Attribute VB_Name = "CutLines" '// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. '// For more information, please refer to '// Attribute VB_Name = "裁切线" CutLines 2023.6.9 '// 选中多个物件批量制作四角裁切线 Public Function Batch_CutLines() If 0 = ActiveSelectionRange.Count Then Exit Function API.BeginOpt Bleed = API.GetSet("Bleed") Line_len = API.GetSet("Line_len") Outline_Width = API.GetSet("Outline_Width") '// 定义当前选择物件 分别获得 左右下上中心坐标(x,y)和尺寸信息 Dim s1 As Shape, OrigSelection As ShapeRange, sr As New ShapeRange Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange For Each s1 In OrigSelection lx = s1.LeftX: rx = s1.RightX By = s1.BottomY: ty = s1.TopY cx = s1.CenterX: cy = s1.CenterY sw = s1.SizeWidth: sh = s1.SizeHeight '// 添加裁切线,分别左下-右下-左上-右上 Dim s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9 As Shape Set s2 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(lx - Bleed, By, lx - (Bleed + Line_len), By) Set s3 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(lx, By - Bleed, lx, By - (Bleed + Line_len)) Set s4 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(rx + Bleed, By, rx + (Bleed + Line_len), By) Set s5 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(rx, By - Bleed, rx, By - (Bleed + Line_len)) Set s6 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(lx - Bleed, ty, lx - (Bleed + Line_len), ty) Set s7 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(lx, ty + Bleed, lx, ty + (Bleed + Line_len)) Set s8 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(rx + Bleed, ty, rx + (Bleed + Line_len), ty) Set s9 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(rx, ty + Bleed, rx, ty + (Bleed + Line_len)) '// 选中裁切线 群组 设置线宽和注册色 ActiveDocument.AddToSelection s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9 ActiveSelection.Group sr.Add ActiveSelection Next s1 '// 设置线宽和颜色,再选择 sr.SetOutlineProperties Outline_Width sr.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateRegistrationColor sr.AddToSelection API.EndOpt End Function '// 标注尺寸标记线 Public Function Dimension_MarkLines(Optional ByVal mark As cdrAlignType = cdrAlignTop, Optional ByVal mirror As Boolean = False) If 0 = ActiveSelectionRange.Count Then Exit Function API.BeginOpt Bleed = API.GetSet("Bleed") Line_len = API.GetSet("Line_len") Outline_Width = API.GetSet("Outline_Width") '// 定义当前选择物件 分别获得 左右下上中心坐标(x,y)和尺寸信息 Dim s As Shape, s1 As Shape, OrigSelection As ShapeRange, sr As New ShapeRange Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange For Each s1 In OrigSelection lx = s1.LeftX: rx = s1.RightX By = s1.BottomY: ty = s1.TopY '// 添加使用 左-上 标注尺寸标记线 Dim s2, s6, s7, s8, s9 As Shape If mark = cdrAlignTop Then Set s7 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(lx, ty + Bleed, lx, ty + (Bleed + Line_len)) Set s9 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(rx, ty + Bleed, rx, ty + (Bleed + Line_len)) sr.Add s7: sr.Add s9 Else Set s2 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(lx - Bleed, By, lx - (Bleed + Line_len), By) Set s6 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(lx - Bleed, ty, lx - (Bleed + Line_len), ty) sr.Add s2: sr.Add s6 End If Next s1 '// 获得页面中心点 x,y ' px = ActiveDocument.Pages.First.CenterX ' py = ActiveDocument.Pages.First.CenterY '// 物件范围边界 px = OrigSelection.LeftX py = OrigSelection.TopY mpx = OrigSelection.RightX mpy = OrigSelection.BottomY '// 页面边缘对齐 For Each s In sr s.Name = "DMKLine" If mark = cdrAlignTop Then s.TopY = py + Line_len + Bleed Else s.LeftX = px - Line_len - Bleed End If Next s '// 简单删除重复 RemoveDuplicates sr '// 设置线宽和颜色,再选择 sr.SetOutlineProperties Outline_Width sr.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(80, 40, 0, 20) sr.AddToSelection If mirror Then If mark = cdrAlignTop Then sr.BottomY = mpy - Line_len - Bleed Else sr.RightX = mpx + Line_len + Bleed End If End If API.EndOpt End Function '// 简单删除重复线和物件算法算法 Public Function RemoveDuplicates(sr As ShapeRange) Dim s As Shape, cnt As Integer, rms As New ShapeRange cnt = 1 #If VBA7 Then sr.Sort " @shape1.Top * 100 - @shape1.Left > @shape2.Top * 100 - @shape2.Left" #Else ' X4 不支持 ShapeRange.sort #End If For Each s In sr If cnt > 1 Then If Check_duplicate(sr(cnt - 1), sr(cnt)) Then rms.Add sr(cnt) End If cnt = cnt + 1 Next s sr.RemoveRange rms rms.Delete End Function '// 检查重复算法 Private Function Check_duplicate(s1 As Shape, s2 As Shape) As Boolean Check_duplicate = False Jitter = 0.3 X = Abs(s1.CenterX - s2.CenterX) Y = Abs(s1.CenterY - s2.CenterY) w = Abs(s1.SizeWidth - s2.SizeWidth) h = Abs(s1.SizeHeight - s2.SizeHeight) If X < Jitter And Y < Jitter And w < Jitter And h < Jitter Then Check_duplicate = True End If End Function '// 单线条转裁切线 - 放置到页面四边 Public Function SelectLine_to_Cropline() If 0 = ActiveSelectionRange.Count Then Exit Function API.BeginOpt '// 获得页面中心点 x,y , 设置新绘制线属性 px = ActiveDocument.Pages.First.CenterX py = ActiveDocument.Pages.First.CenterY Bleed = API.GetSet("Bleed") Line_len = API.GetSet("Line_len") Outline_Width = API.GetSet("Outline_Width") Dim s As Shape, line As Shape Dim sr_line As New ShapeRange '// 遍历选择的线条 For Each s In ActiveSelection.Shapes cx = s.CenterX: cy = s.CenterY sw = s.SizeWidth: sh = s.SizeHeight '// 判断横线(高度小于宽度),在页面左边还是右边 If sh <= sw Then s.Delete If cx < px Then Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(0, cy, 0 + Line_len, cy) Else Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(px * 2, cy, px * 2 - Line_len, cy) End If End If '// 判断竖线(高度大于宽度),在页面下边还是上边 If sh > sw Then s.Delete If cy < py Then Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(cx, 0, cx, 0 + Line_len) Else Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(cx, py * 2, cx, py * 2 - Line_len) End If End If sr_line.Add line Next s RemoveDuplicates sr_line sr_line.SetOutlineProperties Outline_Width, Color:=CreateRegistrationColor sr_line.AddToSelection API.EndOpt End Function '// 拼版裁切线 Public Function Draw_Lines() If 0 = ActiveSelectionRange.Count Then Exit Function API.BeginOpt Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange, sr As ShapeRange Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange Dim s1 As Shape, sbd As Shape Dim dot As Coordinate Dim arr As Variant, border As Variant ' 当前选择物件的范围边界 set_lx = OrigSelection.LeftX: set_rx = OrigSelection.RightX set_by = OrigSelection.BottomY: set_ty = OrigSelection.TopY set_cx = OrigSelection.CenterX: set_cy = OrigSelection.CenterY radius = 8 Bleed = API.GetSet("Bleed") Line_len = API.GetSet("Line_len") Outline_Width = API.GetSet("Outline_Width") border = Array(set_lx, set_rx, set_by, set_ty, set_cx, set_cy, radius, Bleed, Line_len) ' 创建边界矩形,用来添加角线 Set sbd = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(set_lx, set_by, set_rx, set_ty) OrigSelection.Add sbd For Each Target In OrigSelection Set s1 = Target lx = s1.LeftX: rx = s1.RightX By = s1.BottomY: ty = s1.TopY cx = s1.CenterX: cy = s1.CenterY '// 范围边界物件判断 If Abs(set_lx - lx) < radius Or Abs(set_rx - rx) < radius Or Abs(set_by - By) _ < radius Or Abs(set_ty - ty) < radius Then arr = Array(lx, By, rx, By, lx, ty, rx, ty) '// 物件左下-右下-左上-右上 四个顶点坐标数组 For i = 0 To 3 dot.X = arr(2 * i) dot.Y = arr(2 * i + 1) '// 范围边界坐标点判断 If Abs(set_lx - dot.X) < radius Or Abs(set_rx - dot.X) < radius _ Or Abs(set_by - dot.Y) < radius Or Abs(set_ty - dot.Y) < radius Then draw_line dot, border '// 以坐标点和范围边界画裁切线 End If Next i End If Next Target sbd.Delete '删除边界矩形 '// 使用CQL 颜色标志查 Set sr = ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@colors.find(RGB(26, 22, 35))") '// 简单删除重复 RemoveDuplicates sr '// 设置线宽和颜色,再选择 sr.SetOutlineProperties Outline_Width, Color:=CreateRegistrationColor sr.Group sr.AddRange OrigSelection sr.AddToSelection API.EndOpt End Function '范围边界 border = Array(set_lx, set_rx, set_by, set_ty, set_cx, set_cy, radius, Bleed, Line_len) Private Function draw_line(dot As Coordinate, border As Variant) radius = border(6): Bleed = border(7): Line_len = border(8) Dim line As Shape If Abs(dot.Y - border(3)) < radius Then Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(dot.X, border(3) + Bleed, dot.X, border(3) + (Line_len + Bleed)) set_line_color line ElseIf Abs(dot.Y - border(2)) < radius Then Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(dot.X, border(2) - Bleed, dot.X, border(2) - (Line_len + Bleed)) set_line_color line End If If Abs(dot.X - border(1)) < radius Then Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(border(1) + Bleed, dot.Y, border(1) + (Line_len + Bleed), dot.Y) set_line_color line ElseIf Abs(dot.X - border(0)) < radius Then Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(border(0) - Bleed, dot.Y, border(0) - (Line_len + Bleed), dot.Y) set_line_color line End If End Function Private Function set_line_color(line As Shape) '// 设置轮廓线注册色 line.Outline.SetProperties Color:=CreateRGBColor(26, 22, 35) End Function