/* qsorter.c -- using qsort to sort groups of numbers */ #include #include #define NUM 40 void fillarray(double ar[], int n); void showarray(const double ar[], int n); int mycomp(const void * p1, const void * p2); int main(void) { double vals[NUM]; fillarray(vals, NUM); puts("Random list:"); showarray(vals, NUM); qsort(vals, NUM, sizeof(double), mycomp); puts("\nSorted list:"); showarray(vals, NUM); return 0; } void fillarray(double ar[], int n) { int index; for( index = 0; index < n; index++) ar[index] = (double)rand()/((double) rand() + 0.1); } void showarray(const double ar[], int n) { int index; for( index = 0; index < n; index++) { printf("%9.4f ", ar[index]); if (index % 6 == 5) putchar('\n'); } if (index % 6 != 0) putchar('\n'); } /* sort by increasing value */ int mycomp(const void * p1, const void * p2) { /* need to use pointers to double to access values */ const double * a1 = (const double *) p1; const double * a2 = (const double *) p2; if (*a1 < *a2) return -1; else if (*a1 == *a2) return 0; else return 1; }