fread was calling f->read without checking that the file was in reading mode. this could: 1. crash, if f->read was a null pointer 2. cause unwanted blocking on a terminal already at eof 3. allow reading on a write-only file
@@ -21,14 +21,9 @@ size_t fread(void *destv, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *f)
l -= k;
- if (!l) {
- return nmemb;
- }
/* Read the remainder directly */
for (; l; l-=k, dest+=k) {
- k = f->read(f, dest, l);
+ k = __toread(f) ? 0 : f->read(f, dest, l);
if (k+1<=1) {
return (len-l)/size;