@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} frmSelectSame
+ Caption = "相似选择-魔改版 蘭雅"
+ ClientHeight = 5775
+ ClientLeft = 495
+ ClientTop = 5895
+ ClientWidth = 2625
+ OleObjectBlob = "frmSelectSame.frx":0000
+ ShowModal = 0 'False
+Attribute VB_Name = "frmSelectSame"
+Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
+Attribute VB_Creatable = False
+Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
+Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+Option Explicit
+'需要显式声明所有变量。 这可以防止无意中使用缓慢的“Variant”类型变量,这些变量在特定类型未知时使用。
+'Requires explicit declaration of all variables. This protects against inadvertent use of the slow 'Variant' type variables which are used when the specific type is unknown.
+Public ssreg As ShapeRange
+Private Const TOOLNAME As String = "VBA_SelectSame"
+Private Const SECTION As String = "Options"
+Private Sub btnSelect_Click()
+ If 0 = ActiveSelectionRange.Count Then Exit Sub
+ On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
+ Dim fLeft As Double, fTop As Double
+ fLeft = frmSelectSame.Left
+ fTop = frmSelectSame.Top
+ SaveSetting "SelectSame", "Preferences", "form_left", fLeft
+ SaveSetting "SelectSame", "Preferences", "form_top", fTop
+ '// 区域范围选择,需要关闭刷新优化
+ If OptBt.Value = False Then
+ API.BeginOpt
+ Else
+ add_ssreg
+ End If
+ If (chkFill = False And chkOutline = False And chkOutlineColor = False And _
+ chkOutlineLength = False And chkSize = False And chkWHratio = False And _
+ chkType = False And chkNodes = False And chkSegments = False And _
+ chkPaths = False And chkFontName = False And chkFontSize = False And chkShapeName = False) Then
+ MsgBox "请至少选择一个选项", vbCritical, "Select Same"
+ GoTo ErrorHandler
+ End If
+'// "ME"是一个VBA保留字,返回对当前代码所在窗体(或类模块)的引用。 chk... 函数返回同名复选按钮的当前值。
+'// "ME" is a VBA reserved word, returning a reference to the form (or class module) in which the current code is located.
+'// The chk... functions return the current Value of the check buttons of the same name.
+ With Me
+ .SelectAllSimilar .chkFill, .chkOutline, .chkOutlineColor, .chkOutlineLength, _
+ .chkSize, .chkWHratio, .chkType, .chkNodes, .chkSegments, .chkPaths, _
+ .OptDoc, .Optpage, .Optlayer, .chkInGroups, .chkColorMark, .chkIndiv, _
+ .chkFontName, .chkFontSize, .chkShapeName
+ End With
+ API.EndOpt
+Exit Sub
+ Application.Optimization = False
+End Sub
+Sub SelectAllSimilar(Optional CheckFill As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckOutline As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckOutlineColor As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckOutlineLength As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckSize As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CheckWHratio As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CheckType As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CountNodes As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CountSegments As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CountPaths As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional WithinDoc As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional WithinPage As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional WithinLayer As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional WithinGroups As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckColorMark As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CheckIndiv As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckFontName As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CheckFontSize As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CheckShapeName As Boolean = False)
+ 'Object variables. Reference to:
+ Dim shpsSelected As Shapes 'selected shapes,
+ Dim shpsToTest As Shapes 'full set of shapes to be tested, ' 待测形状全部集合
+ Dim pagesr As ShapeRange 'pages shapes collection,
+ Dim docsr As New ShapeRange
+ Dim shpModel As Shape 'a pre-selected shape,
+ Dim shpToMatch As Shape 'a shape to be matched,
+ 'Dim oScript As Object 'CorelScript object,
+ Dim clnModelShapes As Collection 'our list of pre-selected shapes, '定义源对象集合
+ Dim clnSubShapes As Collection 'our list of shapes inside a group. '定义群组内的目标对象
+ Dim P As Page, p1 As Page '文档中查找使用
+ Dim shr As ShapeRange, sr As New ShapeRange
+ Dim i As Integer ' '文档中循环查找计数使用
+ Dim fsn As Shape '// 扩展功能: 字体字号标记名检测源对象
+ On Error GoTo NothingSelected 'Get a reference to any
+ Set shr = ActiveSelectionRange
+ Set shpsSelected = ActiveDocument.Selection.Shapes
+' On Error GoTo 0 'pre-selected shapes. 将文档中当前选中的范围作为源对象
+ If shpsSelected.Count > 0 Then 'Gather the pre-selected shapes
+ Set clnModelShapes = New Collection 'into a new collection for
+ For Each shpModel In shpsSelected 'simple processing. 建立源对象集合
+ clnModelShapes.Add shpModel
+ Next
+ '// 魔改分支 字体-字号-标记名
+ If CheckFontName Or CheckFontSize Or CheckShapeName Then
+ Set fsn = shr(1)
+ End If
+ '===================================
+ ' TurnOptimizations cdrOptimizationOn
+ '===================================
+ If WithinPage Then
+ If OptBt.Value = True Then
+ Set shpsToTest = ssreg.Shapes
+ OptBt.Value = 0
+ API.BeginOpt
+ Else
+ Set shpsToTest = ActivePage.Shapes
+ End If
+ 'Ensure that "Edit across layers"
+ 'is ON. Otherwise, selecting
+' Set oScript = CorelScript 'across layers, followed by
+' oScript.SetMultiLayer True 'grouping, can flatten all
+' Set oScript = Nothing 'layers into one. 选中表示将对当前页面的所有对象与源对象进行匹配,否则只匹配当前图层的对象
+ 'Replace the above with this line, CoreScript is not longer support X7+
+ ActiveDocument.EditAcrossLayers = True
+ End If
+ If WithinLayer Then
+ Set shpsToTest = ActivePage.ActiveLayer.Shapes
+ End If
+ If WithinDoc Then '在当前文档查找,将当前页面相应的对象加入到待比较范围
+ For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Pages.Count
+ ActiveDocument.Pages(i).Activate
+ Set p1 = ActiveDocument.Pages(i)
+ Set pagesr = ActivePage.SelectShapesFromRectangle(0, p1.CenterY * 2, p1.CenterX * 2, 0, False).Shapes.All
+ Debug.Print p1.CenterY * 2 & p1.CenterX * 2
+ docsr.AddRange pagesr '各页面依次查找,相应的对象加入到待比较范围
+ Next i
+ Set shpsToTest = docsr.Shapes
+' MsgBox "共有待比较对象 " & shpsToTest.Count & " 个"
+ Label13.Caption = "共有待比较对象 " & shpsToTest.Count & " 个"
+ 'p1.Activate
+ End If
+ If WithinGroups Then 'Check through flattened list.
+ Set clnSubShapes = FlatShapeList(shpsToTest)
+ '=======
+ For Each shpToMatch In clnSubShapes
+ If Not shpToMatch.Selected Then 'If the shape is not yet selected,
+ '==================== 'check the models for a match.
+ For Each shpModel In clnModelShapes
+ If ShapesMatch(shpToMatch, shpModel, CheckFill, _
+ CheckOutline, CheckOutlineColor, CheckOutlineLength, CheckSize, CheckWHratio, _
+ CheckType, CountNodes, CountSegments, CountPaths, CheckIndiv) Then
+ 'shpToMatch.AddToSelection
+ sr.Add shpToMatch
+ Exit For 'If a match has now been found,
+ End If 'we can skip any remaining models.
+ Next
+ '=====================
+ End If
+ Next
+ '=======
+ Else 'Check through top-level list.
+ For Each shpToMatch In shpsToTest
+ If Not shpToMatch.Selected Then 'If the shape is not yet selected,
+ 'check the models for a match.
+ For Each shpModel In clnModelShapes
+ If ShapesMatch(shpToMatch, shpModel, CheckFill, _
+ CheckOutline, CheckOutlineColor, CheckOutlineLength, CheckSize, CheckWHratio, _
+ CheckType, CountNodes, CountSegments, CountPaths, CheckIndiv) Then
+ 'shpToMatch.AddToSelection
+ sr.Add shpToMatch
+ Exit For 'If a match has now been found,
+ End If 'we can skip any remaining models.
+ Next
+ End If
+ Next
+ End If
+ '===================================
+ ' TurnOptimizations cdrOptimizationOff
+ 'CorelScript.RedrawScreen
+ '===================================
+ 'sr.Add ActiveDocument.Selection
+ If CheckColorMark And sr.Count > 0 Then sr.SetOutlineProperties , , CreateCMYKColor(0, 100, 0, 0) '轮廓线上色
+ sr.AddRange shr
+ '// 魔改分支 字体-字号-标记名
+ If CheckFontName Or CheckFontSize Or CheckShapeName Then
+ If CheckFontName Then ShapesMatch_Font_Name fsn, sr, "FontName"
+ If CheckFontSize Then ShapesMatch_Font_Name fsn, sr, "FontSize"
+ If CheckShapeName Then ShapesMatch_Font_Name fsn, sr, "ShapeName"
+ End If
+ sr.CreateSelection
+ '// 显示找到对象
+ Label13.Caption = "共找到 " & sr.Count & " 个对象"
+ End If
+ Set clnModelShapes = Nothing 'Release the memory allocated
+ Set shpsToTest = Nothing
+ Exit Sub
+End Sub
+'// 添加区域选择分支
+Private Function add_ssreg()
+ Dim ssr As ShapeRange, shr As ShapeRange
+ Dim x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double
+ Dim Shift As Long
+ Dim b As Boolean
+ Set shr = ActiveSelectionRange
+ b = ActiveDocument.GetUserArea(x1, y1, x2, y2, Shift, 10, False, cdrCursorWeldSingle)
+ If Not b Then
+ Set ssreg = ActivePage.SelectShapesFromRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, True).Shapes.All
+ End If
+ ActiveDocument.ClearSelection
+ shr.CreateSelection
+End Function
+'// 魔改分支 字体-字号-标记名 检查匹配
+Private Function ShapesMatch_Font_Name(ByVal fsn As Shape, sr As ShapeRange, Check_Case As String)
+ Dim xz As String, sh_name As String, strFontName As String
+ Dim FontSize As Double
+ Dim srText As ShapeRange
+ Set srText = sr.Shapes.FindShapes(Type:=cdrTextShape)
+ Select Case Check_Case
+ Case "FontName"
+ If fsn.Type = cdrTextShape Then
+ strFontName = fsn.text.Story.Font
+ Set sr = srText.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@type ='text:artistic' or @type ='text:paragraph' and @com.text.story.font = '" & strFontName & "'")
+ End If
+ Case "FontSize"
+ If fsn.Type = cdrTextShape Then
+ FontSize = fsn.text.Story.size
+ Set sr = srText.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@type ='text:artistic' or @type ='text:paragraph' and (@com.text.story.size - " & FontSize & ").abs() < 0.1 ")
+ End If
+ Case "ShapeName"
+ sh_name = fsn.name
+ Set sr = sr.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@name ='" & sh_name & "'")
+ End Select
+End Function
+Private Function ShapesMatch(shpShape As Shape, shpModel As Shape, _
+ Optional CheckFill As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckOutline As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckOutlineColor As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckOutlineLength As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckSize As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CheckWHratio As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CheckType As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CountNodes As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CountSegments As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CountPaths As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CheckIndiv As Boolean = False) As Boolean
+ 'Sizes "match" if they differ by less than one per cent
+ Dim ToleranceSize As Double '面积大小允许波动
+ ToleranceSize = Me.TextBox1 / 100 '面积大小允许波动,以百分比为单位
+ Dim ToleranceLength As Double '线长允许波动
+ ToleranceLength = Me.TextBox2 / 100 '长度允许波动,以百分比为单位
+ Dim ToleranceNodesCount As Long '节点数量允许波动,以 点 单位
+ ToleranceNodesCount = Me.TextBox3 '节点数量允许波动,以 点 单位
+ Dim ToleranceSubPathsCount As Long '子路径 子线段 允许波动,以 条 为单位
+ ToleranceSubPathsCount = Me.TextBox4 '子路径 子线段 允许波动,以 条 为单位
+ Dim ToleranceWHratio As Double '长宽比 允许波动,以 百分比 为单位
+ ToleranceWHratio = Me.TextBox5 '长宽比 允许波动,以 百分比 为单位
+ Dim ToleranceSegmentsCount As Long '线段数 允许波动,以 个 为单位
+ ToleranceSegmentsCount = Me.TextBox6 '线段数 允许波动,以 个 为单位
+ 'Object Variables. 'Reference to:
+ Dim clrModel As Color 'color features of model shape,
+ Dim clrShape As Color 'color features of shape to be tested
+ Dim fillModel As Fill 'fill style of model shape,
+ Dim outlnModel As Outline 'outline style of model shape,
+ Dim crvModel As Curve 'Bezier curve of model shape,
+ Dim crvShape As Curve 'Bezier curve of shape to be tested,
+ Dim fntModel As StructFontProperties 'font properties of model text shape,
+ Dim trgModel As text 'general text properties of model shape.
+ Dim spath As SubPath, opath As SubPath
+ Dim j As Integer
+ 'Simple Variables. Storage of:
+ Dim dblWidth As Double 'width of a shape,
+ Dim dblHeight As Double 'height of a shape,
+ Dim lngShapeType As cdrShapeType 'code for type of shape to be tested,
+ Dim lngModelType As cdrShapeType 'code for the type of a model shape,
+ Dim lngType As Long 'code for the type of a fill, color,
+ 'or outline.
+ 'Does the SHAPE match the MODEL ?
+ 'Exit immediately on any mismatch.
+ With shpShape
+ lngShapeType = .Type 'Same basic TYPE of shape ?
+ lngModelType = shpModel.Type
+ If CheckType Then If lngShapeType <> lngModelType Then GoTo NoMatch
+ 'A GROUP ? delegate to GroupsMatch()
+' If lngShapeType = cdrGroupShape Then
+' ShapesMatch = GroupsMatch(shpShape, shpModel, CheckSize, _
+' CountNodes, CountPaths)
+' Exit Function
+' End If
+ 'Does SIZE count ? Is so, are the
+ If CheckSize Then 'size differences significant ?
+ dblWidth = shpModel.SizeWidth
+ If Abs(.SizeWidth - dblWidth) > (dblWidth * _
+ ToleranceSize) Then GoTo NoMatch
+ dblHeight = shpModel.SizeHeight
+ If Abs(.SizeHeight - dblHeight) > (dblHeight * _
+ ToleranceSize) Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If
+ If CheckWHratio Then 'size width and height ratio differences significant ?
+ dblWidth = shpModel.SizeWidth
+ dblHeight = shpModel.SizeHeight
+ If Abs(.SizeHeight / .SizeWidth - dblHeight / dblWidth) > (dblHeight / dblWidth * ToleranceWHratio) Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If
+ If CountNodes Or CountPaths Or CheckOutlineLength Or CountSegments Then
+ 'Only Curves can match ...
+ If lngShapeType <> cdrCurveShape Then GoTo NoMatch
+ Set crvShape = .Curve
+ Set crvModel = shpModel.Curve
+ 'If CheckIndiv Then '逐条子路径比较
+ 'If Abs(crvShape.SubPaths.Count - crvModel.SubPaths.Count) <> 0 Then GoTo NoMatch
+ 'For j = 1 To crvShape.SubPaths.Count
+ 'If Abs(crvShape.SubPath(j).Nodes.Count - crvModel.SubPath(j).Nodes.Count) > ToleranceNodesCount Then GoTo NoMatch
+ 'Next j
+ If CountPaths Then 'Do the PATH counts match ?
+ If VersionMajor > 12 Then 'GDG ##########################################
+ If Abs(crvShape.SubPaths.Count - crvModel.SubPaths.Count) > ToleranceSubPathsCount Then GoTo NoMatch
+ 'MsgBox "subpaths1: " & crvShape.SubPaths.Count & "subpaths2: " & crvModel.SubPaths.Count
+ Else
+ If Abs(crvShape.SubPathCount - crvModel.SubPathCount) > ToleranceSubPathsCount Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If 'GDG #############################################################
+ End If
+ If CountNodes Then 'Do the NODE counts match ?
+ If VersionMajor > 12 Then 'GDG ##########################################
+ If Abs(crvShape.Nodes.Count - crvModel.Nodes.Count) > ToleranceNodesCount Then GoTo NoMatch
+ Else
+ If Abs(crvShape.NodeCount - crvModel.NodeCount) > ToleranceNodesCount Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If 'GDG #############################################################
+ End If
+ If CountSegments Then 'Do the Segments counts match ?
+ If VersionMajor > 12 Then 'GDG ##########################################
+ If Abs(crvShape.Segments.Count - crvModel.Segments.Count) > ToleranceSegmentsCount Then GoTo NoMatch
+ Else
+ If Abs(crvShape.SegmentCount - crvModel.SegmentCount) > ToleranceSegmentsCount Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If 'GDG #############################################################
+ End If
+ If CheckOutlineLength Then 'Do the curve length match ?
+ If VersionMajor > 12 Then 'GDG ##########################################
+ If Abs(crvShape.Length - crvModel.Length) > crvModel.Length * ToleranceLength Then GoTo NoMatch
+ 'MsgBox "subpaths1: " & crvShape.SubPaths.Count & "subpaths2: " & crvModel.SubPaths.Count
+ Else
+ If Abs(crvShape.Length - crvModel.Length) > crvModel.Length * ToleranceLength Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If 'GDG #############################################################
+ End If
+ End If
+ If CheckFill Then
+ Set fillModel = shpModel.Fill
+ With .Fill 'Is the FILL type the same ?
+ lngType = .Type
+ If lngType <> shpModel.Fill.Type Then GoTo NoMatch
+ If lngType = cdrUniformFill Then
+'Does the uniform fill match ?
+ If VersionMajor > 12 Then 'GDG ##########################################
+ 'GDG ##########################################
+ Dim col1 As New Color
+ col1.CopyAssign .UniformColor
+ Dim col2 As New Color
+ col2.CopyAssign shpModel.Fill.UniformColor
+ 'GDG ##########################################
+ If col1.IsSame(col2) = False Then GoTo NoMatch
+ Else
+ Set clrModel = fillModel.UniformColor
+ lngType = .UniformColor.Type
+ If lngType <> clrModel.Type Then GoTo NoMatch
+ If .UniformColor.name(True) <> clrModel.name(True) Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If 'GDG #############################################################
+ End If
+ End With
+ End If
+ If CheckOutline Then '(Groups have no outline)
+ If lngShapeType <> cdrGroupShape Then
+ Set outlnModel = shpModel.Outline
+ If Not outlnModel Is Nothing Then
+ With .Outline
+ lngType = .Type
+ If lngType <> outlnModel.Type Then GoTo NoMatch
+ If lngType > 0 Then 'Does the shape have an OUTLINE ?
+ 'Same LINE WIDTH ?
+ If .Width <> outlnModel.Width Then GoTo NoMatch
+ 'Matching LINE COLOR ?
+' Set clrShape = .Color
+' lngType = clrShape.Type
+' Set clrModel = outlnModel.Color
+' If lngType <> clrModel.Type Then GoTo NoMatch
+' If clrShape.Name(True) <> clrModel.Name(True) Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If
+ End With
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ If CheckOutlineColor Then '(Groups have no outline)
+ If lngShapeType <> cdrGroupShape Then
+ Set outlnModel = shpModel.Outline
+ If Not outlnModel Is Nothing Then
+ With .Outline
+ lngType = .Type
+ If lngType <> outlnModel.Type Then GoTo NoMatch
+ If lngType > 0 Then 'Does the shape have an OUTLINE ?
+ 'Matching LINE COLOR ?
+ If VersionMajor > 12 Then 'GDG ##########################################
+ 'GDG ##########################################
+ Dim col3 As New Color
+ col3.CopyAssign .Color
+ Dim col4 As New Color
+ col4.CopyAssign shpModel.Outline.Color
+ 'GDG ##########################################
+ If col3.IsSame(col4) = False Then GoTo NoMatch
+ Else
+ Set clrShape = .Color
+ lngType = clrShape.Type
+ Set clrModel = outlnModel.Color
+ If lngType <> clrModel.Type Then GoTo NoMatch
+ If clrShape.name(True) <> clrModel.name(True) _
+ Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If
+ End If
+ End With
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ End With
+ ShapesMatch = True
+ Exit Function
+ ShapesMatch = False
+ ShapesMatch = False
+ Exit Function
+End Function
+Private Function GroupsMatch(Group As Shape, GroupModel As Shape, _
+ Optional CheckFill As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckOutline As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckOutlineColor As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckOutlineLength As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CheckSize As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CheckType As Boolean = True, _
+ Optional CountNodes As Boolean = False, _
+ Optional CountPaths As Boolean = False) As Boolean
+ 'Object Variables. Reference to:
+ Dim shpsModels As Shapes 'shapes in the pre-selected group,
+ Dim shpsInGroup As Shapes 'shapes in the group to be tested,
+ Dim shpModel As Shape 'a shape in the pre-selected group,
+ Dim shpInGroup As Shape 'a shape in the group to be tested.
+ 'Simple Variables Storage of:
+ Dim lngInGroup As Long 'number of shapes in a group,
+ Dim i As Long 'a numeric index to a
+ 'particular sub-group.
+ 'On Error GoTo NoMatch 'Shape & model must be groups.
+ Set shpsModels = GroupModel.Shapes
+ Set shpsInGroup = Group.Shapes
+ 'On Error GoTo 0
+ 'Same number of shapes
+ lngInGroup = shpsModels.Count 'in each group ?
+ If shpsInGroup.Count <> lngInGroup Then GoTo NoMatch
+ For i = 1 To lngInGroup 'Try to Match all sub-shapes,
+ Set shpInGroup = shpsInGroup(i) 'and GroupsMatch all sub-groups.
+ Set shpModel = shpsModels(i)
+ If shpModel.Type <> cdrGroupShape Then
+ If Not ShapesMatch(shpInGroup, shpModel, _
+ CheckSize, CountNodes) Then GoTo NoMatch
+ Else
+ If Not GroupsMatch(shpInGroup, shpModel, _
+ CheckSize, CountNodes) Then GoTo NoMatch
+ End If
+ Next i
+ GroupsMatch = True
+ Exit Function
+ GroupsMatch = False
+End Function
+Private Function FlatShapeList(TopLevelShapes As Shapes) As Collection
+ 'Object Variables. Reference to:
+ Dim shpTopLevel As Shape 'a top-level shape,
+ Dim shpInGroup As Shape 'a shape inside a group,
+ Dim clnAllShapes As Collection 'our list of all members and
+ 'descendants of TopLevelShapes.
+ If TopLevelShapes.Count Then
+ Set clnAllShapes = New Collection
+ For Each shpTopLevel In TopLevelShapes
+ 'Add shape to list, keyed under
+ 'a string version of its unique ID
+ clnAllShapes.Add shpTopLevel
+ 'If the shape is a group, then
+ 'also gather all its descendants
+ 'and add them to the list.
+ If shpTopLevel.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
+ For Each shpInGroup In ShapesInGroup(shpTopLevel)
+ clnAllShapes.Add shpInGroup
+ Next
+ End If
+ Next
+ Set FlatShapeList = clnAllShapes 'Return the assembled collection.
+ Else
+ Set FlatShapeList = Nothing
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Function ShapesInGroup(GroupShape As Shape) As Collection
+ 'Object Variables. Reference to:
+ Dim shpsInGroup As Shapes 'the set of shapes inside a group,
+ Dim shpInGroup As Shape 'a particular shape in a group,
+ Dim shpNested As Shape 'a shape inside a sub-group,
+ Dim clnShapeList As Collection 'our list of all nested shapes.
+ If GroupShape.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
+ Set shpsInGroup = GroupShape.Shapes 'Get a reference to the
+ 'shapes in this group.
+ Set clnShapeList = New Collection
+ For Each shpInGroup In shpsInGroup
+ clnShapeList.Add shpInGroup 'Add all shapes in the group to
+ 'our main collection.
+ If shpInGroup.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
+ 'Recurse to get nested shapes.
+ For Each shpNested In ShapesInGroup(shpInGroup)
+ clnShapeList.Add shpNested
+ Next
+ End If
+ Next
+ Set ShapesInGroup = clnShapeList 'Return the assembled collection.
+ Else
+ Set ShapesInGroup = Nothing 'Release the memory if the
+ End If 'collection is not needed
+End Function
+Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
+ Const YES As String = "True"
+ Const NO As String = "False"
+ OptDoc = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "InDoc", NO)
+ Optlayer = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "InLayer", NO)
+ Optpage = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "InPage", YES)
+ chkColorMark = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "ColorMark", YES)
+ chkFill = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Fill", YES)
+ chkInGroups = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "InGroups", YES)
+ chkNodes = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Nodes", NO)
+ chkSegments = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Segments", NO)
+ chkOutline = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Outline", YES)
+ chkOutlineColor = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "OutlineColor", NO)
+ chkOutlineLength = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "OutlineLength", YES)
+ chkPaths = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Paths", NO)
+ chkSize = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Size", NO)
+ chkWHratio = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "WHratio", NO)
+ chkType = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Type", YES)
+ chkIndiv = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Indiv", NO)
+ chkColorMark = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "ColorMark", NO)
+ saveFormPos False
+End Sub
+Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
+ saveFormPos True
+End Sub
+Sub saveFormPos(bDoSave As Boolean)
+ Dim dL, dT
+ If bDoSave Then 'save position
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "form_left", Me.Left
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "form_top", Me.Top
+ Else 'place instead.
+ dL = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "form_left", 900)
+ dT = GetSetting(TOOLNAME, SECTION, "form_top", 200)
+ Me.Left = dL: Me.Top = dT
+ End If
+End Sub
+Private Sub OptDoc_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "InDoc", CStr(OptDoc)
+End Sub
+Private Sub Optlayer_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "InLayer", CStr(Optlayer)
+End Sub
+Private Sub Optpage_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "InPage", CStr(Optpage)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkColorMark_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "ColorMark", CStr(chkColorMark)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkIndiv_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Indiv", CStr(chkIndiv)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkFill_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Fill", CStr(chkFill)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkInGroups_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "InGroups", CStr(chkInGroups)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkNodes_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Nodes", CStr(chkNodes)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkSegments_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Segments", CStr(chkSegments)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkOutline_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Outline", CStr(chkOutline)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkOutlineColor_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "OutlineColor", CStr(chkOutlineColor)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkPaths_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Paths", CStr(chkPaths)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkSize_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Size", CStr(chkSize)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkWHratio_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "WHratio", CStr(chkWHratio)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkType_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "Type", CStr(chkType)
+End Sub
+Private Sub chkOutLineLength_Click()
+ SaveSetting TOOLNAME, SECTION, "OutlineLength", CStr(chkOutlineLength)
+End Sub