TSP.bas 5.7 KB

  1. Attribute VB_Name = "TSP"
  2. '// 导出节点信息到数据文件
  3. Public Function CDR_TO_TSP()
  4. Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  5. Set F = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\TSP\CDR_TO_TSP", True)
  6. ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
  7. Dim sh As Shape, shs As Shapes, cs As Shape
  8. Dim x As Double, Y As Double
  9. Set shs = ActiveSelection.Shapes
  10. Dim TSP As String
  11. TSP = shs.Count & " " & 0 & vbNewLine
  12. For Each sh In shs
  13. x = sh.CenterX
  14. Y = sh.CenterY
  15. TSP = TSP & x & " " & Y & vbNewLine
  16. Next sh
  17. F.WriteLine TSP
  18. F.Close
  19. MsgBox "小圆点导出节点信息到数据文件!" & vbNewLine
  20. End Function
  21. '// 导出节点信息到数据文件
  22. Public Function Nodes_To_TSP()
  23. On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  24. ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup: Application.Optimization = True
  25. Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  26. Set F = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\TSP\CDR_TO_TSP", True)
  27. ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
  28. Dim ssr As ShapeRange
  29. Set ssr = ActiveSelectionRange.Duplicate
  30. Dim s As Shape
  31. Dim nr As NodeRange
  32. Dim nd As Node
  33. Dim x As String, Y As String
  34. Dim TSP As String
  35. Set s = ssr.UngroupAllEx.Combine
  36. Set nr = s.Curve.Nodes.All
  37. TSP = nr.Count & " " & 0 & vbNewLine
  38. For Each n In nr
  39. x = Round(n.PositionX, 3) & " "
  40. Y = Round(n.PositionY, 3) & vbNewLine
  41. TSP = TSP & x & Y
  42. Next n
  43. F.WriteLine TSP
  44. F.Close
  45. s.Delete
  46. MsgBox "选择物件导出节点信息到数据文件!" & vbNewLine
  47. ActiveDocument.EndCommandGroup
  48. Application.Optimization = False
  49. ActiveWindow.Refresh: Application.Refresh
  50. Exit Function
  51. ErrorHandler:
  52. Application.Optimization = False
  53. On Error Resume Next
  54. End Function
  55. '// 运行CDR2TSP.exe
  56. Public Function START_TSP()
  57. cmd_line = "C:\TSP\CDR2TSP.exe C:\TSP\CDR_TO_TSP"
  58. Shell cmd_line
  59. End Function
  60. '// TSP功能画线-连贯线
  61. Public Function TSP_TO_DRAW_LINE()
  62. On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  63. ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
  64. Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  65. Set F = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\TSP\TSP.txt", 1, False)
  66. Dim Str, arr, n
  67. Str = F.ReadAll()
  68. Str = VBA.replace(Str, vbNewLine, " ")
  69. Do While InStr(Str, " ")
  70. Str = VBA.replace(Str, " ", " ")
  71. Loop
  72. arr = Split(Str)
  73. total = Val(arr(0))
  74. ReDim ce(total) As CurveElement
  75. Dim crv As Curve
  76. ce(0).ElementType = cdrElementStart
  77. ce(0).PositionX = Val(arr(2)) - 3 '// 线条起始坐标,偏移3mm方向指示
  78. ce(0).PositionY = Val(arr(3)) - 3
  79. Dim x As Double
  80. Dim Y As Double
  81. For n = 2 To UBound(arr) - 1 Step 2
  82. x = Val(arr(n))
  83. Y = Val(arr(n + 1))
  84. ce(n / 2).ElementType = cdrElementLine
  85. ce(n / 2).PositionX = x
  86. ce(n / 2).PositionY = Y
  87. Next
  88. Set crv = CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
  89. crv.CreateSubPathFromArray ce
  90. ActiveLayer.CreateCurve crv
  91. ErrorHandler:
  92. On Error Resume Next
  93. End Function
  94. '// 设置线条标记(颜色)
  95. Private Function set_line_color(line As Shape)
  96. line.Outline.SetProperties Color:=CreateRGBColor(26, 22, 35)
  97. End Function
  98. '// TSP功能画线-多线段
  99. Public Function TSP_TO_DRAW_LINES()
  100. On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  101. ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup: Application.Optimization = True
  102. ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
  103. Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  104. Set F = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\TSP\TSP2.txt", 1, False)
  105. Dim Str, arr, n
  106. Dim line As Shape
  107. Str = F.ReadAll()
  108. Str = VBA.replace(Str, vbNewLine, " ")
  109. Do While InStr(Str, " ")
  110. Str = VBA.replace(Str, " ", " ")
  111. Loop
  112. arr = Split(Str)
  113. For n = 2 To UBound(arr) - 1 Step 4
  114. x = Val(arr(n))
  115. Y = Val(arr(n + 1))
  116. x1 = Val(arr(n + 2))
  117. y1 = Val(arr(n + 3))
  118. Set line = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(x, Y, x1, y1)
  119. set_line_color line
  120. Next
  121. ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@colors.find(RGB(26, 22, 35))").CreateSelection
  122. ActiveSelection.Group
  123. ActiveSelection.Outline.SetProperties 0.2, Color:=CreateCMYKColor(0, 100, 100, 0)
  124. ActiveDocument.EndCommandGroup: Application.Optimization = False
  125. ActiveWindow.Refresh: Application.Refresh
  126. Exit Function
  127. ErrorHandler:
  128. Application.Optimization = False
  129. On Error Resume Next
  130. End Function
  131. '// 运行 TSP.exe
  132. Public Function MAKE_TSP()
  133. cmd_line = "C:\TSP\TSP.exe"
  134. Shell cmd_line
  135. End Function
  136. '// 位图制作小圆点
  137. Public Function BITMAP_MAKE_DOTS()
  138. On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  139. ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup: Application.Optimization = True
  140. ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
  141. Dim line, art, n, h, w
  142. Dim x As Double
  143. Dim Y As Double
  144. Dim s As Shape
  145. flag = 0
  146. Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  147. Set F = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\TSP\BITMAP", 1, False)
  148. line = F.ReadLine()
  149. Debug.Print line
  150. ' 读取第一行,位图 h高度 和 w宽度
  151. arr = Split(line)
  152. h = Val(arr(0)): w = Val(arr(1))
  153. If h * w > 20000 Then
  154. MsgBox "位图转换后的小圆点数量比较多:" & vbNewLine & h & " x " & w & " = " & h * w
  155. flag = 1
  156. End If
  157. For I = 1 To h
  158. line = F.ReadLine()
  159. arr = Split(line)
  160. For n = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
  161. If arr(n) > 0 Then
  162. x = n: Y = -I
  163. If flag = 1 Then
  164. Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle2(x, Y, 0.6, 0.6)
  165. Else
  166. make_dots x, Y
  167. End If
  168. End If
  169. Next n
  170. Next I
  171. ActiveDocument.EndCommandGroup: Application.Optimization = False
  172. ActiveWindow.Refresh: Application.Refresh
  173. Exit Function
  174. ErrorHandler:
  175. Application.Optimization = False
  176. On Error Resume Next
  177. End Function
  178. '// 坐标绘制圆点
  179. Private Function make_dots(x As Double, Y As Double)
  180. Dim s As Shape
  181. Dim c As Variant
  182. c = Array(0, 255, 0)
  183. Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2(x, Y, 0.5, 0.5)
  184. s.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign c(Int(Rnd() * 2)), c(Int(Rnd() * 2)), c(Int(Rnd() * 2))
  185. s.Outline.Width = 0#
  186. End Function