this one could never cause any problems unless the compiler/machine goes to extra trouble to break oob pointer arithmetic, but it's best to fix it anyway.
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ static int fmt_fp(FILE *f, long double y, int w, int p, int fl, int t)
if (j < 9*(z-r-1)) {
uint32_t x;
/* We avoid C's broken division of negative numbers */
- d = r + 1 + (j+9*LDBL_MAX_EXP)/9 - LDBL_MAX_EXP;
+ d = r + 1 + ((j+9*LDBL_MAX_EXP)/9 - LDBL_MAX_EXP);
j += 9*LDBL_MAX_EXP;
j %= 9;
for (i=10, j++; j<9; i*=10, j++);