crt_arch.h 477 B

  1. __asm__(
  2. ".text \n"
  3. ".global " START " \n"
  4. START ": \n"
  5. " mova 1f, r0 \n"
  6. " mov.l 1f, r5 \n"
  7. " add r0, r5 \n"
  8. " mov r15, r4 \n"
  9. " mov #-16, r0 \n"
  10. " and r0, r15 \n"
  11. " bsr " START "_c \n"
  12. " nop \n"
  13. ".align 2 \n"
  14. ".weak _DYNAMIC \n"
  15. ".hidden _DYNAMIC \n"
  16. "1: .long _DYNAMIC-. \n"
  17. );
  18. /* used by gcc for switching the FPU between single and double precision */
  19. #ifdef SHARED
  20. __attribute__((__visibility__("hidden")))
  21. #endif
  22. const unsigned long __fpscr_values[2] = { 0, 0x80000 };