hongwenjun 1 tahun lalu
6 mengubah file dengan 739 tambahan dan 31 penghapusan
  1. 22 0
  2. 555 0
  3. 13 7
  4. 1 0
  5. 125 0
  6. 23 24

+ 22 - 0

@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
 Attribute VB_Creatable = False
 Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
 Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+>>>>>>> c35edb3649c86cf525848e6148444292197aa8ca
 '// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
 '// For more information, please refer to  https://github.com/hongwenjun
@@ -269,12 +273,17 @@ Private Sub UI_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal
       SmartGroup.Smart_Group API.Create_Tolerance
     ElseIf Abs(x - pos_x(7)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
+<<<<<<< HEAD
     If Github_Version = 1 Then
       CQL_FIND_UI.Show 0
       '// 选择相同工具增强版
       frmSelectSame.Show 0
     End If
+     '// 选择相同工具增强版
+      frmSelectSame.Show 0
+>>>>>>> c35edb3649c86cf525848e6148444292197aa8ca
     ElseIf Abs(x - pos_x(8)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
       '// 右键扩展工具栏
@@ -308,7 +317,11 @@ Private Sub UI_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal
   ElseIf Abs(x - pos_x(2)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
     If Github_Version = 1 Then
+<<<<<<< HEAD
       MakeSizePlus.Show 0
+      Woodman.Show 0
+>>>>>>> c35edb3649c86cf525848e6148444292197aa8ca
       '// 单线条转裁切线 - 放置到页面四边
@@ -330,6 +343,7 @@ Private Sub UI_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal
   ElseIf Abs(x - pos_x(7)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
+<<<<<<< HEAD
     If Github_Version = 1 Then
        '// 选择相同工具增强版
       frmSelectSame.Show 0
@@ -337,6 +351,10 @@ Private Sub UI_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal
       CQL_FIND_UI.Show 0
     End If
+    CQL_FIND_UI.Show 0
+>>>>>>> c35edb3649c86cf525848e6148444292197aa8ca
   ElseIf Abs(x - pos_x(8)) < 14 And Abs(Y - pos_y(0)) < 14 Then
     Replace_UI.Show 0
@@ -622,7 +640,11 @@ Private Sub btn_makesizes_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Inte
     Make_SIZE.Show 0   ' 右键
   ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
     #If VBA7 Then
+<<<<<<< HEAD
       MakeSizePlus.Show 0
+      Woodman.Show 0
+>>>>>>> c35edb3649c86cf525848e6148444292197aa8ca
     #Else  ' X4 使用
       Make_SIZE.Show 0
     #End If

+ 555 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} Woodman 
+   Caption         =   "Batch Dimension Nodes"
+   ClientHeight    =   2220
+   ClientLeft      =   45
+   ClientTop       =   330
+   ClientWidth     =   3945
+   OleObjectBlob   =   "Woodman.frx":0000
+   StartUpPosition =   1  '所有者中心
+Attribute VB_Name = "Woodman"
+Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
+Attribute VB_Creatable = False
+Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
+Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+'// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+'// For more information, please refer to  https://github.com/hongwenjun
+#If VBA7 Then
+    Private Declare PtrSafe Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
+    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
+    Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
+    Private Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
+    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
+    Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
+    Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
+    Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
+    Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
+    Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
+#End If
+Private Const GWL_STYLE As Long = (-16)
+Private Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20)
+Private Const WS_CAPTION As Long = &HC00000
+Private Const WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME = &H1&
+'// Minimizes the window and retains dimensioning functionality   '// 最小化窗口并保留标注尺寸功能
+Private Function MiniForm()
+  Dim IStyle As Long
+  Dim hwnd As Long
+  hwnd = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Woodman.Caption)
+  IStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE)
+  IStyle = IStyle And Not WS_CAPTION
+  SetWindowLong hwnd, GWL_STYLE, IStyle
+  DrawMenuBar hwnd
+  IStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) And Not WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME
+  SetWindowLong hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, IStyle
+  Dim ctl As Variant  '// CorelDRAW 2020 定义成 Variant 才不会错误
+  For Each ctl In Woodman.Controls
+      ctl.Visible = False
+      ctl.Top = 2
+  Next ctl
+  With Me
+    .StartUpPosition = 0
+    .BackColor = &H80000012
+    .Left = Val(GetSetting("LYVBA", "Settings", "Left", "400")) + 318
+    .Top = Val(GetSetting("LYVBA", "Settings", "Top", "55")) - 2
+    .Height = 28
+    .width = 98
+    .MarkLines_Makesize.Visible = True
+    .btn_Makesizes.Visible = True
+    .Manual_Makesize.Visible = True
+    .chkOpposite.Visible = True
+    .X_EXIT.Visible = True
+    .MarkLines_Makesize.Left = 1
+    .btn_Makesizes.Left = 26
+    .Manual_Makesize.Left = 50
+    .chkOpposite.Left = 75: .chkOpposite.Top = 14
+    .X_EXIT.Left = 85: .X_EXIT.Top = 0
+  End With
+End Function
+Private Sub btn_MiniForm_Click()
+  MiniForm
+End Sub
+Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
+  LNG_CODE = Val(GetSetting("LYVBA", "Settings", "I18N_LNG", "1033"))
+  Init_Translations Me, LNG_CODE
+  Me.Caption = i18n("Batch Dimension Nodes", LNG_CODE)
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_square_hi_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+  API.BeginOpt
+  Set os = ActiveSelectionRange
+  Set ss = os.Shapes
+  For Each s In ss
+    s.SizeWidth = s.SizeHeight
+  Next s
+  API.EndOpt
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_square_wi_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+  API.BeginOpt
+  Set os = ActiveSelectionRange
+  Set ss = os.Shapes
+  For Each s In ss
+    s.SizeHeight = s.SizeWidth
+  Next s
+  API.EndOpt
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_Makesizes_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
+  API.BeginOpt
+  Dim os As ShapeRange
+  Dim s As Shape
+  Dim sr As ShapeRange
+  Set doc = ActiveDocument
+  Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
+  sr.RemoveAll
+  If Shift = 4 Then
+    Set os = ActiveSelectionRange
+    For Each s In os.Shapes
+      If s.Type = cdrLinearDimensionShape Then s.Delete
+    Next s
+  ElseIf Shift = 1 Then
+    Set os = ActiveSelectionRange
+    For Each s In os.Shapes
+      If s.Type = cdrLinearDimensionShape Then sr.Add s
+    Next s
+    sr.CreateSelection
+  ElseIf Shift = 2 Then
+    Set os = ActiveSelectionRange
+    For Each s In os.Shapes
+      If s.Type = cdrLinearDimensionShape Then s.Delete
+    Next s
+      If os.Count > 0 Then
+        os.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@name ='DMKLine'").CreateSelection
+        ActiveSelectionRange.Delete
+      End If
+  Else
+    make_sizes Shift
+  End If
+  API.EndOpt
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_sizes_up_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+    make_sizes_sep "up", Shift
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_sizes_dn_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+    make_sizes_sep "dn", Shift
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_sizes_lf_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+    make_sizes_sep "lf", Shift
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_sizes_ri_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+    make_sizes_sep "ri", Shift
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_sizes_btw_up_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+    make_sizes_sep "upb", Shift
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_sizes_btw_dn_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+    make_sizes_sep "dnb", Shift
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_sizes_btw_lf_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+    make_sizes_sep "lfb", Shift
+End Sub
+Private Sub btn_sizes_btw_ri_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+    make_sizes_sep "rib", Shift
+End Sub
+Sub make_sizes_sep(dr, Optional shft = 0, Optional ByVal mirror As Boolean = False)
+  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
+  API.BeginOpt "Make Size"
+  Set doc = ActiveDocument
+  Dim s As Shape, sh As Shape
+  Dim pts As New SnapPoint, pte As New SnapPoint
+  Dim os As ShapeRange
+  Set os = ActiveSelectionRange
+  Dim border As Variant
+  Dim Line_len As Double
+  If shft > 1 Then
+    Line_len = API.Set_Space_Width  '// 设置文字空间间隙
+  Else
+    Line_len = API.Set_Space_Width(True)  '// 只读文字空间间隙
+  End If
+  border = Array(cdrBottomRight, cdrBottomLeft, os.TopY + Line_len, os.TopY + 2 * Line_len, _
+  cdrBottomRight, cdrTopRight, os.LeftX - Line_len, os.LeftX - 2 * Line_len)
+  If mirror = True Then border = Array(cdrTopRight, cdrTopLeft, os.BottomY - Line_len, os.BottomY - 2 * Line_len, _
+  cdrBottomLeft, cdrTopLeft, os.RightX + Line_len, os.RightX + 2 * Line_len)
+#If VBA7 Then
+  If dr = "upbx" Or dr = "upb" Or dr = "dnb" Or dr = "up" Or dr = "dn" Then os.Sort "@shape1.left < @shape2.left"
+  If dr = "lfbx" Or dr = "lfb" Or dr = "rib" Or dr = "lf" Or dr = "ri" Then os.Sort "@shape1.top > @shape2.top"
+  If dr = "upbx" Or dr = "upb" Or dr = "dnb" Or dr = "up" Or dr = "dn" Then Set os = X4_Sort_ShapeRange(os, stlx)
+  If dr = "lfbx" Or dr = "lfb" Or dr = "rib" Or dr = "lf" Or dr = "ri" Then Set os = X4_Sort_ShapeRange(os, stty).ReverseRange
+#End If
+  If os.Count > 0 Then
+    If os.Count > 1 And Len(dr) > 2 And os.Shapes.Count > 1 Then
+      For i = 1 To os.Shapes.Count - 1
+        Select Case dr
+          Case "upbx"
+#If VBA7 Then
+            Set pts = os.Shapes(i).SnapPoints.BBox(border(0))
+            Set pte = os.Shapes(i + 1).SnapPoints.BBox(border(1))
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, 0, border(2), cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+            If shft > 0 And i = 1 Then
+              Dimension_SetProperty sh, PresetProperty.value
+              Set pts = os.FirstShape.SnapPoints.BBox(border(0))
+              Set pte = os.LastShape.SnapPoints.BBox(border(1))
+              Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, 0, border(3), cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+            End If
+          Case "lfbx"
+            Set pts = os.Shapes(i).SnapPoints.BBox(border(4))
+            Set pte = os.Shapes(i + 1).SnapPoints.BBox(border(5))
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, pte, True, border(6), 0, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+            If shft > 0 And i = 1 Then
+              Dimension_SetProperty sh, PresetProperty.value
+              Set pts = os.FirstShape.SnapPoints.BBox(border(4))
+              Set pte = os.LastShape.SnapPoints.BBox(border(5))
+              Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, pte, True, border(7), 0, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+            End If
+' X4  There is a difference
+            Set pts = CreateSnapPoint(os.Shapes(i).CenterX, os.Shapes(i).CenterY)
+            Set pte = CreateSnapPoint(os.Shapes(i + 1).CenterX, os.Shapes(i + 1).CenterY)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, 0, border(2), Textsize:=18)
+          Case "lfbx"
+            Set pts = CreateSnapPoint(os.Shapes(i).CenterX, os.Shapes(i).CenterY)
+            Set pte = CreateSnapPoint(os.Shapes(i + 1).CenterX, os.Shapes(i + 1).CenterY)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, pte, True, border(6), 0, Textsize:=18)
+#End If
+          Case "upb"
+            Set pts = os.Shapes(i).SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopRight)
+            Set pte = os.Shapes(i + 1).SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopLeft)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, os.LeftX + os.SizeWidth / 10, os.TopY + os.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+          Case "dnb"
+            Set pts = os.Shapes(i).SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomRight)
+            Set pte = os.Shapes(i + 1).SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomLeft)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, os.LeftX + os.SizeWidth / 10, os.BottomY - os.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+          Case "lfb"
+            Set pts = os.Shapes(i).SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomLeft)
+            Set pte = os.Shapes(i + 1).SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopLeft)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, pte, True, os.LeftX - os.SizeWidth / 10, os.BottomY + os.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+          Case "rib"
+            Set pts = os.Shapes(i).SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomRight)
+            Set pte = os.Shapes(i + 1).SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopRight)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, pte, True, os.RightX + os.SizeWidth / 10, os.BottomY + os.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+        End Select
+        '// 尺寸标注设置属性
+        Dimension_SetProperty sh, PresetProperty.value
+        'ActiveDocument.ClearSelection
+      Next i
+    Else
+      If shft > 0 Then
+        Select Case dr
+          Case "up"
+            Set pts = os.FirstShape.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopLeft)
+            Set pte = os.LastShape.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopRight)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, os.LeftX + os.SizeWidth / 10, os.TopY + os.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+          Case "dn"
+            Set pts = os.FirstShape.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomLeft)
+            Set pte = os.LastShape.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomRight)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, os.LeftX + os.SizeWidth / 10, os.BottomY - os.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+          Case "lf"
+            Set pts = os.FirstShape.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopLeft)
+            Set pte = os.LastShape.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomLeft)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, pte, True, os.LeftX - os.SizeWidth / 10, os.BottomY + os.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+          Case "ri"
+            Set pts = os.FirstShape.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopRight)
+            Set pte = os.LastShape.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomRight)
+            Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, pte, True, os.RightX + os.SizeWidth / 10, os.BottomY + os.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+        End Select
+        Dimension_SetProperty sh, PresetProperty.value
+      Else
+        For Each s In os.Shapes
+          Select Case dr
+            Case "up"
+              Set pts = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopLeft)
+              Set pte = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopRight)
+              Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, s.LeftX + s.SizeWidth / 10, s.TopY + s.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+            Case "dn"
+              Set pts = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomLeft)
+              Set pte = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomRight)
+              Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, s.LeftX + s.SizeWidth / 10, s.BottomY - s.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+            Case "lf"
+              Set pts = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopLeft)
+              Set pte = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomLeft)
+              Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, pte, True, s.LeftX - s.SizeWidth / 10, s.BottomY + s.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+            Case "ri"
+              Set pts = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopRight)
+              Set pte = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomRight)
+              Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, pte, True, s.RightX + s.SizeWidth / 10, s.BottomY + s.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+          End Select
+          Dimension_SetProperty sh, PresetProperty.value
+        Next s
+      End If
+    End If
+  End If
+  os.CreateSelection
+  API.EndOpt
+End Sub
+Sub make_sizes(Optional shft = 0)
+'  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
+'  API.BeginOpt
+  Dim s As Shape
+  Dim pts As SnapPoint, pte As SnapPoint
+  Dim os As ShapeRange
+  Set os = ActiveSelectionRange
+  If os.Count > 0 Then
+  For Each s In os.Shapes
+#If VBA7 Then
+      Set pts = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopLeft)
+      Set pte = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrTopRight)
+      Set ptle = s.SnapPoints.BBox(cdrBottomLeft)
+      If shft <> 6 Then Dimension_SetProperty ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionVertical, pts, ptle, True, _
+                                              s.LeftX - s.SizeWidth / 10, s.BottomY + s.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering), PresetProperty.value
+      If shft <> 3 Then Dimension_SetProperty ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, _
+                                          s.LeftX + s.SizeWidth / 10, s.TopY + s.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering), PresetProperty.value
+' X4  There is a difference
+      Set pts = s.SnapPoints(cdrTopLeft)
+      Set pte = s.SnapPoints(cdrTopRight)
+      Set ptle = s.SnapPoints(cdrBottomLeft)
+      If shft <> 6 Then ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension cdrDimensionVertical, pts, ptle, True, _
+                      s.LeftX - s.SizeWidth / 10, s.BottomY + s.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering, Textsize:=18
+      If shft <> 3 Then ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension cdrDimensionHorizontal, pts, pte, True, _
+                      s.LeftX + s.SizeWidth / 10, s.TopY + s.SizeHeight / 10, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering, Textsize:=18
+#End If
+  Next s
+  End If
+  API.EndOpt
+End Sub
+'// 节点连接合并
+Private Sub btn_join_nodes_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+    ActiveSelection.CustomCommand "ConvertTo", "JoinCurves"
+    Application.Refresh
+End Sub
+'// 节点优化减少
+Private Sub btn_nodes_reduce_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler: API.BeginOpt
+  Set doc = ActiveDocument
+  Dim s As Shape
+  ps = Array(1)
+  doc.Unit = cdrTenthMicron
+  Set os = ActivePage.Shapes
+  If os.Count > 0 Then
+    For Each s In os
+    s.ConvertToCurves
+      If Not s.DisplayCurve Is Nothing Then
+        s.Curve.AutoReduceNodes 50
+      End If
+    Next s
+  End If
+  API.EndOpt
+End Sub
+'// 使用标记线批量建立尺寸标注:   左键上标注,右键右标注
+Private Sub MarkLines_Makesize_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+  Dim sr As ShapeRange
+  Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
+  '// 右键
+  If Button = 2 Then
+    If chkOpposite.value = True Then
+        CutLines.Dimension_MarkLines cdrAlignTop, True
+        make_sizes_sep "upbx", Shift, True
+    Else
+      CutLines.Dimension_MarkLines cdrAlignLeft, True
+      make_sizes_sep "lfbx", Shift, True
+    End If
+  '// 左键
+  ElseIf Button = 1 Then
+    If chkOpposite.value = True Then
+      CutLines.Dimension_MarkLines cdrAlignLeft, False
+      make_sizes_sep "lfbx", Shift, False
+    Else
+        CutLines.Dimension_MarkLines cdrAlignTop, False
+        make_sizes_sep "upbx", Shift, False
+    End If
+  End If
+  sr.CreateSelection
+End Sub
+'// 使用手工选节点建立尺寸标注,使用Ctrl分离尺寸标注
+Private Sub Manual_Makesize_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
+  If Button = 2 Then
+      '// 右键
+  ElseIf Shift = fmCtrlMask Then
+      Slanted_Makesize  '// 手动标注倾斜尺寸
+  Else
+      Untie_MarkLines   '// 解绑尺寸,分离尺寸
+  End If
+End Sub
+'// 解绑尺寸,分离尺寸
+Private Function Untie_MarkLines()
+  Dim os As ShapeRange, dss As New ShapeRange
+  Set os = ActiveSelectionRange
+  For Each s In os.Shapes
+      If s.Type = cdrLinearDimensionShape Then
+        dss.Add s
+      End If
+  Next s
+  If dss.Count > 0 Then
+    dss.BreakApartEx
+    os.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@name ='DMKLine'").CreateSelection
+    ActiveSelectionRange.Delete
+  End If
+End Function
+'// 手动标注倾斜尺寸
+Private Function Slanted_Makesize()
+  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
+  API.BeginOpt
+  Dim nr As NodeRange, cnt As Integer
+  Dim sr As ShapeRange, sh As Shape
+  Dim x1 As Double, y1 As Double
+  Dim x2 As Double, y2 As Double
+  Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
+  Set nr = ActiveShape.Curve.Selection
+  If chkOpposite.value = False Then
+    Slanted_Sort_Make sr  '// 排序标注倾斜尺寸
+    Exit Function
+  End If
+  If nr.Count < 2 Then Exit Function
+  cnt = nr.Count
+  While cnt > 1
+    x1 = nr(cnt).PositionX
+    y1 = nr(cnt).PositionY
+    x2 = nr(cnt - 1).PositionX
+    y2 = nr(cnt - 1).PositionY
+    Set pts = CreateSnapPoint(x1, y1)
+    Set pte = CreateSnapPoint(x2, y2)
+    Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionSlanted, pts, pte, True, x1 - 20, y1 + 20, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+    Dimension_SetProperty sh, PresetProperty.value
+    cnt = cnt - 1
+  Wend
+  API.EndOpt
+End Function
+'// 排序标注倾斜尺寸
+Private Function Slanted_Sort_Make(shs As ShapeRange)
+  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
+  Dim sr As New ShapeRange
+  Dim s As Shape, sh As Shape
+  Dim nr As NodeRange
+  For Each sh In shs
+    Set nr = sh.Curve.Selection
+    For Each n In nr
+      Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2(n.PositionX, n.PositionY, 0.5, 0.5)
+      sr.Add s
+    Next n
+  Next sh
+  CutLines.RemoveDuplicates sr  '// 简单删除重复算法
+#If VBA7 Then
+  sr.Sort "@shape1.left < @shape2.left"
+  Set sr = X4_Sort_ShapeRange(sr, stlx)
+#End If
+  For i = 1 To sr.Count - 1
+    x1 = sr(i + 1).CenterX
+    y1 = sr(i + 1).CenterY
+    x2 = sr(i).CenterX
+    y2 = sr(i).CenterY
+    Set pts = CreateSnapPoint(x1, y1)
+    Set pte = CreateSnapPoint(x2, y2)
+#If VBA7 Then
+    Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionSlanted, pts, pte, True, x1 - 20, y1 + 20, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering)
+' X4  There is a difference
+    Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateLinearDimension(cdrDimensionSlanted, pts, pte, True, (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, cdrDimensionStyleEngineering, Textsize:=18)
+#End If
+    Dimension_SetProperty sh, PresetProperty.value
+  Next i
+  sr.Delete
+  API.EndOpt
+End Function
+'// 尺寸标注设置属性
+Private Function Dimension_SetProperty(sh_dim As Shape, Optional ByVal Preset As Boolean = False)
+#If VBA7 Then
+  If Preset And sh_dim.Type = cdrLinearDimensionShape Then
+    With sh_dim.Style.GetProperty("dimension")
+      .SetProperty "precision", 0 '       小数位数
+      .SetProperty "showUnits", 0 '       是否显示单位 0/1
+      .SetProperty "textPlacement", 0 '   0、上方,1、下方,2、中间
+    '  .SetProperty "dynamicText", 0 '    是否可以编辑尺寸0/1
+    '  .SetProperty "overhang", 500000 '
+    End With
+  End If
+' X4  There is a difference
+#End If
+End Function
+Private Sub X_EXIT_Click()
+  Unload Me    '// EXIT
+End Sub

+ 13 - 7

@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} frmSelectSame 
-   Caption         =   "相似选择-魔改版 蘭雅"
-   ClientHeight    =   5775
+   Caption         =   "Similar Selection Plus"
+   ClientHeight    =   5745
    ClientLeft      =   495
    ClientTop       =   5895
-   ClientWidth     =   2625
+   ClientWidth     =   3255
    OleObjectBlob   =   "frmSelectSame.frx":0000
    ShowModal       =   0   'False
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ Public ssreg As ShapeRange
 Private Const TOOLNAME As String = "VBA_SelectSame"
 Private Const SECTION As String = "Options"
+Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
+  LNG_CODE = Val(GetSetting("LYVBA", "Settings", "I18N_LNG", "1033"))
+  Init_Translations Me, LNG_CODE
+  Me.Caption = i18n("Similar Selection Plus", LNG_CODE)
+End Sub
 Private Sub btnSelect_Click()
     If 0 = ActiveSelectionRange.Count Then Exit Sub
     On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
@@ -265,7 +271,7 @@ Private Function ShapesMatch_Font_Name(ByVal fsn As Shape, sr As ShapeRange, Che
     End If
   Case "ShapeName"
-    sh_name = fsn.Name
+    sh_name = fsn.name
       Set sr = sr.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@name ='" & sh_name & "'")
   End Select
 End Function
@@ -435,7 +441,7 @@ Private Function ShapesMatch(shpShape As Shape, shpModel As Shape, _
                         Set clrModel = fillModel.UniformColor
                         lngType = .UniformColor.Type
                         If lngType <> clrModel.Type Then GoTo NoMatch
-                        If .UniformColor.Name(True) <> clrModel.Name(True) Then GoTo NoMatch
+                        If .UniformColor.name(True) <> clrModel.name(True) Then GoTo NoMatch
                     End If  'GDG #############################################################
                 End If
             End With
@@ -453,7 +459,7 @@ Private Function ShapesMatch(shpShape As Shape, shpModel As Shape, _
                         If lngType > 0 Then     'Does the shape have an OUTLINE ?
                                                 'Same LINE WIDTH ?
-                            If .Width <> outlnModel.Width Then GoTo NoMatch
+                            If .width <> outlnModel.width Then GoTo NoMatch
                                                 'Matching LINE COLOR ?
 '                            Set clrShape = .Color
 '                            lngType = clrShape.Type
@@ -494,7 +500,7 @@ Private Function ShapesMatch(shpShape As Shape, shpModel As Shape, _
                                 lngType = clrShape.Type
                                 Set clrModel = outlnModel.Color
                                 If lngType <> clrModel.Type Then GoTo NoMatch
-                                If clrShape.Name(True) <> clrModel.Name(True) _
+                                If clrShape.name(True) <> clrModel.name(True) _
                                     Then GoTo NoMatch
                             End If
                         End If

+ 1 - 0

@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ a-嘉盟
 Thanh Van

+ 125 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+Attribute VB_Name = "ALGO"
+'// Algorithm 模块
+#If VBA7 Then
+'// For CorelDRAW X6-2023  62bit
+Public Declare PtrSafe Function i18n Lib "C:\TSP\lyvba.dll" (ByVal str As String, ByVal code As Long) As String
+Private Declare PtrSafe Function sort_byitem Lib "C:\TSP\lyvba.dll" (ByRef sr_Array As ShapeProperties, ByVal size As Long, _
+                      ByVal Sort_By As SortItem, ByRef ret_Array As Long) As Long
+'// For CorelDRAW X4  32bit
+Declare Function sort_byitem Lib "C:\TSP\lyvba32.dll" (ByRef sr_Array As ShapeProperties, ByVal size As Long, _
+                      ByVal Sort_By As SortItem, ByRef ret_Array As Long) As Long
+#End If
+Type ShapeProperties
+  Item As Long                 '// ShapeRange.Item
+  StaticID As Long             '// Shape.StaticID
+  lx As Double: rx As Double   '// s.LeftX  s.RightX  s.BottomY  s.TopY
+  by As Double: ty As Double
+  cx As Double: cy As Double   '// s.CenterX  s.CenterY s.SizeWidth s.SizeHeight
+  sw As Double: sh As Double
+End Type
+Enum SortItem
+  stlx
+  strx
+  stby
+  stty
+  stcx
+  stcy
+  stsw
+  stsh
+  Area
+  topWt_left
+End Enum
+Public LNG_CODE As Long
+Private Sub Test_Sort_ShapeRange()
+  API.BeginOpt
+  Dim sr As ShapeRange, ssr As ShapeRange
+  Dim s As Shape
+  Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
+  Set ssr = ShapeRange_To_Sort_Array(sr, topWt_left)
+  '// s 调整次序
+  For Each s In ssr
+    s.OrderToFront
+  Next s
+  MsgBox "ShapeRange_SortItem:" & " " & topWt_left & "  枚举值"
+  API.EndOpt
+End Sub
+Public Function X4_Sort_ShapeRange(ByRef sr As ShapeRange, ByRef Sort_By As SortItem) As ShapeRange
+  Set X4_Sort_ShapeRange = ShapeRange_To_Sort_Array(sr, Sort_By)
+End Function
+'// 映射 ShapeRange 到 Array 然后调用 DLL库排序
+Private Function ShapeRange_To_Sort_Array(ByRef sr As ShapeRange, ByRef Sort_By As SortItem) As ShapeRange
+  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
+  Dim sp As ShapeProperties
+  Dim size As Long, ret As Long
+  Dim s As Shape
+  size = sr.Count
+  Dim sr_Array() As ShapeProperties
+  Dim ret_Array() As Long
+  ReDim ret_Array(1 To size)
+  ReDim sr_Array(1 To size)
+  For Each s In sr
+    sp.Item = sr.IndexOf(s)
+    sp.StaticID = s.StaticID
+    sp.lx = s.LeftX: sp.rx = s.RightX
+    sp.by = s.BottomY: sp.ty = s.TopY
+    sp.cx = s.CenterX: sp.cy = s.CenterY
+    sp.sw = s.SizeWidth: sp.sh = s.SizeHeight
+    sr_Array(sp.Item) = sp
+  Next s
+  '// 在VBA中数组的索引从1开始, 将数组的地址传递给函数需要Arr(1)方式
+  '// C/C++ 函数定义 int __stdcall SortByItem(ShapeProperties* sr_Array, int size, SortItem Sort_By, int* ret_Array)
+  '// sr_Array首地址,size 长度, Sort_By 排序方式, 返回数组 ret_Array
+  ret = sort_byitem(sr_Array(1), size, Sort_By, ret_Array(1))
+  If ret = size Then
+    Dim srcp As New ShapeRange, i As Integer
+    For i = 1 To size
+      srcp.Add sr(ret_Array(i))
+    Next i
+    Set ShapeRange_To_Sort_Array = srcp
+  End If
+End Function
+Private Sub Test_i18n()
+  MsgBox i18n("Nodes", 2052)
+  MsgBox i18n("Nodes", 1033)
+  MsgBox i18n("Preset Property", 2052)
+End Sub
+Public Function Init_Translations(frm As UserForm, code As Long)
+    Dim ctl As Variant: Dim en As String
+    LNG_CODE = code
+    For Each ctl In frm.Controls
+    If TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.Label Or TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.CommandButton Or TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.ToggleButton Or TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
+        If Not IsNull(ctl.Caption) And ctl.Caption <> "" Then
+          en = ctl.Caption
+          ctl.Caption = i18n(en, LNG_CODE)
+        End If
+        If Not IsNull(ctl.ControlTipText) And ctl.ControlTipText <> "" Then
+          en = ctl.ControlTipText
+          ctl.ControlTipText = i18n(en, LNG_CODE)
+        End If
+    End If
+  Next ctl
+End Function

+ 23 - 24

@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@ Attribute VB_Name = "API"
 '// For more information, please refer to  https://github.com/hongwenjun
 '// Attribute VB_Name = "CorelVBA工具窗口启动"   CorelVBA Tool Window Launches  2023.6.11
-Public Sub Start()
-  Toolbar.Show 0
-End Sub
 '// CorelDRAW 窗口刷新优化和关闭
-Public Function BeginOpt(Optional ByVal Name As String = "Undo")
+Public Function BeginOpt(Optional ByVal name As String = "Undo")
   EventsEnabled = False
-  ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup Name
-  ActiveDocument.SaveSettings
+  ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup name
+' ActiveDocument.SaveSettings
   ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
   Optimization = True
 ' ActiveDocument.PreserveSelection = False
@@ -19,10 +17,11 @@ End Function
 Public Function EndOpt()
 ' ActiveDocument.PreserveSelection = True
-  ActiveDocument.RestoreSettings
+' ActiveDocument.RestoreSettings
   EventsEnabled = True
   Optimization = False
   EventsEnabled = True
+  ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrBottomLeft
 End Function
@@ -113,13 +112,13 @@ Public Function WriteClipBoard(ByVal s As String)
 End Function
 '// 换行转空格 多个空格换成一个空格
-Public Function Newline_to_Space(ByVal Str As String) As String
-  Str = VBA.Replace(Str, Chr(13), " ")
-  Str = VBA.Replace(Str, Chr(9), " ")
-  Do While InStr(Str, "  ")
-      Str = VBA.Replace(Str, "  ", " ")
+Public Function Newline_to_Space(ByVal str As String) As String
+  str = VBA.Replace(str, Chr(13), " ")
+  str = VBA.Replace(str, Chr(9), " ")
+  Do While InStr(str, "  ")
+      str = VBA.Replace(str, "  ", " ")
-  Newline_to_Space = Str
+  Newline_to_Space = str
 End Function
 '// 获得数组元素个数
@@ -202,14 +201,14 @@ Public Function pFootInXY(P, a, b)
     If a(1) = b(1) Then
         pFootInXY = Array(P(0), a(1), 0#): Exit Function
     End If
-    Dim aa, bb, c, d, X, Y
+    Dim aa, bb, c, d, x, Y
     aa = (a(1) - b(1)) / (a(0) - b(0))
     bb = a(1) - aa * a(0)
     c = -(a(0) - b(0)) / (a(1) - b(1))
     d = P(1) - c * P(0)
-    X = (d - bb) / (aa - c)
-    Y = aa * X + bb
-    pFootInXY = Array(X, Y, 0#)
+    x = (d - bb) / (aa - c)
+    Y = aa * x + bb
+    pFootInXY = Array(x, Y, 0#)
 End Function
@@ -245,13 +244,6 @@ Public Function ExistsFile_UseFso(ByVal strPath As String) As Boolean
      Set fso = Nothing
 End Function
-Public Function WebHelp(url As String)
-  Dim h As Long, r As Long
-  h = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Toolbar")
-  r = ShellExecute(h, "", url, "", "", 1)
-End Function
 Public Function test_sapi()
   Dim message, sapi
   MsgBox ("Please use the headset and listen to what I have to say...")
@@ -260,3 +252,10 @@ Public Function test_sapi()
   sapi.Speak message
 End Function
+' Public Function WebHelp(url As String)
+'  Dim h As Longer, r As Long
+'  h = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Toolbar")
+'  r = ShellExecute(h, "", url, "", "", 1)
+' End Function