureFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27620. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Texture (
  27621. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTextureFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  27622. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PostScript (
  27623. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPostScriptFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27624. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PostScript (
  27625. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPostScriptFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  27626. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyNoFill ( ) = 0;
  27627. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyUniformFill (
  27628. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color ) = 0;
  27629. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyFountainFill (
  27630. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * StartColor,
  27631. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * EndColor,
  27632. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillType Type,
  27633. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  27634. /*[in]*/ long Steps,
  27635. /*[in]*/ long EdgePad,
  27636. /*[in]*/ long MidPoint,
  27637. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType,
  27638. /*[in]*/ double CenterOffsetX,
  27639. /*[in]*/ double CenterOffsetY,
  27640. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFountainFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27641. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyPatternFill (
  27642. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPatternFillType Type,
  27643. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  27644. /*[in]*/ long PatternCanvasIndex,
  27645. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * FrontColor,
  27646. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * EndColor,
  27647. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  27648. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPatternFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27649. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyTextureFill (
  27650. /*[in]*/ BSTR TextureName,
  27651. /*[in]*/ BSTR LibraryName,
  27652. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextureFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27653. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyPostscriptFill (
  27654. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  27655. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPostScriptFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27656. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  27657. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27658. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAssign (
  27659. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFill * SourceFill ) = 0;
  27660. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UserAssign (
  27661. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFillType FillType,
  27662. /*[in]*/ enum cdrPatternFillType PatternType,
  27663. /*[in]*/ long ParentWindowHandle,
  27664. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27665. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PSScreen (
  27666. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPSScreenOptions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27667. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Hatch (
  27668. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27669. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Hatch (
  27670. /*[in]*/ struct IVGHatchFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  27671. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CompareWith (
  27672. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFill * Fill,
  27673. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27674. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyCustomHatchFill (
  27675. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  27676. /*[in]*/ double Spacing,
  27677. /*[in]*/ double Shift,
  27678. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  27679. /*[in]*/ double OriginY,
  27680. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  27681. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  27682. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  27683. /*[in]*/ double DashDotLength,
  27684. /*[in]*/ double PenWidth,
  27685. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  27686. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  27687. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  27688. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  27689. /*[in]*/ double FillScale,
  27690. /*[in]*/ double LineScale,
  27691. /*[in]*/ double FillAngle,
  27692. /*[in]*/ double FillSkew,
  27693. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27694. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyHatchFill (
  27695. /*[in]*/ BSTR LibraryName,
  27696. /*[in]*/ VARIANT HatchNameOrIndex,
  27697. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  27698. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  27699. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  27700. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  27701. /*[in]*/ double FillScale,
  27702. /*[in]*/ double LineScale,
  27703. /*[in]*/ double FillAngle,
  27704. /*[in]*/ double FillSkew,
  27705. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToString (
  27707. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  27708. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StringAssign (
  27709. /*[in]*/ BSTR FillString,
  27710. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27711. };
  27712. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  27713. IVGHatchFills : IDispatch
  27714. {
  27715. //
  27716. // Property data
  27717. //
  27718. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  27719. IVGFillPtr Item[];
  27720. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  27721. long Count;
  27722. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  27723. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  27724. //
  27725. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  27726. //
  27727. IVGFillPtr GetItem (
  27728. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  27729. long GetCount ( );
  27730. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  27731. IVGFillPtr Find (
  27732. _bstr_t Name );
  27733. //
  27734. // Raw methods provided by interface
  27735. //
  27736. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  27737. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  27738. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27739. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  27740. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  27741. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  27742. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  27743. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  27744. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  27745. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27746. };
  27747. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  27748. IVGHatchLibrary : IDispatch
  27749. {
  27750. //
  27751. // Property data
  27752. //
  27753. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  27754. _bstr_t Name;
  27755. __declspec(property(get=GetFills))
  27756. IVGHatchFillsPtr Fills;
  27757. __declspec(property(get=GetActive))
  27758. VARIANT_BOOL Active;
  27759. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  27760. long Index;
  27761. __declspec(property(get=GetDisplayName))
  27762. _bstr_t DisplayName;
  27763. //
  27764. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  27765. //
  27766. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  27767. IVGHatchFillsPtr GetFills ( );
  27768. VARIANT_BOOL GetActive ( );
  27769. long GetIndex ( );
  27770. HRESULT Activate ( );
  27771. _bstr_t GetDisplayName ( );
  27772. //
  27773. // Raw methods provided by interface
  27774. //
  27775. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  27776. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  27777. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fills (
  27778. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchFills * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27779. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Active (
  27780. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27781. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  27782. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  27783. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  27784. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayName (
  27785. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  27786. };
  27787. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  27788. IVGHatchFill : IDispatch
  27789. {
  27790. //
  27791. // Property data
  27792. //
  27793. __declspec(property(get=GetBackColor,put=PutBackColor))
  27794. IVGColorPtr BackColor;
  27795. __declspec(property(get=GetHasBackground))
  27796. VARIANT_BOOL HasBackground;
  27797. __declspec(property(get=GetTransformWithShape,put=PutTransformWithShape))
  27798. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape;
  27799. __declspec(property(get=GetScaleLinesWithShape,put=PutScaleLinesWithShape))
  27800. VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape;
  27801. __declspec(property(get=GetUseWorldCoordinates,put=PutUseWorldCoordinates))
  27802. VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates;
  27803. __declspec(property(get=GetLibraryName))
  27804. _bstr_t LibraryName;
  27805. __declspec(property(get=GetHatchName))
  27806. _bstr_t HatchName;
  27807. __declspec(property(get=GetPatterns))
  27808. IVGHatchPatternsPtr Patterns;
  27809. __declspec(property(get=GetFillScaleX,put=PutFillScaleX))
  27810. double FillScaleX;
  27811. __declspec(property(get=GetFillScaleY,put=PutFillScaleY))
  27812. double FillScaleY;
  27813. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationAngle,put=PutRotationAngle))
  27814. double RotationAngle;
  27815. __declspec(property(get=GetSkewAngle,put=PutSkewAngle))
  27816. double SkewAngle;
  27817. __declspec(property(get=GetIsFromLibrary))
  27818. VARIANT_BOOL IsFromLibrary;
  27819. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  27820. long Index;
  27821. __declspec(property(get=GetLibrary))
  27822. IVGHatchLibraryPtr Library;
  27823. //
  27824. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  27825. //
  27826. IVGColorPtr GetBackColor ( );
  27827. void PutBackColor (
  27828. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  27829. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasBackground ( );
  27830. VARIANT_BOOL GetTransformWithShape ( );
  27831. void PutTransformWithShape (
  27832. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  27833. VARIANT_BOOL GetScaleLinesWithShape ( );
  27834. void PutScaleLinesWithShape (
  27835. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  27836. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseWorldCoordinates ( );
  27837. void PutUseWorldCoordinates (
  27838. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  27839. _bstr_t GetLibraryName ( );
  27840. _bstr_t GetHatchName ( );
  27841. IVGHatchPatternsPtr GetPatterns ( );
  27842. double GetFillScaleX ( );
  27843. void PutFillScaleX (
  27844. double pVal );
  27845. double GetFillScaleY ( );
  27846. void PutFillScaleY (
  27847. double pVal );
  27848. double GetRotationAngle ( );
  27849. void PutRotationAngle (
  27850. double pVal );
  27851. double GetSkewAngle ( );
  27852. void PutSkewAngle (
  27853. double pVal );
  27854. HRESULT SetNoBackColor ( );
  27855. HRESULT SetFillScale (
  27856. double FillScale );
  27857. double GetFillScale ( );
  27858. HRESULT SetLineScale (
  27859. double LineScale );
  27860. double GetLineScale ( );
  27861. IVGHatchPatternPtr AddPattern (
  27862. double Angle,
  27863. double Spacing,
  27864. double Shift,
  27865. double OriginX,
  27866. double OriginY,
  27867. double Width,
  27868. struct IVGColor * Color,
  27869. struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  27870. double DashDotLength,
  27871. double PenWidth );
  27872. HRESULT AddToLibrary (
  27873. _bstr_t LibraryName,
  27874. _bstr_t HatchName );
  27875. HRESULT Select (
  27876. _bstr_t LibraryName,
  27877. const _variant_t & HatchNameOrIndex,
  27878. struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  27879. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  27880. VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  27881. VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  27882. double FillScale,
  27883. double LineScale,
  27884. double FillAngle,
  27885. double FillSkew );
  27886. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFromLibrary ( );
  27887. long GetIndex ( );
  27888. IVGHatchLibraryPtr GetLibrary ( );
  27889. //
  27890. // Raw methods provided by interface
  27891. //
  27892. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BackColor (
  27893. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27894. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BackColor (
  27895. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  27896. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasBackground (
  27897. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27898. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TransformWithShape (
  27899. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27900. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TransformWithShape (
  27901. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  27902. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScaleLinesWithShape (
  27903. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27904. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScaleLinesWithShape (
  27905. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  27906. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseWorldCoordinates (
  27907. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27908. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseWorldCoordinates (
  27909. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  27910. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LibraryName (
  27911. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  27912. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HatchName (
  27913. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  27914. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Patterns (
  27915. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchPatterns * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27916. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FillScaleX (
  27917. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27918. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FillScaleX (
  27919. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27920. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FillScaleY (
  27921. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27922. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FillScaleY (
  27923. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27924. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationAngle (
  27925. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27926. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationAngle (
  27927. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27928. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SkewAngle (
  27929. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27930. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SkewAngle (
  27931. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  27932. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetNoBackColor ( ) = 0;
  27933. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetFillScale (
  27934. /*[in]*/ double FillScale ) = 0;
  27935. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetFillScale (
  27936. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27937. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetLineScale (
  27938. /*[in]*/ double LineScale ) = 0;
  27939. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetLineScale (
  27940. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  27941. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddPattern (
  27942. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  27943. /*[in]*/ double Spacing,
  27944. /*[in]*/ double Shift,
  27945. /*[in]*/ double OriginX,
  27946. /*[in]*/ double OriginY,
  27947. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  27948. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  27949. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style,
  27950. /*[in]*/ double DashDotLength,
  27951. /*[in]*/ double PenWidth,
  27952. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchPattern * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27953. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddToLibrary (
  27954. /*[in]*/ BSTR LibraryName,
  27955. /*[in]*/ BSTR HatchName ) = 0;
  27956. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
  27957. /*[in]*/ BSTR LibraryName,
  27958. /*[in]*/ VARIANT HatchNameOrIndex,
  27959. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * BackColor,
  27960. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape,
  27961. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape,
  27962. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates,
  27963. /*[in]*/ double FillScale,
  27964. /*[in]*/ double LineScale,
  27965. /*[in]*/ double FillAngle,
  27966. /*[in]*/ double FillSkew ) = 0;
  27967. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFromLibrary (
  27968. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  27969. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  27970. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  27971. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Library (
  27972. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchLibrary * * ppVal ) = 0;
  27973. };
  27974. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580064-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  27975. IVGStructFontProperties : IDispatch
  27976. {
  27977. //
  27978. // Property data
  27979. //
  27980. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  27981. _bstr_t Name;
  27982. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle,put=PutStyle))
  27983. enum cdrFontStyle Style;
  27984. __declspec(property(get=GetSize,put=PutSize))
  27985. float Size;
  27986. __declspec(property(get=GetUnderline,put=PutUnderline))
  27987. enum cdrFontLine Underline;
  27988. __declspec(property(get=GetOverscore,put=PutOverscore))
  27989. enum cdrFontLine Overscore;
  27990. __declspec(property(get=GetStrikethru,put=PutStrikethru))
  27991. enum cdrFontLine Strikethru;
  27992. __declspec(property(get=GetUppercase,put=PutUppercase))
  27993. enum cdrFontCase Uppercase;
  27994. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition,put=PutPosition))
  27995. enum cdrFontPosition Position;
  27996. __declspec(property(get=GetRangeKerning,put=PutRangeKerning))
  27997. long RangeKerning;
  27998. __declspec(property(get=GetFill,put=PutFill))
  27999. IVGFillPtr Fill;
  28000. __declspec(property(get=GetOutline,put=PutOutline))
  28001. IVGOutlinePtr Outline;
  28002. //
  28003. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  28004. //
  28005. void PutName (
  28006. _bstr_t pVal );
  28007. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  28008. void PutStyle (
  28009. enum cdrFontStyle pVal );
  28010. enum cdrFontStyle GetStyle ( );
  28011. void PutSize (
  28012. float pVal );
  28013. float GetSize ( );
  28014. void PutUnderline (
  28015. enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  28016. enum cdrFontLine GetUnderline ( );
  28017. void PutOverscore (
  28018. enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  28019. enum cdrFontLine GetOverscore ( );
  28020. void PutStrikethru (
  28021. enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  28022. enum cdrFontLine GetStrikethru ( );
  28023. void PutUppercase (
  28024. enum cdrFontCase pVal );
  28025. enum cdrFontCase GetUppercase ( );
  28026. void PutPosition (
  28027. enum cdrFontPosition pVal );
  28028. enum cdrFontPosition GetPosition ( );
  28029. void PutRangeKerning (
  28030. long pVal );
  28031. long GetRangeKerning ( );
  28032. void PutFill (
  28033. struct IVGFill * ppVal );
  28034. IVGFillPtr GetFill ( );
  28035. void PutOutline (
  28036. struct IVGOutline * ppVal );
  28037. IVGOutlinePtr GetOutline ( );
  28038. //
  28039. // Raw methods provided by interface
  28040. //
  28041. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  28042. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  28043. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  28044. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  28045. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Style (
  28046. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontStyle pVal ) = 0;
  28047. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  28048. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontStyle * pVal ) = 0;
  28049. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
  28050. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  28051. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
  28052. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  28053. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Underline (
  28054. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine pVal ) = 0;
  28055. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Underline (
  28056. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontLine * pVal ) = 0;
  28057. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Overscore (
  28058. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine pVal ) = 0;
  28059. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overscore (
  28060. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontLine * pVal ) = 0;
  28061. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Strikethru (
  28062. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine pVal ) = 0;
  28063. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Strikethru (
  28064. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontLine * pVal ) = 0;
  28065. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Uppercase (
  28066. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontCase pVal ) = 0;
  28067. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Uppercase (
  28068. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontCase * pVal ) = 0;
  28069. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
  28070. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontPosition pVal ) = 0;
  28071. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  28072. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontPosition * pVal ) = 0;
  28073. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RangeKerning (
  28074. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  28075. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RangeKerning (
  28076. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  28077. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Fill (
  28078. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  28079. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
  28080. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28081. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Outline (
  28082. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutline * ppVal ) = 0;
  28083. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Outline (
  28084. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28085. };
  28086. struct __declspec(uuid("b058009d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  28087. IVGHatchLibraries : IDispatch
  28088. {
  28089. //
  28090. // Property data
  28091. //
  28092. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  28093. IVGHatchLibraryPtr Item[];
  28094. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  28095. long Count;
  28096. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveLibrary))
  28097. IVGHatchLibraryPtr ActiveLibrary;
  28098. __declspec(property(get=GetDefaultLibrary))
  28099. IVGHatchLibraryPtr DefaultLibrary;
  28100. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  28101. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  28102. //
  28103. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  28104. //
  28105. IVGHatchLibraryPtr GetItem (
  28106. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  28107. long GetCount ( );
  28108. IVGHatchLibraryPtr Find (
  28109. _bstr_t Name );
  28110. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  28111. IVGHatchLibraryPtr GetActiveLibrary ( );
  28112. IVGHatchLibraryPtr GetDefaultLibrary ( );
  28113. //
  28114. // Raw methods provided by interface
  28115. //
  28116. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  28117. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  28118. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchLibrary * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28119. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  28120. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  28121. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  28122. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  28123. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchLibrary * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28124. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  28125. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  28126. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveLibrary (
  28127. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchLibrary * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28128. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultLibrary (
  28129. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGHatchLibrary * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28130. };
  28131. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580071-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  28132. IVGText : IDispatch
  28133. {
  28134. //
  28135. // Property data
  28136. //
  28137. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  28138. enum cdrTextType Type;
  28139. __declspec(property(get=GetFramesInLink))
  28140. long FramesInLink;
  28141. __declspec(property(get=GetUnusedFramesInLink))
  28142. long UnusedFramesInLink;
  28143. __declspec(property(get=GetOverflow))
  28144. VARIANT_BOOL Overflow;
  28145. __declspec(property(get=GetFontProperties,put=PutFontProperties))
  28146. IVGStructFontPropertiesPtr FontProperties[];
  28147. __declspec(property(get=GetSelection))
  28148. IVGTextRangePtr Selection;
  28149. __declspec(property(get=GetFontPropertiesInRange,put=PutFontPropertiesInRange))
  28150. IVGStructFontPropertiesPtr FontPropertiesInRange[][][];
  28151. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEditing))
  28152. VARIANT_BOOL IsEditing;
  28153. __declspec(property(get=GetAlignProperties,put=PutAlignProperties))
  28154. IVGStructAlignPropertiesPtr AlignProperties[];
  28155. __declspec(property(get=GetFrame))
  28156. IVGTextFramePtr Frame;
  28157. __declspec(property(get=GetAlignPropertiesInRange,put=PutAlignPropertiesInRange))
  28158. IVGStructAlignPropertiesPtr AlignPropertiesInRange[][][];
  28159. __declspec(property(get=GetFrames))
  28160. IVGTextFramesPtr Frames;
  28161. __declspec(property(get=GetSpaceProperties,put=PutSpaceProperties))
  28162. IVGStructSpacePropertiesPtr SpaceProperties[];
  28163. __declspec(property(get=GetIsArtisticText))
  28164. VARIANT_BOOL IsArtisticText;
  28165. __declspec(property(get=GetSpacePropertiesInRange,put=PutSpacePropertiesInRange))
  28166. IVGStructSpacePropertiesPtr SpacePropertiesInRange[][][];
  28167. __declspec(property(get=GetHyphenationSettings,put=PutHyphenationSettings))
  28168. IVGStructHyphenationSettingsPtr HyphenationSettings[];
  28169. __declspec(property(get=GetHyphenationSettingsInRange,put=PutHyphenationSettingsInRange))
  28170. IVGStructHyphenationSettingsPtr HyphenationSettingsInRange[][][];
  28171. __declspec(property(get=GetContents,put=PutContents))
  28172. _bstr_t Contents[];
  28173. __declspec(property(get=GetIsHTMLCompatible))
  28174. VARIANT_BOOL IsHTMLCompatible;
  28175. __declspec(property(get=GetStory))
  28176. IVGTextRangePtr Story;
  28177. //
  28178. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  28179. //
  28180. enum cdrTextType GetType ( );
  28181. long GetFramesInLink ( );
  28182. long GetUnusedFramesInLink ( );
  28183. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverflow ( );
  28184. IVGStructFontPropertiesPtr GetFontProperties (
  28185. enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  28186. void PutFontProperties (
  28187. enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28188. struct IVGStructFontProperties * ppVal );
  28189. IVGStructFontPropertiesPtr GetFontPropertiesInRange (
  28190. long StartIndex,
  28191. long Count,
  28192. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  28193. void PutFontPropertiesInRange (
  28194. long StartIndex,
  28195. long Count,
  28196. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28197. struct IVGStructFontProperties * ppVal );
  28198. IVGStructAlignPropertiesPtr GetAlignProperties (
  28199. enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  28200. void PutAlignProperties (
  28201. enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28202. struct IVGStructAlignProperties * ppVal );
  28203. IVGStructAlignPropertiesPtr GetAlignPropertiesInRange (
  28204. long StartIndex,
  28205. long Count,
  28206. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  28207. void PutAlignPropertiesInRange (
  28208. long StartIndex,
  28209. long Count,
  28210. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28211. struct IVGStructAlignProperties * ppVal );
  28212. IVGStructSpacePropertiesPtr GetSpaceProperties (
  28213. enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  28214. void PutSpaceProperties (
  28215. enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28216. struct IVGStructSpaceProperties * ppVal );
  28217. IVGStructSpacePropertiesPtr GetSpacePropertiesInRange (
  28218. long StartIndex,
  28219. long Count,
  28220. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  28221. void PutSpacePropertiesInRange (
  28222. long StartIndex,
  28223. long Count,
  28224. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28225. struct IVGStructSpaceProperties * ppVal );
  28226. IVGStructHyphenationSettingsPtr GetHyphenationSettings (
  28227. enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  28228. void PutHyphenationSettings (
  28229. enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28230. struct IVGStructHyphenationSettings * ppVal );
  28231. IVGStructHyphenationSettingsPtr GetHyphenationSettingsInRange (
  28232. long StartIndex,
  28233. long Count,
  28234. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  28235. void PutHyphenationSettingsInRange (
  28236. long StartIndex,
  28237. long Count,
  28238. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28239. struct IVGStructHyphenationSettings * ppVal );
  28240. _bstr_t GetContents (
  28241. enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  28242. void PutContents (
  28243. enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28244. _bstr_t pVal );
  28245. IVGEffectPtr FitToPath (
  28246. struct IVGShape * Path );
  28247. long Find (
  28248. _bstr_t Text,
  28249. VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive,
  28250. long StartIndex,
  28251. VARIANT_BOOL WrapAround,
  28252. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  28253. HRESULT Replace (
  28254. _bstr_t OldText,
  28255. _bstr_t NewText,
  28256. VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive,
  28257. long StartIndex,
  28258. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceAll,
  28259. VARIANT_BOOL WrapAround,
  28260. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  28261. HRESULT ImportFromFile (
  28262. _bstr_t FileName,
  28263. long StartIndex,
  28264. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  28265. HRESULT ExportToFile (
  28266. _bstr_t FileName,
  28267. long StartIndex,
  28268. long Count,
  28269. enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  28270. HRESULT ConvertToArtistic ( );
  28271. HRESULT ConvertToParagraph ( );
  28272. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsHTMLCompatible ( );
  28273. VARIANT_BOOL MakeHTMLCompatible (
  28275. IVGTextRangePtr GetStory ( );
  28276. IVGTextRangePtr GetSelection ( );
  28277. IVGTextRangePtr Range (
  28278. long Start,
  28279. long End );
  28280. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEditing ( );
  28281. HRESULT BeginEdit ( );
  28282. IVGTextFramePtr GetFrame ( );
  28283. IVGTextFramesPtr GetFrames ( );
  28284. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsArtisticText ( );
  28285. HRESULT FitTextToFrame ( );
  28286. //
  28287. // Raw methods provided by interface
  28288. //
  28289. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  28290. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTextType * pVal ) = 0;
  28291. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FramesInLink (
  28292. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  28293. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnusedFramesInLink (
  28294. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  28295. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overflow (
  28296. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28297. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FontProperties (
  28298. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28299. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructFontProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28300. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FontProperties (
  28301. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28302. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructFontProperties * ppVal ) = 0;
  28303. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FontPropertiesInRange (
  28304. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28305. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  28306. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28307. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructFontProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28308. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FontPropertiesInRange (
  28309. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28310. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  28311. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28312. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructFontProperties * ppVal ) = 0;
  28313. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AlignProperties (
  28314. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28315. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructAlignProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28316. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AlignProperties (
  28317. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28318. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructAlignProperties * ppVal ) = 0;
  28319. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AlignPropertiesInRange (
  28320. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28321. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  28322. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28323. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructAlignProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28324. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AlignPropertiesInRange (
  28325. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28326. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  28327. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28328. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructAlignProperties * ppVal ) = 0;
  28329. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpaceProperties (
  28330. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28331. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructSpaceProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28332. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpaceProperties (
  28333. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28334. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructSpaceProperties * ppVal ) = 0;
  28335. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpacePropertiesInRange (
  28336. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28337. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  28338. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28339. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructSpaceProperties * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28340. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpacePropertiesInRange (
  28341. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28342. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  28343. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28344. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructSpaceProperties * ppVal ) = 0;
  28345. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HyphenationSettings (
  28346. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28347. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructHyphenationSettings * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28348. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HyphenationSettings (
  28349. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28350. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructHyphenationSettings * ppVal ) = 0;
  28351. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HyphenationSettingsInRange (
  28352. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28353. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  28354. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28355. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStructHyphenationSettings * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28356. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HyphenationSettingsInRange (
  28357. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28358. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  28359. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28360. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStructHyphenationSettings * ppVal ) = 0;
  28361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Contents (
  28362. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28363. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  28364. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Contents (
  28365. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextFrames Frames,
  28366. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  28367. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FitToPath (
  28368. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Path,
  28369. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28370. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  28371. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  28372. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive,
  28373. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28374. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL WrapAround,
  28375. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType,
  28376. /*[out,retval]*/ long * IndexFound ) = 0;
  28377. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Replace (
  28378. /*[in]*/ BSTR OldText,
  28379. /*[in]*/ BSTR NewText,
  28380. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive,
  28381. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28382. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceAll,
  28383. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL WrapAround,
  28384. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType ) = 0;
  28385. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ImportFromFile (
  28386. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  28387. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28388. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType ) = 0;
  28389. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExportToFile (
  28390. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  28391. /*[in]*/ long StartIndex,
  28392. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  28393. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType ) = 0;
  28394. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToArtistic ( ) = 0;
  28395. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConvertToParagraph ( ) = 0;
  28396. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsHTMLCompatible (
  28397. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28398. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MakeHTMLCompatible (
  28399. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL HTML,
  28400. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28401. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Story (
  28402. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28403. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selection (
  28404. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28405. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
  28406. /*[in]*/ long Start,
  28407. /*[in]*/ long End,
  28408. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28409. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEditing (
  28410. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28411. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeginEdit ( ) = 0;
  28412. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Frame (
  28413. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextFrame * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28414. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Frames (
  28415. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextFrames * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28416. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsArtisticText (
  28417. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28418. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FitTextToFrame ( ) = 0;
  28419. };
  28420. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580026-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  28421. IVGEffect : IDispatch
  28422. {
  28423. //
  28424. // Property data
  28425. //
  28426. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  28427. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  28428. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  28429. IVGEffectsPtr Parent;
  28430. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  28431. enum cdrEffectType Type;
  28432. __declspec(property(get=GetBlend))
  28433. IVGEffectBlendPtr Blend;
  28434. __declspec(property(get=GetControlPath))
  28435. IVGEffectControlPathPtr ControlPath;
  28436. __declspec(property(get=GetExtrude))
  28437. IVGEffectExtrudePtr Extrude;
  28438. __declspec(property(get=GetEnvelope))
  28439. IVGEffectEnvelopePtr Envelope;
  28440. __declspec(property(get=GetTextOnPath))
  28441. IVGEffectTextOnPathPtr TextOnPath;
  28442. __declspec(property(get=GetDropShadow))
  28443. IVGEffectDropShadowPtr DropShadow;
  28444. __declspec(property(get=GetContour))
  28445. IVGEffectContourPtr Contour;
  28446. __declspec(property(get=GetDistortion))
  28447. IVGEffectDistortionPtr Distortion;
  28448. __declspec(property(get=GetLens))
  28449. IVGEffectLensPtr Lens;
  28450. __declspec(property(get=GetPerspective))
  28451. IVGEffectPerspectivePtr Perspective;
  28452. __declspec(property(get=GetClones))
  28453. IVGEffectsPtr Clones;
  28454. __declspec(property(get=GetCloneParent))
  28455. IVGEffectPtr CloneParent;
  28456. __declspec(property(get=GetCustom))
  28457. IVGCustomEffectPtr Custom;
  28458. __declspec(property(get=GetInnerShadow))
  28459. IVGEffectInnerShadowPtr InnerShadow;
  28460. //
  28461. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  28462. //
  28463. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  28464. IVGEffectsPtr GetParent ( );
  28465. enum cdrEffectType GetType ( );
  28466. IVGEffectBlendPtr GetBlend ( );
  28467. IVGEffectControlPathPtr GetControlPath ( );
  28468. IVGEffectExtrudePtr GetExtrude ( );
  28469. IVGEffectEnvelopePtr GetEnvelope ( );
  28470. IVGEffectTextOnPathPtr GetTextOnPath ( );
  28471. IVGEffectDropShadowPtr GetDropShadow ( );
  28472. IVGEffectContourPtr GetContour ( );
  28473. IVGEffectDistortionPtr GetDistortion ( );
  28474. IVGEffectLensPtr GetLens ( );
  28475. IVGEffectPerspectivePtr GetPerspective ( );
  28476. IVGEffectsPtr GetClones ( );
  28477. IVGEffectPtr GetCloneParent ( );
  28478. HRESULT Clear ( );
  28479. IVGShapeRangePtr Separate ( );
  28480. IVGCustomEffectPtr GetCustom ( );
  28481. IVGEffectInnerShadowPtr GetInnerShadow ( );
  28482. //
  28483. // Raw methods provided by interface
  28484. //
  28485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  28486. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28487. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  28488. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  28490. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrEffectType * pVal ) = 0;
  28491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Blend (
  28492. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectBlend * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ControlPath (
  28494. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectControlPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28495. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Extrude (
  28496. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectExtrude * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28497. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Envelope (
  28498. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectEnvelope * * pVal ) = 0;
  28499. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextOnPath (
  28500. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectTextOnPath * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropShadow (
  28502. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectDropShadow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28503. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Contour (
  28504. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectContour * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28505. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Distortion (
  28506. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectDistortion * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28507. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Lens (
  28508. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectLens * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28509. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Perspective (
  28510. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectPerspective * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28511. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Clones (
  28512. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28513. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CloneParent (
  28514. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28515. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
  28516. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Separate (
  28517. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28518. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Custom (
  28519. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCustomEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28520. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InnerShadow (
  28521. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectInnerShadow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28522. };
  28523. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580036-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  28524. IVGEffects : IDispatch
  28525. {
  28526. //
  28527. // Property data
  28528. //
  28529. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  28530. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  28531. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  28532. IVGShapePtr Parent;
  28533. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  28534. IVGEffectPtr Item[];
  28535. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  28536. long Count;
  28537. __declspec(property(get=GetBlendEffects))
  28538. IVGEffectsPtr BlendEffects;
  28539. __declspec(property(get=GetCustomEffects))
  28540. IVGEffectsPtr CustomEffects;
  28541. __declspec(property(get=GetDistortionEffects))
  28542. IVGEffectsPtr DistortionEffects;
  28543. __declspec(property(get=GetEnvelopeEffects))
  28544. IVGEffectsPtr EnvelopeEffects;
  28545. __declspec(property(get=GetPerspectiveEffects))
  28546. IVGEffectsPtr PerspectiveEffects;
  28547. __declspec(property(get=GetContourEffect))
  28548. IVGEffectPtr ContourEffect;
  28549. __declspec(property(get=GetControlPathEffect))
  28550. IVGEffectPtr ControlPathEffect;
  28551. __declspec(property(get=GetDropShadowEffect))
  28552. IVGEffectPtr DropShadowEffect;
  28553. __declspec(property(get=GetExtrudeEffect))
  28554. IVGEffectPtr ExtrudeEffect;
  28555. __declspec(property(get=GetLensEffect))
  28556. IVGEffectPtr LensEffect;
  28557. __declspec(property(get=GetTextOnPathEffect))
  28558. IVGEffectPtr TextOnPathEffect;
  28559. __declspec(property(get=GetInnerShadowEffect))
  28560. IVGEffectPtr InnerShadowEffect;
  28561. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  28562. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  28563. //
  28564. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  28565. //
  28566. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  28567. IVGShapePtr GetParent ( );
  28568. IVGEffectPtr GetItem (
  28569. long Index );
  28570. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  28571. long GetCount ( );
  28572. IVGEffectsPtr GetBlendEffects ( );
  28573. IVGEffectsPtr GetCustomEffects ( );
  28574. IVGEffectsPtr GetDistortionEffects ( );
  28575. IVGEffectsPtr GetEnvelopeEffects ( );
  28576. IVGEffectsPtr GetPerspectiveEffects ( );
  28577. IVGEffectPtr GetContourEffect ( );
  28578. IVGEffectPtr GetControlPathEffect ( );
  28579. IVGEffectPtr GetDropShadowEffect ( );
  28580. IVGEffectPtr GetExtrudeEffect ( );
  28581. IVGEffectPtr GetLensEffect ( );
  28582. IVGEffectPtr GetTextOnPathEffect ( );
  28583. IVGEffectPtr GetInnerShadowEffect ( );
  28584. //
  28585. // Raw methods provided by interface
  28586. //
  28587. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  28588. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28589. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  28590. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28591. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  28592. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  28593. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28594. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  28595. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  28596. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  28597. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  28598. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlendEffects (
  28599. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28600. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CustomEffects (
  28601. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28602. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DistortionEffects (
  28603. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EnvelopeEffects (
  28605. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28606. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PerspectiveEffects (
  28607. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28608. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContourEffect (
  28609. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28610. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ControlPathEffect (
  28611. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28612. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropShadowEffect (
  28613. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28614. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExtrudeEffect (
  28615. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LensEffect (
  28617. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28618. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextOnPathEffect (
  28619. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28620. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InnerShadowEffect (
  28621. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28622. };
  28623. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580027-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  28624. IVGEffectBlend : IDispatch
  28625. {
  28626. //
  28627. // Property data
  28628. //
  28629. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  28630. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  28631. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  28632. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  28633. __declspec(property(get=GetStartShape,put=PutStartShape))
  28634. IVGShapePtr StartShape;
  28635. __declspec(property(get=GetEndShape,put=PutEndShape))
  28636. IVGShapePtr EndShape;
  28637. __declspec(property(get=GetBlendGroup))
  28638. IVGShapePtr BlendGroup;
  28639. __declspec(property(get=GetPath,put=PutPath))
  28640. IVGShapePtr Path;
  28641. __declspec(property(get=GetStartShapeOffset,put=PutStartShapeOffset))
  28642. double StartShapeOffset;
  28643. __declspec(property(get=GetEndShapeOffset,put=PutEndShapeOffset))
  28644. double EndShapeOffset;
  28645. __declspec(property(get=GetMode,put=PutMode))
  28646. enum cdrBlendMode Mode;
  28647. __declspec(property(get=GetSteps,put=PutSteps))
  28648. long Steps;
  28649. __declspec(property(get=GetSpacing,put=PutSpacing))
  28650. double Spacing;
  28651. __declspec(property(get=GetAngle,put=PutAngle))
  28652. double Angle;
  28653. __declspec(property(get=GetLoop,put=PutLoop))
  28654. VARIANT_BOOL Loop;
  28655. __declspec(property(get=GetFullPath,put=PutFullPath))
  28656. VARIANT_BOOL FullPath;
  28657. __declspec(property(get=GetRotateShapes,put=PutRotateShapes))
  28658. VARIANT_BOOL RotateShapes;
  28659. __declspec(property(get=GetColorBlendType,put=PutColorBlendType))
  28660. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType ColorBlendType;
  28661. __declspec(property(get=GetSpacingAcceleration,put=PutSpacingAcceleration))
  28662. long SpacingAcceleration;
  28663. __declspec(property(get=GetColorAcceleration,put=PutColorAcceleration))
  28664. long ColorAcceleration;
  28665. __declspec(property(get=GetLinkAcceleration,put=PutLinkAcceleration))
  28666. VARIANT_BOOL LinkAcceleration;
  28667. __declspec(property(get=GetAccelerateSize,put=PutAccelerateSize))
  28668. VARIANT_BOOL AccelerateSize;
  28669. __declspec(property(get=GetMapNodes,put=PutMapNodes))
  28670. VARIANT_BOOL MapNodes;
  28671. __declspec(property(get=GetStartPoint,put=PutStartPoint))
  28672. IVGSnapPointPtr StartPoint;
  28673. __declspec(property(get=GetEndPoint,put=PutEndPoint))
  28674. IVGSnapPointPtr EndPoint;
  28675. //
  28676. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  28677. //
  28678. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  28679. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  28680. IVGShapePtr GetStartShape ( );
  28681. void PutStartShape (
  28682. struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  28683. IVGShapePtr GetEndShape ( );
  28684. void PutEndShape (
  28685. struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  28686. IVGShapePtr GetBlendGroup ( );
  28687. IVGShapePtr GetPath ( );
  28688. void PutPath (
  28689. struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  28690. double GetStartShapeOffset ( );
  28691. void PutStartShapeOffset (
  28692. double pVal );
  28693. double GetEndShapeOffset ( );
  28694. void PutEndShapeOffset (
  28695. double pVal );
  28696. enum cdrBlendMode GetMode ( );
  28697. void PutMode (
  28698. enum cdrBlendMode pVal );
  28699. long GetSteps ( );
  28700. void PutSteps (
  28701. long pVal );
  28702. double GetSpacing ( );
  28703. void PutSpacing (
  28704. double pVal );
  28705. double GetAngle ( );
  28706. void PutAngle (
  28707. double pVal );
  28708. VARIANT_BOOL GetLoop ( );
  28709. void PutLoop (
  28710. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  28711. VARIANT_BOOL GetFullPath ( );
  28712. void PutFullPath (
  28713. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  28714. VARIANT_BOOL GetRotateShapes ( );
  28715. void PutRotateShapes (
  28716. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  28717. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType GetColorBlendType ( );
  28718. void PutColorBlendType (
  28719. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  28720. long GetSpacingAcceleration ( );
  28721. void PutSpacingAcceleration (
  28722. long pVal );
  28723. long GetColorAcceleration ( );
  28724. void PutColorAcceleration (
  28725. long pVal );
  28726. VARIANT_BOOL GetLinkAcceleration ( );
  28727. void PutLinkAcceleration (
  28728. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  28729. VARIANT_BOOL GetAccelerateSize ( );
  28730. void PutAccelerateSize (
  28731. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  28732. VARIANT_BOOL GetMapNodes ( );
  28733. void PutMapNodes (
  28734. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  28735. IVGSnapPointPtr GetStartPoint ( );
  28736. void PutStartPoint (
  28737. struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  28738. IVGSnapPointPtr GetEndPoint ( );
  28739. void PutEndPoint (
  28740. struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  28741. IVGShapePtr Split (
  28742. long StepNo );
  28743. VARIANT_BOOL FuseStart ( );
  28744. VARIANT_BOOL FuseEnd ( );
  28745. VARIANT_BOOL CopyFrom (
  28746. struct IVGEffectBlend * Source );
  28747. //
  28748. // Raw methods provided by interface
  28749. //
  28750. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  28751. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28752. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  28753. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28754. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartShape (
  28755. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28756. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartShape (
  28757. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * ppVal ) = 0;
  28758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndShape (
  28759. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28760. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndShape (
  28761. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * ppVal ) = 0;
  28762. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlendGroup (
  28763. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28764. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Path (
  28765. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28766. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Path (
  28767. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * ppVal ) = 0;
  28768. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartShapeOffset (
  28769. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  28770. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartShapeOffset (
  28771. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  28772. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndShapeOffset (
  28773. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  28774. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndShapeOffset (
  28775. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  28776. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mode (
  28777. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrBlendMode * pVal ) = 0;
  28778. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mode (
  28779. /*[in]*/ enum cdrBlendMode pVal ) = 0;
  28780. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Steps (
  28781. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  28782. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Steps (
  28783. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  28784. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Spacing (
  28785. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  28786. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Spacing (
  28787. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  28788. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angle (
  28789. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  28790. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Angle (
  28791. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  28792. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Loop (
  28793. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28794. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Loop (
  28795. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  28796. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FullPath (
  28797. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28798. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FullPath (
  28799. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  28800. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotateShapes (
  28801. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28802. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotateShapes (
  28803. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  28804. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorBlendType (
  28805. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType * pVal ) = 0;
  28806. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorBlendType (
  28807. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal ) = 0;
  28808. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpacingAcceleration (
  28809. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  28810. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpacingAcceleration (
  28811. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  28812. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorAcceleration (
  28813. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  28814. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorAcceleration (
  28815. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  28816. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkAcceleration (
  28817. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28818. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LinkAcceleration (
  28819. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  28820. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AccelerateSize (
  28821. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28822. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AccelerateSize (
  28823. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  28824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MapNodes (
  28825. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28826. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MapNodes (
  28827. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  28828. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StartPoint (
  28829. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28830. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StartPoint (
  28831. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  28832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndPoint (
  28833. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28834. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndPoint (
  28835. /*[in]*/ struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  28836. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Split (
  28837. /*[in]*/ long StepNo,
  28838. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28839. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FuseStart (
  28840. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbVal ) = 0;
  28841. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FuseEnd (
  28842. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbVal ) = 0;
  28843. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyFrom (
  28844. /*[in]*/ struct IVGEffectBlend * Source,
  28845. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pbVal ) = 0;
  28846. };
  28847. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580029-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  28848. IVGEffectControlPath : IDispatch
  28849. {
  28850. //
  28851. // Property data
  28852. //
  28853. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  28854. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  28855. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  28856. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  28857. __declspec(property(get=GetEffects))
  28858. IVGEffectsPtr Effects;
  28859. //
  28860. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  28861. //
  28862. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  28863. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  28864. IVGEffectsPtr GetEffects ( );
  28865. //
  28866. // Raw methods provided by interface
  28867. //
  28868. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  28869. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28870. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  28871. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28872. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Effects (
  28873. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28874. };
  28875. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  28876. IVGEffectEnvelope : IDispatch
  28877. {
  28878. //
  28879. // Property data
  28880. //
  28881. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  28882. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  28883. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  28884. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  28885. __declspec(property(get=GetContainer,put=PutContainer))
  28886. IVGCurvePtr Container;
  28887. __declspec(property(get=GetMode,put=PutMode))
  28888. enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode;
  28889. __declspec(property(get=GetKeepLines,put=PutKeepLines))
  28890. VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines;
  28891. __declspec(property(get=GetCornerIndices,put=PutCornerIndices))
  28892. _variant_t CornerIndices;
  28893. //
  28894. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  28895. //
  28896. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  28897. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  28898. IVGCurvePtr GetContainer ( );
  28899. void PutContainer (
  28900. struct IVGCurve * pVal );
  28901. enum cdrEnvelopeMode GetMode ( );
  28902. void PutMode (
  28903. enum cdrEnvelopeMode pVal );
  28904. VARIANT_BOOL GetKeepLines ( );
  28905. void PutKeepLines (
  28906. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  28907. HRESULT Select (
  28908. long PresetIndex );
  28909. HRESULT CopyFrom (
  28910. struct IVGEffectEnvelope * Source );
  28911. VARIANT_BOOL CreateFrom (
  28912. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  28913. VARIANT_BOOL CopyFromShape (
  28914. struct IVGShape * Source,
  28915. enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  28916. VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines,
  28917. enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode,
  28918. const _variant_t & CornerIndices = vtMissing );
  28919. VARIANT_BOOL CopyFromCurve (
  28920. struct IVGCurve * Source,
  28921. enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  28922. VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines,
  28923. enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode,
  28924. const _variant_t & CornerIndices = vtMissing );
  28925. _variant_t GetCornerIndices ( );
  28926. void PutCornerIndices (
  28927. const _variant_t & pVal );
  28928. //
  28929. // Raw methods provided by interface
  28930. //
  28931. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  28932. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28933. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  28934. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  28935. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Container (
  28936. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * pVal ) = 0;
  28937. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Container (
  28938. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * pVal ) = 0;
  28939. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mode (
  28940. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeMode * pVal ) = 0;
  28941. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mode (
  28942. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeMode pVal ) = 0;
  28943. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_KeepLines (
  28944. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28945. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_KeepLines (
  28946. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  28947. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select (
  28948. /*[in]*/ long PresetIndex ) = 0;
  28949. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyFrom (
  28950. /*[in]*/ struct IVGEffectEnvelope * Source ) = 0;
  28951. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFrom (
  28952. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  28953. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Success ) = 0;
  28954. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyFromShape (
  28955. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Source,
  28956. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  28957. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines,
  28958. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode,
  28959. /*[in]*/ VARIANT CornerIndices,
  28960. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28961. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyFromCurve (
  28962. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Source,
  28963. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode,
  28964. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines,
  28965. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode,
  28966. /*[in]*/ VARIANT CornerIndices,
  28967. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  28968. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CornerIndices (
  28969. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  28970. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CornerIndices (
  28971. /*[in]*/ VARIANT pVal ) = 0;
  28972. };
  28973. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580033-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  28974. IVGEffectTextOnPath : IDispatch
  28975. {
  28976. //
  28977. // Property data
  28978. //
  28979. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  28980. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  28981. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  28982. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  28983. __declspec(property(get=GetText,put=PutText))
  28984. IVGShapePtr Text;
  28985. __declspec(property(get=GetPath,put=PutPath))
  28986. IVGShapePtr Path;
  28987. __declspec(property(get=GetDistanceFromPath,put=PutDistanceFromPath))
  28988. double DistanceFromPath;
  28989. __declspec(property(get=GetOffset,put=PutOffset))
  28990. double Offset;
  28991. __declspec(property(get=GetOrientation,put=PutOrientation))
  28992. enum cdrFittedOrientation Orientation;
  28993. __declspec(property(get=GetPlacement,put=PutPlacement))
  28994. enum cdrFittedPlacement Placement;
  28995. __declspec(property(get=GetPlaceOnOtherSide,put=PutPlaceOnOtherSide))
  28996. VARIANT_BOOL PlaceOnOtherSide;
  28997. __declspec(property(get=GetQuadrant,put=PutQuadrant))
  28998. enum cdrFittedQuadrant Quadrant;
  28999. __declspec(property(get=GetVertPlacement,put=PutVertPlacement))
  29000. enum cdrFittedVertPlacement VertPlacement;
  29001. //
  29002. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  29003. //
  29004. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  29005. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  29006. IVGShapePtr GetText ( );
  29007. void PutText (
  29008. struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  29009. IVGShapePtr GetPath ( );
  29010. void PutPath (
  29011. struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  29012. double GetDistanceFromPath ( );
  29013. void PutDistanceFromPath (
  29014. double pVal );
  29015. double GetOffset ( );
  29016. void PutOffset (
  29017. double pVal );
  29018. enum cdrFittedOrientation GetOrientation ( );
  29019. void PutOrientation (
  29020. enum cdrFittedOrientation pVal );
  29021. enum cdrFittedPlacement GetPlacement ( );
  29022. void PutPlacement (
  29023. enum cdrFittedPlacement pVal );
  29024. VARIANT_BOOL GetPlaceOnOtherSide ( );
  29025. void PutPlaceOnOtherSide (
  29026. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29027. enum cdrFittedQuadrant GetQuadrant ( );
  29028. void PutQuadrant (
  29029. enum cdrFittedQuadrant pVal );
  29030. enum cdrFittedVertPlacement GetVertPlacement ( );
  29031. void PutVertPlacement (
  29032. enum cdrFittedVertPlacement pVal );
  29033. //
  29034. // Raw methods provided by interface
  29035. //
  29036. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  29037. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29038. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  29039. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29040. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
  29041. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29042. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
  29043. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * ppVal ) = 0;
  29044. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Path (
  29045. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29046. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Path (
  29047. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * ppVal ) = 0;
  29048. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DistanceFromPath (
  29049. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29050. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DistanceFromPath (
  29051. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29052. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Offset (
  29053. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29054. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Offset (
  29055. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29056. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Orientation (
  29057. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFittedOrientation * pVal ) = 0;
  29058. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Orientation (
  29059. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFittedOrientation pVal ) = 0;
  29060. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Placement (
  29061. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFittedPlacement * pVal ) = 0;
  29062. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Placement (
  29063. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFittedPlacement pVal ) = 0;
  29064. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PlaceOnOtherSide (
  29065. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29066. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PlaceOnOtherSide (
  29067. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29068. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Quadrant (
  29069. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFittedQuadrant * pVal ) = 0;
  29070. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Quadrant (
  29071. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFittedQuadrant pVal ) = 0;
  29072. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VertPlacement (
  29073. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFittedVertPlacement * pVal ) = 0;
  29074. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VertPlacement (
  29075. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFittedVertPlacement pVal ) = 0;
  29076. };
  29077. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  29078. IVGEffectDropShadow : IDispatch
  29079. {
  29080. //
  29081. // Property data
  29082. //
  29083. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  29084. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  29085. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  29086. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  29087. __declspec(property(get=GetOffsetX,put=PutOffsetX))
  29088. double OffsetX;
  29089. __declspec(property(get=GetOffsetY,put=PutOffsetY))
  29090. double OffsetY;
  29091. __declspec(property(get=GetOpacity,put=PutOpacity))
  29092. long Opacity;
  29093. __declspec(property(get=GetFeather,put=PutFeather))
  29094. long Feather;
  29095. __declspec(property(get=GetFeatherType,put=PutFeatherType))
  29096. enum cdrFeatherType FeatherType;
  29097. __declspec(property(get=GetFeatherEdge,put=PutFeatherEdge))
  29098. enum cdrEdgeType FeatherEdge;
  29099. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  29100. enum cdrDropShadowType Type;
  29101. __declspec(property(get=GetPerspectiveAngle,put=PutPerspectiveAngle))
  29102. double PerspectiveAngle;
  29103. __declspec(property(get=GetPerspectiveStretch,put=PutPerspectiveStretch))
  29104. double PerspectiveStretch;
  29105. __declspec(property(get=GetFade,put=PutFade))
  29106. long Fade;
  29107. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  29108. IVGColorPtr Color;
  29109. __declspec(property(get=GetShadowGroup))
  29110. IVGShapePtr ShadowGroup;
  29111. __declspec(property(get=GetMergeMode,put=PutMergeMode))
  29112. enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode;
  29113. //
  29114. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  29115. //
  29116. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  29117. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  29118. double GetOffsetX ( );
  29119. void PutOffsetX (
  29120. double pVal );
  29121. double GetOffsetY ( );
  29122. void PutOffsetY (
  29123. double pVal );
  29124. long GetOpacity ( );
  29125. void PutOpacity (
  29126. long pVal );
  29127. long GetFeather ( );
  29128. void PutFeather (
  29129. long pVal );
  29130. enum cdrFeatherType GetFeatherType ( );
  29131. void PutFeatherType (
  29132. enum cdrFeatherType pVal );
  29133. enum cdrEdgeType GetFeatherEdge ( );
  29134. void PutFeatherEdge (
  29135. enum cdrEdgeType pVal );
  29136. enum cdrDropShadowType GetType ( );
  29137. void PutType (
  29138. enum cdrDropShadowType pVal );
  29139. double GetPerspectiveAngle ( );
  29140. void PutPerspectiveAngle (
  29141. double pVal );
  29142. double GetPerspectiveStretch ( );
  29143. void PutPerspectiveStretch (
  29144. double pVal );
  29145. long GetFade ( );
  29146. void PutFade (
  29147. long pVal );
  29148. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  29149. void PutColor (
  29150. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29151. HRESULT SetOffset (
  29152. double OffsetX,
  29153. double OffsetY );
  29154. IVGShapePtr GetShadowGroup ( );
  29155. enum cdrMergeMode GetMergeMode ( );
  29156. void PutMergeMode (
  29157. enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  29158. //
  29159. // Raw methods provided by interface
  29160. //
  29161. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  29162. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29163. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  29164. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29165. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OffsetX (
  29166. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29167. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OffsetX (
  29168. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29169. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OffsetY (
  29170. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29171. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OffsetY (
  29172. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29173. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Opacity (
  29174. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29175. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Opacity (
  29176. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29177. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Feather (
  29178. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29179. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Feather (
  29180. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29181. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FeatherType (
  29182. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFeatherType * pVal ) = 0;
  29183. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FeatherType (
  29184. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFeatherType pVal ) = 0;
  29185. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FeatherEdge (
  29186. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrEdgeType * pVal ) = 0;
  29187. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FeatherEdge (
  29188. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEdgeType pVal ) = 0;
  29189. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  29190. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDropShadowType * pVal ) = 0;
  29191. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  29192. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDropShadowType pVal ) = 0;
  29193. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PerspectiveAngle (
  29194. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29195. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PerspectiveAngle (
  29196. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29197. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PerspectiveStretch (
  29198. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29199. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PerspectiveStretch (
  29200. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29201. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fade (
  29202. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29203. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Fade (
  29204. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29205. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  29206. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29207. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  29208. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29209. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetOffset (
  29210. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  29211. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY ) = 0;
  29212. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShadowGroup (
  29213. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29214. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MergeMode (
  29215. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrMergeMode * pVal ) = 0;
  29216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MergeMode (
  29217. /*[in]*/ enum cdrMergeMode pVal ) = 0;
  29218. };
  29219. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580028-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  29220. IVGEffectContour : IDispatch
  29221. {
  29222. //
  29223. // Property data
  29224. //
  29225. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  29226. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  29227. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  29228. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  29229. __declspec(property(get=GetDirection,put=PutDirection))
  29230. enum cdrContourDirection Direction;
  29231. __declspec(property(get=GetOffset,put=PutOffset))
  29232. double Offset;
  29233. __declspec(property(get=GetSteps,put=PutSteps))
  29234. long Steps;
  29235. __declspec(property(get=GetColorBlendType,put=PutColorBlendType))
  29236. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType ColorBlendType;
  29237. __declspec(property(get=GetOutlineColor,put=PutOutlineColor))
  29238. IVGColorPtr OutlineColor;
  29239. __declspec(property(get=GetFillColor,put=PutFillColor))
  29240. IVGColorPtr FillColor;
  29241. __declspec(property(get=GetFillColorTo,put=PutFillColorTo))
  29242. IVGColorPtr FillColorTo;
  29243. __declspec(property(get=GetLinkAcceleration,put=PutLinkAcceleration))
  29244. VARIANT_BOOL LinkAcceleration;
  29245. __declspec(property(get=GetColorAcceleration,put=PutColorAcceleration))
  29246. long ColorAcceleration;
  29247. __declspec(property(get=GetSpacingAcceleration,put=PutSpacingAcceleration))
  29248. long SpacingAcceleration;
  29249. __declspec(property(get=GetContourGroup))
  29250. IVGShapePtr ContourGroup;
  29251. __declspec(property(get=GetEndCapType,put=PutEndCapType))
  29252. enum cdrContourEndCapType EndCapType;
  29253. __declspec(property(get=GetCornerType,put=PutCornerType))
  29254. enum cdrContourCornerType CornerType;
  29255. __declspec(property(get=GetMiterLimit,put=PutMiterLimit))
  29256. double MiterLimit;
  29257. //
  29258. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  29259. //
  29260. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  29261. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  29262. enum cdrContourDirection GetDirection ( );
  29263. void PutDirection (
  29264. enum cdrContourDirection pVal );
  29265. double GetOffset ( );
  29266. void PutOffset (
  29267. double pVal );
  29268. long GetSteps ( );
  29269. void PutSteps (
  29270. long pVal );
  29271. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType GetColorBlendType ( );
  29272. void PutColorBlendType (
  29273. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  29274. IVGColorPtr GetOutlineColor ( );
  29275. void PutOutlineColor (
  29276. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29277. IVGColorPtr GetFillColor ( );
  29278. void PutFillColor (
  29279. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29280. IVGColorPtr GetFillColorTo ( );
  29281. void PutFillColorTo (
  29282. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29283. VARIANT_BOOL GetLinkAcceleration ( );
  29284. void PutLinkAcceleration (
  29285. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29286. long GetColorAcceleration ( );
  29287. void PutColorAcceleration (
  29288. long pVal );
  29289. long GetSpacingAcceleration ( );
  29290. void PutSpacingAcceleration (
  29291. long pVal );
  29292. IVGShapePtr GetContourGroup ( );
  29293. enum cdrContourEndCapType GetEndCapType ( );
  29294. void PutEndCapType (
  29295. enum cdrContourEndCapType pVal );
  29296. enum cdrContourCornerType GetCornerType ( );
  29297. void PutCornerType (
  29298. enum cdrContourCornerType pVal );
  29299. double GetMiterLimit ( );
  29300. void PutMiterLimit (
  29301. double pVal );
  29302. //
  29303. // Raw methods provided by interface
  29304. //
  29305. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  29306. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29307. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  29308. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29309. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Direction (
  29310. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrContourDirection * pVal ) = 0;
  29311. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Direction (
  29312. /*[in]*/ enum cdrContourDirection pVal ) = 0;
  29313. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Offset (
  29314. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29315. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Offset (
  29316. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29317. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Steps (
  29318. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29319. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Steps (
  29320. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29321. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorBlendType (
  29322. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType * pVal ) = 0;
  29323. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorBlendType (
  29324. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal ) = 0;
  29325. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutlineColor (
  29326. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29327. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutlineColor (
  29328. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29329. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FillColor (
  29330. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29331. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FillColor (
  29332. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29333. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FillColorTo (
  29334. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29335. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FillColorTo (
  29336. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29337. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkAcceleration (
  29338. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29339. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LinkAcceleration (
  29340. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29341. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorAcceleration (
  29342. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29343. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorAcceleration (
  29344. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29345. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SpacingAcceleration (
  29346. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29347. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SpacingAcceleration (
  29348. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29349. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ContourGroup (
  29350. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29351. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EndCapType (
  29352. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrContourEndCapType * pVal ) = 0;
  29353. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EndCapType (
  29354. /*[in]*/ enum cdrContourEndCapType pVal ) = 0;
  29355. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CornerType (
  29356. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrContourCornerType * pVal ) = 0;
  29357. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CornerType (
  29358. /*[in]*/ enum cdrContourCornerType pVal ) = 0;
  29359. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MiterLimit (
  29360. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MiterLimit (
  29362. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29363. };
  29364. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580030-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  29365. IVGEffectLens : IDispatch
  29366. {
  29367. //
  29368. // Property data
  29369. //
  29370. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  29371. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  29372. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  29373. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  29374. __declspec(property(get=GetViewPointY,put=PutViewPointY))
  29375. double ViewPointY;
  29376. __declspec(property(get=GetRemoveFace,put=PutRemoveFace))
  29377. VARIANT_BOOL RemoveFace;
  29378. __declspec(property(get=GetShapes))
  29379. IVGShapesPtr Shapes;
  29380. __declspec(property(get=GetFrozen))
  29381. VARIANT_BOOL Frozen;
  29382. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  29383. enum cdrLensType Type;
  29384. __declspec(property(get=GetPaletteRotation,put=PutPaletteRotation))
  29385. long PaletteRotation;
  29386. __declspec(property(get=GetRate,put=PutRate))
  29387. long Rate;
  29388. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  29389. IVGColorPtr Color;
  29390. __declspec(property(get=GetOutlineColor,put=PutOutlineColor))
  29391. IVGColorPtr OutlineColor;
  29392. __declspec(property(get=GetFillColor,put=PutFillColor))
  29393. IVGColorPtr FillColor;
  29394. __declspec(property(get=GetFromColor,put=PutFromColor))
  29395. IVGColorPtr FromColor;
  29396. __declspec(property(get=GetToColor,put=PutToColor))
  29397. IVGColorPtr ToColor;
  29398. __declspec(property(get=GetUseOutlineColor,put=PutUseOutlineColor))
  29399. VARIANT_BOOL UseOutlineColor;
  29400. __declspec(property(get=GetUseFillColor,put=PutUseFillColor))
  29401. VARIANT_BOOL UseFillColor;
  29402. __declspec(property(get=GetColorMapPalette,put=PutColorMapPalette))
  29403. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType ColorMapPalette;
  29404. __declspec(property(get=GetMagnification,put=PutMagnification))
  29405. double Magnification;
  29406. __declspec(property(get=GetUseViewPoint,put=PutUseViewPoint))
  29407. VARIANT_BOOL UseViewPoint;
  29408. __declspec(property(get=GetViewPointX,put=PutViewPointX))
  29409. double ViewPointX;
  29410. //
  29411. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  29412. //
  29413. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  29414. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  29415. HRESULT Freeze ( );
  29416. HRESULT Unfreeze ( );
  29417. IVGShapeRangePtr Ungroup ( );
  29418. IVGShapesPtr GetShapes ( );
  29419. VARIANT_BOOL GetFrozen ( );
  29420. enum cdrLensType GetType ( );
  29421. void PutType (
  29422. enum cdrLensType pVal );
  29423. long GetRate ( );
  29424. void PutRate (
  29425. long pVal );
  29426. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  29427. void PutColor (
  29428. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29429. IVGColorPtr GetOutlineColor ( );
  29430. void PutOutlineColor (
  29431. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29432. IVGColorPtr GetFillColor ( );
  29433. void PutFillColor (
  29434. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29435. IVGColorPtr GetFromColor ( );
  29436. void PutFromColor (
  29437. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29438. IVGColorPtr GetToColor ( );
  29439. void PutToColor (
  29440. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29441. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseOutlineColor ( );
  29442. void PutUseOutlineColor (
  29443. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29444. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseFillColor ( );
  29445. void PutUseFillColor (
  29446. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29447. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType GetColorMapPalette ( );
  29448. void PutColorMapPalette (
  29449. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  29450. double GetMagnification ( );
  29451. void PutMagnification (
  29452. double pVal );
  29453. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseViewPoint ( );
  29454. void PutUseViewPoint (
  29455. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29456. double GetViewPointX ( );
  29457. void PutViewPointX (
  29458. double pVal );
  29459. double GetViewPointY ( );
  29460. void PutViewPointY (
  29461. double pVal );
  29462. VARIANT_BOOL GetRemoveFace ( );
  29463. void PutRemoveFace (
  29464. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29465. long GetPaletteRotation ( );
  29466. void PutPaletteRotation (
  29467. long pVal );
  29468. //
  29469. // Raw methods provided by interface
  29470. //
  29471. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  29472. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  29474. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Freeze ( ) = 0;
  29476. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Unfreeze ( ) = 0;
  29477. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Ungroup (
  29478. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29479. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shapes (
  29480. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Frozen (
  29482. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29483. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  29484. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrLensType * pVal ) = 0;
  29485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  29486. /*[in]*/ enum cdrLensType pVal ) = 0;
  29487. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Rate (
  29488. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Rate (
  29490. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  29492. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  29494. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29495. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OutlineColor (
  29496. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29497. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OutlineColor (
  29498. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29499. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FillColor (
  29500. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FillColor (
  29502. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29503. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FromColor (
  29504. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29505. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FromColor (
  29506. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29507. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ToColor (
  29508. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29509. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ToColor (
  29510. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29511. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseOutlineColor (
  29512. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29513. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseOutlineColor (
  29514. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29515. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseFillColor (
  29516. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29517. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseFillColor (
  29518. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29519. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColorMapPalette (
  29520. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType * pVal ) = 0;
  29521. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ColorMapPalette (
  29522. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal ) = 0;
  29523. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Magnification (
  29524. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29525. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Magnification (
  29526. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29527. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseViewPoint (
  29528. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29529. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseViewPoint (
  29530. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29531. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ViewPointX (
  29532. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29533. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ViewPointX (
  29534. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29535. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ViewPointY (
  29536. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29537. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ViewPointY (
  29538. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29539. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RemoveFace (
  29540. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29541. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RemoveFace (
  29542. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29543. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PaletteRotation (
  29544. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29545. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PaletteRotation (
  29546. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29547. };
  29548. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580031-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  29549. IVGEffectPerspective : IDispatch
  29550. {
  29551. //
  29552. // Property data
  29553. //
  29554. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  29555. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  29556. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  29557. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  29558. __declspec(property(get=GetUseHorizVanishingPoint,put=PutUseHorizVanishingPoint))
  29559. VARIANT_BOOL UseHorizVanishingPoint;
  29560. __declspec(property(get=GetUseVertVanishingPoint,put=PutUseVertVanishingPoint))
  29561. VARIANT_BOOL UseVertVanishingPoint;
  29562. __declspec(property(get=GetHorizVanishingPointX,put=PutHorizVanishingPointX))
  29563. double HorizVanishingPointX;
  29564. __declspec(property(get=GetHorizVanishingPointY,put=PutHorizVanishingPointY))
  29565. double HorizVanishingPointY;
  29566. __declspec(property(get=GetVertVanishingPointX,put=PutVertVanishingPointX))
  29567. double VertVanishingPointX;
  29568. __declspec(property(get=GetVertVanishingPointY,put=PutVertVanishingPointY))
  29569. double VertVanishingPointY;
  29570. //
  29571. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  29572. //
  29573. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  29574. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  29575. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseHorizVanishingPoint ( );
  29576. void PutUseHorizVanishingPoint (
  29577. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29578. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseVertVanishingPoint ( );
  29579. void PutUseVertVanishingPoint (
  29580. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29581. double GetHorizVanishingPointX ( );
  29582. void PutHorizVanishingPointX (
  29583. double pVal );
  29584. double GetHorizVanishingPointY ( );
  29585. void PutHorizVanishingPointY (
  29586. double pVal );
  29587. double GetVertVanishingPointX ( );
  29588. void PutVertVanishingPointX (
  29589. double pVal );
  29590. double GetVertVanishingPointY ( );
  29591. void PutVertVanishingPointY (
  29592. double pVal );
  29593. //
  29594. // Raw methods provided by interface
  29595. //
  29596. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  29597. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29598. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  29599. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29600. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseHorizVanishingPoint (
  29601. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29602. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseHorizVanishingPoint (
  29603. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseVertVanishingPoint (
  29605. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29606. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseVertVanishingPoint (
  29607. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29608. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizVanishingPointX (
  29609. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29610. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizVanishingPointX (
  29611. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29612. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizVanishingPointY (
  29613. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29614. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizVanishingPointY (
  29615. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VertVanishingPointX (
  29617. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29618. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VertVanishingPointX (
  29619. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29620. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VertVanishingPointY (
  29621. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29622. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VertVanishingPointY (
  29623. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29624. };
  29625. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800db-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  29626. IVGEffectInnerShadow : IDispatch
  29627. {
  29628. //
  29629. // Property data
  29630. //
  29631. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  29632. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  29633. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  29634. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  29635. __declspec(property(get=GetOffsetX,put=PutOffsetX))
  29636. double OffsetX;
  29637. __declspec(property(get=GetOffsetY,put=PutOffsetY))
  29638. double OffsetY;
  29639. __declspec(property(get=GetOpacity,put=PutOpacity))
  29640. long Opacity;
  29641. __declspec(property(get=GetFeather,put=PutFeather))
  29642. long Feather;
  29643. __declspec(property(get=GetFeatherType,put=PutFeatherType))
  29644. enum cdrFeatherType FeatherType;
  29645. __declspec(property(get=GetFeatherEdge,put=PutFeatherEdge))
  29646. enum cdrEdgeType FeatherEdge;
  29647. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  29648. IVGColorPtr Color;
  29649. __declspec(property(get=GetShadowGroup))
  29650. IVGShapePtr ShadowGroup;
  29651. __declspec(property(get=GetMergeMode,put=PutMergeMode))
  29652. enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode;
  29653. __declspec(property(get=GetDepth,put=PutDepth))
  29654. double Depth;
  29655. //
  29656. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  29657. //
  29658. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  29659. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  29660. double GetOffsetX ( );
  29661. void PutOffsetX (
  29662. double pVal );
  29663. double GetOffsetY ( );
  29664. void PutOffsetY (
  29665. double pVal );
  29666. long GetOpacity ( );
  29667. void PutOpacity (
  29668. long pVal );
  29669. long GetFeather ( );
  29670. void PutFeather (
  29671. long pVal );
  29672. enum cdrFeatherType GetFeatherType ( );
  29673. void PutFeatherType (
  29674. enum cdrFeatherType pVal );
  29675. enum cdrEdgeType GetFeatherEdge ( );
  29676. void PutFeatherEdge (
  29677. enum cdrEdgeType pVal );
  29678. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  29679. void PutColor (
  29680. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29681. HRESULT SetOffset (
  29682. double OffsetX,
  29683. double OffsetY );
  29684. IVGShapePtr GetShadowGroup ( );
  29685. enum cdrMergeMode GetMergeMode ( );
  29686. void PutMergeMode (
  29687. enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  29688. double GetDepth ( );
  29689. void PutDepth (
  29690. double pVal );
  29691. //
  29692. // Raw methods provided by interface
  29693. //
  29694. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  29695. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29696. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  29697. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29698. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OffsetX (
  29699. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29700. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OffsetX (
  29701. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29702. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OffsetY (
  29703. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29704. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OffsetY (
  29705. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Opacity (
  29707. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29708. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Opacity (
  29709. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29710. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Feather (
  29711. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29712. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Feather (
  29713. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29714. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FeatherType (
  29715. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFeatherType * pVal ) = 0;
  29716. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FeatherType (
  29717. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFeatherType pVal ) = 0;
  29718. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FeatherEdge (
  29719. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrEdgeType * pVal ) = 0;
  29720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FeatherEdge (
  29721. /*[in]*/ enum cdrEdgeType pVal ) = 0;
  29722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  29723. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29724. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  29725. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetOffset (
  29727. /*[in]*/ double OffsetX,
  29728. /*[in]*/ double OffsetY ) = 0;
  29729. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShadowGroup (
  29730. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29731. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MergeMode (
  29732. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrMergeMode * pVal ) = 0;
  29733. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MergeMode (
  29734. /*[in]*/ enum cdrMergeMode pVal ) = 0;
  29735. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Depth (
  29736. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29737. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Depth (
  29738. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29739. };
  29740. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  29741. IVGEffectExtrude : IDispatch
  29742. {
  29743. //
  29744. // Property data
  29745. //
  29746. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  29747. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  29748. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  29749. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  29750. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  29751. enum cdrExtrudeType Type;
  29752. __declspec(property(get=GetVanishingPoint,put=PutVanishingPoint))
  29753. IVGExtrudeVanishingPointPtr VanishingPoint;
  29754. __declspec(property(get=GetDepth,put=PutDepth))
  29755. long Depth;
  29756. __declspec(property(get=GetAngleX,put=PutAngleX))
  29757. double AngleX;
  29758. __declspec(property(get=GetAngleY,put=PutAngleY))
  29759. double AngleY;
  29760. __declspec(property(get=GetAngleZ,put=PutAngleZ))
  29761. double AngleZ;
  29762. __declspec(property(get=GetShading,put=PutShading))
  29763. enum cdrExtrudeShading Shading;
  29764. __declspec(property(get=GetBaseColor,put=PutBaseColor))
  29765. IVGColorPtr BaseColor;
  29766. __declspec(property(get=GetShadingColor,put=PutShadingColor))
  29767. IVGColorPtr ShadingColor;
  29768. __declspec(property(get=GetUseBevel,put=PutUseBevel))
  29769. VARIANT_BOOL UseBevel;
  29770. __declspec(property(get=GetShowBevelOnly,put=PutShowBevelOnly))
  29771. VARIANT_BOOL ShowBevelOnly;
  29772. __declspec(property(get=GetBevelDepth,put=PutBevelDepth))
  29773. double BevelDepth;
  29774. __declspec(property(get=GetBevelAngle,put=PutBevelAngle))
  29775. double BevelAngle;
  29776. __declspec(property(get=GetUseExtrudeColorForBevel,put=PutUseExtrudeColorForBevel))
  29777. VARIANT_BOOL UseExtrudeColorForBevel;
  29778. __declspec(property(get=GetBevelColor,put=PutBevelColor))
  29779. IVGColorPtr BevelColor;
  29780. __declspec(property(get=GetLightPresent,put=PutLightPresent))
  29781. VARIANT_BOOL LightPresent[];
  29782. __declspec(property(get=GetLightPosition,put=PutLightPosition))
  29783. enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition LightPosition[];
  29784. __declspec(property(get=GetLightIntensity,put=PutLightIntensity))
  29785. long LightIntensity[];
  29786. __declspec(property(get=GetUseFullColorRange,put=PutUseFullColorRange))
  29787. VARIANT_BOOL UseFullColorRange;
  29788. __declspec(property(get=GetFaceVisible))
  29789. VARIANT_BOOL FaceVisible;
  29790. __declspec(property(get=GetFaceShape))
  29791. IVGShapePtr FaceShape;
  29792. __declspec(property(get=GetBevelGroup))
  29793. IVGShapePtr BevelGroup;
  29794. __declspec(property(get=GetExtrudeGroup))
  29795. IVGShapePtr ExtrudeGroup;
  29796. //
  29797. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  29798. //
  29799. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  29800. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  29801. enum cdrExtrudeType GetType ( );
  29802. void PutType (
  29803. enum cdrExtrudeType pVal );
  29804. IVGExtrudeVanishingPointPtr GetVanishingPoint ( );
  29805. void PutVanishingPoint (
  29806. struct IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint * ppVal );
  29807. long GetDepth ( );
  29808. void PutDepth (
  29809. long pVal );
  29810. double GetAngleX ( );
  29811. void PutAngleX (
  29812. double pVal );
  29813. double GetAngleY ( );
  29814. void PutAngleY (
  29815. double pVal );
  29816. double GetAngleZ ( );
  29817. void PutAngleZ (
  29818. double pVal );
  29819. enum cdrExtrudeShading GetShading ( );
  29820. void PutShading (
  29821. enum cdrExtrudeShading pVal );
  29822. IVGColorPtr GetBaseColor ( );
  29823. void PutBaseColor (
  29824. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29825. IVGColorPtr GetShadingColor ( );
  29826. void PutShadingColor (
  29827. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29828. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseBevel ( );
  29829. void PutUseBevel (
  29830. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29831. VARIANT_BOOL GetShowBevelOnly ( );
  29832. void PutShowBevelOnly (
  29833. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29834. double GetBevelDepth ( );
  29835. void PutBevelDepth (
  29836. double pVal );
  29837. double GetBevelAngle ( );
  29838. void PutBevelAngle (
  29839. double pVal );
  29840. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseExtrudeColorForBevel ( );
  29841. void PutUseExtrudeColorForBevel (
  29842. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29843. IVGColorPtr GetBevelColor ( );
  29844. void PutBevelColor (
  29845. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  29846. VARIANT_BOOL GetLightPresent (
  29847. long Index );
  29848. void PutLightPresent (
  29849. long Index,
  29850. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29851. enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition GetLightPosition (
  29852. long Index );
  29853. void PutLightPosition (
  29854. long Index,
  29855. enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition pVal );
  29856. long GetLightIntensity (
  29857. long Index );
  29858. void PutLightIntensity (
  29859. long Index,
  29860. long pVal );
  29861. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseFullColorRange ( );
  29862. void PutUseFullColorRange (
  29863. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  29864. VARIANT_BOOL GetFaceVisible ( );
  29865. IVGShapePtr GetFaceShape ( );
  29866. IVGShapePtr GetBevelGroup ( );
  29867. IVGShapePtr GetExtrudeGroup ( );
  29868. HRESULT Rotate (
  29869. double AngleX,
  29870. double AngleY,
  29871. double AngleZ );
  29872. HRESULT SetBevel (
  29873. double Depth,
  29874. double Angle,
  29875. VARIANT_BOOL ShowBevelOnly );
  29876. HRESULT SetLight (
  29877. long Index,
  29878. enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition Position,
  29879. long LightIntensity );
  29880. HRESULT CopyFrom (
  29881. struct IVGEffectExtrude * Source );
  29882. //
  29883. // Raw methods provided by interface
  29884. //
  29885. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  29886. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29887. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  29888. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29889. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  29890. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrExtrudeType * pVal ) = 0;
  29891. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  29892. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExtrudeType pVal ) = 0;
  29893. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VanishingPoint (
  29894. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29895. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VanishingPoint (
  29896. /*[in]*/ struct IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint * ppVal ) = 0;
  29897. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Depth (
  29898. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29899. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Depth (
  29900. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29901. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AngleX (
  29902. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29903. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AngleX (
  29904. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29905. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AngleY (
  29906. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29907. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AngleY (
  29908. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29909. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AngleZ (
  29910. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29911. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AngleZ (
  29912. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29913. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shading (
  29914. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrExtrudeShading * pVal ) = 0;
  29915. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Shading (
  29916. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExtrudeShading pVal ) = 0;
  29917. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BaseColor (
  29918. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29919. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BaseColor (
  29920. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29921. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShadingColor (
  29922. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29923. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShadingColor (
  29924. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29925. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseBevel (
  29926. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29927. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseBevel (
  29928. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29929. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowBevelOnly (
  29930. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29931. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowBevelOnly (
  29932. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29933. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelDepth (
  29934. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29935. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BevelDepth (
  29936. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29937. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelAngle (
  29938. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  29939. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BevelAngle (
  29940. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  29941. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseExtrudeColorForBevel (
  29942. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29943. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseExtrudeColorForBevel (
  29944. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29945. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelColor (
  29946. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29947. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BevelColor (
  29948. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  29949. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LightPresent (
  29950. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  29951. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29952. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LightPresent (
  29953. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  29954. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29955. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LightPosition (
  29956. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  29957. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition * pVal ) = 0;
  29958. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LightPosition (
  29959. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  29960. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition pVal ) = 0;
  29961. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LightIntensity (
  29962. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  29963. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  29964. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LightIntensity (
  29965. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  29966. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  29967. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseFullColorRange (
  29968. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29969. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseFullColorRange (
  29970. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  29971. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FaceVisible (
  29972. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  29973. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FaceShape (
  29974. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29975. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BevelGroup (
  29976. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29977. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ExtrudeGroup (
  29978. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  29979. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Rotate (
  29980. /*[in]*/ double AngleX,
  29981. /*[in]*/ double AngleY,
  29982. /*[in]*/ double AngleZ ) = 0;
  29983. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBevel (
  29984. /*[in]*/ double Depth,
  29985. /*[in]*/ double Angle,
  29986. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ShowBevelOnly ) = 0;
  29987. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetLight (
  29988. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  29989. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition Position,
  29990. /*[in]*/ long LightIntensity ) = 0;
  29991. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyFrom (
  29992. /*[in]*/ struct IVGEffectExtrude * Source ) = 0;
  29993. };
  29994. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  29995. IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint : IDispatch
  29996. {
  29997. //
  29998. // Property data
  29999. //
  30000. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  30001. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  30002. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  30003. IVGEffectExtrudePtr Parent;
  30004. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  30005. enum cdrExtrudeVPType Type;
  30006. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionX,put=PutPositionX))
  30007. double PositionX;
  30008. __declspec(property(get=GetPositionY,put=PutPositionY))
  30009. double PositionY;
  30010. __declspec(property(get=GetEffects))
  30011. IVGEffectsPtr Effects;
  30012. //
  30013. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  30014. //
  30015. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  30016. IVGEffectExtrudePtr GetParent ( );
  30017. enum cdrExtrudeVPType GetType ( );
  30018. void PutType (
  30019. enum cdrExtrudeVPType pVal );
  30020. double GetPositionX ( );
  30021. void PutPositionX (
  30022. double pVal );
  30023. double GetPositionY ( );
  30024. void PutPositionY (
  30025. double pVal );
  30026. IVGEffectsPtr GetEffects ( );
  30027. VARIANT_BOOL Share (
  30028. struct IVGEffectExtrude * Source );
  30029. //
  30030. // Raw methods provided by interface
  30031. //
  30032. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  30033. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30034. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  30035. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectExtrude * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30036. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  30037. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrExtrudeVPType * pVal ) = 0;
  30038. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  30039. /*[in]*/ enum cdrExtrudeVPType pVal ) = 0;
  30040. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionX (
  30041. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30042. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionX (
  30043. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30044. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PositionY (
  30045. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30046. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PositionY (
  30047. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30048. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Effects (
  30049. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffects * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30050. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Share (
  30051. /*[in]*/ struct IVGEffectExtrude * Source,
  30052. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30053. };
  30054. struct __declspec(uuid("b058002a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  30055. IVGEffectDistortion : IDispatch
  30056. {
  30057. //
  30058. // Property data
  30059. //
  30060. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  30061. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  30062. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  30063. IVGEffectPtr Parent;
  30064. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  30065. enum cdrDistortionType Type;
  30066. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginX,put=PutOriginX))
  30067. double OriginX;
  30068. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginY,put=PutOriginY))
  30069. double OriginY;
  30070. __declspec(property(get=GetPushPull,put=PutPushPull))
  30071. IVGEffectPushPullDistortionPtr PushPull;
  30072. __declspec(property(get=GetZipper,put=PutZipper))
  30073. IVGEffectZipperDistortionPtr Zipper;
  30074. __declspec(property(get=GetTwister,put=PutTwister))
  30075. IVGEffectTwisterDistortionPtr Twister;
  30076. __declspec(property(get=GetCustom))
  30077. IVGEffectCustomDistortionPtr Custom;
  30078. //
  30079. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  30080. //
  30081. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  30082. IVGEffectPtr GetParent ( );
  30083. enum cdrDistortionType GetType ( );
  30084. void PutType (
  30085. enum cdrDistortionType pVal );
  30086. double GetOriginX ( );
  30087. void PutOriginX (
  30088. double pVal );
  30089. double GetOriginY ( );
  30090. void PutOriginY (
  30091. double pVal );
  30092. IVGEffectPushPullDistortionPtr GetPushPull ( );
  30093. void PutPushPull (
  30094. struct IVGEffectPushPullDistortion * ppVal );
  30095. IVGEffectZipperDistortionPtr GetZipper ( );
  30096. void PutZipper (
  30097. struct IVGEffectZipperDistortion * ppVal );
  30098. IVGEffectTwisterDistortionPtr GetTwister ( );
  30099. void PutTwister (
  30100. struct IVGEffectTwisterDistortion * ppVal );
  30101. HRESULT CenterDistortion ( );
  30102. IVGEffectCustomDistortionPtr GetCustom ( );
  30103. //
  30104. // Raw methods provided by interface
  30105. //
  30106. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  30107. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30108. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  30109. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30110. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  30111. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDistortionType * pVal ) = 0;
  30112. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  30113. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDistortionType pVal ) = 0;
  30114. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginX (
  30115. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30116. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginX (
  30117. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30118. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginY (
  30119. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30120. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginY (
  30121. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30122. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PushPull (
  30123. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectPushPullDistortion * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30124. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PushPull (
  30125. /*[in]*/ struct IVGEffectPushPullDistortion * ppVal ) = 0;
  30126. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Zipper (
  30127. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectZipperDistortion * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30128. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Zipper (
  30129. /*[in]*/ struct IVGEffectZipperDistortion * ppVal ) = 0;
  30130. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Twister (
  30131. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectTwisterDistortion * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30132. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Twister (
  30133. /*[in]*/ struct IVGEffectTwisterDistortion * ppVal ) = 0;
  30134. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CenterDistortion ( ) = 0;
  30135. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Custom (
  30136. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectCustomDistortion * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30137. };
  30138. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580032-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  30139. IVGEffectPushPullDistortion : IDispatch
  30140. {
  30141. //
  30142. // Property data
  30143. //
  30144. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  30145. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  30146. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  30147. IVGEffectDistortionPtr Parent;
  30148. __declspec(property(get=GetAmplitude,put=PutAmplitude))
  30149. long Amplitude;
  30150. //
  30151. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  30152. //
  30153. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  30154. IVGEffectDistortionPtr GetParent ( );
  30155. long GetAmplitude ( );
  30156. void PutAmplitude (
  30157. long pVal );
  30158. //
  30159. // Raw methods provided by interface
  30160. //
  30161. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  30162. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30163. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  30164. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectDistortion * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30165. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Amplitude (
  30166. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30167. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Amplitude (
  30168. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30169. };
  30170. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580035-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  30171. IVGEffectZipperDistortion : IDispatch
  30172. {
  30173. //
  30174. // Property data
  30175. //
  30176. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  30177. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  30178. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  30179. IVGEffectDistortionPtr Parent;
  30180. __declspec(property(get=GetAmplitude,put=PutAmplitude))
  30181. long Amplitude;
  30182. __declspec(property(get=GetFrequency,put=PutFrequency))
  30183. long Frequency;
  30184. __declspec(property(get=GetRandom,put=PutRandom))
  30185. VARIANT_BOOL Random;
  30186. __declspec(property(get=GetSmooth,put=PutSmooth))
  30187. VARIANT_BOOL Smooth;
  30188. __declspec(property(get=GetLocal,put=PutLocal))
  30189. VARIANT_BOOL Local;
  30190. //
  30191. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  30192. //
  30193. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  30194. IVGEffectDistortionPtr GetParent ( );
  30195. long GetAmplitude ( );
  30196. void PutAmplitude (
  30197. long pVal );
  30198. long GetFrequency ( );
  30199. void PutFrequency (
  30200. long pVal );
  30201. VARIANT_BOOL GetRandom ( );
  30202. void PutRandom (
  30203. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  30204. VARIANT_BOOL GetSmooth ( );
  30205. void PutSmooth (
  30206. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  30207. VARIANT_BOOL GetLocal ( );
  30208. void PutLocal (
  30209. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  30210. //
  30211. // Raw methods provided by interface
  30212. //
  30213. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  30214. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30215. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  30216. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectDistortion * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30217. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Amplitude (
  30218. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30219. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Amplitude (
  30220. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30221. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Frequency (
  30222. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30223. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Frequency (
  30224. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30225. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Random (
  30226. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30227. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Random (
  30228. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  30229. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Smooth (
  30230. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30231. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Smooth (
  30232. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  30233. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Local (
  30234. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30235. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Local (
  30236. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  30237. };
  30238. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580034-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  30239. IVGEffectTwisterDistortion : IDispatch
  30240. {
  30241. //
  30242. // Property data
  30243. //
  30244. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  30245. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  30246. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  30247. IVGEffectDistortionPtr Parent;
  30248. __declspec(property(get=GetAngle,put=PutAngle))
  30249. double Angle;
  30250. //
  30251. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  30252. //
  30253. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  30254. IVGEffectDistortionPtr GetParent ( );
  30255. double GetAngle ( );
  30256. void PutAngle (
  30257. double pVal );
  30258. //
  30259. // Raw methods provided by interface
  30260. //
  30261. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  30262. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30263. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  30264. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGEffectDistortion * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30265. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Angle (
  30266. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30267. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Angle (
  30268. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30269. };
  30270. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580078-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  30271. IVGTextRange : IDispatch
  30272. {
  30273. //
  30274. // Property data
  30275. //
  30276. __declspec(property(get=GetText,put=PutText))
  30277. _bstr_t Text;
  30278. __declspec(property(get=GetDropCapDistanceFromText,put=PutDropCapDistanceFromText))
  30279. double DropCapDistanceFromText;
  30280. __declspec(property(get=GetWideText,put=PutWideText))
  30281. _bstr_t WideText;
  30282. __declspec(property(get=GetDropCapHangingIndent,put=PutDropCapHangingIndent))
  30283. VARIANT_BOOL DropCapHangingIndent;
  30284. __declspec(property(get=GetCharacters))
  30285. IVGTextCharactersPtr Characters;
  30286. __declspec(property(get=GetWords))
  30287. IVGTextWordsPtr Words;
  30288. __declspec(property(get=GetLines))
  30289. IVGTextLinesPtr Lines;
  30290. __declspec(property(get=GetParagraphs))
  30291. IVGTextParagraphsPtr Paragraphs;
  30292. __declspec(property(get=GetStart,put=PutStart))
  30293. long Start;
  30294. __declspec(property(get=GetBulletFont,put=PutBulletFont))
  30295. _bstr_t BulletFont;
  30296. __declspec(property(get=GetEnd,put=PutEnd))
  30297. long End;
  30298. __declspec(property(get=GetBulletSymbol,put=PutBulletSymbol))
  30299. _bstr_t BulletSymbol;
  30300. __declspec(property(get=GetLength,put=PutLength))
  30301. long Length;
  30302. __declspec(property(get=GetBulletSize,put=PutBulletSize))
  30303. float BulletSize;
  30304. __declspec(property(get=GetBulletBaselineShift,put=PutBulletBaselineShift))
  30305. float BulletBaselineShift;
  30306. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle,put=PutStyle))
  30307. enum cdrFontStyle Style;
  30308. __declspec(property(get=GetBulletHorizontalPosition,put=PutBulletHorizontalPosition))
  30309. double BulletHorizontalPosition;
  30310. __declspec(property(get=GetBold,put=PutBold))
  30311. VARIANT_BOOL Bold;
  30312. __declspec(property(get=GetBulletHangingIndent,put=PutBulletHangingIndent))
  30313. VARIANT_BOOL BulletHangingIndent;
  30314. __declspec(property(get=GetItalic,put=PutItalic))
  30315. VARIANT_BOOL Italic;
  30316. __declspec(property(get=GetIsEmpty))
  30317. VARIANT_BOOL IsEmpty;
  30318. __declspec(property(get=GetUnderline,put=PutUnderline))
  30319. enum cdrFontLine Underline;
  30320. __declspec(property(get=GetHyphenateAllCapWords,put=PutHyphenateAllCapWords))
  30321. VARIANT_BOOL HyphenateAllCapWords;
  30322. __declspec(property(get=GetStrikethru,put=PutStrikethru))
  30323. enum cdrFontLine Strikethru;
  30324. __declspec(property(get=GetOverscore,put=PutOverscore))
  30325. enum cdrFontLine Overscore;
  30326. __declspec(property(get=GetBaselines))
  30327. IVGCurvePtr Baselines;
  30328. __declspec(property(get=GetFont,put=PutFont))
  30329. _bstr_t Font;
  30330. __declspec(property(get=GetTextLineRects))
  30331. IVGCurvePtr TextLineRects;
  30332. __declspec(property(get=GetSize,put=PutSize))
  30333. float Size;
  30334. __declspec(property(get=GetCharBackFill))
  30335. IVGFillPtr CharBackFill;
  30336. __declspec(property(get=GetPosition,put=PutPosition))
  30337. enum cdrFontPosition Position;
  30338. __declspec(property(get=GetCase,put=PutCase))
  30339. enum cdrFontCase Case;
  30340. __declspec(property(get=GetTextFormatter,put=PutTextFormatter))
  30341. long TextFormatter;
  30342. __declspec(property(get=GetCharAngle,put=PutCharAngle))
  30343. float CharAngle;
  30344. __declspec(property(get=GetObjectStyle))
  30345. IVGStylePtr ObjectStyle;
  30346. __declspec(property(get=GetAlignment,put=PutAlignment))
  30347. enum cdrAlignment Alignment;
  30348. __declspec(property(get=GetIndentLevelStyles))
  30349. IVGTextIndentLevelStylesPtr IndentLevelStyles;
  30350. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstLineIndent,put=PutFirstLineIndent))
  30351. double FirstLineIndent;
  30352. __declspec(property(get=GetIndentLevel,put=PutIndentLevel))
  30353. long IndentLevel;
  30354. __declspec(property(get=GetHorizShift,put=PutHorizShift))
  30355. long HorizShift;
  30356. __declspec(property(get=GetVariableAxes))
  30357. IVGTextVariableAxesPtr VariableAxes;
  30358. __declspec(property(get=GetVertShift,put=PutVertShift))
  30359. long VertShift;
  30360. __declspec(property(get=GetLeftIndent,put=PutLeftIndent))
  30361. double LeftIndent;
  30362. __declspec(property(get=GetRightIndent,put=PutRightIndent))
  30363. double RightIndent;
  30364. __declspec(property(get=GetMinWordSpacing,put=PutMinWordSpacing))
  30365. float MinWordSpacing;
  30366. __declspec(property(get=GetMaxWordSpacing,put=PutMaxWordSpacing))
  30367. float MaxWordSpacing;
  30368. __declspec(property(get=GetMaxCharSpacing,put=PutMaxCharSpacing))
  30369. float MaxCharSpacing;
  30370. __declspec(property(get=GetParaSpacingBefore,put=PutParaSpacingBefore))
  30371. float ParaSpacingBefore;
  30372. __declspec(property(get=GetParaSpacingAfter,put=PutParaSpacingAfter))
  30373. float ParaSpacingAfter;
  30374. __declspec(property(get=GetCharSpacing,put=PutCharSpacing))
  30375. float CharSpacing;
  30376. __declspec(property(get=GetLineSpacing,put=PutLineSpacing))
  30377. float LineSpacing;
  30378. __declspec(property(get=GetLineSpacingType))
  30379. enum cdrLineSpacingType LineSpacingType;
  30380. __declspec(property(get=GetWordSpacing,put=PutWordSpacing))
  30381. float WordSpacing;
  30382. __declspec(property(get=GetAutoHyphenate,put=PutAutoHyphenate))
  30383. enum cdrTriState AutoHyphenate;
  30384. __declspec(property(get=GetHyphenHotZone,put=PutHyphenHotZone))
  30385. double HyphenHotZone;
  30386. __declspec(property(get=GetHyphenMinCharsBefore,put=PutHyphenMinCharsBefore))
  30387. long HyphenMinCharsBefore;
  30388. __declspec(property(get=GetHyphenMinCharsAfter,put=PutHyphenMinCharsAfter))
  30389. long HyphenMinCharsAfter;
  30390. __declspec(property(get=GetHyphenMinWordLength,put=PutHyphenMinWordLength))
  30391. long HyphenMinWordLength;
  30392. __declspec(property(get=GetHyphenateCapitals,put=PutHyphenateCapitals))
  30393. VARIANT_BOOL HyphenateCapitals;
  30394. __declspec(property(get=GetLanguageID,put=PutLanguageID))
  30395. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID;
  30396. __declspec(property(get=GetCharSet,put=PutCharSet))
  30397. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet;
  30398. __declspec(property(get=GetColumns))
  30399. IVGTextColumnsPtr Columns;
  30400. __declspec(property(get=GetFrames))
  30401. IVGTextFramesPtr Frames;
  30402. __declspec(property(get=GetFill))
  30403. IVGFillPtr Fill;
  30404. __declspec(property(get=GetOutline))
  30405. IVGOutlinePtr Outline;
  30406. __declspec(property(get=GetRangeKerning,put=PutRangeKerning))
  30407. long RangeKerning;
  30408. __declspec(property(get=GetTabs))
  30409. IVGTextTabPositionsPtr Tabs;
  30410. __declspec(property(get=GetEffect))
  30411. enum cdrTextEffect Effect;
  30412. __declspec(property(get=GetDropCapLinesDropped,put=PutDropCapLinesDropped))
  30413. long DropCapLinesDropped;
  30414. //
  30415. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  30416. //
  30417. _bstr_t GetText ( );
  30418. void PutText (
  30419. _bstr_t ppVal );
  30420. _bstr_t GetWideText ( );
  30421. void PutWideText (
  30422. _bstr_t ppVal );
  30423. IVGTextCharactersPtr GetCharacters ( );
  30424. IVGTextWordsPtr GetWords ( );
  30425. IVGTextLinesPtr GetLines ( );
  30426. IVGTextParagraphsPtr GetParagraphs ( );
  30427. long GetStart ( );
  30428. void PutStart (
  30429. long pVal );
  30430. long GetEnd ( );
  30431. void PutEnd (
  30432. long pVal );
  30433. long GetLength ( );
  30434. void PutLength (
  30435. long pVal );
  30436. IVGTextRangePtr Duplicate ( );
  30437. enum cdrFontStyle GetStyle ( );
  30438. void PutStyle (
  30439. enum cdrFontStyle pVal );
  30440. VARIANT_BOOL GetBold ( );
  30441. void PutBold (
  30442. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  30443. VARIANT_BOOL GetItalic ( );
  30444. void PutItalic (
  30445. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  30446. enum cdrFontLine GetUnderline ( );
  30447. void PutUnderline (
  30448. enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  30449. enum cdrFontLine GetStrikethru ( );
  30450. void PutStrikethru (
  30451. enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  30452. enum cdrFontLine GetOverscore ( );
  30453. void PutOverscore (
  30454. enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  30455. _bstr_t GetFont ( );
  30456. void PutFont (
  30457. _bstr_t pVal );
  30458. float GetSize ( );
  30459. void PutSize (
  30460. float pVal );
  30461. enum cdrFontPosition GetPosition ( );
  30462. void PutPosition (
  30463. enum cdrFontPosition pVal );
  30464. enum cdrFontCase GetCase ( );
  30465. void PutCase (
  30466. enum cdrFontCase pVal );
  30467. float GetCharAngle ( );
  30468. void PutCharAngle (
  30469. float pVal );
  30470. enum cdrAlignment GetAlignment ( );
  30471. void PutAlignment (
  30472. enum cdrAlignment pVal );
  30473. double GetFirstLineIndent ( );
  30474. void PutFirstLineIndent (
  30475. double pVal );
  30476. long GetHorizShift ( );
  30477. void PutHorizShift (
  30478. long pVal );
  30479. long GetVertShift ( );
  30480. void PutVertShift (
  30481. long pVal );
  30482. double GetLeftIndent ( );
  30483. void PutLeftIndent (
  30484. double pVal );
  30485. double GetRightIndent ( );
  30486. void PutRightIndent (
  30487. double pVal );
  30488. float GetMinWordSpacing ( );
  30489. void PutMinWordSpacing (
  30490. float pVal );
  30491. float GetMaxWordSpacing ( );
  30492. void PutMaxWordSpacing (
  30493. float pVal );
  30494. float GetMaxCharSpacing ( );
  30495. void PutMaxCharSpacing (
  30496. float pVal );
  30497. float GetParaSpacingBefore ( );
  30498. void PutParaSpacingBefore (
  30499. float pVal );
  30500. float GetParaSpacingAfter ( );
  30501. void PutParaSpacingAfter (
  30502. float pVal );
  30503. float GetCharSpacing ( );
  30504. void PutCharSpacing (
  30505. float pVal );
  30506. float GetLineSpacing ( );
  30507. void PutLineSpacing (
  30508. float pVal );
  30509. enum cdrLineSpacingType GetLineSpacingType ( );
  30510. float GetWordSpacing ( );
  30511. void PutWordSpacing (
  30512. float pVal );
  30513. enum cdrTriState GetAutoHyphenate ( );
  30514. void PutAutoHyphenate (
  30515. enum cdrTriState pVal );
  30516. double GetHyphenHotZone ( );
  30517. void PutHyphenHotZone (
  30518. double pVal );
  30519. long GetHyphenMinCharsBefore ( );
  30520. void PutHyphenMinCharsBefore (
  30521. long pVal );
  30522. long GetHyphenMinCharsAfter ( );
  30523. void PutHyphenMinCharsAfter (
  30524. long pVal );
  30525. long GetHyphenMinWordLength ( );
  30526. void PutHyphenMinWordLength (
  30527. long pVal );
  30528. VARIANT_BOOL GetHyphenateCapitals ( );
  30529. void PutHyphenateCapitals (
  30530. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  30531. HRESULT Delete ( );
  30532. HRESULT Select ( );
  30533. HRESULT Copy ( );
  30534. IVGTextRangePtr Paste ( );
  30535. HRESULT ChangeCase (
  30536. enum cdrTextChangeCase Case );
  30537. HRESULT SetRange (
  30538. long Start,
  30539. long End );
  30540. enum cdrTextLanguage GetLanguageID ( );
  30541. void PutLanguageID (
  30542. enum cdrTextLanguage pVal );
  30543. enum cdrTextCharSet GetCharSet ( );
  30544. void PutCharSet (
  30545. enum cdrTextCharSet pVal );
  30546. IVGTextRangePtr InsertBefore (
  30547. _bstr_t Text,
  30548. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30549. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30550. _bstr_t Font );
  30551. IVGTextRangePtr InsertBeforeWide (
  30552. _bstr_t Text,
  30553. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30554. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30555. _bstr_t Font );
  30556. IVGTextRangePtr InsertAfter (
  30557. _bstr_t Text,
  30558. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30559. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30560. _bstr_t Font );
  30561. IVGTextRangePtr InsertAfterWide (
  30562. _bstr_t Text,
  30563. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30564. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30565. _bstr_t Font );
  30566. IVGTextRangePtr Replace (
  30567. _bstr_t Text,
  30568. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30569. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30570. _bstr_t Font );
  30571. IVGTextRangePtr ReplaceWide (
  30572. _bstr_t Text,
  30573. enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30574. enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30575. _bstr_t Font );
  30576. IVGTextRangePtr Range (
  30577. long Start,
  30578. long End );
  30579. HRESULT SetLineSpacing (
  30580. enum cdrLineSpacingType Type,
  30581. float LineSpacing,
  30582. float ParaBefore,
  30583. float ParaAfter );
  30584. IVGTextColumnsPtr GetColumns ( );
  30585. IVGTextFramesPtr GetFrames ( );
  30586. HRESULT Collapse (
  30587. VARIANT_BOOL ToEnd );
  30588. HRESULT Combine (
  30589. struct IVGTextRange * Range );
  30590. VARIANT_BOOL InRange (
  30591. struct IVGTextRange * Range );
  30592. VARIANT_BOOL IsSame (
  30593. struct IVGTextRange * Range );
  30594. IVGFillPtr GetFill ( );
  30595. IVGOutlinePtr GetOutline ( );
  30596. long GetRangeKerning ( );
  30597. void PutRangeKerning (
  30598. long pVal );
  30599. IVGTextTabPositionsPtr GetTabs ( );
  30600. enum cdrTextEffect GetEffect ( );
  30601. long GetDropCapLinesDropped ( );
  30602. void PutDropCapLinesDropped (
  30603. long pVal );
  30604. double GetDropCapDistanceFromText ( );
  30605. void PutDropCapDistanceFromText (
  30606. double pVal );
  30607. VARIANT_BOOL GetDropCapHangingIndent ( );
  30608. void PutDropCapHangingIndent (
  30609. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  30610. _bstr_t GetBulletFont ( );
  30611. void PutBulletFont (
  30612. _bstr_t pVal );
  30613. _bstr_t GetBulletSymbol ( );
  30614. void PutBulletSymbol (
  30615. _bstr_t pVal );
  30616. float GetBulletSize ( );
  30617. void PutBulletSize (
  30618. float pVal );
  30619. float GetBulletBaselineShift ( );
  30620. void PutBulletBaselineShift (
  30621. float pVal );
  30622. double GetBulletHorizontalPosition ( );
  30623. void PutBulletHorizontalPosition (
  30624. double pVal );
  30625. VARIANT_BOOL GetBulletHangingIndent ( );
  30626. void PutBulletHangingIndent (
  30627. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  30628. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsEmpty ( );
  30629. HRESULT ApplyNoEffect ( );
  30630. HRESULT ApplyBulletEffect (
  30631. _bstr_t Symbol,
  30632. _bstr_t Font,
  30633. float Size,
  30634. float BaselineShift,
  30635. double HorizontalPosition,
  30636. VARIANT_BOOL HangingIndent );
  30637. HRESULT ApplyDropCapEffect (
  30638. long LinesDropped,
  30639. double DistanceFromText,
  30640. VARIANT_BOOL HangingIndent );
  30641. VARIANT_BOOL GetHyphenateAllCapWords ( );
  30642. void PutHyphenateAllCapWords (
  30643. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  30644. IVGTextRangesPtr EnumRanges (
  30645. enum cdrTextPropertySet PropertyFilter );
  30646. _variant_t Evaluate (
  30647. _bstr_t Expression );
  30648. IVGTextRangesPtr FindRanges (
  30649. _bstr_t Query );
  30650. IVGCurvePtr GetBaselines ( );
  30651. HRESULT Straighten ( );
  30652. HRESULT AlignToBaseline ( );
  30653. IVGCurvePtr GetTextLineRects ( );
  30654. IVGFillPtr GetCharBackFill ( );
  30655. HRESULT CopyAttributes (
  30656. struct IVGTextRange * SourceRange );
  30657. long GetOpenTypeFeature (
  30658. _bstr_t Feature );
  30659. HRESULT SetOpenTypeFeature (
  30660. _bstr_t Feature,
  30661. long State );
  30662. long GetTextFormatter ( );
  30663. void PutTextFormatter (
  30664. long pVal );
  30665. HRESULT ApplyStyle (
  30666. _bstr_t StyleName );
  30667. IVGStylePtr GetObjectStyle ( );
  30668. IVGTextIndentLevelStylesPtr GetIndentLevelStyles ( );
  30669. long GetIndentLevel ( );
  30670. void PutIndentLevel (
  30671. long pVal );
  30672. IVGTextVariableAxesPtr GetVariableAxes ( );
  30673. //
  30674. // Raw methods provided by interface
  30675. //
  30676. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
  30677. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * ppVal ) = 0;
  30678. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
  30679. /*[in]*/ BSTR ppVal ) = 0;
  30680. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WideText (
  30681. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * ppVal ) = 0;
  30682. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WideText (
  30683. /*[in]*/ BSTR ppVal ) = 0;
  30684. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Characters (
  30685. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextCharacters * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30686. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Words (
  30687. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextWords * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30688. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Lines (
  30689. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextLines * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30690. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Paragraphs (
  30691. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextParagraphs * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30692. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Start (
  30693. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30694. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Start (
  30695. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30696. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_End (
  30697. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30698. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_End (
  30699. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30700. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Length (
  30701. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30702. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Length (
  30703. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30704. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Duplicate (
  30705. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30706. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  30707. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontStyle * pVal ) = 0;
  30708. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Style (
  30709. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontStyle pVal ) = 0;
  30710. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bold (
  30711. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30712. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Bold (
  30713. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  30714. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Italic (
  30715. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30716. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Italic (
  30717. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  30718. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Underline (
  30719. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontLine * pVal ) = 0;
  30720. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Underline (
  30721. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine pVal ) = 0;
  30722. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Strikethru (
  30723. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontLine * pVal ) = 0;
  30724. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Strikethru (
  30725. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine pVal ) = 0;
  30726. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overscore (
  30727. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontLine * pVal ) = 0;
  30728. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Overscore (
  30729. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontLine pVal ) = 0;
  30730. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Font (
  30731. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  30732. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Font (
  30733. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  30734. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
  30735. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30736. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
  30737. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30738. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
  30739. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontPosition * pVal ) = 0;
  30740. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
  30741. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontPosition pVal ) = 0;
  30742. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Case (
  30743. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFontCase * pVal ) = 0;
  30744. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Case (
  30745. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFontCase pVal ) = 0;
  30746. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CharAngle (
  30747. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30748. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CharAngle (
  30749. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30750. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Alignment (
  30751. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrAlignment * pVal ) = 0;
  30752. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Alignment (
  30753. /*[in]*/ enum cdrAlignment pVal ) = 0;
  30754. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstLineIndent (
  30755. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30756. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FirstLineIndent (
  30757. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HorizShift (
  30759. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30760. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HorizShift (
  30761. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30762. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VertShift (
  30763. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30764. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VertShift (
  30765. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30766. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeftIndent (
  30767. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30768. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LeftIndent (
  30769. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30770. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RightIndent (
  30771. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30772. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RightIndent (
  30773. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30774. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MinWordSpacing (
  30775. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30776. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MinWordSpacing (
  30777. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30778. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaxWordSpacing (
  30779. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30780. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaxWordSpacing (
  30781. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30782. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaxCharSpacing (
  30783. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30784. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaxCharSpacing (
  30785. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30786. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParaSpacingBefore (
  30787. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30788. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ParaSpacingBefore (
  30789. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30790. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParaSpacingAfter (
  30791. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30792. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ParaSpacingAfter (
  30793. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30794. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CharSpacing (
  30795. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30796. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CharSpacing (
  30797. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30798. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineSpacing (
  30799. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30800. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineSpacing (
  30801. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30802. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineSpacingType (
  30803. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrLineSpacingType * pVal ) = 0;
  30804. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WordSpacing (
  30805. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30806. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WordSpacing (
  30807. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30808. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AutoHyphenate (
  30809. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTriState * pVal ) = 0;
  30810. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AutoHyphenate (
  30811. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTriState pVal ) = 0;
  30812. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HyphenHotZone (
  30813. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30814. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HyphenHotZone (
  30815. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30816. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HyphenMinCharsBefore (
  30817. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30818. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HyphenMinCharsBefore (
  30819. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30820. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HyphenMinCharsAfter (
  30821. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30822. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HyphenMinCharsAfter (
  30823. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30824. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HyphenMinWordLength (
  30825. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30826. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HyphenMinWordLength (
  30827. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30828. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HyphenateCapitals (
  30829. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30830. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HyphenateCapitals (
  30831. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  30832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  30833. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Select ( ) = 0;
  30834. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy ( ) = 0;
  30835. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste (
  30836. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30837. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ChangeCase (
  30838. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextChangeCase Case ) = 0;
  30839. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetRange (
  30840. /*[in]*/ long Start,
  30841. /*[in]*/ long End ) = 0;
  30842. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LanguageID (
  30843. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage * pVal ) = 0;
  30844. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LanguageID (
  30845. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage pVal ) = 0;
  30846. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CharSet (
  30847. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet * pVal ) = 0;
  30848. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CharSet (
  30849. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet pVal ) = 0;
  30850. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertBefore (
  30851. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  30852. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30853. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30854. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  30855. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30856. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertBeforeWide (
  30857. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  30858. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30859. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30860. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  30861. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30862. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertAfter (
  30863. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  30864. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30865. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30866. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  30867. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30868. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InsertAfterWide (
  30869. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  30870. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30871. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30872. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  30873. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30874. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Replace (
  30875. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  30876. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30877. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30878. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  30879. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30880. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReplaceWide (
  30881. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  30882. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID,
  30883. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet,
  30884. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  30885. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30886. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Range (
  30887. /*[in]*/ long Start,
  30888. /*[in]*/ long End,
  30889. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30890. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetLineSpacing (
  30891. /*[in]*/ enum cdrLineSpacingType Type,
  30892. /*[in]*/ float LineSpacing,
  30893. /*[in]*/ float ParaBefore,
  30894. /*[in]*/ float ParaAfter ) = 0;
  30895. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Columns (
  30896. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextColumns * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30897. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Frames (
  30898. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextFrames * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30899. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Collapse (
  30900. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ToEnd ) = 0;
  30901. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Combine (
  30902. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTextRange * Range ) = 0;
  30903. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InRange (
  30904. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTextRange * Range,
  30905. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30906. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsSame (
  30907. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTextRange * Range,
  30908. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30909. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
  30910. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30911. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Outline (
  30912. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30913. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RangeKerning (
  30914. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30915. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RangeKerning (
  30916. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30917. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Tabs (
  30918. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextTabPositions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30919. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Effect (
  30920. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTextEffect * pVal ) = 0;
  30921. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropCapLinesDropped (
  30922. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30923. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DropCapLinesDropped (
  30924. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  30925. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropCapDistanceFromText (
  30926. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30927. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DropCapDistanceFromText (
  30928. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30929. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DropCapHangingIndent (
  30930. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30931. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DropCapHangingIndent (
  30932. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  30933. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BulletFont (
  30934. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  30935. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BulletFont (
  30936. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  30937. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BulletSymbol (
  30938. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  30939. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BulletSymbol (
  30940. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  30941. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BulletSize (
  30942. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30943. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BulletSize (
  30944. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30945. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BulletBaselineShift (
  30946. /*[out,retval]*/ float * pVal ) = 0;
  30947. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BulletBaselineShift (
  30948. /*[in]*/ float pVal ) = 0;
  30949. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BulletHorizontalPosition (
  30950. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  30951. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BulletHorizontalPosition (
  30952. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  30953. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BulletHangingIndent (
  30954. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30955. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BulletHangingIndent (
  30956. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  30957. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsEmpty (
  30958. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30959. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyNoEffect ( ) = 0;
  30960. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyBulletEffect (
  30961. /*[in]*/ BSTR Symbol,
  30962. /*[in]*/ BSTR Font,
  30963. /*[in]*/ float Size,
  30964. /*[in]*/ float BaselineShift,
  30965. /*[in]*/ double HorizontalPosition,
  30966. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL HangingIndent ) = 0;
  30967. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyDropCapEffect (
  30968. /*[in]*/ long LinesDropped,
  30969. /*[in]*/ double DistanceFromText,
  30970. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL HangingIndent ) = 0;
  30971. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HyphenateAllCapWords (
  30972. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  30973. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_HyphenateAllCapWords (
  30974. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  30975. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EnumRanges (
  30976. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTextPropertySet PropertyFilter,
  30977. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRanges * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30978. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Evaluate (
  30979. /*[in]*/ BSTR Expression,
  30980. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  30981. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindRanges (
  30982. /*[in]*/ BSTR Query,
  30983. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRanges * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30984. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Baselines (
  30985. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30986. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Straighten ( ) = 0;
  30987. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AlignToBaseline ( ) = 0;
  30988. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextLineRects (
  30989. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCurve * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30990. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CharBackFill (
  30991. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  30992. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyAttributes (
  30993. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTextRange * SourceRange ) = 0;
  30994. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOpenTypeFeature (
  30995. /*[in]*/ BSTR Feature,
  30996. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  30997. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetOpenTypeFeature (
  30998. /*[in]*/ BSTR Feature,
  30999. /*[in]*/ long State ) = 0;
  31000. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TextFormatter (
  31001. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TextFormatter (
  31003. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  31004. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ApplyStyle (
  31005. /*[in]*/ BSTR StyleName ) = 0;
  31006. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ObjectStyle (
  31007. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31008. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IndentLevelStyles (
  31009. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextIndentLevelStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31010. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IndentLevel (
  31011. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31012. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_IndentLevel (
  31013. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  31014. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VariableAxes (
  31015. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextVariableAxes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31016. };
  31017. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580072-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31018. IVGTextCharacters : IDispatch
  31019. {
  31020. //
  31021. // Property data
  31022. //
  31023. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  31024. IVGTextRangePtr Item[][];
  31025. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  31026. long Count;
  31027. __declspec(property(get=GetAll))
  31028. IVGTextRangePtr All;
  31029. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  31030. IVGTextRangePtr First;
  31031. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  31032. IVGTextRangePtr Last;
  31033. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  31034. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  31035. //
  31036. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31037. //
  31038. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  31039. IVGTextRangePtr GetItem (
  31040. long Index,
  31041. long Count );
  31042. long GetCount ( );
  31043. IVGTextRangePtr GetAll ( );
  31044. IVGTextRangePtr GetFirst ( );
  31045. IVGTextRangePtr GetLast ( );
  31046. //
  31047. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31048. //
  31049. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  31050. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  31051. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  31052. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31053. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  31054. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31055. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  31056. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31057. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_All (
  31058. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31059. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  31060. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31061. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  31062. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31063. };
  31064. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31065. IVGTextWords : IDispatch
  31066. {
  31067. //
  31068. // Property data
  31069. //
  31070. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  31071. IVGTextRangePtr Item[][];
  31072. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  31073. long Count;
  31074. __declspec(property(get=GetAll))
  31075. IVGTextRangePtr All;
  31076. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  31077. IVGTextRangePtr First;
  31078. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  31079. IVGTextRangePtr Last;
  31080. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  31081. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  31082. //
  31083. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31084. //
  31085. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  31086. IVGTextRangePtr GetItem (
  31087. long Index,
  31088. long Count );
  31089. long GetCount ( );
  31090. IVGTextRangePtr GetAll ( );
  31091. IVGTextRangePtr GetFirst ( );
  31092. IVGTextRangePtr GetLast ( );
  31093. //
  31094. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31095. //
  31096. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  31097. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  31098. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  31099. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31100. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  31101. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31102. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  31103. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31104. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_All (
  31105. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31106. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  31107. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31108. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  31109. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31110. };
  31111. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580076-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31112. IVGTextLines : IDispatch
  31113. {
  31114. //
  31115. // Property data
  31116. //
  31117. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  31118. IVGTextRangePtr Item[][];
  31119. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  31120. long Count;
  31121. __declspec(property(get=GetAll))
  31122. IVGTextRangePtr All;
  31123. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  31124. IVGTextRangePtr First;
  31125. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  31126. IVGTextRangePtr Last;
  31127. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  31128. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  31129. //
  31130. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31131. //
  31132. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  31133. IVGTextRangePtr GetItem (
  31134. long Index,
  31135. long Count );
  31136. long GetCount ( );
  31137. IVGTextRangePtr GetAll ( );
  31138. IVGTextRangePtr GetFirst ( );
  31139. IVGTextRangePtr GetLast ( );
  31140. //
  31141. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31142. //
  31143. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  31144. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  31145. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  31146. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31147. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  31148. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31149. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  31150. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31151. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_All (
  31152. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31153. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  31154. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31155. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  31156. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31157. };
  31158. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580077-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31159. IVGTextParagraphs : IDispatch
  31160. {
  31161. //
  31162. // Property data
  31163. //
  31164. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  31165. IVGTextRangePtr Item[][];
  31166. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  31167. long Count;
  31168. __declspec(property(get=GetAll))
  31169. IVGTextRangePtr All;
  31170. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  31171. IVGTextRangePtr First;
  31172. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  31173. IVGTextRangePtr Last;
  31174. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  31175. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  31176. //
  31177. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31178. //
  31179. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  31180. IVGTextRangePtr GetItem (
  31181. long Index,
  31182. long Count );
  31183. long GetCount ( );
  31184. IVGTextRangePtr GetAll ( );
  31185. IVGTextRangePtr GetFirst ( );
  31186. IVGTextRangePtr GetLast ( );
  31187. //
  31188. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31189. //
  31190. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  31191. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  31192. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  31193. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31194. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  31195. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31196. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  31197. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31198. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_All (
  31199. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31200. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  31201. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31202. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  31203. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31204. };
  31205. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580073-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31206. IVGTextColumns : IDispatch
  31207. {
  31208. //
  31209. // Property data
  31210. //
  31211. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  31212. IVGTextRangePtr Item[][];
  31213. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  31214. long Count;
  31215. __declspec(property(get=GetAll))
  31216. IVGTextRangePtr All;
  31217. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  31218. IVGTextRangePtr First;
  31219. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  31220. IVGTextRangePtr Last;
  31221. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  31222. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  31223. //
  31224. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31225. //
  31226. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  31227. IVGTextRangePtr GetItem (
  31228. long Index,
  31229. long Count );
  31230. long GetCount ( );
  31231. IVGTextRangePtr GetAll ( );
  31232. IVGTextRangePtr GetFirst ( );
  31233. IVGTextRangePtr GetLast ( );
  31234. //
  31235. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31236. //
  31237. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  31238. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  31239. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  31240. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31241. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  31242. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31243. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  31244. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31245. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_All (
  31246. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31247. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  31248. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31249. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  31250. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31251. };
  31252. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580074-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31253. IVGTextFrame : IDispatch
  31254. {
  31255. //
  31256. // Property data
  31257. //
  31258. __declspec(property(get=GetRange))
  31259. IVGTextRangePtr Range;
  31260. __declspec(property(get=GetPrevious))
  31261. IVGTextFramePtr Previous;
  31262. __declspec(property(get=GetNext))
  31263. IVGTextFramePtr Next;
  31264. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  31265. long Index;
  31266. __declspec(property(get=GetEmpty))
  31267. VARIANT_BOOL Empty;
  31268. __declspec(property(get=GetIsFirst))
  31269. VARIANT_BOOL IsFirst;
  31270. __declspec(property(get=GetIsLast))
  31271. VARIANT_BOOL IsLast;
  31272. __declspec(property(get=GetVerticalAlignment,put=PutVerticalAlignment))
  31273. enum cdrVerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment;
  31274. __declspec(property(get=GetMulticolumn))
  31275. VARIANT_BOOL Multicolumn;
  31276. __declspec(property(get=GetColumnCount))
  31277. long ColumnCount;
  31278. __declspec(property(get=GetColumnWidth))
  31279. double ColumnWidth[];
  31280. __declspec(property(get=GetColumnGutter))
  31281. double ColumnGutter[];
  31282. __declspec(property(get=GetContainer))
  31283. IVGShapePtr Container;
  31284. __declspec(property(get=GetIsInsideContainer))
  31285. VARIANT_BOOL IsInsideContainer;
  31286. __declspec(property(get=GetIsFittedToPath))
  31287. VARIANT_BOOL IsFittedToPath;
  31288. __declspec(property(get=GetPath))
  31289. IVGShapePtr Path;
  31290. __declspec(property(get=GetFrameShape))
  31291. IVGShapePtr FrameShape;
  31292. __declspec(property(get=GetFill,put=PutFill))
  31293. IVGFillPtr Fill;
  31294. __declspec(property(get=GetOutline,put=PutOutline))
  31295. IVGOutlinePtr Outline;
  31296. //
  31297. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31298. //
  31299. IVGTextRangePtr GetRange ( );
  31300. IVGTextFramePtr GetPrevious ( );
  31301. IVGTextFramePtr GetNext ( );
  31302. long GetIndex ( );
  31303. VARIANT_BOOL GetEmpty ( );
  31304. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFirst ( );
  31305. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLast ( );
  31306. enum cdrVerticalAlignment GetVerticalAlignment ( );
  31307. void PutVerticalAlignment (
  31308. enum cdrVerticalAlignment pVal );
  31309. VARIANT_BOOL GetMulticolumn ( );
  31310. long GetColumnCount ( );
  31311. double GetColumnWidth (
  31312. long Index );
  31313. double GetColumnGutter (
  31314. long Index );
  31315. HRESULT SetColumns (
  31316. long NumColumns,
  31317. VARIANT_BOOL EqualColumns,
  31318. SAFEARRAY * * WidthsAndGutters );
  31319. HRESULT LinkTo (
  31320. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  31321. HRESULT UnLink ( );
  31322. IVGShapePtr GetContainer ( );
  31323. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsInsideContainer ( );
  31324. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsFittedToPath ( );
  31325. IVGShapePtr GetPath ( );
  31326. IVGShapePtr GetFrameShape ( );
  31327. IVGFillPtr GetFill ( );
  31328. void PutFill (
  31329. struct IVGFill * ppVal );
  31330. IVGOutlinePtr GetOutline ( );
  31331. void PutOutline (
  31332. struct IVGOutline * ppVal );
  31333. //
  31334. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31335. //
  31336. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Range (
  31337. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31338. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Previous (
  31339. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextFrame * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31340. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Next (
  31341. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextFrame * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31342. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  31343. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31344. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Empty (
  31345. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31346. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFirst (
  31347. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31348. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLast (
  31349. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31350. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VerticalAlignment (
  31351. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrVerticalAlignment * pVal ) = 0;
  31352. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_VerticalAlignment (
  31353. /*[in]*/ enum cdrVerticalAlignment pVal ) = 0;
  31354. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Multicolumn (
  31355. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31356. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColumnCount (
  31357. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31358. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColumnWidth (
  31359. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31360. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  31361. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ColumnGutter (
  31362. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31363. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  31364. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetColumns (
  31365. /*[in]*/ long NumColumns,
  31366. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL EqualColumns,
  31367. /*[in]*/ SAFEARRAY * * WidthsAndGutters ) = 0;
  31368. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LinkTo (
  31369. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  31370. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnLink ( ) = 0;
  31371. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Container (
  31372. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31373. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsInsideContainer (
  31374. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31375. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsFittedToPath (
  31376. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31377. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Path (
  31378. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31379. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FrameShape (
  31380. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31381. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
  31382. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31383. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Fill (
  31384. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFill * ppVal ) = 0;
  31385. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Outline (
  31386. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGOutline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31387. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Outline (
  31388. /*[in]*/ struct IVGOutline * ppVal ) = 0;
  31389. };
  31390. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580075-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31391. IVGTextFrames : IDispatch
  31392. {
  31393. //
  31394. // Property data
  31395. //
  31396. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  31397. IVGTextFramePtr Item[];
  31398. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  31399. long Count;
  31400. __declspec(property(get=GetRange))
  31401. IVGTextRangePtr Range[][];
  31402. __declspec(property(get=GetAll))
  31403. IVGTextRangePtr All;
  31404. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  31405. IVGTextFramePtr First;
  31406. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  31407. IVGTextFramePtr Last;
  31408. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  31409. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  31410. //
  31411. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31412. //
  31413. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  31414. IVGTextFramePtr GetItem (
  31415. long Index );
  31416. long GetCount ( );
  31417. IVGTextRangePtr GetRange (
  31418. long Index,
  31419. long Count );
  31420. IVGTextRangePtr GetAll ( );
  31421. IVGTextFramePtr GetFirst ( );
  31422. IVGTextFramePtr GetLast ( );
  31423. //
  31424. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31425. //
  31426. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  31427. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  31428. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  31429. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31430. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextFrame * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  31432. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Range (
  31434. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31435. /*[in]*/ long Count,
  31436. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31437. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_All (
  31438. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31439. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  31440. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextFrame * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31441. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  31442. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextFrame * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31443. };
  31444. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31445. IVGTextRanges : IDispatch
  31446. {
  31447. //
  31448. // Property data
  31449. //
  31450. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  31451. IVGTextRangePtr Item[];
  31452. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  31453. long Count;
  31454. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  31455. IVGTextRangePtr First;
  31456. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  31457. IVGTextRangePtr Last;
  31458. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  31459. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  31460. //
  31461. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31462. //
  31463. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  31464. IVGTextRangePtr GetItem (
  31465. long Index );
  31466. long GetCount ( );
  31467. IVGTextRangePtr GetFirst ( );
  31468. IVGTextRangePtr GetLast ( );
  31469. IVGTextRangesPtr Reverse ( );
  31470. //
  31471. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31472. //
  31473. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  31474. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  31475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  31476. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  31477. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31478. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  31479. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31480. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  31481. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31482. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  31483. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31484. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reverse (
  31485. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTextRanges * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31486. };
  31487. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b8-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31488. IVGStyle : IDispatch
  31489. {
  31490. //
  31491. // Property data
  31492. //
  31493. __declspec(property(get=GetCategoryName))
  31494. _bstr_t CategoryName;
  31495. __declspec(property(get=GetOutline))
  31496. IVGStyleOutlinePtr Outline;
  31497. __declspec(property(get=GetFill))
  31498. IVGStyleFillPtr Fill;
  31499. __declspec(property(get=GetCharacter))
  31500. IVGStyleCharacterPtr Character;
  31501. __declspec(property(get=GetParagraph))
  31502. IVGStyleParagraphPtr Paragraph;
  31503. __declspec(property(get=GetFrame))
  31504. IVGStyleFramePtr Frame;
  31505. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  31506. _bstr_t Name;
  31507. __declspec(property(get=GetDisplayName))
  31508. _bstr_t DisplayName;
  31509. __declspec(property(get=GetIsStyleSet))
  31510. VARIANT_BOOL IsStyleSet;
  31511. __declspec(property(get=GetIsObjectDefaults))
  31512. VARIANT_BOOL IsObjectDefaults;
  31513. __declspec(property(get=GetDisplayCategoryName))
  31514. _bstr_t DisplayCategoryName;
  31515. __declspec(property(get=GetBasedOn))
  31516. IVGStylePtr BasedOn;
  31517. __declspec(property(get=GetDerivedStyles))
  31518. IVGStylesPtr DerivedStyles;
  31519. __declspec(property(get=GetTransparency))
  31520. IVGStyleTransparencyPtr Transparency;
  31521. //
  31522. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31523. //
  31524. _bstr_t GetCategoryName ( );
  31525. SAFEARRAY * GetAllPropertyNames ( );
  31526. SAFEARRAY * GetOverridePropertyNames ( );
  31527. VARIANT_BOOL IsPropertyInherited (
  31528. _bstr_t Name );
  31529. _variant_t GetProperty (
  31530. _bstr_t Name );
  31531. HRESULT SetProperty (
  31532. _bstr_t Name,
  31533. const _variant_t & Value );
  31534. VARIANT_BOOL ClearProperty (
  31535. _bstr_t Name );
  31536. IVGStyleOutlinePtr GetOutline ( );
  31537. IVGStyleFillPtr GetFill ( );
  31538. IVGStyleCharacterPtr GetCharacter ( );
  31539. IVGStyleParagraphPtr GetParagraph ( );
  31540. IVGStyleFramePtr GetFrame ( );
  31541. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  31542. _bstr_t GetDisplayName ( );
  31543. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsStyleSet ( );
  31544. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsObjectDefaults ( );
  31545. _bstr_t GetDisplayCategoryName ( );
  31546. IVGStylePtr GetBasedOn ( );
  31547. IVGStylesPtr GetDerivedStyles ( );
  31548. _bstr_t ToString ( );
  31549. VARIANT_BOOL StringAssign (
  31550. _bstr_t StyleString );
  31551. _bstr_t GetPropertyAsString (
  31552. _bstr_t Name );
  31553. VARIANT_BOOL SetPropertyAsString (
  31554. _bstr_t Name,
  31555. _bstr_t Value );
  31556. VARIANT_BOOL Rename (
  31557. _bstr_t NewName );
  31558. VARIANT_BOOL SetBasedOn (
  31559. _bstr_t NewParent );
  31560. VARIANT_BOOL Delete ( );
  31561. HRESULT Assign (
  31562. struct IVGStyle * pVal );
  31563. IVGStylePtr GetCopy ( );
  31564. IVGStyleTransparencyPtr GetTransparency ( );
  31565. //
  31566. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31567. //
  31568. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CategoryName (
  31569. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  31570. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetAllPropertyNames (
  31571. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  31572. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetOverridePropertyNames (
  31573. /*[out,retval]*/ SAFEARRAY * * pVal ) = 0;
  31574. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsPropertyInherited (
  31575. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  31576. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31577. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetProperty (
  31578. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  31579. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  31580. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetProperty (
  31581. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  31582. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Value ) = 0;
  31583. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ClearProperty (
  31584. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  31585. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31586. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Outline (
  31587. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyleOutline * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31588. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
  31589. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyleFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31590. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Character (
  31591. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyleCharacter * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31592. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Paragraph (
  31593. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyleParagraph * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31594. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Frame (
  31595. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyleFrame * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31596. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  31597. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  31598. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayName (
  31599. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  31600. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsStyleSet (
  31601. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31602. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsObjectDefaults (
  31603. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DisplayCategoryName (
  31605. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  31606. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BasedOn (
  31607. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31608. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DerivedStyles (
  31609. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31610. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToString (
  31611. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  31612. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_StringAssign (
  31613. /*[in]*/ BSTR StyleString,
  31614. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31615. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetPropertyAsString (
  31616. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  31617. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  31618. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetPropertyAsString (
  31619. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  31620. /*[in]*/ BSTR Value,
  31621. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31622. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Rename (
  31623. /*[in]*/ BSTR NewName,
  31624. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31625. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetBasedOn (
  31626. /*[in]*/ BSTR NewParent,
  31627. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31628. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
  31629. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31630. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Assign (
  31631. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStyle * pVal ) = 0;
  31632. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  31633. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31634. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Transparency (
  31635. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyleTransparency * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31636. };
  31637. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800bb-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31638. IVGStyleOutline : IDispatch
  31639. {
  31640. //
  31641. // Property data
  31642. //
  31643. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle))
  31644. IVGStylePtr Style;
  31645. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  31646. enum cdrOutlineType Type;
  31647. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprint,put=PutOverprint))
  31648. VARIANT_BOOL Overprint;
  31649. __declspec(property(get=GetBehindFill,put=PutBehindFill))
  31650. VARIANT_BOOL BehindFill;
  31651. __declspec(property(get=GetScaleWithShape,put=PutScaleWithShape))
  31652. VARIANT_BOOL ScaleWithShape;
  31653. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  31654. double Width;
  31655. __declspec(property(get=GetColor,put=PutColor))
  31656. IVGColorPtr Color;
  31657. __declspec(property(get=GetOverlapArrow,put=PutOverlapArrow))
  31658. VARIANT_BOOL OverlapArrow;
  31659. __declspec(property(get=GetShareArrow,put=PutShareArrow))
  31660. VARIANT_BOOL ShareArrow;
  31661. __declspec(property(get=GetMiterLimit,put=PutMiterLimit))
  31662. double MiterLimit;
  31663. __declspec(property(get=GetNibStretch,put=PutNibStretch))
  31664. long NibStretch;
  31665. __declspec(property(get=GetNibAngle,put=PutNibAngle))
  31666. double NibAngle;
  31667. __declspec(property(get=GetWidelineWidth,put=PutWidelineWidth))
  31668. double WidelineWidth;
  31669. __declspec(property(get=GetLineCaps,put=PutLineCaps))
  31670. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps;
  31671. __declspec(property(get=GetLineJoin,put=PutLineJoin))
  31672. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin;
  31673. __declspec(property(get=GetJustification,put=PutJustification))
  31674. enum cdrOutlineJustification Justification;
  31675. __declspec(property(get=GetAdjustDashes,put=PutAdjustDashes))
  31676. enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust AdjustDashes;
  31677. //
  31678. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31679. //
  31680. IVGStylePtr GetStyle ( );
  31681. enum cdrOutlineType GetType ( );
  31682. void PutType (
  31683. enum cdrOutlineType pVal );
  31684. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverprint ( );
  31685. void PutOverprint (
  31686. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31687. VARIANT_BOOL GetBehindFill ( );
  31688. void PutBehindFill (
  31689. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31690. VARIANT_BOOL GetScaleWithShape ( );
  31691. void PutScaleWithShape (
  31692. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31693. double GetWidth ( );
  31694. void PutWidth (
  31695. double pVal );
  31696. IVGColorPtr GetColor ( );
  31697. void PutColor (
  31698. struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  31699. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverlapArrow ( );
  31700. void PutOverlapArrow (
  31701. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31702. VARIANT_BOOL GetShareArrow ( );
  31703. void PutShareArrow (
  31704. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31705. double GetMiterLimit ( );
  31706. void PutMiterLimit (
  31707. double pVal );
  31708. long GetNibStretch ( );
  31709. void PutNibStretch (
  31710. long pVal );
  31711. double GetNibAngle ( );
  31712. void PutNibAngle (
  31713. double pVal );
  31714. double GetWidelineWidth ( );
  31715. void PutWidelineWidth (
  31716. double pVal );
  31717. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps GetLineCaps ( );
  31718. void PutLineCaps (
  31719. enum cdrOutlineLineCaps pVal );
  31720. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin GetLineJoin ( );
  31721. void PutLineJoin (
  31722. enum cdrOutlineLineJoin pVal );
  31723. enum cdrOutlineJustification GetJustification ( );
  31724. void PutJustification (
  31725. enum cdrOutlineJustification pVal );
  31726. enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust GetAdjustDashes ( );
  31727. void PutAdjustDashes (
  31728. enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust pVal );
  31729. //
  31730. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31731. //
  31732. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  31733. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31734. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  31735. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineType * pVal ) = 0;
  31736. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  31737. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineType pVal ) = 0;
  31738. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overprint (
  31739. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31740. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Overprint (
  31741. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  31742. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BehindFill (
  31743. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31744. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BehindFill (
  31745. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  31746. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ScaleWithShape (
  31747. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31748. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ScaleWithShape (
  31749. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  31750. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  31751. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  31752. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  31753. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  31754. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Color (
  31755. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31756. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Color (
  31757. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * ppVal ) = 0;
  31758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OverlapArrow (
  31759. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31760. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OverlapArrow (
  31761. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  31762. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShareArrow (
  31763. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  31764. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShareArrow (
  31765. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  31766. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MiterLimit (
  31767. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  31768. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MiterLimit (
  31769. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  31770. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NibStretch (
  31771. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  31772. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NibStretch (
  31773. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  31774. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NibAngle (
  31775. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  31776. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NibAngle (
  31777. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  31778. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WidelineWidth (
  31779. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  31780. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WidelineWidth (
  31781. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  31782. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineCaps (
  31783. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineCaps * pVal ) = 0;
  31784. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineCaps (
  31785. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineCaps pVal ) = 0;
  31786. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineJoin (
  31787. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineJoin * pVal ) = 0;
  31788. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineJoin (
  31789. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineLineJoin pVal ) = 0;
  31790. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Justification (
  31791. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineJustification * pVal ) = 0;
  31792. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Justification (
  31793. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineJustification pVal ) = 0;
  31794. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AdjustDashes (
  31795. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust * pVal ) = 0;
  31796. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AdjustDashes (
  31797. /*[in]*/ enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust pVal ) = 0;
  31798. };
  31799. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800bc-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  31800. IVGStyleFill : IDispatch
  31801. {
  31802. //
  31803. // Property data
  31804. //
  31805. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle))
  31806. IVGStylePtr Style;
  31807. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  31808. enum cdrFillStyleType Type;
  31809. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainAnisotropic,put=PutFountainAnisotropic))
  31810. VARIANT_BOOL FountainAnisotropic;
  31811. __declspec(property(get=GetOverprint,put=PutOverprint))
  31812. VARIANT_BOOL Overprint;
  31813. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainSpreadMethod,put=PutFountainSpreadMethod))
  31814. enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod FountainSpreadMethod;
  31815. __declspec(property(get=GetWindingFill,put=PutWindingFill))
  31816. VARIANT_BOOL WindingFill;
  31817. __declspec(property(get=GetPrimaryOpacity,put=PutPrimaryOpacity))
  31818. unsigned char PrimaryOpacity;
  31819. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainFillType,put=PutFountainFillType))
  31820. enum cdrFountainFillType FountainFillType;
  31821. __declspec(property(get=GetSecondaryOpacity,put=PutSecondaryOpacity))
  31822. unsigned char SecondaryOpacity;
  31823. __declspec(property(get=GetEdgePad,put=PutEdgePad))
  31824. long EdgePad;
  31825. __declspec(property(get=GetMergeMode,put=PutMergeMode))
  31826. enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode;
  31827. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainCenterOffsetX,put=PutFountainCenterOffsetX))
  31828. long FountainCenterOffsetX;
  31829. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainCenterOffsetY,put=PutFountainCenterOffsetY))
  31830. long FountainCenterOffsetY;
  31831. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainSteps,put=PutFountainSteps))
  31832. long FountainSteps;
  31833. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainBlendType,put=PutFountainBlendType))
  31834. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType FountainBlendType;
  31835. __declspec(property(get=GetMidPoint,put=PutMidPoint))
  31836. long MidPoint;
  31837. __declspec(property(get=GetFlipColors,put=PutFlipColors))
  31838. VARIANT_BOOL FlipColors;
  31839. __declspec(property(get=GetPostScriptName,put=PutPostScriptName))
  31840. _bstr_t PostScriptName;
  31841. __declspec(property(get=GetTileWidth,put=PutTileWidth))
  31842. double TileWidth;
  31843. __declspec(property(get=GetTileHeight,put=PutTileHeight))
  31844. double TileHeight;
  31845. __declspec(property(get=GetTileOriginX,put=PutTileOriginX))
  31846. double TileOriginX;
  31847. __declspec(property(get=GetTileOriginY,put=PutTileOriginY))
  31848. double TileOriginY;
  31849. __declspec(property(get=GetTileOffsetType,put=PutTileOffsetType))
  31850. enum cdrTileOffsetType TileOffsetType;
  31851. __declspec(property(get=GetTileOffset,put=PutTileOffset))
  31852. long TileOffset;
  31853. __declspec(property(get=GetRotationAngle,put=PutRotationAngle))
  31854. double RotationAngle;
  31855. __declspec(property(get=GetSkewAngle,put=PutSkewAngle))
  31856. double SkewAngle;
  31857. __declspec(property(get=GetMirrorFill,put=PutMirrorFill))
  31858. VARIANT_BOOL MirrorFill;
  31859. __declspec(property(get=GetTransformWithShape,put=PutTransformWithShape))
  31860. VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape;
  31861. __declspec(property(get=GetPrimaryColor))
  31862. IVGColorPtr PrimaryColor;
  31863. __declspec(property(get=GetSecondaryColor))
  31864. IVGColorPtr SecondaryColor;
  31865. __declspec(property(get=GetMirrorFillX,put=PutMirrorFillX))
  31866. VARIANT_BOOL MirrorFillX;
  31867. __declspec(property(get=GetMirrorFillY,put=PutMirrorFillY))
  31868. VARIANT_BOOL MirrorFillY;
  31869. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainCenterXOffset,put=PutFountainCenterXOffset))
  31870. double FountainCenterXOffset;
  31871. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainCenterYOffset,put=PutFountainCenterYOffset))
  31872. double FountainCenterYOffset;
  31873. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainBlendAcceleration,put=PutFountainBlendAcceleration))
  31874. double FountainBlendAcceleration;
  31875. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainScaleX,put=PutFountainScaleX))
  31876. double FountainScaleX;
  31877. __declspec(property(get=GetFountainScaleY,put=PutFountainScaleY))
  31878. double FountainScaleY;
  31879. //
  31880. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  31881. //
  31882. IVGStylePtr GetStyle ( );
  31883. enum cdrFillStyleType GetType ( );
  31884. void PutType (
  31885. enum cdrFillStyleType pVal );
  31886. VARIANT_BOOL GetOverprint ( );
  31887. void PutOverprint (
  31888. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31889. VARIANT_BOOL GetWindingFill ( );
  31890. void PutWindingFill (
  31891. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31892. enum cdrFountainFillType GetFountainFillType ( );
  31893. void PutFountainFillType (
  31894. enum cdrFountainFillType pVal );
  31895. long GetEdgePad ( );
  31896. void PutEdgePad (
  31897. long pVal );
  31898. long GetFountainCenterOffsetX ( );
  31899. void PutFountainCenterOffsetX (
  31900. long pVal );
  31901. long GetFountainCenterOffsetY ( );
  31902. void PutFountainCenterOffsetY (
  31903. long pVal );
  31904. long GetFountainSteps ( );
  31905. void PutFountainSteps (
  31906. long pVal );
  31907. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType GetFountainBlendType ( );
  31908. void PutFountainBlendType (
  31909. enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  31910. long GetMidPoint ( );
  31911. void PutMidPoint (
  31912. long pVal );
  31913. VARIANT_BOOL GetFlipColors ( );
  31914. void PutFlipColors (
  31915. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31916. _bstr_t GetPostScriptName ( );
  31917. void PutPostScriptName (
  31918. _bstr_t pVal );
  31919. double GetTileWidth ( );
  31920. void PutTileWidth (
  31921. double pVal );
  31922. double GetTileHeight ( );
  31923. void PutTileHeight (
  31924. double pVal );
  31925. double GetTileOriginX ( );
  31926. void PutTileOriginX (
  31927. double pVal );
  31928. double GetTileOriginY ( );
  31929. void PutTileOriginY (
  31930. double pVal );
  31931. enum cdrTileOffsetType GetTileOffsetType ( );
  31932. void PutTileOffsetType (
  31933. enum cdrTileOffsetType pVal );
  31934. long GetTileOffset ( );
  31935. void PutTileOffset (
  31936. long pVal );
  31937. double GetRotationAngle ( );
  31938. void PutRotationAngle (
  31939. double pVal );
  31940. double GetSkewAngle ( );
  31941. void PutSkewAngle (
  31942. double pVal );
  31943. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFill ( );
  31944. void PutMirrorFill (
  31945. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31946. VARIANT_BOOL GetTransformWithShape ( );
  31947. void PutTransformWithShape (
  31948. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31949. IVGColorPtr GetPrimaryColor ( );
  31950. IVGColorPtr GetSecondaryColor ( );
  31951. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFillX ( );
  31952. void PutMirrorFillX (
  31953. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31954. VARIANT_BOOL GetMirrorFillY ( );
  31955. void PutMirrorFillY (
  31956. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31957. double GetFountainCenterXOffset ( );
  31958. void PutFountainCenterXOffset (
  31959. double pVal );
  31960. double GetFountainCenterYOffset ( );
  31961. void PutFountainCenterYOffset (
  31962. double pVal );
  31963. double GetFountainBlendAcceleration ( );
  31964. void PutFountainBlendAcceleration (
  31965. double pVal );
  31966. double GetFountainScaleX ( );
  31967. void PutFountainScaleX (
  31968. double pVal );
  31969. double GetFountainScaleY ( );
  31970. void PutFountainScaleY (
  31971. double pVal );
  31972. VARIANT_BOOL GetFountainAnisotropic ( );
  31973. void PutFountainAnisotropic (
  31974. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  31975. enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod GetFountainSpreadMethod ( );
  31976. void PutFountainSpreadMethod (
  31977. enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod pVal );
  31978. unsigned char GetPrimaryOpacity ( );
  31979. void PutPrimaryOpacity (
  31980. unsigned char pVal );
  31981. unsigned char GetSecondaryOpacity ( );
  31982. void PutSecondaryOpacity (
  31983. unsigned char pVal );
  31984. enum cdrMergeMode GetMergeMode ( );
  31985. void PutMergeMode (
  31986. enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  31987. VARIANT_BOOL SaveFill (
  31988. _bstr_t FileName,
  31989. struct IVGFillMetadata * Metadata );
  31990. VARIANT_BOOL LoadFill (
  31991. _bstr_t FileName,
  31992. struct IVGFillMetadata * * Metadata );
  31993. //
  31994. // Raw methods provided by interface
  31995. //
  31996. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  31997. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  31998. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  31999. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFillStyleType * pVal ) = 0;
  32000. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  32001. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFillStyleType pVal ) = 0;
  32002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Overprint (
  32003. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32004. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Overprint (
  32005. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32006. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WindingFill (
  32007. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32008. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WindingFill (
  32009. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32010. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainFillType (
  32011. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillType * pVal ) = 0;
  32012. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainFillType (
  32013. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillType pVal ) = 0;
  32014. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EdgePad (
  32015. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32016. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_EdgePad (
  32017. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  32018. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainCenterOffsetX (
  32019. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32020. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainCenterOffsetX (
  32021. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  32022. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainCenterOffsetY (
  32023. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32024. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainCenterOffsetY (
  32025. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  32026. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainSteps (
  32027. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32028. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainSteps (
  32029. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  32030. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainBlendType (
  32031. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType * pVal ) = 0;
  32032. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainBlendType (
  32033. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal ) = 0;
  32034. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MidPoint (
  32035. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32036. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MidPoint (
  32037. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  32038. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FlipColors (
  32039. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32040. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FlipColors (
  32041. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32042. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PostScriptName (
  32043. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32044. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PostScriptName (
  32045. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32046. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileWidth (
  32047. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32048. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileWidth (
  32049. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32050. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileHeight (
  32051. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32052. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileHeight (
  32053. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32054. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileOriginX (
  32055. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32056. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileOriginX (
  32057. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32058. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileOriginY (
  32059. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32060. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileOriginY (
  32061. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32062. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileOffsetType (
  32063. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTileOffsetType * pVal ) = 0;
  32064. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileOffsetType (
  32065. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTileOffsetType pVal ) = 0;
  32066. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TileOffset (
  32067. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32068. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TileOffset (
  32069. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  32070. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RotationAngle (
  32071. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32072. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RotationAngle (
  32073. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32074. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SkewAngle (
  32075. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32076. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SkewAngle (
  32077. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32078. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MirrorFill (
  32079. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32080. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MirrorFill (
  32081. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32082. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TransformWithShape (
  32083. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32084. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_TransformWithShape (
  32085. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32086. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrimaryColor (
  32087. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32088. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SecondaryColor (
  32089. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32090. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MirrorFillX (
  32091. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32092. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MirrorFillX (
  32093. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32094. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MirrorFillY (
  32095. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32096. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MirrorFillY (
  32097. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32098. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainCenterXOffset (
  32099. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32100. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainCenterXOffset (
  32101. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32102. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainCenterYOffset (
  32103. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32104. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainCenterYOffset (
  32105. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32106. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainBlendAcceleration (
  32107. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32108. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainBlendAcceleration (
  32109. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32110. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainScaleX (
  32111. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32112. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainScaleX (
  32113. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32114. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainScaleY (
  32115. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32116. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainScaleY (
  32117. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32118. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainAnisotropic (
  32119. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32120. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainAnisotropic (
  32121. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32122. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FountainSpreadMethod (
  32123. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod * pVal ) = 0;
  32124. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FountainSpreadMethod (
  32125. /*[in]*/ enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod pVal ) = 0;
  32126. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PrimaryOpacity (
  32127. /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned char * pVal ) = 0;
  32128. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PrimaryOpacity (
  32129. /*[in]*/ unsigned char pVal ) = 0;
  32130. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SecondaryOpacity (
  32131. /*[out,retval]*/ unsigned char * pVal ) = 0;
  32132. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SecondaryOpacity (
  32133. /*[in]*/ unsigned char pVal ) = 0;
  32134. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MergeMode (
  32135. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrMergeMode * pVal ) = 0;
  32136. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MergeMode (
  32137. /*[in]*/ enum cdrMergeMode pVal ) = 0;
  32138. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveFill (
  32139. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  32140. /*[in]*/ struct IVGFillMetadata * Metadata,
  32141. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32142. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadFill (
  32143. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  32144. /*[out]*/ struct IVGFillMetadata * * Metadata,
  32145. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32146. };
  32147. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800bd-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32148. IVGStyleCharacter : IDispatch
  32149. {
  32150. //
  32151. // Property data
  32152. //
  32153. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle))
  32154. IVGStylePtr Style;
  32155. //
  32156. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32157. //
  32158. IVGStylePtr GetStyle ( );
  32159. //
  32160. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32161. //
  32162. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  32163. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32164. };
  32165. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800be-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32166. IVGStyleParagraph : IDispatch
  32167. {
  32168. //
  32169. // Property data
  32170. //
  32171. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle))
  32172. IVGStylePtr Style;
  32173. //
  32174. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32175. //
  32176. IVGStylePtr GetStyle ( );
  32177. //
  32178. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32179. //
  32180. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  32181. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32182. };
  32183. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800bf-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32184. IVGStyleFrame : IDispatch
  32185. {
  32186. //
  32187. // Property data
  32188. //
  32189. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle))
  32190. IVGStylePtr Style;
  32191. //
  32192. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32193. //
  32194. IVGStylePtr GetStyle ( );
  32195. //
  32196. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32197. //
  32198. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  32199. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32200. };
  32201. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800b9-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32202. IVGStyles : IDispatch
  32203. {
  32204. //
  32205. // Property data
  32206. //
  32207. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  32208. long Count;
  32209. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  32210. IVGStylePtr Item[];
  32211. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  32212. IVGStylePtr First;
  32213. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  32214. IVGStylePtr Last;
  32215. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  32216. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  32217. //
  32218. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32219. //
  32220. long GetCount ( );
  32221. IVGStylePtr GetItem (
  32222. long Index );
  32223. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  32224. IVGStylePtr Find (
  32225. _bstr_t Name );
  32226. IVGStylePtr GetFirst ( );
  32227. IVGStylePtr GetLast ( );
  32228. //
  32229. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32230. //
  32231. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  32232. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32233. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  32234. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  32235. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32236. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  32237. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  32238. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
  32239. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32240. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32241. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  32242. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32243. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  32244. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32245. };
  32246. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d7-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32247. IVGStyleTransparency : IDispatch
  32248. {
  32249. //
  32250. // Property data
  32251. //
  32252. __declspec(property(get=GetStyle))
  32253. IVGStylePtr Style;
  32254. __declspec(property(get=GetFill))
  32255. IVGStyleFillPtr Fill;
  32256. __declspec(property(get=GetMode,put=PutMode))
  32257. enum cdrMergeMode Mode;
  32258. __declspec(property(get=GetUniformTransparency,put=PutUniformTransparency))
  32259. double UniformTransparency;
  32260. __declspec(property(get=GetWhiteTransparency,put=PutWhiteTransparency))
  32261. double WhiteTransparency;
  32262. __declspec(property(get=GetBlackTransparency,put=PutBlackTransparency))
  32263. double BlackTransparency;
  32264. __declspec(property(get=GetAppliesTo,put=PutAppliesTo))
  32265. enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo AppliesTo;
  32266. //
  32267. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32268. //
  32269. IVGStylePtr GetStyle ( );
  32270. IVGStyleFillPtr GetFill ( );
  32271. enum cdrMergeMode GetMode ( );
  32272. void PutMode (
  32273. enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  32274. double GetUniformTransparency ( );
  32275. void PutUniformTransparency (
  32276. double pVal );
  32277. double GetWhiteTransparency ( );
  32278. void PutWhiteTransparency (
  32279. double pVal );
  32280. double GetBlackTransparency ( );
  32281. void PutBlackTransparency (
  32282. double pVal );
  32283. enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo GetAppliesTo ( );
  32284. void PutAppliesTo (
  32285. enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo pVal );
  32286. //
  32287. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32288. //
  32289. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Style (
  32290. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32291. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fill (
  32292. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyleFill * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32293. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mode (
  32294. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrMergeMode * pVal ) = 0;
  32295. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mode (
  32296. /*[in]*/ enum cdrMergeMode pVal ) = 0;
  32297. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UniformTransparency (
  32298. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32299. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UniformTransparency (
  32300. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32301. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WhiteTransparency (
  32302. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32303. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WhiteTransparency (
  32304. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32305. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BlackTransparency (
  32306. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  32307. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_BlackTransparency (
  32308. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  32309. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AppliesTo (
  32310. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo * pVal ) = 0;
  32311. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AppliesTo (
  32312. /*[in]*/ enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo pVal ) = 0;
  32313. };
  32314. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800d6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32315. IVGToolShape : IDispatch
  32316. {
  32317. //
  32318. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32319. //
  32320. HRESULT OnGenerateShape (
  32321. struct IVGLayer * Parent,
  32322. struct IVGProperties * ObjectProperties,
  32323. struct IVGStyle * pStyleAttributes,
  32324. struct IVGTransformMatrix * pTransformation,
  32325. VARIANT_BOOL IsPreviewOnly );
  32326. //
  32327. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32328. //
  32329. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OnGenerateShape (
  32330. /*[in]*/ struct IVGLayer * Parent,
  32331. /*[in]*/ struct IVGProperties * ObjectProperties,
  32332. /*[in]*/ struct IVGStyle * pStyleAttributes,
  32333. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTransformMatrix * pTransformation,
  32334. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL IsPreviewOnly ) = 0;
  32335. };
  32336. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ba-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32337. IVGStyleSheet : IDispatch
  32338. {
  32339. //
  32340. // Property data
  32341. //
  32342. __declspec(property(get=GetStyles))
  32343. IVGStylesPtr Styles;
  32344. __declspec(property(get=GetStyleSets))
  32345. IVGStylesPtr StyleSets;
  32346. __declspec(property(get=GetObjectDefaults))
  32347. IVGStylesPtr ObjectDefaults;
  32348. __declspec(property(get=GetAllStyles))
  32349. IVGStylesPtr AllStyles;
  32350. __declspec(property(get=GetAllStyleSets))
  32351. IVGStylesPtr AllStyleSets;
  32352. __declspec(property(get=GetAllColorStyles))
  32353. IVGColorsPtr AllColorStyles;
  32354. //
  32355. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32356. //
  32357. IVGStylesPtr GetStyles ( );
  32358. IVGStylesPtr GetStyleSets ( );
  32359. IVGStylesPtr GetObjectDefaults ( );
  32360. IVGStylesPtr GetAllStyles ( );
  32361. IVGStylesPtr GetAllStyleSets ( );
  32362. IVGStylePtr FindStyle (
  32363. _bstr_t Name );
  32364. IVGStylesPtr CreateStyleFromShape (
  32365. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  32366. _bstr_t Category,
  32367. _bstr_t Name,
  32368. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  32369. IVGStylesPtr CreateStyleFromShapeRange (
  32370. struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange,
  32371. _bstr_t Category,
  32372. _bstr_t Name,
  32373. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  32374. IVGStylesPtr CreateStyleFromTextRange (
  32375. struct IVGTextRange * TextRange,
  32376. _bstr_t Category,
  32377. _bstr_t Name,
  32378. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  32379. IVGStylesPtr CreateStyleSetFromShape (
  32380. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  32381. _bstr_t Name,
  32382. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  32383. IVGStylesPtr CreateStyleSetFromShapeRange (
  32384. struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange,
  32385. _bstr_t Name,
  32386. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  32387. IVGStylesPtr CreateStyleSetFromTextRange (
  32388. struct IVGTextRange * TextRange,
  32389. _bstr_t Name,
  32390. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  32391. IVGStylePtr CreateStyle (
  32392. _bstr_t Category,
  32393. _bstr_t BasedOn,
  32394. _bstr_t Name,
  32395. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  32396. IVGStylePtr CreateStyleSet (
  32397. _bstr_t BasedOn,
  32398. _bstr_t Name,
  32399. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  32400. VARIANT_BOOL Export (
  32401. _bstr_t FileName,
  32402. VARIANT_BOOL Styles,
  32403. VARIANT_BOOL StyleSets,
  32404. VARIANT_BOOL ObjectDefaults,
  32405. VARIANT_BOOL ColorStyles );
  32406. VARIANT_BOOL Import (
  32407. _bstr_t FileName,
  32408. VARIANT_BOOL MergeStyles,
  32409. VARIANT_BOOL Styles,
  32410. VARIANT_BOOL StyleSets,
  32411. VARIANT_BOOL ObjectDefaults,
  32412. VARIANT_BOOL ColorStyles );
  32413. IVGColorsPtr GetAllColorStyles ( );
  32414. IVGColorPtr CreateColorStyle (
  32415. _bstr_t Name,
  32416. struct IVGColor * Color,
  32417. long HarmonyIndex,
  32418. long IndexInHarmony,
  32419. VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  32420. HRESULT DeleteAllColorStyles ( );
  32421. HRESULT DeleteColorStyle (
  32422. _bstr_t Name );
  32423. HRESULT RenameColorStyle (
  32424. _bstr_t OldName,
  32425. _bstr_t NewName );
  32426. //
  32427. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32428. //
  32429. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Styles (
  32430. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32431. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StyleSets (
  32432. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32433. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ObjectDefaults (
  32434. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32435. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllStyles (
  32436. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32437. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllStyleSets (
  32438. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32439. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindStyle (
  32440. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32441. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32442. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStyleFromShape (
  32443. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  32444. /*[in]*/ BSTR Category,
  32445. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32446. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting,
  32447. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32448. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStyleFromShapeRange (
  32449. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange,
  32450. /*[in]*/ BSTR Category,
  32451. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32452. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting,
  32453. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32454. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStyleFromTextRange (
  32455. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTextRange * TextRange,
  32456. /*[in]*/ BSTR Category,
  32457. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32458. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting,
  32459. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32460. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStyleSetFromShape (
  32461. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  32462. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32463. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting,
  32464. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32465. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStyleSetFromShapeRange (
  32466. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange,
  32467. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32468. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting,
  32469. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32470. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStyleSetFromTextRange (
  32471. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTextRange * TextRange,
  32472. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32473. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting,
  32474. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32475. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStyle (
  32476. /*[in]*/ BSTR Category,
  32477. /*[in]*/ BSTR BasedOn,
  32478. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32479. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting,
  32480. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32481. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateStyleSet (
  32482. /*[in]*/ BSTR BasedOn,
  32483. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32484. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting,
  32485. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGStyle * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32486. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Export (
  32487. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  32488. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Styles,
  32489. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL StyleSets,
  32490. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ObjectDefaults,
  32491. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ColorStyles,
  32492. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32493. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Import (
  32494. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  32495. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL MergeStyles,
  32496. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Styles,
  32497. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL StyleSets,
  32498. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ObjectDefaults,
  32499. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ColorStyles,
  32500. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllColorStyles (
  32502. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColors * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32503. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateColorStyle (
  32504. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32505. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * Color,
  32506. /*[in]*/ long HarmonyIndex,
  32507. /*[in]*/ long IndexInHarmony,
  32508. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting,
  32509. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGColor * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32510. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeleteAllColorStyles ( ) = 0;
  32511. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeleteColorStyle (
  32512. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name ) = 0;
  32513. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RenameColorStyle (
  32514. /*[in]*/ BSTR OldName,
  32515. /*[in]*/ BSTR NewName ) = 0;
  32516. };
  32517. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580020-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32518. IVGDataItems : IDispatch
  32519. {
  32520. //
  32521. // Property data
  32522. //
  32523. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  32524. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  32525. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  32526. IVGShapePtr Parent;
  32527. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  32528. long Count;
  32529. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  32530. IVGDataItemPtr Item[];
  32531. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  32532. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  32533. //
  32534. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32535. //
  32536. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  32537. IVGShapePtr GetParent ( );
  32538. long GetCount ( );
  32539. IVGDataItemPtr GetItem (
  32540. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  32541. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  32542. IVGDataItemPtr Add (
  32543. struct IVGDataField * DataField,
  32544. const _variant_t & Value = vtMissing );
  32545. HRESULT CopyFrom (
  32546. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  32547. HRESULT Clear ( );
  32548. //
  32549. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32550. //
  32551. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  32552. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32553. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  32554. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32555. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  32556. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32557. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  32558. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  32559. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataItem * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32560. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  32561. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  32562. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  32563. /*[in]*/ struct IVGDataField * DataField,
  32564. /*[in]*/ VARIANT Value,
  32565. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataItem * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32566. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyFrom (
  32567. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  32568. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
  32569. };
  32570. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32571. IVGDataItem : IDispatch
  32572. {
  32573. //
  32574. // Property data
  32575. //
  32576. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  32577. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  32578. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  32579. IVGDataItemsPtr Parent;
  32580. __declspec(property(get=GetValue,put=PutValue))
  32581. _variant_t Value;
  32582. __declspec(property(get=GetDataField))
  32583. IVGDataFieldPtr DataField;
  32584. __declspec(property(get=GetFormattedValue))
  32585. _bstr_t FormattedValue;
  32586. //
  32587. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32588. //
  32589. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  32590. IVGDataItemsPtr GetParent ( );
  32591. _variant_t GetValue ( );
  32592. void PutValue (
  32593. const _variant_t & pVal );
  32594. IVGDataFieldPtr GetDataField ( );
  32595. HRESULT Clear ( );
  32596. _bstr_t GetFormattedValue ( );
  32597. //
  32598. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32599. //
  32600. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  32601. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32602. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  32603. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataItems * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32604. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
  32605. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVal ) = 0;
  32606. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
  32607. /*[in]*/ VARIANT pVal ) = 0;
  32608. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataField (
  32609. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataField * * pVal ) = 0;
  32610. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
  32611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormattedValue (
  32612. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrValue ) = 0;
  32613. };
  32614. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32615. IVGDataField : IDispatch
  32616. {
  32617. //
  32618. // Property data
  32619. //
  32620. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  32621. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  32622. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  32623. IVGDataFieldsPtr Parent;
  32624. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  32625. _bstr_t Name;
  32626. __declspec(property(get=GetFormatType))
  32627. enum cdrDataFormatType FormatType;
  32628. __declspec(property(get=GetFormat,put=PutFormat))
  32629. _bstr_t Format;
  32630. __declspec(property(get=GetFieldWidth,put=PutFieldWidth))
  32631. long FieldWidth;
  32632. __declspec(property(get=GetAppDefault,put=PutAppDefault))
  32633. VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault;
  32634. __declspec(property(get=GetDocDefault,put=PutDocDefault))
  32635. VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault;
  32636. __declspec(property(get=GetSummarizeGroup,put=PutSummarizeGroup))
  32637. VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup;
  32638. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  32639. long Index;
  32640. __declspec(property(get=GetTarget,put=PutTarget))
  32641. _bstr_t Target;
  32642. __declspec(property(get=GetDefaultValue,put=PutDefaultValue))
  32643. _bstr_t DefaultValue;
  32644. __declspec(property(get=GetConstraint,put=PutConstraint))
  32645. _bstr_t Constraint;
  32646. __declspec(property(get=GetDataType,put=PutDataType))
  32647. enum cdrDataType DataType;
  32648. __declspec(property(get=GetParentName,put=PutParentName))
  32649. _bstr_t ParentName;
  32650. __declspec(property(get=GetElementName,put=PutElementName))
  32651. _bstr_t ElementName;
  32652. //
  32653. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32654. //
  32655. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  32656. IVGDataFieldsPtr GetParent ( );
  32657. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  32658. void PutName (
  32659. _bstr_t pVal );
  32660. enum cdrDataFormatType GetFormatType ( );
  32661. _bstr_t GetFormat ( );
  32662. void PutFormat (
  32663. _bstr_t pVal );
  32664. long GetFieldWidth ( );
  32665. void PutFieldWidth (
  32666. long pVal );
  32667. VARIANT_BOOL GetAppDefault ( );
  32668. void PutAppDefault (
  32669. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  32670. VARIANT_BOOL GetDocDefault ( );
  32671. void PutDocDefault (
  32672. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  32673. VARIANT_BOOL GetSummarizeGroup ( );
  32674. void PutSummarizeGroup (
  32675. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  32676. HRESULT Delete ( );
  32677. HRESULT Reorder (
  32678. long NewIndex );
  32679. long GetIndex ( );
  32680. _bstr_t GetTarget ( );
  32681. void PutTarget (
  32682. _bstr_t pVal );
  32683. _bstr_t GetDefaultValue ( );
  32684. void PutDefaultValue (
  32685. _bstr_t pVal );
  32686. _bstr_t GetConstraint ( );
  32687. void PutConstraint (
  32688. _bstr_t pVal );
  32689. enum cdrDataType GetDataType ( );
  32690. void PutDataType (
  32691. enum cdrDataType pVal );
  32692. _bstr_t GetParentName ( );
  32693. void PutParentName (
  32694. _bstr_t pVal );
  32695. _bstr_t GetElementName ( );
  32696. void PutElementName (
  32697. _bstr_t pVal );
  32698. //
  32699. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32700. //
  32701. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  32702. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32703. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  32704. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataFields * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32705. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  32706. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32707. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  32708. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32709. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FormatType (
  32710. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDataFormatType * pVal ) = 0;
  32711. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Format (
  32712. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32713. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Format (
  32714. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32715. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FieldWidth (
  32716. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32717. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FieldWidth (
  32718. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  32719. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AppDefault (
  32720. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32721. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AppDefault (
  32722. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32723. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DocDefault (
  32724. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32725. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DocDefault (
  32726. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32727. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SummarizeGroup (
  32728. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32729. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SummarizeGroup (
  32730. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  32731. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  32732. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reorder (
  32733. /*[in]*/ long NewIndex ) = 0;
  32734. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  32735. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32736. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Target (
  32737. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32738. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Target (
  32739. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32740. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultValue (
  32741. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32742. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DefaultValue (
  32743. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32744. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Constraint (
  32745. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32746. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Constraint (
  32747. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32748. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataType (
  32749. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrDataType * pVal ) = 0;
  32750. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DataType (
  32751. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDataType pVal ) = 0;
  32752. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParentName (
  32753. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32754. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ParentName (
  32755. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32756. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ElementName (
  32757. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32758. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ElementName (
  32759. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32760. };
  32761. struct __declspec(uuid("b058001e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32762. IVGDataFields : IDispatch
  32763. {
  32764. //
  32765. // Property data
  32766. //
  32767. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  32768. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  32769. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  32770. IVGDocumentPtr Parent;
  32771. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  32772. long Count;
  32773. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  32774. IVGDataFieldPtr Item[];
  32775. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  32776. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  32777. //
  32778. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32779. //
  32780. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  32781. IVGDocumentPtr GetParent ( );
  32782. long GetCount ( );
  32783. IVGDataFieldPtr GetItem (
  32784. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  32785. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  32786. IVGDataFieldPtr Add (
  32787. _bstr_t Name,
  32788. _bstr_t Format,
  32789. VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault,
  32790. VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault,
  32791. VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup );
  32792. IVGDataFieldPtr AddEx (
  32793. _bstr_t Name,
  32794. enum cdrDataType DataType,
  32795. _bstr_t DefaultValue,
  32796. _bstr_t Constraint,
  32797. _bstr_t Target,
  32798. _bstr_t Format,
  32799. VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault,
  32800. VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault,
  32801. VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup,
  32802. long FieldWidth );
  32803. VARIANT_BOOL IsPresent (
  32804. _bstr_t FieldName );
  32805. IVGDataFieldPtr AddEx2 (
  32806. _bstr_t ParentName,
  32807. _bstr_t ElementName,
  32808. _bstr_t Name,
  32809. enum cdrDataType DataType,
  32810. _bstr_t DefaultValue,
  32811. _bstr_t Constraint,
  32812. _bstr_t Target,
  32813. _bstr_t Format,
  32814. VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault,
  32815. VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault,
  32816. VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup,
  32817. long FieldWidth );
  32818. //
  32819. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32820. //
  32821. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  32822. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32823. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  32824. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32825. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  32826. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32827. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  32828. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  32829. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataField * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32830. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  32831. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  32832. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  32833. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32834. /*[in]*/ BSTR Format,
  32835. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault,
  32836. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault,
  32837. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup,
  32838. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataField * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32839. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddEx (
  32840. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32841. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDataType DataType,
  32842. /*[in]*/ BSTR DefaultValue,
  32843. /*[in]*/ BSTR Constraint,
  32844. /*[in]*/ BSTR Target,
  32845. /*[in]*/ BSTR Format,
  32846. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault,
  32847. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault,
  32848. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup,
  32849. /*[in]*/ long FieldWidth,
  32850. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataField * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32851. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsPresent (
  32852. /*[in]*/ BSTR FieldName,
  32853. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32854. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddEx2 (
  32855. /*[in]*/ BSTR ParentName,
  32856. /*[in]*/ BSTR ElementName,
  32857. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32858. /*[in]*/ enum cdrDataType DataType,
  32859. /*[in]*/ BSTR DefaultValue,
  32860. /*[in]*/ BSTR Constraint,
  32861. /*[in]*/ BSTR Target,
  32862. /*[in]*/ BSTR Format,
  32863. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault,
  32864. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault,
  32865. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup,
  32866. /*[in]*/ long FieldWidth,
  32867. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDataField * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32868. };
  32869. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006c-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32870. IVGSymbol : IDispatch
  32871. {
  32872. //
  32873. // Property data
  32874. //
  32875. __declspec(property(get=GetDefinition))
  32876. IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr Definition;
  32877. //
  32878. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32879. //
  32880. IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr GetDefinition ( );
  32881. IVGShapeRangePtr RevertToShapes ( );
  32882. //
  32883. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32884. //
  32885. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Definition (
  32886. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolDefinition * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32887. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RevertToShapes (
  32888. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32889. };
  32890. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006d-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  32891. IVGSymbolDefinition : IDispatch
  32892. {
  32893. //
  32894. // Property data
  32895. //
  32896. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  32897. _bstr_t Name;
  32898. __declspec(property(get=GetDescription,put=PutDescription))
  32899. _bstr_t Description;
  32900. __declspec(property(get=GetLinked))
  32901. VARIANT_BOOL Linked;
  32902. __declspec(property(get=GetLinkLibraryPath))
  32903. _bstr_t LinkLibraryPath;
  32904. __declspec(property(get=GetNested))
  32905. VARIANT_BOOL Nested;
  32906. __declspec(property(get=GetHasLinks))
  32907. VARIANT_BOOL HasLinks;
  32908. __declspec(property(get=GetIsLinkBroken))
  32909. VARIANT_BOOL IsLinkBroken;
  32910. __declspec(property(get=GetIsLinkUpdated))
  32911. VARIANT_BOOL IsLinkUpdated;
  32912. __declspec(property(get=GetHasBrokenLinks))
  32913. VARIANT_BOOL HasBrokenLinks;
  32914. __declspec(property(get=GetHasUpdatedLinks))
  32915. VARIANT_BOOL HasUpdatedLinks;
  32916. __declspec(property(get=GetNestedSymbols))
  32917. IVGSymbolDefinitionsPtr NestedSymbols;
  32918. __declspec(property(get=GetEditable))
  32919. VARIANT_BOOL Editable;
  32920. __declspec(property(get=GetInstanceCount))
  32921. long InstanceCount;
  32922. __declspec(property(get=GetInstances))
  32923. IVGShapeRangePtr Instances;
  32924. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  32925. enum cdrSymbolType Type;
  32926. //
  32927. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  32928. //
  32929. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  32930. void PutName (
  32931. _bstr_t pVal );
  32932. _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
  32933. void PutDescription (
  32934. _bstr_t pVal );
  32935. VARIANT_BOOL GetLinked ( );
  32936. _bstr_t GetLinkLibraryPath ( );
  32937. VARIANT_BOOL GetNested ( );
  32938. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasLinks ( );
  32939. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLinkBroken ( );
  32940. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsLinkUpdated ( );
  32941. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasBrokenLinks ( );
  32942. VARIANT_BOOL GetHasUpdatedLinks ( );
  32943. IVGSymbolDefinitionsPtr GetNestedSymbols ( );
  32944. VARIANT_BOOL GetEditable ( );
  32945. long GetInstanceCount ( );
  32946. IVGShapeRangePtr GetInstances ( );
  32947. HRESULT EnterEditMode ( );
  32948. HRESULT LeaveEditMode ( );
  32949. HRESULT Delete ( );
  32950. HRESULT Copy ( );
  32951. IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr Duplicate (
  32952. _bstr_t Name );
  32953. HRESULT BreakLink ( );
  32954. HRESULT UpdateLinks ( );
  32955. HRESULT FixLink (
  32956. _bstr_t LibraryPath );
  32957. enum cdrSymbolType GetType ( );
  32958. //
  32959. // Raw methods provided by interface
  32960. //
  32961. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  32962. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32963. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  32964. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32965. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
  32966. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32967. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Description (
  32968. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  32969. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Linked (
  32970. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32971. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LinkLibraryPath (
  32972. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  32973. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Nested (
  32974. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32975. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasLinks (
  32976. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32977. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLinkBroken (
  32978. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32979. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsLinkUpdated (
  32980. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32981. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasBrokenLinks (
  32982. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32983. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HasUpdatedLinks (
  32984. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32985. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NestedSymbols (
  32986. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolDefinitions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32987. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Editable (
  32988. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  32989. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_InstanceCount (
  32990. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  32991. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Instances (
  32992. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  32993. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EnterEditMode ( ) = 0;
  32994. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LeaveEditMode ( ) = 0;
  32995. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  32996. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Copy ( ) = 0;
  32997. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Duplicate (
  32998. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  32999. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolDefinition * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33000. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BreakLink ( ) = 0;
  33001. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UpdateLinks ( ) = 0;
  33002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FixLink (
  33003. /*[in]*/ BSTR LibraryPath ) = 0;
  33004. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  33005. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrSymbolType * pVal ) = 0;
  33006. };
  33007. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33008. IVGSymbolDefinitions : IDispatch
  33009. {
  33010. //
  33011. // Property data
  33012. //
  33013. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  33014. IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr Item[];
  33015. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  33016. long Count;
  33017. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  33018. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  33019. //
  33020. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33021. //
  33022. IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr GetItem (
  33023. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  33024. long GetCount ( );
  33025. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  33026. //
  33027. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33028. //
  33029. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  33030. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  33031. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolDefinition * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33032. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  33033. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33034. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  33035. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  33036. };
  33037. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580070-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33038. IVGSymbolLibrary : IDispatch
  33039. {
  33040. //
  33041. // Property data
  33042. //
  33043. __declspec(property(get=GetSymbols))
  33044. IVGSymbolDefinitionsPtr Symbols;
  33045. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  33046. _bstr_t Name;
  33047. __declspec(property(get=GetFilePath))
  33048. _bstr_t FilePath;
  33049. __declspec(property(get=GetReadOnly))
  33050. VARIANT_BOOL ReadOnly;
  33051. //
  33052. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33053. //
  33054. IVGSymbolDefinitionsPtr GetSymbols ( );
  33055. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  33056. _bstr_t GetFilePath ( );
  33057. VARIANT_BOOL GetReadOnly ( );
  33058. HRESULT Delete ( );
  33059. HRESULT PurgeUnusedSymbols ( );
  33060. IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr Paste (
  33061. _bstr_t Name );
  33062. //
  33063. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33064. //
  33065. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Symbols (
  33066. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolDefinitions * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33067. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  33068. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  33069. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FilePath (
  33070. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  33071. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ReadOnly (
  33072. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33073. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  33074. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_PurgeUnusedSymbols ( ) = 0;
  33075. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Paste (
  33076. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  33077. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolDefinition * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33078. };
  33079. struct __declspec(uuid("b058006f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33080. IVGSymbolLibraries : IDispatch
  33081. {
  33082. //
  33083. // Property data
  33084. //
  33085. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  33086. IVGSymbolLibraryPtr Item[];
  33087. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  33088. long Count;
  33089. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  33090. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  33091. //
  33092. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33093. //
  33094. IVGSymbolLibraryPtr GetItem (
  33095. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  33096. long GetCount ( );
  33097. IVGSymbolLibraryPtr Add (
  33098. _bstr_t FileName,
  33099. VARIANT_BOOL CopyLocally );
  33100. long AddFromFolder (
  33101. _bstr_t Folder,
  33102. VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  33103. VARIANT_BOOL CopyLocally );
  33104. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  33105. //
  33106. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33107. //
  33108. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  33109. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  33110. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolLibrary * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33111. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  33112. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33113. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  33114. /*[in]*/ BSTR FileName,
  33115. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CopyLocally,
  33116. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSymbolLibrary * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33117. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddFromFolder (
  33118. /*[in]*/ BSTR Folder,
  33119. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL Recursive,
  33120. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL CopyLocally,
  33121. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33122. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  33123. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  33124. };
  33125. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33126. IVGTreeNode : IDispatch
  33127. {
  33128. //
  33129. // Property data
  33130. //
  33131. __declspec(property(get=GetType))
  33132. enum cdrTreeNodeType Type;
  33133. __declspec(property(get=GetShapeType))
  33134. enum cdrShapeType ShapeType;
  33135. __declspec(property(get=GetShape))
  33136. IVGShapePtr Shape;
  33137. __declspec(property(get=GetVirtualShape))
  33138. IVGShapePtr VirtualShape;
  33139. __declspec(property(get=GetPage))
  33140. IVGPagePtr Page;
  33141. __declspec(property(get=GetLayer))
  33142. IVGLayerPtr Layer;
  33143. __declspec(property(get=GetDocument))
  33144. IVGDocumentPtr Document;
  33145. __declspec(property(get=GetNext))
  33146. IVGTreeNodePtr Next;
  33147. __declspec(property(get=GetPrevious))
  33148. IVGTreeNodePtr Previous;
  33149. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  33150. IVGTreeNodePtr Parent;
  33151. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstChild))
  33152. IVGTreeNodePtr FirstChild;
  33153. __declspec(property(get=GetLastChild))
  33154. IVGTreeNodePtr LastChild;
  33155. __declspec(property(get=GetChildren))
  33156. IVGTreeNodesPtr Children;
  33157. __declspec(property(get=GetIsGroupChild))
  33158. VARIANT_BOOL IsGroupChild;
  33159. __declspec(property(get=GetSelected))
  33160. VARIANT_BOOL Selected;
  33161. __declspec(property(get=GetNextSelected))
  33162. IVGTreeNodePtr NextSelected;
  33163. __declspec(property(get=GetHandle))
  33164. long Handle;
  33165. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  33166. _bstr_t Name;
  33167. //
  33168. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33169. //
  33170. enum cdrTreeNodeType GetType ( );
  33171. enum cdrShapeType GetShapeType ( );
  33172. IVGShapePtr GetShape ( );
  33173. IVGShapePtr GetVirtualShape ( );
  33174. IVGPagePtr GetPage ( );
  33175. IVGLayerPtr GetLayer ( );
  33176. IVGDocumentPtr GetDocument ( );
  33177. IVGTreeNodePtr GetNext ( );
  33178. IVGTreeNodePtr GetPrevious ( );
  33179. IVGTreeNodePtr GetParent ( );
  33180. IVGTreeNodePtr GetFirstChild ( );
  33181. IVGTreeNodePtr GetLastChild ( );
  33182. IVGTreeNodesPtr GetChildren ( );
  33183. VARIANT_BOOL GetIsGroupChild ( );
  33184. VARIANT_BOOL GetSelected ( );
  33185. IVGTreeNodePtr GetNextSelected ( );
  33186. VARIANT_BOOL UnLink ( );
  33187. VARIANT_BOOL LinkBefore (
  33188. struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  33189. VARIANT_BOOL LinkAfter (
  33190. struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  33191. VARIANT_BOOL LinkAsChildOf (
  33192. struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  33193. VARIANT_BOOL MoveToFirst ( );
  33194. VARIANT_BOOL MoveToLast ( );
  33195. VARIANT_BOOL MoveBefore (
  33196. struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  33197. VARIANT_BOOL MoveAfter (
  33198. struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  33199. VARIANT_BOOL IsDescendentOf (
  33200. struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  33201. HRESULT Delete ( );
  33202. IVGTreeNodePtr GetCopy ( );
  33203. HRESULT SwapData (
  33204. struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  33205. HRESULT SwapGroupData (
  33206. struct IVGTreeNode * GroupNode );
  33207. long GetHandle ( );
  33208. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  33209. void PutName (
  33210. _bstr_t pVal );
  33211. //
  33212. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33213. //
  33214. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  33215. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrTreeNodeType * pVal ) = 0;
  33216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShapeType (
  33217. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrShapeType * pVal ) = 0;
  33218. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shape (
  33219. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33220. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VirtualShape (
  33221. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShape * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33222. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Page (
  33223. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33224. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Layer (
  33225. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33226. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Document (
  33227. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33228. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Next (
  33229. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33230. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Previous (
  33231. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33232. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  33233. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33234. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstChild (
  33235. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33236. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LastChild (
  33237. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33238. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Children (
  33239. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNodes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33240. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsGroupChild (
  33241. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33242. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Selected (
  33243. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33244. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NextSelected (
  33245. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33246. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UnLink (
  33247. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33248. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LinkBefore (
  33249. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode,
  33250. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33251. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LinkAfter (
  33252. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode,
  33253. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33254. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LinkAsChildOf (
  33255. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode,
  33256. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33257. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveToFirst (
  33258. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33259. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveToLast (
  33260. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33261. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveBefore (
  33262. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode,
  33263. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33264. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveAfter (
  33265. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode,
  33266. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33267. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_IsDescendentOf (
  33268. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode,
  33269. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  33270. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  33271. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetCopy (
  33272. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33273. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SwapData (
  33274. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode ) = 0;
  33275. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SwapGroupData (
  33276. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * GroupNode ) = 0;
  33277. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Handle (
  33278. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33279. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  33280. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  33281. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  33282. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  33283. };
  33284. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580090-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33285. IVGTreeNodes : IDispatch
  33286. {
  33287. //
  33288. // Property data
  33289. //
  33290. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  33291. IVGTreeNodePtr Item[];
  33292. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  33293. long Count;
  33294. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  33295. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  33296. //
  33297. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33298. //
  33299. IVGTreeNodePtr GetItem (
  33300. long Index );
  33301. long GetCount ( );
  33302. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  33303. //
  33304. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33305. //
  33306. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  33307. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  33308. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33309. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  33310. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33311. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  33312. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  33313. };
  33314. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a5-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33315. IVGSpread : IDispatch
  33316. {
  33317. //
  33318. // Property data
  33319. //
  33320. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  33321. long Index;
  33322. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeWidth))
  33323. double SizeWidth;
  33324. __declspec(property(get=GetSizeHeight))
  33325. double SizeHeight;
  33326. __declspec(property(get=GetLeftX))
  33327. double LeftX;
  33328. __declspec(property(get=GetRightX))
  33329. double RightX;
  33330. __declspec(property(get=GetTopY))
  33331. double TopY;
  33332. __declspec(property(get=GetBottomY))
  33333. double BottomY;
  33334. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterX))
  33335. double CenterX;
  33336. __declspec(property(get=GetCenterY))
  33337. double CenterY;
  33338. __declspec(property(get=GetBoundingBox))
  33339. IVGRectPtr BoundingBox;
  33340. __declspec(property(get=GetPages))
  33341. IVGPagesPtr Pages;
  33342. __declspec(property(get=GetNext))
  33343. IVGSpreadPtr Next;
  33344. __declspec(property(get=GetPrevious))
  33345. IVGSpreadPtr Previous;
  33346. __declspec(property(get=GetLayers))
  33347. IVGLayersPtr Layers;
  33348. __declspec(property(get=GetAllLayers))
  33349. IVGLayersPtr AllLayers;
  33350. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveLayer))
  33351. IVGLayerPtr ActiveLayer;
  33352. __declspec(property(get=GetShapes))
  33353. IVGShapesPtr Shapes;
  33354. __declspec(property(get=GetSelectableShapes))
  33355. IVGShapesPtr SelectableShapes;
  33356. __declspec(property(get=GetGuides))
  33357. IVGShapeRangePtr Guides[];
  33358. __declspec(property(get=GetTreeNode))
  33359. IVGTreeNodePtr TreeNode;
  33360. __declspec(property(get=GetGuidesLayer))
  33361. IVGLayerPtr GuidesLayer;
  33362. __declspec(property(get=GetDesktopLayer))
  33363. IVGLayerPtr DesktopLayer;
  33364. __declspec(property(get=GetGridLayer))
  33365. IVGLayerPtr GridLayer;
  33366. //
  33367. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33368. //
  33369. long GetIndex ( );
  33370. double GetSizeWidth ( );
  33371. double GetSizeHeight ( );
  33372. double GetLeftX ( );
  33373. double GetRightX ( );
  33374. double GetTopY ( );
  33375. double GetBottomY ( );
  33376. double GetCenterX ( );
  33377. double GetCenterY ( );
  33378. IVGRectPtr GetBoundingBox ( );
  33379. HRESULT GetBoundingBox (
  33380. double * x,
  33381. double * y,
  33382. double * Width,
  33383. double * Height );
  33384. IVGPagesPtr GetPages ( );
  33385. IVGSpreadPtr GetNext ( );
  33386. IVGSpreadPtr GetPrevious ( );
  33387. IVGLayersPtr GetLayers ( );
  33388. IVGLayersPtr GetAllLayers ( );
  33389. IVGLayerPtr GetActiveLayer ( );
  33390. IVGShapesPtr GetShapes ( );
  33391. IVGShapesPtr GetSelectableShapes ( );
  33392. IVGLayerPtr CreateLayer (
  33393. _bstr_t LayerName );
  33394. IVGShapeRangePtr GetGuides (
  33395. enum cdrGuideType Type );
  33396. IVGTreeNodePtr GetTreeNode ( );
  33397. IVGLayerPtr GetGuidesLayer ( );
  33398. IVGLayerPtr GetDesktopLayer ( );
  33399. IVGLayerPtr GetGridLayer ( );
  33400. //
  33401. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33402. //
  33403. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  33404. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33405. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeWidth (
  33406. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  33407. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SizeHeight (
  33408. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  33409. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LeftX (
  33410. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  33411. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RightX (
  33412. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  33413. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TopY (
  33414. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  33415. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BottomY (
  33416. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  33417. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterX (
  33418. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  33419. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CenterY (
  33420. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  33421. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BoundingBox (
  33422. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRect * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33423. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetBoundingBox (
  33424. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  33425. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  33426. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  33427. /*[out]*/ double * Height ) = 0;
  33428. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Pages (
  33429. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPages * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33430. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Next (
  33431. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33432. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Previous (
  33433. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33434. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Layers (
  33435. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayers * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33436. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AllLayers (
  33437. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayers * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33438. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveLayer (
  33439. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33440. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Shapes (
  33441. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33442. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SelectableShapes (
  33443. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33444. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateLayer (
  33445. /*[in]*/ BSTR LayerName,
  33446. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33447. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Guides (
  33448. /*[in]*/ enum cdrGuideType Type,
  33449. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33450. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_TreeNode (
  33451. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33452. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GuidesLayer (
  33453. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33454. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DesktopLayer (
  33455. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33456. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_GridLayer (
  33457. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33458. };
  33459. struct __declspec(uuid("b058008e-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33460. IVGTreeManager : IDispatch
  33461. {
  33462. //
  33463. // Property data
  33464. //
  33465. __declspec(property(get=GetVirtualLayer))
  33466. IVGLayerPtr VirtualLayer;
  33467. __declspec(property(get=GetSelectedNodeCount))
  33468. long SelectedNodeCount;
  33469. __declspec(property(get=GetFirstSelectedNode))
  33470. IVGTreeNodePtr FirstSelectedNode;
  33471. //
  33472. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33473. //
  33474. IVGLayerPtr GetVirtualLayer ( );
  33475. long GetSelectedNodeCount ( );
  33476. IVGTreeNodePtr GetFirstSelectedNode ( );
  33477. IVGTreeNodePtr CreateGroupNode ( );
  33478. IVGTreeNodePtr CleanGroupNode (
  33479. struct IVGTreeNode * GroupNode );
  33480. //
  33481. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33482. //
  33483. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_VirtualLayer (
  33484. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGLayer * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33485. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SelectedNodeCount (
  33486. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33487. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FirstSelectedNode (
  33488. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33489. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateGroupNode (
  33490. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33491. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CleanGroupNode (
  33492. /*[in]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * GroupNode,
  33493. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGTreeNode * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33494. };
  33495. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800a6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33496. IVGSpreads : IDispatch
  33497. {
  33498. //
  33499. // Property data
  33500. //
  33501. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  33502. IVGSpreadPtr Item[];
  33503. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  33504. long Count;
  33505. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  33506. IVGSpreadPtr First;
  33507. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  33508. IVGSpreadPtr Last;
  33509. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  33510. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  33511. //
  33512. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33513. //
  33514. IVGSpreadPtr GetItem (
  33515. long Index );
  33516. long GetCount ( );
  33517. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  33518. IVGSpreadPtr GetFirst ( );
  33519. IVGSpreadPtr GetLast ( );
  33520. //
  33521. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33522. //
  33523. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  33524. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  33525. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33526. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  33527. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33528. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  33529. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  33530. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  33531. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33532. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  33533. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGSpread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33534. };
  33535. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e6-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33536. IVGPageMarkup : IDispatch
  33537. {
  33538. //
  33539. // Property data
  33540. //
  33541. __declspec(property(get=GetPageGuid))
  33542. _bstr_t PageGuid;
  33543. __declspec(property(get=GetThreads))
  33544. IVGCommentThreadsPtr Threads;
  33545. __declspec(property(get=GetPage))
  33546. IVGPagePtr Page;
  33547. //
  33548. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33549. //
  33550. _bstr_t GetPageGuid ( );
  33551. IVGCommentThreadsPtr GetThreads ( );
  33552. IVGPagePtr GetPage ( );
  33553. IVGCommentPtr CreateHotspot (
  33554. _bstr_t Text,
  33555. double x,
  33556. double y,
  33557. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33558. IVGCommentPtr CreateRectangle (
  33559. _bstr_t Text,
  33560. double x,
  33561. double y,
  33562. double Width,
  33563. double Height,
  33564. long OutlineWidth,
  33565. struct IVGColor * FillColor,
  33566. struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33567. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33568. IVGCommentPtr CreateEllipse (
  33569. _bstr_t Text,
  33570. double x,
  33571. double y,
  33572. double RadiusX,
  33573. double RadiusY,
  33574. long OutlineWidth,
  33575. struct IVGColor * FillColor,
  33576. struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33577. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33578. IVGCommentPtr CreateArrow (
  33579. _bstr_t Text,
  33580. double x,
  33581. double y,
  33582. double VectorX,
  33583. double VectorY,
  33584. long OutlineWidth,
  33585. struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33586. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33587. IVGCommentPtr CreateFreehand (
  33588. _bstr_t Text,
  33589. struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  33590. long OutlineWidth,
  33591. struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33592. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33593. IVGCommentPtr CreateHighlight (
  33594. _bstr_t Text,
  33595. struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  33596. long OutlineWidth,
  33597. struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33598. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33599. IVGCommentPtr CreateCollaborativeText (
  33600. _bstr_t Text,
  33601. struct IVGShape * Shape,
  33602. struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33603. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33604. //
  33605. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33606. //
  33607. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageGuid (
  33608. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRet ) = 0;
  33609. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Threads (
  33610. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentThreads * * pRet ) = 0;
  33611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Page (
  33612. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * pRet ) = 0;
  33613. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateHotspot (
  33614. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  33615. /*[in]*/ double x,
  33616. /*[in]*/ double y,
  33617. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author,
  33618. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33619. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateRectangle (
  33620. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  33621. /*[in]*/ double x,
  33622. /*[in]*/ double y,
  33623. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  33624. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  33625. /*[in]*/ long OutlineWidth,
  33626. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * FillColor,
  33627. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33628. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author,
  33629. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33630. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateEllipse (
  33631. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  33632. /*[in]*/ double x,
  33633. /*[in]*/ double y,
  33634. /*[in]*/ double RadiusX,
  33635. /*[in]*/ double RadiusY,
  33636. /*[in]*/ long OutlineWidth,
  33637. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * FillColor,
  33638. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33639. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author,
  33640. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33641. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateArrow (
  33642. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  33643. /*[in]*/ double x,
  33644. /*[in]*/ double y,
  33645. /*[in]*/ double VectorX,
  33646. /*[in]*/ double VectorY,
  33647. /*[in]*/ long OutlineWidth,
  33648. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33649. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author,
  33650. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33651. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateFreehand (
  33652. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  33653. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  33654. /*[in]*/ long OutlineWidth,
  33655. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33656. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author,
  33657. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33658. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateHighlight (
  33659. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  33660. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCurve * Curve,
  33661. /*[in]*/ long OutlineWidth,
  33662. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33663. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author,
  33664. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33665. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateCollaborativeText (
  33666. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  33667. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape,
  33668. /*[in]*/ struct IVGColor * OutlineColor,
  33669. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author,
  33670. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33671. };
  33672. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800ec-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33673. IVGCommentThreads : IDispatch
  33674. {
  33675. //
  33676. // Property data
  33677. //
  33678. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  33679. IVGCommentThreadPtr Item[];
  33680. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  33681. long Count;
  33682. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  33683. IVGCommentThreadPtr First;
  33684. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  33685. IVGCommentThreadPtr Last;
  33686. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  33687. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  33688. //
  33689. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33690. //
  33691. IVGCommentThreadPtr GetItem (
  33692. const _variant_t & IndexOrGuid );
  33693. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  33694. long GetCount ( );
  33695. IVGCommentThreadPtr GetFirst ( );
  33696. IVGCommentThreadPtr GetLast ( );
  33697. //
  33698. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33699. //
  33700. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  33701. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrGuid,
  33702. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentThread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33703. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  33704. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  33705. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  33706. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33707. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  33708. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentThread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33709. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  33710. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentThread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33711. };
  33712. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e7-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33713. IVGCommentThread : IDispatch
  33714. {
  33715. //
  33716. // Property data
  33717. //
  33718. __declspec(property(get=GetTarget))
  33719. IVGCommentTargetPtr Target;
  33720. __declspec(property(get=GetComments))
  33721. IVGCommentsPtr Comments;
  33722. __declspec(property(get=GetStatus))
  33723. enum cdrCommentStatus Status;
  33724. __declspec(property(get=GetPageMarkup))
  33725. IVGPageMarkupPtr PageMarkup;
  33726. __declspec(property(get=GetAnnotation))
  33727. IVGCommentAnnotationPtr Annotation;
  33728. //
  33729. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33730. //
  33731. IVGCommentTargetPtr GetTarget ( );
  33732. IVGCommentsPtr GetComments ( );
  33733. enum cdrCommentStatus GetStatus ( );
  33734. IVGCommentPtr Reply (
  33735. _bstr_t Text,
  33736. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33737. HRESULT Resolve (
  33738. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33739. HRESULT Reopen (
  33740. struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  33741. HRESULT Delete ( );
  33742. IVGPageMarkupPtr GetPageMarkup ( );
  33743. IVGCommentAnnotationPtr GetAnnotation ( );
  33744. //
  33745. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33746. //
  33747. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Target (
  33748. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentTarget * * pRet ) = 0;
  33749. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Comments (
  33750. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComments * * pRet ) = 0;
  33751. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Status (
  33752. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrCommentStatus * pRet ) = 0;
  33753. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reply (
  33754. /*[in]*/ BSTR Text,
  33755. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author,
  33756. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33757. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Resolve (
  33758. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author ) = 0;
  33759. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Reopen (
  33760. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author ) = 0;
  33761. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  33762. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageMarkup (
  33763. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPageMarkup * * pRet ) = 0;
  33764. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Annotation (
  33765. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentAnnotation * * pRet ) = 0;
  33766. };
  33767. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e9-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33768. IVGComment : IDispatch
  33769. {
  33770. //
  33771. // Property data
  33772. //
  33773. __declspec(property(get=GetText,put=PutText))
  33774. _bstr_t Text;
  33775. __declspec(property(get=GetCreationTime,put=PutCreationTime))
  33776. DATE CreationTime;
  33777. __declspec(property(get=GetModificationTime,put=PutModificationTime))
  33778. DATE ModificationTime;
  33779. __declspec(property(get=GetGuid))
  33780. _bstr_t Guid;
  33781. __declspec(property(get=GetThread))
  33782. IVGCommentThreadPtr Thread;
  33783. __declspec(property(get=GetOnlineID,put=PutOnlineID))
  33784. _bstr_t OnlineID;
  33785. //
  33786. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33787. //
  33788. IVGCommentAuthorPtr GetAuthor ( );
  33789. void PutRefAuthor (
  33790. struct IVGCommentAuthor * * pRet );
  33791. _bstr_t GetText ( );
  33792. void PutText (
  33793. _bstr_t pRet );
  33794. DATE GetCreationTime ( );
  33795. void PutCreationTime (
  33796. DATE pRet );
  33797. DATE GetModificationTime ( );
  33798. void PutModificationTime (
  33799. DATE pRet );
  33800. _bstr_t GetGuid ( );
  33801. IVGCommentThreadPtr GetThread ( );
  33802. _bstr_t GetOnlineID ( );
  33803. void PutOnlineID (
  33804. _bstr_t pRet );
  33805. HRESULT Delete ( );
  33806. //
  33807. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33808. //
  33809. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Author (
  33810. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * * pRet ) = 0;
  33811. virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Author (
  33812. /*[in]*/ struct IVGCommentAuthor * * pRet ) = 0;
  33813. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Text (
  33814. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRet ) = 0;
  33815. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Text (
  33816. /*[in]*/ BSTR pRet ) = 0;
  33817. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CreationTime (
  33818. /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pRet ) = 0;
  33819. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CreationTime (
  33820. /*[in]*/ DATE pRet ) = 0;
  33821. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ModificationTime (
  33822. /*[out,retval]*/ DATE * pRet ) = 0;
  33823. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ModificationTime (
  33824. /*[in]*/ DATE pRet ) = 0;
  33825. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Guid (
  33826. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRet ) = 0;
  33827. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Thread (
  33828. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentThread * * pRet ) = 0;
  33829. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OnlineID (
  33830. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pRet ) = 0;
  33831. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OnlineID (
  33832. /*[in]*/ BSTR pRet ) = 0;
  33833. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  33834. };
  33835. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e4-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33836. IVGComments : IDispatch
  33837. {
  33838. //
  33839. // Property data
  33840. //
  33841. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  33842. IVGCommentPtr Item[];
  33843. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  33844. long Count;
  33845. __declspec(property(get=GetFirst))
  33846. IVGCommentPtr First;
  33847. __declspec(property(get=GetLast))
  33848. IVGCommentPtr Last;
  33849. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  33850. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  33851. //
  33852. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33853. //
  33854. IVGCommentPtr GetItem (
  33855. const _variant_t & IndexOrGuid );
  33856. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  33857. long GetCount ( );
  33858. IVGCommentPtr GetFirst ( );
  33859. IVGCommentPtr GetLast ( );
  33860. //
  33861. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33862. //
  33863. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  33864. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrGuid,
  33865. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33866. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  33867. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  33868. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  33869. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  33870. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_First (
  33871. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33872. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Last (
  33873. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33874. };
  33875. struct __declspec(uuid("b05800e0-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33876. IVGDocumentMarkup : IDispatch
  33877. {
  33878. //
  33879. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33880. //
  33881. IVGCommentPtr FindComment (
  33882. _bstr_t Guid );
  33883. IVGCommentThreadPtr FindThread (
  33884. _bstr_t Guid );
  33885. IVGPagePtr FindPage (
  33886. _bstr_t Guid );
  33887. //
  33888. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33889. //
  33890. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindComment (
  33891. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid,
  33892. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGComment * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33893. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindThread (
  33894. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid,
  33895. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGCommentThread * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33896. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindPage (
  33897. /*[in]*/ BSTR Guid,
  33898. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33899. };
  33900. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580081-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  33901. IVGWindow : IDispatch
  33902. {
  33903. //
  33904. // Property data
  33905. //
  33906. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  33907. IDispatchPtr Application;
  33908. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  33909. IVGWindowsPtr Parent;
  33910. __declspec(property(get=GetFullScreen,put=PutFullScreen))
  33911. VARIANT_BOOL FullScreen;
  33912. __declspec(property(get=GetPage))
  33913. IDispatchPtr Page;
  33914. __declspec(property(get=GetActive))
  33915. VARIANT_BOOL Active;
  33916. __declspec(property(get=GetCaption))
  33917. _bstr_t Caption;
  33918. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight,put=PutHeight))
  33919. long Height;
  33920. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  33921. long Width;
  33922. __declspec(property(get=GetLeft,put=PutLeft))
  33923. long Left;
  33924. __declspec(property(get=GetTop,put=PutTop))
  33925. long Top;
  33926. __declspec(property(get=GetWindowState,put=PutWindowState))
  33927. enum cdrWindowState WindowState;
  33928. __declspec(property(get=GetPrevious))
  33929. IVGWindowPtr Previous;
  33930. __declspec(property(get=GetNext))
  33931. IVGWindowPtr Next;
  33932. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  33933. long Index;
  33934. __declspec(property(get=GetDocument))
  33935. IVGDocumentPtr Document;
  33936. __declspec(property(get=GetActiveView))
  33937. IVGActiveViewPtr ActiveView;
  33938. __declspec(property(get=GetHandle))
  33939. long Handle;
  33940. __declspec(property(get=GetViewWindow))
  33941. ICUIViewWindowPtr ViewWindow;
  33942. //
  33943. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  33944. //
  33945. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  33946. IVGWindowsPtr GetParent ( );
  33947. HRESULT Activate ( );
  33948. HRESULT Close ( );
  33949. VARIANT_BOOL GetFullScreen ( );
  33950. void PutFullScreen (
  33951. VARIANT_BOOL FullScreen );
  33952. IDispatchPtr GetPage ( );
  33953. VARIANT_BOOL GetActive ( );
  33954. _bstr_t GetCaption ( );
  33955. long GetHeight ( );
  33956. void PutHeight (
  33957. long pVal );
  33958. long GetWidth ( );
  33959. void PutWidth (
  33960. long pVal );
  33961. long GetLeft ( );
  33962. void PutLeft (
  33963. long pVal );
  33964. long GetTop ( );
  33965. void PutTop (
  33966. long pVal );
  33967. enum cdrWindowState GetWindowState ( );
  33968. void PutWindowState (
  33969. enum cdrWindowState pVal );
  33970. IVGWindowPtr GetPrevious ( );
  33971. IVGWindowPtr GetNext ( );
  33972. long GetIndex ( );
  33973. IVGWindowPtr NewWindow ( );
  33974. HRESULT Refresh ( );
  33975. IVGDocumentPtr GetDocument ( );
  33976. IVGActiveViewPtr GetActiveView ( );
  33977. HRESULT ScreenToDocument (
  33978. long XScreen,
  33979. long YScreen,
  33980. double * XDoc,
  33981. double * YDoc );
  33982. HRESULT DocumentToScreen (
  33983. double XDoc,
  33984. double YDoc,
  33985. long * XScreen,
  33986. long * YScreen );
  33987. long GetHandle ( );
  33988. ICUIViewWindowPtr GetViewWindow ( );
  33989. double ScreenDistanceToDocumentDistance (
  33990. double ScreenDistance );
  33991. double DocumentDistanceToScreenDistance (
  33992. double DocumentDistance );
  33993. //
  33994. // Raw methods provided by interface
  33995. //
  33996. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  33997. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  33998. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  33999. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindows * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34000. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  34001. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
  34002. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FullScreen (
  34003. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * FullScreen ) = 0;
  34004. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FullScreen (
  34005. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL FullScreen ) = 0;
  34006. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Page (
  34007. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * Page ) = 0;
  34008. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Active (
  34009. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pActive ) = 0;
  34010. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Caption (
  34011. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
  34012. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  34013. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34014. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
  34015. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  34016. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  34017. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34018. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  34019. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  34020. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Left (
  34021. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34022. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Left (
  34023. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  34024. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Top (
  34025. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34026. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Top (
  34027. /*[in]*/ long pVal ) = 0;
  34028. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_WindowState (
  34029. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrWindowState * pVal ) = 0;
  34030. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_WindowState (
  34031. /*[in]*/ enum cdrWindowState pVal ) = 0;
  34032. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Previous (
  34033. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindow * * pWindow ) = 0;
  34034. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Next (
  34035. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindow * * pWindow ) = 0;
  34036. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  34037. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34038. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NewWindow (
  34039. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindow * * pWindow ) = 0;
  34040. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Refresh ( ) = 0;
  34041. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Document (
  34042. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * pDoc ) = 0;
  34043. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveView (
  34044. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGActiveView * * pActiveView ) = 0;
  34045. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ScreenToDocument (
  34046. /*[in]*/ long XScreen,
  34047. /*[in]*/ long YScreen,
  34048. /*[out]*/ double * XDoc,
  34049. /*[out]*/ double * YDoc ) = 0;
  34050. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentToScreen (
  34051. /*[in]*/ double XDoc,
  34052. /*[in]*/ double YDoc,
  34053. /*[out]*/ long * XScreen,
  34054. /*[out]*/ long * YScreen ) = 0;
  34055. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Handle (
  34056. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34057. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ViewWindow (
  34058. /*[out,retval]*/ struct ICUIViewWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34059. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ScreenDistanceToDocumentDistance (
  34060. /*[in]*/ double ScreenDistance,
  34061. /*[out,retval]*/ double * DocumentDistance ) = 0;
  34062. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DocumentDistanceToScreenDistance (
  34063. /*[in]*/ double DocumentDistance,
  34064. /*[out,retval]*/ double * ScreenDistance ) = 0;
  34065. };
  34066. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580082-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34067. IVGWindows : IDispatch
  34068. {
  34069. //
  34070. // Property data
  34071. //
  34072. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  34073. IDispatchPtr Application;
  34074. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34075. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  34076. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  34077. IVGWindowPtr Item[];
  34078. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  34079. long Count;
  34080. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  34081. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  34082. //
  34083. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34084. //
  34085. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  34086. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  34087. IVGWindowPtr GetItem (
  34088. long Index );
  34089. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  34090. long GetCount ( );
  34091. HRESULT CloseAll ( );
  34092. HRESULT Arrange (
  34093. enum cdrWindowArrangeStyle Style );
  34094. HRESULT Refresh ( );
  34095. IVGWindowPtr FindWindow (
  34096. _bstr_t Caption );
  34097. //
  34098. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34099. //
  34100. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  34101. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34102. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34103. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34104. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  34105. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  34106. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34107. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  34108. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  34109. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  34110. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34111. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CloseAll ( ) = 0;
  34112. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Arrange (
  34113. /*[in]*/ enum cdrWindowArrangeStyle Style ) = 0;
  34114. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Refresh ( ) = 0;
  34115. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FindWindow (
  34116. /*[in]*/ BSTR Caption,
  34117. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34118. };
  34119. struct __declspec(uuid("b058000a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34120. IVGActiveView : IDispatch
  34121. {
  34122. //
  34123. // Property data
  34124. //
  34125. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  34126. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  34127. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34128. IVGWindowPtr Parent;
  34129. __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
  34130. enum cdrViewType Type;
  34131. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginX,put=PutOriginX))
  34132. double OriginX;
  34133. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginY,put=PutOriginY))
  34134. double OriginY;
  34135. __declspec(property(get=GetZoom,put=PutZoom))
  34136. double Zoom;
  34137. __declspec(property(get=GetSimulateOverprints,put=PutSimulateOverprints))
  34138. VARIANT_BOOL SimulateOverprints;
  34139. __declspec(property(get=GetProofColorSettings,put=PutProofColorSettings))
  34140. IVGProofColorSettingsPtr ProofColorSettings;
  34141. __declspec(property(get=GetShowProofColors,put=PutShowProofColors))
  34142. VARIANT_BOOL ShowProofColors;
  34143. //
  34144. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34145. //
  34146. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  34147. IVGWindowPtr GetParent ( );
  34148. enum cdrViewType GetType ( );
  34149. void PutType (
  34150. enum cdrViewType pType );
  34151. double GetOriginX ( );
  34152. void PutOriginX (
  34153. double pVal );
  34154. double GetOriginY ( );
  34155. void PutOriginY (
  34156. double pVal );
  34157. double GetZoom ( );
  34158. void PutZoom (
  34159. double pVal );
  34160. HRESULT ToFitPage ( );
  34161. HRESULT ToFitPageWidth ( );
  34162. HRESULT ToFitPageHeight ( );
  34163. HRESULT ToFitShape (
  34164. struct IVGShape * Shape );
  34165. HRESULT ToFitSelection ( );
  34166. HRESULT ToFitArea (
  34167. double Left,
  34168. double Top,
  34169. double Right,
  34170. double Bottom );
  34171. HRESULT ToFitAllObjects ( );
  34172. HRESULT ToFitShapeRange (
  34173. struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange );
  34174. HRESULT SetViewPoint (
  34175. double x,
  34176. double y,
  34177. double Zoom );
  34178. HRESULT SetActualSize ( );
  34179. HRESULT ZoomIn ( );
  34180. HRESULT ZoomInAtPoint (
  34181. double x,
  34182. double y );
  34183. HRESULT ZoomOut ( );
  34184. HRESULT GetViewArea (
  34185. double * x,
  34186. double * y,
  34187. double * Width,
  34188. double * Height );
  34189. HRESULT SetViewArea (
  34190. double x,
  34191. double y,
  34192. double Width,
  34193. double Height );
  34194. VARIANT_BOOL GetSimulateOverprints ( );
  34195. void PutSimulateOverprints (
  34196. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34197. IVGProofColorSettingsPtr GetProofColorSettings ( );
  34198. void PutProofColorSettings (
  34199. struct IVGProofColorSettings * ppVal );
  34200. VARIANT_BOOL GetShowProofColors ( );
  34201. void PutShowProofColors (
  34202. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34203. //
  34204. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34205. //
  34206. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  34207. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34208. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34209. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWindow * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34210. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
  34211. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrViewType * pType ) = 0;
  34212. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
  34213. /*[in]*/ enum cdrViewType pType ) = 0;
  34214. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginX (
  34215. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  34216. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginX (
  34217. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  34218. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginY (
  34219. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  34220. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginY (
  34221. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  34222. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Zoom (
  34223. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  34224. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Zoom (
  34225. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  34226. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToFitPage ( ) = 0;
  34227. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToFitPageWidth ( ) = 0;
  34228. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToFitPageHeight ( ) = 0;
  34229. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToFitShape (
  34230. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShape * Shape ) = 0;
  34231. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToFitSelection ( ) = 0;
  34232. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToFitArea (
  34233. /*[in]*/ double Left,
  34234. /*[in]*/ double Top,
  34235. /*[in]*/ double Right,
  34236. /*[in]*/ double Bottom ) = 0;
  34237. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToFitAllObjects ( ) = 0;
  34238. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ToFitShapeRange (
  34239. /*[in]*/ struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange ) = 0;
  34240. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetViewPoint (
  34241. /*[in]*/ double x,
  34242. /*[in]*/ double y,
  34243. /*[in]*/ double Zoom ) = 0;
  34244. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetActualSize ( ) = 0;
  34245. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ZoomIn ( ) = 0;
  34246. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ZoomInAtPoint (
  34247. /*[in]*/ double x,
  34248. /*[in]*/ double y ) = 0;
  34249. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ZoomOut ( ) = 0;
  34250. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetViewArea (
  34251. /*[out]*/ double * x,
  34252. /*[out]*/ double * y,
  34253. /*[out]*/ double * Width,
  34254. /*[out]*/ double * Height ) = 0;
  34255. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetViewArea (
  34256. /*[in]*/ double x,
  34257. /*[in]*/ double y,
  34258. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  34259. /*[in]*/ double Height ) = 0;
  34260. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SimulateOverprints (
  34261. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  34262. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_SimulateOverprints (
  34263. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  34264. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ProofColorSettings (
  34265. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGProofColorSettings * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34266. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ProofColorSettings (
  34267. /*[in]*/ struct IVGProofColorSettings * ppVal ) = 0;
  34268. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ShowProofColors (
  34269. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  34270. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ShowProofColors (
  34271. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  34272. };
  34273. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580083-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34274. IVGWorkspace : IDispatch
  34275. {
  34276. //
  34277. // Property data
  34278. //
  34279. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  34280. IDispatchPtr Application;
  34281. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34282. IVGWorkspacesPtr Parent;
  34283. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  34284. _bstr_t Name;
  34285. __declspec(property(get=GetDescription))
  34286. _bstr_t Description;
  34287. __declspec(property(get=GetDefault))
  34288. VARIANT_BOOL Default;
  34289. __declspec(property(get=GetActive))
  34290. VARIANT_BOOL Active;
  34291. //
  34292. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34293. //
  34294. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  34295. IVGWorkspacesPtr GetParent ( );
  34296. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  34297. _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
  34298. VARIANT_BOOL GetDefault ( );
  34299. HRESULT Activate ( );
  34300. VARIANT_BOOL GetActive ( );
  34301. //
  34302. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34303. //
  34304. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  34305. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34306. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34307. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWorkspaces * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34308. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  34309. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
  34310. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
  34311. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Description ) = 0;
  34312. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Default (
  34313. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Default ) = 0;
  34314. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  34315. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Active (
  34316. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * Current ) = 0;
  34317. };
  34318. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580084-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34319. IVGWorkspaces : IDispatch
  34320. {
  34321. //
  34322. // Property data
  34323. //
  34324. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  34325. IDispatchPtr Application;
  34326. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34327. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  34328. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  34329. IVGWorkspacePtr Item[];
  34330. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  34331. long Count;
  34332. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  34333. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  34334. //
  34335. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34336. //
  34337. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  34338. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  34339. IVGWorkspacePtr GetItem (
  34340. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  34341. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  34342. long GetCount ( );
  34343. //
  34344. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34345. //
  34346. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  34347. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34348. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34349. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34350. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  34351. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  34352. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGWorkspace * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34353. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  34354. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  34355. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  34356. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34357. };
  34358. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580056-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34359. IVGRecentFiles : IDispatch
  34360. {
  34361. //
  34362. // Property data
  34363. //
  34364. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  34365. IVGRecentFilePtr Item[];
  34366. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  34367. IDispatchPtr Application;
  34368. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34369. IDispatchPtr Parent;
  34370. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  34371. long Count;
  34372. __declspec(property(get=GetMaximum))
  34373. long Maximum;
  34374. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  34375. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  34376. //
  34377. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34378. //
  34379. IVGRecentFilePtr Add (
  34380. _bstr_t Name,
  34381. _bstr_t Path );
  34382. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  34383. IDispatchPtr GetParent ( );
  34384. IVGRecentFilePtr GetItem (
  34385. long Index );
  34386. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  34387. long GetCount ( );
  34388. long GetMaximum ( );
  34389. //
  34390. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34391. //
  34392. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  34393. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  34394. /*[in]*/ BSTR Path,
  34395. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRecentFile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34396. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  34397. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34398. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34399. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34400. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  34401. /*[in]*/ long Index,
  34402. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRecentFile * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34403. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  34404. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  34405. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  34406. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34407. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Maximum (
  34408. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34409. };
  34410. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580055-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34411. IVGRecentFile : IDispatch
  34412. {
  34413. //
  34414. // Property data
  34415. //
  34416. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  34417. IDispatchPtr Application;
  34418. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34419. IVGRecentFilesPtr Parent;
  34420. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  34421. long Index;
  34422. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  34423. _bstr_t Name;
  34424. __declspec(property(get=GetPath,put=PutPath))
  34425. _bstr_t Path;
  34426. __declspec(property(get=GetFullName,put=PutFullName))
  34427. _bstr_t FullName;
  34428. //
  34429. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34430. //
  34431. HRESULT Delete ( );
  34432. IDispatchPtr Open ( );
  34433. IDispatchPtr GetApplication ( );
  34434. IVGRecentFilesPtr GetParent ( );
  34435. long GetIndex ( );
  34436. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  34437. void PutName (
  34438. _bstr_t pVal );
  34439. _bstr_t GetPath ( );
  34440. void PutPath (
  34441. _bstr_t pVal );
  34442. _bstr_t GetFullName ( );
  34443. void PutFullName (
  34444. _bstr_t pVal );
  34445. //
  34446. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34447. //
  34448. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  34449. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
  34450. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34451. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  34452. /*[out,retval]*/ IDispatch * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34453. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34454. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGRecentFiles * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34455. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  34456. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34457. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  34458. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  34459. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  34460. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  34461. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Path (
  34462. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  34463. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Path (
  34464. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  34465. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FullName (
  34466. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  34467. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_FullName (
  34468. /*[in]*/ BSTR pVal ) = 0;
  34469. };
  34470. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004b-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34471. IVGPageSizes : IDispatch
  34472. {
  34473. //
  34474. // Property data
  34475. //
  34476. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34477. IVGApplicationPtr Parent;
  34478. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  34479. long Count;
  34480. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  34481. IVGPageSizePtr Item[];
  34482. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  34483. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  34484. //
  34485. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34486. //
  34487. IVGApplicationPtr GetParent ( );
  34488. long GetCount ( );
  34489. IVGPageSizePtr GetItem (
  34490. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  34491. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  34492. IVGPageSizePtr Add (
  34493. _bstr_t Name,
  34494. double Width,
  34495. double Height );
  34496. //
  34497. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34498. //
  34499. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34500. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34501. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  34502. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34503. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  34504. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  34505. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPageSize * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34506. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  34507. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  34508. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Add (
  34509. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  34510. /*[in]*/ double Width,
  34511. /*[in]*/ double Height,
  34512. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPageSize * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34513. };
  34514. struct __declspec(uuid("b058004a-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34515. IVGPageSize : IDispatch
  34516. {
  34517. //
  34518. // Property data
  34519. //
  34520. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34521. IVGPageSizesPtr Parent;
  34522. __declspec(property(get=GetBuiltIn))
  34523. VARIANT_BOOL BuiltIn;
  34524. __declspec(property(get=GetName))
  34525. _bstr_t Name;
  34526. __declspec(property(get=GetWidth,put=PutWidth))
  34527. double Width;
  34528. __declspec(property(get=GetHeight,put=PutHeight))
  34529. double Height;
  34530. __declspec(property(get=GetIndex))
  34531. long Index;
  34532. __declspec(property(get=GetFixedOrientation))
  34533. VARIANT_BOOL FixedOrientation;
  34534. __declspec(property(get=GetDefaultUnit))
  34535. enum cdrUnit DefaultUnit;
  34536. //
  34537. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34538. //
  34539. IVGPageSizesPtr GetParent ( );
  34540. VARIANT_BOOL GetBuiltIn ( );
  34541. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  34542. double GetWidth ( );
  34543. void PutWidth (
  34544. double pVal );
  34545. double GetHeight ( );
  34546. void PutHeight (
  34547. double pVal );
  34548. long GetIndex ( );
  34549. HRESULT Delete ( );
  34550. VARIANT_BOOL GetFixedOrientation ( );
  34551. enum cdrUnit GetDefaultUnit ( );
  34552. //
  34553. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34554. //
  34555. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34556. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPageSizes * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34557. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BuiltIn (
  34558. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  34559. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  34560. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * pVal ) = 0;
  34561. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Width (
  34562. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  34563. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Width (
  34564. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  34565. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Height (
  34566. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  34567. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Height (
  34568. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  34569. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
  34570. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34571. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  34572. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_FixedOrientation (
  34573. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  34574. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultUnit (
  34575. /*[out,retval]*/ enum cdrUnit * pVal ) = 0;
  34576. };
  34577. struct __declspec(uuid("b0580080-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34578. IVGViews : IDispatch
  34579. {
  34580. //
  34581. // Property data
  34582. //
  34583. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  34584. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  34585. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34586. IVGDocumentPtr Parent;
  34587. __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
  34588. IVGViewPtr Item[];
  34589. __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
  34590. long Count;
  34591. __declspec(property(get=Get_NewEnum))
  34592. IUnknownPtr _NewEnum;
  34593. //
  34594. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34595. //
  34596. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  34597. IVGDocumentPtr GetParent ( );
  34598. IVGViewPtr GetItem (
  34599. const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  34600. IUnknownPtr Get_NewEnum ( );
  34601. long GetCount ( );
  34602. IVGViewPtr AddActiveView (
  34603. _bstr_t Name );
  34604. //
  34605. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34606. //
  34607. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  34608. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34609. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34610. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGDocument * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34611. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
  34612. /*[in]*/ VARIANT IndexOrName,
  34613. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGView * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34614. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get__NewEnum (
  34615. /*[out,retval]*/ IUnknown * * pVal ) = 0;
  34616. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
  34617. /*[out,retval]*/ long * pVal ) = 0;
  34618. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddActiveView (
  34619. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name,
  34620. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGView * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34621. };
  34622. struct __declspec(uuid("b058007f-9aa4-44fd-9547-4f91eb757ac4"))
  34623. IVGView : IDispatch
  34624. {
  34625. //
  34626. // Property data
  34627. //
  34628. __declspec(property(get=GetApplication))
  34629. IVGApplicationPtr Application;
  34630. __declspec(property(get=GetParent))
  34631. IVGViewsPtr Parent;
  34632. __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
  34633. _bstr_t Name;
  34634. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginX,put=PutOriginX))
  34635. double OriginX;
  34636. __declspec(property(get=GetOriginY,put=PutOriginY))
  34637. double OriginY;
  34638. __declspec(property(get=GetUsePage,put=PutUsePage))
  34639. VARIANT_BOOL UsePage;
  34640. __declspec(property(get=GetPage,put=PutPage))
  34641. IVGPagePtr Page;
  34642. __declspec(property(get=GetUseZoom,put=PutUseZoom))
  34643. VARIANT_BOOL UseZoom;
  34644. __declspec(property(get=GetZoom,put=PutZoom))
  34645. double Zoom;
  34646. //
  34647. // Wrapper methods for error-handling
  34648. //
  34649. IVGApplicationPtr GetApplication ( );
  34650. IVGViewsPtr GetParent ( );
  34651. _bstr_t GetName ( );
  34652. void PutName (
  34653. _bstr_t Name );
  34654. double GetOriginX ( );
  34655. void PutOriginX (
  34656. double pVal );
  34657. double GetOriginY ( );
  34658. void PutOriginY (
  34659. double pVal );
  34660. VARIANT_BOOL GetUsePage ( );
  34661. void PutUsePage (
  34662. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34663. IVGPagePtr GetPage ( );
  34664. void PutPage (
  34665. struct IVGPage * Page );
  34666. VARIANT_BOOL GetUseZoom ( );
  34667. void PutUseZoom (
  34668. VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34669. double GetZoom ( );
  34670. void PutZoom (
  34671. double pVal );
  34672. HRESULT Activate ( );
  34673. HRESULT Delete ( );
  34674. //
  34675. // Raw methods provided by interface
  34676. //
  34677. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Application (
  34678. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGApplication * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34679. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parent (
  34680. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGViews * * ppVal ) = 0;
  34681. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
  34682. /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR * Name ) = 0;
  34683. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
  34684. /*[in]*/ BSTR Name ) = 0;
  34685. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginX (
  34686. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  34687. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginX (
  34688. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  34689. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginY (
  34690. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  34691. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OriginY (
  34692. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  34693. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UsePage (
  34694. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  34695. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UsePage (
  34696. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  34697. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Page (
  34698. /*[out,retval]*/ struct IVGPage * * Page ) = 0;
  34699. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Page (
  34700. /*[in]*/ struct IVGPage * Page ) = 0;
  34701. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UseZoom (
  34702. /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ) = 0;
  34703. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_UseZoom (
  34704. /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL pVal ) = 0;
  34705. virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Zoom (
  34706. /*[out,retval]*/ double * pVal ) = 0;
  34707. virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Zoom (
  34708. /*[in]*/ double pVal ) = 0;
  34709. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Activate ( ) = 0;
  34710. virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete ( ) = 0;
  34711. };
  34712. //
  34713. // Function implementation mapping
  34714. //
  34715. #pragma start_map_region("R:\lycpg64\obj\Release\vgcoreauto.tli")
  34716. __declspec(implementation_key(1)) HRESULT ICorelImportFilter::Reset ( );
  34717. __declspec(implementation_key(2)) HRESULT ICorelImportFilter::Finish ( );
  34718. __declspec(implementation_key(3)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelImportFilter::GetHasDialog ( );
  34719. __declspec(implementation_key(4)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelImportFilter::ShowDialog ( long hWnd );
  34720. __declspec(implementation_key(5)) HRESULT ICorelExportFilter::Reset ( );
  34721. __declspec(implementation_key(6)) HRESULT ICorelExportFilter::Finish ( );
  34722. __declspec(implementation_key(7)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelExportFilter::GetHasDialog ( );
  34723. __declspec(implementation_key(8)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelExportFilter::ShowDialog ( long hWnd );
  34724. __declspec(implementation_key(9)) _variant_t ICUIControlData::GetValue ( _bstr_t PropertyName );
  34725. __declspec(implementation_key(10)) long ICUIAutomation::GetNumItemsOnBar ( _bstr_t GuidBar );
  34726. __declspec(implementation_key(11)) _bstr_t ICUIAutomation::GetItem ( _bstr_t GuidBar, long Index, VARIANT_BOOL * HasSubBar );
  34727. __declspec(implementation_key(12)) long ICUIAutomation::GetItemInstanceHwnd ( _bstr_t GuidParent, _bstr_t GuidItem );
  34728. __declspec(implementation_key(13)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIAutomation::GetSubBar ( _bstr_t GuidBar, BSTR * GuidSubBar );
  34729. __declspec(implementation_key(14)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIAutomation::ShowBar ( _bstr_t GuidBar, VARIANT_BOOL Show );
  34730. __declspec(implementation_key(15)) _bstr_t ICUIAutomation::GetCaptionText ( _bstr_t GuidItem );
  34731. __declspec(implementation_key(16)) HRESULT ICUIAutomation::Invoke ( _bstr_t GuidItem );
  34732. __declspec(implementation_key(17)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIAutomation::IsEnabled ( _bstr_t GuidItem );
  34733. __declspec(implementation_key(18)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIAutomation::GetItemScreenRect ( _bstr_t GuidParent, _bstr_t GuidItem, long * TopLeftX, long * TopLeftY, long * Width, long * Height );
  34734. __declspec(implementation_key(19)) HRESULT ICUIAutomation::InvokeItem ( _bstr_t GuidItem );
  34735. __declspec(implementation_key(20)) HRESULT ICUIAutomation::InvokeDialogItem ( _bstr_t GuidDialog, _bstr_t GuidItem );
  34736. __declspec(implementation_key(21)) ICUIControlDataPtr ICUIAutomation::GetControlData ( _bstr_t Guid );
  34737. __declspec(implementation_key(22)) ICUIControlDataPtr ICUIAutomation::GetControlDataEx ( _bstr_t GuidParent, _bstr_t Guid );
  34738. __declspec(implementation_key(23)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIAutomation::GetActiveMenuItemScreenRect ( int itemIndex, long * TopLeftX, long * TopLeftY, long * Width, long * Height );
  34739. __declspec(implementation_key(24)) _bstr_t ICUIAutomation::GetActiveMenuItemGuid ( int itemIndex );
  34740. __declspec(implementation_key(25)) _bstr_t ICUIControl::GetCaption ( );
  34741. __declspec(implementation_key(26)) void ICUIControl::PutCaption ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34742. __declspec(implementation_key(27)) _bstr_t ICUIControl::GetDescriptionText ( );
  34743. __declspec(implementation_key(28)) void ICUIControl::PutDescriptionText ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34744. __declspec(implementation_key(29)) long ICUIControl::GetHeight ( );
  34745. __declspec(implementation_key(30)) void ICUIControl::PutHeight ( long pVal );
  34746. __declspec(implementation_key(31)) long ICUIControl::GetWidth ( );
  34747. __declspec(implementation_key(32)) void ICUIControl::PutWidth ( long pVal );
  34748. __declspec(implementation_key(33)) _bstr_t ICUIControl::GetID ( );
  34749. __declspec(implementation_key(34)) _variant_t ICUIControl::GetParameter ( );
  34750. __declspec(implementation_key(35)) void ICUIControl::PutParameter ( const _variant_t & pVal );
  34751. __declspec(implementation_key(36)) _bstr_t ICUIControl::GetTag ( );
  34752. __declspec(implementation_key(37)) void ICUIControl::PutTag ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34753. __declspec(implementation_key(38)) _bstr_t ICUIControl::GetToolTipText ( );
  34754. __declspec(implementation_key(39)) void ICUIControl::PutToolTipText ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34755. __declspec(implementation_key(40)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIControl::GetVisible ( );
  34756. __declspec(implementation_key(41)) void ICUIControl::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34757. __declspec(implementation_key(42)) HRESULT ICUIControl::SetIcon ( long RowIndex, long ColumnIndex );
  34758. __declspec(implementation_key(43)) HRESULT ICUIControl::SetCustomIcon ( _bstr_t ImageFile );
  34759. __declspec(implementation_key(44)) HRESULT ICUIControl::SetIcon2 ( _bstr_t Icon );
  34760. __declspec(implementation_key(45)) long ICUIControls::GetCount ( );
  34761. __declspec(implementation_key(46)) ICUIControlPtr ICUIControls::GetItem ( long Index );
  34762. __declspec(implementation_key(47)) IUnknownPtr ICUIControls::Get_NewEnum ( );
  34763. __declspec(implementation_key(48)) ICUIControlPtr ICUIControls::Add ( _bstr_t ControlID, long Index, VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  34764. __declspec(implementation_key(49)) ICUIControlPtr ICUIControls::AddCustomButton ( _bstr_t CategoryID, _bstr_t Command, long Index, VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  34765. __declspec(implementation_key(50)) ICUIControlPtr ICUIControls::AddCustomControl ( _bstr_t ClassName, _bstr_t AssemblyPath, long Index, VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  34766. __declspec(implementation_key(51)) ICUIControlPtr ICUIControls::AddToggleButton ( _bstr_t Guid, long Index, VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  34767. __declspec(implementation_key(52)) HRESULT ICUIControls::Remove ( long Index );
  34768. __declspec(implementation_key(53)) _bstr_t ICUICommandBarMode::GetName ( );
  34769. __declspec(implementation_key(54)) _bstr_t ICUICommandBarMode::GetNameLocal ( );
  34770. __declspec(implementation_key(55)) ICUIControlsPtr ICUICommandBarMode::GetControls ( );
  34771. __declspec(implementation_key(56)) ICUICommandBarModePtr ICUICommandBarModes::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  34772. __declspec(implementation_key(57)) long ICUICommandBarModes::GetCount ( );
  34773. __declspec(implementation_key(58)) IUnknownPtr ICUICommandBarModes::Get_NewEnum ( );
  34774. __declspec(implementation_key(59)) enum cuiBarType ICUICommandBar::GetType ( );
  34775. __declspec(implementation_key(60)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUICommandBar::GetVisible ( );
  34776. __declspec(implementation_key(61)) void ICUICommandBar::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34777. __declspec(implementation_key(62)) ICUIControlsPtr ICUICommandBar::GetControls ( );
  34778. __declspec(implementation_key(63)) ICUICommandBarModesPtr ICUICommandBar::GetModes ( );
  34779. __declspec(implementation_key(64)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUICommandBar::GetBuiltIn ( );
  34780. __declspec(implementation_key(65)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUICommandBar::GetEnabled ( );
  34781. __declspec(implementation_key(66)) void ICUICommandBar::PutEnabled ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34782. __declspec(implementation_key(67)) long ICUICommandBar::GetLeft ( );
  34783. __declspec(implementation_key(68)) void ICUICommandBar::PutLeft ( long pVal );
  34784. __declspec(implementation_key(69)) long ICUICommandBar::GetTop ( );
  34785. __declspec(implementation_key(70)) void ICUICommandBar::PutTop ( long pVal );
  34786. __declspec(implementation_key(71)) long ICUICommandBar::GetHeight ( );
  34787. __declspec(implementation_key(72)) long ICUICommandBar::GetWidth ( );
  34788. __declspec(implementation_key(73)) long ICUICommandBar::GetIndex ( );
  34789. __declspec(implementation_key(74)) _bstr_t ICUICommandBar::GetName ( );
  34790. __declspec(implementation_key(75)) void ICUICommandBar::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34791. __declspec(implementation_key(76)) _bstr_t ICUICommandBar::GetNameLocal ( );
  34792. __declspec(implementation_key(77)) void ICUICommandBar::PutNameLocal ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34793. __declspec(implementation_key(78)) enum cuiBarPosition ICUICommandBar::GetPosition ( );
  34794. __declspec(implementation_key(79)) void ICUICommandBar::PutPosition ( enum cuiBarPosition pVal );
  34795. __declspec(implementation_key(80)) enum cuiBarProtection ICUICommandBar::GetProtection ( );
  34796. __declspec(implementation_key(81)) void ICUICommandBar::PutProtection ( enum cuiBarProtection pVal );
  34797. __declspec(implementation_key(82)) HRESULT ICUICommandBar::Delete ( );
  34798. __declspec(implementation_key(83)) HRESULT ICUICommandBar::Reset ( );
  34799. __declspec(implementation_key(84)) HRESULT ICUICommandBar::ShowPopup ( const _variant_t & x, const _variant_t & y );
  34800. __declspec(implementation_key(85)) HRESULT ICUICommandBar::SetWidth ( long Width );
  34801. __declspec(implementation_key(86)) ICUICommandBarPtr ICUICommandBars::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  34802. __declspec(implementation_key(87)) long ICUICommandBars::GetCount ( );
  34803. __declspec(implementation_key(88)) IUnknownPtr ICUICommandBars::Get_NewEnum ( );
  34804. __declspec(implementation_key(89)) ICUICommandBarPtr ICUICommandBars::Add ( _bstr_t Name, enum cuiBarPosition Position, VARIANT_BOOL Temporary );
  34805. __declspec(implementation_key(90)) long ICUIScreenRect::GetLeft ( );
  34806. __declspec(implementation_key(91)) void ICUIScreenRect::PutLeft ( long pVal );
  34807. __declspec(implementation_key(92)) long ICUIScreenRect::GetRight ( );
  34808. __declspec(implementation_key(93)) void ICUIScreenRect::PutRight ( long pVal );
  34809. __declspec(implementation_key(94)) long ICUIScreenRect::GetTop ( );
  34810. __declspec(implementation_key(95)) void ICUIScreenRect::PutTop ( long pVal );
  34811. __declspec(implementation_key(96)) long ICUIScreenRect::GetBottom ( );
  34812. __declspec(implementation_key(97)) void ICUIScreenRect::PutBottom ( long pVal );
  34813. __declspec(implementation_key(98)) long ICUIScreenRect::GetWidth ( );
  34814. __declspec(implementation_key(99)) void ICUIScreenRect::PutWidth ( long pVal );
  34815. __declspec(implementation_key(100)) long ICUIScreenRect::GetHeight ( );
  34816. __declspec(implementation_key(101)) void ICUIScreenRect::PutHeight ( long pVal );
  34817. __declspec(implementation_key(102)) long ICUIScreenRect::GetCenterX ( );
  34818. __declspec(implementation_key(103)) void ICUIScreenRect::PutCenterX ( long pVal );
  34819. __declspec(implementation_key(104)) long ICUIScreenRect::GetCenterY ( );
  34820. __declspec(implementation_key(105)) void ICUIScreenRect::PutCenterY ( long pVal );
  34821. __declspec(implementation_key(106)) HRESULT ICUIScreenRect::SetPosition ( long Left, long Top, long Width, long Height );
  34822. __declspec(implementation_key(107)) HRESULT ICUIScreenRect::Resize ( long Width, long Height );
  34823. __declspec(implementation_key(108)) HRESULT ICUIScreenRect::Move ( long Left, long Top );
  34824. __declspec(implementation_key(109)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIScreenRect::GetReadOnly ( );
  34825. __declspec(implementation_key(110)) ICUIScreenRectPtr ICUIScreenRect::GetCopy ( );
  34826. __declspec(implementation_key(111)) HRESULT ICUIScreenRect::CopyAssign ( struct ICUIScreenRect * Source );
  34827. __declspec(implementation_key(112)) HRESULT ICUIScreenRect::Offset ( long OffsetX, long OffsetY );
  34828. __declspec(implementation_key(113)) HRESULT ICUIScreenRect::Inflate ( long Left, long Top, long Right, long Bottom );
  34829. __declspec(implementation_key(114)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIScreenRect::IsPointInside ( long x, long y );
  34830. __declspec(implementation_key(115)) ICUIScreenRectPtr ICUIScreenRect::Union ( struct ICUIScreenRect * Source );
  34831. __declspec(implementation_key(116)) ICUIScreenRectPtr ICUIScreenRect::Intersect ( struct ICUIScreenRect * Source );
  34832. __declspec(implementation_key(117)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIScreenRect::IsEmpty ( );
  34833. __declspec(implementation_key(118)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIBitmapImage::GetValid ( );
  34834. __declspec(implementation_key(119)) long ICUIBitmapImage::GetWidth ( );
  34835. __declspec(implementation_key(120)) long ICUIBitmapImage::GetHeight ( );
  34836. __declspec(implementation_key(121)) long ICUIImageList::GetImageCount ( );
  34837. __declspec(implementation_key(122)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIImageList::ImageExists ( _bstr_t Key );
  34838. __declspec(implementation_key(123)) HRESULT ICUIImageList::RemoveAll ( );
  34839. __declspec(implementation_key(124)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIImageList::AddImage ( _bstr_t Key, const _variant_t & ImageData, long MaxSize );
  34840. __declspec(implementation_key(125)) SAFEARRAY * ICUIImageList::GetImageKeys ( );
  34841. __declspec(implementation_key(126)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIImageList::RemoveImage ( _bstr_t Key );
  34842. __declspec(implementation_key(127)) HRESULT ICUIImageList::AddBitmap ( _bstr_t Key, struct ICUIBitmapImage * Bitmap );
  34843. __declspec(implementation_key(128)) HRESULT ICUIStatusText::SetCaptionText ( _bstr_t Text );
  34844. __declspec(implementation_key(129)) HRESULT ICUIStatusText::SetBitmap ( struct ICUIBitmapImage * Bitmap );
  34845. __declspec(implementation_key(130)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIWarning::GetEnabled ( );
  34846. __declspec(implementation_key(131)) void ICUIWarning::PutEnabled ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34847. __declspec(implementation_key(132)) _bstr_t ICUIWarning::GetID ( );
  34848. __declspec(implementation_key(133)) _bstr_t ICUIWarning::GetDescription ( );
  34849. __declspec(implementation_key(134)) _bstr_t ICUIWarning::GetText ( );
  34850. __declspec(implementation_key(135)) _bstr_t ICUIWarning::GetTitle ( );
  34851. __declspec(implementation_key(136)) long ICUIWarning::DoWarningDialog ( long unFlags, _bstr_t Text );
  34852. __declspec(implementation_key(137)) HRESULT ICUITask::RunTask ( );
  34853. __declspec(implementation_key(138)) HRESULT ICUIBackgroundTask::FinalizeTask ( );
  34854. __declspec(implementation_key(139)) HRESULT ICUIBackgroundTask::FreeTask ( );
  34855. __declspec(implementation_key(140)) HRESULT ICUIBackgroundTask::QuitTask ( );
  34856. __declspec(implementation_key(141)) _bstr_t ICUIBackgroundTask::GetName ( );
  34857. __declspec(implementation_key(142)) HRESULT ICUIRunningTask::TryAbort ( );
  34858. __declspec(implementation_key(143)) HRESULT ICUIRunningBackgroundTask::WaitUntilDone ( );
  34859. __declspec(implementation_key(144)) HRESULT ICUIRunningBackgroundTask::Reprioritize ( enum cuiTaskPriority __MIDL__ICUIRunningBackgroundTask0000 );
  34860. __declspec(implementation_key(145)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIRunningBackgroundTask::FinalizeIfDone ( );
  34861. __declspec(implementation_key(146)) HRESULT ICUITaskManager::RunOnUIThread ( struct ICUITask * pTask );
  34862. __declspec(implementation_key(147)) ICUIRunningBackgroundTaskPtr ICUITaskManager::RunInBackground ( enum cuiTaskPriority priority, struct ICUIBackgroundTask * pTask );
  34863. __declspec(implementation_key(148)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintLayout::GetUseBleedLimit ( );
  34864. __declspec(implementation_key(149)) void IPrnVBAPrintLayout::PutUseBleedLimit ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34865. __declspec(implementation_key(150)) double IPrnVBAPrintLayout::GetBleedLimit ( );
  34866. __declspec(implementation_key(151)) void IPrnVBAPrintLayout::PutBleedLimit ( double pVal );
  34867. __declspec(implementation_key(152)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintLayout::GetPrintTiledPages ( );
  34868. __declspec(implementation_key(153)) void IPrnVBAPrintLayout::PutPrintTiledPages ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34869. __declspec(implementation_key(154)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintLayout::GetPrintTilingMarks ( );
  34870. __declspec(implementation_key(155)) void IPrnVBAPrintLayout::PutPrintTilingMarks ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34871. __declspec(implementation_key(156)) double IPrnVBAPrintLayout::GetTileOverlap ( );
  34872. __declspec(implementation_key(157)) void IPrnVBAPrintLayout::PutTileOverlap ( double pVal );
  34873. __declspec(implementation_key(158)) enum PrnPlaceType IPrnVBAPrintLayout::GetPlacement ( );
  34874. __declspec(implementation_key(159)) void IPrnVBAPrintLayout::PutPlacement ( enum PrnPlaceType pVal );
  34875. __declspec(implementation_key(160)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrinter::GetName ( );
  34876. __declspec(implementation_key(161)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrinter::GetType ( );
  34877. __declspec(implementation_key(162)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrinter::GetDefault ( );
  34878. __declspec(implementation_key(163)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrinter::GetReady ( );
  34879. __declspec(implementation_key(164)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrinter::GetPort ( );
  34880. __declspec(implementation_key(165)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrinter::GetDescription ( );
  34881. __declspec(implementation_key(166)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrinter::GetPostScriptEnabled ( );
  34882. __declspec(implementation_key(167)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrinter::GetColorEnabled ( );
  34883. __declspec(implementation_key(168)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrinter::ShowDialog ( );
  34884. __declspec(implementation_key(169)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrinter::GetPageSizeMatchingSupported ( );
  34885. __declspec(implementation_key(170)) void IPrnVBAPrinter::PutPageSizeMatchingSupported ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34886. __declspec(implementation_key(171)) IPrnVBAPrinterPtr IPrnVBAPrinters::GetItem ( long nIndex );
  34887. __declspec(implementation_key(172)) long IPrnVBAPrinters::GetCount ( );
  34888. __declspec(implementation_key(173)) IPrnVBAPrinterPtr IPrnVBAPrinters::GetDefault ( );
  34889. __declspec(implementation_key(174)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBASeparationPlate::GetEnabled ( );
  34890. __declspec(implementation_key(175)) void IPrnVBASeparationPlate::PutEnabled ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34891. __declspec(implementation_key(176)) enum PrnPlateType IPrnVBASeparationPlate::GetType ( );
  34892. __declspec(implementation_key(177)) _bstr_t IPrnVBASeparationPlate::GetColor ( );
  34893. __declspec(implementation_key(178)) double IPrnVBASeparationPlate::GetFrequency ( );
  34894. __declspec(implementation_key(179)) void IPrnVBASeparationPlate::PutFrequency ( double pVal );
  34895. __declspec(implementation_key(180)) double IPrnVBASeparationPlate::GetAngle ( );
  34896. __declspec(implementation_key(181)) void IPrnVBASeparationPlate::PutAngle ( double pVal );
  34897. __declspec(implementation_key(182)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBASeparationPlate::GetOverprintText ( );
  34898. __declspec(implementation_key(183)) void IPrnVBASeparationPlate::PutOverprintText ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34899. __declspec(implementation_key(184)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBASeparationPlate::GetOverprintGraphic ( );
  34900. __declspec(implementation_key(185)) void IPrnVBASeparationPlate::PutOverprintGraphic ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34901. __declspec(implementation_key(186)) IPrnVBASeparationPlatePtr IPrnVBASeparationPlates::GetItem ( long Index );
  34902. __declspec(implementation_key(187)) long IPrnVBASeparationPlates::GetCount ( );
  34903. __declspec(implementation_key(188)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetEnabled ( );
  34904. __declspec(implementation_key(189)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutEnabled ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34905. __declspec(implementation_key(190)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetInColor ( );
  34906. __declspec(implementation_key(191)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutInColor ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34907. __declspec(implementation_key(192)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetHexachrome ( );
  34908. __declspec(implementation_key(193)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutHexachrome ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34909. __declspec(implementation_key(194)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetSpotToCMYK ( );
  34910. __declspec(implementation_key(195)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutSpotToCMYK ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34911. __declspec(implementation_key(196)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetEmptyPlates ( );
  34912. __declspec(implementation_key(197)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutEmptyPlates ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34913. __declspec(implementation_key(198)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetPreserveOverprints ( );
  34914. __declspec(implementation_key(199)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutPreserveOverprints ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34915. __declspec(implementation_key(200)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetAlwaysOverprintBlack ( );
  34916. __declspec(implementation_key(201)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutAlwaysOverprintBlack ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34917. __declspec(implementation_key(202)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetAutoSpreading ( );
  34918. __declspec(implementation_key(203)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutAutoSpreading ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34919. __declspec(implementation_key(204)) double IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetAutoSpreadAmount ( );
  34920. __declspec(implementation_key(205)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutAutoSpreadAmount ( double pVal );
  34921. __declspec(implementation_key(206)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetAutoSpreadFixed ( );
  34922. __declspec(implementation_key(207)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutAutoSpreadFixed ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34923. __declspec(implementation_key(208)) double IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetAutoSpreadTextAbove ( );
  34924. __declspec(implementation_key(209)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutAutoSpreadTextAbove ( double pVal );
  34925. __declspec(implementation_key(210)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetAdvancedSettings ( );
  34926. __declspec(implementation_key(211)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutAdvancedSettings ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34927. __declspec(implementation_key(212)) IPrnVBASeparationPlatesPtr IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetPlates ( );
  34928. __declspec(implementation_key(213)) long IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetResolution ( );
  34929. __declspec(implementation_key(214)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutResolution ( long pVal );
  34930. __declspec(implementation_key(215)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetBasicScreen ( );
  34931. __declspec(implementation_key(216)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutBasicScreen ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34932. __declspec(implementation_key(217)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetHalftoneType ( );
  34933. __declspec(implementation_key(218)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutHalftoneType ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34934. __declspec(implementation_key(219)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::GetScreenTechnology ( );
  34935. __declspec(implementation_key(220)) void IPrnVBAPrintSeparations::PutScreenTechnology ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34936. __declspec(implementation_key(221)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetInvert ( );
  34937. __declspec(implementation_key(222)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutInvert ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34938. __declspec(implementation_key(223)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetMirror ( );
  34939. __declspec(implementation_key(224)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutMirror ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34940. __declspec(implementation_key(225)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetFileInfo ( );
  34941. __declspec(implementation_key(226)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutFileInfo ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34942. __declspec(implementation_key(227)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetJobName ( );
  34943. __declspec(implementation_key(228)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutJobName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  34944. __declspec(implementation_key(229)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetPageNumbers ( );
  34945. __declspec(implementation_key(230)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutPageNumbers ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34946. __declspec(implementation_key(231)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetInfoWithinPage ( );
  34947. __declspec(implementation_key(232)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutInfoWithinPage ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34948. __declspec(implementation_key(233)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetCropMarks ( );
  34949. __declspec(implementation_key(234)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutCropMarks ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34950. __declspec(implementation_key(235)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetExteriorCropMarks ( );
  34951. __declspec(implementation_key(236)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutExteriorCropMarks ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34952. __declspec(implementation_key(237)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetRegistrationMarks ( );
  34953. __declspec(implementation_key(238)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutRegistrationMarks ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34954. __declspec(implementation_key(239)) enum PrnRegistrationStyle IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetRegistrationStyle ( );
  34955. __declspec(implementation_key(240)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutRegistrationStyle ( enum PrnRegistrationStyle pVal );
  34956. __declspec(implementation_key(241)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetColorCalibrationBar ( );
  34957. __declspec(implementation_key(242)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutColorCalibrationBar ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34958. __declspec(implementation_key(243)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetDensitometerScale ( );
  34959. __declspec(implementation_key(244)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutDensitometerScale ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34960. __declspec(implementation_key(245)) long IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetDensities ( long Index );
  34961. __declspec(implementation_key(246)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutDensities ( long Index, long pVal );
  34962. __declspec(implementation_key(247)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::GetMarksToObjects ( );
  34963. __declspec(implementation_key(248)) void IPrnVBAPrintPrepress::PutMarksToObjects ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34964. __declspec(implementation_key(249)) enum PrnPostScriptLevel IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetLevel ( );
  34965. __declspec(implementation_key(250)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutLevel ( enum PrnPostScriptLevel pVal );
  34966. __declspec(implementation_key(251)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetConformToDSC ( );
  34967. __declspec(implementation_key(252)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutConformToDSC ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34968. __declspec(implementation_key(253)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetJPEGCompression ( );
  34969. __declspec(implementation_key(254)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutJPEGCompression ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34970. __declspec(implementation_key(255)) long IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetJPEGQuality ( );
  34971. __declspec(implementation_key(256)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutJPEGQuality ( long pVal );
  34972. __declspec(implementation_key(257)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetMaintainOPILinks ( );
  34973. __declspec(implementation_key(258)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutMaintainOPILinks ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34974. __declspec(implementation_key(259)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetResolveDCSLinks ( );
  34975. __declspec(implementation_key(260)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutResolveDCSLinks ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34976. __declspec(implementation_key(261)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetDownloadType1 ( );
  34977. __declspec(implementation_key(262)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutDownloadType1 ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34978. __declspec(implementation_key(263)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetTrueTypeToType1 ( );
  34979. __declspec(implementation_key(264)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutTrueTypeToType1 ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34980. __declspec(implementation_key(265)) enum PrnPDFStartup IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetPDFStartup ( );
  34981. __declspec(implementation_key(266)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutPDFStartup ( enum PrnPDFStartup pVal );
  34982. __declspec(implementation_key(267)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetPDFHyperlinks ( );
  34983. __declspec(implementation_key(268)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutPDFHyperlinks ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34984. __declspec(implementation_key(269)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetpdfBookmarks ( );
  34985. __declspec(implementation_key(270)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutpdfBookmarks ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34986. __declspec(implementation_key(271)) long IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetMaxPointsPerCurve ( );
  34987. __declspec(implementation_key(272)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutMaxPointsPerCurve ( long pVal );
  34988. __declspec(implementation_key(273)) long IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetFlatness ( );
  34989. __declspec(implementation_key(274)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutFlatness ( long pVal );
  34990. __declspec(implementation_key(275)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetAutoIncreaseFlatness ( );
  34991. __declspec(implementation_key(276)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutAutoIncreaseFlatness ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34992. __declspec(implementation_key(277)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetAutoIncreaseFountainSteps ( );
  34993. __declspec(implementation_key(278)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutAutoIncreaseFountainSteps ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34994. __declspec(implementation_key(279)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetOptimizeFountainFills ( );
  34995. __declspec(implementation_key(280)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutOptimizeFountainFills ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  34996. __declspec(implementation_key(281)) long IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::GetScreenFrequency ( );
  34997. __declspec(implementation_key(282)) void IPrnVBAPrintPostScript::PutScreenFrequency ( long pVal );
  34998. __declspec(implementation_key(283)) enum PrnPlateType IPrnVBATrapLayer::GetType ( );
  34999. __declspec(implementation_key(284)) _bstr_t IPrnVBATrapLayer::GetColor ( );
  35000. __declspec(implementation_key(285)) double IPrnVBATrapLayer::GetDensity ( );
  35001. __declspec(implementation_key(286)) void IPrnVBATrapLayer::PutDensity ( double pVal );
  35002. __declspec(implementation_key(287)) enum PrnTrapType IPrnVBATrapLayer::GetTrapType ( );
  35003. __declspec(implementation_key(288)) void IPrnVBATrapLayer::PutTrapType ( enum PrnTrapType pVal );
  35004. __declspec(implementation_key(289)) long IPrnVBATrapLayer::GetOrder ( );
  35005. __declspec(implementation_key(290)) void IPrnVBATrapLayer::PutOrder ( long pVal );
  35006. __declspec(implementation_key(291)) long IPrnVBATrapLayers::GetCount ( );
  35007. __declspec(implementation_key(292)) IPrnVBATrapLayerPtr IPrnVBATrapLayers::GetItem ( long Index );
  35008. __declspec(implementation_key(293)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetEnabled ( );
  35009. __declspec(implementation_key(294)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutEnabled ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35010. __declspec(implementation_key(295)) IPrnVBATrapLayersPtr IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetLayers ( );
  35011. __declspec(implementation_key(296)) double IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetWidth ( );
  35012. __declspec(implementation_key(297)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutWidth ( double pVal );
  35013. __declspec(implementation_key(298)) double IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetBlackWidth ( );
  35014. __declspec(implementation_key(299)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutBlackWidth ( double pVal );
  35015. __declspec(implementation_key(300)) long IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetColorScaling ( );
  35016. __declspec(implementation_key(301)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutColorScaling ( long pVal );
  35017. __declspec(implementation_key(302)) long IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetStepLimit ( );
  35018. __declspec(implementation_key(303)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutStepLimit ( long pVal );
  35019. __declspec(implementation_key(304)) long IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetBlackColorLimit ( );
  35020. __declspec(implementation_key(305)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutBlackColorLimit ( long pVal );
  35021. __declspec(implementation_key(306)) double IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetBlackDensityLimit ( );
  35022. __declspec(implementation_key(307)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutBlackDensityLimit ( double pVal );
  35023. __declspec(implementation_key(308)) long IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetSlidingTrapLimit ( );
  35024. __declspec(implementation_key(309)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutSlidingTrapLimit ( long pVal );
  35025. __declspec(implementation_key(310)) enum PrnImageTrap IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetImageTrap ( );
  35026. __declspec(implementation_key(311)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutImageTrap ( enum PrnImageTrap pVal );
  35027. __declspec(implementation_key(312)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetObjectsToImage ( );
  35028. __declspec(implementation_key(313)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutObjectsToImage ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35029. __declspec(implementation_key(314)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetInternalImageTrapping ( );
  35030. __declspec(implementation_key(315)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutInternalImageTrapping ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35031. __declspec(implementation_key(316)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::GetTrapMonoBitmaps ( );
  35032. __declspec(implementation_key(317)) void IPrnVBAPrintTrapping::PutTrapMonoBitmaps ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35033. __declspec(implementation_key(318)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetUseColorProfile ( );
  35034. __declspec(implementation_key(319)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutUseColorProfile ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35035. __declspec(implementation_key(320)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetPrintVectors ( );
  35036. __declspec(implementation_key(321)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutPrintVectors ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35037. __declspec(implementation_key(322)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetPrintBitmaps ( );
  35038. __declspec(implementation_key(323)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutPrintBitmaps ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35039. __declspec(implementation_key(324)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetPrintText ( );
  35040. __declspec(implementation_key(325)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutPrintText ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35041. __declspec(implementation_key(326)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetTextInBlack ( );
  35042. __declspec(implementation_key(327)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutTextInBlack ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35043. __declspec(implementation_key(328)) enum PrnColorMode IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetColorMode ( );
  35044. __declspec(implementation_key(329)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutColorMode ( enum PrnColorMode pVal );
  35045. __declspec(implementation_key(330)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetMarksToPage ( );
  35046. __declspec(implementation_key(331)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutMarksToPage ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35047. __declspec(implementation_key(332)) enum PrnBitmapColorMode IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetBitmapColorMode ( );
  35048. __declspec(implementation_key(333)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutBitmapColorMode ( enum PrnBitmapColorMode pVal );
  35049. __declspec(implementation_key(334)) long IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetFountainSteps ( );
  35050. __declspec(implementation_key(335)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutFountainSteps ( long pVal );
  35051. __declspec(implementation_key(336)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetRasterizePage ( );
  35052. __declspec(implementation_key(337)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutRasterizePage ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35053. __declspec(implementation_key(338)) long IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetRasterizeResolution ( );
  35054. __declspec(implementation_key(339)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutRasterizeResolution ( long pVal );
  35055. __declspec(implementation_key(340)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetDownsampleColor ( );
  35056. __declspec(implementation_key(341)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutDownsampleColor ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35057. __declspec(implementation_key(342)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetDownsampleGray ( );
  35058. __declspec(implementation_key(343)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutDownsampleGray ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35059. __declspec(implementation_key(344)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetDownsampleMono ( );
  35060. __declspec(implementation_key(345)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutDownsampleMono ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35061. __declspec(implementation_key(346)) long IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetColorResolution ( );
  35062. __declspec(implementation_key(347)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutColorResolution ( long pVal );
  35063. __declspec(implementation_key(348)) long IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetGrayResolution ( );
  35064. __declspec(implementation_key(349)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutGrayResolution ( long pVal );
  35065. __declspec(implementation_key(350)) long IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetMonoResolution ( );
  35066. __declspec(implementation_key(351)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutMonoResolution ( long pVal );
  35067. __declspec(implementation_key(352)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetJobInformation ( );
  35068. __declspec(implementation_key(353)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutJobInformation ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35069. __declspec(implementation_key(354)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetAppInfo ( );
  35070. __declspec(implementation_key(355)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutAppInfo ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35071. __declspec(implementation_key(356)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetDriverInfo ( );
  35072. __declspec(implementation_key(357)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutDriverInfo ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35073. __declspec(implementation_key(358)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetPrintJobInfo ( );
  35074. __declspec(implementation_key(359)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutPrintJobInfo ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35075. __declspec(implementation_key(360)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetSepsInfo ( );
  35076. __declspec(implementation_key(361)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutSepsInfo ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35077. __declspec(implementation_key(362)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetFontInfo ( );
  35078. __declspec(implementation_key(363)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutFontInfo ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35079. __declspec(implementation_key(364)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetLinkInfo ( );
  35080. __declspec(implementation_key(365)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutLinkInfo ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35081. __declspec(implementation_key(366)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetInRIPTrapInfo ( );
  35082. __declspec(implementation_key(367)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutInRIPTrapInfo ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35083. __declspec(implementation_key(368)) enum PrnObjectsColorMode IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetObjectsColorMode ( );
  35084. __declspec(implementation_key(369)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutObjectsColorMode ( enum PrnObjectsColorMode pVal );
  35085. __declspec(implementation_key(370)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintOptions::GetPreservePureBlack ( );
  35086. __declspec(implementation_key(371)) void IPrnVBAPrintOptions::PutPreservePureBlack ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35087. __declspec(implementation_key(372)) IPrnVBAPrinterPtr IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPrinter ( );
  35088. __declspec(implementation_key(373)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutRefPrinter ( struct IPrnVBAPrinter * pVal );
  35089. __declspec(implementation_key(374)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetUsePPD ( );
  35090. __declspec(implementation_key(375)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutUsePPD ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35091. __declspec(implementation_key(376)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPPDFile ( );
  35092. __declspec(implementation_key(377)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutPPDFile ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35093. __declspec(implementation_key(378)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPrintToFile ( );
  35094. __declspec(implementation_key(379)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutPrintToFile ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35095. __declspec(implementation_key(380)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetFileName ( );
  35096. __declspec(implementation_key(381)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutFileName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35097. __declspec(implementation_key(382)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetForMac ( );
  35098. __declspec(implementation_key(383)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutForMac ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35099. __declspec(implementation_key(384)) enum PrnFileMode IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetFileMode ( );
  35100. __declspec(implementation_key(385)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutFileMode ( enum PrnFileMode pVal );
  35101. __declspec(implementation_key(386)) enum PrnPrintRange IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPrintRange ( );
  35102. __declspec(implementation_key(387)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutPrintRange ( enum PrnPrintRange pVal );
  35103. __declspec(implementation_key(388)) _bstr_t IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPageRange ( );
  35104. __declspec(implementation_key(389)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutPageRange ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35105. __declspec(implementation_key(390)) long IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetCopies ( );
  35106. __declspec(implementation_key(391)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutCopies ( long pVal );
  35107. __declspec(implementation_key(392)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetCollate ( );
  35108. __declspec(implementation_key(393)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutCollate ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35109. __declspec(implementation_key(394)) IPrnVBAPrintSeparationsPtr IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetSeparations ( );
  35110. __declspec(implementation_key(395)) IPrnVBAPrintPrepressPtr IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPrepress ( );
  35111. __declspec(implementation_key(396)) IPrnVBAPrintPostScriptPtr IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPostScript ( );
  35112. __declspec(implementation_key(397)) IPrnVBAPrintTrappingPtr IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetTrapping ( );
  35113. __declspec(implementation_key(398)) IPrnVBAPrintOptionsPtr IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetOptions ( );
  35114. __declspec(implementation_key(399)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintSettings::Reset ( );
  35115. __declspec(implementation_key(400)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSettings::Load ( _bstr_t FileName );
  35116. __declspec(implementation_key(401)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSettings::Save ( _bstr_t FileName );
  35117. __declspec(implementation_key(402)) VARIANT_BOOL IPrnVBAPrintSettings::ShowDialog ( );
  35118. __declspec(implementation_key(403)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintSettings::SelectPrinter ( _bstr_t Name );
  35119. __declspec(implementation_key(404)) enum PrnPageSet IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPageSet ( );
  35120. __declspec(implementation_key(405)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutPageSet ( enum PrnPageSet pVal );
  35121. __declspec(implementation_key(406)) enum PrnPaperOrientation IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPaperOrientation ( );
  35122. __declspec(implementation_key(407)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutPaperOrientation ( enum PrnPaperOrientation pVal );
  35123. __declspec(implementation_key(408)) enum PrnPaperSize IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPaperSize ( );
  35124. __declspec(implementation_key(409)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutPaperSize ( enum PrnPaperSize pVal );
  35125. __declspec(implementation_key(410)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintSettings::SetPaperSize ( enum PrnPaperSize PaperSize, enum PrnPaperOrientation Orientation );
  35126. __declspec(implementation_key(411)) double IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPaperWidth ( );
  35127. __declspec(implementation_key(412)) double IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPaperHeight ( );
  35128. __declspec(implementation_key(413)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintSettings::SetCustomPaperSize ( double Width, double Height, enum PrnPaperOrientation Orientation );
  35129. __declspec(implementation_key(414)) IPrnVBAPrintLayoutPtr IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetLayout ( );
  35130. __declspec(implementation_key(415)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PrintOut ( );
  35131. __declspec(implementation_key(416)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PrintColorProof ( IDispatch * ProofSettings );
  35132. __declspec(implementation_key(417)) enum PrnPageMatchingMode IPrnVBAPrintSettings::GetPageMatchingMode ( );
  35133. __declspec(implementation_key(418)) void IPrnVBAPrintSettings::PutPageMatchingMode ( enum PrnPageMatchingMode pVal );
  35134. __declspec(implementation_key(419)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintDocument::_GetPrintDocument ( INT_PTR * pDoc );
  35135. __declspec(implementation_key(420)) IPrnVBAPrintDocumentPtr IPrnVBAPrintDocuments::GetItem ( long Index );
  35136. __declspec(implementation_key(421)) long IPrnVBAPrintDocuments::GetCount ( );
  35137. __declspec(implementation_key(422)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintPage::_GetPrintDocument ( INT_PTR * pDoc );
  35138. __declspec(implementation_key(423)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintPage::_GetPrintPage ( long * pPage );
  35139. __declspec(implementation_key(424)) IPrnVBAPrintPagePtr IPrnVBAPrintPages::GetItem ( long Index );
  35140. __declspec(implementation_key(425)) long IPrnVBAPrintPages::GetCount ( );
  35141. __declspec(implementation_key(426)) IPrnVBAPrintSettingsPtr IPrnVBAPrintJob::GetSettings ( );
  35142. __declspec(implementation_key(427)) IPrnVBAPrintDocumentsPtr IPrnVBAPrintJob::GetDocuments ( );
  35143. __declspec(implementation_key(428)) IPrnVBAPrintPagesPtr IPrnVBAPrintJob::GetPages ( );
  35144. __declspec(implementation_key(429)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintJob::Clear ( );
  35145. __declspec(implementation_key(430)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintJob::PrintOut ( );
  35146. __declspec(implementation_key(431)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintJob::AddDocument ( struct IPrnVBAPrintDocument * Document, _bstr_t PageRange );
  35147. __declspec(implementation_key(432)) HRESULT IPrnVBAPrintJob::AddPage ( struct IPrnVBAPrintPage * Page );
  35148. __declspec(implementation_key(433)) HRESULT IPDFVBASettings::Reset ( );
  35149. __declspec(implementation_key(434)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::Load ( _bstr_t SettingName );
  35150. __declspec(implementation_key(435)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::Save ( _bstr_t SettingName );
  35151. __declspec(implementation_key(436)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::ShowDialog ( );
  35152. __declspec(implementation_key(437)) HRESULT IPDFVBASettings::PublishToPDF ( _bstr_t FileName );
  35153. __declspec(implementation_key(438)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutPublishRange ( enum pdfExportRange pExportRange );
  35154. __declspec(implementation_key(439)) enum pdfExportRange IPDFVBASettings::GetPublishRange ( );
  35155. __declspec(implementation_key(440)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutPageRange ( _bstr_t pszExportPagesRange );
  35156. __declspec(implementation_key(441)) _bstr_t IPDFVBASettings::GetPageRange ( );
  35157. __declspec(implementation_key(442)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutAuthor ( _bstr_t pszAuthor );
  35158. __declspec(implementation_key(443)) _bstr_t IPDFVBASettings::GetAuthor ( );
  35159. __declspec(implementation_key(444)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutSubject ( _bstr_t pszSubject );
  35160. __declspec(implementation_key(445)) _bstr_t IPDFVBASettings::GetSubject ( );
  35161. __declspec(implementation_key(446)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutKeywords ( _bstr_t pszKeywords );
  35162. __declspec(implementation_key(447)) _bstr_t IPDFVBASettings::GetKeywords ( );
  35163. __declspec(implementation_key(448)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutBitmapCompression ( enum pdfBitmapCompressionType pBitmapCompressionType );
  35164. __declspec(implementation_key(449)) enum pdfBitmapCompressionType IPDFVBASettings::GetBitmapCompression ( );
  35165. __declspec(implementation_key(450)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutJPEGQualityFactor ( int pnQuality );
  35166. __declspec(implementation_key(451)) int IPDFVBASettings::GetJPEGQualityFactor ( );
  35167. __declspec(implementation_key(452)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutTextAsCurves ( VARIANT_BOOL pbTextAsCurves );
  35168. __declspec(implementation_key(453)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetTextAsCurves ( );
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  35170. __declspec(implementation_key(455)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetEmbedFonts ( );
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  35172. __declspec(implementation_key(457)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetEmbedBaseFonts ( );
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  35174. __declspec(implementation_key(459)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetTrueTypeToType1 ( );
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  35176. __declspec(implementation_key(461)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetSubsetFonts ( );
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  35180. __declspec(implementation_key(465)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetCompressText ( );
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  35184. __declspec(implementation_key(469)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetDownsampleColor ( );
  35185. __declspec(implementation_key(470)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutDownsampleGray ( VARIANT_BOOL pbDownsample );
  35186. __declspec(implementation_key(471)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetDownsampleGray ( );
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  35188. __declspec(implementation_key(473)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetDownsampleMono ( );
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  35190. __declspec(implementation_key(475)) long IPDFVBASettings::GetColorResolution ( );
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  35192. __declspec(implementation_key(477)) long IPDFVBASettings::GetMonoResolution ( );
  35193. __declspec(implementation_key(478)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutGrayResolution ( long pnDownsampleResolution );
  35194. __declspec(implementation_key(479)) long IPDFVBASettings::GetGrayResolution ( );
  35195. __declspec(implementation_key(480)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutHyperlinks ( VARIANT_BOOL pbIncludeHyperlinks );
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  35212. __declspec(implementation_key(497)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetMaintainOPILinks ( );
  35213. __declspec(implementation_key(498)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutFountainSteps ( long pnFountainSteps );
  35214. __declspec(implementation_key(499)) long IPDFVBASettings::GetFountainSteps ( );
  35215. __declspec(implementation_key(500)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutEPSAs ( enum pdfEPSAs peEPSAs );
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  35221. __declspec(implementation_key(506)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutBleed ( int pnBleed );
  35222. __declspec(implementation_key(507)) int IPDFVBASettings::GetBleed ( );
  35223. __declspec(implementation_key(508)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutLinearize ( VARIANT_BOOL pbLinearize );
  35224. __declspec(implementation_key(509)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetLinearize ( );
  35225. __declspec(implementation_key(510)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutCropMarks ( VARIANT_BOOL pbCropMarks );
  35226. __declspec(implementation_key(511)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetCropMarks ( );
  35227. __declspec(implementation_key(512)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutRegistrationMarks ( VARIANT_BOOL pbRegistrationMarks );
  35228. __declspec(implementation_key(513)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetRegistrationMarks ( );
  35229. __declspec(implementation_key(514)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutDensitometerScales ( VARIANT_BOOL pbDensitometerScales );
  35230. __declspec(implementation_key(515)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetDensitometerScales ( );
  35231. __declspec(implementation_key(516)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutFileInformation ( VARIANT_BOOL pbFileInformation );
  35232. __declspec(implementation_key(517)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetFileInformation ( );
  35233. __declspec(implementation_key(518)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutColorMode ( enum pdfColorMode peColorSet );
  35234. __declspec(implementation_key(519)) enum pdfColorMode IPDFVBASettings::GetColorMode ( );
  35235. __declspec(implementation_key(520)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutUseColorProfile ( VARIANT_BOOL pbUseColorProfile );
  35236. __declspec(implementation_key(521)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetUseColorProfile ( );
  35237. __declspec(implementation_key(522)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutColorProfile ( enum pdfColorProfile peColorProfile );
  35238. __declspec(implementation_key(523)) enum pdfColorProfile IPDFVBASettings::GetColorProfile ( );
  35239. __declspec(implementation_key(524)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutEmbedFilename ( _bstr_t pszEmbedFilename );
  35240. __declspec(implementation_key(525)) _bstr_t IPDFVBASettings::GetEmbedFilename ( );
  35241. __declspec(implementation_key(526)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutEmbedFile ( VARIANT_BOOL pbEmbedFile );
  35242. __declspec(implementation_key(527)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetEmbedFile ( );
  35243. __declspec(implementation_key(528)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutJP2QualityFactor ( int pnQuality );
  35244. __declspec(implementation_key(529)) int IPDFVBASettings::GetJP2QualityFactor ( );
  35245. __declspec(implementation_key(530)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutTextExportMode ( enum pdfTextExportMode pExportMode );
  35246. __declspec(implementation_key(531)) enum pdfTextExportMode IPDFVBASettings::GetTextExportMode ( );
  35247. __declspec(implementation_key(532)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutPrintPermissions ( enum pdfPrintPermissions pPrintPermission );
  35248. __declspec(implementation_key(533)) enum pdfPrintPermissions IPDFVBASettings::GetPrintPermissions ( );
  35249. __declspec(implementation_key(534)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutEditPermissions ( enum pdfEditPermissions pEditPermission );
  35250. __declspec(implementation_key(535)) enum pdfEditPermissions IPDFVBASettings::GetEditPermissions ( );
  35251. __declspec(implementation_key(536)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutContentCopyingAllowed ( VARIANT_BOOL pbEnable );
  35252. __declspec(implementation_key(537)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetContentCopyingAllowed ( );
  35253. __declspec(implementation_key(538)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutOpenPassword ( _bstr_t pszOpenPassword );
  35254. __declspec(implementation_key(539)) _bstr_t IPDFVBASettings::GetOpenPassword ( );
  35255. __declspec(implementation_key(540)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutPermissionPassword ( _bstr_t pszPermissionPassword );
  35256. __declspec(implementation_key(541)) _bstr_t IPDFVBASettings::GetPermissionPassword ( );
  35257. __declspec(implementation_key(542)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutConvertSpotColors ( VARIANT_BOOL pbConvertSpotColors );
  35258. __declspec(implementation_key(543)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetConvertSpotColors ( );
  35259. __declspec(implementation_key(544)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutEncryptType ( enum pdfEncryptionType peEncryptType );
  35260. __declspec(implementation_key(545)) enum pdfEncryptionType IPDFVBASettings::GetEncryptType ( );
  35261. __declspec(implementation_key(546)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutOutputSpotColorsAs ( enum pdfSpotType pnConvertSpotColorsTo );
  35262. __declspec(implementation_key(547)) enum pdfSpotType IPDFVBASettings::GetOutputSpotColorsAs ( );
  35263. __declspec(implementation_key(548)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutOverprintBlackLimit ( int pnOverprintBlackLimit );
  35264. __declspec(implementation_key(549)) int IPDFVBASettings::GetOverprintBlackLimit ( );
  35265. __declspec(implementation_key(550)) void IPDFVBASettings::PutProtectedTextAsCurves ( VARIANT_BOOL pbProtectedTextAsCurves );
  35266. __declspec(implementation_key(551)) VARIANT_BOOL IPDFVBASettings::GetProtectedTextAsCurves ( );
  35267. __declspec(implementation_key(552)) long IVGRectangle::GetCornerUpperLeft ( );
  35268. __declspec(implementation_key(553)) void IVGRectangle::PutCornerUpperLeft ( long pVal );
  35269. __declspec(implementation_key(554)) long IVGRectangle::GetCornerUpperRight ( );
  35270. __declspec(implementation_key(555)) void IVGRectangle::PutCornerUpperRight ( long pVal );
  35271. __declspec(implementation_key(556)) long IVGRectangle::GetCornerLowerLeft ( );
  35272. __declspec(implementation_key(557)) void IVGRectangle::PutCornerLowerLeft ( long pVal );
  35273. __declspec(implementation_key(558)) long IVGRectangle::GetCornerLowerRight ( );
  35274. __declspec(implementation_key(559)) void IVGRectangle::PutCornerLowerRight ( long pVal );
  35275. __declspec(implementation_key(560)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGRectangle::GetEqualCorners ( );
  35276. __declspec(implementation_key(561)) double IVGRectangle::GetMaxRadius ( );
  35277. __declspec(implementation_key(562)) HRESULT IVGRectangle::SetRoundness ( long Roundness );
  35278. __declspec(implementation_key(563)) HRESULT IVGRectangle::SetRadius ( double Radius );
  35279. __declspec(implementation_key(564)) double IVGRectangle::GetRadiusUpperLeft ( );
  35280. __declspec(implementation_key(565)) void IVGRectangle::PutRadiusUpperLeft ( double pVal );
  35281. __declspec(implementation_key(566)) double IVGRectangle::GetRadiusUpperRight ( );
  35282. __declspec(implementation_key(567)) void IVGRectangle::PutRadiusUpperRight ( double pVal );
  35283. __declspec(implementation_key(568)) double IVGRectangle::GetRadiusLowerLeft ( );
  35284. __declspec(implementation_key(569)) void IVGRectangle::PutRadiusLowerLeft ( double pVal );
  35285. __declspec(implementation_key(570)) double IVGRectangle::GetRadiusLowerRight ( );
  35286. __declspec(implementation_key(571)) void IVGRectangle::PutRadiusLowerRight ( double pVal );
  35287. __declspec(implementation_key(572)) enum cdrCornerType IVGRectangle::GetCornerType ( );
  35288. __declspec(implementation_key(573)) void IVGRectangle::PutCornerType ( enum cdrCornerType pVal );
  35289. __declspec(implementation_key(574)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGRectangle::GetRelativeCornerScaling ( );
  35290. __declspec(implementation_key(575)) void IVGRectangle::PutRelativeCornerScaling ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35291. __declspec(implementation_key(576)) enum cdrEllipseType IVGEllipse::GetType ( );
  35292. __declspec(implementation_key(577)) void IVGEllipse::PutType ( enum cdrEllipseType pVal );
  35293. __declspec(implementation_key(578)) double IVGEllipse::GetStartAngle ( );
  35294. __declspec(implementation_key(579)) void IVGEllipse::PutStartAngle ( double pVal );
  35295. __declspec(implementation_key(580)) double IVGEllipse::GetEndAngle ( );
  35296. __declspec(implementation_key(581)) void IVGEllipse::PutEndAngle ( double pVal );
  35297. __declspec(implementation_key(582)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEllipse::GetClockwise ( );
  35298. __declspec(implementation_key(583)) void IVGEllipse::PutClockwise ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35299. __declspec(implementation_key(584)) double IVGEllipse::GetCenterX ( );
  35300. __declspec(implementation_key(585)) void IVGEllipse::PutCenterX ( double pVal );
  35301. __declspec(implementation_key(586)) double IVGEllipse::GetCenterY ( );
  35302. __declspec(implementation_key(587)) void IVGEllipse::PutCenterY ( double pVal );
  35303. __declspec(implementation_key(588)) double IVGEllipse::GetHRadius ( );
  35304. __declspec(implementation_key(589)) void IVGEllipse::PutHRadius ( double pVal );
  35305. __declspec(implementation_key(590)) double IVGEllipse::GetVRadius ( );
  35306. __declspec(implementation_key(591)) void IVGEllipse::PutVRadius ( double pVal );
  35307. __declspec(implementation_key(592)) HRESULT IVGEllipse::SetCenterPosition ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  35308. __declspec(implementation_key(593)) HRESULT IVGEllipse::GetCenterPosition ( double * PositionX, double * PositionY );
  35309. __declspec(implementation_key(594)) HRESULT IVGEllipse::SetRadius ( double HRadius, double VRadius );
  35310. __declspec(implementation_key(595)) HRESULT IVGEllipse::GetRadius ( double * HRadius, double * VRadius );
  35311. __declspec(implementation_key(596)) enum cdrPolygonType IVGPolygon::GetType ( );
  35312. __declspec(implementation_key(597)) void IVGPolygon::PutType ( enum cdrPolygonType pVal );
  35313. __declspec(implementation_key(598)) long IVGPolygon::GetSides ( );
  35314. __declspec(implementation_key(599)) void IVGPolygon::PutSides ( long pVal );
  35315. __declspec(implementation_key(600)) long IVGPolygon::GetSharpness ( );
  35316. __declspec(implementation_key(601)) void IVGPolygon::PutSharpness ( long pVal );
  35317. __declspec(implementation_key(602)) double IVGCrossPoint::GetPositionX ( );
  35318. __declspec(implementation_key(603)) double IVGCrossPoint::GetPositionY ( );
  35319. __declspec(implementation_key(604)) double IVGCrossPoint::GetOffset ( );
  35320. __declspec(implementation_key(605)) double IVGCrossPoint::GetOffset2 ( );
  35321. __declspec(implementation_key(606)) IVGCrossPointPtr IVGCrossPoints::GetItem ( long Index );
  35322. __declspec(implementation_key(607)) IUnknownPtr IVGCrossPoints::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35323. __declspec(implementation_key(608)) long IVGCrossPoints::GetCount ( );
  35324. __declspec(implementation_key(609)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutNumColors ( long pVal );
  35325. __declspec(implementation_key(610)) long IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetNumColors ( );
  35326. __declspec(implementation_key(611)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutDitherIntensity ( long pVal );
  35327. __declspec(implementation_key(612)) long IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetDitherIntensity ( );
  35328. __declspec(implementation_key(613)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutSmoothing ( long pVal );
  35329. __declspec(implementation_key(614)) long IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetSmoothing ( );
  35330. __declspec(implementation_key(615)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutDitherType ( enum cdrDitherType pVal );
  35331. __declspec(implementation_key(616)) enum cdrDitherType IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetDitherType ( );
  35332. __declspec(implementation_key(617)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutPaletteType ( enum cdrImagePaletteType pVal );
  35333. __declspec(implementation_key(618)) enum cdrImagePaletteType IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetPaletteType ( );
  35334. __declspec(implementation_key(619)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutImportance ( long pVal );
  35335. __declspec(implementation_key(620)) long IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetImportance ( );
  35336. __declspec(implementation_key(621)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutLightness ( long pVal );
  35337. __declspec(implementation_key(622)) long IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetLightness ( );
  35338. __declspec(implementation_key(623)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutToleranceA ( long pVal );
  35339. __declspec(implementation_key(624)) long IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetToleranceA ( );
  35340. __declspec(implementation_key(625)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutToleranceB ( long pVal );
  35341. __declspec(implementation_key(626)) long IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetToleranceB ( );
  35342. __declspec(implementation_key(627)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutColorSensitive ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35343. __declspec(implementation_key(628)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetColorSensitive ( );
  35344. __declspec(implementation_key(629)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutTargetColor ( long pVal );
  35345. __declspec(implementation_key(630)) long IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetTargetColor ( );
  35346. __declspec(implementation_key(631)) void IVGStructPaletteOptions::PutPalette ( const _variant_t & pVal );
  35347. __declspec(implementation_key(632)) _variant_t IVGStructPaletteOptions::GetPalette ( );
  35348. __declspec(implementation_key(633)) long IVGOutlineStyle::GetIndex ( );
  35349. __declspec(implementation_key(634)) long IVGOutlineStyle::GetDashCount ( );
  35350. __declspec(implementation_key(635)) void IVGOutlineStyle::PutDashCount ( long pVal );
  35351. __declspec(implementation_key(636)) long IVGOutlineStyle::GetDashLength ( long Index );
  35352. __declspec(implementation_key(637)) void IVGOutlineStyle::PutDashLength ( long Index, long pVal );
  35353. __declspec(implementation_key(638)) long IVGOutlineStyle::GetGapLength ( long Index );
  35354. __declspec(implementation_key(639)) void IVGOutlineStyle::PutGapLength ( long Index, long pVal );
  35355. __declspec(implementation_key(640)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOutlineStyle::GetEnhanced ( );
  35356. __declspec(implementation_key(641)) enum cdrPatternCanvasSize IVGPatternCanvas::GetSize ( );
  35357. __declspec(implementation_key(642)) void IVGPatternCanvas::PutSize ( enum cdrPatternCanvasSize pVal );
  35358. __declspec(implementation_key(643)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPatternCanvas::GetPixel ( long x, long y );
  35359. __declspec(implementation_key(644)) void IVGPatternCanvas::PutPixel ( long x, long y, VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35360. __declspec(implementation_key(645)) long IVGPatternCanvas::GetIndex ( );
  35361. __declspec(implementation_key(646)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvas::FillArea ( long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, VARIANT_BOOL State );
  35362. __declspec(implementation_key(647)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvas::CopyArea ( long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, long x, long y );
  35363. __declspec(implementation_key(648)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvas::FlipArea ( long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  35364. __declspec(implementation_key(649)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvas::RotateArea ( long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, double Angle );
  35365. __declspec(implementation_key(650)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvas::Select ( long Index );
  35366. __declspec(implementation_key(651)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvas::Clear ( );
  35367. __declspec(implementation_key(652)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvas::PutCopy ( struct IVGPatternCanvas * PatternCanvas );
  35368. __declspec(implementation_key(653)) long IVGPatternCanvas::GetWidth ( );
  35369. __declspec(implementation_key(654)) void IVGPatternCanvas::PutWidth ( long pVal );
  35370. __declspec(implementation_key(655)) long IVGPatternCanvas::GetHeight ( );
  35371. __declspec(implementation_key(656)) void IVGPatternCanvas::PutHeight ( long pVal );
  35372. __declspec(implementation_key(657)) _bstr_t IVGPatternCanvas::GetData ( );
  35373. __declspec(implementation_key(658)) void IVGPatternCanvas::PutData ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35374. __declspec(implementation_key(659)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvas::PSet ( short Step, long x, long y, VARIANT_BOOL Color );
  35375. __declspec(implementation_key(660)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvas::Line ( short Flags, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, VARIANT_BOOL Color );
  35376. __declspec(implementation_key(661)) _bstr_t IVGTextureFillProperty::GetName ( );
  35377. __declspec(implementation_key(662)) enum cdrTexturePropertyType IVGTextureFillProperty::GetType ( );
  35378. __declspec(implementation_key(663)) _variant_t IVGTextureFillProperty::GetValue ( );
  35379. __declspec(implementation_key(664)) void IVGTextureFillProperty::PutValue ( const _variant_t & pVal );
  35380. __declspec(implementation_key(665)) long IVGTextureFillProperties::GetCount ( );
  35381. __declspec(implementation_key(666)) IVGTextureFillPropertyPtr IVGTextureFillProperties::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  35382. __declspec(implementation_key(667)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextureFillProperties::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35383. __declspec(implementation_key(668)) double IVGTextureFill::GetOriginX ( );
  35384. __declspec(implementation_key(669)) void IVGTextureFill::PutOriginX ( double pVal );
  35385. __declspec(implementation_key(670)) double IVGTextureFill::GetOriginY ( );
  35386. __declspec(implementation_key(671)) void IVGTextureFill::PutOriginY ( double pVal );
  35387. __declspec(implementation_key(672)) double IVGTextureFill::GetTileWidth ( );
  35388. __declspec(implementation_key(673)) void IVGTextureFill::PutTileWidth ( double pVal );
  35389. __declspec(implementation_key(674)) double IVGTextureFill::GetTileHeight ( );
  35390. __declspec(implementation_key(675)) void IVGTextureFill::PutTileHeight ( double pVal );
  35391. __declspec(implementation_key(676)) enum cdrTileOffsetType IVGTextureFill::GetTileOffsetType ( );
  35392. __declspec(implementation_key(677)) void IVGTextureFill::PutTileOffsetType ( enum cdrTileOffsetType pVal );
  35393. __declspec(implementation_key(678)) long IVGTextureFill::GetTileOffset ( );
  35394. __declspec(implementation_key(679)) void IVGTextureFill::PutTileOffset ( long pVal );
  35395. __declspec(implementation_key(680)) double IVGTextureFill::GetSkewAngle ( );
  35396. __declspec(implementation_key(681)) void IVGTextureFill::PutSkewAngle ( double pVal );
  35397. __declspec(implementation_key(682)) double IVGTextureFill::GetRotationAngle ( );
  35398. __declspec(implementation_key(683)) void IVGTextureFill::PutRotationAngle ( double pVal );
  35399. __declspec(implementation_key(684)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextureFill::GetTransformWithShape ( );
  35400. __declspec(implementation_key(685)) void IVGTextureFill::PutTransformWithShape ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35401. __declspec(implementation_key(686)) long IVGTextureFill::GetResolution ( );
  35402. __declspec(implementation_key(687)) void IVGTextureFill::PutResolution ( long pVal );
  35403. __declspec(implementation_key(688)) long IVGTextureFill::GetMaximumTileWidth ( );
  35404. __declspec(implementation_key(689)) void IVGTextureFill::PutMaximumTileWidth ( long pVal );
  35405. __declspec(implementation_key(690)) _bstr_t IVGTextureFill::GetLibraryName ( );
  35406. __declspec(implementation_key(691)) _bstr_t IVGTextureFill::GetTextureName ( );
  35407. __declspec(implementation_key(692)) _bstr_t IVGTextureFill::GetStyleName ( );
  35408. __declspec(implementation_key(693)) HRESULT IVGTextureFill::Select ( _bstr_t Texture, _bstr_t Library );
  35409. __declspec(implementation_key(694)) HRESULT IVGTextureFill::SetProperties ( SAFEARRAY * * SettingArray );
  35410. __declspec(implementation_key(695)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextureFill::GetMirrorFill ( );
  35411. __declspec(implementation_key(696)) void IVGTextureFill::PutMirrorFill ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35412. __declspec(implementation_key(697)) IVGTextureFillPropertiesPtr IVGTextureFill::GetProperties ( );
  35413. __declspec(implementation_key(698)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextureFill::GetMirrorFillX ( );
  35414. __declspec(implementation_key(699)) void IVGTextureFill::PutMirrorFillX ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35415. __declspec(implementation_key(700)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextureFill::GetMirrorFillY ( );
  35416. __declspec(implementation_key(701)) void IVGTextureFill::PutMirrorFillY ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35417. __declspec(implementation_key(702)) _bstr_t IVGPostScriptFill::GetName ( );
  35418. __declspec(implementation_key(703)) long IVGPostScriptFill::GetIndex ( );
  35419. __declspec(implementation_key(704)) long IVGPostScriptFill::GetProperties ( long Index );
  35420. __declspec(implementation_key(705)) void IVGPostScriptFill::PutProperties ( long Index, long pVal );
  35421. __declspec(implementation_key(706)) HRESULT IVGPostScriptFill::Select ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  35422. __declspec(implementation_key(707)) HRESULT IVGPostScriptFill::SetProperties ( long Param1, long Param2, long Param3, long Param4, long Param5 );
  35423. __declspec(implementation_key(708)) long IVGPSScreenOptions::GetIndex ( );
  35424. __declspec(implementation_key(709)) _bstr_t IVGPSScreenOptions::GetName ( );
  35425. __declspec(implementation_key(710)) double IVGPSScreenOptions::GetAngle ( );
  35426. __declspec(implementation_key(711)) void IVGPSScreenOptions::PutAngle ( double pVal );
  35427. __declspec(implementation_key(712)) long IVGPSScreenOptions::GetFrequency ( );
  35428. __declspec(implementation_key(713)) void IVGPSScreenOptions::PutFrequency ( long pVal );
  35429. __declspec(implementation_key(714)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPSScreenOptions::Select ( _bstr_t Name );
  35430. __declspec(implementation_key(715)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPSScreenOptions::SetProperties ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName, double Angle, long Frequency );
  35431. __declspec(implementation_key(716)) _bstr_t IVGPSScreenOptions::NameByIndex ( long Index );
  35432. __declspec(implementation_key(717)) HRESULT IVGPSScreenOptions::Reset ( );
  35433. __declspec(implementation_key(718)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPSScreenOptions::UserAssign ( long ParentWindowHandle );
  35434. __declspec(implementation_key(719)) double IVGArrowHeadOptions::GetLength ( );
  35435. __declspec(implementation_key(720)) void IVGArrowHeadOptions::PutLength ( double pVal );
  35436. __declspec(implementation_key(721)) double IVGArrowHeadOptions::GetWidth ( );
  35437. __declspec(implementation_key(722)) void IVGArrowHeadOptions::PutWidth ( double pVal );
  35438. __declspec(implementation_key(723)) double IVGArrowHeadOptions::GetOffsetX ( );
  35439. __declspec(implementation_key(724)) void IVGArrowHeadOptions::PutOffsetX ( double pVal );
  35440. __declspec(implementation_key(725)) double IVGArrowHeadOptions::GetOffsetY ( );
  35441. __declspec(implementation_key(726)) void IVGArrowHeadOptions::PutOffsetY ( double pVal );
  35442. __declspec(implementation_key(727)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGArrowHeadOptions::GetFlipHorizontal ( );
  35443. __declspec(implementation_key(728)) void IVGArrowHeadOptions::PutFlipHorizontal ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35444. __declspec(implementation_key(729)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGArrowHeadOptions::GetFlipVertical ( );
  35445. __declspec(implementation_key(730)) void IVGArrowHeadOptions::PutFlipVertical ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35446. __declspec(implementation_key(731)) HRESULT IVGArrowHeadOptions::Flip ( enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  35447. __declspec(implementation_key(732)) double IVGArrowHeadOptions::GetRotationAngle ( );
  35448. __declspec(implementation_key(733)) void IVGArrowHeadOptions::PutRotationAngle ( double pVal );
  35449. __declspec(implementation_key(734)) HRESULT IVGArrowHeadOptions::CopyAssign ( struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * Source );
  35450. __declspec(implementation_key(735)) IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr IVGArrowHeadOptions::GetCopy ( );
  35451. __declspec(implementation_key(736)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGArrowHeadOptions::GetFlipVerical ( );
  35452. __declspec(implementation_key(737)) void IVGArrowHeadOptions::PutFlipVerical ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35453. __declspec(implementation_key(738)) long IVGImageTile::GetLeft ( );
  35454. __declspec(implementation_key(739)) long IVGImageTile::GetTop ( );
  35455. __declspec(implementation_key(740)) long IVGImageTile::GetRight ( );
  35456. __declspec(implementation_key(741)) long IVGImageTile::GetBottom ( );
  35457. __declspec(implementation_key(742)) long IVGImageTile::GetWidth ( );
  35458. __declspec(implementation_key(743)) long IVGImageTile::GetHeight ( );
  35459. __declspec(implementation_key(744)) long IVGImageTile::GetBytesPerTile ( );
  35460. __declspec(implementation_key(745)) long IVGImageTile::GetBytesPerLine ( );
  35461. __declspec(implementation_key(746)) long IVGImageTile::GetBytesPerPixel ( );
  35462. __declspec(implementation_key(747)) SAFEARRAY * IVGImageTile::GetPixelData ( );
  35463. __declspec(implementation_key(748)) void IVGImageTile::PutPixelData ( SAFEARRAY * * pVal );
  35464. __declspec(implementation_key(749)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGImageTile::GetReadOnly ( );
  35465. __declspec(implementation_key(750)) long IVGImageTiles::GetCount ( );
  35466. __declspec(implementation_key(751)) IVGImageTilePtr IVGImageTiles::GetItem ( long Index );
  35467. __declspec(implementation_key(752)) IUnknownPtr IVGImageTiles::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35468. __declspec(implementation_key(753)) IVGImageTilePtr IVGImageTiles::GetFirst ( );
  35469. __declspec(implementation_key(754)) IVGImageTilePtr IVGImageTiles::GetLast ( );
  35470. __declspec(implementation_key(755)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutAlignment ( enum cdrAlignment pVal );
  35471. __declspec(implementation_key(756)) enum cdrAlignment IVGStructAlignProperties::GetAlignment ( );
  35472. __declspec(implementation_key(757)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutFirstLineIndent ( double pVal );
  35473. __declspec(implementation_key(758)) double IVGStructAlignProperties::GetFirstLineIndent ( );
  35474. __declspec(implementation_key(759)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutLeftIndent ( double pVal );
  35475. __declspec(implementation_key(760)) double IVGStructAlignProperties::GetLeftIndent ( );
  35476. __declspec(implementation_key(761)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutRightIndent ( double pVal );
  35477. __declspec(implementation_key(762)) double IVGStructAlignProperties::GetRightIndent ( );
  35478. __declspec(implementation_key(763)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutMaxWordSpacing ( float pVal );
  35479. __declspec(implementation_key(764)) float IVGStructAlignProperties::GetMaxWordSpacing ( );
  35480. __declspec(implementation_key(765)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutMinWordSpacing ( float pVal );
  35481. __declspec(implementation_key(766)) float IVGStructAlignProperties::GetMinWordSpacing ( );
  35482. __declspec(implementation_key(767)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutMaxCharacterSpacing ( float pVal );
  35483. __declspec(implementation_key(768)) float IVGStructAlignProperties::GetMaxCharacterSpacing ( );
  35484. __declspec(implementation_key(769)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutHorizontalCharacterShift ( long pVal );
  35485. __declspec(implementation_key(770)) long IVGStructAlignProperties::GetHorizontalCharacterShift ( );
  35486. __declspec(implementation_key(771)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutVerticalCharacterShift ( long pVal );
  35487. __declspec(implementation_key(772)) long IVGStructAlignProperties::GetVerticalCharacterShift ( );
  35488. __declspec(implementation_key(773)) void IVGStructAlignProperties::PutCharacterRotation ( float pVal );
  35489. __declspec(implementation_key(774)) float IVGStructAlignProperties::GetCharacterRotation ( );
  35490. __declspec(implementation_key(775)) void IVGStructSpaceProperties::PutCharacterSpacing ( float pVal );
  35491. __declspec(implementation_key(776)) float IVGStructSpaceProperties::GetCharacterSpacing ( );
  35492. __declspec(implementation_key(777)) void IVGStructSpaceProperties::PutWordSpacing ( float pVal );
  35493. __declspec(implementation_key(778)) float IVGStructSpaceProperties::GetWordSpacing ( );
  35494. __declspec(implementation_key(779)) void IVGStructSpaceProperties::PutLineSpacing ( float pVal );
  35495. __declspec(implementation_key(780)) float IVGStructSpaceProperties::GetLineSpacing ( );
  35496. __declspec(implementation_key(781)) void IVGStructSpaceProperties::PutLineSpacingType ( enum cdrLineSpacingType pVal );
  35497. __declspec(implementation_key(782)) enum cdrLineSpacingType IVGStructSpaceProperties::GetLineSpacingType ( );
  35498. __declspec(implementation_key(783)) void IVGStructSpaceProperties::PutBeforeParagraphSpacing ( float pVal );
  35499. __declspec(implementation_key(784)) float IVGStructSpaceProperties::GetBeforeParagraphSpacing ( );
  35500. __declspec(implementation_key(785)) void IVGStructSpaceProperties::PutAfterParagraphSpacing ( float pVal );
  35501. __declspec(implementation_key(786)) float IVGStructSpaceProperties::GetAfterParagraphSpacing ( );
  35502. __declspec(implementation_key(787)) void IVGStructHyphenationSettings::PutUseAutomaticHyphenation ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35503. __declspec(implementation_key(788)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructHyphenationSettings::GetUseAutomaticHyphenation ( );
  35504. __declspec(implementation_key(789)) void IVGStructHyphenationSettings::PutBreakCapitalized ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35505. __declspec(implementation_key(790)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructHyphenationSettings::GetBreakCapitalized ( );
  35506. __declspec(implementation_key(791)) void IVGStructHyphenationSettings::PutHotZone ( double pVal );
  35507. __declspec(implementation_key(792)) double IVGStructHyphenationSettings::GetHotZone ( );
  35508. __declspec(implementation_key(793)) void IVGStructHyphenationSettings::PutMinWordLength ( long pVal );
  35509. __declspec(implementation_key(794)) long IVGStructHyphenationSettings::GetMinWordLength ( );
  35510. __declspec(implementation_key(795)) void IVGStructHyphenationSettings::PutMinCharactersBefore ( long pVal );
  35511. __declspec(implementation_key(796)) long IVGStructHyphenationSettings::GetMinCharactersBefore ( );
  35512. __declspec(implementation_key(797)) void IVGStructHyphenationSettings::PutMinCharactersAfter ( long pVal );
  35513. __declspec(implementation_key(798)) long IVGStructHyphenationSettings::GetMinCharactersAfter ( );
  35514. __declspec(implementation_key(799)) void IVGStructHyphenationSettings::PutBreakAllCapWords ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35515. __declspec(implementation_key(800)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructHyphenationSettings::GetBreakAllCapWords ( );
  35516. __declspec(implementation_key(801)) _bstr_t IVGUserSnapPoint::GetID ( );
  35517. __declspec(implementation_key(802)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGUserSnapPoint::GetAutoSnap ( );
  35518. __declspec(implementation_key(803)) void IVGUserSnapPoint::PutAutoSnap ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35519. __declspec(implementation_key(804)) enum cdrObjectSnapPointType IVGObjectSnapPoint::GetType ( );
  35520. __declspec(implementation_key(805)) enum cdrReferencePoint IVGBBoxSnapPoint::GetType ( );
  35521. __declspec(implementation_key(806)) long IVGEdgeSnapPoint::GetSegmentIndex ( );
  35522. __declspec(implementation_key(807)) double IVGEdgeSnapPoint::GetSegmentOffset ( );
  35523. __declspec(implementation_key(808)) _bstr_t IVGEffectCustomDistortion::GetDistortionID ( );
  35524. __declspec(implementation_key(809)) double IVGTextTabPosition::GetPosition ( );
  35525. __declspec(implementation_key(810)) void IVGTextTabPosition::PutPosition ( double pVal );
  35526. __declspec(implementation_key(811)) long IVGTextTabPosition::GetIndex ( );
  35527. __declspec(implementation_key(812)) enum cdrTextTabAlignment IVGTextTabPosition::GetAlignment ( );
  35528. __declspec(implementation_key(813)) void IVGTextTabPosition::PutAlignment ( enum cdrTextTabAlignment pVal );
  35529. __declspec(implementation_key(814)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextTabPosition::GetLeadered ( );
  35530. __declspec(implementation_key(815)) void IVGTextTabPosition::PutLeadered ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35531. __declspec(implementation_key(816)) HRESULT IVGTextTabPosition::Delete ( );
  35532. __declspec(implementation_key(817)) IVGTextTabPositionPtr IVGTextTabPositions::GetItem ( long Index );
  35533. __declspec(implementation_key(818)) long IVGTextTabPositions::GetCount ( );
  35534. __declspec(implementation_key(819)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextTabPositions::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35535. __declspec(implementation_key(820)) long IVGTextTabPositions::GetLeaderSpacing ( );
  35536. __declspec(implementation_key(821)) void IVGTextTabPositions::PutLeaderSpacing ( long pVal );
  35537. __declspec(implementation_key(822)) _bstr_t IVGTextTabPositions::GetLeaderCharacter ( );
  35538. __declspec(implementation_key(823)) void IVGTextTabPositions::PutLeaderCharacter ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35539. __declspec(implementation_key(824)) HRESULT IVGTextTabPositions::Clear ( );
  35540. __declspec(implementation_key(825)) IVGTextTabPositionPtr IVGTextTabPositions::Add ( double Position, enum cdrTextTabAlignment Alignment, VARIANT_BOOL Leadered );
  35541. __declspec(implementation_key(826)) HRESULT IVGTextTabPositions::AddEvery ( double Position, enum cdrTextTabAlignment Alignment, VARIANT_BOOL Leadered );
  35542. __declspec(implementation_key(827)) HRESULT IVGLocalizableString::Clear ( );
  35543. __declspec(implementation_key(828)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLocalizableString::GetIsEmpty ( );
  35544. __declspec(implementation_key(829)) _bstr_t IVGLocalizableString::GetLangString ( _bstr_t Language );
  35545. __declspec(implementation_key(830)) HRESULT IVGLocalizableString::SetLangString ( _bstr_t Language, _bstr_t Value );
  35546. __declspec(implementation_key(831)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLocalizableString::HasLangString ( _bstr_t Language );
  35547. __declspec(implementation_key(832)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLocalizableString::GetHasDefaultLangString ( );
  35548. __declspec(implementation_key(833)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLocalizableString::GetHasDefaultLangStringOnly ( );
  35549. __declspec(implementation_key(834)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLocalizableString::GetHasNonDefaultLangStrings ( );
  35550. __declspec(implementation_key(835)) _bstr_t IVGLocalizableString::GetDefaultLangString ( );
  35551. __declspec(implementation_key(836)) void IVGLocalizableString::PutDefaultLangString ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35552. __declspec(implementation_key(837)) SAFEARRAY * IVGLocalizableString::GetLanguages ( );
  35553. __declspec(implementation_key(838)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGFillMetadata::GetTitle ( );
  35554. __declspec(implementation_key(839)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGFillMetadata::GetDescription ( );
  35555. __declspec(implementation_key(840)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGFillMetadata::GetKeywords ( );
  35556. __declspec(implementation_key(841)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGFillMetadata::GetSubject ( );
  35557. __declspec(implementation_key(842)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGFillMetadata::GetCopyright ( );
  35558. __declspec(implementation_key(843)) _bstr_t IVGFillMetadata::GetCreatorTool ( );
  35559. __declspec(implementation_key(844)) DATE IVGFillMetadata::GetCreationDate ( );
  35560. __declspec(implementation_key(845)) DATE IVGFillMetadata::GetModificationDate ( );
  35561. __declspec(implementation_key(846)) _bstr_t IVGFillMetadata::GetDocumentID ( );
  35562. __declspec(implementation_key(847)) _bstr_t IVGFillMetadata::GetInstanceID ( );
  35563. __declspec(implementation_key(848)) SAFEARRAY * IVGFillMetadata::GetDerivedFrom ( );
  35564. __declspec(implementation_key(849)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGFillMetadata::GetCategory ( );
  35565. __declspec(implementation_key(850)) long IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetLevel ( );
  35566. __declspec(implementation_key(851)) _bstr_t IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetFont ( );
  35567. __declspec(implementation_key(852)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutFont ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35568. __declspec(implementation_key(853)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetUseParagraphFont ( );
  35569. __declspec(implementation_key(854)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutUseParagraphFont ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35570. __declspec(implementation_key(855)) _bstr_t IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetSymbol ( );
  35571. __declspec(implementation_key(856)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutSymbol ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35572. __declspec(implementation_key(857)) float IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetSize ( );
  35573. __declspec(implementation_key(858)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutSize ( float pVal );
  35574. __declspec(implementation_key(859)) float IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetBaselineShift ( );
  35575. __declspec(implementation_key(860)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutBaselineShift ( float pVal );
  35576. __declspec(implementation_key(861)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetHangingIndent ( );
  35577. __declspec(implementation_key(862)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutHangingIndent ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35578. __declspec(implementation_key(863)) double IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetFirstCharIndent ( );
  35579. __declspec(implementation_key(864)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutFirstCharIndent ( double pVal );
  35580. __declspec(implementation_key(865)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetFirstCharIndentIncludesBullet ( );
  35581. __declspec(implementation_key(866)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutFirstCharIndentIncludesBullet ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35582. __declspec(implementation_key(867)) _bstr_t IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetFormat ( );
  35583. __declspec(implementation_key(868)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutFormat ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35584. __declspec(implementation_key(869)) enum cdrTextIndentLevelStyle IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::GetNumberStyle ( );
  35585. __declspec(implementation_key(870)) void IVGTextIndentLevelStyle::PutNumberStyle ( enum cdrTextIndentLevelStyle pVal );
  35586. __declspec(implementation_key(871)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextIndentLevelStyles::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35587. __declspec(implementation_key(872)) IVGTextIndentLevelStylePtr IVGTextIndentLevelStyles::GetItem ( long Index );
  35588. __declspec(implementation_key(873)) long IVGTextIndentLevelStyles::GetCount ( );
  35589. __declspec(implementation_key(874)) long IVGTextVariableAxis::GetTag ( );
  35590. __declspec(implementation_key(875)) _bstr_t IVGTextVariableAxis::GetName ( );
  35591. __declspec(implementation_key(876)) double IVGTextVariableAxis::GetValue ( );
  35592. __declspec(implementation_key(877)) void IVGTextVariableAxis::PutValue ( double pVal );
  35593. __declspec(implementation_key(878)) double IVGTextVariableAxis::GetMinValue ( );
  35594. __declspec(implementation_key(879)) double IVGTextVariableAxis::GetMaxValue ( );
  35595. __declspec(implementation_key(880)) double IVGTextVariableAxis::GetDefaultValue ( );
  35596. __declspec(implementation_key(881)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextVariableAxes::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35597. __declspec(implementation_key(882)) IVGTextVariableAxisPtr IVGTextVariableAxes::GetItem ( long Index );
  35598. __declspec(implementation_key(883)) long IVGTextVariableAxes::GetCount ( );
  35599. __declspec(implementation_key(884)) enum cdrGuideType IVGGuide::GetType ( );
  35600. __declspec(implementation_key(885)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGGuide::GetPreset ( );
  35601. __declspec(implementation_key(886)) HRESULT IVGGuide::MakeEditable ( );
  35602. __declspec(implementation_key(887)) double IVGGuide::GetPoint1X ( );
  35603. __declspec(implementation_key(888)) double IVGGuide::GetPoint1Y ( );
  35604. __declspec(implementation_key(889)) double IVGGuide::GetPoint2X ( );
  35605. __declspec(implementation_key(890)) double IVGGuide::GetPoint2Y ( );
  35606. __declspec(implementation_key(891)) double IVGGuide::GetAngle ( );
  35607. __declspec(implementation_key(892)) HRESULT IVGGuide::GetPoints ( double * Point1X, double * Point1Y, double * Point2X, double * Point2Y );
  35608. __declspec(implementation_key(893)) HRESULT IVGGuide::GetPointAndAngle ( double * PointX, double * PointY, double * Angle );
  35609. __declspec(implementation_key(894)) HRESULT IVGGuide::SetPoints ( double Point1X, double Point1Y, double Point2X, double Point2Y );
  35610. __declspec(implementation_key(895)) HRESULT IVGGuide::SetPointAndAngle ( double PointX, double PointY, double Angle );
  35611. __declspec(implementation_key(896)) double IVGGuide::GetInterceptX ( );
  35612. __declspec(implementation_key(897)) double IVGGuide::GetInterceptY ( );
  35613. __declspec(implementation_key(898)) double IVGGuide::GetCenterX ( );
  35614. __declspec(implementation_key(899)) double IVGGuide::GetCenterY ( );
  35615. __declspec(implementation_key(900)) _bstr_t IVGURL::GetAddress ( );
  35616. __declspec(implementation_key(901)) void IVGURL::PutAddress ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35617. __declspec(implementation_key(902)) _bstr_t IVGURL::GetTargetFrame ( );
  35618. __declspec(implementation_key(903)) void IVGURL::PutTargetFrame ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35619. __declspec(implementation_key(904)) _bstr_t IVGURL::GetAltComment ( );
  35620. __declspec(implementation_key(905)) void IVGURL::PutAltComment ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35621. __declspec(implementation_key(906)) _bstr_t IVGURL::GetBookMark ( );
  35622. __declspec(implementation_key(907)) void IVGURL::PutBookMark ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35623. __declspec(implementation_key(908)) enum cdrURLRegion IVGURL::GetRegion ( );
  35624. __declspec(implementation_key(909)) void IVGURL::PutRegion ( enum cdrURLRegion pVal );
  35625. __declspec(implementation_key(910)) _bstr_t IVGCustomShape::GetTypeID ( );
  35626. __declspec(implementation_key(911)) _bstr_t IVGOLE::GetClassID ( );
  35627. __declspec(implementation_key(912)) _bstr_t IVGOLE::GetProgID ( );
  35628. __declspec(implementation_key(913)) enum cdrOLEType IVGOLE::GetType ( );
  35629. __declspec(implementation_key(914)) _bstr_t IVGOLE::GetFullName ( );
  35630. __declspec(implementation_key(915)) _bstr_t IVGOLE::GetShortName ( );
  35631. __declspec(implementation_key(916)) _bstr_t IVGOLE::GetServerName ( );
  35632. __declspec(implementation_key(917)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOLE::GetModified ( );
  35633. __declspec(implementation_key(918)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOLE::GetIsInPlaceActive ( );
  35634. __declspec(implementation_key(919)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOLE::GetIsOpen ( );
  35635. __declspec(implementation_key(920)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOLE::GetIsServerRunning ( );
  35636. __declspec(implementation_key(921)) long IVGOLE::GetInPlaceWindowHandle ( );
  35637. __declspec(implementation_key(922)) HRESULT IVGOLE::Edit ( );
  35638. __declspec(implementation_key(923)) HRESULT IVGOLE::Open ( );
  35639. __declspec(implementation_key(924)) HRESULT IVGOLE::Activate ( );
  35640. __declspec(implementation_key(925)) HRESULT IVGOLE::Deactivate ( );
  35641. __declspec(implementation_key(926)) HRESULT IVGOLE::DoVerb ( long VerbID );
  35642. __declspec(implementation_key(927)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOLE::GetIsLinkUpToDate ( );
  35643. __declspec(implementation_key(928)) _bstr_t IVGOLE::GetLinkPath ( );
  35644. __declspec(implementation_key(929)) HRESULT IVGOLE::UpdateLink ( );
  35645. __declspec(implementation_key(930)) double IVGBSplineControlPoint::Getx ( );
  35646. __declspec(implementation_key(931)) void IVGBSplineControlPoint::Putx ( double pVal );
  35647. __declspec(implementation_key(932)) double IVGBSplineControlPoint::Gety ( );
  35648. __declspec(implementation_key(933)) void IVGBSplineControlPoint::Puty ( double pVal );
  35649. __declspec(implementation_key(934)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBSplineControlPoint::GetClamped ( );
  35650. __declspec(implementation_key(935)) void IVGBSplineControlPoint::PutClamped ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35651. __declspec(implementation_key(936)) HRESULT IVGBSplineControlPoint::Move ( double x, double y );
  35652. __declspec(implementation_key(937)) HRESULT IVGBSplineControlPoint::Delete ( );
  35653. __declspec(implementation_key(938)) HRESULT IVGBSplineControlPoint::GetPosition ( double * x, double * y );
  35654. __declspec(implementation_key(939)) HRESULT IVGBSplineControlPoint::SetPosition ( double x, double y );
  35655. __declspec(implementation_key(940)) HRESULT IVGBSplineControlPoint::SetProperties ( double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL Clamped );
  35656. __declspec(implementation_key(941)) long IVGBSplineControlPoint::GetIndex ( );
  35657. __declspec(implementation_key(942)) IVGBSplineControlPointPtr IVGBSplineControlPoints::GetFirst ( );
  35658. __declspec(implementation_key(943)) IVGBSplineControlPointPtr IVGBSplineControlPoints::GetLast ( );
  35659. __declspec(implementation_key(944)) IVGBSplineControlPointPtr IVGBSplineControlPoints::GetItem ( long Index );
  35660. __declspec(implementation_key(945)) long IVGBSplineControlPoints::GetCount ( );
  35661. __declspec(implementation_key(946)) IUnknownPtr IVGBSplineControlPoints::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35662. __declspec(implementation_key(947)) HRESULT IVGBSplineControlPoints::Resize ( long HowMany );
  35663. __declspec(implementation_key(948)) IVGBSplineControlPointsPtr IVGBSpline::GetControlPoints ( );
  35664. __declspec(implementation_key(949)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBSpline::GetClosed ( );
  35665. __declspec(implementation_key(950)) void IVGBSpline::PutClosed ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35666. __declspec(implementation_key(951)) HRESULT IVGBSpline::InsertControlPoint ( long Index, double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL Clamped );
  35667. __declspec(implementation_key(952)) HRESULT IVGBSpline::InsertControlPoints ( long Index, long HowMany, double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL Clamped );
  35668. __declspec(implementation_key(953)) IVGBSplinePtr IVGBSpline::GetCopy ( );
  35669. __declspec(implementation_key(954)) HRESULT IVGBSpline::CopyAssign ( struct IVGBSpline * rhs );
  35670. __declspec(implementation_key(955)) _bstr_t IStructImportCropOptions::GetFileName ( );
  35671. __declspec(implementation_key(956)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetFilterID ( );
  35672. __declspec(implementation_key(957)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetCustomData ( );
  35673. __declspec(implementation_key(958)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetImageWidth ( );
  35674. __declspec(implementation_key(959)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetImageHeight ( );
  35675. __declspec(implementation_key(960)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetDpiX ( );
  35676. __declspec(implementation_key(961)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetDpiY ( );
  35677. __declspec(implementation_key(962)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetWidth ( );
  35678. __declspec(implementation_key(963)) void IStructImportCropOptions::PutWidth ( long pVal );
  35679. __declspec(implementation_key(964)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetHeight ( );
  35680. __declspec(implementation_key(965)) void IStructImportCropOptions::PutHeight ( long pVal );
  35681. __declspec(implementation_key(966)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetLeft ( );
  35682. __declspec(implementation_key(967)) void IStructImportCropOptions::PutLeft ( long pVal );
  35683. __declspec(implementation_key(968)) long IStructImportCropOptions::GetTop ( );
  35684. __declspec(implementation_key(969)) void IStructImportCropOptions::PutTop ( long pVal );
  35685. __declspec(implementation_key(970)) VARIANT_BOOL IImportCropHandler::Crop ( struct IStructImportCropOptions * Options );
  35686. __declspec(implementation_key(971)) _bstr_t IStructImportResampleOptions::GetFileName ( );
  35687. __declspec(implementation_key(972)) long IStructImportResampleOptions::GetFilterID ( );
  35688. __declspec(implementation_key(973)) long IStructImportResampleOptions::GetCustomData ( );
  35689. __declspec(implementation_key(974)) long IStructImportResampleOptions::GetWidth ( );
  35690. __declspec(implementation_key(975)) void IStructImportResampleOptions::PutWidth ( long pVal );
  35691. __declspec(implementation_key(976)) long IStructImportResampleOptions::GetHeight ( );
  35692. __declspec(implementation_key(977)) void IStructImportResampleOptions::PutHeight ( long pVal );
  35693. __declspec(implementation_key(978)) long IStructImportResampleOptions::GetDpiX ( );
  35694. __declspec(implementation_key(979)) void IStructImportResampleOptions::PutDpiX ( long pVal );
  35695. __declspec(implementation_key(980)) long IStructImportResampleOptions::GetDpiY ( );
  35696. __declspec(implementation_key(981)) void IStructImportResampleOptions::PutDpiY ( long pVal );
  35697. __declspec(implementation_key(982)) VARIANT_BOOL IImportResampleHandler::Resample ( struct IStructImportResampleOptions * Options );
  35698. __declspec(implementation_key(983)) enum clrColorPolicyAction IVGColorManagementPolicy::GetActionForRGB ( );
  35699. __declspec(implementation_key(984)) void IVGColorManagementPolicy::PutActionForRGB ( enum clrColorPolicyAction pVal );
  35700. __declspec(implementation_key(985)) enum clrColorPolicyAction IVGColorManagementPolicy::GetActionForCMYK ( );
  35701. __declspec(implementation_key(986)) void IVGColorManagementPolicy::PutActionForCMYK ( enum clrColorPolicyAction pVal );
  35702. __declspec(implementation_key(987)) enum clrColorPolicyAction IVGColorManagementPolicy::GetActionForGrayscale ( );
  35703. __declspec(implementation_key(988)) void IVGColorManagementPolicy::PutActionForGrayscale ( enum clrColorPolicyAction pVal );
  35704. __declspec(implementation_key(989)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManagementPolicy::GetWarnOnMismatchedProfiles ( );
  35705. __declspec(implementation_key(990)) void IVGColorManagementPolicy::PutWarnOnMismatchedProfiles ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35706. __declspec(implementation_key(991)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManagementPolicy::GetWarnOnMissingProfiles ( );
  35707. __declspec(implementation_key(992)) void IVGColorManagementPolicy::PutWarnOnMissingProfiles ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35708. __declspec(implementation_key(993)) IVGColorManagementPolicyPtr IVGStructColorConversionOptions::GetColorPolicy ( );
  35709. __declspec(implementation_key(994)) _bstr_t IVGStructColorConversionOptions::GetSourceColorProfileList ( );
  35710. __declspec(implementation_key(995)) void IVGStructColorConversionOptions::PutSourceColorProfileList ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35711. __declspec(implementation_key(996)) _bstr_t IVGStructColorConversionOptions::GetTargetColorProfileList ( );
  35712. __declspec(implementation_key(997)) void IVGStructColorConversionOptions::PutTargetColorProfileList ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35713. __declspec(implementation_key(998)) IColorConversionHandlerPtr IVGStructColorConversionOptions::GetColorConversionHandler ( );
  35714. __declspec(implementation_key(999)) void IVGStructColorConversionOptions::PutRefColorConversionHandler ( struct IColorConversionHandler * * ppVal );
  35715. __declspec(implementation_key(1000)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructImportOptions::GetLinkBitmapExternally ( );
  35716. __declspec(implementation_key(1001)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutLinkBitmapExternally ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35717. __declspec(implementation_key(1002)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructImportOptions::GetCombineMultilayerBitmaps ( );
  35718. __declspec(implementation_key(1003)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutCombineMultilayerBitmaps ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35719. __declspec(implementation_key(1004)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructImportOptions::GetExtractICCProfile ( );
  35720. __declspec(implementation_key(1005)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutExtractICCProfile ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35721. __declspec(implementation_key(1006)) _bstr_t IVGStructImportOptions::GetICCFileName ( );
  35722. __declspec(implementation_key(1007)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutICCFileName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35723. __declspec(implementation_key(1008)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructImportOptions::GetMaintainLayers ( );
  35724. __declspec(implementation_key(1009)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutMaintainLayers ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35725. __declspec(implementation_key(1010)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructImportOptions::GetUseOPILinks ( );
  35726. __declspec(implementation_key(1011)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutUseOPILinks ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35727. __declspec(implementation_key(1012)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructImportOptions::GetDetectWatermark ( );
  35728. __declspec(implementation_key(1013)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutDetectWatermark ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35729. __declspec(implementation_key(1014)) enum cdrImportMode IVGStructImportOptions::GetMode ( );
  35730. __declspec(implementation_key(1015)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutMode ( enum cdrImportMode pVal );
  35731. __declspec(implementation_key(1016)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetCustomData ( );
  35732. __declspec(implementation_key(1017)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutCustomData ( long pVal );
  35733. __declspec(implementation_key(1018)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetImageIndex ( );
  35734. __declspec(implementation_key(1019)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutImageIndex ( long pVal );
  35735. __declspec(implementation_key(1020)) IImportCropHandlerPtr IVGStructImportOptions::GetCropHandler ( );
  35736. __declspec(implementation_key(1021)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutRefCropHandler ( struct IImportCropHandler * * ppVal );
  35737. __declspec(implementation_key(1022)) IImportResampleHandlerPtr IVGStructImportOptions::GetResampleHandler ( );
  35738. __declspec(implementation_key(1023)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutRefResampleHandler ( struct IImportResampleHandler * * ppVal );
  35739. __declspec(implementation_key(1024)) enum cdrImportTextFormatting IVGStructImportOptions::GetTextFormatting ( );
  35740. __declspec(implementation_key(1025)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutTextFormatting ( enum cdrImportTextFormatting pVal );
  35741. __declspec(implementation_key(1026)) enum cdrImportTableOutline IVGStructImportOptions::GetTableOutline ( );
  35742. __declspec(implementation_key(1027)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutTableOutline ( enum cdrImportTableOutline pVal );
  35743. __declspec(implementation_key(1028)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetCodePage ( );
  35744. __declspec(implementation_key(1029)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutCodePage ( long pVal );
  35745. __declspec(implementation_key(1030)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetResampleWidth ( );
  35746. __declspec(implementation_key(1031)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutResampleWidth ( long pVal );
  35747. __declspec(implementation_key(1032)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetResampleHeight ( );
  35748. __declspec(implementation_key(1033)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutResampleHeight ( long pVal );
  35749. __declspec(implementation_key(1034)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetCropLeft ( );
  35750. __declspec(implementation_key(1035)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutCropLeft ( long pVal );
  35751. __declspec(implementation_key(1036)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetCropTop ( );
  35752. __declspec(implementation_key(1037)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutCropTop ( long pVal );
  35753. __declspec(implementation_key(1038)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetCropWidth ( );
  35754. __declspec(implementation_key(1039)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutCropWidth ( long pVal );
  35755. __declspec(implementation_key(1040)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetCropHeight ( );
  35756. __declspec(implementation_key(1041)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutCropHeight ( long pVal );
  35757. __declspec(implementation_key(1042)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetResampleDpiX ( );
  35758. __declspec(implementation_key(1043)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutResampleDpiX ( long pVal );
  35759. __declspec(implementation_key(1044)) long IVGStructImportOptions::GetResampleDpiY ( );
  35760. __declspec(implementation_key(1045)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutResampleDpiY ( long pVal );
  35761. __declspec(implementation_key(1046)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructImportOptions::GetForceCMYKBlackText ( );
  35762. __declspec(implementation_key(1047)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutForceCMYKBlackText ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35763. __declspec(implementation_key(1048)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructImportOptions::GetConvertTablesToText ( );
  35764. __declspec(implementation_key(1049)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutConvertTablesToText ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35765. __declspec(implementation_key(1050)) _bstr_t IVGStructImportOptions::GetTableColumnDelimiter ( );
  35766. __declspec(implementation_key(1051)) void IVGStructImportOptions::PutTableColumnDelimiter ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35767. __declspec(implementation_key(1052)) IVGStructColorConversionOptionsPtr IVGStructImportOptions::GetColorConversionOptions ( );
  35768. __declspec(implementation_key(1053)) IVGStructColorConversionOptionsPtr IVGStructPasteOptions::GetColorConversionOptions ( );
  35769. __declspec(implementation_key(1054)) _bstr_t IVGCommentAuthor::GetEmail ( );
  35770. __declspec(implementation_key(1055)) _bstr_t IVGCommentAuthor::GetAvatar ( );
  35771. __declspec(implementation_key(1056)) enum cdrAuthorAuthentication IVGCommentAuthor::GetAuthentication ( );
  35772. __declspec(implementation_key(1057)) _bstr_t IVGCommentAuthor::GetName ( );
  35773. __declspec(implementation_key(1058)) _bstr_t IVGCommentAuthor::GetOnlineID ( );
  35774. __declspec(implementation_key(1059)) void IVGCommentAuthor::PutOnlineID ( _bstr_t pRet );
  35775. __declspec(implementation_key(1060)) double ICorelScriptTools::AngleConvert ( long FromUnit, long ToUnit, double Value );
  35776. __declspec(implementation_key(1061)) double ICorelScriptTools::ASin ( double Value );
  35777. __declspec(implementation_key(1062)) HRESULT ICorelScriptTools::BeginWaitCursor ( );
  35778. __declspec(implementation_key(1063)) HRESULT ICorelScriptTools::EndWaitCursor ( );
  35779. __declspec(implementation_key(1064)) DATE ICorelScriptTools::BuildDate ( long Year, long Month, long Day );
  35780. __declspec(implementation_key(1065)) DATE ICorelScriptTools::BuildTime ( long Hour, long Minute, long Second );
  35781. __declspec(implementation_key(1066)) long ICorelScriptTools::Dec ( _bstr_t Hex );
  35782. __declspec(implementation_key(1067)) long ICorelScriptTools::FileAttr ( _bstr_t FolderFile );
  35783. __declspec(implementation_key(1068)) _bstr_t ICorelScriptTools::FindFirstFolder ( _bstr_t SearchCriteria, long Attributes );
  35784. __declspec(implementation_key(1069)) _bstr_t ICorelScriptTools::FindNextFolder ( );
  35785. __declspec(implementation_key(1070)) _bstr_t ICorelScriptTools::FormatTime ( DATE Time, _bstr_t Format );
  35786. __declspec(implementation_key(1071)) double ICorelScriptTools::FromCentimeters ( double Value );
  35787. __declspec(implementation_key(1072)) double ICorelScriptTools::FromCiceros ( double Value );
  35788. __declspec(implementation_key(1073)) double ICorelScriptTools::FromDidots ( double Value );
  35789. __declspec(implementation_key(1074)) double ICorelScriptTools::FromInches ( double Value );
  35790. __declspec(implementation_key(1075)) double ICorelScriptTools::FromPicas ( double Value );
  35791. __declspec(implementation_key(1076)) double ICorelScriptTools::FromPoints ( double Value );
  35792. __declspec(implementation_key(1077)) long ICorelScriptTools::GetAppHandle ( );
  35793. __declspec(implementation_key(1078)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelScriptTools::GetColor ( long * Red, long * Green, long * Blue );
  35794. __declspec(implementation_key(1079)) _bstr_t ICorelScriptTools::GetCommandLine ( );
  35795. __declspec(implementation_key(1080)) _bstr_t ICorelScriptTools::GetCurrFolder ( );
  35796. __declspec(implementation_key(1081)) HRESULT ICorelScriptTools::GetDateInfo ( DATE Date, long * Year, long * Month, long * Day, long * DayOfWeek );
  35797. __declspec(implementation_key(1082)) _bstr_t ICorelScriptTools::GetFileBox ( _bstr_t Filter, _bstr_t Title, long Type, _bstr_t File, _bstr_t Extension, _bstr_t Folder, _bstr_t Button );
  35798. __declspec(implementation_key(1083)) _bstr_t ICorelScriptTools::GetFolder ( _bstr_t InitFolder, _bstr_t Title, long ParentWindowHandle );
  35799. __declspec(implementation_key(1084)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelScriptTools::GetFont ( BSTR * FaceName, long * PointSize, long * Weight, VARIANT_BOOL * Italic, VARIANT_BOOL * Underline, VARIANT_BOOL * StrikeOut, long * Red, long * Green, long * Blue );
  35800. __declspec(implementation_key(1085)) long ICorelScriptTools::GetProcessInfo ( long ProcessHandle );
  35801. __declspec(implementation_key(1086)) _bstr_t ICorelScriptTools::GetScriptFolder ( );
  35802. __declspec(implementation_key(1087)) _bstr_t ICorelScriptTools::GetTempFolder ( );
  35803. __declspec(implementation_key(1088)) HRESULT ICorelScriptTools::GetTimeInfo ( DATE Time, long * Hour, long * Minute, long * Second );
  35804. __declspec(implementation_key(1089)) long ICorelScriptTools::GetType ( const _variant_t & Expression );
  35805. __declspec(implementation_key(1090)) long ICorelScriptTools::GetVersion ( long Option );
  35806. __declspec(implementation_key(1091)) long ICorelScriptTools::GetWinHandle ( );
  35807. __declspec(implementation_key(1092)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelScriptTools::Kill ( _bstr_t FileName );
  35808. __declspec(implementation_key(1093)) double ICorelScriptTools::LengthConvert ( long FromUnit, long ToUnit, double Value );
  35809. __declspec(implementation_key(1094)) double ICorelScriptTools::Log ( double Value );
  35810. __declspec(implementation_key(1095)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelScriptTools::MkFolder ( _bstr_t Folder );
  35811. __declspec(implementation_key(1096)) _variant_t ICorelScriptTools::RegistryQuery ( long MainKey, _bstr_t SubKey, _bstr_t Value );
  35812. __declspec(implementation_key(1097)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelScriptTools::Rename ( _bstr_t Src, _bstr_t Dst, long Overwrite );
  35813. __declspec(implementation_key(1098)) VARIANT_BOOL ICorelScriptTools::RmFolder ( _bstr_t Folder );
  35814. __declspec(implementation_key(1099)) double ICorelScriptTools::ToCentimeters ( double Value );
  35815. __declspec(implementation_key(1100)) double ICorelScriptTools::ToCiceros ( double Value );
  35816. __declspec(implementation_key(1101)) double ICorelScriptTools::ToDidots ( double Value );
  35817. __declspec(implementation_key(1102)) double ICorelScriptTools::ToInches ( double Value );
  35818. __declspec(implementation_key(1103)) double ICorelScriptTools::ToPicas ( double Value );
  35819. __declspec(implementation_key(1104)) double ICorelScriptTools::ToPoints ( double Value );
  35820. __declspec(implementation_key(1105)) IDispatchPtr IVGFontList::GetApplication ( );
  35821. __declspec(implementation_key(1106)) IDispatchPtr IVGFontList::GetParent ( );
  35822. __declspec(implementation_key(1107)) _bstr_t IVGFontList::GetItem ( long Index );
  35823. __declspec(implementation_key(1108)) IUnknownPtr IVGFontList::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35824. __declspec(implementation_key(1109)) long IVGFontList::GetCount ( );
  35825. __declspec(implementation_key(1110)) IDispatchPtr IVGAppWindow::GetApplication ( );
  35826. __declspec(implementation_key(1111)) IDispatchPtr IVGAppWindow::GetParent ( );
  35827. __declspec(implementation_key(1112)) HRESULT IVGAppWindow::Activate ( );
  35828. __declspec(implementation_key(1113)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGAppWindow::GetActive ( );
  35829. __declspec(implementation_key(1114)) _bstr_t IVGAppWindow::GetCaption ( );
  35830. __declspec(implementation_key(1115)) void IVGAppWindow::PutCaption ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35831. __declspec(implementation_key(1116)) long IVGAppWindow::GetHeight ( );
  35832. __declspec(implementation_key(1117)) void IVGAppWindow::PutHeight ( long pVal );
  35833. __declspec(implementation_key(1118)) long IVGAppWindow::GetWidth ( );
  35834. __declspec(implementation_key(1119)) void IVGAppWindow::PutWidth ( long pVal );
  35835. __declspec(implementation_key(1120)) long IVGAppWindow::GetLeft ( );
  35836. __declspec(implementation_key(1121)) void IVGAppWindow::PutLeft ( long pVal );
  35837. __declspec(implementation_key(1122)) long IVGAppWindow::GetTop ( );
  35838. __declspec(implementation_key(1123)) void IVGAppWindow::PutTop ( long pVal );
  35839. __declspec(implementation_key(1124)) enum cdrWindowState IVGAppWindow::GetWindowState ( );
  35840. __declspec(implementation_key(1125)) void IVGAppWindow::PutWindowState ( enum cdrWindowState pVal );
  35841. __declspec(implementation_key(1126)) long IVGAppWindow::GetClientWidth ( );
  35842. __declspec(implementation_key(1127)) long IVGAppWindow::GetClientHeight ( );
  35843. __declspec(implementation_key(1128)) long IVGAppWindow::GetHandle ( );
  35844. __declspec(implementation_key(1129)) IVGPatternCanvasPtr IVGPatternCanvases::GetItem ( long Index );
  35845. __declspec(implementation_key(1130)) void IVGPatternCanvases::PutItem ( long Index, struct IVGPatternCanvas * ppVal );
  35846. __declspec(implementation_key(1131)) IUnknownPtr IVGPatternCanvases::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35847. __declspec(implementation_key(1132)) long IVGPatternCanvases::GetCount ( );
  35848. __declspec(implementation_key(1133)) long IVGPatternCanvases::Add ( struct IVGPatternCanvas * PatternCanvas );
  35849. __declspec(implementation_key(1134)) HRESULT IVGPatternCanvases::Remove ( long Index );
  35850. __declspec(implementation_key(1135)) IDispatchPtr IVGClipboard::GetApplication ( );
  35851. __declspec(implementation_key(1136)) IDispatchPtr IVGClipboard::GetParent ( );
  35852. __declspec(implementation_key(1137)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGClipboard::GetValid ( );
  35853. __declspec(implementation_key(1138)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGClipboard::GetEmpty ( );
  35854. __declspec(implementation_key(1139)) HRESULT IVGClipboard::Clear ( );
  35855. __declspec(implementation_key(1140)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGClipboard::DataPresent ( _bstr_t FormatName );
  35856. __declspec(implementation_key(1141)) _bstr_t IVGGMSMacro::GetName ( );
  35857. __declspec(implementation_key(1142)) HRESULT IVGGMSMacro::Run ( );
  35858. __declspec(implementation_key(1143)) HRESULT IVGGMSMacro::Edit ( );
  35859. __declspec(implementation_key(1144)) HRESULT IVGGMSMacro::Delete ( );
  35860. __declspec(implementation_key(1145)) IUnknownPtr IVGGMSMacros::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35861. __declspec(implementation_key(1146)) IVGGMSMacroPtr IVGGMSMacros::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  35862. __declspec(implementation_key(1147)) long IVGGMSMacros::GetCount ( );
  35863. __declspec(implementation_key(1148)) IVGGMSMacroPtr IVGGMSMacros::Create ( _bstr_t Name );
  35864. __declspec(implementation_key(1149)) _bstr_t IVGGMSProject::GetName ( );
  35865. __declspec(implementation_key(1150)) void IVGGMSProject::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35866. __declspec(implementation_key(1151)) _bstr_t IVGGMSProject::GetDisplayName ( );
  35867. __declspec(implementation_key(1152)) IVGGMSMacrosPtr IVGGMSProject::GetMacros ( );
  35868. __declspec(implementation_key(1153)) HRESULT IVGGMSProject::Unload ( );
  35869. __declspec(implementation_key(1154)) _bstr_t IVGGMSProject::GetFileName ( );
  35870. __declspec(implementation_key(1155)) _bstr_t IVGGMSProject::GetFilePath ( );
  35871. __declspec(implementation_key(1156)) _bstr_t IVGGMSProject::GetFullFileName ( );
  35872. __declspec(implementation_key(1157)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGGMSProject::GetDirty ( );
  35873. __declspec(implementation_key(1158)) void IVGGMSProject::PutDirty ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35874. __declspec(implementation_key(1159)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGGMSProject::GetLocked ( );
  35875. __declspec(implementation_key(1160)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGGMSProject::GetPasswordProtected ( );
  35876. __declspec(implementation_key(1161)) IUnknownPtr IVGGMSProjects::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35877. __declspec(implementation_key(1162)) IVGGMSProjectPtr IVGGMSProjects::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  35878. __declspec(implementation_key(1163)) long IVGGMSProjects::GetCount ( );
  35879. __declspec(implementation_key(1164)) IVGGMSProjectPtr IVGGMSProjects::Load ( _bstr_t FileName, VARIANT_BOOL CopyFile, VARIANT_BOOL ForAllUsers );
  35880. __declspec(implementation_key(1165)) IVGGMSProjectPtr IVGGMSProjects::Create ( _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL ForAllUsers, _bstr_t FileName );
  35881. __declspec(implementation_key(1166)) _bstr_t IVGGMSManager::GetGMSPath ( );
  35882. __declspec(implementation_key(1167)) _variant_t IVGGMSManager::RunMacro ( _bstr_t ModuleName, _bstr_t MacroName, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  35883. __declspec(implementation_key(1168)) _bstr_t IVGGMSManager::GetUserGMSPath ( );
  35884. __declspec(implementation_key(1169)) IVGGMSProjectsPtr IVGGMSManager::GetProjects ( );
  35885. __declspec(implementation_key(1170)) void IVGStructSaveAsOptions::PutFilter ( enum cdrFilter pVal );
  35886. __declspec(implementation_key(1171)) enum cdrFilter IVGStructSaveAsOptions::GetFilter ( );
  35887. __declspec(implementation_key(1172)) void IVGStructSaveAsOptions::PutVersion ( enum cdrFileVersion pVal );
  35888. __declspec(implementation_key(1173)) enum cdrFileVersion IVGStructSaveAsOptions::GetVersion ( );
  35889. __declspec(implementation_key(1174)) void IVGStructSaveAsOptions::PutThumbnailSize ( enum cdrThumbnailSize pVal );
  35890. __declspec(implementation_key(1175)) enum cdrThumbnailSize IVGStructSaveAsOptions::GetThumbnailSize ( );
  35891. __declspec(implementation_key(1176)) void IVGStructSaveAsOptions::PutRange ( enum cdrExportRange pVal );
  35892. __declspec(implementation_key(1177)) enum cdrExportRange IVGStructSaveAsOptions::GetRange ( );
  35893. __declspec(implementation_key(1178)) void IVGStructSaveAsOptions::PutOverwrite ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35894. __declspec(implementation_key(1179)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructSaveAsOptions::GetOverwrite ( );
  35895. __declspec(implementation_key(1180)) void IVGStructSaveAsOptions::PutEmbedICCProfile ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35896. __declspec(implementation_key(1181)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructSaveAsOptions::GetEmbedICCProfile ( );
  35897. __declspec(implementation_key(1182)) void IVGStructSaveAsOptions::PutEmbedVBAProject ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35898. __declspec(implementation_key(1183)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructSaveAsOptions::GetEmbedVBAProject ( );
  35899. __declspec(implementation_key(1184)) void IVGStructSaveAsOptions::PutIncludeCMXData ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35900. __declspec(implementation_key(1185)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructSaveAsOptions::GetIncludeCMXData ( );
  35901. __declspec(implementation_key(1186)) void IVGStructSaveAsOptions::PutKeepAppearance ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  35902. __declspec(implementation_key(1187)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructSaveAsOptions::GetKeepAppearance ( );
  35903. __declspec(implementation_key(1188)) _bstr_t IVGComponent::GetComponentID ( );
  35904. __declspec(implementation_key(1189)) IUnknownPtr IVGComponents::Get_NewEnum ( );
  35905. __declspec(implementation_key(1190)) IVGComponentPtr IVGComponents::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  35906. __declspec(implementation_key(1191)) long IVGComponents::GetCount ( );
  35907. __declspec(implementation_key(1192)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGComponents::IsComponentInstalled ( _bstr_t ComponentID );
  35908. __declspec(implementation_key(1193)) HRESULT IVGAppStatus::BeginProgress ( _bstr_t Message, VARIANT_BOOL CanAbort );
  35909. __declspec(implementation_key(1194)) HRESULT IVGAppStatus::UpdateProgress ( long Step );
  35910. __declspec(implementation_key(1195)) HRESULT IVGAppStatus::SetProgressMessage ( _bstr_t Message );
  35911. __declspec(implementation_key(1196)) HRESULT IVGAppStatus::EndProgress ( );
  35912. __declspec(implementation_key(1197)) long IVGAppStatus::GetProgress ( );
  35913. __declspec(implementation_key(1198)) void IVGAppStatus::PutProgress ( long pVal );
  35914. __declspec(implementation_key(1199)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGAppStatus::GetAborted ( );
  35915. __declspec(implementation_key(1200)) long IVGStructOpenOptions::GetCodePage ( );
  35916. __declspec(implementation_key(1201)) void IVGStructOpenOptions::PutCodePage ( long pVal );
  35917. __declspec(implementation_key(1202)) IVGStructColorConversionOptionsPtr IVGStructOpenOptions::GetColorConversionOptions ( );
  35918. __declspec(implementation_key(1203)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenHandle::Show ( );
  35919. __declspec(implementation_key(1204)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenHandle::Hide ( );
  35920. __declspec(implementation_key(1205)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenHandle::SetHandleColor ( long Color );
  35921. __declspec(implementation_key(1206)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenHandle::SetPosition ( double x, double y );
  35922. __declspec(implementation_key(1207)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenHandle::UpdateHotTracking ( double MouseX, double MouseY );
  35923. __declspec(implementation_key(1208)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOnScreenHandle::GetIsHotTracked ( );
  35924. __declspec(implementation_key(1209)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOnScreenHandle::GetIsOnHandle ( double MouseX, double MouseY );
  35925. __declspec(implementation_key(1210)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenText::Show ( );
  35926. __declspec(implementation_key(1211)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenText::Hide ( );
  35927. __declspec(implementation_key(1212)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenText::SetTextColor ( long Color );
  35928. __declspec(implementation_key(1213)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenText::SetTextAndPosition ( _bstr_t Text, double x, double y, enum cdrOnScreenTextAlign align, double xRef, double yRef );
  35929. __declspec(implementation_key(1214)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenText::SetText ( _bstr_t Text );
  35930. __declspec(implementation_key(1215)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenText::SetPixelOffset ( long x, long y );
  35931. __declspec(implementation_key(1216)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenText::UpdatePosition ( double x, double y );
  35932. __declspec(implementation_key(1217)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetCanResize ( VARIANT_BOOL val );
  35933. __declspec(implementation_key(1218)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetCanRotate ( VARIANT_BOOL val );
  35934. __declspec(implementation_key(1219)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetCanSkew ( VARIANT_BOOL val );
  35935. __declspec(implementation_key(1220)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetCanSizeDisproportionally ( VARIANT_BOOL val );
  35936. __declspec(implementation_key(1221)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetCanApplyNonlinearTransforms ( VARIANT_BOOL val );
  35937. __declspec(implementation_key(1222)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetRegenerateOnTransform ( VARIANT_BOOL val );
  35938. __declspec(implementation_key(1223)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetRegenerateOnStyleChange ( VARIANT_BOOL val );
  35939. __declspec(implementation_key(1224)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetPropertyBarGuid ( _bstr_t val );
  35940. __declspec(implementation_key(1225)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetContextMenuGuid ( _bstr_t val );
  35941. __declspec(implementation_key(1226)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetObjectManagerBitmapGuid ( _bstr_t val );
  35942. __declspec(implementation_key(1227)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetEditStateGuid ( _bstr_t val );
  35943. __declspec(implementation_key(1228)) HRESULT IVGToolShapeAttributes::SetDefaultShapename ( _bstr_t val );
  35944. __declspec(implementation_key(1229)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetKeywords ( );
  35945. __declspec(implementation_key(1230)) void IVGMetadata::PutKeywords ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35946. __declspec(implementation_key(1231)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetNotes ( );
  35947. __declspec(implementation_key(1232)) void IVGMetadata::PutNotes ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35948. __declspec(implementation_key(1233)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetAuthor ( );
  35949. __declspec(implementation_key(1234)) void IVGMetadata::PutAuthor ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35950. __declspec(implementation_key(1235)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetLastAuthor ( );
  35951. __declspec(implementation_key(1236)) void IVGMetadata::PutLastAuthor ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35952. __declspec(implementation_key(1237)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetSubject ( );
  35953. __declspec(implementation_key(1238)) void IVGMetadata::PutSubject ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35954. __declspec(implementation_key(1239)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetCopyright ( );
  35955. __declspec(implementation_key(1240)) void IVGMetadata::PutCopyright ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35956. __declspec(implementation_key(1241)) long IVGMetadata::GetRevision ( );
  35957. __declspec(implementation_key(1242)) void IVGMetadata::PutRevision ( long pVal );
  35958. __declspec(implementation_key(1243)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetTemplateSided ( );
  35959. __declspec(implementation_key(1244)) void IVGMetadata::PutTemplateSided ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35960. __declspec(implementation_key(1245)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetTemplateFolds ( );
  35961. __declspec(implementation_key(1246)) void IVGMetadata::PutTemplateFolds ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35962. __declspec(implementation_key(1247)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetTemplateType ( );
  35963. __declspec(implementation_key(1248)) void IVGMetadata::PutTemplateType ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35964. __declspec(implementation_key(1249)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetTemplateIndustry ( );
  35965. __declspec(implementation_key(1250)) void IVGMetadata::PutTemplateIndustry ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35966. __declspec(implementation_key(1251)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetTitle ( );
  35967. __declspec(implementation_key(1252)) void IVGMetadata::PutTitle ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35968. __declspec(implementation_key(1253)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetDocID ( );
  35969. __declspec(implementation_key(1254)) void IVGMetadata::PutDocID ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35970. __declspec(implementation_key(1255)) enum cdrTextLanguage IVGMetadata::GetDocLanguage ( );
  35971. __declspec(implementation_key(1256)) void IVGMetadata::PutDocLanguage ( enum cdrTextLanguage pVal );
  35972. __declspec(implementation_key(1257)) _bstr_t IVGMetadata::GetTemplateDesignerNotes ( );
  35973. __declspec(implementation_key(1258)) void IVGMetadata::PutTemplateDesignerNotes ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35974. __declspec(implementation_key(1259)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGMetadata::GetLocalizableKeywords ( );
  35975. __declspec(implementation_key(1260)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGMetadata::GetLocalizableNotes ( );
  35976. __declspec(implementation_key(1261)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGMetadata::GetLocalizableTitle ( );
  35977. __declspec(implementation_key(1262)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGMetadata::GetLocalizableSubject ( );
  35978. __declspec(implementation_key(1263)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGMetadata::GetLocalizableCopyright ( );
  35979. __declspec(implementation_key(1264)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGMetadata::GetLocalizableTemplateDesignerNotes ( );
  35980. __declspec(implementation_key(1265)) IVGLocalizableStringPtr IVGMetadata::GetCategory ( );
  35981. __declspec(implementation_key(1266)) _bstr_t _IGlobalMacroStorage::Get_CodeName ( );
  35982. __declspec(implementation_key(1267)) void _IGlobalMacroStorage::Put_CodeName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  35983. __declspec(implementation_key(1268)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::QueryClose ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  35984. __declspec(implementation_key(1269)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::QuerySave ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  35985. __declspec(implementation_key(1270)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::QueryPrint ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  35986. __declspec(implementation_key(1271)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::QueryExport ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  35987. __declspec(implementation_key(1272)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::Open ( );
  35988. __declspec(implementation_key(1273)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::Close ( );
  35989. __declspec(implementation_key(1274)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::BeforeSave ( VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs, _bstr_t FileName );
  35990. __declspec(implementation_key(1275)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::AfterSave ( VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs, _bstr_t FileName );
  35991. __declspec(implementation_key(1276)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::BeforePrint ( );
  35992. __declspec(implementation_key(1277)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::AfterPrint ( );
  35993. __declspec(implementation_key(1278)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::BeforeExport ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  35994. __declspec(implementation_key(1279)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::AfterExport ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  35995. __declspec(implementation_key(1280)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::LayerCreate ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  35996. __declspec(implementation_key(1281)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::LayerDelete ( long Count );
  35997. __declspec(implementation_key(1282)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::LayerActivate ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  35998. __declspec(implementation_key(1283)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::LayerChange ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  35999. __declspec(implementation_key(1284)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::PageCreate ( struct IVGPage * Page );
  36000. __declspec(implementation_key(1285)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::PageDelete ( long Count );
  36001. __declspec(implementation_key(1286)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::PageActivate ( struct IVGPage * Page );
  36002. __declspec(implementation_key(1287)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::PageChange ( struct IVGPage * Page );
  36003. __declspec(implementation_key(1288)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::ShapeCreate ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36004. __declspec(implementation_key(1289)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::ShapeDelete ( long Count );
  36005. __declspec(implementation_key(1290)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::ShapeMove ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36006. __declspec(implementation_key(1291)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::ShapeTransform ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36007. __declspec(implementation_key(1292)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::ShapeDistort ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36008. __declspec(implementation_key(1293)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::ShapeChange ( struct IVGShape * Shape, enum cdrShapeChangeScope Scope );
  36009. __declspec(implementation_key(1294)) HRESULT DIVGDocumentEvents::SelectionChange ( );
  36010. __declspec(implementation_key(1295)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::QueryClose ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36011. __declspec(implementation_key(1296)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::QuerySave ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36012. __declspec(implementation_key(1297)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::QueryPrint ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36013. __declspec(implementation_key(1298)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::QueryExport ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36014. __declspec(implementation_key(1299)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::Open ( );
  36015. __declspec(implementation_key(1300)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::Close ( );
  36016. __declspec(implementation_key(1301)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::BeforeSave ( VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs, _bstr_t FileName );
  36017. __declspec(implementation_key(1302)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::AfterSave ( VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs, _bstr_t FileName );
  36018. __declspec(implementation_key(1303)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::BeforePrint ( );
  36019. __declspec(implementation_key(1304)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::AfterPrint ( );
  36020. __declspec(implementation_key(1305)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::BeforeExport ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  36021. __declspec(implementation_key(1306)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::AfterExport ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  36022. __declspec(implementation_key(1307)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::LayerCreate ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  36023. __declspec(implementation_key(1308)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::LayerDelete ( long Count );
  36024. __declspec(implementation_key(1309)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::LayerActivate ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  36025. __declspec(implementation_key(1310)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::LayerChange ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  36026. __declspec(implementation_key(1311)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::PageCreate ( struct IVGPage * Page );
  36027. __declspec(implementation_key(1312)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::PageDelete ( long Count );
  36028. __declspec(implementation_key(1313)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::PageActivate ( struct IVGPage * Page );
  36029. __declspec(implementation_key(1314)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::PageChange ( struct IVGPage * Page );
  36030. __declspec(implementation_key(1315)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::ShapeCreate ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36031. __declspec(implementation_key(1316)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::ShapeDelete ( long Count );
  36032. __declspec(implementation_key(1317)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::ShapeMove ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36033. __declspec(implementation_key(1318)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::ShapeTransform ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36034. __declspec(implementation_key(1319)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::ShapeDistort ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36035. __declspec(implementation_key(1320)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::ShapeChange ( struct IVGShape * Shape, enum cdrShapeChangeScope Scope );
  36036. __declspec(implementation_key(1321)) HRESULT IVGDocumentEvents::SelectionChange ( );
  36037. __declspec(implementation_key(1322)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::QueryDocumentClose ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36038. __declspec(implementation_key(1323)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::QueryDocumentSave ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36039. __declspec(implementation_key(1324)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::QueryDocumentPrint ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36040. __declspec(implementation_key(1325)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::QueryDocumentExport ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36041. __declspec(implementation_key(1326)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::QueryQuit ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36042. __declspec(implementation_key(1327)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::DocumentOpen ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, _bstr_t FileName );
  36043. __declspec(implementation_key(1328)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::DocumentNew ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL FromTemplate, _bstr_t Template, VARIANT_BOOL IncludeGraphics );
  36044. __declspec(implementation_key(1329)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::DocumentClose ( struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  36045. __declspec(implementation_key(1330)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::DocumentBeforeSave ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs, _bstr_t FileName );
  36046. __declspec(implementation_key(1331)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::DocumentAfterSave ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs, _bstr_t FileName );
  36047. __declspec(implementation_key(1332)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::DocumentBeforePrint ( struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  36048. __declspec(implementation_key(1333)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::DocumentAfterPrint ( struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  36049. __declspec(implementation_key(1334)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::DocumentBeforeExport ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  36050. __declspec(implementation_key(1335)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::DocumentAfterExport ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  36051. __declspec(implementation_key(1336)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::WindowActivate ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, struct IVGWindow * Window );
  36052. __declspec(implementation_key(1337)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::WindowDeactivate ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, struct IVGWindow * Window );
  36053. __declspec(implementation_key(1338)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::SelectionChange ( );
  36054. __declspec(implementation_key(1339)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::Start ( );
  36055. __declspec(implementation_key(1340)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::Quit ( );
  36056. __declspec(implementation_key(1341)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::OnPluginCommand ( _bstr_t CommandID );
  36057. __declspec(implementation_key(1342)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::OnUpdatePluginCommand ( _bstr_t CommandID, VARIANT_BOOL * Enabled, enum cdrCommandCheckState * Checked );
  36058. __declspec(implementation_key(1343)) HRESULT IVGApplicationEvents::OnApplicationEvent ( _bstr_t EventName, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  36059. __declspec(implementation_key(1344)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::QueryDocumentClose ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36060. __declspec(implementation_key(1345)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::QueryDocumentSave ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36061. __declspec(implementation_key(1346)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::QueryDocumentPrint ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36062. __declspec(implementation_key(1347)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::QueryDocumentExport ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36063. __declspec(implementation_key(1348)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::QueryQuit ( VARIANT_BOOL * Cancel );
  36064. __declspec(implementation_key(1349)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::DocumentOpen ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, _bstr_t FileName );
  36065. __declspec(implementation_key(1350)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::DocumentNew ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL FromTemplate, _bstr_t Template, VARIANT_BOOL IncludeGraphics );
  36066. __declspec(implementation_key(1351)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::DocumentClose ( struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  36067. __declspec(implementation_key(1352)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::DocumentBeforeSave ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs, _bstr_t FileName );
  36068. __declspec(implementation_key(1353)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::DocumentAfterSave ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, VARIANT_BOOL SaveAs, _bstr_t FileName );
  36069. __declspec(implementation_key(1354)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::DocumentBeforePrint ( struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  36070. __declspec(implementation_key(1355)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::DocumentAfterPrint ( struct IVGDocument * Doc );
  36071. __declspec(implementation_key(1356)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::DocumentBeforeExport ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  36072. __declspec(implementation_key(1357)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::DocumentAfterExport ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, VARIANT_BOOL SaveBitmap );
  36073. __declspec(implementation_key(1358)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::WindowActivate ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, struct IVGWindow * Window );
  36074. __declspec(implementation_key(1359)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::WindowDeactivate ( struct IVGDocument * Doc, struct IVGWindow * Window );
  36075. __declspec(implementation_key(1360)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::SelectionChange ( );
  36076. __declspec(implementation_key(1361)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::Start ( );
  36077. __declspec(implementation_key(1362)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::Quit ( );
  36078. __declspec(implementation_key(1363)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::OnPluginCommand ( _bstr_t CommandID );
  36079. __declspec(implementation_key(1364)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::OnUpdatePluginCommand ( _bstr_t CommandID, VARIANT_BOOL * Enabled, enum cdrCommandCheckState * Checked );
  36080. __declspec(implementation_key(1365)) HRESULT DIVGApplicationEvents::OnApplicationEvent ( _bstr_t EventName, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  36081. __declspec(implementation_key(1366)) ICUICommandBarsPtr ICUIFrameWork::GetCommandBars ( );
  36082. __declspec(implementation_key(1367)) ICUICommandBarPtr ICUIFrameWork::GetMainMenu ( );
  36083. __declspec(implementation_key(1368)) ICUICommandBarPtr ICUIFrameWork::GetStatusBar ( );
  36084. __declspec(implementation_key(1369)) _bstr_t ICUIFrameWork::GetName ( );
  36085. __declspec(implementation_key(1370)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWork::ImportWorkspace ( _bstr_t FileName );
  36086. __declspec(implementation_key(1371)) ICUIAutomationPtr ICUIFrameWork::GetAutomation ( );
  36087. __declspec(implementation_key(1372)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWork::ShowDocker ( _bstr_t Guid );
  36088. __declspec(implementation_key(1373)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWork::HideDocker ( _bstr_t Guid );
  36089. __declspec(implementation_key(1374)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIFrameWork::IsDockerVisible ( _bstr_t Guid );
  36090. __declspec(implementation_key(1375)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWork::AddDocker ( _bstr_t Guid, _bstr_t ClassName, _bstr_t AssemblyPath );
  36091. __declspec(implementation_key(1376)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWork::RemoveDocker ( _bstr_t Guid );
  36092. __declspec(implementation_key(1377)) ICUIFrameWindowsPtr ICUIFrameWork::GetFrameWindows ( );
  36093. __declspec(implementation_key(1378)) ICUIFrameWindowPtr ICUIFrameWork::GetMainFrameWindow ( );
  36094. __declspec(implementation_key(1379)) ICUIApplicationPtr ICUIFrameWork::GetApplication ( );
  36095. __declspec(implementation_key(1380)) ICUIFrameWindowPtr ICUIFrameWork::CreateFrameWindowForViewHost ( struct ICUIViewHost * ViewHostToInsert );
  36096. __declspec(implementation_key(1381)) ICUIFrameWindowPtr ICUIFrameWork::CreateFrameWindowForView ( struct ICUIViewWindow * ViewToInsert );
  36097. __declspec(implementation_key(1382)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWork::ShowDialog ( _bstr_t Guid );
  36098. __declspec(implementation_key(1383)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWork::HideDialog ( _bstr_t Guid );
  36099. __declspec(implementation_key(1384)) long ICUIFrameWork::ShowMessageBox ( _bstr_t szMessage, _bstr_t szMainInstruction, long unFlags, struct ICUIBitmapImage * pImage, _bstr_t szHelpGuid, _bstr_t szWarningName, enum cuiMessageBoxFlags eFlags, struct ICUIDataContext * pDataContext );
  36100. __declspec(implementation_key(1385)) ICUIWarningPtr ICUIFrameWork::GetWarning ( _bstr_t szWarningID, VARIANT_BOOL bHidden );
  36101. __declspec(implementation_key(1386)) ICUITaskManagerPtr ICUIFrameWork::GetTaskManager ( );
  36102. __declspec(implementation_key(1387)) long ICUIFrameWindows::GetCount ( );
  36103. __declspec(implementation_key(1388)) ICUIFrameWindowPtr ICUIFrameWindows::GetItem ( long Index );
  36104. __declspec(implementation_key(1389)) IUnknownPtr ICUIFrameWindows::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36105. __declspec(implementation_key(1390)) ICUIFrameWindowPtr ICUIFrameWindows::Find ( _bstr_t ID );
  36106. __declspec(implementation_key(1391)) ICUIFrameWindowPtr ICUIFrameWindows::GetFirst ( );
  36107. __declspec(implementation_key(1392)) ICUIFrameWindowPtr ICUIFrameWindows::GetLast ( );
  36108. __declspec(implementation_key(1393)) _bstr_t ICUIFrameWindow::GetID ( );
  36109. __declspec(implementation_key(1394)) _bstr_t ICUIFrameWindow::GetCaption ( );
  36110. __declspec(implementation_key(1395)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWindow::Minimize ( );
  36111. __declspec(implementation_key(1396)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWindow::Maximize ( );
  36112. __declspec(implementation_key(1397)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWindow::Restore ( );
  36113. __declspec(implementation_key(1398)) enum cuiWindowState ICUIFrameWindow::GetState ( );
  36114. __declspec(implementation_key(1399)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIFrameWindow::GetIsMainFrame ( );
  36115. __declspec(implementation_key(1400)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWindow::Close ( );
  36116. __declspec(implementation_key(1401)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWindow::Activate ( );
  36117. __declspec(implementation_key(1402)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIFrameWindow::GetIsActive ( );
  36118. __declspec(implementation_key(1403)) long ICUIFrameWindow::GetHandle ( );
  36119. __declspec(implementation_key(1404)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWindow::TileViews ( VARIANT_BOOL TileHorizontally );
  36120. __declspec(implementation_key(1405)) HRESULT ICUIFrameWindow::CombineViews ( );
  36121. __declspec(implementation_key(1406)) ICUIViewHostsPtr ICUIFrameWindow::GetViewHosts ( );
  36122. __declspec(implementation_key(1407)) ICUIDockHostsPtr ICUIFrameWindow::GetDockHosts ( );
  36123. __declspec(implementation_key(1408)) ICUIDockHostPtr ICUIFrameWindow::GetRootDockHost ( );
  36124. __declspec(implementation_key(1409)) ICUIScreenRectPtr ICUIFrameWindow::GetPosition ( );
  36125. __declspec(implementation_key(1410)) long ICUIViewHosts::GetCount ( );
  36126. __declspec(implementation_key(1411)) ICUIViewHostPtr ICUIViewHosts::GetItem ( long Index );
  36127. __declspec(implementation_key(1412)) IUnknownPtr ICUIViewHosts::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36128. __declspec(implementation_key(1413)) ICUIViewHostPtr ICUIViewHosts::Find ( _bstr_t ID );
  36129. __declspec(implementation_key(1414)) ICUIViewHostPtr ICUIViewHosts::GetFirst ( );
  36130. __declspec(implementation_key(1415)) ICUIViewHostPtr ICUIViewHosts::GetLast ( );
  36131. __declspec(implementation_key(1416)) _bstr_t ICUIViewHost::GetID ( );
  36132. __declspec(implementation_key(1417)) ICUIDockHostPtr ICUIViewHost::GetDockHost ( );
  36133. __declspec(implementation_key(1418)) ICUIViewWindowsPtr ICUIViewHost::GetViews ( );
  36134. __declspec(implementation_key(1419)) ICUIDockItemPtr ICUIViewHost::GetDockItem ( );
  36135. __declspec(implementation_key(1420)) ICUIScreenRectPtr ICUIViewHost::GetPosition ( );
  36136. __declspec(implementation_key(1421)) HRESULT ICUIViewHost::InsertView ( struct ICUIViewWindow * ViewToInsert, long Index );
  36137. __declspec(implementation_key(1422)) HRESULT ICUIViewHost::InsertViewHost ( struct ICUIViewHost * ViewHostToInsert, long Index );
  36138. __declspec(implementation_key(1423)) _bstr_t ICUIViewWindow::GetID ( );
  36139. __declspec(implementation_key(1424)) ICUIViewHostPtr ICUIViewWindow::GetViewHost ( );
  36140. __declspec(implementation_key(1425)) long ICUIViewWindow::GetIndex ( );
  36141. __declspec(implementation_key(1426)) _bstr_t ICUIViewWindow::GetKind ( );
  36142. __declspec(implementation_key(1427)) _bstr_t ICUIViewWindow::GetTitle ( );
  36143. __declspec(implementation_key(1428)) _bstr_t ICUIViewWindow::GetDescription ( );
  36144. __declspec(implementation_key(1429)) ICUIScreenRectPtr ICUIViewWindow::GetPosition ( );
  36145. __declspec(implementation_key(1430)) HRESULT ICUIViewWindow::Activate ( );
  36146. __declspec(implementation_key(1431)) HRESULT ICUIViewWindow::Close ( );
  36147. __declspec(implementation_key(1432)) IDispatchPtr ICUIViewWindow::GetAppView ( );
  36148. __declspec(implementation_key(1433)) long ICUIViewWindows::GetCount ( );
  36149. __declspec(implementation_key(1434)) ICUIViewWindowPtr ICUIViewWindows::GetItem ( long Index );
  36150. __declspec(implementation_key(1435)) IUnknownPtr ICUIViewWindows::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36151. __declspec(implementation_key(1436)) ICUIViewWindowPtr ICUIViewWindows::Find ( _bstr_t ID );
  36152. __declspec(implementation_key(1437)) ICUIViewWindowPtr ICUIViewWindows::GetFirst ( );
  36153. __declspec(implementation_key(1438)) ICUIViewWindowPtr ICUIViewWindows::GetLast ( );
  36154. __declspec(implementation_key(1439)) _bstr_t ICUIDockHost::GetID ( );
  36155. __declspec(implementation_key(1440)) enum cuiDockHostOrientation ICUIDockHost::GetOrientation ( );
  36156. __declspec(implementation_key(1441)) ICUIDockHostPtr ICUIDockHost::GetParentDockHost ( );
  36157. __declspec(implementation_key(1442)) ICUIDockItemPtr ICUIDockHost::GetDockItem ( );
  36158. __declspec(implementation_key(1443)) ICUIDockItemsPtr ICUIDockHost::GetChildren ( );
  36159. __declspec(implementation_key(1444)) HRESULT ICUIDockHost::InsertViewHost ( struct ICUIViewHost * ViewHostToInsert, long Index, enum cuiDockOperation Operation );
  36160. __declspec(implementation_key(1445)) ICUIViewHostPtr ICUIDockHost::InsertView ( struct ICUIViewWindow * ViewToInsert, long Index, enum cuiDockOperation Operation );
  36161. __declspec(implementation_key(1446)) ICUIScreenRectPtr ICUIDockHost::GetPosition ( );
  36162. __declspec(implementation_key(1447)) _bstr_t ICUIDockItem::GetID ( );
  36163. __declspec(implementation_key(1448)) enum cuiDockItemType ICUIDockItem::GetType ( );
  36164. __declspec(implementation_key(1449)) ICUIViewHostPtr ICUIDockItem::GetViewHost ( );
  36165. __declspec(implementation_key(1450)) ICUIDockHostPtr ICUIDockItem::GetDockHost ( );
  36166. __declspec(implementation_key(1451)) long ICUIDockItem::GetIndex ( );
  36167. __declspec(implementation_key(1452)) long ICUIDockItem::GetRelativeSize ( );
  36168. __declspec(implementation_key(1453)) void ICUIDockItem::PutRelativeSize ( long pVal );
  36169. __declspec(implementation_key(1454)) ICUIScreenRectPtr ICUIDockItem::GetPosition ( );
  36170. __declspec(implementation_key(1455)) long ICUIDockItems::GetCount ( );
  36171. __declspec(implementation_key(1456)) ICUIDockItemPtr ICUIDockItems::GetItem ( long Index );
  36172. __declspec(implementation_key(1457)) IUnknownPtr ICUIDockItems::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36173. __declspec(implementation_key(1458)) ICUIDockItemPtr ICUIDockItems::Find ( _bstr_t ID );
  36174. __declspec(implementation_key(1459)) ICUIDockItemPtr ICUIDockItems::GetFirst ( );
  36175. __declspec(implementation_key(1460)) ICUIDockItemPtr ICUIDockItems::GetLast ( );
  36176. __declspec(implementation_key(1461)) long ICUIDockHosts::GetCount ( );
  36177. __declspec(implementation_key(1462)) ICUIDockHostPtr ICUIDockHosts::GetItem ( long Index );
  36178. __declspec(implementation_key(1463)) IUnknownPtr ICUIDockHosts::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36179. __declspec(implementation_key(1464)) ICUIDockHostPtr ICUIDockHosts::Find ( _bstr_t ID );
  36180. __declspec(implementation_key(1465)) ICUIDockHostPtr ICUIDockHosts::GetFirst ( );
  36181. __declspec(implementation_key(1466)) ICUIDockHostPtr ICUIDockHosts::GetLast ( );
  36182. __declspec(implementation_key(1467)) ICUIDataContextPtr ICUIApplication::GetDataContext ( );
  36183. __declspec(implementation_key(1468)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIApplication::RegisterDataSource ( _bstr_t DataSourceName, struct ICUIDataSourceFactory * Factory, _bstr_t CategoryList, VARIANT_BOOL AutoCreateInstance );
  36184. __declspec(implementation_key(1469)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIApplication::UnregisterDataSource ( _bstr_t DataSourceName );
  36185. __declspec(implementation_key(1470)) ICUIImageListPtr ICUIApplication::CreateImageList ( );
  36186. __declspec(implementation_key(1471)) ICUIFrameWorkPtr ICUIApplication::GetFrameWork ( );
  36187. __declspec(implementation_key(1472)) ICUIScreenRectPtr ICUIApplication::CreateScreenRect ( long Left, long Top, long Width, long Height );
  36188. __declspec(implementation_key(1473)) ICUIBitmapImagePtr ICUIApplication::CreateBitmapImage ( const _variant_t & ImageData, long MaxSize );
  36189. __declspec(implementation_key(1474)) ICUIStatusTextPtr ICUIApplication::CreateStatusText ( );
  36190. __declspec(implementation_key(1475)) _bstr_t ICUIApplication::LoadLocalizedString ( _bstr_t Guid );
  36191. __declspec(implementation_key(1476)) ICUIDataSourceFactoryPtr ICUIApplication::CreateDataSourceFactory ( IDispatch * DataSourceFactoryObject );
  36192. __declspec(implementation_key(1477)) HRESULT ICUIDataSourceProxy::UpdateListeners ( _bstr_t ListenerNames );
  36193. __declspec(implementation_key(1478)) ICUIApplicationPtr ICUIDataSourceProxy::GetApplication ( );
  36194. __declspec(implementation_key(1479)) _bstr_t ICUIDataSourceProxy::GetName ( );
  36195. __declspec(implementation_key(1480)) HRESULT ICUIDataSourceProxy::InvokeMethod ( _bstr_t MethodName );
  36196. __declspec(implementation_key(1481)) _variant_t ICUIDataSourceProxy::GetProperty ( _bstr_t PropertyName );
  36197. __declspec(implementation_key(1482)) HRESULT ICUIDataSourceProxy::SetProperty ( _bstr_t PropertyName, const _variant_t & Value );
  36198. __declspec(implementation_key(1483)) ICUIDataContextPtr ICUIDataContext::CreateChildDataContext ( _bstr_t CategoryList );
  36199. __declspec(implementation_key(1484)) _bstr_t ICUIDataContext::GetCategories ( );
  36200. __declspec(implementation_key(1485)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIDataContext::HasCategory ( _bstr_t Category );
  36201. __declspec(implementation_key(1486)) ICUIDataSourceProxyPtr ICUIDataContext::AddDataSource ( _bstr_t DataSourceName, IDispatch * DataSourceObject );
  36202. __declspec(implementation_key(1487)) VARIANT_BOOL ICUIDataContext::ShowDialog ( _bstr_t dialogID );
  36203. __declspec(implementation_key(1488)) ICUIDataSourceProxyPtr ICUIDataContext::GetDataSource ( _bstr_t DataSourceName );
  36204. __declspec(implementation_key(1489)) IDispatchPtr ICUIDataSourceFactory::CreateDataSource ( _bstr_t DataSourceName, struct ICUIDataSourceProxy * Proxy );
  36205. __declspec(implementation_key(1490)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGDocument::GetApplication ( );
  36206. __declspec(implementation_key(1491)) IVGDocumentsPtr IVGDocument::GetParent ( );
  36207. __declspec(implementation_key(1492)) _bstr_t IVGDocument::GetName ( );
  36208. __declspec(implementation_key(1493)) HRESULT IVGDocument::SaveAs ( _bstr_t FileName, struct IVGStructSaveAsOptions * Options );
  36209. __declspec(implementation_key(1494)) HRESULT IVGDocument::Save ( );
  36210. __declspec(implementation_key(1495)) IVGPagesPtr IVGDocument::GetPages ( );
  36211. __declspec(implementation_key(1496)) enum cdrReferencePoint IVGDocument::GetReferencePoint ( );
  36212. __declspec(implementation_key(1497)) void IVGDocument::PutReferencePoint ( enum cdrReferencePoint pRefPoint );
  36213. __declspec(implementation_key(1498)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::GetApplyToDuplicate ( );
  36214. __declspec(implementation_key(1499)) void IVGDocument::PutApplyToDuplicate ( VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  36215. __declspec(implementation_key(1500)) IVGPagePtr IVGDocument::GetActivePage ( );
  36216. __declspec(implementation_key(1501)) IVGLayerPtr IVGDocument::GetActiveLayer ( );
  36217. __declspec(implementation_key(1502)) IVGWindowsPtr IVGDocument::GetWindows ( );
  36218. __declspec(implementation_key(1503)) IVGWindowPtr IVGDocument::GetActiveWindow ( );
  36219. __declspec(implementation_key(1504)) HRESULT IVGDocument::Close ( );
  36220. __declspec(implementation_key(1505)) HRESULT IVGDocument::Undo ( long Levels );
  36221. __declspec(implementation_key(1506)) HRESULT IVGDocument::Redo ( long Levels );
  36222. __declspec(implementation_key(1507)) HRESULT IVGDocument::Repeat ( );
  36223. __declspec(implementation_key(1508)) HRESULT IVGDocument::Activate ( );
  36224. __declspec(implementation_key(1509)) enum cdrUnit IVGDocument::GetUnit ( );
  36225. __declspec(implementation_key(1510)) void IVGDocument::PutUnit ( enum cdrUnit pnUnit );
  36226. __declspec(implementation_key(1511)) double IVGDocument::GetDrawingOriginX ( );
  36227. __declspec(implementation_key(1512)) void IVGDocument::PutDrawingOriginX ( double plX );
  36228. __declspec(implementation_key(1513)) double IVGDocument::GetDrawingOriginY ( );
  36229. __declspec(implementation_key(1514)) void IVGDocument::PutDrawingOriginY ( double plY );
  36230. __declspec(implementation_key(1515)) IVGPagePtr IVGDocument::AddPages ( long NumberOfPages );
  36231. __declspec(implementation_key(1516)) IVGPagePtr IVGDocument::InsertPages ( long NumberOfPages, VARIANT_BOOL BeforePage, long Page );
  36232. __declspec(implementation_key(1517)) IVGShapePtr IVGDocument::Selection ( );
  36233. __declspec(implementation_key(1518)) HRESULT IVGDocument::ClearSelection ( );
  36234. __declspec(implementation_key(1519)) HRESULT IVGDocument::Export ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, enum cdrExportRange Range, struct IVGStructExportOptions * Options, struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * PaletteOptions );
  36235. __declspec(implementation_key(1520)) HRESULT IVGDocument::ResolveAllBitmapsLinks ( );
  36236. __declspec(implementation_key(1521)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::GetDirty ( );
  36237. __declspec(implementation_key(1522)) void IVGDocument::PutDirty ( VARIANT_BOOL Dirty );
  36238. __declspec(implementation_key(1523)) long IVGDocument::GetUserClick ( double * x, double * y, long * ShiftState, long TimeOut, VARIANT_BOOL Snap, enum cdrCursorShape CursorShape );
  36239. __declspec(implementation_key(1524)) long IVGDocument::GetUserArea ( double * x1, double * y1, double * x2, double * y2, long * ShiftState, long TimeOut, VARIANT_BOOL Snap, enum cdrCursorShape CursorShape );
  36240. __declspec(implementation_key(1525)) HRESULT IVGDocument::BeginCommandGroup ( _bstr_t CommandName );
  36241. __declspec(implementation_key(1526)) HRESULT IVGDocument::EndCommandGroup ( );
  36242. __declspec(implementation_key(1527)) _bstr_t IVGDocument::GetFilePath ( );
  36243. __declspec(implementation_key(1528)) _bstr_t IVGDocument::GetFileName ( );
  36244. __declspec(implementation_key(1529)) _bstr_t IVGDocument::GetFullFileName ( );
  36245. __declspec(implementation_key(1530)) long IVGDocument::GetResolution ( );
  36246. __declspec(implementation_key(1531)) void IVGDocument::PutResolution ( long pResolution );
  36247. __declspec(implementation_key(1532)) enum cdrShapeEnumDirection IVGDocument::GetShapeEnumDirection ( );
  36248. __declspec(implementation_key(1533)) void IVGDocument::PutShapeEnumDirection ( enum cdrShapeEnumDirection peDirection );
  36249. __declspec(implementation_key(1534)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGDocument::GetSelectionRange ( );
  36250. __declspec(implementation_key(1535)) IVGRulersPtr IVGDocument::GetRulers ( );
  36251. __declspec(implementation_key(1536)) IVGGridPtr IVGDocument::GetGrid ( );
  36252. __declspec(implementation_key(1537)) IVGViewsPtr IVGDocument::GetViews ( );
  36253. __declspec(implementation_key(1538)) IVGViewPtr IVGDocument::CreateView ( _bstr_t Name, double OriginX, double OriginY, long Zoom, struct IVGPage * Page );
  36254. __declspec(implementation_key(1539)) IVGPowerClipPtr IVGDocument::GetActivePowerClip ( );
  36255. __declspec(implementation_key(1540)) long IVGDocument::AdviseEvents ( IDispatch * EventSink );
  36256. __declspec(implementation_key(1541)) HRESULT IVGDocument::UnadviseEvents ( long Cookie );
  36257. __declspec(implementation_key(1542)) double IVGDocument::GetWorldScale ( );
  36258. __declspec(implementation_key(1543)) void IVGDocument::PutWorldScale ( double Scale );
  36259. __declspec(implementation_key(1544)) HRESULT IVGDocument::PrintOut ( );
  36260. __declspec(implementation_key(1545)) IVGShapePtr IVGDocument::GetActiveShape ( );
  36261. __declspec(implementation_key(1546)) long IVGDocument::GetCurvePrecision ( );
  36262. __declspec(implementation_key(1547)) IVGPagePtr IVGDocument::AddPagesEx ( long NumberOfPages, double Width, double Height );
  36263. __declspec(implementation_key(1548)) IVGPagePtr IVGDocument::InsertPagesEx ( long NumberOfPages, VARIANT_BOOL BeforePage, long Page, double Width, double Height );
  36264. __declspec(implementation_key(1549)) _bstr_t IVGDocument::GetTitle ( );
  36265. __declspec(implementation_key(1550)) HRESULT IVGDocument::SaveSettings ( _bstr_t Tag );
  36266. __declspec(implementation_key(1551)) HRESULT IVGDocument::RestoreSettings ( _bstr_t Tag );
  36267. __declspec(implementation_key(1552)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::GetActive ( );
  36268. __declspec(implementation_key(1553)) long IVGDocument::GetIndex ( );
  36269. __declspec(implementation_key(1554)) ICorelExportFilterPtr IVGDocument::ExportEx ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, enum cdrExportRange Range, struct IVGStructExportOptions * Options, struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * PaletteOptions );
  36270. __declspec(implementation_key(1555)) ICorelExportFilterPtr IVGDocument::ExportBitmap ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, enum cdrExportRange Range, enum cdrImageType ImageType, long Width, long Height, long ResolutionX, long ResolutionY, enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasingType, VARIANT_BOOL Dithered, VARIANT_BOOL Transparent, VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile, VARIANT_BOOL MaintainLayers, enum cdrCompressionType Compression, struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * PaletteOptions, struct IVGRect * ExportArea );
  36271. __declspec(implementation_key(1556)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::GetEditAcrossLayers ( );
  36272. __declspec(implementation_key(1557)) void IVGDocument::PutEditAcrossLayers ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36273. __declspec(implementation_key(1558)) IVGPropertiesPtr IVGDocument::GetProperties ( );
  36274. __declspec(implementation_key(1559)) void IVGDocument::PutCurvePrecision ( long lpPrec );
  36275. __declspec(implementation_key(1560)) IPrnVBAPrintSettingsPtr IVGDocument::GetPrintSettings ( );
  36276. __declspec(implementation_key(1561)) _bstr_t IVGDocument::GetKeywords ( );
  36277. __declspec(implementation_key(1562)) void IVGDocument::PutKeywords ( _bstr_t pVal );
  36278. __declspec(implementation_key(1563)) _bstr_t IVGDocument::GetNotes ( );
  36279. __declspec(implementation_key(1564)) void IVGDocument::PutNotes ( _bstr_t pVal );
  36280. __declspec(implementation_key(1565)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::GetPreserveSelection ( );
  36281. __declspec(implementation_key(1566)) void IVGDocument::PutPreserveSelection ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36282. __declspec(implementation_key(1567)) HRESULT IVGDocument::ResetSettings ( );
  36283. __declspec(implementation_key(1568)) IVGDataFieldsPtr IVGDocument::GetDataFields ( );
  36284. __declspec(implementation_key(1569)) IPDFVBASettingsPtr IVGDocument::GetPDFSettings ( );
  36285. __declspec(implementation_key(1570)) HRESULT IVGDocument::PublishToPDF ( _bstr_t FileName );
  36286. __declspec(implementation_key(1571)) IVGSelectionInformationPtr IVGDocument::GetSelectionInfo ( );
  36287. __declspec(implementation_key(1572)) IVGPageSizesPtr IVGDocument::GetPageSizes ( );
  36288. __declspec(implementation_key(1573)) IVGComponentsPtr IVGDocument::GetComponents ( );
  36289. __declspec(implementation_key(1574)) IVGSymbolLibraryPtr IVGDocument::GetSymbolLibrary ( );
  36290. __declspec(implementation_key(1575)) IVGCurvePtr IVGDocument::CreateCurve ( );
  36291. __declspec(implementation_key(1576)) IVGCurvePtr IVGDocument::CreateCurveFromArray ( SAFEARRAY * * Source, long NumElements );
  36292. __declspec(implementation_key(1577)) HRESULT IVGDocument::LoadStyleSheet ( _bstr_t FileName );
  36293. __declspec(implementation_key(1578)) HRESULT IVGDocument::SaveStyleSheet ( _bstr_t FileName );
  36294. __declspec(implementation_key(1579)) HRESULT IVGDocument::SaveStyleSheetAsDefault ( );
  36295. __declspec(implementation_key(1580)) HRESULT IVGDocument::CreateSelection ( SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray );
  36296. __declspec(implementation_key(1581)) HRESULT IVGDocument::AddToSelection ( SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray );
  36297. __declspec(implementation_key(1582)) HRESULT IVGDocument::RemoveFromSelection ( SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray );
  36298. __declspec(implementation_key(1583)) IVGShapesPtr IVGDocument::GetSelectableShapes ( );
  36299. __declspec(implementation_key(1584)) double IVGDocument::ToUnits ( double Value, enum cdrUnit FromUnit );
  36300. __declspec(implementation_key(1585)) double IVGDocument::FromUnits ( double Value, enum cdrUnit ToUnit );
  36301. __declspec(implementation_key(1586)) long IVGDocument::GetResolutionX ( );
  36302. __declspec(implementation_key(1587)) void IVGDocument::PutResolutionX ( long pResolution );
  36303. __declspec(implementation_key(1588)) long IVGDocument::GetResolutionY ( );
  36304. __declspec(implementation_key(1589)) void IVGDocument::PutResolutionY ( long pResolution );
  36305. __declspec(implementation_key(1590)) IVGPagePtr IVGDocument::GetMasterPage ( );
  36306. __declspec(implementation_key(1591)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::Revert ( );
  36307. __declspec(implementation_key(1592)) _bstr_t IVGDocument::GetCodeName ( );
  36308. __declspec(implementation_key(1593)) _bstr_t IVGDocument::Get_CodeName ( );
  36309. __declspec(implementation_key(1594)) void IVGDocument::Put_CodeName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  36310. __declspec(implementation_key(1595)) void IVGDocument::PutName ( _bstr_t pbstrName );
  36311. __declspec(implementation_key(1596)) void IVGDocument::PutFullFileName ( _bstr_t pFullFileName );
  36312. __declspec(implementation_key(1597)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGDocument::GetTreeRoot ( );
  36313. __declspec(implementation_key(1598)) IVGTreeManagerPtr IVGDocument::GetTreeManager ( );
  36314. __declspec(implementation_key(1599)) IVGShapePtr IVGDocument::LogCreateShape ( struct IVGShape * VirtualShape );
  36315. __declspec(implementation_key(1600)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGDocument::LogCreateShapeRange ( struct IVGShapeRange * VirtualShapeRange );
  36316. __declspec(implementation_key(1601)) IVGFillPtr IVGDocument::CreateFill ( _bstr_t FillString );
  36317. __declspec(implementation_key(1602)) IVGOutlinePtr IVGDocument::CreateOutline ( _bstr_t OutlineString );
  36318. __declspec(implementation_key(1603)) IVGHatchLibrariesPtr IVGDocument::GetHatchLibraries ( );
  36319. __declspec(implementation_key(1604)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGDocument::CreateShapeRangeFromArray ( SAFEARRAY * * ShapeArray );
  36320. __declspec(implementation_key(1605)) HRESULT IVGDocument::ClearUndoList ( );
  36321. __declspec(implementation_key(1606)) double IVGDocument::GetSourcePlatformVersion ( );
  36322. __declspec(implementation_key(1607)) void IVGDocument::PutSourcePlatformVersion ( double pVal );
  36323. __declspec(implementation_key(1608)) enum cdrFilter IVGDocument::GetSourceFormat ( );
  36324. __declspec(implementation_key(1609)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::GetIsCurrentVersion ( );
  36325. __declspec(implementation_key(1610)) enum cdrFileVersion IVGDocument::GetSourceFileVersion ( );
  36326. __declspec(implementation_key(1611)) void IVGDocument::PutSourceFileVersion ( enum cdrFileVersion pVal );
  36327. __declspec(implementation_key(1612)) IVGFillPtr IVGDocument::CreateUniformFill ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  36328. __declspec(implementation_key(1613)) IVGMetadataPtr IVGDocument::GetMetadata ( );
  36329. __declspec(implementation_key(1614)) enum cdrDocLayout IVGDocument::GetLayout ( );
  36330. __declspec(implementation_key(1615)) void IVGDocument::PutLayout ( enum cdrDocLayout pVal );
  36331. __declspec(implementation_key(1616)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::GetFacingPages ( );
  36332. __declspec(implementation_key(1617)) void IVGDocument::PutFacingPages ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36333. __declspec(implementation_key(1618)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::GetFirstPageOnRightSide ( );
  36334. __declspec(implementation_key(1619)) void IVGDocument::PutFirstPageOnRightSide ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36335. __declspec(implementation_key(1620)) HRESULT IVGDocument::SetLayout ( enum cdrDocLayout Layout, VARIANT_BOOL FacingPages, VARIANT_BOOL StartOnRightSide );
  36336. __declspec(implementation_key(1621)) IVGSpreadsPtr IVGDocument::GetSpreads ( );
  36337. __declspec(implementation_key(1622)) IVGSpreadPtr IVGDocument::GetActiveSpread ( );
  36338. __declspec(implementation_key(1623)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGDocument::CreateArrowHead ( struct IVGCurve * Curve );
  36339. __declspec(implementation_key(1624)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGDocument::CreateArrowHeadEx ( struct IVGCurve * Curve, double CenterX, double CenterY, double OutlineWidthScale, double LineOffset );
  36340. __declspec(implementation_key(1625)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::DeletePages ( long StartPage, long NumPages );
  36341. __declspec(implementation_key(1626)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGDocument::CreateArrowHead2 ( struct IVGCurve * Curve, _bstr_t Name );
  36342. __declspec(implementation_key(1627)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGDocument::CreateArrowHeadEx2 ( struct IVGCurve * Curve, _bstr_t Name, double CenterX, double CenterY, double OutlineWidthScale, double LineOffset );
  36343. __declspec(implementation_key(1628)) IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr IVGDocument::CreateArrowHeadOptions ( double Length, double Width, double OffsetX, double OffsetY, double RotationAngle, VARIANT_BOOL FlipHorizontal, VARIANT_BOOL FlipVertical );
  36344. __declspec(implementation_key(1629)) HRESULT IVGDocument::SaveAsCopy ( _bstr_t FileName, struct IVGStructSaveAsOptions * Options );
  36345. __declspec(implementation_key(1630)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGDocument::CreateFreeSnapPoint ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  36346. __declspec(implementation_key(1631)) IVGBSplinePtr IVGDocument::CreateBSpline ( long NumControlPoints, VARIANT_BOOL Closed );
  36347. __declspec(implementation_key(1632)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGDocument::Duplicate ( );
  36348. __declspec(implementation_key(1633)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGDocument::Clone ( );
  36349. __declspec(implementation_key(1634)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::GetIsTemporary ( );
  36350. __declspec(implementation_key(1635)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGDocument::GetColorContext ( );
  36351. __declspec(implementation_key(1636)) HRESULT IVGDocument::AssignColorContext ( struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  36352. __declspec(implementation_key(1637)) HRESULT IVGDocument::ConvertToColorContext ( struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  36353. __declspec(implementation_key(1638)) HRESULT IVGDocument::PrintColorProof ( struct IVGProofColorSettings * ProofSettings );
  36354. __declspec(implementation_key(1639)) IVGPalettePtr IVGDocument::GetPalette ( );
  36355. __declspec(implementation_key(1640)) long IVGDocument::GetTextFormatter ( );
  36356. __declspec(implementation_key(1641)) void IVGDocument::PutTextFormatter ( long pVal );
  36357. __declspec(implementation_key(1642)) IVGStyleSheetPtr IVGDocument::GetStyleSheet ( );
  36358. __declspec(implementation_key(1643)) HRESULT IVGDocument::InteractiveImport ( SAFEARRAY * * FileNames );
  36359. __declspec(implementation_key(1644)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDocument::AddColorsToDocPalette ( VARIANT_BOOL SelectedOnly, long MaxColorsPerBitmap );
  36360. __declspec(implementation_key(1645)) long IVGDocument::CreateColorStyles ( VARIANT_BOOL UseFills, VARIANT_BOOL UseOutlines, VARIANT_BOOL SelectedOnly, long NumberOfColorHarmonies, enum cdrColorType ConvertColorsTo );
  36361. __declspec(implementation_key(1646)) IVGCurvePtr IVGDocument::CreateCurveFitToPoints ( struct IVGPointRange * Points, VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance, double tolerance );
  36362. __declspec(implementation_key(1647)) IVGCurvePtr IVGDocument::CreateCurveFitToPointsAndCusps ( struct IVGPointRange * Points, SAFEARRAY * * CuspIndexArray, VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance, double tolerance );
  36363. __declspec(implementation_key(1648)) IVGColorPtr IVGDocument::SampleColorAtPoint ( double x, double y, enum cdrColorType ColorType );
  36364. __declspec(implementation_key(1649)) IVGColorPtr IVGDocument::SampleColorInArea ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, long XSamples, long YSamples, enum cdrColorType ColorType );
  36365. __declspec(implementation_key(1650)) HRESULT IVGDocument::ShowAllHiddenObjects ( );
  36366. __declspec(implementation_key(1651)) HRESULT IVGDocument::InteractiveImportWithContentIdentifier ( SAFEARRAY * * FileNames, SAFEARRAY * * ContentIdentifiers );
  36367. __declspec(implementation_key(1652)) HRESULT IVGDocument::ReplaceContentByIdentifier ( SAFEARRAY * * ContentIdentifiers, SAFEARRAY * * FileNames );
  36368. __declspec(implementation_key(1653)) SAFEARRAY * IVGDocument::GetContentIdentifiers ( );
  36369. __declspec(implementation_key(1654)) _variant_t IVGDocument::CustomCommand ( _bstr_t ComponentID, _bstr_t CommandID, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  36370. __declspec(implementation_key(1655)) IVGMathUtilsPtr IVGDocument::GetMath ( );
  36371. __declspec(implementation_key(1656)) IVGImagePtr IVGDocument::CreateImage ( enum cdrImageType ImageType, long Width, long Height, struct IVGColor * FillColor );
  36372. __declspec(implementation_key(1657)) IVGDocumentMarkupPtr IVGDocument::GetMarkup ( );
  36373. __declspec(implementation_key(1658)) double IVGRect::Getx ( );
  36374. __declspec(implementation_key(1659)) void IVGRect::Putx ( double pVal );
  36375. __declspec(implementation_key(1660)) double IVGRect::Gety ( );
  36376. __declspec(implementation_key(1661)) void IVGRect::Puty ( double pVal );
  36377. __declspec(implementation_key(1662)) double IVGRect::GetWidth ( );
  36378. __declspec(implementation_key(1663)) void IVGRect::PutWidth ( double pVal );
  36379. __declspec(implementation_key(1664)) double IVGRect::GetHeight ( );
  36380. __declspec(implementation_key(1665)) void IVGRect::PutHeight ( double pVal );
  36381. __declspec(implementation_key(1666)) HRESULT IVGRect::SetRect ( double x, double y, double Width, double Height );
  36382. __declspec(implementation_key(1667)) HRESULT IVGRect::GetRect ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height );
  36383. __declspec(implementation_key(1668)) HRESULT IVGRect::CopyAssign ( struct IVGRect * Source );
  36384. __declspec(implementation_key(1669)) IVGRectPtr IVGRect::GetCopy ( );
  36385. __declspec(implementation_key(1670)) IVGRectPtr IVGRect::Intersect ( struct IVGRect * Rect );
  36386. __declspec(implementation_key(1671)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGRect::GetIsEmpty ( );
  36387. __declspec(implementation_key(1672)) IVGRectPtr IVGRect::Union ( struct IVGRect * Rect );
  36388. __declspec(implementation_key(1673)) HRESULT IVGRect::Offset ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  36389. __declspec(implementation_key(1674)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGRect::Inflate ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom );
  36390. __declspec(implementation_key(1675)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGRect::IsPointInside ( double x, double y );
  36391. __declspec(implementation_key(1676)) HRESULT IVGRect::Clear ( );
  36392. __declspec(implementation_key(1677)) IVGRectPtr IVGRect::ChangeContext ( struct IVGDocument * SrcDoc, struct IVGDocument * DestDoc );
  36393. __declspec(implementation_key(1678)) double IVGRect::GetLeft ( );
  36394. __declspec(implementation_key(1679)) double IVGRect::GetRight ( );
  36395. __declspec(implementation_key(1680)) double IVGRect::GetTop ( );
  36396. __declspec(implementation_key(1681)) double IVGRect::GetBottom ( );
  36397. __declspec(implementation_key(1682)) double IVGRect::GetCenterX ( );
  36398. __declspec(implementation_key(1683)) double IVGRect::GetCenterY ( );
  36399. __declspec(implementation_key(1684)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGApplication::GetApplication ( );
  36400. __declspec(implementation_key(1685)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGApplication::GetParent ( );
  36401. __declspec(implementation_key(1686)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGApplication::GetVisible ( );
  36402. __declspec(implementation_key(1687)) void IVGApplication::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36403. __declspec(implementation_key(1688)) IVGDocumentsPtr IVGApplication::GetDocuments ( );
  36404. __declspec(implementation_key(1689)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGApplication::GetActiveDocument ( );
  36405. __declspec(implementation_key(1690)) IVGPagePtr IVGApplication::GetActivePage ( );
  36406. __declspec(implementation_key(1691)) IVGWindowPtr IVGApplication::GetActiveWindow ( );
  36407. __declspec(implementation_key(1692)) IVGWindowsPtr IVGApplication::GetWindows ( );
  36408. __declspec(implementation_key(1693)) ICorelScriptToolsPtr IVGApplication::CorelScriptTools ( );
  36409. __declspec(implementation_key(1694)) IVGWorkspacePtr IVGApplication::GetActiveWorkspace ( );
  36410. __declspec(implementation_key(1695)) IVGWorkspacesPtr IVGApplication::GetWorkspaces ( );
  36411. __declspec(implementation_key(1696)) IVGPalettePtr IVGApplication::GetActivePalette ( );
  36412. __declspec(implementation_key(1697)) IVGPalettesPtr IVGApplication::GetPalettes ( );
  36413. __declspec(implementation_key(1698)) HRESULT IVGApplication::Quit ( );
  36414. __declspec(implementation_key(1699)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateColor ( _bstr_t ColorString );
  36415. __declspec(implementation_key(1700)) IVGFontListPtr IVGApplication::GetFontList ( );
  36416. __declspec(implementation_key(1701)) IVGAppWindowPtr IVGApplication::GetAppWindow ( );
  36417. __declspec(implementation_key(1702)) IVGRecentFilesPtr IVGApplication::GetRecentFiles ( );
  36418. __declspec(implementation_key(1703)) IDispatchPtr IVGApplication::GetVBE ( );
  36419. __declspec(implementation_key(1704)) double IVGApplication::cdrMixedDouble ( );
  36420. __declspec(implementation_key(1705)) float IVGApplication::cdrMixedSingle ( );
  36421. __declspec(implementation_key(1706)) long IVGApplication::cdrMixedLong ( );
  36422. __declspec(implementation_key(1707)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGApplication::GetEventsEnabled ( );
  36423. __declspec(implementation_key(1708)) void IVGApplication::PutEventsEnabled ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36424. __declspec(implementation_key(1709)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGApplication::OpenDocument ( _bstr_t FileName, long CodePage );
  36425. __declspec(implementation_key(1710)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGApplication::CreateDocument ( );
  36426. __declspec(implementation_key(1711)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateColorEx ( long ColorModel, long V1, long V2, long V3, long V4, long V5, long V6, long V7 );
  36427. __declspec(implementation_key(1712)) IVGArrowHeadsPtr IVGApplication::GetArrowHeads ( );
  36428. __declspec(implementation_key(1713)) IVGOutlineStylesPtr IVGApplication::GetOutlineStyles ( );
  36429. __declspec(implementation_key(1714)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetVersion ( );
  36430. __declspec(implementation_key(1715)) long IVGApplication::GetVersionMajor ( );
  36431. __declspec(implementation_key(1716)) long IVGApplication::GetVersionMinor ( );
  36432. __declspec(implementation_key(1717)) long IVGApplication::GetVersionBuild ( );
  36433. __declspec(implementation_key(1718)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetPath ( );
  36434. __declspec(implementation_key(1719)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetConfigPath ( );
  36435. __declspec(implementation_key(1720)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetSetupPath ( );
  36436. __declspec(implementation_key(1721)) IVGLayerPtr IVGApplication::GetActiveLayer ( );
  36437. __declspec(implementation_key(1722)) IVGShapePtr IVGApplication::GetActiveSelection ( );
  36438. __declspec(implementation_key(1723)) IVGPatternCanvasesPtr IVGApplication::GetPatternCanvases ( );
  36439. __declspec(implementation_key(1724)) IVGClipboardPtr IVGApplication::GetClipboard ( );
  36440. __declspec(implementation_key(1725)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGApplication::GetActiveSelectionRange ( );
  36441. __declspec(implementation_key(1726)) enum cdrTools IVGApplication::GetActiveTool ( );
  36442. __declspec(implementation_key(1727)) void IVGApplication::PutActiveTool ( enum cdrTools pTool );
  36443. __declspec(implementation_key(1728)) IVGShapePtr IVGApplication::GetActiveShape ( );
  36444. __declspec(implementation_key(1729)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGApplication::GetOptimization ( );
  36445. __declspec(implementation_key(1730)) void IVGApplication::PutOptimization ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36446. __declspec(implementation_key(1731)) enum cdrPanoseMatchingType IVGApplication::GetPanoseMatching ( );
  36447. __declspec(implementation_key(1732)) void IVGApplication::PutPanoseMatching ( enum cdrPanoseMatchingType pVal );
  36448. __declspec(implementation_key(1733)) IDispatchPtr IVGApplication::GetAddIns ( );
  36449. __declspec(implementation_key(1734)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateRGBColor ( long Red, long Green, long Blue );
  36450. __declspec(implementation_key(1735)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateCMYColor ( long Cyan, long Magenta, long Yellow );
  36451. __declspec(implementation_key(1736)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateCMYKColor ( long Cyan, long Magenta, long Yellow, long Black );
  36452. __declspec(implementation_key(1737)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateGrayColor ( long GrayValue );
  36453. __declspec(implementation_key(1738)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateHLSColor ( long Hue, long Lightness, long Saturation );
  36454. __declspec(implementation_key(1739)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateHSBColor ( long Hue, long Saturation, long Brightness );
  36455. __declspec(implementation_key(1740)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateBWColor ( VARIANT_BOOL White );
  36456. __declspec(implementation_key(1741)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateYIQColor ( long y, long I, long Q );
  36457. __declspec(implementation_key(1742)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateLabColor ( long L, long A, long B );
  36458. __declspec(implementation_key(1743)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateFixedColor ( enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID, long PaletteIndex, long Tint );
  36459. __declspec(implementation_key(1744)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateRegistrationColor ( );
  36460. __declspec(implementation_key(1745)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGApplication::CreateSnapPoint ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  36461. __declspec(implementation_key(1746)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGApplication::CreateDocumentFromTemplate ( _bstr_t Template, VARIANT_BOOL IncludeGraphics );
  36462. __declspec(implementation_key(1747)) IPrnVBAPrintersPtr IVGApplication::GetPrinters ( );
  36463. __declspec(implementation_key(1748)) IPrnVBAPrintJobPtr IVGApplication::GetPrintJob ( );
  36464. __declspec(implementation_key(1749)) ICUICommandBarsPtr IVGApplication::GetCommandBars ( );
  36465. __declspec(implementation_key(1750)) ICUICommandBarPtr IVGApplication::GetStatusBar ( );
  36466. __declspec(implementation_key(1751)) ICUICommandBarPtr IVGApplication::GetMainMenu ( );
  36467. __declspec(implementation_key(1752)) IVGGMSManagerPtr IVGApplication::GetGMSManager ( );
  36468. __declspec(implementation_key(1753)) HRESULT IVGApplication::ImportWorkspace ( _bstr_t FileName );
  36469. __declspec(implementation_key(1754)) HRESULT IVGApplication::Refresh ( );
  36470. __declspec(implementation_key(1755)) IVGStructSaveAsOptionsPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructSaveAsOptions ( );
  36471. __declspec(implementation_key(1756)) IVGStructExportOptionsPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructExportOptions ( );
  36472. __declspec(implementation_key(1757)) IVGStructImportOptionsPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructImportOptions ( );
  36473. __declspec(implementation_key(1758)) IVGStructPaletteOptionsPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructPaletteOptions ( );
  36474. __declspec(implementation_key(1759)) IVGNodeRangePtr IVGApplication::CreateNodeRange ( );
  36475. __declspec(implementation_key(1760)) IVGSegmentRangePtr IVGApplication::CreateSegmentRange ( );
  36476. __declspec(implementation_key(1761)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGApplication::CreateShapeRange ( );
  36477. __declspec(implementation_key(1762)) IVGPatternCanvasPtr IVGApplication::CreatePatternCanvas ( );
  36478. __declspec(implementation_key(1763)) IVGCurvePtr IVGApplication::CreateCurve ( struct IVGDocument * Document );
  36479. __declspec(implementation_key(1764)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetUserDataPath ( );
  36480. __declspec(implementation_key(1765)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGApplication::InitializeVBA ( );
  36481. __declspec(implementation_key(1766)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetHelpFile ( );
  36482. __declspec(implementation_key(1767)) ICUIFrameWorkPtr IVGApplication::GetFrameWork ( );
  36483. __declspec(implementation_key(1768)) IVGStructFontPropertiesPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructFontProperties ( );
  36484. __declspec(implementation_key(1769)) IVGStructAlignPropertiesPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructAlignProperties ( );
  36485. __declspec(implementation_key(1770)) IVGStructSpacePropertiesPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructSpaceProperties ( );
  36486. __declspec(implementation_key(1771)) IVGStructHyphenationSettingsPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructHyphenationSettings ( );
  36487. __declspec(implementation_key(1772)) IVGComponentsPtr IVGApplication::GetComponents ( );
  36488. __declspec(implementation_key(1773)) IVGSymbolLibrariesPtr IVGApplication::GetSymbolLibraries ( );
  36489. __declspec(implementation_key(1774)) long IVGApplication::AdviseEvents ( IDispatch * EventSink );
  36490. __declspec(implementation_key(1775)) HRESULT IVGApplication::UnadviseEvents ( long Cookie );
  36491. __declspec(implementation_key(1776)) enum cdrApplicationID IVGApplication::GetID ( );
  36492. __declspec(implementation_key(1777)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetName ( );
  36493. __declspec(implementation_key(1778)) enum cdrApplicationClass IVGApplication::GetClass ( );
  36494. __declspec(implementation_key(1779)) long IVGApplication::GetPlatformVersionMajor ( );
  36495. __declspec(implementation_key(1780)) long IVGApplication::GetPlatformVersionMinor ( );
  36496. __declspec(implementation_key(1781)) long IVGApplication::CheckPlatformVersion ( long VersionMajor, long VersionMinor );
  36497. __declspec(implementation_key(1782)) IVGAppStatusPtr IVGApplication::GetStatus ( );
  36498. __declspec(implementation_key(1783)) double IVGApplication::ConvertUnits ( double Value, enum cdrUnit FromUnit, enum cdrUnit ToUnit );
  36499. __declspec(implementation_key(1784)) enum cdrTextLanguage IVGApplication::GetUILanguage ( );
  36500. __declspec(implementation_key(1785)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGApplication::IsUILanguageAvailable ( enum cdrTextLanguage Language );
  36501. __declspec(implementation_key(1786)) IVGPageSizesPtr IVGApplication::GetPageSizes ( );
  36502. __declspec(implementation_key(1787)) enum cdrUnit IVGApplication::GetUnit ( );
  36503. __declspec(implementation_key(1788)) void IVGApplication::PutUnit ( enum cdrUnit pVal );
  36504. __declspec(implementation_key(1789)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::ConvertToUnicode ( _bstr_t String, long CodePage );
  36505. __declspec(implementation_key(1790)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::ConvertFromUnicode ( _bstr_t String, long CodePage );
  36506. __declspec(implementation_key(1791)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetUserWorkspacePath ( );
  36507. __declspec(implementation_key(1792)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetLanguagePath ( );
  36508. __declspec(implementation_key(1793)) IVGTreeManagerPtr IVGApplication::GetActiveTreeManager ( );
  36509. __declspec(implementation_key(1794)) IVGLayerPtr IVGApplication::GetActiveVirtualLayer ( );
  36510. __declspec(implementation_key(1795)) IVGDuotonePtr IVGApplication::CreateDuotone ( );
  36511. __declspec(implementation_key(1796)) IVGColorManagerPtr IVGApplication::GetColorManager ( );
  36512. __declspec(implementation_key(1797)) IVGOutlineStylesPtr IVGApplication::GetEnhancedOutlines ( );
  36513. __declspec(implementation_key(1798)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGApplication::AddPluginCommand ( _bstr_t CommandID, _bstr_t Caption, _bstr_t Tooltip );
  36514. __declspec(implementation_key(1799)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGApplication::RemovePluginCommand ( _bstr_t CommandID );
  36515. __declspec(implementation_key(1800)) IVGOutlineStylePtr IVGApplication::CreateOutlineStyle ( long DashDotCount, SAFEARRAY * * DashDotLengths );
  36516. __declspec(implementation_key(1801)) enum cdrAppStartupMode IVGApplication::GetStartupMode ( );
  36517. __declspec(implementation_key(1802)) void IVGApplication::PutStartupMode ( enum cdrAppStartupMode pVal );
  36518. __declspec(implementation_key(1803)) IVGPropertiesPtr IVGApplication::GetGlobalUserData ( );
  36519. __declspec(implementation_key(1804)) IVGPropertiesPtr IVGApplication::GetSessionUserData ( );
  36520. __declspec(implementation_key(1805)) _variant_t IVGApplication::Evaluate ( _bstr_t Expression );
  36521. __declspec(implementation_key(1806)) IVGRectPtr IVGApplication::CreateRect ( double x, double y, double Width, double Height );
  36522. __declspec(implementation_key(1807)) HRESULT IVGApplication::ForceUpdateFontTable ( );
  36523. __declspec(implementation_key(1808)) IVGSpreadPtr IVGApplication::GetActiveSpread ( );
  36524. __declspec(implementation_key(1809)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGApplication::OpenDocumentAsCopy ( _bstr_t FileName, struct IVGStructOpenOptions * Options );
  36525. __declspec(implementation_key(1810)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGApplication::GetDefaultColorContext ( );
  36526. __declspec(implementation_key(1811)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGApplication::CreateColorContext ( struct IVGColorProfile * RGBProfile, struct IVGColorProfile * CMYKProfile, struct IVGColorProfile * GrayscaleProfile, enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent, enum clrColorModel BlendingColorModel );
  36527. __declspec(implementation_key(1812)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGApplication::CreateColorContext2 ( _bstr_t ColorProfileList, enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent, enum clrColorModel BlendingColorModel );
  36528. __declspec(implementation_key(1813)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGApplication::CreateDocumentEx ( struct IVGStructCreateOptions * Options );
  36529. __declspec(implementation_key(1814)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGApplication::OpenDocumentEx ( _bstr_t FileName, struct IVGStructOpenOptions * Options );
  36530. __declspec(implementation_key(1815)) IVGStructOpenOptionsPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructOpenOptions ( );
  36531. __declspec(implementation_key(1816)) IVGStructCreateOptionsPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructCreateOptions ( );
  36532. __declspec(implementation_key(1817)) IVGStructPasteOptionsPtr IVGApplication::CreateStructPasteOptions ( );
  36533. __declspec(implementation_key(1818)) IVGProofColorSettingsPtr IVGApplication::CreateProofColorSettings ( _bstr_t ProfileName, enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent, VARIANT_BOOL PreserveColorValues );
  36534. __declspec(implementation_key(1819)) IVGPaletteManagerPtr IVGApplication::GetPaletteManager ( );
  36535. __declspec(implementation_key(1820)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateSpotColor ( _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier, long SpotColorID, long Tint );
  36536. __declspec(implementation_key(1821)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreateSpotColorByName ( _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier, _bstr_t SpotColorName, long Tint );
  36537. __declspec(implementation_key(1822)) IVGColorPtr IVGApplication::CreatePaletteColor ( _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier, long ColorIndex );
  36538. __declspec(implementation_key(1823)) SAFEARRAY * IVGApplication::GetSupportedOpenTypeFeatures ( );
  36539. __declspec(implementation_key(1824)) IVGFillMetadataPtr IVGApplication::CreateFillMetadata ( );
  36540. __declspec(implementation_key(1825)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetAddonPath ( );
  36541. __declspec(implementation_key(1826)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetProgramPath ( );
  36542. __declspec(implementation_key(1827)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetActiveToolStateGuid ( );
  36543. __declspec(implementation_key(1828)) void IVGApplication::PutActiveToolStateGuid ( _bstr_t pTool );
  36544. __declspec(implementation_key(1829)) HRESULT IVGApplication::RegisterToolState ( _bstr_t ToolStateGuid, _bstr_t ToolStateName, struct IVGToolState * ToolState );
  36545. __declspec(implementation_key(1830)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGApplication::UnregisterToolState ( _bstr_t ToolStateGuid );
  36546. __declspec(implementation_key(1831)) IVGOnScreenCurvePtr IVGApplication::CreateOnScreenCurve ( );
  36547. __declspec(implementation_key(1832)) IVGOnScreenHandlePtr IVGApplication::CreateOnScreenHandle ( );
  36548. __declspec(implementation_key(1833)) IVGOnScreenTextPtr IVGApplication::CreateOnScreenText ( );
  36549. __declspec(implementation_key(1834)) IVGMathUtilsPtr IVGApplication::GetMath ( );
  36550. __declspec(implementation_key(1835)) HRESULT IVGApplication::RegisterUserApplicationPreference ( _bstr_t GroupName, _bstr_t KeyName, const _variant_t & DefaultVal );
  36551. __declspec(implementation_key(1836)) _variant_t IVGApplication::GetApplicationPreferenceValue ( _bstr_t GroupName, _bstr_t KeyName );
  36552. __declspec(implementation_key(1837)) HRESULT IVGApplication::SetApplicationPreferenceValue ( _bstr_t GroupName, _bstr_t KeyName, const _variant_t & newVal );
  36553. __declspec(implementation_key(1838)) IVGPropertiesPtr IVGApplication::CreateProperties ( );
  36554. __declspec(implementation_key(1839)) HRESULT IVGApplication::RegisterToolShape ( _bstr_t ToolShapeGuid, struct IVGToolShapeAttributes * ToolShapeAttributes, struct IVGToolShape * ToolShape );
  36555. __declspec(implementation_key(1840)) IVGToolShapeAttributesPtr IVGApplication::CreateToolShapeAttributes ( );
  36556. __declspec(implementation_key(1841)) _bstr_t IVGApplication::GetUILanguageCode ( );
  36557. __declspec(implementation_key(1842)) HRESULT IVGApplication::StartTemporaryToolState ( _bstr_t StateGuid );
  36558. __declspec(implementation_key(1843)) HRESULT IVGApplication::MarkupLogout ( );
  36559. __declspec(implementation_key(1844)) HRESULT IVGApplication::MarkupLogin ( struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  36560. __declspec(implementation_key(1845)) IVGCommentAuthorPtr IVGApplication::CreateMarkupAuthor ( _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t Avatar, _bstr_t Email, enum cdrAuthorAuthentication Authentication );
  36561. __declspec(implementation_key(1846)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGDocuments::GetApplication ( );
  36562. __declspec(implementation_key(1847)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGDocuments::GetParent ( );
  36563. __declspec(implementation_key(1848)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGDocuments::GetItem ( long Index );
  36564. __declspec(implementation_key(1849)) IUnknownPtr IVGDocuments::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36565. __declspec(implementation_key(1850)) long IVGDocuments::GetCount ( );
  36566. __declspec(implementation_key(1851)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGOutlineStyles::GetApplication ( );
  36567. __declspec(implementation_key(1852)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGOutlineStyles::GetParent ( );
  36568. __declspec(implementation_key(1853)) IVGOutlineStylePtr IVGOutlineStyles::GetItem ( long Index );
  36569. __declspec(implementation_key(1854)) IUnknownPtr IVGOutlineStyles::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36570. __declspec(implementation_key(1855)) long IVGOutlineStyles::GetCount ( );
  36571. __declspec(implementation_key(1856)) IVGOutlineStylePtr IVGOutlineStyles::Add ( );
  36572. __declspec(implementation_key(1857)) HRESULT IVGOutlineStyles::Remove ( long Index );
  36573. __declspec(implementation_key(1858)) HRESULT IVGOutlineStyles::Save ( );
  36574. __declspec(implementation_key(1859)) IVGOutlineStylePtr IVGOutlineStyles::AddStyle ( struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style );
  36575. __declspec(implementation_key(1860)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGRulers::GetApplication ( );
  36576. __declspec(implementation_key(1861)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGRulers::GetParent ( );
  36577. __declspec(implementation_key(1862)) enum cdrUnit IVGRulers::GetVUnits ( );
  36578. __declspec(implementation_key(1863)) void IVGRulers::PutVUnits ( enum cdrUnit pVal );
  36579. __declspec(implementation_key(1864)) enum cdrUnit IVGRulers::GetHUnits ( );
  36580. __declspec(implementation_key(1865)) void IVGRulers::PutHUnits ( enum cdrUnit pVal );
  36581. __declspec(implementation_key(1866)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGGrid::GetApplication ( );
  36582. __declspec(implementation_key(1867)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGGrid::GetParent ( );
  36583. __declspec(implementation_key(1868)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGGrid::GetVisible ( );
  36584. __declspec(implementation_key(1869)) void IVGGrid::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36585. __declspec(implementation_key(1870)) enum cdrGridType IVGGrid::GetType ( );
  36586. __declspec(implementation_key(1871)) void IVGGrid::PutType ( enum cdrGridType pVal );
  36587. __declspec(implementation_key(1872)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGGrid::GetSnap ( );
  36588. __declspec(implementation_key(1873)) void IVGGrid::PutSnap ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36589. __declspec(implementation_key(1874)) HRESULT IVGGrid::SetFrequency ( double GridX, double GridY );
  36590. __declspec(implementation_key(1875)) double IVGGrid::GetSpacingX ( );
  36591. __declspec(implementation_key(1876)) void IVGGrid::PutSpacingX ( double pVal );
  36592. __declspec(implementation_key(1877)) double IVGGrid::GetSpacingY ( );
  36593. __declspec(implementation_key(1878)) void IVGGrid::PutSpacingY ( double pVal );
  36594. __declspec(implementation_key(1879)) HRESULT IVGAppPlugin::OnLoad ( struct IVGApplication * Application );
  36595. __declspec(implementation_key(1880)) HRESULT IVGAppPlugin::StartSession ( );
  36596. __declspec(implementation_key(1881)) HRESULT IVGAppPlugin::StopSession ( );
  36597. __declspec(implementation_key(1882)) HRESULT IVGAppPlugin::OnUnload ( );
  36598. __declspec(implementation_key(1883)) _bstr_t IVGPage::GetName ( );
  36599. __declspec(implementation_key(1884)) void IVGPage::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  36600. __declspec(implementation_key(1885)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGPage::GetApplication ( );
  36601. __declspec(implementation_key(1886)) IVGPagesPtr IVGPage::GetParent ( );
  36602. __declspec(implementation_key(1887)) IVGLayersPtr IVGPage::GetLayers ( );
  36603. __declspec(implementation_key(1888)) IVGShapesPtr IVGPage::GetShapes ( );
  36604. __declspec(implementation_key(1889)) IVGLayerPtr IVGPage::GetActiveLayer ( );
  36605. __declspec(implementation_key(1890)) _bstr_t IVGPage::GetPaper ( );
  36606. __declspec(implementation_key(1891)) double IVGPage::GetSizeWidth ( );
  36607. __declspec(implementation_key(1892)) void IVGPage::PutSizeWidth ( double pVal );
  36608. __declspec(implementation_key(1893)) double IVGPage::GetSizeHeight ( );
  36609. __declspec(implementation_key(1894)) void IVGPage::PutSizeHeight ( double pVal );
  36610. __declspec(implementation_key(1895)) long IVGPage::GetResolution ( );
  36611. __declspec(implementation_key(1896)) void IVGPage::PutResolution ( long pVal );
  36612. __declspec(implementation_key(1897)) double IVGPage::GetBleed ( );
  36613. __declspec(implementation_key(1898)) void IVGPage::PutBleed ( double pVal );
  36614. __declspec(implementation_key(1899)) enum cdrPageOrientation IVGPage::GetOrientation ( );
  36615. __declspec(implementation_key(1900)) void IVGPage::PutOrientation ( enum cdrPageOrientation pVal );
  36616. __declspec(implementation_key(1901)) long IVGPage::GetIndex ( );
  36617. __declspec(implementation_key(1902)) HRESULT IVGPage::Activate ( );
  36618. __declspec(implementation_key(1903)) HRESULT IVGPage::Delete ( );
  36619. __declspec(implementation_key(1904)) IVGLayerPtr IVGPage::CreateLayer ( _bstr_t LayerName );
  36620. __declspec(implementation_key(1905)) IVGShapePtr IVGPage::TextFind ( _bstr_t Text, VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive );
  36621. __declspec(implementation_key(1906)) HRESULT IVGPage::TextReplace ( _bstr_t OldText, _bstr_t NewText, VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceSelectedOnly );
  36622. __declspec(implementation_key(1907)) IVGShapePtr IVGPage::SelectShapesAtPoint ( double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL SelectUnfilled, double HotArea );
  36623. __declspec(implementation_key(1908)) IVGShapePtr IVGPage::SelectShapesFromRectangle ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, VARIANT_BOOL Touch );
  36624. __declspec(implementation_key(1909)) enum cdrPageBackground IVGPage::GetBackground ( );
  36625. __declspec(implementation_key(1910)) void IVGPage::PutBackground ( enum cdrPageBackground pVal );
  36626. __declspec(implementation_key(1911)) IVGColorPtr IVGPage::GetColor ( );
  36627. __declspec(implementation_key(1912)) void IVGPage::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * pVal );
  36628. __declspec(implementation_key(1913)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPage::GetPrintExportBackground ( );
  36629. __declspec(implementation_key(1914)) void IVGPage::PutPrintExportBackground ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36630. __declspec(implementation_key(1915)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGPage::GetGuides ( enum cdrGuideType Type );
  36631. __declspec(implementation_key(1916)) IVGShapePtr IVGPage::FindShape ( _bstr_t Name, enum cdrShapeType Type, long StaticID, VARIANT_BOOL Recursive );
  36632. __declspec(implementation_key(1917)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGPage::FindShapes ( _bstr_t Name, enum cdrShapeType Type, VARIANT_BOOL Recursive );
  36633. __declspec(implementation_key(1918)) HRESULT IVGPage::MoveTo ( long Index );
  36634. __declspec(implementation_key(1919)) HRESULT IVGPage::UnlockAllShapes ( );
  36635. __declspec(implementation_key(1920)) IVGPropertiesPtr IVGPage::GetProperties ( );
  36636. __declspec(implementation_key(1921)) HRESULT IVGPage::GetSize ( double * Width, double * Height );
  36637. __declspec(implementation_key(1922)) HRESULT IVGPage::SetSize ( double Width, double Height );
  36638. __declspec(implementation_key(1923)) double IVGPage::GetCenterX ( );
  36639. __declspec(implementation_key(1924)) double IVGPage::GetCenterY ( );
  36640. __declspec(implementation_key(1925)) _variant_t IVGPage::CustomCommand ( _bstr_t ComponentID, _bstr_t CommandID, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  36641. __declspec(implementation_key(1926)) IVGPagePtr IVGPage::GetPrevious ( );
  36642. __declspec(implementation_key(1927)) IVGPagePtr IVGPage::GetNext ( );
  36643. __declspec(implementation_key(1928)) IVGShapesPtr IVGPage::GetSelectableShapes ( );
  36644. __declspec(implementation_key(1929)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGPage::GetTreeNode ( );
  36645. __declspec(implementation_key(1930)) HRESULT IVGPage::GetCenterPosition ( double * CenterX, double * CenterY );
  36646. __declspec(implementation_key(1931)) HRESULT IVGPage::SelectSize ( _bstr_t PageSizeName, VARIANT_BOOL Landscape );
  36647. __declspec(implementation_key(1932)) IVGLayerPtr IVGPage::GetGuidesLayer ( );
  36648. __declspec(implementation_key(1933)) IVGLayerPtr IVGPage::GetDesktopLayer ( );
  36649. __declspec(implementation_key(1934)) IVGLayerPtr IVGPage::GetGridLayer ( );
  36650. __declspec(implementation_key(1935)) HRESULT IVGPage::GetBoundingBox ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height );
  36651. __declspec(implementation_key(1936)) double IVGPage::GetLeftX ( );
  36652. __declspec(implementation_key(1937)) double IVGPage::GetRightX ( );
  36653. __declspec(implementation_key(1938)) double IVGPage::GetBottomY ( );
  36654. __declspec(implementation_key(1939)) double IVGPage::GetTopY ( );
  36655. __declspec(implementation_key(1940)) IVGLayersPtr IVGPage::GetAllLayers ( );
  36656. __declspec(implementation_key(1941)) IVGRectPtr IVGPage::GetBoundingBox ( );
  36657. __declspec(implementation_key(1942)) IVGSpreadPtr IVGPage::GetSpread ( );
  36658. __declspec(implementation_key(1943)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGPage::FindClosestSnapPoint ( enum cdrPointType TypeSet, double PositionX, double PositionY, double HotArea );
  36659. __declspec(implementation_key(1944)) IVGRectPtr IVGPage::GetObjectsBoundingBox ( VARIANT_BOOL SelectedOnly, VARIANT_BOOL IncludeNonPrintable );
  36660. __declspec(implementation_key(1945)) IVGShapePtr IVGPage::FindShapeAtPoint ( double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL TreatAsFilled );
  36661. __declspec(implementation_key(1946)) IVGPageMarkupPtr IVGPage::GetMarkup ( );
  36662. __declspec(implementation_key(1947)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGPages::GetApplication ( );
  36663. __declspec(implementation_key(1948)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGPages::GetParent ( );
  36664. __declspec(implementation_key(1949)) IVGPagePtr IVGPages::GetItem ( long Index );
  36665. __declspec(implementation_key(1950)) IUnknownPtr IVGPages::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36666. __declspec(implementation_key(1951)) long IVGPages::GetCount ( );
  36667. __declspec(implementation_key(1952)) IVGPagePtr IVGPages::GetFirst ( );
  36668. __declspec(implementation_key(1953)) IVGPagePtr IVGPages::GetLast ( );
  36669. __declspec(implementation_key(1954)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGLayers::GetApplication ( );
  36670. __declspec(implementation_key(1955)) IVGPagePtr IVGLayers::GetParent ( );
  36671. __declspec(implementation_key(1956)) IVGLayerPtr IVGLayers::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  36672. __declspec(implementation_key(1957)) IUnknownPtr IVGLayers::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36673. __declspec(implementation_key(1958)) long IVGLayers::GetCount ( );
  36674. __declspec(implementation_key(1959)) IVGLayerPtr IVGLayers::Find ( _bstr_t LayerName );
  36675. __declspec(implementation_key(1960)) IVGLayerPtr IVGLayers::GetTop ( );
  36676. __declspec(implementation_key(1961)) IVGLayerPtr IVGLayers::GetBottom ( );
  36677. __declspec(implementation_key(1962)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGLayer::GetApplication ( );
  36678. __declspec(implementation_key(1963)) IVGLayersPtr IVGLayer::GetParent ( );
  36679. __declspec(implementation_key(1964)) _bstr_t IVGLayer::GetName ( );
  36680. __declspec(implementation_key(1965)) void IVGLayer::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  36681. __declspec(implementation_key(1966)) IVGShapesPtr IVGLayer::GetShapes ( );
  36682. __declspec(implementation_key(1967)) HRESULT IVGLayer::Activate ( );
  36683. __declspec(implementation_key(1968)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::GetVisible ( );
  36684. __declspec(implementation_key(1969)) void IVGLayer::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36685. __declspec(implementation_key(1970)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::GetPrintable ( );
  36686. __declspec(implementation_key(1971)) void IVGLayer::PutPrintable ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36687. __declspec(implementation_key(1972)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::GetEditable ( );
  36688. __declspec(implementation_key(1973)) void IVGLayer::PutEditable ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36689. __declspec(implementation_key(1974)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::GetMaster ( );
  36690. __declspec(implementation_key(1975)) void IVGLayer::PutMaster ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36691. __declspec(implementation_key(1976)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::GetOverrideColor ( );
  36692. __declspec(implementation_key(1977)) void IVGLayer::PutOverrideColor ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36693. __declspec(implementation_key(1978)) IVGColorPtr IVGLayer::GetColor ( );
  36694. __declspec(implementation_key(1979)) void IVGLayer::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * pVal );
  36695. __declspec(implementation_key(1980)) HRESULT IVGLayer::Delete ( );
  36696. __declspec(implementation_key(1981)) HRESULT IVGLayer::MoveAbove ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  36697. __declspec(implementation_key(1982)) HRESULT IVGLayer::MoveBelow ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  36698. __declspec(implementation_key(1983)) HRESULT IVGLayer::Import ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, struct IVGStructImportOptions * Options );
  36699. __declspec(implementation_key(1984)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateRectangle ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom, long CornerUL, long CornerUR, long CornerLR, long CornerLL );
  36700. __declspec(implementation_key(1985)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateEllipse ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom, double StartAngle, double EndAngle, VARIANT_BOOL Pie );
  36701. __declspec(implementation_key(1986)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreatePolygon ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom, long Sides, long SubPaths, long Complexity, VARIANT_BOOL Star, long StarComplexity, long MaxComplexity );
  36702. __declspec(implementation_key(1987)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateGridBoxes ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom, long Wide, long High );
  36703. __declspec(implementation_key(1988)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateSpiral ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom, long NumRevolutions, enum cdrSpiralType SpiralType, long GrowthRate );
  36704. __declspec(implementation_key(1989)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateArtisticText ( double Left, double Bottom, _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font, float Size, enum cdrTriState Bold, enum cdrTriState Italic, enum cdrFontLine Underline, enum cdrAlignment Alignment );
  36705. __declspec(implementation_key(1990)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateParagraphText ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom, _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font, float Size, enum cdrTriState Bold, enum cdrTriState Italic, enum cdrFontLine Underline, enum cdrAlignment Alignment );
  36706. __declspec(implementation_key(1991)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateCurveSegment ( double StartX, double StartY, double EndX, double EndY, double StartingControlPointLength, double StartingControlPointAngle, double EndingControlPointLength, double EndingControlPointAngle );
  36707. __declspec(implementation_key(1992)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateLineSegment ( double StartX, double StartY, double EndX, double EndY );
  36708. __declspec(implementation_key(1993)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateConnector ( struct IVGSnapPoint * Start, struct IVGSnapPoint * End );
  36709. __declspec(implementation_key(1994)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateCurve ( struct IVGCurve * Source );
  36710. __declspec(implementation_key(1995)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::Paste ( );
  36711. __declspec(implementation_key(1996)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateGuideAngle ( double x, double y, double Angle );
  36712. __declspec(implementation_key(1997)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateGuide ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 );
  36713. __declspec(implementation_key(1998)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateEllipse2 ( double CenterX, double CenterY, double Radius1, double Radius2, double StartAngle, double EndAngle, VARIANT_BOOL Pie );
  36714. __declspec(implementation_key(1999)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::FindShape ( _bstr_t Name, enum cdrShapeType Type, long StaticID, VARIANT_BOOL Recursive );
  36715. __declspec(implementation_key(2000)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGLayer::FindShapes ( _bstr_t Name, enum cdrShapeType Type, VARIANT_BOOL Recursive );
  36716. __declspec(implementation_key(2001)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateRectangle2 ( double x, double y, double Width, double Height, double RadiusUL, double RadiusUR, double RadiusLR, double RadiusLL );
  36717. __declspec(implementation_key(2002)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateFreeConnector ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 );
  36718. __declspec(implementation_key(2003)) IVGPropertiesPtr IVGLayer::GetProperties ( );
  36719. __declspec(implementation_key(2004)) IVGPropertiesPtr IVGLayer::GetMasterProperties ( );
  36720. __declspec(implementation_key(2005)) long IVGLayer::GetIndex ( );
  36721. __declspec(implementation_key(2006)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateCurveSegment2 ( double x1, double y1, double StartingControlPointX, double StartingControlPointY, double EndingControlPointX, double EndingControlPointY, double x2, double y2 );
  36722. __declspec(implementation_key(2007)) ICorelImportFilterPtr IVGLayer::ImportEx ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, struct IVGStructImportOptions * Options );
  36723. __declspec(implementation_key(2008)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateArtisticTextWide ( double Left, double Bottom, _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font, float Size, enum cdrTriState Bold, enum cdrTriState Italic, enum cdrFontLine Underline, enum cdrAlignment Alignment );
  36724. __declspec(implementation_key(2009)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateParagraphTextWide ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom, _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font, float Size, enum cdrTriState Bold, enum cdrTriState Italic, enum cdrFontLine Underline, enum cdrAlignment Alignment );
  36725. __declspec(implementation_key(2010)) _variant_t IVGLayer::CustomCommand ( _bstr_t ComponentID, _bstr_t CommandID, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  36726. __declspec(implementation_key(2011)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateCustomShape ( _bstr_t TypeID, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  36727. __declspec(implementation_key(2012)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateLinearDimension ( enum cdrLinearDimensionType Type, struct IVGSnapPoint * Point1, struct IVGSnapPoint * Point2, VARIANT_BOOL TextCentered, double TextX, double TextY, enum cdrDimensionStyle Style, long Precision, VARIANT_BOOL ShowUnits, enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits Units, enum cdrDimensionPlacement Placement, VARIANT_BOOL HorizontalText, VARIANT_BOOL BoxedText, VARIANT_BOOL LeadingZero, _bstr_t Prefix, _bstr_t Suffix, double OutlineWidth, struct IVGArrowHead * Arrows, struct IVGColor * OutlineColor, _bstr_t TextFont, double TextSize, struct IVGColor * TextColor );
  36728. __declspec(implementation_key(2013)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateAngularDimension ( struct IVGSnapPoint * Center, struct IVGSnapPoint * Point1, struct IVGSnapPoint * Point2, double TextX, double TextY, long Precision, VARIANT_BOOL ShowUnits, enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits Units, VARIANT_BOOL BoxedText, VARIANT_BOOL LeadingZero, _bstr_t Prefix, _bstr_t Suffix, double OutlineWidth, struct IVGArrowHead * Arrows, struct IVGColor * OutlineColor, _bstr_t TextFont, double TextSize, struct IVGColor * TextColor );
  36729. __declspec(implementation_key(2014)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateSymbol ( double x, double y, _bstr_t SymbolName, struct IVGSymbolLibrary * Library );
  36730. __declspec(implementation_key(2015)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreatePolygon2 ( double CenterX, double CenterY, double Radius, long Sides, double Angle, double InnerRadius, VARIANT_BOOL Star, long Sharpness );
  36731. __declspec(implementation_key(2016)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::PasteSpecial ( _bstr_t FormatName, VARIANT_BOOL PasteLink, VARIANT_BOOL DisplayAsIcon, _bstr_t Caption, const _variant_t & Icon );
  36732. __declspec(implementation_key(2017)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateOLEObject ( _bstr_t ObjectID, VARIANT_BOOL DisplayAsIcon, _bstr_t Caption, const _variant_t & Icon );
  36733. __declspec(implementation_key(2018)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateOLEObjectFromFile ( _bstr_t FileName, VARIANT_BOOL Link, VARIANT_BOOL DisplayAsIcon, _bstr_t Caption, const _variant_t & Icon );
  36734. __declspec(implementation_key(2019)) IVGShapesPtr IVGLayer::GetSelectableShapes ( );
  36735. __declspec(implementation_key(2020)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGLayer::GetTreeNode ( );
  36736. __declspec(implementation_key(2021)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::GetIsGuidesLayer ( );
  36737. __declspec(implementation_key(2022)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::GetIsDesktopLayer ( );
  36738. __declspec(implementation_key(2023)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::GetIsGridLayer ( );
  36739. __declspec(implementation_key(2024)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGLayer::GetIsSpecialLayer ( );
  36740. __declspec(implementation_key(2025)) IVGLayerPtr IVGLayer::GetMasterLayer ( );
  36741. __declspec(implementation_key(2026)) long IVGLayer::GetAbsoluteIndex ( );
  36742. __declspec(implementation_key(2027)) IVGPagePtr IVGLayer::GetPage ( );
  36743. __declspec(implementation_key(2028)) IVGLayerPtr IVGLayer::GetAbove ( VARIANT_BOOL IgnoreMasters );
  36744. __declspec(implementation_key(2029)) IVGLayerPtr IVGLayer::GetBelow ( VARIANT_BOOL IgnoreMasters );
  36745. __declspec(implementation_key(2030)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateRectangleRect ( struct IVGRect * Rect, double RadiusUL, double RadiusUR, double RadiusLR, double RadiusLL );
  36746. __declspec(implementation_key(2031)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateEllipseRect ( struct IVGRect * Rect, double StartAngle, double EndAngle, VARIANT_BOOL Pie );
  36747. __declspec(implementation_key(2032)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateConnectorEx ( enum cdrConnectorType Type, struct IVGSnapPoint * Start, struct IVGSnapPoint * End );
  36748. __declspec(implementation_key(2033)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateRightAngleConnector ( struct IVGSnapPoint * Start, struct IVGSnapPoint * End, double CornerRadius );
  36749. __declspec(implementation_key(2034)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateBSpline ( struct IVGBSpline * Source );
  36750. __declspec(implementation_key(2035)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGLayer::PasteEx ( struct IVGStructPasteOptions * Options );
  36751. __declspec(implementation_key(2036)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateToolShape ( _bstr_t ToolShapeGuid, struct IVGProperties * ShapeProperties );
  36752. __declspec(implementation_key(2037)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateBitmap ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom, struct IVGImage * Image, struct IVGImage * ImageAlpha );
  36753. __declspec(implementation_key(2038)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateBitmap2 ( double x, double y, double Width, double Height, struct IVGImage * Image, struct IVGImage * ImageAlpha );
  36754. __declspec(implementation_key(2039)) IVGShapePtr IVGLayer::CreateBitmapRect ( struct IVGRect * Rect, struct IVGImage * Image, struct IVGImage * ImageAlpha );
  36755. __declspec(implementation_key(2040)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGShapes::GetApplication ( );
  36756. __declspec(implementation_key(2041)) IDispatchPtr IVGShapes::GetParent ( );
  36757. __declspec(implementation_key(2042)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapes::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  36758. __declspec(implementation_key(2043)) IUnknownPtr IVGShapes::Get_NewEnum ( );
  36759. __declspec(implementation_key(2044)) long IVGShapes::GetCount ( );
  36760. __declspec(implementation_key(2045)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapes::Range ( SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  36761. __declspec(implementation_key(2046)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapes::All ( );
  36762. __declspec(implementation_key(2047)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapes::AllExcluding ( SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  36763. __declspec(implementation_key(2048)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapes::FindShape ( _bstr_t Name, enum cdrShapeType Type, long StaticID, VARIANT_BOOL Recursive, _bstr_t Query );
  36764. __declspec(implementation_key(2049)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapes::FindShapes ( _bstr_t Name, enum cdrShapeType Type, VARIANT_BOOL Recursive, _bstr_t Query );
  36765. __declspec(implementation_key(2050)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapes::GetFirst ( );
  36766. __declspec(implementation_key(2051)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapes::GetLast ( );
  36767. __declspec(implementation_key(2052)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGShape::GetApplication ( );
  36768. __declspec(implementation_key(2053)) IDispatchPtr IVGShape::GetParent ( );
  36769. __declspec(implementation_key(2054)) long IVGShape::GetStaticID ( );
  36770. __declspec(implementation_key(2055)) HRESULT IVGShape::ConvertToCurves ( );
  36771. __declspec(implementation_key(2056)) _bstr_t IVGShape::GetName ( );
  36772. __declspec(implementation_key(2057)) void IVGShape::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  36773. __declspec(implementation_key(2058)) IVGShapesPtr IVGShape::GetShapes ( );
  36774. __declspec(implementation_key(2059)) IVGRectanglePtr IVGShape::GetRectangle ( );
  36775. __declspec(implementation_key(2060)) double IVGShape::GetPositionX ( );
  36776. __declspec(implementation_key(2061)) void IVGShape::PutPositionX ( double pVal );
  36777. __declspec(implementation_key(2062)) double IVGShape::GetPositionY ( );
  36778. __declspec(implementation_key(2063)) void IVGShape::PutPositionY ( double pVal );
  36779. __declspec(implementation_key(2064)) double IVGShape::GetSizeWidth ( );
  36780. __declspec(implementation_key(2065)) void IVGShape::PutSizeWidth ( double pVal );
  36781. __declspec(implementation_key(2066)) double IVGShape::GetSizeHeight ( );
  36782. __declspec(implementation_key(2067)) void IVGShape::PutSizeHeight ( double pVal );
  36783. __declspec(implementation_key(2068)) IVGEllipsePtr IVGShape::GetEllipse ( );
  36784. __declspec(implementation_key(2069)) IVGPolygonPtr IVGShape::GetPolygon ( );
  36785. __declspec(implementation_key(2070)) IVGCurvePtr IVGShape::GetCurve ( );
  36786. __declspec(implementation_key(2071)) IVGBitmapPtr IVGShape::GetBitmap ( );
  36787. __declspec(implementation_key(2072)) enum cdrShapeType IVGShape::GetType ( );
  36788. __declspec(implementation_key(2073)) IVGOutlinePtr IVGShape::GetOutline ( );
  36789. __declspec(implementation_key(2074)) IVGFillPtr IVGShape::GetFill ( );
  36790. __declspec(implementation_key(2075)) IVGTextPtr IVGShape::GetText ( );
  36791. __declspec(implementation_key(2076)) HRESULT IVGShape::Delete ( );
  36792. __declspec(implementation_key(2077)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::Duplicate ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  36793. __declspec(implementation_key(2078)) HRESULT IVGShape::Skew ( double AngleX, double AngleY );
  36794. __declspec(implementation_key(2079)) HRESULT IVGShape::Move ( double DeltaX, double DeltaY );
  36795. __declspec(implementation_key(2080)) double IVGShape::GetRotationAngle ( );
  36796. __declspec(implementation_key(2081)) void IVGShape::PutRotationAngle ( double pVal );
  36797. __declspec(implementation_key(2082)) double IVGShape::GetRotationCenterX ( );
  36798. __declspec(implementation_key(2083)) void IVGShape::PutRotationCenterX ( double pVal );
  36799. __declspec(implementation_key(2084)) double IVGShape::GetRotationCenterY ( );
  36800. __declspec(implementation_key(2085)) void IVGShape::PutRotationCenterY ( double pVal );
  36801. __declspec(implementation_key(2086)) HRESULT IVGShape::Rotate ( double Angle );
  36802. __declspec(implementation_key(2087)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::ConvertToBitmap ( long BitDepth, VARIANT_BOOL Grayscale, VARIANT_BOOL Dithered, VARIANT_BOOL TransparentBG, long Resolution, enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing, VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile, VARIANT_BOOL MultiChannel, VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack, long OverprintBlackLimit );
  36803. __declspec(implementation_key(2088)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::Group ( );
  36804. __declspec(implementation_key(2089)) HRESULT IVGShape::Ungroup ( );
  36805. __declspec(implementation_key(2090)) HRESULT IVGShape::UngroupAll ( );
  36806. __declspec(implementation_key(2091)) HRESULT IVGShape::OrderToFront ( );
  36807. __declspec(implementation_key(2092)) HRESULT IVGShape::OrderToBack ( );
  36808. __declspec(implementation_key(2093)) HRESULT IVGShape::OrderForwardOne ( );
  36809. __declspec(implementation_key(2094)) HRESULT IVGShape::OrderBackOne ( );
  36810. __declspec(implementation_key(2095)) HRESULT IVGShape::OrderFrontOf ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36811. __declspec(implementation_key(2096)) HRESULT IVGShape::OrderBackOf ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36812. __declspec(implementation_key(2097)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::OrderIsInFrontOf ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  36813. __declspec(implementation_key(2098)) HRESULT IVGShape::AddToSelection ( );
  36814. __declspec(implementation_key(2099)) HRESULT IVGShape::RemoveFromSelection ( );
  36815. __declspec(implementation_key(2100)) HRESULT IVGShape::Separate ( );
  36816. __declspec(implementation_key(2101)) IVGLayerPtr IVGShape::GetLayer ( );
  36817. __declspec(implementation_key(2102)) void IVGShape::PutLayer ( struct IVGLayer * ppVal );
  36818. __declspec(implementation_key(2103)) IVGSnapPointsPtr IVGShape::GetSnapPoints ( );
  36819. __declspec(implementation_key(2104)) IVGConnectorPtr IVGShape::GetConnector ( );
  36820. __declspec(implementation_key(2105)) enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape IVGShape::IsOnShape ( double x, double y, double HotArea );
  36821. __declspec(implementation_key(2106)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGShape::CreateArrowHead ( );
  36822. __declspec(implementation_key(2107)) HRESULT IVGShape::Copy ( );
  36823. __declspec(implementation_key(2108)) HRESULT IVGShape::Cut ( );
  36824. __declspec(implementation_key(2109)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::Clone ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  36825. __declspec(implementation_key(2110)) HRESULT IVGShape::Stretch ( double StretchX, double StretchY, VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize );
  36826. __declspec(implementation_key(2111)) HRESULT IVGShape::SetPosition ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  36827. __declspec(implementation_key(2112)) HRESULT IVGShape::SetSize ( double Width, double Height );
  36828. __declspec(implementation_key(2113)) HRESULT IVGShape::GetPosition ( double * PositionX, double * PositionY );
  36829. __declspec(implementation_key(2114)) HRESULT IVGShape::GetSize ( double * Width, double * Height );
  36830. __declspec(implementation_key(2115)) IVGPropertiesPtr IVGShape::GetProperties ( );
  36831. __declspec(implementation_key(2116)) HRESULT IVGShape::OrderReverse ( );
  36832. __declspec(implementation_key(2117)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::Combine ( );
  36833. __declspec(implementation_key(2118)) HRESULT IVGShape::BreakApart ( );
  36834. __declspec(implementation_key(2119)) void IVGShape::PutFill ( struct IVGFill * ppVal );
  36835. __declspec(implementation_key(2120)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::Weld ( struct IVGShape * TargetShape, VARIANT_BOOL LeaveSource, VARIANT_BOOL LeaveTarget );
  36836. __declspec(implementation_key(2121)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::Trim ( struct IVGShape * TargetShape, VARIANT_BOOL LeaveSource, VARIANT_BOOL LeaveTarget );
  36837. __declspec(implementation_key(2122)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::Intersect ( struct IVGShape * TargetShape, VARIANT_BOOL LeaveSource, VARIANT_BOOL LeaveTarget );
  36838. __declspec(implementation_key(2123)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGShape::GetEffects ( );
  36839. __declspec(implementation_key(2124)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::GetEffect ( );
  36840. __declspec(implementation_key(2125)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateDropShadow ( enum cdrDropShadowType Type, long Opacity, long Feather, double OffsetX, double OffsetY, struct IVGColor * Color, enum cdrFeatherType FeatherType, enum cdrEdgeType FeatherEdge, double PerspectiveAngle, double PerspectiveStretch, long Fade, enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode );
  36841. __declspec(implementation_key(2126)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateBlend ( struct IVGShape * Shape, int Steps, enum cdrFountainFillBlendType ColorBlendType, enum cdrBlendMode Mode, double Spacing, double Angle, VARIANT_BOOL Loop, struct IVGShape * Path, VARIANT_BOOL RotateShapes, long SpacingAccel, long ColorAccel, VARIANT_BOOL AccelSize );
  36842. __declspec(implementation_key(2127)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateExtrude ( enum cdrExtrudeType Type, enum cdrExtrudeVPType VPType, double VPX, double VPY, double Depth, enum cdrExtrudeShading Shading, struct IVGColor * BaseColor, struct IVGColor * ShadingColor, double BevelDepth, double BevelAngle, struct IVGColor * BevelColor, VARIANT_BOOL BevelOnly );
  36843. __declspec(implementation_key(2128)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateEnvelope ( long PresetIndex, enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode, VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines );
  36844. __declspec(implementation_key(2129)) HRESULT IVGShape::Flip ( enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  36845. __declspec(implementation_key(2130)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetLocked ( );
  36846. __declspec(implementation_key(2131)) void IVGShape::PutLocked ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36847. __declspec(implementation_key(2132)) double IVGShape::GetOriginalWidth ( );
  36848. __declspec(implementation_key(2133)) double IVGShape::GetOriginalHeight ( );
  36849. __declspec(implementation_key(2134)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetSelected ( );
  36850. __declspec(implementation_key(2135)) void IVGShape::PutSelected ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36851. __declspec(implementation_key(2136)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateLens ( enum cdrLensType Type, double RateOrMagnification, struct IVGColor * Color1, struct IVGColor * Color2, enum cdrFountainFillBlendType ColorMapPalette );
  36852. __declspec(implementation_key(2137)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreatePerspective ( const _variant_t & HorizVanishPointX, const _variant_t & HorizVanishPointY, const _variant_t & VertVanishPointX, const _variant_t & VertVanishPointY );
  36853. __declspec(implementation_key(2138)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateContour ( enum cdrContourDirection Direction, double Offset, long Steps, enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType, struct IVGColor * OutlineColor, struct IVGColor * FillColor, struct IVGColor * FillColor2, long SpacingAccel, long ColorAccel, enum cdrContourEndCapType EndCapType, enum cdrContourCornerType CornerType, double MiterLimit );
  36854. __declspec(implementation_key(2139)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreatePushPullDistortion ( double OriginX, double OriginY, long Amplitude );
  36855. __declspec(implementation_key(2140)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateZipperDistortion ( double OriginX, double OriginY, long Amplitude, long Frequency, VARIANT_BOOL Random, VARIANT_BOOL Smooth, VARIANT_BOOL Local );
  36856. __declspec(implementation_key(2141)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateTwisterDistortion ( double OriginX, double OriginY, double Angle );
  36857. __declspec(implementation_key(2142)) IVGGuidePtr IVGShape::GetGuide ( );
  36858. __declspec(implementation_key(2143)) HRESULT IVGShape::AddToPowerClip ( struct IVGShape * Shape, enum cdrTriState CenterInContainer );
  36859. __declspec(implementation_key(2144)) HRESULT IVGShape::RemoveFromContainer ( long Level );
  36860. __declspec(implementation_key(2145)) IVGPowerClipPtr IVGShape::GetPowerClip ( );
  36861. __declspec(implementation_key(2146)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::GetPowerClipParent ( );
  36862. __declspec(implementation_key(2147)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetDrapeFill ( );
  36863. __declspec(implementation_key(2148)) void IVGShape::PutDrapeFill ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36864. __declspec(implementation_key(2149)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetOverprintFill ( );
  36865. __declspec(implementation_key(2150)) void IVGShape::PutOverprintFill ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36866. __declspec(implementation_key(2151)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetOverprintOutline ( );
  36867. __declspec(implementation_key(2152)) void IVGShape::PutOverprintOutline ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36868. __declspec(implementation_key(2153)) IVGURLPtr IVGShape::GetURL ( );
  36869. __declspec(implementation_key(2154)) IVGDataItemsPtr IVGShape::GetObjectData ( );
  36870. __declspec(implementation_key(2155)) IVGCloneLinkPtr IVGShape::GetCloneLink ( );
  36871. __declspec(implementation_key(2156)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::GetClones ( );
  36872. __declspec(implementation_key(2157)) double IVGShape::GetAbsoluteHScale ( );
  36873. __declspec(implementation_key(2158)) double IVGShape::GetAbsoluteVScale ( );
  36874. __declspec(implementation_key(2159)) double IVGShape::GetAbsoluteSkew ( );
  36875. __declspec(implementation_key(2160)) IVGTransparencyPtr IVGShape::GetTransparency ( );
  36876. __declspec(implementation_key(2161)) HRESULT IVGShape::GetMatrix ( double * d11, double * d12, double * d21, double * d22, double * tx, double * ty );
  36877. __declspec(implementation_key(2162)) HRESULT IVGShape::SetMatrix ( double d11, double d12, double d21, double d22, double tx, double ty );
  36878. __declspec(implementation_key(2163)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::ConvertToBitmapEx ( enum cdrImageType Mode, VARIANT_BOOL Dithered, VARIANT_BOOL Transparent, long Resolution, enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing, VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile, VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack, long OverprintBlackLimit );
  36879. __declspec(implementation_key(2164)) HRESULT IVGShape::SkewEx ( double AngleX, double AngleY, double CenterX, double CenterY );
  36880. __declspec(implementation_key(2165)) HRESULT IVGShape::RotateEx ( double Angle, double CenterX, double CenterY );
  36881. __declspec(implementation_key(2166)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::GetParentGroup ( );
  36882. __declspec(implementation_key(2167)) HRESULT IVGShape::SetBoundingBox ( double x, double y, double Width, double Height, VARIANT_BOOL KeepAspect, enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint );
  36883. __declspec(implementation_key(2168)) HRESULT IVGShape::CreateSelection ( );
  36884. __declspec(implementation_key(2169)) HRESULT IVGShape::SetRotationCenter ( double x, double y );
  36885. __declspec(implementation_key(2170)) HRESULT IVGShape::ClearEffect ( enum cdrEffectType Type );
  36886. __declspec(implementation_key(2171)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::GetNext ( enum cdrShapeLevel Level, VARIANT_BOOL EnterGroups, VARIANT_BOOL Loop );
  36887. __declspec(implementation_key(2172)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::GetPrevious ( enum cdrShapeLevel Level, VARIANT_BOOL EnterGroups, VARIANT_BOOL Loop );
  36888. __declspec(implementation_key(2173)) HRESULT IVGShape::StretchEx ( double CenterX, double CenterY, double StretchX, double StretchY, VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize );
  36889. __declspec(implementation_key(2174)) HRESULT IVGShape::SetSizeEx ( double CenterX, double CenterY, double Width, double Height );
  36890. __declspec(implementation_key(2175)) HRESULT IVGShape::GetBoundingBox ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height, VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline );
  36891. __declspec(implementation_key(2176)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::UngroupEx ( );
  36892. __declspec(implementation_key(2177)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::UngroupAllEx ( );
  36893. __declspec(implementation_key(2178)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::BreakApartEx ( );
  36894. __declspec(implementation_key(2179)) HRESULT IVGShape::ApplyStyle ( _bstr_t StyleName );
  36895. __declspec(implementation_key(2180)) enum cdrWrapStyle IVGShape::GetWrapText ( );
  36896. __declspec(implementation_key(2181)) void IVGShape::PutWrapText ( enum cdrWrapStyle pVal );
  36897. __declspec(implementation_key(2182)) double IVGShape::GetTextWrapOffset ( );
  36898. __declspec(implementation_key(2183)) void IVGShape::PutTextWrapOffset ( double pVal );
  36899. __declspec(implementation_key(2184)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::PlaceTextInside ( struct IVGShape * TextShape );
  36900. __declspec(implementation_key(2185)) IVGCurvePtr IVGShape::GetDisplayCurve ( );
  36901. __declspec(implementation_key(2186)) _variant_t IVGShape::CustomCommand ( _bstr_t ComponentID, _bstr_t CommandID, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  36902. __declspec(implementation_key(2187)) IVGCustomShapePtr IVGShape::GetCustom ( );
  36903. __declspec(implementation_key(2188)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateCustomEffect ( _bstr_t EffectID, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  36904. __declspec(implementation_key(2189)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateCustomDistortion ( _bstr_t DistortionID, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  36905. __declspec(implementation_key(2190)) HRESULT IVGShape::AlignToShape ( enum cdrAlignType Type, struct IVGShape * Shape, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  36906. __declspec(implementation_key(2191)) HRESULT IVGShape::AlignToShapeRange ( enum cdrAlignType Type, struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  36907. __declspec(implementation_key(2192)) HRESULT IVGShape::AlignToPage ( enum cdrAlignType Type, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  36908. __declspec(implementation_key(2193)) HRESULT IVGShape::AlignToPageCenter ( enum cdrAlignType Type, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  36909. __declspec(implementation_key(2194)) HRESULT IVGShape::AlignToGrid ( enum cdrAlignType Type, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  36910. __declspec(implementation_key(2195)) HRESULT IVGShape::AlignToPoint ( enum cdrAlignType Type, double x, double y, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  36911. __declspec(implementation_key(2196)) IVGDimensionPtr IVGShape::GetDimension ( );
  36912. __declspec(implementation_key(2197)) IVGSymbolPtr IVGShape::GetSymbol ( );
  36913. __declspec(implementation_key(2198)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::ConvertToSymbol ( _bstr_t Name );
  36914. __declspec(implementation_key(2199)) IVGOLEPtr IVGShape::GetOLE ( );
  36915. __declspec(implementation_key(2200)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::DuplicateAsRange ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  36916. __declspec(implementation_key(2201)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::CloneAsRange ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  36917. __declspec(implementation_key(2202)) HRESULT IVGShape::MoveToLayer ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  36918. __declspec(implementation_key(2203)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::CopyToLayer ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  36919. __declspec(implementation_key(2204)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::CopyToLayerAsRange ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  36920. __declspec(implementation_key(2205)) HRESULT IVGShape::ClearTransformations ( );
  36921. __declspec(implementation_key(2206)) HRESULT IVGShape::Distribute ( enum cdrDistributeType Type, VARIANT_BOOL PageExtent );
  36922. __declspec(implementation_key(2207)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::CompareTo ( struct IVGShape * Shape, enum cdrCompareType CompareType, enum cdrCompareCondition Condition );
  36923. __declspec(implementation_key(2208)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetSelectable ( );
  36924. __declspec(implementation_key(2209)) HRESULT IVGShape::ApplyEffectInvert ( );
  36925. __declspec(implementation_key(2210)) HRESULT IVGShape::ApplyEffectPosterize ( long Level );
  36926. __declspec(implementation_key(2211)) HRESULT IVGShape::ApplyEffectBCI ( long Brighness, long Contrast, long Intensity );
  36927. __declspec(implementation_key(2212)) HRESULT IVGShape::ApplyEffectColorBalance ( long CyanRed, long MagentaGreen, long YellowBlue, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToShadows, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToMidtones, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToHighlights, VARIANT_BOOL PreserveLuminance );
  36928. __declspec(implementation_key(2213)) HRESULT IVGShape::ApplyEffectGamma ( double Gamma );
  36929. __declspec(implementation_key(2214)) HRESULT IVGShape::ApplyEffectHSL ( const _variant_t & Hue, const _variant_t & Saturation, const _variant_t & Lightness );
  36930. __declspec(implementation_key(2215)) HRESULT IVGShape::TransformMatrix ( double d11, double d12, double d21, double d22, double tx, double ty );
  36931. __declspec(implementation_key(2216)) HRESULT IVGShape::AffineTransform ( double d11, double d12, double d21, double d22, double CenterX, double CenterY );
  36932. __declspec(implementation_key(2217)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGShape::GetTreeNode ( );
  36933. __declspec(implementation_key(2218)) HRESULT IVGShape::ReplaceWith ( struct IVGShape * VirtualShape );
  36934. __declspec(implementation_key(2219)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetVirtual ( );
  36935. __declspec(implementation_key(2220)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetCanHaveFill ( );
  36936. __declspec(implementation_key(2221)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetCanHaveOutline ( );
  36937. __declspec(implementation_key(2222)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetIsSimpleShape ( );
  36938. __declspec(implementation_key(2223)) HRESULT IVGShape::Fillet ( double Radius, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  36939. __declspec(implementation_key(2224)) HRESULT IVGShape::Chamfer ( double DistanceA, double DistanceB, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  36940. __declspec(implementation_key(2225)) HRESULT IVGShape::Scallop ( double Radius, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  36941. __declspec(implementation_key(2226)) enum cdrFillMode IVGShape::GetFillMode ( );
  36942. __declspec(implementation_key(2227)) void IVGShape::PutFillMode ( enum cdrFillMode pVal );
  36943. __declspec(implementation_key(2228)) double IVGShape::GetLeftX ( );
  36944. __declspec(implementation_key(2229)) double IVGShape::GetRightX ( );
  36945. __declspec(implementation_key(2230)) double IVGShape::GetTopY ( );
  36946. __declspec(implementation_key(2231)) double IVGShape::GetBottomY ( );
  36947. __declspec(implementation_key(2232)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::StepAndRepeat ( long NumCopies, double DistanceX, double DistanceY, enum cdrDistanceMode ModeX, enum cdrDirection DirectionX, enum cdrDistanceMode ModeY, enum cdrDirection DirectionY );
  36948. __declspec(implementation_key(2233)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetOverprintBitmap ( );
  36949. __declspec(implementation_key(2234)) void IVGShape::PutOverprintBitmap ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36950. __declspec(implementation_key(2235)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::IsTypeAnyOf ( SAFEARRAY * * TypeList );
  36951. __declspec(implementation_key(2236)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::GetLinkedShapes ( enum cdrShapeLinkType LinkType );
  36952. __declspec(implementation_key(2237)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateEnvelopeFromShape ( struct IVGShape * Source, enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode, VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines, enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode, const _variant_t & CornerIndices );
  36953. __declspec(implementation_key(2238)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateEnvelopeFromCurve ( struct IVGCurve * Source, enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode, VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines, enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode, const _variant_t & CornerIndices );
  36954. __declspec(implementation_key(2239)) IVGEPSPtr IVGShape::GetEPS ( );
  36955. __declspec(implementation_key(2240)) _variant_t IVGShape::Evaluate ( _bstr_t Expression );
  36956. __declspec(implementation_key(2241)) IVGRectPtr IVGShape::GetBoundingBox ( );
  36957. __declspec(implementation_key(2242)) HRESULT IVGShape::GetPositionEx ( enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, double * x, double * y );
  36958. __declspec(implementation_key(2243)) HRESULT IVGShape::SetPositionEx ( enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, double x, double y );
  36959. __declspec(implementation_key(2244)) double IVGShape::GetCenterX ( );
  36960. __declspec(implementation_key(2245)) void IVGShape::PutCenterX ( double pVal );
  36961. __declspec(implementation_key(2246)) double IVGShape::GetCenterY ( );
  36962. __declspec(implementation_key(2247)) void IVGShape::PutCenterY ( double pVal );
  36963. __declspec(implementation_key(2248)) void IVGShape::PutLeftX ( double pVal );
  36964. __declspec(implementation_key(2249)) void IVGShape::PutRightX ( double pVal );
  36965. __declspec(implementation_key(2250)) void IVGShape::PutTopY ( double pVal );
  36966. __declspec(implementation_key(2251)) void IVGShape::PutBottomY ( double pVal );
  36967. __declspec(implementation_key(2252)) long IVGShape::GetZOrder ( );
  36968. __declspec(implementation_key(2253)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::CompareToEx ( struct IVGShape * Shape2, _bstr_t Condition, const _variant_t & Data );
  36969. __declspec(implementation_key(2254)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::CopyPropertiesFrom ( struct IVGShape * Source, enum cdrCopyProperties Properties );
  36970. __declspec(implementation_key(2255)) enum cdrOverprintState IVGShape::GetOverprintFillState ( );
  36971. __declspec(implementation_key(2256)) enum cdrOverprintState IVGShape::GetOverprintOutlineState ( );
  36972. __declspec(implementation_key(2257)) IVGPagePtr IVGShape::GetPage ( );
  36973. __declspec(implementation_key(2258)) IVGSnapPointsPtr IVGShape::SnapPointsOfType ( enum cdrPointType TypeSet );
  36974. __declspec(implementation_key(2259)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGShape::FindSnapPoint ( _bstr_t ReferenceData );
  36975. __declspec(implementation_key(2260)) IVGSpreadPtr IVGShape::GetSpread ( );
  36976. __declspec(implementation_key(2261)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetPixelAlignedRendering ( );
  36977. __declspec(implementation_key(2262)) void IVGShape::PutPixelAlignedRendering ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36978. __declspec(implementation_key(2263)) IVGBSplinePtr IVGShape::GetBSpline ( );
  36979. __declspec(implementation_key(2264)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGShape::CreateDocumentFrom ( VARIANT_BOOL TemporaryDocument );
  36980. __declspec(implementation_key(2265)) HRESULT IVGShape::AlignAndDistribute ( enum cdrAlignDistributeH MethodH, enum cdrAlignDistributeV MethodV, enum cdrAlignShapesTo AlignTo, enum cdrDistributeArea DistributeArea, VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin, double PointX, double PointY, struct IVGRect * DistributeRect );
  36981. __declspec(implementation_key(2266)) IVGStylePtr IVGShape::GetStyle ( );
  36982. __declspec(implementation_key(2267)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::CreateBoundary ( double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL PlaceOnTop, VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource );
  36983. __declspec(implementation_key(2268)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::EqualDivide ( long Divisions, double Gap, VARIANT_BOOL Group, VARIANT_BOOL Combine, VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource );
  36984. __declspec(implementation_key(2269)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::Project ( enum cdrProjectPlane Plane, enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  36985. __declspec(implementation_key(2270)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::Unproject ( enum cdrProjectPlane Plane, enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  36986. __declspec(implementation_key(2271)) IVGTransformMatrixPtr IVGShape::GetTransformationMatrix ( );
  36987. __declspec(implementation_key(2272)) void IVGShape::PutTransformationMatrix ( struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix );
  36988. __declspec(implementation_key(2273)) HRESULT IVGShape::ApplyTransformMatrix ( struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix );
  36989. __declspec(implementation_key(2274)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShape::GetVisible ( );
  36990. __declspec(implementation_key(2275)) void IVGShape::PutVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  36991. __declspec(implementation_key(2276)) HRESULT IVGShape::ModifyToolShapeProperties ( struct IVGProperties * ShapePropertiesToModify );
  36992. __declspec(implementation_key(2277)) _bstr_t IVGShape::GetToolShapeGuid ( );
  36993. __declspec(implementation_key(2278)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShape::CreateParallelCurves ( long Count, double distanceBetweenCurves );
  36994. __declspec(implementation_key(2279)) IVGShapePtr IVGShape::FindShapeAtPoint ( double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL TreatAsFilled );
  36995. __declspec(implementation_key(2280)) SAFEARRAY * IVGShape::GetColorTypes ( );
  36996. __declspec(implementation_key(2281)) SAFEARRAY * IVGShape::GetColors ( long MaxBitmapColors );
  36997. __declspec(implementation_key(2282)) HRESULT IVGShape::FlattenEffects ( );
  36998. __declspec(implementation_key(2283)) IVGEffectPtr IVGShape::CreateInnerShadow ( long Opacity, long Feather, double OffsetX, double OffsetY, struct IVGColor * Color, enum cdrFeatherType FeatherType, enum cdrEdgeType FeatherEdge, enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode, double Depth );
  36999. __declspec(implementation_key(2284)) _bstr_t IVGCustomEffect::GetEffectID ( );
  37000. __declspec(implementation_key(2285)) IVGShapePtr IVGCustomEffect::GetEffectGroup ( );
  37001. __declspec(implementation_key(2286)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGCloneLink::GetApplication ( );
  37002. __declspec(implementation_key(2287)) IVGShapePtr IVGCloneLink::GetParent ( );
  37003. __declspec(implementation_key(2288)) IVGShapePtr IVGCloneLink::GetCloneParent ( );
  37004. __declspec(implementation_key(2289)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCloneLink::GetFillLinked ( );
  37005. __declspec(implementation_key(2290)) void IVGCloneLink::PutFillLinked ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37006. __declspec(implementation_key(2291)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCloneLink::GetOutlineLinked ( );
  37007. __declspec(implementation_key(2292)) void IVGCloneLink::PutOutlineLinked ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37008. __declspec(implementation_key(2293)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCloneLink::GetShapeLinked ( );
  37009. __declspec(implementation_key(2294)) void IVGCloneLink::PutShapeLinked ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37010. __declspec(implementation_key(2295)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCloneLink::GetTransformLinked ( );
  37011. __declspec(implementation_key(2296)) void IVGCloneLink::PutTransformLinked ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37012. __declspec(implementation_key(2297)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCloneLink::GetBitmapColorMaskLinked ( );
  37013. __declspec(implementation_key(2298)) void IVGCloneLink::PutBitmapColorMaskLinked ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37014. __declspec(implementation_key(2299)) HRESULT IVGCloneLink::RestoreAllLinks ( );
  37015. __declspec(implementation_key(2300)) IVGShapePtr IVGCommentTarget::GetShape ( );
  37016. __declspec(implementation_key(2301)) void IVGCommentTarget::PutRefShape ( struct IVGShape * * pRet );
  37017. __declspec(implementation_key(2302)) _bstr_t IVGCommentTarget::GetGuid ( );
  37018. __declspec(implementation_key(2303)) void IVGCommentTarget::PutGuid ( _bstr_t pRet );
  37019. __declspec(implementation_key(2304)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetApplication ( );
  37020. __declspec(implementation_key(2305)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetParent ( );
  37021. __declspec(implementation_key(2306)) long IVGSelectionInformation::GetCount ( );
  37022. __declspec(implementation_key(2307)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetFirstShape ( );
  37023. __declspec(implementation_key(2308)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetSecondShape ( );
  37024. __declspec(implementation_key(2309)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetBlendTopShape ( );
  37025. __declspec(implementation_key(2310)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetBlendBottomShape ( );
  37026. __declspec(implementation_key(2311)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetBlendPath ( );
  37027. __declspec(implementation_key(2312)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCreateBlend ( );
  37028. __declspec(implementation_key(2313)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetDistortionShape ( );
  37029. __declspec(implementation_key(2314)) enum cdrDistortionType IVGSelectionInformation::GetDistortionType ( );
  37030. __declspec(implementation_key(2315)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetExtrudeFaceShape ( );
  37031. __declspec(implementation_key(2316)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetExtrudeGroup ( );
  37032. __declspec(implementation_key(2317)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetExtrudeBevelGroup ( );
  37033. __declspec(implementation_key(2318)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetContourControlShape ( );
  37034. __declspec(implementation_key(2319)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetContourGroup ( );
  37035. __declspec(implementation_key(2320)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetDropShadowControlShape ( );
  37036. __declspec(implementation_key(2321)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetDropShadowGroup ( );
  37037. __declspec(implementation_key(2322)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetDimensionControlShape ( );
  37038. __declspec(implementation_key(2323)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetDimensionGroup ( );
  37039. __declspec(implementation_key(2324)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetConnectorLines ( );
  37040. __declspec(implementation_key(2325)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetFittedTextControlShape ( );
  37041. __declspec(implementation_key(2326)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetFittedText ( );
  37042. __declspec(implementation_key(2327)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetFirstShapeWithOutline ( );
  37043. __declspec(implementation_key(2328)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetFirstShapeWithFill ( );
  37044. __declspec(implementation_key(2329)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetNaturalMediaControlShape ( );
  37045. __declspec(implementation_key(2330)) IVGShapePtr IVGSelectionInformation::GetNaturalMediaGroup ( );
  37046. __declspec(implementation_key(2331)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanPrint ( );
  37047. __declspec(implementation_key(2332)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsEditingText ( );
  37048. __declspec(implementation_key(2333)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsTextSelection ( );
  37049. __declspec(implementation_key(2334)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsOnPowerClipContents ( );
  37050. __declspec(implementation_key(2335)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsEditingRollOver ( );
  37051. __declspec(implementation_key(2336)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanApplyFillOutline ( );
  37052. __declspec(implementation_key(2337)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsControlSelected ( );
  37053. __declspec(implementation_key(2338)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanDeleteControl ( );
  37054. __declspec(implementation_key(2339)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsGroup ( );
  37055. __declspec(implementation_key(2340)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsRegularShape ( );
  37056. __declspec(implementation_key(2341)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsControlShape ( );
  37057. __declspec(implementation_key(2342)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsBlendControl ( );
  37058. __declspec(implementation_key(2343)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsBlendGroup ( );
  37059. __declspec(implementation_key(2344)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsCloneControl ( );
  37060. __declspec(implementation_key(2345)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsContourControl ( );
  37061. __declspec(implementation_key(2346)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsContourGroup ( );
  37062. __declspec(implementation_key(2347)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsDropShadowControl ( );
  37063. __declspec(implementation_key(2348)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsDropShadowGroup ( );
  37064. __declspec(implementation_key(2349)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsDimensionControl ( );
  37065. __declspec(implementation_key(2350)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsExtrudeControl ( );
  37066. __declspec(implementation_key(2351)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsExtrudeGroup ( );
  37067. __declspec(implementation_key(2352)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsBevelGroup ( );
  37068. __declspec(implementation_key(2353)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetHasAutoLabelText ( );
  37069. __declspec(implementation_key(2354)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsEnvelope ( );
  37070. __declspec(implementation_key(2355)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsPerspective ( );
  37071. __declspec(implementation_key(2356)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsDistortion ( );
  37072. __declspec(implementation_key(2357)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsConnectorLine ( );
  37073. __declspec(implementation_key(2358)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsConnector ( );
  37074. __declspec(implementation_key(2359)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsFittedText ( );
  37075. __declspec(implementation_key(2360)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsFittedTextControl ( );
  37076. __declspec(implementation_key(2361)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsNaturalMediaControl ( );
  37077. __declspec(implementation_key(2362)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsNaturalMediaGroup ( );
  37078. __declspec(implementation_key(2363)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsSecondExtrudeControl ( );
  37079. __declspec(implementation_key(2364)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsSecondContourControl ( );
  37080. __declspec(implementation_key(2365)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsSecondDropShadowControl ( );
  37081. __declspec(implementation_key(2366)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsSecondNaturalMediaControl ( );
  37082. __declspec(implementation_key(2367)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsArtisticTextSelected ( );
  37083. __declspec(implementation_key(2368)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsParagraphTextSelected ( );
  37084. __declspec(implementation_key(2369)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsTextSelected ( );
  37085. __declspec(implementation_key(2370)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsOLESelected ( );
  37086. __declspec(implementation_key(2371)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsBitmapSelected ( );
  37087. __declspec(implementation_key(2372)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsBitmapPresent ( );
  37088. __declspec(implementation_key(2373)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsLensPresent ( );
  37089. __declspec(implementation_key(2374)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsMaskedBitmapPresent ( );
  37090. __declspec(implementation_key(2375)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsGroupSelected ( );
  37091. __declspec(implementation_key(2376)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanUngroup ( );
  37092. __declspec(implementation_key(2377)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsLinkGroupSelected ( );
  37093. __declspec(implementation_key(2378)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsLinkControlSelected ( );
  37094. __declspec(implementation_key(2379)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsAttachedToDimension ( );
  37095. __declspec(implementation_key(2380)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsFittedTextSelected ( );
  37096. __declspec(implementation_key(2381)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsConnectorLineSelected ( );
  37097. __declspec(implementation_key(2382)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsConnectorSelected ( );
  37098. __declspec(implementation_key(2383)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsPerspectivePresent ( );
  37099. __declspec(implementation_key(2384)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsEnvelopePresent ( );
  37100. __declspec(implementation_key(2385)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsDistortionPresent ( );
  37101. __declspec(implementation_key(2386)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsGuidelineSelected ( );
  37102. __declspec(implementation_key(2387)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsInternetObjectSelected ( );
  37103. __declspec(implementation_key(2388)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsSoundObjectSelected ( );
  37104. __declspec(implementation_key(2389)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsExternalBitmapSelected ( );
  37105. __declspec(implementation_key(2390)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsNonExternalBitmapSelected ( );
  37106. __declspec(implementation_key(2391)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsMeshFillSelected ( );
  37107. __declspec(implementation_key(2392)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsMeshFillPresent ( );
  37108. __declspec(implementation_key(2393)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetIsRollOverSelected ( );
  37109. __declspec(implementation_key(2394)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetContainsRollOverParent ( );
  37110. __declspec(implementation_key(2395)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanClone ( );
  37111. __declspec(implementation_key(2396)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanApplyBlend ( );
  37112. __declspec(implementation_key(2397)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanApplyContour ( );
  37113. __declspec(implementation_key(2398)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanApplyFill ( );
  37114. __declspec(implementation_key(2399)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanApplyOutline ( );
  37115. __declspec(implementation_key(2400)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanApplyTransparency ( );
  37116. __declspec(implementation_key(2401)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanAssignURL ( );
  37117. __declspec(implementation_key(2402)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanApplyDistortion ( );
  37118. __declspec(implementation_key(2403)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanApplyEnvelope ( );
  37119. __declspec(implementation_key(2404)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCopyBlend ( );
  37120. __declspec(implementation_key(2405)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCloneBlend ( );
  37121. __declspec(implementation_key(2406)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCopyExtrude ( );
  37122. __declspec(implementation_key(2407)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCloneExtrude ( );
  37123. __declspec(implementation_key(2408)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCopyContour ( );
  37124. __declspec(implementation_key(2409)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCloneContour ( );
  37125. __declspec(implementation_key(2410)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCopyDropShadow ( );
  37126. __declspec(implementation_key(2411)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCloneDropShadow ( );
  37127. __declspec(implementation_key(2412)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCopyLens ( );
  37128. __declspec(implementation_key(2413)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCopyPerspective ( );
  37129. __declspec(implementation_key(2414)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCopyEnvelope ( );
  37130. __declspec(implementation_key(2415)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCopyPowerclip ( );
  37131. __declspec(implementation_key(2416)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanCopyDistortion ( );
  37132. __declspec(implementation_key(2417)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanLockShapes ( );
  37133. __declspec(implementation_key(2418)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSelectionInformation::GetCanUnlockShapes ( );
  37134. __declspec(implementation_key(2419)) double IVGCurve::GetLength ( );
  37135. __declspec(implementation_key(2420)) IVGSubPathsPtr IVGCurve::GetSubPaths ( );
  37136. __declspec(implementation_key(2421)) IVGNodesPtr IVGCurve::GetNodes ( );
  37137. __declspec(implementation_key(2422)) IVGSegmentsPtr IVGCurve::GetSegments ( );
  37138. __declspec(implementation_key(2423)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCurve::GetClosed ( );
  37139. __declspec(implementation_key(2424)) void IVGCurve::PutClosed ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37140. __declspec(implementation_key(2425)) IVGNodeRangePtr IVGCurve::Selection ( );
  37141. __declspec(implementation_key(2426)) IVGSubPathPtr IVGCurve::CreateSubPath ( double x, double y );
  37142. __declspec(implementation_key(2427)) HRESULT IVGCurve::ReverseDirection ( );
  37143. __declspec(implementation_key(2428)) enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape IVGCurve::IsOnCurve ( double x, double y, double HotArea );
  37144. __declspec(implementation_key(2429)) HRESULT IVGCurve::BindToDocument ( struct IVGDocument * Document );
  37145. __declspec(implementation_key(2430)) IVGCurvePtr IVGCurve::GetCopy ( );
  37146. __declspec(implementation_key(2431)) HRESULT IVGCurve::CopyAssign ( struct IVGCurve * Source );
  37147. __declspec(implementation_key(2432)) IVGSubPathPtr IVGCurve::CreateSubPathFromArray ( SAFEARRAY * * Source, VARIANT_BOOL Closed, long NumElements );
  37148. __declspec(implementation_key(2433)) HRESULT IVGCurve::AppendCurve ( struct IVGCurve * Source );
  37149. __declspec(implementation_key(2434)) SAFEARRAY * IVGCurve::GetCurveInfo ( );
  37150. __declspec(implementation_key(2435)) long IVGCurve::PutCurveInfo ( SAFEARRAY * * Source, long NumElements );
  37151. __declspec(implementation_key(2436)) HRESULT IVGCurve::ClearSelection ( );
  37152. __declspec(implementation_key(2437)) IVGCurvePtr IVGCurve::GetPolyline ( long CurvePrecision );
  37153. __declspec(implementation_key(2438)) IVGCurvePtr IVGCurve::RemoveOverlaps ( );
  37154. __declspec(implementation_key(2439)) IVGCurvePtr IVGCurve::Contour ( double Offset, enum cdrContourDirection Direction, enum cdrContourEndCapType EndCapType, enum cdrContourCornerType CornerType, double MiterLimit );
  37155. __declspec(implementation_key(2440)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCurve::IsPointInside ( double x, double y );
  37156. __declspec(implementation_key(2441)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCurve::IsRectOnEdge ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 );
  37157. __declspec(implementation_key(2442)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGCurve::FindClosestSegment ( double x, double y, double * ParamOffset );
  37158. __declspec(implementation_key(2443)) IVGNodePtr IVGCurve::FindNodeAtPoint ( double x, double y, double HotArea );
  37159. __declspec(implementation_key(2444)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGCurve::FindSegmentAtPoint ( double x, double y, double * ParamOffset, double HotArea );
  37160. __declspec(implementation_key(2445)) IVGCurvePtr IVGCurve::WeldWith ( struct IVGCurve * Curve );
  37161. __declspec(implementation_key(2446)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCurve::GetIsClockwise ( );
  37162. __declspec(implementation_key(2447)) double IVGCurve::GetArea ( );
  37163. __declspec(implementation_key(2448)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCurve::GetBoundingBox ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height );
  37164. __declspec(implementation_key(2449)) IVGRectPtr IVGCurve::GetBoundingBox ( );
  37165. __declspec(implementation_key(2450)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCurve::IntersectsWith ( struct IVGCurve * Curve );
  37166. __declspec(implementation_key(2451)) HRESULT IVGCurve::AppendSubpathFitToPoints ( struct IVGPointRange * Points, VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance, double tolerance );
  37167. __declspec(implementation_key(2452)) HRESULT IVGCurve::AppendSubpathFitToPointsAndCusps ( struct IVGPointRange * Points, SAFEARRAY * * CuspIndexArray, VARIANT_BOOL UseCurrentViewForTolerance, double tolerance );
  37168. __declspec(implementation_key(2453)) HRESULT IVGCurve::ApplyTransformMatrix ( struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix );
  37169. __declspec(implementation_key(2454)) HRESULT IVGCurve::AppendSubpathFromPoints ( struct IVGPointRange * Points, VARIANT_BOOL Close );
  37170. __declspec(implementation_key(2455)) IVGCurvePtr IVGCurve::CreateCurveMappedToStroke ( struct IVGSubPath * Stroke, double ScaleY, VARIANT_BOOL SelfWeld );
  37171. __declspec(implementation_key(2456)) IVGCurvePtr IVGCurve::CreateCurveMappedToStrokeAndReferenceLine ( struct IVGSubPath * Stroke, struct IVGPoint * Start, struct IVGPoint * End, double ScaleY, VARIANT_BOOL SelfWeld );
  37172. __declspec(implementation_key(2457)) HRESULT IVGCurve::AutoReduceNodes ( double AmountToReduce0To100, VARIANT_BOOL SelectedNodesOnly );
  37173. __declspec(implementation_key(2458)) HRESULT IVGCurve::JoinTouchingSubpaths ( VARIANT_BOOL AllowSubpathReversals, double tolerance );
  37174. __declspec(implementation_key(2459)) HRESULT IVGCurve::AppendSubpathCircle ( double CenterX, double CenterY, double Radius );
  37175. __declspec(implementation_key(2460)) HRESULT IVGCurve::AppendSubpathRectangle ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom );
  37176. __declspec(implementation_key(2461)) HRESULT IVGCurve::AppendSubpathThreePointArc ( double StartX, double StartY, double EndX, double EndY, double ThirdX, double ThirdY );
  37177. __declspec(implementation_key(2462)) HRESULT IVGCurve::SelfWeldClosedSubpaths ( );
  37178. __declspec(implementation_key(2463)) HRESULT IVGCurve::AppendSubpathEllipse ( double CenterX, double CenterY, double RadiusH, double RadiusV );
  37179. __declspec(implementation_key(2464)) IVGCurvePtr IVGCurve::WeldEx ( struct IVGCurve * TargetCurve, enum cdrWeldMethod Method, VARIANT_BOOL WindingSource, VARIANT_BOOL WindingTarget, long Flags );
  37180. __declspec(implementation_key(2465)) long IVGArrowHead::GetIndex ( );
  37181. __declspec(implementation_key(2466)) IVGCurvePtr IVGArrowHead::GetCurve ( );
  37182. __declspec(implementation_key(2467)) double IVGArrowHead::GetBaseOutlineScale ( );
  37183. __declspec(implementation_key(2468)) double IVGArrowHead::GetCenterX ( );
  37184. __declspec(implementation_key(2469)) double IVGArrowHead::GetCenterY ( );
  37185. __declspec(implementation_key(2470)) double IVGArrowHead::GetLineOffset ( );
  37186. __declspec(implementation_key(2471)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGArrowHead::BindToDocument ( struct IVGDocument * Document );
  37187. __declspec(implementation_key(2472)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGArrowHead::CompareWith ( struct IVGArrowHead * ArrowHead );
  37188. __declspec(implementation_key(2473)) _bstr_t IVGArrowHead::GetName ( );
  37189. __declspec(implementation_key(2474)) void IVGArrowHead::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  37190. __declspec(implementation_key(2475)) _bstr_t IVGArrowHead::GetDisplayName ( );
  37191. __declspec(implementation_key(2476)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGArrowHeads::GetApplication ( );
  37192. __declspec(implementation_key(2477)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGArrowHeads::GetParent ( );
  37193. __declspec(implementation_key(2478)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGArrowHeads::GetItem ( long Index );
  37194. __declspec(implementation_key(2479)) IUnknownPtr IVGArrowHeads::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37195. __declspec(implementation_key(2480)) long IVGArrowHeads::GetCount ( );
  37196. __declspec(implementation_key(2481)) HRESULT IVGArrowHeads::Remove ( long Index );
  37197. __declspec(implementation_key(2482)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGArrowHeads::Add ( struct IVGArrowHead * ArrowHead );
  37198. __declspec(implementation_key(2483)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGArrowHeads::Replace ( long Index, struct IVGArrowHead * ArrowHead );
  37199. __declspec(implementation_key(2484)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGSubPaths::GetApplication ( );
  37200. __declspec(implementation_key(2485)) IVGCurvePtr IVGSubPaths::GetParent ( );
  37201. __declspec(implementation_key(2486)) IVGSubPathPtr IVGSubPaths::GetItem ( long Index );
  37202. __declspec(implementation_key(2487)) IUnknownPtr IVGSubPaths::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37203. __declspec(implementation_key(2488)) long IVGSubPaths::GetCount ( );
  37204. __declspec(implementation_key(2489)) IVGSubPathPtr IVGSubPaths::GetFirst ( );
  37205. __declspec(implementation_key(2490)) IVGSubPathPtr IVGSubPaths::GetLast ( );
  37206. __declspec(implementation_key(2491)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGSubPath::GetApplication ( );
  37207. __declspec(implementation_key(2492)) IVGCurvePtr IVGSubPath::GetParent ( );
  37208. __declspec(implementation_key(2493)) IVGNodesPtr IVGSubPath::GetNodes ( );
  37209. __declspec(implementation_key(2494)) IVGSegmentsPtr IVGSubPath::GetSegments ( );
  37210. __declspec(implementation_key(2495)) long IVGSubPath::GetIndex ( );
  37211. __declspec(implementation_key(2496)) double IVGSubPath::GetLength ( );
  37212. __declspec(implementation_key(2497)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSubPath::GetClosed ( );
  37213. __declspec(implementation_key(2498)) void IVGSubPath::PutClosed ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37214. __declspec(implementation_key(2499)) double IVGSubPath::GetPositionX ( );
  37215. __declspec(implementation_key(2500)) void IVGSubPath::PutPositionX ( double pVal );
  37216. __declspec(implementation_key(2501)) double IVGSubPath::GetPositionY ( );
  37217. __declspec(implementation_key(2502)) void IVGSubPath::PutPositionY ( double pVal );
  37218. __declspec(implementation_key(2503)) double IVGSubPath::GetSizeWidth ( );
  37219. __declspec(implementation_key(2504)) double IVGSubPath::GetSizeHeight ( );
  37220. __declspec(implementation_key(2505)) IVGNodeRangePtr IVGSubPath::Selection ( );
  37221. __declspec(implementation_key(2506)) HRESULT IVGSubPath::ReverseDirection ( );
  37222. __declspec(implementation_key(2507)) IVGShapePtr IVGSubPath::Extract ( struct IVGShape * * OldCurve );
  37223. __declspec(implementation_key(2508)) HRESULT IVGSubPath::Delete ( );
  37224. __declspec(implementation_key(2509)) HRESULT IVGSubPath::GetPosition ( double * PositionX, double * PositionY );
  37225. __declspec(implementation_key(2510)) HRESULT IVGSubPath::SetPosition ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  37226. __declspec(implementation_key(2511)) HRESULT IVGSubPath::Move ( double DeltaX, double DeltaY );
  37227. __declspec(implementation_key(2512)) enum cdrPositionOfPointOverShape IVGSubPath::IsOnSubPath ( double x, double y, double HotArea );
  37228. __declspec(implementation_key(2513)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSubPath::AppendLineSegment ( double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL AppendAtBeginning );
  37229. __declspec(implementation_key(2514)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSubPath::AppendCurveSegment ( double x, double y, double StartingControlPointLength, double StartingControlPointAngle, double EndingControlPointLength, double EndingControlPointAngle, VARIANT_BOOL AppendAtBeginning );
  37230. __declspec(implementation_key(2515)) HRESULT IVGSubPath::GetPointPositionAt ( double * x, double * y, double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37231. __declspec(implementation_key(2516)) IVGNodePtr IVGSubPath::BreakApartAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37232. __declspec(implementation_key(2517)) IVGNodePtr IVGSubPath::AddNodeAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37233. __declspec(implementation_key(2518)) double IVGSubPath::GetPerpendicularAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37234. __declspec(implementation_key(2519)) double IVGSubPath::GetTangentAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37235. __declspec(implementation_key(2520)) IVGCrossPointsPtr IVGSubPath::GetIntersections ( struct IVGSubPath * Target, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37236. __declspec(implementation_key(2521)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSubPath::GetSegmentAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType, double * SegmentOffset );
  37237. __declspec(implementation_key(2522)) IVGSubPathPtr IVGSubPath::Next ( );
  37238. __declspec(implementation_key(2523)) IVGSubPathPtr IVGSubPath::Previous ( );
  37239. __declspec(implementation_key(2524)) double IVGSubPath::GetCurvatureAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37240. __declspec(implementation_key(2525)) double IVGSubPath::GetCurveSpeedAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37241. __declspec(implementation_key(2526)) IVGNodePtr IVGSubPath::GetStartNode ( );
  37242. __declspec(implementation_key(2527)) IVGNodePtr IVGSubPath::GetEndNode ( );
  37243. __declspec(implementation_key(2528)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSubPath::FindSegmentOffset ( double AbsoluteOffset, struct IVGSegment * * Segment, double * ParamOffset, double * Remainder );
  37244. __declspec(implementation_key(2529)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSubPath::GetFirstSegment ( );
  37245. __declspec(implementation_key(2530)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSubPath::GetLastSegment ( );
  37246. __declspec(implementation_key(2531)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSubPath::AppendCurveSegment2 ( double x, double y, double StartingControlPointX, double StartingControlPointY, double EndingControlPointX, double EndingControlPointY, VARIANT_BOOL AppendAtBeginning );
  37247. __declspec(implementation_key(2532)) IVGCurvePtr IVGSubPath::GetCopy ( );
  37248. __declspec(implementation_key(2533)) SAFEARRAY * IVGSubPath::GetCurveInfo ( );
  37249. __declspec(implementation_key(2534)) long IVGSubPath::PutCurveInfo ( SAFEARRAY * * Source, long NumElements );
  37250. __declspec(implementation_key(2535)) IVGCurvePtr IVGSubPath::GetPolyline ( long CurvePrecision );
  37251. __declspec(implementation_key(2536)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSubPath::IsPointInside ( double x, double y );
  37252. __declspec(implementation_key(2537)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSubPath::IsRectOnEdge ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 );
  37253. __declspec(implementation_key(2538)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSubPath::FindClosestSegment ( double x, double y, double * ParamOffset );
  37254. __declspec(implementation_key(2539)) IVGNodePtr IVGSubPath::FindNodeAtPoint ( double x, double y, double HotArea );
  37255. __declspec(implementation_key(2540)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSubPath::FindSegmentAtPoint ( double x, double y, double * ParamOffset, double HotArea );
  37256. __declspec(implementation_key(2541)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSubPath::GetIsClockwise ( );
  37257. __declspec(implementation_key(2542)) double IVGSubPath::GetArea ( );
  37258. __declspec(implementation_key(2543)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSubPath::GetBoundingBox ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height );
  37259. __declspec(implementation_key(2544)) IVGRectPtr IVGSubPath::GetBoundingBox ( );
  37260. __declspec(implementation_key(2545)) HRESULT IVGSubPath::EqualDivide ( long Divisions, double Gap );
  37261. __declspec(implementation_key(2546)) IVGPointRangePtr IVGSubPath::GetEvenlySpacedPoints ( double DistanceBetweenPointsAlongCurve, VARIANT_BOOL ScaleDistanceToFit );
  37262. __declspec(implementation_key(2547)) IVGVectorPtr IVGSubPath::GetPerpendicularVectorAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType, VARIANT_BOOL Normalize );
  37263. __declspec(implementation_key(2548)) IVGVectorPtr IVGSubPath::GetTangentVectorAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType, VARIANT_BOOL Normalize );
  37264. __declspec(implementation_key(2549)) IVGPointPtr IVGSubPath::GetPointAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37265. __declspec(implementation_key(2550)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGNodes::GetApplication ( );
  37266. __declspec(implementation_key(2551)) IVGCurvePtr IVGNodes::GetParent ( );
  37267. __declspec(implementation_key(2552)) IVGNodePtr IVGNodes::GetItem ( long Index );
  37268. __declspec(implementation_key(2553)) IUnknownPtr IVGNodes::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37269. __declspec(implementation_key(2554)) long IVGNodes::GetCount ( );
  37270. __declspec(implementation_key(2555)) IVGNodeRangePtr IVGNodes::Range ( SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  37271. __declspec(implementation_key(2556)) IVGNodeRangePtr IVGNodes::All ( );
  37272. __declspec(implementation_key(2557)) IVGNodeRangePtr IVGNodes::AllExcluding ( SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  37273. __declspec(implementation_key(2558)) IVGNodePtr IVGNodes::GetFirst ( );
  37274. __declspec(implementation_key(2559)) IVGNodePtr IVGNodes::GetLast ( );
  37275. __declspec(implementation_key(2560)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGNode::GetApplication ( );
  37276. __declspec(implementation_key(2561)) IVGCurvePtr IVGNode::GetParent ( );
  37277. __declspec(implementation_key(2562)) double IVGNode::GetPositionX ( );
  37278. __declspec(implementation_key(2563)) void IVGNode::PutPositionX ( double pVal );
  37279. __declspec(implementation_key(2564)) double IVGNode::GetPositionY ( );
  37280. __declspec(implementation_key(2565)) void IVGNode::PutPositionY ( double pVal );
  37281. __declspec(implementation_key(2566)) enum cdrNodeType IVGNode::GetType ( );
  37282. __declspec(implementation_key(2567)) void IVGNode::PutType ( enum cdrNodeType pVal );
  37283. __declspec(implementation_key(2568)) IVGSubPathPtr IVGNode::GetSubPath ( );
  37284. __declspec(implementation_key(2569)) long IVGNode::GetIndex ( );
  37285. __declspec(implementation_key(2570)) long IVGNode::GetSubPathIndex ( );
  37286. __declspec(implementation_key(2571)) long IVGNode::GetAbsoluteIndex ( );
  37287. __declspec(implementation_key(2572)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGNode::GetIsEnding ( );
  37288. __declspec(implementation_key(2573)) HRESULT IVGNode::JoinWith ( struct IVGNode * Target );
  37289. __declspec(implementation_key(2574)) HRESULT IVGNode::ConnectWith ( struct IVGNode * Target );
  37290. __declspec(implementation_key(2575)) HRESULT IVGNode::BreakApart ( );
  37291. __declspec(implementation_key(2576)) HRESULT IVGNode::Delete ( );
  37292. __declspec(implementation_key(2577)) HRESULT IVGNode::GetPosition ( double * PositionX, double * PositionY );
  37293. __declspec(implementation_key(2578)) HRESULT IVGNode::SetPosition ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  37294. __declspec(implementation_key(2579)) HRESULT IVGNode::Move ( double DeltaX, double DeltaY );
  37295. __declspec(implementation_key(2580)) IVGNodePtr IVGNode::Next ( );
  37296. __declspec(implementation_key(2581)) IVGNodePtr IVGNode::Previous ( );
  37297. __declspec(implementation_key(2582)) double IVGNode::GetDistanceFrom ( struct IVGNode * Node );
  37298. __declspec(implementation_key(2583)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGNode::GetSegment ( );
  37299. __declspec(implementation_key(2584)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGNode::GetPrevSegment ( );
  37300. __declspec(implementation_key(2585)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGNode::GetNextSegment ( );
  37301. __declspec(implementation_key(2586)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGNode::Fillet ( double Radius, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  37302. __declspec(implementation_key(2587)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGNode::Chamfer ( double DistanceA, double DistanceB, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  37303. __declspec(implementation_key(2588)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGNode::Scallop ( double Radius, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  37304. __declspec(implementation_key(2589)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGNode::GetSelected ( );
  37305. __declspec(implementation_key(2590)) void IVGNode::PutSelected ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37306. __declspec(implementation_key(2591)) HRESULT IVGNode::CreateSelection ( );
  37307. __declspec(implementation_key(2592)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGNode::ExtendSubPaths ( struct IVGNode * Node2, VARIANT_BOOL JoinPaths );
  37308. __declspec(implementation_key(2593)) HRESULT IVGNode::AveragePositionWith ( struct IVGNode * Node2, VARIANT_BOOL JoinPaths );
  37309. __declspec(implementation_key(2594)) HRESULT IVGNode::GetPoint ( struct IVGPoint * * ppVal );
  37310. __declspec(implementation_key(2595)) HRESULT IVGNode::SetPoint ( struct IVGPoint * ppVal );
  37311. __declspec(implementation_key(2596)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGSnapPoint::GetApplication ( );
  37312. __declspec(implementation_key(2597)) IVGShapePtr IVGSnapPoint::GetParent ( );
  37313. __declspec(implementation_key(2598)) double IVGSnapPoint::GetPositionX ( );
  37314. __declspec(implementation_key(2599)) void IVGSnapPoint::PutPositionX ( double pVal );
  37315. __declspec(implementation_key(2600)) double IVGSnapPoint::GetPositionY ( );
  37316. __declspec(implementation_key(2601)) void IVGSnapPoint::PutPositionY ( double pVal );
  37317. __declspec(implementation_key(2602)) enum cdrPointType IVGSnapPoint::GetType ( );
  37318. __declspec(implementation_key(2603)) IVGNodePtr IVGSnapPoint::GetNode ( );
  37319. __declspec(implementation_key(2604)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSnapPoint::GetIsDeletable ( );
  37320. __declspec(implementation_key(2605)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSnapPoint::GetIsMovable ( );
  37321. __declspec(implementation_key(2606)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSnapPoint::GetCanChangeDirection ( );
  37322. __declspec(implementation_key(2607)) HRESULT IVGSnapPoint::GetPosition ( double * PositionX, double * PositionY );
  37323. __declspec(implementation_key(2608)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSnapPoint::GetUsesDirection ( );
  37324. __declspec(implementation_key(2609)) void IVGSnapPoint::PutUsesDirection ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37325. __declspec(implementation_key(2610)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSnapPoint::GetIsSelectable ( );
  37326. __declspec(implementation_key(2611)) double IVGSnapPoint::GetDirection ( );
  37327. __declspec(implementation_key(2612)) void IVGSnapPoint::PutDirection ( double pVal );
  37328. __declspec(implementation_key(2613)) HRESULT IVGSnapPoint::SetPosition ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  37329. __declspec(implementation_key(2614)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSnapPoint::GetSelected ( );
  37330. __declspec(implementation_key(2615)) void IVGSnapPoint::PutSelected ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37331. __declspec(implementation_key(2616)) HRESULT IVGSnapPoint::CreateSelection ( );
  37332. __declspec(implementation_key(2617)) IVGUserSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoint::GetUser ( );
  37333. __declspec(implementation_key(2618)) IVGObjectSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoint::GetObject ( );
  37334. __declspec(implementation_key(2619)) IVGShapePtr IVGSnapPoint::GetShape ( );
  37335. __declspec(implementation_key(2620)) IVGBBoxSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoint::GetBBox ( );
  37336. __declspec(implementation_key(2621)) _bstr_t IVGSnapPoint::GetReferenceData ( );
  37337. __declspec(implementation_key(2622)) HRESULT IVGSnapPoint::Delete ( );
  37338. __declspec(implementation_key(2623)) HRESULT IVGSnapPoint::Move ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  37339. __declspec(implementation_key(2624)) IVGEdgeSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoint::GetEdge ( );
  37340. __declspec(implementation_key(2625)) long IVGSnapPointRange::GetCount ( );
  37341. __declspec(implementation_key(2626)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPointRange::GetItem ( long Index );
  37342. __declspec(implementation_key(2627)) HRESULT IVGSnapPointRange::Move ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  37343. __declspec(implementation_key(2628)) HRESULT IVGSnapPointRange::Delete ( );
  37344. __declspec(implementation_key(2629)) IUnknownPtr IVGSnapPointRange::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37345. __declspec(implementation_key(2630)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSnapPointRange::Add ( struct IVGSnapPoint * SnapPoint );
  37346. __declspec(implementation_key(2631)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSnapPointRange::Remove ( long Index );
  37347. __declspec(implementation_key(2632)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSnapPointRange::RemoveByReference ( _bstr_t ReferenceData );
  37348. __declspec(implementation_key(2633)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPointRange::Find ( _bstr_t ReferenceData );
  37349. __declspec(implementation_key(2634)) HRESULT IVGSnapPointRange::CreateSelection ( );
  37350. __declspec(implementation_key(2635)) HRESULT IVGSnapPointRange::AddToSelection ( );
  37351. __declspec(implementation_key(2636)) HRESULT IVGSnapPointRange::RemoveFromSelection ( );
  37352. __declspec(implementation_key(2637)) HRESULT IVGSnapPointRange::ChangeDirection ( double Direction, enum cdrTriState UsesDirection );
  37353. __declspec(implementation_key(2638)) HRESULT IVGSnapPointRange::SetAutoSnap ( VARIANT_BOOL AutoSnap );
  37354. __declspec(implementation_key(2639)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGSnapPoints::GetApplication ( );
  37355. __declspec(implementation_key(2640)) IVGShapePtr IVGSnapPoints::GetParent ( );
  37356. __declspec(implementation_key(2641)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoints::GetItem ( long Index );
  37357. __declspec(implementation_key(2642)) IUnknownPtr IVGSnapPoints::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37358. __declspec(implementation_key(2643)) long IVGSnapPoints::GetCount ( );
  37359. __declspec(implementation_key(2644)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoints::User ( _bstr_t ID );
  37360. __declspec(implementation_key(2645)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoints::BBox ( enum cdrReferencePoint Type );
  37361. __declspec(implementation_key(2646)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoints::Object ( enum cdrObjectSnapPointType Type );
  37362. __declspec(implementation_key(2647)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoints::FindClosest ( enum cdrPointType TypeSet, double PositionX, double PositionY );
  37363. __declspec(implementation_key(2648)) IVGSnapPointRangePtr IVGSnapPoints::Range ( SAFEARRAY * * References );
  37364. __declspec(implementation_key(2649)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoints::AddUserSnapPoint ( double PositionX, double PositionY, double Direction, VARIANT_BOOL UseDirection );
  37365. __declspec(implementation_key(2650)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoints::AddUserSnapPointEx ( _bstr_t ID, double PositionX, double PositionY, double Direction, VARIANT_BOOL UseDirection );
  37366. __declspec(implementation_key(2651)) IVGSnapPointRangePtr IVGSnapPoints::GetSelection ( );
  37367. __declspec(implementation_key(2652)) HRESULT IVGSnapPoints::ClearSelection ( );
  37368. __declspec(implementation_key(2653)) IVGSnapPointRangePtr IVGSnapPoints::GetAll ( );
  37369. __declspec(implementation_key(2654)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoints::Edge ( long SegmentIndex, double SegmentOffset );
  37370. __declspec(implementation_key(2655)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGSnapPoints::Auto ( );
  37371. __declspec(implementation_key(2656)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGConnector::GetStartPoint ( );
  37372. __declspec(implementation_key(2657)) void IVGConnector::PutStartPoint ( struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  37373. __declspec(implementation_key(2658)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGConnector::GetEndPoint ( );
  37374. __declspec(implementation_key(2659)) void IVGConnector::PutEndPoint ( struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  37375. __declspec(implementation_key(2660)) enum cdrConnectorType IVGConnector::GetType ( );
  37376. __declspec(implementation_key(2661)) enum cdrLinearDimensionType IVGDimensionLinear::GetType ( );
  37377. __declspec(implementation_key(2662)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGDimensionLinear::GetPoint1 ( );
  37378. __declspec(implementation_key(2663)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutPoint1 ( struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  37379. __declspec(implementation_key(2664)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGDimensionLinear::GetPoint2 ( );
  37380. __declspec(implementation_key(2665)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutPoint2 ( struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  37381. __declspec(implementation_key(2666)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionLinear::GetTextCentered ( );
  37382. __declspec(implementation_key(2667)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutTextCentered ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37383. __declspec(implementation_key(2668)) double IVGDimensionLinear::GetTextX ( );
  37384. __declspec(implementation_key(2669)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutTextX ( double pVal );
  37385. __declspec(implementation_key(2670)) double IVGDimensionLinear::GetTextY ( );
  37386. __declspec(implementation_key(2671)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutTextY ( double pVal );
  37387. __declspec(implementation_key(2672)) enum cdrDimensionStyle IVGDimensionLinear::GetStyle ( );
  37388. __declspec(implementation_key(2673)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutStyle ( enum cdrDimensionStyle pVal );
  37389. __declspec(implementation_key(2674)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionLinear::GetShowUnits ( );
  37390. __declspec(implementation_key(2675)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutShowUnits ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37391. __declspec(implementation_key(2676)) enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits IVGDimensionLinear::GetUnits ( );
  37392. __declspec(implementation_key(2677)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutUnits ( enum cdrDimensionLinearUnits pVal );
  37393. __declspec(implementation_key(2678)) enum cdrDimensionPlacement IVGDimensionLinear::GetPlacement ( );
  37394. __declspec(implementation_key(2679)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutPlacement ( enum cdrDimensionPlacement pVal );
  37395. __declspec(implementation_key(2680)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionLinear::GetHorizontalText ( );
  37396. __declspec(implementation_key(2681)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutHorizontalText ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37397. __declspec(implementation_key(2682)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionLinear::GetReverseTerminators ( );
  37398. __declspec(implementation_key(2683)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutReverseTerminators ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37399. __declspec(implementation_key(2684)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionLinear::GetAutoReverseTerminators ( );
  37400. __declspec(implementation_key(2685)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutAutoReverseTerminators ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37401. __declspec(implementation_key(2686)) double IVGDimensionLinear::GetReverseTerminatorLength ( );
  37402. __declspec(implementation_key(2687)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionLinear::GetUseReverseTerminatorLength ( );
  37403. __declspec(implementation_key(2688)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutUseReverseTerminatorLength ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37404. __declspec(implementation_key(2689)) HRESULT IVGDimensionLinear::SetReverseTerminatorLength ( double Length );
  37405. __declspec(implementation_key(2690)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionLinear::GetInnerDimensionLineVisible ( );
  37406. __declspec(implementation_key(2691)) void IVGDimensionLinear::PutInnerDimensionLineVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37407. __declspec(implementation_key(2692)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGDimensionAngular::GetCenter ( );
  37408. __declspec(implementation_key(2693)) void IVGDimensionAngular::PutCenter ( struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  37409. __declspec(implementation_key(2694)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGDimensionAngular::GetPoint1 ( );
  37410. __declspec(implementation_key(2695)) void IVGDimensionAngular::PutPoint1 ( struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  37411. __declspec(implementation_key(2696)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGDimensionAngular::GetPoint2 ( );
  37412. __declspec(implementation_key(2697)) void IVGDimensionAngular::PutPoint2 ( struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  37413. __declspec(implementation_key(2698)) double IVGDimensionAngular::GetTextX ( );
  37414. __declspec(implementation_key(2699)) void IVGDimensionAngular::PutTextX ( double pVal );
  37415. __declspec(implementation_key(2700)) double IVGDimensionAngular::GetTextY ( );
  37416. __declspec(implementation_key(2701)) void IVGDimensionAngular::PutTextY ( double pVal );
  37417. __declspec(implementation_key(2702)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionAngular::GetShowUnits ( );
  37418. __declspec(implementation_key(2703)) void IVGDimensionAngular::PutShowUnits ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37419. __declspec(implementation_key(2704)) enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits IVGDimensionAngular::GetUnits ( );
  37420. __declspec(implementation_key(2705)) void IVGDimensionAngular::PutUnits ( enum cdrDimensionAngularUnits pVal );
  37421. __declspec(implementation_key(2706)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionAngular::GetClockwise ( );
  37422. __declspec(implementation_key(2707)) void IVGDimensionAngular::PutClockwise ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37423. __declspec(implementation_key(2708)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimensionAngular::GetInnerExtensionLinesVisible ( );
  37424. __declspec(implementation_key(2709)) void IVGDimensionAngular::PutInnerExtensionLinesVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37425. __declspec(implementation_key(2710)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGSegment::GetApplication ( );
  37426. __declspec(implementation_key(2711)) IVGCurvePtr IVGSegment::GetParent ( );
  37427. __declspec(implementation_key(2712)) enum cdrSegmentType IVGSegment::GetType ( );
  37428. __declspec(implementation_key(2713)) void IVGSegment::PutType ( enum cdrSegmentType pVal );
  37429. __declspec(implementation_key(2714)) IVGSubPathPtr IVGSegment::GetSubPath ( );
  37430. __declspec(implementation_key(2715)) double IVGSegment::GetLength ( );
  37431. __declspec(implementation_key(2716)) long IVGSegment::GetIndex ( );
  37432. __declspec(implementation_key(2717)) long IVGSegment::GetSubPathIndex ( );
  37433. __declspec(implementation_key(2718)) long IVGSegment::GetAbsoluteIndex ( );
  37434. __declspec(implementation_key(2719)) double IVGSegment::GetStartingControlPointLength ( );
  37435. __declspec(implementation_key(2720)) void IVGSegment::PutStartingControlPointLength ( double pVal );
  37436. __declspec(implementation_key(2721)) double IVGSegment::GetStartingControlPointAngle ( );
  37437. __declspec(implementation_key(2722)) void IVGSegment::PutStartingControlPointAngle ( double pVal );
  37438. __declspec(implementation_key(2723)) double IVGSegment::GetEndingControlPointLength ( );
  37439. __declspec(implementation_key(2724)) void IVGSegment::PutEndingControlPointLength ( double pVal );
  37440. __declspec(implementation_key(2725)) double IVGSegment::GetEndingControlPointAngle ( );
  37441. __declspec(implementation_key(2726)) void IVGSegment::PutEndingControlPointAngle ( double pVal );
  37442. __declspec(implementation_key(2727)) HRESULT IVGSegment::GetPointPositionAt ( double * x, double * y, double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37443. __declspec(implementation_key(2728)) IVGNodePtr IVGSegment::BreakApartAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37444. __declspec(implementation_key(2729)) IVGNodePtr IVGSegment::AddNodeAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37445. __declspec(implementation_key(2730)) double IVGSegment::GetPerpendicularAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37446. __declspec(implementation_key(2731)) double IVGSegment::GetTangentAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37447. __declspec(implementation_key(2732)) IVGCrossPointsPtr IVGSegment::GetIntersections ( struct IVGSegment * Target, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37448. __declspec(implementation_key(2733)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSegment::Next ( );
  37449. __declspec(implementation_key(2734)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSegment::Previous ( );
  37450. __declspec(implementation_key(2735)) IVGNodePtr IVGSegment::GetStartNode ( );
  37451. __declspec(implementation_key(2736)) IVGNodePtr IVGSegment::GetEndNode ( );
  37452. __declspec(implementation_key(2737)) double IVGSegment::GetStartingControlPointX ( );
  37453. __declspec(implementation_key(2738)) void IVGSegment::PutStartingControlPointX ( double pVal );
  37454. __declspec(implementation_key(2739)) double IVGSegment::GetStartingControlPointY ( );
  37455. __declspec(implementation_key(2740)) void IVGSegment::PutStartingControlPointY ( double pVal );
  37456. __declspec(implementation_key(2741)) double IVGSegment::GetEndingControlPointX ( );
  37457. __declspec(implementation_key(2742)) void IVGSegment::PutEndingControlPointX ( double pVal );
  37458. __declspec(implementation_key(2743)) double IVGSegment::GetEndingControlPointY ( );
  37459. __declspec(implementation_key(2744)) void IVGSegment::PutEndingControlPointY ( double pVal );
  37460. __declspec(implementation_key(2745)) long IVGSegment::GetPeaks ( double Angle, double * Offset1, double * Offset2, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37461. __declspec(implementation_key(2746)) long IVGSegment::GetBendPoints ( double * Offset1, double * Offset2, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37462. __declspec(implementation_key(2747)) double IVGSegment::GetCurvatureAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37463. __declspec(implementation_key(2748)) double IVGSegment::GetCurveSpeedAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37464. __declspec(implementation_key(2749)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSegment::FindParamOffset ( double AbsoluteOffset, double * ParamOffset, double * Remainder );
  37465. __declspec(implementation_key(2750)) double IVGSegment::GetAbsoluteOffset ( double ParamOffset );
  37466. __declspec(implementation_key(2751)) HRESULT IVGSegment::GetStartingControlPointPosition ( double * PositionX, double * PositionY );
  37467. __declspec(implementation_key(2752)) HRESULT IVGSegment::SetStartingControlPointPosition ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  37468. __declspec(implementation_key(2753)) HRESULT IVGSegment::GetEndingControlPointPosition ( double * PositionX, double * PositionY );
  37469. __declspec(implementation_key(2754)) HRESULT IVGSegment::SetEndingControlPointPosition ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  37470. __declspec(implementation_key(2755)) IVGCurvePtr IVGSegment::GetCopy ( );
  37471. __declspec(implementation_key(2756)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSegment::GetSelected ( );
  37472. __declspec(implementation_key(2757)) void IVGSegment::PutSelected ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37473. __declspec(implementation_key(2758)) HRESULT IVGSegment::CreateSelection ( );
  37474. __declspec(implementation_key(2759)) IVGCurvePtr IVGSegment::GetPolyline ( long CurvePrecision );
  37475. __declspec(implementation_key(2760)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSegment::IsRectOnEdge ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 );
  37476. __declspec(implementation_key(2761)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSegment::FindClosestPoint ( double x, double y, double * ParamOffset );
  37477. __declspec(implementation_key(2762)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSegment::FindParamOffsetAtPoint ( double x, double y, double * ParamOffset, double HotArea );
  37478. __declspec(implementation_key(2763)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSegment::GetBoundingBox ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height );
  37479. __declspec(implementation_key(2764)) IVGRectPtr IVGSegment::GetBoundingBox ( );
  37480. __declspec(implementation_key(2765)) IVGVectorPtr IVGSegment::GetPerpendicularVectorAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType, VARIANT_BOOL Normalize );
  37481. __declspec(implementation_key(2766)) IVGVectorPtr IVGSegment::GetTangentVectorAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType, VARIANT_BOOL Normalize );
  37482. __declspec(implementation_key(2767)) IVGPointPtr IVGSegment::GetPointAt ( double Offset, enum cdrSegmentOffsetType OffsetType );
  37483. __declspec(implementation_key(2768)) double IVGVector::Getx ( );
  37484. __declspec(implementation_key(2769)) void IVGVector::Putx ( double pVal );
  37485. __declspec(implementation_key(2770)) double IVGVector::Gety ( );
  37486. __declspec(implementation_key(2771)) void IVGVector::Puty ( double pVal );
  37487. __declspec(implementation_key(2772)) double IVGVector::GetLength ( );
  37488. __declspec(implementation_key(2773)) void IVGVector::PutLength ( double pVal );
  37489. __declspec(implementation_key(2774)) double IVGVector::GetAngle ( );
  37490. __declspec(implementation_key(2775)) void IVGVector::PutAngle ( double pVal );
  37491. __declspec(implementation_key(2776)) IVGPointPtr IVGVector::GetOffsettedPoint ( struct IVGPoint * Origin, double Distance );
  37492. __declspec(implementation_key(2777)) HRESULT IVGVector::Add ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37493. __declspec(implementation_key(2778)) HRESULT IVGVector::Subtract ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37494. __declspec(implementation_key(2779)) HRESULT IVGVector::MultiplyBy ( double Multiplier );
  37495. __declspec(implementation_key(2780)) HRESULT IVGVector::Negate ( );
  37496. __declspec(implementation_key(2781)) HRESULT IVGVector::Normalize ( );
  37497. __declspec(implementation_key(2782)) double IVGVector::AngleBetween ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37498. __declspec(implementation_key(2783)) double IVGVector::SmallAngleBetween ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37499. __declspec(implementation_key(2784)) double IVGVector::DotProduct ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37500. __declspec(implementation_key(2785)) double IVGVector::CrossProduct ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37501. __declspec(implementation_key(2786)) HRESULT IVGVector::SetFromPoints ( struct IVGPoint * Start, struct IVGPoint * End );
  37502. __declspec(implementation_key(2787)) IVGVectorPtr IVGVector::ProjectOnto ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37503. __declspec(implementation_key(2788)) IVGVectorPtr IVGVector::GetCopy ( );
  37504. __declspec(implementation_key(2789)) HRESULT IVGVector::BindToDocument ( struct IVGDocument * Document );
  37505. __declspec(implementation_key(2790)) double IVGPoint::Getx ( );
  37506. __declspec(implementation_key(2791)) void IVGPoint::Putx ( double pVal );
  37507. __declspec(implementation_key(2792)) double IVGPoint::Gety ( );
  37508. __declspec(implementation_key(2793)) void IVGPoint::Puty ( double pVal );
  37509. __declspec(implementation_key(2794)) HRESULT IVGPoint::Add ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37510. __declspec(implementation_key(2795)) HRESULT IVGPoint::Subtract ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37511. __declspec(implementation_key(2796)) double IVGPoint::DistanceTo ( struct IVGPoint * Point );
  37512. __declspec(implementation_key(2797)) IVGPointPtr IVGPoint::GetCopy ( );
  37513. __declspec(implementation_key(2798)) HRESULT IVGPoint::BindToDocument ( struct IVGDocument * Document );
  37514. __declspec(implementation_key(2799)) IVGPointPtr IVGPointRange::GetItem ( long Index );
  37515. __declspec(implementation_key(2800)) void IVGPointRange::PutItem ( long Index, struct IVGPoint * ppVal );
  37516. __declspec(implementation_key(2801)) IUnknownPtr IVGPointRange::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37517. __declspec(implementation_key(2802)) IVGPointPtr IVGPointRange::GetFirst ( );
  37518. __declspec(implementation_key(2803)) IVGPointPtr IVGPointRange::GetLast ( );
  37519. __declspec(implementation_key(2804)) long IVGPointRange::GetCount ( );
  37520. __declspec(implementation_key(2805)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::AddPoint ( struct IVGPoint * Point );
  37521. __declspec(implementation_key(2806)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::AddPointXY ( double x, double y );
  37522. __declspec(implementation_key(2807)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::InsertPoint ( long Index, struct IVGPoint * Point );
  37523. __declspec(implementation_key(2808)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::AddPoints ( struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  37524. __declspec(implementation_key(2809)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::InsertPoints ( long Index, struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  37525. __declspec(implementation_key(2810)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::Remove ( long Index );
  37526. __declspec(implementation_key(2811)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::RemoveRange ( long StartIndex, long EndIndex );
  37527. __declspec(implementation_key(2812)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::RemoveAll ( );
  37528. __declspec(implementation_key(2813)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::RemoveAdjacentDuplicates ( );
  37529. __declspec(implementation_key(2814)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::Reverse ( );
  37530. __declspec(implementation_key(2815)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::Smoothen ( double NumberOfPointsToSmoothAcross, VARIANT_BOOL Closed );
  37531. __declspec(implementation_key(2816)) IVGPointRangePtr IVGPointRange::GetCopy ( );
  37532. __declspec(implementation_key(2817)) HRESULT IVGPointRange::BindToDocument ( struct IVGDocument * Document );
  37533. __declspec(implementation_key(2818)) double IVGTransformMatrix::Getd11 ( );
  37534. __declspec(implementation_key(2819)) void IVGTransformMatrix::Putd11 ( double pVal );
  37535. __declspec(implementation_key(2820)) double IVGTransformMatrix::Getd12 ( );
  37536. __declspec(implementation_key(2821)) void IVGTransformMatrix::Putd12 ( double pVal );
  37537. __declspec(implementation_key(2822)) double IVGTransformMatrix::Getd21 ( );
  37538. __declspec(implementation_key(2823)) void IVGTransformMatrix::Putd21 ( double pVal );
  37539. __declspec(implementation_key(2824)) double IVGTransformMatrix::Getd22 ( );
  37540. __declspec(implementation_key(2825)) void IVGTransformMatrix::Putd22 ( double pVal );
  37541. __declspec(implementation_key(2826)) double IVGTransformMatrix::GetTranslationX ( );
  37542. __declspec(implementation_key(2827)) void IVGTransformMatrix::PutTranslationX ( double pVal );
  37543. __declspec(implementation_key(2828)) double IVGTransformMatrix::GetTranslationY ( );
  37544. __declspec(implementation_key(2829)) void IVGTransformMatrix::PutTranslationY ( double pVal );
  37545. __declspec(implementation_key(2830)) IVGVectorPtr IVGTransformMatrix::GetTranslation ( );
  37546. __declspec(implementation_key(2831)) void IVGTransformMatrix::PutTranslation ( struct IVGVector * ppVal );
  37547. __declspec(implementation_key(2832)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::SetToIdentity ( );
  37548. __declspec(implementation_key(2833)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::Invert ( );
  37549. __declspec(implementation_key(2834)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::TranslateBy ( double x, double y );
  37550. __declspec(implementation_key(2835)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::TranslateByVector ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37551. __declspec(implementation_key(2836)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::SetTranslation ( double x, double y );
  37552. __declspec(implementation_key(2837)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::Rotate ( double Angle );
  37553. __declspec(implementation_key(2838)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::RotateAround ( double Angle, double x, double y );
  37554. __declspec(implementation_key(2839)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::Scale ( double ScaleX, double ScaleY );
  37555. __declspec(implementation_key(2840)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::ScaleAround ( double ScaleX, double ScaleY, double x, double y );
  37556. __declspec(implementation_key(2841)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::Transform ( struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix );
  37557. __declspec(implementation_key(2842)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::TransformAround ( struct IVGTransformMatrix * TransformMatrix, double x, double y );
  37558. __declspec(implementation_key(2843)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::TransformPoint ( struct IVGPoint * Point );
  37559. __declspec(implementation_key(2844)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::TransformPoints ( struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  37560. __declspec(implementation_key(2845)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::TransformVector ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37561. __declspec(implementation_key(2846)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::UntransformPoint ( struct IVGPoint * Point );
  37562. __declspec(implementation_key(2847)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::UntransformPoints ( struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  37563. __declspec(implementation_key(2848)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::UntransformVector ( struct IVGVector * Vector );
  37564. __declspec(implementation_key(2849)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsIdentity ( );
  37565. __declspec(implementation_key(2850)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsSkewedOrRotatedOrMirrored ( );
  37566. __declspec(implementation_key(2851)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetContainsOnlyTranslation ( );
  37567. __declspec(implementation_key(2852)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsSkewedOrRotated ( );
  37568. __declspec(implementation_key(2853)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsScaledOrSkewedOrRotated ( );
  37569. __declspec(implementation_key(2854)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsOrthogonal ( );
  37570. __declspec(implementation_key(2855)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsOrthonormalAxisAligned ( );
  37571. __declspec(implementation_key(2856)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsOrthonormal ( );
  37572. __declspec(implementation_key(2857)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsMirrored ( );
  37573. __declspec(implementation_key(2858)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsScaled ( );
  37574. __declspec(implementation_key(2859)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransformMatrix::GetIsTranslated ( );
  37575. __declspec(implementation_key(2860)) IVGTransformMatrixPtr IVGTransformMatrix::GetCopy ( );
  37576. __declspec(implementation_key(2861)) HRESULT IVGTransformMatrix::BindToDocument ( struct IVGDocument * Document );
  37577. __declspec(implementation_key(2862)) _variant_t IVGProperties::GetItem ( _bstr_t Name, long ID );
  37578. __declspec(implementation_key(2863)) void IVGProperties::PutItem ( _bstr_t Name, long ID, const _variant_t & pVal );
  37579. __declspec(implementation_key(2864)) IUnknownPtr IVGProperties::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37580. __declspec(implementation_key(2865)) long IVGProperties::GetIndex ( _bstr_t Name, long ID );
  37581. __declspec(implementation_key(2866)) _variant_t IVGProperties::GetItemByIndex ( long Index );
  37582. __declspec(implementation_key(2867)) HRESULT IVGProperties::Delete ( _bstr_t Name, long ID );
  37583. __declspec(implementation_key(2868)) HRESULT IVGProperties::DeleteByIndex ( long Index );
  37584. __declspec(implementation_key(2869)) long IVGProperties::GetCount ( );
  37585. __declspec(implementation_key(2870)) HRESULT IVGProperties::Description ( long Index, BSTR * Name, long * ID );
  37586. __declspec(implementation_key(2871)) HRESULT IVGProperties::PutFile ( _bstr_t Name, long ID, _bstr_t FileName );
  37587. __declspec(implementation_key(2872)) HRESULT IVGProperties::GetFile ( _bstr_t Name, long ID, _bstr_t FileName );
  37588. __declspec(implementation_key(2873)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGProperties::Exists ( _bstr_t Name, long ID );
  37589. __declspec(implementation_key(2874)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGProperties::DeleteAll ( _bstr_t Name );
  37590. __declspec(implementation_key(2875)) IVGPointPtr IVGProperties::GetPoint ( _bstr_t uuidName );
  37591. __declspec(implementation_key(2876)) HRESULT IVGProperties::SetPoint ( _bstr_t uuidName, struct IVGPoint * pVal );
  37592. __declspec(implementation_key(2877)) IVGVectorPtr IVGProperties::GetVector ( _bstr_t uuidName );
  37593. __declspec(implementation_key(2878)) HRESULT IVGProperties::SetVector ( _bstr_t uuidName, struct IVGVector * pVal );
  37594. __declspec(implementation_key(2879)) IVGCurvePtr IVGProperties::GetCurve ( _bstr_t uuidName );
  37595. __declspec(implementation_key(2880)) HRESULT IVGProperties::SetCurve ( _bstr_t uuidName, struct IVGCurve * pVal );
  37596. __declspec(implementation_key(2881)) _bstr_t IVGToolStateAttributes::GetPropertyBarGuid ( );
  37597. __declspec(implementation_key(2882)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutPropertyBarGuid ( _bstr_t pVal );
  37598. __declspec(implementation_key(2883)) _bstr_t IVGToolStateAttributes::GetContextMenuGuid ( );
  37599. __declspec(implementation_key(2884)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutContextMenuGuid ( _bstr_t pVal );
  37600. __declspec(implementation_key(2885)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGToolStateAttributes::GetUseTabletPressure ( );
  37601. __declspec(implementation_key(2886)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutUseTabletPressure ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37602. __declspec(implementation_key(2887)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGToolStateAttributes::GetAllowTempPickState ( );
  37603. __declspec(implementation_key(2888)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutAllowTempPickState ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37604. __declspec(implementation_key(2889)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGToolStateAttributes::GetAllowAutopan ( );
  37605. __declspec(implementation_key(2890)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutAllowAutopan ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37606. __declspec(implementation_key(2891)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGToolStateAttributes::GetAllowContextMenu ( );
  37607. __declspec(implementation_key(2892)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutAllowContextMenu ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37608. __declspec(implementation_key(2893)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGToolStateAttributes::GetCanUpdateSelectionOnMouseClick ( );
  37609. __declspec(implementation_key(2894)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutCanUpdateSelectionOnMouseClick ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37610. __declspec(implementation_key(2895)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGToolStateAttributes::GetDeselectOnLButtonDown ( );
  37611. __declspec(implementation_key(2896)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutDeselectOnLButtonDown ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37612. __declspec(implementation_key(2897)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGToolStateAttributes::GetEnterGraceStateOnLButtonDown ( );
  37613. __declspec(implementation_key(2898)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutEnterGraceStateOnLButtonDown ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37614. __declspec(implementation_key(2899)) void IVGToolStateAttributes::PutStatusInfo ( _bstr_t _arg1 );
  37615. __declspec(implementation_key(2900)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::SetCursor ( enum cdrCursorShape CursorShape );
  37616. __declspec(implementation_key(2901)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::StartTimer ( long TimerId, long TimeToTick, VARIANT_BOOL OneTime );
  37617. __declspec(implementation_key(2902)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::StopTimer ( long TimerId );
  37618. __declspec(implementation_key(2903)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::SnapMouse ( struct IVGPoint * pt );
  37619. __declspec(implementation_key(2904)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::AnchoredSnapMouse ( struct IVGPoint * pt, struct IVGPoint * AnchorPoint );
  37620. __declspec(implementation_key(2905)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::ConstrainMouse ( struct IVGPoint * pt, struct IVGPoint * AnchorPoint );
  37621. __declspec(implementation_key(2906)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGToolStateAttributes::IsKeyDown ( long KeyCode );
  37622. __declspec(implementation_key(2907)) double IVGToolStateAttributes::GetCurrentPressure ( );
  37623. __declspec(implementation_key(2908)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::SetCursorGuid ( _bstr_t newVal );
  37624. __declspec(implementation_key(2909)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::SetStateHintsPage ( _bstr_t newVal );
  37625. __declspec(implementation_key(2910)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::ExitTemporaryToolState ( );
  37626. __declspec(implementation_key(2911)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGToolStateAttributes::GetDocument ( );
  37627. __declspec(implementation_key(2912)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::SetFocus ( );
  37628. __declspec(implementation_key(2913)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::CaptureMouse ( );
  37629. __declspec(implementation_key(2914)) HRESULT IVGToolStateAttributes::ReleaseMouse ( );
  37630. __declspec(implementation_key(2915)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnStartState ( struct IVGToolStateAttributes * StateAttributes );
  37631. __declspec(implementation_key(2916)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnExitState ( );
  37632. __declspec(implementation_key(2917)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnMouseMove ( struct IVGPoint * pt );
  37633. __declspec(implementation_key(2918)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnLButtonDown ( struct IVGPoint * pt );
  37634. __declspec(implementation_key(2919)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnLButtonDownLeaveGrace ( struct IVGPoint * pt );
  37635. __declspec(implementation_key(2920)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnLButtonUp ( struct IVGPoint * pt );
  37636. __declspec(implementation_key(2921)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnLButtonDblClick ( struct IVGPoint * pt );
  37637. __declspec(implementation_key(2922)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnClick ( struct IVGPoint * pt, VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  37638. __declspec(implementation_key(2923)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnRButtonDown ( struct IVGPoint * pt, VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  37639. __declspec(implementation_key(2924)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnRButtonUp ( struct IVGPoint * pt, VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  37640. __declspec(implementation_key(2925)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnKeyDown ( long KeyCode, VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  37641. __declspec(implementation_key(2926)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnKeyUp ( long KeyCode, VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  37642. __declspec(implementation_key(2927)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnDelete ( VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  37643. __declspec(implementation_key(2928)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnAbort ( );
  37644. __declspec(implementation_key(2929)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnCommit ( struct IVGPoint * pt );
  37645. __declspec(implementation_key(2930)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnSnapMouse ( struct IVGPoint * pt, VARIANT_BOOL * Handled );
  37646. __declspec(implementation_key(2931)) HRESULT IVGToolState::OnTimer ( long TimerId, long TimeEllapsed );
  37647. __declspec(implementation_key(2932)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGToolState::GetIsDrawing ( );
  37648. __declspec(implementation_key(2933)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::Show ( );
  37649. __declspec(implementation_key(2934)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::Hide ( );
  37650. __declspec(implementation_key(2935)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::SetPen ( long Color, long WidthInPixels, enum cdrOnScreenCurvePenStyle Style );
  37651. __declspec(implementation_key(2936)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::SetNoPen ( );
  37652. __declspec(implementation_key(2937)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::SetBrush ( long Color );
  37653. __declspec(implementation_key(2938)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::SetNoBrush ( );
  37654. __declspec(implementation_key(2939)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::SetCurve ( struct IVGCurve * Curve );
  37655. __declspec(implementation_key(2940)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::SetLine ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 );
  37656. __declspec(implementation_key(2941)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::SetRectangle ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 );
  37657. __declspec(implementation_key(2942)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::SetCircle ( double CenterX, double CenterY, double Radius );
  37658. __declspec(implementation_key(2943)) HRESULT IVGOnScreenCurve::SetPoints ( struct IVGPointRange * Points );
  37659. __declspec(implementation_key(2944)) IVGPointPtr IVGMathUtils::Interpolate ( struct IVGPoint * S, struct IVGPoint * E, double t );
  37660. __declspec(implementation_key(2945)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGMathUtils::IntersectLineSegments ( struct IVGPoint * S1, struct IVGPoint * E1, struct IVGPoint * S2, struct IVGPoint * E2, struct IVGPoint * * ppVal );
  37661. __declspec(implementation_key(2946)) double IVGMathUtils::DistanceToLineSegment ( struct IVGPoint * S, struct IVGPoint * E, struct IVGPoint * Point );
  37662. __declspec(implementation_key(2947)) IVGPointPtr IVGMathUtils::ClosestPointToLineSegment ( struct IVGPoint * S, struct IVGPoint * E, struct IVGPoint * Point );
  37663. __declspec(implementation_key(2948)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGMathUtils::IntersectInfiniteLines ( struct IVGPoint * S1, struct IVGPoint * E1, struct IVGPoint * S2, struct IVGPoint * E2, struct IVGPoint * * ppVal );
  37664. __declspec(implementation_key(2949)) double IVGMathUtils::DistanceToInfiniteLine ( struct IVGPoint * S, struct IVGPoint * E, struct IVGPoint * Point );
  37665. __declspec(implementation_key(2950)) IVGPointPtr IVGMathUtils::ClosestPointToInfiniteLine ( struct IVGPoint * S, struct IVGPoint * E, struct IVGPoint * Point );
  37666. __declspec(implementation_key(2951)) double IVGMathUtils::GetRandomReal ( double low, double High );
  37667. __declspec(implementation_key(2952)) long IVGMathUtils::GetRandomInteger ( long low, long High );
  37668. __declspec(implementation_key(2953)) HRESULT IVGMathUtils::FitLineToPoints ( struct IVGPointRange * Points, struct IVGPoint * * Origin, struct IVGVector * * Direction );
  37669. __declspec(implementation_key(2954)) IVGPointPtr IVGMathUtils::MidPoint ( struct IVGPoint * S, struct IVGPoint * E );
  37670. __declspec(implementation_key(2955)) IVGPointPtr IVGMathUtils::CreatePoint ( double x, double y );
  37671. __declspec(implementation_key(2956)) IVGVectorPtr IVGMathUtils::CreateVector ( double x, double y );
  37672. __declspec(implementation_key(2957)) IVGPointRangePtr IVGMathUtils::CreatePointRange ( );
  37673. __declspec(implementation_key(2958)) IVGTransformMatrixPtr IVGMathUtils::CreateIdentityTransformMatrix ( );
  37674. __declspec(implementation_key(2959)) IVGTransformMatrixPtr IVGMathUtils::CreateRotationTransformMatrix ( double Angle, double OriginX, double OriginY );
  37675. __declspec(implementation_key(2960)) IVGTransformMatrixPtr IVGMathUtils::CreateTranslationTransformMatrix ( double TranslateX, double TranslateY );
  37676. __declspec(implementation_key(2961)) IVGTransformMatrixPtr IVGMathUtils::CreateScaleTransformMatrix ( double ScaleX, double ScaleY, double OriginX, double OriginY );
  37677. __declspec(implementation_key(2962)) IVGTransformMatrixPtr IVGMathUtils::CreateLineSegmentTransformMatrix ( struct IVGPoint * FromStart, struct IVGPoint * FromEnd, struct IVGPoint * ToStart, struct IVGPoint * ToEnd );
  37678. __declspec(implementation_key(2963)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGNodeRange::GetApplication ( );
  37679. __declspec(implementation_key(2964)) IVGCurvePtr IVGNodeRange::GetParent ( );
  37680. __declspec(implementation_key(2965)) IVGNodePtr IVGNodeRange::GetItem ( long Index );
  37681. __declspec(implementation_key(2966)) long IVGNodeRange::GetCount ( );
  37682. __declspec(implementation_key(2967)) enum cdrNodeType IVGNodeRange::GetType ( );
  37683. __declspec(implementation_key(2968)) double IVGNodeRange::GetPositionX ( );
  37684. __declspec(implementation_key(2969)) double IVGNodeRange::GetPositionY ( );
  37685. __declspec(implementation_key(2970)) double IVGNodeRange::GetSizeWidth ( );
  37686. __declspec(implementation_key(2971)) double IVGNodeRange::GetSizeHeight ( );
  37687. __declspec(implementation_key(2972)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Add ( struct IVGNode * Node );
  37688. __declspec(implementation_key(2973)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Remove ( long Index );
  37689. __declspec(implementation_key(2974)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Move ( double DeltaX, double DeltaY, long AnchorIndex, VARIANT_BOOL ElasticMode );
  37690. __declspec(implementation_key(2975)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Delete ( );
  37691. __declspec(implementation_key(2976)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Stretch ( float RatioX, float RatioY, VARIANT_BOOL UseAnchorPoint, double StretchAnchorX, double StretchAnchorY );
  37692. __declspec(implementation_key(2977)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Rotate ( double Angle, VARIANT_BOOL UseCenterPoint, double RotationCenterX, double RotationCenterY );
  37693. __declspec(implementation_key(2978)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Skew ( double AngleX, double AngleY, VARIANT_BOOL UseAnchorPoint, double SkewAnchorX, double SkewAnchorY );
  37694. __declspec(implementation_key(2979)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::AutoReduce ( double PrecisionMargin );
  37695. __declspec(implementation_key(2980)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::RemoveAll ( );
  37696. __declspec(implementation_key(2981)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::SetType ( enum cdrNodeType Type );
  37697. __declspec(implementation_key(2982)) IUnknownPtr IVGNodeRange::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37698. __declspec(implementation_key(2983)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::AddRange ( struct IVGNodeRange * NodeRange );
  37699. __declspec(implementation_key(2984)) IVGSegmentRangePtr IVGNodeRange::GetSegmentRange ( );
  37700. __declspec(implementation_key(2985)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::BreakApart ( );
  37701. __declspec(implementation_key(2986)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Smoothen ( long Smoothness );
  37702. __declspec(implementation_key(2987)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::RemoveRange ( struct IVGNodeRange * NodeRange );
  37703. __declspec(implementation_key(2988)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Fillet ( double Radius, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  37704. __declspec(implementation_key(2989)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Chamfer ( double DistanceA, double DistanceB, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  37705. __declspec(implementation_key(2990)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::Scallop ( double Radius, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  37706. __declspec(implementation_key(2991)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::CreateSelection ( );
  37707. __declspec(implementation_key(2992)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::AddToSelection ( );
  37708. __declspec(implementation_key(2993)) HRESULT IVGNodeRange::RemoveFromSelection ( );
  37709. __declspec(implementation_key(2994)) IVGNodePtr IVGNodeRange::GetFirstNode ( );
  37710. __declspec(implementation_key(2995)) IVGNodePtr IVGNodeRange::GetLastNode ( );
  37711. __declspec(implementation_key(2996)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGNodeRange::GetBoundingBox ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height );
  37712. __declspec(implementation_key(2997)) IVGRectPtr IVGNodeRange::GetBoundingBox ( );
  37713. __declspec(implementation_key(2998)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGSegmentRange::GetApplication ( );
  37714. __declspec(implementation_key(2999)) IVGCurvePtr IVGSegmentRange::GetParent ( );
  37715. __declspec(implementation_key(3000)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSegmentRange::GetItem ( long Index );
  37716. __declspec(implementation_key(3001)) long IVGSegmentRange::GetCount ( );
  37717. __declspec(implementation_key(3002)) enum cdrSegmentType IVGSegmentRange::GetType ( );
  37718. __declspec(implementation_key(3003)) double IVGSegmentRange::GetLength ( );
  37719. __declspec(implementation_key(3004)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::Add ( struct IVGSegment * Segment );
  37720. __declspec(implementation_key(3005)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::Remove ( long Index );
  37721. __declspec(implementation_key(3006)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::AddNode ( );
  37722. __declspec(implementation_key(3007)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::RemoveAll ( );
  37723. __declspec(implementation_key(3008)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::SetType ( enum cdrSegmentType Type );
  37724. __declspec(implementation_key(3009)) IUnknownPtr IVGSegmentRange::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37725. __declspec(implementation_key(3010)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::AddRange ( struct IVGSegmentRange * SegmentRange );
  37726. __declspec(implementation_key(3011)) IVGNodeRangePtr IVGSegmentRange::GetNodeRange ( );
  37727. __declspec(implementation_key(3012)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::RemoveRange ( struct IVGSegmentRange * SegmentRange );
  37728. __declspec(implementation_key(3013)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSegmentRange::GetFirstSegment ( );
  37729. __declspec(implementation_key(3014)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSegmentRange::GetLastSegment ( );
  37730. __declspec(implementation_key(3015)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::CreateSelection ( );
  37731. __declspec(implementation_key(3016)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::AddToSelection ( );
  37732. __declspec(implementation_key(3017)) HRESULT IVGSegmentRange::RemoveFromSelection ( );
  37733. __declspec(implementation_key(3018)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGSegments::GetApplication ( );
  37734. __declspec(implementation_key(3019)) IVGCurvePtr IVGSegments::GetParent ( );
  37735. __declspec(implementation_key(3020)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSegments::GetItem ( long Index );
  37736. __declspec(implementation_key(3021)) IUnknownPtr IVGSegments::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37737. __declspec(implementation_key(3022)) long IVGSegments::GetCount ( );
  37738. __declspec(implementation_key(3023)) IVGSegmentRangePtr IVGSegments::Range ( SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  37739. __declspec(implementation_key(3024)) IVGSegmentRangePtr IVGSegments::All ( );
  37740. __declspec(implementation_key(3025)) IVGSegmentRangePtr IVGSegments::AllExcluding ( SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  37741. __declspec(implementation_key(3026)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSegments::GetFirst ( );
  37742. __declspec(implementation_key(3027)) IVGSegmentPtr IVGSegments::GetLast ( );
  37743. __declspec(implementation_key(3028)) long IVGBitmap::GetSizeWidth ( );
  37744. __declspec(implementation_key(3029)) long IVGBitmap::GetSizeHeight ( );
  37745. __declspec(implementation_key(3030)) long IVGBitmap::GetResolutionX ( );
  37746. __declspec(implementation_key(3031)) long IVGBitmap::GetResolutionY ( );
  37747. __declspec(implementation_key(3032)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBitmap::GetExternallyLinked ( );
  37748. __declspec(implementation_key(3033)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::ResolveLink ( );
  37749. __declspec(implementation_key(3034)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::UpdateLink ( );
  37750. __declspec(implementation_key(3035)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::Inflate ( long Width, long Height );
  37751. __declspec(implementation_key(3036)) _bstr_t IVGBitmap::GetLinkFileName ( );
  37752. __declspec(implementation_key(3037)) enum cdrImageType IVGBitmap::GetMode ( );
  37753. __declspec(implementation_key(3038)) ICorelExportFilterPtr IVGBitmap::SaveAs ( _bstr_t FileName, enum cdrFilter Filter, enum cdrCompressionType Compression );
  37754. __declspec(implementation_key(3039)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::Resample ( long Width, long Height, VARIANT_BOOL AntiAlias, double ResolutionX, double ResolutionY );
  37755. __declspec(implementation_key(3040)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::ConvertTo ( enum cdrImageType Mode );
  37756. __declspec(implementation_key(3041)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::ApplyBitmapEffect ( _bstr_t UndoString, _bstr_t Command );
  37757. __declspec(implementation_key(3042)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::Crop ( );
  37758. __declspec(implementation_key(3043)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBitmap::GetTransparent ( );
  37759. __declspec(implementation_key(3044)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBitmap::GetWatermarked ( );
  37760. __declspec(implementation_key(3045)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBitmap::GetOPILinked ( );
  37761. __declspec(implementation_key(3046)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBitmap::GetIsEPS ( );
  37762. __declspec(implementation_key(3047)) DATE IVGBitmap::GetExternalLinkTime ( );
  37763. __declspec(implementation_key(3048)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::ConvertToPaletted ( enum cdrImagePaletteType PaletteType, enum cdrDitherType DitherType, long DitherIntensity, long Smoothing, long NumColors, VARIANT_BOOL ColorSensitive, long TargetColor, long Importance, long Lightness, long ToleranceA, long ToleranceB, VARIANT * Palette );
  37764. __declspec(implementation_key(3049)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::ConvertToPaletted2 ( struct IVGStructPaletteOptions * Options );
  37765. __declspec(implementation_key(3050)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::ConvertToBW ( enum cdrRenderType RenderType, long Intensity, long Threshold, enum cdrHalftoneType Halftone, long HalftoneAngle, long HalftoneSize );
  37766. __declspec(implementation_key(3051)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::ResetCropEnvelope ( );
  37767. __declspec(implementation_key(3052)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBitmap::GetEmbedded ( );
  37768. __declspec(implementation_key(3053)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBitmap::GetCropped ( );
  37769. __declspec(implementation_key(3054)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGBitmap::GetCropEnvelopeModified ( );
  37770. __declspec(implementation_key(3055)) IVGCurvePtr IVGBitmap::GetCropEnvelope ( );
  37771. __declspec(implementation_key(3056)) IVGCurvePtr IVGBitmap::GetBoundingBoxPath ( );
  37772. __declspec(implementation_key(3057)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::ConvertToDuotone ( struct IVGDuotone * Duotone );
  37773. __declspec(implementation_key(3058)) IVGDuotonePtr IVGBitmap::GetDuotone ( );
  37774. __declspec(implementation_key(3059)) void IVGBitmap::PutLinkFileName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  37775. __declspec(implementation_key(3060)) IVGTraceSettingsPtr IVGBitmap::Trace ( enum cdrTraceType TraceType, short Smoothing, short DetailLevelPercent, enum cdrColorType ColorMode, enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID, long ColorCount, VARIANT_BOOL DeleteOriginalObject, VARIANT_BOOL RemoveBackground, VARIANT_BOOL RemoveEntireBackColor );
  37776. __declspec(implementation_key(3061)) IVGImagePtr IVGBitmap::GetImage ( );
  37777. __declspec(implementation_key(3062)) IVGImagePtr IVGBitmap::GetImageAlpha ( );
  37778. __declspec(implementation_key(3063)) HRESULT IVGBitmap::SetImageData ( struct IVGImage * Image, struct IVGImage * Alpha, long OffsetX, long OffsetY );
  37779. __declspec(implementation_key(3064)) IVGBitmapPtr IVGEPS::GetPreviewBitmap ( );
  37780. __declspec(implementation_key(3065)) SAFEARRAY * IVGEPS::GetData ( );
  37781. __declspec(implementation_key(3066)) _bstr_t IVGEPS::GetDataAsString ( );
  37782. __declspec(implementation_key(3067)) IVGCurvePtr IVGEPS::GetCropEnvelope ( );
  37783. __declspec(implementation_key(3068)) HRESULT IVGEPS::ResetCropEnvelope ( );
  37784. __declspec(implementation_key(3069)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEPS::GetCropEnvelopeModified ( );
  37785. __declspec(implementation_key(3070)) IVGCurvePtr IVGEPS::GetBoundingBoxPath ( );
  37786. __declspec(implementation_key(3071)) _bstr_t IVGEPS::GetLinkFileName ( );
  37787. __declspec(implementation_key(3072)) void IVGEPS::PutLinkFileName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  37788. __declspec(implementation_key(3073)) SAFEARRAY * IVGEPS::GetDCSFileNames ( );
  37789. __declspec(implementation_key(3074)) enum cdrDuotoneType IVGDuotone::GetType ( );
  37790. __declspec(implementation_key(3075)) void IVGDuotone::PutType ( enum cdrDuotoneType pVal );
  37791. __declspec(implementation_key(3076)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDuotone::GetUseOverprints ( );
  37792. __declspec(implementation_key(3077)) void IVGDuotone::PutUseOverprints ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37793. __declspec(implementation_key(3078)) long IVGDuotone::GetOverprintCount ( );
  37794. __declspec(implementation_key(3079)) IVGDuotoneOverprintPtr IVGDuotone::GetOverprints ( long Index );
  37795. __declspec(implementation_key(3080)) long IVGDuotone::GetInkCount ( );
  37796. __declspec(implementation_key(3081)) IVGDuotoneInkPtr IVGDuotone::GetInks ( long Index );
  37797. __declspec(implementation_key(3082)) IVGDuotonePtr IVGDuotone::GetCopy ( );
  37798. __declspec(implementation_key(3083)) HRESULT IVGDuotone::CopyAssign ( struct IVGDuotone * Duotone );
  37799. __declspec(implementation_key(3084)) HRESULT IVGDuotone::ResetOverprints ( );
  37800. __declspec(implementation_key(3085)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDuotone::Load ( _bstr_t FileName );
  37801. __declspec(implementation_key(3086)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDuotone::Save ( _bstr_t FileName );
  37802. __declspec(implementation_key(3087)) long IVGDuotoneOverprint::GetCyan ( );
  37803. __declspec(implementation_key(3088)) void IVGDuotoneOverprint::PutCyan ( long pVal );
  37804. __declspec(implementation_key(3089)) long IVGDuotoneOverprint::GetMagenta ( );
  37805. __declspec(implementation_key(3090)) void IVGDuotoneOverprint::PutMagenta ( long pVal );
  37806. __declspec(implementation_key(3091)) long IVGDuotoneOverprint::GetYellow ( );
  37807. __declspec(implementation_key(3092)) void IVGDuotoneOverprint::PutYellow ( long pVal );
  37808. __declspec(implementation_key(3093)) long IVGDuotoneOverprint::GetBlack ( );
  37809. __declspec(implementation_key(3094)) void IVGDuotoneOverprint::PutBlack ( long pVal );
  37810. __declspec(implementation_key(3095)) IVGColorPtr IVGDuotoneOverprint::GetColor ( );
  37811. __declspec(implementation_key(3096)) void IVGDuotoneOverprint::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  37812. __declspec(implementation_key(3097)) HRESULT IVGDuotoneOverprint::Reset ( );
  37813. __declspec(implementation_key(3098)) HRESULT IVGDuotoneOverprint::SetValues ( long Cyan, long Magenta, long Yellow, long Black );
  37814. __declspec(implementation_key(3099)) IDispatchPtr IVGColor::GetApplication ( );
  37815. __declspec(implementation_key(3100)) IDispatchPtr IVGColor::GetParent ( );
  37816. __declspec(implementation_key(3101)) enum cdrColorType IVGColor::GetType ( );
  37817. __declspec(implementation_key(3102)) HRESULT IVGColor::RGBAssign ( long Red, long Green, long Blue );
  37818. __declspec(implementation_key(3103)) long IVGColor::GetRGBRed ( );
  37819. __declspec(implementation_key(3104)) void IVGColor::PutRGBRed ( long pVal );
  37820. __declspec(implementation_key(3105)) long IVGColor::GetRGBGreen ( );
  37821. __declspec(implementation_key(3106)) void IVGColor::PutRGBGreen ( long pVal );
  37822. __declspec(implementation_key(3107)) long IVGColor::GetRGBBlue ( );
  37823. __declspec(implementation_key(3108)) void IVGColor::PutRGBBlue ( long pVal );
  37824. __declspec(implementation_key(3109)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToRGB ( );
  37825. __declspec(implementation_key(3110)) HRESULT IVGColor::CMYKAssign ( long Cyan, long Magenta, long Yellow, long Black );
  37826. __declspec(implementation_key(3111)) long IVGColor::GetCMYKCyan ( );
  37827. __declspec(implementation_key(3112)) void IVGColor::PutCMYKCyan ( long pVal );
  37828. __declspec(implementation_key(3113)) long IVGColor::GetCMYKYellow ( );
  37829. __declspec(implementation_key(3114)) void IVGColor::PutCMYKYellow ( long pVal );
  37830. __declspec(implementation_key(3115)) long IVGColor::GetCMYKMagenta ( );
  37831. __declspec(implementation_key(3116)) void IVGColor::PutCMYKMagenta ( long pVal );
  37832. __declspec(implementation_key(3117)) long IVGColor::GetCMYKBlack ( );
  37833. __declspec(implementation_key(3118)) void IVGColor::PutCMYKBlack ( long pVal );
  37834. __declspec(implementation_key(3119)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToCMYK ( );
  37835. __declspec(implementation_key(3120)) HRESULT IVGColor::CMYAssign ( long Cyan, long Magenta, long Yellow );
  37836. __declspec(implementation_key(3121)) long IVGColor::GetCMYCyan ( );
  37837. __declspec(implementation_key(3122)) void IVGColor::PutCMYCyan ( long pVal );
  37838. __declspec(implementation_key(3123)) long IVGColor::GetCMYMagenta ( );
  37839. __declspec(implementation_key(3124)) void IVGColor::PutCMYMagenta ( long pVal );
  37840. __declspec(implementation_key(3125)) long IVGColor::GetCMYYellow ( );
  37841. __declspec(implementation_key(3126)) void IVGColor::PutCMYYellow ( long pVal );
  37842. __declspec(implementation_key(3127)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToCMY ( );
  37843. __declspec(implementation_key(3128)) HRESULT IVGColor::HSBAssign ( long Hue, long Saturation, long Brightness );
  37844. __declspec(implementation_key(3129)) long IVGColor::GetHSBHue ( );
  37845. __declspec(implementation_key(3130)) void IVGColor::PutHSBHue ( long pVal );
  37846. __declspec(implementation_key(3131)) long IVGColor::GetHSBSaturation ( );
  37847. __declspec(implementation_key(3132)) void IVGColor::PutHSBSaturation ( long pVal );
  37848. __declspec(implementation_key(3133)) long IVGColor::GetHSBBrightness ( );
  37849. __declspec(implementation_key(3134)) void IVGColor::PutHSBBrightness ( long pVal );
  37850. __declspec(implementation_key(3135)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToHSB ( );
  37851. __declspec(implementation_key(3136)) HRESULT IVGColor::HLSAssign ( long Hue, long Lightness, long Saturation );
  37852. __declspec(implementation_key(3137)) long IVGColor::GetHLSHue ( );
  37853. __declspec(implementation_key(3138)) void IVGColor::PutHLSHue ( long pVal );
  37854. __declspec(implementation_key(3139)) long IVGColor::GetHLSLightness ( );
  37855. __declspec(implementation_key(3140)) void IVGColor::PutHLSLightness ( long pVal );
  37856. __declspec(implementation_key(3141)) long IVGColor::GetHLSSaturation ( );
  37857. __declspec(implementation_key(3142)) void IVGColor::PutHLSSaturation ( long pVal );
  37858. __declspec(implementation_key(3143)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToHLS ( );
  37859. __declspec(implementation_key(3144)) HRESULT IVGColor::BWAssign ( VARIANT_BOOL White );
  37860. __declspec(implementation_key(3145)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::GetBW ( );
  37861. __declspec(implementation_key(3146)) void IVGColor::PutBW ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  37862. __declspec(implementation_key(3147)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToBW ( );
  37863. __declspec(implementation_key(3148)) HRESULT IVGColor::GrayAssign ( long GrayValue );
  37864. __declspec(implementation_key(3149)) long IVGColor::GetGray ( );
  37865. __declspec(implementation_key(3150)) void IVGColor::PutGray ( long pVal );
  37866. __declspec(implementation_key(3151)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToGray ( );
  37867. __declspec(implementation_key(3152)) HRESULT IVGColor::CorelScriptAssign ( long ColorModel, long V1, long V2, long V3, long V4, long V5, long V6, long V7 );
  37868. __declspec(implementation_key(3153)) HRESULT IVGColor::CorelScriptGetComponent ( long * ColorModel, long * V1, long * V2, long * V3, long * V4, long * V5, long * V6, long * V7 );
  37869. __declspec(implementation_key(3154)) HRESULT IVGColor::UserAssign ( long ParentWindowHandle );
  37870. __declspec(implementation_key(3155)) HRESULT IVGColor::CopyAssign ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  37871. __declspec(implementation_key(3156)) _bstr_t IVGColor::GetName ( VARIANT_BOOL Components );
  37872. __declspec(implementation_key(3157)) HRESULT IVGColor::YIQAssign ( long y, long I, long Q );
  37873. __declspec(implementation_key(3158)) long IVGColor::GetYIQLuminanceY ( );
  37874. __declspec(implementation_key(3159)) void IVGColor::PutYIQLuminanceY ( long pVal );
  37875. __declspec(implementation_key(3160)) long IVGColor::GetYIQChromaI ( );
  37876. __declspec(implementation_key(3161)) void IVGColor::PutYIQChromaI ( long pVal );
  37877. __declspec(implementation_key(3162)) long IVGColor::GetYIQChromaQ ( );
  37878. __declspec(implementation_key(3163)) void IVGColor::PutYIQChromaQ ( long pVal );
  37879. __declspec(implementation_key(3164)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToYIQ ( );
  37880. __declspec(implementation_key(3165)) HRESULT IVGColor::LabAssign ( long L, long A, long B );
  37881. __declspec(implementation_key(3166)) long IVGColor::GetLabLuminance ( );
  37882. __declspec(implementation_key(3167)) void IVGColor::PutLabLuminance ( long pVal );
  37883. __declspec(implementation_key(3168)) long IVGColor::GetLabComponentA ( );
  37884. __declspec(implementation_key(3169)) void IVGColor::PutLabComponentA ( long pVal );
  37885. __declspec(implementation_key(3170)) long IVGColor::GetLabComponentB ( );
  37886. __declspec(implementation_key(3171)) void IVGColor::PutLabComponentB ( long pVal );
  37887. __declspec(implementation_key(3172)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToLab ( );
  37888. __declspec(implementation_key(3173)) HRESULT IVGColor::RegistrationAssign ( );
  37889. __declspec(implementation_key(3174)) HRESULT IVGColor::FixedAssign ( enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID, long PaletteIndex, long Tint );
  37890. __declspec(implementation_key(3175)) enum cdrPaletteID IVGColor::GetPaletteID ( );
  37891. __declspec(implementation_key(3176)) long IVGColor::GetPaletteIndex ( );
  37892. __declspec(implementation_key(3177)) void IVGColor::PutPaletteIndex ( long pVal );
  37893. __declspec(implementation_key(3178)) long IVGColor::GetTint ( );
  37894. __declspec(implementation_key(3179)) void IVGColor::PutTint ( long pVal );
  37895. __declspec(implementation_key(3180)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToFixed ( enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID );
  37896. __declspec(implementation_key(3181)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::UserAssignEx ( long ParentWindowHandle );
  37897. __declspec(implementation_key(3182)) HRESULT IVGColor::SetName ( _bstr_t Name );
  37898. __declspec(implementation_key(3183)) HRESULT IVGColor::BlendWith ( struct IVGColor * Color, long MixRatio );
  37899. __declspec(implementation_key(3184)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::IsSame ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  37900. __declspec(implementation_key(3185)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::GetIsInGamut ( );
  37901. __declspec(implementation_key(3186)) IVGColorPtr IVGColor::GetInGamutColor ( );
  37902. __declspec(implementation_key(3187)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::GetIsCMYK ( );
  37903. __declspec(implementation_key(3188)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::GetIsGray ( );
  37904. __declspec(implementation_key(3189)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::GetIsWhite ( );
  37905. __declspec(implementation_key(3190)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::GetIsSpot ( );
  37906. __declspec(implementation_key(3191)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::GetIsTintable ( );
  37907. __declspec(implementation_key(3192)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::GetIsValidDuotoneColor ( );
  37908. __declspec(implementation_key(3193)) IVGColorPtr IVGColor::GetValidDuotoneColor ( );
  37909. __declspec(implementation_key(3194)) long IVGColor::GetColorDistanceFrom ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  37910. __declspec(implementation_key(3195)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::IsSimilar ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  37911. __declspec(implementation_key(3196)) _bstr_t IVGColor::ToString ( );
  37912. __declspec(implementation_key(3197)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::StringAssign ( _bstr_t ColorString );
  37913. __declspec(implementation_key(3198)) HRESULT IVGColor::Invalidate ( );
  37914. __declspec(implementation_key(3199)) _bstr_t IVGColor::GetHexValue ( );
  37915. __declspec(implementation_key(3200)) void IVGColor::PutHexValue ( _bstr_t pVal );
  37916. __declspec(implementation_key(3201)) IVGColorPtr IVGColor::GetCopy ( );
  37917. __declspec(implementation_key(3202)) long IVGColor::GetRGBValue ( );
  37918. __declspec(implementation_key(3203)) void IVGColor::PutRGBValue ( long pVal );
  37919. __declspec(implementation_key(3204)) HRESULT IVGColor::CopyAppearance ( struct IVGColor * Color, struct IVGColorContext * SourceColorContext );
  37920. __declspec(implementation_key(3205)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGColor::GetColorContext ( );
  37921. __declspec(implementation_key(3206)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::ConvertTo ( enum cdrColorType ColorType, struct IVGColorContext * DestinationColorContext, struct IVGColorContext * SourceColorContext );
  37922. __declspec(implementation_key(3207)) IVGPalettePtr IVGColor::GetPalette ( );
  37923. __declspec(implementation_key(3208)) HRESULT IVGColor::SpotAssign ( _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier, long SpotColorID, long Tint );
  37924. __declspec(implementation_key(3209)) HRESULT IVGColor::SpotAssignByName ( _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier, _bstr_t SpotColorName, long Tint );
  37925. __declspec(implementation_key(3210)) HRESULT IVGColor::ConvertToPalette ( _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier );
  37926. __declspec(implementation_key(3211)) long IVGColor::GetSpotColorID ( );
  37927. __declspec(implementation_key(3212)) void IVGColor::PutSpotColorID ( long pVal );
  37928. __declspec(implementation_key(3213)) _bstr_t IVGColor::GetSpotColorName ( );
  37929. __declspec(implementation_key(3214)) HRESULT IVGColor::PaletteAssign ( _bstr_t PaletteIdentifier, long ColorIndex );
  37930. __declspec(implementation_key(3215)) _bstr_t IVGColor::GetPaletteIdentifier ( );
  37931. __declspec(implementation_key(3216)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColor::GetIsColorStyle ( );
  37932. __declspec(implementation_key(3217)) _bstr_t IVGColor::GetColorStyleName ( );
  37933. __declspec(implementation_key(3218)) HRESULT IVGColor::ModifyColorStyleColor ( struct IVGColor * Color, VARIANT_BOOL ChangeWholeHarmony );
  37934. __declspec(implementation_key(3219)) IVGColorPtr IVGDuotoneInk::GetColor ( );
  37935. __declspec(implementation_key(3220)) void IVGDuotoneInk::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  37936. __declspec(implementation_key(3221)) long IVGDuotoneInk::GetHandleCount ( );
  37937. __declspec(implementation_key(3222)) long IVGDuotoneInk::GetHandleX ( long Index );
  37938. __declspec(implementation_key(3223)) void IVGDuotoneInk::PutHandleX ( long Index, long pVal );
  37939. __declspec(implementation_key(3224)) long IVGDuotoneInk::GetHandleY ( long Index );
  37940. __declspec(implementation_key(3225)) void IVGDuotoneInk::PutHandleY ( long Index, long pVal );
  37941. __declspec(implementation_key(3226)) long IVGDuotoneInk::AddHandle ( long x, long y );
  37942. __declspec(implementation_key(3227)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDuotoneInk::RemoveHandle ( long Index );
  37943. __declspec(implementation_key(3228)) long IVGDuotoneInk::FindHandle ( long x, long y );
  37944. __declspec(implementation_key(3229)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDuotoneInk::Load ( _bstr_t FileName );
  37945. __declspec(implementation_key(3230)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDuotoneInk::Save ( _bstr_t FileName );
  37946. __declspec(implementation_key(3231)) long IVGDuotoneInk::GetCurveLevel ( long Index );
  37947. __declspec(implementation_key(3232)) HRESULT IVGDuotoneInk::Reset ( );
  37948. __declspec(implementation_key(3233)) SAFEARRAY * IVGDuotoneInk::GetCurveLevels ( );
  37949. __declspec(implementation_key(3234)) SAFEARRAY * IVGDuotoneInk::GetHandles ( );
  37950. __declspec(implementation_key(3235)) HRESULT IVGDuotoneInk::PutHandles ( const _variant_t & HandleArray, long NumElements );
  37951. __declspec(implementation_key(3236)) long IVGFountainColor::GetPosition ( );
  37952. __declspec(implementation_key(3237)) IVGColorPtr IVGFountainColor::GetColor ( );
  37953. __declspec(implementation_key(3238)) void IVGFountainColor::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  37954. __declspec(implementation_key(3239)) HRESULT IVGFountainColor::Move ( long NewPosition );
  37955. __declspec(implementation_key(3240)) HRESULT IVGFountainColor::Delete ( );
  37956. __declspec(implementation_key(3241)) long IVGFountainColor::GetMidPoint ( );
  37957. __declspec(implementation_key(3242)) void IVGFountainColor::PutMidPoint ( long pVal );
  37958. __declspec(implementation_key(3243)) enum cdrFountainFillBlendType IVGFountainColor::GetBlendType ( );
  37959. __declspec(implementation_key(3244)) void IVGFountainColor::PutBlendType ( enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  37960. __declspec(implementation_key(3245)) unsigned char IVGFountainColor::GetOpacity ( );
  37961. __declspec(implementation_key(3246)) void IVGFountainColor::PutOpacity ( unsigned char pVal );
  37962. __declspec(implementation_key(3247)) IVGFountainColorPtr IVGFountainColors::GetItem ( long Index );
  37963. __declspec(implementation_key(3248)) void IVGFountainColors::PutItem ( long Index, struct IVGFountainColor * ppVal );
  37964. __declspec(implementation_key(3249)) IUnknownPtr IVGFountainColors::Get_NewEnum ( );
  37965. __declspec(implementation_key(3250)) long IVGFountainColors::GetCount ( );
  37966. __declspec(implementation_key(3251)) HRESULT IVGFountainColors::Add ( struct IVGColor * Color, long Position );
  37967. __declspec(implementation_key(3252)) long IVGFountainColors::GetGrayLevel ( long Index );
  37968. __declspec(implementation_key(3253)) void IVGFountainColors::PutGrayLevel ( long Index, long pVal );
  37969. __declspec(implementation_key(3254)) HRESULT IVGFountainColors::AddGrayLevel ( long GrayLevel, long Position );
  37970. __declspec(implementation_key(3255)) IVGFountainColorPtr IVGFountainColors::GetFirst ( );
  37971. __declspec(implementation_key(3256)) IVGFountainColorPtr IVGFountainColors::GetLast ( );
  37972. __declspec(implementation_key(3257)) enum cdrFountainFillType IVGFountainFill::GetType ( );
  37973. __declspec(implementation_key(3258)) void IVGFountainFill::PutType ( enum cdrFountainFillType pVal );
  37974. __declspec(implementation_key(3259)) double IVGFountainFill::GetStartX ( );
  37975. __declspec(implementation_key(3260)) void IVGFountainFill::PutStartX ( double pVal );
  37976. __declspec(implementation_key(3261)) double IVGFountainFill::GetStartY ( );
  37977. __declspec(implementation_key(3262)) void IVGFountainFill::PutStartY ( double pVal );
  37978. __declspec(implementation_key(3263)) double IVGFountainFill::GetEndX ( );
  37979. __declspec(implementation_key(3264)) void IVGFountainFill::PutEndX ( double pVal );
  37980. __declspec(implementation_key(3265)) double IVGFountainFill::GetEndY ( );
  37981. __declspec(implementation_key(3266)) void IVGFountainFill::PutEndY ( double pVal );
  37982. __declspec(implementation_key(3267)) double IVGFountainFill::GetAngle ( );
  37983. __declspec(implementation_key(3268)) HRESULT IVGFountainFill::SetAngle ( double Angle );
  37984. __declspec(implementation_key(3269)) HRESULT IVGFountainFill::Translate ( double x, double y );
  37985. __declspec(implementation_key(3270)) long IVGFountainFill::GetEdgePad ( );
  37986. __declspec(implementation_key(3271)) long IVGFountainFill::GetSteps ( );
  37987. __declspec(implementation_key(3272)) void IVGFountainFill::PutSteps ( long pVal );
  37988. __declspec(implementation_key(3273)) enum cdrFountainFillBlendType IVGFountainFill::GetBlendType ( );
  37989. __declspec(implementation_key(3274)) void IVGFountainFill::PutBlendType ( enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  37990. __declspec(implementation_key(3275)) long IVGFountainFill::GetMidPoint ( );
  37991. __declspec(implementation_key(3276)) void IVGFountainFill::PutMidPoint ( long pVal );
  37992. __declspec(implementation_key(3277)) IVGFountainColorsPtr IVGFountainFill::GetColors ( );
  37993. __declspec(implementation_key(3278)) IVGColorPtr IVGFountainFill::GetStartColor ( );
  37994. __declspec(implementation_key(3279)) void IVGFountainFill::PutStartColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  37995. __declspec(implementation_key(3280)) IVGColorPtr IVGFountainFill::GetEndColor ( );
  37996. __declspec(implementation_key(3281)) void IVGFountainFill::PutEndColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  37997. __declspec(implementation_key(3282)) void IVGFountainFill::PutColors ( struct IVGFountainColors * ppVal );
  37998. __declspec(implementation_key(3283)) HRESULT IVGFountainFill::SetEdgePad ( long EdgePad );
  37999. __declspec(implementation_key(3284)) double IVGFountainFill::GetCenterOffsetX ( );
  38000. __declspec(implementation_key(3285)) void IVGFountainFill::PutCenterOffsetX ( double pVal );
  38001. __declspec(implementation_key(3286)) double IVGFountainFill::GetCenterOffsetY ( );
  38002. __declspec(implementation_key(3287)) void IVGFountainFill::PutCenterOffsetY ( double pVal );
  38003. __declspec(implementation_key(3288)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGFountainFill::GetSmoothBlend ( );
  38004. __declspec(implementation_key(3289)) void IVGFountainFill::PutSmoothBlend ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38005. __declspec(implementation_key(3290)) enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod IVGFountainFill::GetSpreadMethod ( );
  38006. __declspec(implementation_key(3291)) void IVGFountainFill::PutSpreadMethod ( enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod pVal );
  38007. __declspec(implementation_key(3292)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGFountainFill::GetAnisotropic ( );
  38008. __declspec(implementation_key(3293)) void IVGFountainFill::PutAnisotropic ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38009. __declspec(implementation_key(3294)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGFountainFill::GetIsTransparent ( );
  38010. __declspec(implementation_key(3295)) enum cdrMergeMode IVGFountainFill::GetMergeMode ( );
  38011. __declspec(implementation_key(3296)) void IVGFountainFill::PutMergeMode ( enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  38012. __declspec(implementation_key(3297)) double IVGFountainFill::GetScaleX ( );
  38013. __declspec(implementation_key(3298)) void IVGFountainFill::PutScaleX ( double pVal );
  38014. __declspec(implementation_key(3299)) double IVGFountainFill::GetScaleY ( );
  38015. __declspec(implementation_key(3300)) void IVGFountainFill::PutScaleY ( double pVal );
  38016. __declspec(implementation_key(3301)) double IVGFountainFill::GetSkew ( );
  38017. __declspec(implementation_key(3302)) void IVGFountainFill::PutSkew ( double pVal );
  38018. __declspec(implementation_key(3303)) double IVGFountainFill::GetBlendAcceleration ( );
  38019. __declspec(implementation_key(3304)) void IVGFountainFill::PutBlendAcceleration ( double pVal );
  38020. __declspec(implementation_key(3305)) HRESULT IVGFountainFill::MakeOpaque ( );
  38021. __declspec(implementation_key(3306)) HRESULT IVGFountainFill::GetTransformations ( double * d11, double * d12, double * d21, double * d22 );
  38022. __declspec(implementation_key(3307)) HRESULT IVGFountainFill::SetTransformations ( double d11, double d12, double d21, double d22 );
  38023. __declspec(implementation_key(3308)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGFountainFill::GetHasHSBBlends ( );
  38024. __declspec(implementation_key(3309)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGFountainFill::GetHasNonLinearBlends ( );
  38025. __declspec(implementation_key(3310)) double IVGFountainFill::GetEnd2X ( );
  38026. __declspec(implementation_key(3311)) void IVGFountainFill::PutEnd2X ( double pVal );
  38027. __declspec(implementation_key(3312)) double IVGFountainFill::GetEnd2Y ( );
  38028. __declspec(implementation_key(3313)) void IVGFountainFill::PutEnd2Y ( double pVal );
  38029. __declspec(implementation_key(3314)) enum cdrPatternFillType IVGPatternFill::GetType ( );
  38030. __declspec(implementation_key(3315)) void IVGPatternFill::PutType ( enum cdrPatternFillType pVal );
  38031. __declspec(implementation_key(3316)) IVGColorPtr IVGPatternFill::GetFrontColor ( );
  38032. __declspec(implementation_key(3317)) void IVGPatternFill::PutFrontColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38033. __declspec(implementation_key(3318)) IVGColorPtr IVGPatternFill::GetBackColor ( );
  38034. __declspec(implementation_key(3319)) void IVGPatternFill::PutBackColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38035. __declspec(implementation_key(3320)) IVGPatternCanvasPtr IVGPatternFill::GetCanvas ( );
  38036. __declspec(implementation_key(3321)) void IVGPatternFill::PutCanvas ( struct IVGPatternCanvas * ppVal );
  38037. __declspec(implementation_key(3322)) _bstr_t IVGPatternFill::GetFilePath ( );
  38038. __declspec(implementation_key(3323)) double IVGPatternFill::GetOriginX ( );
  38039. __declspec(implementation_key(3324)) void IVGPatternFill::PutOriginX ( double pVal );
  38040. __declspec(implementation_key(3325)) double IVGPatternFill::GetOriginY ( );
  38041. __declspec(implementation_key(3326)) void IVGPatternFill::PutOriginY ( double pVal );
  38042. __declspec(implementation_key(3327)) double IVGPatternFill::GetTileWidth ( );
  38043. __declspec(implementation_key(3328)) void IVGPatternFill::PutTileWidth ( double pVal );
  38044. __declspec(implementation_key(3329)) double IVGPatternFill::GetTileHeight ( );
  38045. __declspec(implementation_key(3330)) void IVGPatternFill::PutTileHeight ( double pVal );
  38046. __declspec(implementation_key(3331)) enum cdrTileOffsetType IVGPatternFill::GetTileOffsetType ( );
  38047. __declspec(implementation_key(3332)) void IVGPatternFill::PutTileOffsetType ( enum cdrTileOffsetType pVal );
  38048. __declspec(implementation_key(3333)) long IVGPatternFill::GetTileOffset ( );
  38049. __declspec(implementation_key(3334)) void IVGPatternFill::PutTileOffset ( long pVal );
  38050. __declspec(implementation_key(3335)) double IVGPatternFill::GetSkewAngle ( );
  38051. __declspec(implementation_key(3336)) void IVGPatternFill::PutSkewAngle ( double pVal );
  38052. __declspec(implementation_key(3337)) double IVGPatternFill::GetRotationAngle ( );
  38053. __declspec(implementation_key(3338)) void IVGPatternFill::PutRotationAngle ( double pVal );
  38054. __declspec(implementation_key(3339)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPatternFill::GetTransformWithShape ( );
  38055. __declspec(implementation_key(3340)) void IVGPatternFill::PutTransformWithShape ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38056. __declspec(implementation_key(3341)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPatternFill::Load ( _bstr_t FileName );
  38057. __declspec(implementation_key(3342)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPatternFill::GetMirrorFill ( );
  38058. __declspec(implementation_key(3343)) void IVGPatternFill::PutMirrorFill ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38059. __declspec(implementation_key(3344)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPatternFill::GetMirrorFillX ( );
  38060. __declspec(implementation_key(3345)) void IVGPatternFill::PutMirrorFillX ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38061. __declspec(implementation_key(3346)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPatternFill::GetMirrorFillY ( );
  38062. __declspec(implementation_key(3347)) void IVGPatternFill::PutMirrorFillY ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38063. __declspec(implementation_key(3348)) double IVGOutline::GetWidth ( );
  38064. __declspec(implementation_key(3349)) void IVGOutline::PutWidth ( double pVal );
  38065. __declspec(implementation_key(3350)) IVGColorPtr IVGOutline::GetColor ( );
  38066. __declspec(implementation_key(3351)) void IVGOutline::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38067. __declspec(implementation_key(3352)) IVGShapePtr IVGOutline::ConvertToObject ( );
  38068. __declspec(implementation_key(3353)) enum cdrOutlineType IVGOutline::GetType ( );
  38069. __declspec(implementation_key(3354)) void IVGOutline::PutType ( enum cdrOutlineType Type );
  38070. __declspec(implementation_key(3355)) IVGOutlineStylePtr IVGOutline::GetStyle ( );
  38071. __declspec(implementation_key(3356)) void IVGOutline::PutStyle ( struct IVGOutlineStyle * ppStyle );
  38072. __declspec(implementation_key(3357)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGOutline::GetStartArrow ( );
  38073. __declspec(implementation_key(3358)) void IVGOutline::PutStartArrow ( struct IVGArrowHead * ppArrowHead );
  38074. __declspec(implementation_key(3359)) IVGArrowHeadPtr IVGOutline::GetEndArrow ( );
  38075. __declspec(implementation_key(3360)) void IVGOutline::PutEndArrow ( struct IVGArrowHead * ppArrowHead );
  38076. __declspec(implementation_key(3361)) long IVGOutline::GetNibStretch ( );
  38077. __declspec(implementation_key(3362)) void IVGOutline::PutNibStretch ( long pVal );
  38078. __declspec(implementation_key(3363)) double IVGOutline::GetNibAngle ( );
  38079. __declspec(implementation_key(3364)) void IVGOutline::PutNibAngle ( double pVal );
  38080. __declspec(implementation_key(3365)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOutline::GetBehindFill ( );
  38081. __declspec(implementation_key(3366)) void IVGOutline::PutBehindFill ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38082. __declspec(implementation_key(3367)) enum cdrOutlineLineCaps IVGOutline::GetLineCaps ( );
  38083. __declspec(implementation_key(3368)) void IVGOutline::PutLineCaps ( enum cdrOutlineLineCaps pVal );
  38084. __declspec(implementation_key(3369)) enum cdrOutlineLineJoin IVGOutline::GetLineJoin ( );
  38085. __declspec(implementation_key(3370)) void IVGOutline::PutLineJoin ( enum cdrOutlineLineJoin pVal );
  38086. __declspec(implementation_key(3371)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOutline::GetScaleWithShape ( );
  38087. __declspec(implementation_key(3372)) void IVGOutline::PutScaleWithShape ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38088. __declspec(implementation_key(3373)) HRESULT IVGOutline::SetProperties ( double Width, struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style, struct IVGColor * Color, struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow, struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow, enum cdrTriState BehindFill, enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape, enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps, enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin, double NibAngle, long NibStretch, double DashDotLength, double PenWidth, double MiterLimit );
  38089. __declspec(implementation_key(3374)) double IVGOutline::GetSize ( );
  38090. __declspec(implementation_key(3375)) void IVGOutline::PutSize ( double pVal );
  38091. __declspec(implementation_key(3376)) IVGOutlinePtr IVGOutline::GetCopy ( );
  38092. __declspec(implementation_key(3377)) HRESULT IVGOutline::CopyAssign ( struct IVGOutline * SourceOutline );
  38093. __declspec(implementation_key(3378)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOutline::UserAssign ( long ParentWindowHandle );
  38094. __declspec(implementation_key(3379)) IVGPSScreenOptionsPtr IVGOutline::GetPSScreen ( );
  38095. __declspec(implementation_key(3380)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOutline::CompareWith ( struct IVGOutline * Outline );
  38096. __declspec(implementation_key(3381)) double IVGOutline::GetDashDotLength ( );
  38097. __declspec(implementation_key(3382)) void IVGOutline::PutDashDotLength ( double pVal );
  38098. __declspec(implementation_key(3383)) _bstr_t IVGOutline::ToString ( );
  38099. __declspec(implementation_key(3384)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGOutline::StringAssign ( _bstr_t OutlineString );
  38100. __declspec(implementation_key(3385)) double IVGOutline::GetPenWidth ( );
  38101. __declspec(implementation_key(3386)) void IVGOutline::PutPenWidth ( double pVal );
  38102. __declspec(implementation_key(3387)) double IVGOutline::GetMiterLimit ( );
  38103. __declspec(implementation_key(3388)) void IVGOutline::PutMiterLimit ( double pVal );
  38104. __declspec(implementation_key(3389)) HRESULT IVGOutline::SetNoOutline ( );
  38105. __declspec(implementation_key(3390)) IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr IVGOutline::GetStartArrowOptions ( );
  38106. __declspec(implementation_key(3391)) void IVGOutline::PutStartArrowOptions ( struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * ppVal );
  38107. __declspec(implementation_key(3392)) IVGArrowHeadOptionsPtr IVGOutline::GetEndArrowOptions ( );
  38108. __declspec(implementation_key(3393)) void IVGOutline::PutEndArrowOptions ( struct IVGArrowHeadOptions * ppVal );
  38109. __declspec(implementation_key(3394)) enum cdrOutlineJustification IVGOutline::GetJustification ( );
  38110. __declspec(implementation_key(3395)) void IVGOutline::PutJustification ( enum cdrOutlineJustification pVal );
  38111. __declspec(implementation_key(3396)) HRESULT IVGOutline::SetPropertiesEx ( double Width, struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style, struct IVGColor * Color, struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow, struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow, enum cdrTriState BehindFill, enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape, enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps, enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin, double NibAngle, long NibStretch, double DashDotLength, double PenWidth, double MiterLimit, enum cdrOutlineJustification Justification );
  38112. __declspec(implementation_key(3397)) enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust IVGOutline::GetAdjustDashes ( );
  38113. __declspec(implementation_key(3398)) void IVGOutline::PutAdjustDashes ( enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust pVal );
  38114. __declspec(implementation_key(3399)) double IVGHatchPattern::GetAngle ( );
  38115. __declspec(implementation_key(3400)) void IVGHatchPattern::PutAngle ( double pVal );
  38116. __declspec(implementation_key(3401)) double IVGHatchPattern::GetOriginX ( );
  38117. __declspec(implementation_key(3402)) void IVGHatchPattern::PutOriginX ( double pVal );
  38118. __declspec(implementation_key(3403)) double IVGHatchPattern::GetOriginY ( );
  38119. __declspec(implementation_key(3404)) void IVGHatchPattern::PutOriginY ( double pVal );
  38120. __declspec(implementation_key(3405)) double IVGHatchPattern::GetSpacing ( );
  38121. __declspec(implementation_key(3406)) void IVGHatchPattern::PutSpacing ( double pVal );
  38122. __declspec(implementation_key(3407)) double IVGHatchPattern::GetShift ( );
  38123. __declspec(implementation_key(3408)) void IVGHatchPattern::PutShift ( double pVal );
  38124. __declspec(implementation_key(3409)) double IVGHatchPattern::GetShiftPercent ( );
  38125. __declspec(implementation_key(3410)) void IVGHatchPattern::PutShiftPercent ( double pVal );
  38126. __declspec(implementation_key(3411)) IVGOutlinePtr IVGHatchPattern::GetOutline ( );
  38127. __declspec(implementation_key(3412)) long IVGHatchPattern::GetIndex ( );
  38128. __declspec(implementation_key(3413)) HRESULT IVGHatchPattern::Delete ( );
  38129. __declspec(implementation_key(3414)) HRESULT IVGHatchPattern::SetOrigin ( double OriginX, double OriginY );
  38130. __declspec(implementation_key(3415)) HRESULT IVGHatchPattern::GetOrigin ( double * OriginX, double * OriginY );
  38131. __declspec(implementation_key(3416)) HRESULT IVGHatchPattern::SetProperties ( const _variant_t & Angle, double Spacing, const _variant_t & Shift, const _variant_t & OriginX, const _variant_t & OriginY, double Width, struct IVGColor * Color, struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style, double DashDotLength, double PenWidth );
  38132. __declspec(implementation_key(3417)) HRESULT IVGHatchPattern::Reset ( );
  38133. __declspec(implementation_key(3418)) long IVGHatchPatterns::GetCount ( );
  38134. __declspec(implementation_key(3419)) IVGHatchPatternPtr IVGHatchPatterns::GetItem ( long Index );
  38135. __declspec(implementation_key(3420)) IUnknownPtr IVGHatchPatterns::Get_NewEnum ( );
  38136. __declspec(implementation_key(3421)) HRESULT IVGHatchPatterns::Reset ( );
  38137. __declspec(implementation_key(3422)) enum cdrImageType IVGImage::GetType ( );
  38138. __declspec(implementation_key(3423)) long IVGImage::GetWidth ( );
  38139. __declspec(implementation_key(3424)) long IVGImage::GetHeight ( );
  38140. __declspec(implementation_key(3425)) IVGColorPtr IVGImage::GetPixel ( long x, long y );
  38141. __declspec(implementation_key(3426)) IVGImagePtr IVGImage::GetCopy ( );
  38142. __declspec(implementation_key(3427)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGImage::GetReadOnly ( );
  38143. __declspec(implementation_key(3428)) IVGImageTilesPtr IVGImage::GetTiles ( );
  38144. __declspec(implementation_key(3429)) HRESULT IVGImage::Blit ( long DestX, long DestY, long DestWidth, long DestHeight, struct IVGImage * SrcImage, long SrcX, long SrcY, long SrcWidth, long SrcHeight, enum cdrMergeMode MergeMode );
  38145. __declspec(implementation_key(3430)) HRESULT IVGImage::FillArea ( long x, long y, long Width, long Height, struct IVGColor * Color );
  38146. __declspec(implementation_key(3431)) HRESULT IVGImage::FlipArea ( long x, long y, long Width, long Height, enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  38147. __declspec(implementation_key(3432)) IDispatchPtr IVGTransparency::GetApplication ( );
  38148. __declspec(implementation_key(3433)) IDispatchPtr IVGTransparency::GetParent ( );
  38149. __declspec(implementation_key(3434)) enum cdrTransparencyType IVGTransparency::GetType ( );
  38150. __declspec(implementation_key(3435)) long IVGTransparency::GetUniform ( );
  38151. __declspec(implementation_key(3436)) void IVGTransparency::PutUniform ( long pVal );
  38152. __declspec(implementation_key(3437)) IVGFountainFillPtr IVGTransparency::GetFountain ( );
  38153. __declspec(implementation_key(3438)) void IVGTransparency::PutFountain ( struct IVGFountainFill * ppVal );
  38154. __declspec(implementation_key(3439)) IVGPatternFillPtr IVGTransparency::GetPattern ( );
  38155. __declspec(implementation_key(3440)) void IVGTransparency::PutPattern ( struct IVGPatternFill * ppVal );
  38156. __declspec(implementation_key(3441)) IVGTextureFillPtr IVGTransparency::GetTexture ( );
  38157. __declspec(implementation_key(3442)) void IVGTransparency::PutTexture ( struct IVGTextureFill * ppVal );
  38158. __declspec(implementation_key(3443)) long IVGTransparency::GetStart ( );
  38159. __declspec(implementation_key(3444)) void IVGTransparency::PutStart ( long pVal );
  38160. __declspec(implementation_key(3445)) long IVGTransparency::GetEnd ( );
  38161. __declspec(implementation_key(3446)) void IVGTransparency::PutEnd ( long pVal );
  38162. __declspec(implementation_key(3447)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransparency::GetFrozen ( );
  38163. __declspec(implementation_key(3448)) HRESULT IVGTransparency::ApplyNoTransparency ( );
  38164. __declspec(implementation_key(3449)) HRESULT IVGTransparency::ApplyUniformTransparency ( long Value );
  38165. __declspec(implementation_key(3450)) IVGFountainFillPtr IVGTransparency::ApplyFountainTransparency ( long Start, long End, enum cdrFountainFillType Type, double Angle, long Steps, long EdgePad, long MidPoint, double CenterOffsetX, double CenterOffsetY );
  38166. __declspec(implementation_key(3451)) IVGPatternFillPtr IVGTransparency::ApplyPatternTransparency ( enum cdrPatternFillType Type, _bstr_t FileName, long PatternCanvasIndex, long Front, long Back, VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape );
  38167. __declspec(implementation_key(3452)) IVGTextureFillPtr IVGTransparency::ApplyTextureTransparency ( _bstr_t TextureName, _bstr_t LibraryName, long Front, long Back );
  38168. __declspec(implementation_key(3453)) HRESULT IVGTransparency::Freeze ( );
  38169. __declspec(implementation_key(3454)) HRESULT IVGTransparency::Unfreeze ( );
  38170. __declspec(implementation_key(3455)) enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo IVGTransparency::GetAppliedTo ( );
  38171. __declspec(implementation_key(3456)) void IVGTransparency::PutAppliedTo ( enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo pVal );
  38172. __declspec(implementation_key(3457)) enum cdrMergeMode IVGTransparency::GetMergeMode ( );
  38173. __declspec(implementation_key(3458)) void IVGTransparency::PutMergeMode ( enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  38174. __declspec(implementation_key(3459)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTransparency::UserAssign ( enum cdrTransparencyType TransparencyType, enum cdrPatternFillType PatternType, long ParentWindowHandle );
  38175. __declspec(implementation_key(3460)) enum cdrDimensionType IVGDimension::GetType ( );
  38176. __declspec(implementation_key(3461)) IVGDimensionLinearPtr IVGDimension::GetLinear ( );
  38177. __declspec(implementation_key(3462)) IVGDimensionAngularPtr IVGDimension::GetAngular ( );
  38178. __declspec(implementation_key(3463)) long IVGDimension::GetPrecision ( );
  38179. __declspec(implementation_key(3464)) void IVGDimension::PutPrecision ( long pVal );
  38180. __declspec(implementation_key(3465)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetBoxedText ( );
  38181. __declspec(implementation_key(3466)) void IVGDimension::PutBoxedText ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38182. __declspec(implementation_key(3467)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetLeadingZero ( );
  38183. __declspec(implementation_key(3468)) void IVGDimension::PutLeadingZero ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38184. __declspec(implementation_key(3469)) IVGShapePtr IVGDimension::GetTextShape ( );
  38185. __declspec(implementation_key(3470)) _bstr_t IVGDimension::GetPrefix ( );
  38186. __declspec(implementation_key(3471)) void IVGDimension::PutPrefix ( _bstr_t pVal );
  38187. __declspec(implementation_key(3472)) _bstr_t IVGDimension::GetSuffix ( );
  38188. __declspec(implementation_key(3473)) void IVGDimension::PutSuffix ( _bstr_t pVal );
  38189. __declspec(implementation_key(3474)) IVGOutlinePtr IVGDimension::GetOutline ( );
  38190. __declspec(implementation_key(3475)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetTextCentered ( );
  38191. __declspec(implementation_key(3476)) void IVGDimension::PutTextCentered ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38192. __declspec(implementation_key(3477)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetShowUnits ( );
  38193. __declspec(implementation_key(3478)) void IVGDimension::PutShowUnits ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38194. __declspec(implementation_key(3479)) enum cdrDimensionPlacement IVGDimension::GetPlacement ( );
  38195. __declspec(implementation_key(3480)) void IVGDimension::PutPlacement ( enum cdrDimensionPlacement pVal );
  38196. __declspec(implementation_key(3481)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetHorizontalText ( );
  38197. __declspec(implementation_key(3482)) void IVGDimension::PutHorizontalText ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38198. __declspec(implementation_key(3483)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetDynamicText ( );
  38199. __declspec(implementation_key(3484)) void IVGDimension::PutDynamicText ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38200. __declspec(implementation_key(3485)) double IVGDimension::GetDistanceFromObject ( );
  38201. __declspec(implementation_key(3486)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetUseDistanceFromObject ( );
  38202. __declspec(implementation_key(3487)) void IVGDimension::PutUseDistanceFromObject ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38203. __declspec(implementation_key(3488)) HRESULT IVGDimension::SetDistanceFromObject ( double Distance );
  38204. __declspec(implementation_key(3489)) double IVGDimension::GetOverhang ( );
  38205. __declspec(implementation_key(3490)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetUseOverhang ( );
  38206. __declspec(implementation_key(3491)) void IVGDimension::PutUseOverhang ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38207. __declspec(implementation_key(3492)) HRESULT IVGDimension::SetOverhang ( double Overhang );
  38208. __declspec(implementation_key(3493)) double IVGDimension::GetTextLabelGap ( );
  38209. __declspec(implementation_key(3494)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetUseTextLabelGap ( );
  38210. __declspec(implementation_key(3495)) void IVGDimension::PutUseTextLabelGap ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38211. __declspec(implementation_key(3496)) HRESULT IVGDimension::SetTextLabelGap ( double Gap );
  38212. __declspec(implementation_key(3497)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetExtensionLinesVisible ( );
  38213. __declspec(implementation_key(3498)) void IVGDimension::PutExtensionLinesVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38214. __declspec(implementation_key(3499)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetInnerExtensionLinesVisible ( );
  38215. __declspec(implementation_key(3500)) void IVGDimension::PutInnerExtensionLinesVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38216. __declspec(implementation_key(3501)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDimension::GetGapOnFreeExtensionVisible ( );
  38217. __declspec(implementation_key(3502)) void IVGDimension::PutGapOnFreeExtensionVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38218. __declspec(implementation_key(3503)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCommentAnnotation::GetEndArrowVisible ( );
  38219. __declspec(implementation_key(3504)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutEndArrowVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pRet );
  38220. __declspec(implementation_key(3505)) IVGCurvePtr IVGCommentAnnotation::GetCurve ( );
  38221. __declspec(implementation_key(3506)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutCurve ( struct IVGCurve * pRet );
  38222. __declspec(implementation_key(3507)) long IVGCommentAnnotation::GetOutlineWidth ( );
  38223. __declspec(implementation_key(3508)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutOutlineWidth ( long pRet );
  38224. __declspec(implementation_key(3509)) IVGColorPtr IVGCommentAnnotation::GetFillColor ( );
  38225. __declspec(implementation_key(3510)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutFillColor ( struct IVGColor * pRet );
  38226. __declspec(implementation_key(3511)) IVGColorPtr IVGCommentAnnotation::GetOutlineColor ( );
  38227. __declspec(implementation_key(3512)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutOutlineColor ( struct IVGColor * pRet );
  38228. __declspec(implementation_key(3513)) enum cdrCommentAnnotationType IVGCommentAnnotation::GetType ( );
  38229. __declspec(implementation_key(3514)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGCommentAnnotation::GetStartArrowVisible ( );
  38230. __declspec(implementation_key(3515)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutStartArrowVisible ( VARIANT_BOOL pRet );
  38231. __declspec(implementation_key(3516)) HRESULT IVGCommentAnnotation::Move ( double DeltaX, double DeltaY );
  38232. __declspec(implementation_key(3517)) double IVGCommentAnnotation::GetSizeWidth ( );
  38233. __declspec(implementation_key(3518)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutSizeWidth ( double pVal );
  38234. __declspec(implementation_key(3519)) double IVGCommentAnnotation::GetSizeHeight ( );
  38235. __declspec(implementation_key(3520)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutSizeHeight ( double pVal );
  38236. __declspec(implementation_key(3521)) double IVGCommentAnnotation::GetLeftX ( );
  38237. __declspec(implementation_key(3522)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutLeftX ( double pVal );
  38238. __declspec(implementation_key(3523)) double IVGCommentAnnotation::GetRightX ( );
  38239. __declspec(implementation_key(3524)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutRightX ( double pVal );
  38240. __declspec(implementation_key(3525)) double IVGCommentAnnotation::GetTopY ( );
  38241. __declspec(implementation_key(3526)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutTopY ( double pVal );
  38242. __declspec(implementation_key(3527)) double IVGCommentAnnotation::GetBottomY ( );
  38243. __declspec(implementation_key(3528)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutBottomY ( double pVal );
  38244. __declspec(implementation_key(3529)) double IVGCommentAnnotation::GetCenterX ( );
  38245. __declspec(implementation_key(3530)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutCenterX ( double pVal );
  38246. __declspec(implementation_key(3531)) double IVGCommentAnnotation::GetCenterY ( );
  38247. __declspec(implementation_key(3532)) void IVGCommentAnnotation::PutCenterY ( double pVal );
  38248. __declspec(implementation_key(3533)) HRESULT IVGCommentAnnotation::SetPosition ( enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, double x, double y );
  38249. __declspec(implementation_key(3534)) HRESULT IVGCommentAnnotation::GetPosition ( enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, double * x, double * y );
  38250. __declspec(implementation_key(3535)) HRESULT IVGCommentAnnotation::SetSize ( enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, double Width, double Height );
  38251. __declspec(implementation_key(3536)) HRESULT IVGCommentAnnotation::GetSize ( double * Width, double * Height );
  38252. __declspec(implementation_key(3537)) HRESULT IVGCommentAnnotation::GetBoundingBox ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height );
  38253. __declspec(implementation_key(3538)) HRESULT IVGCommentAnnotation::SetBoundingBox ( double x, double y, double Width, double Height, VARIANT_BOOL KeepAspect, enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint );
  38254. __declspec(implementation_key(3539)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorContext::GetRGBColorProfile ( );
  38255. __declspec(implementation_key(3540)) void IVGColorContext::PutRGBColorProfile ( struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal );
  38256. __declspec(implementation_key(3541)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorContext::GetCMYKColorProfile ( );
  38257. __declspec(implementation_key(3542)) void IVGColorContext::PutCMYKColorProfile ( struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal );
  38258. __declspec(implementation_key(3543)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorContext::GetGrayscaleColorProfile ( );
  38259. __declspec(implementation_key(3544)) void IVGColorContext::PutGrayscaleColorProfile ( struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal );
  38260. __declspec(implementation_key(3545)) enum clrRenderingIntent IVGColorContext::GetRenderingIntent ( );
  38261. __declspec(implementation_key(3546)) void IVGColorContext::PutRenderingIntent ( enum clrRenderingIntent pVal );
  38262. __declspec(implementation_key(3547)) enum clrColorModel IVGColorContext::GetBlendingColorModel ( );
  38263. __declspec(implementation_key(3548)) void IVGColorContext::PutBlendingColorModel ( enum clrColorModel pVal );
  38264. __declspec(implementation_key(3549)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGColorContext::GetCopy ( );
  38265. __declspec(implementation_key(3550)) HRESULT IVGColorContext::CopyAssign ( struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  38266. __declspec(implementation_key(3551)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorContext::GetColorProfile ( enum clrColorModel ColorModel );
  38267. __declspec(implementation_key(3552)) void IVGColorContext::PutColorProfile ( enum clrColorModel ColorModel, struct IVGColorProfile * ppVal );
  38268. __declspec(implementation_key(3553)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorContext::Merge ( struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  38269. __declspec(implementation_key(3554)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorContext::IsSame ( struct IVGColorContext * ColorContext );
  38270. __declspec(implementation_key(3555)) IVGColorProfilesPtr IVGColorContext::GetColorProfiles ( );
  38271. __declspec(implementation_key(3556)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorContext::GetReadOnly ( );
  38272. __declspec(implementation_key(3557)) _bstr_t IVGColorContext::GetColorProfileNameList ( );
  38273. __declspec(implementation_key(3558)) _bstr_t IVGColorProfile::GetName ( );
  38274. __declspec(implementation_key(3559)) _bstr_t IVGColorProfile::GetFileName ( );
  38275. __declspec(implementation_key(3560)) _bstr_t IVGColorProfile::GetManufacturer ( );
  38276. __declspec(implementation_key(3561)) _bstr_t IVGColorProfile::GetDeviceModel ( );
  38277. __declspec(implementation_key(3562)) enum clrDeviceType IVGColorProfile::GetDeviceType ( );
  38278. __declspec(implementation_key(3563)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorProfile::GetSelected ( );
  38279. __declspec(implementation_key(3564)) HRESULT IVGColorProfile::Select ( );
  38280. __declspec(implementation_key(3565)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorProfile::GetGeneric ( );
  38281. __declspec(implementation_key(3566)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorProfile::GetInstalled ( );
  38282. __declspec(implementation_key(3567)) _bstr_t IVGColorProfile::GetID ( );
  38283. __declspec(implementation_key(3568)) enum clrColorModel IVGColorProfile::GetColorModel ( );
  38284. __declspec(implementation_key(3569)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGColorProfile::CreateColorContext ( enum clrRenderingIntent RenderingIntent );
  38285. __declspec(implementation_key(3570)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorProfile::IsSame ( struct IVGColorProfile * ColorProfile );
  38286. __declspec(implementation_key(3571)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorProfiles::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  38287. __declspec(implementation_key(3572)) long IVGColorProfiles::GetCount ( );
  38288. __declspec(implementation_key(3573)) IUnknownPtr IVGColorProfiles::Get_NewEnum ( );
  38289. __declspec(implementation_key(3574)) enum clrDeviceType IVGColorProfiles::GetDeviceType ( );
  38290. __declspec(implementation_key(3575)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorProfiles::SelectByName ( _bstr_t Name );
  38291. __declspec(implementation_key(3576)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorProfiles::Install ( _bstr_t FileName );
  38292. __declspec(implementation_key(3577)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorProfiles::GetGenericProfile ( );
  38293. __declspec(implementation_key(3578)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGProofColorSettings::GetColorContext ( );
  38294. __declspec(implementation_key(3579)) void IVGProofColorSettings::PutColorContext ( struct IVGColorContext * ppVal );
  38295. __declspec(implementation_key(3580)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGProofColorSettings::GetShowOutOfGamutWarning ( );
  38296. __declspec(implementation_key(3581)) void IVGProofColorSettings::PutShowOutOfGamutWarning ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38297. __declspec(implementation_key(3582)) IVGColorPtr IVGProofColorSettings::GetOutOfGamutColor ( );
  38298. __declspec(implementation_key(3583)) void IVGProofColorSettings::PutOutOfGamutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38299. __declspec(implementation_key(3584)) double IVGProofColorSettings::GetOutOfGamutTransparency ( );
  38300. __declspec(implementation_key(3585)) void IVGProofColorSettings::PutOutOfGamutTransparency ( double pVal );
  38301. __declspec(implementation_key(3586)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGProofColorSettings::GetPreserveColorValues ( );
  38302. __declspec(implementation_key(3587)) void IVGProofColorSettings::PutPreserveColorValues ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38303. __declspec(implementation_key(3588)) IVGProofColorSettingsPtr IVGProofColorSettings::GetCopy ( );
  38304. __declspec(implementation_key(3589)) HRESULT IVGProofColorSettings::CopyAssign ( struct IVGProofColorSettings * Source );
  38305. __declspec(implementation_key(3590)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutSizeX ( long pVal );
  38306. __declspec(implementation_key(3591)) long IVGStructExportOptions::GetSizeX ( );
  38307. __declspec(implementation_key(3592)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutSizeY ( long pVal );
  38308. __declspec(implementation_key(3593)) long IVGStructExportOptions::GetSizeY ( );
  38309. __declspec(implementation_key(3594)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutResolutionX ( long pVal );
  38310. __declspec(implementation_key(3595)) long IVGStructExportOptions::GetResolutionX ( );
  38311. __declspec(implementation_key(3596)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutResolutionY ( long pVal );
  38312. __declspec(implementation_key(3597)) long IVGStructExportOptions::GetResolutionY ( );
  38313. __declspec(implementation_key(3598)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutAntiAliasingType ( enum cdrAntiAliasingType pVal );
  38314. __declspec(implementation_key(3599)) enum cdrAntiAliasingType IVGStructExportOptions::GetAntiAliasingType ( );
  38315. __declspec(implementation_key(3600)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutOverwrite ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38316. __declspec(implementation_key(3601)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructExportOptions::GetOverwrite ( );
  38317. __declspec(implementation_key(3602)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutImageType ( enum cdrImageType pVal );
  38318. __declspec(implementation_key(3603)) enum cdrImageType IVGStructExportOptions::GetImageType ( );
  38319. __declspec(implementation_key(3604)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutDithered ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38320. __declspec(implementation_key(3605)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructExportOptions::GetDithered ( );
  38321. __declspec(implementation_key(3606)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutTransparent ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38322. __declspec(implementation_key(3607)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructExportOptions::GetTransparent ( );
  38323. __declspec(implementation_key(3608)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutUseColorProfile ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38324. __declspec(implementation_key(3609)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructExportOptions::GetUseColorProfile ( );
  38325. __declspec(implementation_key(3610)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutCompression ( enum cdrCompressionType pVal );
  38326. __declspec(implementation_key(3611)) enum cdrCompressionType IVGStructExportOptions::GetCompression ( );
  38327. __declspec(implementation_key(3612)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutMaintainLayers ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38328. __declspec(implementation_key(3613)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructExportOptions::GetMaintainLayers ( );
  38329. __declspec(implementation_key(3614)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutMaintainAspect ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38330. __declspec(implementation_key(3615)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructExportOptions::GetMaintainAspect ( );
  38331. __declspec(implementation_key(3616)) IVGRectPtr IVGStructExportOptions::GetExportArea ( );
  38332. __declspec(implementation_key(3617)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutRefExportArea ( struct IVGRect * * ppVal );
  38333. __declspec(implementation_key(3618)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutMatted ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38334. __declspec(implementation_key(3619)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructExportOptions::GetMatted ( );
  38335. __declspec(implementation_key(3620)) IVGColorPtr IVGStructExportOptions::GetMatteColor ( );
  38336. __declspec(implementation_key(3621)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutMatteColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38337. __declspec(implementation_key(3622)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutMatteMaskedOnly ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38338. __declspec(implementation_key(3623)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructExportOptions::GetMatteMaskedOnly ( );
  38339. __declspec(implementation_key(3624)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutAlwaysOverprintBlack ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38340. __declspec(implementation_key(3625)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStructExportOptions::GetAlwaysOverprintBlack ( );
  38341. __declspec(implementation_key(3626)) IVGProofColorSettingsPtr IVGStructExportOptions::GetProofColorSettings ( );
  38342. __declspec(implementation_key(3627)) void IVGStructExportOptions::PutProofColorSettings ( struct IVGProofColorSettings * ppVal );
  38343. __declspec(implementation_key(3628)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetScannerCalibrated ( );
  38344. __declspec(implementation_key(3629)) void IVGColorManager::PutScannerCalibrated ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38345. __declspec(implementation_key(3630)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetSeparationPrinterCalibrated ( );
  38346. __declspec(implementation_key(3631)) void IVGColorManager::PutSeparationPrinterCalibrated ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38347. __declspec(implementation_key(3632)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetCompositePrinterCalibrated ( );
  38348. __declspec(implementation_key(3633)) enum clrCompPrnCalibration IVGColorManager::GetCompositePrinterCalibration ( );
  38349. __declspec(implementation_key(3634)) void IVGColorManager::PutCompositePrinterCalibration ( enum clrCompPrnCalibration pVal );
  38350. __declspec(implementation_key(3635)) enum clrMonitorCalibration IVGColorManager::GetMonitorCalibration ( );
  38351. __declspec(implementation_key(3636)) void IVGColorManager::PutMonitorCalibration ( enum clrMonitorCalibration pVal );
  38352. __declspec(implementation_key(3637)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetCompositePrinterSimulatesSeparation ( );
  38353. __declspec(implementation_key(3638)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetShowOutOfGamut ( );
  38354. __declspec(implementation_key(3639)) void IVGColorManager::PutShowOutOfGamut ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38355. __declspec(implementation_key(3640)) IVGColorPtr IVGColorManager::GetOutOfGamutColor ( );
  38356. __declspec(implementation_key(3641)) void IVGColorManager::PutOutOfGamutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38357. __declspec(implementation_key(3642)) long IVGColorManager::GetOutOfGamutTransparency ( );
  38358. __declspec(implementation_key(3643)) void IVGColorManager::PutOutOfGamutTransparency ( long pVal );
  38359. __declspec(implementation_key(3644)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetCMYKInPercents ( );
  38360. __declspec(implementation_key(3645)) void IVGColorManager::PutCMYKInPercents ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38361. __declspec(implementation_key(3646)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetCMYKGamutForSpotColors ( );
  38362. __declspec(implementation_key(3647)) void IVGColorManager::PutCMYKGamutForSpotColors ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38363. __declspec(implementation_key(3648)) enum clrRenderingIntent IVGColorManager::GetRenderingIntent ( );
  38364. __declspec(implementation_key(3649)) void IVGColorManager::PutRenderingIntent ( enum clrRenderingIntent pVal );
  38365. __declspec(implementation_key(3650)) enum clrColorEngine IVGColorManager::GetColorEngine ( );
  38366. __declspec(implementation_key(3651)) void IVGColorManager::PutColorEngine ( enum clrColorEngine pVal );
  38367. __declspec(implementation_key(3652)) long IVGColorManager::GetStyleCount ( );
  38368. __declspec(implementation_key(3653)) _bstr_t IVGColorManager::GetStyleByIndex ( long Index );
  38369. __declspec(implementation_key(3654)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorManager::GetCurrentProfile ( enum clrDeviceType DeviceType );
  38370. __declspec(implementation_key(3655)) IVGColorProfilesPtr IVGColorManager::GetInstalledProfiles ( enum clrDeviceType DeviceType );
  38371. __declspec(implementation_key(3656)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::LoadStyle ( _bstr_t StyleName );
  38372. __declspec(implementation_key(3657)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::DeleteStyle ( _bstr_t StyleName );
  38373. __declspec(implementation_key(3658)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::SaveStyle ( _bstr_t StyleName );
  38374. __declspec(implementation_key(3659)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetIsICM2Available ( );
  38375. __declspec(implementation_key(3660)) _bstr_t IVGColorManager::GetUnsavedStyleName ( );
  38376. __declspec(implementation_key(3661)) _bstr_t IVGColorManager::GetGenericProfileName ( enum clrDeviceType DeviceType );
  38377. __declspec(implementation_key(3662)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetIsCompositePrinterCMYK ( );
  38378. __declspec(implementation_key(3663)) enum clrImportColorCorrection IVGColorManager::GetColorCorrectionOnImport ( );
  38379. __declspec(implementation_key(3664)) void IVGColorManager::PutColorCorrectionOnImport ( enum clrImportColorCorrection pVal );
  38380. __declspec(implementation_key(3665)) enum clrExportColorCorrection IVGColorManager::GetColorCorrectionOnExport ( );
  38381. __declspec(implementation_key(3666)) void IVGColorManager::PutColorCorrectionOnExport ( enum clrExportColorCorrection pVal );
  38382. __declspec(implementation_key(3667)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorManager::GetDefaultImportProfile ( );
  38383. __declspec(implementation_key(3668)) void IVGColorManager::PutRefDefaultImportProfile ( struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal );
  38384. __declspec(implementation_key(3669)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorManager::GetCustomImportProfile ( );
  38385. __declspec(implementation_key(3670)) void IVGColorManager::PutRefCustomImportProfile ( struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal );
  38386. __declspec(implementation_key(3671)) IVGColorProfilePtr IVGColorManager::GetCustomExportProfile ( );
  38387. __declspec(implementation_key(3672)) void IVGColorManager::PutRefCustomExportProfile ( struct IVGColorProfile * * ppVal );
  38388. __declspec(implementation_key(3673)) IVGColorProfilesPtr IVGColorManager::GetMonitorColorProfiles ( );
  38389. __declspec(implementation_key(3674)) IVGColorProfilesPtr IVGColorManager::GetProfilesByColorModel ( enum clrColorModel ColorModel );
  38390. __declspec(implementation_key(3675)) IVGColorProfilesPtr IVGColorManager::GetProfilesForDevice ( enum clrDeviceType DeviceType, _bstr_t DeviceName );
  38391. __declspec(implementation_key(3676)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGColorManager::GetDefaultColorContext ( );
  38392. __declspec(implementation_key(3677)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::ColorEnginePresent ( enum clrColorEngine ColorEngine );
  38393. __declspec(implementation_key(3678)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::CanDeleteStyle ( _bstr_t StyleName );
  38394. __declspec(implementation_key(3679)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetMapGrayToCMYKBlack ( );
  38395. __declspec(implementation_key(3680)) void IVGColorManager::PutMapGrayToCMYKBlack ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38396. __declspec(implementation_key(3681)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGColorManager::GetPreservePureBlack ( );
  38397. __declspec(implementation_key(3682)) void IVGColorManager::PutPreservePureBlack ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38398. __declspec(implementation_key(3683)) enum clrColorModel IVGColorManager::GetSpotColorDefinition ( );
  38399. __declspec(implementation_key(3684)) void IVGColorManager::PutSpotColorDefinition ( enum clrColorModel pVal );
  38400. __declspec(implementation_key(3685)) IVGColorProfilesPtr IVGColorManager::GetColorProfiles ( );
  38401. __declspec(implementation_key(3686)) IVGColorManagementPolicyPtr IVGColorManager::GetPolicyForOpen ( );
  38402. __declspec(implementation_key(3687)) IVGColorManagementPolicyPtr IVGColorManager::GetPolicyForImport ( );
  38403. __declspec(implementation_key(3688)) IVGColorContextPtr IVGStructCreateOptions::GetColorContext ( );
  38404. __declspec(implementation_key(3689)) void IVGStructCreateOptions::PutColorContext ( struct IVGColorContext * ppVal );
  38405. __declspec(implementation_key(3690)) _bstr_t IVGStructCreateOptions::GetName ( );
  38406. __declspec(implementation_key(3691)) void IVGStructCreateOptions::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  38407. __declspec(implementation_key(3692)) double IVGStructCreateOptions::GetPageWidth ( );
  38408. __declspec(implementation_key(3693)) void IVGStructCreateOptions::PutPageWidth ( double pVal );
  38409. __declspec(implementation_key(3694)) double IVGStructCreateOptions::GetPageHeight ( );
  38410. __declspec(implementation_key(3695)) void IVGStructCreateOptions::PutPageHeight ( double pVal );
  38411. __declspec(implementation_key(3696)) enum cdrUnit IVGStructCreateOptions::GetUnits ( );
  38412. __declspec(implementation_key(3697)) void IVGStructCreateOptions::PutUnits ( enum cdrUnit pVal );
  38413. __declspec(implementation_key(3698)) double IVGStructCreateOptions::GetResolution ( );
  38414. __declspec(implementation_key(3699)) void IVGStructCreateOptions::PutResolution ( double pVal );
  38415. __declspec(implementation_key(3700)) IDispatchPtr IVGPalette::GetApplication ( );
  38416. __declspec(implementation_key(3701)) IDispatchPtr IVGPalette::GetParent ( );
  38417. __declspec(implementation_key(3702)) _bstr_t IVGPalette::GetName ( );
  38418. __declspec(implementation_key(3703)) void IVGPalette::PutName ( _bstr_t Name );
  38419. __declspec(implementation_key(3704)) HRESULT IVGPalette::Close ( );
  38420. __declspec(implementation_key(3705)) enum cdrPaletteType IVGPalette::GetType ( );
  38421. __declspec(implementation_key(3706)) IVGColorsPtr IVGPalette::Colors ( );
  38422. __declspec(implementation_key(3707)) IVGColorPtr IVGPalette::GetColor ( long Index );
  38423. __declspec(implementation_key(3708)) void IVGPalette::PutColor ( long Index, struct IVGColor * Color );
  38424. __declspec(implementation_key(3709)) HRESULT IVGPalette::AddColor ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  38425. __declspec(implementation_key(3710)) HRESULT IVGPalette::InsertColor ( long Index, struct IVGColor * Color );
  38426. __declspec(implementation_key(3711)) HRESULT IVGPalette::RemoveColor ( long Index );
  38427. __declspec(implementation_key(3712)) long IVGPalette::GetIndexOfColor ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  38428. __declspec(implementation_key(3713)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPalette::GetDuplicatePresent ( );
  38429. __declspec(implementation_key(3714)) long IVGPalette::GetColorCount ( );
  38430. __declspec(implementation_key(3715)) HRESULT IVGPalette::Save ( );
  38431. __declspec(implementation_key(3716)) enum cdrPaletteID IVGPalette::GetPaletteID ( );
  38432. __declspec(implementation_key(3717)) _bstr_t IVGPalette::GetFileName ( );
  38433. __declspec(implementation_key(3718)) long IVGPalette::MatchColor ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  38434. __declspec(implementation_key(3719)) long IVGPalette::FindColor ( _bstr_t Name );
  38435. __declspec(implementation_key(3720)) HRESULT IVGPalette::SaveAs ( _bstr_t FileName, _bstr_t Name, enum cdrPaletteVersion Version );
  38436. __declspec(implementation_key(3721)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGPalette::GetDocument ( );
  38437. __declspec(implementation_key(3722)) _bstr_t IVGPalette::GetIdentifier ( );
  38438. __declspec(implementation_key(3723)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPalette::GetIsEmpty ( );
  38439. __declspec(implementation_key(3724)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPalette::GetLocked ( );
  38440. __declspec(implementation_key(3725)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPalette::GetDefault ( );
  38441. __declspec(implementation_key(3726)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPalette::GetIsOpen ( );
  38442. __declspec(implementation_key(3727)) HRESULT IVGPalette::Open ( );
  38443. __declspec(implementation_key(3728)) HRESULT IVGPalette::MakeDefault ( );
  38444. __declspec(implementation_key(3729)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPalette::Delete ( );
  38445. __declspec(implementation_key(3730)) IDispatchPtr IVGColors::GetApplication ( );
  38446. __declspec(implementation_key(3731)) IVGPalettePtr IVGColors::GetParent ( );
  38447. __declspec(implementation_key(3732)) IVGColorPtr IVGColors::GetItem ( long Index );
  38448. __declspec(implementation_key(3733)) IUnknownPtr IVGColors::Get_NewEnum ( );
  38449. __declspec(implementation_key(3734)) long IVGColors::GetCount ( );
  38450. __declspec(implementation_key(3735)) IDispatchPtr IVGPalettes::GetApplication ( );
  38451. __declspec(implementation_key(3736)) IDispatchPtr IVGPalettes::GetParent ( );
  38452. __declspec(implementation_key(3737)) IVGPalettePtr IVGPalettes::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  38453. __declspec(implementation_key(3738)) IUnknownPtr IVGPalettes::Get_NewEnum ( );
  38454. __declspec(implementation_key(3739)) long IVGPalettes::GetCount ( );
  38455. __declspec(implementation_key(3740)) IVGPalettePtr IVGPalettes::Open ( _bstr_t FileName );
  38456. __declspec(implementation_key(3741)) IVGPalettePtr IVGPalettes::OpenFixed ( enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID );
  38457. __declspec(implementation_key(3742)) IVGPalettePtr IVGPalettes::CreateFromDocument ( _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t FileName, VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite );
  38458. __declspec(implementation_key(3743)) IVGPalettePtr IVGPalettes::CreateFromSelection ( _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t FileName, VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite );
  38459. __declspec(implementation_key(3744)) IVGPalettePtr IVGPalettes::Create ( _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t FileName, VARIANT_BOOL Overwrite );
  38460. __declspec(implementation_key(3745)) long IVGPaletteManager::GetPaletteCount ( );
  38461. __declspec(implementation_key(3746)) IVGPalettePtr IVGPaletteManager::GetPalette ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  38462. __declspec(implementation_key(3747)) IVGPalettePtr IVGPaletteManager::GetDefaultPalette ( );
  38463. __declspec(implementation_key(3748)) IVGPalettesPtr IVGPaletteManager::GetOpenPalettes ( );
  38464. __declspec(implementation_key(3749)) IUnknownPtr IVGPaletteManager::Get_NewEnum ( );
  38465. __declspec(implementation_key(3750)) HRESULT IVGPaletteManager::LoadAllPalettes ( );
  38466. __declspec(implementation_key(3751)) IVGPalettePtr IVGPaletteManager::LoadPalette ( _bstr_t FileName );
  38467. __declspec(implementation_key(3752)) enum cdrTraceType IVGTraceSettings::GetTraceType ( );
  38468. __declspec(implementation_key(3753)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutTraceType ( enum cdrTraceType pVal );
  38469. __declspec(implementation_key(3754)) short IVGTraceSettings::GetSmoothing ( );
  38470. __declspec(implementation_key(3755)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutSmoothing ( short pVal );
  38471. __declspec(implementation_key(3756)) short IVGTraceSettings::GetDetailLevel ( );
  38472. __declspec(implementation_key(3757)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutDetailLevel ( short pVal );
  38473. __declspec(implementation_key(3758)) enum cdrColorType IVGTraceSettings::GetColorMode ( );
  38474. __declspec(implementation_key(3759)) enum cdrPaletteID IVGTraceSettings::GetPaletteID ( );
  38475. __declspec(implementation_key(3760)) long IVGTraceSettings::GetColorCount ( );
  38476. __declspec(implementation_key(3761)) IVGColorPtr IVGTraceSettings::GetColor ( long Index );
  38477. __declspec(implementation_key(3762)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTraceSettings::GetDeleteOriginalObject ( );
  38478. __declspec(implementation_key(3763)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutDeleteOriginalObject ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38479. __declspec(implementation_key(3764)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTraceSettings::GetRemoveBackground ( );
  38480. __declspec(implementation_key(3765)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutRemoveBackground ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38481. __declspec(implementation_key(3766)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTraceSettings::GetRemoveEntireBackColor ( );
  38482. __declspec(implementation_key(3767)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutRemoveEntireBackColor ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38483. __declspec(implementation_key(3768)) enum cdrTraceBackgroundMode IVGTraceSettings::GetBackgroundRemovalMode ( );
  38484. __declspec(implementation_key(3769)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutBackgroundRemovalMode ( enum cdrTraceBackgroundMode pVal );
  38485. __declspec(implementation_key(3770)) IVGColorPtr IVGTraceSettings::GetBackgroundColor ( );
  38486. __declspec(implementation_key(3771)) long IVGTraceSettings::GetCurveCount ( );
  38487. __declspec(implementation_key(3772)) long IVGTraceSettings::GetNodeCount ( );
  38488. __declspec(implementation_key(3773)) long IVGTraceSettings::GetBitmapWidth ( );
  38489. __declspec(implementation_key(3774)) long IVGTraceSettings::GetBitmapHeight ( );
  38490. __declspec(implementation_key(3775)) long IVGTraceSettings::SetColorCount ( long ColorCount );
  38491. __declspec(implementation_key(3776)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGTraceSettings::Finish ( );
  38492. __declspec(implementation_key(3777)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTraceSettings::ShowDialog ( long ParentWindowHandle );
  38493. __declspec(implementation_key(3778)) HRESULT IVGTraceSettings::ApplyChanges ( );
  38494. __declspec(implementation_key(3779)) HRESULT IVGTraceSettings::SetColorMode ( enum cdrColorType ColorMode, enum cdrPaletteID PaletteID );
  38495. __declspec(implementation_key(3780)) short IVGTraceSettings::GetDetailLevelPercent ( );
  38496. __declspec(implementation_key(3781)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutDetailLevelPercent ( short pVal );
  38497. __declspec(implementation_key(3782)) short IVGTraceSettings::GetMaxDetailLevel ( );
  38498. __declspec(implementation_key(3783)) short IVGTraceSettings::GetMinDetailLevel ( );
  38499. __declspec(implementation_key(3784)) short IVGTraceSettings::GetCornerSmoothness ( );
  38500. __declspec(implementation_key(3785)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutCornerSmoothness ( short pVal );
  38501. __declspec(implementation_key(3786)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTraceSettings::GetMergeAdjacentObjects ( );
  38502. __declspec(implementation_key(3787)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutMergeAdjacentObjects ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38503. __declspec(implementation_key(3788)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTraceSettings::GetRemoveOverlap ( );
  38504. __declspec(implementation_key(3789)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutRemoveOverlap ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38505. __declspec(implementation_key(3790)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTraceSettings::GetGroupObjectsByColor ( );
  38506. __declspec(implementation_key(3791)) void IVGTraceSettings::PutGroupObjectsByColor ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38507. __declspec(implementation_key(3792)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGShapeRange::GetApplication ( );
  38508. __declspec(implementation_key(3793)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGShapeRange::GetParent ( );
  38509. __declspec(implementation_key(3794)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapeRange::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  38510. __declspec(implementation_key(3795)) IUnknownPtr IVGShapeRange::Get_NewEnum ( );
  38511. __declspec(implementation_key(3796)) long IVGShapeRange::GetCount ( );
  38512. __declspec(implementation_key(3797)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Add ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  38513. __declspec(implementation_key(3798)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Remove ( long Index );
  38514. __declspec(implementation_key(3799)) long IVGShapeRange::IndexOf ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  38515. __declspec(implementation_key(3800)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AddToSelection ( );
  38516. __declspec(implementation_key(3801)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ConvertToCurves ( );
  38517. __declspec(implementation_key(3802)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapeRange::ConvertToBitmap ( long BitDepth, VARIANT_BOOL Grayscale, VARIANT_BOOL Dithered, VARIANT_BOOL TransparentBG, long Resolution, enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing, VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile, VARIANT_BOOL MultiChannel, VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack, long OverprintBlackLimit );
  38518. __declspec(implementation_key(3803)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Copy ( );
  38519. __declspec(implementation_key(3804)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Cut ( );
  38520. __declspec(implementation_key(3805)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Delete ( );
  38521. __declspec(implementation_key(3806)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::GetPosition ( double * PositionX, double * PositionY );
  38522. __declspec(implementation_key(3807)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::GetSize ( double * Width, double * Height );
  38523. __declspec(implementation_key(3808)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Move ( double DeltaX, double DeltaY );
  38524. __declspec(implementation_key(3809)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::Duplicate ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  38525. __declspec(implementation_key(3810)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::Clone ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  38526. __declspec(implementation_key(3811)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapeRange::Group ( );
  38527. __declspec(implementation_key(3812)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::RemoveAll ( );
  38528. __declspec(implementation_key(3813)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::OrderToFront ( );
  38529. __declspec(implementation_key(3814)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::OrderToBack ( );
  38530. __declspec(implementation_key(3815)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::OrderForwardOne ( );
  38531. __declspec(implementation_key(3816)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::OrderBackOne ( );
  38532. __declspec(implementation_key(3817)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::OrderFrontOf ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  38533. __declspec(implementation_key(3818)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::OrderBackOf ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  38534. __declspec(implementation_key(3819)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::OrderReverse ( );
  38535. __declspec(implementation_key(3820)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Rotate ( double Angle );
  38536. __declspec(implementation_key(3821)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::RotateEx ( double Angle, double CenterX, double CenterY );
  38537. __declspec(implementation_key(3822)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Skew ( double AngleX, double AngleY );
  38538. __declspec(implementation_key(3823)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SkewEx ( double AngleX, double AngleY, double CenterX, double CenterY );
  38539. __declspec(implementation_key(3824)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::UngroupAll ( );
  38540. __declspec(implementation_key(3825)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Flip ( enum cdrFlipAxes Axes );
  38541. __declspec(implementation_key(3826)) double IVGShapeRange::GetPositionX ( );
  38542. __declspec(implementation_key(3827)) void IVGShapeRange::PutPositionX ( double pVal );
  38543. __declspec(implementation_key(3828)) double IVGShapeRange::GetPositionY ( );
  38544. __declspec(implementation_key(3829)) void IVGShapeRange::PutPositionY ( double pVal );
  38545. __declspec(implementation_key(3830)) double IVGShapeRange::GetSizeWidth ( );
  38546. __declspec(implementation_key(3831)) void IVGShapeRange::PutSizeWidth ( double pVal );
  38547. __declspec(implementation_key(3832)) double IVGShapeRange::GetSizeHeight ( );
  38548. __declspec(implementation_key(3833)) void IVGShapeRange::PutSizeHeight ( double pVal );
  38549. __declspec(implementation_key(3834)) double IVGShapeRange::GetRotationCenterX ( );
  38550. __declspec(implementation_key(3835)) void IVGShapeRange::PutRotationCenterX ( double pVal );
  38551. __declspec(implementation_key(3836)) double IVGShapeRange::GetRotationCenterY ( );
  38552. __declspec(implementation_key(3837)) void IVGShapeRange::PutRotationCenterY ( double pVal );
  38553. __declspec(implementation_key(3838)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AddToPowerClip ( struct IVGShape * Shape, enum cdrTriState CenterInContainer );
  38554. __declspec(implementation_key(3839)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::RemoveFromContainer ( long Level );
  38555. __declspec(implementation_key(3840)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AddRange ( struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange );
  38556. __declspec(implementation_key(3841)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetPosition ( double PositionX, double PositionY );
  38557. __declspec(implementation_key(3842)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetSize ( double Width, double Height );
  38558. __declspec(implementation_key(3843)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapeRange::ConvertToBitmapEx ( enum cdrImageType Mode, VARIANT_BOOL Dithered, VARIANT_BOOL Transparent, long Resolution, enum cdrAntiAliasingType AntiAliasing, VARIANT_BOOL UseColorProfile, VARIANT_BOOL AlwaysOverprintBlack, long OverprintBlackLimit );
  38559. __declspec(implementation_key(3844)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapeRange::Combine ( );
  38560. __declspec(implementation_key(3845)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetBoundingBox ( double x, double y, double Width, double Height, VARIANT_BOOL KeepAspect, enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint );
  38561. __declspec(implementation_key(3846)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyNoFill ( );
  38562. __declspec(implementation_key(3847)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyUniformFill ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  38563. __declspec(implementation_key(3848)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyFountainFill ( struct IVGColor * StartColor, struct IVGColor * EndColor, enum cdrFountainFillType Type, double Angle, long Steps, long EdgePad, long MidPoint, enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType, double CenterOffsetX, double CenterOffsetY );
  38564. __declspec(implementation_key(3849)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyPatternFill ( enum cdrPatternFillType Type, _bstr_t FileName, long PatternCanvasIndex, struct IVGColor * FrontColor, struct IVGColor * EndColor, VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape );
  38565. __declspec(implementation_key(3850)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyTextureFill ( _bstr_t TextureName, _bstr_t LibraryName );
  38566. __declspec(implementation_key(3851)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyPostscriptFill ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  38567. __declspec(implementation_key(3852)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::ConvertOutlineToObject ( );
  38568. __declspec(implementation_key(3853)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetOutlineProperties ( double Width, struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style, struct IVGColor * Color, struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow, struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow, enum cdrTriState BehindFill, enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape, enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps, enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin, double NibAngle, long NibStretch, double DashDotLength, double PenWidth, double MiterLimit );
  38569. __declspec(implementation_key(3854)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::CreateSelection ( );
  38570. __declspec(implementation_key(3855)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::RemoveFromSelection ( );
  38571. __declspec(implementation_key(3856)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetRotationCenter ( double x, double y );
  38572. __declspec(implementation_key(3857)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Stretch ( double StretchX, double StretchY, VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize );
  38573. __declspec(implementation_key(3858)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::StretchEx ( double CenterX, double CenterY, double StretchX, double StretchY, VARIANT_BOOL StretchCharactersSize );
  38574. __declspec(implementation_key(3859)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetSizeEx ( double CenterX, double CenterY, double Width, double Height );
  38575. __declspec(implementation_key(3860)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::GetBoundingBox ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height, VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline );
  38576. __declspec(implementation_key(3861)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::RestoreCloneLink ( enum cdrCloneLinkType LinkToRestore );
  38577. __declspec(implementation_key(3862)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ClearEffect ( enum cdrEffectType Type );
  38578. __declspec(implementation_key(3863)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::RemoveRange ( struct IVGShapeRange * Range );
  38579. __declspec(implementation_key(3864)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::DeleteItem ( long Index );
  38580. __declspec(implementation_key(3865)) _variant_t IVGShapeRange::CustomCommand ( _bstr_t ComponentID, _bstr_t CommandID, SAFEARRAY * * Parameters );
  38581. __declspec(implementation_key(3866)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignToShape ( enum cdrAlignType Type, struct IVGShape * Shape, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  38582. __declspec(implementation_key(3867)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignToShapeRange ( enum cdrAlignType Type, struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  38583. __declspec(implementation_key(3868)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignToPage ( enum cdrAlignType Type, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  38584. __declspec(implementation_key(3869)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignToPageCenter ( enum cdrAlignType Type, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  38585. __declspec(implementation_key(3870)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignToGrid ( enum cdrAlignType Type, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  38586. __declspec(implementation_key(3871)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignToPoint ( enum cdrAlignType Type, double x, double y, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin );
  38587. __declspec(implementation_key(3872)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Distribute ( enum cdrDistributeType Type, VARIANT_BOOL PageExtent );
  38588. __declspec(implementation_key(3873)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapeRange::ConvertToSymbol ( _bstr_t Name );
  38589. __declspec(implementation_key(3874)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Ungroup ( );
  38590. __declspec(implementation_key(3875)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::UngroupEx ( );
  38591. __declspec(implementation_key(3876)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::UngroupAllEx ( );
  38592. __declspec(implementation_key(3877)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::Range ( SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  38593. __declspec(implementation_key(3878)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::All ( );
  38594. __declspec(implementation_key(3879)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::AllExcluding ( SAFEARRAY * * IndexArray );
  38595. __declspec(implementation_key(3880)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::BreakApart ( );
  38596. __declspec(implementation_key(3881)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::BreakApartEx ( );
  38597. __declspec(implementation_key(3882)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::MoveToLayer ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  38598. __declspec(implementation_key(3883)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::CopyToLayer ( struct IVGLayer * Layer );
  38599. __declspec(implementation_key(3884)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ClearTransformations ( );
  38600. __declspec(implementation_key(3885)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Lock ( );
  38601. __declspec(implementation_key(3886)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Unlock ( );
  38602. __declspec(implementation_key(3887)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignRangeToShape ( enum cdrAlignType Type, struct IVGShape * Shape );
  38603. __declspec(implementation_key(3888)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignRangeToShapeRange ( enum cdrAlignType Type, struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange );
  38604. __declspec(implementation_key(3889)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignRangeToPage ( enum cdrAlignType Type );
  38605. __declspec(implementation_key(3890)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignRangeToPageCenter ( enum cdrAlignType Type );
  38606. __declspec(implementation_key(3891)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignRangeToGrid ( enum cdrAlignType Type );
  38607. __declspec(implementation_key(3892)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignRangeToPoint ( enum cdrAlignType Type, double x, double y );
  38608. __declspec(implementation_key(3893)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyEffectInvert ( );
  38609. __declspec(implementation_key(3894)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyEffectPosterize ( long Level );
  38610. __declspec(implementation_key(3895)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyEffectBCI ( long Brighness, long Contrast, long Intensity );
  38611. __declspec(implementation_key(3896)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyEffectColorBalance ( long CyanRed, long MagentaGreen, long YellowBlue, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToShadows, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToMidtones, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToHighlights, VARIANT_BOOL PreserveLuminance );
  38612. __declspec(implementation_key(3897)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyEffectGamma ( double Gamma );
  38613. __declspec(implementation_key(3898)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyEffectHSL ( const _variant_t & Hue, const _variant_t & Saturation, const _variant_t & Lightness );
  38614. __declspec(implementation_key(3899)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AffineTransform ( double d11, double d12, double d21, double d22, double CenterX, double CenterY );
  38615. __declspec(implementation_key(3900)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyFill ( struct IVGFill * Fill );
  38616. __declspec(implementation_key(3901)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyOutline ( struct IVGOutline * Outline );
  38617. __declspec(implementation_key(3902)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::GetReverseRange ( );
  38618. __declspec(implementation_key(3903)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Fillet ( double Radius, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  38619. __declspec(implementation_key(3904)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Chamfer ( double DistanceA, double DistanceB, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  38620. __declspec(implementation_key(3905)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Scallop ( double Radius, VARIANT_BOOL CombineSmoothSegments );
  38621. __declspec(implementation_key(3906)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetFillMode ( enum cdrFillMode Mode );
  38622. __declspec(implementation_key(3907)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyCustomHatchFill ( double Angle, double Spacing, double Shift, double OriginX, double OriginY, double Width, struct IVGColor * Color, struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style, double DashDotLength, double PenWidth, struct IVGColor * BackColor, VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates, double FillScale, double LineScale, double FillAngle, double FillSkew );
  38623. __declspec(implementation_key(3908)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ApplyHatchFill ( _bstr_t LibraryName, const _variant_t & HatchNameOrIndex, struct IVGColor * BackColor, VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates, double FillScale, double LineScale, double FillAngle, double FillSkew );
  38624. __declspec(implementation_key(3909)) double IVGShapeRange::GetLeftX ( );
  38625. __declspec(implementation_key(3910)) double IVGShapeRange::GetRightX ( );
  38626. __declspec(implementation_key(3911)) double IVGShapeRange::GetTopY ( );
  38627. __declspec(implementation_key(3912)) double IVGShapeRange::GetBottomY ( );
  38628. __declspec(implementation_key(3913)) IVGShapesPtr IVGShapeRange::GetShapes ( );
  38629. __declspec(implementation_key(3914)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapeRange::GetFirstShape ( );
  38630. __declspec(implementation_key(3915)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapeRange::GetLastShape ( );
  38631. __declspec(implementation_key(3916)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::StepAndRepeat ( long NumCopies, double DistanceX, double DistanceY, enum cdrDistanceMode ModeX, enum cdrDirection DirectionX, enum cdrDistanceMode ModeY, enum cdrDirection DirectionY );
  38632. __declspec(implementation_key(3917)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShapeRange::Exists ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  38633. __declspec(implementation_key(3918)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShapeRange::ExistsAnyOfType ( SAFEARRAY * * TypeList );
  38634. __declspec(implementation_key(3919)) long IVGShapeRange::CountAnyOfType ( SAFEARRAY * * TypeList );
  38635. __declspec(implementation_key(3920)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::FindAnyOfType ( SAFEARRAY * * TypeList );
  38636. __declspec(implementation_key(3921)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::GetLinkedShapes ( enum cdrShapeLinkType LinkType );
  38637. __declspec(implementation_key(3922)) IVGRectPtr IVGShapeRange::GetBoundingBox ( );
  38638. __declspec(implementation_key(3923)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::GetPositionEx ( enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, double * x, double * y );
  38639. __declspec(implementation_key(3924)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetPositionEx ( enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, double x, double y );
  38640. __declspec(implementation_key(3925)) double IVGShapeRange::GetCenterX ( );
  38641. __declspec(implementation_key(3926)) void IVGShapeRange::PutCenterX ( double pVal );
  38642. __declspec(implementation_key(3927)) double IVGShapeRange::GetCenterY ( );
  38643. __declspec(implementation_key(3928)) void IVGShapeRange::PutCenterY ( double pVal );
  38644. __declspec(implementation_key(3929)) void IVGShapeRange::PutLeftX ( double pVal );
  38645. __declspec(implementation_key(3930)) void IVGShapeRange::PutRightX ( double pVal );
  38646. __declspec(implementation_key(3931)) void IVGShapeRange::PutTopY ( double pVal );
  38647. __declspec(implementation_key(3932)) void IVGShapeRange::PutBottomY ( double pVal );
  38648. __declspec(implementation_key(3933)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGShapeRange::CopyPropertiesFrom ( struct IVGShape * Source, enum cdrCopyProperties Properties );
  38649. __declspec(implementation_key(3934)) enum cdrOverprintState IVGShapeRange::GetOverprintFillState ( );
  38650. __declspec(implementation_key(3935)) enum cdrOverprintState IVGShapeRange::GetOverprintOutlineState ( );
  38651. __declspec(implementation_key(3936)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Sort ( _bstr_t CompareExpression, long StartIndex, long EndIndex, const _variant_t & Data );
  38652. __declspec(implementation_key(3937)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetPixelAlignedRendering ( VARIANT_BOOL PixelAligned );
  38653. __declspec(implementation_key(3938)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGShapeRange::CreateDocumentFrom ( VARIANT_BOOL TemporaryDocument );
  38654. __declspec(implementation_key(3939)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::AlignAndDistribute ( enum cdrAlignDistributeH MethodH, enum cdrAlignDistributeV MethodV, enum cdrAlignShapesTo AlignTo, enum cdrDistributeArea DistributeArea, VARIANT_BOOL UseOutline, enum cdrTextAlignOrigin TextAlignOrigin, double PointX, double PointY, struct IVGRect * DistributeRect );
  38655. __declspec(implementation_key(3940)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::SetOutlinePropertiesEx ( double Width, struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style, struct IVGColor * Color, struct IVGArrowHead * StartArrow, struct IVGArrowHead * EndArrow, enum cdrTriState BehindFill, enum cdrTriState ScaleWithShape, enum cdrOutlineLineCaps LineCaps, enum cdrOutlineLineJoin LineJoin, double NibAngle, long NibStretch, double DashDotLength, double PenWidth, double MiterLimit, enum cdrOutlineJustification Justification );
  38656. __declspec(implementation_key(3941)) IVGShapePtr IVGShapeRange::CreateBoundary ( double x, double y, VARIANT_BOOL PlaceOnTop, VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource );
  38657. __declspec(implementation_key(3942)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::EqualDivide ( long Divisions, double Gap, VARIANT_BOOL Group, VARIANT_BOOL Combine, VARIANT_BOOL DeleteSource );
  38658. __declspec(implementation_key(3943)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::Project ( enum cdrProjectPlane Plane, enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  38659. __declspec(implementation_key(3944)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::Unproject ( enum cdrProjectPlane Plane, enum cdrReferencePoint ReferencePoint, VARIANT_BOOL ApplyToDuplicate );
  38660. __declspec(implementation_key(3945)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Show ( );
  38661. __declspec(implementation_key(3946)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::Hide ( );
  38662. __declspec(implementation_key(3947)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::GetToolShapes ( _bstr_t ShapeGuid );
  38663. __declspec(implementation_key(3948)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::ModifyToolShapeProperties ( struct IVGProperties * ShapePropertiesToModify );
  38664. __declspec(implementation_key(3949)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGShapeRange::CreateParallelCurves ( long Count, double distanceBetweenCurves );
  38665. __declspec(implementation_key(3950)) SAFEARRAY * IVGShapeRange::GetColorTypes ( );
  38666. __declspec(implementation_key(3951)) SAFEARRAY * IVGShapeRange::GetColors ( long MaxBitmapColors );
  38667. __declspec(implementation_key(3952)) HRESULT IVGShapeRange::FlattenEffects ( );
  38668. __declspec(implementation_key(3953)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGPowerClip::GetApplication ( );
  38669. __declspec(implementation_key(3954)) IVGShapePtr IVGPowerClip::GetParent ( );
  38670. __declspec(implementation_key(3955)) IVGShapesPtr IVGPowerClip::GetShapes ( );
  38671. __declspec(implementation_key(3956)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPowerClip::GetContentsLocked ( );
  38672. __declspec(implementation_key(3957)) void IVGPowerClip::PutContentsLocked ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38673. __declspec(implementation_key(3958)) HRESULT IVGPowerClip::EnterEditMode ( );
  38674. __declspec(implementation_key(3959)) HRESULT IVGPowerClip::LeaveEditMode ( );
  38675. __declspec(implementation_key(3960)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGPowerClip::ExtractShapes ( );
  38676. __declspec(implementation_key(3961)) enum cdrFillType IVGFill::GetType ( );
  38677. __declspec(implementation_key(3962)) IVGColorPtr IVGFill::GetUniformColor ( );
  38678. __declspec(implementation_key(3963)) void IVGFill::PutUniformColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38679. __declspec(implementation_key(3964)) IVGFountainFillPtr IVGFill::GetFountain ( );
  38680. __declspec(implementation_key(3965)) void IVGFill::PutFountain ( struct IVGFountainFill * ppVal );
  38681. __declspec(implementation_key(3966)) IVGPatternFillPtr IVGFill::GetPattern ( );
  38682. __declspec(implementation_key(3967)) void IVGFill::PutPattern ( struct IVGPatternFill * ppVal );
  38683. __declspec(implementation_key(3968)) IVGTextureFillPtr IVGFill::GetTexture ( );
  38684. __declspec(implementation_key(3969)) void IVGFill::PutTexture ( struct IVGTextureFill * ppVal );
  38685. __declspec(implementation_key(3970)) IVGPostScriptFillPtr IVGFill::GetPostScript ( );
  38686. __declspec(implementation_key(3971)) void IVGFill::PutPostScript ( struct IVGPostScriptFill * ppVal );
  38687. __declspec(implementation_key(3972)) HRESULT IVGFill::ApplyNoFill ( );
  38688. __declspec(implementation_key(3973)) HRESULT IVGFill::ApplyUniformFill ( struct IVGColor * Color );
  38689. __declspec(implementation_key(3974)) IVGFountainFillPtr IVGFill::ApplyFountainFill ( struct IVGColor * StartColor, struct IVGColor * EndColor, enum cdrFountainFillType Type, double Angle, long Steps, long EdgePad, long MidPoint, enum cdrFountainFillBlendType BlendType, double CenterOffsetX, double CenterOffsetY );
  38690. __declspec(implementation_key(3975)) IVGPatternFillPtr IVGFill::ApplyPatternFill ( enum cdrPatternFillType Type, _bstr_t FileName, long PatternCanvasIndex, struct IVGColor * FrontColor, struct IVGColor * EndColor, VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape );
  38691. __declspec(implementation_key(3976)) IVGTextureFillPtr IVGFill::ApplyTextureFill ( _bstr_t TextureName, _bstr_t LibraryName );
  38692. __declspec(implementation_key(3977)) IVGPostScriptFillPtr IVGFill::ApplyPostscriptFill ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  38693. __declspec(implementation_key(3978)) IVGFillPtr IVGFill::GetCopy ( );
  38694. __declspec(implementation_key(3979)) HRESULT IVGFill::CopyAssign ( struct IVGFill * SourceFill );
  38695. __declspec(implementation_key(3980)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGFill::UserAssign ( enum cdrFillType FillType, enum cdrPatternFillType PatternType, long ParentWindowHandle );
  38696. __declspec(implementation_key(3981)) IVGPSScreenOptionsPtr IVGFill::GetPSScreen ( );
  38697. __declspec(implementation_key(3982)) IVGHatchFillPtr IVGFill::GetHatch ( );
  38698. __declspec(implementation_key(3983)) void IVGFill::PutHatch ( struct IVGHatchFill * ppVal );
  38699. __declspec(implementation_key(3984)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGFill::CompareWith ( struct IVGFill * Fill );
  38700. __declspec(implementation_key(3985)) IVGHatchFillPtr IVGFill::ApplyCustomHatchFill ( double Angle, double Spacing, double Shift, double OriginX, double OriginY, double Width, struct IVGColor * Color, struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style, double DashDotLength, double PenWidth, struct IVGColor * BackColor, VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates, double FillScale, double LineScale, double FillAngle, double FillSkew );
  38701. __declspec(implementation_key(3986)) IVGHatchFillPtr IVGFill::ApplyHatchFill ( _bstr_t LibraryName, const _variant_t & HatchNameOrIndex, struct IVGColor * BackColor, VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates, double FillScale, double LineScale, double FillAngle, double FillSkew );
  38702. __declspec(implementation_key(3987)) _bstr_t IVGFill::ToString ( );
  38703. __declspec(implementation_key(3988)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGFill::StringAssign ( _bstr_t FillString );
  38704. __declspec(implementation_key(3989)) IVGFillPtr IVGHatchFills::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  38705. __declspec(implementation_key(3990)) long IVGHatchFills::GetCount ( );
  38706. __declspec(implementation_key(3991)) IUnknownPtr IVGHatchFills::Get_NewEnum ( );
  38707. __declspec(implementation_key(3992)) IVGFillPtr IVGHatchFills::Find ( _bstr_t Name );
  38708. __declspec(implementation_key(3993)) _bstr_t IVGHatchLibrary::GetName ( );
  38709. __declspec(implementation_key(3994)) IVGHatchFillsPtr IVGHatchLibrary::GetFills ( );
  38710. __declspec(implementation_key(3995)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGHatchLibrary::GetActive ( );
  38711. __declspec(implementation_key(3996)) long IVGHatchLibrary::GetIndex ( );
  38712. __declspec(implementation_key(3997)) HRESULT IVGHatchLibrary::Activate ( );
  38713. __declspec(implementation_key(3998)) _bstr_t IVGHatchLibrary::GetDisplayName ( );
  38714. __declspec(implementation_key(3999)) IVGColorPtr IVGHatchFill::GetBackColor ( );
  38715. __declspec(implementation_key(4000)) void IVGHatchFill::PutBackColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38716. __declspec(implementation_key(4001)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGHatchFill::GetHasBackground ( );
  38717. __declspec(implementation_key(4002)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGHatchFill::GetTransformWithShape ( );
  38718. __declspec(implementation_key(4003)) void IVGHatchFill::PutTransformWithShape ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38719. __declspec(implementation_key(4004)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGHatchFill::GetScaleLinesWithShape ( );
  38720. __declspec(implementation_key(4005)) void IVGHatchFill::PutScaleLinesWithShape ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38721. __declspec(implementation_key(4006)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGHatchFill::GetUseWorldCoordinates ( );
  38722. __declspec(implementation_key(4007)) void IVGHatchFill::PutUseWorldCoordinates ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38723. __declspec(implementation_key(4008)) _bstr_t IVGHatchFill::GetLibraryName ( );
  38724. __declspec(implementation_key(4009)) _bstr_t IVGHatchFill::GetHatchName ( );
  38725. __declspec(implementation_key(4010)) IVGHatchPatternsPtr IVGHatchFill::GetPatterns ( );
  38726. __declspec(implementation_key(4011)) double IVGHatchFill::GetFillScaleX ( );
  38727. __declspec(implementation_key(4012)) void IVGHatchFill::PutFillScaleX ( double pVal );
  38728. __declspec(implementation_key(4013)) double IVGHatchFill::GetFillScaleY ( );
  38729. __declspec(implementation_key(4014)) void IVGHatchFill::PutFillScaleY ( double pVal );
  38730. __declspec(implementation_key(4015)) double IVGHatchFill::GetRotationAngle ( );
  38731. __declspec(implementation_key(4016)) void IVGHatchFill::PutRotationAngle ( double pVal );
  38732. __declspec(implementation_key(4017)) double IVGHatchFill::GetSkewAngle ( );
  38733. __declspec(implementation_key(4018)) void IVGHatchFill::PutSkewAngle ( double pVal );
  38734. __declspec(implementation_key(4019)) HRESULT IVGHatchFill::SetNoBackColor ( );
  38735. __declspec(implementation_key(4020)) HRESULT IVGHatchFill::SetFillScale ( double FillScale );
  38736. __declspec(implementation_key(4021)) double IVGHatchFill::GetFillScale ( );
  38737. __declspec(implementation_key(4022)) HRESULT IVGHatchFill::SetLineScale ( double LineScale );
  38738. __declspec(implementation_key(4023)) double IVGHatchFill::GetLineScale ( );
  38739. __declspec(implementation_key(4024)) IVGHatchPatternPtr IVGHatchFill::AddPattern ( double Angle, double Spacing, double Shift, double OriginX, double OriginY, double Width, struct IVGColor * Color, struct IVGOutlineStyle * Style, double DashDotLength, double PenWidth );
  38740. __declspec(implementation_key(4025)) HRESULT IVGHatchFill::AddToLibrary ( _bstr_t LibraryName, _bstr_t HatchName );
  38741. __declspec(implementation_key(4026)) HRESULT IVGHatchFill::Select ( _bstr_t LibraryName, const _variant_t & HatchNameOrIndex, struct IVGColor * BackColor, VARIANT_BOOL TransformWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL ScaleLinesWithShape, VARIANT_BOOL UseWorldCoordinates, double FillScale, double LineScale, double FillAngle, double FillSkew );
  38742. __declspec(implementation_key(4027)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGHatchFill::GetIsFromLibrary ( );
  38743. __declspec(implementation_key(4028)) long IVGHatchFill::GetIndex ( );
  38744. __declspec(implementation_key(4029)) IVGHatchLibraryPtr IVGHatchFill::GetLibrary ( );
  38745. __declspec(implementation_key(4030)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  38746. __declspec(implementation_key(4031)) _bstr_t IVGStructFontProperties::GetName ( );
  38747. __declspec(implementation_key(4032)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutStyle ( enum cdrFontStyle pVal );
  38748. __declspec(implementation_key(4033)) enum cdrFontStyle IVGStructFontProperties::GetStyle ( );
  38749. __declspec(implementation_key(4034)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutSize ( float pVal );
  38750. __declspec(implementation_key(4035)) float IVGStructFontProperties::GetSize ( );
  38751. __declspec(implementation_key(4036)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutUnderline ( enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  38752. __declspec(implementation_key(4037)) enum cdrFontLine IVGStructFontProperties::GetUnderline ( );
  38753. __declspec(implementation_key(4038)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutOverscore ( enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  38754. __declspec(implementation_key(4039)) enum cdrFontLine IVGStructFontProperties::GetOverscore ( );
  38755. __declspec(implementation_key(4040)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutStrikethru ( enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  38756. __declspec(implementation_key(4041)) enum cdrFontLine IVGStructFontProperties::GetStrikethru ( );
  38757. __declspec(implementation_key(4042)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutUppercase ( enum cdrFontCase pVal );
  38758. __declspec(implementation_key(4043)) enum cdrFontCase IVGStructFontProperties::GetUppercase ( );
  38759. __declspec(implementation_key(4044)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutPosition ( enum cdrFontPosition pVal );
  38760. __declspec(implementation_key(4045)) enum cdrFontPosition IVGStructFontProperties::GetPosition ( );
  38761. __declspec(implementation_key(4046)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutRangeKerning ( long pVal );
  38762. __declspec(implementation_key(4047)) long IVGStructFontProperties::GetRangeKerning ( );
  38763. __declspec(implementation_key(4048)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutFill ( struct IVGFill * ppVal );
  38764. __declspec(implementation_key(4049)) IVGFillPtr IVGStructFontProperties::GetFill ( );
  38765. __declspec(implementation_key(4050)) void IVGStructFontProperties::PutOutline ( struct IVGOutline * ppVal );
  38766. __declspec(implementation_key(4051)) IVGOutlinePtr IVGStructFontProperties::GetOutline ( );
  38767. __declspec(implementation_key(4052)) IVGHatchLibraryPtr IVGHatchLibraries::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  38768. __declspec(implementation_key(4053)) long IVGHatchLibraries::GetCount ( );
  38769. __declspec(implementation_key(4054)) IVGHatchLibraryPtr IVGHatchLibraries::Find ( _bstr_t Name );
  38770. __declspec(implementation_key(4055)) IUnknownPtr IVGHatchLibraries::Get_NewEnum ( );
  38771. __declspec(implementation_key(4056)) IVGHatchLibraryPtr IVGHatchLibraries::GetActiveLibrary ( );
  38772. __declspec(implementation_key(4057)) IVGHatchLibraryPtr IVGHatchLibraries::GetDefaultLibrary ( );
  38773. __declspec(implementation_key(4058)) enum cdrTextType IVGText::GetType ( );
  38774. __declspec(implementation_key(4059)) long IVGText::GetFramesInLink ( );
  38775. __declspec(implementation_key(4060)) long IVGText::GetUnusedFramesInLink ( );
  38776. __declspec(implementation_key(4061)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGText::GetOverflow ( );
  38777. __declspec(implementation_key(4062)) IVGStructFontPropertiesPtr IVGText::GetFontProperties ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  38778. __declspec(implementation_key(4063)) void IVGText::PutFontProperties ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames, struct IVGStructFontProperties * ppVal );
  38779. __declspec(implementation_key(4064)) IVGStructFontPropertiesPtr IVGText::GetFontPropertiesInRange ( long StartIndex, long Count, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  38780. __declspec(implementation_key(4065)) void IVGText::PutFontPropertiesInRange ( long StartIndex, long Count, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType, struct IVGStructFontProperties * ppVal );
  38781. __declspec(implementation_key(4066)) IVGStructAlignPropertiesPtr IVGText::GetAlignProperties ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  38782. __declspec(implementation_key(4067)) void IVGText::PutAlignProperties ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames, struct IVGStructAlignProperties * ppVal );
  38783. __declspec(implementation_key(4068)) IVGStructAlignPropertiesPtr IVGText::GetAlignPropertiesInRange ( long StartIndex, long Count, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  38784. __declspec(implementation_key(4069)) void IVGText::PutAlignPropertiesInRange ( long StartIndex, long Count, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType, struct IVGStructAlignProperties * ppVal );
  38785. __declspec(implementation_key(4070)) IVGStructSpacePropertiesPtr IVGText::GetSpaceProperties ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  38786. __declspec(implementation_key(4071)) void IVGText::PutSpaceProperties ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames, struct IVGStructSpaceProperties * ppVal );
  38787. __declspec(implementation_key(4072)) IVGStructSpacePropertiesPtr IVGText::GetSpacePropertiesInRange ( long StartIndex, long Count, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  38788. __declspec(implementation_key(4073)) void IVGText::PutSpacePropertiesInRange ( long StartIndex, long Count, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType, struct IVGStructSpaceProperties * ppVal );
  38789. __declspec(implementation_key(4074)) IVGStructHyphenationSettingsPtr IVGText::GetHyphenationSettings ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  38790. __declspec(implementation_key(4075)) void IVGText::PutHyphenationSettings ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames, struct IVGStructHyphenationSettings * ppVal );
  38791. __declspec(implementation_key(4076)) IVGStructHyphenationSettingsPtr IVGText::GetHyphenationSettingsInRange ( long StartIndex, long Count, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  38792. __declspec(implementation_key(4077)) void IVGText::PutHyphenationSettingsInRange ( long StartIndex, long Count, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType, struct IVGStructHyphenationSettings * ppVal );
  38793. __declspec(implementation_key(4078)) _bstr_t IVGText::GetContents ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames );
  38794. __declspec(implementation_key(4079)) void IVGText::PutContents ( enum cdrTextFrames Frames, _bstr_t pVal );
  38795. __declspec(implementation_key(4080)) IVGEffectPtr IVGText::FitToPath ( struct IVGShape * Path );
  38796. __declspec(implementation_key(4081)) long IVGText::Find ( _bstr_t Text, VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive, long StartIndex, VARIANT_BOOL WrapAround, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  38797. __declspec(implementation_key(4082)) HRESULT IVGText::Replace ( _bstr_t OldText, _bstr_t NewText, VARIANT_BOOL CaseSensitive, long StartIndex, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceAll, VARIANT_BOOL WrapAround, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  38798. __declspec(implementation_key(4083)) HRESULT IVGText::ImportFromFile ( _bstr_t FileName, long StartIndex, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  38799. __declspec(implementation_key(4084)) HRESULT IVGText::ExportToFile ( _bstr_t FileName, long StartIndex, long Count, enum cdrTextIndexingType IndexingType );
  38800. __declspec(implementation_key(4085)) HRESULT IVGText::ConvertToArtistic ( );
  38801. __declspec(implementation_key(4086)) HRESULT IVGText::ConvertToParagraph ( );
  38802. __declspec(implementation_key(4087)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGText::GetIsHTMLCompatible ( );
  38803. __declspec(implementation_key(4088)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGText::MakeHTMLCompatible ( VARIANT_BOOL HTML );
  38804. __declspec(implementation_key(4089)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGText::GetStory ( );
  38805. __declspec(implementation_key(4090)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGText::GetSelection ( );
  38806. __declspec(implementation_key(4091)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGText::Range ( long Start, long End );
  38807. __declspec(implementation_key(4092)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGText::GetIsEditing ( );
  38808. __declspec(implementation_key(4093)) HRESULT IVGText::BeginEdit ( );
  38809. __declspec(implementation_key(4094)) IVGTextFramePtr IVGText::GetFrame ( );
  38810. __declspec(implementation_key(4095)) IVGTextFramesPtr IVGText::GetFrames ( );
  38811. __declspec(implementation_key(4096)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGText::GetIsArtisticText ( );
  38812. __declspec(implementation_key(4097)) HRESULT IVGText::FitTextToFrame ( );
  38813. __declspec(implementation_key(4098)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffect::GetApplication ( );
  38814. __declspec(implementation_key(4099)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGEffect::GetParent ( );
  38815. __declspec(implementation_key(4100)) enum cdrEffectType IVGEffect::GetType ( );
  38816. __declspec(implementation_key(4101)) IVGEffectBlendPtr IVGEffect::GetBlend ( );
  38817. __declspec(implementation_key(4102)) IVGEffectControlPathPtr IVGEffect::GetControlPath ( );
  38818. __declspec(implementation_key(4103)) IVGEffectExtrudePtr IVGEffect::GetExtrude ( );
  38819. __declspec(implementation_key(4104)) IVGEffectEnvelopePtr IVGEffect::GetEnvelope ( );
  38820. __declspec(implementation_key(4105)) IVGEffectTextOnPathPtr IVGEffect::GetTextOnPath ( );
  38821. __declspec(implementation_key(4106)) IVGEffectDropShadowPtr IVGEffect::GetDropShadow ( );
  38822. __declspec(implementation_key(4107)) IVGEffectContourPtr IVGEffect::GetContour ( );
  38823. __declspec(implementation_key(4108)) IVGEffectDistortionPtr IVGEffect::GetDistortion ( );
  38824. __declspec(implementation_key(4109)) IVGEffectLensPtr IVGEffect::GetLens ( );
  38825. __declspec(implementation_key(4110)) IVGEffectPerspectivePtr IVGEffect::GetPerspective ( );
  38826. __declspec(implementation_key(4111)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGEffect::GetClones ( );
  38827. __declspec(implementation_key(4112)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffect::GetCloneParent ( );
  38828. __declspec(implementation_key(4113)) HRESULT IVGEffect::Clear ( );
  38829. __declspec(implementation_key(4114)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGEffect::Separate ( );
  38830. __declspec(implementation_key(4115)) IVGCustomEffectPtr IVGEffect::GetCustom ( );
  38831. __declspec(implementation_key(4116)) IVGEffectInnerShadowPtr IVGEffect::GetInnerShadow ( );
  38832. __declspec(implementation_key(4117)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffects::GetApplication ( );
  38833. __declspec(implementation_key(4118)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffects::GetParent ( );
  38834. __declspec(implementation_key(4119)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffects::GetItem ( long Index );
  38835. __declspec(implementation_key(4120)) IUnknownPtr IVGEffects::Get_NewEnum ( );
  38836. __declspec(implementation_key(4121)) long IVGEffects::GetCount ( );
  38837. __declspec(implementation_key(4122)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGEffects::GetBlendEffects ( );
  38838. __declspec(implementation_key(4123)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGEffects::GetCustomEffects ( );
  38839. __declspec(implementation_key(4124)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGEffects::GetDistortionEffects ( );
  38840. __declspec(implementation_key(4125)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGEffects::GetEnvelopeEffects ( );
  38841. __declspec(implementation_key(4126)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGEffects::GetPerspectiveEffects ( );
  38842. __declspec(implementation_key(4127)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffects::GetContourEffect ( );
  38843. __declspec(implementation_key(4128)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffects::GetControlPathEffect ( );
  38844. __declspec(implementation_key(4129)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffects::GetDropShadowEffect ( );
  38845. __declspec(implementation_key(4130)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffects::GetExtrudeEffect ( );
  38846. __declspec(implementation_key(4131)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffects::GetLensEffect ( );
  38847. __declspec(implementation_key(4132)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffects::GetTextOnPathEffect ( );
  38848. __declspec(implementation_key(4133)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffects::GetInnerShadowEffect ( );
  38849. __declspec(implementation_key(4134)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectBlend::GetApplication ( );
  38850. __declspec(implementation_key(4135)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectBlend::GetParent ( );
  38851. __declspec(implementation_key(4136)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectBlend::GetStartShape ( );
  38852. __declspec(implementation_key(4137)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutStartShape ( struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  38853. __declspec(implementation_key(4138)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectBlend::GetEndShape ( );
  38854. __declspec(implementation_key(4139)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutEndShape ( struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  38855. __declspec(implementation_key(4140)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectBlend::GetBlendGroup ( );
  38856. __declspec(implementation_key(4141)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectBlend::GetPath ( );
  38857. __declspec(implementation_key(4142)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutPath ( struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  38858. __declspec(implementation_key(4143)) double IVGEffectBlend::GetStartShapeOffset ( );
  38859. __declspec(implementation_key(4144)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutStartShapeOffset ( double pVal );
  38860. __declspec(implementation_key(4145)) double IVGEffectBlend::GetEndShapeOffset ( );
  38861. __declspec(implementation_key(4146)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutEndShapeOffset ( double pVal );
  38862. __declspec(implementation_key(4147)) enum cdrBlendMode IVGEffectBlend::GetMode ( );
  38863. __declspec(implementation_key(4148)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutMode ( enum cdrBlendMode pVal );
  38864. __declspec(implementation_key(4149)) long IVGEffectBlend::GetSteps ( );
  38865. __declspec(implementation_key(4150)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutSteps ( long pVal );
  38866. __declspec(implementation_key(4151)) double IVGEffectBlend::GetSpacing ( );
  38867. __declspec(implementation_key(4152)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutSpacing ( double pVal );
  38868. __declspec(implementation_key(4153)) double IVGEffectBlend::GetAngle ( );
  38869. __declspec(implementation_key(4154)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutAngle ( double pVal );
  38870. __declspec(implementation_key(4155)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectBlend::GetLoop ( );
  38871. __declspec(implementation_key(4156)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutLoop ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38872. __declspec(implementation_key(4157)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectBlend::GetFullPath ( );
  38873. __declspec(implementation_key(4158)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutFullPath ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38874. __declspec(implementation_key(4159)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectBlend::GetRotateShapes ( );
  38875. __declspec(implementation_key(4160)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutRotateShapes ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38876. __declspec(implementation_key(4161)) enum cdrFountainFillBlendType IVGEffectBlend::GetColorBlendType ( );
  38877. __declspec(implementation_key(4162)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutColorBlendType ( enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  38878. __declspec(implementation_key(4163)) long IVGEffectBlend::GetSpacingAcceleration ( );
  38879. __declspec(implementation_key(4164)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutSpacingAcceleration ( long pVal );
  38880. __declspec(implementation_key(4165)) long IVGEffectBlend::GetColorAcceleration ( );
  38881. __declspec(implementation_key(4166)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutColorAcceleration ( long pVal );
  38882. __declspec(implementation_key(4167)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectBlend::GetLinkAcceleration ( );
  38883. __declspec(implementation_key(4168)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutLinkAcceleration ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38884. __declspec(implementation_key(4169)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectBlend::GetAccelerateSize ( );
  38885. __declspec(implementation_key(4170)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutAccelerateSize ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38886. __declspec(implementation_key(4171)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectBlend::GetMapNodes ( );
  38887. __declspec(implementation_key(4172)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutMapNodes ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38888. __declspec(implementation_key(4173)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGEffectBlend::GetStartPoint ( );
  38889. __declspec(implementation_key(4174)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutStartPoint ( struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  38890. __declspec(implementation_key(4175)) IVGSnapPointPtr IVGEffectBlend::GetEndPoint ( );
  38891. __declspec(implementation_key(4176)) void IVGEffectBlend::PutEndPoint ( struct IVGSnapPoint * ppVal );
  38892. __declspec(implementation_key(4177)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectBlend::Split ( long StepNo );
  38893. __declspec(implementation_key(4178)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectBlend::FuseStart ( );
  38894. __declspec(implementation_key(4179)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectBlend::FuseEnd ( );
  38895. __declspec(implementation_key(4180)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectBlend::CopyFrom ( struct IVGEffectBlend * Source );
  38896. __declspec(implementation_key(4181)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectControlPath::GetApplication ( );
  38897. __declspec(implementation_key(4182)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectControlPath::GetParent ( );
  38898. __declspec(implementation_key(4183)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGEffectControlPath::GetEffects ( );
  38899. __declspec(implementation_key(4184)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectEnvelope::GetApplication ( );
  38900. __declspec(implementation_key(4185)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectEnvelope::GetParent ( );
  38901. __declspec(implementation_key(4186)) IVGCurvePtr IVGEffectEnvelope::GetContainer ( );
  38902. __declspec(implementation_key(4187)) void IVGEffectEnvelope::PutContainer ( struct IVGCurve * pVal );
  38903. __declspec(implementation_key(4188)) enum cdrEnvelopeMode IVGEffectEnvelope::GetMode ( );
  38904. __declspec(implementation_key(4189)) void IVGEffectEnvelope::PutMode ( enum cdrEnvelopeMode pVal );
  38905. __declspec(implementation_key(4190)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectEnvelope::GetKeepLines ( );
  38906. __declspec(implementation_key(4191)) void IVGEffectEnvelope::PutKeepLines ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38907. __declspec(implementation_key(4192)) HRESULT IVGEffectEnvelope::Select ( long PresetIndex );
  38908. __declspec(implementation_key(4193)) HRESULT IVGEffectEnvelope::CopyFrom ( struct IVGEffectEnvelope * Source );
  38909. __declspec(implementation_key(4194)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectEnvelope::CreateFrom ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  38910. __declspec(implementation_key(4195)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectEnvelope::CopyFromShape ( struct IVGShape * Source, enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode, VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines, enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode, const _variant_t & CornerIndices );
  38911. __declspec(implementation_key(4196)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectEnvelope::CopyFromCurve ( struct IVGCurve * Source, enum cdrEnvelopeMode Mode, VARIANT_BOOL KeepLines, enum cdrEnvelopeCopyMode CopyMode, const _variant_t & CornerIndices );
  38912. __declspec(implementation_key(4197)) _variant_t IVGEffectEnvelope::GetCornerIndices ( );
  38913. __declspec(implementation_key(4198)) void IVGEffectEnvelope::PutCornerIndices ( const _variant_t & pVal );
  38914. __declspec(implementation_key(4199)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetApplication ( );
  38915. __declspec(implementation_key(4200)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetParent ( );
  38916. __declspec(implementation_key(4201)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetText ( );
  38917. __declspec(implementation_key(4202)) void IVGEffectTextOnPath::PutText ( struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  38918. __declspec(implementation_key(4203)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetPath ( );
  38919. __declspec(implementation_key(4204)) void IVGEffectTextOnPath::PutPath ( struct IVGShape * ppVal );
  38920. __declspec(implementation_key(4205)) double IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetDistanceFromPath ( );
  38921. __declspec(implementation_key(4206)) void IVGEffectTextOnPath::PutDistanceFromPath ( double pVal );
  38922. __declspec(implementation_key(4207)) double IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetOffset ( );
  38923. __declspec(implementation_key(4208)) void IVGEffectTextOnPath::PutOffset ( double pVal );
  38924. __declspec(implementation_key(4209)) enum cdrFittedOrientation IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetOrientation ( );
  38925. __declspec(implementation_key(4210)) void IVGEffectTextOnPath::PutOrientation ( enum cdrFittedOrientation pVal );
  38926. __declspec(implementation_key(4211)) enum cdrFittedPlacement IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetPlacement ( );
  38927. __declspec(implementation_key(4212)) void IVGEffectTextOnPath::PutPlacement ( enum cdrFittedPlacement pVal );
  38928. __declspec(implementation_key(4213)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetPlaceOnOtherSide ( );
  38929. __declspec(implementation_key(4214)) void IVGEffectTextOnPath::PutPlaceOnOtherSide ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38930. __declspec(implementation_key(4215)) enum cdrFittedQuadrant IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetQuadrant ( );
  38931. __declspec(implementation_key(4216)) void IVGEffectTextOnPath::PutQuadrant ( enum cdrFittedQuadrant pVal );
  38932. __declspec(implementation_key(4217)) enum cdrFittedVertPlacement IVGEffectTextOnPath::GetVertPlacement ( );
  38933. __declspec(implementation_key(4218)) void IVGEffectTextOnPath::PutVertPlacement ( enum cdrFittedVertPlacement pVal );
  38934. __declspec(implementation_key(4219)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectDropShadow::GetApplication ( );
  38935. __declspec(implementation_key(4220)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectDropShadow::GetParent ( );
  38936. __declspec(implementation_key(4221)) double IVGEffectDropShadow::GetOffsetX ( );
  38937. __declspec(implementation_key(4222)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutOffsetX ( double pVal );
  38938. __declspec(implementation_key(4223)) double IVGEffectDropShadow::GetOffsetY ( );
  38939. __declspec(implementation_key(4224)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutOffsetY ( double pVal );
  38940. __declspec(implementation_key(4225)) long IVGEffectDropShadow::GetOpacity ( );
  38941. __declspec(implementation_key(4226)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutOpacity ( long pVal );
  38942. __declspec(implementation_key(4227)) long IVGEffectDropShadow::GetFeather ( );
  38943. __declspec(implementation_key(4228)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutFeather ( long pVal );
  38944. __declspec(implementation_key(4229)) enum cdrFeatherType IVGEffectDropShadow::GetFeatherType ( );
  38945. __declspec(implementation_key(4230)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutFeatherType ( enum cdrFeatherType pVal );
  38946. __declspec(implementation_key(4231)) enum cdrEdgeType IVGEffectDropShadow::GetFeatherEdge ( );
  38947. __declspec(implementation_key(4232)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutFeatherEdge ( enum cdrEdgeType pVal );
  38948. __declspec(implementation_key(4233)) enum cdrDropShadowType IVGEffectDropShadow::GetType ( );
  38949. __declspec(implementation_key(4234)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutType ( enum cdrDropShadowType pVal );
  38950. __declspec(implementation_key(4235)) double IVGEffectDropShadow::GetPerspectiveAngle ( );
  38951. __declspec(implementation_key(4236)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutPerspectiveAngle ( double pVal );
  38952. __declspec(implementation_key(4237)) double IVGEffectDropShadow::GetPerspectiveStretch ( );
  38953. __declspec(implementation_key(4238)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutPerspectiveStretch ( double pVal );
  38954. __declspec(implementation_key(4239)) long IVGEffectDropShadow::GetFade ( );
  38955. __declspec(implementation_key(4240)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutFade ( long pVal );
  38956. __declspec(implementation_key(4241)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectDropShadow::GetColor ( );
  38957. __declspec(implementation_key(4242)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38958. __declspec(implementation_key(4243)) HRESULT IVGEffectDropShadow::SetOffset ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  38959. __declspec(implementation_key(4244)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectDropShadow::GetShadowGroup ( );
  38960. __declspec(implementation_key(4245)) enum cdrMergeMode IVGEffectDropShadow::GetMergeMode ( );
  38961. __declspec(implementation_key(4246)) void IVGEffectDropShadow::PutMergeMode ( enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  38962. __declspec(implementation_key(4247)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectContour::GetApplication ( );
  38963. __declspec(implementation_key(4248)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectContour::GetParent ( );
  38964. __declspec(implementation_key(4249)) enum cdrContourDirection IVGEffectContour::GetDirection ( );
  38965. __declspec(implementation_key(4250)) void IVGEffectContour::PutDirection ( enum cdrContourDirection pVal );
  38966. __declspec(implementation_key(4251)) double IVGEffectContour::GetOffset ( );
  38967. __declspec(implementation_key(4252)) void IVGEffectContour::PutOffset ( double pVal );
  38968. __declspec(implementation_key(4253)) long IVGEffectContour::GetSteps ( );
  38969. __declspec(implementation_key(4254)) void IVGEffectContour::PutSteps ( long pVal );
  38970. __declspec(implementation_key(4255)) enum cdrFountainFillBlendType IVGEffectContour::GetColorBlendType ( );
  38971. __declspec(implementation_key(4256)) void IVGEffectContour::PutColorBlendType ( enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  38972. __declspec(implementation_key(4257)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectContour::GetOutlineColor ( );
  38973. __declspec(implementation_key(4258)) void IVGEffectContour::PutOutlineColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38974. __declspec(implementation_key(4259)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectContour::GetFillColor ( );
  38975. __declspec(implementation_key(4260)) void IVGEffectContour::PutFillColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38976. __declspec(implementation_key(4261)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectContour::GetFillColorTo ( );
  38977. __declspec(implementation_key(4262)) void IVGEffectContour::PutFillColorTo ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  38978. __declspec(implementation_key(4263)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectContour::GetLinkAcceleration ( );
  38979. __declspec(implementation_key(4264)) void IVGEffectContour::PutLinkAcceleration ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  38980. __declspec(implementation_key(4265)) long IVGEffectContour::GetColorAcceleration ( );
  38981. __declspec(implementation_key(4266)) void IVGEffectContour::PutColorAcceleration ( long pVal );
  38982. __declspec(implementation_key(4267)) long IVGEffectContour::GetSpacingAcceleration ( );
  38983. __declspec(implementation_key(4268)) void IVGEffectContour::PutSpacingAcceleration ( long pVal );
  38984. __declspec(implementation_key(4269)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectContour::GetContourGroup ( );
  38985. __declspec(implementation_key(4270)) enum cdrContourEndCapType IVGEffectContour::GetEndCapType ( );
  38986. __declspec(implementation_key(4271)) void IVGEffectContour::PutEndCapType ( enum cdrContourEndCapType pVal );
  38987. __declspec(implementation_key(4272)) enum cdrContourCornerType IVGEffectContour::GetCornerType ( );
  38988. __declspec(implementation_key(4273)) void IVGEffectContour::PutCornerType ( enum cdrContourCornerType pVal );
  38989. __declspec(implementation_key(4274)) double IVGEffectContour::GetMiterLimit ( );
  38990. __declspec(implementation_key(4275)) void IVGEffectContour::PutMiterLimit ( double pVal );
  38991. __declspec(implementation_key(4276)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectLens::GetApplication ( );
  38992. __declspec(implementation_key(4277)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectLens::GetParent ( );
  38993. __declspec(implementation_key(4278)) HRESULT IVGEffectLens::Freeze ( );
  38994. __declspec(implementation_key(4279)) HRESULT IVGEffectLens::Unfreeze ( );
  38995. __declspec(implementation_key(4280)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGEffectLens::Ungroup ( );
  38996. __declspec(implementation_key(4281)) IVGShapesPtr IVGEffectLens::GetShapes ( );
  38997. __declspec(implementation_key(4282)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectLens::GetFrozen ( );
  38998. __declspec(implementation_key(4283)) enum cdrLensType IVGEffectLens::GetType ( );
  38999. __declspec(implementation_key(4284)) void IVGEffectLens::PutType ( enum cdrLensType pVal );
  39000. __declspec(implementation_key(4285)) long IVGEffectLens::GetRate ( );
  39001. __declspec(implementation_key(4286)) void IVGEffectLens::PutRate ( long pVal );
  39002. __declspec(implementation_key(4287)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectLens::GetColor ( );
  39003. __declspec(implementation_key(4288)) void IVGEffectLens::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39004. __declspec(implementation_key(4289)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectLens::GetOutlineColor ( );
  39005. __declspec(implementation_key(4290)) void IVGEffectLens::PutOutlineColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39006. __declspec(implementation_key(4291)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectLens::GetFillColor ( );
  39007. __declspec(implementation_key(4292)) void IVGEffectLens::PutFillColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39008. __declspec(implementation_key(4293)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectLens::GetFromColor ( );
  39009. __declspec(implementation_key(4294)) void IVGEffectLens::PutFromColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39010. __declspec(implementation_key(4295)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectLens::GetToColor ( );
  39011. __declspec(implementation_key(4296)) void IVGEffectLens::PutToColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39012. __declspec(implementation_key(4297)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectLens::GetUseOutlineColor ( );
  39013. __declspec(implementation_key(4298)) void IVGEffectLens::PutUseOutlineColor ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39014. __declspec(implementation_key(4299)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectLens::GetUseFillColor ( );
  39015. __declspec(implementation_key(4300)) void IVGEffectLens::PutUseFillColor ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39016. __declspec(implementation_key(4301)) enum cdrFountainFillBlendType IVGEffectLens::GetColorMapPalette ( );
  39017. __declspec(implementation_key(4302)) void IVGEffectLens::PutColorMapPalette ( enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  39018. __declspec(implementation_key(4303)) double IVGEffectLens::GetMagnification ( );
  39019. __declspec(implementation_key(4304)) void IVGEffectLens::PutMagnification ( double pVal );
  39020. __declspec(implementation_key(4305)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectLens::GetUseViewPoint ( );
  39021. __declspec(implementation_key(4306)) void IVGEffectLens::PutUseViewPoint ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39022. __declspec(implementation_key(4307)) double IVGEffectLens::GetViewPointX ( );
  39023. __declspec(implementation_key(4308)) void IVGEffectLens::PutViewPointX ( double pVal );
  39024. __declspec(implementation_key(4309)) double IVGEffectLens::GetViewPointY ( );
  39025. __declspec(implementation_key(4310)) void IVGEffectLens::PutViewPointY ( double pVal );
  39026. __declspec(implementation_key(4311)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectLens::GetRemoveFace ( );
  39027. __declspec(implementation_key(4312)) void IVGEffectLens::PutRemoveFace ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39028. __declspec(implementation_key(4313)) long IVGEffectLens::GetPaletteRotation ( );
  39029. __declspec(implementation_key(4314)) void IVGEffectLens::PutPaletteRotation ( long pVal );
  39030. __declspec(implementation_key(4315)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectPerspective::GetApplication ( );
  39031. __declspec(implementation_key(4316)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectPerspective::GetParent ( );
  39032. __declspec(implementation_key(4317)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectPerspective::GetUseHorizVanishingPoint ( );
  39033. __declspec(implementation_key(4318)) void IVGEffectPerspective::PutUseHorizVanishingPoint ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39034. __declspec(implementation_key(4319)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectPerspective::GetUseVertVanishingPoint ( );
  39035. __declspec(implementation_key(4320)) void IVGEffectPerspective::PutUseVertVanishingPoint ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39036. __declspec(implementation_key(4321)) double IVGEffectPerspective::GetHorizVanishingPointX ( );
  39037. __declspec(implementation_key(4322)) void IVGEffectPerspective::PutHorizVanishingPointX ( double pVal );
  39038. __declspec(implementation_key(4323)) double IVGEffectPerspective::GetHorizVanishingPointY ( );
  39039. __declspec(implementation_key(4324)) void IVGEffectPerspective::PutHorizVanishingPointY ( double pVal );
  39040. __declspec(implementation_key(4325)) double IVGEffectPerspective::GetVertVanishingPointX ( );
  39041. __declspec(implementation_key(4326)) void IVGEffectPerspective::PutVertVanishingPointX ( double pVal );
  39042. __declspec(implementation_key(4327)) double IVGEffectPerspective::GetVertVanishingPointY ( );
  39043. __declspec(implementation_key(4328)) void IVGEffectPerspective::PutVertVanishingPointY ( double pVal );
  39044. __declspec(implementation_key(4329)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetApplication ( );
  39045. __declspec(implementation_key(4330)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetParent ( );
  39046. __declspec(implementation_key(4331)) double IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetOffsetX ( );
  39047. __declspec(implementation_key(4332)) void IVGEffectInnerShadow::PutOffsetX ( double pVal );
  39048. __declspec(implementation_key(4333)) double IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetOffsetY ( );
  39049. __declspec(implementation_key(4334)) void IVGEffectInnerShadow::PutOffsetY ( double pVal );
  39050. __declspec(implementation_key(4335)) long IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetOpacity ( );
  39051. __declspec(implementation_key(4336)) void IVGEffectInnerShadow::PutOpacity ( long pVal );
  39052. __declspec(implementation_key(4337)) long IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetFeather ( );
  39053. __declspec(implementation_key(4338)) void IVGEffectInnerShadow::PutFeather ( long pVal );
  39054. __declspec(implementation_key(4339)) enum cdrFeatherType IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetFeatherType ( );
  39055. __declspec(implementation_key(4340)) void IVGEffectInnerShadow::PutFeatherType ( enum cdrFeatherType pVal );
  39056. __declspec(implementation_key(4341)) enum cdrEdgeType IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetFeatherEdge ( );
  39057. __declspec(implementation_key(4342)) void IVGEffectInnerShadow::PutFeatherEdge ( enum cdrEdgeType pVal );
  39058. __declspec(implementation_key(4343)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetColor ( );
  39059. __declspec(implementation_key(4344)) void IVGEffectInnerShadow::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39060. __declspec(implementation_key(4345)) HRESULT IVGEffectInnerShadow::SetOffset ( double OffsetX, double OffsetY );
  39061. __declspec(implementation_key(4346)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetShadowGroup ( );
  39062. __declspec(implementation_key(4347)) enum cdrMergeMode IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetMergeMode ( );
  39063. __declspec(implementation_key(4348)) void IVGEffectInnerShadow::PutMergeMode ( enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  39064. __declspec(implementation_key(4349)) double IVGEffectInnerShadow::GetDepth ( );
  39065. __declspec(implementation_key(4350)) void IVGEffectInnerShadow::PutDepth ( double pVal );
  39066. __declspec(implementation_key(4351)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectExtrude::GetApplication ( );
  39067. __declspec(implementation_key(4352)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectExtrude::GetParent ( );
  39068. __declspec(implementation_key(4353)) enum cdrExtrudeType IVGEffectExtrude::GetType ( );
  39069. __declspec(implementation_key(4354)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutType ( enum cdrExtrudeType pVal );
  39070. __declspec(implementation_key(4355)) IVGExtrudeVanishingPointPtr IVGEffectExtrude::GetVanishingPoint ( );
  39071. __declspec(implementation_key(4356)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutVanishingPoint ( struct IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint * ppVal );
  39072. __declspec(implementation_key(4357)) long IVGEffectExtrude::GetDepth ( );
  39073. __declspec(implementation_key(4358)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutDepth ( long pVal );
  39074. __declspec(implementation_key(4359)) double IVGEffectExtrude::GetAngleX ( );
  39075. __declspec(implementation_key(4360)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutAngleX ( double pVal );
  39076. __declspec(implementation_key(4361)) double IVGEffectExtrude::GetAngleY ( );
  39077. __declspec(implementation_key(4362)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutAngleY ( double pVal );
  39078. __declspec(implementation_key(4363)) double IVGEffectExtrude::GetAngleZ ( );
  39079. __declspec(implementation_key(4364)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutAngleZ ( double pVal );
  39080. __declspec(implementation_key(4365)) enum cdrExtrudeShading IVGEffectExtrude::GetShading ( );
  39081. __declspec(implementation_key(4366)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutShading ( enum cdrExtrudeShading pVal );
  39082. __declspec(implementation_key(4367)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectExtrude::GetBaseColor ( );
  39083. __declspec(implementation_key(4368)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutBaseColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39084. __declspec(implementation_key(4369)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectExtrude::GetShadingColor ( );
  39085. __declspec(implementation_key(4370)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutShadingColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39086. __declspec(implementation_key(4371)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectExtrude::GetUseBevel ( );
  39087. __declspec(implementation_key(4372)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutUseBevel ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39088. __declspec(implementation_key(4373)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectExtrude::GetShowBevelOnly ( );
  39089. __declspec(implementation_key(4374)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutShowBevelOnly ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39090. __declspec(implementation_key(4375)) double IVGEffectExtrude::GetBevelDepth ( );
  39091. __declspec(implementation_key(4376)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutBevelDepth ( double pVal );
  39092. __declspec(implementation_key(4377)) double IVGEffectExtrude::GetBevelAngle ( );
  39093. __declspec(implementation_key(4378)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutBevelAngle ( double pVal );
  39094. __declspec(implementation_key(4379)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectExtrude::GetUseExtrudeColorForBevel ( );
  39095. __declspec(implementation_key(4380)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutUseExtrudeColorForBevel ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39096. __declspec(implementation_key(4381)) IVGColorPtr IVGEffectExtrude::GetBevelColor ( );
  39097. __declspec(implementation_key(4382)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutBevelColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39098. __declspec(implementation_key(4383)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectExtrude::GetLightPresent ( long Index );
  39099. __declspec(implementation_key(4384)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutLightPresent ( long Index, VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39100. __declspec(implementation_key(4385)) enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition IVGEffectExtrude::GetLightPosition ( long Index );
  39101. __declspec(implementation_key(4386)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutLightPosition ( long Index, enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition pVal );
  39102. __declspec(implementation_key(4387)) long IVGEffectExtrude::GetLightIntensity ( long Index );
  39103. __declspec(implementation_key(4388)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutLightIntensity ( long Index, long pVal );
  39104. __declspec(implementation_key(4389)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectExtrude::GetUseFullColorRange ( );
  39105. __declspec(implementation_key(4390)) void IVGEffectExtrude::PutUseFullColorRange ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39106. __declspec(implementation_key(4391)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectExtrude::GetFaceVisible ( );
  39107. __declspec(implementation_key(4392)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectExtrude::GetFaceShape ( );
  39108. __declspec(implementation_key(4393)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectExtrude::GetBevelGroup ( );
  39109. __declspec(implementation_key(4394)) IVGShapePtr IVGEffectExtrude::GetExtrudeGroup ( );
  39110. __declspec(implementation_key(4395)) HRESULT IVGEffectExtrude::Rotate ( double AngleX, double AngleY, double AngleZ );
  39111. __declspec(implementation_key(4396)) HRESULT IVGEffectExtrude::SetBevel ( double Depth, double Angle, VARIANT_BOOL ShowBevelOnly );
  39112. __declspec(implementation_key(4397)) HRESULT IVGEffectExtrude::SetLight ( long Index, enum cdrExtrudeLightPosition Position, long LightIntensity );
  39113. __declspec(implementation_key(4398)) HRESULT IVGEffectExtrude::CopyFrom ( struct IVGEffectExtrude * Source );
  39114. __declspec(implementation_key(4399)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::GetApplication ( );
  39115. __declspec(implementation_key(4400)) IVGEffectExtrudePtr IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::GetParent ( );
  39116. __declspec(implementation_key(4401)) enum cdrExtrudeVPType IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::GetType ( );
  39117. __declspec(implementation_key(4402)) void IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::PutType ( enum cdrExtrudeVPType pVal );
  39118. __declspec(implementation_key(4403)) double IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::GetPositionX ( );
  39119. __declspec(implementation_key(4404)) void IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::PutPositionX ( double pVal );
  39120. __declspec(implementation_key(4405)) double IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::GetPositionY ( );
  39121. __declspec(implementation_key(4406)) void IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::PutPositionY ( double pVal );
  39122. __declspec(implementation_key(4407)) IVGEffectsPtr IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::GetEffects ( );
  39123. __declspec(implementation_key(4408)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGExtrudeVanishingPoint::Share ( struct IVGEffectExtrude * Source );
  39124. __declspec(implementation_key(4409)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectDistortion::GetApplication ( );
  39125. __declspec(implementation_key(4410)) IVGEffectPtr IVGEffectDistortion::GetParent ( );
  39126. __declspec(implementation_key(4411)) enum cdrDistortionType IVGEffectDistortion::GetType ( );
  39127. __declspec(implementation_key(4412)) void IVGEffectDistortion::PutType ( enum cdrDistortionType pVal );
  39128. __declspec(implementation_key(4413)) double IVGEffectDistortion::GetOriginX ( );
  39129. __declspec(implementation_key(4414)) void IVGEffectDistortion::PutOriginX ( double pVal );
  39130. __declspec(implementation_key(4415)) double IVGEffectDistortion::GetOriginY ( );
  39131. __declspec(implementation_key(4416)) void IVGEffectDistortion::PutOriginY ( double pVal );
  39132. __declspec(implementation_key(4417)) IVGEffectPushPullDistortionPtr IVGEffectDistortion::GetPushPull ( );
  39133. __declspec(implementation_key(4418)) void IVGEffectDistortion::PutPushPull ( struct IVGEffectPushPullDistortion * ppVal );
  39134. __declspec(implementation_key(4419)) IVGEffectZipperDistortionPtr IVGEffectDistortion::GetZipper ( );
  39135. __declspec(implementation_key(4420)) void IVGEffectDistortion::PutZipper ( struct IVGEffectZipperDistortion * ppVal );
  39136. __declspec(implementation_key(4421)) IVGEffectTwisterDistortionPtr IVGEffectDistortion::GetTwister ( );
  39137. __declspec(implementation_key(4422)) void IVGEffectDistortion::PutTwister ( struct IVGEffectTwisterDistortion * ppVal );
  39138. __declspec(implementation_key(4423)) HRESULT IVGEffectDistortion::CenterDistortion ( );
  39139. __declspec(implementation_key(4424)) IVGEffectCustomDistortionPtr IVGEffectDistortion::GetCustom ( );
  39140. __declspec(implementation_key(4425)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectPushPullDistortion::GetApplication ( );
  39141. __declspec(implementation_key(4426)) IVGEffectDistortionPtr IVGEffectPushPullDistortion::GetParent ( );
  39142. __declspec(implementation_key(4427)) long IVGEffectPushPullDistortion::GetAmplitude ( );
  39143. __declspec(implementation_key(4428)) void IVGEffectPushPullDistortion::PutAmplitude ( long pVal );
  39144. __declspec(implementation_key(4429)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectZipperDistortion::GetApplication ( );
  39145. __declspec(implementation_key(4430)) IVGEffectDistortionPtr IVGEffectZipperDistortion::GetParent ( );
  39146. __declspec(implementation_key(4431)) long IVGEffectZipperDistortion::GetAmplitude ( );
  39147. __declspec(implementation_key(4432)) void IVGEffectZipperDistortion::PutAmplitude ( long pVal );
  39148. __declspec(implementation_key(4433)) long IVGEffectZipperDistortion::GetFrequency ( );
  39149. __declspec(implementation_key(4434)) void IVGEffectZipperDistortion::PutFrequency ( long pVal );
  39150. __declspec(implementation_key(4435)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectZipperDistortion::GetRandom ( );
  39151. __declspec(implementation_key(4436)) void IVGEffectZipperDistortion::PutRandom ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39152. __declspec(implementation_key(4437)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectZipperDistortion::GetSmooth ( );
  39153. __declspec(implementation_key(4438)) void IVGEffectZipperDistortion::PutSmooth ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39154. __declspec(implementation_key(4439)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGEffectZipperDistortion::GetLocal ( );
  39155. __declspec(implementation_key(4440)) void IVGEffectZipperDistortion::PutLocal ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39156. __declspec(implementation_key(4441)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGEffectTwisterDistortion::GetApplication ( );
  39157. __declspec(implementation_key(4442)) IVGEffectDistortionPtr IVGEffectTwisterDistortion::GetParent ( );
  39158. __declspec(implementation_key(4443)) double IVGEffectTwisterDistortion::GetAngle ( );
  39159. __declspec(implementation_key(4444)) void IVGEffectTwisterDistortion::PutAngle ( double pVal );
  39160. __declspec(implementation_key(4445)) _bstr_t IVGTextRange::GetText ( );
  39161. __declspec(implementation_key(4446)) void IVGTextRange::PutText ( _bstr_t ppVal );
  39162. __declspec(implementation_key(4447)) _bstr_t IVGTextRange::GetWideText ( );
  39163. __declspec(implementation_key(4448)) void IVGTextRange::PutWideText ( _bstr_t ppVal );
  39164. __declspec(implementation_key(4449)) IVGTextCharactersPtr IVGTextRange::GetCharacters ( );
  39165. __declspec(implementation_key(4450)) IVGTextWordsPtr IVGTextRange::GetWords ( );
  39166. __declspec(implementation_key(4451)) IVGTextLinesPtr IVGTextRange::GetLines ( );
  39167. __declspec(implementation_key(4452)) IVGTextParagraphsPtr IVGTextRange::GetParagraphs ( );
  39168. __declspec(implementation_key(4453)) long IVGTextRange::GetStart ( );
  39169. __declspec(implementation_key(4454)) void IVGTextRange::PutStart ( long pVal );
  39170. __declspec(implementation_key(4455)) long IVGTextRange::GetEnd ( );
  39171. __declspec(implementation_key(4456)) void IVGTextRange::PutEnd ( long pVal );
  39172. __declspec(implementation_key(4457)) long IVGTextRange::GetLength ( );
  39173. __declspec(implementation_key(4458)) void IVGTextRange::PutLength ( long pVal );
  39174. __declspec(implementation_key(4459)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRange::Duplicate ( );
  39175. __declspec(implementation_key(4460)) enum cdrFontStyle IVGTextRange::GetStyle ( );
  39176. __declspec(implementation_key(4461)) void IVGTextRange::PutStyle ( enum cdrFontStyle pVal );
  39177. __declspec(implementation_key(4462)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextRange::GetBold ( );
  39178. __declspec(implementation_key(4463)) void IVGTextRange::PutBold ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39179. __declspec(implementation_key(4464)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextRange::GetItalic ( );
  39180. __declspec(implementation_key(4465)) void IVGTextRange::PutItalic ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39181. __declspec(implementation_key(4466)) enum cdrFontLine IVGTextRange::GetUnderline ( );
  39182. __declspec(implementation_key(4467)) void IVGTextRange::PutUnderline ( enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  39183. __declspec(implementation_key(4468)) enum cdrFontLine IVGTextRange::GetStrikethru ( );
  39184. __declspec(implementation_key(4469)) void IVGTextRange::PutStrikethru ( enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  39185. __declspec(implementation_key(4470)) enum cdrFontLine IVGTextRange::GetOverscore ( );
  39186. __declspec(implementation_key(4471)) void IVGTextRange::PutOverscore ( enum cdrFontLine pVal );
  39187. __declspec(implementation_key(4472)) _bstr_t IVGTextRange::GetFont ( );
  39188. __declspec(implementation_key(4473)) void IVGTextRange::PutFont ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39189. __declspec(implementation_key(4474)) float IVGTextRange::GetSize ( );
  39190. __declspec(implementation_key(4475)) void IVGTextRange::PutSize ( float pVal );
  39191. __declspec(implementation_key(4476)) enum cdrFontPosition IVGTextRange::GetPosition ( );
  39192. __declspec(implementation_key(4477)) void IVGTextRange::PutPosition ( enum cdrFontPosition pVal );
  39193. __declspec(implementation_key(4478)) enum cdrFontCase IVGTextRange::GetCase ( );
  39194. __declspec(implementation_key(4479)) void IVGTextRange::PutCase ( enum cdrFontCase pVal );
  39195. __declspec(implementation_key(4480)) float IVGTextRange::GetCharAngle ( );
  39196. __declspec(implementation_key(4481)) void IVGTextRange::PutCharAngle ( float pVal );
  39197. __declspec(implementation_key(4482)) enum cdrAlignment IVGTextRange::GetAlignment ( );
  39198. __declspec(implementation_key(4483)) void IVGTextRange::PutAlignment ( enum cdrAlignment pVal );
  39199. __declspec(implementation_key(4484)) double IVGTextRange::GetFirstLineIndent ( );
  39200. __declspec(implementation_key(4485)) void IVGTextRange::PutFirstLineIndent ( double pVal );
  39201. __declspec(implementation_key(4486)) long IVGTextRange::GetHorizShift ( );
  39202. __declspec(implementation_key(4487)) void IVGTextRange::PutHorizShift ( long pVal );
  39203. __declspec(implementation_key(4488)) long IVGTextRange::GetVertShift ( );
  39204. __declspec(implementation_key(4489)) void IVGTextRange::PutVertShift ( long pVal );
  39205. __declspec(implementation_key(4490)) double IVGTextRange::GetLeftIndent ( );
  39206. __declspec(implementation_key(4491)) void IVGTextRange::PutLeftIndent ( double pVal );
  39207. __declspec(implementation_key(4492)) double IVGTextRange::GetRightIndent ( );
  39208. __declspec(implementation_key(4493)) void IVGTextRange::PutRightIndent ( double pVal );
  39209. __declspec(implementation_key(4494)) float IVGTextRange::GetMinWordSpacing ( );
  39210. __declspec(implementation_key(4495)) void IVGTextRange::PutMinWordSpacing ( float pVal );
  39211. __declspec(implementation_key(4496)) float IVGTextRange::GetMaxWordSpacing ( );
  39212. __declspec(implementation_key(4497)) void IVGTextRange::PutMaxWordSpacing ( float pVal );
  39213. __declspec(implementation_key(4498)) float IVGTextRange::GetMaxCharSpacing ( );
  39214. __declspec(implementation_key(4499)) void IVGTextRange::PutMaxCharSpacing ( float pVal );
  39215. __declspec(implementation_key(4500)) float IVGTextRange::GetParaSpacingBefore ( );
  39216. __declspec(implementation_key(4501)) void IVGTextRange::PutParaSpacingBefore ( float pVal );
  39217. __declspec(implementation_key(4502)) float IVGTextRange::GetParaSpacingAfter ( );
  39218. __declspec(implementation_key(4503)) void IVGTextRange::PutParaSpacingAfter ( float pVal );
  39219. __declspec(implementation_key(4504)) float IVGTextRange::GetCharSpacing ( );
  39220. __declspec(implementation_key(4505)) void IVGTextRange::PutCharSpacing ( float pVal );
  39221. __declspec(implementation_key(4506)) float IVGTextRange::GetLineSpacing ( );
  39222. __declspec(implementation_key(4507)) void IVGTextRange::PutLineSpacing ( float pVal );
  39223. __declspec(implementation_key(4508)) enum cdrLineSpacingType IVGTextRange::GetLineSpacingType ( );
  39224. __declspec(implementation_key(4509)) float IVGTextRange::GetWordSpacing ( );
  39225. __declspec(implementation_key(4510)) void IVGTextRange::PutWordSpacing ( float pVal );
  39226. __declspec(implementation_key(4511)) enum cdrTriState IVGTextRange::GetAutoHyphenate ( );
  39227. __declspec(implementation_key(4512)) void IVGTextRange::PutAutoHyphenate ( enum cdrTriState pVal );
  39228. __declspec(implementation_key(4513)) double IVGTextRange::GetHyphenHotZone ( );
  39229. __declspec(implementation_key(4514)) void IVGTextRange::PutHyphenHotZone ( double pVal );
  39230. __declspec(implementation_key(4515)) long IVGTextRange::GetHyphenMinCharsBefore ( );
  39231. __declspec(implementation_key(4516)) void IVGTextRange::PutHyphenMinCharsBefore ( long pVal );
  39232. __declspec(implementation_key(4517)) long IVGTextRange::GetHyphenMinCharsAfter ( );
  39233. __declspec(implementation_key(4518)) void IVGTextRange::PutHyphenMinCharsAfter ( long pVal );
  39234. __declspec(implementation_key(4519)) long IVGTextRange::GetHyphenMinWordLength ( );
  39235. __declspec(implementation_key(4520)) void IVGTextRange::PutHyphenMinWordLength ( long pVal );
  39236. __declspec(implementation_key(4521)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextRange::GetHyphenateCapitals ( );
  39237. __declspec(implementation_key(4522)) void IVGTextRange::PutHyphenateCapitals ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39238. __declspec(implementation_key(4523)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::Delete ( );
  39239. __declspec(implementation_key(4524)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::Select ( );
  39240. __declspec(implementation_key(4525)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::Copy ( );
  39241. __declspec(implementation_key(4526)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRange::Paste ( );
  39242. __declspec(implementation_key(4527)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::ChangeCase ( enum cdrTextChangeCase Case );
  39243. __declspec(implementation_key(4528)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::SetRange ( long Start, long End );
  39244. __declspec(implementation_key(4529)) enum cdrTextLanguage IVGTextRange::GetLanguageID ( );
  39245. __declspec(implementation_key(4530)) void IVGTextRange::PutLanguageID ( enum cdrTextLanguage pVal );
  39246. __declspec(implementation_key(4531)) enum cdrTextCharSet IVGTextRange::GetCharSet ( );
  39247. __declspec(implementation_key(4532)) void IVGTextRange::PutCharSet ( enum cdrTextCharSet pVal );
  39248. __declspec(implementation_key(4533)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRange::InsertBefore ( _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font );
  39249. __declspec(implementation_key(4534)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRange::InsertBeforeWide ( _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font );
  39250. __declspec(implementation_key(4535)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRange::InsertAfter ( _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font );
  39251. __declspec(implementation_key(4536)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRange::InsertAfterWide ( _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font );
  39252. __declspec(implementation_key(4537)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRange::Replace ( _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font );
  39253. __declspec(implementation_key(4538)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRange::ReplaceWide ( _bstr_t Text, enum cdrTextLanguage LanguageID, enum cdrTextCharSet CharSet, _bstr_t Font );
  39254. __declspec(implementation_key(4539)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRange::Range ( long Start, long End );
  39255. __declspec(implementation_key(4540)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::SetLineSpacing ( enum cdrLineSpacingType Type, float LineSpacing, float ParaBefore, float ParaAfter );
  39256. __declspec(implementation_key(4541)) IVGTextColumnsPtr IVGTextRange::GetColumns ( );
  39257. __declspec(implementation_key(4542)) IVGTextFramesPtr IVGTextRange::GetFrames ( );
  39258. __declspec(implementation_key(4543)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::Collapse ( VARIANT_BOOL ToEnd );
  39259. __declspec(implementation_key(4544)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::Combine ( struct IVGTextRange * Range );
  39260. __declspec(implementation_key(4545)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextRange::InRange ( struct IVGTextRange * Range );
  39261. __declspec(implementation_key(4546)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextRange::IsSame ( struct IVGTextRange * Range );
  39262. __declspec(implementation_key(4547)) IVGFillPtr IVGTextRange::GetFill ( );
  39263. __declspec(implementation_key(4548)) IVGOutlinePtr IVGTextRange::GetOutline ( );
  39264. __declspec(implementation_key(4549)) long IVGTextRange::GetRangeKerning ( );
  39265. __declspec(implementation_key(4550)) void IVGTextRange::PutRangeKerning ( long pVal );
  39266. __declspec(implementation_key(4551)) IVGTextTabPositionsPtr IVGTextRange::GetTabs ( );
  39267. __declspec(implementation_key(4552)) enum cdrTextEffect IVGTextRange::GetEffect ( );
  39268. __declspec(implementation_key(4553)) long IVGTextRange::GetDropCapLinesDropped ( );
  39269. __declspec(implementation_key(4554)) void IVGTextRange::PutDropCapLinesDropped ( long pVal );
  39270. __declspec(implementation_key(4555)) double IVGTextRange::GetDropCapDistanceFromText ( );
  39271. __declspec(implementation_key(4556)) void IVGTextRange::PutDropCapDistanceFromText ( double pVal );
  39272. __declspec(implementation_key(4557)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextRange::GetDropCapHangingIndent ( );
  39273. __declspec(implementation_key(4558)) void IVGTextRange::PutDropCapHangingIndent ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39274. __declspec(implementation_key(4559)) _bstr_t IVGTextRange::GetBulletFont ( );
  39275. __declspec(implementation_key(4560)) void IVGTextRange::PutBulletFont ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39276. __declspec(implementation_key(4561)) _bstr_t IVGTextRange::GetBulletSymbol ( );
  39277. __declspec(implementation_key(4562)) void IVGTextRange::PutBulletSymbol ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39278. __declspec(implementation_key(4563)) float IVGTextRange::GetBulletSize ( );
  39279. __declspec(implementation_key(4564)) void IVGTextRange::PutBulletSize ( float pVal );
  39280. __declspec(implementation_key(4565)) float IVGTextRange::GetBulletBaselineShift ( );
  39281. __declspec(implementation_key(4566)) void IVGTextRange::PutBulletBaselineShift ( float pVal );
  39282. __declspec(implementation_key(4567)) double IVGTextRange::GetBulletHorizontalPosition ( );
  39283. __declspec(implementation_key(4568)) void IVGTextRange::PutBulletHorizontalPosition ( double pVal );
  39284. __declspec(implementation_key(4569)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextRange::GetBulletHangingIndent ( );
  39285. __declspec(implementation_key(4570)) void IVGTextRange::PutBulletHangingIndent ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39286. __declspec(implementation_key(4571)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextRange::GetIsEmpty ( );
  39287. __declspec(implementation_key(4572)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::ApplyNoEffect ( );
  39288. __declspec(implementation_key(4573)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::ApplyBulletEffect ( _bstr_t Symbol, _bstr_t Font, float Size, float BaselineShift, double HorizontalPosition, VARIANT_BOOL HangingIndent );
  39289. __declspec(implementation_key(4574)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::ApplyDropCapEffect ( long LinesDropped, double DistanceFromText, VARIANT_BOOL HangingIndent );
  39290. __declspec(implementation_key(4575)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextRange::GetHyphenateAllCapWords ( );
  39291. __declspec(implementation_key(4576)) void IVGTextRange::PutHyphenateAllCapWords ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39292. __declspec(implementation_key(4577)) IVGTextRangesPtr IVGTextRange::EnumRanges ( enum cdrTextPropertySet PropertyFilter );
  39293. __declspec(implementation_key(4578)) _variant_t IVGTextRange::Evaluate ( _bstr_t Expression );
  39294. __declspec(implementation_key(4579)) IVGTextRangesPtr IVGTextRange::FindRanges ( _bstr_t Query );
  39295. __declspec(implementation_key(4580)) IVGCurvePtr IVGTextRange::GetBaselines ( );
  39296. __declspec(implementation_key(4581)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::Straighten ( );
  39297. __declspec(implementation_key(4582)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::AlignToBaseline ( );
  39298. __declspec(implementation_key(4583)) IVGCurvePtr IVGTextRange::GetTextLineRects ( );
  39299. __declspec(implementation_key(4584)) IVGFillPtr IVGTextRange::GetCharBackFill ( );
  39300. __declspec(implementation_key(4585)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::CopyAttributes ( struct IVGTextRange * SourceRange );
  39301. __declspec(implementation_key(4586)) long IVGTextRange::GetOpenTypeFeature ( _bstr_t Feature );
  39302. __declspec(implementation_key(4587)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::SetOpenTypeFeature ( _bstr_t Feature, long State );
  39303. __declspec(implementation_key(4588)) long IVGTextRange::GetTextFormatter ( );
  39304. __declspec(implementation_key(4589)) void IVGTextRange::PutTextFormatter ( long pVal );
  39305. __declspec(implementation_key(4590)) HRESULT IVGTextRange::ApplyStyle ( _bstr_t StyleName );
  39306. __declspec(implementation_key(4591)) IVGStylePtr IVGTextRange::GetObjectStyle ( );
  39307. __declspec(implementation_key(4592)) IVGTextIndentLevelStylesPtr IVGTextRange::GetIndentLevelStyles ( );
  39308. __declspec(implementation_key(4593)) long IVGTextRange::GetIndentLevel ( );
  39309. __declspec(implementation_key(4594)) void IVGTextRange::PutIndentLevel ( long pVal );
  39310. __declspec(implementation_key(4595)) IVGTextVariableAxesPtr IVGTextRange::GetVariableAxes ( );
  39311. __declspec(implementation_key(4596)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextCharacters::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39312. __declspec(implementation_key(4597)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextCharacters::GetItem ( long Index, long Count );
  39313. __declspec(implementation_key(4598)) long IVGTextCharacters::GetCount ( );
  39314. __declspec(implementation_key(4599)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextCharacters::GetAll ( );
  39315. __declspec(implementation_key(4600)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextCharacters::GetFirst ( );
  39316. __declspec(implementation_key(4601)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextCharacters::GetLast ( );
  39317. __declspec(implementation_key(4602)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextWords::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39318. __declspec(implementation_key(4603)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextWords::GetItem ( long Index, long Count );
  39319. __declspec(implementation_key(4604)) long IVGTextWords::GetCount ( );
  39320. __declspec(implementation_key(4605)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextWords::GetAll ( );
  39321. __declspec(implementation_key(4606)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextWords::GetFirst ( );
  39322. __declspec(implementation_key(4607)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextWords::GetLast ( );
  39323. __declspec(implementation_key(4608)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextLines::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39324. __declspec(implementation_key(4609)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextLines::GetItem ( long Index, long Count );
  39325. __declspec(implementation_key(4610)) long IVGTextLines::GetCount ( );
  39326. __declspec(implementation_key(4611)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextLines::GetAll ( );
  39327. __declspec(implementation_key(4612)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextLines::GetFirst ( );
  39328. __declspec(implementation_key(4613)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextLines::GetLast ( );
  39329. __declspec(implementation_key(4614)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextParagraphs::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39330. __declspec(implementation_key(4615)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextParagraphs::GetItem ( long Index, long Count );
  39331. __declspec(implementation_key(4616)) long IVGTextParagraphs::GetCount ( );
  39332. __declspec(implementation_key(4617)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextParagraphs::GetAll ( );
  39333. __declspec(implementation_key(4618)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextParagraphs::GetFirst ( );
  39334. __declspec(implementation_key(4619)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextParagraphs::GetLast ( );
  39335. __declspec(implementation_key(4620)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextColumns::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39336. __declspec(implementation_key(4621)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextColumns::GetItem ( long Index, long Count );
  39337. __declspec(implementation_key(4622)) long IVGTextColumns::GetCount ( );
  39338. __declspec(implementation_key(4623)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextColumns::GetAll ( );
  39339. __declspec(implementation_key(4624)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextColumns::GetFirst ( );
  39340. __declspec(implementation_key(4625)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextColumns::GetLast ( );
  39341. __declspec(implementation_key(4626)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextFrame::GetRange ( );
  39342. __declspec(implementation_key(4627)) IVGTextFramePtr IVGTextFrame::GetPrevious ( );
  39343. __declspec(implementation_key(4628)) IVGTextFramePtr IVGTextFrame::GetNext ( );
  39344. __declspec(implementation_key(4629)) long IVGTextFrame::GetIndex ( );
  39345. __declspec(implementation_key(4630)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextFrame::GetEmpty ( );
  39346. __declspec(implementation_key(4631)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextFrame::GetIsFirst ( );
  39347. __declspec(implementation_key(4632)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextFrame::GetIsLast ( );
  39348. __declspec(implementation_key(4633)) enum cdrVerticalAlignment IVGTextFrame::GetVerticalAlignment ( );
  39349. __declspec(implementation_key(4634)) void IVGTextFrame::PutVerticalAlignment ( enum cdrVerticalAlignment pVal );
  39350. __declspec(implementation_key(4635)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextFrame::GetMulticolumn ( );
  39351. __declspec(implementation_key(4636)) long IVGTextFrame::GetColumnCount ( );
  39352. __declspec(implementation_key(4637)) double IVGTextFrame::GetColumnWidth ( long Index );
  39353. __declspec(implementation_key(4638)) double IVGTextFrame::GetColumnGutter ( long Index );
  39354. __declspec(implementation_key(4639)) HRESULT IVGTextFrame::SetColumns ( long NumColumns, VARIANT_BOOL EqualColumns, SAFEARRAY * * WidthsAndGutters );
  39355. __declspec(implementation_key(4640)) HRESULT IVGTextFrame::LinkTo ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  39356. __declspec(implementation_key(4641)) HRESULT IVGTextFrame::UnLink ( );
  39357. __declspec(implementation_key(4642)) IVGShapePtr IVGTextFrame::GetContainer ( );
  39358. __declspec(implementation_key(4643)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextFrame::GetIsInsideContainer ( );
  39359. __declspec(implementation_key(4644)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTextFrame::GetIsFittedToPath ( );
  39360. __declspec(implementation_key(4645)) IVGShapePtr IVGTextFrame::GetPath ( );
  39361. __declspec(implementation_key(4646)) IVGShapePtr IVGTextFrame::GetFrameShape ( );
  39362. __declspec(implementation_key(4647)) IVGFillPtr IVGTextFrame::GetFill ( );
  39363. __declspec(implementation_key(4648)) void IVGTextFrame::PutFill ( struct IVGFill * ppVal );
  39364. __declspec(implementation_key(4649)) IVGOutlinePtr IVGTextFrame::GetOutline ( );
  39365. __declspec(implementation_key(4650)) void IVGTextFrame::PutOutline ( struct IVGOutline * ppVal );
  39366. __declspec(implementation_key(4651)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextFrames::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39367. __declspec(implementation_key(4652)) IVGTextFramePtr IVGTextFrames::GetItem ( long Index );
  39368. __declspec(implementation_key(4653)) long IVGTextFrames::GetCount ( );
  39369. __declspec(implementation_key(4654)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextFrames::GetRange ( long Index, long Count );
  39370. __declspec(implementation_key(4655)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextFrames::GetAll ( );
  39371. __declspec(implementation_key(4656)) IVGTextFramePtr IVGTextFrames::GetFirst ( );
  39372. __declspec(implementation_key(4657)) IVGTextFramePtr IVGTextFrames::GetLast ( );
  39373. __declspec(implementation_key(4658)) IUnknownPtr IVGTextRanges::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39374. __declspec(implementation_key(4659)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRanges::GetItem ( long Index );
  39375. __declspec(implementation_key(4660)) long IVGTextRanges::GetCount ( );
  39376. __declspec(implementation_key(4661)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRanges::GetFirst ( );
  39377. __declspec(implementation_key(4662)) IVGTextRangePtr IVGTextRanges::GetLast ( );
  39378. __declspec(implementation_key(4663)) IVGTextRangesPtr IVGTextRanges::Reverse ( );
  39379. __declspec(implementation_key(4664)) _bstr_t IVGStyle::GetCategoryName ( );
  39380. __declspec(implementation_key(4665)) SAFEARRAY * IVGStyle::GetAllPropertyNames ( );
  39381. __declspec(implementation_key(4666)) SAFEARRAY * IVGStyle::GetOverridePropertyNames ( );
  39382. __declspec(implementation_key(4667)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyle::IsPropertyInherited ( _bstr_t Name );
  39383. __declspec(implementation_key(4668)) _variant_t IVGStyle::GetProperty ( _bstr_t Name );
  39384. __declspec(implementation_key(4669)) HRESULT IVGStyle::SetProperty ( _bstr_t Name, const _variant_t & Value );
  39385. __declspec(implementation_key(4670)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyle::ClearProperty ( _bstr_t Name );
  39386. __declspec(implementation_key(4671)) IVGStyleOutlinePtr IVGStyle::GetOutline ( );
  39387. __declspec(implementation_key(4672)) IVGStyleFillPtr IVGStyle::GetFill ( );
  39388. __declspec(implementation_key(4673)) IVGStyleCharacterPtr IVGStyle::GetCharacter ( );
  39389. __declspec(implementation_key(4674)) IVGStyleParagraphPtr IVGStyle::GetParagraph ( );
  39390. __declspec(implementation_key(4675)) IVGStyleFramePtr IVGStyle::GetFrame ( );
  39391. __declspec(implementation_key(4676)) _bstr_t IVGStyle::GetName ( );
  39392. __declspec(implementation_key(4677)) _bstr_t IVGStyle::GetDisplayName ( );
  39393. __declspec(implementation_key(4678)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyle::GetIsStyleSet ( );
  39394. __declspec(implementation_key(4679)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyle::GetIsObjectDefaults ( );
  39395. __declspec(implementation_key(4680)) _bstr_t IVGStyle::GetDisplayCategoryName ( );
  39396. __declspec(implementation_key(4681)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyle::GetBasedOn ( );
  39397. __declspec(implementation_key(4682)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyle::GetDerivedStyles ( );
  39398. __declspec(implementation_key(4683)) _bstr_t IVGStyle::ToString ( );
  39399. __declspec(implementation_key(4684)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyle::StringAssign ( _bstr_t StyleString );
  39400. __declspec(implementation_key(4685)) _bstr_t IVGStyle::GetPropertyAsString ( _bstr_t Name );
  39401. __declspec(implementation_key(4686)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyle::SetPropertyAsString ( _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t Value );
  39402. __declspec(implementation_key(4687)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyle::Rename ( _bstr_t NewName );
  39403. __declspec(implementation_key(4688)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyle::SetBasedOn ( _bstr_t NewParent );
  39404. __declspec(implementation_key(4689)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyle::Delete ( );
  39405. __declspec(implementation_key(4690)) HRESULT IVGStyle::Assign ( struct IVGStyle * pVal );
  39406. __declspec(implementation_key(4691)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyle::GetCopy ( );
  39407. __declspec(implementation_key(4692)) IVGStyleTransparencyPtr IVGStyle::GetTransparency ( );
  39408. __declspec(implementation_key(4693)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyleOutline::GetStyle ( );
  39409. __declspec(implementation_key(4694)) enum cdrOutlineType IVGStyleOutline::GetType ( );
  39410. __declspec(implementation_key(4695)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutType ( enum cdrOutlineType pVal );
  39411. __declspec(implementation_key(4696)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleOutline::GetOverprint ( );
  39412. __declspec(implementation_key(4697)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutOverprint ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39413. __declspec(implementation_key(4698)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleOutline::GetBehindFill ( );
  39414. __declspec(implementation_key(4699)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutBehindFill ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39415. __declspec(implementation_key(4700)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleOutline::GetScaleWithShape ( );
  39416. __declspec(implementation_key(4701)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutScaleWithShape ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39417. __declspec(implementation_key(4702)) double IVGStyleOutline::GetWidth ( );
  39418. __declspec(implementation_key(4703)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutWidth ( double pVal );
  39419. __declspec(implementation_key(4704)) IVGColorPtr IVGStyleOutline::GetColor ( );
  39420. __declspec(implementation_key(4705)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutColor ( struct IVGColor * ppVal );
  39421. __declspec(implementation_key(4706)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleOutline::GetOverlapArrow ( );
  39422. __declspec(implementation_key(4707)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutOverlapArrow ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39423. __declspec(implementation_key(4708)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleOutline::GetShareArrow ( );
  39424. __declspec(implementation_key(4709)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutShareArrow ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39425. __declspec(implementation_key(4710)) double IVGStyleOutline::GetMiterLimit ( );
  39426. __declspec(implementation_key(4711)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutMiterLimit ( double pVal );
  39427. __declspec(implementation_key(4712)) long IVGStyleOutline::GetNibStretch ( );
  39428. __declspec(implementation_key(4713)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutNibStretch ( long pVal );
  39429. __declspec(implementation_key(4714)) double IVGStyleOutline::GetNibAngle ( );
  39430. __declspec(implementation_key(4715)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutNibAngle ( double pVal );
  39431. __declspec(implementation_key(4716)) double IVGStyleOutline::GetWidelineWidth ( );
  39432. __declspec(implementation_key(4717)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutWidelineWidth ( double pVal );
  39433. __declspec(implementation_key(4718)) enum cdrOutlineLineCaps IVGStyleOutline::GetLineCaps ( );
  39434. __declspec(implementation_key(4719)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutLineCaps ( enum cdrOutlineLineCaps pVal );
  39435. __declspec(implementation_key(4720)) enum cdrOutlineLineJoin IVGStyleOutline::GetLineJoin ( );
  39436. __declspec(implementation_key(4721)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutLineJoin ( enum cdrOutlineLineJoin pVal );
  39437. __declspec(implementation_key(4722)) enum cdrOutlineJustification IVGStyleOutline::GetJustification ( );
  39438. __declspec(implementation_key(4723)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutJustification ( enum cdrOutlineJustification pVal );
  39439. __declspec(implementation_key(4724)) enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust IVGStyleOutline::GetAdjustDashes ( );
  39440. __declspec(implementation_key(4725)) void IVGStyleOutline::PutAdjustDashes ( enum cdrOutlineDashAdjust pVal );
  39441. __declspec(implementation_key(4726)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyleFill::GetStyle ( );
  39442. __declspec(implementation_key(4727)) enum cdrFillStyleType IVGStyleFill::GetType ( );
  39443. __declspec(implementation_key(4728)) void IVGStyleFill::PutType ( enum cdrFillStyleType pVal );
  39444. __declspec(implementation_key(4729)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::GetOverprint ( );
  39445. __declspec(implementation_key(4730)) void IVGStyleFill::PutOverprint ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39446. __declspec(implementation_key(4731)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::GetWindingFill ( );
  39447. __declspec(implementation_key(4732)) void IVGStyleFill::PutWindingFill ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39448. __declspec(implementation_key(4733)) enum cdrFountainFillType IVGStyleFill::GetFountainFillType ( );
  39449. __declspec(implementation_key(4734)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainFillType ( enum cdrFountainFillType pVal );
  39450. __declspec(implementation_key(4735)) long IVGStyleFill::GetEdgePad ( );
  39451. __declspec(implementation_key(4736)) void IVGStyleFill::PutEdgePad ( long pVal );
  39452. __declspec(implementation_key(4737)) long IVGStyleFill::GetFountainCenterOffsetX ( );
  39453. __declspec(implementation_key(4738)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainCenterOffsetX ( long pVal );
  39454. __declspec(implementation_key(4739)) long IVGStyleFill::GetFountainCenterOffsetY ( );
  39455. __declspec(implementation_key(4740)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainCenterOffsetY ( long pVal );
  39456. __declspec(implementation_key(4741)) long IVGStyleFill::GetFountainSteps ( );
  39457. __declspec(implementation_key(4742)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainSteps ( long pVal );
  39458. __declspec(implementation_key(4743)) enum cdrFountainFillBlendType IVGStyleFill::GetFountainBlendType ( );
  39459. __declspec(implementation_key(4744)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainBlendType ( enum cdrFountainFillBlendType pVal );
  39460. __declspec(implementation_key(4745)) long IVGStyleFill::GetMidPoint ( );
  39461. __declspec(implementation_key(4746)) void IVGStyleFill::PutMidPoint ( long pVal );
  39462. __declspec(implementation_key(4747)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::GetFlipColors ( );
  39463. __declspec(implementation_key(4748)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFlipColors ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39464. __declspec(implementation_key(4749)) _bstr_t IVGStyleFill::GetPostScriptName ( );
  39465. __declspec(implementation_key(4750)) void IVGStyleFill::PutPostScriptName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39466. __declspec(implementation_key(4751)) double IVGStyleFill::GetTileWidth ( );
  39467. __declspec(implementation_key(4752)) void IVGStyleFill::PutTileWidth ( double pVal );
  39468. __declspec(implementation_key(4753)) double IVGStyleFill::GetTileHeight ( );
  39469. __declspec(implementation_key(4754)) void IVGStyleFill::PutTileHeight ( double pVal );
  39470. __declspec(implementation_key(4755)) double IVGStyleFill::GetTileOriginX ( );
  39471. __declspec(implementation_key(4756)) void IVGStyleFill::PutTileOriginX ( double pVal );
  39472. __declspec(implementation_key(4757)) double IVGStyleFill::GetTileOriginY ( );
  39473. __declspec(implementation_key(4758)) void IVGStyleFill::PutTileOriginY ( double pVal );
  39474. __declspec(implementation_key(4759)) enum cdrTileOffsetType IVGStyleFill::GetTileOffsetType ( );
  39475. __declspec(implementation_key(4760)) void IVGStyleFill::PutTileOffsetType ( enum cdrTileOffsetType pVal );
  39476. __declspec(implementation_key(4761)) long IVGStyleFill::GetTileOffset ( );
  39477. __declspec(implementation_key(4762)) void IVGStyleFill::PutTileOffset ( long pVal );
  39478. __declspec(implementation_key(4763)) double IVGStyleFill::GetRotationAngle ( );
  39479. __declspec(implementation_key(4764)) void IVGStyleFill::PutRotationAngle ( double pVal );
  39480. __declspec(implementation_key(4765)) double IVGStyleFill::GetSkewAngle ( );
  39481. __declspec(implementation_key(4766)) void IVGStyleFill::PutSkewAngle ( double pVal );
  39482. __declspec(implementation_key(4767)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::GetMirrorFill ( );
  39483. __declspec(implementation_key(4768)) void IVGStyleFill::PutMirrorFill ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39484. __declspec(implementation_key(4769)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::GetTransformWithShape ( );
  39485. __declspec(implementation_key(4770)) void IVGStyleFill::PutTransformWithShape ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39486. __declspec(implementation_key(4771)) IVGColorPtr IVGStyleFill::GetPrimaryColor ( );
  39487. __declspec(implementation_key(4772)) IVGColorPtr IVGStyleFill::GetSecondaryColor ( );
  39488. __declspec(implementation_key(4773)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::GetMirrorFillX ( );
  39489. __declspec(implementation_key(4774)) void IVGStyleFill::PutMirrorFillX ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39490. __declspec(implementation_key(4775)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::GetMirrorFillY ( );
  39491. __declspec(implementation_key(4776)) void IVGStyleFill::PutMirrorFillY ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39492. __declspec(implementation_key(4777)) double IVGStyleFill::GetFountainCenterXOffset ( );
  39493. __declspec(implementation_key(4778)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainCenterXOffset ( double pVal );
  39494. __declspec(implementation_key(4779)) double IVGStyleFill::GetFountainCenterYOffset ( );
  39495. __declspec(implementation_key(4780)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainCenterYOffset ( double pVal );
  39496. __declspec(implementation_key(4781)) double IVGStyleFill::GetFountainBlendAcceleration ( );
  39497. __declspec(implementation_key(4782)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainBlendAcceleration ( double pVal );
  39498. __declspec(implementation_key(4783)) double IVGStyleFill::GetFountainScaleX ( );
  39499. __declspec(implementation_key(4784)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainScaleX ( double pVal );
  39500. __declspec(implementation_key(4785)) double IVGStyleFill::GetFountainScaleY ( );
  39501. __declspec(implementation_key(4786)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainScaleY ( double pVal );
  39502. __declspec(implementation_key(4787)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::GetFountainAnisotropic ( );
  39503. __declspec(implementation_key(4788)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainAnisotropic ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39504. __declspec(implementation_key(4789)) enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod IVGStyleFill::GetFountainSpreadMethod ( );
  39505. __declspec(implementation_key(4790)) void IVGStyleFill::PutFountainSpreadMethod ( enum cdrFountainFillSpreadMethod pVal );
  39506. __declspec(implementation_key(4791)) unsigned char IVGStyleFill::GetPrimaryOpacity ( );
  39507. __declspec(implementation_key(4792)) void IVGStyleFill::PutPrimaryOpacity ( unsigned char pVal );
  39508. __declspec(implementation_key(4793)) unsigned char IVGStyleFill::GetSecondaryOpacity ( );
  39509. __declspec(implementation_key(4794)) void IVGStyleFill::PutSecondaryOpacity ( unsigned char pVal );
  39510. __declspec(implementation_key(4795)) enum cdrMergeMode IVGStyleFill::GetMergeMode ( );
  39511. __declspec(implementation_key(4796)) void IVGStyleFill::PutMergeMode ( enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  39512. __declspec(implementation_key(4797)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::SaveFill ( _bstr_t FileName, struct IVGFillMetadata * Metadata );
  39513. __declspec(implementation_key(4798)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleFill::LoadFill ( _bstr_t FileName, struct IVGFillMetadata * * Metadata );
  39514. __declspec(implementation_key(4799)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyleCharacter::GetStyle ( );
  39515. __declspec(implementation_key(4800)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyleParagraph::GetStyle ( );
  39516. __declspec(implementation_key(4801)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyleFrame::GetStyle ( );
  39517. __declspec(implementation_key(4802)) long IVGStyles::GetCount ( );
  39518. __declspec(implementation_key(4803)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyles::GetItem ( long Index );
  39519. __declspec(implementation_key(4804)) IUnknownPtr IVGStyles::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39520. __declspec(implementation_key(4805)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyles::Find ( _bstr_t Name );
  39521. __declspec(implementation_key(4806)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyles::GetFirst ( );
  39522. __declspec(implementation_key(4807)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyles::GetLast ( );
  39523. __declspec(implementation_key(4808)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyleTransparency::GetStyle ( );
  39524. __declspec(implementation_key(4809)) IVGStyleFillPtr IVGStyleTransparency::GetFill ( );
  39525. __declspec(implementation_key(4810)) enum cdrMergeMode IVGStyleTransparency::GetMode ( );
  39526. __declspec(implementation_key(4811)) void IVGStyleTransparency::PutMode ( enum cdrMergeMode pVal );
  39527. __declspec(implementation_key(4812)) double IVGStyleTransparency::GetUniformTransparency ( );
  39528. __declspec(implementation_key(4813)) void IVGStyleTransparency::PutUniformTransparency ( double pVal );
  39529. __declspec(implementation_key(4814)) double IVGStyleTransparency::GetWhiteTransparency ( );
  39530. __declspec(implementation_key(4815)) void IVGStyleTransparency::PutWhiteTransparency ( double pVal );
  39531. __declspec(implementation_key(4816)) double IVGStyleTransparency::GetBlackTransparency ( );
  39532. __declspec(implementation_key(4817)) void IVGStyleTransparency::PutBlackTransparency ( double pVal );
  39533. __declspec(implementation_key(4818)) enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo IVGStyleTransparency::GetAppliesTo ( );
  39534. __declspec(implementation_key(4819)) void IVGStyleTransparency::PutAppliesTo ( enum cdrTransparencyAppliedTo pVal );
  39535. __declspec(implementation_key(4820)) HRESULT IVGToolShape::OnGenerateShape ( struct IVGLayer * Parent, struct IVGProperties * ObjectProperties, struct IVGStyle * pStyleAttributes, struct IVGTransformMatrix * pTransformation, VARIANT_BOOL IsPreviewOnly );
  39536. __declspec(implementation_key(4821)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::GetStyles ( );
  39537. __declspec(implementation_key(4822)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::GetStyleSets ( );
  39538. __declspec(implementation_key(4823)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::GetObjectDefaults ( );
  39539. __declspec(implementation_key(4824)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::GetAllStyles ( );
  39540. __declspec(implementation_key(4825)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::GetAllStyleSets ( );
  39541. __declspec(implementation_key(4826)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyleSheet::FindStyle ( _bstr_t Name );
  39542. __declspec(implementation_key(4827)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::CreateStyleFromShape ( struct IVGShape * Shape, _bstr_t Category, _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  39543. __declspec(implementation_key(4828)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::CreateStyleFromShapeRange ( struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange, _bstr_t Category, _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  39544. __declspec(implementation_key(4829)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::CreateStyleFromTextRange ( struct IVGTextRange * TextRange, _bstr_t Category, _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  39545. __declspec(implementation_key(4830)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::CreateStyleSetFromShape ( struct IVGShape * Shape, _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  39546. __declspec(implementation_key(4831)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::CreateStyleSetFromShapeRange ( struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange, _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  39547. __declspec(implementation_key(4832)) IVGStylesPtr IVGStyleSheet::CreateStyleSetFromTextRange ( struct IVGTextRange * TextRange, _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  39548. __declspec(implementation_key(4833)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyleSheet::CreateStyle ( _bstr_t Category, _bstr_t BasedOn, _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  39549. __declspec(implementation_key(4834)) IVGStylePtr IVGStyleSheet::CreateStyleSet ( _bstr_t BasedOn, _bstr_t Name, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  39550. __declspec(implementation_key(4835)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleSheet::Export ( _bstr_t FileName, VARIANT_BOOL Styles, VARIANT_BOOL StyleSets, VARIANT_BOOL ObjectDefaults, VARIANT_BOOL ColorStyles );
  39551. __declspec(implementation_key(4836)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGStyleSheet::Import ( _bstr_t FileName, VARIANT_BOOL MergeStyles, VARIANT_BOOL Styles, VARIANT_BOOL StyleSets, VARIANT_BOOL ObjectDefaults, VARIANT_BOOL ColorStyles );
  39552. __declspec(implementation_key(4837)) IVGColorsPtr IVGStyleSheet::GetAllColorStyles ( );
  39553. __declspec(implementation_key(4838)) IVGColorPtr IVGStyleSheet::CreateColorStyle ( _bstr_t Name, struct IVGColor * Color, long HarmonyIndex, long IndexInHarmony, VARIANT_BOOL ReplaceExisting );
  39554. __declspec(implementation_key(4839)) HRESULT IVGStyleSheet::DeleteAllColorStyles ( );
  39555. __declspec(implementation_key(4840)) HRESULT IVGStyleSheet::DeleteColorStyle ( _bstr_t Name );
  39556. __declspec(implementation_key(4841)) HRESULT IVGStyleSheet::RenameColorStyle ( _bstr_t OldName, _bstr_t NewName );
  39557. __declspec(implementation_key(4842)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGDataItems::GetApplication ( );
  39558. __declspec(implementation_key(4843)) IVGShapePtr IVGDataItems::GetParent ( );
  39559. __declspec(implementation_key(4844)) long IVGDataItems::GetCount ( );
  39560. __declspec(implementation_key(4845)) IVGDataItemPtr IVGDataItems::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  39561. __declspec(implementation_key(4846)) IUnknownPtr IVGDataItems::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39562. __declspec(implementation_key(4847)) IVGDataItemPtr IVGDataItems::Add ( struct IVGDataField * DataField, const _variant_t & Value );
  39563. __declspec(implementation_key(4848)) HRESULT IVGDataItems::CopyFrom ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  39564. __declspec(implementation_key(4849)) HRESULT IVGDataItems::Clear ( );
  39565. __declspec(implementation_key(4850)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGDataItem::GetApplication ( );
  39566. __declspec(implementation_key(4851)) IVGDataItemsPtr IVGDataItem::GetParent ( );
  39567. __declspec(implementation_key(4852)) _variant_t IVGDataItem::GetValue ( );
  39568. __declspec(implementation_key(4853)) void IVGDataItem::PutValue ( const _variant_t & pVal );
  39569. __declspec(implementation_key(4854)) IVGDataFieldPtr IVGDataItem::GetDataField ( );
  39570. __declspec(implementation_key(4855)) HRESULT IVGDataItem::Clear ( );
  39571. __declspec(implementation_key(4856)) _bstr_t IVGDataItem::GetFormattedValue ( );
  39572. __declspec(implementation_key(4857)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGDataField::GetApplication ( );
  39573. __declspec(implementation_key(4858)) IVGDataFieldsPtr IVGDataField::GetParent ( );
  39574. __declspec(implementation_key(4859)) _bstr_t IVGDataField::GetName ( );
  39575. __declspec(implementation_key(4860)) void IVGDataField::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39576. __declspec(implementation_key(4861)) enum cdrDataFormatType IVGDataField::GetFormatType ( );
  39577. __declspec(implementation_key(4862)) _bstr_t IVGDataField::GetFormat ( );
  39578. __declspec(implementation_key(4863)) void IVGDataField::PutFormat ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39579. __declspec(implementation_key(4864)) long IVGDataField::GetFieldWidth ( );
  39580. __declspec(implementation_key(4865)) void IVGDataField::PutFieldWidth ( long pVal );
  39581. __declspec(implementation_key(4866)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDataField::GetAppDefault ( );
  39582. __declspec(implementation_key(4867)) void IVGDataField::PutAppDefault ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39583. __declspec(implementation_key(4868)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDataField::GetDocDefault ( );
  39584. __declspec(implementation_key(4869)) void IVGDataField::PutDocDefault ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39585. __declspec(implementation_key(4870)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDataField::GetSummarizeGroup ( );
  39586. __declspec(implementation_key(4871)) void IVGDataField::PutSummarizeGroup ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39587. __declspec(implementation_key(4872)) HRESULT IVGDataField::Delete ( );
  39588. __declspec(implementation_key(4873)) HRESULT IVGDataField::Reorder ( long NewIndex );
  39589. __declspec(implementation_key(4874)) long IVGDataField::GetIndex ( );
  39590. __declspec(implementation_key(4875)) _bstr_t IVGDataField::GetTarget ( );
  39591. __declspec(implementation_key(4876)) void IVGDataField::PutTarget ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39592. __declspec(implementation_key(4877)) _bstr_t IVGDataField::GetDefaultValue ( );
  39593. __declspec(implementation_key(4878)) void IVGDataField::PutDefaultValue ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39594. __declspec(implementation_key(4879)) _bstr_t IVGDataField::GetConstraint ( );
  39595. __declspec(implementation_key(4880)) void IVGDataField::PutConstraint ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39596. __declspec(implementation_key(4881)) enum cdrDataType IVGDataField::GetDataType ( );
  39597. __declspec(implementation_key(4882)) void IVGDataField::PutDataType ( enum cdrDataType pVal );
  39598. __declspec(implementation_key(4883)) _bstr_t IVGDataField::GetParentName ( );
  39599. __declspec(implementation_key(4884)) void IVGDataField::PutParentName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39600. __declspec(implementation_key(4885)) _bstr_t IVGDataField::GetElementName ( );
  39601. __declspec(implementation_key(4886)) void IVGDataField::PutElementName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39602. __declspec(implementation_key(4887)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGDataFields::GetApplication ( );
  39603. __declspec(implementation_key(4888)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGDataFields::GetParent ( );
  39604. __declspec(implementation_key(4889)) long IVGDataFields::GetCount ( );
  39605. __declspec(implementation_key(4890)) IVGDataFieldPtr IVGDataFields::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  39606. __declspec(implementation_key(4891)) IUnknownPtr IVGDataFields::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39607. __declspec(implementation_key(4892)) IVGDataFieldPtr IVGDataFields::Add ( _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t Format, VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault, VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault, VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup );
  39608. __declspec(implementation_key(4893)) IVGDataFieldPtr IVGDataFields::AddEx ( _bstr_t Name, enum cdrDataType DataType, _bstr_t DefaultValue, _bstr_t Constraint, _bstr_t Target, _bstr_t Format, VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault, VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault, VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup, long FieldWidth );
  39609. __declspec(implementation_key(4894)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGDataFields::IsPresent ( _bstr_t FieldName );
  39610. __declspec(implementation_key(4895)) IVGDataFieldPtr IVGDataFields::AddEx2 ( _bstr_t ParentName, _bstr_t ElementName, _bstr_t Name, enum cdrDataType DataType, _bstr_t DefaultValue, _bstr_t Constraint, _bstr_t Target, _bstr_t Format, VARIANT_BOOL AppDefault, VARIANT_BOOL DocDefault, VARIANT_BOOL SummarizeGroup, long FieldWidth );
  39611. __declspec(implementation_key(4896)) IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr IVGSymbol::GetDefinition ( );
  39612. __declspec(implementation_key(4897)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGSymbol::RevertToShapes ( );
  39613. __declspec(implementation_key(4898)) _bstr_t IVGSymbolDefinition::GetName ( );
  39614. __declspec(implementation_key(4899)) void IVGSymbolDefinition::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39615. __declspec(implementation_key(4900)) _bstr_t IVGSymbolDefinition::GetDescription ( );
  39616. __declspec(implementation_key(4901)) void IVGSymbolDefinition::PutDescription ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39617. __declspec(implementation_key(4902)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSymbolDefinition::GetLinked ( );
  39618. __declspec(implementation_key(4903)) _bstr_t IVGSymbolDefinition::GetLinkLibraryPath ( );
  39619. __declspec(implementation_key(4904)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSymbolDefinition::GetNested ( );
  39620. __declspec(implementation_key(4905)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSymbolDefinition::GetHasLinks ( );
  39621. __declspec(implementation_key(4906)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSymbolDefinition::GetIsLinkBroken ( );
  39622. __declspec(implementation_key(4907)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSymbolDefinition::GetIsLinkUpdated ( );
  39623. __declspec(implementation_key(4908)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSymbolDefinition::GetHasBrokenLinks ( );
  39624. __declspec(implementation_key(4909)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSymbolDefinition::GetHasUpdatedLinks ( );
  39625. __declspec(implementation_key(4910)) IVGSymbolDefinitionsPtr IVGSymbolDefinition::GetNestedSymbols ( );
  39626. __declspec(implementation_key(4911)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSymbolDefinition::GetEditable ( );
  39627. __declspec(implementation_key(4912)) long IVGSymbolDefinition::GetInstanceCount ( );
  39628. __declspec(implementation_key(4913)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGSymbolDefinition::GetInstances ( );
  39629. __declspec(implementation_key(4914)) HRESULT IVGSymbolDefinition::EnterEditMode ( );
  39630. __declspec(implementation_key(4915)) HRESULT IVGSymbolDefinition::LeaveEditMode ( );
  39631. __declspec(implementation_key(4916)) HRESULT IVGSymbolDefinition::Delete ( );
  39632. __declspec(implementation_key(4917)) HRESULT IVGSymbolDefinition::Copy ( );
  39633. __declspec(implementation_key(4918)) IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr IVGSymbolDefinition::Duplicate ( _bstr_t Name );
  39634. __declspec(implementation_key(4919)) HRESULT IVGSymbolDefinition::BreakLink ( );
  39635. __declspec(implementation_key(4920)) HRESULT IVGSymbolDefinition::UpdateLinks ( );
  39636. __declspec(implementation_key(4921)) HRESULT IVGSymbolDefinition::FixLink ( _bstr_t LibraryPath );
  39637. __declspec(implementation_key(4922)) enum cdrSymbolType IVGSymbolDefinition::GetType ( );
  39638. __declspec(implementation_key(4923)) IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr IVGSymbolDefinitions::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  39639. __declspec(implementation_key(4924)) long IVGSymbolDefinitions::GetCount ( );
  39640. __declspec(implementation_key(4925)) IUnknownPtr IVGSymbolDefinitions::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39641. __declspec(implementation_key(4926)) IVGSymbolDefinitionsPtr IVGSymbolLibrary::GetSymbols ( );
  39642. __declspec(implementation_key(4927)) _bstr_t IVGSymbolLibrary::GetName ( );
  39643. __declspec(implementation_key(4928)) _bstr_t IVGSymbolLibrary::GetFilePath ( );
  39644. __declspec(implementation_key(4929)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGSymbolLibrary::GetReadOnly ( );
  39645. __declspec(implementation_key(4930)) HRESULT IVGSymbolLibrary::Delete ( );
  39646. __declspec(implementation_key(4931)) HRESULT IVGSymbolLibrary::PurgeUnusedSymbols ( );
  39647. __declspec(implementation_key(4932)) IVGSymbolDefinitionPtr IVGSymbolLibrary::Paste ( _bstr_t Name );
  39648. __declspec(implementation_key(4933)) IVGSymbolLibraryPtr IVGSymbolLibraries::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  39649. __declspec(implementation_key(4934)) long IVGSymbolLibraries::GetCount ( );
  39650. __declspec(implementation_key(4935)) IVGSymbolLibraryPtr IVGSymbolLibraries::Add ( _bstr_t FileName, VARIANT_BOOL CopyLocally );
  39651. __declspec(implementation_key(4936)) long IVGSymbolLibraries::AddFromFolder ( _bstr_t Folder, VARIANT_BOOL Recursive, VARIANT_BOOL CopyLocally );
  39652. __declspec(implementation_key(4937)) IUnknownPtr IVGSymbolLibraries::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39653. __declspec(implementation_key(4938)) enum cdrTreeNodeType IVGTreeNode::GetType ( );
  39654. __declspec(implementation_key(4939)) enum cdrShapeType IVGTreeNode::GetShapeType ( );
  39655. __declspec(implementation_key(4940)) IVGShapePtr IVGTreeNode::GetShape ( );
  39656. __declspec(implementation_key(4941)) IVGShapePtr IVGTreeNode::GetVirtualShape ( );
  39657. __declspec(implementation_key(4942)) IVGPagePtr IVGTreeNode::GetPage ( );
  39658. __declspec(implementation_key(4943)) IVGLayerPtr IVGTreeNode::GetLayer ( );
  39659. __declspec(implementation_key(4944)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGTreeNode::GetDocument ( );
  39660. __declspec(implementation_key(4945)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeNode::GetNext ( );
  39661. __declspec(implementation_key(4946)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeNode::GetPrevious ( );
  39662. __declspec(implementation_key(4947)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeNode::GetParent ( );
  39663. __declspec(implementation_key(4948)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeNode::GetFirstChild ( );
  39664. __declspec(implementation_key(4949)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeNode::GetLastChild ( );
  39665. __declspec(implementation_key(4950)) IVGTreeNodesPtr IVGTreeNode::GetChildren ( );
  39666. __declspec(implementation_key(4951)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::GetIsGroupChild ( );
  39667. __declspec(implementation_key(4952)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::GetSelected ( );
  39668. __declspec(implementation_key(4953)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeNode::GetNextSelected ( );
  39669. __declspec(implementation_key(4954)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::UnLink ( );
  39670. __declspec(implementation_key(4955)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::LinkBefore ( struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  39671. __declspec(implementation_key(4956)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::LinkAfter ( struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  39672. __declspec(implementation_key(4957)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::LinkAsChildOf ( struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  39673. __declspec(implementation_key(4958)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::MoveToFirst ( );
  39674. __declspec(implementation_key(4959)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::MoveToLast ( );
  39675. __declspec(implementation_key(4960)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::MoveBefore ( struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  39676. __declspec(implementation_key(4961)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::MoveAfter ( struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  39677. __declspec(implementation_key(4962)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGTreeNode::IsDescendentOf ( struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  39678. __declspec(implementation_key(4963)) HRESULT IVGTreeNode::Delete ( );
  39679. __declspec(implementation_key(4964)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeNode::GetCopy ( );
  39680. __declspec(implementation_key(4965)) HRESULT IVGTreeNode::SwapData ( struct IVGTreeNode * TreeNode );
  39681. __declspec(implementation_key(4966)) HRESULT IVGTreeNode::SwapGroupData ( struct IVGTreeNode * GroupNode );
  39682. __declspec(implementation_key(4967)) long IVGTreeNode::GetHandle ( );
  39683. __declspec(implementation_key(4968)) _bstr_t IVGTreeNode::GetName ( );
  39684. __declspec(implementation_key(4969)) void IVGTreeNode::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39685. __declspec(implementation_key(4970)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeNodes::GetItem ( long Index );
  39686. __declspec(implementation_key(4971)) long IVGTreeNodes::GetCount ( );
  39687. __declspec(implementation_key(4972)) IUnknownPtr IVGTreeNodes::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39688. __declspec(implementation_key(4973)) long IVGSpread::GetIndex ( );
  39689. __declspec(implementation_key(4974)) double IVGSpread::GetSizeWidth ( );
  39690. __declspec(implementation_key(4975)) double IVGSpread::GetSizeHeight ( );
  39691. __declspec(implementation_key(4976)) double IVGSpread::GetLeftX ( );
  39692. __declspec(implementation_key(4977)) double IVGSpread::GetRightX ( );
  39693. __declspec(implementation_key(4978)) double IVGSpread::GetTopY ( );
  39694. __declspec(implementation_key(4979)) double IVGSpread::GetBottomY ( );
  39695. __declspec(implementation_key(4980)) double IVGSpread::GetCenterX ( );
  39696. __declspec(implementation_key(4981)) double IVGSpread::GetCenterY ( );
  39697. __declspec(implementation_key(4982)) IVGRectPtr IVGSpread::GetBoundingBox ( );
  39698. __declspec(implementation_key(4983)) HRESULT IVGSpread::GetBoundingBox ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height );
  39699. __declspec(implementation_key(4984)) IVGPagesPtr IVGSpread::GetPages ( );
  39700. __declspec(implementation_key(4985)) IVGSpreadPtr IVGSpread::GetNext ( );
  39701. __declspec(implementation_key(4986)) IVGSpreadPtr IVGSpread::GetPrevious ( );
  39702. __declspec(implementation_key(4987)) IVGLayersPtr IVGSpread::GetLayers ( );
  39703. __declspec(implementation_key(4988)) IVGLayersPtr IVGSpread::GetAllLayers ( );
  39704. __declspec(implementation_key(4989)) IVGLayerPtr IVGSpread::GetActiveLayer ( );
  39705. __declspec(implementation_key(4990)) IVGShapesPtr IVGSpread::GetShapes ( );
  39706. __declspec(implementation_key(4991)) IVGShapesPtr IVGSpread::GetSelectableShapes ( );
  39707. __declspec(implementation_key(4992)) IVGLayerPtr IVGSpread::CreateLayer ( _bstr_t LayerName );
  39708. __declspec(implementation_key(4993)) IVGShapeRangePtr IVGSpread::GetGuides ( enum cdrGuideType Type );
  39709. __declspec(implementation_key(4994)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGSpread::GetTreeNode ( );
  39710. __declspec(implementation_key(4995)) IVGLayerPtr IVGSpread::GetGuidesLayer ( );
  39711. __declspec(implementation_key(4996)) IVGLayerPtr IVGSpread::GetDesktopLayer ( );
  39712. __declspec(implementation_key(4997)) IVGLayerPtr IVGSpread::GetGridLayer ( );
  39713. __declspec(implementation_key(4998)) IVGLayerPtr IVGTreeManager::GetVirtualLayer ( );
  39714. __declspec(implementation_key(4999)) long IVGTreeManager::GetSelectedNodeCount ( );
  39715. __declspec(implementation_key(5000)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeManager::GetFirstSelectedNode ( );
  39716. __declspec(implementation_key(5001)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeManager::CreateGroupNode ( );
  39717. __declspec(implementation_key(5002)) IVGTreeNodePtr IVGTreeManager::CleanGroupNode ( struct IVGTreeNode * GroupNode );
  39718. __declspec(implementation_key(5003)) IVGSpreadPtr IVGSpreads::GetItem ( long Index );
  39719. __declspec(implementation_key(5004)) long IVGSpreads::GetCount ( );
  39720. __declspec(implementation_key(5005)) IUnknownPtr IVGSpreads::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39721. __declspec(implementation_key(5006)) IVGSpreadPtr IVGSpreads::GetFirst ( );
  39722. __declspec(implementation_key(5007)) IVGSpreadPtr IVGSpreads::GetLast ( );
  39723. __declspec(implementation_key(5008)) _bstr_t IVGPageMarkup::GetPageGuid ( );
  39724. __declspec(implementation_key(5009)) IVGCommentThreadsPtr IVGPageMarkup::GetThreads ( );
  39725. __declspec(implementation_key(5010)) IVGPagePtr IVGPageMarkup::GetPage ( );
  39726. __declspec(implementation_key(5011)) IVGCommentPtr IVGPageMarkup::CreateHotspot ( _bstr_t Text, double x, double y, struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39727. __declspec(implementation_key(5012)) IVGCommentPtr IVGPageMarkup::CreateRectangle ( _bstr_t Text, double x, double y, double Width, double Height, long OutlineWidth, struct IVGColor * FillColor, struct IVGColor * OutlineColor, struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39728. __declspec(implementation_key(5013)) IVGCommentPtr IVGPageMarkup::CreateEllipse ( _bstr_t Text, double x, double y, double RadiusX, double RadiusY, long OutlineWidth, struct IVGColor * FillColor, struct IVGColor * OutlineColor, struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39729. __declspec(implementation_key(5014)) IVGCommentPtr IVGPageMarkup::CreateArrow ( _bstr_t Text, double x, double y, double VectorX, double VectorY, long OutlineWidth, struct IVGColor * OutlineColor, struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39730. __declspec(implementation_key(5015)) IVGCommentPtr IVGPageMarkup::CreateFreehand ( _bstr_t Text, struct IVGCurve * Curve, long OutlineWidth, struct IVGColor * OutlineColor, struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39731. __declspec(implementation_key(5016)) IVGCommentPtr IVGPageMarkup::CreateHighlight ( _bstr_t Text, struct IVGCurve * Curve, long OutlineWidth, struct IVGColor * OutlineColor, struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39732. __declspec(implementation_key(5017)) IVGCommentPtr IVGPageMarkup::CreateCollaborativeText ( _bstr_t Text, struct IVGShape * Shape, struct IVGColor * OutlineColor, struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39733. __declspec(implementation_key(5018)) IVGCommentThreadPtr IVGCommentThreads::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrGuid );
  39734. __declspec(implementation_key(5019)) IUnknownPtr IVGCommentThreads::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39735. __declspec(implementation_key(5020)) long IVGCommentThreads::GetCount ( );
  39736. __declspec(implementation_key(5021)) IVGCommentThreadPtr IVGCommentThreads::GetFirst ( );
  39737. __declspec(implementation_key(5022)) IVGCommentThreadPtr IVGCommentThreads::GetLast ( );
  39738. __declspec(implementation_key(5023)) IVGCommentTargetPtr IVGCommentThread::GetTarget ( );
  39739. __declspec(implementation_key(5024)) IVGCommentsPtr IVGCommentThread::GetComments ( );
  39740. __declspec(implementation_key(5025)) enum cdrCommentStatus IVGCommentThread::GetStatus ( );
  39741. __declspec(implementation_key(5026)) IVGCommentPtr IVGCommentThread::Reply ( _bstr_t Text, struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39742. __declspec(implementation_key(5027)) HRESULT IVGCommentThread::Resolve ( struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39743. __declspec(implementation_key(5028)) HRESULT IVGCommentThread::Reopen ( struct IVGCommentAuthor * Author );
  39744. __declspec(implementation_key(5029)) HRESULT IVGCommentThread::Delete ( );
  39745. __declspec(implementation_key(5030)) IVGPageMarkupPtr IVGCommentThread::GetPageMarkup ( );
  39746. __declspec(implementation_key(5031)) IVGCommentAnnotationPtr IVGCommentThread::GetAnnotation ( );
  39747. __declspec(implementation_key(5032)) IVGCommentAuthorPtr IVGComment::GetAuthor ( );
  39748. __declspec(implementation_key(5033)) void IVGComment::PutRefAuthor ( struct IVGCommentAuthor * * pRet );
  39749. __declspec(implementation_key(5034)) _bstr_t IVGComment::GetText ( );
  39750. __declspec(implementation_key(5035)) void IVGComment::PutText ( _bstr_t pRet );
  39751. __declspec(implementation_key(5036)) DATE IVGComment::GetCreationTime ( );
  39752. __declspec(implementation_key(5037)) void IVGComment::PutCreationTime ( DATE pRet );
  39753. __declspec(implementation_key(5038)) DATE IVGComment::GetModificationTime ( );
  39754. __declspec(implementation_key(5039)) void IVGComment::PutModificationTime ( DATE pRet );
  39755. __declspec(implementation_key(5040)) _bstr_t IVGComment::GetGuid ( );
  39756. __declspec(implementation_key(5041)) IVGCommentThreadPtr IVGComment::GetThread ( );
  39757. __declspec(implementation_key(5042)) _bstr_t IVGComment::GetOnlineID ( );
  39758. __declspec(implementation_key(5043)) void IVGComment::PutOnlineID ( _bstr_t pRet );
  39759. __declspec(implementation_key(5044)) HRESULT IVGComment::Delete ( );
  39760. __declspec(implementation_key(5045)) IVGCommentPtr IVGComments::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrGuid );
  39761. __declspec(implementation_key(5046)) IUnknownPtr IVGComments::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39762. __declspec(implementation_key(5047)) long IVGComments::GetCount ( );
  39763. __declspec(implementation_key(5048)) IVGCommentPtr IVGComments::GetFirst ( );
  39764. __declspec(implementation_key(5049)) IVGCommentPtr IVGComments::GetLast ( );
  39765. __declspec(implementation_key(5050)) IVGCommentPtr IVGDocumentMarkup::FindComment ( _bstr_t Guid );
  39766. __declspec(implementation_key(5051)) IVGCommentThreadPtr IVGDocumentMarkup::FindThread ( _bstr_t Guid );
  39767. __declspec(implementation_key(5052)) IVGPagePtr IVGDocumentMarkup::FindPage ( _bstr_t Guid );
  39768. __declspec(implementation_key(5053)) IDispatchPtr IVGWindow::GetApplication ( );
  39769. __declspec(implementation_key(5054)) IVGWindowsPtr IVGWindow::GetParent ( );
  39770. __declspec(implementation_key(5055)) HRESULT IVGWindow::Activate ( );
  39771. __declspec(implementation_key(5056)) HRESULT IVGWindow::Close ( );
  39772. __declspec(implementation_key(5057)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGWindow::GetFullScreen ( );
  39773. __declspec(implementation_key(5058)) void IVGWindow::PutFullScreen ( VARIANT_BOOL FullScreen );
  39774. __declspec(implementation_key(5059)) IDispatchPtr IVGWindow::GetPage ( );
  39775. __declspec(implementation_key(5060)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGWindow::GetActive ( );
  39776. __declspec(implementation_key(5061)) _bstr_t IVGWindow::GetCaption ( );
  39777. __declspec(implementation_key(5062)) long IVGWindow::GetHeight ( );
  39778. __declspec(implementation_key(5063)) void IVGWindow::PutHeight ( long pVal );
  39779. __declspec(implementation_key(5064)) long IVGWindow::GetWidth ( );
  39780. __declspec(implementation_key(5065)) void IVGWindow::PutWidth ( long pVal );
  39781. __declspec(implementation_key(5066)) long IVGWindow::GetLeft ( );
  39782. __declspec(implementation_key(5067)) void IVGWindow::PutLeft ( long pVal );
  39783. __declspec(implementation_key(5068)) long IVGWindow::GetTop ( );
  39784. __declspec(implementation_key(5069)) void IVGWindow::PutTop ( long pVal );
  39785. __declspec(implementation_key(5070)) enum cdrWindowState IVGWindow::GetWindowState ( );
  39786. __declspec(implementation_key(5071)) void IVGWindow::PutWindowState ( enum cdrWindowState pVal );
  39787. __declspec(implementation_key(5072)) IVGWindowPtr IVGWindow::GetPrevious ( );
  39788. __declspec(implementation_key(5073)) IVGWindowPtr IVGWindow::GetNext ( );
  39789. __declspec(implementation_key(5074)) long IVGWindow::GetIndex ( );
  39790. __declspec(implementation_key(5075)) IVGWindowPtr IVGWindow::NewWindow ( );
  39791. __declspec(implementation_key(5076)) HRESULT IVGWindow::Refresh ( );
  39792. __declspec(implementation_key(5077)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGWindow::GetDocument ( );
  39793. __declspec(implementation_key(5078)) IVGActiveViewPtr IVGWindow::GetActiveView ( );
  39794. __declspec(implementation_key(5079)) HRESULT IVGWindow::ScreenToDocument ( long XScreen, long YScreen, double * XDoc, double * YDoc );
  39795. __declspec(implementation_key(5080)) HRESULT IVGWindow::DocumentToScreen ( double XDoc, double YDoc, long * XScreen, long * YScreen );
  39796. __declspec(implementation_key(5081)) long IVGWindow::GetHandle ( );
  39797. __declspec(implementation_key(5082)) ICUIViewWindowPtr IVGWindow::GetViewWindow ( );
  39798. __declspec(implementation_key(5083)) double IVGWindow::ScreenDistanceToDocumentDistance ( double ScreenDistance );
  39799. __declspec(implementation_key(5084)) double IVGWindow::DocumentDistanceToScreenDistance ( double DocumentDistance );
  39800. __declspec(implementation_key(5085)) IDispatchPtr IVGWindows::GetApplication ( );
  39801. __declspec(implementation_key(5086)) IDispatchPtr IVGWindows::GetParent ( );
  39802. __declspec(implementation_key(5087)) IVGWindowPtr IVGWindows::GetItem ( long Index );
  39803. __declspec(implementation_key(5088)) IUnknownPtr IVGWindows::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39804. __declspec(implementation_key(5089)) long IVGWindows::GetCount ( );
  39805. __declspec(implementation_key(5090)) HRESULT IVGWindows::CloseAll ( );
  39806. __declspec(implementation_key(5091)) HRESULT IVGWindows::Arrange ( enum cdrWindowArrangeStyle Style );
  39807. __declspec(implementation_key(5092)) HRESULT IVGWindows::Refresh ( );
  39808. __declspec(implementation_key(5093)) IVGWindowPtr IVGWindows::FindWindow ( _bstr_t Caption );
  39809. __declspec(implementation_key(5094)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGActiveView::GetApplication ( );
  39810. __declspec(implementation_key(5095)) IVGWindowPtr IVGActiveView::GetParent ( );
  39811. __declspec(implementation_key(5096)) enum cdrViewType IVGActiveView::GetType ( );
  39812. __declspec(implementation_key(5097)) void IVGActiveView::PutType ( enum cdrViewType pType );
  39813. __declspec(implementation_key(5098)) double IVGActiveView::GetOriginX ( );
  39814. __declspec(implementation_key(5099)) void IVGActiveView::PutOriginX ( double pVal );
  39815. __declspec(implementation_key(5100)) double IVGActiveView::GetOriginY ( );
  39816. __declspec(implementation_key(5101)) void IVGActiveView::PutOriginY ( double pVal );
  39817. __declspec(implementation_key(5102)) double IVGActiveView::GetZoom ( );
  39818. __declspec(implementation_key(5103)) void IVGActiveView::PutZoom ( double pVal );
  39819. __declspec(implementation_key(5104)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ToFitPage ( );
  39820. __declspec(implementation_key(5105)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ToFitPageWidth ( );
  39821. __declspec(implementation_key(5106)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ToFitPageHeight ( );
  39822. __declspec(implementation_key(5107)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ToFitShape ( struct IVGShape * Shape );
  39823. __declspec(implementation_key(5108)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ToFitSelection ( );
  39824. __declspec(implementation_key(5109)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ToFitArea ( double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom );
  39825. __declspec(implementation_key(5110)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ToFitAllObjects ( );
  39826. __declspec(implementation_key(5111)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ToFitShapeRange ( struct IVGShapeRange * ShapeRange );
  39827. __declspec(implementation_key(5112)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::SetViewPoint ( double x, double y, double Zoom );
  39828. __declspec(implementation_key(5113)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::SetActualSize ( );
  39829. __declspec(implementation_key(5114)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ZoomIn ( );
  39830. __declspec(implementation_key(5115)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ZoomInAtPoint ( double x, double y );
  39831. __declspec(implementation_key(5116)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::ZoomOut ( );
  39832. __declspec(implementation_key(5117)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::GetViewArea ( double * x, double * y, double * Width, double * Height );
  39833. __declspec(implementation_key(5118)) HRESULT IVGActiveView::SetViewArea ( double x, double y, double Width, double Height );
  39834. __declspec(implementation_key(5119)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGActiveView::GetSimulateOverprints ( );
  39835. __declspec(implementation_key(5120)) void IVGActiveView::PutSimulateOverprints ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39836. __declspec(implementation_key(5121)) IVGProofColorSettingsPtr IVGActiveView::GetProofColorSettings ( );
  39837. __declspec(implementation_key(5122)) void IVGActiveView::PutProofColorSettings ( struct IVGProofColorSettings * ppVal );
  39838. __declspec(implementation_key(5123)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGActiveView::GetShowProofColors ( );
  39839. __declspec(implementation_key(5124)) void IVGActiveView::PutShowProofColors ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39840. __declspec(implementation_key(5125)) IDispatchPtr IVGWorkspace::GetApplication ( );
  39841. __declspec(implementation_key(5126)) IVGWorkspacesPtr IVGWorkspace::GetParent ( );
  39842. __declspec(implementation_key(5127)) _bstr_t IVGWorkspace::GetName ( );
  39843. __declspec(implementation_key(5128)) _bstr_t IVGWorkspace::GetDescription ( );
  39844. __declspec(implementation_key(5129)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGWorkspace::GetDefault ( );
  39845. __declspec(implementation_key(5130)) HRESULT IVGWorkspace::Activate ( );
  39846. __declspec(implementation_key(5131)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGWorkspace::GetActive ( );
  39847. __declspec(implementation_key(5132)) IDispatchPtr IVGWorkspaces::GetApplication ( );
  39848. __declspec(implementation_key(5133)) IDispatchPtr IVGWorkspaces::GetParent ( );
  39849. __declspec(implementation_key(5134)) IVGWorkspacePtr IVGWorkspaces::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  39850. __declspec(implementation_key(5135)) IUnknownPtr IVGWorkspaces::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39851. __declspec(implementation_key(5136)) long IVGWorkspaces::GetCount ( );
  39852. __declspec(implementation_key(5137)) IVGRecentFilePtr IVGRecentFiles::Add ( _bstr_t Name, _bstr_t Path );
  39853. __declspec(implementation_key(5138)) IDispatchPtr IVGRecentFiles::GetApplication ( );
  39854. __declspec(implementation_key(5139)) IDispatchPtr IVGRecentFiles::GetParent ( );
  39855. __declspec(implementation_key(5140)) IVGRecentFilePtr IVGRecentFiles::GetItem ( long Index );
  39856. __declspec(implementation_key(5141)) IUnknownPtr IVGRecentFiles::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39857. __declspec(implementation_key(5142)) long IVGRecentFiles::GetCount ( );
  39858. __declspec(implementation_key(5143)) long IVGRecentFiles::GetMaximum ( );
  39859. __declspec(implementation_key(5144)) HRESULT IVGRecentFile::Delete ( );
  39860. __declspec(implementation_key(5145)) IDispatchPtr IVGRecentFile::Open ( );
  39861. __declspec(implementation_key(5146)) IDispatchPtr IVGRecentFile::GetApplication ( );
  39862. __declspec(implementation_key(5147)) IVGRecentFilesPtr IVGRecentFile::GetParent ( );
  39863. __declspec(implementation_key(5148)) long IVGRecentFile::GetIndex ( );
  39864. __declspec(implementation_key(5149)) _bstr_t IVGRecentFile::GetName ( );
  39865. __declspec(implementation_key(5150)) void IVGRecentFile::PutName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39866. __declspec(implementation_key(5151)) _bstr_t IVGRecentFile::GetPath ( );
  39867. __declspec(implementation_key(5152)) void IVGRecentFile::PutPath ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39868. __declspec(implementation_key(5153)) _bstr_t IVGRecentFile::GetFullName ( );
  39869. __declspec(implementation_key(5154)) void IVGRecentFile::PutFullName ( _bstr_t pVal );
  39870. __declspec(implementation_key(5155)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGPageSizes::GetParent ( );
  39871. __declspec(implementation_key(5156)) long IVGPageSizes::GetCount ( );
  39872. __declspec(implementation_key(5157)) IVGPageSizePtr IVGPageSizes::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  39873. __declspec(implementation_key(5158)) IUnknownPtr IVGPageSizes::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39874. __declspec(implementation_key(5159)) IVGPageSizePtr IVGPageSizes::Add ( _bstr_t Name, double Width, double Height );
  39875. __declspec(implementation_key(5160)) IVGPageSizesPtr IVGPageSize::GetParent ( );
  39876. __declspec(implementation_key(5161)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPageSize::GetBuiltIn ( );
  39877. __declspec(implementation_key(5162)) _bstr_t IVGPageSize::GetName ( );
  39878. __declspec(implementation_key(5163)) double IVGPageSize::GetWidth ( );
  39879. __declspec(implementation_key(5164)) void IVGPageSize::PutWidth ( double pVal );
  39880. __declspec(implementation_key(5165)) double IVGPageSize::GetHeight ( );
  39881. __declspec(implementation_key(5166)) void IVGPageSize::PutHeight ( double pVal );
  39882. __declspec(implementation_key(5167)) long IVGPageSize::GetIndex ( );
  39883. __declspec(implementation_key(5168)) HRESULT IVGPageSize::Delete ( );
  39884. __declspec(implementation_key(5169)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGPageSize::GetFixedOrientation ( );
  39885. __declspec(implementation_key(5170)) enum cdrUnit IVGPageSize::GetDefaultUnit ( );
  39886. __declspec(implementation_key(5171)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGViews::GetApplication ( );
  39887. __declspec(implementation_key(5172)) IVGDocumentPtr IVGViews::GetParent ( );
  39888. __declspec(implementation_key(5173)) IVGViewPtr IVGViews::GetItem ( const _variant_t & IndexOrName );
  39889. __declspec(implementation_key(5174)) IUnknownPtr IVGViews::Get_NewEnum ( );
  39890. __declspec(implementation_key(5175)) long IVGViews::GetCount ( );
  39891. __declspec(implementation_key(5176)) IVGViewPtr IVGViews::AddActiveView ( _bstr_t Name );
  39892. __declspec(implementation_key(5177)) IVGApplicationPtr IVGView::GetApplication ( );
  39893. __declspec(implementation_key(5178)) IVGViewsPtr IVGView::GetParent ( );
  39894. __declspec(implementation_key(5179)) _bstr_t IVGView::GetName ( );
  39895. __declspec(implementation_key(5180)) void IVGView::PutName ( _bstr_t Name );
  39896. __declspec(implementation_key(5181)) double IVGView::GetOriginX ( );
  39897. __declspec(implementation_key(5182)) void IVGView::PutOriginX ( double pVal );
  39898. __declspec(implementation_key(5183)) double IVGView::GetOriginY ( );
  39899. __declspec(implementation_key(5184)) void IVGView::PutOriginY ( double pVal );
  39900. __declspec(implementation_key(5185)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGView::GetUsePage ( );
  39901. __declspec(implementation_key(5186)) void IVGView::PutUsePage ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39902. __declspec(implementation_key(5187)) IVGPagePtr IVGView::GetPage ( );
  39903. __declspec(implementation_key(5188)) void IVGView::PutPage ( struct IVGPage * Page );
  39904. __declspec(implementation_key(5189)) VARIANT_BOOL IVGView::GetUseZoom ( );
  39905. __declspec(implementation_key(5190)) void IVGView::PutUseZoom ( VARIANT_BOOL pVal );
  39906. __declspec(implementation_key(5191)) double IVGView::GetZoom ( );
  39907. __declspec(implementation_key(5192)) void IVGView::PutZoom ( double pVal );
  39908. __declspec(implementation_key(5193)) HRESULT IVGView::Activate ( );
  39909. __declspec(implementation_key(5194)) HRESULT IVGView::Delete ( );
  39910. #pragma stop_map_region
  39911. } // namespace VGCore
  39912. #pragma pack(pop)