start.s 843 B

  1. .text
  2. .global _dlstart
  3. _dlstart:
  4. mov (%rsp),%rdi /* move argc into 1st argument slot */
  5. lea 4(%rsp),%rsi /* move argv into 2nd argument slot */
  6. call __dynlink
  7. /* in case the dynlinker was called directly, it sets the "consumed"
  8. argv values to -1. so we must loop over the array as long as -1
  9. is in the top argv slot, decrement argc, and then set the stackpointer
  10. to the new argc as well as argc's new value.
  11. as the x32 abi has longs in the argv array, we cannot use push/pop.*/
  12. movl (%rsp),%edi /* copy argc into edi */
  13. xor %rdx,%rdx /* we use rdx as an offset to the current argv member */
  14. 1: dec %edi
  15. addl $4, %edx
  16. movl (%rsp, %rdx), %esi
  17. cmp $-1,%esi
  18. jz 1b
  19. inc %edi
  20. subl $4, %edx
  21. lea (%rsp, %rdx), %rsp /* set rsp to new argv[-1] */
  22. movl %edi, (%rsp) /* write new argc there */
  23. xor %edx,%edx
  24. jmp *%rax