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fix indention with spaces in powerpc asm

Rich Felker пре 12 година

+ 7 - 7

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-        .text
-        .global dlsym
-        .type   dlsym,@function
+	.text
+	.global dlsym
+	.type   dlsym,@function
-        mflr    5                      # The return address is arg3.
-        b       __dlsym
-        .end    dlsym
-        .size   dlsym, .-dlsym
+	mflr    5                      # The return address is arg3.
+	b       __dlsym
+	.end    dlsym
+	.size   dlsym, .-dlsym

+ 19 - 20

@@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
 # FIXME : does not work, the small data array needs to be relocated.
 # see elfspec_ppc.pdf, page 76-84
-        .global _start
-        .type   _start,@function
+	.global _start
+	.type   _start,@function
-        mr      9, 1                  # Save the original stack pointer.
-        clrrwi  1, 1, 4               # Align the stack to 16 bytes.
-        lis     13, _SDA_BASE_@ha      # r13 points to the small data area.
-        addi    13, 13, _SDA_BASE_@l
-        li      0, 0                   # Zero the frame pointer.
-        lwz     3, 0(9)               # and argc...
-        addi    4, 9, 4               # and argv ...
-        mtlr    0                      # Clear the link register.
-        # Go to the musl dynamic linker entry point.
-        bl      __dynlink
-        cmpi    4, 0, 3, 1            # Check for a 1.
-        bne     4, .                   # Stay here
-        mtlr    3                      # Set the link address...
-        li      3, 0
-        blr                             # and go.
-        .end    _start
-        .size   _start, .-_start
+	mr      9, 1                  # Save the original stack pointer.
+	clrrwi  1, 1, 4               # Align the stack to 16 bytes.
+	lis     13, _SDA_BASE_@ha      # r13 points to the small data area.
+	addi    13, 13, _SDA_BASE_@l
+	li      0, 0                   # Zero the frame pointer.
+	lwz     3, 0(9)               # and argc...
+	addi    4, 9, 4               # and argv ...
+	mtlr    0                      # Clear the link register.
+	# Go to the musl dynamic linker entry point.
+	bl      __dynlink
+	cmpi    4, 0, 3, 1            # Check for a 1.
+	bne     4, .                   # Stay here
+	mtlr    3                      # Set the link address...
+	li      3, 0
+	blr                             # and go.
+	.end    _start
+	.size   _start, .-_start

+ 4 - 4

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-        .global _longjmp
-        .global longjmp
-        .type   _longjmp,@function
-        .type   longjmp,@function
+	.global _longjmp
+	.global longjmp
+	.type   _longjmp,@function
+	.type   longjmp,@function
 # void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val);

+ 6 - 6

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-        .global __setjmp
-        .global _setjmp
-        .global setjmp
-        .type   __setjmp,@function
-        .type   _setjmp,@function
-        .type   setjmp,@function
+	.global __setjmp
+	.global _setjmp
+	.global setjmp
+	.type   __setjmp,@function
+	.type   _setjmp,@function
+	.type   setjmp,@function

+ 8 - 8

@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-        .global __restore
-        .type __restore,%function
+	.global __restore
+	.type __restore,%function
-        li      0, 119 #__NR_sigreturn
-        sc
+	li      0, 119 #__NR_sigreturn
+	sc
-        .global __restore_rt
-        .type __restore_rt,%function
+	.global __restore_rt
+	.type __restore_rt,%function
-        li      0, 172 # __NR_rt_sigreturn
-        sc
+	li      0, 172 # __NR_rt_sigreturn
+	sc

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-        .global sigsetjmp
-        .type sigsetjmp,%function
+	.global sigsetjmp
+	.type sigsetjmp,%function
 	#int sigsetjmp(sigjmp_buf buf, int save)
 	#		r3		r4

+ 8 - 8

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-        .text
-        .global __unmapself
-        .type   __unmapself,%function
+	.text
+	.global __unmapself
+	.type   __unmapself,%function
-        li      0, 91 # __NR_munmap
-        sc
-        li      0, 1 #__NR_exit
-        sc
-        blr
+	li      0, 91 # __NR_munmap
+	sc
+	li      0, 1 #__NR_exit
+	sc
+	blr