Attribute VB_Name = "MirrorParalleHorizon" '// 两个端点的坐标,为(x1,y1)和(x2,y2) 那么其角度a的tan值: tana=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) '// 所以计算arctan(y2-y1)/(x2-x1), 得到其角度值a '// VB中用atn(), 返回值是弧度,需要 乘以 PI /180 Private Function lineangle(x1, y1, x2, y2) As Double pi = 4 * VBA.Atn(1) '// 计算圆周率 If x2 = x1 Then lineangle = 90: Exit Function End If lineangle = VBA.Atn((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) / pi * 180 End Function '// 角度转平 Public Function Angle_to_Horizon() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler API.BeginOpt Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange Set nr = sr.LastShape.DisplayCurve.Nodes.All If nr.Count = 2 Then x1 = nr.FirstNode.PositionX: y1 = nr.FirstNode.PositionY x2 = nr.LastNode.PositionX: y2 = nr.LastNode.PositionY a = lineangle(x1, y1, x2, y2): sr.Rotate -a sr.LastShape.Delete '// 删除参考线 End If ErrorHandler: API.EndOpt End Function '// 自动旋转角度 Public Function Auto_Rotation_Angle() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler API.BeginOpt ' ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrCenter Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange Set nr = sr.LastShape.DisplayCurve.Nodes.All If nr.Count = 2 Then x1 = nr.FirstNode.PositionX: y1 = nr.FirstNode.PositionY x2 = nr.LastNode.PositionX: y2 = nr.LastNode.PositionY a = lineangle(x1, y1, x2, y2): sr.Rotate 90 + a sr.LastShape.Delete '// 删除参考线 End If ErrorHandler: API.EndOpt End Function '// 交换对象 Public Function Exchange_Object() Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange If sr.Count = 2 Then x = sr.LastShape.CenterX: y = sr.LastShape.CenterY sr.LastShape.CenterX = sr.FirstShape.CenterX: sr.LastShape.CenterY = sr.FirstShape.CenterY sr.FirstShape.CenterX = x: sr.FirstShape.CenterY = y End If End Function '// 标记镜像参考线 Public Function Set_Guides_Name() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler API.BeginOpt Dim sr As ShapeRange, s As Shape Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange For Each s In sr = "MirrorGuides" Next s '// 感谢李总捐赠,定置透明度70% With ActiveSelection.Transparency .ApplyUniformTransparency 70 ' .AppliedTo = cdrApplyToFillAndOutline ' .MergeMode = cdrMergeNormal End With ErrorHandler: API.EndOpt End Function '// 参考线镜像 Public Function Mirror_ByGuide() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler API.BeginOpt Dim sr As ShapeRange, gds As ShapeRange Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange Set gds = sr.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@name ='MirrorGuides'") If gds.Count > 0 Then '// sr.RemoveRange gds Set nr = gds(1).DisplayCurve.Nodes.All Else Set nr = sr.LastShape.DisplayCurve.Nodes.All '// sr.Remove sr.Count End If If nr.Count >= 2 Then byshape = False x1 = nr.FirstNode.PositionX: y1 = nr.FirstNode.PositionY x2 = nr.LastNode.PositionX: y2 = nr.LastNode.PositionY a = lineangle(x1, y1, x2, y2) '// 参考线和水平的夹角 a ang = 90 - a '// 镜像的旋转角度 Set s = sr.Group With s Set s_copy = .Duplicate '// 复制物件保留,然后按 x1,y1 点 旋转 .RotationCenterX = x1 .RotationCenterY = y1 .Rotate ang If Not byshape Then lx = .LeftX .Stretch -1#, 1# '// 通过拉伸完成镜像 .LeftX = lx .Move (x1 - .LeftX) * 2 - .SizeWidth, 0 .RotationCenterX = x1 '// 之前因为镜像,旋转中心点反了,重置回来 .RotationCenterY = y1 .Rotate -ang End If .RotationCenterX = .CenterX '// 重置回旋转中心点为物件中心 .RotationCenterY = .CenterY .Ungroup s_copy.Ungroup End With End If ErrorHandler: API.EndOpt End Function '// 物件建立平行线 Public Function Create_Parallel_Lines(space As Double) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler API.BeginOpt Dim sr As ShapeRange Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange sr.CreateParallelCurves 1, space ErrorHandler: API.EndOpt End Function