@@ -4,58 +4,65 @@ Type Coordinate
End Type
Sub Cut_lines()
-'// 代码运行时关闭窗口刷新
- Application.Optimization = True
- ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup '一步撤消'
- ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
- Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange
- Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange
+ If 0 = ActiveSelectionRange.Count Then Exit Sub
+ '// 代码运行时关闭窗口刷新
+ Application.Optimization = True
+ ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup '一步撤消'
+ ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
+ Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange
+ Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange
+ Dim s1 As Shape, sbd As Shape
+ Dim dot As Coordinate
+ Dim arr As Variant, border As Variant
+ ' 当前选择物件的范围边界
+ set_lx = OrigSelection.LeftX: set_rx = OrigSelection.RightX
+ set_by = OrigSelection.BottomY: set_ty = OrigSelection.TopY
+ set_cx = OrigSelection.CenterX: set_cy = OrigSelection.CenterY
+ radius = 8: border = Array(set_lx, set_rx, set_by, set_ty, set_cx, set_cy, radius)
+ ' 创建边界矩形,用来添加角线
+ Set sbd = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(set_lx, set_by, set_rx, set_ty)
+ OrigSelection.Add sbd
+ For Each Target In OrigSelection
+ Set s1 = Target
+ lx = s1.LeftX: rx = s1.RightX
+ by = s1.BottomY: ty = s1.TopY
+ cx = s1.CenterX: cy = s1.CenterY
- Dim s1 As Shape
- Dim dot As Coordinate
- Dim arr As Variant, border As Variant
- ' 当前选择物件的范围边界
- set_lx = OrigSelection.LeftX: set_rx = OrigSelection.RightX
- set_by = OrigSelection.BottomY: set_ty = OrigSelection.TopY
- set_cx = OrigSelection.CenterX: set_cy = OrigSelection.CenterY
- radius = 8: border = Array(set_lx, set_rx, set_by, set_ty, set_cx, set_cy, radius)
- For Each Target In OrigSelection
- Set s1 = Target
- lx = s1.LeftX: rx = s1.RightX
- by = s1.BottomY: ty = s1.TopY
- cx = s1.CenterX: cy = s1.CenterY
+ '// 范围边界物件判断
+ If Abs(set_lx - lx) < radius Or Abs(set_rx - rx) < radius Or Abs(set_by - by) _
+ < radius Or Abs(set_ty - ty) < radius Then
+ arr = Array(lx, by, rx, by, lx, ty, rx, ty) '// 物件左下-右下-左上-右上 四个顶点坐标数组
+ For i = 0 To 3
+ dot.x = arr(2 * i)
+ dot.y = arr(2 * i + 1)
- '// 范围边界物件判断
- If Abs(set_lx - lx) < radius Or Abs(set_rx - rx) < radius Or Abs(set_by - by) _
- < radius Or Abs(set_ty - ty) < radius Then
- arr = Array(lx, by, rx, by, lx, ty, rx, ty) '// 物件左下-右下-左上-右上 四个顶点坐标数组
- For i = 0 To 3
- dot.x = arr(2 * i)
- dot.y = arr(2 * i + 1)
- '// 范围边界坐标点判断
- If Abs(set_lx - dot.x) < radius Or Abs(set_rx - dot.x) < radius _
- Or Abs(set_by - dot.y) < radius Or Abs(set_ty - dot.y) < radius Then
+ '// 范围边界坐标点判断
+ If Abs(set_lx - dot.x) < radius Or Abs(set_rx - dot.x) < radius _
+ Or Abs(set_by - dot.y) < radius Or Abs(set_ty - dot.y) < radius Then
- draw_line dot, border '// 以坐标点和范围边界画裁切线
- End If
- Next i
+ draw_line dot, border '// 以坐标点和范围边界画裁切线
End If
- Next Target
+ Next i
+ End If
+ Next Target
- ActiveDocument.EndCommandGroup
- '// 使用CQL 颜色标志查找,然后群组统一设置线宽和注册色
- ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@colors.find(RGB(26, 22, 35))").CreateSelection
- ActiveSelection.Group
- ActiveSelection.Outline.SetProperties 0.1, Color:=CreateRegistrationColor
- '// 代码操作结束恢复窗口刷新
- Application.Optimization = False
- ActiveWindow.Refresh
- Application.Refresh
+ sbd.Delete '删除边界矩形
+ '// 使用CQL 颜色标志查找,然后群组统一设置线宽和注册色
+ ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@colors.find(RGB(26, 22, 35))").CreateSelection
+ ActiveSelection.Group
+ ActiveSelection.Outline.SetProperties 0.1, Color:=CreateRegistrationColor
+ ActiveDocument.EndCommandGroup
+ '// 代码操作结束恢复窗口刷新
+ Application.Optimization = False
+ ActiveWindow.Refresh
+ Application.Refresh
End Sub
'范围边界 border = Array(set_lx, set_rx, set_by, set_ty, set_cx, set_cy, radius)
@@ -63,6 +70,29 @@ Private Function draw_line(dot As Coordinate, border As Variant)
Bleed = 2: line_len = 3: radius = border(6)
Dim line As Shape
+ If Abs(dot.y - border(3)) < radius Then
+ Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(dot.x, border(3) + Bleed, dot.x, border(3) + (line_len + Bleed))
+ set_line_color line
+ ElseIf Abs(dot.y - border(2)) < radius Then
+ Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(dot.x, border(2) - Bleed, dot.x, border(2) - (line_len + Bleed))
+ set_line_color line
+ End If
+ If Abs(dot.x - border(1)) < radius Then
+ Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(border(1) + Bleed, dot.y, border(1) + (line_len + Bleed), dot.y)
+ set_line_color line
+ ElseIf Abs(dot.x - border(0)) < radius Then
+ Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(border(0) - Bleed, dot.y, border(0) - (line_len + Bleed), dot.y)
+ set_line_color line
+ End If
+End Function
+'// 旧版本
+Private Function draw_line_按点基准(dot As Coordinate, border As Variant)
+ Bleed = 2: line_len = 3: radius = border(6)
+ Dim line As Shape
If Abs(dot.y - border(3)) < radius Then
Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(dot.x, dot.y + Bleed, dot.x, dot.y + (line_len + Bleed))
set_line_color line