// arrchar.c -- array of pointers, array of strings #include #define SLEN 40 #define LIM 5 int main(void) { const char *mytalents[LIM] = { "Adding numbers swiftly", "Multiplying accurately", "Stashing data", "Following instructions to the letter", "Understanding the C language" }; char yourtalents[LIM][SLEN] = { "Walking in a straight line", "Sleeping", "Watching television", "Mailing letters", "Reading email" }; int i; puts("Let's compare talents."); printf ("%-36s %-25s\n", "My Talents", "Your Talents"); for (i = 0; i < LIM; i++) printf("%-36s %-25s\n", mytalents[i], yourtalents[i]); printf("\nsizeof mytalents: %zd, sizeof yourtalents: %zd\n", sizeof(mytalents), sizeof(yourtalents)); return 0; }