@@ -1,358 +1,358 @@
-Attribute VB_Name = "box"
-'// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
-'// For more information, please refer to https://github.com/hongwenjun
-Public Function Simple_box_five(Optional ByVal l As Double, Optional ByVal w As Double, Optional ByVal h As Double, Optional ByVal b As Double = 15)
- Dim sr As New ShapeRange, wing As New ShapeRange, BottomWing As ShapeRange
- Dim sh As Shape
- l1x = w: l2x = w + l: l3x = 2 * w + l: l4x = 2 * (w + l)
- '// 绘制主体上下盖矩形
- Set mainRect_aw = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, w, h)
- Set mainRect_al = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, h)
- mainRect_al.Move l1x, 0
- Set mainRect_bw = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, w, h)
- mainRect_bw.Move l2x, 0
- Set mainRect_bl = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, h)
- mainRect_bl.Move l3x, 0
- Set topRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
- topRect.Move l1x, h
- '// 绘制Box 圆角矩形插口
- Set top_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 75, 75)
- top_RoundRect.Move l1x, h + w
- Set Bond = DrawBond(b, h, l4x, 0)
- Set SealLine = Draw_SealLine(l, l1x, h + w - 1)
- Set top_RoundRect = top_RoundRect.Weld(topRect, False, False)
- '// 绘制box 2个翅膀
- Set sh = DrawWing(w, (w + b) / 2 - 2)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, h)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, h)
- wing(2).Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
- '// 绘制 Box 底下翅膀 BottomWing
- Set BottomWing = DrawBottomWing(l, w, b)
- '// 添加到物件组,设置轮廓色 C100
- sr.Add mainRect_aw: sr.Add mainRect_al: sr.Add mainRect_bw: sr.Add mainRect_bl
- sr.Add Bond: sr.Add top_RoundRect
- sr.AddRange BottomWing
- sr.AddRange wing: sh.Delete
- sr.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(100, 0, 0, 0)
- sr.Add SealLine
- sr.CreateSelection: sr.Group
-End Function
-Private Function DrawBottomWing(ByVal l As Double, ByVal w As Double, ByVal b As Double) As ShapeRange
- Dim sr As New ShapeRange, s As Shape
- Dim sp As SubPath, crv(3) As Curve
- w_2 = w / 2#
- block = w * 0.275 + w * ((l - w) / w * 0.15)
- bb = block + b: If bb < w_2 Then bb = w_2
- '// 绘制 Box 底下翅膀 BottomWing
- Set crv(1) = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
- Set sp = crv(1).CreateSubPath(0, 0)
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, block
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, bb - 5
- sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + 5, bb, w_2, bb - 2.5, w_2 + 2.5, bb
- sp.AppendLineSegment w, bb
- sp.AppendLineSegment w, 0
- sp.Closed = True
- sr.Add ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv(1))
- Set crv(2) = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
- Set sp = crv(2).CreateSubPath(0, 0)
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, block
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b - 5, block
- sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + b, block + 5, w_2 + b - 2.5, block, w_2 + b, block + 2.5
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b, l - block - 5
- sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + b - 5, l - block, w_2 + b, l - block - 2.5, w_2 + b - 2.5, l - block
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, l - block
- sp.AppendLineSegment 0, l
- sp.Closed = True
- sr.Add ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv(2))
- Set crv(3) = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
- Set sp = crv(3).CreateSubPath(0, 0)
- sp.AppendLineSegment 0, l
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b, l
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b, l - block + 5
- sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + b - 5, l - block, w_2 + b, l - block + 2.5, w_2 + b - 2.5, l - block
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, l - block
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, block
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b - 5, block
- sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + b, block - 5, w_2 + b - 2.5, block, w_2 + b, block - 2.5
- sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b, 0
- sp.Closed = True
- sr.Add ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv(3))
- '// 移动到适合的地方
- sr(1).Move 0, -bb: sr(1).Rotate 180
- Set s = sr(1).Duplicate(0, 0): sr.Add s
- s.Flip cdrFlipHorizontal: s.Move w + l, 0
- sr(2).Rotate -90: sr(3).Rotate -90
- sr(2).LeftX = 2 * w + l: sr(3).LeftX = w
- sr(2).topY = 0: sr(3).topY = 0
- Set DrawBottomWing = sr
-End Function
-Public Function Simple_box_four(Optional ByVal l As Double, Optional ByVal w As Double, Optional ByVal h As Double, Optional ByVal b As Double = 15)
- Dim sr As New ShapeRange, wing As New ShapeRange
- Dim sh As Shape
- l1x = w: l2x = w + l: l3x = 2 * w + l: l4x = 2 * (w + l)
- '// 绘制主体上下盖矩形
- Set mainRect_aw = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, w, h)
- Set mainRect_al = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, h)
- mainRect_al.Move l1x, 0
- Set mainRect_bw = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, w, h)
- mainRect_bw.Move l2x, 0
- Set mainRect_bl = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, h)
- mainRect_bl.Move l3x, 0
- Set topRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
- topRect.Move l1x, h
- Set bottomRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
- bottomRect.Move l3x, -w
- '// 绘制Box 圆角矩形插口
- Set top_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 75, 75)
- top_RoundRect.Move l1x, h + w
- Set bottom_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 0, 0, 75, 75)
- bottom_RoundRect.Move l3x, -w - b
- Set Bond = DrawBond(b, h, l4x, 0)
- Set SealLine = Draw_SealLine(l, l1x, h + w - 1)
- Set SealLine2 = Draw_SealLine(l, l3x, -w - 1)
- SealLine2.Rotate 180
- '// 绘制box 四个翅膀
- Set sh = DrawWing(w, (w + b) / 2 - 2)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, h)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, h)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, -sh.SizeHeight)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, -sh.SizeHeight)
- wing(2).Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
- wing(3).Rotate 180
- wing(4).Flip cdrFlipVertical
- Set top_RoundRect = top_RoundRect.Weld(topRect, False, False)
- Set bottom_RoundRect = bottom_RoundRect.Weld(bottomRect, False, False)
- '// 添加到物件组,设置轮廓色 C100
- sr.Add mainRect_aw: sr.Add mainRect_al: sr.Add mainRect_bw: sr.Add mainRect_bl
- sr.Add Bond: sr.Add top_RoundRect: sr.Add bottom_RoundRect
- sr.AddRange wing: sh.Delete
- sr.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(100, 0, 0, 0)
- sr.Add SealLine: sr.Add SealLine2
- sr.CreateSelection: sr.Group
-End Function
-Public Function input_box_lwh() As Variant
- Dim str, arr, n
- str = InputBox("请输入长x宽x高,使用空格 * x 间隔" & vbNewLine & "鼠标左键-右键-Ctrl三种样式", "盒子长宽高", "120 x 100 x 150 mm") & " "
- str = Newline_to_Space(str)
- ' 替换 mm x * 换行 TAB 为空格
- str = VBA.Replace(str, "mm", " ")
- str = VBA.Replace(str, "x", " ")
- str = VBA.Replace(str, "X", " ")
- str = VBA.Replace(str, "*", " ")
- '// 换行转空格 多个空格换成一个空格
- str = API.Newline_to_Space(str)
- arr = Split(str)
- arr(0) = Val(arr(0))
- arr(1) = Val(arr(1))
- arr(2) = Val(arr(2))
- arr(3) = Val(arr(3))
- input_box_lwh = arr
-End Function
-Public Function Simple_box_three(Optional ByVal l As Double, Optional ByVal w As Double, Optional ByVal h As Double, Optional ByVal b As Double = 15)
- ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
- Dim sr As New ShapeRange, wing As New ShapeRange
- Dim sh As Shape
- boxL = 2 * l + 2 * w + b: boxH = h
- l1x = w: l2x = w + l: l3x = 2 * w + l: l4x = 2 * (w + l)
- '// 绘制主体上下盖矩形
- Set mainRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, boxL, boxH)
- Set topRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
- topRect.Move l1x, h
- Set bottomRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
- bottomRect.Move l3x, -w
- '// 绘制Box 圆角矩形插口
- Set top_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 75, 75)
- top_RoundRect.Move l1x, h + w
- Set bottom_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 0, 0, 75, 75)
- bottom_RoundRect.Move l3x, -w - b
- '// 绘制box 四个翅膀
- Set sh = DrawWing(w, (w + b) / 2 - 2)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, h)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, h)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, -sh.SizeHeight)
- wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, -sh.SizeHeight)
- wing(2).Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
- wing(3).Rotate 180
- wing(4).Flip cdrFlipVertical
- Set top_RoundRect = top_RoundRect.Weld(topRect, False, False)
- Set bottom_RoundRect = bottom_RoundRect.Weld(bottomRect, False, False)
- '// 添加到物件组,设置轮廓色 C100
- sr.Add mainRect: sr.Add top_RoundRect: sr.Add bottom_RoundRect
- sr.AddRange wing: sh.Delete
- sr.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(100, 0, 0, 0)
- '// 绘制尺寸刀痕线
- Set sl1 = DrawLine(l1x, 0, l1x, h)
- Set sl2 = DrawLine(l2x, 0, l2x, h)
- Set sl3 = DrawLine(l3x, 0, l3x, h)
- Set sl4 = DrawLine(l4x, 0, l4x, h)
- Set SealLine = Draw_SealLine(l, l1x, h + w - 1)
- Set SealLine2 = Draw_SealLine(l, l3x, -w - 1)
- SealLine2.Rotate 180
- '// 盒子box 群组
- sr.Add sl1: sr.Add sl2: sr.Add sl3: sr.Add sl4
- sr.Add SealLine: sr.Add SealLine2
- sr.CreateSelection: sr.Group
-End Function
-'// 画一条线,设置轮廓色 M100
-Private Function DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) As Shape
- Set DrawLine = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- DrawLine.Outline.SetProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(0, 100, 0, 0)
-End Function
-'// 绘制封口线
-Private Function Draw_SealLine(ByVal l As Double, ByVal move_x As Double, ByVal move_y As Double) As Shape
- Dim sp As SubPath, crv As Curve
- '// 绘制 Box 翅膀 Wing
- Set crv = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
- Set sp = crv.CreateSubPath(0, 2)
- sp.AppendLineSegment 4, 2
- sp.AppendLineSegment 6, 0
- sp.AppendLineSegment l - 6, 0
- sp.AppendLineSegment l - 4, 2
- sp.AppendLineSegment l, 2
- sp.Closed = False
- Set Draw_SealLine = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)
- Draw_SealLine.Outline.SetProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(0, 100, 0, 0)
- Draw_SealLine.Move move_x, move_y
-End Function
-Private Function DrawWing(ByVal w As Double, ByVal h As Double) As Shape
- Dim sp As SubPath, crv As Curve
- Dim x As Double, y As Double
- x = w: y = h
- '// 绘制 Box 翅膀 Wing
- Set crv = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
- Set sp = crv.CreateSubPath(0, 0)
- sp.AppendLineSegment 0, 4
- sp.AppendLineSegment 2, 6
- sp.AppendLineSegment 6, y - 2.5
- sp.AppendCurveSegment2 8.5, y, 6.2, y - 1.25, 7, y
- sp.AppendLineSegment x - 2, y
- sp.AppendLineSegment x - 2, 3
- sp.AppendLineSegment x, 0
- sp.Closed = True
- Set DrawWing = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)
-End Function
-Private Function DrawBond(ByVal w As Double, ByVal h As Double, ByVal move_x As Double, ByVal move_y As Double) As Shape
- Dim sp As SubPath, crv As Curve
- Dim x As Double, y As Double
- x = w: y = h
- '// 绘制 Box 粘合边 Bond
- Set crv = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
- Set sp = crv.CreateSubPath(0, 0)
- sp.AppendLineSegment 0, y
- sp.AppendLineSegment x, y - 5
- sp.AppendLineSegment x, 5
- sp.Closed = True
- Set DrawBond = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)
- DrawBond.Move move_x, move_y
-End Function
-Public Function Simple_box_one()
- ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
- l = 100: w = 50: h = 70: b = 15
- boxL = 2 * l + 2 * w + b
- boxH = h
- l1x = w
- l2x = w + l
- l3x = 2 * w + l
- l4x = 2 * (w + l)
- Set Rect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, boxL, boxH)
- Set sl1 = DrawLine(l1x, 0, l1x, h)
- Set sl2 = DrawLine(l2x, 0, l2x, h)
- Set sl3 = DrawLine(l3x, 0, l3x, h)
- Set sl4 = DrawLine(l4x, 0, l4x, h)
-End Function
-Public Function Simple_box_two()
- ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
- l = 100: w = 50: h = 70: b = 15
- boxL = 2 * l + 2 * w + b: boxH = h
- l1x = w: l2x = w + l: l3x = 2 * w + l: l4x = 2 * (w + l)
- Set mainRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, boxL, boxH)
- Set topRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
- topRect.Move l1x, h
- Set bottomRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
- bottomRect.Move l3x, -w
- Set sl1 = DrawLine(l1x, 0, l1x, h)
- Set sl2 = DrawLine(l2x, 0, l2x, h)
- Set sl3 = DrawLine(l3x, 0, l3x, h)
- Set sl4 = DrawLine(l4x, 0, l4x, h)
-End Function
-Public Function Simple_3Deffect()
- Dim sr As ShapeRange '// 定义物件范围
- Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange '// 选择3个物件
- If sr.Count >= 3 Then
- '// 先上下再左右排序
-#If VBA7 Then
- sr.Sort " @shape1.Top * 100 - @shape1.Left > @shape2.Top * 100 - @shape2.Left"
- Set ssr = X4_Sort_ShapeRange(sr, topWt_left)
-#End If
- sr(1).Stretch 0.951, 0.525 ' 顶盖物件缩放修正和变形
- sr(1).Skew 41.7, 7#
- sr(2).Stretch 0.951, 0.937 ' 正面物件缩放修正和变形
- sr(2).Skew 0#, 7#
- sr(3).Stretch 0.468, 0.937 ' 侧面物件缩放修正和变形
- sr(3).Skew 0#, -45#
- End If
-End Function
+Attribute VB_Name = "box"
+'// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+'// For more information, please refer to https://github.com/hongwenjun
+Public Function Simple_box_five(Optional ByVal l As Double, Optional ByVal w As Double, Optional ByVal h As Double, Optional ByVal b As Double = 15)
+ Dim sr As New ShapeRange, wing As New ShapeRange, BottomWing As ShapeRange
+ Dim sh As Shape
+ l1x = w: l2x = w + l: l3x = 2 * w + l: l4x = 2 * (w + l)
+ '// 绘制主体上下盖矩形
+ Set mainRect_aw = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, w, h)
+ Set mainRect_al = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, h)
+ mainRect_al.Move l1x, 0
+ Set mainRect_bw = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, w, h)
+ mainRect_bw.Move l2x, 0
+ Set mainRect_bl = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, h)
+ mainRect_bl.Move l3x, 0
+ Set topRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
+ topRect.Move l1x, h
+ '// 绘制Box 圆角矩形插口
+ Set top_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 75, 75)
+ top_RoundRect.Move l1x, h + w
+ Set Bond = DrawBond(b, h, l4x, 0)
+ Set SealLine = Draw_SealLine(l, l1x, h + w - 1)
+ Set top_RoundRect = top_RoundRect.Weld(topRect, False, False)
+ '// 绘制box 2个翅膀
+ Set sh = DrawWing(w, (w + b) / 2 - 2)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, h)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, h)
+ wing(2).Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
+ '// 绘制 Box 底下翅膀 BottomWing
+ Set BottomWing = DrawBottomWing(l, w, b)
+ '// 添加到物件组,设置轮廓色 C100
+ sr.Add mainRect_aw: sr.Add mainRect_al: sr.Add mainRect_bw: sr.Add mainRect_bl
+ sr.Add Bond: sr.Add top_RoundRect
+ sr.AddRange BottomWing
+ sr.AddRange wing: sh.Delete
+ sr.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(100, 0, 0, 0)
+ sr.Add SealLine
+ sr.CreateSelection: sr.Group
+End Function
+Private Function DrawBottomWing(ByVal l As Double, ByVal w As Double, ByVal b As Double) As ShapeRange
+ Dim sr As New ShapeRange, s As Shape
+ Dim sp As SubPath, crv(3) As Curve
+ w_2 = w / 2#
+ block = w * 0.275 + w * ((l - w) / w * 0.15)
+ bb = block + b: If bb < w_2 Then bb = w_2
+ '// 绘制 Box 底下翅膀 BottomWing
+ Set crv(1) = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
+ Set sp = crv(1).CreateSubPath(0, 0)
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, block
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, bb - 5
+ sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + 5, bb, w_2, bb - 2.5, w_2 + 2.5, bb
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w, bb
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w, 0
+ sp.Closed = True
+ sr.Add ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv(1))
+ Set crv(2) = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
+ Set sp = crv(2).CreateSubPath(0, 0)
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, block
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b - 5, block
+ sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + b, block + 5, w_2 + b - 2.5, block, w_2 + b, block + 2.5
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b, l - block - 5
+ sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + b - 5, l - block, w_2 + b, l - block - 2.5, w_2 + b - 2.5, l - block
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, l - block
+ sp.AppendLineSegment 0, l
+ sp.Closed = True
+ sr.Add ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv(2))
+ Set crv(3) = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
+ Set sp = crv(3).CreateSubPath(0, 0)
+ sp.AppendLineSegment 0, l
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b, l
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b, l - block + 5
+ sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + b - 5, l - block, w_2 + b, l - block + 2.5, w_2 + b - 2.5, l - block
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, l - block
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2, block
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b - 5, block
+ sp.AppendCurveSegment2 w_2 + b, block - 5, w_2 + b - 2.5, block, w_2 + b, block - 2.5
+ sp.AppendLineSegment w_2 + b, 0
+ sp.Closed = True
+ sr.Add ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv(3))
+ '// 移动到适合的地方
+ sr(1).Move 0, -bb: sr(1).Rotate 180
+ Set s = sr(1).Duplicate(0, 0): sr.Add s
+ s.Flip cdrFlipHorizontal: s.Move w + l, 0
+ sr(2).Rotate -90: sr(3).Rotate -90
+ sr(2).LeftX = 2 * w + l: sr(3).LeftX = w
+ sr(2).topY = 0: sr(3).topY = 0
+ Set DrawBottomWing = sr
+End Function
+Public Function Simple_box_four(Optional ByVal l As Double, Optional ByVal w As Double, Optional ByVal h As Double, Optional ByVal b As Double = 15)
+ Dim sr As New ShapeRange, wing As New ShapeRange
+ Dim sh As Shape
+ l1x = w: l2x = w + l: l3x = 2 * w + l: l4x = 2 * (w + l)
+ '// 绘制主体上下盖矩形
+ Set mainRect_aw = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, w, h)
+ Set mainRect_al = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, h)
+ mainRect_al.Move l1x, 0
+ Set mainRect_bw = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, w, h)
+ mainRect_bw.Move l2x, 0
+ Set mainRect_bl = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, h)
+ mainRect_bl.Move l3x, 0
+ Set topRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
+ topRect.Move l1x, h
+ Set bottomRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
+ bottomRect.Move l3x, -w
+ '// 绘制Box 圆角矩形插口
+ Set top_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 75, 75)
+ top_RoundRect.Move l1x, h + w
+ Set bottom_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 0, 0, 75, 75)
+ bottom_RoundRect.Move l3x, -w - b
+ Set Bond = DrawBond(b, h, l4x, 0)
+ Set SealLine = Draw_SealLine(l, l1x, h + w - 1)
+ Set SealLine2 = Draw_SealLine(l, l3x, -w - 1)
+ SealLine2.Rotate 180
+ '// 绘制box 四个翅膀
+ Set sh = DrawWing(w, (w + b) / 2 - 2)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, h)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, h)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, -sh.SizeHeight)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, -sh.SizeHeight)
+ wing(2).Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
+ wing(3).Rotate 180
+ wing(4).Flip cdrFlipVertical
+ Set top_RoundRect = top_RoundRect.Weld(topRect, False, False)
+ Set bottom_RoundRect = bottom_RoundRect.Weld(bottomRect, False, False)
+ '// 添加到物件组,设置轮廓色 C100
+ sr.Add mainRect_aw: sr.Add mainRect_al: sr.Add mainRect_bw: sr.Add mainRect_bl
+ sr.Add Bond: sr.Add top_RoundRect: sr.Add bottom_RoundRect
+ sr.AddRange wing: sh.Delete
+ sr.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(100, 0, 0, 0)
+ sr.Add SealLine: sr.Add SealLine2
+ sr.CreateSelection: sr.Group
+End Function
+Public Function input_box_lwh() As Variant
+ Dim str, arr, n
+ str = InputBox("请输入长x宽x高,使用空格 * x 间隔" & vbNewLine & "鼠标左键-右键-Ctrl三种样式", "盒子长宽高", "120 x 100 x 150 mm") & " "
+ str = Newline_to_Space(str)
+ ' 替换 mm x * 换行 TAB 为空格
+ str = VBA.Replace(str, "mm", " ")
+ str = VBA.Replace(str, "x", " ")
+ str = VBA.Replace(str, "X", " ")
+ str = VBA.Replace(str, "*", " ")
+ '// 换行转空格 多个空格换成一个空格
+ str = API.Newline_to_Space(str)
+ arr = Split(str)
+ arr(0) = Val(arr(0))
+ arr(1) = Val(arr(1))
+ arr(2) = Val(arr(2))
+ arr(3) = Val(arr(3))
+ input_box_lwh = arr
+End Function
+Public Function Simple_box_three(Optional ByVal l As Double, Optional ByVal w As Double, Optional ByVal h As Double, Optional ByVal b As Double = 15)
+ ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
+ Dim sr As New ShapeRange, wing As New ShapeRange
+ Dim sh As Shape
+ boxL = 2 * l + 2 * w + b: boxH = h
+ l1x = w: l2x = w + l: l3x = 2 * w + l: l4x = 2 * (w + l)
+ '// 绘制主体上下盖矩形
+ Set mainRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, boxL, boxH)
+ Set topRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
+ topRect.Move l1x, h
+ Set bottomRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
+ bottomRect.Move l3x, -w
+ '// 绘制Box 圆角矩形插口
+ Set top_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 75, 75)
+ top_RoundRect.Move l1x, h + w
+ Set bottom_RoundRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, b, 0, 0, 75, 75)
+ bottom_RoundRect.Move l3x, -w - b
+ '// 绘制box 四个翅膀
+ Set sh = DrawWing(w, (w + b) / 2 - 2)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, h)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, h)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(0, -sh.SizeHeight)
+ wing.Add sh.Duplicate(l2x, -sh.SizeHeight)
+ wing(2).Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
+ wing(3).Rotate 180
+ wing(4).Flip cdrFlipVertical
+ Set top_RoundRect = top_RoundRect.Weld(topRect, False, False)
+ Set bottom_RoundRect = bottom_RoundRect.Weld(bottomRect, False, False)
+ '// 添加到物件组,设置轮廓色 C100
+ sr.Add mainRect: sr.Add top_RoundRect: sr.Add bottom_RoundRect
+ sr.AddRange wing: sh.Delete
+ sr.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(100, 0, 0, 0)
+ '// 绘制尺寸刀痕线
+ Set sl1 = DrawLine(l1x, 0, l1x, h)
+ Set sl2 = DrawLine(l2x, 0, l2x, h)
+ Set sl3 = DrawLine(l3x, 0, l3x, h)
+ Set sl4 = DrawLine(l4x, 0, l4x, h)
+ Set SealLine = Draw_SealLine(l, l1x, h + w - 1)
+ Set SealLine2 = Draw_SealLine(l, l3x, -w - 1)
+ SealLine2.Rotate 180
+ '// 盒子box 群组
+ sr.Add sl1: sr.Add sl2: sr.Add sl3: sr.Add sl4
+ sr.Add SealLine: sr.Add SealLine2
+ sr.CreateSelection: sr.Group
+End Function
+'// 画一条线,设置轮廓色 M100
+Private Function DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) As Shape
+ Set DrawLine = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ DrawLine.Outline.SetProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(0, 100, 0, 0)
+End Function
+'// 绘制封口线
+Private Function Draw_SealLine(ByVal l As Double, ByVal move_x As Double, ByVal move_y As Double) As Shape
+ Dim sp As SubPath, crv As Curve
+ '// 绘制 Box 翅膀 Wing
+ Set crv = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
+ Set sp = crv.CreateSubPath(0, 2)
+ sp.AppendLineSegment 4, 2
+ sp.AppendLineSegment 6, 0
+ sp.AppendLineSegment l - 6, 0
+ sp.AppendLineSegment l - 4, 2
+ sp.AppendLineSegment l, 2
+ sp.Closed = False
+ Set Draw_SealLine = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)
+ Draw_SealLine.Outline.SetProperties Color:=CreateCMYKColor(0, 100, 0, 0)
+ Draw_SealLine.Move move_x, move_y
+End Function
+Private Function DrawWing(ByVal w As Double, ByVal h As Double) As Shape
+ Dim sp As SubPath, crv As Curve
+ Dim x As Double, y As Double
+ x = w: y = h
+ '// 绘制 Box 翅膀 Wing
+ Set crv = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
+ Set sp = crv.CreateSubPath(0, 0)
+ sp.AppendLineSegment 0, 4
+ sp.AppendLineSegment 2, 6
+ sp.AppendLineSegment 6, y - 2.5
+ sp.AppendCurveSegment2 8.5, y, 6.2, y - 1.25, 7, y
+ sp.AppendLineSegment x - 2, y
+ sp.AppendLineSegment x - 2, 3
+ sp.AppendLineSegment x, 0
+ sp.Closed = True
+ Set DrawWing = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)
+End Function
+Private Function DrawBond(ByVal w As Double, ByVal h As Double, ByVal move_x As Double, ByVal move_y As Double) As Shape
+ Dim sp As SubPath, crv As Curve
+ Dim x As Double, y As Double
+ x = w: y = h
+ '// 绘制 Box 粘合边 Bond
+ Set crv = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
+ Set sp = crv.CreateSubPath(0, 0)
+ sp.AppendLineSegment 0, y
+ sp.AppendLineSegment x, y - 5
+ sp.AppendLineSegment x, 5
+ sp.Closed = True
+ Set DrawBond = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)
+ DrawBond.Move move_x, move_y
+End Function
+Public Function Simple_box_one()
+ ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
+ l = 100: w = 50: h = 70: b = 15
+ boxL = 2 * l + 2 * w + b
+ boxH = h
+ l1x = w
+ l2x = w + l
+ l3x = 2 * w + l
+ l4x = 2 * (w + l)
+ Set Rect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, boxL, boxH)
+ Set sl1 = DrawLine(l1x, 0, l1x, h)
+ Set sl2 = DrawLine(l2x, 0, l2x, h)
+ Set sl3 = DrawLine(l3x, 0, l3x, h)
+ Set sl4 = DrawLine(l4x, 0, l4x, h)
+End Function
+Public Function Simple_box_two()
+ ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
+ l = 100: w = 50: h = 70: b = 15
+ boxL = 2 * l + 2 * w + b: boxH = h
+ l1x = w: l2x = w + l: l3x = 2 * w + l: l4x = 2 * (w + l)
+ Set mainRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, boxL, boxH)
+ Set topRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
+ topRect.Move l1x, h
+ Set bottomRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, l, w)
+ bottomRect.Move l3x, -w
+ Set sl1 = DrawLine(l1x, 0, l1x, h)
+ Set sl2 = DrawLine(l2x, 0, l2x, h)
+ Set sl3 = DrawLine(l3x, 0, l3x, h)
+ Set sl4 = DrawLine(l4x, 0, l4x, h)
+End Function
+Public Function Simple_3Deffect()
+ Dim sr As ShapeRange '// 定义物件范围
+ Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange '// 选择3个物件
+ If sr.Count >= 3 Then
+ '// 先上下再左右排序
+#If VBA7 Then
+ sr.Sort " @shape1.Top * 100 - @shape1.Left > @shape2.Top * 100 - @shape2.Left"
+ Set ssr = X4_Sort_ShapeRange(sr, topWt_left)
+#End If
+ sr(1).Stretch 0.951, 0.525 ' 顶盖物件缩放修正和变形
+ sr(1).Skew 41.7, 7#
+ sr(2).Stretch 0.951, 0.937 ' 正面物件缩放修正和变形
+ sr(2).Skew 0#, 7#
+ sr(3).Stretch 0.468, 0.937 ' 侧面物件缩放修正和变形
+ sr(3).Skew 0#, -45#
+ End If
+End Function