/* friends.c -- uses pointer to a structure */ #include #define LEN 20 struct names { char first[LEN]; char last[LEN]; }; struct guy { struct names handle; char favfood[LEN]; char job[LEN]; float income; }; int main(void) { struct guy fellow[2] = { {{ "Ewen", "Villard"}, "grilled salmon", "personality coach", 68112.00 }, {{"Rodney", "Swillbelly"}, "tripe", "tabloid editor", 432400.00 } }; struct guy * him; /* here is a pointer to a structure */ printf("address #1: %p #2: %p\n", &fellow[0], &fellow[1]); him = &fellow[0]; /* tell the pointer where to point */ printf("pointer #1: %p #2: %p\n", him, him + 1); printf("him->income is $%.2f: (*him).income is $%.2f\n", him->income, (*him).income); him++; /* point to the next structure */ printf("him->favfood is %s: him->handle.last is %s\n", him->favfood, him->handle.last); return 0; }