pthread_arch.h 472 B

  1. static inline struct pthread *__pthread_self()
  2. {
  3. register char *tp __asm__("r2");
  4. __asm__ ("" : "=r" (tp) );
  5. return (pthread_t)(tp - 0x7000 - sizeof(struct pthread));
  6. }
  7. #define TLS_ABOVE_TP
  8. #define GAP_ABOVE_TP 0
  9. #define TP_ADJ(p) ((char *)(p) + sizeof(struct pthread) + 0x7000)
  10. #define DTP_OFFSET 0x8000
  11. // the kernel calls the ip "nip", it's the first saved value after the 32
  12. // GPRs.
  13. #define MC_PC gregs[32]
  14. #define CANARY canary_at_end