@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} Toolbar
+ Caption = "Toolbar"
+ ClientHeight = 4230
+ ClientLeft = 45
+ ClientTop = 330
+ ClientWidth = 6840
+ OleObjectBlob = "Toolbar.frx":0000
+Attribute VB_Name = "Toolbar"
+Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
+Attribute VB_Creatable = False
+Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
+Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
'// For more information, please refer to https://github.com/hongwenjun
@@ -54,7 +68,7 @@ End Sub
Private Sub Change_UI_Close_Voice_Click()
SaveSetting "LYVBA", "Settings", "SpeakHelp", "0"
- MsgBox "璇风粰鎴戞敮鎸�!" & vbNewLine & "鎮ㄧ殑鏀�寔锛屾垜鎵嶈兘鏈夊姩鍔涙坊鍔犳洿澶氬姛鑳�." & vbNewLine & "铇�泤CorelVBA宸ュ叿 姘镐箙鍏嶈垂寮€婧�"
+ MsgBox "请给我支持!" & vbNewLine & "您的支持,我才能有动力添加更多功能." & vbNewLine & "蘭雅CorelVBA工具 永久免费开源"
End Sub
Private Sub I18N_LNG_Click()
@@ -65,7 +79,7 @@ Private Sub I18N_LNG_Click()
LNG_CODE = 1033
End If
SaveSetting "LYVBA", "Settings", "I18N_LNG", LNG_CODE
- MsgBox "涓�嫳鏂囪�瑷€鍒囨崲瀹屾垚锛岃�閲嶅惎鎻掍欢!", vbOKOnly, "鍏伴泤VBA浠g爜鍒嗕韩"
+ MsgBox "中英文语言切换完成,请重启插件!", vbOKOnly, "兰雅VBA代码分享"
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
@@ -83,7 +97,7 @@ Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me
.StartUpPosition = 0
- .Left = Val(GetSetting("LYVBA", "Settings", "Left", "400")) ' 璁剧疆宸ュ叿鏍忎綅缃�
+ .Left = Val(GetSetting("LYVBA", "Settings", "Left", "400")) ' 设置工具栏位置
.Top = Val(GetSetting("LYVBA", "Settings", "Top", "55"))
.Height = 30
.width = 336
@@ -92,14 +106,14 @@ End With
OutlineKey = True
OptKey = True
- ' 璇诲彇瑙掔嚎璁剧疆
+ ' 读取角线设置
Bleed.text = API.GetSet("Bleed")
Line_len.text = API.GetSet("Line_len")
Outline_Width.text = GetSetting("LYVBA", "Settings", "Outline_Width", "0.2")
UIFile = Path & "GMS\LYVBA\" & HDPI.GetHDPIPercentage & "\ToolBar.jpg"
If API.ExistsFile_UseFso(UIFile) Then
- UI.Picture = LoadPicture(UIFile) '鎹�I鍥�
+ UI.Picture = LoadPicture(UIFile) '换UI图
Set pic1 = LoadPicture(UIFile)
End If
@@ -109,11 +123,11 @@ End With
UIL_Key = True
End If
- ' 绐楀彛閫忔槑, 鏈€灏忓寲鍙�樉绀轰竴涓�浘鏍�
+ ' 窗口透明, 最小化只显示一个图标
#If VBA7 Then
MakeUserFormTransparent Me, RGB(26, 22, 35)
- ' CorelDRAW X4 / Windows7 鑷�敤鍏抽棴閫忔槑
+ ' CorelDRAW X4 / Windows7 自用关闭透明
#End If
End Sub
@@ -159,7 +173,7 @@ Private Sub LOGO_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVa
ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
mx = X: my = Y
- Unload Me ' Ctrl + 榧犳爣 鍏抽棴宸ュ叿
+ Unload Me ' Ctrl + 鼠标 关闭工具
End If
End Sub
@@ -172,152 +186,152 @@ End Sub
Private Sub UI_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Dim c As New Color
- ' 瀹氫箟鍥炬爣鍧愭爣pos
+ ' 定义图标坐标pos
Dim pos_x As Variant, pos_y As Variant
pos_y = Array(14)
pos_x = Array(14, 41, 67, 94, 121, 148, 174, 201, 228, 254, 281, 308, 334, 361, 388, 415, 441, 468, 495)
- '// 鎸変笅Ctrl閿�紝鏈€浼樺厛澶勭悊宸ュ叿鍔熻兘
+ '// 按下Ctrl键,最优先处理工具功能
If Shift = 2 Then
If Abs(X - pos_x(0)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 瀹夊叏绾匡紝娓呴櫎杈呭姪绾�
- Tools.guideangle ActiveSelectionRange, 3 ' 宸﹂敭 3mm 鍑鸿�
+ '// 安全线,清除辅助线
+ Tools.guideangle ActiveSelectionRange, 3 ' 左键 3mm 出血
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(1)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// Adobe AI EPS INDD PDF鍜孋orelDRAW 缂╃暐鍥惧伐鍏�
+ '// Adobe AI EPS INDD PDF和CorelDRAW 缩略图工具
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(2)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 澶氱墿浠舵媶鍒嗙嚎娈�
+ '// 多物件拆分线段
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(3)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鏅鸿兘鎷嗗瓧
+ '// 智能拆字
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(4)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鏆傛椂绌�
+ '// 暂时空
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(5)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鏆傛椂绌�
+ '// 暂时空
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(6)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鏈ㄥご浜烘櫤鑳界兢缁勶紝寮傚舰缇ょ粍
+ '// 木头人智能群组,异形群组
autogroup("group", 1).CreateSelection
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(8)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// CTRL鎵╁睍宸ュ叿鏍�
+ '// CTRL扩展工具栏
Me.Height = 30 + 45
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(9)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- ' 鏂囨湰杞�洸 鍙傛暟 all=1 锛屾敮鎸佹�閫夊拰鍥炬�鍓��鍐呯殑鏂囨湰
+ ' 文本转曲 参数 all=1 ,支持框选和图框剪裁内的文本
' Tools.TextShape_ConvertToCurves 1
End If
Exit Sub
End If
- '// 榧犳爣鍙抽敭 鎵╁睍閿�寜閽�紭鍏� 鏀剁缉宸ュ叿鏍� 鏍囪�鑼冨洿妗� 灞呬腑椤甸潰 灏哄�鍙栨暣鏁� 鍗曡壊榛戜腑绾挎爣璁� 鎵╁睍宸ュ叿鏍� 鎺掑垪宸ュ叿 鎵╁睍宸ュ叿鏍忔敹缂�
+ '// 鼠标右键 扩展键按钮优先 收缩工具栏 标记范围框 居中页面 尺寸取整数 单色黑中线标记 扩展工具栏 排列工具 扩展工具栏收缩
If Button = 2 Then
If Abs(X - pos_x(0)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鏀剁缉宸ュ叿鏍�
+ '// 收缩工具栏
Me.width = 30: Me.Height = 30
UI.Visible = False: LOGO.Visible = True
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(1)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 灞呬腑椤甸潰
+ '// 居中页面
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(2)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
If Github_Version = 1 Then
- '// 鍗曠嚎鏉¤浆瑁佸垏绾� - 鏀剧疆鍒伴〉闈㈠洓杈�
+ '// 单线条转裁切线 - 放置到页面四边
- '// 鏍囪�鑼冨洿妗�
+ '// 标记范围框
End If
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(3)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鎵归噺璁剧疆鐗╀欢灏哄�鏁存暟
+ '// 批量设置物件尺寸整数
- '//鍒嗗垎鍚堝悎鎶婂嚑涓�姛鑳芥寜閿�悎骞跺埌涓€璧凤紝瀹氫箟鍒板彸閿�笂
+ '//分分合合把几个功能按键合并到一起,定义到右键上
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(4)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// Tools.鍒嗗垎鍚堝悎
+ '// Tools.分分合合
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(5)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鑷�姩涓�嚎鑹查樁鏉� 榛戠櫧
+ '// 自动中线色阶条 黑白
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(6)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鏅鸿兘缇ょ粍
+ '// 智能群组
SmartGroup.Smart_Group API.Create_Tolerance
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(7)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
If Github_Version = 1 Then
- '// 閫夋嫨鐩稿悓宸ュ叿澧炲己鐗�
+ '// 选择相同工具增强版
frmSelectSame.Show 0
End If
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(8)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鍙抽敭鎵╁睍宸ュ叿鏍�
+ '// 右键扩展工具栏
Me.Height = 30 + 45
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(9)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鏂囨湰缁熻�淇℃伅
+ '// 文本统计信息
Application.FrameWork.Automation.InvokeItem "bf3bd8fe-ca26-4fe0-91b0-3b5c99786fb6"
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(10)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鍙抽敭鎺掑垪宸ュ叿
+ '// 右键排列工具
TOP_ALIGN_BT.Visible = True
LEFT_ALIGN_BT.Visible = True
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(11)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鍙抽敭鎵╁睍宸ュ叿鏍忔敹缂�
+ '// 右键扩展工具栏收缩
Me.Height = 30
End If
Exit Sub
End If
- '// 榧犳爣宸﹂敭 鍗曞嚮鎸夐挳鍔熻兘 鎸夊伐鍏锋爮涓婂浘鏍囨�甯稿姛鑳�
+ '// 鼠标左键 单击按钮功能 按工具栏上图标正常功能
If Abs(X - pos_x(0)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 瑁佸垏绾�: 鎵归噺鐗╀欢瑁佸垏绾�
+ '// 裁切线: 批量物件裁切线
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(1)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鍓�创鏉垮昂瀵稿缓绔嬬煩褰�
+ '// 剪贴板尺寸建立矩形
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(2)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
If Github_Version = 1 Then
MakeSizePlus.Show 0
- '// 鍗曠嚎鏉¤浆瑁佸垏绾� - 鏀剧疆鍒伴〉闈㈠洓杈�
+ '// 单线条转裁切线 - 放置到页面四边
End If
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(3)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鎷肩増.Arrange
+ '// 拼版.Arrange
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(4)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鎷肩増瑁佸垏绾�
+ '// 拼版裁切线
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(5)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鑷�姩涓�嚎鑹查樁鏉� 褰╄壊
+ '// 自动中线色阶条 彩色
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(6)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鏅鸿兘缇ょ粍 娌″�宸�
+ '// 智能群组 没容差
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(7)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
If Github_Version = 1 Then
- '// 閫夋嫨鐩稿悓宸ュ叿澧炲己鐗�
+ '// 选择相同工具增强版
frmSelectSame.Show 0
@@ -327,54 +341,54 @@ Private Sub UI_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal
Replace_UI.Show 0
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(9)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- ' 绠€鍗曟枃鏈�浆鏇�
+ ' 简单文本转曲
Tools.TextShape_ConvertToCurves 0
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(10)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
- '// 鎵╁睍宸ュ叿鏍�
+ '// 扩展工具栏
Me.Height = 30 + 45
- Speak_Msg "宸﹀彸閿�湁涓嶅悓鍔熻兘"
+ Speak_Msg "左右键有不同功能"
ElseIf Abs(X - pos_x(11)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
If Me.Height > 30 Then
Me.Height = 30
- '// 鏈€灏忓寲
+ '// 最小化
Me.width = 30
Me.Height = 30
OPEN_UI_BIG.Left = 31
UI.Visible = False
LOGO.Visible = True
- ' 淇濆瓨宸ュ叿鏉′綅缃� Left 鍜� Top
+ ' 保存工具条位置 Left 和 Top
SaveSetting "LYVBA", "Settings", "Left", Me.Left
SaveSetting "LYVBA", "Settings", "Top", Me.Top
- Speak_Msg "宸﹂敭缂╁皬 鍙抽敭鏀剁缉"
+ Speak_Msg "左键缩小 右键收缩"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub X_EXIT_Click()
- Unload Me ' 鍏抽棴
+ Unload Me ' 关闭
End Sub
-'// 澶氶〉鍚堝苟宸ュ叿锛屽凡缁忓悎骞跺埌涓荤嚎宸ュ叿
-' Private Sub 璋冪敤澶氶〉鍚堝苟宸ュ叿()
+'// 多页合并工具,已经合并到主线工具
+' Private Sub 调用多页合并工具()
' Dim value As Integer
-' value = GMSManager.RunMacro("鍚堝苟澶氶〉宸ュ叿", "鍚堝苟澶氶〉杩愯�.run")
+' value = GMSManager.RunMacro("合并多页工具", "合并多页运行.run")
' End Sub
-'''/// 璐�績鍟嗕汉鍜屽ソ鐜╁伐鍏风瓑 ///'''
+'''/// 贪心商人和好玩工具等 ///'''
Private Sub Cdr_Nodes_BT_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
- ' Ctrl + 榧犳爣 绌�
+ ' Ctrl + 鼠标 空
End If
End Sub
@@ -400,7 +414,7 @@ Private Sub TSP2DRAW_LINE_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Inte
ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
- ' Ctrl + 榧犳爣 绌�
+ ' Ctrl + 鼠标 空
End If
End Sub
@@ -425,7 +439,7 @@ Private Sub BITMAP_MAKE_DOTS_Click()
End Sub
-'''/// Python鑴氭湰鍜屼簩缁寸爜绛� ///'''
+'''/// Python脚本和二维码等 ///'''
Private Sub Organize_Size_Click()
End Sub
@@ -445,8 +459,8 @@ End Sub
Private Sub OPEN_UI_BIG_Click()
Unload Me
- MsgBox "璇风粰鎴戞敮鎸�!" & vbNewLine & "鎮ㄧ殑鏀�寔锛屾垜鎵嶈兘鏈夊姩鍔涙坊鍔犳洿澶氬姛鑳�." & vbNewLine & "铇�泤CorelVBA宸ュ叿 姘镐箙鍏嶈垂寮€婧�" _
- & vbNewLine & "婧愮爜缃戝潃:" & vbNewLine & "https://github.com/hongwenjun/corelvba"
+ MsgBox "请给我支持!" & vbNewLine & "您的支持,我才能有动力添加更多功能." & vbNewLine & "蘭雅CorelVBA工具 永久免费开源" _
+ & vbNewLine & "源码网址:" & vbNewLine & "https://github.com/hongwenjun/corelvba"
End Sub
Private Sub Settings_Click()
@@ -456,7 +470,7 @@ Private Sub Settings_Click()
SaveSetting "LYVBA", "Settings", "Outline_Width", Outline_Width.text
End If
- ' 淇濆瓨宸ュ叿鏉′綅缃� Left 鍜� Top
+ ' 保存工具条位置 Left 和 Top
SaveSetting "LYVBA", "Settings", "Left", Me.Left
SaveSetting "LYVBA", "Settings", "Top", Me.Top
@@ -464,16 +478,16 @@ Private Sub Settings_Click()
End Sub
-'''///////// 鍥炬爣榧犳爣宸﹀彸鐐瑰嚮鍔熻兘璋冪敤 /////////'''
+'''///////// 图标鼠标左右点击功能调用 /////////'''
Private Sub Tools_Icon_Click()
- ' 璋冪敤璇�彞
+ ' 调用语句
i = GMSManager.RunMacro("ZeroBase", "Hello_VBA.run")
End Sub
Private Sub Split_Segment_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
- MsgBox "宸﹂敭鎷嗗垎绾挎�锛孋trl鍚堝苟绾挎�"
+ MsgBox "左键拆分线段,Ctrl合并线段"
ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
@@ -481,10 +495,10 @@ Private Sub Split_Segment_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Inte
End If
- Speak_Msg "鎷嗗垎绾挎�锛孋trl鍚堝苟绾挎�"
+ Speak_Msg "拆分线段,Ctrl合并线段"
End Sub
-'''//// CorelDRAW 涓� Adobe_Illustrator 鍓�创鏉胯浆鎹� ////'''
+'''//// CorelDRAW 与 Adobe_Illustrator 剪贴板转换 ////'''
Private Sub Adobe_Illustrator_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Dim value As Integer
If Button = 2 Then
@@ -494,11 +508,11 @@ Private Sub Adobe_Illustrator_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As
If Button Then
value = GMSManager.RunMacro("AIClipboard", "CopyPaste.CopyAIFormat")
- MsgBox "CorelDRAW 涓� Adobe_Illustrator 鍓�创鏉胯浆鎹�" & vbNewLine & "榧犳爣宸﹂敭澶嶅埗锛岄紶鏍囧彸閿�矘璐�"
+ MsgBox "CorelDRAW 与 Adobe_Illustrator 剪贴板转换" & vbNewLine & "鼠标左键复制,鼠标右键粘贴"
End If
End Sub
-'''//// 鏍囪�鐢绘� 鏀�寔瀹瑰樊 ////'''
+'''//// 标记画框 支持容差 ////'''
Private Sub Mark_CreateRectangle_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
Tools.Mark_CreateRectangle True
@@ -507,10 +521,10 @@ Private Sub Mark_CreateRectangle_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift
End If
- Speak_Msg "鏍囪�鐢绘� 鍙抽敭鏀�寔瀹瑰樊"
+ Speak_Msg "标记画框 右键支持容差"
End Sub
-'''//// 涓€閿�媶寮€澶氳�缁勫悎鐨勬枃瀛楀瓧绗� ////'''
+'''//// 一键拆开多行组合的文字字符 ////'''
Private Sub Batch_Combine_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
@@ -521,7 +535,7 @@ Private Sub Batch_Combine_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Inte
End If
End Sub
-'''//// 绠€鍗曚竴鍒€鍒� ////'''
+'''//// 简单一刀切 ////'''
Private Sub Single_Line_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
@@ -532,7 +546,7 @@ Private Sub Single_Line_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Intege
End If
End Sub
-'''//// 鍌荤摐鐏�溅鎺掑垪 ////'''
+'''//// 傻瓜火车排列 ////'''
Private Sub TOP_ALIGN_BT_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
Tools.Simple_Train_Arrangement 3#
@@ -543,7 +557,7 @@ Private Sub TOP_ALIGN_BT_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integ
End If
End Sub
-'''//// 鍌荤摐闃舵�鎺掑垪 ////'''
+'''//// 傻瓜阶梯排列 ////'''
Private Sub LEFT_ALIGN_BT_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
Tools.Simple_Ladder_Arrangement 3#
@@ -555,28 +569,28 @@ Private Sub LEFT_ALIGN_BT_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Inte
End Sub
-'''//// 宸﹂敭-澶氶〉鍚堝苟涓€椤靛伐鍏� 鍙抽敭-鎵归噺澶氶〉灞呬腑 ////'''
+'''//// 左键-多页合并一页工具 右键-批量多页居中 ////'''
Private Sub UniteOne_BT_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
UniteOne.Show 0
- ' Ctrl + 榧犳爣 绌�
+ ' Ctrl + 鼠标 空
End If
End Sub
-'''//// Adobe AI EPS INDD PDF鍜孋orelDRAW 缂╃暐鍥惧伐鍏� ////'''
+'''//// Adobe AI EPS INDD PDF和CorelDRAW 缩略图工具 ////'''
Private Sub AdobeThumbnail_Click()
Dim h As Long, r As Long
mypath = Path & "GMS\LYVBA\"
App = mypath & "GuiAdobeThumbnail.exe"
- h = FindWindow(vbNullString, "CorelVBA 闈掑勾鑺� By 铇�泤sRGB")
+ h = FindWindow(vbNullString, "CorelVBA 青年节 By 蘭雅sRGB")
i = ShellExecute(h, "", App, "", mypath, 1)
End Sub
-'''//// 蹇�€熼�鑹查€夋嫨 ////'''
+'''//// 快速颜色选择 ////'''
Private Sub Quick_Color_Select_Click()
End Sub
@@ -587,42 +601,42 @@ Private Sub Cut_Cake_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer,
ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
- ' Ctrl + 榧犳爣 绌�
+ ' Ctrl + 鼠标 空
End If
End Sub
-'// 瀹夊叏杈呭姪绾垮姛鑳斤紝涓夐敭鎺у埗锛岃�鍘岃緟鍔╃嚎鐨勪篃鍙�互鐢ㄦ潵鍒犻櫎杈呭姪绾�
+'// 安全辅助线功能,三键控制,讨厌辅助线的也可以用来删除辅助线
Private Sub Safe_Guideangle_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
- Tools.guideangle ActiveSelectionRange, 0# ' 鍙抽敭0璺濈�璐寸揣
+ Tools.guideangle ActiveSelectionRange, 0# ' 右键0距离贴紧
ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
- Tools.guideangle ActiveSelectionRange, 3 ' 宸﹂敭 3mm 鍑鸿�
+ Tools.guideangle ActiveSelectionRange, 3 ' 左键 3mm 出血
- Tools.guideangle ActiveSelectionRange, -Set_Space_Width ' Ctrl + 榧犳爣宸﹂敭 鑷�畾涔夐棿闅�
+ Tools.guideangle ActiveSelectionRange, -Set_Space_Width ' Ctrl + 鼠标左键 自定义间隔
End If
End Sub
-'// 鏍囧噯灏哄�锛屽乏閿�彸閿瓹trl涓夐敭鎺у埗锛岃皟鐢ㄤ笁绉嶆牱寮�
+'// 标准尺寸,左键右键Ctrl三键控制,调用三种样式
Private Sub btn_makesizes_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
- Make_SIZE.Show 0 ' 鍙抽敭
+ Make_SIZE.Show 0 ' 右键
ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
#If VBA7 Then
MakeSizePlus.Show 0
- #Else ' X4 浣跨敤
+ #Else ' X4 使用
Make_SIZE.Show 0
#End If
- Tools.Simple_Label_Numbers ' Ctrl + 榧犳爣 鎵归噺绠€鍗曟暟瀛楁爣娉�
+ Tools.Simple_Label_Numbers ' Ctrl + 鼠标 批量简单数字标注
End If
End Sub
-'// 鎵归噺杞�浘鐗囧拰瀵煎嚭鍥剧墖鏂囦欢
+'// 批量转图片和导出图片文件
Private Sub Photo_Form_Click()
PhotoForm.Show 0
End Sub
-'// 淇��鍦嗚�缂鸿�鍒扮洿瑙�
+'// 修复圆角缺角到直角
Private Sub btn_corners_off_Click()
End Sub
@@ -648,7 +662,7 @@ Private Sub SwapShape_Click()
End Sub
-'// 灏忓伐鍏峰揩閫熷惎鍔�
+'// 小工具快速启动
Private Sub Open_Calc_Click()
End Sub