@@ -1,181 +1,203 @@
-/* (C) 2013 John Spencer. released under musl's standard MIT license. */
-#undef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <ifaddrs.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <net/if.h> /* IFNAMSIZ, ifreq, ifconf */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h> /* inet_pton */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <ifaddrs.h>
+#include <syscall.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include "netlink.h"
-typedef union {
- struct sockaddr_in6 v6;
+/* getifaddrs() reports hardware addresses with PF_PACKET that implies
+ * struct sockaddr_ll. But e.g. Infiniband socket address length is
+ * longer than sockaddr_ll.ssl_addr[8] can hold. Use this hack struct
+ * to extend ssl_addr - callers should be able to still use it. */
+struct sockaddr_ll_hack {
+ unsigned short sll_family, sll_protocol;
+ int sll_ifindex;
+ unsigned short sll_hatype;
+ unsigned char sll_pkttype, sll_halen;
+ unsigned char sll_addr[24];
+union sockany {
+ struct sockaddr sa;
+ struct sockaddr_ll_hack ll;
struct sockaddr_in v4;
-} soa;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 v6;
-typedef struct ifaddrs_storage {
+struct ifaddrs_storage {
struct ifaddrs ifa;
- soa addr;
- soa netmask;
- soa dst;
+ struct ifaddrs_storage *hash_next;
+ union sockany addr, netmask, ifu;
+ unsigned int index;
char name[IFNAMSIZ+1];
-} stor;
-#define next ifa.ifa_next
-static stor* list_add(stor** list, stor** head, char* ifname)
+struct ifaddrs_ctx {
+ struct ifaddrs_storage *first;
+ struct ifaddrs_storage *last;
+ struct ifaddrs_storage *hash[IFADDRS_HASH_SIZE];
+void freeifaddrs(struct ifaddrs *ifp)
- stor* curr = calloc(1, sizeof(stor));
- if(curr) {
- strcpy(curr->name, ifname);
- curr->ifa.ifa_name = curr->name;
- if(*head) (*head)->next = (struct ifaddrs*) curr;
- *head = curr;
- if(!*list) *list = curr;
+ struct ifaddrs *n;
+ while (ifp) {
+ n = ifp->ifa_next;
+ free(ifp);
+ ifp = n;
- return curr;
-void freeifaddrs(struct ifaddrs *ifp)
+static void copy_addr(struct sockaddr **r, int af, union sockany *sa, void *addr, size_t addrlen, int ifindex)
- stor *head = (stor *) ifp;
- while(head) {
- void *p = head;
- head = (stor *) head->next;
- free(p);
+ uint8_t *dst;
+ int len;
+ switch (af) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ dst = (uint8_t*) &sa->v4.sin_addr;
+ len = 4;
+ break;
+ case AF_INET6:
+ dst = (uint8_t*) &sa->v6.sin6_addr;
+ len = 16;
+ sa->v6.sin6_scope_id = ifindex;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ if (addrlen < len) return;
+ sa->sa.sa_family = af;
+ memcpy(dst, addr, len);
+ *r = &sa->sa;
-static void ipv6netmask(unsigned prefix_length, struct sockaddr_in6 *sa)
+static void gen_netmask(struct sockaddr **r, int af, union sockany *sa, int prefixlen)
- unsigned char* hb = sa->sin6_addr.s6_addr;
- unsigned onebytes = prefix_length / 8;
- unsigned bits = prefix_length % 8;
- unsigned nullbytes = 16 - onebytes;
- memset(hb, -1, onebytes);
- memset(hb+onebytes, 0, nullbytes);
- if(bits) {
- unsigned char x = -1;
- x <<= 8 - bits;
- hb[onebytes] = x;
- }
+ uint8_t addr[16] = {0};
+ int i;
+ if (prefixlen > 8*sizeof(addr)) prefixlen = 8*sizeof(addr);
+ i = prefixlen / 8;
+ memset(addr, 0xff, i);
+ if (i < sizeof(addr)) addr[i++] = 0xff << (8 - (prefixlen % 8));
+ copy_addr(r, af, sa, addr, sizeof(addr), 0);
-static void dealwithipv6(stor **list, stor** head)
+static void copy_lladdr(struct sockaddr **r, union sockany *sa, void *addr, size_t addrlen, int ifindex, unsigned short hatype)
- FILE* f = fopen("/proc/net/if_inet6", "rbe");
- /* 00000000000000000000000000000001 01 80 10 80 lo
- A B C D E F
- all numbers in hex
- A = addr B=netlink device#, C=prefix length,
- D = scope value (ipv6.h) E = interface flags (rnetlink.h, addrconf.c)
- F = if name */
- char v6conv[32 + 7 + 1], *v6;
- char *line, linebuf[512];
- if(!f) return;
- while((line = fgets(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, f))) {
- v6 = v6conv;
- size_t i = 0;
- for(; i < 8; i++) {
- memcpy(v6, line, 4);
- v6+=4;
- *v6++=':';
- line+=4;
- }
- --v6; *v6 = 0;
- line++;
- unsigned b, c, d, e;
- char name[IFNAMSIZ+1];
- if(5 == sscanf(line, "%x %x %x %x %s", &b, &c, &d, &e, name)) {
- struct sockaddr_in6 sa = {0};
- if(1 == inet_pton(AF_INET6, v6conv, &sa.sin6_addr)) {
- sa.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- stor* curr = list_add(list, head, name);
- if(!curr) goto out;
- curr->addr.v6 = sa;
- curr->ifa.ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr*) &curr->addr;
- ipv6netmask(c, &sa);
- curr->netmask.v6 = sa;
- curr->ifa.ifa_netmask = (struct sockaddr*) &curr->netmask;
- /* find ipv4 struct with the same interface name to copy flags */
- stor* scan = *list;
- for(;scan && strcmp(name, scan->name);scan=(stor*)scan->next);
- if(scan) curr->ifa.ifa_flags = scan->ifa.ifa_flags;
- else curr->ifa.ifa_flags = 0;
- } else errno = 0;
- }
- }
- out:
- fclose(f);
+ if (addrlen > sizeof(sa->ll.sll_addr)) return;
+ sa->ll.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
+ sa->ll.sll_ifindex = ifindex;
+ sa->ll.sll_hatype = hatype;
+ sa->ll.sll_halen = addrlen;
+ memcpy(sa->ll.sll_addr, addr, addrlen);
+ *r = &sa->sa;
-int getifaddrs(struct ifaddrs **ifap)
+static int netlink_msg_to_ifaddr(void *pctx, struct nlmsghdr *h)
- stor *list = 0, *head = 0;
- struct if_nameindex* ii = if_nameindex();
- if(!ii) return -1;
- size_t i;
- for(i = 0; ii[i].if_index || ii[i].if_name; i++) {
- stor* curr = list_add(&list, &head, ii[i].if_name);
- if(!curr) {
- if_freenameindex(ii);
- goto err2;
+ struct ifaddrs_ctx *ctx = pctx;
+ struct ifaddrs_storage *ifs, *ifs0;
+ struct ifinfomsg *ifi = NLMSG_DATA(h);
+ struct ifaddrmsg *ifa = NLMSG_DATA(h);
+ struct rtattr *rta;
+ int stats_len = 0;
+ if (h->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWLINK) {
+ for (rta = NLMSG_RTA(h, sizeof(*ifi)); NLMSG_RTAOK(rta, h); rta = RTA_NEXT(rta)) {
+ if (rta->rta_type != IFLA_STATS) continue;
+ stats_len = RTA_DATALEN(rta);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ for (ifs0 = ctx->hash[ifa->ifa_index % IFADDRS_HASH_SIZE]; ifs0; ifs0 = ifs0->hash_next)
+ if (ifs0->index == ifa->ifa_index)
+ break;
+ if (!ifs0) return 0;
- if_freenameindex(ii);
- if(sock == -1) goto err2;
- struct ifreq reqs[32]; /* arbitrary chosen boundary */
- struct ifconf conf = {.ifc_len = sizeof reqs, .ifc_req = reqs};
- if(-1 == ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFCONF, &conf)) goto err;
- size_t reqitems = conf.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq);
- for(head = list; head; head = (stor*)head->next) {
- for(i = 0; i < reqitems; i++) {
- // get SIOCGIFADDR of active interfaces.
- if(!strcmp(reqs[i].ifr_name, head->name)) {
- head->addr.v4 = *(struct sockaddr_in*)&reqs[i].ifr_addr;
- head->ifa.ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr*) &head->addr;
+ ifs = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ifaddrs_storage) + stats_len);
+ if (ifs == 0) return -1;
+ if (h->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWLINK) {
+ ifs->index = ifi->ifi_index;
+ ifs->ifa.ifa_flags = ifi->ifi_flags;
+ for (rta = NLMSG_RTA(h, sizeof(*ifi)); NLMSG_RTAOK(rta, h); rta = RTA_NEXT(rta)) {
+ switch (rta->rta_type) {
+ if (RTA_DATALEN(rta) < sizeof(ifs->name)) {
+ memcpy(ifs->name, RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_DATALEN(rta));
+ ifs->ifa.ifa_name = ifs->name;
+ }
+ break;
+ copy_lladdr(&ifs->ifa.ifa_addr, &ifs->addr, RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_DATALEN(rta), ifi->ifi_index, ifi->ifi_type);
+ break;
+ copy_lladdr(&ifs->ifa.ifa_broadaddr, &ifs->ifu, RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_DATALEN(rta), ifi->ifi_index, ifi->ifi_type);
+ break;
+ case IFLA_STATS:
+ ifs->ifa.ifa_data = (void*)(ifs+1);
+ memcpy(ifs->ifa.ifa_data, RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_DATALEN(rta));
- struct ifreq req;
- snprintf(req.ifr_name, sizeof req.ifr_name, "%s", head->name);
- if(-1 == ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &req)) goto err;
- head->ifa.ifa_flags = req.ifr_flags;
- if(head->ifa.ifa_addr) {
- /* or'ing flags with IFF_LOWER_UP on active interfaces to mimic glibc */
- head->ifa.ifa_flags |= IFF_LOWER_UP;
- if(-1 == ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &req)) goto err;
- head->netmask.v4 = *(struct sockaddr_in*)&req.ifr_netmask;
- head->ifa.ifa_netmask = (struct sockaddr*) &head->netmask;
- if(head->ifa.ifa_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) {
- if(-1 == ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFDSTADDR, &req)) goto err;
- head->dst.v4 = *(struct sockaddr_in*)&req.ifr_dstaddr;
- } else {
- if(-1 == ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, &req)) goto err;
- head->dst.v4 = *(struct sockaddr_in*)&req.ifr_broadaddr;
+ if (ifs->ifa.ifa_name) {
+ unsigned int bucket = ifs->index % IFADDRS_HASH_SIZE;
+ ifs->hash_next = ctx->hash[bucket];
+ ctx->hash[bucket] = ifs;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ifs->ifa.ifa_name = ifs0->ifa.ifa_name;
+ ifs->ifa.ifa_flags = ifs0->ifa.ifa_flags;
+ for (rta = NLMSG_RTA(h, sizeof(*ifa)); NLMSG_RTAOK(rta, h); rta = RTA_NEXT(rta)) {
+ switch (rta->rta_type) {
+ copy_addr(&ifs->ifa.ifa_addr, ifa->ifa_family, &ifs->addr, RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_DATALEN(rta), ifa->ifa_index);
+ break;
+ /* For point-to-point links this is peer, but ifa_broadaddr
+ * and ifa_dstaddr are union, so this works for both. */
+ copy_addr(&ifs->ifa.ifa_broadaddr, ifa->ifa_family, &ifs->ifu, RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_DATALEN(rta), ifa->ifa_index);
+ break;
+ case IFA_LABEL:
+ if (RTA_DATALEN(rta) < sizeof(ifs->name)) {
+ memcpy(ifs->name, RTA_DATA(rta), RTA_DATALEN(rta));
+ ifs->ifa.ifa_name = ifs->name;
+ }
+ break;
- head->ifa.ifa_ifu.ifu_dstaddr = (struct sockaddr*) &head->dst;
+ if (ifs->ifa.ifa_addr)
+ gen_netmask(&ifs->ifa.ifa_netmask, ifa->ifa_family, &ifs->netmask, ifa->ifa_prefixlen);
+ }
+ if (ifs->ifa.ifa_name) {
+ if (!ctx->first) ctx->first = ifs;
+ if (ctx->last) ctx->last->ifa.ifa_next = &ifs->ifa;
+ ctx->last = ifs;
+ } else {
+ free(ifs);
- close(sock);
- void* last = 0;
- for(head = list; head; head=(stor*)head->next) last=head;
- head = last;
- dealwithipv6(&list, &head);
- *ifap = (struct ifaddrs*) list;
return 0;
- err:
- close(sock);
- err2:
- freeifaddrs((struct ifaddrs*) list);
- return -1;
+int getifaddrs(struct ifaddrs **ifap)
+ struct ifaddrs_ctx _ctx, *ctx = &_ctx;
+ int r;
+ memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx);
+ r = __rtnetlink_enumerate(AF_UNSPEC, AF_UNSPEC, netlink_msg_to_ifaddr, ctx);
+ if (r == 0) *ifap = &ctx->first->ifa;
+ else freeifaddrs(&ctx->first->ifa);
+ return r;