the logic to check hwcap for SPE register file inadvertently clobbered the val argument before use. switch to a different work register so this doesn't happen.
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ longjmp:
bl 1f
.hidden __hwcap
.long __hwcap-.
-1: mflr 4
- lwz 5, 0(4)
- lwzx 4, 4, 5
- andis. 4, 4, 0x80
+1: mflr 6
+ lwz 5, 0(6)
+ lwzx 6, 6, 5
+ andis. 6, 6, 0x80
beq 1f
.long 0x11c35b01 /* evldd 14,88(3) */
.long 0x11e36301 /* ... */