@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+.set noreorder
+.global feclearexcept
+.type feclearexcept,@function
+ cfc1 $5, $31
+ or $5, $5, $4
+ xor $5, $5, $4
+ ctc1 $5, $31
+ jr $ra
+ li $2, 0
+.global feraiseexcept
+.type feraiseexcept,@function
+ cfc1 $5, $31
+ or $5, $5, $4
+ ctc1 $5, $31
+ jr $ra
+ li $2, 0
+.global fetestexcept
+.type fetestexcept,@function
+ cfc1 $2, $31
+ jr $ra
+ and $2, $2, $4
+.global fegetround
+.type fegetround,@function
+ cfc1 $2, $31
+ jr $ra
+ andi $2, $2, 3
+.global fesetround
+.type fesetround,@function
+ cfc1 $5, $31
+ li $6, -4
+ and $5, $5, $6
+ or $5, $5, $4
+ jr $ra
+ li $2, 0
+.global fegetenv
+.type fegetenv,@function
+ cfc1 $5, $31
+ sw $5, 0($4)
+ jr $ra
+ li $2, 0
+.global fesetenv
+.type fesetenv,@function
+ lw $5, 0($4)
+ ctc1 $5, $31
+ jr $ra
+ li $2, 0